"Vaccines, cures & memories" |
"We hope you LOVE this simple psychology, neuroscience & biology course.Human beings are resilient because we have extraordinary immune systems. Now you can learn how it works for the first time.(Hint - The immune system is neurological.)Learn how the brain interacts with physiology.(It's fascinating.)Learn the importance of neuroscience to immune responses for the first time.(It's extraordinary.)Realize how scientists have vaccinated and cured various health issues in the past.You may LOVE this course. Please give it a perfect review.You're doing perfectly.Enjoy!"
Price: 19.99

"Professional French Pastry Foundation Level - Part II" |
"Learn more fundamentals of pastry, choux pastry, meringue, essential techniques and how to make some great French classicsBuild your skills and techniques step by step and start cooking like a professional chef. Taught by Chef Philippe Salomon, professor of 18 years at Top French Culinary School Ferrandi. Be able to cook amazing French classics such as meringues with strawberries and Chantilly cream, crpes Suzette and more sophisticated pastries such as profiteroles, chocolate clairs Saint-Honor cake and Paris-Brest.Certificate upon completionPart 1 also available with Pastry techniques and recipes such as Pte Sucre, Pte Brise, Lemon Tart, Tarte Tatin and much more. Intermediate and Advanced courses to follow. With easy to follow videos and detailed instructions you will find yourself creating spectacular pastries in your own kitchen. From gluten-free meringue to the most sophisticated Saint-Honor learn to cook like a French pastry chef from a French pastry professor."
Price: 49.99

"200-201: Cisco Certified CyberOps Associate : Tests 2020" |
"Welcome to the practice test for exam 200-201: Cisco Certified CyberOps Associate : Tests 2020This exam test your skill about security concepts, common network and application operations and attacks, and the types of data needed to investigate security incidents and monitor alerts and breaches, and how to understand and follow established procedures for response to alerts converted to incidents.This exam helps you prepare for the Cisco Certified CyberOps Associate certification and the role of a Junior or Entry-level cybersecurity operations analyst in a SOC. This exam covers the foundational skills, processes, and knowledge you need to prevent, detect, analyze, and respond to cybersecurity incidents as part of a SOC team.CyberOps Associate certification covers these topics:Security conceptsSecurity monitoringHost-based analysisNetwork intrusion analysisSecurity policies and proceduresThis practice test will help you prepare for the real exam test environment with New Updated questions .This is an Unofficial course and this course is not affiliated, licensed or trademarked with Cisco in any way.Best of luck for your exam !!"
Price: 29.99

"Design Principles of Concrete Structures - II" |
"Lecture-1- Load Transfer from Slabs to Beams _ Lecture-2- Bar Bending Schedule _ Lecture-3 Design Examples _ Lecture-4- Flexural Analysis and Design of Doubly Beams _ Lecture-5- Flexural Analysis and Design of T & L Beams _ Lecture-6- Flexural Analysis and Design of T & L Beams _ Lecture-7- One way slab design _ Lecture-8- Two way slab design"
Price: 199.99

"Southern Pride" |
"The yummy, abundant and affectious South. Caprese salad from Carpi Island brings freshness to the table, Carbonara pasta is just the way they make it in the best Roman trattorias. Meatballs are truly a bestseller, it will win your heart, served as a star dish or accompanied by spaghetti. Eggplant parmigiana could be served as an entre or a main dish. Few ingredients - great result!Delicious, full of color and flavor Sicilian orange chicken bites. Youre gonna love it! Your kidsre gonna go crazy! (just leave out Grand Marnier).All-purpose sauce Shrimps and zucchini. Serve it with Bruschetta (toasted bread), pasta or on its own (as an appetizer).Amati Primavera sauce is a perfect addition to Bruschetta (toasted bread), pasta, rice or cous cous."
Price: 19.99

"Northern trend" |
"We will take you to the Ligurian coast with our aromatic basil pesto pasta. You will try one of the Milanese favorites a crunchy veal cutlet. We will introduce you a treasure from Langhe region a land of truffle, precious wine and veal carpaccio.Moreover, you will learn two delicious chicken dishes: melts in your mouth chicken Cacciatora and Nonnas response to Cordon Bleu - chicken Castellana.And also two amazing sauces for every use - fondue and mushroom boscaiolo, that could be served with bruschetta (toasted bread), pasta, steamed veggies and poached eggs."
Price: 19.99

"Baking time" |
"Try out a melt in your mouth eggplant parmigiana. Every region can boast of its original recipe of baked pasta. Ours is from Apulia, like Andreas nonna used to make. Veal Valdostana is a real kids pleaser, youre going to love it too!Moreover, you will be able to try the Italian response to Cordon Bleu challenge - Chicken Castellana. For seafood lovers try our Sea bass baked in foil - so simple and elegant. A perfect example of ""less is more"". A Fondue is also included because cheese makes a perfect match with bruschetta (toasted bread), baked potatoes and veggies."
Price: 19.99

"Network Marketing fr (Quer-)Einsteiger" |
"Der Kurs nimmt dich mit in die Welt des Multi-Level-Marketings. Von der Suche eines passenden Unternehmens ber die ersten Schritte bis hin zu Teambuilding und Marketing lernst du die besten Tipps direkt aus der Praxis. Jahrelange Erfahrung und unzhlige Ausbildungen von Neueinsteigern flieen hier ein und geben dir das ultimative Tool fr einen erfolgreichen Start im Network Marketing."
Price: 19.99

"Impara i Makko-ho, gli stretching energetici di Masunaga" |
"Masunaga parte dal presupposto che quando siamo in una forma energicamente equilibrata, siamo in armonia, sia dal punto di vista fisico, che mentale ed anche emozionale.Egli ha elaborato una serie di stiramenti molto efficaci per l'equilibrio energetico dei 12 meridiani.L'aspetto per me molto interessante, e che si basa sul principio del kyo e del jitsu (pieno e vuoto energetico) quello di dare attenzione all'esercizio quando siamo in grado di effettuarlo con pi facilit. Questo significa che non esasperiamo il corpo con stiramenti impossibili, ma lo educhiamo lentamente a lasciarsi andare. Se un esercizio pi facile da fare, sar pi piacevole tenerlo pi a lungo, e per effetto del riequilibrio energetico, l'esercizio pi difficile perder la sua difficolt iniziale, e diventer a mano a mano pi piacevole e pi semplice.Questo principio si applica anche nel caso di un singolo esercizio che vien effettuato da 2 lati. Si terr pi a lungo il lato pi facile.Ogni esercizio sempre accompagnato da una respirazione lenta e profonda.Gli esercizi Makko-Ho (tradotto: la giusta direzione) di base sono 6, uno per ogni coppia di meridiani yin-yang."
Price: 19.99

"El idioma coreano - Basico 1" |
"En este curso aprenders las bases para aprender el idioma coreana de una manera fcil y entendible. Todo el curso esta pensado para gente hispana, o bien, que hable el idioma espaol.Aprenders las partes importantes de una oracin coreana. Tambin manejaras a la perfeccin la conjugacin del tiempo presente ""sin problemas"", as como sus excepciones.Poco a poco comenzaras a identificar palabras en tus canciones o dramas favoritos una vez termines el curso."
Price: 270.00

"Virtuelle Konferenzen erfolgreich veranstalten" |
"Sptestens durch die Corona Pandemie wurde klar: Konferenzen - ob Networking Events, akademische Konferenzen, Marketingevents - werden zunehmend online stattfinden. Immer mehr Konferenzen werden auf virtuelle Konferenzen umgestellt, allerdings auch oft auf eine schlechte Weise, in der die vielfltige Konferenzerfahrung auf die inhaltliche Ebene runtergebrochen wird.Das muss nicht so sein.In diesem Kurs zeige ich dir, wie sich moderene virtuelle Konferenzen abhalten lassen. Dabei sprechen wir nicht nur ber organisatorische berlegungen, sondern ich fhre dich auch Schritt fr Schritt durch gngie Konferenzmanagement Software durch. Ich stelle auerdem Templates bereit, die du fr die Organisation bzw. Kommunikation deiner eigenen Events verwenden kannst."
Price: 39.99

"Progressive Web Apps - Offline first! FAST TRACK cookbook." |
"DEVELOPER TO DEVELOPER FAST TRACK APPROACHLearn how to:Create the Native App UI and Add to Homescreen facility.Use Service Workers, Cache API and caching strategies.Use IndexedDB to store data and create template files to render data stored in the browser's own database - IndexedDB.Access BackgroundSync so that form data is stored when offline and posted automatically when back online, even if the browser is closed.Send Notifications using the Notifications API.Send messages to and from the Service Worker and web page.Access the Web Storage APIThis course is DEVELOPER to DEVELOPER, with links to invaluable resources so that you can further develop your understanding of PWAs.With the download of all lessons from the start, you will have you own PWA that you can customise. The functionality is very powerful yet the projects itself is kept basic so that you have an easy to modify boiler plate.There is also an online version of the project so that you can see it deployed in the wild."
Price: 19.99

"Morgan (EP9:/: Hedging/Pair Trading)" |
"EP9EPEPThis is class for advanced quantitative trading strategies.Hope it can let students learn some different topic."
Price: 79.99

"Morgan (EP10::Key Portfolio)" |
"EP10EPThis is very important part of investment.When you learned much knowledge but still can't make money,you can try to study this class.Maybe it can help you find different sky."
Price: 74.99

"Passing the PMP Exam ( By Knowledge Area )" |
"Passing the exam is no easy task, no matter how many books or videos you study. You will need to take exam-like questions in order to be prepared for the real test. This course will give you the exam like experience you need in order to pass the actual exam on your first try.Almost all PMP exam questions are scenarios, which will test your ability to choose the best answer. The 5 mock exams in this course are mostly scenarios and are formatted just like the actual exam. They will test your skills and knowledge of selecting the best answer. All questions come with detailed explanations of why a choice was correct and why the others were wrong.Based on the PMBOK Guide 6th Edition.Over 50 questions from each of the 10 knowledge areas and 5 process groups.5 Full-length Mock Exam. more than 600 questions.Detailed explanations for each question.Scenario-based questions that challenge your ability to choose the best answer, just like the real exam.The most realistic exam questions you can findExam like simulator to give you the look and feel of taking the actual exam.Ability to pause and complete it laterThese questions have taken an extensive amount of time to create and are currently used by thousands of our students to pass the PMP on their first try. Review all questions and understand the answers and you will also pass the exam on your first try.Do your best and you can succeed"
Price: 19.99

"Awaken Your True Calling" |
"""Unlock the Secrets to Awaken Your True Purpose in Life and Finally Do the Work That You Actually Love""Finally! Discover Everything You Need to Know to Awaken Your True Calling!Too many people these days are feeling lost, and that something is missing in their life.They feel like they want to make a more significant difference in the world, but don't know where to start.Too many of us walk through our lives, feeling numb and desperate for a deeper connection but don't know how to get it.More and more people are searching for their true calling and purpose in life, but suffer tremendous inner turmoil while they do it.They continue to work at a job that they hate and continue down a path that doesn't make them happy.Unfortunately, we are so focused on the careers that we dislike, that our passions and purpose is getting pushed aside and forgotten about. Are You Living Your True Purpose?Here are some signs that you aren't living your true purpose in life.You always put others first, and never doing anything for yourself. You focus too much on your failures and put yourself down. You arent enjoying yourself and not living a fulfilling life.You arent happy with your lifes choices. Youre too afraid to take risks.You dont wake up excited about your life.If any of these signs resonate with you, then it means that you aren't living a purpose-filled life and haven't found your true calling yet.Fortunately, Ive compiled a comprehensive guide that will show you how to awaken your true calling in life and finally do the work that you love to do.Let me introduce you to...AWAKEN YOUR TRUE CALLINGHow To Awaken Your True Purpose In Life and Do Work That You Actually Love"
Price: 174.99

"The Joy of Imperfection" |
"Are you ready to Live a More Meaningful and Contented Life?Its About Time For You To Learn The Joy of Imperfection! You cannot respect yourself if you don't accept yourself.Self-love is crucial for any kind of success in life.Self-love leads to self-improvement.Dear Friend,Too many of us try to pretend to be somebody that we're not. Maybe we're trying to impress people. Maybe we're trying to fool ourselves into thinking that we are completely different people.The sad part? Too many of us are not aware that this is happening.They keep pushing forward, but ultimately, they still don't measure up.Too many people are trying to be something they're not, and this grinds them down.Regardless of how hard they try, and regardless of how much effort they put in, they simply aren't happy, nor are they fulfilled. There's always something missing.They feel incomplete, flawed and weak.And oftentimes, they can't quite put their finger on it.The truth is, you can't be at your best at all times. That's just not going to happen. You can't be all things to all people, nor can you have it all.Heres where my advice for you comes in.With My AdviceYou are going to understand the importance of Personal Contentment.You will learn to identify the 8 mindsets that work to hold us back and drag us down.You will understand what self-acceptance is.You can begin to understand your base of strength and competency.You are going to learn exactly how to live your life based on what matters to you.To make it easy, Ive put together a step-by-step guide that will show you exactly how its done...IntroducingThe Joy of ImperfectionHow to Live a More Meaningful and Contented Life by Embracing Your Flaws!No stones are left unturned when you get your hands on this now.You will become a complete expert on this, and youll get everything you need inside to do the sameHeres Just A Quick Preview Of What Youll Discover Inside...8 Mindsets that Crush Personal ContentmentsChoosing to Accept Yourself is Not a Cop-outIf You Don't Accept Yourself, Who Will?Self-acceptance is Crucial to Self-Respect and Self-LoveThe Foundation of Acceptance: Letting Go of Harmful PerfectionHonestly Acknowledge Your FlawsQuit Apologizing For Your FlawsTurning Your Flaws into AssetsKnow Your LimitsLearn to Move OnPlus, a whole lot more...This is the easiest way to actually start accepting yourself fully!Who Needs This Step-By-Step Guide?If you answer YES to any of the below, you need thisYou want to get out of the long shadow of wanting to be perfect.You feel incomplete, flawed and weak.You know that you don't have to be perfect because no one is.You want to be happy with the life that you have created for yourself.You want to become more and more competent.."
Price: 189.99

"Blockchain Secrets" |
"""Finally! Discover What Blockchain is and the Secrets Behind Blockchain Technology""Unlock the Secrets to Blockchain Technology with This Ultimate Guide to Blockchain and The Future of the InternetIn the last decade, the buzz around cryptocurrency has become fever pitched.More and more people are looking to invest in Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, in hopes of making it rich.While the buzz and hype surrounding cryptocurrency doesnt seem like it is going to die down anytime soon, the underlying foundation of Bitcoin, is starting to take center stage.As more and more information emerges about blockchain, the technology that Bitcoin runs on, the more questions people have about blockchain technology. The Most Common Questions Asked About BlockchainHere are some of the most common questions that people have regarding blockchain technology and how it could impact them.What is blockchain?What is a private blockchain?What is a smart contract?How is blockchain related to Bitcoin and Ethereum?Can I use blockchain technology?What does blockchain have to do with Bitcoin?What is mining in regards to blockchain technology?What makes blockchain so secure and how does this relate to me?How is blockchain going to change the world?If youre like a majority of the population, youve probably asked these questions and more about blockchain technology and the hype surrounding the emerging technology.The key to fully understanding blockchain technology and deciding if it is something that you should invest in, is diving in and doing the research.Fortunately, Ive compiled a comprehensive guide that will discuss what blockchain technology is and how it can be used in various industries.Youll learn blockchain basics and see how it is changing the face and future of the Internet.Allow me to introduce to you...BLOCKCHAIN SECRETSThe Ultimate Guide To Blockchain, Cryptocurrency and The Future of The Internet"
Price: 189.99

"Bridging The Gap" |
"Looking To Transform Your Life But Don't Know Where To Start?Follow The Principles Within This New Guide & Achieve AnythingYou Want In Life!Read On To Discover How To Change The One Thing That Most Successful People Attribute Their Success Too...Dear Friend,Let me start by asking you a question...Are you living the life you always dreamed about? If not, does this make you feel down? Maybe even making you miserableDoes it seem like youve tried everything in your power to achieve more in life, and yet, despite your best intentions, youre still plagued with: Not knowing why you haven't succeeded in life Not making the most of every situation Not knowing how to find direction and purposeIf this describes you, then you are in luck today...First, you are NOT alone! It may seem like it sometimes, but not knowing how or why you're not living a happy, successful life is far more common than youd think.I ought to know, because Ive been in the same spot before... If you or a loved one is suffering with low self confidence and not achieving goals and are looking for the solution to become more successful you've come to the right place!Bridging The GapBoost Your Confidence By Unleashing The Power Of BeliefThis powerful guide will provide you with everything you need to finally get rid of negative or destructive beliefs and start living the life you want. Knowledge is power and once we understand the root causes of our belief system and how it operates in our life we are well on our way to being able to transform it. Or at the very least mitigate it's effects. Within this guide you will discover everything you need to know to create happiness everyday of your life and also what not to do leading to stress and anxiety. Anyone can follow this plan and see results and not be lead astray by the lastest and greatest ""miracle"" pill or fadLearn How To Identify Your Belief SystemDiscover How Belief Operates In Your LifeThe 5 Steps To Conquering Limiting BeliefsMeasure Your Success To Boost Your MotivationIntegrating A Growth Mindset Into Your Daily LifeAnd Much, Much More..SEE YOU INSIDE"
Price: 194.99

alysobehy2020 |
"_ .._ .. _"
Price: 39.99

"Animal drawing course" |
"Hello ,thanks for being with us on the animal drawing course .In this course we'll learn the correct way to draw agroup of popular animals.We'll walk with you step by step and also learn the correct way to color and choose the appropriate colors.We hope you enjoy with us.And we will add many other videos, in which we will also learn many animal drawing"
Price: 39.99

Photoshop |
"App .. App ..Photoshop 3DUI.. Photoshop """" """" ~ Photoshop .. """"Photoshop ()"
Price: 1000.00

"Python para Investimentos na Bolsa de Valores" |
"Quer aprender entender um pouco melhor o mercado de Aes e ter condies de tomar decises que podem gerar mais lucros?Se a sua resposta foi sim, este curso foi feito para voc.Neste curso voc ir aprender de forma dinmica com quem realmente vive de mercado como obter sries histricas de vrios ativos e entender conceitos muito importantes na hora da montar uma carteira de investimentos em aes.Voc ir aprender:- Programar em Python com foco em Finanas- Buscar Sries histricas de Aes- Calcular Retorno Simples- Calcular Retorno Logartmico- Calcular Risco de Ativos- Calcular Risco de sua carteira de investimentos- Fazer a seleo das Melhores Aes da Bolsa de ValoresTudo isso com aulas dinmicas e leves com foco na prtica partindo do bsico de programao em Python at os conceitos mais utilizados para calcular retornos sobre investimentos.Pronto para se tornar assumir o controle de suas anlises e aumentar seus ganhos?"
Price: 579.99

"Super-Quick Tricks related to Mathematical calculations" |
"This Course is Available in HINGLISH (HINDI+ENGLISH),COMFORTABLE AND FRIENDLY LANGUAGE.With the help of this Course,You'll come to know about the SUPER-QUICK TRICKS AND SHORTCUT METHODS of solving the long calculations.You'll become the EXPERT in MATHEMATICAL CALCULATIONS(e.g Square,Cube,Multiplication,Square Root etc.).You'll able to do the MATHEMATICAL CALCULATIONS within just few seconds.You'll definitely BOOST UP your MENTAL CALCULATION POWER.You'll surely become the WINNER in MENTAL MATHEMATICAL CALCULATIONS.Very Easy to UNDERSTAND."
Price: 19.99

"Drumsense Teacher Training Level 1" |
"Many drummers feel that they would like to pass on their skills to others, but teaching drums is very different to playing them. Drumsense Teacher Training Level 1 gives you the tools you need to start teaching beginners to play drums. Starting with the most basic rock beats, you will also cover shuffle beats, syncopated beats and a structured approach to teaching fills. Almost everyone who learns to teach drums also says that dramatically improves their own skills as a player too.To get the best out of the course, you will need to buy a copy of Colin Woolway's best-selling drum tuition book Drumsense Volume 1. You can buy this from your local music shop, from Amazon, or from our website. You will also benefit from buying some or all of the Drumsense Training Tracks from our website, which are specially-composed music loops, with phrasing and sections designed to work with each exercise in the Drumsense book. When you start teaching with Drumsense, your students will benefit from these resources too.Links to these items have been included as resources in each lesson."
Price: 199.99

"HTML, WORDPRESS and CSS for Internet Marketers" |
"This course if for internet marketers and online businesses who would like to utilize HTML and WordPress in their digital marketing and grow their business. 1. HTML FOR INTERNET MARKETERS 2. EXPERT EDITING WITH WORDPRESS 5.03. CSS 3 - THE FAST AND EASY WAY TO MASTER THE BASICS OF CSS 34. WORDPRESS SECURITY5. HOW TO BOOST WEBSITE ENGAGEMENT----------------------------------------------1. HTML FOR INTERNET MARKETERS Want to survive the online world?Brand New Over-The-Shoulder Video Series On How To Create, Design And Edit HTML Pages Quickly & Easily - No Experience Required.If you're an internet marketer, do you know by having an HTML skill, it will give you an unfair advantage over your competitors?Not only it can help you market better your products, but youll also save a lot of money along the way.Here's why:First, let's face itAlmost Everything In This Industry Built Using HTML.Take a look at your landing pages for example. Whether you realized it or not, I bet that pages are built using HTML language, even if you're using CMS platforms like WordPress or Joomla - they still use HTML codes.But that's not all...Even A Simple Element Like CTA ButtonIs Built Using Html.So like it or not, whenever you want to customize your web pages, or fix some issues, you have to deal with HTML.You can hire someone to do it. But, as far as I know, these tech guys usually charge you a lot of money to do a simple job that requires only a few minutes of their time.With that being said, you know for internet marketers like usLearning HTML Is A Must.I know you probably think it is hard.But listen, it's not as hard as you think. You only need to understand some basics. It's not complicated. Trust me.Here's even more good newsIf you're interested to learn HTML, I can show you the easy way to learn it.Yes, it wont make you an expert in a short time. But at least, youll get a better understanding in using this programming language.And more importantly, it won't make you feel overwhelmed. Guaranteed.Why You Need To Get Started Now:What if you can learn HTML today, and know how to create, edit, and customize web pages in the next week? That must be great, right?Just think of these:You don't need to spend a lot of money to hire a programmer. Just do it by yourself, and save your money for your next vacation.No more headache when you're customizing website pages. Once you learn it, you don't need to enter the error codes on Google search anymore.You can freely customize your web pages without limitation.You can make your email newsletters looks more eye-catching. (Yes, even your email newsletters are built using HTML)And last, you can optimize your websites structure for SEO. This is probably the biggest reason why you should learn HTML TODAY.And the list goes on and on.See, these are amazing things which will be happened in your life, soon after you finished my training program.IntroducingHTML For Internet MarketersHow To Create, Design And Edit HTML Pages Quickly & Easily - No Experience Required.Theres nothing like this video series.Watch as I show you how to get started with HTML so that you can have an unfair advantage over your competitors.I reveal my best tips for using some unknown tactics that only a few elite knows.You get to see everything. I explain everything to you.There will be no guesswork.All you need is just a short hour of your time to learn everything and youd be ready to get started with it instantly.Heres What Youll Discover InsideThis Video Training:A quick overview of HTML languages. This section will show you how HTML is actually an easy-to-understand programming language.HTML structure 101. Youll learn how HTML is structured and by learning this, youll find its actually easy to tweak colors, fonts, and the font size of your web page.Learn all the basic HTML tags like open and close tag, headings tag, break tags, and many more.How to add images to your web page using the image tag. Learning this lesson will also help you make all the images on your web become SEO friendly.The quick and simple way to understand the advanced HTML elements like the iframe, table, etc.Easy guide to understand expert-level HTML elements like divs, spans, etc.Finally, after you finished this video training program, youll be able to edit, customize, or even create web pages with the HTML skill you just learned.How to work with the div and span elements in your HTML page.Understand how to bold, underline and italics the texts in your HTML pages.Working with alignments and how to best organize your web pages.How to properly make a text link and what are the essentials tags to place.How to work with images in your HTML pages.Why it's important to use headers, meta tags, and many other tags for better site optimizations.Learn some HTML good practices that every user should know.And so many more...--------------------------------------------------------------2. EXPERT EDITING WITH WORDPRESS 5.0 It's finally there...Brand New Over-The-Shoulder Video Series On How To Harness The Full Power Of Wordpress 5.0.Have you upgraded to the new WordPress 5.0?If not, youre going to want to do that right away. Its always a good idea to immediately update to the latest version of WordPress.Running an old version of WordPress opens you up to all kinds of security issues. Plus, WordPress 5.0 has a whole lot of new features.Some of those features may seem very strange to even long-term WordPress users.Gutenberg Can Be ConfusingHave you seen the new Gutenberg editor?If so, then you probably felt like pulling out your hair. Its not as easy as the past WordPress editors.It can seem overly confusing at first glance. Somehow, theyve managed to simplify things the best way they could.Its kind of hard to believe anyone would make something more simple, but yet more confusing at the same time.Somehow the good folks over at WordPress were able to do this. It was a feat that had to take many different geniuses to pull off.There Are Other Hidden Wonders As WellHow do you select the category? Have you tried to figure that one out?If so, then you already know how the simplest things cause the most significant amounts of confusion.You may have spent countless hours trying to figure out something as simple as how to select what category you want your post to be in.Dont worry; everyone has been here.All The Little Changes Are Actually ImprovementsYou dont realize it now. But, the changes really are improvements.The reason you dont see it as such is that of how difficult the new interface at first appears.You need to know that its not so difficult at all. In fact, youll be amazed by how much easier WordPress is to use now.That might seem like a far-fetched idea to some, but you really will see this new version as more straightforward to use.Its definitely an upgrade, and this is the direction WordPress is going.There is no looking back, and its best that you learn how to make the most of it now.IntroducingExpert Editing With Wordpress 5.0Enhance Your Blogging ExperienceTheres nothing like this video series.Watch as I show you the how you can easily use the new wordpress editor to make posts like pros.In this video training I reveal all my best tips to you on what I do and what are the tools I use to get it done fast.There will be no guesswork.All you need is just a short hour of your time to learn everything and youd be ready to get started with it instantly.Become A WordPress 5.0 ExpertIt will be after you watch our videos. Weve addressed all of your concerns in our videos.Youre learning from an actual WordPress expert who knows what theyre talking about.Youll get a birds eye view of how they use WordPress. This will give you invaluable insight as to what you should do.Everything is broken down in a language that even beginners can understand. Youre not going to have any questions whatsoever after watching our videos.Youll be able to update your blog and make the most out of this latest update.The risk of putting off upgrading to the new WordPress 5.0 is having your site hacked.Some hackers do nothing but search the internet for sites running older versions of WordPress.When they find an older version of WordPress, they hack it. Upgrading WordPress is a vital part of securing your site.Not upgrading because you dont understand how to use the latest version of WordPress can be a costly mistake.Dont make that mistake. Instead, watch and learn from our videos on how to make the most out of this fantastic new blogging experience.Heres What Youll Discover Inside This Video Training:How to get started with WordPress 5.0.Discovering the new Gutenberg Editor feature.Getting used to the interface and configure your settings.How to easily create structure your content in the new WordPress 5.0.What's the best way to use Gutenberg to source for content step-by-step.How to hide your content as well as making the publicly available.How to add images, videos and audios.Learn how to manipulate blocks easily.How to work with the advanced features and make the best of it.How to become more efficient in your daily activities and speed up your output using this platform.Learn the smart way to make things happen fast as the experts do with some key features of this service.Learn how to reduce frustrations and time-consuming activities by applying my practical advice when using this service.How about automation? Learn the simple tricks and tips we use to get it done.Master every aspect of this service so that you can train other people how to use it as it.Stay at the top of your competition and keep your business ahead of the learning curve.And so much more..."
Price: 24.99

"FACEBOOK GROUPS for Marketers" |
"In this course, you will learn how to How To Start, Launch and Grow Your Own Thriving Facebook Group For Your Business, How to utilize modern facebook marketing methods and hashtags to grow your Facebook group audience and generate traffic for your businessFACEBOOK GROUPS UNLEASHEDMODERN FACEBOOK MARKETING COURSEUNLIMITED HASHTAG TRAFFIC--------------------------------------------------------------------------FACEBOOK GROUPS UNLEASHED""Discover How To Start, Launch and Grow Your Own Thriving Facebook Group For Your Business""Facebook Groups Can Completely Change the Way Your Followers See Your Brand And Most Businesses Ignore Them!What if I told you that you were currently ignoring the biggest and most powerful social media marketing tool there is?So, many businesses that are keen to promote their brands on Facebook will focus purely on Facebook pages.This is a huge mistake, seeing as Facebook groups are really what allow a business to go from being a small fish in a big pond to a giant heavy hitter.Facebook groups are used by over one billion people, but that isnt the reason theyre so powerful and important.The reason? Engagement.Facebook groups are more intimate, they are more personal, and they tend to attract only your die-hard fans.What Would You Do With a Group of Highly Engaged Fans?Imagine having a group of highly engaged customers.People that love your brand and that want to learn everything there is to know about it.People that dont get enough of your content from your blog or Facebook page, and who want to spend more time discussing your industry with like-minded fans.In other words, you are building a community. A community that can support and buoy your company, and help to elevate it past the other stuffy businesses in your niche.A Tribe of Die-Hard FansThats what really makes the difference for businesses because those fans become brand ambassadors.They wont only read and react to everything you post, they wont only buy your new products: theyll also be your biggest advocates and marketers. Because they BELIEVE in the message you are selling.Facebook groups allow you to do this, by offering a secluded place for people who want more of your content to discuss matters relating to your business. Youll be able to speak to those most loyal fans directly and build the kind of relationship that translates to true brand loyalty. And theyre HIGHLY monetizable.But while this option is available to you, its something that most businesses have no idea how to accomplish. Most businesses that try their hand at Facebook groups will find that they spend a lot of time posting content to groups that provide no real value.They flounder without a clear message or clear reason for people to join their groups. Ultimately, the time they invest is worthless and they get NOTHING from the experience.Groups work differently from blogs and other forms of content marketing. They work differently from Facebook pages even! And thats why they need a completely different approach.The good news is, I've written a guide on how you can get started starting today.Introducing...FACEBOOK GROUPS UNLEASHEDHow To Start, Launch and Grow Your Own Thriving Facebook Group For Your BusinessHere's exactly what you'll get inside the course:In this course, you will learn precisely the steps and methods to starting and launching your very own Facebook group, and will see how to make your new community thrive in ways that you could only imagine.Youll discover the secret sauce that makes a successful Facebook group versus an unsuccessful one, youll learn about entirely new ways to use groups and reach your audience, and youll be able to start seeing the results in DAYS.Heres what else youll discover in this guide:Learn to create a Facebook group by following step-by-step instructions that ANYONE can follow and understandAvoid common mistakes by choosing the right settings, description, photo, and moreDiscover how to create a private, exclusive community that will MASSIVELY increase your engagementLearn advanced techniques. Link your page to your groups, use WordPress widgets, and conduct group storiesUnderstand the core business concepts that drive the success of Facebook groups and make them so valuableIntegrate your Facebook groups marketing strategy with your broader campaign combine a Facebook group with your Facebook group, blog, and other social accounts and see CRAZY growthLearn to use your group to conduct market research that would be worth thousands!Find out how to find and share content that is GUARANTEED to get a reaction from your audience and increase engagementExplore powerful tools, apps, and tricks that will help you to manage your Facebook group while you sleepAvoid getting into trouble with Facebook and learn to manage your members and maintain a civil toneDiscover amazing growth hacks that can help you to get hundreds of new members every SINGLE daySee how to generate buzz and excitement in your group and create a real sense of community and value for its membersSee for yourself how success in your Facebook group can lead to success for your entire businessLearn the other uses for Facebook groups, from internal discussion tools, to powerful online learning platformsAnd MUCH morePoint-By-Point ChecklistView or print this handy checklist so that you can check off each point.It is like a summary of the entire guide but in actionable, bite-sized points so that you can successfully get through the course.---------------------------------------------------------MODERN FACEBOOK MARKETING COURSEWould You Like To Discover A Shortcut To Modern Facebook Marketing?If so, pay close attention to this very limited, special offer You will only see this once...First off, thanks so much for purchasing the guide That Will Teach You All the Skills You Need to engage in Facebook marketing with a higher than average chance of success.If you follow the step-by-step guide, you will be heading straight to that goal...But, what if you could do it even fasterAnd what if you could insure that you get the absolute BEST results possible and stay focusedIn short, making sure that this is a real success.The good news is, you canFor a limited time, you can get access to the video upgrade to the guide you just purchased at a very low price...This powerful upgrade will make it easier to get started and stay committed to your ultimate goal.Just to be clear, this is an EXCLUSIVE upgrade for customers only...Why You Need To Upgrade To The Video Version Of The Modern Facebook Marketing"" Guide...Did you know that most people learn a lot faster when they see something being done on video than by just reading about it?Thats because most people out there are visual learners.How do you normally learn the best?Although the guide you just purchased gives you a step-by-step approach to Facebook Marketing, experience tells us that it requires learners to pay very close attention to the details to get the best results possible.If you miss any of the most important details or do things the wrong way, you may miss out on the fullest benefits offered inside the guide.For that very reason, Ive put together a video version to make it much easier to get positive results quicklyThe Video Version Of The GuideYou Just Purchased Will Help You...Avoid missing any important key details that you might miss by only reading the guideStay focused and accountable, and follow through and make sure you get ongoing resultsEnsure that the work you put in now keeps on giving you benefits long into the futureIntroducingModern Facebook Marketing Video CourseAre you ready to Learn All the Skills You Need to Start your Facebook promotion campaign, a lot faster?If the answer is YES, click the link belowYes, Upgrade Me NOW To The Video Version, So I Can Get The Best Results PossibleOf course, youre probably wondering how much this is going to cost, right?First off, cost is the wrong word This upgrade is an investment that will pay for itself many times over...This is the next best thing to having an expert on the subject, right beside you, showing you how its done.Of course, hiring an expert would easily set you back hundreds of dollars. Luckily, youre not going to have to invest anywhere near that today to get the next best thing.Not only will you avoid many of the most common mistakes that people make when trying to engage in Facebook marketing, youll notice immediate positive results in your achievements...If youre a visual learner or prefer to be shown something as opposed to just reading about it you need this special video upgrade to get the best results possible.And its about to get even betterHere is a Quick Peek at theQuality Of The Video Course Included:Introduction10 Common Facebook Marketing MistakesThe 8 Most Effective Ways To Market On FacebookThe Top 10 Benefits Of MeditationFacebook Group MarketingInfluencer Page OutreachPaid Page Boost CampaignPaid Traffic CampaignsPaid Lead Generation CampaignsFacebook Pixel Retargeting CampaignHow To Optimize Your Facebook Ad Campaigns---------------------------------------------------------------------------UNLIMITED HASHTAG TRAFFICHere's a list of this 8 part video series in more detailVideo #1: Introduction to HashtagsBefore you jump right into this video course, we want to make sure that you are in the right mindset so that you can be as effective as you can when it comes to driving traffic to your product or service using hashtags. In this particular introduction video, we are going to give you a quick overview of how it all works and how you can begin to implement this system effectively.Video #2: How to Use Hashtags for Your BusinessI cover some crucial information such as how to use hashtags for marketing and for branding your company.Video #3: How to Create Hashtags - The BasicsNow we can finally jump into the meat of this video course. That is, how to create hashtags correctly. In this particular video we are going to cover the right way of doing it as well as the wrong way of doing it.Video #4: Research Trending HashtagsNow that you understand how to create hashtags correctly, it's time to do some research to find trending hashtags. You definitely don't want to start creating hashtags just to create hashtags right? Well, wouldn't it be nicer if you were able to find highly-targeted hashtags that are getting a lot of traffic already? More on that in this specific video.Video #5: Find Hashtags Related to the Main KeywordImagine being able to find hashtags related to a main keyword. The reason why you would want to do this is simple: to be able to dig deeper into the mind of your audience. What are they actually thinking? What are their deep desires, wants, and needs?Video #6: Hashtags on FacebookWhat about Facebook? Using hashtags on this social media site is a little bit different. Instead of gaining organic traffic like how Twitter works, you will be able to tap into Facebook's Ecosystem.Video #7: Speed It Up - Tools to Detect Hashtag strengthNow that you have learned the basics and how to utilize hashtags for traffic generation, how would you like to ramp things up by using some powerful paid tools? Well, in this specific video I will be covering a specific tool that will allow you to speed up the process of finding highly-targeted keywords. This little tool will do all the work for you. More on this specific powerful secret resource in this video.Video #8: Track Your Hashtag ImpactLet me ask you a question: how would you like to have the ability to track how well your hashtags perform? Well, in this particular video I will reveal to you a resource that you can access that will allow you to track your impact. This way you will be able to know what is working and was not working."
Price: 19.99

"PASSIVE INCOME: Create Digital Products" |
"Would you like to make money online and build your passive income system that will generate recurring revenue month after month? If the answer is yes, then you have come to the right place. I would like to share 4 systems that will teach you how to create information or digital products in an easy way. You will learn how to build an information product factory, that will produce a massive amount of info. products that you can utilize for different customers and testing different variations that will help you find your info. product stars and evergreens, that will keep on selling month after month. You will learn how to build your passive income system, so you can enjoy the return on your efforts in a long time after you created your products. In this course, you will get these 4 courses:1 HOUR PRODUCT CREATIONTHE PASSIVE SALES SYSTEM - It Never Stops Selling!PRODUCT SNOWBALL FORMULAR - Create Unlimited Products At Warp Speed!TINY REPORTS BIG PROFITSRead more about the 4 passive income and info. product creation systems below...Start already today... building a passive income system can take longer than you might expect, so my advice to you is to start as early as possible.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 HOUR PRODUCT CREATIONAre you still struggling with product creation?Brand New Video Training Reveals Fool-Proof Way To Create Your Info Product In Just One Hour.If youre looking for a real and proven hands-free income online, but youre tired of working 12 hours in front of your computer... without any satisfying results, then this is probably the most important message you ever read!Heres why:The internet is full of hungry buyers whore craving info products.So if you become a product creator, it will be game-changing for your business.And heres the best part...You dont need to spend big money to create info products. So theres a big margin here.You know what that means?A huge profit from everysingle product you sold.Sounds good, right?Before we go further, let me tell you something important...If you think you arent good enough to create your own product, you are totally wrong!In fact, once youve finally crack the code...You Can Create Info Productsin 60 Minutes or Less.How could that be possible?, you might ask.Easy.I have a secret formula that I personally use to create a hot-selling info product at lightning speed.I developed this secret formula by analyzing and reverse engineered all the hot-selling products on the marketplace.It took me a lot of time to discover this proven product creation formula.So Ive done the hard work for you.All you need to do is simply use it to get more money by selling your own products.Whats more...All of the step-by-step instructions are delivered in a video course to make it a lot easier to understand. It means, you can easily master all the secrets Ill share with you in a short afternoon.So do you want learn my secret product creation formula?You do? Good!Now check this...5 Big Reasons Why Now IsThe Best Time To Get StartedWhat if you can get started today and be able to create products in one hour flat every time on demand? How will this change your life?Consider these:Make money while you sleep by creating your own information product.The demand for digital information is at an all-time highDevelop a reputation and become an authority figureInfo products are easy and cheap to create.You can store info products virtually, cheaply and access them anytime.I made all these possible for you in my latest video training.IntroducingOne Hour Product CreationThe Fastest Way To CreateInfo Products In Record TimeTheres nothing like this video series.Watch as I show you how to create an info product within just an hour from now.In this video training I reveal all my best tips to you on what I do and what are the tools I use to get it done fast.There will be no guesswork.All you need is just a short hour of your time to learn everything and youd be ready to get started with it instantly.Heres What Youll Discover InsideThis Video Training:The big picture of Information Product business. This important information will shock you when you finally discovered how profitable this type of business is.Why you must create info products even if money is not your main goal. Its not all about the money. There are other important reasons aside from money... and you have to know this.Find out what products that do best for the buyers, so you can easily pocket a huge amount of profit from every single product you create.A type of product which always used by 7-figures Internet Marketers, but ignored by almost all the average Internet Marketers.How to test your product before you launch it to the market. This information will help you save a lot of time and money.And so many more...----------------------------------------------------------------------THE PASSIVE SALES SYSTEM - It Never Stops Selling!Want to keep seeing money flooding your bank account?Brand New Video Training Reveals How To Build Your Own Passive Sales Machine In Days!Dear Friend,This is probably the biggest frustration of every internet entrepreneur face nowadays:How to I create passive income?Youve read about it all over the internet.People are talking about it in forums and discussing it on facebook groups.Every person comes in with their own system and approach to creating passive income but when you try it out, you simply cannot get the results you wish.Hows that possible?No Pain. No Gain. Really?So think about it for a moment.People keep telling you that if theres no pain, theres no gain. How true is that?Is it really that hard to build a passive income system that will keep depositing money in your bank account over and over again?So let me answer this:Yes and no.It WILL be hard when you get started.But it will be EASY once you keep implementing this several times.Practice Makes Perfect.Money Will Keep Flowing.Believe it or not, Ive been struggling a lot over the years to be able to crack the code of building my OWN version of passive income system.I struggled.I didnt sleep for months. I almost went insane.I was obsessed with it day and night.I poured in all my heart and soul into this system.It was hard, very hard.But I did it. I finally cracked code.What Does It Involved From You?Ambition. Commitment.These are 2 words that you need to keep close to your heart.You get up every morning and keep building this over and over again.Then one day youll look at your bank account and get a surprise.Money will flow.Theres literally no limit to it.If you truly understand that part and have the burning desire to really make it happen, then let me share with you something awesome that I created.IntroducingThe Passive Sales SystemIt Never Stops Selling!Theres nothing like this video series.Watch as I show you how to build your own passive income system in just days from now.In this video training I reveal all my best tips to you on what I do and what I use in my business to get it up and running.There will be no guesswork.All you need is just a short hour of your time to learn everything and youd be ready to get started with it instantly.Heres What Youll Discover InsideThis Video Training:A simple system to get 1000 people to spend $100.How to embed your offers inside your content.How to know WHO you're marketing to and what they're going to need.Learn the simple strategy you can use to create an offer without you being involved.Why growing your audience is a must and what you should focus on.How to best frame your content for your offer.Identify your main business goals to satisfy your customer needs.Learn how to 'MAP' your customer's path quickly and easily.Learn how to attract the right people to your business.Creating passive income the right way without stress.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------PRODUCT SNOWBALL FORMULAR - Create Unlimited Products At Warp Speed!Know the fastest way to build an online empire?Brand New Video Training Reveals Fool-Proof Way To Create Unlimited Products At Warp Speed!So let it be clear.This isnt a get rich quick scheme that Im presenting to you.Its a system that requires your time and energy.A fool-proof system that big companies use to dominate their market in record time.It involves commitment and hard work but the rewards will just be HUGE for as long as you stick to it.In just a few minutes from now, Im going to reveal this underground tactics that only an elite few has mastered over the years.Your Way To Market DominationYou seeThe key to your success in no matter which niche market youre in, you need to have a product to sell.I know. I know.Youve been hearing that so many times, but heres what is difference from what Im saying right now:You need MANY products. A HUGE product line.Thats how you can establish your brand and make customers come back again and again.Thats your way to market dominance.Dont Stop With One Product.Build A HUGE Product Line.Believe it or not, theres no best way to make your competitors freak out and leave them to dust.But I hear youCreating products are usually very hard to do and now Im asking you to launch a full product line. Hows that possible?You may be wondering if Im mad.I totally understand.I use to think same at least a few years ago.But now no more because Ive cracked the codeEndless Stream Of Income.The Sky Is The Limit.Yep. No hype.The more you create, the more money you make.Your income keeps on increasing every single day and thats the real beauty of this system.Theres literally no limit.Again, you need to be dedicated and work out the system.If you understand that part and have the burning desire to really make it happen, then let me share with you something awesome that I created.IntroducingProduct Snowball FormulaYour Way To Market DominationTheres nothing like this video series.Watch as I show you how to churn product after product at lightning speed that will make your competitors freak out like crazy.In this video training I reveal all my best tips to you on what I do and which platform I use to create your products.There will be no guesswork.All you need is just a short hour of your time to learn everything and youd be ready to get started with it instantly.Heres What Youll Discover InsideThis Video Training:Learn how the product snowball formula works and why its the way to success.Why this is the best way to structure your business and adapted for the little guys.How to churn products after products and never run out of product ideas - ever.You will understand why its so vital you use a certain service to accelerate your success.Discover what I personally did to grow my business to the next level.Useful case study examples of products I did and how I did them.How to use PLR the right way and rework them easily.Learn the insider secrets to get more done faster without hassle.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------TINY REPORTS BIG PROFITSYou can make a fortune with this...Brand New Video Training Reveals How To Quickly & Easily Create And Sell Tiny Reports For Big Profits...Do you know that theres a fortune to be made by selling information products?I bet you do because there are so many people talking about it all over the internet.But I mind youMost of these people are teaching it the wrong way.They over-complicate the process and many get discouraged along the way.Quantity v/s Quality In TheInformation Business.Heres the misconception about the information businessThey confused quantity with quality.Most people think that if they create an info product with 10 hours of running time, that means its of high-quality.Nothing could be further from the truth.At the end of the 10 hours, usually, the person watching it will get confused and dont know where to get started.This doesnt help the customers at all.Keep It Short.Get To The Point.Thats rightKeep it short and to the point.You dont want to waste your customers time in telling them too many things when they are looking for simple solutions to their problems.If you understand this concept, then you can literally make a fortune selling information this way.That is why Im a big fan of TINY REPORTS.5 Big Reasons Why Now IsThe Best Time To Get StartedWhat if you can get started today and be able to create and sell tiny reports by tomorrow morning? How will this change your life?Consider these:Fast to create - You can literally write this within a few hours and start selling it the next day.Become more productive - Once youre done with one, youll be excited to get another done and hence youll create more.Make money faster - Money loves speed. You can set this in motion within hours and dont have to procrastinate.Customer loves it - Yep. They love it. You deliver the good stuff right upfront and you dont waste your time.Grow your brand - Easily grow your product line with this approach and dominate your niche market.I made all these possible for you in my latest video training.IntroducingTiny Reports Big ProfitsCreate And Sell Tiny Reports For Big Profits...Theres nothing like this video series.Watch as I show you the how you can easily create and sell your tiny reports in hours from now.In this video training I reveal all my best tips to you on what I do and what are the tools I use to get it done fast.There will be no guesswork.All you need is just a short hour of your time to learn everything and youd be ready to get started with it instantly.Heres What Youll Discover InsideThis Video Training:Learn how to use short reports for your business and what are the benefits of having them.What is the main ingredient for success when creating your short report.The reason why many people fail when approaching this technique but you'll know how to fix it.Do you love action-steps? Everybody loves it. You'll learn how to properly create the kind of report adore.How to quickly come up with topics guaranteed to sell all the time.How to use it as a bait for your bigger products and services.The marketing strategy behind using Tiny reports and why you should always have several at hand.The ONE simple ingredient for making your report super profitable irrespective of the niche market you're in.The step-by-step process to get it done and how this blueprint can help you in the long run.And so many more..."
Price: 19.99

"Structural Masonry with ETABS - Module 6" |
"General objective:Structural Masonry with ETABS 17.0.1Prepare a real housing project with structural masonry walls, using the most powerful tool on the market in structural calculation. Software ETABS 17.0.1Explain in detail everything related to the regulations: Regulations for Design and Construction of Buildings in Structural Masonry R-027. and the latter will be compared with the recommendations of ACI318-14 regarding the design of shear walls.Explain in detail everything related to the regulations: Regulations for Seismic Analysis and Design of Structures R-001.Detailing of a Structural Masonry Wall.Incorporation to the Model of the Design of Foundations of running footings, using Interaction-Soil-Structures. In addition, there will be a Real Soil Study of the AreaThis module includes:Lecture 1: IntroductionLecture 2 and 3: Ceiling MeshLecture 4: Modal Analysis and Basal CutLecture 5: Dead Load ReductionLecture 6: Wall Fault CorrectionLecture 7, 8 and 9: Design and Detailing of WallThe AulaGeo team worked hard on this course. It was developed in Spanish by Orozco, voiced by Gabriella for English speaking students."
Price: 59.99

"Curso Profisso Fotgrafo para Iniciates." |
"SEJA UM PROFISSIONAL EM FOTOGRAFIA!Este curso transforma pessoas iniciantes em profissionais capacitados para atuar artisticamente e comercialmente atravs da transmisso de uma mensagem por meio de imagens. Aps o curso, o fotgrafo ter conhecimento e domnio sobre os elementos de composio de uma boa imagem, utilizando o enquadramento, foco e iluminao de maneiras adequadas para se expressar. O aluno tambm ter conhecimento necessrio sobre edio de imagens e especificaes tcnicas para escolher os melhores equipamentos a serem utilizados. No mercado de trabalho, o profissional de Fotografia pode atuar em agncias publicitrias, emissoras de televiso, cinema, jornais e revistas ou como autnomo, abrindo seu prprio estdio.A QUEM SE DESTINA: Este curso foi desenvolvido tanto para leigos e amadores como para profissionais avanados que procuram a fotografia como lazer ou como uma opo profissional, pois os mdulos foram cuidadosamente preparados para abranger todos os nveis de conhecimento dos alunos em diversas reas da fotografia.Abordaremos atravs de uma contedo prtico vrias formas de expresso da fotografia para estudantes de jornalismo, publicidade, turismo, cincias sociais ou para aqueles que esto em busca da fotografia como profisso e fotgrafos estabelecidos que desejam aprimorar seus conhecimentos na rea."
Price: 39.99

"Mastering Data Structure Using C" |
"As applications are getting complex and data rich, there are three common problems that applications face now-a-days.Data Search Consider an inventory of 1 million(106) items of a store. If the application is to search an item, it has to search an item in 1 million(106) items every time slowing down the search. As data grows, search will become slower.Processor speed Processor speed although being very high, falls limited if the data grows to billion records.Multiple requests As thousands of users can search data simultaneously on a web server, even the fast server fails while searching the data.To solve the above-mentioned problems, data structures come to rescue. Data can be organized in a data structure in such a way that all items may not be required to be searched, and the required data can be searched almost instantly."
Price: 12800.00
