"Aprenda anlise tcnica grfica para investir em aes" |
"Nesse treinamento de anlise tcnica so abordados todos os mtodos e todas as ferramentasutilizadas pelos analistas que operam o mercado de aes em um compilado prtico e direto ao ponto!Todos os estudos realizados foram aprimorados para tornar o mercado fcil e inteligvel garantindo sua evoluo!Aps realizar o curso voc ser capaz de identificar sinais de entrada e sada de operaes para aumentar os seus lucros e diminuir o risco nas operaes!Seja voc: Holder, Swing ou Day, o objetivo da anlise tcnica garantir que voc compre e venda sempre no melhor preo!No se preocupe, no necessrio conhecimento inicial da bolsa de valores!Todo o conhecimento fundamental ser passado de maneira simples e direta!Voc tambm ter acesso a planilha de controle de operaes para acompanhar sua performance!Todo o conhecimento adquirido disponibilizado e sempre que surgem novidades o treinamento atualizado! Lembre-se: ""estratgia boa estratgia que d dinheiro!"""
Price: 114.99

"1Z0-1054 Oracle Financials Cloud: General Ledger" |
"Oracle General Ledger Implementation Essentials 1Z0-1054 exam test seriesIt covers the entire syllabus as prescribed by the Oracle UniversityEnterprise StructuresConfigure the Chart of AccountsExplain EssbaseSet up accounting hierarchiesSet up the accounting calendarConfigure Chart of Accounts SecurityConfigure the legal entity structure and define the relationship to the Chart of AccountConfigure LedgersSubledger AccountingCreate and manage Accounting RulesCreate and process subledger accounting entriesExplain the journal description rulesIdentify supporting referencesReporting & AnayticsExplain how to design and use various reporting toolsSet up the Financials Reporting StudioExplain OTBI and GL Subject AreasDescribe Smart View accounting inquiry and analysisDescribe the General Accounting Dashboard and Work AreasAnalyze budgets versus actualsBudgetary Control and EncumbranceConfigure and Process BudgetsExplain how to analyze and monitor Budget ConsumptionConfigure Encumbrance AccountingProcess Encumbrance JournalsJournal ProcessingProcess journal entriesConfigure automated journal processingExplain the journal approval set upConfigure allocations and periodic entriesExplain the secondary ledger and reporting currenciesIntercompany ProcessingDesign the Chart of Accounts and segment level rules for intercompanySet up Intercompany Accounting (system options, transaction types, organizations)Describe intercompany balancingProcess intercompany transactions and periodsProcess intercompany reconciliationsPeriod CloseExplain the Close ProcessConfigure and process revaluationsConfigure and process translationsConfigure and process consolidationsAnalyze reconciliationsClose monitor"
Price: 2240.00

"ISO 45001:2018 - Interpretao dos Requisitos" |
"Objetivos- Apresentar os requisitos da norma ISO 45001:2018 Sistemas de Gesto de Sade e Segurana Ocupacional Requisitos com orientao para uso;- Demonstrar como as empresas podero se preparar para atendimento desta norma.Contedo-Histrico da ISO 45001:2018-Anexo SL (nova estrutura para normas ISO de Sistemas de Gesto)-Novo texto da norma ISO 45001:2018"
Price: 54.99

vitamins |
"19 , -, , . , . , , , , , - . - , , , . , . . - . , , , ."
Price: 19.99

"The Unique Soft Skills & Personality Success Course for All" |
"This course is exclusively designed for all those who would like to attain excellence in their respective fields.This is a Unique course on Soft Skills of its own kind. You will be learning much needed skills in a simple and most natural ways integrating with lively examples.Modules Covered:Communication Skills: The Gift of Communication is an essential quality behind every successful individual,This module truly inspires you and builds your confidence to have that gift for lifetime to become better and better.Interpersonal skills: If there is one secret of success, it lies in the ability to get the other persons point of view and see things from that persons angle as well as your own.This module is designed exclusively to help people attain success people in career and life.Body Language:A strong confident person can rule the room with knowledge, personal style, attitude and great posture. - ...In this module you will be guided on all the things to communicate better through actions and expressions.Public Speaking:You do not have to be great to start but you have to start to be greatThis module is a power booster for all those who aspire to become powerful and effective public speakers.Presentation Skills:This will be a great reference for honing presentation skills.This module will be of great help for all those who would like to rock as beautiful presenters.Telephonic skills:This module helps everyone to use language over the phone in a simple and easy manner.JAM Sessions:This module will make you a winner for JAM Sessions.Self Confidence:This session will help an individual to speak on any given topic confidently and fluently.Goal Setting:This module makes your goal setting a priority and be focused.Stress Management:In this module you will learn about how to manage stress positivelyTime Management:This module creates the seriousness and sense of urgency to follow timetable Here and Now.Group Discussion & Debates:You will be guided on the ways to be the active and effective participants in Group Discussions & Debates.Interview Skills:No more fears and worries to face interviews will be the outcome of this module.Personality DevelopmentYou will be emerging out as the unique You, with all the tips shared through the modules.So get an easy access right now for this course which covers all the essential soft skills for your wonderful career and beautiful life.My Trainings = Your Success !!"
Price: 9920.00

"Electric Vehicle Education" |
"What types of electric vehicles (EVs) are there? How do I charge an EV? What is regenerative braking?These questions and much more are all answered in this educational course that covers everything you need to know about hybrid and electric vehicles. Learn all about the different types of vehicles, charging, benefits, terminology, performance, safety, cost of ownership, and more. We designed this course to be easy to understand and full of information about the future of the automotive industry. You'll enjoy this course if you want to learn everything about EVs!"
Price: 19.99

"Curso de Grficos e Dashboards no Microsoft Access" |
"Este curso destinado para usurios que queiram aprender uma Metodologia SIMPLES e INDITA para criao de Grficos no Microsoft Access 2016. So MAIS DE 20 GRFICOS e 01 DASHBOARD que voc vai aprender a criar neste Curso. Todos os objetos grficos criados passo-a-passo, para que voc possa reproduzi-los em seu computador ou notebook.Voc tambm ter acesso a TODOS OS ARQUIVOS do curso para download, para voc estudar quando e aonde quiser.Este curso tambm extensvel as verses 2007, 2010, 2013 e 2019 do Access. Alm disso voc vai aprender de forma prtica, a utilizar a Anlise de Dados no Access. Um assunto muito atual no mercado profissional, aonde so geradas inmeras informaes e relatrios para Tomada de Deciso de uma empresa. Contudo, faz-se necessrio saber trabalhar com estas informaes, atravs da Importao, Limpeza, Transformao e Modelagem de Dados de vrias fontes diferentes (*.csv, *.txt, *.xlsx, *.accdb, entre outras), para gerar a Visualizao destes dados,possibilitando a tomada de deciso.Nos vemos no Curso! Um forte abrao!Aldir Oliveira"
Price: 54.99

"SMM . ." |
", , . , . . , , . ? . SMM . , . , . . . , SMM . , . ;)"
Price: 139.99

"Curso de Ingls - Tempos Verbais #inglesemisterio" |
"Domine todos os tempos verbais em Ingls. Dessa forma voc conseguirr entender e se expressar em todos os tempos verbais.Contedo do curso:Simple Present;Present Continuous;Present Perfect;Simple Past;Past Continuous and When x While;Past Perfect;Simple Future;Future with ""going to""; Will and Might;Future Continuous;Future Perfect;MDULO ADICIONAL - Ingls Geral: Greetings and Farewells, Age, Hotel, Likes, Personality, Restaurant and Verbo To Have."
Price: 159.99

"Forex Swing Trading Course - Advance Swing Trading Strategy" |
"Forex Swing Trading Course - Advance Swing Trading Strategy Master Forex Swing Trading Strategy with a Complete Risk Management Plan. (2020)Swing trading is one of the most used trading styles in forex, stocks, or any other kind of trading. To become a master swing trader or to learn swing trading you must have a good swing trading strategy.There are a lot of swing trading strategies in the market and If you want to become a swing trader you must know how to select a swing trading strategy in forex.So what makes a good and high probability swing trading strategy?orhow can we know that this is the best swing Strategy in forex?What are the factors which tell us whether the swing strategy is good or not?If you go out in the market searching for a forex swing trading strategy.They all will tell you that the win rate is the most import partAnd this is why the whole market is selling their strategy based on win rate80% win rate 90% win rate and I have seen people claiming a 100% win rate of their strategy.Keep this thing in mind no strategy in the world can claim a 100% win rate.And on the other hand win rate cannot even tell 20% about the strategy.If you know swing trading basics you can easily understand what I am trying to say.It is just like judging a car just based on its top speed.We cannot judge a car just based on 1 factor there are a lot more important factors like mileage, safety, comfort, etc.In the same way, there are other factors too which you should consider before choosing or buying a forex swing trading strategy.Like Risk to rewardDoes it have a Risk Management planHow many setups we can get in a day or a weekAnd which type of trading strategy it isAfter all these questions are answered then only you can evaluate and select the best swing trading strategy in forex.If youSo In this course, I will be teaching you a secret and simple swing trading strategy that has.80% win rate1:4 - 1:6 risk to reward ratioIt provides multiple setups each dayAnd yes it comes with its own risk management plan.This is a forex swing trading strategyIn this Forex Swing Trading Course, you will get everything you will ever require to become a forex swing trader ( Complete Swing trading Guide )Introduction - This part includes all the basics which you need to know before you get started with swing trading. This part is basically swing trading for beginners as anyone who is new to this concept of swing trading will get to learn every basic to become a profitable swing trader. ( swing trading for dummies)Mechanism of Forex - This video is very important for anyone who wants to become a professional forex trader because anything you do you have to learn all the basics and mechanisms of it so that you can become an expert in it. This video covers the part where you will understand the mechanism of the forex market.How does the forex market work? - I have seen that a lot of forex traders who trade in forex does not understand how the forex market works. In order for you to do swing trading in forex, you must understand this topic of how does the forex market works then only you can grow in swing trading.Support and Resistance - Support and resistance are some of the most commonly used technical tools in swing trading. Support and resistance are very useful if you know the exact concept of it. This is also one of the most misunderstood topics in the forex world. This video will tell you the real meaning of support and resistance and how exactly you can profit in your swing trading.How to Draw Support and Resistance Correctly - Because of the misinformation in the market about Support and resistance I have seen that almost 80% of people don't draw Support and resistance correctly. This video will cover the correct way to draw support and resistance so that you can use it in your swing trading strategy.Swing Trading Strategy Indicators Setup - The indicator which we will be using in this swing trading course is the best indicator for swing trading or we can also say that it is one of the best technical indicators for swing trading. The Forex Swing trading indicator which we will be using in this course will help you predict the market like a professional. This swing indicator will be used on mt4.The Forex Swing Trading Strategy - This forex swing trading course will reveal one of the most profitable swing trading strategies. This strategy consists of swing trading techniques and swing trading methods that will take you trading to the next level. this strategy has an 80% win rate, 1:4 to 1:6 risk to reward ratio and it also has multiple setups in a day. This will take your swing trading to that level where you will never require swing trading signals.Risk Management - I always say that no strategy is complete without a risk management plan. We all know that we cannot avoid risk on forex trading but we can manage it. So I have added a risk management plane that will help you manage risk in swing trading in the most efficient way.2 Trade System - This is one of the best ways to maximize your profit on each trade without increasing the risk. This 2 trading system will take your swing trading to the next level and will also make you a profitable swing trader in minimum time. This also works as a swing trading plan for you.Rules to Enter a Trade and Exit a trade - Whenever you use a swing strategy in forex or any strategy there always should be rules which you should have to enter a trade and exit a trade. You should always have a clear idea in your mind when to enter a swing trade and when to exit a swing trade. These swing trading rules will help you get a clear idea of what to do while trading.Examples - All the scenarios in the market are different every swing trade setup is different so to overcome this I have added examples for you in this swing trading course so that you can know what to be done in these various types of scenarios. This video also includes swing trading tips.This course is possibly the best swing trading course you can find. This course is a complete swing trading guide in forex."
Price: 199.99

"Curso de Sociologia para enem e vestibulares" |
"Ol meu jovem gafanhoto. Tudo bem? Meu nome Vincius Chamlet, dono do canal Filosofando. Sou formado em Cincias Sociais e leciono h mais de 5 anos em cursinhos pr-vestibulares. Este curso de Sociologia foi pensado em voc que ir prestar o ENEM e outros vestibulares. E tambm para aqueles que querem aprender, sem necessariamente estudar para um vestibular. Focamos nos autores que caram nos ltimos dez anos no ENEM, e trouxemos cada questo com uma analise simples que vai te ajudar a conquistar seus sonhos.A Sociologia importantssima para a analise das sociedades humanas e para o desenvolvimento da criticidade, alm de poder contribuir para o desenvolvimento da boa argumentao, tanto na redao, quanto nas discusses do dia-a-dia. Colocamos num preo super especial para aqueles que esto com pouca grana. Apps como Pic Pay e Recarga Pay podem ajudar aqueles que esto com pouco dinheiro a comprarem o curso. Nosso desejo difundir conhecimento."
Price: 39.99

"Elaborar un Mapa de Proceso" |
"Tener bien definido que insumos recibidos, se transformen para obtener un producto final.Conceptos bien claros sobre la simbologia y representaciones grficas.Como encajar cada grupo de tarea o trabajo en el mapa.Departamentos que ayudan como apoyo al proceso que elaboramos,Definir indicadores correctos.Evaluar lo indicadores adecuados.Definir riesgos en caso se presenten.Crear planes de mejora en caso de riesgos de corto o largo plazo."
Price: 19.99

"Complete RPA Overview RPA Tools review & Comparison" |
"Robotic process automation (RPA) is the process of automating business operations using robots (bots) in order to saves time and human efforts to a major extent.In this course you will learn :1. RPA Detailed overview2. RPA Tools review and comparison3. RPA Bots overview4. RPA Implementation process5. RPA roles and jobs1. RPA Detailed overview:What is Robotic process automationAdvantages & Disadvantages of RPARPA life cycleWhat RPA is NotMyths of RPATypes of software automationWhat Tasks Can RPA AutomateRPA vs Regular automation comparisonsWhy RPA is requiredWhats the future of RPAWhat is the level of interest in RPAWill RPA continue growing2. RPA Tools review and comparison:All list of RPA toolsChecklist for Selecting The Right RPA ToolTop 5 RPA Tools comparisonFunctionalities & categories of RPA toolsTypes of RPA tools by usage3. RPA Bots overview:What is Bot in RPAType of BotsWhat are front- and back-office bots4. RPA Implementation process:What is the cost of RPA ImplementationRPA Implementation ChallengesIndustries using RPA5. RPA roles and jobs:RPA Job rolesWhat is an RPA DeveloperRPA Developer SkillsRPA Developers approximate SalaryPoints considered while selecting RPA consultantThank you! Dhinesh Kannan"
Price: 19.99

"Grasp the basic Chinese in few hoursHSK1-HSK2" |
"Targets, objectives, contents and arrangement of teachingTargets: Adults who have some basic knowledge about Chinese.Objectives: After hours' learning of this , learmers will achieve a Chinese proficiency of New HSK Level 2, which means they will master the basic pronunciation rules, vocabulary and grammar of Chinese as well as basic information about Chinese characters, acquire preliminary listening, speaking, reading and writing skills and be able to make simple conversations about everyday topics in Chinese. At that time, their Chinese proficiency will be at an upper elementary level, which is approximately equivalent to Level A2 in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages."
Price: 19.99

"Curs de Power BI Desktop pentru incepatori si intermediari" |
"Buna dragilor, ma numesc Sarac Alexandra Madalina, iar prin prisma jobului meu am descoperit acest tool extrem de folositor. De-a lungul timpului lucrand cu Power BI, am dobandit cunostinte pe care as dori sa le impartasesc cu dumneavoastra. Acestea va sunt de folos pentru a crea rapoarte dinamice si mult mai usor de citit/interpretat. Avand in vedere ca tot mai multe companii cer cunostinte de Power BI consider ca pentru a fi competitiv pe piata (ca angajat) aceste cunostinte va sunt de mare folos. Motiv pentru care mi-am dorit sa creez acest curs.La sfarsitul acestui curs nivelul dumneavoastra in ceea ce priveste utilizarea Power BI va fi de intermediar. Nu este necesar sa aveti cunostinte despre acest tool, pentru ca in cadrul acestui curs o sa invatati cum sa lucrati cu Power BI de la 0."
Price: 19.99

"Hootsuite Practical Tutorial" |
"Join 400+ students from more than 60 countries and get these benefits:Set up your accountDiscover All the Functions of Hootsuite an start using it TODAYGet tips on spicing up your postsGet tips on posting timesThis is a hands on, step by step tutorial for Hootsuite, full of examples and straightforward explanations. It is designed for those who are discovering the app and want to understand it's main functions.Additional info: You'll get tips and trick on posting timings and how to spice up your posts and make the information more visible.Thank you for enrolling!"
Price: 19.99

"Find your purpose and build skills to transform your life" |
"It is sad but so many people never really discover what they are born for... What they are here for... So they go through life doing what everyone else is doing and then one day when they are 60,70,90 years old they regret and feel like they wasted their life. Dont be one of this people... find your passion now and develop the skills that will let you live it."
Price: 99.99

"?(How to write a Horoscope?)-Astrology" |
", . . . . , ."
Price: 1600.00

"Being Agile and a brief overview on Scrum" |
"Students will get an opportunity to precisely uncover and understand the essence of Agile, its Values and Principles and would be encouraged to live them-apply them for success. Students will also get a overview of Scrum. Students will understand what is Agile in true sense, agile manifesto, values, principles and its application. "
Price: 1280.00

"Curso intensivo de ruso bsico" |
"Este curso es dirigido a los alumnos que no tienen nociones en ruso pero necesitan en muy poco tiempo aprender a comunicarse en ruso. La primera clase es dedicada al alfabeto cirilico, sonidos, reglas de lectura y algunas primeras frases importantes para la comunicacin bsica. En sentido gramatical el curso es completo. Su estructura y forma de representacin del material gramatical y lxico permite su rpida asimilacin y formacin de todas las competencias: lectura, escritura, habla y comprensin. Los trabajos prcticos tienen el fin de la perfeccin de la comprensin y prctica del lxico activo del curso. El lxico del curso: cotidiano. Contiene vdeo clases, audios realizados en estudios de grabacin, para prcticas de comprensin y respuestas para todas las tareas para autocontrol de aprendizaje. "
Price: 34.99

"Robotik Atlyesi" |
"Gncel mikrodenetleyici modellerinden Arduino'yu olduka hzl ve etkili bir yolla reneceksiniz. Kursun sonunda farkl projeler ile kendinizi pekitirmi olacaksnz. Bu ders iin ister TinkerCad zerinde bir hesap ap online olarak tasarmlar yapabilirsiniz isterseniz de Arduino ve sensrler,ledler, motorlar ve dier devre elemanlarndan alarak devrelerinizi oluturabilirsiniz. Paralar ister internet zerinden isterseniz de maazalar ziyaret ederek alabilirsiniz. Ankara'da Konya Sokak'ta rahatlkla bulabilirsiniz. Eer aldnz Arduino Uno modeli orijinal deilse ilgili driver' yklemeyi unutmaynz."
Price: 49.99

"Learn Japanese - Easy for Beginner (JLPT N5 Level)" |
"Have you ever imagined talking in Japanese while traveling Japan?Would you like to be able to understand conversation in Anime, Japanese movies or even news?Easy Nihongo can help you make your dream comes true.- We are foreigners who studied and lived in Japan. - We have Japanese Language Profiency Test or known as JLPT level N1. - We also have experience in teaching Japanese and understand which part might be difficult for foreigners to understand.- Our course consist of lots of pictures and illustrations and also examples to make you understand Japanese much easier- This course is taught by 3 instructors. This is to ensure that you can get used to listening to various people speaking in Japanese- An abundance of materials: Vocabulary, Grammar Summary and Practice TestOnce completing this course, you will be able to1 understand basic vocabulary, grammar, kanji2 able to pass JLPT N5 test3 you will be able to do simple daily conversation. It is great when traveling in Japan so you can interact with japanese and not getting lostWe are looking forward seeing you in our courses!isshoni ganbarimashou!"
Price: 24.99

"AWS SOA-C00 Sysops Associate Administrator Practice Test" |
"294 UNIQUE practice questions for AWS SOA-C00 Sysops Associate Administrator Practice TestPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : AWS SOA-C00 Sysops Associate Administrator Practice TestTotal Questions : 294Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :200 minsPassing Score : 75 (220 of 294)"
Price: 179.99

"CISA IT Service Delivery and Support Certified Practice Exam" |
"111 UNIQUE practice questions for CISA IT Service Delivery and Support Certified Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : CISA IT Service Delivery and Support Certified Practice ExamTotal Questions : 111Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :70 minsPassing Score : 75 (83 of 111)"
Price: 144.99

"PW0-104 Administration Without Wire Certified Practice Exam" |
"148 UNIQUE practice questions for PW0-104 Administration Without Wire Certified Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : PW0-104 Administration Without Wire Certified Practice ExamTotal Questions : 148Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :80 minsPassing Score : 75 (111 of 148)"
Price: 154.99

"Especificao e Dimensionamento de Motores Eltricos" |
"Aqui , neste contedo Premium, o aluno vai compreender o funcionamento dos motores eltricos trifsicos , conceituar fundamentos necessrios para aplicaes prticas e anlise de falhas , dimensionar solues utilizando motores eltricos ,bem como sugestes simples e de fcil aplicao, qualquer que seja sua rea de atuao, oportunizando ganhos de eficincia energtica atravs de economia de energia em sistemas motrizes industriais e facilitando a implantao de tecnologias eficientes sob o ponto de vista energtico , alm da conscientizao e da difuso de melhores hbitos para a conservao de energia."
Price: 84.99

"156-215.71 Check Point Security Administrator Exam Part - 2" |
"103 UNIQUE practice questions for 156-215.71 Check Point Security Administrator Exam Part - 2Practice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : 156-215.71 Check Point Security Administrator Exam Part - 2Total Questions : 103Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :60 minsPassing Score : 75 (77 of 103)"
Price: 144.99

"Linux Foundation Certify System Administrator Practice Exam" |
"207 UNIQUE practice questions for Linux Foundation Certify System Administrator Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : Linux Foundation Certify System Administrator Practice ExamTotal Questions : 207Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :120 minsPassing Score : 75 (155 of 207)"
Price: 159.99

"CompTIA ADR-001 Mobile App Security Certified Practice Test" |
"101 UNIQUE practice questions for CompTIA ADR-001 Mobile App Security Certified Practice TestPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : CompTIA ADR-001 Mobile App Security Certified Practice TestTotal Questions : 101Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :60 minsPassing Score : 75 (75 of 101)"
Price: 144.99

"ECCouncil 312-50v7 Ethical Hacking Certified Practice Exam" |
"178 UNIQUE practice questions for ECCouncil 312-50v7 Ethical Hacking Certified Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : ECCouncil 312-50v7 Ethical Hacking Certified Practice ExamTotal Questions : 178Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :100 minsPassing Score : 75 (133 of 178)"
Price: 169.99

"IBM Certified Solution Implementer API Connect - Exam Dumps" |
"Practice tests to evaluate your knowledge for IBM Certified Solution Implementer API Connect Certification exam with 100% assured actual certification exam passing result on first attempt2 practice tests totaling 80 challenging scenario based questionnaires in Multiple Choice Question format.Who this practice test for?Those, who are planning for IBM Certified Solution Implementer API Connect v 5.0.x certification.Those, who wants to test their knowledge on IBM Solution Implementation.What makes these practice tests UNIQUE when compared to other IBM API Connect practice/mock tests in Udemy?100% are scenario based questionnaire similar to actual certification examAll the scenario been validated by IBM Solution Architects.All are distinctive and challenging questions. If you need more explanation or clarification, we are approachable.Don't get surprised, if you see similar scenarios in certification exam.Practice test covers all the module topics as part of certification preparationArchitectural Overview of IBM API ConnectCloud Manager RoleAPI Developer RoleProduct Manager RoleApp Developer RoleAfter completing these practice tests, he/she identifies strengths and weaknessescomparable difficulty with real time exam questionsbook certification slot with confidence and take exam and certify successfullyshare the knowledge with peers & colleaguesexcel in API Connect Solution implementation related work projects and interviews and land in high paying jobs"
Price: 3840.00
