"AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional Practice Exam" |
"The AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional exam is intended for individuals who perform a solutions architect role with two or more years of hands-on experience managing and operating systems on AWS.Abilities Validated by the CertificationDesign and deploy dynamically scalable, highly available, fault-tolerant, and reliable applications on AWSSelect appropriate AWS services to design and deploy an application based on given requirementsMigrate complex, multi-tier applications on AWSDesign and deploy enterprise-wide scalable operations on AWSImplement cost-control strategies"
Price: 19.99

"Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Practice Exam" |
"Professional Data EngineerA Professional Data Engineer enables data-driven decision making by collecting, transforming, and publishing data. A Data Engineer should be able to design, build, operationalize, secure, and monitor data processing systems with a particular emphasis on security and compliance; scalability and efficiency; reliability and fidelity; and flexibility and portability. A Data Engineer should also be able to leverage, deploy, and continuously train pre-existing machine learning models.The Professional Data Engineer exam assesses your ability to:Design data processing systemsBuild and operationalize data processing systemsOperationalize machine learning modelsEnsure solution quality"
Price: 19.99

"AWS Certified DevOps Engineer Professional Practice Exams" |
"The AWS Certified DevOps Engineer Professional exam is intended for individuals who perform a DevOps engineer role with two or more years of experience provisioning, operating, and managing AWS environments.Abilities Validated by the CertificationImplement and manage continuous delivery systems and methodologies on AWSImplement and automate security controls, governance processes, and compliance validationDefine and deploy monitoring, metrics, and logging systems on AWSImplement systems that are highly available, scalable, and self-healing on the AWS platformDesign, manage, and maintain tools to automate operational processes"
Price: 19.99

"(ISC) Certified Cloud Security Professional (CCSP)" |
"Become a CCSP Certified Cloud Security ProfessionalEarning the globally recognized CCSP cloud security certification is a proven way to build your career and better secure critical assets in the cloud.The CCSP shows you have the advanced technical skills and knowledge to design, manage and secure data, applications and infrastructure in the cloud using best practices, policies and procedures established by the cybersecurity experts at (ISC).Prove your skills, advance your career, and gain support from a community of cybersecurity leaders here to help you throughout your professional journey."
Price: 19.99

"SQL - Curso prctico de lenguaje SQL (base de datos SQLite)" |
"Por qu aprender el lenguaje SQL?Porque el lenguaje SQL est omnipresente. El lenguaje SQL es el estndar de las bases de datos relacionales. Hoy en da, todas las empresas tecnolgicas, ya sean grandes o pequeas, cuentan con bases de datos relacionales, y en consecuencia utilizan SQL. Porque contars con mas oportunidades de empleo. Comprubalo tu mismo. Ve a la seccin de bsquedas de empleo en Linkedin y ejecuta una bsqueda de ofertas de trabajo con el trmino SQL para tu pas. No arriesgo mucho si afirmo que encontrars cientos, quiz miles, de oportunidades de empleo.Porque el lenguaje SQL es perenne. Las bases de datos relacionales y el lenguaje SQL estn entre nosotros desde hace ms de cuarenta aos. Y hoy, en la era del big data y la ciencia de los datos, estn ms vigentes que nunca. No cabe ninguna duda de que el lenguaje SQL ser una habilidad que te servir para toda la vida.Porque el ""Big Data"" y la ciencia de los datos necesitan que sepas lenguaje SQL. De acuerdo con el sitio Glassdoor, unos de los mejores trabajos de hoy en da es el de ""Cientfico de datos"". Las habilidades requeridas para ser un buen cientfico de datos incluyen la capacidad de trabajar con bases de datos, y para ello es necesario tener un buen manejo del lenguaje SQL.Por qu tomar este curso (y no otro) de lenguaje SQL?Como instructor, soy muy consciente de que la mejor forma de aprender el lenguaje SQL no es slo con clases tericas. Tambin es necesario practicar. Por eso he creado este curso prctico de lenguaje SQL. Aqu tendrs la oportunidad, no slo de aprender la teora, sino tambin de hacer muchos ejercicios y practicar hasta sentirte seguro de haber comprendido todos los conceptos.Espero verte pronto en clase!Fernando."
Price: 19.99

"data science and machine learning animation in master class" |
"In this series we will talk about making animated films easily and quickly. This course starts from the beginning to the highest level The student does not have to have information about the animation and does not have a very good computer for the animation work and the student if we do not have a computer we have a special tutorial for the iPad and mobile With the course there is a book for more understanding of the topicsand for those who are fluent in English we will be introducing them to understanding and discussing how to use the Green Screen in the Plotagon."
Price: 19.99

"create online business in 2020 master class & data science" |
"In this course we will talk about online business how we can make a successful business in the future According to the statistics in the future the work of the business will make a big difference to the robot Take the place of humans because more robots can work Most big companies are thinking of putting robots on the job so in the future employment will be less for humans but we humans can grow our own income through online business."
Price: 19.99

"Total Rewards Management Practice Test" |
"Hello,Are you ready to Take & Pass T1/GR1 TRM?If your answer is Yes so this course will help you not only in Exam Preparation but boost your Confidence to Next Level.These Practice Tests are prepared to let you pass.We Believe attending Practice Questions gives you knowledge about different types of questions in Exam. Exam Details are mentioned belowCompensationBenefitsWork-Life EffectivenessRecognitionPerformance ManagementTalent DevelopmentWish you best of luck to achieve your IT Certification goals."
Price: 19.99

"AWS Cloud Formation: Question Bank" |
"AWS CloudFormation is a service that gives developers and businesses an easy way to create a collection of related AWS and third party resources and provision them in an orderly and predictable fashion. This quiz will test the knowledge of AWS CloudFormation. This is knowledge dump of AWS CloudFormation Service"
Price: 19.99

"Legal Analytics and Crime Evaluation" |
"This Certificate Course has been named- Legal Analytics and Crime Evaluation and is concerned to Big Data Analytic and Cyber Crime. Use of Big Data and its analytical approach and utilities, for the purpose of tracing the occurrence of crime and prediction of nature and happening of Cyber Crime. The Synthesis of Big Data for the purpose of accuracy of finding of locations as well as types of cybercrime, which could be helpful in probing for the police agency and crime branch. This course could be helpful to know about the Big Data and how it would be implemented for better way for the cybercrime pattern, locations and forensic evidences for the court judgement, with respect to cyber prosecution worldwide.This course is required for crime investigating agencies, e.g. Police Department, Crime branch; For Law students and Forensics professionals working in the field of IT, HR, Bank, Software development, for enhancing their career opportunities as well as understanding the Legal Analytical approach of Big Data in Cyber Criminology."
Price: 1920.00

"Introduccin a la tcnica vocal" |
"En este curso descubrirs junto a uno de los artistas, productores y coach ms influyentes de la industria musical, todo lo que necesitas saber del mundo vocal, desde cmo funciona tu voz hasta como generar melodas, una voz clara, fuerte y contundente.Usando diferentes ejercicios vocales, descubrirs que estudiar y poner en prctica una serie de tcnicas vocales te ayudaran a educar tu voz para mejorarla y hacerla alcanzar su mximo potencial.Tcnicas bsicas como la respiracin, el tono, la resonancia, te darn ese conocimiento ptimo para que puedas llevar tu voz a otros niveles.Comprenders el funcionamiento de tu sistema auditivo y la importancia de su uso en el lenguaje y a la hora de cantar."
Price: 29.99

"Como grabar voces perfectas" |
"Imaginas tus canciones, jingles o locuciones comerciales, con una voz increblemente clara espaciosa y llena de vida?Productores, coach y cantantes, sus dudas y frustraciones llegaron a su fin, y es que el sonido tiene el poder de hacer evolucionar por completo una cancin.Identifica los pasos correctos para una captura de voces, logra voces correctas y precisas, configura tus racks analgicos de la manera correcta, tambin aprenders a manejar plugins y herramientas ideales para tu trabajo.Logra capturas limpias, voces ms potentes y fciles de controlar en la posproduccin.Domina la ecualizacin necesaria de los tipos de interpretacin vocal existentesCon tcnicas avanzadas de mezcla te volvers un productor mucho ms profesional en el manejo, grabacin y direccin de voces."
Price: 34.99

"Locucin, ms all de la voz" |
"En este grandioso curso descubrirs junto, a uno de los formadores y productores vocales ms apetecidos de la industria musical, todo lo que necesitas saber del maravilloso mundo de la locucin comercial, conocers la diferencia de escuchar y or, observar y ver, la importancia del lenguaje corporal en tus locuciones, como darle voz a un comercial de radio, cine televisin."
Price: 39.99

"Canta desde Cero" |
"Canta desde cero es un curso de canto y tcnica vocal dirigido a todo tipo de pblico que le apasione la msica y desee mejorar y potenciar su voz. Para realizarlo no necesitas tener conocimientos previos.Al recorrer los diferentes mdulos aprenders, de forma terica y prctica, los pilares para la voz cantada y hablada, la respiracin y su importancia en el canto, la resonancia, amplificar y embellecer tu voz, afinacin y entonacin, posturas y cmo cantar de forma libre y saludable."
Price: 29.99

"Armona para la Msica Urbana" |
"En el curso de armona para la msica urbana hars un recorrido en la historia y aprenders a armonizar cualquier escala mayor y menor para ser usada en composiciones musicales de gneros como reggaetn, trap, Hip hop y champeta, realizando un nfasis en Reggaetn y con una informacin generalizada a la msica urbana.Adicionalmente, aprenders progresiones armnicas utilizadas para realizar canciones urbanas comerciales y que suenen bien dentro del gnero musical especfico; Al obtener la base armnica podrs realizar una pista urbana en cualquier tonalidad."
Price: 34.99

"Criando sistema de ordem de servio e vendas com Codeigniter" |
"Primeiramente, gostaria de dizer que estou muito feliz em ver voc aqui. De verdade!Outra coisa que quero destacar, que TODAS as aulas do curso j esto gravadas e postadas. Do incio ao fim. Logo, voc no corre o risco de no transcorrer do curso perceber que no h mais aulas. Comigo no! Pode ficar tranquilo e verificar abaixo as sesses, bem como as aulas.Voc aprender a produzir um sistema web completo, seguro e robusto, sem enrolao, estritamente focado na prtica, utilizando o padro MVC (Model, View, Controller), fazendo uso de um dos mais poderosos framework PHP da atualidade: O CodeigniterNosso objetivos:Integrar o template SB Admin - 2, do bootastrap, nossa aplicao webVoc aprender utilizar hooks, helpers e libririesVoc aprender a fazer requisies Ajax RequestVoc aprender a validar a entrada de dados em formulrios com a biblioteca 'form_validation'Voc aprender a controlar acesso de usurios a determinados modulos de acordo com o grupo do mesmoVoc aprender a apresentar mensagens de sucesso, erro ou info para o usurio utilizando FlashdataVoc aprender a fazer uso do helper 'Security' para tornar a sua aplicao web mais seguraVoc aprender a melhorar o carregamento de suas pginas, minificando todo o HTML, fazendo uso de hooks como exemplo o compressVoc aprender a exibir sua prpria pgina de 'Page not found'Voc aprender a realizar conexo com banco de dado MySQL, fazer consultas com a clusula JOIN entre outrosVoc aprender a hospedar o sistema web produzido em provedor de hospedagem gratuitoConstruiremos um sistema web com gerao de ordem de servio, contendo os seguintes mdulos:Modulo vendas (Criao, Edio e Deleo):Venda de produtos com gerao de PDF para impressoOrdem de servios com gerao de PDF para impressoModulo cadastro (Criao, Edio e Deleo):Cadastro de clientesCadastro de FornecedoresCadastro de VendedorCadastro de ServiosModulo estoque (Criao, Edio e Deleo):Cadastro de MarcasCadastro de ProdutosCadastro de CategoriasModulo financeiro (Criao, Edio e Deleo):Contas a pagarContas a receberFormas de pagamentoModulo relatrios :VendasOrdens de serviosContas a receberContas a pagarModulo configuraes (Criao, Edio e Deleo):Gerenciamento de usuriosControle de acesso a determinados mdulos, conforme perfil Configuraes gerais do sistema-> Mdulo que gerencia informaes como:* Razo social da empresa* Nome fantasia da empresa* CNPJ* E-mail* Endero e outros.Ateno:O cdigo-fonte s ser disponibilizado para o aluno que completar 100% do curso e para aqueles que manifestarem o interesse.Grande abrao e let's code!"
Price: 159.99

"Criando um Sistema de Estacionamento com Codeigniter" |
"Integrar o Themekit - Lavalite - nossa aplicao webVoc aprender utilizar hooks, helpers e librariesVoc aprender a validar a entrada de dados em formulrios com a biblioteca 'form_validation'Voc aprender a controlar acesso de usurios a determinados modulos de acordo com o grupo do mesmoVoc aprender a apresentar mensagens de sucesso, erro ou info para o usurio utilizando FlashdataVoc aprender a melhorar o carregamento de suas pginas fazendo uso de hooks como exemplo o compressVoc aprender a exibir sua prpria pgina de 'Page not found'Voc aprender a realizar conexo com banco de dadod mysql, fazer consultas com a clusula JOIN entre outrosVoc aprender a hospedar o sistema web produzido em provedor de hospedagem gratuito E muito mais! Nosso projeto ser composto pelos seguintes mdulos: Mdulo - Estacionar: Cadastro e encerramento de Tickets de estacionamento com gerao de PDF para impresso Mdulo - Mensalistas: Cadastro, edio e deleo de MensalistasMdulo - Mensalidades: Cadastro, edio e deleo de mensalidades Mdulo - Usurios: Cadastro, edio e deleo de Usurios Atribuio de perfil de acesso para os usurios Mdulo - Sistema: Todas as informaes do nosso sistema sero gerenciadas por esse mdulo Mdulo - Precificaes (Categorias de veculos): Cadastro, edio e deleo de Precificaes Mdulo - Formas de pagamento: Cadastro, edio e deleo de Formas de pagamento Mdulo - Controle de acesso: Controlaremos o acesso e restringiremos o acesso a determinado mdulos e funcionalidades de acordo com o perfil de acesso do usurio Mdulo - Central de notificaes: Criaremos uma central de notificaes para guiar os usuriosAteno:O cdigo-fonte s ser disponibilizado para o aluno que completar 100% do curso e para aqueles que manifestarem o interesse.Grande abrao e let's code!"
Price: 99.99

"AWS Data Analytics for Beginners" |
"In this course, we will explore the Analytics tools provided by AWS, including Elastic Map Reduce (EMR), Data Pipeline, Elasticsearch, Kinesis, Amazon Machine Learning.We will start with an overview of Data Science and Analytics concepts to give beginners the context they need to be successful in the course. The second part of the course will focus on the AWS offering for Analytics, this means, how AWS structures its portfolio in the different processes and steps of big data and data processing.Who This Course Is For:Data ScientistsData EngineersMachine Learning EngineersBig Data ArchitectsSolutions ArchitectsCloud EngineersDevOps EngineersCybersecurity AnalystsNetwork Security EngineersSystem AdministratorsProgrammers"
Price: 19.99

"Complete Data Wrangling in Data Science and Machine Learning" |
"This course covers the Data Wrangling(the most important concept of Data Science). This course is designed in such a way that anyone (Professional or Beginner) can easily the learn the concept of Data Wrangling and can implement in his/her project. The course starts with the concepts of 3 most important Library of Python that is Pandas, Matplotlib and Numpy and reaches to the advanced concept of Data Wrangling"
Price: 24.99

"Mathematics & Statistics of Machine Learning & Data Science" |
" DATA SCIENCE Data science continues to evolve as one of the most promising and in-demand career paths for skilled professionals. Today, successful data professionals understand that they must advance past the traditional skills of analyzing large amounts of data, data mining, and programming skills. What Does a Data Scientist Do?In the past decade, data scientists have become necessary assets and are present in almost all organizations. These professionals are well-rounded, data-driven individuals with high-level technical skills who are capable of building complex quantitative algorithms to organize and synthesize large amounts of information used to answer questions and drive strategy in their organization. This is coupled with the experience in communication and leadership needed to deliver tangible results to various stakeholders across an organization or business.Data scientists need to be curious and result-oriented, with exceptional industry-specific knowledge and communication skills that allow them to explain highly technical results to their non-technical counterparts. They possess a strong quantitative background in statistics and linear algebra as well as programming knowledge with focuses in data warehousing, mining, and modeling to build and analyze algorithms.Glassdoor ranked data scientist as the #1 Best Job in America in 2018 for the third year in a row. 4 As increasing amounts of data become more accessible, large tech companies are no longer the only ones in need of data scientists. The growing demand for data science professionals across industries, big and small, is being challenged by a shortage of qualified candidates available to fill the open positions.The need for data scientists shows no sign of slowing down in the coming years. LinkedIn listed data scientist as one of the most promising jobs in 2017 and 2018, along with multiple data-science-related skills as the most in-demand by companies. Where Do You Fit in Data Science?Data is everywhere and expansive. A variety of terms related to mining, cleaning, analyzing, and interpreting data are often used interchangeably, but they can actually involve different skill sets and complexity of data.Data ScientistData scientists examine which questions need answering and where to find the related data. They have business acumen and analytical skills as well as the ability to mine, clean, and present data. Businesses use data scientists to source, manage, and analyze large amounts of unstructured data. Results are then synthesized and communicated to key stakeholders to drive strategic decision-making in the organization.Skills needed: Programming skills (SAS, R, Python), statistical and mathematical skills, storytelling and data visualization, Hadoop, SQL, machine learningData AnalystData analysts bridge the gap between data scientists and business analysts. They are provided with the questions that need answering from an organization and then organize and analyze data to find results that align with high-level business strategy. Data analysts are responsible for translating technical analysis to qualitative action items and effectively communicating their findings to diverse stakeholders.Skills needed: Programming skills (SAS, R, Python), statistical and mathematical skills, data wrangling, data visualizationData EngineerData engineers manage exponential amounts of rapidly changing data. They focus on the development, deployment, management, and optimization of data pipelines and infrastructure to transform and transfer data to data scientists for querying.Skills needed: Programming languages (Java, Scala), NoSQL databases (MongoDB, Cassandra DB), frameworks (Apache Hadoop)Data Science Career Outlook and Salary OpportunitiesData science professionals are rewarded for their highly technical skill set with competitive salaries and great job opportunities at big and small companies in most industries. With over 4,500 open positions listed on Glassdoor, data science professionals with the appropriate experience and education have the opportunity to make their mark in some of the most forward-thinking companies in the world.So, Data Science is primarily used to make decisions and predictions making use of predictive causal analytics, prescriptive analytics (predictive plus decision science) and machine learning.Predictive causal analytics If you want a model which can predict the possibilities of a particular event in the future, you need to apply predictive causal analytics. Say, if you are providing money on credit, then the probability of customers making future credit payments on time is a matter of concern for you. Here, you can build a model which can perform predictive analytics on the payment history of the customer to predict if the future payments will be on time or not.Prescriptive analytics: If you want a model which has the intelligence of taking its own decisions and the ability to modify it with dynamic parameters, you certainly need prescriptive analytics for it. This relatively new field is all about providing advice. In other terms, it not only predicts but suggests a range of prescribed actions and associated outcomes.The best example for this is Googles self-driving car which I had discussed earlier too. The data gathered by vehicles can be used to train self-driving cars. You can run algorithms on this data to bring intelligence to it. This will enable your car to take decisions like when to turn, which path to take, when to slow down or speed up.Machine learning for making predictions If you have transactional data of a finance company and need to build a model to determine the future trend, then machine learning algorithms are the best bet. This falls under the paradigm of supervised learning. It is called supervised because you already have the data based on which you can train your machines. For example, a fraud detection model can be trained using a historical record of fraudulent purchases.Machine learning for pattern discovery If you dont have the parameters based on which you can make predictions, then you need to find out the hidden patterns within the dataset to be able to make meaningful predictions. This is nothing but the unsupervised model as you dont have any predefined labels for grouping. The most common algorithm used for pattern discovery is Clustering.Lets say you are working in a telephone company and you need to establish a network by putting towers in a region. Then, you can use the clustering technique to find those tower locations which will ensure that all the users receive optimum signal strength. DEEP LEARNING Deep learning is a machine learning technique that teaches computers to do what comes naturally to humans: learn by example. Deep learning is a key technology behind driverless cars, enabling them to recognize a stop sign, or to distinguish a pedestrian from a lamppost. It is the key to voice control in consumer devices like phones, tablets, TVs, and hands-free speakers. Deep learning is getting lots of attention lately and for good reason. Its achieving results that were not possible before.In deep learning, a computer model learns to perform classification tasks directly from images, text, or sound. Deep learning models can achieve state-of-the-art accuracy, sometimes exceeding human-level performance. Models are trained by using a large set of labeled data and neural network architectures that contain many layers.How does deep learning attain such impressive results?In a word, accuracy. Deep learning achieves recognition accuracy at higher levels than ever before. This helps consumer electronics meet user expectations, and it is crucial for safety-critical applications like driverless cars. Recent advances in deep learning have improved to the point where deep learning outperforms humans in some tasks like classifying objects in images.While deep learning was first theorized in the 1980s, there are two main reasons it has only recently become useful:Deep learning requires large amounts of labeled data. For example, driverless car development requires millions of images and thousands of hours of video.Deep learning requires substantial computing power. High-performance GPUs have a parallel architecture that is efficient for deep learning. When combined with clusters or cloud computing, this enables development teams to reduce training time for a deep learning network from weeks to hours or less.Examples of Deep Learning at WorkDeep learning applications are used in industries from automated driving to medical devices.Automated Driving: Automotive researchers are using deep learning to automatically detect objects such as stop signs and traffic lights. In addition, deep learning is used to detect pedestrians, which helps decrease accidents.Aerospace and Defense: Deep learning is used to identify objects from satellites that locate areas of interest, and identify safe or unsafe zones for troops.Medical Research: Cancer researchers are using deep learning to automatically detect cancer cells. Teams at UCLA built an advanced microscope that yields a high-dimensional data set used to train a deep learning application to accurately identify cancer cells.Industrial Automation: Deep learning is helping to improve worker safety around heavy machinery by automatically detecting when people or objects are within an unsafe distance of machines.Electronics: Deep learning is being used in automated hearing and speech translation. For example, home assistance devices that respond to your voice and know your preferences are powered by deep learning applications.What's the Difference Between Machine Learning and Deep Learning?Deep learning is a specialized form of machine learning. A machine learning workflow starts with relevant features being manually extracted from images. The features are then used to create a model that categorizes the objects in the image. With a deep learning workflow, relevant features are automatically extracted from images. In addition, deep learning performs end-to-end learning where a network is given raw data and a task to perform, such as classification, and it learns how to do this automatically.Another key difference is deep learning algorithms scale with data, whereas shallow learning converges. Shallow learning refers to machine learning methods that plateau at a certain level of performance when you add more examples and training data to the network.A key advantage of deep learning networks is that they often continue to improve as the size of your data increases. MACHINE LEARNING What is the definition of machine learning?Machine-learning algorithms use statistics to find patterns in massive* amounts of data. And data, here, encompasses a lot of thingsnumbers, words, images, clicks, what have you. If it can be digitally stored, it can be fed into a machine-learning algorithm.Machine learning is the process that powers many of the services we use todayrecommendation systems like those on Netflix, YouTube, and Spotify; search engines like Google and Baidu; social-media feeds like Facebook and Twitter; voice assistants like Siri and Alexa. The list goes on.In all of these instances, each platform is collecting as much data about you as possiblewhat genres you like watching, what links you are clicking, which statuses you are reacting toand using machine learning to make a highly educated guess about what you might want next. Or, in the case of a voice assistant, about which words match best with the funny sounds coming out of your mouth.WHY IS MACHINE LEARNING SO SUCCESSFUL?While machine learning is not a new technique, interest in the field has exploded in recent years.This resurgence comes on the back of a series of breakthroughs, with deep learning setting new records for accuracy in areas such as speech and language recognition, and computer vision.What's made these successes possible are primarily two factors, one being the vast quantities of images, speech, video and text that is accessible to researchers looking to train machine-learning systems.But even more important is the availability of vast amounts of parallel-processing power, courtesy of modern graphics processing units (GPUs), which can be linked together into clusters to form machine-learning powerhouses.Today anyone with an internet connection can use these clusters to train machine-learning models, via cloud services provided by firms like Amazon, Google and Microsoft.As the use of machine-learning has taken off, so companies are now creating specialized hardware tailored to running and training machine-learning models. An example of one of these custom chips is Google's Tensor Processing Unit (TPU), the latest version of which accelerates the rate at which machine-learning models built using Google's TensorFlow software library can infer information from data, as well as the rate at which they can be trained.These chips are not just used to train models for Google DeepMind and Google Brain, but also the models that underpin Google Translate and the image recognition in Google Photo, as well as services that allow the public to build machine learning models using Google's TensorFlow Research Cloud. The second generation of these chips was unveiled at Google's I/O conference in May last year, with an array of these new TPUs able to train a Google machine-learning model used for translation in half the time it would take an array of the top-end GPUs, and the recently announced third-generation TPUs able to accelerate training and inference even further.As hardware becomes increasingly specialized and machine-learning software frameworks are refined, it's becoming increasingly common for ML tasks to be carried out on consumer-grade phones and computers, rather than in cloud datacenters. In the summer of 2018, Google took a step towards offering the same quality of automated translation on phones that are offline as is available online, by rolling out local neural machine translation for 59 languages to the Google Translate app for iOS and Android."
Price: 19.99

"Charcoal Pencil Portrait Painting on Colored Paper" |
"You are about to embark on a fantastic journey of becoming a better Portrait Artist.Throughout this Masterclass; Step by Step we will be guiding you on the Tips and Tricks in Drawing and Painting Portraits using Black and White Charcoal Drawing Pencils on Colored Paper.Take your Drawing & Painting Skills To The Next Level and Start Earning. A SIMPLE & UNIQUE APPROACH TO Drawing & PAINTING This Masterclass is designed to equip you to expressively create a Minimalist Charcoal portrait painting on Colored paper; that will stand out in the development of your Art from start to finish.You will gain the necessary skills for painting beautiful portraits, even if you are a beginner, it helps you advance with a deeper understanding of the 3 tone color Break down concept in painting and you will become confident painting portraits expressively even with colored Art papers. This painting Technique taught in this Masterclass is a very unique minimalistic approach to portrait painting and has been developed and refined for more than 10 years by the Artist.You Get Full Access...With even MoreThis Masterclass starts with the basic tools needed for painting a Charcoal Portrait art.Next you'll learn how to sketch a Portrait. You will also learn guidelines to achieve accurate image representation of the subject.You will learn how to paint the Facial features.Next you're going to learn how to apply the appropriate Shadow .Next you will learn how to paint the Highlights and Shades.You will learn how to paint and blend the hair; creating curls and texture.You will learn what materials you can use for effective blending the Midtone, Highlights and Shades.Lastly, You will learn how to detail your Artwork and the best areas to Sign off.30-Day 100% Money Back GuaranteeOver the Course of this Masterclass, you will learnThe basic Charcoal painting Art toolsHow to sketch a subjectHow to Draw the EyesHow to Draw the NoseHow to Draw the MouthHow to Paint the HairHow to Paint the ShadesHow to Paint the HighlightsHow to Blend the MidtoneHow to Sign off your Art.What else will you get?Full Access to course materialsYou will become an improved ArtistProject WorkIncreased Value of your new ArtworksA new skill setWho is this Masterclass for?The Ultimate Black and White Charcoal Portraiture Painting on Colored Paper Masterclass is very Beginner-friendly.It is designed to help beginner Artists, Students with Passion for Painting Portraits and even Advanced Artists. We start out by Sketching and gradually build on by adding Shadows, Highlights and midtones.Course Bonus :High Definition resolution of the finished painting.About The InstructorTonye Pollyn is a Nigerian Based Professional Artist that radically expresses Art with vibrant colors and mixed media. He is a member of the society of Nigerian Artists.He is a Studio practicing Artist with a University Art Degree with our 11 years experience. His Artworks are found in Nigeria and Internationally in Galleries, Homes, Hotels and Offices.PRACTICE MAKES ART EASIER"
Price: 44.99

"Desarrollo De Aplicaciones Web Con Javascript 2020" |
"A lo largo de este curso aprenders con ejercicios prcticos no solo a desarrollar aplicaciones si no a dominar eventos, crear funciones, utilizar y manipular el navegador del cliente de forma dinmica.Crearas proyectos para tu portafolio, aprenders a manejar el frontend para cosas extraordinarias y aprenders en profundidad a superar tus propios limites.Bienvenido y disfruta tu estarca."
Price: 19.99

vocal-exercises |
"( ) ( - - - ) 2- 3- ( - )4- ( - )5- 6- 7-"
Price: 79.99

"Curso de Reclutamiento online y Tcnicas de Headhunting" |
"En este curso aprenders:Qu es el Reclutamiento online (2.0, 3.0 y 4.0), Las herramientas ms utilizadas por los reclutadores y headhunters, Tcnicas avanzadas de headhunting como son las bsquedas booleanas Estrategias de Employer Branding para atraer y retener talento. Podrs empezar a reclutar como un heahdunter profesional y buscar talento a travs de internet."
Price: 945.00

"Curso basico de Arduino" |
"Estas interesado en aprender a programar Arduino y realizar tus propios proyectos?? deja de copiar y pegar cdigos de Internet y convirtete en un programador de verdad, este curso bsico te dar las bases para aprender correctamente programacin con Arduino y lograr disear y programar tu propios proyectos bsicos si necesidad de buscar en Internet."
Price: 19.99

"Video Editing complete course Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2020" |
"Whether you want to learn how to edit videos for youtube and the latest social media platforms, or start your video editing career, or simply you want to revise your knowledge of this amazing software, this ultimate and complete Video Editing Course for beginners built with and for Adobe Premiere Pro 2020 CC is what you are looking for.The course includes more than 14 hours of video content, spread on 18 sections and 115 lectures. Everything you need to know to start with Premiere Pro and to start editing is here.FEATURED REVIEW:""This is the course I was waiting for: I am used to other videoediting systems (like Avid for example) and I have been trying to learn Adobe Premiere for years (last January I made another trial) but no course could nail the information in my head, until now! Mariano's course is excellent: it's easy to follow and covers all the necessary aspects of the videoediting, including the initial settings and the organisation of the workflow. It's fab that the material for the exercises is included too! Mariano is a very nice and likeable instructor with a good sense of humour, the lessons are well paced and easy to follow. I would recommend this course to any beginner as well as to professionals like me who find difficult to make the leap to Adobe Premiere."" by Cristina PavesiWHAT YOU'LL LEARN:Youll learn the whole professional video editing process, including how to create and organise projects, how to edit, apply effects and transitions, how to mix your audio, to colour correct and colour grade the video, how to add captions and how to export your final product for the online platforms in different aspect ratios. And of course, well cover the most useful keyboard shortcuts.IT WILL BE FUN!Well work together on a different project for each section, with different types of footage (all provided) including mini docs, interviews, travel vlogs and sports videos. This will give you the ability to learn different editing styles and to be flexible in your workflow.At the end of each chapter you will also find a quiz and an exercise to complete on your own. But do not worry, you will also find an exercise review where I complete the same exercise so that youll be able to double check your work.We'll wrap up the course with a final exercise that will revise all the skills learned.MY PROMISE TO YOUOnce you'll have completed the course, you'll be able to create a video project on your own, from start to end, with professional standards! Enrol now and let's start learning and practicing.Sign up to my website at www(dot)mamoair(dot)com for extra tutorials and future courses."
Price: 149.99

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Price: 64.99

"AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Professional Latest Exam" |
"The AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Professional certification is one of the most challenging exams. It's great at assessing how well you understand not just AWS, but making sure you are making the best architectural decisions based on situations, which makes this certification incredibly valuable to have and pass.Do you want to evaluate your preparation for the Amazon AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Professional AND be confident enough to pass your AWS certification exam on the very first go? Well then AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Professional Practice Tests are perfect for you! With this AWS Certification Practice course, you'll know exactly when you are ready to go for the exam and be 100% sure of achieving an incredible score"
Price: 34.99

"The complete Cryptocurrency trading course A to Z in 2020" |
"Bitcoin Is Outperforming Every Mainstream Asset Class In 2020Bitcoin Is Worlds Best Performing Asset Class Over Past 10 Years (Since It Was Created)?Bitcoin was released in 2009 as a new digital currency known as a cryptocurrency and has proven to be a very large investing opportunity. You're here because you've completed some research and are starting to understand the opportunity and potential that cryptocurrency has! 99.9% of people do not invest in cryptocurrency because they've never heard of it, or don't understand it! When the general public starts to invest, the price of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies will sky rocket, meaning potentially really high returns to early investors.2017 was a huge year for Cryptocurrency! Bitcoin quadrupled in price, many countries around the world recognized it as a form of currency, it received a ton of news coverage and online interest because of the value increase of Bitcoin and the implementation of the blockchain technology in the medical, banking and tech industries to securely store and track information.In this cryptocurrency beginners course, your Instructor will teach you how to buy, sell and start trading Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.Bitcoin's price since released:July 2009 1 BTC = 0.0001 USDJuly 2011 1 BTC = 15 USDJuly 2013 1 BTC = 100 USDJuly 2015 1 BTC = 220 USDJuly 2017 1 BTC = 2420 USDJuly 2020 1 BTC = 9000 USDIt posted gains of more than 9,000,000% since July 2010, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.Bitcoin and other Cryptocurrencies like Ethereum, Monero, Ripple, and others are growing exponentially in value.However, we are still in the early phases of an emerging market. Which means there is tremendous upside and great opportunities for investors in Cryptocurrency but also more risk for those who do not understand this rapidly evolving market.Want to learn how to invest in and trade Bitcoin?Have you always wanted to invest in cryptocurrency, but you just don't know where to start?Or maybe you have started, but you don't know where to go from there?Then this course is for You!We are looking for students eager to learn how to invest and trade cryptocurrency!And the best part, you do not need any prior experience to get started!This course will not remain this price forever! It's time to take action!Click the ""Buy now"" button ...every hour you delay is costing you money...See you in the course!Sincerely,Bobby B"
Price: 199.99

"Curso de programacin en R" |
"R es uno de los lenguajes de programacin por excelencia en ciencia de datos y adems tiene una curva de aprendizaje muy baja, es decir, es muy fcil de entender.El objetivo del curso es que puedas aprender a utilizar R de una forma sencilla e intuitiva, pudindote descargar el cdigo de todos los ejemplos para que puedas ejecutarlos y probar con ellos en tu ordenador.Echa un vistazo a la estructura del curso y los videos a ver qu te parece."
Price: 59.99

"Este primer curso consta de un amplio programa que incluye aspectos fundamentales sobre la Terapia Gestalt. Los temas han sido incorporados de forma tal que el participante conozca las bases tericas de este modelo teraputico de manera que sea capaz de orientar y sustentar slidamente su prctica teraputica.El recorrido por cada uno de los tpicos incluidos se presenta de manera clara y sencilla pero a la vez con la suficiente profundidad y seriedad para su comprensin y aplicacin en el contexto teraputico.Por ltimo y no menos importante, como el mismo creador de la Terapia Gestalt lo indic, la Gestalt puede convertirse en una forma de vida ya que es tan noble y til en el desarrollo del ser humano que sera limitante enfocarla solo a las personas con una psicopatologa."
Price: 270.00
