"Self-introduction First step Japanese language" |
"After taking this course, you can introduce yourself in Japanese. Age, country of origin, hobbies, favorite things, work, etc."
Price: 2400.00

"Oracle SQL : Interview Questions Master Class" |
"I have conducted more than 100+ Interviews.Most importantly I myself attended 30+ interviews and kept the interview questions from different Interviewers.That will be big boast to understand how different interviewer asked questions and what are the frequently asked questionsThere are some tough queries / tricks so If you learn them mostly tough queries can be answeredApproximately 3 hours of lecture dedicated to write variety of SQL queriesIf you are preparing for SQL Interview or an ETL developers add punch being a ETL + SQL pro-developer and answer most of SQL questionsThere are around 200+ mostly asked questions from simple to expert level are discussed. It also includes 12C<<<<<<<<<<Learn SQL from an Architect who worked 16 years in SQLAn Oracle Certified Professions (OCP)Oracle Technology Network (OTN) Points: 12,975 Level: Master>>>>> >>>>>Join the course and learn the important aspects and practical details of SQL and clear the interview with easeI have kept related questions together so that one can easily memorize.See you in the Class."
Price: 8640.00

"Formao de Custo de Produo" |
"Voc est procurando um curso de custos que vai te ensinar tudo que precisa para ajudar em seus negcios, certo?Voc encontrou o curso de formao de custo de produo certo!Para esse curso eu preparei um material otimizado e simples com base nos meus estudos e experincia, para ensinar voc como realizar a Formao do Custo de Produo.Esse curso foi feito para voc que precisa fazer uma gesto de custo no seu negcio.E para isso esse curso est separado em trs sees para voc aprender cada etapa do custo de produo.Custo de Produo.Sistema de Custeio.Gesto de Custos.Para mais detalhes do contedo, acesse a grade com tema de cada aula, e as prvias de algumas aulas.Olha que bacana! Nesse curso voc ter acesso a materiais didticos para baixar e colocar em prtica todo contedo aqui aprendido.Importante ressaltar caso haja a necessidade de alavancar um negcio a primeira misso reduzir e controlar custo (gastos), e para isso voc precisa saber como formado o custo, para aplicar os esforos de melhorias no ponto ideal de oportunidade dentro do seu negcio.Inscreva-se agora e vamos dominar esse assunto e utiliz-lo para crescer exponencialmente os seus negcios!"
Price: 174.99

"Ingls Espectacular con Netflix y tu smartphone" |
"Respondiendo preguntas como: Porqu utilizar video para aprender English? Porqu ver pelis y series no me ha funcionado para aprender English? Qu es una NanoHistoria? Nuevo hbito: Aprende English todos los das en bloques de 3-5 minutos, y convirtete en un SuperHeroAl final de este Elite Workshop: Tendrs uno o varios videos que trabajarn para que construyas un English EspectacularConstruirs un nuevo hbito de aprendizaje efectivo Empezars a romper la barrera de la seguridad para hablar Empezars a romper la barrera de la seguridad para entenderTendrs una manera radicalmente distinta y efectiva de aprender #English"
Price: 19.99

"Microsoft Ms-500 Practice Test" |
"Welcome to this Ms-500 Certification courseWhat do you get? 80 High-Quality practice questions Answers & Explanations are verified by a subject matter expert Always updated 30 Days money back guarantee by udemy.This course does not contain the study material.This course contains a number of questions.Who this course is for:i.Students who are motivated enough to crack their MS-500 Practice Test Exam on their first attemptii.Those who want to gain knowledge & Check their Skill Test while attending this Practice Testiii.Want to find your weak areas for the ms-500 exam certification and improve on them.Go ahead and hit the ""take this course"" button to start growing a business online today!"
Price: 19.99

"Tableau Fundamentals - Tableau Training for Data Science" |
"Hello and welcome to Tableau Fundamentals!Whether you are a complete beginner who wants to be Tableau ready in no time, or have been a Tableau user for a while but want to refine your understanding on key Tableau features, this course is definitely for you.There are lots of courses to choose from, and finding the right one can sometimes be difficult. So why choose this course? Here are few reasons:Creating data visualisations is my full-time job. With over 10 years of experience, I have learnt what works and what does not work in an organisation. I have consolidated this experience and focussed on creating video content that explains fundamental features that will add huge value to you personally as well as your firmThe course is constantly updated with new material to ensure you are supplemented with the most recent developmentsThis course is delivered with precision in mind. Videos are targeted at showcasing specific elements that can be tackled in isolation or as part of a well thought through journeyYou are presented with high quality video material, tested with quizzes in every section, provided with tips and tricks to improve your Tableau experience and introduced to articles that will help grow your knowledge to the next levelThe skills you will learn in this course will allow you to:Significantly reduce operational costs through automated dashboardsGenerate insights into your data that lead to improved decision making at all levels of managementImpress your colleagues and peers with data visualisation capabilities that are second to noneBecome more efficient with your time by conducting data analysis in Tableau on the flyIt's now 2020. Tableau is a software that you must have on your CV to stand out as a data analyst or you'll be left behind as the industry moves forward. Data visualisation is a vital part in any quest for improved decision making and I am here to help you understand it all.This is a course designed for the complete beginner, but you are exposed to some of the most sophisticated and advanced features Tableau has to offer, presented in an easy to understand fashion. I use these features almost daily.If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. I am here to make learning Tableau a fun and enjoyable process and you'll soon ask yourself why you didn't do it sooner. I love my job and I love seeing others excel when they get to put their Tableau knowledge into practice. Sign up today and see how rewarding data visualisation can be!See you in the course..."
Price: 129.99

"Ajudar o outro e se ajudar" |
"Voc s vezes percebe que no mede esforos para ajudar os outros? Porm, quando olha para si mesmo, acaba sempre se deixando para depois? J ficou mal por ter ajudado algum e sentiu ter se sacrificado? Ou mesmo tendo sofrido junto, sem perceber as suas prprias necessidades? Por que muitas vezes parece ser mais fcil ajudar o outro? Precisa continuar sendo assim?Por meio de tcnicas teraputicas e muito Amor, compartilharemos prticas para elevar a vibrao e melhorar o seu dia-a-dia e daqueles com quem convive. Voc e seus convidados so muito bem-vindos a participar desse curso online."
Price: 69.99

"The Ultimate SEO Training Course for Beginners-2020" |
"I designed this ENGAGING SEO course to be easily understood by absolute beginners. This course includes: 12 sections: Each section covers a specific topic. For example, one section covers on-page optimization and another section covers off-site optimization. 68 lectures: Each lecture is about a very specific subject of a particular topic. For example, on-page optimization topic which belongs to a certain section includes different lectures such as header tags, internal links, keyword usage and so on. 11 quizzes: In order for you to evaluate your knowledge, I provided you with 11 quizzes which each quiz includes several questions. 1 final project: The last section of the course belongs to the final project. By doing the final project, you may apply what you have learned during the course into practice. At the end of the course, you will be able to apply the SEO best practices for your own and your clients' website."
Price: 59.99

"Liseye Hazrlk" |
"Liseye geecek rencilere elimizden geldii kadaryla ders veriyoruz. Eer siz de bize katlrsanz ileride hayalini kurduunuz meslekleri edinebilirsiniz. Umarm istediiniz mesleklere eriirsiniz kii bize katlrsanz yle olacak.Sadece gnlk eklediimiz eyleri tamamlamanz yeterli olacaktr.Siz de greceksiniz ok iyi sonular alp ok iyi dereceler yapcaksnz.Katlmak istemez misiniz?? Hayalleriniz bizim elimizde bize katln kazann :)))"
Price: 249.99

"Launching on Walmart Marketplace for Amazon Sellers" |
"What you get:Over 3 hours of video classesStep-by-step instructionsKey success tips from an experienced Walmart Seller (since 2018)Specific information to help Amazon sellers expand sales by 20%-50 on Walmart, easily and quicklyDownloadable slides to help you easily find valuable informationValuable linksCourse Structure:This is an all-encompassing course that teaches the following skills:Walmart Marketplace OverviewWhy Start Now?Application Tips for SuccessSetting Up Walmart Seller Center AccountUploading New ProductsOptimizing Product ListingsNavigating the Seller center PortalPricing ConsiderationsAdditional Resources:WMSellers offers several additional courses to help you succeed and scale on Walmart, including:Using Deliverr to Scale on WalmartSponsored Products on WalmartGetting Reviews on Walmart"
Price: 149.99

"Fundamental of Graphic Design for beginners" |
"In this course you will have learned how to explore and investigate visual representation through a range of image-making techniques; understand basic principles of working with shape, color and pattern; been exposed to the language and skills of typography; and understand and have applied the principles of composition and visual contrast.I add two videos about illustration. Whose havent desktop or laptop they can also make illustration on mobile . "
Price: 29.99

"Improve Your Job Prospects And Accelerate Your Career Growth" |
"""This course was very effective, I understood everything that was being taught"" - Tshepiso I do not have much experience hence why I am taking this course to improve my career and get the correct start. - Promise ""very informative especially for someone who is new in the workplace KatloIn this course, you will learn how to position yourself for formal employment and how to grow your career. The course includes handy worksheets for each lesson as well as demonstrations of the Novoresume CV tool and LinkedIn. Whether you are newly qualified, unemployed, moving jobs or returning to work after a break, this course will teach you the techniques you will need. I'll also explain to you how I had to deal with the equivalent of $55,000 of student debt in today's money and how I got a big break through sheer resilience. You can have the same breakthrough in your working life, get into the company you want and have the career start that gives you the greatest advantage. Ive seen thousands of CVs in my career and Ive interviewed hundreds of people. There are definitely some things you can do that will help you to stand out. The global coronavirus pandemic of 2020 has affected many economies around the world and it has become even tougher to get formal employment; you will need to ensure you have every skill you need to give you the greatest advantage.The topics that you will learn about in this course include;Time management, writing a CV, interview techniquesThe importance of taking action to establish credibility as a hard workerHow value is created in the workplace and your role in delivering valueManaging your internet footprint and what boundaries to put in placeThe Novoresume CV tool and how Peter has used it to create a short, high impact CVGetting organised to maximise the power of 10 minutesCover letters and how they establish context for your job applicationDo's and Don'ts of online interviews and how to prepare for an interviewThe importance of self-confidence and what you can do to improve yoursThe use of LinkedIn including a walkthrough of Peter's LinkedIn profileThe modern workplace and how you can adapt to any environmentFinding a mentor and getting the support you needCareer progression and building a professional brandHow to work as a team player first, then to stand out as an individualGoal setting and getting things done with a powerful action list techniqueHow to manage conflict and improve your workplace interactionThe importance of transparent and credible communicationHow to build a professional network that supports your career growthHow networks function and how to assess the value of a possible connectionThis course will help you improve your skills in the workplace as well as the job market. Take responsibility for your career today and improve your prospects by working through these lessons, downloading the handy worksheets and applying what you have learnt to build your profile and maximise your future success."
Price: 64.99

"Pimp your Blog" |
"Ihr plant einen Blog - oder ihr fhrt bereits einen: Mit eurem spezifischen Thema kennt ihr euch aus; Texterstellung ist ebenfalls kein Problem. Das Fachwissen textuell aufzubereiten reicht aber nicht, wenn ihr einen erfolgreichen Blog fhren mchtet: Ein guter Blog beginnt mit seiner Organisation - wann macht ihr was? Damit ein Artikel den Leser fesselt und gleichzeitig Google gefllt, sollte er auch grafisch ansprechend aufbereitet sein: Manche Inhalte lassen sich z. B. in Form von Bildern oder Videos viel besser und verstndlicher darstellen. Dieser Kurs richtet sich an alle, die gerade mit dem Bloggen anfangen oder auch schon lnger dabei sind und nach neuen Inspirationen fr die Bloggestaltung suchen. In diesem Kurs bekommt ihr einen berblick ber kostenlose Tools, mit denen ihr euren Blog aufpeppen knnt. Folgende Aspekte werden behandelt: Tools zur OrganisationTools zur Gestaltung und BildbearbeitungTools zur Videoerstellung und -bearbeitung"
Price: 19.99

"Post-Production for Architectural Visualization in Photoshop" |
"In this course you will learn a process that you can apply in any rendering. Concepts that will enhance the quality of your images and tips and tricks that will help you in the post production process just using photoshop.If you are a student, an architect, a designer or an enthusiast of architectural visualization that wants to learn about post production of renderings this course is for you. We will start with a raw render and then we will add textures, cutouts and effects in a step by step guide that will take the renderings to the next level, working in a non destructive workflow. It would be beneficial if you have an initial experience using Photoshop, however, if you dont have it, I prepared some videos so you can understand the basics of photoshop. Moreover, I will explain you in each video the basic stuff so you can go on with the classes and understand everything.This course includes:All the psd files so you can check all the effects that we apply in the course10+ textures so you can practice in your imagesExtra lessons so you can learn about Architectural illustration in photoshop"
Price: 24.99

"Blue Prism MasterClass. Developers" |
"Blue Prism certification exams are quite intensive and require advanced knowledge of Blue Prism concepts. This edition includes scenario-based questions, which comprise many of the questions found on the exam as well as some challenging shorter questions. This edition includes hundreds of sample questions and critical time saving tips from each of knowledge areas presented in the Blue Prism exam syllabus for developer and professional developer certifications. These references provide an understanding of the types of exam questions that fall within each of the Blue Prism concepts. It also includes questions specifically related to knowledge areas and the various inputs, tools and techniques, and outputs. An essential self-study resource that can help to increase your chances of passing the Blue Prism certification exam the first time.This book helps you to:Ensure you pass the exam on your FIRST attemptFocus on exam preparationAcquire valuable tools and techniques for developmentDecrease your study time by hundreds of hours"
Price: 29.99

"PEGA Certified System Architect CSA 74V1 100% PASS New 2020" |
"This certification exam is intended for System Architects and Application Developers who are directly involved in the design and construction of applications built on Pega.The Certified System Architect (CSA) certification is for developers and technical staff members who want to learn how to develop Pega applications. This certification provides a baseline measurement of your knowledge of Pega applications. The CSA 7.4 exam includes scenario questions, multiple-choice questions, and drag/drop items. If multiple answers are required, the text states how many responses are needed100% Pass"
Price: 39.99

"Negociao de Alta Performance" |
"O curso Negociao de Alta Performance composto por uma introduo, cinco mdulos subsequentes + 1 mdulo extra onde trataremos de todas as etapas de um processo de negociao realmente eficaz, desde a preparao do negociador, a escolha do melhor ambiente para realizar os encontros, at as estratgias usadas para argumentao e convencimento."
Price: 99.99

ezopraktik |
"- ? , , , , ? ? , , , . ? , ? ? "" "" . ; ; , ; ; , - . , , . . . , , , . : 3 , , , .5 . - , 1001 ."
Price: 5299.00

"SAP ABAP C_TAW12_750 Certification: 2020 Practice Tests" |
"Get ready for SAP C_TAW12_750 Certfication Exam with high quality training material: Practice tests with a total of 360 verified questions that will help you succeed!Are you ready to pass the ABAP with SAP NetWeaver 7.50 exam? Find out by testing yourself with 300 questions. Each of the 6 full practice tests in this set enables you to confirm your mastery of the topics and providing you with the confidence youll need to take your C_TAW12_750 exam.SAP Certified Development Associate - ABAP with SAP NetWeaver 7.50The C_TAW12_750 certification test can be difficult even after studying carefully and consistently. After finishing the preparation tests you will understand the test structure and what to expect; then walk through each topic area, quiz yourself with practice questions and answers, and ensure youre ready to take the certification.The practice test have been designed carefully by maintaining the exam structure , syllabus, topic weights , cut score and time duration same as actual certification exam. The aim of the practice exam is to allow the candidate to identify the risks related to a exam topics and be able to recognize them when analyzing a real practice scenario.Applicants will need to make sure that they are able to complete the practice examination in its entirety and pass all the multiple choice tests in general nature.DescriptionThe C_TAW12_750 certification exam verifies that the candidate possesses foundational knowledge in the area of ABAP Development. This certificate proves that the candidate has a fundamental understanding within the Development Consultant profile and is able to apply the associated prerequisite skills practically under supervision of an expert consultant in a project environment.Topic AreasABAP Programming > 12%ABAP Dictionary > 12%Data Types and Data Objects 8% - 12%Classical User Interfaces 8% - 12%SQL Statements including Update Strategies 8% - 12%Enhancements and Modifications 8% - 12%ABAP Objects 8% - 12%Web Dynpro for ABAP < 8%SAP NetWeaver Overview < 8%Internal Tables < 8%ABAP Tools < 8%Official Exam Details:Exam Name : SAP Certified Development Associate - ABAP with SAP NetWeaver 7.50 ((C_TAW12_750) Exam: 80 questionsExam Cut Score: 59%Exam Duration: 180 minsType of Questions : Multiple choice (single/multiple), True/False"
Price: 19.99

"C Programlama dersleri" |
"C Programlama dersleri, giri k fonksiyon kullanm, deikenler, operatrler, koul yaplar, dngler, diziler.... balangtan ileri seviyeye kadar tm kodlama teknikleri ve zellikleri ile C Programlama dilini reneceksiniz. rnek uygulamalar ve projeler ile tm kesime hitaben oluturulan bu eitim serisini mutlaka izlemeniz gerekiyor.Bilgisayar Mhendislii blm mezunuyum alanmla ilgili grev yapmaktaym. Youtube de cretsiz olarak yaynladm eitim videolarm daha da gelitirerek rnek projeler ekleyerek Udemy zerinden ok dk fiyatla yaynlyorum. Programlama dillerinin atas saylan ve hz ve performans asndan ok kullanl olan C Programlama dili ile baladm Udemy eitim serisine C++, C#, Sql Server ve dinamik web sayfalarnn yapm ve dier yazlm uygulamalar ile gelitiriyor ve yaynlyorum..."
Price: 49.99

"Presentaciones de Alto Impacto en PowerPoint" |
"Mejora y profesionaliza tus presentaciones en powerpoint, ya sea que te dirijas a tus compaeros de estudio, tus colegas de trabajo o a los gerentes de tu empresa .S ya conoces lo bsico del Powerpoint, pero necesitas hacer ms armnicos y profesionales tus ppts. Este es tu curso. Iniciaremos con la organizacin siguiendo por la composicin y el diseo de diapositivas para que sean mucho ms atractivas a la vista. Terminando con las herramientas de Powerpoint que realmente te ayuden a transmitir de forma eficiente tu informacin."
Price: 29.99

"Positive Habits - Transform Health, Wealth And Relationships" |
"Positive Habits: Transform your health, wealth, and relationships.Upon completion of this course, you will have established simple and sustainable positive habits to improve the quality of your health wealth and relationshipsMost of us want to improve our health, wealth, and relationships. We know what positive habits we need to develop to transform these three aspects of life and sometimes we will get on the journey by practicing meditation, joining some courses, taking further education, joining the gym and several other activities to excel in some or all three of these aspects of our life. But after a certain period of time our motivation fizzles out procrastination takes control and we find ourselves at square one.In this course, you will learn a step by step process to discover your values. Then you will be able to align your values with your health wealth and relationship goals. This will give you intrinsic motivation to develop and sustain habits which will transform your lifeIn the second part, you will learn;To develop positive habits and make them fun.Use technology to help you stick to the positive habitsA deeper understanding of the decision-making process and make it a habit.Simple and sustainable habits to improve your resilience and patience.Deeper knowledge to improve your relationships with your partner, family members, friends, colleagues and put a positive perspective to lifeAnd much moreIf you face the challenges of developing and sustaining positive habits then enroll now and transform your life once and forever!"
Price: 49.99

"Patient Lifting Slings Inspections & Labelling Requirements" |
"Do you work in a care facility where slings are used?Are you a carer for someone using patient lifting slings?Are you a Physiotherapist, Occupational Therapist, or do you work for a sling manufacturer, and need to 100% up to speed with slings?Do you know there is an International Standard for slings, and are you aware of your obligations in regards to inspecting slings? This course is perfect for anyone involved with lifting slings as used for people in aged care facilities, hospitals and people being cared for at home.It will enable caregivers to have the confidence they need for inspecting slings, and provide care facilities piece-of mind that their staff who have done this course, have a greater understanding of the inspection criteria, and the International Standard for slings ('ISO 105335: Hoists for the transfer for disabled persons - Requirements and test methods').Following the course, students will receive a certificate, which is a great way for employers to keep record of completion.We will cover the regulatory requirements for inspecting slings, and clearly explain the elements of an inspection. You will see real-life inspections for the following sling inspections:Inspection Before Use6 Monthly Thorough Sling InspectionAs well as the inspection guidance, we will also look at:Sling labelling requirementsThe lifespan of a slingExamples of damage to slingsAn introduction to the Standard ISO 10535Helpful tips and reminders for using slingsThis course is for any brand of sling used around the world, including:ArjoInvacarePelicanAllegroGuldmannHaycompHillromOxfordPrismK-CareMoliftThis course is relevant for users in an any country, including the USA, UK and Australia."
Price: 24.99

2FP |
Price: 9600.00

"Fix your posture and ease neck and back ache" |
"Are you noticing more and more tenderness and pain in your neck and shoulders. Spending more and more time leant forward? Wether due to our work, hobbies or lifestyle rounded shoulders and forward head syndrome is effecting us all. Causing side effects such as aches and pains, headaches, poor sleep quality, low mood, restricted breathing and limited mobility.I created this course to help you reverse this postural imbalance, strengthen muscles that have become weakened over time and release tension held in the shoulders and upper back area. Helping you to stand taller, move more freely and relieve any stress carried in your shoulders.I designed this course for all levels, ages and abilities in mind. So no matter what your level, my easy to follow videos can be done by a complete beginner to a fitness fanatic.This course can help you if you suffer from the following:Forward head syndromeMild lower back painAches and tension in the neck and shouldersTension headachesLow moodWeak core strengthLack of mobility and flexibility in the spine and upper bodyPoor sleep quality"
Price: 24.99

"Exmenes UNAM Ciencias Fsico-Matemticas 2020" |
"Hemos diseado para t pruebas con un gran parecido al examen que presentaras, ayudndote a evaluar tus conocimientos, donde tambin podrs consultar los resultados agrupados por materia.Son exmenes diagnsticos a partir de reactivos que, en nuestra experiencia como docentes, aparecen en la prueba oficial.Realizaras cada uno de los exmenes, los cuales, uno a uno, irn dndote un resultado aproximado al puntaje real; ayudndote a saber cules son las reas en la que debes poner mayor atencin y/o esfuerzo, as cuando te sientas listo podrs presentar la siguiente prueba hasta completarlas."
Price: 270.00

"Social Media for Business Owners 2020" |
"Do the constant social media algorithm changes confuse you? Are you fed up with spending money on ads that don't bring you anything in return? Perhaps you are stuck for content ideas and you just can't manage it all on your own. You are ready to give up on social media and find some other way to grow your business. Don't! Social Media is the fastest, easiest and most effective way to reach your ideal client in 2020 and beyond! You just need a little help. This course is your solution! Your first step as a business owner is to truly understand how social media works. Choose the channels that matter to your ideal client and your business. Then build the strategies to reach your audience in the most effective way and turn the likers, viewers and followers into paying customers. With 5 years of experience as a digital marketing consultant, I know just the way to do all that. I've done it! My approach works any day, any time, without a fail. What to Expect from this course:Get clear understanding how different social media platforms workDiscover who uses different social media channels and whether they are your ideal clientLearn what mistakes to avoid, to save money and maximise resultsGet the tools to build content and marketing strategies to attract, retain and convert your audienceLearn how to manage your social media accounts well until you are able to outsourceGet clear on what to expect from a social media manager, marketing assistant or a virtual assistantUnderstand what remains your responsibility as the business owner"
Price: 99.99

"nsan Kaynaklar Ynetimi Uzmanlk Sertifika Eitimi" |
"nsan Kaynaklar Ynetimi Eitimi sayesinde bu alanda uzman ve aranan kii olabilirsiniz. Personel seiminde en nemli rol oynayan K departmanlar, kurumsal firmalar iin olmazsa olmazdr. Bu durum da, bu alana olan ilgi ve ihtiya kaynakl talebin daima canl kalacak olmas demektir.Herhangi bir kurum iin insan kaynaklar ynetimi iin nemli bir parasdr. nsan kaynaklar ynetimi daha esnek bir anlay gelitirmek ve i ilikisinin boyutlarn kefetmek anlamnda katks aktr. nsan kaynaklar blm herhangi bir organizasyonun ok nemli bir parasdr.nsan kaynaklar alanlar insan kaynaklar hizmetlerini, ynetme, igc planlamas, performans ynetim sistemleri, ii iveren ilikileri, ie alma ve seme, cret, i szlemelerinin iptali konularnda bilgi sahibidirler. nsan kaynaklar ynetimi ve alanlar sadece kendi iyerlerindeki uygulamalar denetlemekle yetinmemeli, rekabet ortamnda bulunduu dier firmalarn ya da rekabet ortamnda bulunmasa bile rnek alabilecei byk firmalarn insan kaynaklar ynetiminde ki uygulamalarn takip etmek ve bunlar tanmlayabilmek zorundadr."
Price: 49.99

"Kuran- Kerim ve Ksa Dualar Talimi (Uygulamal)" |
"Rabbimizin btn insanla hitabeden bir kelm olan Kuran, Arapa olarak indirilmitir. Buna Kuranda u ayetle iaret edilir. te bylece biz onu Arapa bir Kuran olarak indirdik (Taha suresi, 113. ayet.) Kuranda olan mucizev tatllk, gzellik, etkileyicilik ve ok yksek edeb zevk ancak onu dikkatle okumakla anlalabilir. Onu okuyan kimse dorudan doruya Allahn szn dinlemi ve Allah ile muhatap olmu demektir. Bu ok erefli muhatapl kazanabilmek iin Kuran okumay renmek gerekir. Sevgili Peygamberimiz (sav), Sizin en hayrlnz Kuran' renen ve retendir (Buhari, Fedailu'l-Kur'n, 21) buyurarak Kuran renmenin byk faziletine iaret etmitir.Bu gzel sz asla bir insan sz olamaz. Bu ancak Allah kelmdr.Andolsun insanlar ve cinler bu Kuran'n bir benzerini getirmek zere toplansalar ve birbirine de destek olsalar, yine onun benzerini getiremezler. (sra suresi, 88. ayet.)Kullar Allaha ondan nzil olan u Kuranla yaklatklar gibi hibir eyle yaklaamazlarKuran okuyunuz Muhakkak ki o, kyamet gn dostlarna efaat edici olarak gelecektir."
Price: 69.99

"Curso de Cuidador de Idosos visando a preveno do COVID 19" |
"O curso amplo abordando deste as primeiras pandemias zoonticas similares COVID-19 at os cuidados com a populao idosa adotados pela Organizao Mundial de Sade, Organizao Pan-Americana de Sade, Ministrio da Sade, ANVISA e Sociedade Brasileira de Geriatria e Gerontologia em nvel mundial e em todo o territrio nacional. "
Price: 39.99

"Beginner's guide to film crew and filmmaking in India" |
"This is a short course on filmmaking and meant for film enthusiast who wants to work on film sets. It covers terminologies and the roles and responsibilities of crew members. If you are already working on a film set or planning to do it in the future. This course will help you educate yourself about your surroundings. Consider is as a sneak peeks in the Film Industry."
Price: 1280.00
