"Gerson Lima Filho - Planto GF VIRADAS Vol.02 BAIO" |
"Planto GF Viradas o segundo trabalho de uma srie de aulas do baterista Gerson Lima Filho, onde este aborda de forma didtica e detalhada viradas em diversos estilos, para que o baterista aumente sua criatividade e vocabulrio.VOLUME 2: Baio. Introduo. Como usar o playalong nas viradas?. Levadas padres usadas no baio. Dez Viradas no Baio. Aplicao de cada virada. Explicao tempo por tempo com leitura rtmica (quando nescessrio)BNUS:. Partitura inclusa em cada virada. Playalong para aplicar o contedo do curso"
Price: 69.99

"Essential Customer Success" |
"Learn from an instructor that has lead customer success and professional services teams for two decades, has managed multi-million dollar businesses and has advised some of the largest and most well-known organisations in the world including Ikea, Unilever, Nestle, Amex and many, many more. Benefit from real, practical experience proven to drive best-in-class retention, revenue and to make you and your customer successful.We are living in the customer-centered economy requiring an unerring focus on the customer and their success. This course is a full, practical and thorough insight into the skills and routines requires to be a Customer Sucess Manager. You will learnWhat Customer Success is and the key requirements of your roleHow to measure customer healthWhat to do to improve customer healthHow to understand your customers and their needsHow to segment your portfolio of customers and prioritise your timeHow to manage your managerHow to balance the needs of your customer and your businessHow to manage your day as a CSM"
Price: 59.99

"Investimento em aes na bolsa de valores para iniciantes" |
"Tem vontade de viver de renda mas no sabe como comear?Sempre teve vontade de aprender investir na bolsa de valores mas nunca se sentiu seguro?Pois ! Ainda h no Brasil um estigma muito grande sobre a bolsa de valores. comum ouvir que bolsa de valores cassino, que investimento em aes extremamente arriscado e que s ganha dinheiro neste ramo quem de finanas.Este curso veio para desmistificar a bolsa de valores e possibilitar que voc (independente de formao e profisso) possa comear a investir na bolsa de valores com segurana, tendo a oportunidade de gerar patrimnio a longo prazo e ir de encontro ao objetivo da sua liberdade financeira!Faa seu dinheiro trabalhar por voc, durma tranquilo com seus investimentos e v de encontro sua liberdade financeira!"
Price: 39.99

smart-pricing-for-marketing |
"50 / 50$. 50$ 49 49.99$ 49.95$ . 9.99$ 10$ : ... 200% : ( )"
Price: 19.99

"Introduction au processus de dveloppement 2TUP pour PFE" |
"Je vous montre les tapes de ralisation de la modlisation de votre projet de fin de formation en utilisant le processus unifi 2TUP.Je commence le cours par la prsentation de processus UP puis je vous explique les dtails du processus 2TUP et ses tapes.Ce cours et recommand pour les tudiants et les lve ingnieur pour quil les aide la ralisation de leurs projet de fin dtude PFE."
Price: 19.99

"Les bases de la programmation et algorithme" |
"Aprs 10 ans denseignement de la formation dinitiation la programmation pour les jeunes entre 18 et 25 ans. Jai dcid de raliser cette formation pour aider mes nouveaux apprenants viter les difficults dapprentissage de quelques notions de base.Notamment, Les difficults que jai rencontr avec mes anciens apprenants pendant mon exprience comme formateur.La formation est devis en deux modules : le prsent module que vous tre en train de voir, va vous expliquer les bases et les notions que vous devez savoir avant de commencer apprendre un langage de programmation.Le deuxime module disponible aussi sur udemy va vous entraner sur les techniques apprendre pour bien analyser et raliser des algorithmes et programmes solides.Dans ce premier module, je vais vous montrer : Ce que vous devez savoir sur lordinateur et linformatique pour commencer programmer ;Les 4 catgories dordres comprhensibles par lordinateur (Variable/Affectation, Entre/Sortie, Condition et Boucle) ;Explication de chaque ordre avec des exemples clairs bien conue pour les dbutants en programmation.Jai essay de dtailler et aller doucement avec les notions que jai senti sa difficult dapprentissage avec mes apprenants. Jai utilis pour a des outils pour vous simuler lexcution des exemples que jai utilis dans la formation de faon montrer son excution dans lcran et dans la mmoire de lordinateur.Je vous souhaite bon apprentissage et bon courage dans votre vie professionnelle."
Price: 19.99

"Dvelopper son intelligence motionnelle" |
"Quest-ce qui distingue ses motions de celles des autres ? Pourquoi doit-on exprimer nos motions pour provoquer un impact positif sur nos interlocuteurs ? Comment grer nos affects motifs dans le cadre professionnel, personnel, amical... ?Lintelligence motionnelle est une cl pour mieux vivre avec les autres et avec soi-mme, cest une vritable comptence pour nous permettre de grer nos peurs, nos angoisses, nos colres et par consquent notre russite sociale dans la vie au quotidien. Elle rend les relations plus efficaces, elle nous rend panouis et plus sereins. Cest une comptence qui permet de valoriser notre individualit aux yeux des autres."
Price: 59.99

"Develop Mindset Like Riches" |
"Hello Students, Our course on 'Develop Mindset Like Riches' is very simple, easy to understand, animated course. Course is very short but content is very rich. If you go through each chapter and adhere to discussed points, wealth or money will never be concern for you.In this course we will cover topics like Mind, Mindset, Meditation, Size of Minset, Value of time etc"
Price: 19.99

"Simple steps to the Leadership" |
"In this course, you will learn the basics of the Leadership. There are different types of Leadership styles. Which one to apply is the art. This course is designed keeping in mind New Generations Managers who are starting New as a Manager or who is already in middle Management. This course is designed in such a way that anyone will understand it and apply further. You will learn different traits of the leadership which will help you to apply practically in your life !!"
Price: 2560.00

"RA: Data Science and Supply chain analytics.(A-Z with R)" |
"""Learning Data science is boring! learning data science for a purpose is fun!!""It's been six years since I moved from Excel to R and since then I have never looked back! With eleven years between working in Procurement, lecturing in universities, training over 2000 professionals in supply chain and data science with R and python, and finally opening my own business in consulting for two years now. I am extremely excited to share with you this course and learn with you through this unique rewarding course. My goal is that all of you become experts in data science and supply-chain. I have put all the techniques I have learned and practiced in this one sweet bundle of data science and supply chain.As a consultancy, we develop algorithms for retailers and supply chains to make aggregate and item controllable forecasting, optimize stocks, plan assortment and Maximize profit margin by optimizing prices. 7500 people are already using our free package for supply chain analysis ""Inventorize"" and we can't wait to share its capabilities with you so you can start dissecting supply chain problems...for free!The motivation behind this project is filling the gap of finding a comprehensive course that tackles supply chains using data science. there are courses for data science, forecasting, revenue management, inventory management, and simulation modeling. but here we tackle all of them as a bundle. Lectures, Concepts, codes, exercises, and spreadsheets. and we don't present the code, we do the code with you, step by step.the abundance of the data from customers, suppliers, products, and transactions have opened the way for making informed business decisions on a bigger and more dynamic scale that can no longer be achieved by spreadsheets. In this course, we learn data science from a supply chain mindset.Don't worry If you don't know how to code, we learn step by step by applying supply chain analysis!*NOTE: Full course includes downloadable resources and R project files, homework and course quizzes, lifetime access, and a 30-day money-back guarantee.Who this course is for: If you are an absolute beginner to coding, then take this course. If you work in supply-chain and want to make data-driven decisions, this course will equip you with what you need. If you work as a demand planner and want to make aggregate and item controllable forecasting, take this course. If you are an inventory manager and want to optimize inventory for 1000000 products at once, then this course is for you. If you work in finance and want to forecast your budget taking trends, seasonality, and other factors into account then this course is just what you need. If you are a seasoned R user, then take this course to get up to speed quickly with R capabilities. You will become a regular R user in no time. If you want to take a deep dive (not just talking) in supply chain management, then take this course. If you want to apply machine learning techniques for supply -chain, we will walk you through the methods of supervised and unsupervised learning. If you are switching from Excel to a data science language. then this course will fast track your goal. If you are tired of doing the same analysis again and again on spreadsheets and want to find ways to automate it, this course is for you. If you are frustrated about the limitations of data loading and available modules in excel, then Moving to R will make our lives a whole lot easier.Course Designthe course is designed as experiential learning Modules, the first couple of modules are for supply chain fundamentals followed by R programming fundamentals, this is to level all of the takers of this course to the same pace. and the third part is supply chain applications using Data science which is using the knowledge of the first two modules to apply. while the course delivery method will be a mix of me explaining the concepts on a whiteboard, Presentations, and R-coding sessions where you do the coding with me step by step. there will be assessments in most of the sections to strengthen your newly acquired skills. all the practice and assessments are real supply chain use cases.Supply chain Fundamentals Module includes:1- Introduction to supply chain.2- Supply chain Flows.3- Data produced by supply chains.R Programming Fundamentals Module includes:1- Basics of R2- Data cleaning and Manipulation.3- Statistical analysis.4- Data Visualization.5- Advanced Programming.Supply chain Applications Module include :1- Product segmentations single and Multi-criteria2- Supplier segmentations.3- Customers segmentations.4- Forecasting techniques and accuracy testing.5- Forecasting aggregation approaches.6- Pricing and Markdowns optimization Techniques.7- Inventory Policy and Safety stock Calculations.8- Inventory simulations.9- Machine Learning for supply-chain.10- Product Recommendations for customers.11- Simulations for optimizing Capacity and Resources.*NOTE: Many of the concepts and analysis I explain first in excel as I find excel the best way to first explain a concept and then we scale up, improve and generalize with R. By the end of this course, you will have an exciting set of skills and a toolbox you can always rely on when tackling supply chain challenges. The course may take from 12-16 weeks to finish, 4-5 hours of lectures, and practice every week.*Bonus: one hour webinar of Intro to machine learning where I am the panelist for NOBLE PROG; the host and organizer of the webinar event. the webinar has a demo on how too use orange for data mining.Happy Supply Chain mining!HaythamRescale AnalyticsFeedback from Clients and Training:""In Q4 2018, I was fortunate to find an opportunity to learn R in Dubai, after hearing about it from indirect references in UK.I attended a Supply Chain Forecasting & Demand Planning Masterclass conducted by Haitham Omar and the possibilities seemed endless. So, we requested Haitham to conduct a 5-day workshop in our office to train 8 staff members, which opened us up as a team to deeper data analysis. Today, we have gone a step further and retained Haitham, as a consultant, to take our data analysis to the next level and to help us implement inventory guidelines for our business. The above progression of our actions is a clear indication of the capabilities of Haitham as a specialist in R and in data analytics, demand planning, and inventory management.""Shailesh MendoncaCommercial lead-in Adventure AHQ- Sharaf Group Haytham mentored me in my Role of Head of Supply Chain efficiency. He is extremely knowledgebase about the supply concepts, latest trends, and benchmarks in the supply chain world. Haythams analytics-driven approach was very helpful for me to recommend and implement significant changes to our supply chain at Aster groupSaify NaqviHead of Supply Chain EfficiencyI participated to the training session called ""Supply Chain Forecasting & Management"" on December 22nd 2018. This training helped me a lot in my daily work since I am working in Purchase Dpt. Haytham have the pedagogy to explain us very difficult calculations and formula in simple way. I highly recommend this training.Djamel BOUREMIZPurchasing Manager at Mineral Circles Bearings"
Price: 34.99

"AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate (SAA-C02) 2020" |
"Take your AWS exam with confidence by practicing the concepts your learned by attempting these tests. These practice tests cover all the latest up-to-date concepts on AWS until 2020. Attempting these practice tests gives you confidence to test your AWS knowledge on various concepts.All tests are aligned with SAA-C02 exam.**** Reach out to me via Linkedin in case there is no udemy discount on this course. I can arrange one for you. Students get FREE coupon. Reach out to me via Linkedin ****"
Price: 19.99

"El mundo cambi, la informacin es poder. Cada vez son mas personas que adoptan e inverten en criptomonedas, cada vez es mas necesario tener toda la informacin posible para sacar ventaja a la evolucin del dinero.Hemos preparado esta informacin completa, explicandola de forma prctica para que usted pueda aprender la informacin que nos ha costado mas de cinco aos adquirirla en base a nuestra experiencia como traders y criptoinversores.Bienvenido(a) al dinero 2.0 bienvenido(a) al futuro!"
Price: 19.99

"Learn Mobile Journalism Earn From Daily News" |
"Whether you are a news enthusiast or someone who is trying to build his career around journalism. This course is a key to start an earning with the help of daily news. Social media sites are allowing the content creators to monetise their content on various things. In such cases news becomes a great way to reach out people and earn through social media. A lot of people have got famous in this field.Hi, My Name Is Paurush Sharma. I am a journalist and a Youtuber who is using journalism to earn money every month. I created my YouTube career around daily news. I create content on daily basis and raise voice on important issues happening in or around my country.I have created a monthly income to sustain by using the daily news. As guidance is needed to achieve it. I have designed this course in such a matter that a beginner can also learn about Mobile Journalism easily.This course is designed under the guidance of a senior professor Mrs. Nipunika Shahid who has a decade long career in teaching the students of Mass Comm & Journalism at Amity University Noida.In the times of pandemic a lot of young and aspiring people have lost their jobs and my objective is to enable them and build a new skill of earning through news.Also, as we have started witnessing that fake news has also created a lot of problems in todays world. My objective through this course is that people understand the ethics and basic fundamentals.I want more independent news creator so that audience also get facts and not fake news.Submit Your Assignments - paurushsharma.hp@gmail.com"
Price: 1280.00

"Corso ECDL/ICDL - Modulo Online Essentials" |
"Il secondo modulo della certificazione ICDL illustra i concetti e le competenze essenziali relative a:uso del webuso degli strumenti di navigazioneuso degli strumenti di comunicazioneNel corso troverai:video con la spiegazione teorica e pratica degli argomenti richiesti per la certificazione ICDLtest di valutazione alla fine di ogni moduloschede di supporto alla preparazionetest finale riepilogativo degli elementi trattati"
Price: 39.99

"Managing Change and Rebuilding Your Career After A Setback" |
"Being laid off can come with some trauma, shock and confusion, emotionally, mentally, socially and financially. Especially in these times of uncertainty, how do you cope, what could happen next, how solid is your career and how secure is your current employment, also, this course helps you decide on how your career may evolve, plan your career to withstand uncertainties and is ideal for everyone irrespective of your years of experience.It is also ideal for anyone giving care to a person who may have just lost their job and needs that boost to get back up and use this setback as an opportunity to do great things in their career"
Price: 24.99

"Writer's mindset - how to start and keep on writing" |
"This course is designed to inspire you to keep moving on your writing track. It lets you write in a more conscious and targeted way, avoiding or dealing with all the traps that every writer comes across. You are going to watch and listen to an experienced writer who is going to share all her tips and tricks, collected throughout her career as a writer and a writers' mentor. You will also get a series of tasks, complementary to the lectures. After completing the course, your mind will be fully equipped with the knowledge and skills that will let you write smoothly, self-consciously and from the beginning to the very end. You will be a more self-confident and happy writer than ever; at the same time, your writing will improve and reach a completely different level."
Price: 34.99

"Energa Solar.Bsico a avanzado.Diseo Sistema Fotovoltaico" |
"Hola colegas solares!Muchas gracias por tu inters en nuestro curso completo de Energa Solar con 188 lecturas y recursos extras para descarga para ayudarte a disear, dimensionar y presupuestar tu sistema solar fotovoltaico.En este curso vas a aprender desde lo bsico hasta el nivel avanzado en energa solar.Vamos a aprender contenido intensivo y en profundidad en energa solar.Es un curso completo, intenso, y practico, enfocado tanto en la parte comercial y tcnica de la energa solar.La energa solar est creciendo de forma exponencial y sin detenerse. Se han creado miles de puestos de trabajo en el mundo y se est volviendo cada vez ms complejo y ms conocomiento es necesario para diferenciarse en la industria, obtener un trabajo o empezar tu propia empresa en la industria.En este curso vas a obtener mucho contenido y conocimiento en Energa Solar.Estoy en ingeniera mecnica y trabaj (y an lo hago en energa solar) durante muchos aos en energa solar, tanto en el rea tcnica como comercial y de negocios.En este curso vamos a aprender tanto el rea tcnica como comercial de la energa solar fotovoltaica.En el enfoque del curso es desde los componentes al sistema, esto quiere decir que vamos a aprender primero cada componente de un sistema solar fotovoltaico por separado para luego ver como funciona el sistema en su conjunto.Luego vamos a aprender a dimensionar tcnicamente el sistema solar de acuerdo a las necesidades del cliente y obtener el perodo de repago.Vas tener acceso tambin a los archivos excel que hicimos para este curso para realizar ajustes por temperatura para los paneles solares, y para los mapeos de consumo de energa.Inscribite en el curso ahora y nete a la revolucin verde! s parte de la industria de la energa solar!En este curso vamos a aprender en detalle:Fundamentos de la energa solarLa celda solarEl efecto fotovoltaicoLos paneles solaresEl inversorLas curvas de rendimientoFichas tcnicas y parmetros elctricosCableado y conductosDispositivos de proteccinEstructuras de los paneles solaresDiseo de un sistema solar fotovoltaicoDimensionamiento de un sistema de energa solarOptimizacin de un sistema de energa solarSeleccin de componentesPerodo de repago de un sistema de energa solarDiagramas unifilaresTips comerciales"
Price: 49.99

"Xactimate Basics" |
"This course will teach you the basics of how to:Create a new project in Xactimate.Leverage the power of Xactimate when estimating losses.Identify and use accurate estimate items.Select and download the appropriate price list.Sketch and scope an interior.Sketch and scope a roof.There are a lot of training options out there. Stick with the trusted experts."
Price: 199.99

buhgalter |
", 1 8. : """";""""; """";"""";"""";""""; """"; """" """". , , , , , . , : , , -, , , , , , , . , . . ."
Price: 10799.00

"Fundamental Analyse der Weltwirtschaft" |
"Dieser Kurs richtet sich an alle, die sich ein eigenes Bild ber die wirtschaftliche Lage verschaffen wollen. Wir behandeln dabei fhrende Indikatoren, welche in einer Makroanalyse auch in der Finanzbranche und der Politik genutzt werden. Zur Analyse der Daten habe ich ein spezielles Excel-Tool gebaut, welches dir die Analyse der Daten sehr vereinfachen wird. Du wirst in diesem Kurs lernen, was langfristig gesehen die Aktienmrkte bewegt und wie du diese Bewegungen mithilfe von Wirtschaftsdaten analysieren kannst. Du wirst lernen wie du die Daten zusammentrgst und in dem enthaltenen Excel Tool einfgst. Danach wirst du lernen die vorgefertigte Analyse zu lesen und somit die Daten zu interpretieren.Natrlich werden wir auch noch auf die notwendigen Excel funktionen eingehen, damit du das Excel Tool souvern selbststndig nutzen kannst."
Price: 49.99

"Concepts of Trusses and Frames" |
"Concepts of trusses and frames are must for an Engineer to design and construct different types of structures like bridges, buildings, machines and machine frames etc. This course will help the learners to get complete knowledge about trusses, force analysis of trusses and frames, methods to analyze axial forces on members and many more. This course is specially designed for competitive exams related to Mechanical and Civil Engineering as well as for curriculum course."
Price: 1920.00

"Comment faire de dlicieux GYOZAS la japonais pour VEGAN" |
"Bonjour tous,Merci pour votre visite de ma page.Je mappelle Tomoko Mon Atelier de Cuisine du Japon.Je voudrais prsenter nos cuisine < Comment faire des Gyoza pour Vgtalien avec sauce japonaise >Ce cours est dbutant de cuisine, ce sera bien de profiter faire des Gyoza tout le monde!Cette recette est bien sr pour Vgtalien ou Vgtarien mais si qqun qui manger la viande ou poisson, vous pouvez emplacer Soy-Meat la place !Jaimerais bien denvoyer directement Mon Gyoza chez vous mais au moins nos cuisine de Nipponne va arriver votre cuisine par mon vido.Prenez soin de vous et Bon apptit!!Tomoko Mon Atelier de Cuisine"
Price: 3600.00

"(Tamil) (chess)" |
", . IQ"
Price: 1280.00

"Microsoft Excel from Beginner to Advanced Level" |
"The Microsoft Excel course exposes students to all available tools, command and Functions in the application. The training is carefully structured to take care of the learning needs of students, who are really yearning to know how to use Excel to carry out tasks in their workplaces. The course is also prepared to help regular users of the application, who want to upgrade their knowledge and upskill.The Beginners to Intermediate topics capture the most frequently used command for day to day tasks. The Advanced level is also to help students learn the most advanced formulas, functions, and Tools. The advanced Excel training course builds on the beginner to intermediate course and is designed specifically for spreadsheet users who are already proficient and looking to take their skills to an advanced level.The advanced excel tutorial will help you start a career in the area of data and financial analysis especially in the following fields; investment banking, private equity, corporate development, and equity research. By watching the instructor build all the formulas and functions right on your screen, you can easily pause, replay, and repeat exercises until you have mastered them."
Price: 119.99

"How to Speak English like a Native not a foreigner" |
"Students will learn how to speak English naturally in this course.With my experience with lots of students from all over the world the way that English is thought in different institutions world wide is so different from the normal way that English is spoken in the English speaking countries, thus the students have to go the extra mile with this course, regardless of the level of their English. Taking this course is equal to living in states for years. It is like traveling in time with a tutor that knows the way well..."
Price: 19.99

"Trust Tools to Improve Diversity and Inclusion" |
"Trust forms the foundation of every relationship in our lives, including our relationship with ourselves, yet do you really understand what trust is and how to embrace it's unique power to advance relationships? In a focused and impactful style, this course works to add to your proverbial ""toolbox"" of understanding around the topic of trust with special emphasis on how those tools work (and face special challenges) in diverse and inclusive environments. All in a little over an hour!Through a combination of lectures, quizzes, and special activities, you'll gain an understanding of two key trust tools which you can use across work, home, and community relationships. "
Price: 94.99

"How To Draw A Realistic Face Using Pencil For Beginners" |
"Discover the secret to creating photo realistic portrait pencil drawingsHave you always wondered in awe at how artists can create such a realistic, lifelike portrait with just pencil?Do you wish you could achieve the same level of realism with your artwork?It might be easier than you thought. Drawing realistically is achieved through learned skill, practice and commitment. I believe anyone can achieve photo realistic pencil portraits once they are armed with the correct knowledge and techniques.That's where my course comes in.WHAT YOU GET2 hours of narrated video of drawing a portrait from start to finishLearn the exact tools and techniques I use to achieve lifelike facial featuresDownloadable detailed drawing instruction guides to guide you through the videosBundle of reference photographs to help you practice portraitsFull lifetime accessAccess on mobile and TVCertificate of completionand much more!"
Price: 49.99

"SHRM-SCP HR PRACTICE EXAMS QUESTIONSActual questions6 practice test150+ questions90+ % exam pass guaranteeTest your KnowLedge30 days money back guaranteeExample question:During a performance review meeting, an HR staff member asks her manager for help making contacts with peers in other departments. How should the manager respond?A) Tell her to focus on developing a network within the HR department and profession.B) Advise the staff member that relationship management is a skill she must develop on her own.C) Tell the staff member that this is an inappropriate goal for this stage of her career.D) Work with colleagues in other functions to find suitable contacts for the staff member."
Price: 19.99

"HRCI SPHR Practice Exams With Explanation - 2020" |
"Example Question:Your organization uses ADDIE for developing new seminars and training. During the design of the course, you need to follow four distinct steps to create a good training design. Which of the following is NOT one of the four steps of design?A. Identify the outcome objectives.B. Identify the distribution methods.C. Identify learning methodologies.D. Gain agreement and sign-off.Answer option B is correct.A good training design includes four steps: Identify the outcome objectives, Identify learning methodologies, Establish a time frame, and Gain agreement and sign- off. Identifying the distribution methods is not part of the process.Answer option A is incorrect. You do need to identify the outcome objectives.Answer option C is incorrect. You do need to identify the learning methodologies.Answer option D is incorrect. You do need to gain agreement and sign-off.Reference: Professional in Human Resources Certification Guide, Sybex, ISBN: 978-0-470-43096-5. Chapter 5: Human Resource Development. Official PHR andSPHR Certification Guide, HR Certification Institute, ISBN: 978-1-586-44149-4, Section III, The US Body of Knowledge.Chapter: Human Resource DevelopmentObjective: Talent Management"
Price: 19.99

"Gestin por Competencias en RRHH" |
"El recorrido nos llevar a travs de toda la implementacin de las competencias en el mundo actual, desde la identificacin de las mismas, hasta su proceso de medicin en la organizacin. Aqu aprenders de dnde salen las competencias, cmo se forman, cmo se miden y cmo crear un diccionario de competencias que nos lleve a ser estratgicos como proceso ante la organizacin."
Price: 19.99

"Facebook Instagram - 6" |
"DIGITAL , . ( ), . :1) , 2) 3) Facebook Instagram4) - Inatagram "" "" 4 Facebook Instagram 7 , DIGITAL ."
Price: 29.99
