"Excel : Un tableau de bord intractif au design pro" |
"Dans le contexte actuel, avec l'informatisation et la capacit de gnration des donnes brut par les diffrents outils informatiques, il devient crucial de savoir tirer des informations cls partir de donnes brutes. Diffrents moyens peuvent alors tre mis en place pour crer ce processus de transformation des donnes en informations. Je vous propose alors dans ce cours de travailler ensemble sur un cas pratique de transformation en utilisant le tableur Excel.L'objectif de ce cours est de concentrer les informations cls sur une interface appel tableau de bord, ce qui permet de contrler mais aussi de prendre les bonnes dcisions en se basant sur ces informations.Nous allons ainsi voir ensemble comment traiter un ensemble de donnes brut pour les intgrer sur Excel pour ensuite les exploiter, nous allons de ce fait crer des indicateurs et des lments graphiques pour mieux visualiser l'information, mais surtout pour prendre les dcisions rapidement."
Price: 129.99

"Exin DevOps Fundation: Simulador de Exames" |
"A certificao EXIN DevOps Foundation foi desenvolvida para transmitir aos profissionais de TI e de negcio conhecimento e entendimento bsico sobre DevOps. Criada como primeiro passo rumo certificao EXIN DevOps Professional, esta certificao confirma o entendimento das origens de DevOps e os benefcios dos princpios e prticas DevOps para a organizao.Tipo de curso: Teste experimentalAjude os alunos a se prepararem para os exames de certificao, fornecendo perguntas prticas.Contedo do curso:Simulador de 40 perguntas de mltipla escolha para dar suporte certificao em portugus, nas quais voc pode praticar com perguntas semelhantes ao exame real, marcando sua resposta e vendo a pontuao obtida no final, cada vez que as perguntas so ordenadas aleatoriamente, dessa maneira Voc pode se exercitar quantas vezes achar necessrio.Material de suporte auto-instrutivo para certificao em ingls.Obtenha um desconto de 15% na certificao EXIN DevOps Foundation adquirindo o exame conosco.Consideraes importantes:Este curso NO o treinamento oficial do EXIN.Este curso NO inclui vdeos.Somos um Centro de Exame Autorizado EXIN."
Price: 39.99

"ISO 22301 Auditor/Lead Auditor: Material de Estudio" |
"Esta certificacin trata sobre la continuidad del negocio y los requisitos de ISO 22301, el estndar ms popular en el mundo que aborda el tema de la continuidad del negocio.El esquema sigue la estructura del estndar ISO 22301 que cubre los siguientes requisitos: Contexto de la organizacin, liderazgo, planificacin, soporte, operacin, evaluacin y mejora del desempeo. La continuidad del negocio no se limita a los sistemas de informacin, este va ms all, tomando en cuenta la integridad de las personas que laboran en la compaa, ya que son ellas los que alimentan a los sistemas de informacin y por ende el activo principal.Elementos del Curso:Material de estudio digital de los contenidos de la certificacin.Simulador de Examen de 40 preguntas de apoyo para la certificacin, en el cual puedes practicar con preguntas similares al del examen real, en cada intento las preguntas y alternativas se ordenan aleatoriamente.Asesora Virtual del Simulador de Examen: Si tienes consultas sobre las preguntas y/o respuestas del Simulador de Examen, puedes escribirnos va WhatsApp o e-mail y nosotros te explicaremos la pregunta o te justificaremos la respuesta segn corresponda.Un 25% de descuento en el examen de CertiProf Certified ISO 22301 Auditor (I22301A) y CertiProf Certified ISO 22301 Lead Auditor (I22301LA) en espaol, al adquirirlo con nosotros. Incluye segundo intento Gratis.Informacin Relevante:Este curso NO incluye videos.El programa de ITC puntos es vlido para las compras realizadas desde el 1 de julio de 2020.Al adquirir este curso obtienes 1000 ITC puntos, los cuales podrs usar para canjear cursos de apoyo, descuentos en cursos e-learning y en exmenes de certificacin, entre otros beneficios, lo anterior para premiar a nuestros estudiantes por preferirnos. Udemy NO entrega certificado de finalizacin al completar este curso, porque es del tipo Examen de Prueba.Somos miembros de la red de socios CertiProf Authorized Training Partners."
Price: 149.99

"Social Media & Design Grfico para Igrejas" |
"*Curso atualizado mensalmente. 1 nova aula por semana*H vrias pessoas que se encantam pelo mundo do Social Media, Design Grfico e Motion Design, mas no sabem por onde comear. Se voc se encaixa nessa categoria, este curso pra voc! Vou te ensinar o caminho das pedras para que voc entre de vez nesta rea para trabalhar em igrejas, agncias/grficas ou para abrir o seu prprio negcio. Vou te mostrar o tipo de arte/design que estes setores procuram. H muito material (bom) na internet, mas sabemos que est tudo espalhado e ento acabamos ficando perdidos em meio a tantas informaes, no mesmo?No curso voc vai encontrar a direo de arte para vrios ramos da profisso de Social Media e um mdulo de Facebook Ads para que voc saiba como divulgar da maneira correta todos esses projetos.T esperando o que? Os que correm a frente so os que obtm as melhores oportunidades! No perca tempo. Vem!"
Price: 189.99

OmniOutliner |
"154OmniOutliner macOSOmniOutlinerOmniOutliner"
Price: 19.99

"Turkish Language Course for Beginners" |
"Hello! Welcome to Turkish learning course with Fatih!In this course, you are going to learn A1-A2 grammar structures in Turkish in various contexts within a certain framework and in the systematic of the language itself. In order for your learning to be reinforced and to be permanent, you are going to observe those grammar structures in authentic dialogues and practices.A second language and subtitles were not preferred while designing this course. This preference was aimed at making sure that you are going to, more accurately and permanently, learn Turkish from a native Turkish speaking language expert.In order for you to learn better, every videos content is presented in .pdf format. If you analyse those pdfs, especially the glossary, before you start a lesson, your learning process is going to start in a more cohesive manner.The grammar structures and vocabulary adopted for this course were selected in the light of the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages). Every single word I am going to be using can be found in the pdfs and the glossaries.The lessons were presented in a simple, clear, and comprehensible way in accordance to A1-A2 levels requirements. Every dialogue was formed with daily vocabulary and communication patterns.You can surely choose this course if you want to speak Turkish accurately, fluently and more native-like. The Turkish-teaching expert who created this course is going to make sure to take you higher levels in the language with the help of systematic explanations and accurate pronunciations.This course is a great opportunity for everyone from anywhere around the world who wants to give it a start to speak Turkish at A1-A2 levels.The course is going to keep growing with updates within itself and with the new ones.Remember to keep your notebook and dictionary by your side! Lets begin!See you soon!"
Price: 49.99

"Salesforce Certified Community Cloud Consultant Tests" |
"Give 3 set tests and 180 questions. Differ with other tests, we give detail explains for every question with images and references.Updated with latest contents, these practice tests offer the best group of questions to prepare you for the exam.Practice exams will be like the real exam and cover the following topics:Implementation: 22%Sharing and Security: 20%Community Setup: 18%Community Builder: 12%Community Management: 11%Content: 9%Templates and Use Cases: 8%"
Price: 34.99

"The Complete Sketchup & Vray Course for Exterior Design" |
"You've just stumbled upon the most complete, in-depth Sketchup & Vray course for Exterior Design. These comprehensive Sketchup & Vray tutorials cover everything you'll ever need to become the best Architect out there.This course is designed to jumpstart your Sketchup,Vray & Architecture Journey, wherein we take you Step by Step with a Real-Life Residential Project and get you up & running to design your favourite Residential Home efficiently, quickly and in the right way.Why this Course?Comprehensive coverage of the essentials tools to design a Residence like walls, openings, elevations, stairs & more - Learn not only how every tool works but also how to apply it in the right way in your Sketchup workflow.Downloadable Resources - Exercise files like ****Sketchup Models for every lecture & section so you can follow along step by step.Learn from an Expert - I've been using Sketchup for over 10 years and I will be sharing all my skills and secrets which has helped me model faster, efficiently and most importantly, amaze clients.Monthly Updates - This course will be updated on a monthly basis with new high quality tutorials and resources and you will get an in-depth understanding of how to design a modern contemporary bedroom, modular kitchen & more.Taught by an Architect & BIM Consultant - We not only learn about modelling & rendering in Sketchup, but you will also learn useful interior design tips, standards, and secrets along the way from the instructor who has over 6+ years experience in the Industry.Access to Exclusive Sketchup & Vray Library - All our students will get exclusive access to our Sketchup Library for every Exterior Design space worth over 150$. These models can be imported directly into your scene and rendered since it comes preloaded with Vray materials.Who is this Course For?ArchitectsArchitecture StudentsDesign Professionals who want to learn 3DConstruction ProfessionalsAnyone with an interest in 3D Modelling in SketchupAnyone with an interest in 3D Rendering with Vray Next for SketchupReal Estate AgentsAgencies and Corporations - If you want to get team members within your company up to standard, we can do that for you..3D Artists - If you want to build a reputation as a 3D Artist this program will give you that foundation.Beginner to Advanced Sketchup Users(note that this course will be taught on the Windows version but the same techniques can be applied in Mac as well)What you will Learn?It is crucial that when you learn Sketchup, you start with the right fundamentals (which is also easy to pickup). Once you've picked up on the fundamentals of 3D Modelling, we jump into more advanced topics using specific Sketchup plugins, to take your modelling to the Next Level.This course is divided into Four SectionsPrior to Section 01, we will have the introduction and how to install Sketchup, Vray & all the essential pluginsSection 01 - An Introduction to SketchupIn Section 01, we will start with the fundamentalsWe will learn about the Sketchup Interface & it's simplicity.Understand most-used common tools Importance of modeling with Groups & Components.Assign shortcuts & learn to model faster & efficiently.Create Sections & export views into CAD drawingsSection 02 - Sketchup (Modeling a Contemporary ResidenceIn Section 02, we will learn to model our entire home in Sketchup as per residential standards.We will start this section with a brief introduction to Residential Design & the importance of vastu in residences.We will learn to import our CAD drawing into SketchupHow to model walls, openings, floor slabs, roof slabs, doors & windows in SketchupHow to model Balcony doors & railings in sketchupLearn to create a dog-legged stairs in Sketchup Create a Parametric Glass Facade using plugins like curviloft, bezier spline, joint push tool & more.We then learn some Landscape Modelling Techniques Taught in this Section.Learn to model Site & its surroundings in Sketchup.Learn to model Terrain using the Sandbox tools & Artisan Tools in Sketchup.Learn to use the Laubwerk plugin to add trees & plants to scene.Setting up Camera Angles using Scenes in SketchupSection 03 - Vray Next for SketchupIn Section 03, we jump into the world of photorealistic rendering with Vray Next for Sketchup.We will be introduce to the Vray Interface & the Vray Asset EditorLearn to set up lights in Vray (Photographic Approach with the Archgyan Lighting System)Create a Studio, add 3D Warehouse models, adjust lights & materials, and create a final render of our Hyundai Car in the Studio.Create a Vray Library and Apply Materials.Final Adjustments in Sketchup & Vray NextFinally rendering of our scene with appropriate render elements for post-production in photoshop.Section 04 - Post-Production in PhotoshopIn Section 04, we enhance our render even more through post-production techniques in PhotoshopLearn to bring in render elements the right way into photoshop & apply the right blending effects.Adding Skies & Trees in the background.Using Brushes in photoshop & locking layers.Adding Cutouts like humans & animals into the scene.Adding a Concrete Texture to Walls, Roads & Footpaths.Final Adjustments in Photoshop using adjustment layers.By the end of this section, you will have created an amazing Modern Residence in under 2 hours. But that's not all!! This is not a create and forget course. We will keep updating this course with new course content and add it to future section on a monthly basis. We will be updating our course description here as and when we release new tutorials and downloadable resources.Special Features ProvidedDownlodable Scenes, complete with all V-Ray SettingsExclusive Student Group on FacebookExclusive Sketchup & Vray Library for Exterior DesignBy the end of the course, you will have a solid understanding of Sketchup & Vray Next, and you will be well on your way to creating amazing renders for your clients."
Price: 69.99

"Retro Vintage Logo Design From Concept to Presentation" |
"This course is about Retro Vintage and Badge logo Design.I will be covering my process of thinking and how I go about making these types of logos.I designed this course especially for students who are just starting in Logo design and here is what you gonna be learning:So, we going to start by a general introduction to the design thinking process I work with to solve all my design problems.Then well see different question you can ask during the brief to get the most information for your logo design process.I will also be addressing some common problems that you will face as a logo designer, things like copyrighting focus groups and similar looking logos.Ill show you how I generate Ideas by sketching and searching on the internet.Then well jump to illustrator where Ill show you how to create different badges.Well see Different technique for making a vector.Different techniques for making decorative like banners and laurels.How to choose the right font and pair fonts together.How to choose the right colors and work with ASE COLORS.Then After that you would want to learn how to apply texture.WE also see how you can mock up different images in Photoshop because mock-ups are super necessary.And finally, Ill show you how to present your logo in Illustrator and InDesign.There are also downloadable documents one is about the course notes very important to read.And one about colors associations.Logo Design is a very complex process, and making these types of logos is even harder. So taking this course will certainly help you in your journey but you need to practice,If you don't practice you can't do it.Important note:Of the journey from client brief to finished work. Different solutions can be produced for any given brief and these can differ widely in levels of creativity,practicality and budget. So, my process is different from a design agency because Im working usually with very tight deadlines and budget."
Price: 99.99

"Learn to build Simpsons image classifier mobile app" |
"Course DescriptionLearn to build Simpsons image classifier iPhone app using Apple's crate ML and core ML SDK. Deep learning is popular where a machine can be trained to detect objects in images. Once trained, it can be used to detect objects in any image. The app does not require any wifi or cellular connectivity. It uses deep learning to train the model from scratch on your own image dataset. The model can then be used inside an mobile app using Apple's coreML SDK. We'll build this app in this course. Since the app does not send your images or vides to remote service, it maintains your privacy and data secured. Build a strong foundation in pose detection engines with this tutorial for beginners.Understanding fundamentals of CreateML and CoreMLUnderstanding fundamentals of deep learning and CNN Train a model on your own dataset using create ML SDK and XCodeBuild a real life object detection mobile application using coreml and swiftA Powerful Skill at Your Fingertips Learning the fundamentals of object detection puts a powerful and very useful tool at your fingertips. swift, create ml and coreml are free, easy to learn, has excellent documentation.No prior knowledge of CNN or deep learning is assumed. I'll be covering topics like CNN from scratch. Jobs in computer vision area are plentiful, and being able to learn object detection will give you a strong edge. Learning object detection will help you become a computer vision developer which is in high demand.Content and Overview This course teaches you on how to build object detection engine using open source create ml, coreml and swift . You will work along with me step by step to build following answersTrain Object Detection model Build Mobile object detection app using trained modelWhat am I going to get from this course?Learn object detection from professional trainer from your own desk.Over 10 lectures teaching you how to build object detection engineSuitable for beginner programmers and ideal for users who learn faster when shown.Visual training method, offering users increased retention and accelerated learning.Breaks even the most complex applications down into simplistic steps.Offers challenges to students to enable reinforcement of concepts. Also solutions are described to validate the challenges."
Price: 24.99

"1z0-1072-20 Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2020 Q&A" |
"Get 50% Discount . by following the code ""PROMOTIONFORALL""Launching Bare Metal and Virtual Compute InstancesDescribe the components of Compute service, including shapes, images, and custom imagesCreate and manage a Compute Virtual Machine (VM) instanceAdvanced DatabaseUse advanced database features, such as Dataguard, BYOL, Data encryption, RAC, and EXADATAArchitecting Best PracticesArchitect High Availability (HA) using OCIDesign for Security using OCINetworkingApply design concepts related to VCN componentsDescribe Public and Private IP addresses and virtual NICsApply VCN connectivity optionsUnderstand remote network connectivityApply OCI Load Balancer conceptsUnderstand OCI Edge servicesApply OCI networking best practicesStorageUnderstand OCI Storage optionsDesign storage solutions for applications and databaseInstantiating a Load BalancerDiscuss Load Balancer terminology and conceptsSet up a Load BalancerAdvanced Networking ConceptsManage your cloud network components, such as Virtual Private Network (VPN), Fast Connect, Multiple vNICs, and IP addressesIdentity and Access ManagementApply core Identity and Access Management componentsExplain resource locationsDesign federation with various identity providersApply IAM, governance, and security best practicesComputeSelect appropriate compute choicesTroubleshoot options using console connections and boot volumeArchitect High Availability and Disaster Recovery solutionsDescribe image optionsDatabaseDescribe OCI Database optionsExplain OCI Database OperationsArchitect HA and DR solutionsManaging Autonomous Database"
Price: 19.99

"Vers les certifications Scrum Master & Developer" |
"Les mthodes agiles, et plus particulirement la mthode Scrum, sont trs populaires dans les entreprises du numrique. Toute cette semaine, nous vous proposerons des contenus pour dcouvrir ces fonctionnements et des retours dexprience pour approfondir votre interprtation des mthodes de dveloppement logiciel.Dans une quipe agile rpondant aux principes de la mthode Scrum, on distingue principalement trois rles majeurs :Lquipe de dveloppement / Dev teamLe Scrum MasterLe Product OwnerQue contient cette formation ?Cette formation regroupe des questions d''examen des certifications professionnelles Scrum Master & Scrum Developer pour les certifications en ligne PSM 1 & PSD 1 questions courantes + quelques conseils pour russir la certification Scrum Master Scrum Developer en ligne de la Scrum org. En quoi ce cours peut-il vous tes utile et russir les examens Scrum Master 1 et Scrum Developer 1? Tlchargez le Scrum guide (gratuit sur le site scrum org) et lisez-le trs attentivement. La cl du succs est de bien comprendre les rponses du guide Scrum. Il ne s'agit pas de tout mmoriser.Cette formation contient plus de 350 questions avec leurs corrections dtailles (3 quiz x 80 questions pour PSM 1 et 3 quiz x 80 questions pour PSD 1) que vous pouvez apprendre en mme temps. Toutes les questions adhrent la dernire version du Scrum Guide (novembre 2017) et seront continuellement affines en fonction des commentaires et des questions des utilisateurs. Vous pouvez rencontrer toutes ces questions lors d'un vritable examen de certification. Les questions sont en anglais (unique langue disponible pour la certification PSM 1 et PSD 1)"
Price: 19.99

"Learn Hindi in just 1 Month" |
"Spoken by over 500 million people around the world, Hindi is one of the official languages of India and Fiji. It is also one of the most widely spoken languages in the world. Hindi is originally based on Sanskrit, including its name which originated from the Sanskrit word ""Sindhu"" (another name for the Indus River). On Duolingo, you will be able to learn this compelling language with more than 1000 years of history, converse with folks in Delhi on your next trip to India, navigate your way to the Taj Mahal in Agra, and watch famous Bollywood movies. There are many languages spoken in India, but you will be understood throughout the country."
Price: 69.99

"CISSP-ISSAP: Information Systems Security Architecture Test" |
"Are you wanted to pass your CISSP-ISSAP exam?Are you searching for High quality CISSP-ISSAP Practice Questions?If yes...then you are in the right place.In this CISSP-ISSAP: Information Systems Security Architecture Test course Tech Hub Provide you 200 unique & updated Quality CISSP-ISSAP Questions for your upcoming CISSP-ISSAP exam. These CISSP-ISSAP tests cover material from each topic of the CISSP-ISSAP main exam.This 200 questions help you to get prepared for the main CISSP-ISSAP exam environment. Why take our Course?i.Unique & Updated 200 Questionsii.All CISSP-ISSAP Questions Suggested by Top Subject Matter Expertsiii.Verified answersiv.30 days money back guarantee, no questions asked.Who this course is for:i.Those who want to get knowledge on CISSP-ISSAP exam & check their skills on CISSP-ISSAP Examii.Those who confident enough to crack their CISSP-ISSAP exam In their first attemptiii.have an open mind and desire to learnRequirements:i.No prerequisites needed as this is a practice test (CISSP-ISSAP)"
Price: 19.99

"After Effects Expressions KickStart course (2020)" |
"Expressions help you to save time and focus on animation and not on hundreds of routine actions. This course will teach you to understand and to write your own expressions. Youll get so much more than just theory. It will be a real practice .Youll finally get rid of tons of useless keyframes and get your work automized. Well show you how to work with many functions and teach you so many cool and unique techniques that will save your precious time.Expressions are an integral AE part that gives more opportunities than youll ever get with an interface. Expressions will make your projects more flexible and will save you hours of work.Youll learn tons of helpful functions and theyll change the way you work forever. you wont need programming skills with Expressions. Youll learn the basics in your first lessons.This course will be perfect for both beginners and advanced motion designers."
Price: 19.99

"Ethical Hacking Foundations: Malware Development in Windows" |
"Are you a pen tester having some experience with Metasploit or Empire frameworks? Or maybe you take your first steps as an ethical hacker and you want to know more about how all these offensive tools work? Or you are a blue teamer or threat hunter who needs to better understand the internal workings of malware?This course will provide you the answers you're looking for. It will teach you how to develop your own custom malware for latest Microsoft Windows 10. And by custom malware we mean building a dropper for any payload you want (Metasploit meterpreter, Empire or Cobalt Strike beacons, etc.), injecting your shellcodes into remote processes, creating trojan horses (backdooring existing software) and bypassing Windows Defender AV.You will receive a virtual machine with complete environment for developing and testing your software, and a set of source code templates which will allow you to focus on understanding the essential mechanisms instead of less important technical aspects of implementation."
Price: 179.99

"Personal Branding: Your way to the Top" |
"Personal Branding is the hidden key of success! Many people spend their lives working and successfully achieving huge achievements but remain in the shadow with no recognition but most importantly this achievement dies without opening the door to another one. In this course we will together get you into an endless chain of success.You will learn:How to build your own personal BrandHow to approach your environment using this brand successfullyHow to highlight your own advantages and achievementsHow to use each small achievement as a door opener to another larger achievementHow to setup your social media presence in an attractive way"
Price: 199.99

"Oracle Autonomous Database Cloud Specialist" |
"Hello,Are you ready to Take & Pass Oracle Autonomous Database Cloud Specialist?If your answer is Yes so this course will help you not only in Exam Preparation but boost your Confidence to Next Level.These Practice Tests are prepared to let you pass 1Z0-931 or 1Z0-931-F Exams.We Believe attending Practice Questions gives you knowledge about different types of questions in Exam. Exam topics are mentioned belowAutonomous Database Technical OverviewConnectivityMonitoring Autonomous DatabaseProvisioningManaging and Maintaining Autonomous DatabaseWish you best of luck to achieve your IT Certification goals."
Price: 19.99

"VMware Certified Advanced Professional" |
"Hello,Are you ready to Take & Pass VmWare Certified Advanced Professional?If your answer is Yes so this course will help you not only in Exam Preparation but boost your Confidence to Next Level.These Practice Tests are prepared to let you pass 3V0-732 Exam.We Believe attending Practice Questions gives you knowledge about different types of questions in Exam. Exam Topics are mentioned belowCreate a vRealize Automation Conceptual DesignCreate a vRealize Automation Logical DesignDesign a vRealize Automation Management InfrastructureDesign vRealize Automation TenantsCreate a vRealize Automation Resource DesignCreate a vRealize Automation Blueprint DesignComplete an Extensibility DesignComplete a Catalog DesignWish you best of luck to achieve your IT Certification goals."
Price: 19.99

Mindfulness. |
", ; . - . , . , . - , , . , , , ."
Price: 19.99

"Develop Your Listening Skills to Shine at Work and in Life" |
"With this course you will start to practice the BASIC SKILLS necessary to give your full attention to people and situations in your life. At the end of each Sections you will have the opportunity to reflect on your experience and keep practicing in your real life what you learned. A short assignment (3 in total, about 5-8 minutes each) will also ask you to send to your instructor few words to describe your experience in taking the suggested tips and actions. "
Price: 94.99

"Geopoltica y Poder Real" |
"Acceders a material de primer nivel mundial actualizado al 2020 sobre el nivel de endeudamiento de los pases de amrica latina, posibilidades de default de la regin, anlisis de desarollo militar regional, contexto geopoltico mundial, tensin entre Estados Unidos y China y el rol del FMI y los Fondos de Inversin en el poder real sobre las polticas econmicas nacionales"
Price: 99.99

"Vim Profesional" |
"Aprenders a utilizar la herramienta Vim sin conocimientos previos hasta un completo experto.Utilizando sistemas operativos como:WindowsLinuxMacAndroidAbre tus posibilidades laborales a otro nivel, aumenta tu eficiencia y olvdate de usar el mouse y deja de perder el tiempo al escribir.Acostumbra tus dedos a trabajar rpidamente, entrena tu mente al mximo y disea tu mejor entorno por ti mismo cubriendo TUS necesidades.Vulvete un profesional de la productividad AHORA MISMO!"
Price: 34.99

"The Zero to Hero Course on Creating Professional Videos" |
"In this course we'll cover every single step of the production process from outlining and scripting, to shooting and editing. We'll cover equipment recommendations for both audio and video, teach you how to light a scene, how to promote your videos and so much more. If you're tired of your videos looking cheap and not performing the way you'd like, we guarantee our course will get you started on the path to professional content and higher audience engagement."
Price: 149.99

"Be the Superhero you need English Version" |
"In the Superhero Masterclass, I present you with a professional 4-pillar tool.You can use them for a lifetime!In addition to self-reflection tools, I also offer self-coaching questions that you can use again and againThe self-coaching questions include back on the knowledge of psychodynamics.Content:I reduced the duration of the course to 1 hour and 10 minutes.Leave out anything long around it, so that it goes straight to the point.The course contains 26 video units on various topics.In addition, introductions by presentation, as well as a 34-page, high-quality workbook as a PDF.I recommend downloading the workbook as far as possible, reading and thenEdit chapter by chapter.I wish you a lot of fun and success with this master classYour Silvia"
Price: 99.99

"Faux Calligraphy Basics" |
"This course will take you through some basic arm movement exercises to get you into the rhythm and flow of writing. All of these can be done with a simple pencil- easily available! No need of complex Calligraphy tools. This course was designed keeping in mind the recent lock down and unavailability of resources."
Price: 1280.00

"3D Printing using fusion 360" |
"3D printing is not magic instead of magic it is the one world-changing invention done by mankind .in this course you will learn all about 3d printing .what is 3d printing, why 3d printing. you will also learn 3d modeling using fusion 360 and ultimately you will be able to turn your idea's into reality and you can convert a digital object into a physical object"
Price: 34.99

"Complete Guide to Microsoft PowerApps: Basic to Advanced" |
"Learn from more than 7 hours of relevant instructional video content, with many resources and further reading at your disposal!Build powerful, impactful business applications with no code. PowerApps is a development environment and data layer created by Microsoft to quickly create applications for all organizations. Think of PowerApps as Microsoft Word, but instead of building documents you are building real-life applications. PowerApps is quickly growing in demand and is currently the highest adopted system is medium-to-large companies and one of the most sought after Microsoft skills. We have seen freelance consultants, analysts, and managers who use the knowledge from this course to get paid more, create impact, get hired, and become successful.This is the complete guide to Microsoft PowerApps. This course is not only comprehensive (it covers everything you need to know right from the start / beginner level) but is also instructional in nature, meaning that as we learn new concepts, we are also integrating them in the application. Don't just learn concepts, learn how to actually apply them. That also means that whether you are a beginner or expert, there's something for you in this course.This course also expands your knowledge and explores further concepts such as the Common Data Service (CDS) and integration of Model-Driven Applications. If you are familiar with other Microsoft Power Platform items, then you need to add PowerApps to your arsenalAgain, this is the complete guide to PowerApps - you won't ever need another course. We will also update the course if there is a newer version of if newer features get released!What is PowerApps?PowerApps in a Microsoft tool used to develop data-driven business applications. It serves as both a development environment and data layer that allows users, analysts, and managers, to build scalable applications with no code. Almost all manual Excel / paper processes can be replaced by PowerApps.What are the main features of PowerApps?Microsoft ecosystem - PowerApps is similar to other familiar Microsoft applications, like Word or Excel. It has the same ribbon structure and similar design, which makes it easy to learn and transfer knowledge. PowerApps is the Microsoft's way to build applications, similar to how PowerPoint is Microsoft's way to build presentationsEasy to use - No coding necessary or even required. Similar to other Microsoft applications, it's a drag-and-drop system which makes thing easy, and has an amazing user-friendly interfaceBuild it once, run it everywhere - Once you build a PowerApps applications, it can be run anywhere with no further development. This means that your application can easily go from phone, tablet, and web without any more effort, and can be run on all systems (Windows, Mac, Linux).Connect to anything - Microsoft's in-built data connectors allow you to easily connect to any data sources, whether it's in OneDrive, Google Sheets, SQL, RedShift, your computer's filesystem, S3, you get the idea (every data source)Customize to your heart's desire - PowerApps allows you to build your app your way. This means that you can build the application in your vision - your imagination is your only limitation!Why Learn PowerApps?Create impact fast - PowerApps allows you to build applications fast, so if you're looking to quickly build scalable applications, this is for youIncrease your and your organizations productivity - Do you have a process in your organization or with yourself that is currently that is managed by shared Excel files or, worse yet, paper? PowerApps allows you to replace this with a data-driven applicationGet hired / increase your employability - PowerApps is one of the fastest growing tools in medium-to-large businesses, and is expected to be the top sought after Microsoft skill. Put this skill on your resume to boost your chances and pay rate.Improve your toolkit - Add this to your list of Microsoft skills - this is very powerful in conjunction with other Microsoft products (Office, PowerBI, Azure, 365, etc.)Why Take This Course?Complete guide - this is the 100% start to finish, zero to hero, basic to advanced guide on PowerApps. There is no other course like it that teaches you everything from start to finish.Fully instructional - we not only go through important concepts, but also apply them as we are building our application so that we can solidify them. This is not only a walkthrough of the PowerApps features, but a course that actually builds applications with youLearn to learn - During the latter parts of the course, we go through situations where we encounter new features or errors, and work through how we would use the documentation to resolve them. In this way, you not only learn about PowerApps inside and out, but learn how to resolve your own issues as they come upTeacher response - I have a response time of <8 hours, so if there's anything else you would like to learn, or if there's something you cannot figure out, I'm here for you!Great resources - Example data, resources, and further reading can help you in your learning journeyCourse and Module OverviewIntroduction - learn about PowerApps and how it fits into Microsoft's ecosystemEnvironment Setup - make a PowerApps account and import dataBasic: PowerApps Concepts - build and run your first application through data loaderBeginner: Canvas Apps - learn Canvas App concepts (layout, galleries, forms, functions, formulasIntermediate: Canvas Apps - build your Canvas App knowledge (navigation, screens, variables, filter, lookup, data validation, multiple data sources, phone calls)Expert: Canvas Apps - take your Canvas App knowledge to the next level (grouping, complex functions, cascading, reading the docs)Expert: Common Data Service - learn how to integrate your data with Microsoft's data layerAdvanced: Canvas Apps - master your Canvas App knowledge (image inputs, camera, videos, option sets, charts and graphs)Advanced: Model-Driven Apps - build Model-Driven Applications for your organizationReference Material - sample data and other items used in the courseFurther Reading - resources to help you expand your knowledgeIf you want to learn Microsoft PowerApps, this is the course for you. We're looking forward to having you in the course and hope you earn the certificate."
Price: 199.99

"Basics of Structural Analysis, Part 1 of 3" |
"This is the first part of 3 parts of Structural Analysis of Structures. It includes 10 chapters, while the second course includes 10 more chapters and the final course includes the remaining 10 chapters. The full course should provides a very good basis of the analysis and design of structures for a variety of structural loads, elements and support systems for civil engineering students."
Price: 49.99

"Narrativa y guion para comic desde cero" |
"Aprende a crear la historia para el cmic de tus sueos, desde cero. Empieza por una simple oracin y poco a poco ve dando forma a esa premisa, hasta alcanzar la gloria del guin completo.No importa si tienes experiencia o no, trabajando un cmic. Durante el curso daremos una revisin a los elementos que componen al cmic, as como lo necesario para ir creando una historia con narrativa entretenida. Este curso abarca nicamente lo relacionado a la creacin de la historia, no al dibujo, ni a la composicin."
Price: 29.99

"Photoshop e Illustrator bsico para sublimacin y serigrafa" |
"Este es un curso dirigido a entusiastas de la estampacin que tienen poco o nulo conocimiento sobre la utilizacin de Photoshop e Illustrator.Veremos desde las tareas bsicas, es decir:-Cmo buscar y descargar imgenes.-Descargar e instalar fuentes-Diferencias entre los modos de color, etc.Durante el curso se aborda poco a poco el trabajo en conjunto de los dos programas. Desde la creacin de texto, el dibujo vectorial y recorte de imgenes. Hasta la separacin de positivos para tintas planas en serigrafa y, preparacin de archivos imprimibles para sublimacin.El principal objetivo del curso, es que el alumno aprenda a elaborar proyectos y tareas de diseo especficas, que son habituales en los talleres de estampacin."
Price: 29.99
