"AZ-900 MS Azure Fundamentals -100% Pass Guarantee question" |
"AZ-900: Microsoft Azure Fundamentals All questions and answares in this practice test is based on below Theory topics of this Exam.Module 1 : Understand cloud concepts (15-20%)Describe the benefits and considerations of using cloud services understand terms such as High Availability, Availability, Elasticity, Agility, Fault Tolerance, and Disaster Recovery understand the principles of economies of scale understand the differences between Capital Expenditure (CapEx) and Operational Expenditure (OpEx) understand the consumption-based modelDescribe the differences between Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) describe Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) describe Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) describe Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) compare and contrast the three different service typesDescribe the differences between Public, Private and Hybrid cloud models describe Public cloud describe Private cloud describe Hybrid cloud compare and contrast the three different cloud modelsModule 2 : Understand core Azure services (30-35%)Understand the core Azure architectural components describe Regions describe Availability Zones describe Resource Groups describe Azure Resource manager describe the benefits and usage of core Azure architectural componentsDescribe some of the core products available in Azure describe products available for Compute such as Virtual Machines, Virtual Machine Scale Sets, App Service and Functions describe products available for Networking such as Virtual Network, Load Balancer, VPN Gateway, Application Gateway and Content Delivery Network describe products available for Storage such as Blob Storage, Disk Storage, File Storage, and Archive Storage describe products available for Databases such as CosmosDB, Azure SQL Database, Azure Database Migration service, and Azure SQL Data Warehouse describe the Azure Marketplace and its usage scenariosDescribe some of the solutions available on Azure describe Internet of Things (IoT) and products that are available for IoT on Azure such as IoT Fundamentals, IoT Hub and IoT Central describe Big Data and Analytics and products that are available for Big Data and Analytics such as SQL Data Warehouse, HDInsight and Data Lake Analytics describe Artificial Intelligence (AI) and products that are available for AI such as Azure Machine Learning Service and Studio describe Server less computing and Azure products that are available for serverless computing such as Azure Functions, Logic Apps and App grid describe the benefits and outcomes of using Azure solutionsUnderstand Azure management tools understand Azure tools such as Azure CLI, PowerShell, and the Azure Portal understand Azure AdvisorModule 3 :Understand security, privacy, compliance, and trust (25-30%)Understand securing network connectivity in Azure describe Azure Firewall describe Azure DDoS Protection describe Network Security Group (NSG) choose an appropriate Azure security solutionDescribe core Azure Identity services understand the difference between authentication and authorization describe Azure Active Directory describe Azure Multi-Factor AuthenticationDescribe security tools and features of Azure describe Azure Security understand Azure Security center usage scenarios describe Key Vault describe Azure Information Protection (AIP) describe Azure Advanced Threat Protection (ATP)Describe Azure governance methodologies describe Azure Policies describe Initiatives describe Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) describe Locks describe Azure Advisor security assistanceUnderstand monitoring and reporting options in Azure describe Azure Monitor describe Azure Service Health understand the use cases and benefits of Azure Monitor and Azure Service HealthUnderstand privacy, compliance and data protection standards in Azure understand industry compliance terms such as GDPR, ISO and NIST understand the Microsoft Privacy Statement describe the Trust center describe the Service Trust Portal describe Compliance Manager determine if Azure is compliant for a business need understand Azure Government services understand Azure Germany servicesModule 4 : Understand Azure pricing and support (25-30%)Understand Azure subscriptions describe an Azure subscription understand the uses and options with Azure subscriptionsUnderstand planning and management of costs understand options for purchasing Azure products and services understand options around Azure Free account understand the factors affecting costs such as resource types, services, locations, ingress and egress traffic understand Zones for billing purposes understand the Pricing calculator understand the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) calculator understand best practices for minimizing Azure costs such as performing cost analysis, creating spending limits and quotas, and using tags to identify cost owners; use Azure reservations; use Azure Advisor recommendations describe Azure Cost ManagementUnderstand the support options available with Azure understand support plans that are available such as Dev, Standard, Professional Direct and Premier understand how to open a support ticket understand available support channels outside of support plan channels describe the Knowledge CenterDescribe Azure Service Level Agreements (SLAs) describe a Service Level Agreement (SLA) determine SLA for a particular Azure product or serviceUnderstand service lifecycle in Azure understand Public and Private Preview features understand how to access Preview features understand the term General Availability (GA) monitor feature updates"
Price: 19.99

"Learn German" |
"This course is ideal for people who want to learn German from the comfort of their home. Emphasis is put on pronunciation practice which is one of the most challenging parts of German. Conversation, grammar clarifications, writing skills enhancement as well as colloquial language for all levels are a big part of this course."
Price: 34.99

"Mathematik Lineare Funktionen" |
"In diesem Kurs wird das Thema Lineare Funktionen aus der Mathematik vorgestellt. Der Kurs wurde ohne Computerprogramm erstellt, damit die Schler und Schlerinnen die gezeigten Methoden mit Stift und Papier oder digitalen Pads nachmachen knnen. Dieser Kurs zielt darauf ab, die Kursteilnehmer auf Klassenarbeiten hin zu trainieren. Auch behandelt der Kurs das Ansatzdenken, also das Trainieren von Textaufgaben. Der Kurs ist so aufgebaut, wie ich es auch seit 16 Jahren meinen Schlern in der Nachhilfe beibringe. Zu allen fnf Modulen stehen Testaufgaben mit Lsungsvideos zur Verfgung, um den Stoff vertieft ben zu knnen."
Price: 39.99

"Unreal Game Development : Substance & Material Design" |
"Eduonix brings you an unique course covering one of the most important skills required to be a professional game developer. This course will teach you to the art and science of Substance , material and surface design using Unreal game engine. This authoritative course offers a complete training on the principles and techniques of material design using Substance designer.Upon completing this course, you will be confident in creating all types of robust & flexible materials for video games.Why This Course Is Important?With this course, you will learn everything that is required to use & leverage the power of Substance Designer & Unreal Engine. As you will progress, you will confidently start creating different types of robust materials for games with industry-standard workflows.This course unfolds with the basic introduction to game designing, physically based rendering & Texel density. Once the basics are cleared, you will be introduced to more advanced concepts such as creating base materials, building the game environment with Unreal Engine & setting up a master material. You will get insights into utilizing materials instances, layered material construction, pseudo modeling, scene composition, lighting & others.What You Will Learn?1. Introduction, physically based rendering & Texel density2. Base materials, node-based language of substance designer & creating base materials3. Building the environment- using modular meshes, using UE plugins & importing Substance files4. UE material editor & layered material construction5. Pseudo modeling6. Lighting, scene composition, dynamic lighting settings & othersIf you are really looking to design mesmerizing games with unreal, then enroll and start your game design journey!"
Price: 79.99

"Google Search Console For SEO - Formerly Google Webmaster" |
"Use the free Google Search Console to:Monitor search ranking of each page for each keywordFind problems on your siteMake sure all your pages are crawled and indexed by GoogleGet hints of what to fix for SEORank higherGOOGLE SEARCH CONSOLE IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN EVEN GOOGLE ANALYTICSGoogle Analytics tells you what people are doing on your site and how many visitors you have. But if you are just starting out, you need to know information like what's wrong with your site, what you can improve. That's what Google Search Console is for.But Google Search Console is not just for new sites. All sites need to regularly use Google Search Console. That's where you'll find the most vital and important information about your site, especially as your site grows in pages and it becomes difficult to manage and track the ranking of each page for different keywords. That's what Google Search Console solves.Invest in yourself. Enroll today."
Price: 39.99

"Die perfekte Landingpage" |
"KUNDEN ""ABHOLEN""In diesem Workshop zeige ich dir, wie du Interessenten an die Hand nimmst und sicher zu deinen Angeboten fhrst.WENIGER KOSTENStatt immer in neuen Traffic zu investieren (AdWords, SEO), erziele zunchst mit vorhandenem Traffic grtmglichen Erfolg.VERKAUFS-TRICKSLerne verkaufspsychologische Tricks (Mentale Trigger), mit denen du den Erfolg deiner Landingpage weiter steigerst.BONUSIch zeige dir viele praktische Beispiele und erklre dir an echten Websites was gut gelst und was besser gelst werden knnte.AUS DEM INHALTIn diesem Video-Kurs zeige ich von A bis Z die Erstellung einer perfekten Landingpage. Wir starten bei den Grundlagen: Was ist eine Landingpage? Was unterscheidet eine Landingpage von einer Homepage, Sales- oder Squeezepage und was nutzt man wann im Marketing-Mix? Dann lernst du den Aufbau einer Landingpage und warum dieser so erfolgreich ist. Anschlieend besprechen wir die Verkaufspsychologie hinter jedem einzelnen Modul und ich zeige dir Verkaufstricks aus der Praxis (Mentale Trigger).Was ist eine Landingpage?Landingpages sind im Marketing ein uerst erfolgreiches Instrument. Aber was genau ist eigentlich eine Landingpage?Landingpage im Marketing-MixWie unterscheidet sich die Landingpage von einer Home-, Sales-, Squeezepage? Und wann sollte man was im Marketing-Mix einsetzen?Das Geheimnis des ErfolgsDer Erfolgs einer Landingpage liegt im strategischen Aufbau der Landingpage. Jedes Modul hat eine konkrete Funktionen.Verkaufs-PsychologieIn diesem Kursteil lernst du die Marketing-Psychologie, die hinter dem Aufbau der Landingpage steckt und diese derart erfolgreich macht.Verkaufstricks fr ProfisJeder Mensch reagiert auf andere Schlsselreize. Welche Mentalen Trigger knnen wir nutzen, um Interessenten durch den Verkaufsprozess zu fhren?Praxis-BeispielAm Beispiel echter Landingpages erklre ich den Einssatz der verschiedenen Module, was gut und was htte besser gelst werden knnen."
Price: 94.99

"Chios Healing Master Level 3 Ancient Healing in Modern World" |
"Welcome to your third and last level in Chios healing the master healer level, this is where you will begin to work with color and light in healing and learn some powerful new techniques such as Chakra charging and while this may sound like you just place your hands on the Chakra that needs charging as it may be done in other healing modalities. However Chios healing has a unique way of recharging undercharged Chakras not seen before. also you will be learning how to balance Chakras now when I say balance Chakras what you will be learning is how to increase the activity in a under active Chakra and reduce the activity in a over active Chakra again using a unique approach only used in Chios healing techniques.Now to use any of these techniques you will be bringing all you have learned from level one and level two Chios healing making Chios healing a very unique healing modality.Another healing technique you will be learning in the master level is healing structural defects of the Chakra system and how to become one with the Chakra you are healing, but to do this technique you will have to have some knowledge of getting yourself out of the way by practicing the orange ball meditation as this meditation will enhance your ability to all energy to work through you rather than by you.You will also learn a powerful technique for working on the outer layer of the aura the seventh layer using the energy from the person and magnifying that to heal the seventh layer of the aura.You are also going to learn a very new technique that has only been introduced to Chios in recent years form the ancient healing methods and it is the most powerful healing method that is very rarely used but is used in extreme cases where lingering illness and relapse occurs and I actually leave this technique until last to teach you but you can see for yourself in the lesson.And before you even get to learning any of these techniques I will be teaching you other techniques of viewing the layers of the aura so that you will be able to establish if a Chakra is under active or over active you will also learn to detect structural defects in the Chakras , not forgetting learning how to use the symbols you learned in level two with color and working with light in your healing work.What you will learnChios Healing level 3 DemonstrationUsing Color and light in healingLearning to visualize correctlyThe seven true colors of the auraUsing Chios Symbols with Colorvisualize colored symbolsLearning to view the aura layersImperfections you may find in the layers of the auraChios 3 Chakra System Sensing and Viewing over all Healthunderstand and sense the ChakrasChakra ChargingBalancing the chakrasRadiatory Chakra HealingSeventh layer focal healingDistance and Self HealingChios Level 3 Treatments step by stepFrisson HealingDownloads listChios Level 3 Treatment Positions. pdf Chios Orange red Ball Meditation. mp3 Chios Level 3 Manual. pdf Chios level 3 work book. pdf"
Price: 94.99

"SAP CRM Technical Training for Beginner to Expert Level" |
"Introduction to SAP CRM & Structure of Web Client UIIntroduction to CRMBasic understanding of User Interface Technologies in SAPBSP vs WEB DynproEvolution of the Web Client User InterfaceNavigation in the Web User InterfacePersonalization of the Web User InterfaceNavigation BarHeader AreaWork AreaLogging on to the CRM Web Client and PrerequisitesRole ConceptRole concept in generalConcept of Business RoleNavigation Bar ProfileOrganization Model & Role AssignmentEnhancing and Customizing the Navigation BarConfiguring the Navigation BarNavigation from the Navigation BarConcept of Logical Links, Work Center Group Links and Direct LinksIntegrating a Transaction LauncherPrerequisites and LimitationsCreating New TransactionsIntegration into the Navigation Bar ProfileCreating and Assigning a Role Configuration KeyAdding / Deactivating a Work Center PageCustomizing Work AreaCustomizing the Work AreaUI Configuration ToolConfiguration Access SequenceCalling the UI Configuration ToolTechnical Information (F2 Key)Structure of the UI Configuration ToolDesign LayerEnhancing Work AreaEnhancing the Work AreaAET vs UI Configuration ToolAET vs EEWBStarting Application Enhancement Tool ( AET )Creating new Field / Table extension with the AETCreating a Design Object and usageWeb Client UI FrameworkBasics of FrameworkBSP Programming ModelTag LibrariesComponent Structure BrowserRuntime Repository EditorBOL Model BrowserComponentization with CRM 7.0 and its ArchitectureMVC ConceptViews / View sets /WindowGenil Model Browser, Genil BOL Browser and Genil Model EditorController and ContextControllers - Component and CustomHTMs coding for table/form and empty viewRuntime Repository structuresNavigation Concept and LinksRepository.XMLDifferent Standard classes used and their hierarchyModel / View/ Controller classesHandler/Iterator ClassesComponent Interface and Component UsageForm / Table / Tree ViewsView vs Viewset / Overview PagesWork Center PagesEnhancing Existing UI ComponentsEnhancement Set OverviewEnhancing UI ComponentsView Configurations GenIL Generic Interaction LayerGenil Object ModelConcept of GenIL Component and Component SetGenil Objects & Relation between themTypes of GenIL ObjectsSample GenIL ModelHow to build a GenIL Model from scratchMain Interfaces & Classes in GenILBOL - Business Object LayerBOL Entity and CollectionWorking with Collection ( Access / Sort /Filter)BOL Core and related classesTransaction ContextObject related MethodsLocking / Accessing BOL EntitiesTips & TricksWhere-Used List for UI ComponentUsage of wizards in Ehp1 and higher versions to generate a UI ComponentExternal DebuggingHow to see data in DebuggingFinding the message sourceHow to Enhance UI Components without using AETBehavioural Extensibility using BAdIsHow to find the GenIL component and API behind a UI componentPractical Examples Search, Header & Main components, NavigationMiscellaneousBasics of Master Data in SAP CRMIntroduction to External List Management ( ELM )Data exchange with Middleware between CRM and R/3Overview of Interactive ReportingSCN and conclusion"
Price: 199.99

"SAP Solution Manager Certification Training Basic to Advance" |
"Introduction to Solution ManagerIntroduction to CourseGoals and ObjectiveSolution Manager OverviewSAP Support OfferingsSAP Support ConceptEnterprise Support Readiness CheckApplication Lifecycle ManagementEnterprise Support Readiness CheckOperation ConceptIntroduction to Solution Manager Work CentersIntroduction to Solution Manager User InterfaceUsing SolMan WorkCentreThird Party ExtensionsSolution Manager Adaptability and ExtensibilitySAP Test Data Migration Server (TDMS)SAP Landscape Transformation (SAP LT)Process Scheduling Adapter for Central Process Scheduling by RedwoodSolMan Landscape DesignArchitecture and LandscapeArchitecture of SAP Solution ManagerSoftware Components of SolManAdd-Ons and Plug-Ins for SAP Solution ManagerHow to define Number of Solution Manager SystemsTypical Managed System StructureAgent Landscape InfrastructureAgent Landscape InfrastructureSAP Solution Manager and Managed SystemsSizing, Installation and UpgradeSolution Manager SizingSAP Solution Manager ScenariosConcurrent Active UsersSystem CategoryImpact on Managed SystemsSAP Sizing ToolSolution Manager Installation OverviewSoftware Components of SolManInstallation procedure of a SAP Solution Manager systemAvailable DocumentationSolution Manager InstallationSAP Solution Manager Upgrade OverviewImpact of an SAP Solution Manager UpgradeUpgrade an SAP Solution Manager SystemSAP Solution Manager Upgrade using Upgrade ManagerSLD and LMDBSystem Landscape Directory (SLD)SLD Data ConsumersSLD Landscape Handling and CIMSLD Data SupplierSLD Register Java and ABAP SystemsSLD AdministrationSLD TopologyLandscape Management Database (LMDB)LMDB OverviewSLD, LMDB and SMSY ConfigurationSystem Landscape Directory (SLD) JavaConfiguration of SAP Solution ManagerPrerequisites for Solution Manager ConfigurationSTMS configurationRFC Connection to SAPOSSSAP S-UserSupport Package Stack LevelsClient CopyProfile ParametersDiagnostics Agent SoftwareConfiguration of SAP Solution ManagerAutomatic Basic ConfigurationAutomatic Basic Configuration User InterfaceAutomatic Basic Configuration - Roadmap SystemAutomatic Basic Configuration - Update FlagSAP Solution Manager System PreparationSystem Preparation - RoadMapCreate User and Check InstallationSpecify Connectivity DataImplementation of SAP NoteConfigure Connectivity / Web ServiceCompleteBasic ConfigurationBasic Configuration - RoadmapSpecify SolutionSpecify User & Connectivity DataConfigure CA InteroscopeConfigure ManuallyConfigure AutomaticallyMaintain System in IbaseCreate Scenario Configuration UseCompleteConfigure SLDManaged Systems Configuration - OverviewManaged Systems Configuration RoadmapAssign ProductCheck PrerequisitesMaintain RFCsAssign Diagnostics AgentEnter System ParametersMaintain UsersFinalize ConfigurationCheck ConfigurationCompleteSolution Manager AuthorizationSolution Manager Authorization ConceptSAP Solution Manager Authorization MatrixAuthorization Concept in GeneralWork Center RolesNavigation RolesSolution Manager Authorization ConceptSolution Manager Composite RolesBusiness Partner ConceptBusiness Partner CategoriesBusiness Partner TypesBusiness Partners (BP)Create Business Partner using BP_GENAutomatic Generation of Business PartnersSAP EarlyWatch ReportsSAP EarlyWatch Alert ConfigurationEWA Concept and DefinitionBenefitConfiguration StepsMonitoring with EarlyWatch AlertService Data Control Center (SDCCN)SOLMAN_EWA_ADMIN (Work Center)EWA ReportCreation of an SAP EarlyWatch Alert Report.Manual Creation of an SAP EarlyWatch Alert ReportSDCCN - Refresh SessionSolution Manager AdministrationLandscape AdministrationSAP Solution Manager AdministrationAdministering the LandscapeMaintain System in LMDBInfrastructure AdministrationInfrastructure ComponentsManaging Diagnostic AgentsAgent AdministrationExtractor FrameworkAlerting FrameworkRoot Cause Analysis ContentIntroscope Enterprise Manager (EM)Offline Log ViewerLandscape Administration and ConfigurationSelf DiagnosisSelf MonitoringManaging SolutionsSolutions in SAP Solution ManagerSolution DesignAdministration Work Center - SolutionsLandscape Technical AdministrationConfiguring NotificationUse of Notification ManagementFeatures of Notification ManagementPersonalizing Notification SettingsLDAP Server and SMS ServerRecipients and Recipient ListsWork Mode ManagementWork Mode ManagementPlan a DowntimeCreate and Check the NotificationsCreate a Monitoring Pause for CCMS MonitoringManage Business HoursSAP Engagement and Service DeliverySAP Engagement and Service Delivery OverviewCollaboration ScenarioSAP Engagement and Service Delivery WorkcenterEngagement ProcessIssue and Top Issue ManagementThe Collaboration ProcessWhat Is an Issue?Issues vs FunctionalityHow to Create Issues & Top IssueRef Issue and Top issueCreate TaskManaging Background JobsJob Scheduling Management and ChallengesJob Request to Job MonitoringJob Scheduling Management - Process FlowJob Scheduling Management with SAP Solution ManagerCreating Job RequestJob RequestJob Request with Service Desk integrationControlling End User JobsJob InterceptionControlling end-user scheduled jobsJob DocumentationJob Documentation (Basic functions)Job Documentation General InformationJob Documentation SystemScheduling Step"
Price: 199.99

"Quiz Edexcel GCSE Chinese (1CN0-01F) Listen -Foundation Tier" |
"This Quiz is based on (1CN0-01) 2017 SAM Specimen Paper. There are total 14 , Questions. answer in English. We modify into quiz with best possible vocabulary explanations in deep deep details.Please refer to the Video Course ""Edexcel GCSE Chinese (1CN0-01F) Listening - Foundation tier"" for the audio in Mandarin and Cantonese. IntroductionThe Pearson Edexcel Level 1/Level 2 GCSE (91) in Chinese (spoken Mandarin/spoken Cantonese)is designed for use in schools and colleges. It is part of a suite of GCSE qualifications offered by Pearson.(First teaching from September 2017 First certification from June 2019)(Replace (5CN01/1F) Listening; (5CN02 Speaking); (5CN03/3F) Reading, Last exam in 2018) Foundation tierPaper 1: (1CN0/1F) Listening and understanding in Chinese Time: 30 minutes and 5 minutes reading. 14 Questions, answer in English."
Price: 29.99

"Plan and Manage Communications (PMI - PMP)" |
"The Plan and Manage Communications (PMI - PMP) is course 19 of 28 of the Project Management Professional Certification Program (PMI-PMP). Regardless of the nature of your project, you're a bridge builder. That's your job as a project manager. To build bridges between all of the stakeholders, both inside and outside your company. And communication is how you do it. It's what you'll use to keep everyone informed, engaged, and all pulling in the same direction. In this course, you'll learn how to create a communications management plan. And then how to manage the flow of information in accordance with the plan.1. Project Communications Overview2. Inputs to Plan Communications Management3. Communication Requirements Analysis4. Communication Channels5. Communication Models6. Communication Methods and Technologies7. Outputs of Plan Communications Management8. Inputs to Manage Communications9. Tools and Techniques of Manage Communications 10. Outputs of Manage Communications11. Exercise: Plan and Manage Project CommunicationsThats it! Now go ahead and push that Take this course button, and see you on the inside!"
Price: 24.99

"Hands-On Keras for Machine Learning Engineers" |
"** Mike's courses are popular with many of our clients."" Josh Gordon, Developer Advocate, Google **Welcome to Hands-On Keras for Machine Learning Engineers. This course is your guide to deep learning in Python with Keras. You will discover the Keras Python library for deep learning and how to use it to develop and evaluate deep learning models.There are two top numerical platforms for developing deep learning models, they are Theano developed by the University of Montreal and TensorFlow developed at Google. Both were developed for use in Python and both can be leveraged by the super simple to use Keras library. Keras wraps the numerical computing complexity of Theano and TensorFlow providing a concise API that we will use to develop our own neural network and deep learning models. Keras has become the gold standard in the applied space for rapid prototyping deep learning models. My name is Mike West and I'm a machine learning engineer in the applied space. I've worked or consulted with over 50 companies and just finished a project with Microsoft. I've published over 50 courses and this is 55 on Udemy. If you're interested in learning what the real-world is really like then you're in good hands.Who is this course for? This course is for developers, machine learning engineers and data scientists that want to learn how to get the most out of Keras. You do not need to be a machine learning expert, but it would be helpful if you knew how to navigate a small machine learning problem using SciKit-Learn. Basic concepts like cross-validation and one hot encoding used in lessons and projects are described, but only briey. With all of this in mind, this is an entry level course on the Keras library. What are you going to Learn? How to develop and evaluate neural network models end-to-end.How to use more advanced techniques required for developing state-of-the-art deep learning models.How to build larger models for image and text data.How to use advanced image augmentation techniques in order to lift model performance.How to get help with deep learning in Python.The anatomy of a Keras model. Evaluate the Performance of a deep learning Keras model.Build end-to end regression and classification models in Keras. How to use checkpointing to save the best model run. How to reduce overtting With Dropout Regularization.How to enhance performance with Learning Rate Schedules. Work through a crash course on Convolutional Neural Networks. This course is a hands on-guide. It is a playbook and a workbook intended for you to learn by doing and then apply your new understanding to your own deep learning Keras models. To get the most out of the course, I would recommend working through all the examples in each tutorial. If you watch this course like a movie you'll get little out of it. In the applied space machine learning is programming and programming is a hands on-sport. Thank you for your interest in Hands-On Keras for Machine Learning Engineers.Let's get started!"
Price: 19.99

"Blender For Beginners + Learn to Create A Cartoon Character" |
"Do you want to create awesome 3D models and characters as seen on movies?Then this is a good for course for you if you are new to blender welcome and if you have any knowledge about it then awesomeit would be an extra advantage for you. Else it is ok this is a course for beginners and bonus you can learn about how to create a basic cartoon character a minion in the despicable me movieWhat's in this course?In this course you can learn blender from scratch(The very beginning) we'll start from a single object an model some basic things after that we'll create our cartoon character.After that, we'll UV Unwrap it. Of course, these words are not very familiar with you lets learn all of these in the next videos. After that, we'll texture paint it, rig it and at last make a small walk animation and a hand waving animation.Is this course for you?If you love to learn 3D modeling and animating but don't have any knowledge.This is for you you can learn everything in blender from start to the end. we'll start from scratch.What'll you get in the end?You can learn How to create any simple model or cartoon character in blender and make a small animation at last. And you'll get a nice 3D Character and an animation made by you.I'll give my model too and you can use that for any project."
Price: 109.99

"Wellbeing, Stress Management, & Emotional Resilience PART 2" |
"The comprehensive guide for intermediate level students to improve wellbeing, prevent or manage stress levels and reduce mild anxiety.This course is PACKED full of tips and techniques that top achievers use to remain full of energy, motivation and reduce stress.It gives you proven, easy to use (and in some cases FUN) ways of taking back control of your thinking, feelings... and LIFE in general !In my research interviews with highly effective top achievers from all walks of life they have given me these tips that have helped thousands of delegates over the last twenty years to take control of their thoughts, feelings and reactions.It includes;What is stress really costing you?Work with what is trueThe causes and consequences of stressThe line of consequenceControl, security and acceptance Advanced closed eye relaxation processTaking responsibilitySetting goalsPurposeBehavioural understandingLetting it go...Call to action... and SO MUCH MORE BESIDES"
Price: 19.99

"Leadership & Assertive Supervision" |
"Leadership is why organizations and their people, succeed or fail. The fact that you are interested in learning more about leadership speaks a great deal about you, AND your future success.Whether you are new to leadership, or whether youve been in a leadership role for some time now, this class is for you. I have traveled the country teaching Leadership and Assertive Supervision to hundreds of law enforcement officials and other civic leaders, both at the local and federal level, as well as international corporations including the majority of the Las Vegas Casino Resorts and other small businesses in between. One thing is certain, leadership is the key to a thriving organization.Business schools are heavy on process and management, but usually very light on leadership skills. Wait, isnt leadership and management the same thing? Nope! And that is something we discuss in this course at length.Youve made it this far already, why not take a FREE look at the first section? After you do, Im sure you will want to sign up and listen to the rest of the course. I promise you, this course will help bring out the leader in you!"
Price: 39.99

"Coaching Profesional - Curso Acreditado" |
"Estudia en confianza con la Dra. Karen E Wells: Instructora de Bestsellers con ms de 71.000 estudiantes de Udemy (ms de 43.000 estudiantes comprando cursos adicionales) en 177 pases!Curso con Diploma de Orientacin Profesional totalmente acreditado-Acreditacin en Orientacin Profesional, para llevar tus habilidades de terapia a un nuevo nivel-Este es un curso con diploma profesional que est totalmente acreditado por la CTAA - Asociacin de Terapeutas Complementarios Acreditados.Este curso incluye mdulos de video as como un Manual de Entrenamiento para profundizar los aprendizajes. Nuestro curso On Line con diploma en Orientacin Profesional ha sido cuidadosamente diseado para proporcionarte a ti toda la informacin necesaria para ayudarte a convertirte en un consejero profesional.El asesoramiento es un rea muy necesaria en la terapia, despus de todo, la mayora de las personas en algn momento de sus vidas se sentirn inseguras o incluso abrumadas por problemas tanto fsicos como emocionales. Como resultado, es posible que tengan dificultades para encontrar una direccin clara y necesiten a alguien fuera de su crculo familiar y de amigos con quien hablar.Como consejero, es importante desarrollar habilidades de escucha activa, ya que esto constituye la base para el xito y las sesiones de terapia proactiva. Este curso te proporcionar una base en los aspectos tericos del asesoramiento y contiene mdulos fciles de aprender con los que puedes trabajar a tu propio ritmo.Este curso es ideal para aadir a tus habilidades existentes como terapeuta o si desea establecer una prctica privada como Consejero.Nuestros mdulos de fcil aprendizaje incluyen:Introduccin a su curso de diploma de asesoramiento profesional totalmente acreditadoSu Diploma de Asesoramiento Profesional Totalmente Acreditado Manual de Formacin del Curso PDFHabilidades de asesoramientoEscuchaRelacin consejero - pacienteEvaluacin y progesin del pacienteComprender a los pacientes y sus problemasLidiar con dificultadesHabilidades claves de OrientacinResumen final y preguntas de auto-evaluacinY mucho ms!Karen ha trabajado en el campo de Vidas Pasadas por ms de 12 aos. Adems de tener una exitosa prctica de Vidas Pasadas en el Reino Unido, tambin ha trabajado en todo el mundo (Reino Unido, Europa, EE.UU., Australia, Lejano Oriente) enseando las materias de Vidas Pasadas y Entre Vidas. Karen fue miembro del equipo de formacin del Instituto Newton (TNI) en 2009 y 2011. Tambin ha trabajado con los renombrados profesores espirituales Mike Robinson y Jo Le-Rose. Combinando la regresin con tcnicas de curacin, el material y las tcnicas de este curso no se encuentran en ningn otro lugar. Karen es la autora de dos libros de gran xito de ventas: Regresin de vidas pasadas; Explorando el pasado para sanar el presente y la hipnoterapia; Una solucin simple en un mundo complejo. Este es un curso con diploma profesional que est totalmente acreditado por la CTAA - Asociacin de Terapeutas Complementarios Acreditados."
Price: 94.99

Do-Ga |
Price: 4800.00

"Video Marketing Social Media para Negocio" |
"Descubre los Secretos del Vdeo Marketing para Redes Sociales. Sabas que el Video Marketing es una de las formas ms rpidas y fciles de vender tu producto en Internet?.El marketing de vdeo tiene la capacidad de llamar la atencin y ayudarte a establecer tu autoridad de maneras que ninguna otra forma de marketing puede abordar; por lo que es absolutamente vital que comiences a aprovechar este tipo de marketing en tu estrategia de Redes Sociales tan pronto como sea posible.En este curso nos vamos a centrar tanto en la produccin (aprenders a hacer vdeo increbles en 5 minutos, con un resultado super profesional para tus redes sociales a travs de Invideo) como en el Marketing para Video.En este Curso de Video Marketing no te perders ninguna de las claves, cruciales, importantes cuando se trata de: Utilizar el Marketing de tus vdeos en Redes Sociales correctamente para obtener las mximas vistas posibles Crear el vdeo correctamente segn cada Red Social para sacar el mximo provecho posible a este formato y catapultar tu negocio. Crear y establecer tu Estrategia de Video Marketing para tus Redes Sociales. Conocer las mejores prcticas para el Vdeo Marketing en Instagram, Youtube, LinkedIn, Facebook y Snapchat.. Aprenders a medir resultados para saber si tu Video est funcionando o no.Y luego en este curso aprenders a crear vdeos increibles para cada una de las Redes Sociales en menos de 5 minutos. Para eso no necesitars ser un experto en edicin de vdeo o marketing de vdeo o ser tan creativo para crear videos con un look completamente profesional. Ests buscando un creador de video promocional? Tienes problemas para hacer un video de introduccin? Desea crear anuncios para su negocio inmobiliario? No hay problema.Te ensear a utilizar el editor de vdeo InVideo y a utilizar sus muchas plantillas pre-hechas que son fciles de trabajar y se pueden cambiar fcilmente para adaptarse a sus necesidades. Tendrs literalmente tener un anuncio profesional perfectamente hecho en cuestin de minutos.Esta formacin exclusiva te llevar de la mano y te mostrar paso a paso, tema por tema y herramienta por herramienta, lo que realmente necesitas saber para dominar la edicin de video y el Video Marketing en Redes Sociales de la manera ms fcil posible, utilizando las herramientas ms efectivas en el menor tiempo posible.Al inscribirte este curso, dars el primer paso a aprender en profundidad cmo crear y compartir videos fantsticos y de alta calidad que acelerarn tus ventas y catapultarn tu negocio.Si quieres construir tu marca personal, el uso de vdeo es uno de los mejores medios para hacerlo, ya mostrars a tus seguidores saber quin eres y a empezar a hacer ventas.Empecemos!"
Price: 34.99

"Escultura Digital com o Blender" |
"Nesse curso voc aprender a usar o Blender do zero, desde os conceitos bsicos e ferramentas fundamentais da interface at os conceitos e processos que precisa pra criar modelos orgnicos com o Blender. Voc ver:- Interface, navegao e ferramentas fundamentais;- Ferramentas e processos de escultura digital;- Exerccios prticos de escultura dgital;- Retopologia;- Mapeamento;- Normal Maps;- Texturizao e configurao de materiais."
Price: 99.99

"How to create responsive HTML and CSS in Moodle content" |
"In this course you will learn how to add various content components to the Moodle Learning Management System. You will learn how to make the content more responsive so that it is viewable on mobile devices, tablets and desktop devices. You will learn how to import content from a Word document as clean HTML into Moodle. You will also learn how to make templates and use HTML and CSS to quickly make changes to your content and make it much easier to manage and create quality looking and highly functional content. You will learn quite a lot about HTML and CSS and even more about how you can use Moodle to create and manage content in a much more efficient manner. This course does assume that you have administrator access to Moodle or at least access to an administrator that can install a plugin, templates and create courses for you. Many Moodle themes are designed to be more responsive but sometimes the content that is created inside Moodle is far from responsive and suffers mainly because content developers are not taught the different ways they can develop content for Moodle. During the course you will discover tips and hints to create better content for Moodle."
Price: 49.99

"How to play guitar for beginners in 10 weeks" |
"This course is a 10 week series that will take you from zero to confident acoustic rhythm guitar player in only 10 weeks.By week 10 you will be confidently playing guitar, strumming chords and be comfortable enough to learn more about advanced guitar techniques.In each lesson you will learn one or two new chords, a new technique on guitar, some basic music theory and you will learn to play through a song or chord chart. Each lesson will give you some music to play along with and each lesson will finish by giving you a song to practice.This course takes you right from the very beginning of your guitar playing journey, starting with 'What are the parts on a guitar'....."
Price: 49.99

"How to use Moodle 3.7 for course creators and teachers" |
"Have you just started with Moodle and found all the information is scattered everywhere over the internet?Then this is exactly what you need.Everything you need to know in the one place that will show you how to complete all the common tasks that a course creator or teacher needs to work with Moodle.Bonus tricks and tips section showing you easier ways to create content and activities.Course development walk throughs with examples demonstrating how to create a course from scratch and how to setup grade book.This course will continue to evolve and provide the most up to date and useful course development instructions.This course will get you on the right track, provide all the information you need to not only get started but to continue to learn and improve your Moodle course development skills.How do I use Grade-book? How do I use Scales or how do I use Letter?How do I make my course look awesome?If there is a topic you need , let me know and it will be added to the course. This course will grow with you and become a reference to help you as you start using new tools and plugins in Moodle."
Price: 199.99

"How to create a child theme for Moodle" |
"In this course I will take you step by step through the process to create a child theme based on the Moodle Boost theme.We will cover:How to create the child themeHow to install the child themeMaking theme development easierTesting the child themeHow to add CSS to the child themeHow to override templatesThis course will be presented using Moodle 3.7 and will use the Boost theme as a basis for the Moodle child theme.The concept of this course is for you to learn quickly and put your learning into practice straight away. As a result, there will be technical terminology that you may not understand and there will be some information that is not explained in detail because it requires its own course. In these cases I will try to provide you with additional information or a place to find the additional information so that you can move on quickly to achieving your goals of learning how to create a child theme."
Price: 49.99

"Using Google Sites to Create a Teaching or Training Module" |
"GOOGLE SITES is a boon! One of the best FREE applications available from Google. If you want a quick and easy way of creating a teaching or training module, just use Google sites. It may not have all the bell and whistles but all intent and purposes, you can create a fully functional website or teaching module in no time. This is not an exaggeration. Google site really is a very simple application that enables anyone to create a teaching or training module at the eleventh hour. Give it a try."
Price: 29.99

"How Many ""Megapixels"" Do You Really Need?" |
"Most photographers today have cameras that are not a good fit for their type of photography. They purchased their cameras based on biased reviews they saw on the Internet without giving adequate consideration to the fundamental question - ""How Many Megapixels Do I Really Need?""This course will help you to optimize your photography by enabling you to find your ""megapixel sweet spot"". By having a camera with just the right number (and type) of pixels, you'll not only save time and money, but you'll also put the fun back into your photography! Here's the course outline:1. Introduction & Course Overview2. What are Pixels, Megapixels & Sensors?3. Can you have too many (or too few) Megapixels?4. What is your ""Megapixel Sweet Spot""?Bonus Video - Want to ""Triple"" your cameras' megapixels?."
Price: 19.99

"Coding for beginners with Java" |
"Java is a popular object-oriented programming language. Java is intended to be highly portable, allowing code compiled on one platform to be run on another (using the Java virtual machine architecture), even if the CPUs and operating systems of the two systems are completely different. Java is intended to be secure and is intended to be general-purpose.There are lots of applications and websites that will not work unless you have Java installed,from laptops to datacenters, game consoles to scientific supercomputers, cell phones to the Internet, Java is everywhere!and more are created every day. Java is fast, secure, and reliable. NetBeans is an open-source integrated development environment (IDE) for developing with Java, PHP, C++,and other programming languages.The NetBeans IDE can boost your productivity when you're working with Java.NetBeans IDE is a popular IDE for Java application development. It has editors, code analyzers,and converters, allows yot to quickly and smoothly upgrade your applications to use new Java language constructs, such as lambdas, functional operations, and method references.This course provides a very simple and quick introduction to creating Java applications using the NetBeans IDE workflow by walking you through the creation of a Java application.once you are done with this course, you will have a general knowledge of how tocreate and run Java applications in the NetBeans IDE."
Price: 19.99

"Vintage Classics Hawker Hurricane flying review X Plane 11." |
"The Hawker Hurricane is a British single-seat fighter aircraft of the 1930s40s that was designed and predominantly built by Hawker Aircraft Ltd. for service with the Royal Air Force (RAF). It was overshadowed in the public consciousness by the Supermarine Spitfire's role during the Battle of Britain in 1940, but the Hurricane inflicted 60 per cent of the losses sustained by the Luftwaffe in the engagement, and fought in all the major theatres of the Second World War.The Hurricane originated from discussions between RAF officials and aircraft designer Sir Sydney Camm about a proposed monoplane derivative of the Hawker Fury biplane in the early 1930s. Despite an institutional preference for biplanes and lack of interest from the Air Ministry, Hawker refined their monoplane proposal, incorporating several innovations which became critical to wartime fighter aircraft, including retractable landing gear and the more powerful Rolls-Royce Merlin engine. The Air Ministry ordered Hawker's Interceptor Monoplane in late 1934, and the prototype Hurricane K5083 performed its maiden flight on 6 November 1935.In June 1936, the Hurricane went into production for the Air Ministry; it entered squadron service on 25 December 1937. Its manufacture and maintenance was eased by using conventional construction methods so that squadrons could perform many major repairs without external support. The Hurricane was rapidly procured prior to the outbreak of the Second World War in September 1939, when the RAF had 18 Hurricane-equipped squadrons in service. The aircraft was relied on to defend against German aircraft operated by the Luftwaffe, including dogfighting with Messerschmitt Bf 109s in multiple theatres of action.The Hurricane was developed through several versions, into bomber-interceptors, fighter-bombers, and ground support aircraft as well as fighters. Versions designed for the Royal Navy known as the Sea Hurricane had modifications enabling operation from ships. Some were converted as catapult-launched convoy escorts. By the end of production in July 1944, 14,487 Hurricanes had been completed in Britain, Canada, Belgium and Yugoslavia."
Price: 19.99

"Curso Completo de Vendas" |
"O curso Desvendando o Segredo de Vendas foi preparado pelos empresrios e coaches Dbora Arajo e Robson Camargo, seus instrutores ao longo dessa jornada, que ir prepar-lo e ensin-lo com o que h de mais atualizado e importante para o processo de vendas.Experincia e aplicao de conhecimentos reunidos em um curso ideal para voc. Seja bem vindo!"
Price: 99.99

"CV Hazrlama, Mlakat Teknikleri, Kariyer Ynetimi, Planlama" |
"Hakkn olan maa kazanmak, istediin terfiyi almak ya da baarl olacak giriimler balatmak gibi profesyonel baar gereklidir. Profesyonel baar ise Marka olmaktan geer. Kendi markalaman oluturamazsan eer kimsenin nne geemez ve kariyerini yldzlar seviyesine kartamazsn.. Bakalarnn marka olmas iin zamann ve potansiyelini harcarsn..Kariyerin bir anlk bir heves deil hayatnn ta kendisidir. Kariyerini ele almak yaamn ve hayatn ele almak demektir. Kariyer admlarn basamak basamak kmak deil mesele daha ksa srede daha hzl kma becerileri ile kendimizi donatabilmektir."
Price: 49.99

"Laravel for Beginners" |
"This course is a whole new series for students who are eager to learn new web development technologies. Don't worry if you are lay man, this course will guide you from A to Z in detail. Practical demonstration is the major element of this course. After completing this course, you will learn the following:What is Laravel?How to install and use Laravel?What things are required before Laravel?What is MVC architecture? [Concept]What is Model? [Concept]What is View? [Concept]What is Controller? [Concept]What is Blade Template Engine? [Practical Demonstration]How to create master pages (Layouts)? [Practical Demonstration]How to pass data using query string? [Practical Demonstration]What are Route Parameters (Wild Cards)? [Practical Demonstration]Routing in Laravel [Practical Demonstration]Views in Laravel [Practical Demonstration]Controllers in Laravel [Practical Demonstration]Models in Laravel [Practical Demonstration]C.R.U.D Operations with MySQL databaseMuch More..."
Price: 199.99

"Abnormal Psychology and Human Manupulation" |
"The Abnormal Psychology course is a basic reference course for all professionals working in the field of mental disorders, psychiatrists, clinical psychologists, psychologists, psychological counselors, physicians, social workers, psychiatric nurses and academics who train students in these areas.This course addressed both abnormal psychology issues and aimed to provide information to trainees on social and psychological manipulation issues. This course will be very useful for the value judgments of the individual in the correct decision and correct criterion for ourselves and for others.In each part of the course, cases of mental disorders are presented first, then clinical diagnoses of the disorders are made, and evaluations and changes from different perspectives are included. In addition, the individual's diagnostic criteria, etiology and epidemiology of disorders, the effects of heredity and environment on disorders, biological and social and cultural effects are presented by blending with the data obtained from the most recent research. All this is presented in a way everyone can understand, without the need for an academic background or terminology. The course, which also provides information about the therapeutic approaches and drug treatments that will be effective in the treatment of mental disorders, is a unique resource with its rich content.Abnormal Psychology and Manipulation course; We believe that it will be an important guide for professionals and students, it will contribute to the solution of the problems of people who need help, and to the diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders."
Price: 24.99
