classic-guitar-part5-arabic |
". :- Bar Chords: . . .- 2 : 2 .- : .- LCM Grade 3 Classic Guitar.- : .- Circle of Fifth. ."
Price: 149.99

"Microsoft Excel - 333 Microsoft Excel Keyboard Shortcuts" |
"Youre Just Seconds Away From Leveraging Microsoft Excel That Will Make It Possible For YOU To:Increase your Microsoft Excel & Pivot Table SKILLS and KNOWLEDGE within HOURS which will GET YOU NOTICED by Top Management & prospective Employers!Become more PRODUCTIVE at using Excel which will SAVE YOU HOURS each Day & ELIMINATE STRESS at work!Use Excel Pivot Tables with CONFIDENCE that will lead to greater opportunities like a HIGHER SALARY and PROMOTIONS!----------------------------------------If you want to get better at Excel and stand out from the crowd to get the promotions or pay-rises that you deserve, then you are in the right place!This is the most comprehensive Excel Keyboard Shortcuts course ever made which has 333 short and precise tutorials. No matter if you are a Beginner or an Advanced user of Excel, you are sure to benefit from this course which goes through every single Excel shortcut that is available inside Microsoft Excel. The course is designed for Excel 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019 and Office 365.If you learn only 5 Excel keyboard shortcuts and apply them each day, you will SAVE HOURS each week, which means you can go home early for once!There are 15 different modules so you can work on your weaknesses and enhance your strengths as well as practice files, quizzes and a FREE PDF Cheat Sheet listing all 333 Excel Keyboard Shortcuts for Windows & Mac that you can print off and keep. Here are the main keyboard shortcut topics that we will cover in this course:Cell Formatting Drag & DropFormulas & FunctionsFrequent shortcutsFunction Key Making selections Ribbon TabCell Navigation Inside Ribbon Macros & VBA Pivot Tables Power BI Power Pivot Other Shortcuts ---------- Look, if you are really serious about GETTING BETTER at excel and ADVANCING your Microsoft Excel level & skills...saving HOURS each day, DAYS each week and WEEKS each year...If you want to improve your PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT to achieve greater opportunities like PROMOTIONS, a HIGHER salary and KNOWLEDGE that you can take to another job...All whilst impressing your boss and STANDING OUT from your colleagues and peers......THEN THIS COURSE IS FOR YOU!Now you have the opportunity to join your fellow professionals who are taking this course and enhancing their Microsoft Excel skills! To enroll, click the ENROLL NOW button (risk-free for 30 days or your money back), because every hour you delay only delays your personal and professional progress...---------- >> Watch our PROMO VIDEO above and a few of our FREE VIDEO TUTORIALS to see for yourself just how beneficial this course is and how you too can become better at Excel ***"
Price: 199.99

"EIQ2 - Partnering for Peak Customer Growth & Success" |
"Partnering for success deals with the activities that emotionally bridge and facilitate selecting, obtaining, applying and engaging with ideas, services, and products that are perceived to enhance and optimize quality of life. This emphasizes consideration, attitude, engagement, involvement, experiences, and relationships that add value and create abundance. Empathy and Emotional Intelligence serve as the connecting pieces to support decision making that satisfies wants and desires at high levels.In this course, you will discover the Fundamentals of Customer service from the Emotional Intelligence perspective.Uncover:What Customers buyUSP as you've never seen it beforeMagic MomentsEmpathy as it drives better relationshipsThe 'Know, Like and Trust' principleSuperior loyaltyAnd much more...!Enrol today!"
Price: 199.99

exceladvancedcourse |
"********* ************ 1% 99% , , . 12 ___________________________________________________ 16 150 ( ) ( , , , , , , , , )"
Price: 64.99

"Administrator Linux: Instalacja i konfiguracja" |
"Administrator Linux: Instalacja i konfiguracjaTen kurs jest przeznaczony dla pocztkujcych administratorw Linuxa. Skorzystaj z niego te tzw. ""power users"". Wczeniejsza wiedza z administracji jest mile widziana, ale nie wymagana. Na kursie zobaczysz jak zainstalowa Linuxa i jak go konfigurowa. Do kadej lekcji masz krtki quiz z pytaniami dotyczcymi obejrzanej lekcji oraz zadania do samodzielnego wykonania. Kurs jest praktyczny - nie ma dugich wywodw o wyszoci Linuxa nad innymi systemami, tylko fachowa wiedza przedstawiona w przystpny sposb.Czy Linux ma przyszo? Czy warto w niego inwestowa swj wysiek?Google mwi tak Android i ChromOS to LinuxMicrosoft mwi tak i zaczyna dostarcza SQL Server na LinuxieIBM mwi tak i kupuje Red Hat-aLenovo mwi tak i preinstaluje Linuxa na laptopachI tak mgbym dalej wylicza Oracle, Facebook, Amazon, Dell, SamsungA Ty, co sdzisz? Skoro tu zagldasz, to znaczy, e ju masz wiadomo szerokich moliwoci! Tylko jak zacz? Okno konsoli z mrugajcym kursorem nie wyglda zbyt zachcajco a jeli przejdziesz w tryb graficzny, to w sumie, czym to si rni od pracy z Windows? Samodzielna nauka jest trudna, dlatego ten kurs poprowadzi Ci za rk przez pi gwnych tematw administracji Linux na przykadzie Red Hat oraz pokrewnymi dystrybucjami Fedora i Centos. Te tematy to:- Instalacja Linuxa- Konfiguracja sieci- Konfiguracja systemu przez systemd- Konfiguracja dyskw, partycji systemw plikw- Bootowanie systemuPrzy okazji nie zabraknie prawdziwej pracy sysadmina. Zmienisz adres IP, zepsujesz i naprawisz konfiguracje sieci, zainstalujesz MySQL i Apache, stworzysz system plikw, zniszczysz go i naprawisz, wykonasz kopi i j odtworzysz, rcznie skonfigurujesz montowanie systemw plikw, tam gdzie chcesz i jak chcesz. Zapomnisz haso roota i je odzyskasz. Jeeli wic szukasz okazji do nabycia praktyki z Linuxem tu j znajdziesz. Jeeli przygotowujesz si do egzaminu Red Hat Certified System Administrator, to tu znajdziesz cz z poruszanych na tym egzaminie zagadnie.Prawdziwy kurs Linuxa taki jak w klasie, tylko online. Nie sucho z ksiki, tylko aktywnie z quizami i wiczeniami do samodzielnego wykonania. Systematycznie, krok po kroku. Rozwiesz jeden problem i zauwaysz nastpny. Moe brzmi to mao obiecujco, ale to wanie tak rozwijaj si aplikacje i systemy, wic dlatego najlepiej si w ten sposb uczy, bo wtedy wiesz co z czego si bierze!Zdecydowanie Linux to nie jest system zastrzeony tylko dla geekw i hobbystw. To w peni profesjonalny system, ktry wymaga profesjonalnych administratorw z profesjonaln wiedz. To rosncy rynek, w ktrym moesz znale swoje miejsce. A jeli nawet administracja Linuxem nie jest Twoim gwnym celem, to ten kurs pozwoli Ci rozumie, dlaczego w wiecie Linuxa pewne rzeczy robi si tak a nie inaczej. Wbrew pozorom, to cenna wiedza dla administratora Windows, programisty, eksperta od chmury, a nawet zaawansowanego uytkownika systemu.Ten kurs moe by kamieniem milowym na Twojej drodze w stron profesjonalnej pracy z Linuxem. Obejrzyj przykadowe lekcje, zapoznaj si wymaganiami i zapisz si na kursZapraszam na kurs Administrator Linux: Instalacja i konfiguracja, bo Developerzy tworz, a Sysadmini sprawiaj, e dziaa"
Price: 174.99

"Autodesk Revit para Interioristas y Arquitectos" |
"Revit Arquitectura. Creacin de un Proyecto Completo de Interiorismo y Arquitectura.Convirtete en un profesional del modelado BIM con Autodesk Revit de la mano de un Arquitecto y paso a paso. Instructores: Arquitecto lvaro Garca y Arquitecta Luca Fernndez.Contenido Actualizado: Septiembre 2020Aprende a modela paso a paso diferentes proyectos reales de arquitectura y interiorismo, desde un apartamento hasta una vivienda usando la metodologa BIM (Building Information Modelling) de Revit Autodesk y termina montando los planos de proyecto para poder mostrar a tu cliente o entregar a la constructora y comenzar la obra.Building Information Modeling (BIM) te permite agilizar el proceso de proyecto y construccin y la herramienta Revit de Autodesk es la ms demandada en el mercado. Revit te permite construir un modelo de tu diseo previo a la construccin real, de este modelo podrs vincularlo con el resto de elementos de diseo y proyecto, adems de sacar tablas de base de datos de caractersticas de tu proyecto. Lo aprenders des la mano de un profesional arquitecto especializado en diseo arquitectnico y modelado 3D, apasionado por los procesos de construccin.Con este curso aprenders de una forma prctica a modelar en Revit, la herramienta muros ""walls"", modelar suelos y techos, a colocar materiales, superficies, distribuir, colocar familias de ventanas, de puertas y componentes, etc.Una vez tengas tu modelo construido en BIM aprenders a realizar las vistas, las secciones o los cortes para poder componer tus planos de proyecto. Vers como colocar tu cartela y como modificarla. Aprenders a componer e imprimir las lminas de tu proyecto. Optimizaremos el programa para representar un modelo grficamente atractivo y personalizar el diseo de mobiliario, diseo de interiores, as como iluminacin, pinturas, estampados y familias de REVIT.Al finalizar este curso habrs aprendiendo a realizar diferentes proyectos con Revit Autodesk y te habrs familiarizado con la tecnologa BIM de la mano de un arquitecto. Sobre la Formacin:Con esta amplia formacin aprenders el proceso completo y de forma profesional para llevar a cabos proyectos de Arquitectura BIM. Una formacin 100% practica que aumentar tu habilidades y competencias profesionales. La formacin te permitir convertirte en un experto en la materia, y todo ello desde una formacin principalmente prctica. A travs de variadas actividades y proyectos completos podrs adquirir los conocimientos suficientes para ejercer profesionalmente de forma solvente. Adems conocers en detalle mi flujo de trabajo a la hora de afrontar un proyecto profesional. Para la realizacin de este curso no vas a necesitar el equipo informtico ms potente del mercado, ya que el software empleado durante formacin online se encuentra perfectamente optimizado y su uso es muy fluido en todo tipo de equipos, tanto en PC como en Mac.Puedes elegir ver todas las lecciones de forma secuencial (lineal) y aprovecharlas al mximo la formacin. Pero tambin puedes decidir ver este curso como una gua de referencia. Las clases estn claramente organizadas en secciones lgicas y puedes decidir visualizar solo las clases que te resulten ms importantes segn tus necesidades formativas. Es excepcional el aumento en la demanda de profesionales en este mbito por parte de las empresas de todo el mundo actualmente. Para desarrollar el programa formativo propuesto no ser requieren grandes conocimientos previos, ya que la formacin se acomete desde un nivel de usuario 0. El curso est orientado a aquellos creativos que quieran ampliar sus skills (habilidades) y conocer mltiples trucos, consejos, recursos y recomendaciones, de la mano del instructor lvaro Garca. Adems todas las formaciones de Udemy disponen acceso automtico al curso, sin limitacin de tiempo, disponibilidad 24/7 (24 horas al da los 7 das de la semana), sin caducidad y con garanta de devolucin.Metodologa de Aprendizaje:La modalidad de este curso te permite que empieces y acabes cuando t quieras, marcando el ritmo de la clase segn tu disponibilidad. Puedes volver a visualizar lo que te interese, saltar el contenido que ya domines, hacer preguntas, resolver dudas, compartir tus proyectos...Recuerda que esta formacin incluye lecciones en vdeo fullHD con audio de estudio (compatible con TV, PC, Mac, tablet y smartphone), artculos didcticos, actividades, proyectos paso a paso, recursos descargables, links de inters, acceso de por vida, certificado de finalizacin, tutorizacin online, y una exclusiva comunidad de aprendizaje privada que nos ayudamos aportando nuestras experiencias en el foro de comunicacin del curso. A qu esperas?, este curso es ideal para ti, atrvete a convertirte en un experto y expresa tus ideas y diseos de la forma que siempre has deseado. Adelante, nos vemos dentro de la formacin ;)"
Price: 19.99

"CCNA 200-301 (Cisco Certified Network Associate) - Complete" |
"The Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA 200-301) exam is a 120-minute exam associated with the CCNA certification. This exam tests a candidate's knowledge and skills related to network fundamentals, network access, IP connectivity, IP services, security fundamentals, and automation and programmability.This 2020 CCNA course covers new updated course syllabus for the exam. The content has been developed and delivered by an Industry expert trainer, which will help you to crack the exam in the first attempt.At the end of this course, you will be able to confidently discuss networking topics; and be able to start configuring real networking devices such as routers and switches.This course comes with a 30 days money back guarantee, in case you are not satisfied you will get your entire fee refund."
Price: 199.99

"AZ-900 Practice Tests: Microsoft Azure Fundamentals" |
"Created in July 2020, these brand new AZ-900 practice tests will prepare you for the AZ-900 exam. The practice questions in these exams are written in a way to mimic the actual formatting of the actual questions. These are not exam dumps, but if you can pass both of these timed AZ-900 practice tests, you should have no problem passing the actual AZ-900 Azure Fundamentals exam. Test your knowledge of Microsoft Azure Fundamentals and identify your weaknesses with two 40-question practice exams! These practice tests are the perfect complement to my AZ-900 exam-prep course, entitled AZ-900 Azure Exam Prep: Microsoft Azure Fundamentals in 2020.Sign up right now to find out if you are ready to sit the AZ-900 Microsoft Azure Fundamentals exam!"
Price: 19.99

"How to Set up Monitoring and Evaluation System Step by Step" |
"A Monitoring and Evaluation System is an important part of Project Management. Every project must have a Monitoring and Evaluation System because it is the corner stone of information sharing and learning. When you set up an M&E system you have to do it the right way because it really has to be done right from the very beginning."
Price: 99.99

"Designing PCB using Autodesk Eagle for Everyone!" |
"Do you have a circuit idea that you wanted to create?Lets turn your idea into a real and working circuit by using Autodesk Eagle PCB.And yes, even beginners can learn this course!Autodesk Eagle is a free to use software with a capability to design up to 16 layers PCB, CAM integration with Autodesk Fusion 360.I will take you in a learning journey fromIntroduction and installation of the softwareA thorough tour of the software including its functionalities that would help you create projects efficientlyA brush up and review of the basic electronic components to useLearn and create your first project within the first 2 hours of your course*Create more projects with activities to test and challenge yourself in the design spaceMore bonus tips with Arduino Shield and Autodesk Eagle functions.At the end of this course, youd be confident to know the software and confidently create projects for your school, work , hobbies or even freelance clients.Heres the review of my previous students:I found this very interesting and a t a good pace , Never used Eagle before (Kicad user) - I think I will be making the switch now especially as I have some boards to design for a friend. - Tony DaviesLearning how to create and design a PCB does not have to be rocket science, I have broken down the course for you to produce a working project yourself.You got this!"
Price: 59.99

"The 2020 Blender Primer: 3D Modeling, Animation & Rendering" |
"This course is the absolute brand new and trending English version of Udemy's most successful Blender 3D Course in Spanish. The instructor has over 4000 happy students and great reviews. Refer to the teachers rating to confirm his 3 year course creation history. We invite you to dive right into this incredible course!This course works with both 2.8x and 2.9x version of the Blender software.Do you wish to Start Learning Blender 3D? Do you wish to learn about 3D Modeling, Animation, & Rendering, All in One? You've come to the right place! Look no Further! And you don't need to have any previous experience, not even a little bit, and you'll learn all the ins and outs of 3D Design. It's my promise to you! We aim to also make this one of the cheapest courses on the platform. We want you to learn as much as possible. This is about you, not us.Why should you choose us?We are porting our already very successful Udemy Blender 3D Course from Spanish to English. It has been featured extensively in the platform for a few years, and it was my wish to bring this knowledge to more of you guys.And Even Better, we added tons of new content and exercises for you to enjoy! We also made it more compact and most classes go straight to the point. My Spanish Blender course enjoyed more than 3000 happy students and favorable reviews. I'm sure you will enjoy this one! We have our arms wide open now to reach a whole new audience!What will we learn here?Guys, we are going very in depth on this one. Very. I make sure you understand precisely and completely what every button does, where everything is, how to use each tool and why it should be used. We don't just gloss over things. To put it simply: I don't just give you the recipe so you can follow blindly, I teach you how to cook and make sure you can cook on your own. I insist guys, expect a very in depth course of all the features. The best Primer out there.You'll learn how Blender works behind the scenes with our ""Concepts"" videosI have a background in Engineering and Computer Graphics. Most 3D Courses focus on the tool and how to use it, but we understand that in order to have a robust understanding in graphics, it's not enough just using the software. Understanding what goes behind the scenes to make all happen is key. As every new section starts, we introduce a couple of videos of technical concepts first, so you get a clear picture of what makes Blender tick. Don't worry, they are easily understandable and you'll be surprised on what you can learn.You are being taught by a Blender Certified ProfessionalI have a been Certified on the Blender Network as an Academic Professional for a few years now. I've used this to teach Blender and 3D Design all over Latin America. Now I bring this knowledge to you. What are you waiting for? Here you are more than welcome. Always."
Price: 99.99

"Curso React.js Ninja - SPAs com React Router" |
"Oi! Sou o Fernando Daciuk, instrutor desse curso, e aqui voc ir aprender como criar aplicaes do tipo SPA (Single Page Applications), utilizando React e React Router!Durante esse curso ns iremos criar duas aplicaes para uma pizzaria: um sistema de pedidos, que ser usado pelo usurio final, para fazer o pedido da pizza; e um sistema de cadastros, que ser usado pela pessoa que ir gerenciar a pizzaria. Nesse sistema de cadastros, ser possvel acompanhar e atualizar os status dos pedidos recebidos, alm de cadastrar, editar e remover Tamanhos e Sabores de pizzas, que sero exibidos no sistema de pedidos.Vamos criar as aplicaes fechadas, para que apenas usurios autenticados possam fazer pedidos; e no sistema de cadastro, vamos garantir que somente adminstradores tenham permisso de criar, editar e remover tamanhos e sabores de pizzas.So quase 40h de muito aprendizado: React, React Router, Material UI, Styled Components, Firebase (para autenticao e banco de dados), e muito mais! Alm de tudo isso, voc ir aprender j com as novidades que vieram na verso 16 do React: React Hooks, a nova verso da Context API, Suspense, etc :DVem comigo que vai ser sucesso o/Obs.: Esse curso o mesmo contedo do mdulo 4 do curso React.js Ninja: React Completo. Se voc j tem o curso completo, no precisa comprar esse :)"
Price: 369.99

"Ready to Read: 3 Easy Steps" |
"Get your child ready for reading success in 3 easy steps: Letter Recognition, Phonological Awareness, and Oral Language. With these videos, your child will be prepared to take the next step in learning to read. Just watch 1 video each day.Just like a baker needs to prepare to bake a delicious cake by gathering all the ingredients....a child needs to prepare to read by acquiring basic pre-literacy skills. Once the preparation is done and all the ingredients are gathered, then the cake is ready to be baked. The same is true for your child's reading success. First, your child needs to prepare his or her brain for reading by learning critical pre-reading skills: 1. Recognizing the 26 letters in the Alphabet,2. Hearing and manipulating sounds in words, and 3. Developing oral language.Once your child has mastered these pre-literacy skills, learning to read is the next step. Watching these videos will help your child be prepared for READING SUCCESS!Onward and Upward in the Reading Journey!"
Price: 59.99

"Wie schreibt man gute E-Mails?" |
"Fhlen Sie sich noch unsicher beim Verfassen von E-Mails? Mchten Sie lernen, wie man gute E-Mails schreibt? Sie wollen wissen, welche Fehler Sie vermeiden sollen? Dann sind Sie in diesem Kurs genau richtig!Sie lernen Anrede und Gruformeln fr E-Mails oder Briefe. Sie verfassen Zusagen und Absagen. Sie lernen Redemittel, um sich zu bedanken. Sie formulieren und verfassen eine Entschuldigung. All dies und viele kleine Tipps dazu erwarten Sie in diesem Kurs."
Price: 19.99

"Creating trade strategies & backtesting using PineScript" |
"TradingView is a free platform for creating your own indicators and trading strategies. Other similar platforms are paid therefore TradingView is the first choice of all learners and traders for backtesting their own strategies.You may have some strategy in your mind but cannot backtest using a manual paper pen. You may sometimes feel the need to change your trading method and you are not sure. You may want to take a calculated risk in the market with your hard-earned money then perhaps you need to code and backtest your strategy on historical data to validate results. This course will equip you with all the tools needed to code on TradingView, create and improve strategy, and backtest your strategy. Once you could finetune your trade strategy you would be able to trade with confidence and would be able to earn huge profits.The time and energy you spend on this course would be less than the cost of DataSources and coding and validating platforms you may need to buy for doing the same staff, however, in TradingView both DataSources and platforms are free to use. Why choose PineScript and TradingView over other platforms?It's online, no need to download & install No need to buy live datasources that are often costly.TradingView has many builtin indicators that you may use for free!Users share their codes for free and you may re-use full or part of their codes in your own indicators and strategies to save time and coding efforts."
Price: 69.99

"Quadratic Equations and Inequalities (Hindi/Urdu)" |
"This course a detailed study of Quadratic Equations and Parabolas. To ensure smooth learning after every concept there will be example questions covered to help students amplify their understanding of the It in divided into three levels.Level 1Introduction to Quadratic EquationsHow to Sketch a Quadratic CurveHow to find the Nature, Turning Point, x and y interceptsHow to convert into completing square formLevel 2How to Solve a Quadratic Equation and Introduction to Discriminant Discriminant and its usesDiscriminant applied to a curveDiscriminant applied to curve and a straight lineLevel 3Quadratic InequalitiesQuadratic Inequalities applied to discriminant"
Price: 19.99

"Photography is Easy (In English) by Vishal Diwan" |
"My Dear Photography Student,Welcome to the world's easiest photography course.This will help you to learn the basics of photography in an easy manner.Enroll today and learn risk-free with our 30-day money-back guarantee.I am using Nikon Z6 Mirrorless camera during my lessons. However, these learnings will help you to take great photos with your existing camera.Media Institutes easily charge $2000 USD Fee for sharing this.Wishing you great times ahead.Cheers :-) :-)Vishal Diwan (VD)Nikon Mentor"
Price: 12800.00

"21 Day Visualization Project" |
"What do you want to create?Friendship? Love? Creativity? Travel? Spiritual growth?Abundance?Each day, for 21 days, try a short guided visualization focused on a new theme/area of your life. These guided visualizations are designed to help you get clear on what you really want in each of these areas, so that with a clear vision in mind you can begin moving toward it. Each visualization takes approximately 5 minutes.When you join the 21 Day Visualization Project, youll receive:21 guided visualization videosA downloadable workbook9 guidelines for creative visualizationWhat is visualization?Visualization is a practice of focusing your mind upon the end-result you want to create. (For example: Athletes will often visualize making their shots, scoring touchdowns, or crossing the finish line.) Visualization allows us to put ourselves in the picture and feel what the end-result will be like before we get there. This is a powerful manifestation tool thats been proven to help us achieve our goals and create change.How do I visualize?Visualizing is simple. Find a quiet spot. Close your eyes. Set an alarm for five minutes (theres no need to do it longer). Then imagine the end-result you want to create as vividly as possible, using all of your senses: sight, sound, smell, taste, touch. Most important, allow yourself to feel what you would feel if you were experiencing it in real life. More visualization tips will be provided throughout the project.How long should I visualize each day?Five minutes. No more. No less.What if I skip a day?Thats okay. Its not a big deal if you skip a day. Start again when you can. If you only visualize 7 of the 21 days, thats still 7 more days than you would have visualized otherwise. Any amount of time you can devote to visualizing is powerful, so do the best you can (and have fun doing it).What are the benefits of visualization?There are countless benefits of visualization: it helps to increase focus, calm your mind, feel more grounded, eliminate stress, and tap into your creativity not to mention the power it has to help you manifest change and achieve goals.Why is the project 21 days?Its often said that it takes 21 days to form a new habit. If you can stick with the project for 21 days, youll find it easier to visualize on your own after the project is over.""Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution. - Albert EinsteinYou are more productive by doing 15 minutes of visualization, than from 16 hours of hard labor. - Abraham Hicks""Our thoughts, our feelings, our dreams, our ideas are physical in the universe. That if we dream something, if we picture something, it adds a physical thrust towards the realization that we can put into the Universe. - Will Smith"
Price: 49.99

"Quantitative Aptitude Course in Tamil" |
"Quantitative aptitude is a common topic that is available most of the exams conducted all over the world. This particular topic is present in the written exams conducted for bank jobs, and software Industry related jobs, government sector related jobs, and also for civil service examinations. This particular topic is also one of the significant parts in certain Management related competitive examinations like CAT and MAT. Sololearn in this quantitative aptitude is essential for students and people looking for a job all over the country. Even though this topic may seem like a simple math-related topic, the truth is that it is much more than basic mathematics. The concept of aptitude is a combination of certain topics from basic mathematics like time, distance, travel, HCF, LCM, etc. Even though they are topics from grade 6 level mathematics, the equations that are being asked in the interviews are not simple. The truth is that all the questions asked will have certain internal meaning along with the twisted framework. At the same time, another critical factor that plays an important role during these examinations is the time. Without proper training and knowledge on shortcuts, it would be impossible for a person to attend the exam without leaving 10 or 20 questions un-attended.So to manage time and learn the shortcut, it is essential to attend a private institution for learning this concept of quantitative aptitude. But most of the people who are already working in an office or going for college will not have time to attend these sessions. To help you learn during your free time and also to pass these examinations with flying colours we offer a special online course on quantitative aptitude for you. Our course is available in the Tamil language, and hence it would be easier for the people to understand the concepts in their own mother tongue. The entire course is available for 30 hours and among them, nearly 5 hours of the tutorial is made free so that you can understand our technique of teaching before subscribing for the entire course. Learning this technique is essential, especially the short cuts complete all the questions within the given timeframe. In most of these examinations, it might be one or two questions that will determine your future fate. So learn all the concepts carefully during your free time to ace the exams with flying colours.What Topic/Skills you will learn from the course?This course is entirely about the topic of quantitative aptitude. The entire course is available for at least thirty hours, and they are available in the form of video tutorials. Initially, all the basic concepts are explained in this course for topics like HCF, LCM, time, travel distance, money, etc. While moving further into the issues, all the other concepts are explained in detail, including the shortcuts that can be used for saving time. The entire course is available in Tamil, and the concepts are explained with step by step guidance.Who should take this course?This course is completely suitable for people who are looking forward to attending competitive exams and interviews in the future. If you are looking forward to attending the Management related exams like CAT and MAT, then it is essential to participate in this course. Similarly, if you are looking forward to any job interviews( both government and private institutes) in the future, then learning this course will allow you to crack the written test. This course is perfect for people who do not have enough time to attend private academies and have problems in learning through English. So learning this course in the Tamil language will allow you to understand the concepts clearly. At the same time, these videos can be watched during your free time. So now you do not have to take your life in a proper schedule, and at the same time, you can learn the concepts at your own pace.What knowledge/experience you should have to take this course?Before learning this course, you do not need any proper knowledge or experience regarding the subject. The only qualification is to have appropriate primary grade 6 maths knowledge. All the concepts in this course are explained in detail. The entire video tutorial is illustrated with the proper step by step explanation in the Tamil language from the basics. So anyone can attend this video tutorial course.Required Software/DevicesEven if this particular class can be attended through small digital devices like mobile phones and iPads, it would be more comfortable if you use a desktop computer or a laptop. Because while attending class for long hours using a proper computer will be easier for you. Along with that, you need a good computer with a decent internet connection. As a result, the videos can be played without any interruptions. These are the essential things that are required for attending this class, but along with that, you can make yourself more comfortable with a proper seating arrangement like desk and chair along with speakers for appropriate volume.What will you learn in this course?This course will teach you the multiple shortcuts available in these concepts and how to use them in the points given in the question correctly for obtaining the required solution. The course also teaches you how to understand the specific twisted problem that might appear in the Quantitative aptitude tests usually. Learning this course will be an added advantage for your future.How will this course help you to get a job?Most of the interviews conducted in our country have two parts. One is the standard written part while the other is the direct interview. Nearly 70 percent of the written portion consists of questions from quantitative aptitude. So to get a job, you need to learn this particular topic in detail to clear the written exam. Learning this course during your free time will allow you to manage your schedule efficiently and also get an excellent job in the future.What job roles can you apply after completing this course?After completing this course, you can apply for or higher studies like the CAT and the MAT. Along with that, there are also other competitive exams like group exams which after completing will allow you to get placed in the government sector. You can also apply for bank-related jobs because their entrance exam also contains similar questions.For all these exams, quantitative aptitude is only a part of it. Along with that there are a variety of other things like general knowledge and English that should be e and learnt to clear these exams. So subscribe for our course immediately and start learning about quantitative aptitude.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Quantitative Aptitude . CAT MAT , . , . , , . . , . . , . . , . . . quantitative aptitude . , . . . . / ? . 6- , . time, distance, HCF, LCM days . 20-30 . 30 . 5 , . . ? , quantitative aptitude . CAT, MAT, XAT, , . quantitative . . , .. .. , . / ? , . . . . . , , , . / , . iPad . . , . Windows . , . ? . 30 , . , . , . , . . , . ? , . . , . , . . ? , . , . , . . .Disclaimer:This is Rakesh P, Admin of Programming Line. This course has been created by experienced instructors in Quantitative Aptitude. I have paid them for creating this course exclusively for Programming Line. Resources & References:Quantitative Aptitude by R.S. AgarwalSpecific Exam Books - NDA & NA (Arihant Publications)IndiaBixFreshersWorld"
Price: 1280.00

"Unternehmerspaziergang- Von Anfang an fehlerfrei im Business" |
"Aus Fehlern lernt man ja am besten. Aber noch schner ist es, zu lernen und die Fehler nicht selbst machen zu mssen.9 von 10 neuen Unternehmen scheitern schon nach einem Jahr. Diese Zahl ist schon schockierend, doch viel schlimmer ist, dass es oft gar nicht an der Idee lag.Auf dem Weg zur erfolgreichen Grndung gibt es eine ganze Menge Fallen, eine ganze Menge Denkweisen, die dafr sorgen, dass ein Groteil der neuen Trume und Visionen wieder vom Markt verschwindet.Dieser Kurs zeigt die hufigsten Fehler von Grndern auf, aber nicht als Theorie. Wir haben bereits erfolgreiche Unternehmen gegrndet und viele Grnder begleitet. Dabei sind uns einige Fehler immer und immer wieder aufgefallen. Diese haben wir dir hier in diesem Kurs zusammengestellt.Begleite uns also auf einen Spaziergang, bei dem wir dir erzhlen, worauf du in der Startzeit achten musst.Denn die Entscheidung, ob dein Unternehmen erfolgreich ist, liegt von Anfang an bei dir.Dieser Kurs hat nicht die Mission, dein Schritt-Fr-Schritt Kurs fr Grnder zu sein. Vielmehr zeigt er die Punkte auf, die wir bei der Betreuung von Unternehmern immer wieder erlebt haben, aber auch den einen oder anderen Fehler, den wir auf dem Weg zum Erfolg in der eigenen Selbststndigkeit gemacht haben."
Price: 99.99

"Learn PROVEN STEPS to Make Money on YouTube!" |
"Would you like to make money on YouTube even while you are sleeping?I published some videos back in 2017 and they are still generating me money EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.Some of my videos have made me over $900 for just 3,000 views.And I started earning money with less than 100 subscribers.Meanwhile, I can't promise that you will achieve the same results that I got, I can show you what has worked for me and 1,000's of other YouTubers who are making money on this platform.-The beauty of making money on YouTube is that the work you do today will make you money for months, years and even for decades.Just 1 powerful tip that you learn from this course may be worth $1,000's over the long term.-But things weren't always so shiny... When I got started on YouTube for the first time, I struggled because I didn't know what works.I got some results but I wasn't satisfied. I still kept on doing it.Little by little I learned the skills and nowadays YouTube is allowing me to live the lifestyle of my dreams.I've traveled in over 40 different countries while my YouTube channel is making me money even when I sleep.Today you'll learn the best secrets on how I made it.And even most importantly you'll learn how YOU can make money using YouTube.It's Your Time!- Roope ""Sharing the secrets for making money on YouTube"" KiuttuPS. YouTube is still MASSIVELY growing every single year. If you want to make money using YouTube, the time is NOW."
Price: 199.99

"Exam 70-744 - Securing Windows Server 2016" |
"Welcome to the Secure Windows Server 2016 70-744: Practice Test.Are you ready to pass the Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate (MCSA) 70-744 Secure Windows Server 2016 exam? Find out by testing yourself with this new offering on Udemy. Each of the practice tests in this set provides an entire exams worth of questions, enabling you to confirm your mastery of the topics and providing you with the confidence youll need to take your MCSA 70-744 exam.In this practice test set, well cover all the topics included in Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate (MCSA) 70-744 Secure Windows Server 2016 exam objectives such as:Implement Server Hardening SolutionSecure a Virtualization InfrastructureSecure a Network InfrastructureManage Privileged IdentitiesImplement Threat Detection SolutionsImplement Workload-Specific SecurityMake sure you are ready to pass the MCSA 70-744 exam by using these practice tests, written to mimic the kinds of questions you will see on the Microsoft exam."
Price: 19.99

"5th Grade Math Boot Camp" |
"Overview5th grade math is challenging for many parents, teachers, and students. This course is designed to make 5th grade math easier everyone. Even the best 5th grade math teacher isn't able to connect, 100% of the time, with every student. Most math students need extra help, every now and then, to excel in class. Thats why so many families find this math course helpful.Who should take this course?Parents. Do you want to help your child with math? Take this course to remember and relearn the most important topics in 5th grade math. You can even take this course with your child.Teachers. Are you looking for a supplement to your regular 5th grade math lessons? Do you need an activity for your advanced 4th graders? Are you looking for a way to help some of your 6th grade students catch up in math class? This course might be the solution you need. Help your students learn even when you aren't teaching, by having them complete this course.Why take this course?School doesnt always provide everything you need to succeed in math class. Most students require extra math help at some point. Teachers often don't have the time to give one-on-one instruction, tutors can be extremely expensive, and parents don't have the time to teach their kids. An online math course, like this one, is often the perfect solution for math students. You can work at your pace, rewatching videos to gain a better understanding. The math homework, quizzes, and reviews help ensure understanding. A 4th grader will find an interesting math challenge, a 5th grader can stay on target, and a 6th grader, struggling with math, can catch up by learning the fundamentals.What does this course include?This course is separated into 6 weeks:MultiplicationDivisionFractionsDividing FractionsMeasurementsAnglesEach week introduces three new topics, applies the new topics to word problems, has a quiz, and includes a short homework set. The course is intended to be completed in 6 weeks. The weekly format is as follows:Day 1: New topicDay 2: New topicDay 3: New topicDay 4: Word problemsDay 5: Quiz and explainer videoThere is an additional homework sheet, with questions from each week, for extra practice. After six weeks there is a comprehensive final exam."
Price: 49.99

"Umgang mit Japanern" |
"Praxisnah und zielorientiertIdeal fr Leute, die geschftlich oder privat mit Japanern zu tun haben und besser verstehen mchten, warum die Japaner so handeln, wie sie es tun. Aber auch fr Leute, die keinen Kontakt zu Japanern haben und einfach nur die Japaner und ihre Gesellschaft besser verstehen mchten, ist dieser Kurs bestens geeignet.Jede Lektion widmet sich einem spezifischen Konzept der japanischen Gesellschaft und vermittelt ein tiefgreifenderes Verstndnis ber das Verhalten und die Gedankenwelt der Japaner. Die Konzepte werden dabei durch Anekdoten, Erfahrungen und Beispiele veranschaulicht und leicht verstndlich gemacht. Wenn man mit Japanern Business machen oder einfach erfolgreich mit ihnen kommunizieren mchte, dann ist es unabdingbar zu wissen, auf welche Werte sich die japanische Gesellschaft sttzt und wie man mit diesen umzugehen hat. Konkrete bungen gibt es in diesem Kurs nicht, sondern er vermittelt nur Wissen und Tipps zum Umgang mit Japanern. Die beste bung ist der direkte Kontakt mit Japanern, bei dem man die in diesem Kurs gelernten Inhalte dann anwenden kann.Der Kurs richtet sich an Leute, die sich fr die japanische Gesellschaft und deren Menschen interessieren und besser im Umgang mit Japanern werden wollen. Es knnen im Kurs wertvolle Tipps fr die Kommunikation mit Japanern erhalten werden und nach Abschluss des Kurses wird man ein grundlegendes Verstndnis der japanischen Gesellschaft haben und erfolgreich mit Japanern kommunizieren knnen. Japanischkenntnisse sind fr diesen Kurs nicht notwendig."
Price: 19.99

"Learn C Programming from Scratch for Beginners (Hindi/Urdu)" |
"SPECIAL NOTE:I believe it may be the best course on C Programming for beginner users, and I am glad more than 10000 students trusted me on Udemy!*******************The fastest, easiest method to find out to program C on a Mac or Windows. This course will teach you to program the C language from the bottom up. You will learn everything from the very fundamentals of programming throughout to the complexities of pointers, addresses and File IO. You may have tried to master C before but failed. Or maybe you're new C or new programming. If so, this is the course for you!C is one among the foremost important of all programming languages. It is wont to program desktop applications, compilers, tools and utilities and even hardware devices. The C language is fast and efficient but it are often hard to find out . Unless you use this course. This course begins with a mild introduction to C but quickly moves on to elucidate a number of its most confusing features: everything from C's 'scoping' rules to the curious connection between arrays and memory addresses. By the top of the course you'll have a deep understanding both of the C language itself and also of the underlying 'architecture' of your computer.This course guarantees to form the scholars fall crazy with programming. Easy to find out methodology employed by a seasoned teacher who has been teaching programming in several computer languages for the last 15+ years.Flood gates for a lucrative career in programming are bound to open for those that undergo this course diligently and passionately.This course helps both the Beginners and the intermediates to learn and grow. C learning is simplex but needs attention and practice. This course is meant in such a difficult way that it'll help newbies to simply build its outlook and intermediates to revise and remember.I assure you that if you complete this course it'll pave how for you to become a consummate programmer as all the advanced programming languages and technologies are based on C only. There would not be any looking back once you deeply immerse yourself with all the contents."
Price: 199.99

"Plastic working: a creative approach to plastic recycling" |
"Many if not all of us make use of plastics in our every day life and about half of the plastics we use are not used for longer than a few days, minutes or even seconds. We tend to throw away a lot of the plastics we use, many of which are single use plastics. Some because even when they are recyclable the facilities to recycle are inaccessable and some of the single use plastics even when recyclable cannot be recycled on a large scale.A lot of the plastics which get thrown a way still have a lot of ""life"" or so to speak in them and can still be used for much longer, up to multiple years in other forms. In this course I'll be teaching you how to convert those plastics you would normally throw away into valuable works of art and other long lasting useful objects. Even better is the fact that we will be doing this using relatively simple tools and accessible equipments. So this is a project you can do using things you either already have at home or in your workshop or can easily purchase locally.This course uses a combination of animated illustrations and audio video explanations followed by practical demonstration of each technique introduced. You will also learn more that one approach to producing the same product giving you more options you can adapt to the tools you have available. You will be able to follow along the production process and together over the duration of the course we would have converted these used plastics into different objects and in the process learn the unique craft of 'painting' with plastics and plastic working.It is hoped that by the end of this course participants will have developed the skill to recycle plastics into different objects and can apply the skills learnt alongside their individual creativity to create a range of useful and artistic pieces from reused plastics. The dissemination of such knowledge on plastics is expected to contribute to reducing the amount of plastics that pollute the environment as more people get involved in creatively adding value to plastics and converting them into longer lasting products.The course starts of with the first part about plastics, overview of recycling and a review of the plastic challenge and role of consumers and producers in the plastic waste management and how this can be improved. The course then moves on to the more practical aspects of plastic working and creating artwork with plastics. I have no doubt you will find this course very useful and gain a skill you can apply to developing a highly productive hobby or business while making a very significant contribution to a cleaner and safer environment."
Price: 34.99

"PMP Preparation Course" |
"This course is developed for project management specialists who want to obtain the PMP certification.People who are at this moment working as a project manager can enhance their career possibilities dramatically by having a PMI issued certification.This course is over 28 hours of on demand video lectures, but there is more! When you subscribe for the course, I will also give you a one year access to my questions database which contains quizzes for every PMBOK chapter and a complete PMP certification exam simulation totaling another 18 hours of training for which you will get an additional certificate.Our database contains over 2,00 questions and you can take an unlimited number of attempts. Just send me a message from this application with your name and email address. I will register you immediately.The PMI is the most important institute in the world related to project management and its certifications are the most important ones around the worldPeople who have a PMP certification make more money and have better career possibilitiesThe PMP exam is one of the most difficult exams but it is worthwhile because you will stand out from the masses and you will be admired.The course is also very interesting when you want to review the new elements in the PMBOK and when you want to share your knowledge with your peers, subordinates and managers."
Price: 199.99

"CAPM Preparation Course" |
"This course is developed for project management specialists and people who want to start their career in project management and want to obtain the CAPM certification to show their knowledge to potential employers.VERY IMPORTANT NOTICEThis course does not contain any tests and quizes but we have a separate database to which you will get free access just by sending us an email to luc (at) deceusteracadmy (dot) cz and you will get free access.Although the CAPM is mostly designed for people without the necessary credentials related to experience as needed for the PMP, some experienced people decide to go for the CAPM due to the difficult registration process for the PMP exam. In order to register for the CAPM certification exam, you only need 23 hours of training in the field of PM.This course is over 28 hours of on demand video lectures, but there is more! When you subscribe for the course, I will also give you a one year access to my questions database which contains quizzes for every PMBOK chapter and a complete CAPM certification exam simulation totaling another 14 hours of training for which you will get an additional certificate.The database contains over 1,500 questions and you can take an unlimited number of attempts. Just send me a message from this application with your name and email address. I will register you immediately.The PMI is the most important institute in the world related to project management and its certifications are the most important ones around the worldPeople who have a CAPM certification have a clear advantage over people who are not certified or who have other certifications and have better career possibilitiesThe course is also very interesting when you want to review the new elements in the PMBOK and when you want to share your knowledge with your peers, subordinates and managers."
Price: 199.99

"Projective Problem Solving" |
"Solving geometry problems using projective geometry is very satisfying. Here we go through the very concrete calculations involved in using cross ratios to solve problems. This can be regarded as a beginners guide to the theory projective geometry or an advanced guide to problem solving in geometry. In principle this can be learned as soon as one learns the sine rule. Hopefully one day the student of this course will be ready to tackle the course on projective geometry which deals with the axioms and has a more abstract presentation."
Price: 49.99

Cardiology |
"This course will teach you the basics of cardiology. Cardiology is a branch of medicine that deals with the disorders of the heart as well as some parts of the circulatory system. The field includes medical diagnosis and treatment of congenital heart defects, coronary artery disease, heart failure, valvular heart disease and electrophysiology. Physicians who specialize in this field of medicine are called cardiologists, a specialty of internal medicine."
Price: 189.99

"SPS Scaled Professional Scrum - Nexus - Practice Tests" |
"DisclaimerThe terms Nexus Open,Scaled Professional Scrum,Scrum Open, Professional Scrum, Professional Scrum Master, Professional Scrum Product Owner, PSM, PSM I, PSM 1, PSM 2, PSM II, PSPO I, PSPO 1, SPS, etc. is the protected brand of Scrum . org. This course, quizzes, course materials, and practice exams are neither endorsed by nor affiliated with Scrum . org or Scrum Alliance.What is SPS Certification?The Scaled Professional Scrum (SPS) is a certification offered by ""Scrum dot org"". It is available to anyone who wishes to validate their knowledge of the Scrum & Nexus framework. As of May 2020, 2800+ people hold the SPS certification. Why SPS?Certifications from Scrum dot org are the most popular in the market and are widely recognized by organizations. Advantages of SPS:No prior Scrum experience requiredCertification is valid for lifeGlobally accepted certificationNo need to attend any training250 US$ feeExam can be taken from home/office at your convenienceOpen Book examHow to prepare for SPS?Below are my recommendations:Understand Agile Manifesto & Principles.Study ""The Scrum Guide "" (From Scrum dot org) and understand it in depth.Study ""The Nexus Guide "" (From Scrum dot org) and understand it in depth.Study the 40+ Nexus Practices on Scrum dot org websitePractice Open assessments on Scrum dot org (as many times as you can)Validate & Learn using practice tests (like in my course)Why this course?If you are preparing for SPS and looking for practice tests, then you are at the right place.This course contains the right mix of difficulty in the questions to simulate the real SPS exam. Every question has been carefully drafted covering all the subject areas of the exam.There are 3 practice tests in this course, each with 40 questions. How to purchase the exam voucher?You need to purchase the exam voucher from Scrum dot org and it doesn't expire. When you are ready to take the exam, just enter the voucher code to proceed. What to expect in the exam?You need to answer 40 questions in 60 minutes and score 85% to pass the certification. Practice tests in this course will help you prepare for the challenge. You will have a mix of True/False, Multiple-choice and multiple-answer questions.I scored 95% in the SPS exam. So can you :-) All the best!"
Price: 44.99
