"Basics of Indian Customs Act A Complete Study" |
"Note: This course is designed for Indian Students pursuing CA / CMA / CS Professional Courses. This course is structured following the syllabus prescribed for professional examinations of above courses. Hence, Non Indian students, please do not take this course.Welcome to this course Basics of Indian Customs Act A Complete Study.In this course, you will learn about legal provisions prescribed under Indian Customs Act, 1962 and it will help you to understand the act with lots of examples and case studies.Initially only few topics are published. However, over a period of time, following topics also proposed to be included in the course. Hence, go through the course curriculum before purchasing and make your decision to buy only after ensuring, topics you require are covered in this course.Proposed topics:a) Levy &Exemptions from Customs Dutyb) Types of Dutyc) Classification of Imported &Exported Goodsd) Valuation under Customs Acte) Importation, Exportation &Transportation of Goodsf) Warehousingg) Duty Drawbackh) Demand and Recoveryi) Refundj) Provisions / Penalties for Illegal Import, Export, Confiscation & Allied activitesk) Appeals &Revisionsl) Settlement Commissionm) Advance RulingSee you inside the course."
Price: 3520.00

"Learn Deferred Taxes through Case Studies" |
"Welcome to this course Learn Deferred Taxes through Case StudiesAs the name says, this course will cover only problems / case studies in Deferred Taxes. It means, there will be no separate lectures for Theoretical Concepts. You are expected to know theoretical concepts before taking up this course.Deferred tax problems / case studies are night mares for several students taking up professional courses like CA / CMA / CS / ACCA / CIMA. This course was created to help those students who are facing difficulty in cracking Deferred Tax Assets / Liabilities computations.So far, around 10 Case studies have been added into the course curriculum. All the case studies are tested in Professional Level Examinations. More case studies will be added in the coming days.This course is structured in self paced learning style.Excel / PPTsused for solving problems / case studies will be available for download.Solve problems simultaneously to get better grip on the case studies.See you inside the course."
Price: 29.99

"A beginners and intermediate guide to VBA programming" |
"Have you ever felt frustrated using Microsoft Excel to perform mundane and often repetitive tasks? Have you ever felt that there has to be an easier and faster way to perform to do something? Well, using Microsoft Visual Basic for Application (VBA) programming language allows you to automate manual tasks within Excel and allows you to be more effective and efficient with your time. Not only does it provide you access to a rich library of additional tools and capabilities, over and above what a standard user may have access to, it can also be used to integrate with some of the Microsoft other Office applications such as Outlook, Word and MS Access. So, who should take this course? Anyone who wants to learn how to be a proficient VBA programming Anyone who wants to learn how to effectively utilize the tool to solve and automated manual tasks In this course you will learn some of the fundamental concepts of the VBA programming language. Not only does this course include a review of the basic concepts and key functionality available within this rich programming language such as the IF, Select Case and Loop Statements, you will also learn how to design and develop your own custom objects using the concepts of object orientated programming through the use of class modules. This course starts off with a brief refresher on the basic concepts of the VBA programming language and a review of the VBA Editor, the development environment that we will use during this course. This program also includes a number of practical examples, to help demonstrate how to effectively utilize the concepts that you have covered during this course. This course includes the key concepts and practical examples of the following VBA statements and functionality: IF Statements Loop Statements (For Next, Do While, Do Until) Exit Statements Goto Statements Select Case Statements Enumeration Data Types The DoEvents Statement Macros Arrays (declaring, re-initializing, auto populating and deleting arrays) Error Handling Standard Excel Objects Functions and Procedures Passing Values To Functions By Value Passing Variables to Functions By Reference Advance String Manipulation using the Trim, LTrim, RTrim, Left, Right, Instr and InstrRev Statements User forms Classes / Custom Objects Variable Declaration And Scope We finish the training course by reviewing additional practical examples of how to apply the key concepts that we have reviewed during this course. In total, this course provides approximately 9 hours of course videos, including practical files and examples to help you become a proficient and effective programming."
Price: 19.99

"Fashion Brand Launch: Dept Stores, International & Licensing" |
"This is the course you will need to understand all of the ins and outs of working with department stores, international distributors and licensing companies. These are sales strategies that will enable your brand to become a large national player and an international brand. Less will include details about working with their contracts,Terms &Conditions, charge-backs, sales etc.The 45 minute video course includes a formal presentation of strategies taught by Shawn Ward. The course will cover the following subjects:--------If you have any questions relating to the course, please feel free to contact me here on Udemy!Please don't forget to leave me a comment and a rating if you think it is appropriate to do so. :)Testimonials:~ Very informative. A great detailed overview of the necessities needed for launching a brand. Great amount of knowledge and insight presented. From practical to inspirational - Stevyn~ It was jam packed full of info I was really looking for! - Cassy~ Great visual aids & amazing webinar overall; extremely appreciative of the wealth of knowledge shared - Shayna~ Great, easy to understand and follow. - Joseph~ A lot of people start a business and don't know the first thing about starting a business, so this was helpful. - Crystal~ I really enjoyed this. I don't know much about business but have an Idea and dream so this is very helpful and I can follow. This will give me a guideline. Thank you - Mona~ Great, easy to understand and follow. - Joseph~ I LOVE WARD & FIFTH!! - TG"
Price: 54.99

"Fashion Brand Launch: All Sales Forms Needed For Growth" |
"This is the course you will need to understand all of the agreements and contracts needed to grow your brand globally. The course will also provide real - life examples of these forms that can be given to students for:- Brand Line Sheets- Case Pack Options- Order Forms- Retailer Credit Applications- Retailer Terms & Conditions-International Distribution Contracts- Licensing ContractsThe 45 minute video course includes a formal presentation of strategies taught by Shawn Ward. The course will cover the following subjects:--------If you have any questions relating to the course, please feel free to contact me here on Udemy!Please don't forget to leave me a comment and a rating if you think it is appropriate to do so. :)Testimonials:~ Very informative. A great detailed overview of the necessities needed for launching a brand. Great amount of knowledge and insight presented. From practical to inspirational - Stevyn~ It was jam packed full of info I was really looking for! - Cassy~ Great visual aids & amazing webinar overall; extremely appreciative of the wealth of knowledge shared - Shayna~ Great, easy to understand and follow. - Joseph~ A lot of people start a business and don't know the first thing about starting a business, so this was helpful. - Crystal~ I really enjoyed this. I don't know much about business but have an Idea and dream so this is very helpful and I can follow. This will give me a guideline. Thank you - Mona~ Great, easy to understand and follow. - Joseph~ I LOVE WARD & FIFTH!! - TG"
Price: 54.99

"Basics of Finance and Budgeting" |
"This training program is designed for people who do not possess any background knowledge of Financials and Budgeting and would like to have a basic understanding of budgets and financial reports so they can hold relevant discussions and render decisions based on financial data. This course will define key terms like ROI, EBIT, GAAP, etc, it will also provide understanding of financial statements, budgets, forecasting techniques, purchasing decisions, and laws that regulate the handling and dissemination of financial information."
Price: 19.99

"Aprende Diseo web con HTML y CSS de forma fcil y prctica" |
"(IMPORTANTE: Si ests interesado en este curso, ponte en contacto conmigo y te enviar un cupn con un increble descuento. Luego t decides si usarlo o no. Sin compromiso, por supuesto) Te haces un lo con todos los lenguajes, las siglas y las palabras extraas que rodean el diseo de pginas web?Te parece que eso son ""cosas de informticos"" y que t nunca vas a llegar a comprenderlo? Pues entonces, bienvenido a este curso de HTML y CSS para no-informticos!! Este es un curso bsico, que empieza desde cero, y que est pensado para gente que, como t, nunca ha visto nada sobre el diseo de pginas web. O que s lo ha visto, pero que nunca ha llegado a manejarlo del todo. Pero eso s, no se trata de un curso de iniciacin. Presentamos un curso totalmente completo con el que sers capaz de disear sitios web completos y profesionales. Abordaremos todos los aspectos de la creacin y publicacin de pginas web, por lo que adems de aprender HTML y CSS, tambin incluimos mdulos que nos ensearn cmo funciona el sistema de internet, cmo subir nuestras pginas ya terminadas a la red, cmo posicionarlas en los buscadores para que aparezcan en las primeras posiciones (el famoso SEO)... En resumen, un ciclo completo con el que seremos capaces no slo de crear pginas web de aspecto profesional, si no tambin de subirlas a internet y hacerlas accesibles para cualquier persona del mundo. Y todo ello explicado con sencillez y sin tecnicismos. No lo dudes, si te apetece aprender de una vez por todas a crear tus propias pginas web, este es tu curso. Y si ya tienes conocimientos bsicos de HTML y CSS, este curso te ayudar a refrescar lo que sabes y ordenarlo para sacarle el mximo partido Te espero! (El curso incluye adems dos mdulos bonus sobre Photoshop y Dreamweaver para crear interesantes efectos avanzados para nuestras pginas de internet, y adems un tercer mdulo bonus sobre Posicionamiento SEO para que aprendas incluso cmo conseguir que tu pgina aparezca en los primeros puestos entre los resultados de los motores de bsqueda.)Un recorrido completo de aprendizajeEste curso pertenece a una serie de cursos cuyo objetivo es ensear a crear y disear pginas webs de forma fcil, prctica y comprensible para todo el mundo. Est especialmente pensado para quienes nunca han visto nada de este mundo y para facilitar su aprendizaje se divide en tres niveles que componen un itinerario educativo progresivo (del ms sencillo al ms complejo). La serie completa incluye los siguientes cursos (todos disponibles en Udemy):1.- HTML y CSS para no-informticos2.- Aprende jQuery y jQuery UI de forma fcil y prcticaLos alumnos apuntados en cualquiera de los cursos podrn solicitarme descuentos para realizar el resto de cursos."
Price: 19.99

"Classical Guitar Essentials - Intermediate Part 1" |
"Welcome to the 3rd course of the series Classic Guitar Essentials. Following the last 2 courses which were designed for the complete beginners, this one starts were we left off.In this course, we will dive from the start and learn brand newSCALES, which will cover the entire fret board of the guitar, so if you are a beginner, I advise you to take it slowly and maybe take my previous 2 courses first. Then we will learn new rhythm that will open the door to more complex music like Swan Lake byTchaikovsky.Arpeggios takes a whole section here, as it is a crucial building block in your advancement as a guitarist. If you havebeen watching YouTube videos, I am sure you came across it but you don't know what it is. Here I will answer this question and many more about it.Just like an athlete who is preparing for a marathon, you need to have the proper training if you want to become a classical guitarist. That's why Iincluded the section Building Technique so you feel comfortable and confident when we start playing the final pieces ""Greensleeves"", ""Gigue"",and ""Andante Op.31"" by Sor. These are all Grade 1 from London College of Music curriculum.Even if you are not intending to take the exam, these masterpieces will provide a solid foundation of musical education for any classical guitar student.There is a wide content of musical repertoire here, all designed to take your guitar playing to a higher level than you are now.I amexcited about this course, and Ihope I can help you in your journey. Start today and achieve your dream to become the classical guitarist you always wanted to be."
Price: 119.99

"Classical Guitar Essentials - Intermediate Part 2" |
"***Join more than 7000 students who are learning how to play classical guitar.***Hi and welcome to the 2nd part of the Intermediate Classical Guitar Essentials. This course is filled with drills, scales, and of course pieces of music. For the first time in my courses I added a section to teach you how to play Pop songs! We have ""A whiter shade of Pale"", ""A groovy kind of love"", ""Yesterday"", and ""Scarborough fair"". Each song I teach you how to do it step by step, and some of it are my own arrangements, so you won't find it anywhere else but here.The course follows my other ones, and we are on Grade 2 of London College of Music. So if this is your first time with me, as the title says it's for Intermediate guitarists. If you are a beginner this one ins NOTfor you.I encourage you to take a look at the free preview lectures, and see if this is your cup of tea.This course and the previous ones lay a strong foundation to make you a professional classical guitarist, the method I use here is the same one I use in my private classes in my studio. So it's like you are sitting with me one on one for the entire course, and I only charge you for the price of one lesson!Remember, you have 30 days money back guarantee, soclick the buy now button, you have nothing to lose but everything to gain.See you on the other side."
Price: 119.99

"Escape Perfectionism, Gain Excellence." |
"Perfectionism is a painful way to live. It is a cage that takes away freedom; it is a load of bricks on the back that reduces performance. A perfectionist is critical of everyone. Nothing is ever good enough, especially ones own performance. When perfectionists win, to them it feels like a loss anyway. I could have done better, they tell themselves. It is a painful way to liveor to live close tobut it does not have to be that way. Dr. Rich Walters, experienced therapist and author of The Perfectionism Trap and How to Escape, explains clearly how you can exchange the burden of perfectionism for the joys of excellence. This course prepares you to change what you need to change. To swap the agony of over-reach for the joy of grasping success. The course combines video mini-lectures (you gain knowledge) with activities to improve your own circumstances (these help you use the knowledge) . Along with the video coaching, you will invest some time to think and plan. The potential payback is great; it is worth doing it well."
Price: 24.99

"Introduccin profesional a PHP" |
"Bienvenido al curso de PHP profesional, en el que aprenders los fundamentos del lenguaje de programacin ms utilizado en servidores web. Vamos a centrarnos en el desarrollo con las ltimas versiones de PHP (actualmente la 5.6), aprendiendo y repasando todos los conceptos bsicos para que adquieras unos cimientos slidos que te permitan continuar tu aprendizaje por ti mismo si as lo quisieras. Comenzaremos aprendiendo qu es HTML, cules son los fundamentos de la arquitectura cliente-servidor, qu es y para qu sirve HTTP, cules son las caractersticas de PHP. Vers que PHP es mucho ms de lo que pensabas: usaremos la consola interactiva, el servidor web de PHP y trabajaremos con aplicaciones de consola en PHP. Continuaremos aprendiendo la sintxis bsica de PHP: qu es una variable, tipos de datos simples y compuestos, operadores del lenguaje, condicionales, bucles, cmo estructurar el cdigo en distintos ficheros. Conoceremos las principales funciones del sistema, revisndolas una a una. Navegaremos por la documentacin de PHP para que t mismo sepas cmo encontrar lo que necesitas. Vamos a conocer tambin las funciones que tenemos para trabajar con distintos tipos de datos: numricos, textos, matrices, fechas... Revisaremos cules son las formas de que disponemos para crear nuestras propias funciones. Aprenderemos a trabajar con ficheros en profundidad: cmo moverlos, eliminarlos, crear carpetas, leer su contenido, escribir en ellos, etc. Modificaremos imgenes, donde podremos trabajar a partir de otras ya existentes o crendolas desde cero. Podrs aadir marcas de agua, redimensionar, aadir textos, formas geomtricas, etc. Integraremos PHP con HTTP, conociendo a fondo el funcionamiento de los formularios: recibiremos cualquier dato o fichero que enve el usuario. Sabremos cmo hacer redirecciones, cmo indicar que una pgina no existe. Gestionaremos las sesiones de usuario mediante cookies. Enviaremos correos electrnicos con contenido HTML. Por ltimo, si ya tienes fundamentos de bases de datos, aprenders a integrarlas con tu pgina web. Tambin sabrs lo que nadie te ensea: cmo funciona el mundo del alojamiento de pginas web. Veremos una introduccin breve a Apache, el servidor web ms utilizado, y aprenderemos algunos trucos, como por ejemplo cmo proteger con contrasea de forma muy sencilla toda nuestra web, o como crear URLs amigables."
Price: 19.99

"Aprendendo Terminal Linux (Shell) com CentOS 7 na prtica" |
"Terminal aquela famosa tela preta na qual voc digita comandos para dar instrues para o sistema operacional. Pelo terminal possvel realizar tarefas administrativas do sistema de uma maneira mas rpida e muitas vezes at mais simples (voc vai se surpreender) do que utilizando um ambiente grfico.No curso voc aprender desde a instalao do Linux at a instalao de servios de uma maneira simples e direta, sem enrolao. O conhecimento dos comandos do Terminal Linux (Shell) de profunda importncia para aqueles que desejam se tornar um administrador Linux. Ao final do curso voc ser capaz de realizar os seguintes projetos:Instalar o Linux CentOS 7Configurar dispositivos de redeCriar usurios e grupoCriar permisses para usuriosCopiar, apagar, renomear arquivos e mover arquivosTrabalhar com diretriosRealizar acesso remotoFazer downloadse muito mais....Se voc deseja aprender a administrar o Windows Server 2019 de maneira rpida e fcil, este o curso que voc est procurando.Este curso foi feito para fornecer uma base slida com o Windows Server 2019 da Microsoft, que o mais recente sistema operacional Windows Server disponvel (lanado em outubro de 2018).Este curso timo para quem procura avanar (ou comear) sua carreira em Tecnologia da Informao.Neste curso, voc ter uma experincia prtica com didtica bastante acessvel, mesmo para aqueles que esto iniciando a utilizar o Windows Server 2019, ou nunca utilizaram.Ao concluir voc ser capaz de realizar os seguintes projetos:Esse curso bom?O curso possui umas das maiores mdias de avaliao do cursos da rea de TI da Udemy. Se eu tiver dvida, tem suporte?Para este curso, voc ter suporte via Whatsapp diretamente com o instrutor.E se eu no gostar do curso?Segunda as polticas da Udemy, voc poder pedir o reembolso do seu dinheiro em at 30 dias."
Price: 144.99

"Windows Server 2016 (SERVER CORE / POWERSHELL)" |
"Este curso destinado a iniciantes que nunca utilizaram, ou pouco utilizaram o Windows Server sem o ambiente grfico.A utilizao de um servidor em modo CORE reduz o espao em disco, diminui o processamento (por no utilizar o ambiente grfico), reduz a possibilidade de um potencial ataque ao servidor e especialmente melhora a performance dos requisitos de manuteno e reinicializao do servidor. Voc aprender a realizar os seguintes projetos:Instalar o Windows Server 2016 (CORE);Criar um domnio Windows;Instalar e configurar um controlador de domnio via POWERSHELL;Configurar o sistema operacional Windows Server 2016 para atuar como um servidor DHCP;Instalar, configurar e implementar a funo DNS no Windows Server 2016;Aprender a utilizar o POWERSHELLInstalar o Windows 7/8.1/10 e ingressar em uma estao de trabalho no seu novo domnio do Windows;Gerenciar estaes de trabalho a partir do seu controlador de domnio do Windows Server;Crie usurios, grupos, unidades organizacionais e computadores do Active Directory via POWERSHELL...e muito mais!Ao longo deste curso, mostrarei como voc pode configurar seu prprio laboratrio de TI usando o hardware do computador que voc j possui! Para fazer isso, usaremos o VirtualBox e a verso de avaliao totalmente funcional (180 dias) do Windows Server 2016.Inscreva-se agora e comece a aprender as habilidades necessrias para melhorar sua carreira!Para quem este curso:Quem quiser aprender sobre o Windows Server 2016 em modo COREFaa este curso se voc deseja obter um emprego em tecnologia da informaoFaa este curso se voc quiser adicionar habilidades altamente remuneradas ao seu currculoEsse curso bom?O curso possui umas das maiores mdias de avaliao do cursos da rea de TI da Udemy. Se eu tiver dvida, tem suporte?Para este curso, voc ter suporte via Whatsapp diretamente com o instrutor.E se eu no gostar do curso?Segunda as polticas da Udemy, voc poder pedir o reembolso do seu dinheiro em at 30 dias."
Price: 144.99

"Desenvolvimento de aplicativos mveis com PHONEGAP e PHP" |
"O PhoneGap um software de cdigo aberto, totalmente gratuito, que permite a criao de aplicaes para dispositivos mveis utilizando Html, Css e JavaScript, ou seja, voc cria um aplicativo como se estivesse criando um site. Para entender melhor, o PhoneGap permite que o desenvolvedor acesse as funes nativas do dispositivos, como cmera, acelermetro, bateria, entre outros recursos atravs de linguagens mais simples dispensando, por exemplo, longas horas de dedicao ao estudo de linguagens de programao mais complicadas como Java, por exemplo. Neste curso voc aprender de maneira didtica e totalmente passo a passo a desenvolver aplicativos desde da criao do layout at a sua publicao no Google Play, alm de conhecer recursos para acesso a banco de dados para criar aplicativos similares ao Instagram ou Facebook. "
Price: 159.99

"LEARNING PATH: JUnit : Complete Guide to Master JUnit 5" |
"When building applications, it is very important to have an efficient error-free code, a working environment, and reliable systems in place. Therefore developers use testing to achieve these goals. The JUnit testing framework is popular among Java developers and recently it has undergone a major version update, that is, JUnit 5. So if you are a Java developer who is keen to improve the quality of your code and build world-class applications, then you should surely go for this Learning Path.Packts Video Learning Paths are a series of individual video products put together in a logical and stepwise manner such that each video builds on the skills learned in the video before it. The highlights of this Learning Path are:Work with the new cool features in JUnit 5 Test your applications in real time using the advanced features of JUnit Integrate your tests with third-party frameworks such as Docker, Mockito, SeleniumLets take a quick look at your learning journey. You will start off with the new features of JUnit 5, architecture, and description of the main Java 5 APIs. You will be learning about the low-level details of JUnit 5, that is, how to write JUnit 5 test cases (programing model). You will then have an exhaustive coverage on how to efficiently unit test Java applications with JUnit 5. You will be introduced to general availability which is the best time to dive straight into the popular concepts and techniques used by experienced programmers to improve their code quality and keep the system clean. You will also explore various testing strategies, advanced test patterns, and JUnit extensions.By the end of this Learning Path, you will be able to improve the quality of your code and build rich applications.Meet Your Expert:We have the best works of the following esteemed author to ensure that your learning journey is smooth:Boni Garca has a PhD degree on Information and Communications Technology from Technical University of Madrid (UPM) in Spain since 2011. Currently he works as a researcher at King Juan Carlos University (URJC) and assistant professor at Digital Art and Technology University (U-tad) in Spain. He is member of Kurento project, where he is in charge of the testing framework for WebRTC applications. He participates in the coordination of the ElasTest project, an elastic platform aimed to ease end-to-end testing. Boni is an active member on the free open source software (FOSS) community with big emphasis on software testing and web engineering. Among other, he owns the open source projects WebDriver Manager and selenium-jupiter (JUnit 5 extension for Selenium)."
Price: 199.99

"LEARNING PATH: Python: Complete Data Analysis With Python" |
"Python is undoubtedly one of the most popular programming languages thats being extensively used in the field of data science. There is a rapid increase in the number of data and so for the demand of experts who can analyze these big chunk of data. So if you have basic Python knowledge and want to explore powerful data analysis techniques, then go for this Learning Path. Packts Video Learning Paths are a series of individual video products put together in a logical and stepwise manner such that each video builds on the skills learned in the video before it. The highlights of this Learning Path are: Get solutions to your common and not-so-common data science problems Highly practical, real world examples that make data science your comfort zone Understand why is Mastering python data analysis with Pandas really useful Lets take a look at your learning journey. You will be introduced to the field of data science using Python tools to manage and analyze data. You will learn some of the fundamental tools of the trade and apply them to real data problems. Along the way, the Learning Path discusses the use of Python stack for data analysis and scientific computing, and expands on concepts of data acquisition, data cleaning, data analysis, and machine learning. You will learn how to apply Pandas to important but simple financial tasks such as modeling portfolios, calculating optimal portfolios based upon risk, and much more.On completion of this Learning Path, you will become an expert in analyzing your data efficiently using Python.Meet Your Expert:We have the best works of the following esteemed authors to ensure that your learning journey is smooth: Marco Bonzanini is a data scientist based in London, United Kingdom. He holds a Ph.D. in information retrieval from the Queen Mary University of London. He specializes in text analytics and search applications, and over the years, he has enjoyed working on a variety of information management and data science problems.Prabhat Ranjan has extensive industry experience in Python, R, and machine learning. He has a passion for using Python, Pandas, and R for various new, real-time project scenarios. He is a passionate and experienced trainer when it comes to teaching concepts and advanced scenarios in Python, R, data science, and big data Hadoop. His teaching experience and strong industry expertise make him the best in this arena."
Price: 199.99

"LEARNING PATH: Angular 2: Modernized Web Apps with Angular 2" |
"Angular (commonly referred to as ""Angular 2+"" or ""Angular 2"") is a TypeScript-based, open source, front end web application platform. Angular is a framework for building client applications in HTML and either JavaScript or a language such as TypeScript that compiles to JavaScript. Angular combines declarative templates, dependency injection, end to end tooling, and integrated best practices to solve development challenges. Angular empowers developers to build applications that could be live on the web, mobile, or the desktop. If you're interested in building powerful web apps like a pro with Angular 2, then go for this Learning Path. Packts Video Learning Paths are a series of individual video products put together in a logical and stepwise manner such that each video builds on the skills learned in the video before it. The highlights of this Learning Path are: Learn how to best move an Angular 1 application to Angular 2 Understanding the best ways to take an Angular 2 application from TypeScript in a code editor to a fully-functional application served on your site Know how to maximize the performance of Angular 2 applications Lets take a quick look at your learning journey. This Learning Path will help you to migrate from Angular 1 application to Angular 2 and delve into the core and advanced concepts of Angular 2. It plunges directly into the heart of all the most important Angular 2 concepts. Alongside the Angular 2 content, the Learning Path covers the new ES6 syntax, Typescript conventions, web components, and RxJS observables, among many other brand new concepts. Next, youll learn the ES6 implementation of Promises and how to integrate them with Angular 2 applications. Once youve built a good foundation for the new concepts of Angular 2, youll work with implementing RxJS observables and understand how to use them effectively. Youll then learn how to inject dependencies and wrap HTTP APIs with a service. Finally, youll go through the available testing utilities that are used by the Angular 2 framework. By the end of this Learning Path, you will be able to gradually level up your knowledge and get a grip on Angular 2 concepts and features so as to build interactive web apps. Meet Your Expert: We have combined the best works of the following esteemed author to ensure that your learning journey is smooth:Matt Frisbie is currently a software engineer at Google. He was the author of the Packt Publishing bestseller AngularJS Web Application Development Cookbook and also has published several video series through O'Reilly. He is active in the Angular community, giving presentations at meetups and doing webcasts."
Price: 199.99

"Learning Path: TensorFlow: Machine & Deep Learning Solutions" |
"Google's brainchild TensorFlow, in its first year, has more than 6000 open source repositories online. TensorFlow, an open source software library, is extensively used for numerical computation using data flow graphs.The flexible architecture allows you to deploy computation to one or more CPUs or GPUs in a desktop, server, or mobile device with a single API. So if youre looking forward to acquiring knowledge on machine learning and deep learning with this powerful TensorFlow library, then go for this Learning Path. Packts Video Learning Paths are a series of individual video products put together in a logical and stepwise manner such that each video builds on the skills learned in the video before it. The highlights of this Learning Path are: Setting up TensorFlow for actual industrial use, including high-performance setup aspects like multi-GPU support Embedded with solid projects and examples to teach you how to implement TensorFlow in production Empower you to go from concept to a production-ready machine learning setup/pipeline capable of real-world usage Let's take a look at your learning journey. You will start by exploring unique features of the library such as data flow graphs, training, visualization of performance with TensorBoard all within an example-rich context using problems from multiple industries. The focus is towards introducing new concepts through problems which are coded and solved over the course of each video. You will then learn how to implement TensorFlow in production. Each project in this Learning Path provides exciting and insightful exercises that will teach you how to use TensorFlow and show you how layers of data can be explored by working with tensors. Finally, you will be acquainted with the different paradigms of performing deep learning such as deep neural nets, convolutional neural networks, recurrent neural networks, and more, and how they can be implemented using TensorFlow.On completion of this Learning Path, you will have gone through the full lifecycle of a TensorFlow solution with a practical demonstration to system setup, training, validation, to creating pipelines for real world data -- all the way to deploying solutions into a production settings.Meet Your Expert:We have the best works of the following esteemed authors to ensure that your learning journey is smooth:Shams Ul Azeem is an undergraduate of NUST Islamabad, Pakistan in Electrical Engineering. He has a great interest in computer science field and started his journey from android development. Now hes pursuing his career in machine learning, particularly in deep learning by doing medical related freelance projects with different companies. He was also a member of RISE lab, NUST and has a publication in IEEE International Conference, ROBIO as a co-author on Designing of motions for humanoid goal keeper robots. Rodolfo Bonnin a systems engineer and PhD student at Universidad Tecnolgica Nacional, Argentina. He also pursued Parallel Programming and Image Understanding postgraduate courses at Uni Stuttgart, Germany. He has done research on high-performance computing since 2005 and began studying and implementing convolutional neural networks in 2008, writing a CPU and GPU supporting the neural network feedforward stage. More recently he's been working in the field of fraud pattern detection with neural networks, and is currently working on signal classification using ML techniques. Will Ballard serves as chief technology officer at GLG and is responsible for the Engineering and IT organizations. Prior to joining GLG, Will was the executive vice president of technology and engineering at Demand Media. He graduated Magna Cum Laude with a BS in Mathematics from Claremont McKenna College."
Price: 199.99

"LEARNING PATH: Spring: Establish Secure Apps with Spring 5.0" |
"Spring 5.0 has arrived with a myriad of new and exciting features that will change the way weve used the framework so far. Knowing that experienced hackers are itching to test your skills makes security one of the most difficult and high-pressure concerns of creating an application. Thats where Spring Security comes into the picture to simplify things for developers. The Spring framework's core features can be used by any Java application, but there are extensions to build web applications on top of the Java EE platform. If you're interested to build powerful web applications with Spring MVC and secure the same with Spring Security, then you should opt for this Learning Path. Packts Video Learning Paths are a series of individual video products put together in a logical and stepwise manner such that each video builds on the skills learned in the video before it. The highlights of this Learning Path are: Get to know the core and advanced features of Spring Boot in order to effectively develop and monitor applications Make the best use of error logging and debugging to ensure your applications are more efficient Learn to configure HttpSecurity, form logins, request authorization, handling logouts, authentication, and much more! Lets take a quick look at your learning journey. This Learning Path will show you the evolutionfrom solving the problems of testable applications to building distributed applications on the cloud. The Learning Path begins with an insight into the new features in Spring 5.0 and shows you how to build an application using Spring MVC. The advanced features of Spring Boot will be illustrated through powerful examples. You will be introduced to a JVM language thats quickly gaining popularity - Kotlin. Further, you will start by setting up the developer environment, and initialize a simple application using Spring Boot. After that, youll look into different developer tools, debug Spring applications, and log in to Spring. Youll then dive into the Spring MVC, where youll develop reactive web applications with Spring, and work with embedded servlet containers and manage serialization with Protobuf, Avro, and Thrift. Moving ahead, youll look into the various features of Spring Data, and how you can enhance data management using Spring Data JPA, MySQL, REST, NoSQL, and Cassandra. Youll learn to add authentication and security to your web application using Spring security features, such as OAuth2 and JSON Web Token. Youll also learn how to cleanly integrate Spring Security into your application using the latest technologies and frameworks with the help of detailed examples. By the end of this Learning Path, you will be equipped with the knowledge and best practices required to build applications and microservices with Spring Framework and secure the same with Spring Security. Meet Your Expert: We have combined the best works of the following esteemed authors to ensure that your learning journey is smooth: Ranga Rao Karanam is a programmer, trainer, and architect. His areas of interest include Cloud Native Applications, microservices, evolutionary design, high-quality code, DevOps, BDD, TDD, and refactoring. He loves consulting for start-ups on developing scalable, component-based Cloud Native applications, and following modern development practices such as BDD, continuous delivery, and DevOps. He loves the freedom the Spring Framework brings to developing enterprise Java applications. Ranga started in 28 minutes with the vision of creating high-quality courses on developing Cloud Native Java applications. He is looking forward to enhancing his already considerable success--75,000 students on Udemy and 35,000 subscribers on YouTube. Will Kennedy is a senior software engineer with HelloWorld.inc. He has worked with a number of technologies, and specializes in web-based applications using the Spring Framework, AWS, and SOAP-based web services.Ankit Mishra is a senior software engineer with extensive IT experience in mission-critical development projects and architecture designs. He has worked for giants such as Ericsson, Fidelity, and others. He has more than four years' experience in managing and delivering Spring MVC and Spring Security projects, cloud deployment, and PaaS cloud administration. Currently, he is working on Spring microservices, Spring Security, cloud deployment, and tuning."
Price: 199.99

"Learning Path: The Roadway to IBM Cognos Analytics" |
"The latest version of IBM Cognos Business Intelligence is Cognos Analytics and it brings IBM right back into the game against new-age competitors such as QlikView and Tableau. This sleek, next-generation, unified tool provides you with a fast, intent-driven dashboard and report-authoring interface on top of the strong foundation that IBM Cognos has provided over decades. Packts Video Learning Paths are a series of individual video products put together in a logical and stepwise manner such that each video builds on the skills learned in the video before it. The highlights of this Learning Path are: Explore Cognos and its high level architecture Augment enterprise data with your offline data to produce stunning dashboards and presentations without IT costs Learn to secure your data with advanced filters Lets take a look at your learning journey. Here, you will strongly focus on the new analytics dashboard tool, that is not only the future of reporting authoring but also appeals much wider audience right from end users who are simply consumers of data, to power-users who analyze data and create dashboards for consumption, and IT developers who deliver high quality reporting solutions. In addition to analytics dashboarding, which is the completely new feature in v11, you will also learn about what users and author gain by upgrading from older v10 or v8 (why upgrade, and why not). You will get a hang of the completely new connection portal interface. You'll also know the limitations of the dashboarding tool and shows how to mitigate them in the report development tool as it is completely dedicated to Cognos Analytics Reporting, the advanced report authoring tool. Going further, you will master the Report Tool interface and learn how to create a report dashboard l using simple objects (for beginners). Finally, youll go through advanced topics to overcome the limitations of a dashboard tool such as drill-through, prompt manipulation, advanced data formatting, making the dashboards printable, conditional highlighting, and more.On completion of this Learning Path, youll master the art of dashboard creation with advanced report authoring using IBM Cognos Analytics.Meet Your Expert: We have the best works of the following esteemed author to ensure that your learning journey is smooth:Abhishek Sanghani worked with Cognos 8.x and 10.x for 12 years and delivered countless reporting solutions; he is thoroughly excited to see Cognos 11.x taking a big leap in self-service authoring and dashboard reporting. Currently, he leads a team of software developers, in a large global financial services company, to deliver analytical applications with dashboards and self-service capabilities. Version 11.x being fairly recent, he is involved in testing it from all aspects to assess when and where to use it in the deliveries. He also tries other products such as QlikView, Tableau, and Micro strategy. He believes such experiences with other products make ones viewpoint wider, and understanding deeper.The other technology that interests Abhishek is Micro strategy. He possess advanced skills in TM1, Oracle, Micro strategy, SQL Server, and SSAS. He also has a book written on IBM Cognos 8 Report Studio, followed by a video course for Cognos 10 Report Studio Fundamentals. Both have been very fulfilling experiences. He believes this could be a natural and organic update of those Report Studio works. Note that this course focuses on the brand new Dashboarding tool."
Price: 199.99

"LEARNING PATH: Azure: Explore Azure Functions and Logic Apps" |
"Azure functions can easily run small pieces of code in the cloud without worrying about a whole application or the infrastructure to run it. Logic Apps bring speed and scalability into the enterprise integration space. As businesses move towards digitalization, Logic Apps allows you to connect legacy and cutting-edge systems together. So, if you're looking forward to building scalable systems with Azure or automating business processes in a quick way, then go for this Learning Path. Packts Video Learning Path is a series of individual video products put together in a logical and stepwise manner such that each video builds on the skills learned in the video before it. The highlights of this Learning Path are: Use the different languages supported by Azure functions Explore automation business processes in the cloud with Azure logic apps Create your real life apps with logic apps To start off with your learning journey, you will begin with learning the basics of Azure functions and how to create functions such as WebHooks, Azure Connected, and event processing. You will then learn to develop, manage, deploy, and monitor Azure functions in almost any language such as C#, F#, Node.js, Python, PHP, as well as scripting options such as Bash, Batch, and PowerShell. You will also learn to scale functions and use them to process data, integrate systems, and build simple APIs and microservices. Next, you will focus on the core concepts of Azure logic apps and will learn to create and design a logic app environment. You will then learn to build your real-life app with logic apps. Finally, you will go through working and interacting with Azure portal. By the end of this Learning Path, you will be well-versed with the techniques of scaling your Azure functions and making the most of the serverless architecture. You will also become an expert in Logic Apps and create your own apps in no time! Meet Your Expert: We have the best works of the following esteemed authors to ensure that your learning journey is smooth: Paul Oliver is the principal software architect at Vosaic. Before taking on the role at Vosaic, he worked as a software developer and architect in the banking and criminal justice industries. Throughout his career, he's been passionate about building well-architected software solutions with security of primary importance. He has architected several applications in the cloud using Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services, and Heroku.Eduardo Freitas deliver, support, and help create world-class software solutions that automate critical business processes, extract and process vasts amount of data, improve efficiency and slash operating costs by thousands. He turns help desks into profit centers and engines that drive sales and marketing. He's an expert in data capture, extraction, big data, and business process automation. Victoria Clark is a financial management consultant with a background in finance projects and systems, especially facilitating workshops and education on new developments and has a great interest in new technologies."
Price: 199.99

"Learning Path: SELinux: Master SELinux System Administration" |
"Do you have the crucial job of protecting your private and company systems from malicious attacks and undefined application behavior? Are you looking to secure your Linux systems with improved access controls? If yes, this Learning Path is for you.Packts Video Learning Path is a series of individual video products put together in a logical and stepwise manner such that each video builds on the skills learned in the video before it.The highlights of this Learning Path are: Analyze SELinux events and selectively enable or disable SELinux enforcement Secure network communications through SELinux access controls Analyze SELinux policies in depthLet's take a quick look at your learning journey. This Learning Path will show you how to enhance your system's secure state across Linux distributions, helping you keep application vulnerabilities at bay. It covers the core and advanced SELinux concepts and shows you how to leverage SELinux to improve the protection measures of a Linux system. You will learn the SELinux fundamentals and all of SELinux's configuration handles including conditional policies, constraints, policy types, and audit capabilities with examples of situations and issues you will probably come across as an administrator.By the end of this Learning Path, you'll learn essential skills and techniques to ward off traditional security permissions and effectively secure your Linux systems with SELinux. Meet Your Expert:We have the best works of the following esteemed author to ensure that your learning journey is smooth:Sven Vermeulen is a long-term contributor to various free software projects and the author of various online guides and resources. He got his first taste of free software in 1997 and never looked back. In 2003, he joined the ranks of the Gentoo Linux project as a documentation developer and has since worked in several roles, including Gentoo Foundation trustee, council member, project lead for various documentation initiatives, and (his current role) project lead for Gentoo Hardened SELinux integration and the system integrity project. During this time, Sven gained expertise in several technologies, ranging from OS-level knowledge to application servers. He used his interest in security to guide his projects further in the areas of security guides using SCAP languages, Mandatory Access Controls through SELinux, authentication with PAM, (application) firewalling, and more. Within SELinux, Sven contributed several policies to the Reference Policy project, and he is an active participant in policy development and user space development projects."
Price: 199.99

"Learning path: React: Master Design Patterns with React" |
"React allows developers to create large web applications that use data and can change over time without reloading the page. It aims primarily to provide speed, simplicity, and scalability. React processes only user interfaces in applications. This corresponds to View in the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern, and can be used in combination with other JavaScript libraries or frameworks in MVC, such as AngularJS. If you're interested to build scalable and modular apps with clean and efficient coding, then go for this Learning Path.Packts Video Learning Paths are a series of individual video products put together in a logical and stepwise manner such that each video builds on the skills learned in the video before it.The highlights of this Learning Path are: Learn to write clean and maintainable code Build high-performing applications by optimizing components Read and write data from Firebase Use server-side rendering to make applications load fasterTaking a complete journey through the most valuable design patterns in React, this Learning Path demonstrates how to apply design patterns and best practices in real-life situations on new or already existing projects. It will help you to make your applications more flexible, perform better, and easier to maintain, giving your workflow a huge boost when it comes to speed without reducing quality. You'll begin by understanding the internals of React. You'll build components that are reusable across the application, and structure applications. Youll then style React components and optimize them to make applications faster and more responsive. Further, you'll write tests effectively and you'll learn how to contribute to React and its ecosystem. Youll then track the application state in real time with Firebase. Youll go through advanced React patterns by using components as a unit of styling and spreading props to wrap components.Moving ahead, youll learn how to build a message board website similar to the Reddit using the latest and greatest web technologies, including React (the reactive web framework developed by Facebook) and Firebase (the real-time serverless messaging framework from Google). Youll then learn to add posts and style to your message board and load Reddit posts from a file.By the end of this Learning Path, you'll know how to avoid a lot of trial-and-error and developmental headache, and be on the road to becoming a React expert by building your own modern stateful web applications with confidence!Meet Your Experts:We have combined the best works of the following esteemed authors to ensure that your learning journey is smooth: Michele Bertoli is a frontend engineer with a passion for beautiful UIs. Born in Italy, he moved to London with his family to look for new and exciting job opportunities. He has a degree in computer science and loves clean and well-tested code. Currently, he is working with React.js, crafting modern JavaScript applications. He is a big fan of open source and is always trying to learn something new. Richard GillColibri is a technology consultancy company founded in 2015 by James Cross and Ingrid Funie. The company works to help their clients navigate the rapidly changing and complex world of emerging technologies, with deep expertise in areas like Big Data, Data Science, Machine Learning, and Cloud Computing. Over the past few years they have worked with some of the world's largest and most prestigious companies, including a tier 1 investment bank, a leading management consultancy group, and one of the world's most popular soft drinks companies, helping each of them to better make sense of their data, and process it in more intelligent ways. The company lives by their moto: Data -> Intelligence -> Action. Richard Gill is a Full Stack JavaScript developer. He runs ZDEV, a software consultancy that specializes in building websites and apps for small and medium sized clients. Richard has a Computer Science degree from Imperial College and started his career building technology at investment banks and hedge funds. He then moved on to consulting before founding his own development shop. Richard has spent 3 years working with React, React Native, and Redux to build websites and apps for real-world clients. He considers himself a generalist programmer who initially was expert in Java, C#, and Ruby on Rails before spending the last few years in a JavaScript / Node based environment. His company follows an apprenticeship model and all his staff were trained by him from scratch."
Price: 199.99

"LEARNING PATH: ElasticSearch: ElasticSearch 5.x for Experts" |
"Elasticsearch is a popular search engine based on Lucene. It provides a distributed, multitenant-capable, full-text search engine with an HTTP web interface and schema-free JSON documents. Elasticsearch is a distributed, RESTful search and analytics engine capable of solving a growing number of use cases. As the heart of the Elastic Stack, it centrally stores your data so you can discover the expected and uncover the unexpected. So, if you're interested to create flexible and scalable search solutions using Elasticsearch and get knowledge of the node and cluster aspects, then go for this Learning Path. Packts Video Learning Paths are a series of individual video products put together in a logical and stepwise manner such that each video builds on the skills learned in the video before it. The highlights of this Learning Path are: Learn to manage mapping, indices, and documents Use the task management and Hot thread API Lets take a quick look at your learning journey. This Learning Path dives into the third-party integration aspect of Elasticsearch. It gives you a detailed coverage of how Elasticsearch can be integrated with popular languages such as Python, Java, and Scala, as well as shows you how Elasticsearch is integrated with third-party tools for efficient big data solutions. Further, you will learn practical recipes on the major operations such as searching, working with text, numeric and geo queries, performing aggregations and scripting. Moving on you will dive into node and cluster management aspects of Elasticsearch. You will be acquainted with recipes and hands-on solutions to backing up and restoring your nodes and clusters in Elasticsearch, as well as working with user interfaces. By the end of this Learning Path, you will be able to integrate Elasticsearch with Java, Python, Scala and create flexible and scalable search solutions. Meet Your Expert: We have combined the best works of the following esteemed author to ensure that your learning journey is smooth:Alberto Paro is an engineer, project manager, and software developer. He currently works as freelance trainer/consultant on big data technologies and NoSQL solutions. He loves to study emerging solutions and applications mainly related to big data processing, NoSQL, natural language processing, and neural networks. He began programming in BASIC on a Sinclair Spectrum when he was eight years old, and to date, has collected a lot of experience using different operating systems, applications, and programming languages."
Price: 199.99

"Learning path: Jupyter: Learn Jupyter Skills from Scratch" |
"Jupyter Notebook is a web-based environment that enables interactive computing in notebook documents. It allows you to create and share documents that contain live code, equations, visualizations, and explanatory text. It is extensively used in domains such as data cleaning and transformation, numerical simulation, statistical modeling, machine learning, and much more. It supports a number of languages via plugins (""kernels""), such as Python, Ruby, Haskell, R, Scala and Julia. So, if you're interested to learn interactive computing with Jupyter, then go for this Learning Path. Packts Video Learning Paths are a series of individual video products put together in a logical and stepwise manner such that each video builds on the skills learned in the video before it. The highlights of this Learning Path are: Implement programming languages such as R, Python, Julia, and JavaScript with Jupyter NotebookAccess big data in JupyterLets take a quick look at your learning journey. This Learning Path starts with a detailed overview of the Jupyter Notebook system and its installation in different environments. Youll learn to integrate the Jupyter system with different programming languages such as R, Python, JavaScript, and Julia. Youll then explore the various versions and packages that are compatible with the Notebook system. Moving ahead, you'll master interactive widgets, namespaces, and working with Jupyter in multiuser mode. The Learning Path will walk you through the core modules and standard capabilities of the console, client, and notebook server. Finally, you will be able to build dashboards in a Jupyter notebook to report back information about the project and the status of various Jupyter components. Towards the end of this Learning Path, youll have an in-depth knowledge on Jupyter Notebook and know how to integrate different programming languages such as R, Python, Julia, and JavaScript with it. Meet Your Experts: We have combined the best works of the following esteemed authors to ensure that your learning journey is smooth: Dan Toomey has been developing applications for over 20 years. He has worked in a variety of industries and companies of all sizes, in roles from sole contributor to VP/CTO level. For the last 10 years or so, he has been contracting companies in the eastern Massachusetts area under Dan Toomey Software Corp. Dan has also written R for Data Science and Learning Jupyter with Packt Publishing. Jesse Bacon is a hobbyist programmer that lives and works in the northern Virginia area. His interest in Jupyter started academically while working through books available from Packt Publishing. Jesse has over 10 years of technical professional services experience and has worked primarily in logging and event management."
Price: 199.99

"LEARNING PATH: Go: Advancing into Web Development with Go" |
"Go is one of the most powerful, efficient, and highly-performant programming languages. Go has seen an increased rate of adoption mainly because it is lightweight, easy to use, and displays great robustness when performing in a variety of domains. Go is a modern language, created by a team of researchers from Google that is an ideal choice for all the levels of web development. Go is not only a powerful tool that can be utilized on the server-side but one that can be utilized on the client-side as well. If you're interested to imbibe the skills of Go programming language and become a full-stack web developer, then you should opt for this Learning Path.Packts Video Learning Paths are a series of individual video products put together in a logical and stepwise manner such that each video builds on the skills learned in the video before it. The highlights of this Learning Path are: Build a feature-rich social media website Build functionality for user authentication and session management Create a simple web server instance for the GopherFace website Build your first real-time web application: a chat server Lets take a quick look at your learning journey. In this Learning Path, you will be provided deep insight into frontend web development using Go. It starts off by covering the fundamental mechanics of frontend web development such as performing common DOM operations, accessing native JavaScript functionality, making XHR calls, rendering templates on the client-side, transmitting Gob encoded data, and communicating over a WebSocket connection. You will then demonstrate how to create a single page application by implementing client-side routing and directly rendering templates in the web browser itself. Utilizing the valuable knowledge presented in this Learning Path, you will be able to build GopherFace, a fully functioning social media website with incredible features. Further, you will learn backend web development using Go. You will go through essential concepts which include web templates, the model view controller pattern, managing requests and responses, and building web forms. You will also learn how to create real-world solutions such as uploading image/video files, implementing a datastore for a variety of databases (relational, document, and in-memory), creating secure cookies, implementing authentication middleware, and implementing an asynchronous task queue to perform long-running tasks in the background. In addition to getting you up to speed with backend web development practices, this Learning Path will also provide you with helpful advice and techniques that will guide you on your way to becoming a successful Go programmer. The projects also demonstrate the key features of Go in action, such as concurrency, and will start to explore the rich ecosystem of open source libraries and frameworks that are being continually developed for the language. By the end of this Learning Path, you will learn the tricks to build robust, secure, and fully-featured applications for the web. You will have everything you need to go out into the wild with Go to build projects of your own and become a full-stack Go web developer. Meet Your Experts: We have combined the best works of the following esteemed authors to ensure that your learning journey is smooth: Kamesh Balasubramanian is the founder and CEO of Wirecog, LLC. He is the inventor of Wireframe Cognition (Wirecog), an award-winning, patented technology that allows machines to understand wireframe designs and produce source code from them. Kamesh has over 20 years' software development experience and has implemented numerous solutions in the advertising, entertainment, media, publishing, hospitality, videogame, legal, and government sectors. He is an award-winning, professional member of the Association for Computing Machinery and an InfyMaker Award winner. He was recognized as a Maker of Change at the 2016 World Maker Faire in New York and, upon request, has demonstrated Wirecog at MIT. Ben Tranter is a developer with nearly six years experience. He has worked with a variety of companies to build applications in Go, in the areas of data mining, web back ends, user authentication services, and developer tools, and is a contributor to a variety of open source Go projects. Rostislav Dzinko is a software architect who has been working in the software development industry for more than six years. He was one of the first developers who started working with the Go language far earlier than the first official public release of Go 1.0 took place. Rostislav uses the Go language daily and has successfully used it in production for more than two years, building a broad range of software from high-load web applications to command-line utilities. He has a Masters degree in Systems Engineering and has completed a PhD thesis."
Price: 199.99

"Beginning CentOS 7 Administration" |
"CentOS 7 is the brand new version of the CentOS Linux system. It is one of the most widely-used operating systems, being the choice of many organizations across the globe. Its consistent, manageable platform suits a variety of deployments. Being a predictable base to build upon, it covers extensive resources to build, test, release and maintain their code.In this course, youll set up a complete training laboratory using virtualization and see the possibilities with CentOS 7. Youll start by learning how to install CentOS 7, see the benefits of it, download and confirm checksum on Windows or OS X, run a net installation over HTTP, and troubleshoot the system.Then youll learn how to set up a full-blown Virtual box Training lab. Youll learn to install and adjust machines to make them communicate and see how to reset the machine. Next, youll configure the system learning static network connection.Moving on, well walk through managing the system and managing packages with Yum. Youll then troubleshoot, configure, synchronize, and install packages and create repositories and packages. Finally, youll deep dive into administering the file system, where youll learn to create a virtual block, format, maintain, and extend the capacity of the filesystem.About The AuthorOliver Pelz has more than 10 years' experience as a software developer and system administrator. He graduated with a diploma degree in bioinformatics and is currently working at the German Cancer Research center in Heidelberg, where he has authored and co-authored several scientific publications in the field of Bioinformatics. As well as developing web applications and biological databases for his department and scientists all over the world, he administers a division-wide Linux-based datacenter and has set up two high-performance CentOS clusters for the analysis of high-throughput microscope and genome sequencing data. He loves writing code and riding his mountain bike in the Black Forest of Germany and has been an absolute Linux and open source enthusiast for many years. He has contributed to several open-source projects in the past and also worked as a reviewer on the CentOS High Performance book, Packt Publishing."
Price: 124.99

"Building a Basic App Using Xamarin and Xamarin.Forms" |
"Xamarin and Xamarin.Forms are the most powerful cross-platform mobile development frameworks for creating stunning cross-platform applications on the iOS and Android mobile platforms. This video course will begin by showing you how to successfully set up Visual Studio for Mac for both iOS and Android so that you can begin developing apps using the Xamarin.Forms platform. You will then learn how to debug your Xamarin applications right within the Visual Studio IDE, before moving on to learn how to build hybrid mobile applications using the Razor Templating Engine. Towards the end of the course, you will learn how to build a photo library application that interacts with the user's camera and photo album.Steven F. Daniel is the CEO and founder of GENIESOFT STUDIOS, a software development company based in Melbourne, Victoria that focuses primarily on developing games and business applications for the iOS, Android, and Mac OS X platforms.He is an experienced software developer with more than 17 years' experience and is extremely passionate about making people employable by helping them use their existing skills in iOS, Android, and Xamarin to get the job done. He is a member of the SQL Server Special Interest Group (SQLSIG), CocoaHeads, and the Java Community. He was the co-founder and Chief Technology Officer (CTO) at SoftMpire Pty Ltd., a company focused primarily on developing business applications for the iOS and Android platforms.Steven is the author of various book titles, some of which are as follows:Mastering Xamarin UI DevelopmentApple Watch App DevelopmentAndroid Wearable ProgrammingXcode 4 CookbookiPad Enterprise Application Development BlueprintsiOS 5 EssentialsXcode 4 iOS Development Beginner's Guide"
Price: 124.99

"Advanced Tools and Techniques Beyond Base R" |
"Advanced Tools and Techniques Beyond Base R introduces a number of recently developed R packages and paradigms, in particular the concept of tidy data and the Tidyverse collection of packages, which are rapidly becoming indispensable to R data analysts. You will learn how to efficiently process and analyze data in ways not possible with base R and produce high-quality statistical graphics. The course will finish with a taste of how functional programming and meta-programming with R can simplify and speed up your data analysis code.About the Author :Dr. David Wilkins is a microbial ecologist currently based in Sydney, Australia. The author has worked with the R technology for around five years."
Price: 124.99

"Learning Pivotal Cloud Foundry for Web Developers" |
"To date, organizations have adopted PCF because it acts as an abstraction layer on public and private cloud IaaS providers, increasing business agility and time-to-market of software products.This course kicks off by showing you the steps involved in making your application cloud-ready. Moving on, it delves into the various aspects involved in deploying your application and running it on Cloud Foundry. It also shows you how Spring Boot and PCF tremendously increase developer productivity.Later, we address the core challenges that Java developers face while developing PCF applications, such as understanding what PCF is and why companies adopt it. Then, it shows you how to quickly bootstrap and deploy various micro-services to PCF, including REST web services and event-driven applications.At the end of this video course, youll learn how to set up your work space, and its architecture, develop a web service application, and deploy it to PCF. Youll also build a micro-service (event-driven) and deploy it to Cloud Foundry.About the AuthorBraithe E.S. Warnock is currently a managing cloud architect for the financial services division of Ernst & Young. He has had the opportunity to work with several of the largest PCF installations on an international scale. He has helped build the framework for the adoption of PCF at top companies such as Ford, Comcast, DISH, HSBC, and Charles Schwab. As a vendor-neutral consultant, Braithe enjoys helping people understand the rapidly-evolving world of cloud and application architecture.Braithe has more than 6 years experience and a specialization in global digital transformations. He has expertise in various cloud and cloud platform technologies (PCF, AWS, Azure, VMware, Netflix OSS, Kubernetes, and OpenShift), and also the Java and Spring Boot frameworks. He has developed over 100 micro-services using Spring Boot, Java 7/8, Spring Cloud, and Netflix OSS, spanning across half a dozen unique cloud-native micro-service architectures. He also has experience in developing machine learning models using AWS, Spark, and MLlib to support product recommendations and enhance customer data."
Price: 124.99

"Automated UI Testing in Android" |
"The Automated UI Testing for Android course is practice-oriented and explains major approaches to automating Android application testing. This course uses a step by step approach to build a test automation framework and demonstrates all the relevant steps, starting from the scratch. It also pays attention to some corner cases and Android-specific aspects. Also, the course covers several typical solutions that can be used for Android application testing automation.After completing this course, users will have mastered how to build testing frameworks for Android applications as well as how to deal with typical problems.About the Author :Mykola Kolisnyk has been working in test automation since 2004. He has been involved with various activities including creating test automation solutions from scratch, leading test automation teams, and working as a consultant with test automation processes. During his working career, he has had experience with different test automation tools such as Mercury WinRunner, MicroFocus SilkTest, SmartBear TestComplete, Selenium-RC, WebDriver, Appium, SoapUI, BDD frameworks, and many other different engines and solutions. He has had experience with multiple programming technologies based on Java, C#, Ruby, and so on, and with different domain areas such as healthcare, mobile, telecoms, social networking, business process modeling, performance and talent management, multimedia, e-commerce, and investment banking."
Price: 124.99
