"Meditation Masterclass" |
"In this course, you'll learn meditations from all around the world, from mindfulness to zen to breath-work, chakras, Tibetan bowls, and everything in between.This course is for anyone who's interested in meditation, from n00bs to zen masters alike; no matter what your level of experience, you can gain a lot from exploring this course. By the end, you'll have experience with over a dozen different styles of meditation.This course is accredited by The Meditation Organization as a Certified Teacher Training Course -- AMC (Accredited Meditation Course) #39283 -- so once you receive your diploma at the end of this course, you'll be able to teach meditation to others as well.While many course creators make one-hour courses to maximize the ROI on their time (one hour courses often sell for as much as 20-hour courses), that's not what this course is about. This course is my masterclass, a culmination of over a decade of learning meditation techniques from gurus around the world and teaching it to groups of students here in the United States. When friends and family ask me to teach them to meditate, I always wish I had a link to send them, that would cover everything that I would want to teach them if I only had the time. Well, I took the time to make this course, and this is the link that I will send to people in the future! That's why I've made this course as comprehensive as I could possibly make it, and why I will continue to add videos to this course over the months, years, and decades to come.Welcome to my Meditation Masterclass. I hope you enjoy it"
Price: 199.99

"Planilhas na Prtica com Google Planilhas: Finanas Pessoais" |
"Como iniciar a criao de uma planilha sem instalar ou fazer download de software, mas utilizando o Google Planilhas que j est disponvel na sua conta do gmail.Neste curso voc ir criar uma planilha completa para controle de finanas pessoais e atravs da criao dessa planilha ir ver como:Criar e centralizar ttulo para a planilha;Mesclar clulas;Inserir listas;Formatar fonte, nmero e data;Inserir soma;Inserir e excluir linhas;Inserir e excluir colunas;Inserir notas;Aplicar zoom;Classificar intervalo (ordem alfabtica);Referenciar clulas e planilhas;Aplicar formatao condicional;Remover e colocar linhas de grade."
Price: 54.99

"How To Find Your IKIGAI and Transform Your Life & Career" |
"In Japan, millions of people have ikigai (pronounced Ick-ee-guy) a reason to jump out of bed each morning.Whats your reason for getting up in the morning?The stress doesnt stop there, so it's better to find the purpose of our life and be successful in our profession and life.It wont come as a surprise that more and more people these days struggle to find the motivation to wake up in the morning. A large amount drives themselves to work, then sit in the car procrastinating and not wanting to get out and walk into the office.Usually, theres nothing particularly wrong with the job theyre doing. Theyre just not happy.Now, imagine yourself waking up every single morning with a sense of excitement and happiness, ready for whatever the day has prepared for you. Thats what Japanese people call Ikigai or the reason for being and theyve found the secret formula for it."
Price: 2240.00

"1Y0-200 CEO Citrix Xen Desktop 7 Solutions Practice Exam" |
"125 UNIQUE practice questions for 1Y0-200 CEO Citrix Xen Desktop 7 Solutions Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : 1Y0-200 CEO Citrix Xen Desktop 7 Solutions Practice ExamTotal Questions : 125Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :75 minsPassing Score : 75 (93 of 125)"
Price: 149.99

"1Y0-201 CEO of Citrix XenDesktop 7.6 Solutions Practice Exam" |
"159 UNIQUE practice questions for 1Y0-201 CEO of Citrix XenDesktop 7.6 Solutions Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : 1Y0-201 CEO of Citrix XenDesktop 7.6 Solutions Practice ExamTotal Questions : 159Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :100 minsPassing Score : 75 (119 of 159)"
Price: 164.99

"SAP C_TBIT44_71 Certified D Consulting Net Weaver Exam" |
"90 UNIQUE practice questions for SAP C_TBIT44_71 Certified D Consulting Net Weaver ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : SAP C_TBIT44_71 Certified D Consulting Net Weaver ExamTotal Questions : 90Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :60 minsPassing Score : 75 (67 of 90)"
Price: 159.99

"Biohacker's Fortified Immunity Online Course" |
"Do you know what are the best ways to protect yourself naturally from viral and bacterial infections?The world is under a threat for a viral pandemic and you might be wondering how to fortify yourself against pathogens. The Biohacker's Fortified Immunity Online course is a comprehensive research-based guide for natural, nutritional and technological prevention against potential pathogens. Protecting yourself from viral and bacterial infections is possible and with the help of this course you might avoid serious complications. This course does not discuss the avoidance and treatment of coronavirus (COVID-19) infections. This course is mainly focused on general fortification of the immune system against common pathogens. All methods presented in this course are based on scientific studies.In this course we cover the following: Transmission of viral and bacterial diseases Immune system and how it functions Behavioral strategies for strengthening the immune system Nutrients, foods, supplements, and herbs relevant to the immune system Foods and substances that can weaken the immune response Common supplements and drugs that show no promise in infection prevention Technological and practical interventions to prevent infections Air purification and adequate disinfection Detecting an infection with laboratory testing and self-quantification Biohacking air travel and suggestions for a travel kit Food recipes for supporting the immune systemNB: We fully support and trust the WHO advice concerning epidemics. However, we want to offer additional ways to fortify one's immunity. We aim to reduce the pressure on the healthcare system by giving out advice that reduced the risk of contracting a disease or getting into complications caused by the infection. At the same time, we provide information regarding researched preventive measures that are known to limit the spread of epidemics. We are following these measures ourselves also."
Price: 49.99

"Burlesque For Beginners" |
"Would you like to get a bit more confident? Have you been wanting to attend burlesque classes but couldnt join or couldnt find the courage to shimmy in front of others ? Following the demand, Ive got you covered with online burlesque classes, made for beginners, by a 9-year-experienced Burlesque Teacher. Learn an entire routine (with step by steps instructions) from the comfort of your own home, and perform it by yourself of with friends, at home or on stage. "
Price: 49.99

"GRIHA CP Practice test" |
"This course includes 70 sample questions covering all the criterions in GRIHA v.2015. The sample test will be very useful for all the candidates who are planning to take GRIHA CP exam. The course will be frequently updated with new questions. Please contact us if you have any query related to this course on support@designparameter.com"
Price: 1280.00

"6 PMP mock exams 1200 Questions PMI & PMBOK Udemy Unofficial" |
"6 PMP mock exams 1200 Questions PMI & PMBOK Udemy UnofficialThis tests are intended to help you prepare yourself for the PMP (Project Management Professional) exam, offered by PMI (the Project Management Institute). This set includes more than 1200 PMP prep test items (questions & answers). Each question has one best answer. 6 PMP mock exams with 200 question each.Explanations for every PMP exam question clarify correct answers.At PMP Practice Exam we offer practice tests for project management professionals. All of our online tests feature instant scoring along with detailed explanations. The questions are fully updated for the PMBOK Guide 6th Edition. Choose a PMP practice exam from the list below and start your exam prep now!In order to pass final preparation test, you should correctly answer 150 out of 200 questions in 4 hours, like in the real exam."
Price: 19.99

"Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Foundations-Oracle 1Z0-1085-20" |
"The Complete Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Foundations 2020 Course provides candidates with the foundational knowledge of core cloud computing concepts and an understanding of those services in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. Upon completion, students will be ready to take and pass the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Foundations 2020 1Z0-1085-20 exam. The certification is intended for candidates with technical and non-technical backgrounds who want to validate their understanding of Oracle Cloud infrastructure.Effectively using Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Services requires your fundamental understanding of the core concepts and terminologies of a cloud platform. Get the core foundation skills you need as you prepare for this exam Passing the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2020 Foundations Certification exam proves your strong foundation skills and ability to best use Oracle Cloud Infrastructure services."
Price: 199.99

work_interview |
". . ."
Price: 19.99

"Bu ders serisini hazrlarken YDS, YKDL, TOEFL gibi akademik snavlara girecek adaylarn ihtiyalarn n planda tuttum. Tense konusu dier birok dil bilgisi konusu iin de kritik neme sahiptir. Bu yzden ngilizce akademik snavlara alan arkadalarn salam bir tense bilgisi olmaldr. ""Tense"" ve ""aspect"" kavramlarn bilmeden etkili bir renme olmayacan dndmden ncelikle bu detaylara deiniyorum. Anlatm srasnda her tense iin ayr ayr yaplara, kullanm yerlerine, birlikte kullanld zaman zarflarna ve bilinmesi gereken dier noktalara deiniyorum. Ayrca Active & Passive konularna da detaylar ile deiniyorum. Bu dersleri anlatrken baka hibir retim kaynana gerek duyulmamas hep aklmda oldu.Bu ders serisinin ngilizce okuduunu anlamak isteyen kiiler iin de faydal olacan dnyorum. Kullandm rnekler gemi snavlarda kan sorulardan temin edilmitir. Bu yzden dilbilgisi konularn alrken ayn zamanda snava dnk kelime almas da yapm olacaksnz."
Price: 49.99

"Les Clefs du dessin - Volume 2B - Mesures & proportions" |
"Cest en apprenant a percevoir les formes de maniere schematique que vous pourrez rellement progresser en dessin.Mais voir les formes nest pas suffisant, vous devez egalement etre capable de restituer fidlement les proportions de votre modle sur votre support. Cette operation ncessite de construire votre dessin, mais surtout dutiliser des repres fonds sur des mesures concretes.Dans ce cours vous apprendrez construire vos dessins sur de solides bases en utilisant diverses formes de mesures qui vous permettront de restituer les caractristiques de votre modle.Vous avez envie dapprendre dessiner, mais vous hsitiez car vous ne savez pas si ce cours peut vous aider.Pour apprendre dessiner, comme dans toutes les autres formes dapprentissage, il nexiste pas de recette miracle, vous ne pourrez faire des progres que si vous suivez une mthode adapte et que vous vous exercez rgulirement. La srie LES CLEFS DU DESSIN est un cours complet qui regroupe au total 4 volumes pour vraiment apprendre le dessin d'observation. La mthode qui y est explique, nomme la mthode synthtique, est directement inspire des enseignements qui taient dispenss dans les acadmies de dessin du XIXe sicle.Des leons et des exercices pour VRAIMENT apprendre dessinerLa srie de cours LES CLEFS DU DESSIN a t conue pour tre la fois plaisante et efficace. Les diverses leons sont structures de manire pdagogique avec une partie thorique abordant les principes fondamentaux du dessin d'observation, accompagnes de nombreux exercices qui vous permettront de mettre en pratique les notions tudies afin de progresser rapidement tout en vous faisant plaisir.Chaque volume de cette mthode particulirement infaillible pour apprendre dessiner, traite une comptence essentielle du dessin. Vous verrez ainsi tous les aspects du dessin, depuis les bases jusqu la matrise de techniques avances. Les vidos contiennent des instructions claires qui vous guide tape par tape dans votre apprentissage et si vous rencontrez des difficults, je rpondrais vos questions afin de vous aider les surmonter.Pour que ce cours soit bnfique et vous permette vraiment d'apprendre dessiner, je vous conseille de parcourir les sept parties de la srie LES CLEFS DU DESSIN dans l'ordre suivant :Attitude & observationContours & cadragesMesures & proportionsFormes & volumesEspace & perspectiveVolumes & lumire Valeurs & ombrage"
Price: 19.99

"Curso-Taller, que proporciona tips y herramientas asociadas al emprendimiento y los primeros pasos para emprender.Permite apropiar conceptos y tcnicas en cada temtica con preguntas tipo al final de cada sesin de trabajo, que facilitan a cada participante - empresario construir su plan detallado de trabajo, con el cual puede emprender acciones de mejoramiento y seguimiento a su proceso de empresa."
Price: 34.99

"Realistic and Effective Job Interviews" |
"The course contains a selection of assertive information based on decades of experience and extensive research.We will present the importance of job interviews in determining the job you will do, the salary you will receive, as well as the impact that a successful interview can have on your career, and the future of your family.You will learn how to prepare yourself, fundamental aspects that will set you apart from most candidates, frequently asked questions, tips for interviewing in another language, and making assertive and successful presentations, as well as knowing what to do during and after the interview to be the chosen"".-Recommended course for all professionals looking for new career opportunities, or interested in improving their skills in a job interview.-Suitable for all branches of activity and hierarchical levels"
Price: 29.99

"Basics of Patent Search" |
"This Course is the experience, the author brings to you, from a higher career growth prospects. This course is designed to provide you basic understanding of the important concepts involved in patent search and data mining. Also this course will enrich & enlighten you with technical and legal process involved in research and monetization of your research work or creations."
Price: 1280.00

"Learn Circuits with Tinkercad: Arduino based Robots Design" |
"The course Learn Circuits with Tinkercad: Arduino based Robots Design is designed for beginner level tech enthusiasts who want to dive into the field of the robot and circuit design using Arduino. The course will teach about getting started with the Tinkercad platform and how to simulate Arduino based circuits using this platform.Course content:1. Introduction to Arduino and Robotics.2. Basic circuit connections: Controlling LEDs and DC motors.3. Understand the switches, pushbuttons, and batteries connections.4. Control multiple motors with Arduino using scratch programming.5. Connect the IR sensor and photo-resistor to make an obstacle avoider robot.6. Use the Ultrasonic sensor to make a robot and home security system.7. Use servo motors to make robotics Arms.8. Simple project discussion using the integration of multiple sensors."
Price: 1280.00

"Passives Einkommen System 2.0" |
"Mein Partner Ren Renk gibt dir ein wertvolles & serises System an die Hand, mit dem du auch als Anfnger von zu Hause aus, ohne eigenes Produkt, ein passives Einkommen ber das Internet aufbauen kannst.Ein paar Eckdaten ber Ren Renk:Steckbrief: 2-facher Familienvater, Ehemann, Business-Mentor, Coach, Online-Marketer, Grnder und Internet Unternehmer aus Leidenschaft.Mission statement: ""Ich coache Unternehmer dabei, mit erfolgserprobten und profitablen Online Marketing Strategien den durchschlagenden Erfolg zu erreichen den sie sich wnschen, und den sie sich verdienen. Zustzlich helfe ich anderen Menschen, sich ein eigenes profitables Online-Business aufzubauen.""2019 gewann er den Tiger Awards als ""Unternehmer des Jahres"" (Platz 1). Er ist einer der bekanntesten Online Marketer in Deutschland.Wichtige Info zum Kurs: Das Bonus Video ""Cash-Back-System"" ist in dieser Version nicht enthalten (da so nicht realisierbar). Wenn du Fragen hast, dann schreibe mir jederzeit hier auf Udemy. Mir ist es wichtig, einen guten Support zu bieten. Viel Erfolg mit diesem System!"
Price: 19.99

"CISSP Certification: Most Detailed CISSP Domain 1 - 2020" |
"Have you heard that the CISSP is the hottest cybersecurity certification? Are you looking for the most detailed course on CISSP Domain 1 - Security and Risk Management? Are you interested in cyber security?--> If the answer is YES, this course is for YOU.Top three reasons to TAKE THIS COURSE right now!CISSP examination: This course will prepare you for the CISSP - Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) Certification Exam.Taught by a certified cyber professional: On top of the theory, I will share with you my insightful experience and illustrate it with concrete real-life examples.Next career step: This course will enable you to reach your next career step, to get an appealing cyber profile and set your learning journey into motion.OverviewOn a high-level, the course will cover four themes:Security Governance Principles and PoliciesRisk Management Concepts and Personnel SecurityBusiness ContinuityCompliance, Laws and RegulationsWhat's in it for me, in detail?The course is divided into three sections, subdivided into topics as following:I. Security Governance Principles and PoliciesConfidentiality, Integrity and AvailabilitySecurity Governance PrinciplesPolicies, Standards, Procedures and GuidelinesThreat ModelingSecurity Risk Considerations in AcquisitionII. Risk Management Concepts and Personnel SecurityPersonnel Security PoliciesSecurity GovernanceRisk Management ConceptsSecurity Education, Training and AwarenessSecurity FunctionIII. Business ContinuityPlanningBCP Team Selection and RequirementsBusiness Impact AssessmentContinuity PlanningDocumentationIV. Compliance, Laws and RegulationsThe Different Laws and RegulationsCategoriesComplianceContractsRelated information security certifications:This CISSP course is perfectly designed for the preparation of IT Security certifications, ethical hacking penetration testing and for the following cyber security certifications:CISM Certified Information Security Manager certification from ISACA, CRISC Certified in Risk and Information Systems Controls certification from ISACACCSP Certified Cloud Security Professional certification from (ISC)CISSP concentrations: CISSP ISSAP, CISSP ISSEP, CISSP ISSMPCSSK Cloud Security certification from CSACompTIA Security+ certificationIn addition, you will also get: Unlimited Access to the course and all course updates. High quality support in the Q&A section. A Udemy ""Certificate of Completion"" for download (CPE/CEUs). BONUS: 10 CISSP practice questions for Domain 1.What's next? Hit the ""Buy Now"" or ""Add to cart"" button to start your CISSP course today !See you in class !"
Price: 94.99

"Dactylographie - Frappe l'aveugle sur un clavier AZERTY" |
"Le but du cours est de vous apprendre dactylographier un texte, en mthode aveugle , en utilisant vos 10 doigts. Cest la seule faon pour travailler rapidement et efficacement. La mthode permet un gain de temps et une conomie de fatigue.La formation convient pour les claviers en disposition AZERTY en France et en Belgique.Le cours est divis en 24 leons de +/- 10 minutes. Chaque leon progresse travers des lettres, des mots, des phrases, des majuscules et enfin des chiffres, tous destins amliorer vos comptences de frappe au fur et mesure.Pour vous aider dans ce cours, des exercices sont inclus pour vous entraner aprs chaque leon afin de vous aider apprendre rapidement. Plus vous pratiquez, plus vous apprenez avec prcision et rapidit.Une vido dun clavier apparatra sur votre cran pour vous aider reprer les touches.Vous pouvez simplement ouvrir un bloc-notes et commencer taper tout en coutant l'audio. Suivez simplement les instructions.Le succs du cours dpend de votre volont de suivre les plans de leon. Les leons sont lentes et rptitives. Ne vous attendez pas la vitesse au dbut - cela viendra au fur et mesure que vous progressez.N'oubliez pas de vous entraner aprs chaque leon partir des exercices fournis et votre frappe s'amliorera. la fin du cours, vous devriez tre capable de saisir automatiquement des lettres tout en ne regardant que l'cran. Cela vous sera trs utile pour rdiger des emails, des rapports, des lettres, des mmoires, etc. que vous pouvez modifier au fur et mesure."
Price: 49.99

"Learn Head and Neck Anatomy PART- 2" |
"This course is part 2 of head neck anatomy lecture series. This intense 1.5 hours course is all about basic and surgically relevant anatomy of neck. This course is specially ,made for MBBS, BDS, MD/MS, MDS students and other healthcare professionals. Learn anatomy of neck easily ! You are just a click away. Master your anatomy skills today! Get lifetime access to this super helpful course!"
Price: 3200.00

"SCORE FULL MARKS, with R and S Configuration made easy!!" |
"Stereochemistry is an important facet of chemistry. Through this course you will learn the importance of knowing how to assign R and S configuration to stereoisomers. This course will help you to clear all the basics and will provide a stepwise guidance to assign R and S configuration. Ample practice will be provided to gain an experties in this area. Also there are assessments with solutions towards the end to gauge your progress."
Price: 1600.00

"Inner Child Workshop" |
"This course is designed to help you tap into your Inner Child and discover its needs. Find out if there are things that need to be healed or if your Inner World is calling for a passion you have suppressed or left behind in your childhood. Your Inner Child can help you balance out your life and bring more fun into your world. It can help you thrive (child) instead of simply survive (adulting). There is the potential to gain insights into what you need to do more or less of, there may be insights of what needs healing and what you need to do to begin that healing. There is a lot to be gained from beginning a relationship with your Inner Child even if all it turns out to be is just giving yourself some time to colour and draw. Doing this journey is a form of self-care, self-connection and self-nurturing.You will be taken on a visual journey to find and meet your Inner Child and shown how to communicate with it. You will develop a book specifically to do this work in, a sacred container that will hold all the wisdom and insights that want to come through.There is 1 hour and 58 minutes worth of video content at your disposal and 7 pdf files you can download to help you get the most out of this course. Of course I can also be contacted if you have any questions or need extra guidance.WHAT YOU WILL NEEDAt the very least you will need to have some paper and an art medium such as coloured pencils, texta's, crayons or some kind of medium to draw with. You do not need to go crazy with supplies, just work with what you have available or what you can afford to buy. It is also handy if you can print out the templates if you aren't confident drawing yourself and to have a notepad and envelopes to put your correspondence in. Anything else like the supplies to decorate your sacred vessel are completely optional and you will get just as much out of this course with or without decorating a cover for your sacred vessel. Most importantly, you'll need an open mind to the process. You will get as much out of this as you are willing to put in, it is up to YOU. All I can do is provide the information, it's up to you to do the work.With deep blessings, Samm"
Price: 89.99

"cours complet php 7 et 5 et MYSQL" |
"Bonjour bienvenue sur cette formation nous allons apprendre dvelopper avec le langage orient objet PHP un langage qui a su s'imposer quand beaucoup de dveloppeurs ne croyais plus en lui avec le PHP vous pouvez creer des sites dynamique vous pouvez aussi dvelopper des jeux vous pouvez aussi faire plein de choses avec le PHP le PHP es utilis pas les plus grands entreprise comme WordPress Prestashop Facebook et plein d'autres cms suivez cette formation et vous allez voir la puissance du PHP"
Price: 19.99

"Increase Trust by Understanding the Power of Your Nonverbals" |
"Nonverbal communication makes up the majority of the messages we use to navigate the world and our relationships. When we understand the power of the nonverbal messages we are sending and receiving, we can put that understanding into action, allowing us to enhance trust and the quality of our relationships. As the foundation of every relationship across our lives, trust possesses the unique power to deepen ties and provide stronger satisfaction. In this course, we look at both research on how nonverbal communication shapes our perceptions, and take the steps to examine how we can use these insights to impact our own lives. In a focused and impactful style, expect to add to your proverbial ""toolbox"" of understanding around the topic of trust with special emphasis on how nonverbal communication can shift how we are perceived and form relationships. All in a little over an hour!Through a combination of lectures, quizzes, and special activities, you'll gain a deeper understanding of the special relationships between nonverbal communication and trust allowing you to apply the newfound insights use across work, home, and community relationships."
Price: 94.99

"The Python Workshop 2020" |
"Welcome to The Python Workshop, this is probably the only course you will ever need to learn Python from scratch and will help you gain the confidence to pursue the more specialized application of the language in your journey towards becoming a professional Python Developer / Programmer.You will also be introduced to the much-required industry skills to becoming proficient with using version control as your Software Development companion. Version Control is an important aspect of the CI / CD (Continuous Integration / Continuous Deployment) software development strategy.The approach of the course is based on a practical context, you are going to build a number of Python programs ranging from easy to very hard. You're going to come across challenging assignments to help you reaffirm your knowledge.So what are you going to learn;Gain a Solid & Unforgettable Understanding of the Python Programming LanguageUse Object-Oriented Programming (An Industry-Standard Coding Technique) to Write High-Quality Python Code.Learn Python Basics to gain the confidence to build larger and more complex programsBuild a Receipts Program to gain the understanding of variables, data types, and stringsBuild a Calculator Program to gain the understanding of doing math with Python and conditional statementsBuild a Hangman Game and address simple to complex looping (while, for) statementsBuild an Object-Oriented Program to construct new Cars and learn concepts such as Inheritance, Method Overriding, and OverloadingTackle challenges related to each python program that you buildLearn to use Functions, Lists, Tuples and SetsBuild a Python Game (Alien Invasion) from scratch and take your learning further in object-oriented programmingGet an in-depth introduction to Git and Github for Version ControlLearn to professionally set up Visual Studio Code for Python DevelopmentBuild a Python Flask Web App with Bootstrap 4 from scratchLearn to use a database to store and retrieve information using Python and FlaskA summary of technology;PythonPygameJuptyter NotebooksVisual Studio CodeGitGithubGitbashHTMLBootstrap 4FlaskSQLMaria DBPlease note that the course will be continuously updated to add more topics in the future."
Price: 19.99

"Stress Management for the Workplace" |
"As stress in the workplace increases, productivity can go down. Employees will miss deadlines, file the wrong reports, and even frazzle away under the constant pressure of workplace stress. This course seeks to help you to understand the variables which contribute to stress, and it will provide you with several concepts and remedies which have been proven in the effort to reduce stress in the workplace."
Price: 19.99

"Certificate - Basic Class- Indian Dance -English CourseTests" |
"A mix of questions to test your dance knowledge.Bharatanatyam as an Indian classical dance form is an art that has been passed down centuries, from generation to generation. First performed in temples of South India and then in King's courts and later in Halls and auditoriums for the public and now, finally online as technology has evolved further, its essence has remained the same although several adaptions have been incorporated into its presentationDance class recorded video lessons to guide you through the basic steps needed to perform a complete item for stage performance are there in the other courses, that are made which are the other similar subject courses for you.Recorded ready to use dance steps in in unique Choreography set to music, that is different from the usual tunes. A variety of various dance choreography short and brief items, chosen from pieces of exquisite music, from talented artists of India."
Price: 1280.00

"Atencin al Cliente - Servicio al Cliente Trabaja desde Casa" |
"Atencin al Cliente se ha convertido en una de las profesiones ms demandadas en los ltimos aos, pero debido a la pandemia COVID-19 es BRUTAL la demanda del Servicio al Cliente, son muchas las empresas que han tenido que adaptarse al Teletrabajo en un tiempo rcord, segn el Banco Mundial.En esta situacin, es lgico que la figura del Servicio al Cliente sufra un gran repunte. Se convierte en un pilar imprescindible para el correcto funcionamiento de las empresas (y ms) en medio de este escenario. Segn un estudio llevado a cabo por una de las principales Plataformas de Teletrabajo Freelancer.com, su perfil se ha incrementado en un 31%. La compaa llev a cabo un anlisis en ms de 38 millones de empresas de 247 pases. Se lleg a la conclusin que en medio de esta crisis la demanda se ha duplicado y se calcula que siga creciendo ya que se ha convertido en una tendencia/necesidad Trabajar desde Casa.He creado este curso con mucha pasin e inters de ayudar a personas a tener libertad financiera, a lograr pasar mas tiempo haciendo lo que le gusta, a emprender desde su casa y generar importantes ingresos en estos tiempos tan inciertos, aprovechando esta gran oportunidad dando Atencin al Cliente.Mi nombre es Nancy Trevethan soy Licenciada en Psicologa Social, dentro de mis certificaciones estn, las profesiones de teletrabajo por internet, tal como Publicidad, Asistente Virtual, Traductor, Creacin de Contenido, Transcriptor y Servicio al Cliente.Yo como Profesional del Servicio al Cliente por ms de 5 aos te formar en base a resultados reales que vivo cada da, esta cualidad me da la oportunidad de no solo ensearte las competencias de la profesin, si no tambin ensearte cuales son las Plataformas ms Populares de Teletrabajo y que mejor resultados estn dando, te ensear a Crear un Perfil Exitoso, te ensear a crear Propuestas Profesionales y Ganadoras para que consigas muchos Clientes, y an voy ms lejos: te ensear paso a paso a crear tus Cuentas Virtuales para recibir los Pagos de las distintas Plataformas y poder llevar los Dlares ganados a la moneda local de tu pas y retirarlos.En este curso te llevar de la mano paso a paso hasta formarte como un profesional capaz de brindar tus servicios y cobrar ellos. Ordnalo ahora mismo y nos vemos en las clases tcnicas!PD.: He agregado un Recurso muy Importante para ayudarte a tener RESULTADOS: es un Plan de Accin por 90 das en el cual te indico qu hacer y dnde hacerlo, para que puedas generar buenos resultados en esta Profesin lo ms pronto posible."
Price: 24.99

"Redaccin de Contenido - Trabaja desde Casa como Redactor" |
"Redactor de Contenido se ha convertido en una de las profesiones ms demandadas en los ltimos aos, pero debido a la pandemia COVID-19 es BRUTAL la demanda de Redactor de Contenido, son muchas las empresas que han tenido que adaptarse al Teletrabajo en un tiempo rcord, segn el Banco Mundial.En esta situacin, es lgico que la figura del Redactor de Contenido sufra un gran repunte. Se convierte en un pilar imprescindible para el correcto funcionamiento de las empresas (y ms) en medio de este escenario. Segn un estudio llevado a cabo por una de las principales Plataformas de Teletrabajo Freelancer.com, su perfil se ha incrementado en un 31%. La compaa llev a cabo un anlisis en ms de 38 millones de empresas de 247 pases. Se lleg a la conclusin que en medio de esta crisis la demanda se ha duplicado y se calcula que siga creciendo ya que se ha convertido en una tendencia/necesidad Trabajar desde Casa.He creado este curso con mucha pasin e inters de ayudar a personas a tener libertad financiera, a lograr pasar mas tiempo haciendo lo que le gusta, a emprender desde su casa y generar importantes ingresos en estos tiempos tan inciertos, aprovechando esta gran oportunidad de ser Redactor de Contenido.Mi nombre es Nancy Trevethan soy Licenciada en Psicologa Social, dentro de mis certificaciones estn, las profesiones de teletrabajo por internet, tal como Publicidad, Asistente Virtual, Traductor, Creacin de Contenido, Transcriptor y Servicio al Cliente.Yo como Profesional de la Redaccin de Contenido por ms de 5 aos te formar en base a resultados reales que vivo cada da, esta cualidad me da la oportunidad de no solo ensearte las competencias de la profesin, si no tambin ensearte cuales son las Plataformas ms Populares de Teletrabajo y que mejor resultados estn dando, te ensear a Crear un Perfil Exitoso, te ensear a crear Propuestas Profesionales y Ganadoras para que consigas muchos Clientes, y an voy ms lejos: te ensear paso a paso a crear tus Cuentas Virtuales para recibir los Pagos de las distintas Plataformas y poder llevar los Dlares ganados a la moneda local de tu pas y retirarlos.En este curso te llevar de la mano paso a paso hasta formarte como un profesional capaz de brindar tus servicios y cobrar ellos. Ordnalo ahora mismo y nos vemos en las clases tcnicas!PD.: He agregado un Recurso muy Importante para ayudarte a tener RESULTADOS: es un Plan de Accin por 90 das en el cual te indico qu hacer y dnde hacerlo, para que puedas generar buenos resultados en esta Profesin lo ms pronto posible."
Price: 24.99
