"Confident Communication and Powerful Public Speaking" |
"If the thought of speaking in front of people makes you dizzy or nauseous.If you get anxious and break out into a cold sweat when you need to have a conversation with someone other than your immediate family or friend circle. If you are not sure how to confidently speak in public or in a professional setting.THIS COURSE IS FOR YOU!I have been a teacher and public-facing speaker for years, and I am also a complete introvert! I have had to learn to become confident and poised on the outside while suppressing fears and social setting anxieties, and I am excited to help you do the same. I completely understand the awkwardness and stress that can come along with needing to make presentations or navigate the nuances of workplace communication scenarios, and I want to coach you to a place where you feel equipped to handle public speaking with grace and confidence.This course will help you:Place the focus on other people and not yourselfGive professional presentations without overwhelming anxietyHandle phone calls confidently and professionallyApproach casual conversations without fear or stressMake a plan before you are in a communication scenario so you know exactly how to handle it Being able to speak and communicate confidently at work and in casual conversations is a skill that everyone needs, even if you are extremely introverted or have a fear of being in the spotlight."
Price: 59.99

"Sales Training: 30 Responses to Handle 30 Sales Objections" |
"Sales skills training has endowed you with many strategies, tactics and enough energy to go about on your prospecting rounds. But have you ever felt that there was still something missing that your course didnt teach you? Have you ever fumbled for words when your prospective customer told you, Your competitor gives us more features, or felt let down and thought that it was the end with that customer when they said, We dont have any budget left.? Then this course is especially for you.A golden response to every NoThis is an objection handling course; i.e., it will teach you how to overcome objections of your prospective customers. Objections may be annoying to you as a salesperson. However, the truth is that they are opportunities. This course teaches you the valuable sales skills of how to give a golden response to every No! of your prospective customers so that they turn the customer in your favor and adds to your sales lead. There are numerous courses out there that teach you how to deal with the customer, but this Handling objections course teaches you how to go about even when you are denied an opportunity to deal with the customer, in the first place.Sales objections vs. sales complaintsAt this point, if youre thinking, Oh, I know all that! pause a moment. Maybe you have Sales complaints on your mind? The course starts by addressing the Difference between Sales Complaints and Sales Objections. Because many out there think both are the same concepts. And many do not have an idea there are two such things which are totally different from each other and hence, have totally, totally different implications and impacts on your valuable prospecting time.The psychology of the customers mindIt teaches you that No does not necessarily mean no. The quoted text is from Napoleon Hill. Many a time we all have wanted to know what the other person means when they say No. It could even be an emphatic Yes on a masquerading round, but then how do you know for sure? This objection handling course delves deep into the psychology or the thoughts of the customers. It explains outright what it really means when the customers say what they say. Then your sales journey becomes a path strewn with flowers.Top 30 instances of Sales objectionsThe core part of the course is the 30 instances of Sales objections themselves detailed usefully at an application level so that it readily comes in handy for you in your business development endeavors. It tells you what happens when you lack the necessary sales skills to analyze the customers words and body language. You argue, you ignore. But how many times are you going to do it? Such an attitude, for sure, will fail you as a sales professional.First, see it as a customer sees itSometimes, the customer is wrong, but they are not aware of it. And if you are going to tell them they are wrong, they may not like it and get more adamant with their stand. So, the best thing is to act on your part in such a way that they make a rethinking and arrive at the same conclusion that you wanted to convince them of in the first place. You cannot help your prospective customer without understanding their concerns. If you are looking for any business development at all, you have to think from their point of view first. This course teaches you the appropriate sales skills of how to do it!The hidden treasure in the customers wordsWhen you understand the secret hidden behind every word the customer utters, it will unlock a little window into their minds and thoughts. This mapping of words and thoughts have been done by me suitable for virtually any instance of Sales objection, so you dont have to go through that strenuous process. Just be open to the course and imbibe all those valuable qualities that can help you in converting a sales objection into an excellent sales lead and become a master of remarkable Sales closing techniques.What vs. howThis course doesnt claim it would 10X your sales overnight, but will surely teach you some special sales skills that most courses dont bother to. Of course, they all talk to you about it, without telling you how to actually deal with it. They tell you What it is. And also What is required of you in terms of handling it, or in other words, What must be the outcome. All of which is great and necessary, but they seldom talk to you about the How of it How to handle it, and How to bring about the outcome that is expected of you, whether it is end-customer sales or B2B sales.The sales skills for winning every timeThen There are born salespersons and those who have acquired the skill through painstaking learning and stay in the game through continuous dedication in upgrading the knowledge they have earned. However, both have had to face instances of No for an immediate response from their prospective customers, irrespective of it being a phone sales attempt or one in person. Some have failed there. Some have been successful in deciphering the customers words. This Handling objections course helps those failed candidates to see what they had been blind to. And for the remaining, it can help polish and hone the skills of hitting the target every time they throw the dart.PrerequisitesA heart that dreams big, and a mind that is ready for accepting the knowledge that can take you a step further on the ladder of progress.An understanding that learning is a continuous process and updating yourself with an objection handling course can help boost your sales skills.And finally, a basic knowledge of the fundamental concepts of sales as a professional as this Handling objections course will not teach the basic sales theory or practice.What you will gain from the courseAbility to distinguish between a Sales complaint and a Sales objection.The sales skills for converting a negative response of prospective customer into a sales lead with potential with the help of Top 30 examples of sales objections.The possibility of looking at cold calls as not a useless waste of time, but a treasure of opportunities for multiple lead generations.Why you should enroll for this courseBecause this course will give you that one missing link, the lack of which could render most of the sales skills you learned useless.Because you will be able to do more B2B sales closing after you learn the real tricks from this course.Because you will be able to convert your cold calling efforts into valuable leads that can make a significant effect on your business development endeavors. Probably you will not have to abandon a prospective customer just because of a lack of knowledge of some simple yet valuable tips, which is exactly what this objection handling course offers you.Who can benefit from this courseAny startup enterprise that understands the dynamic nature of sales in todays world and wants to boost the sales skills of its employees.Any professional who is in Sales and would like to learn more about B2B lead generation.Anyone who has some experience in end-customer sales and have switched to B2B Sales.Anyone who is seriously into business development, especially business development for startups and tech companies.Any entrepreneur or freelancer professional looking to learn advanced sales skills.Any aspirant sales professional who is new to the profession and dreams of making it big by learning and practising new sales skills, especially the ways of handling objections."
Price: 99.99

"- Mailchimp" |
". . :- .- . : Mailchimp Mailchimp Mailchimp :- .- ..."
Price: 99.99

"Crer des JEUX 2D qualit pro avec UNITY (AVEC ou SANS CODE)" |
"Vous souhaitez vous lancer dans la cration de jeux vido 2D avec Unity et vous cherchez un cours complet clair et dtaill ? Cette formation est faite pour vous !Il s'agit d'une formation complte base sur la version 2020 du moteur Unity et vous y apprendrez dvelopper des jeux 2D. Je vous montrerai comment concevoir des jeux AVEC ou SANS code. Pour ceux qui souhaitent se lancer en douceur nous verrons comment utiliser les kits de construction de Unity qui nous permettent de crer des jeux sans toucher au code.Ensuite, si vous souhaitez aller beaucoup plus loin et dvelopper des jeux professionnels et entirement personnaliss, nous verrons comment crer un projet 2D de A Z en mettant en place toutes les fonctionnalits que peut avoir un jeu 2D.Vous n'avez pas besoin de connaissances particulires pour suivre ce cours. Que vous soyez dbutant ou expriment nous reprendrons tout depuis le dbut. Je vous enseignerai les bases de la programmation C# afin de mettre tout le monde niveau avant de passer la programmation de notre jeu.Je vous donnerai tous les projets, toutes les sources et tout le code afin que vous puissiez tlcharger ces ressources. Dans la premire partie de la formation nous allons reprendre les notions fondamentales du dveloppement de jeux 2D. Il s'agit d'une introduction et d'une remise niveau pour que tout le monde puisse suivre.Dans la seconde partie nous allons voir comment crer un jeu 2D sans coder grce au 2D Game Kit de Unity.Dans la partie 3 je vous prsenterai le futur du dveloppement de jeux 2D avec Unity en utilisant le projet ""Lost Crypt"" de Unity technologies. Enfin, la 4me partie sera consacre au dveloppement d'un jeu de A Z l'aide de Unity et du langage de programmation C#. Nous allons dvelopper un jeu de plateforme 2D en vue de ct et nous verrons comment coder toutes les fonctionnalits indispensables. Cette formation se veut complte. Vous y apprendrez en bref :Installer / configurer les outilsUtiliser le moteur physique 2D de Unity3DProgrammer avec C#Installer et utiliser des packages de l'asset storeUtiliser des tiles pour concevoir vos tilemapsCrer des dcors 2D grce des tuiles, textures, sprites ou shapesMettre en place des mcaniques de base (obstacles, objets, interrupteurs, ennemis, sant, arme, plateformes, piges, objectifs...)Crer des niveaux et changer de scneAnimer des personnages et des objetsAmliorer le rendu visuel de vos jeuxGrer la camra pour filmer correctement le personnageCrer des interfaces utilisateurs et menus Jouer du sonCompiler et distribuer vos jeux... et bien plusEn rejoignant ma formation vous apprendrez avec un expert et dveloppeur de jeux certifi. Je suis ingnieur en informatique et j'enseigne Unity depuis plus de 10 ans. J'ai publi de nombreux livres sur ce moteur aux ditions d-booker et je travaille en troite collaboration avec des professionnels du secteur lorsque je ralise mes livres ou formations. Par exemple Unity Technologies (la socit qui a cr Unity) relis mes livres avant publication afin de valider tout le cours. Je travaille en gnral sur des versions bta de Unity afin de vous proposer des cours en avance sur les versions. En suivant ma formation vous savez que vous aurez accs un cours jour et valide plusieurs annes. Je fais toujours au mieux pour vous proposer un contenu complet et de qualit. Je suis galement votre coute : demandez moi des tutos et je les ralises pour vous !Sur ce, bon visionnage."
Price: 44.99

"Become a Morning Person Through Simple Habit Change" |
"If there is one thing trending right now in the personal development field, it is waking up early. I know, it sounds horrible right? What you have to understand is that being a morning person isnt what the majority of people are born with. They become morning people thanks to the habit of getting up early, shifting their mindset, and finding really good reasons to wake up early.Ask one of your friends who you know is a self-proclaimed morning person WHY they get up early, and more importantly, that they enjoy it.In most cases, they will answer with they like the quiet of the morning, they enjoy their peaceful morning routine, or it gives them more energy as they go through the rest of the day.While it takes quite a bit of adjusting your schedule and daily routine, you can be a morning person too. There are so many amazing benefits, both for your physical and mental health, that it is worth at least giving a try.However, if you have ever tried changing a habit so desperately only to find out that something deep within is not willing? You have gone to counselors, psychologists, spent money on self-help books and you have been drawn to every sort of seminar that includes self-help stuff only to find yourself at the same position you were in before? It is said that it is at this moment when the subconscious and the conscious are at logger heads and in most cases your subconscious wins.Like it or not, our habits drive our lives, that is why it is important we continually create new, strong good habits. So, if you are ready to create the new habit of waking up earlier every morning then you have come to the right course.What forms a habit? Why do we do some things without even thinking?I have written and produced other more extensive courses on morning habits. This one is different. I lead you through 10 easy to understand tips or hacks that can set you on the road to creating good morning habits that will improve your life. Accept the challenge and join me on the inside."
Price: 19.99

"Sneaky Subconscious VSL Magic" |
"Are you struggling with low-conversion sales videos?Would you like to know the secrets to powerful, persuasive video production?Do you want to be able to produce 6-figure, high-conversion sales videos yourself, on-demand and save THOUSANDS in production costs?54% of consumers make their buying decisions based on VIDEO CONTENT from brands and businesses.87% of marketing professionals use VIDEO as a powerful marketing tool.The Case Studies revealed in this course will uncover simple tricks-of-the-trade I use on real-world video sales letters to get my clients double and TRIPLE their previous conversion rates on optin forms, sales pages and live/prerecorded webinars.My name is Ken Walker and my Sneaky Subconscious VSL Magic marketing video course reveals tactics and strategies that I've developed over the past 15 years as a covert video production guru. During that time, I've worked with big name marketers all over the globe churning out sales and marketing videos for 6-figure launches.The techniques I've developed engage and virtually program viewers to take action and now you can use them to boost your video response like you never though possible! And the best part is all you need is a mic and virtually any simple video editing software. In this course, I specifically use one of the simplest video editors you'll ever find Techsmith's ultra-popular screen-capture software, Camtasia.With all the competition out there, it's hard to get customers and prospects to watch videos let alone get them to take action. Many marketers make the mistake of thinking they have to throw more money at their projects paying thousands of dollars for videos that produce poor results. But that all changes right now because in this course, you'll discover how easy it can be to create KILLER sales videos YOURSELF for next to no costs!Just imagine what a 34-61% conversion rate would do for you marketing efforts you'd have the same adspend, the same traffic sources...just a much higher conversion which makes you more sales. Can you imagine turning $100 of adspend into $2,000 in sales??? It's beyond thrilling!In this huge library of creative conversion practices you'll discover firsthand...How to create trust with the simple use of color association...you'll be blown away at how simple and POWERFUL this is!Put your viewer 'in the mood' to take action with proven audio tricks that involve frequencies and tempos...discover for yourself how easy it is to influence and compel them to do your bidding, subconsciously!Surprisingly simple techniques to build rapport, entertain your viewers and and most importantly that have made MILLIONS for my clients and can do the same for you!Use these subconscious techniques on your landing pages and sales pages for HUGE conversions. Use them in your live and pre-recorded webinars to get INSTANT signups! Use them anywhere you want to keep people watching and compel them to take a specific, desired action.Specifically designed for small business owners, entrepreneurs and info product marketers and affiliates this course is for anyone who has a high-ticket offer and knows the power of direct market copywriting.*NOTE THIS IS NOT A COURSE TO TEACH YOU THE BASICS OF AUDIO AND VIDEO EDITING. I DO WALK YOU THROUGH ACTUAL VIDEO PROJECTS AND EXPLAIN EACH COMPONENT AND THE STEPS NECESSARY TO IMPLEMENT THEM. THAT SAID, I HAVE PRODUCED 100's OF HOURS OF VIDEO TRAINING ON CAMTASIA, SONY VEGAS, ADOBE PREMIERE, PHOTOSHOP AND MORE AS MY STUDENT YOU ARE FREE TO ASK ME ANY QUESTIONS RELATED TO VIDEO EDITING. I WILL HELP YOU AND RESPOND VERY QUICKLY.Buy Sneaky Subconscious VSL Magic today and put the simple strategies to use in your VSL and watch your conversion rates climb like never before! Do it now and see the results for yourself."
Price: 199.99

"Data Science 2020: Data Science & Machine Learning in Python" |
"According to an IBM report, Data Science jobs would likely grow by 30 percent. The estimated figure of job listing is 2,720,000 for Data Science in 2020And according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, about 11 million jobs will be created by 2026Data Science, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence are hottest and trending technologies across the globe, almost every multinational organization is working on it and they need a huge number people who can work on these technologiesBy keeping all the industry requirements in mind we have designed this course, with this single course you can start your journey in the field of Data ScienceIn this course we tried to cover almost everything that is comes under the umbrella of Data Science,Topics covered:1) Machine Learning Overview: Types of Machine Learning System, Machine Learning vs Traditional system of Computing, Different Machine Learning Algorithm, Machine Learning Workflow2) Statistics Basic: Data, Levels of Measurement, Measures of Central Tendency, Population vs Sample, Probability based Sampling methods, Non Probability based Sampling method, Measures of Dispersion, Quartiles and IQR3) Probability: Introduction to Probability, Permutations, Combinations, Intersection, Union and Complement, Independent and Dependent Events, Conditional Probability, Addition and Multiplication Rules, Bayes Theorem4) Data Pre-Processing: Importing Libraries, Importing Dataset, Working with missing data, Encoding categorical data, Splitting dataset into train and test set, Feature scaling5) Regression Analysis: Simple Linear Regression, Multiple Linear Regression, Support Vector Regression, Decision Tree, Random Forest Regression6) Classification Techniques: Logistic Regression, KNN, Support Vector Machine, Decision Tree, Random Forest Classification7) Natural Language Processing: Tokenization, Stemming, Lemmatization, Stop Words, Vocabulary and Matching, Parts of Speech Tagging, Named Entity Recognition, Sentence Segmentation8) Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs): The Neuron, Activation Function, Cost Function, Gradient Descent and Back-Propagation, Building the Artificial Neural Networks, Binary Classification with Artificial Neural Networks9) Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs): Theory behind Convolutional Neural Networks, Different layers in Convolutional Neural Networks, Building Convolutional Neural Networks, Credit Card Fraud Detection with CNN10) Recurrent Neural Network (RNNs): Theory behind Recurrent Neural Networks, Vanishing Gradient Problem, Working of LSTM and GRU, IMDB Review Classification with RNN - LSTM11) Data Analysis with Numpy: NumPy Arrays, Indexing and Selection, NumPy Operations12) Data Analysis with Pandas: Pandas Series, DataFrames, Multi-index and index hierarchy, Working with Missing Data, Groupby Function, Merging Joining and Concatenating DataFrames, Pandas Operations, Reading and Writing Files13) Data Visualization with Matplotlib: Functional Method, Object Oriented Method, Subplots Method, Figure size, Aspect ratio and DPI, Matplotlib properties, Different type of plots like Scatter Plot, Bar plot, Histogram, Pie Chart14) Python Crash Course: Part 1: Data Types, Part 2: Python Statements, Part 3: Functions, Part 4: Object Oriented ProgrammingLearn Data Science to advance your Career and Increase your knowledge in a fun and practical way !Regards,Vijay Gadhave"
Price: 199.99

"Video marketing con INVIDEO :Edita y crea VDEOS PRO!" |
"Invideo ha llegado para simplificarnos la vida a la hora de crear vdeos. en menos de 1 hora puedas crear cualquier tipo de vdeo profesional ??La edicin vdeo durante muchos aos ha sido una tarea compleja, donde solo experto del rea de la multimedia eran capaces de realizar contenidos en formato de vdeopara video marketing. quienes pueden usar Invideo?Los promotores de restaurantes y hoteles, los agentes de bienes races, los editores , Youtubers o cualquier creador de contenido,pueden pueden usar el vdeo fcilmente para promocionar sus servicios o productos usando InVideo. Como puede usarse Invideo?InVideo puede usarse para crear videos para Instagram, Instagram Stories, anuncios de Facebook, pgina de Facebook, LinkedIn, Youtube, Twitter, sitiosweb y ms.Ademas tendrs acceso GRATUITO a 4 bonos de regalo:MANUAL PRIMEROS PASOS CON PHOTOSHOPCURSO Fundamentos de PHOTOSHOP 2020 para PRINCIPIANTESMASTERCLASS COMO VIVIR DEL DISEOMIS PROYECTOS PERSONALESEstos proyectos estn valorados en ms $200 US"
Price: 19.99

"How to Make Money As An Influencer: Advance Monetization" |
"Followers don't pay bills but they do have influence and that is what businesses and brands do. 99% of influencers don't do social media full time because they don't know how to monetize their online audience relationship with brands and that is what you will learn how to do in this course. I've been a full time influencer since 2015 and I did it without having a large audience.In this course you'll learn:How to monetize on any platform: Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, Facebook, How to work with brandsHow to land brand dealsThese strategies work especially if you are brand new and don't have a following yet. These lessons apply to anyone who is just started out or already has an audience but isn't monetizing to their full potential."
Price: 19.99

"Basic Canine Acupressure for Dog Owners" |
"An introductory online course on how to ease your dogs pain, stress and common ailments with acupressure. This class is for dog owners and those who work with dogs who want to learn acupressure techniques and theories. Please note this is not a certification class for professionals. You will learn:Basic acupressure techniques used to relieve pain, stress and common canine ailments.18 acupressure points used for dogs with neck, shoulder, elbow, knee, hip and back pain and ailments.Acupressure points for dogs with dementia, incontinence, bladder & kidney ailments & allergiesEasy instructions on how to find the acupressure points on a human body and on your dog's.How to apply Chinese liniments topically for pain.Calming tips for dogs with stress and anxietyTraditional Chinese Medicine theory about Qi and the Meridians12 Meridians and 2 Extra-Ordinary Meridians - their pathways on the body & their functionsBasic acupressure theory used for humans and animalsBasic canine anatomySpecial section detailed information on 14 Meridians, functions, pathways and number of acu-points.Extra Class: Animal Chakras Extra Class: Treating K9 Cancer with Alternative MedicineEach section will have graphics, charts and videos on how to locate acupressure points and various massage techniques to use.Includes PDFs with canine acupressure chart and resources"
Price: 99.99

"T-SQL (Transact-SQL) for beginners with Microsoft SQL Server" |
"This course covers the basics of the SQL language as implemented by Microsoft SQL Server. The course is designed to give students practical experience in writing Transact-SQL statements by hand using the SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) development environment.We will write Transact-SQL statements to perform CRUD(create Read update delete) operations on SQL Server database.CRUD operations are the most common operations performed on a database.SQL Server is a relational database management system, or RDBMS, developed and marketed by Microsoft. Similar to other RDBMS software, SQL Server is built on top of SQL, a standard programming language for interacting with the relational databases. SQL server is tied to Transact-SQL, or T-SQL, the Microsofts implementation of SQL that adds a set of proprietary programming constructs.Skills you learn and acquire Includes:Writing CREATE queriesWriting INSERT INTO queriesWriting SELECT queriesWriting UPDATE queriesWriting DELETE queriesCourse ObjectivesTo provide the Transact-SQL (T-SQL) coding skills needed to query and modify data held within a Microsoft SQL Server database."
Price: 19.99

"ASL Everyday Phrases Set 1 American Sign Language" |
"IN THIS COURSE, were going to focus on signing common vocabulary and sentences in American Sign Language (ASL). Well see how English sentences are signed in ASL and learn each vocabulary word individually. Then, well put the words back together and sign the complete sentence. Well go even further and learn extra vocabulary words to replace words in the original sentence. Along the way, well do lots of review to guarantee your ability to sign correctly and understand what is signed to you.*** This course is designed to INCLUDE complete beginners without any prior knowledge of ASL. Previous ASL skills are welcome but NOT required.IN THIS COURSE:Students will learn to sign twenty-eight (28) words in ASL: ALRIGHT, ANNOYED, BABY, BATHROOM, BOSS, CAR, CHURCH, COUCH, DOCTOR, FEEL, FORK, FRIEND, HAVE, HOSPITAL, HOTEL, I, LONELY, LOUSY, MEET, NEIGHBOR, NERVOUS, PET, PRIEST, SCHOOL, WE, WHERE, YESTERDAY, YOUR.Students will learn to sign twenty (20) complete sentences in ASL including correct facial expressions and head movements for YES/NO and WH questions.Students will race a timer to help improve their proficiency as they sign vocabulary words and complete sentences.Students will see English sentences translated into ASL using ASL grammar rules.Students will learn signs individually to ensure comprehension, correct hand shape, and hand position.Students will be tested on their ability to sign and recognize ALL material taught in the course.AFTER TAKING THIS COURSE:Students will be able to sign and understand common, everyday ASL vocabulary, statements, and questions.Students will have learned how to sign twenty-eight (28) words and twenty (20) complete sentences in ASL.Students will have a strong understanding of how to communicate YES/NO and WH questions.Students will feel more confident as they continue improving their ASL skills.QUESTIONS:What is the main focus of this course?This course focuses on learning the necessary skills to sign common ASL vocabulary, statements, and questions. Students will learn useful words, sign complete sentences, and communicate questions in ASL with correct facial expressions.Do I need to have prior knowledge or experience with ASL before taking this class?No. This course is designed for complete beginners without any prior knowledge of ASL. All necessary signs are taught step by step in the course.Will this course test me on what is taught?Yes. This course contains multiple review and testing sections where students have the opportunity to demonstrate their ASL signing and recognition skills.ABOUT THE INSTRUCTOR:Hello! My name is Michael. When I was three years old, my younger brother became sick with spinal meningitis. In the process, my brother became deaf with an almost complete hearing loss. This difficult situation provided a unique opportunity for my family and I to become fluent in American Sign Language (ASL). Unlike some deaf children, my brother was not sent away to a deaf or hard of hearing school. He grew up with us, his hearing family, and we were active in the deaf community.As a police officer and federal investigator, I often used ASL to communicate with and interpret for witnesses, victims, and perpetrators. I decided to create ASL courses because its a useful and practical skill to have. Like learning any language, it opens your mind and creates the ability to communicate with a whole new group of people."
Price: 19.99

"AWS EKS (Elastic Kubernetes Service)" |
"The Course is divided into 3 parts -Part 1 - Kubernetes and its objects (Deep Dive). In this part I will talk about Kubernetes and its various resources like Pods, Deployments, Services, Namespaces, Storage, Security etc. Part 2 - Istio (High Level). In this part I will introduce you to Istio Service Mesh and talk about Ingress Gateway, Virtual Service, Destination Rules, Kiali etc.Part 3 - AWS EKS (Deep Dive). In this part I dive deep into AWS EKS, which is managed kubernetes provided by AWS. This section has some pre-requisites. Please check my introduction video for the pre-requisites"
Price: 159.99

"ACE IT! ingls de conversao Viaje com mais segurana, 3" |
"Aprender ingls nunca foi to fcil!What's up? Eu sou professor Willy dono da comunidade de ingls ACES sediada aqui em Palmas, Tocantins. Falar ingls um dos seus objetivos? Voc entende que o mundo fala ingls e que se comunicar nessa lngua ser um diferencial para voc, mas os cursos que j testou foram longos, chatos, e caros?Neste segundo mdulo de ACE IT! curso de ingls de conversao Viaje com mais segurana voc vai entender como pode ser divertido e agradvel aprender ingls com este curso bsico, divertido, dinmico, e que no vai precipitar emprstimo de um banco para se inscrever! (Sim estou falando contigo, Mauro Vergara, Ask Jackie, Gavin de Small Advantages, Ingls Winner, e os outros com seus cursos caros!)Mtodo ACE IT!: aqui o aluno comea a primeira aula falando ingls, mesmo que seja o seu primeiro contato com a lngua. No acreditamos que a gramtica leva fluncia, mas sim a prtica, a formao correta dos sons, e que a gramtica deveria ser usado somente para auxiliar a aprendizagem. Trabalhando de forma intensa duas ferramentas - falar e ouvir, este mtodo tem dado timos resultados com os nossos alunos, conforme depoimentos abaixo: Aqui, voc aprender ingls de maneira inovadora, porm bastante simples, as lies so prticas e dinmicas, voc comea a conversar em ingls de forma gradativa e natural: Pronncia dividida em silabas para o aluno aprender a falar com sotaque de nativo. Dilogos apresentados da maneira que realmente so usadas pelos americanos. Aprende frases, logo, voc aprende a falar efetivamente. Dicas sobre pronncia e explicaes.Este segundo mdulo de 5 lies inclui:Apostila de 55 pginas com exerccios e gabarito, guia de pronncia dos udios, e explicaes mais abrangentes. Guia de pronncia bsica das vogais e consoantes em ingls com udio para baixar. Os udios de cada lio escritos e com guia de pronncia. Exerccios adicionais para cada lio e gabarito. Explicaes mais abrangentes dos assuntos tratados nos vdeo aulas.Lio 11 Sentidos e usos da palavra WORK em ingls. Como dizer "" que horas"" em ingls. Como dizer ""Que horas so"" em ingls. Como dizer ""demais"" em ingls. Perodos do dia em ingls. Partes do dia em ingls.Lio 12 Reviso das partes e perodos do dia. As maneiras de dizer ""tudo bem"" em ingls. Como perguntar quanto algo custa em ingls. As vrias maneiras de dizer ""de nada"" em ingls. A pronncia certa dos nmeros TEENS em ingls.Lio 13 Reviso das formas para o futuro. A forma para o futuro mais usado por nativos Como dizer ""quanto"" e ""quantos"" em ingls Como perguntar quanto algum tem em dlares. Reviso dos verbos medrosos para soar mais como falante nativo. Como o verbo HAVE diferente dos outros verbos medrosos.Lio 14 Como usar HERE'S. Diferena entre A e ONE. O uso de A LOT. O verbo ""dar"" em ingls. Diferena entre IT e THAT. A importncia de pedir com educao.Lio 15 Reviso do verbo HAVE como verbo medroso. Como dizer ""para voc"" e ""para mim."" Caractersticas do verbo CAN em ingls. Significado e uso de TO HAVE TO em ingls. Reviso de contedo.QuizO complemento perfeito para suas aulas. Voc poder contar com uma seo de quiz depois de cada lio para praticar e aperfeioar sua aprendizagem. Quiz finalAvaliao no final para o aluno entender exatamente quanto que aprendeu!Resultado finalImagine que o primeiro dia da sua viagem para um pas que fale ingls ou que no fale portugus. Depois de fazer o segundo mdulo de ACE IT! voc vai no s conseguir iniciar uma conversa com uma pronncia mais parecida com um falante nativo de ingls norte-americano, mas vai tambm saber como pedir coisas educadamente, como procurar informaes para chegar onde quer ir, perguntar onde coisas ficam, ou que horas so, e mais do que tudo vai aprender de um jeito que te faz querer aprender mais, ao invs de querer desistir!"
Price: 99.99

"Welcome to the New CISCO CCNA 200-301 Complete course.In this course, you will learn everything from the beginning. I know many people don't know anything about networking, If you are too one of them, then do not worry, this course covers both the fundamentals of networking as well as all the topics in the new Cisco CCNA 200-301 exam and even more than that.This course helps you prepare for the newest CCNA 200-301 exam. This is your first step towards attaining your Cisco certifications.This course is unlike other CISCO CCNA courses as it contains:A large amount of practical video content with detailed explanations.You will get access to all the labs, notes, and commands that we are going create in this course. So that you can practice offline at your home.Software - Networking Plus, where you can easily practice CCNA 200-301 Quiz, Interview questions, etc that will help you to prepare for the exam.Ask yourself these questions:Are you ready and prepared for the labs in the new Cisco CCNA 200-301 lab exam?Are you able to troubleshoot Cisco networks?Are you confident with your ability to configure networks as required by Cisco to pass the CCNA?Answer:This course helps you prepare for the exam and gain the confidence to pass the exam!There are many topologies and many labs in this courseFeel free to take a look at the course description and some of the sample free videos.You will get many videos in future that will help you to up-to-date with the industry.I look forward to seeing you on the inside! #CCNA_200_301 #CISCO_CCNA #CCNA"
Price: 19.99

"How infants can grow up as happy intellectual children?" |
"My name is Vathani Ariyam; I am the author of this online course. Thank you for picking up my online course. I am just trying to help anyone to learn ""HOW INFANTS CAN GROW UP AS HAPPY INTELLECTUAL CHILDREN"" with substantial help from the parents.Youngsters are an extraordinary gift for anybody, and experiencing parenthood is another gift for every one of us. Being a decent parent is essential to bring up your tyke as an honest person, on the off chance that you appreciate and feel focused on the parental obligations that will help you to raise grandkids. All youngsters are great when they are born, and they are a gift for the folks, on the off chance that they turn out to be tough kids because of poor child-rearing, that will demonstrate that you have not welcomed your endowments and the inheritance of God. Youngsters are the best blessing that you can have don't ruin their life to your life by dismissing them in at any rate.If kids get love, affection, care, and educational help, there is no reason for them to go in the wrong direction. Everything depends on our way of parenting, and I hope you agree with me on this.All children need to have a safe and stable foundation to be happy and fruitful in their life. When they are young, they start to trust their parents more than anybody else does; therefore, if you are parenting a small child, you have to make the child get attention, love, and care consistently.If you want your child to become a highly recognized professional, the child should give a solid educational foundation from the start of the early year's education to become successful.I am positive that you will like this online course as you read it because you will inspire you to give your child trustworthy help.Parents have to give full support in educating their children. They have to get involved in daily work. You do not have to do the job, but make sure the child is doing the work. Then contact the school if you have any concerns about your child's progress.Do not hesitate to arrange private tutors to help your child in weaker areas of the subjects. If not, they will miss out on that particular subject, ultimately will affect the total performance.I am positive if you purchase this course and read through the full course, you will come across the methods to encourage your child to props per in their education ultimately becomes a happy intellectual child.In most families, the father becomes the educator of the kids, and the mother takes the responsibility of looking after the family. If the parents in a family feel relaxed most of the time, the chances are that they become happier.Thank you in advance for picking up my online course, please do not forget to leave a useful review to get the motivation to help you more by producing more valuable courses."
Price: 24.99

"Google Sheets" |
"Google sheets es una herramienta de Google, con Google sheets varias personas pueden colaborar en la misma hoja de clculo al mismo tiempo.Aprenderemos a utilizar frmulas, funciones y opciones de formato para ahorrar tiempo y simplificar las tareas que suelen realizarse normalmente en las hojas de clculo.Tambin, aprenderemos a presentar de manera ms eficiente nuestros datos.Veremos cmo crear tablas dinmicas.Mi nombre es Miguel ngel Franco Garca, estoy certificado en MOS, y, os animo a que sigis este curso conmigo."
Price: 29.99

"AWS Starter" |
""" AWS Starter "" - This course will help you to learn most of the AWS services on your own.This course covers basic AWS services at a Beginner level, Services.TopicsIntroduction to Cloud ComputingIntroduction to AWSExplore AWS services and RegionsAWS Pricing Calculator EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud)S3 (Scalable Storage Service)EC2-S3 ConnectionIAM (Identity Access Management)AMI (Amazon Machine Image)EMR (Elastic MapReduce)RDS (Relational Database Service)"
Price: 1280.00

"Easy Watercolor Landscape Painting" |
"Are you frustrated trying to teach yourself watercolors? Then you are in the right place!Whether you're brand new to watercolor painting, or have played around with it but need more guidance, this course will help you feel confident and comfortable using one of the most challenging mediums; watercolors.This course was designed for the complete beginner, with helpful demonstrations and fun projects to get you taking action. Throughout this easy watercolor landscape course, you'll be creating your own sky, mountain, trees and shrub studies that are approachable, enjoyable to learn and will inspire you to do even more!Why learn watercolor from me?I have been a full-time artist for the past 15 years and have worked with major brands such as Churchill Downs, Kentucky Derby, Carnival Cruise Lines, CBS sitcoms to just name a few. Watercolor was my first medium and immediately fell in love with the loose, expressive qualities.I promise to help you learn watercolor painting, no matter what it takes. If you ever get stuck, just post a message to the course dashboard and I'll be there to support you.Happiness GuaranteeIf you aren't happy with your purchase, we have a 30-day 100% money back guarantee. There's literally no reason to hesitate!"
Price: 79.99

"How to Organize Facebook & Instagram Contest" |
"Contest & Giveaways are very popular on social media. So would you like to know how can you make it efficiently - boost your business toward getting new clients and not just numbers of followers, likes and shares?After organizing about 100 contests from 2010 up to these days we learned how you can do it effectively.Check our course to make the best Giveaways and avoid traps."
Price: 19.99

"Digital Marketing for Beginners" |
"If you already use some Digital Marketing for your small business or want to start using, this course will help you to maximize the efficiency of your money and time invested in Online Marketing.After working with thousands of small businesses from more than 50+ countries we learned that people search on internet companies they can trust for helping them with their problems.After you will watch this course you will be able to create your Internet Marketing Strategy for your Business.Watch this course on Digital Marketing Trust and you can grow your business more effectively."
Price: 19.99

"Basic Principles of Information Security and Cyber Attacks" |
"Clear understanding Domain 1 : Basic Principles and Concepts of Information SecurityLearn CIA Triad, DAD Triad, IAAA, least privilege and need to know PrinciplesLearn what Defense in Depth isClear understanding Domain 2 : Most Popular Cyber AttacksUnderstand IT Security PrinciplesUnderstanding popular Cyber AttacksLearn what popular cyber attacks are how to do itLearn what ARP Spoofing, DHCP Spoofing, DNS Spoofing, SQL, XSS injection attacks and how to prevent them"
Price: 19.99

"Curso Arduino desde cero Modulo 2" |
"En este curso es el complemento del modulo 1, te recomendamos iniciar el modulo 1 ya que abarcamos los temas bsicos para poder adentrarte y poder llegar hasta este modulo 2.En este curso Aprenders a manejar el lenguaje de programacin en Arduino con ejemplos sencillos y fciles de entender, ademas de algunos proyectos con Arduino, ademas comprenderemos algunos temas complejos que te pueda ayudar a resolver algunos factores en programas que realices."
Price: 2970.00

"Problemas resueltos de Fsica 2: Oscilaciones y Ondas" |
"En este curso tendrs todo lo necesario para la preparacin de tus exmenes de fsica de universidad. Resolveremos todo tipo de problemas, de todos los niveles de complejidad.En el curso encontrars muchos ejemplos con los que los conceptos que has aprendido van a ser mucho ms sencillos de entender mediante ejercicios prcticos. Los problemas los encontrars planteados en un documento pdf en el inicio de cada seccin.Tendrs a disposicin material de gua en la seccin de movimiento armnico simple para aprender a utilizar las ecuaciones en contextos y problemas especficos.El curso comienza con solucin de problemas de movimiento armnico simple, dnde aprenders a usar las ecuaciones en contextos de pndulo simple, sistema masa - resorte y movimiento amortiguado.Luego aprenders a utilizar la ecuacin de onda en el contexto de las ondas transversales en cuerdas. Siguiendo con el curso encontraremos ejercicios en los que las ondas estacionarias en cuerdas sern tema de discusin. Finalmente, veremos las ondas longitudinales en diferentes contextos, ondas longitudinales estacionarias, adems del sonido y sus aplicaciones en el efecto Doppler.Sean todos bienvenidos a aprender fsica de oscilaciones y ondas"
Price: 19.99

"Chegou a hora de ganhar grande destaque dominando uma das ferramentas mais requisitadas do mercado na criao e apresentao de painis grficos e indicadores. Seja um verdadeiro Especialista com um nico curso. Com aulas rpidas e objetivas, supertestes e muito contedo extra, seja um mestre no programa mais procurado do momento, construa apresentaes, indicadores e grficos para compartilhar e imprimir de maneira rpida e intuitiva. Seja mestre no Power BI."
Price: 189.99

"Google Sheets: Complete Beginner to Advanced Training Course" |
"Do you want to learn everything there is to know about Google Sheets in one complete course?Do you want a course that will let you learn the basics of how spreadsheets work before building up to intermediate and advanced topics such as macros, arrays and complex functions?Do you want access to spreadsheets that you can use to practise the exercises as you go through each lesson?If so, then our Google Sheets - Complete Beginner to Advanced Training Course is for you!---------------------What will I learn from this course?Our Google Sheets - Complete Beginner to Advanced Training Course will teach you everything you need to know about building practical and elegant spreadsheets.Over more than eight hours, you will start at the beginner level where you will learn how to access Google Sheets and get your first spreadsheet started, before learning about: cells, rows, columns and tabs; formatting data; basic formulas and functions; and much more.You will then move onto the intermediate section of the course where you will learn about: sorting and filtering data, including filter views; data validation; charts; and dozens of intermediate level functions such as VLOOKUP, INDEX/MATCH, SUMIF, RANK, TRIM and CONCATENATE.Then, you will finish with the advanced section of the course where you will discover all about: arrays, named ranges; basic macros; and advanced level functions such as MMULT, SUMPRODUCT, NPV and QUERY.---------------------What is the course structure?This course is divided up into beginner, intermediate and advanced sections. Depending on your skill level, you can do the entire course or skip ahead to the lessons you want to learn. Its totally up to you!We cover everything there is to know in Google Sheets for you to be able to build amazing spreadsheets. Check out the full list of topics we cover on this course:BEGINNER LEVEL:How to use these beginner level functions:SUMCOUNTAVERAGEMAX and MINHow to work with data:Selecting and movingCopying and pastingCutting and pastingDeletingPaste specialAuto-FillHow to use the basic components of a spreadsheet:Cells, rows and columnsWorksheets (tabs)Freezing panesFormatting tips and tricks to create great looking spreadsheets:Font size and typeBold, italics and strikethroughText and background coloursVertical and horizontal AlignText wrap and rotationFormatting numbersBorders, gridlines and alternating coloursHow to insert content such as imagesHow to import dataHow to export data through:PrintingSharingEmailingDownloadingINTERMEDIATE LEVEL:How to use these powerful intermediate level functions:DATE, DAY, DAYS, EDATE, NOW, TODAYCELL, ISBLANK, ISERR, ISERRORIF, AND, OR, IFERROR, Nested IF functions, IFSVLOOKUP, HLOOKUP, INDEX/MATCHCOUNT, COUNTIF, COUNTIFS, COUNTBLANKROUND, ROUNDDOWN, ROUNDUPSUM, SUMIF, SUMIFSSUBTOTALAVERAGE, AVERAGEIF, AVERAGEIFS, AVERAGE.WEIGHTEDRANKLEFT, RIGHT, LENTRIM, SUBSTITUTE, REPLACECONCATENATE, CONCAT, AMPERSANDHow to use these amazing data tools:SortFilterFilter ViewsConditional FormattingData ValidationHow to create charts and graphs such as:Pie chartsLine chartsBar or column chartsCombination chartsHow to create and use pivot tables and pivot chartsHow to add protection to worksheets and ranges of cellsADVANCED LEVEL:How to use these powerful advanced level functions:Array functions:Curly BracketsARRAYFORMULAARRAY_CONSTRAINMMULTTRANSPOSESUMPRODUCTFILTERSORTDatabase Functions:DSUMDAVERAGEDCOUNTDCOUNTAInterest Rate Functions:EFFECTNOMINALINTRATERATEValue Functions:FVNPVPVInvestment Functions:IRRNPERPMTYIELDGoogle Functions:GOOGLEFINANCEGOOGLETRANSLATEQUERY: with SELECT, AND, ORDER BY and LIMITSPARKLINEWeb Functions:IMPORTHTMLIMPORTRANGEHow to create and manage fixed and dynamic Named RangesHow to combine the functions you have learned and Named Ranges to extract and manipulate large amounts of data easilyHow to create and manage basic macros---------------------So what are you waiting for? Sign up today and go from a complete beginner to an advanced user in Google Sheets.See you on the course!"
Price: 174.99

"Beginner's Guide to Creature Creation for Games" |
"Are you a beginner and want to create a game character from scratch and take that to a game engine ? If that is the case then I welcome you to Nexttut Educations Begginers Guide to Creature Creation for Games. Instructor : My name is Abraham Leal, I am 3D Artist and producer and I have 8 years of experience in the industry. Currently I lead my own studio Critical Hit where we design and produce projects for the entertainment Industry.What you can do at the end : At the end of this course, you will able to recreate a 3D Character from a concept. You will understand all the necessary steps to create the Anatomy, Props, Animation Ready topoloogy, UVs, Textures and Materials needed for a final professional look in Unreal Engine 4.In this Course, we will be covering:Maya ModellingZbrush SculptingAnatomyRetopologyUV MappingTexturingRendering with Unreal Engine 4Cinematic LightingPost ProductionI will start the course by teaching you the basics of Maya and Zbrush. We will then jump into creating our high poly Character as well as all the props and weapons. We will then jump to Maya and Retopologize everything to meet the game engines guidelines. After that we will texture our character in substance painter using several of my favorite techniques. To finalize we will create a small scene using Unreal Engine 4 and we will add some cinematic lighting to our project.Who should enroll : I have designed this course for beginner level students and artists who want to learn the complete pipeline that we use to create a character for games. However if you already know the basics i am sure you can learn a lot of useful tips and tricks along the way. In this course i will be using Maya, Zbrush, Substance Painter, Photoshop and Unreal Engine 4, so be sure to have all of them installed to follow properly.Enroll now and take your 3d Character skills to the next level!"
Price: 99.99

"Basics of Tyres & Rims (Vehicle Dynamics)" |
"This course will help you in understanding the in Basic fundamentals of an automobile Tyres . This course covers various aspects of tyre, explanation of tyre side details (tyre marking) and all the topics mentioned herein the curriculum. The Course has been designed in such a way that it is easily understood by upcoming engineering graduates."
Price: 199.99

"Product Management Mock questions" |
"This quiz is designed for individuals who wish to move forward in their careers into the Product Management role. The quiz will help them clear some of the basic concepts in product management and help them evaluate various real time scenarios in the actual product management jobs. In the end, the individual will have a better understanding of what a product managers day to day work looks like"
Price: 1280.00

"How To Fail Forward" |
"Which of you have started something and stopped? All of us have. When are you going to finish what's been running through your mind for years? How much longer are you going to procastinate? Hoping and wishing your life gets better. Remember all what comes to a sleeper is a dream. One day your going to wake up and those young days are gone. Your life pasted you by. All those things you could have did, all the places you should have went, all those ideas you could have created. Just another breeze in the wind. Lost and forgotten, like many of our ancestors. Sitting in the grave site and just another headstone.In this course (How To Fail Forward) you are going to get that push to move you. The understanding of what we should do to move forward with our lives. Your life is one of a kind. Everyone is unique in their own ways and abilities. You have a purpose on this earth to fulfill. Every minute of every hour is lost when your searching and scrambling, To find you. When you had your passion since you where a kid. That thing that you loved to do. Wether it was sports, drawing, singing and dancing, writing or teaching. You had it in you all along.But, as you got older the ways of life , trail and error, misleading information and lingering emotions pushed you off track. All you needed was someone to correct your path. To lend a hand and say ""No not that way turn this way"" and you whole life would be on a different track right?So, in this course we are going to rekindle your flame and ignite that greatness from within you to became the successful you.Take a peek at the preview and dig in with both hands on the wheel. Make sure to fasten your seat belt because this is a ride you don't want to miss."
Price: 19.99

"Aprenda Advance Steel Design para proyectos BIM" |
"Aprenda diseo avanzado de acero.Este curso incluye diseo estructural de Autodesk;Disea un edificio completoFundacin, columnas estructuralesVigas, detallesCuantificacinPlanos y diseosEl instructor explica aspectos de la interpretacin de los dibujos estructurales y cmo se pueden llevar a cabo en el modelado tridimensional. Se explica cmo crear diseos de impresin y gradualmente se comprenden todos los comados de elementos estructurales.El curso incluye archivos utilizados en el curso para hacer lo que aparece en los videos."
Price: 199.99
