"Finanzas Fciles para Directivos y Ejecutivos" |
"En este curso de Finanzas Fciles para Directivos aprenders de la manera ms sencilla y prctica posible, lo que un directivo no financiero debera saber sobre finanzas.DESCRIPCIN DEL CURSOLas Finanzas es una de las reas ms importantes de una empresa, y al mismo tiempo es donde se ven ms fallas en las compaas. Sin embargo, no necesariamente tienes que ser Financiero(a) para tomar decisiones asertivas. Cualquiera puede hacer anlisis financieros para mejorar las finanzas en una empresa, por lo tanto, este curso te ayudar a iniciar con el proceso. Si eres dueo de una empresa, directivo de un departamento, o simplemente tienes inters y deseos de aprender acerca de las finanzas de una empresa, entonces este curso es para ti.En este curso realizaremos un caso prctico de un proyecto de inversin y analizaremos las finanzas empresariales desde lo general hasta lo especfico, tocando temas como:Objetivos Funcionales de una EmpresaObjetivo Financiero de una EmpresaDesiciones Financieras de una EmpresaQu es una inversin?SacrificioRecursos y TiempoEsperanza y BeneficiosTasa Interna de Oportunidad (TIO)Componentes de una Tasa de IntersConceptos Tipos de IntersExplicacin de los Datos del Proyecto de InversinInversin Inicial, Ventas y DepreciacinElaboracin del Estado de Resultados o PyGFlujo de Caja ProyectadoTIR y VPNComencemos a aprender!"
Price: 149.99

"The 2020 Complete Guide To Volleyball, From Zero To Hero" |
"This course is an all-encompassing program in which you will learn everything about volleyball, from basic passing to accurately placing your jump-serve.ContentYou will develop proper technique for virtually every skill in volleyball. For each, there is a comprehensive tutorial that teaches you everything you need, likebody orientationstancehand positionpoint of contactmovementvariationswhen to employ itand much more. All tutorials are very detailed, easy to understand and adaptable to various playing situations. Demonstrations from various angles, in slow motion, and with different speeds and adaptations will help you to replicate them easily.To set this advice into practice, every technique comes with a video with 4-8 exercises to train on your own anda video with drills, you can do together with a partner. They all start with the simplest version of the techniques, so that you develop perfect form from the get-go. You then progress with game like drills that come up regularly in play. Finally, there are one or two very tough exercises, to consolidate your skills for every situation.What doesn't this course teach me?There are no exercises for teams of more than two players. This course is specifically made that you, and your friend, can progress as fast as possible.Tactics. There are no videos about in game transitions, playing systems with specializations or any further tactical elements. The basic strategy however, is outlined, so you'll learn how the game is played on a professional level.EquipmentThe drills are designed so that you don't need any special equipment, you wouldn't have lying around at home anyway.Time requirementIf your schedule is entirely empty, you can go through the whole course within a week. If you only have one hour per week to train, you can take yourself 6 months. As long as you keep a consistent rhythm, you can go with whatever pace fits your current lifestyle.The best thing is, you don't have to figure out anything yourself. Everything is wonderfully laid out for you. So if you are ready to take your game to the next level, do so."
Price: 49.99

"Introduction to Biomedical Engineering: Biomechanics" |
"This course is the first of its kind on any online platform. We discuss what biomedical engineering is and how we can apply engineering concepts in this field. One of the subcategories of this course is biomechanics, this topic will be discussed in more detail throughout this course.You will learn the following:How engineering concepts can be used in medicinePhysics of the muscles Physics of the skeletonPhysics of collisionsPhysics of teethHope you enjoy the course!"
Price: 109.99

"Historia y Entrenamiento Extensiones de Pestaa Pelo a Pelo" |
"Este curso es para inspirar y asistir a todas aquellas personas que quieran empezar una carrera en esta industria. Tmate tu tiempo para revisar estas informaciones y estudiar. La manera de llega a ser excelente es practicando y tener pasin en lo que haces. Practca con tus amigos y familiares y hasta que te sientas preparada y segura de cobrar por tus servicios.En este manual de entrenamiento aprenders lo bsico, tambin referido como la tcnica clsica de este arte originario en el Sur de Corea. Esta tcnica requiere una extensin pegada con pegamento un a una pestaa individual.Como esteticista y como artista de pestaas quiero compartir contigo mi experiencia a travs de aos de estudios, arduo trabajo, experiencia y error. Mi misin es proveerte con los conocimientos necesarios y las habilidades que son importantes para no solo ser ms eficiente pero tambin efectivo en todo lo que tiene que ver con este arte. Este curso tiene un costo accequible para ayudar empoderar aquellas personas con un presupuesto limitado.Cuando termines este entrnaminto podrs tener todas las informaciones necesarias para asegurar una aplicacin correcta. Tendrs las informaciones, tcnicas, y secretos que necesitas saber para tener la oportunidad de certificarte como una profesional de pestaas y tendrs la oportunidad de hacer una carrera de esta creciente industria y tener una manera de ingresos.El curso incluye:Videos e ilustraciones.Quiz al final de cada seccin.Examen final que puedes tomar hasta 3 veces.Facilidad de preguntar al instructor directamente.Al finalizar se le otorgar un certificado de completacin."
Price: 94.99

"250-265 Data Protection Administration UNIX Practice Test" |
"166 UNIQUE practice questions for 250-265 Data Protection Administration UNIX Practice TestPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : 250-265 Data Protection Administration UNIX Practice TestTotal Questions : 166Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :100 minsPassing Score : 75 (124 of 166)"
Price: 164.99

"310-052 Sun Certify Enterprise Architect J2EE Practice Exam" |
"258 UNIQUE practice questions for 310-052 Sun Certify Enterprise Architect J2EE Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : 310-052 Sun Certify Enterprise Architect J2EE Practice ExamTotal Questions : 258Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :150 minsPassing Score : 75 (193 of 258)"
Price: 174.99

"CompTIA SG1-001 SNIA Storage + Powered by Beta Practice Exam" |
"303 UNIQUE practice questions for CompTIA SG1-001 SNIA Storage + Powered by Beta Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : CompTIA SG1-001 SNIA Storage + Powered by Beta Practice ExamTotal Questions : 303Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :200 minsPassing Score : 75 (227 of 303)"
Price: 179.99

"PMI PGMP Program Management Professional Practice Exam" |
"271 UNIQUE practice questions for PMI PGMP Program Management Professional Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : PMI PGMP Program Management Professional Practice ExamTotal Questions : 271Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :170 minsPassing Score : 75 (203 of 271)"
Price: 174.99

"SAP C_TADM51_731 Technology Associate System Admin Exam" |
"223 UNIQUE practice questions for SAP C_TADM51_731 Technology Associate System Admin ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : SAP C_TADM51_731 Technology Associate System Admin ExamTotal Questions : 223Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :125 minsPassing Score : 75 (167 of 223)"
Price: 159.99

"Autodesk Navisworks 2021 (or earlier) - Clash Detection" |
"In this course you will learn how to work with Autodesk Navisworks, with a focus on Clash Detections. You will learn how to check for Clashes, Clearances and Duplicates. You will also see how to manage and track issues with Navisworks.Before we dive into the Clash Detection, you will of course see everything you need to know about Reviewing, Commenting, Exporting,... in Navisworks.Exercise files included!"
Price: 49.99

"Number System" |
"Understanding Number System with examples. Here series of lectures make you familiar with number system. With each topic, proper worked examples are given so that students can understand the things in right perspective.Just basic Maths knowledge is enough to go through this course. After finishing the course, you will be perfect with identifying numbers."
Price: 1280.00

"Learn Hibernate from scratch" |
"This course covers each topic in detail and is focused to break down topics with simplified examples. If you are a learning enthusiast, then the course is for you.You will type in every line of code with me in the videos ... all from scratch.I explain every line of code that we create. So this isn't a copy/paste exercise, you will have a full understanding of the code."
Price: 1280.00

"Big Data Architecture Using Microsoft Azure" |
"Cloud computing architecture refers to the components and sub components required for cloud computing. These components typically consist of a front end platform, back end platforms, a cloud-based delivery, and a network. Combined, these components make up cloud computing architecture.Big Data : The Vast Changing World Of Data Modern Data Architecture Using Microsoft azureIntroduction To Azure & Key FeaturesSAAS, PAAS, IAAS Different Services In AzureData ManagementIdentity And Access Management App ServicesLoad Balancer Windows Powershell Container Azure Key Vault Azure Storage Explorer Multy Factor Authentication Azure PortalAzure Resource GroupsIntroduction To Azure Data Catalog SQL Server Virtual Machine Creation On AzureConnecting Azure SQL Server Using RDPAzure Synapse Analytics(Formerly SQL Data Warehouse)Connect Azure SQL Data Warehouse With SSMSImporting Exporting DataReading Azure SQL Table Data Using Databricks"
Price: 1920.00

"Interior Design - Master Colours & Patterns." |
"In this Course, I'll cover: -The Basics of Colors and Textures.- 4 Tested Methods for Selecting a Color Palette.-Application of Colors: How to selectively color to enhance qualities of a space.-Application of Textures and Patterns: How to add contrast and excitement.-4 methods for creating a cohesive scheme for the entire project.-Detailed analysis of upcoming trends and preferences."
Price: 1280.00

"Cisco Kamps Network Kurulumu (Cisco Packet Tracer)" |
"Bu kursumuzda, Cisco packet tracer uygulamasn kullanarak, komple bir kamps network yaplandrmasn reneceiz. 2 veya daha fazla ubesi olan bir oluumun ncelikle ubelerin kendi LAN konfigrasyonlarn, sonrasnda 2 ya da daha fazla ubenin kendi aralarnda balantlarnda kullanlan routing ayarlamalarn reneceiz. Tm bu bahsedilen konular Cisco packet tracer yazlm ile birebir uygulamal olarak yapacaz."
Price: 49.99

"Python Interview Quiz for Jr Developers" |
"In this Python 3 test series, you will get a topic wise collection of different quizzes based on the python programming language. Right now the added sections are:StringsListsDictionariesFunctions (Added recently)More sections are coming soon. The questions are created with both theoretical knowledge and coding examples. You will get to learn different approach to solve problems as well. This quiz will be useful for your Python Courses and Python Interviews. And will also clear your Fundamentals of Python Programming."
Price: 24.99

"Discover Your Pattern Character In Krita" |
"Hello and welcome to my course on isometric patterns. If you want to make your own pattern, no wait, if you want to make an isometric pattern, then this is the course for you!The courses' name is Discover Your Pattern Character In Krita, in general, we are going to cover the basic way to make a simple pattern for free, yes we are going to use a free program (Krita). Along the way, in this course, we are going to find what kind of patterns we can make and which ones will suit well with our personality.What you need:ComputerKritaTablet (optional)"
Price: 99.99

"Transformada de Laplace de Funciones Especiales" |
"Necesitas conocer sobre las funciones especiales como la funcin escaln unitario, la funcin impulso unitario, las funciones peridicas, la funcin gamma y las funciones de Bessel para su aplicacin prctica? Conoces la transformada de Laplace de estas funciones especiales?Aqu se desarrolla en detalle la definicin de estas funciones especiales, su aplicacin practica y su transformada de Laplace. Adems se complementa su aprendizaje con una serie de ejercicios resueltos y otros propuestos "
Price: 29.99

"Curso de Forex de Bsico a Intermedio - Aprende trading 2020" |
"Curso de Forex desde cero en el que aprenders como hacer trading en el mercado de divisas. A diferencia de otros cursos, en este aprenders conceptos que me enseo mi mentor millonario que se dedica a hacer trading en forex, te enseare lo que l me enseo para saber como ser un trader rentable y disminuir la curva de aprendizaje, de manera que puedas empezar a tener ganancias reales en poco tiempo.En este curso de forex online aprenders cosas totalmente prcticas que podrs aplicar por ti mismo al final de cada leccin. Por lo que este curso (a diferencia de la mayora que te prometen muchas horas de material y contenido poco aplicable) es ms conciso y va directo a lo que realmente necesitas aprender para luego comenzar a operar por tu propia cuenta en el mercado de divisas, sin rodeos.Otra cosa ms que diferencia a este curso de los dems es que yo soy totalmente sincero contigo, no te prometo que sea un curso Avanzado de forex (como muchos dicen ser) porque s que los verdaderos traders avanzados como mi mentor ni siquiera utilizan grficas para operar, pero esto nadie te lo dice porque no lo saben, y los pocos que lo saben raramente comparten este conocimiento; es por ello que creo y te garantizo que este curso slo te preparar hasta un nivel intermedio-alto, pero ptimo, para que te conviertas en un trader exitoso en menos tiempo.Adems, como BONUS ADICIONAL te mostrar 3 nuevas formas diferentes para invertir tu dinero, una con un riesgo alto, otra con un riesgo medio y otra con un riesgo bajo, para que sigas con ese espritu de seguir aprendiendo y mejorando tus conocimientos! y por supuesto, para que conozcas ms formas de como hacer dinero.As que que esperas? !Apntate ya a este curso de forex completo y aprende como ser un trader profesional hoy mismo!Para conocer ms sobre lo que aprenders en el curso te recomiendo ver el vdeo introductorio, y la tabla de contenido del curso que se encuentra debajo de est descripcin."
Price: 270.00

"Devenir gagnant en trading, psychologie." |
"Dans votre formation vous retrouverez les conseils des plus grands traders, pour oprer sur les marchs financiers et grer votre psychologie ( reprsentant 60 80% du trading ).Vous retrouverez un sommaire, une partie notion, des modules enrichissants, une partie bonus, et les sources ( informations ).je vous offres en priv un livre en PDF. N'hsitez pas me contacter sur mes rseaux sociaux. Bonne formation et bonne russite !"
Price: 19.99

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Price: 2400.00

"Corso IT Security - ICDL" |
"Il sesto modulo della certificazione ICDL illustra i concetti e le competenze essenziali relative a:uso del computer e dei dispositivi in sicurezzasicurezza delle reti e del webgestione datiNel corso troverai:video con la spiegazione teorica e pratica degli argomenti richiesti per la certificazione ICDLtest di valutazione alla fine di ogni moduloschede di supporto alla preparazionetest finale riepilogativo degli elementi trattati"
Price: 44.99

"Beginner's Guide to Software Testing" |
"About this courseIn 2019 the software testing market size passed $40 billion USD and it is expected to continue growing due to the consistent development of new technologies and software around the world.Software testing is an industry that many people dont know much about and it tends to get overlooked when people are considering roles in IT. However you dont have to have technical or programming skills to become a software tester, which makes it a really accessible career for those wanting to start off in the software industry.This course will introduce you to the basics of software testing, teaching you the fundamentals of what software testing is and how to conduct common testing activities.By the end of this course you should have the knowledge you need to determine if this is the right career for you or if youre already wanting to become a software tester, the knowledge you need for a great start in the industry."
Price: 44.99

"How To Understand Child And Develop Parenting Skills" |
"This Course Will Help You To Understand Physiology Of Child, How Do Children Behave, Act And Respond In Particular Situation, Event Or Incidence, Identifying To Which You As A Parent You Can Respond Them Accordingly, Thus Helping You To Create A Better Quality Of Emotional Development Of Life For Both"
Price: 2240.00

"Contacting dan Gali Kebutuhan Prospek bagi Telemarketer" |
"Bahasan yang terkandung dalam kursus ini antara lain Tips untuk Kontak dalam Telemarketing; Kontak Awal; Memilih Metode Kontak Awal yang Sesuai; Kontak Awal Surat Perkenalan; Kontak Awal Telepon. Sedangkan bahasan yang berkaitan dengan menggali kebutuhan prospek antara lain Funnel Menggali Kebutuhan Prospek; Infromasi yang Diperlukan Ketika Mengumpulkan Informasi; Menggali Informasi Kebutuhan Prospek"
Price: 19.99

"Essential Writing Course - Go beyond the basics" |
"Essential Writing Course is a certificate writing course that will teach you the fundamentals of content writing and go much beyond it. In this course, you will go deep into case studies and business projects to improve your writing. By the time you complete the course, you will write like a professional yourself. I look forward to teaching you in this fun and enriching course."
Price: 29.99

"Excel para principiantes" |
"Con este curso vas a poder tomar control del Excel, comenzando por lo ms bsico. Es un curso que est comprobada su efectividad por ms de 10 aos de dictarse de manera presencial en distintas Universidades.Les detallo lo que veremos:Barra Personalizada de Acceso RpidoPortapapelesFuenteAlineacinNmeroFunciones BsicasFunciones de TextoFunciones de FechaFuncin SIReferencia Relativa y AbsolutaGrficos"
Price: 19.99

"Sfrdan ileri seviyeye SQL Server" |
"Bilgisayar Mhendisiyim ve alanmla ilgili almaktaym. Youtube Mucit Yazlm kanalmda cretsiz olarak yaynladm eitim videolarm daha da gelitirerek Udemy zerinden ok dk fiyatla yaynlyorum. Programlama dillerinin atas saylan ve ok kullanl olan C Programlama dili ile baladm Udemy eitim serisine C++, C#, Sql Server ve dinamik web sayfalarnn yapm ve dier yazlm uygulamalar ile gelitiriyor ve yaynlyorum..."
Price: 59.99

"Soulful Social Media and Heart-Centered Sales BUNDLE" |
"In 2019, I stepped away from nearly 15 years in traditional sales and marketing to help spiritual entrepreneurs sell out programs without selling their souls.This bundle contains TWO of my best-selling courses: Soulful Social Media and Heart-Centered Sales. I created these courses because I believe selling on social media doesn't have to be difficult, weird, or creepy. In fact, selling on social media can be fun, exciting, and rewarding. Not to mention very profitable!In this program, you'll learn:Universal social media strategies you can use on any platformHow to use Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest depending on your unique needsBest practices to get your content found and keep your followers coming back for moreSoul-centered selling techniques to market your products and services authentically (without the ick factor)How to confidently promote your products and services anywhereExactly what to post on which platform and when (and why)How to attract your ideal audience and keep them engagedHow to optimize the social media algorithms to your advantageFinally, beat the ""follow/unfollow"" game and create a following that really countsDrive traffic to your website using organic (FREE) methodsHow to reach new audiences without wasting time or money ($$$) on adsStreamline your content strategy so you're not spending countless hours creating contentRepurposing your content so you can use it over and over again (without being obnoxious or repetitive)Effective strategies for connecting with people on social media (without being creepy)Automate your online sales and marketingCreate passive income / ongoing revenue streams using social mediaThis course is ideal for anyone who's starting a business or if you want to grow your business, including network marketers, online business owners, entrepreneurs, holistic healers, reiki practitioners, naturopaths, and coaches of all kinds including life coaches, spiritual coaches, health and wellness coaches, business coaches, and more."
Price: 99.99

"How to make delicious Japanese GYOZA : especially for VEGAN" |
"Hello, Thank you for your visite my page. I'm Tomoko Coooking lesson from Japan.I would like to show you "" How to cook Vegan Gyoza with Japanese style with sauce ""This lesson is for Beginner level so i hope you enjoy to cook with me. Of couse this recipe is fine for someone eating meat or fish..but Specially for Vegan peoplei would like to share you for my original recipe and cooking way.Of couse, I prefer directly deliver your home this GYOZA but at least my japanese taste will send your kitchen from my video.Take care & Enjyo your meal ;) Tomoko Mon Atelier / Cooking Class"
Price: 3600.00

"2020 instagram marketing : complete masterclass" |
"Learn and master 20 Mega Instagram Marketing Strategies to Grow a Page, Get Real Followers, Sell Online Using Instagram Marketing Sales FunnelDuring this Instagram marketing course you will learn how to:A powerful Instagram marketing strategy to get 20 times more engagement on your postsGetting access to powerful Instagram marketing documentsLearn the fundamental to advanced building a Instagram business pageVRIN - The highest post quality possible8 Rules for a better Instagram post4 Mega Instagram Marketing strategiesInstagram Sales funnelAnd much more ...Most people think they know everything about Instagram marketing and how to create a successful page, but after you learn what we have in this course, a lot of new doors will open for you on Instagram marketing.If you really want to become a pro on Instagram marketing, join this course NOW! and lets build your advanced Instagram profile, attract followers and market your page together."
Price: 159.99
