"Starting&Sales in a business" |
"Learn how to to start and run your business with all the main parts explained to you. Learn how to market your business and build as well as manage your staff. Look at how to succeed in your sales and how to set your goals. We look forward to helping you with your business."
Price: 350.00

"Aprende a armonizarte con Gemas y Cristales" |
"Hola! soy Alexia Moreno, formadora en Gemoterapia AplicadaQuiero presentarte el curso de Gemoterapia - Aprende a armonizar tu vida con las gemas y cristales - diseado para que aprendas a utilizar los cristales y gemas para tu beneficio, armona fsica, mental y emocional.Abrir nuestro plano de conciencia al mundo mineral nos permite el acceso a un nuevo espacio interno que nos infundir ms fuerzas que las habituales desarrollando nuestra intuicin, percepcin, la capacidad de equilibrarnos emocionalmente y la posibilidad de mayor comprensin de nuestra experiencia de vida.Recibirs herramientas prcticas y aplicables de forma simple para ayudarte a conectar con el mundo mineral. Aprenders las propiedades y usos de 9 gemas y cristales, su aplicacin en meditacin, armonizacin de chakras y otras tcnicas de simple aplicacin.En este curso encontrars 13 videos de valioso contenido en donde se desarrollan uno a uno los 9 cristales que te propongo que incorpores a tu vida. En ellos recibirs diferentes maneras de preparar, activar y utilizar estos cristales. Adems recibirs 7 meditaciones guiadas, para que expandas an ms tu consciencia y el manual ilustrado completo con la informacin del curso en PDF.Podrs ponerte en contacto conmigo para solucionar cualquier tipo de duda o inquietud que te surja. Estar atenta a tus peticiones, dejando la puerta abierta para acompaarte en el proceso de integrar los cristales a tu vida.He preparado este curso para ti sencillo, ameno y entretenido, a la vez que completo y profundo. Podrs realizarlo a tu ritmo, ya que tendrs acceso ilimitado a todos a los vdeos explicativos y no se requieren conocimientos previos.Apntate ya y conoce la Cristaloterapia (tambin llamada Gemoterapia) esta herramienta bioenergtica basada en el conocimiento ancestral del uso de cristales.Un encuentro profundo con tu SER a travs de la energa y sabidura de los cristales y gemas."
Price: 29.99

"A to Z Financial Analysis of Rooftop Solar Power Plant" |
"Welcome to your course ""A to Z Financial Analysis of Rooftop solar power plant"" this course is designed for the Investors who wants to invest in Solar power Plants, For Business Person who wants to know the details financial analysis of solar power plant, students who wants to endeavour their knowledge in rooftop solar power plant for their projects, for the solar technician who wants to know Cash Flow Analysis for the solar power plant, for the job seekers who wants to get jobs in solar industry, for the entrepreneur who wants to make career in solar energy.This course is the explains the very basic concept of Financial Modelling of Solar Power Plant. The one who is completing the course will able to do Financial calculation of NPV, Cumulative Saving, Cash Flow Analysis, Net Equity Turn around the Project, Internal Rate of Retun on Investment and Exact Payback Points Calcultaion in Excel Sheet."
Price: 39.99

"Warli Painting - Indian Tribal Art" |
"Warli painting is an Indian Tribal art created by the tribes from North Sahyadri range in Maharashtra, India. It is still practiced today in this region. In Warli painting basic geometric shapes like Triangle, Circle, Square etc used. These shapes are symbolic representation of different elements of Nature. Traditionally Warli painting were practiced on inside walls of village huts. After words it has moved onto Paper and Canvas. In this course I will introduce Warli painting style and techniques.How to draw scenes like Day to day activities, Farming, Festival celebrations, Tarpa dance etc.At the end of this course ypu can able to make various Warli painting compositions."
Price: 1600.00

"How To Vlog & Create a Sustainable Passive Income" |
"In this video course I am going to show you how to use content creation to build a sustainable passive income - leaving you more time to do the things you love.This is a step by step walkthrough to achieving complete creative freedom.If you want to know how to turn vlogging into a life-long passive income - this is the course for you. Who am I?My name is Jordan Simons and I have been traveling the world continuously as a filmmaker for the past 6+ years. I have built a passive income that enables me to travel wherever I want and do more of the things I love.I have also built a YouTube following of over 200,000 people and worked with internationally recognised brands.I am able to live wherever I want and have built a sustainable passive income while traveling the world. In this exclusvie video course, I want to show you how you can do the same. Creating a Passive Income through VloggingMy philosophy is to generate as much passive income as possible, leaving you more time to do the things you enjoy and enabling you to work on only the video projects that you want to.That is the core purpose of this course to help you achieve complete creative freedomHow to Achieve Complete Creative Freedom through Vlogging: With 70+ Training Videos, this is one of the Most Complete Courses Ever Created on Udemy! I have previously helped many students who are now getting real results Lifetime Access to Over 70+ Lectures and 7+ hours of Professional Content Watch the Featured Video to see how you can get involvedDont Delay! Join me now For Instant Life-Time Access!Complete Walkthrough:This training course has been specifically designed to be an easy to follow, step-by-step process.Each lesson will show you exactly what you need to do next.There is also a private member's area for you to ask any questions and have direct mentorship from me.If you have any questions - please ask! I am here to help.Thanks and see you there,Jord"
Price: 149.99

"Mindful Eating 101" |
"This is a course in which you'll be able to understand thoroughly...-HOW to become more aware and on purpose while eating and in life-HOW to know when you're eating mindfully and when you're not-WHAT all the benefits are to eating more mindfully and how they affect your health and life-HOW to discover your eating cycle-HOW to handle stress related to eating-WHAT affects food has on your moods and how to change-HOW to successfully eat more mindfully using practice and the many tools offered-WHY you can't stop overeating-HOW to put an end to the diet mentality-ADDITIONAL fun one-pager tools, hunger scale, five-day challenge, awareness checklist, weekly goal sheetYou'll discover YOU'RE NOT ALONE! You have hope and support.What will you get from This Course?How to become on purpose, focused, become more in tune with your body and food.The power to be more mindful during eating will reduce stress, lower anxiety, increase focus, improve emotional well-being, increase control over thoughts, greater patience, increase empathy, uplevel resilience, greater self-awareness, improved health, and much more.A community of support, encouragement, accountability, and resources.Planners, tools, guides, and many more resources."
Price: 39.99

"Quantity Survey: Bar Bending Schedule AutoRebar (Auto CAD)" |
"I am Asad Ali, I will be your instructor in this course. I have over 8 years of experience as a quantity surveyor in Multinational firms after my Bachelors degree in Civil Engineering. The name of the course bar bending schedule using AutoRebar is one of the tools that will make your life much easy and you will improve productivity. Further, it is a tool compatible with both new in this field and also for those who fed up from traditional calculation methods.So what we learn in this course? First, I divided this course into five sections that will help you build basic knowledge and further enables you to pick the advance concepts. This course mainly focuses on the practical computation of bars in RCC building structure like Foundations, beams, column, stairs and slab. Using software will further make super easy for you. This course will not only be limited to the software introduction but for conceptual understanding, I will describe the theoretical aspects throughout the course."
Price: 19.99

"Meal Planning Made Easy" |
"Meal Planning is NOT a one size fits all! Discover 3 methods of Meal Planning that will help you with dinner success! Discover how to get dinner on the table with ease and grace, while saving time, money, and stress in the kitchen! Answer the dreaded ""what's for dinner?"" dilemma once and for all and enjoy dinner time with you and your family once again. Looking forward to seeing you on the the inside of this short and sweet course to help you master meal planing like a boss! MEAL PLANNING MADE EASY COURSE OUTLINEHere is what you are going to learn in Meal Planning Made Easy-Helping You Get Dinner on The Table With Ease and Grace!Module #1- Introduction Meal Planning Made Easy CourseIntroductionCourse Overview (Article)How To Get the Most Of This CourseModule #2-Mindset and Meal Planning-IntroductionHow Meal Planning Saves You TimeHow Meal Planning Saves You MoneyHow to Reduce Stress and Chaos Around The Dinner Time RushModule #3-Whats Your Meal Planning Style?IntroductionDouble BatchOnce a MonthMaster Meal PlanModule #4- Getting Started:With Once a Month Freezer Cooking (Article)With Master Meal Plan Method (Article)Module #5- Best PracticesBeing EfficientStaying OrganizedFavorite Hacks (Article)Module #6- Digital Meal PlanningIntroductionListonicPaprika3Module #7- Bonus Lesson- The $100 pp/ month Grocery ChallengeModule #8- Wrap Up and ConclusionWhat Youve Learned (Article)Now Its Your TurnSpecial Bonus (Article)"
Price: 34.99

"Watercolor Painting for Beginners By Award Winning Artist" |
"I'd say that he is a patient teacher and a very effective communicator. He is also organised and gets to the point so you have more time to learn. He is also funny which makes the class more fun. Time just flew by because he showed passion in his art and it was obvious when he taught. - Suzie AngHave you ever tried painting with water before?Do you want to learn how to make fun, colorful, translucent watercolor paintings?It's simpler than you think!Watercolor is a FUN way to paint!It can swirl and drip, blend and bleed, all of this randomness and free flow, believe it or not,can make painting effortless andopen up many possibilities for your creativity to flow.It can push you out of your comfort zoneand it can also pull you in to the moment.Its the only medium that can paint a painting with you.What that means is,you apply the paint and let the water do the rest.How cool is that?!WHO AM I?Hey there! Broderick here and I paint in watercolor professionally,from simple character designs, to realism, to fun art, even fine art pieces hanging in Museums in Europe.Ive been a featured artist for a major art supply chain (Youtube: urban sketching broderick wong)Social media loves my quirky watercolor pet portraits (Google: vancouver is awesome broderick wong)Placed first in live watercolor painting competitions (2016 Harmony Festival Plein Air Champion ; 2018 Grand Prix Plein Air Masters Division Champion)The Fabriano InAcquarello 2020, an international watercolor painting conference hosted in Italy,invited me to do an online painting demonstration as an international artist. (Google: ""inarte fabriano 2020 brod wong)I've led live watercolor painting workshops for people who have never picked up a brush beforeWHY LEARN FROM ME?When I started, I knew absolutely nothing about painting or watercolor.I was doing only black and white portraiture,but I knew that if I wanted to challenge myself and grow,I needed to learn color:1) I played with watercolor, but it did everything except what I wanted it to2) I experimented with acrylics, but it dried too quickly3) Oils, well, it didn't dry fast enoughI got frustrated. Everything I tried just wasnt for me.After 1 year, I gave watercolor another chance, but this time, I approached it differently.I learned from books and non-instructional YouTube videos that I played over and over againbecause I couldnt find any instructors to guide me.I had to figure it out on my own.I ruined many watercolor paintings and didnt know how to do them differently.I experienced many happy accidents, but didnt know how to recreate them successfully.I persevered and took a handful of workshops and,over a brief period, I developed a certain fluency in reading watercolor.Watercolor has taught me so much about art, about myself, even about life!This is why watercolor to me, is for life.To anyone out there who has tried learning on their own but needs more guidance,to those who have tried their hand at it and need a fresh way of approaching their workflow,to those that don't even have any art background and are looking to try something new,I've been there, and I got you covered.Fast forward to today, if I could have kick-started a path to success for myself to follow,to learn watercolor painting quicker without making so many mistakes, what would that look like?Through my experience in teaching myself and others,I have peeled away those layers to its core essence,and it is with this awareness that I present to you:Watercolor Painting for BeginnersIm excited to help you learn to create watercolor paintings you could be proud of!Broderick's personality to teach made the learning enjoyable. It was not about how good he was an artist but how we can achieve what he was showing us to accomplish a finished painting. The technique was simple, easy to follow and not hard to comprehend. Broderick is inspirational and ""YES"" Watercolour Essentials is the WAY TO GO!!! - April Lee ~o~WHO IS THIS FOR?Whether you've never picked up a brush before, or if youre hoping to understand the medium better,you'll want to finally learn watercolor the way it's meant to be used.ARE YOU AN ABSOLUTE BEGINNER?Are you looking for a new hobby,or maybe youve gathered a collection of watercolor supplies but haven't found the time or courage to paint or maybe youre looking for a break from other more career goal oriented courses?Are you concerned about buying more than you need or can afford?Do you learn best through casual conversations instead of formal lectures?Would you appreciate tips, reminders, directing you through exercises every step of the way?With watercolor, you don't need a lot of materials to start painting.I recommend a few decent materials that are not crazy expensive nor are they sub-par-quality cheap.I've also designed Watercolor Painting for Beginners to be sequential, which means, steps from previous lessons are seamlessly incorporated with the new.Thank you so much Broderick! This was a nice experience for me. I never knew I would fall in love with watercolour. I like the way you teach, it is easy to pick up and everything makes sense to me. Hoping to continue my journey with watercolour. Joanne WhangARE YOU AN ON AND OFF PAINTER?You've tried watercolor but find it difficult to control, you may need a refresher on watercolor or maybe you need direction because you seem to choose the wrong and complicated things to paint?Would you appreciate hearing what artists think as they paint?Do you find painting the same thing over and over boring and tiresome?Do you appreciate some background information about watercolor, and a progressive build up of technique and application?If you've painted before, pay special attention to the first 2 lessons. It will provide more structure to the way you paint, so you avoid guesswork or uncertainty, catapulting your confidence to paint with more intention. No matter what your style is, what you learn is essential.I thought that I was more experienced than beginners but I found out that I had a lot to learn. It was very different from other classes I have taken. Yours focuses on each specific technique. I have to tell you that I learned these techniques better in your class. I also learned things that no one had told me before. In other classes I have taken they showed us some of these techniques but didnt spend as much time on them. They spent more time painting. I really enjoyed learning these things and I felt a sense of accomplishment after mastering them. I think they will stay with me better. ~ Chris MclarenREADY TO GO OUT OF YOUR COMFORT ZONE TO LEARN SOMETHING NEW? ~o~THE PROBLEM WITH LEARNINGThere are watercolor painting classes out there that use up hours on soul-crushing lectures and theorybefore putting brush to paper and when you finally do, it's all about repetitive drills,forgettable color chart and swatch exercises,demoralizing activities that are too mediocre or too complex,random techniques without understanding why,leaving you with so much playing, experimenting and accidents,but still not knowing how to properly apply the knowledge in a practical way.I'm here to show you that learning doesn't have to be mind-numbing.Seriously. You just need the right guidance.WATERCOLOR PAINTING FOR BEGINNERS1) SHORT LASER-FOCUSED LESSONSMy Watercolor Painting For Beginners course does not involve a bowl of fruit, numerous lectures, drills and excruciating repetition.My live watercolor painting workshops have given me the opportunity to target and isolate very specific challenges about the painting process,from a learners point of view, and then break them down into short laser-focused lessons.I found that these challenges are multi-layered and overlapping,making it difficult to know where to begin. This is why you may feel youre taking 2 steps forward and 4 steps back.My Watercolor Painting For Beginners course peels away those layers,then simplifies them into short focused lessons,allowing you to learn only what you need to know at that time, to get you to the next level.Succeeding lessons will have their own short, focused sessions that gradually build on top of the previous.2) LEARN WITHOUT THE INFORMATION OVERLOAD Ive distilled traditional art theory & practice into their fundamental essence I use easy to understand language (aka no artsy fartsy terminologies) I thoughtfully produce my material and content: Straight to the point. No extra fluff.3) SEQUENTIAL LEARNINGThe way information is presented, oddly enough, has an enormous impact on what you learn,how fast you learn and how you apply it. (Sometimes whether you learn at all!)I designed this course to build new information on top of what you already know. Think Lego. New lessons introduce new techniques & reinforce what you learned in previous lessons Lessons include carefully designed activities to match the skill level Lessons are concise but packed with only relevant informationI liked the fun energy of each class with some laughter! The examples and what we could produce with each project gave excitement to the possibilities of each project! I loved learning all the different techniques and was super excited to learn another! The results of each project were simple enough to truly reach great results! - Cynthia Cleator4) NO SECOND GUESSING!Knowing differs from understanding.Random tips and tricks are good for 1-time activities,but have you tried painting something else afterand felt like it sent you straight back to kindergarten?I've been there before. (A few times actually. Sigh.)You need a stronger foundation to fall back on.Understanding what youre doing with your watercolor will take you much further. Too much control = Overworked, muddy paintings Too much spontaneity = One big-happy-accident-type-of-paintings Controlled spontaneity = Fresh, glowing, transparent paintings5) LET GO OF THE FEAR OF STARTINGI need to tidy up my work spaceThose plants look like they need a little drink todayThe cat needsanother bath!The fear of uncertainty encourages procrastination.What if I told you one tip you can do to sidestep your hesitation?(And no, it doesnt involve sticking notes with the words Let It Go all over the place.)They say that the shortest distance between two points is a straight line.What if I told you that the shortest distance betweenstaring at a blank paper and actually painting on itare only 4 dots, would you give it a try?Learn my 4 Strengths Method.This is a complete GAME CHANGER, one that I personally use to ensure that I paint with more confidence, minimize any rework and overcome any initial hesitation.That small piece of awareness was so valuable and so well put together! The whole course must be a goldmine!! ~ Lara Marchionni-Jones6) HAVE FUN WHILE YOU LEARN!Theres painting for fun, and then theres painting to learn while having fun.The course videos are professionally produced to educate and entertain.This balance ensures a variety of presentations, instruction, humor and pacing! Painting for fun = Just playing with paints, there is not much technique to take away. Painting to learn = Heavy on theory and drills. Painting to learn while having fun equips you with what you need to know, right away, so you can enjoy the watercolor painting process more. ~o~HOW ELSE CAN I HELP YOU?Im here to help you think like water.The more you understand, the less uncertainty there is, the more excited you will be to paint.You will first learn how to control your watercolor.Then Ill show you how to use water and let it do what it wants.This is what I call, Controlled Spontaneity: A give and take between you and the watercolor.You will learn how to use water, to do different techniques, such as smooth washes, blending, glazing, color mixing, and so much more.I would describe it as a controlled, guided, step-by-step approach to the basics of doing watercolour, taught by an excellent artist, with a wonderful manner and people skills. Excellent for complete beginners, and a refresher for those with some experience. - Bruce RaberQ1: I dont have strong drawing skills, should I take a drawing class first?You dont need to know how to draw.Since the focus of the lessons are about painting and not drawing,I will teach you a quick and easy way to sketch (that even kids can do!)so you can start painting right away.Q2: I had done so little watercolour painting before and I quit from frustration. What makes your course different from others?He knows exactly the most essential skills that his students need to learn first. I had never met a teacher like him who is so willing to share all of his knowledge and experience with his students. His exceptional teaching and great sense of humor made classes all the more enjoyable. Broderick's instructions has been a fun and enlightening experience on my journey to learn how to paint watercolour. Broderick is not only an outstanding artist but also an excellent instructor. - Alice WMy course is professionally produced: All videos are shot in high definition Over the head shots showing my entire set up Close-up shots for color mixing Clear and consistent audio/commentary Combination of energetic and relaxed pacing Casual conversations instead of formal lectures Receive the information in small segments. No over explaining. Animation/Visual Cues to let you know where I want you to focus on Fun activities with new challenges in each lesson to build up technique and applicationYou will learn my 4 Strengths Method, a complete GAME CHANGER that will jump start the way you paint, right after the 2nd lesson.This course includes everything that I teach in my live workshops,combining 2 of my workshops ($400 total value) plus access to additional,bonus paint along videos to get more practice after the course.If youve taken different classes before but still have a hard time controlling watercolor,my Watercolor Painting for Beginners course can help.This is not your typical, traditional course.My live watercolor painting workshops have allowed me to refine the lessons into what they are today,breaking down the watercolor process even more into its most essential concepts.I did notice a difference - increased confidence. I realize I need to take my time, pay attention, look, plan, especially mixing enough paint, adding colour to the puddle in small increments.. Thinking about the colours & water control was also useful. Each of the steps you covered were so helpful. - Helen ONeillQ3: Things are quite busy with work/kids/life. What if I dont finish the lesson?These lessons are available anytime you need them, wherever you are in the world.Learn at your own pace as long as you have a computer and an internet connection. ~o~So, are you ready to finally start CREATING your very own beautiful watercolor painting instead of just admiring the work of others?Then enroll now! I cant wait to help you create your amazing paintings with color & water.I went home yesterday excited about the watercolour painting we worked on in class and looked up different patterns I could draw out and paint for a mother's day gift. A circle with flowers and ivy and thinking of putting the word Love in the middle for a nice gift for my mom. So I guess you can say you've inspired me to want to paint more! Thank you for that. - Emma AthertonYour demonstration is so detailed and easy to understand. The subjects you were creating for us to paint are also interesting and impressive as well. Now, I find a new way to paint watercolour and don't panic anymore. - Alice Peng"
Price: 199.99

"Art Inspiration School : Full Guide to Drawing and Painting" |
"Welcome for learning Art , My prime Goal is to teach you about Art skills to improve your knowledge for art which includes Pencil drawing , Water color painting, oil painting and acrylic painting . Art Inspiration is completely focused on to your growth of your art skills , to train you from beginner to professional skills and also we will help you to setup your Art business which is plus point in our course studies, our primarily focus is to train you all the require points to become successful artist, In this learning program we will discuss about portraits, figure studies, abstract art, landscapes and many more topics we will discuss in our video lessons to enhance your knowledge about art ."
Price: 19.99

"Calculus-That Will Break Your Fear" |
"This course has detailed explanation of following Topics:Partial Derivatives : Partial and Total Derivatives ( Chain rule), Homogeneous functions, Euler's Theorem, Maxima and Minima for a function of One variable, Two variables and Three variables.Mean value theorems : Continuity of a function at a particular value and in a closed interval, Differentiability of a function in an open interval, Roll's theorem, Legrange's Mean value theorem, Cauchy's Mean value theorem , Taylor's theorem ( Generalized Mean value theorem.Definite and Improper Definite Integrals: Properties of Definite Integrals, Convergence and Divergence, Comparison Test, P-Series Test, Integral test, Gamma and Beta functions.Limits : Limits definition, Indeterminate forms of Limits. Vector Calculus : Basics of Vector Algebra, Dot ( Scalar ) Product , Cross ( Vector )Product , Scalar Triple Product, Vector Triple Product, Application of Partial Derivatives on Vectors :Gradient, Directional Derivative( d,d ), Unit normal, Divergence, Solenoidal vector, Curl or Rotation, Irrotational or Conservative Force Field.Multiple Integrals : Line integrals, Work done, Surface Integrals, Double Integrals evaluation Techniques, Volume Integrals, Triple Integrals evaluation techniques.Vector Integral Theorems : Green's Theorem, Stoke's Theorem and Gauss - Divergence Theorem"
Price: 9920.00

"7 Strategies For Content Creation" |
"What you'll learn:How to increase your marketing ROI by turning old content into a variety of other content pieces that can be used to drive traffic, boost social media engagement, educate customers and more!!!!Does Repurposing Content Work?Are you tired of creating new content Everyday because you're told that creating more content is the only answer to getting more traffic? Right??No Wrong, In the current content time, just publishing your content creations wont help. You need to get out of your comfort zone and get your great content out in front of your target audience.BUT HOW??The answer is repurposing your content. Youre going to be able to attract more customers in less time WITHOUT spending more money. And all you need to do is transform a single blog post into multiple pieces of content.Still Thinking To Enroll In This Course??Here Are Few Case Studies of Strategic Content Repurposing:1. Copyblogger: Leveraging Slide Decks:-Copyblogger is well-known for the high-quality content they produce on the subjects of copywriting, content marketing, and engaging audiences through the power of words. Theyre also no stranger to the power of repurposing content. They took one blog post, The 3-Step Journey of a Remarkable Piece of Content and transformed it into a SlideShare.The Result was Mind Blowing:That SlideShare presentation has earned 38K+ views to date.2.Matthew Woodward: Driving Subscribers with LinkedIn:-In 2015, SEO professional Matthew Woodward started using LinkedIn as a publishing platform to expand his audience reach. His strategy included repurposing previous content that had been featured and creating follow-up articles to his popular content. By recycling just a few of his popular posts, he quickly snagged over 300 new subscribers at a 76.15% conversion rate.3. Matthew Barby: To the Frontpage of BuzzFeed:-Matthew Barby, head of growth at HubSpot, managed to make it to the frontpage of BuzzFeed not once, but twice. Rather than creating brand-new content, he repurposed content into a listicle featuring high protein vegetarian recipes. With a little paid social boost, he got the attention of editors and scored over 140,000 views.4.Buffer: The No New Content Challenge:-The Buffer team rolled out a brief experiment in 2015 to see what would happen if they stopped producing new content and only repurposed/refreshed their existing content. This strategy involved repurposing two to three new pieces each week for one month. At the end of the experiment, organic search traffic grew over 4%. New SlideShare presentations nabbed almost 200,000 views, and one Medium post captured 2,888 views and made it into the Top 20 for a day.There are tremendous benefits to repurposing content, and its an easy way to fill the gaps of your content schedule because most of the work has already been done.- By HubspotIn This 7 Day ""Content Creation"" Challenge, You Will Discover My Best Content Creation Secrets Like...Day 1 How to Get StartedDay 2 How to Repurpose Your Blog PostDay 3 Converting Your Post to a SlideshowDay 4 How to Convert Your Slideshow to a VideoDay 5 Creating an Awesome Infographic from Your Blog PostDay 6 How to Create an Audio Version of Your PostDay 7 Finally, Schedule Social SharingDID I MENTION? YOU Will Get to Know All The tools you'll need to Create your very own content in the next few weeks...Plus, you'll finally feel confident about where to start, with training on everything from planning, to Repurposing Single content to Multiple Content, to knowing how to Create it all up into Multiple Brand New Content to keep your Prospects Engaged and Turning Them into Buying Customers...Think you are ready?Yes, I cover EVERYTHING you need to get your very own Content Repurposed ASAP!And the best part? You Don't Have to Pay Fortune!!"
Price: 199.99

"German Online Course, A1 Absolute Beginners" |
"Learn German faster!German Online Course designed for independent learners. A milestone content to help you progress in German and pass any German A1 exam! In this German course A1 Online you will learn new grammar and new vocabulary. You will practice reading, listening, writing and speaking skills. When reading, for example, you learn to understand simple everyday texts. When listening, you practice Grammar in everyday language. Our students value this course crucial in understanding Grammar and prepare for Language Exams. This German course A1 Online is a beginner's course. It is suitable for beginners with no previous knowledge.In the A1 online German course, you will learn the basics of the German language such as letters and numbers, greetings, shopping, topics such as food and drink, seasons, city maps and directions, as well as family, friends and simple conversations. By listening, hearing and watching our learning videos our learners say that they have accumulated much more vocabulary and reading skills and listening skills as opposed to classroom teaching."
Price: 34.99

"Assay Method Validation Mastery" |
"I am very glad to launch this course!This course will help you understanding ins and outs about assay method validation for HPLC methods. I have created this course with live demonstration for easy understanding. You will find me executing all activities here in the course.This course will make you MASTER in preparation of concentration matrix for various assay method validation parameters. It will guide you in preparation of protocol as well as report. You will also find information on how to calculate end results for each validation parameter. On top of everything, you will get downloadable versions of required templates and formats"
Price: 1920.00

"Dissolution Method Validation Mastery" |
"The dissolution method validation mastery course will help you in understanding not only concept but also implementation. The course has explained on how concentration matrix for various dissolution method validation parameters can be prepared, how to prepare protocol and report, how to perform various calculations. You will find demo on all above activities, which will help you in understanding entire curriculum on deeper level."
Price: 1920.00

"The stability study mastery course will walk you through various requirements of stability study in case of API and finished product. The details of preparation of stability protocol, stability summary report, stability schedule is well explained with LIVE demonstration for easy understanding. Moreover, the IQ, OQ and PQ of stability chamber is discussed with great details."
Price: 1280.00

"VMware NSX-T 3.0 Fundamentals Part One (2020)" |
"Why should learning NSX be boring? Tired of death by powerpoint like some other courses? You wont find that here.If youre learning NSX in 2020, DONT spend your time learning old versions! NSX has defined an end-of-sale date for NSX-V, and replaced it with NSX-T. This course is aimed at the latest and greatest NSX-T version, 3.0! Best yet, this course is filled with hands-on examples, and minimal slides! Here's feedback from my actual students:""Recently I found out that I would be assisting in a project to deploy NSX-T and I can assure you I was super nervous and a bit scared if I'm being honest as I'm a traditional network engineer so this is totally out of my comfort zone. After going through this course, I feel much more comfortable to attempt this deployment""""One of the Best courses I took on Udemy""""This is one of the best training courses for NSX-T available on the internet""""The course is amazing, I followed everything step-by-step in my home lab and everything worked like magic""My name is Mike, and people know me as the NSX guy. Ive got years of experience with both Cisco and VMware technologies, including two CCIE certifications, and most importantly, I have struggled through learning this stuff - so I know exactly how to make you an NSX pro! I have taught this same curriculum to many students, and have seen many go on to become the go-to experts on NSX in their companies!VMware NSX-T is no longer tied to vCenter only, it introduces the ability to network and secure multiple workloads, such as Containers (k8s), Bare Metal servers, and even Public Cloud (AWS/Azure)! This course will focus primarily on vSphere use cases.In Part One of my NSX-T Fundamentals series, we'll go through the core NSX-T concepts that you need to know, and I'll walk you through the FULL deployment of NSX-T 3.0 from scratch. In Part Two of my series, we'll continue the fun and focus in on security within NSX-T, including microsegmentation, intrusion detection, and more! It's important to note that this series is VERY heavy on implementation and does not cover every design aspect of NSX-T, my goal is to give you the tools to be able to deploy and use NSX-T, and give you homework for the remaining pieces :) "
Price: 49.99

"Fundamentals of Digital Telecommunication Systems" |
"This course presents the Fundamentals of Digital Telecommunication Systems, which can generally be applied towards many different telecommunication systems and standards. The content is based on a course, which was given at UCSD - Extension by the author over several years, therefore a lot of student feedback is in fact applied to the course. This course is split into a total of 8 chapters, whereas for now 6 chapters are uploaded, with 2 more chapters to follow soon. The first chapter just gives a historical background of the development of telecommunication systems over time. The other chapters go into more technical details. Different modulation schemes are discussed, which are used in digital systems. Channel models which are used in some standards are discussed, which also are defined in some of the 3GPP standards. Mathematical and Simulation models using Matlab are presented, which help to develop algorithm for real applications are presented. This course is highly recommended before you move forward with any of the other 3G, 4G, LTE, Satellite Communication or 5G telecommunication classes. It provides the fundamental knowledge, which allows you to understand the details of modern telecommunication systems. Remark: The course is a 'living' document. We will update topics and improve over time and add at least two more chapters in the upcoming weeks and months. So even if you sign up today you should check back on a regular basis."
Price: 34.99

"The Complete Introduction to English Pronunciation" |
"The complete introduction to English pronunciation is a course designed to teach you all of the sounds we use in standard English so you can improve your English pronunciation and start to speak with confidence. Pronunciation is a difficult area to teach because students from different languages have different problems with different English sounds. But after studying this course you will understand HOW we make the sounds in English and also WHICH sounds are difficult. We will practice the sounds with over 400 example words in 10 hours of video. We will also do practice activities together in the lessons and you will have access to many more activities as PDFs. In addition to the sounds, we will also practice other important areas such as syllables, word stress, rhyming, US/UK differences, and how the read and write the IPA phoneme alphabet. So maybe you are a student who wants to improve your pronunciation or maybe you are a teacher who is not sure how to teach pronunciation to your students, whatever your motivation this course can help.Let's start!"
Price: 24.99

"Guitarra elctrica al estilo Metal Neoclsico y tcnicas" |
"El curso de Guitarra elctrica al estilo Metal Neoclsico y tcnicas de guitarra solista de Sebastin Salinas se enfoca desde un nivel bsico en las tcnicas, patrones, escalas, arpegios y conceptos ms utilizados en el estilo de Metal Neoclsico popularizado por Yngwie Malmsteen, Ritchie Blackmore, Walter Giardino (Rata Blanca), Timo Tolkki (Stratovarius), Luca Turilli (Rhapsody), Michael Romeo (Symphony X) y muchos ms. Aprenders tambin las ideas ms representativas de este gnero como nota pedal, ostinato, melodas, interludios Barrocos y otros conceptos tomados de los grandes compositores como Bach, Vivaldi, Mozart, Beethoven.En cada seccin tendrs tambin un ejercicio musical para tocar con pistas mp3 de acompaamiento a velocidad lenta, media y normal.Tambin te ensear nota por nota mi composicin ""Camino de libertad"" y la podrs tocar con la pista de acompaamiento a velocidad lenta, media o normal al finalizar este curso.Tocars tus propios solos e improvisaciones con backingtracks del estilo y te inspirars a crear tu propia msica con lo absorbido.Es un programa organizado y completo en 10 semanas que te ayudarn a pulir tu tcnica, aprender nuevos conceptos musicales y herramientas que te mantendrn inspirado, motivado y aprendiendo. Te espero en el curso!"
Price: 39.99

"AI-100 Designing And Implement Azure AI Solution Exam Prep" |
"Enjoy Learning Be certified AI-100 2020 Designing And Implement Azure AI Solution AssociateGet 100% Latest Updated Practice Questions, Perfect Detailed Answers By IT Experts (Pass Guaranteed)>>5 Practices Tests with 160+ Valid Questions<<Candidates for this exam should have subject matter expertise using cognitive services, machine learning, and knowledge mining to architect and implement Microsoft AI solutions involving natural language processing, speech, computer vision, and conversational AI.Azure AI Engineers translate the vision from solution architects and work with data scientists, data engineers, IoT specialists, and software developers to build complete end-to-end solutions.A candidate for this exam should have knowledge and experience designing and implementing AI apps and agents that use Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services, Azure Bot Service, Azure Cognitive Search, and data storage in Azure. In addition, a candidate should be able to recommend solutions that use open source technologies, understand the components that make up the Azure AI portfolio and the available data storage options, and understand when a custom API should be developed to meet specific requirements."
Price: 154.99

"If you are already trained in and some level of experience in SAP GRC and do not know how to configure and integrate it with SAP FIORI then this course is for you.In this video only based course, you will learn all the steps that are required to integrate SAP GRC 12.0 with SAP FIORI system."
Price: 59.99

"Understanding Mental Health" |
"This course aims to teach students about the factors around mental health and how they can affect your own, and others, mental wellbeing. Mental Health First Aid also looks at physical and mental signs and symptoms of mental distress and how you can assist, support and reduce stigma surrounding mental health in these situations."
Price: 24.99

"Tecnologia de Aplicao em Cana de Aucar" |
"Desenvolvido com o intuito de ensinar os conceitos, clculos, posicionamento, variveis e recomendaes em tecnologia de aplicao voltada para cana de aucar do plantio aviao agrcola, este curso foi desenvolvido por quem possu um extenso conhecimento em Tecnologia de Aplicao de produtos fitossanitrios e de corretivos e um leque de servios que vai de Assistncia tcnica, treinamentos, checklist de equipamentos a Consultoria customizada, em Tecnologia de Aplicao."
Price: 579.99

"Monetiza sin salir de casa: introduccin a las criptomonedas" |
"Introduccin a las finanzas alternativas, fraccionadas, descentralizadas y rentables. Conoce los fundamentos econmicos detrs de la economa digital: criptoactivos, monedas digitales y Bitcoin. Aprende a invertir de una forma clara, sencilla, segura y con poco dinero. Cmo puedo convertirme en un inversionista exitoso? Utilizando una estrategia clara. Consejos para invertir de forma segura"
Price: 19.99

"Python For Absolute Beginners : Learn Python From Scratch" |
"There is no doubt that Python is the most popular programming language at the moment. Python is used in Machine Learning, Data Science, Web Development and almost all the areas of Software Development. If you want to learn Python and don't know how to start, then this course is for you. This course is designed for complete beginners."
Price: 1280.00

"Learn Spanish: Spanish.Made.Easy" |
"In this course you will learn some of the basics of Spanish. This course will increase your general knowledge and overall understanding of the Spanish language. Please use this course as a quick and novice intro into the language of Spanish. This course is great for those who want to learn a few tings about the basic structure of Spanish."
Price: 19.99

"Resale Domination: Build a Side Hustle by Reselling Sneakers" |
"You can make money by reselling sneakers and streetwear! In fact, you can do it while going to school or working a 9-5 job. Reselling is one of the best business models out there, especially for a side hustle. It seems crazy to make money off of selling shoes and clothes, but theres actually a repeatable process to finding the best items and consistently profiting off of them. Ive made thousands reselling and I want to give you the skills to do the same."
Price: 99.99

"Coding Interview Essentials: Data Structures & Algorithms" |
"Do you find yourself struggling to get interviews or solve coding interview problems? Want a job at the top tech companies in the world? You've come to the right place!Turns out, you don't need to prepare for months and months. This course will teach you the absolute essentials for getting and acing the coding interview.Unlike most courses, this course will be entirely practical. Learn from someone who has worked at top tech companies including Google and Facebook, and given dozens of interviews for all types of companies. No computer science degree needed!You'll learn:Part 1) Getting more Interviews:How to set your resume up for success, including a 1:1 resume critique and access to a proven resume templateHow to best apply to companiesHow to optimize your LinkedIn, GitHub, and personal portfolioWhat the best side projects arePart 2) Passing the interview:Big O NotationHow to InterviewArrays (sorting and searching)StringsLinked ListsStacks and QueuesHash Tables / Hash SetsGraphs (trees, heaps, traversals, and more)Dynamic Programming (greedy and memoization)Math, Bitwise, and Design QuestionsNon-Technical Interview QuestionsPart 3) ExtrasFirst-hand insights into interviews at:GoogleFacebookAppleBloombergStripeRemote Interview TipsOnsite Interview TipsImposter SyndromeNot only that, you'll get 20+ in-depth solutions to common interview questions. You'll learn the fundamental techniques and problem solving process, so you can apply it to any interview question you come up against.Note: I use Python for the coding problems, but you don't need Python knowledge! The ideas translate to any programming language of your choice.As the instructor, I designed this course as ""everything I wish I knew when I started"". I look forward to helping you with your next job search!"
Price: 89.99

"MS Azure Fundamentals AZ-900 Practice Test Updated July 2020" |
"There are 2 x Practice test with each 50+ questions which are of same pattern to the original exam.This practice test will help the students and professionals to crack the AZ-900 Fundamentals exam. The azure fundamentals AZ-900 is the basic level certification in azure which has all the basic questions related to the Azure cloud. By taking thei practice test one can easily gain knowledge to clear the real exam"
Price: 1280.00

"El desarrollo y aprendizaje mediante el juego" |
"En este curso encontrars la informacin fundamental para que seas capaz de contribuir al desarrollo y aprendizaje de los nios a travs de su actividad principal y esencial: el juego.En las diferentes clases dispondrs de teora con la que poder comprender cmo se produce el desarrollo y aprendizaje de los nios y la influencia del juego en ambos procesos. Asimismo, encontrars tanto ejemplos y recursos que te ayudarn a poner en prctica lo aprendido como materiales y propuestas de juegos que podrs realizar con los pequeos.Adems, en este curso aprenders y tendrs recursos y ejemplos sobre:Juegos con los que potenciar el desarrollo sensorialJuegos con los que potenciar el desarrollo psicomotorJuegos con los que potenciar el desarrollo cognitivoJuegos con los que potenciar el desarrollo lingsticoJuegos con los que potenciar el desarrollo afectivoJuegos con los que potenciar el desarrollo socialEl espacio, los recursos y los compaeros de juego"
Price: 19.99
