"LoRa et LoRaWAN pour l'Internet des Objets" |
"Ce cours couvre toute la chane de transmission en LoRa LoRaWAN depuis le Device, jusqu' l'utilisateur. Il est compos de 10 chapitres. Les chapitres 1 10 sont tous traits dans le livre PDF associs au cours. Seuls les chapitres 1 7 sont traits en vido pour l'instant. La mise jour se poursuit pour complter les chapitres 8 10 suivant les prvisions fournis plus bas. Voici le contenu dtaill du cours :1. Les systmes embarqus dans lIOT : Nous verrons tout d'abord les proprits d'un systme embarqu dans le monde l'IOT et comment le protocole LoRa peut rsoudre les problmatiques de porte et de consommation.2. Transmission Radio et propagation : Nous rappellerons toutes les notions ncessaires la comprhension du cours dans le cadre d'une transmission radio entre deux lments. Cela nous permettra d'tre l'aise avec l'tude des documentations constructeur que nous allons souvent utiliser.3. La modulation LoRa (Couche Physique) : On s'attachera ensuite la comprhension de la modulation radiofrquence LoRa4. Le protocole LoRaWAN : Ce chapitre est probablement l'un des plus important parce qu'il est le cur de la formation. Nous commencerons donc par les versions et les spcifications du protocole LoRaWAN normalises par la LoRa Alliance. Nous verrons quelle version du protocole nous tudions dans cette formation, et bien sr, on verra aussi les volutions des versions qui sont venir lorsqu'elles sont en cours de dploiement.Nous prsenterons pour la premire fois la structure complte du rseau LoRaWAN, qui est constitu des Devices LoRa, des Gateways et des serveurs. Et nous expliquerons les fonctionnalits de chacun, dans le dtail.Le rseau LoRaWAN est ncessairement un rseau scurit. Il a donc besoin d'authentification et de chiffrement. Nous expliquerons les deux mthodes de scurisation et comment elles sont mises en uvre.Les Devices Lora quant eux peuvent appartenir diffrentes classes nommes A, B, ou C. Certaines classes rendent l'change de donnes avec le serveur plus simple, mais au dtriment d'une autre caractristique qui est la consommation. Nous ferons donc une srie de test pour mettre en valeur ces phnomnes.L'enregistrement d'un Device LoRa sur un rseau LoRaWAN s'appelle l'activation. Il en existe deux types qui s'appellent ABP ou OTAA. Lorsqu'on dbute dans les rseaux LoRaWAN, Il est souvent difficile de comprendre les avantages et les inconvnients de chacune de ces mthodes. Nous allons valider les proprits de ces deux mthodes d'activation par des cas pratiques.Enfin, nous rappellerons quels paramtres d'une transmission LoRa ont une forte influence sur la consommation. Pour optimiser l'autonomie des Device, nous allons utiliser une mthode adaptative et automatique appele ADR ou Adaptive Data Rate. 5. Les rseaux et serveurs LoRaWANNous allons mettre en uvre un rseau complet et tudier dans le dtail une transmission de donne d'un Device jusquau serveur. Pour cela, nous expliquera les types de rseaux (qui peuvent tre privs, grs par des oprateurs ou encore hybrides) et pour tous ces rseaux, nous expliquerons les avantages et les inconvnients.6. La trame LoRaWANPour ceux qui auraient besoin de plus de dtails, nous analyserons les trames LoRa/LoRaWAN qui circulent entre le Device et la Gateway, puis celles qui sont envoyes par la Gateway jusqu'au serveur.7. La rcupration des donnes sur notre propre ApplicationDans ce chapitre, nous allons nous intresser rcuprer les donnes pour les stocker sur notre propre Application. Le dialogue entre les serveurs LoRaWAN et notre Appplication peuvent tre raliser de plusieurs faons diffrentes. Nous expliquerons les plus rpandus qui sont HTTP et MQTT. Pour chacune des ces solutions on fera des dmonstration pour recevoir des donnes depuis le Device (flux uplink), mais aussi pour transmettre des donnes en direction des Device LoRa (flux Downlink). Pour cela nous utiliserons tout une srie dutilitaire et de logiciels qui seront dtaills. A l'issu de la formation, vous devriez avoir votre disposition de nombreuses solutions fonctionnelles qui vous permettront d'implmenter une solution IOT complte base sur le protocole LoRaWAN.Cette formation sera galement propose partir de Janvier 2021 avec :Un envoi de matriel pour la ralisation des dmonstrations (Gateways, devices)Un support personnalis d'une journe pour vous guider dans la ralisation des dmonstrationsVous pouvez contacter le formateur pour plus d'informations : sylvain.montagny@univ-smb.fr"
Price: 89.99

"Learn the Language of C++ Beginner Course Part 1" |
"About This ClassAbout the classIn this course, you'll be able to learn the basic and intermediate stuff of C++. C++ is considered to be one of the challenging computing language to learn, but here we'll debunk the myths totally and get hands-on experience with this intuitive language. This course is designed for beginners of coding, students and any one who wants to learn all about c++ .Topics covered in the courseHistory of languageoperatorsc++ data typessequence control ( if statements)switch statementloopsarraysAbout the teacherSobika is really passionate about programming and coding. She is also given seminars in her high school on developing and ethical hacking. So she's here teaching c++ with her engaging and high quality videos.ProjectsIn this course, you have extensive collection of projects you can code likeA full functioning CalculatorBuilding a Student Progress CardBuilding a Divisibility testBuilding Code PatternsPlease look at the the Class project section.Any related Question and Answer will be readily answered by Sobika.Things you might needc++ compiler (dev c++)mobile c++ compiler (android/ios)"
Price: 29.99

"Mtodo infalvel para interpretar Espectros Infravermelho" |
"Este curso tem como principal objetivo facilitar a tarefa de anlise e interpretao de espectros de infravermelho, estabelecendo um caminho objetivo e prtico que permite a identificao dos principais grupamentos funcionais e a proposio de uma possvel estrutura (ou estruturas) para as substncias orgnicas. Este curso conta com:Apostila com 20 questes de concursos pblicos (CESPE, IDECAN, UFPA, IFs): Perito criminal, INMETRO, Docente IFs e UFPA, Tcnico em Qumica Universitrio, Tcnico de Laboratrio.Gabarito das 20 questesTabela com resumo esquemtico do contedoTodo o contedo resumido em artigo cientfico (Qumica Nova)Simulado online"
Price: 84.99

"OCA (1Z0-808) Exam : JAVA Certification 2020" |
"Practice Sample Tests to clear OCA in a single go.Questions related to OOPS, Networking, Threads, Collections, Exception Handling and many other topics will be covered.If you are new to JAVA and wants to crack interview, then for you, explanation is provided to every question. So that you can understand each and every concept easily."
Price: 184.99

"Microsoft Python Exam (98-381) Practice Tests" |
"In this Course we will cover Practice Tests for Microsoft Python Certification Exam (98-381).Practice Tests will cover questions related to VariablesOperatorsData TypesPrecedence and AssociativityLoopsStringsBitwise and much more.Explanation to questions are given, So that you can easily understand the solution.Doubts will be answered in Q&A section.Solving these tests will boost your confidence and so you can clear the main exam easily."
Price: 199.99

"Oracle Java Certification: Crack OCA 1Z0-808" |
"Practice Sample Tests to clear OCA in a single go.Questions related to OOPS, Networking, Threads, Collections, Exception Handling and many other topics will be covered.If you are new to JAVA and wants to crack interview, then for you, explanation is provided to every question. So that you can understand each and every concept easily."
Price: 199.99

"PCAP Certification : Python Practice Test 2020" |
"If you want to prepare for PCAP, then this is the right course for you. The topics covered are to the point and if you have a good grasp on the topics, you will be able to solve the questions in seconds. The topics covered are as follow:VariablesFunctionsPrecedenceBitwiseRegexData Types File Handling and much more. Do give these practice tests a try."
Price: 199.99

"Python PCAP Preparation Crack and get PCAP Certification" |
"If you want to prepare for freelancing, or any other field related to python , then this is the right course for you. The topics covered are to the point and if you have a good grasp on the topics, you will be able to solve the questions in seconds. The topics covered are as follow:VariablesFunctionsPrecedenceBitwiseRegexData Types File Handling and much more. Do give these practice tests a try."
Price: 199.99

"Arrays Ultimate Practice Tests" |
"If you want to prepare for freelancing, or any other field related to Data Structure , then this is the right course for you. The topics covered are to the point and if you have a good grasp on the topics, you will be able to solve the questions in seconds. The topics covered are as follow:BItwise ArraysParallel ArraysSparse ArraysMatrixArray Rotationand much more. Do give these practice tests a try."
Price: 199.99

"Python PCAP Preparation Course From Beginners to Advanced" |
"Nowadays Python is used everywhereSome of the Advantages of Python are : Pythons popularity & high salaryPython is used in Data SciencePythons scripting & automationPython used with Big DataPython supports TestingComputer Graphics in PythonPython used in Artificial IntelligencePython in Web DevelopmentPython is portable & extensibleIn this course we cover the basics of Python that you require to be independent. You can even start freelancing in python."
Price: 199.99

"Python Course For Absolute Beginners Become an Expert" |
"Nowadays Python is used everywhereSome of the Advantages of Python are :1. Pythons popularity & high salary2. Python is used in Data Science3. Pythons scripting & automation4. Python used with Big Data5. Python supports Testing6. Computer Graphics in Python7. Python used in Artificial Intelligence8. Python in Web Development9. Python is portable & extensibleIn this course we cover the basics of Python that you require to be independent. You can even start freelancing in python."
Price: 199.99

"Python Course For PCAP Certification Beginners to Advanced" |
"Nowadays Python is used everywhereSome of the Advantages of Python are :1. Pythons popularity & high salary2. Python is used in Data Science3. Pythons scripting & automation4. Python used with Big Data5. Python supports Testing6. Computer Graphics in Python7. Python used in Artificial Intelligence8. Python in Web Development9. Python is portable & extensibleIn this course we cover the basics of Python that you require to be independent. You can even start freelancing in python."
Price: 199.99

"The Web Development Bootcamp : Learn HTML" |
"Website development is a way to make people aware of the services and/or products you are offering, understand why your products are relevant and even necessary for them to buy or use, and see which of your company's qualities set it apart from competitors. Displaying this information with high-quality images and thought-out presentation will have a large influence on customers, and it is important to strive towards making your product as relatable and appealing as possible. Additionally, with website development you can:1. Communicate with your visitors effectively2. Improve your connectivity.3. Prove your reliability"
Price: 199.99

"Become a JAVA Certified Engineer Crack 1Z0-808 Exam" |
"Why Use Java?Java works on different platforms eg: MAC, Windows etcIt is one of the most popular programming language in the worldIt is easy to learn and very simple to useIt is open-source and freeIt is secure, fast and powerfulIt has a huge community support (tens of millions of developers)Java is an object oriented language which gives a clear structure to programs and allows code to be reused.You can even start freelancing after learning JAVA."
Price: 199.99

"Become a C++ Certified Engineer Beginners to Advanced" |
"C++ allows you to have a lot of control as to how you use computer resources, so in the right hands its speed and ability to cheaply use resources should be able to surpass other languages. Thanks to C++'s performance, it is often used to develop game engines, games, and desktop apps.Why Should You Learn C++?C++ is one of the popular programming languages.C++ is an object-oriented programming language which gives a clear structure to programs and allows code to be reused.C++ is portable and can be used to develop applications that can be adapted to multiple platforms.C++ is fun and easy to learn!"
Price: 199.99

"C++ in 35 minutes All basics Covered For Beginners" |
"C++ allows you to have a lot of control as to how you use computer resources, so in the right hands its speed and ability to cheaply use resources should be able to surpass other languages. Thanks to C++'s performance, it is often used to develop game engines, games, and desktop apps.Why Should You Learn C++?C++ is one of the popular programming languages.C++ is an object-oriented programming language which gives a clear structure to programs and allows code to be reused.C++ is portable and can be used to develop applications that can be adapted to multiple platforms.C++ is fun and easy to learn!"
Price: 199.99

"Landscape Photography Editing with Adobe Lightroom CC" |
"Are you looking to improve your nature or landscape photography skills, or to take better photos than your friends? Editing is a big part of that process and can really make your images come to life. In this course, you will be able to download raw photographs and follow along with the importing, editing and exporting exercises. Downloadable raw files included with this course.Editing in Adobe Lightroom cc classic can play a massive part and can elevate your photos to the next level. So take a look below to see everything you will learn in this landscape photography editing class with Adobe Lightroom cc and let's get started.In this class, I will teach you how to edit great-looking photos in Adobe Lightroom CC Classic. I cover many aspects of Lightroom from importing and managing your photos to complex editing techniques.I have designed this class to suit all abilities from someone just starting out, to the more advanced photographer looking to learn new techniques. Below are some of the areas we will work on during the Adobe Lightroom cc editing class for nature and landscape photography.Intro to the library and develop modulesImporting your photosImport the downloadable raw filesSorting/culling your photos / removing photosThe difference between global and local adjustmentsUseful shortcuts + Downloadable sheetThe basics tab, including white balance and profilesThe tone curveUsing HSLSplit toningSharpening and noise reductionLens correction, Transform and effectsLocal adjustment Tools - crop - spot removal - graduated filter - radial tool - adjustment brush and maskswork on a raw photograph edit together with the previous techniquesMaking presets and syncing editsHDR, Panos and HDR PanosWork on an HDR edit together with the downloadable raw filesWork on a panorama edit together with the downloadable raw filesSmart collectionsExporting your photosExport the finished downloadable edited photos worked on during the classLive editing demonstrationsLearn from a professional photographer with over 15 years of experience working with Adobe software.By the end of the course, you will have learnt the skills to edit great looking landscape photographs in Adobe Lightroom cc classic. Photos that you will want to hang on your wall.I have complete confidence in the class and offer a 30-day money-back guarantee should it not meet your expectations. So enrol today and become a better photographer.See you during the class.Ian Worth"
Price: 189.99

"Supply Planning in SCM" |
"Once an organization understands its demand, it has to structure its resources and provide the required supply to meet demand. This course covers this important aspect of supply chain planning. Decisions made in supply planning determines how the organization allocates its resources, serves its customers and ultimately its position in the market."
Price: 1600.00

"PSICO-DESIGN: come creare la casa perfetta per te" |
"Il corso intende presentare agli studenti lo Psico Design come modo nuovo di guardare all'arredamento della casa, essendo il luogo che maggiormente pu influire sul benessere dell'uomo. Analizzare e comprendere dal punto di vista psicologico lo spazio casa nei suoi vari aspetti: pratico-funzionale, estetico, emotivo, svilupper una consapevolezza maggiore rispetto allo stare bene nel luogo deputato a proteggere ogni essere umano. Si prenderanno in considerazione: la casa come elemento che muta nel tempo; l'aspetto delle relazioni con la casa e le persone che la abitano; il modo in cui i colori influenzano la psiche umana; gli oggetti come espressione della personalit di ciascuno, il loro ruolo nella relazione quotidiana con l'uomo e i vari poteri comunicativi; lo spazio come spazio intimo e spazio sociale, spazio di tutti e spazio di ciascuno. Nella convinzione che la casa deve ""vestire"" ciascuno come un abito di sartoria si parler non di categorie o di griglie ma dell'importanza di concentrarsi sulla persona piuttosto che sulle tipologie. La casa che ""veste"" tutti non comoda per nessuno, occorre focalizzare l'attenzione sulle necessit del singolo individuo per creare davvero una casa perfetta per ciascuno."
Price: 49.99

"2 Simple Online Businesses that you can Launch this Month!" |
"""Do you think Corona Crisis affected ALL the Businesses?""No. Not the Online Businesses!""Do you want to Launch your Own Online Business in 30 Days?""(Without leaving your current profession!)If yes, Welcome! You're in the Right Place & at the Right Time!...In spite of what's going on with the world!At the time of publishing this Course, the entire Globe is facing a serious pandemic: Corona Virus Crisis. Even the most developed Nations are literally under #lockdown. We are locked in our own homes. Many brick & mortar Businesses are going bankrupt. Many jobs are lost. There's an air of uncertainty, fear, chaos & stress.But even in this crisis, there are 2 Online Businesses, which are not only Trending; but also THRIVING. The GOOD NEWS is... You can Profit from them too! ... This course will show you HOW!3 Things that you'll learn from this Course:Three Secrets to Repeatable Success, always!Two Currently Trending Online Businesses & How YOU can PROFIT from them too.Exact Next Step for you to Start your own Future-Proof Online Business in 30 Days! ( Even if you have NO previous experience, Business idea or huge budget!)But, wait... This course is NOT for everybody.This course is NOT for You, if you are not interested in Entrepreneurship and Success.This course is NOT for You, if you are perfectly happy with your current life & income.This course is NOT for You, if you don't believe in ""implementing"" what you learn.If you're still here... then, Congrats!You're clearly someone interested in Entrepreneurship, Success. Better Income & Greater Life!It doesn't matter if you've a Business Idea or not... this course will give you exact steps to take to launch your truly successful Online Business. (Even if you've never done that before).So, enroll in this course, only if you're 100% SERIOUS about Your Success.Enroll & Learn the Exact Next Steps to Launch your Own Profitable, Future-Proof Online Business in 30 Days.See you on the inside :)Regards,Rupa PatilCertified Trainer, Coach, Event PlannerCertified MASTERMIND Professional"
Price: 29.99

"Sing like a Pro Level 1: Respiracin y Apoyo" |
"El curso Sing like a Pro Level 1: Respiracin y Apoyo esta dirigido a todo tipo de estudiante, desde el aficionado al profesional de la voz. Te ayudar a conocer mas sobre la anatomia de la voz y algunos de los fundamentos bsicos del instrumento.Con mas de dos horas de videos, audios y ejercicios te convertirs en una estrella del canto!"
Price: 34.99

"Research & Writing" |
"In this course, you will how to critically and logically think and read, you will learn how to research, how to cite your sources in-text and references page, some research strategies, how to outline, how to create an annotated bibliography, the definition of rhetoric and the devices you use to support your research, and how to format and structure your research paper. "
Price: 59.99

"Successful Student" |
"In this course you will learn the necessary academic skills that you need in college to include communication skills, a self assessment to determine your learning style to, time and personal management and ways to motivate yourself and techniques how to relieve stress and anxiety, study skills - the various ways to study to include study guides and test taking strategies, note taking skills, reading skills - techniques on comprehension, the SQ4R method of reading, vocabulary building, parts of a sentence, supporting details, basics of argument, advanced argument techniques, what is an inference, transitional words, how recognize main ideas and implied ideas, opinions and facts, and the author's purpose and tone, and you will learn critical and creative thinking techniques. There are several activities and multiple downloaded resources."
Price: 199.99

"Aprende a maquillarte desde cero (Makeupbyprys)" |
"Bienvenida/o a mi curso online, donde encontrars un maquillaje de da natural y de noche (smokey eyes con glitter), paso a paso, junto a sus explicaciones detalladas.Tendrs un video con una duracin de una hora completo y explicado, con un lenguaje sencillo. Tambin, cuenta con subttulos en espaol para que me puedan entender a la perfeccin.Voy a ensearte todos los secretos para brillar, las marcas de los productos y sus tcnicas.Muchas gracias y espero que les guste muchsimo!"
Price: 495.00

"Final Cut Pro X - From Absolute Basics to YouTuber" |
"Hi,This Final Cut Pro X (Basics to YouTuber) class teaches you how to effectively use this popular video editing software. This class is designed for the absolute beginner, meaning no prior experience with Final Cut Pro is required.We'll start off by learning about some really Important settings of FCPX that all beginners should know.Moving on we'll go a deep dive through the user Interface, Panels and some helpful features.Then this class will then teach you how to add media, different ways to add media and a brief explanation about libraries and more.Once youve learned the basics, this class will teach you more advanced editing tips, including working with transitions, audio customization(noise removal and adjustments), keyboard shortcuts and more.Further moving ahead we'll do a basic color grading that makes our video clips stand out. Then we move on to the exporting section where I'll help you guys to export the video clips in the right format.Finally I will share some of the Tips & Tricks along with some really useful Features of FCPX that I feel will be really useful for you guys, Since I have used them all along and have helped me boost my workflow and save me a lot of time and thats it...I'm Exited to see you Guys"
Price: 19.99

"The function of the mind, the cornerstone of decision making" |
" ; ; ; ; ; . . & . : . 2 . "
Price: 199.99

"Mindful Leadership - promoting peace & nonviolence" |
"Leadership matters.The COVID19 crisis as well as recent protests against systemic racism have presented unique leadership challenges - both in our personal lives and professional lives. We all need to put our collective energies to end systemic racism and enable social justice.As leaders, our decisions matter. It is even more important now, to manage our mental health and wellbeing so that we can make decisions with compassion, dignity, and grace.This course is designed by Mandar Apte, Program Director for Cities4Peace, using the power of an unscripted documentary film as a teaching aid to understand and deepen our capacity as leaders so we can become stronger advocates of compassion and nonviolence.During this course, we follow the journey of six victims of violence from across America who embarked on a transformational journey to India, inspired by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., who had also visited India to study nonviolence. The common denominator that binds them in this story is their unique exposure to violence and their desire to heal the wounds of trauma and reinvigorate the conversation about nonviolence in America.The group included: a single mother whose son was brutally murdered in a tragic school shooting (Sandy Hook, Connecticut) and her best friend, a former gang member (Los Angeles, California), an educator (Newark, New Jersey), a social entrepreneur and a music scholar (both activists for the Movement for Black Lives Matter from Oakland, California).The film showcases how the immersion in the culture of India empowered them with tools, wisdom, and inspiration to find healing, solace, and rejuvenate their commitment to becoming stronger ambassadors of nonviolence in their communities and neighborhoods.At the end of the documentary, Mandar explains the theory of nonviolence (Ahimsa) and how the practice of meditation can help to develop our capacity to be more effective leaders. He guides us through a soulful meditation that will help participants develop a personal daily habit to develop self-compassion.The course also exposes participants to the teachings of Indias leading guru and global humanitarian leader, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, who has helped bring peace to many regions of conflict including Iraq, Colombia, etc using his powerful Sudarshan Kriya breathing and meditation techniques, taught worldwide in the SKY breath and meditation workshops by the Art of Living Foundation."
Price: 69.99

"Option Chain Analysis in HINDI" |
"The secret of earning money doing option trading is simple, just find out the market trend and then buy low and sell high. Now, the question is, how to find the market trend? Isn't it? Simply follow the big players whom we often call as operators i.e. the FIIs, DIIs and Pro traders. The next question comes, how to follow them, how to know whether they are buying or selling? The answer is simple, attend this course on option trading.In this course, we will discuss - How to know, what FII & Pro traders are doing?How to maintain their data? (Because, data don't lie)How to analyze option chain data?How to interpret futures open interest data?How to analyze options open interest data?Option trading strategies for bullish marketOption trading strategies for bearish marketOption trading strategies for sideways positive marketOption trading strategies for sideways negative marketOption trading strategies for range-bound marketWhich is profitable: Options buying or option selling?Keys to success in option trading and many more."
Price: 2880.00

"Ayurveda Ways To Boost Immunity During Pregnancy - Covid19" |
"Child birth is the happiest moment for the mother. It can also be a challenging time of life as the mothers body goes through numerous changes in order to create and support the development of a new life.Ayurveda is preventive medicine at its finest. Following an Ayurvedic lifestyle sets a healthy environment for your body.As per this course Ayurvedic prospective Garbhini Paricharya refer to ante natal care with recommendation of Aahara (specific diatery regimen), Vihara (normal daily activities and therapeutic procedure) & vichara ( psychological behavior) for the improving Immunity."
Price: 3200.00

"Grcia Antiga" |
"Este curso um panorama geral da Histria da Grcia Antiga.A Grcia Antiga teve uma grande contribuio para a nossa Histria, cultura, poltica, arte e entre outras noes e elementos na contemporaneidade. Nesse sentido, trabalharemos em nosso curso a Histria da Grcia Antiga, abarcando os respectivos perodos histricos, desde a sua estruturao at o declnio, bem como importantes aspectos que acompanharam essa sociedade."
Price: 39.99

"Video Marketing For Small Businesses Using InVideo" |
"Learn how to make engaging videos and marketing videos even an intro video even if you aren't a video editor using a platform called InVideo.We gonna quickly edit together few videos and showcase the different tools that this platform provides including images, videos, music, sound design and effects.We gonna even talk about the limitation of this tool."
Price: 49.99
