"Body Language Course" |
"Sometimes we want to hide what we talked about or not. It is tempting to hide our thoughts, what passes through our minds, what we want to say but cannot say While our mouth is silent, our eyes shout sometimes but not; We have closed ourselves in communication somehow. This course will teach you how and in what way we throw out what we want to hide and what we want to explain, how we use it, how we should use it. And the interesting part of the work is that our body language can explain what our language cannot say most of the time. We cannot deny it either. We were afraid to look in the eyes so that we would give ourselves. Of course, body language is not just a case of emotions that we want to hide. At its core lies much deeper meanings. What we say is that a few body language movements that we do, knowingly or unknowingly, give us more than enough."
Price: 24.99

"Reflexology Course" |
"Reflexology is known as an alternative treatment method that is performed by applying massage and pressure on the hands and ears, mostly on the feet. After the news in the press, citizens who did not know about this issue started to do research to get information about reflexology. So what is reflexology? Here are all the details about reflexology ...Reflexology is an application method based on the principle of the presence of guiding reflex areas related to all parts of the body, organs and glands in the hands, soles and ears. Reflexology does not include the diagnosis, treatment or joint mobilization and manipulation of certain diseases. Reflexology is often applied to the patient's feet, hands, or ears by hands. Less frequently, tools such as massage device, massage stick, massage shaft can be used. This course will tell you exactly these and details."
Price: 24.99

"The Complete Web Analytics Course for Beginners" |
"Welcome to our Course !You can Learn Complete information related to Web Analytics. It is the best course for Web Analytics. This course of Web Analytics will able you to start your Learning as a beginner. Important Topics you can learn and get Explanation are :Web AnalyticsGoogle AnalyticsOptimizelyKISSmetrics Crazy EggKey MetricsData Sources SegmentationWeb Analytics DashboardsWeb Analytics ConversionEmerging AnalyticsA/B TestingAutomated Reporting and AnnotationThank you so much !Our Team will Happy to see in Course ! Note that Our team is present every time for you and available here for any questions you may have. You can ask any question which you want. "
Price: 19.99

"Medical Immunology (Part 1)" |
"In this course, you will learn the basics of human immunology. An introduction followed by a series of lectures on the innate immune system and the adaptive immune system. Lectures are short and up to the point to make it easy for you to grasp and remember the facts, concepts, structure, and function of the immune system."
Price: 19.99

"Como fazer a PERDCOMP e a PERDCOMP WEB" |
"Aprenda a preencher e a elaborar corretamente os pedidos de restituio, de ressarcimento e as declaraes de compensao no programa PERDCOMP e PERDCOMP WEB da Receita Federal para restituio de pagamentos a maior ou indevidos de tributos federais, de ressarcimento de saldo credor de IPI, de PIS.COFINS no-cumulativo, de REINTEGRA e de saldo negativo de IRPJ e CSLL.O curso capacita o aluno a elaborar de forma correta a PERDCOMP para evitar indeferimentos e exigncias pela Receita Federal do Brasil."
Price: 84.99

"B2B Sat ve kna Teknikleri" |
"Trk i kna ve Sat knas kitaplar yazar Erdem Karagz'den zgn bir eitim.. Bu eitim kritik eikteki irketler yani 7 yan altnda gemii olanlar ve Anadolu'daki KOB'ler iin zgn planlanmtr. ABD, Avrupa trendlerini yakndan takip edemeyen, ulusal ve uluslar aras marka deeri yksek eitmen, mentr, ko ve uzmanlarla alma ans bulamayan ve sat yneticilerine, satclarna yllk 50 saatten fazla eitim aldramayan irketlerin geliimine zel tasarlanmtr.rn ve hizmetiniz harika olabilir. Ancak mteri ilikileri gelitirmeden baarl olamaz ve zirvede kalamazsnz. rn yerine mterinin problemine odaklanmann zaman. Potansiyel mterileri fatura kesilen mteriye evirmek, toplantlarda daha hzl sonular almak ve mteri iin ""kazandran deer"" olmann zaman.Daha iyi bir sat dngs iin kilit mteriyi hissetme, teknoloji doru kullanma ve daha hzl, kalc sonu almanz iin bu eitimi tasarladk. stelik srekli gncelleyerek sizin iin gelitireceimizi taahht ediyoruz. Kk, orta iletmeler iin neyi nasl yapmalar gerektiine ait paylamlar sizi bekliyor.Her eyi doru bildiini dnen ve kendini sorgulamaktan kananlar dnda herkes bu eitime sahip olabilir.renme arzusu, deiim hedefi ve baarma tutkusuna sahip olanlarla buluuyoruz."
Price: 229.99

"JAVA !" |
"Java ? !, ! , . , , , Java . Java , , . Android , Java. Android Java., ? , Java. , . , . , , Java . Java, Java , BESTSELLER- . , ? ! , , - . 120- , Java., . . , , ! Udemy, 30 . ! ! ??? !"
Price: 99.99

"The best of Italian Vegetarian cooking" |
"Caprese salad is a super easy dish directly from Capri Island. Produce and presentation make the difference. Fresh, pleasant, cannot get enough!Russian salad Italian style: try this unboring way of serving most common vegetables in the most delicious way!Pesto pasta is a perfect example of Mediterranean cuisine: fresh, aromatic and vibrant.Eggplant parmigiana is one of the most popular Italian dishes worldwide. It is 100% comfort food, but you can easily serve it every occasion.Moreover, you will be able to try 3 all-purpose sauces:Fondue: perfect with bruschetta or toasted bread, pasta, steamed veggies poached eggs. Raw sauce: try it with bruschetta or toasted bread, pasta salad or on its own (as an appetizer)Amati primavera sauce is a marriage made in heaven when served with pasta, rice or cous cous."
Price: 19.99

"EC-Council Certified Ethical Hacker Exam CEH v10" |
"The Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH v10) program is a trusted and respected ethical hacking training Program that any information security professional will need.The CEH exam can be challenged post the completion of attending the complete official CEH course. Candidates that successfully passes the exam will receive their CEH certificate and membership privileges. Members are expected to adhere to recertification requirements through EC-Councils Continuing Education RequirementsThe EC-Council CEH is the most important & introductory security certification in the world right now.It tests the Basic-Advanced knowledge of security concepts.The Certified Ethical Hacker(CEH) program is the most comprehensive ethical hacking course to help information security profesionals grasp the fundementals of ethical hacking.Pass your CEH v10 exam on your first attempt with these practice tests that stimulate the real exam.These practice tests will help students to brush their concepts."
Price: 4800.00

"Python. Grficos interactivos con Plotly y Dash en Python" |
"En este curso aprenders a utilizar Python para crear grficos interactivos con las libreras plotly y dash.Aprenders a recoger datos de ficheros CSV y visualizarlos en vistosos grficos interactivos.Aprenders a crear grficos de barras, grficos lineales, grficos de burbujas, mapas de calor, etc.Todo est explicado mediante ejemplos para facilitar el aprendizaje.Podrs obtener un certificado de la realizacin de este curso.Tienes una garanta de devolucin de 30 das, en el caso de que no quedes satisfecho con el curso.Apntate hoy y nos vemos en el curso!"
Price: 194.99

"Mac 101 - A Beginner's Guide to Mac OS Keyboard Shortcuts" |
"What if you could simply click two keys on your keyboard and have your Mac's print dialog box pop-up on the screen? Oh sure, you could scroll your cursor up to the top of the screen and find ""File"", then scroll down the drop-down list to the ""Print"" tab and click it. Or, you could simply press the Command-P and the same box pops up. This doesn't sound like a big deal at first, but when you add all of the other functions built into your Mac OS keyboard shortcuts you could be a Keyboard NINJA! Okay, maybe not a NINJA, but really close. The bottom line is keyboard shortcuts will simplify your workflow whether your working in a writing document, a graphics application, or trying to switch from one running application to another with the flick of your wrist (yes, there's a shortcut for that!). So come with me and let's dive into the wonderful world of Mac OS keyboard shortcuts and release your inner-Keyboard NINJA*!* And by the way, I bolded some of the words in this text using common keyboard shortcuts (Command-B). See? Keyboard shortcuts are everywhere!"
Price: 19.99

"Grafik und Illustration. Teil 2." |
"Hallo und willkommen in meiner neuen Kunstreihe ""Grafik und Illustration"".Dies ist der 2.Teil mit dem Titel "" Komposition mit Mohnblumen"".In diesem Kurs zeige ich euch ein Prinzip von ""Zusammenfhren"", wobei die einzelnen Elemente in eine Komposition zusammengefhrt werden.Nach dem wir unsere grafischen Werkzeuge besprochen haben, beginnen wir die einzelnen Elemente grafisch aufzuarbeiten:Mohnblumen von Vorne und von der SeiteKnospeeinzelne Bltter.Nachher zeig ich euch welche Kompositionsvarianten mglich sind.Und nun steht uns Nichts mehr im Wege um die richtige Komposition zu schaffen.Angefangen mit Vorzeichnen kommen wir zur grafischen Ausfhrung und danach kommen unsere vertrauten Elemente: Punkt, Linie und Flche.Ich wnsche euch viel Elfolgeure Inna"
Price: 129.99

"Grafik und Illustration. Teil 3. knstlerische Komposition." |
"Hallo und willkommen in meiner neuen Kunstreihe ""Grafik und Illustration"".Dies ist der 3.Teil mit dem Titel - ""Die Frhlings Frau"".der Kurs ist der letzte Teil von der Trilogie ""Grafik und Illustration"".In dieser Lektion verwenden wir alles Wissen, das wir in Teil 1 und 2 erworben haben:Plastische LinieRuhige FlchePunkt als Verdichtungund kombinieren Alles mit Gegenstndlichen Objekten: Gesicht, Vogel und Blumen.Als neues Element zeig ich euch wie man ein grafisches Element aufbaut.Ich wnsche euch knstlerischen Erfolg-eure Inna"
Price: 129.99

"Curso Online de Gestin Emocional" |
"Las emociones nos acompaan en el da a da, y es de crucial importancia aprender a gestionarlas de una manera correcta para mejorar la calidad de nuestras relaciones con el mundo y con nosotros mismos. En nuestro Curso Online de Gestin Emocional aprenders qu son las emociones, aprenders sobre inteligencia emocional, sobre impulsores internos, sobre cmo no vivir en modo piloto automtico, y descubrirs en detalle los 3 pasos sobre cmo gestionar tus emociones de una manera eficaz.Vivas donde vivas, ests donde ests, tienes la formacin de la escuela EDPyN a tu alcance."
Price: 24.99

"Como Gravar Vdeos com Seu Celular - FCIL" |
"Grave seus Vdeos Profissionais com seu celular.De maneira simples, rpida e eficiente.Monte seu estdio de gravao. (cenrio e posio dos equipamentos)Aprenda editar seus vdeos com o Celular.Conhea os bastidores de um estdio e aprenda fazer o seu.Como usar a iluminao de maneira eficiente em suas gravaes.Aprenda valorizar seus vdeos melhorando o marketing pessoal.Como Gravar vdeo-aulas utilizando o celular e seu caderno.Aprenda qual a melhor e mais fcil maneira de capturar seu udio.Soluo prticas para gravar seus vdeos educacionais (professores).Como colocar seus vdeos no youtube."
Price: 69.99

"AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Best 6 Practice Exam 2020" |
"TIME is MONEY - The well-known ProverbWhen you have planned to take the certification test for AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner [CLF-C01], probably you already took a big step towards sharpening your skillset by accommodating a chunk of precious time from your extremely busy schedule. Once you work hard preparing yourself for the exam making full utilization of your time, the next big challenge you must face Am I really prepared for the exam??Well, what if there is a way to evaluate your preparation prior to the real examination day, that can save you from the clock restart or starting all-over-again with an additional investment of TIME and MONEY.Here comes this course for your rescue. You can evaluate your preparation with real-alike AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner practice exams, designed especially to help you to PASS in the FIRST ATTEMPT. The course includes 6 full-length practice tests with 65 random questions in each of the test sets, in-depth answers-explanations for both correct and incorrect answers for every single question along with Official AWS study material reference for your further study.# WHAT IS THE BEST WAY TO GET 100% BENEFIT FROM THIS COURSE?GET IT EARLY - Get this course once you have planned your examination tentative dateINTERMEDIATE EVALUATION - Take the first one or two tests once you think you are prepared enough for the real examination and evaluate where you really stand at the whole preparation. It will also help you to figure out if any of the knowledge areas needs revisionTAKE TEST SEQUENTIALLY It is always recommended to take the test sequentially because this has been designed with gradual complexity and variation. Every time you finish one test and analyze your test result (mainly incorrect attempts), you will get randomized questions and answer choices during the next attempt. With each re-evaluation, you will become more prepared and confident for the certification exam.FOLLOW SCIENTIFIC DISTRIBUTION - Depending on the importance of the knowledge area and their question probability, questions have been distributed in each practice test set. This saves your effort from spending time on unnecessary or irrelevant knowledge segments.TRAIN YOUR BRAIN - All these 6 practice tests are an almost exact simulation of the real test environment. So, after practicing all of them your brain will master the examination structure, which will tremendously help you to successfully pass the actual exam without any exam stressKNOW WHY NOT - Detailed explanations have been provided for each and every Correct and Incorrect option. Because it is extremely important to understand why your attempt is incorrectORIGINAL AWS REFERENCE - The original AWS reference links have been provided for every correct answer, so you can clear your additional doubts from the most trusted referenceTARGET 85% SCORE - The practice test has been made based on real examination knowledge and detailed analysis, but it is not a direct copy of the actual AWS examination. So it is recommended to score 85% or higher before taking the actual examination# WHY THIS COURSE?HUGE INVENTORY - Provides 6 Full-length practice tests with around 400 questions, categorized scoring which will help you evaluate your preparation in each of the individual knowledge areasPROFESSIONAL DESIGN - This course has been designed by Certified AWS professionals having immense industrial and educational knowledgeAPPROVED CONTENT - The course is already certified by offline students who cleared the examination in the first attemptSCIENTIFICALLY ANALYSED - The questions have been identified, distributed and categorized based on detailed scientific analysisCOMPLETE KNOWLEDGE BUILDING - This course not only prepares you for the examination but also clear your doubts which will help you to build in-depth subject knowledgeSPECIFIC OFFICIAL REFERENCE - Provide Official AWS document whitepaper and website reference for detailed study in case you need a better or detailed understandingWhat are you waiting for?GO AND GET YOUR CERTIFICATION DONEBEST WISHES!!!"
Price: 19.99

"Immune Boosting Minerals" |
"Are you worried about exposure to new infections that seem to come out of nowhere every once in a while?Maybe you are in good health, but you are worried about your parents or grandparents contracting a disease. Or you are probably worried about your significant other who has one of the risk factors for worse health outcomes: overweight/obese, heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, asthma, lung disease, kidney disease, etc...That's understandable and that is why I have created this course. In this course, I put together my decades of teaching and working in the health and nutrition field to present you with the knowledge that is so urgent to have during uncertain times.In this course, you will learn about which minerals and the foods that are rich in them strengthen your immune system. A lot of ""common knowledge"" about what is healthy for us does not hold up under scrutiny. There is so much misinformation about what a healthy diet is that it can be very frustrating for the person who just wants to improve their health without getting a Ph.D. in the process.For that reason, I simplify what minerals are essential for improving our immune system function. I also provide you with concise straight-to-the-point explanations for my recommendations.If you are ready to take back control of your and your loved ones' health, then I will see you on the inside!In Health,Dr. Z"
Price: 19.99

"Xfer Serum - Bass Sound Design Crash Course" |
"*Note this course comes with Xfer Serum presets & Bass audio loops for all patches created as downloads*Using the serum synth for sound design for edm might sound like a hard process. But with an understanding of the key sound design elements for EDM bass I will show you. It become far more predictable and simple. Making a good track sound great, Sometimes just takes 1 signature sound. I bet you can think of a track where 1 sound made the whole thing great.What we're going to do together in this course is take your from kind of knowing what each tool does in Xfer Serum. To being a master of bass design. By the end of this course you will be able to understand fully what each tool does in Xfer Serum. And when and why to use each tool.You will be able to take your own music to a level where its ready, And even rent out your new skill set for client work as well.In Xfer Serum Bass Sound Design Crash Course we coverWhat the GUI doesAll of the tools inside Xfer SerumHow to use tools and techniques to make certain soundsHow to make different bass sounds step by stepHow to use modulation in Serum to bring sounds to lifeAnd moreIf you're new to using Serum or been here before, There's something here for you as we cover new ground with the latest features available to Xfer Serum, Applying the latest and most modern bass making techniques."
Price: 99.99

"PTE Academic Masterclass: Achieve 79+ in PTE Speaking" |
"You're here because you want to bag the best score in PTE Speaking, right?This PTE Masterclass: Achieve 79+ in PTE Speaking is the perfect place to start. This comprehensive guide is designed for all levels of candidates who wish to achieve the best score in PTE Speaking.A course, truly Masterclass in nature, you get the best tips, winning strategies, most workable techniques, and some ultimate tricks from 34 to help you get theWith this PTE Masterclass course, you get the tips, winning strategies, the techniques, the tricks, and much more explained with over 30 examples.What is taught in this course?what the PTE items are aboutwhat are their approacheshow to quickly respond to the answerswhich items get how much timehow to structurally brainstorm the ideas and put them to practiceand some more of such the most exciting ways to bag the best scoreWhat would you gain after successfully completing this course?Know the exact ways to crack each item of PTE SpeakingGet the insights of 6 core items of PTE SpeakingPersonal IntroductionRead AloudRepeat SentenceDescribe ImageRe-tell a LectureAnswer Short QuestionWithin these, learn the 13 different types of Describe Image:Bar GraphLine GraphTableMapsPie ChartFlow ChartVenn DiagramPicturesFloor PlanLife CycleCombination of GraphsProcessStatistical MapIdentify the exact techniques to get 79+ in PTE SpeakingImplement the most workable strategies to get the ideal answerGet acquainted with different word families for a better scoreKnow how to improve on the marking criteria of each itemmanage time for answering all questions of the items in the given periodAnd discover the winning tips to score more in PTETarget to getting 79+ in PTE SpeakingI want to make sure youre able to achieve all those goals that you have planned after successfully completing this course. Thats what I promise to help you out with.I can't wait to help you achieve your dreams with 79+ in PTE Speaking!Cheers,Riya"
Price: 199.99

"Yatrmc Rehberi" |
"Kriz olduunda kazananlar izlemekten skldnz m? Elinizdeki birikmi para ile ne yapacanz bilmiyor musunuz? Ve daha nice sorular ya da sorunlar. Ekonomi ve yatrmclk dnyas hakknda bilgi sahibi olun, kafanzdaki soru iaretlerini giderin!Kurs devaml gncel hale getirilecektir. Finansal okur-yazarlk adna rnek makaleler okunup yorumlanacak, emlak yatrmna dair rnekler ve aklamalar yaplacaktr."
Price: 49.99

"Learn French for beginners with a native speaker A1" |
"Bonjour tout le monde! Hi everyone!You want to learn French but you do not have time to attend classes in class ?You have already purchased a language manual but you feel that the content should be more interactive ?You have already puchased a course on Udemy but you need lessons with more tips and drills ?You don't want to lose time with a course that leaves you in the middle of your progression ?I made this course with the objective of preparing you for the exam DELF A1. Please note that this course should be considered as an introductory course to learning French. To get more information about the exam, please please go check the site dedicated to DELF A1 provided by CIEP.In order to offer you an effective teaching, this course is composed with short videos in between sections and always completed with exercises and quizzes.As an experienced teacher, I will help you to improve your grammar, spelling and vocabulary skills. And in order to prepare DELF A1, this course will help you to master oral comprehension, written comprehension and written expression.This course is both in French and English.Please note: In case you would wish to take the exam DELF A1, a tutor in oral expression will be strongly recommended in addition to this course.Merci et bientt! Thanks, see you soon!"
Price: 24.99

"Cmo Hablar Frente A Una Cmara" |
"Esta formacin, ha sido creada durante el proceso de confinamiento por el COVID-19. Con la llegada de esta pandemia, y el confinamiento de los ciudadanos, el mundo ha cambiado. Todo se ha digitalizado mucho ms, y la gente ha descubierto a la fuerza, el poder de internet.Se han cerrado empresas, y como consecuencia, se han perdido empleos. Mucha gente, est optando por comenzar a hacer lo que le gusta, y hacerlo por su cuenta. Aunque muchas personas, se enfrentan a un reto doble.El primero, arrancar un emprendimiento si nunca antes lo han hecho. Y el segundo, hablar ante la cmara. Una experiencia que se vuelve tan incomoda para algunos, como aterradora para otros.As que, en esta formacin, te vamos a ensear a hablar ante la cmara; para que as, puedas comenzar tus proyectos. Ya sea comenzar con un perfil de Instagram, YouTube o donde t prefieras.El vdeo es un formato excelente para conectar con tu audiencia. Pero, si te da miedo y no comienzas, ests perdiendo un gran potencial. Ya no es solo la oportunidad que ests perdiendo, sino el desarrollo personal y profesional que ests dejando de adquirir.Si tienes una idea, o un mensaje que quieras hacer llegar al resto de personas, ahora es el momento. No dejes de compartir ese mensaje con el mundo, nicamente porque no te encuentras capaz de hablar ante una cmara."
Price: 49.99

"- YouTube" |
""" "" - , , . "" - YouTube"" , , - -! - "" ""! , YouTube, !"
Price: 199.99

"3D Geological Modelling" |
"This course will start with the basics of 3D geological modelling using just a geological map to create a 3D view of the subsurface layer, then we will move to some advanced modelling using drillhole data, in the end of this course we will also show the basics of resource estimation inside geomodeller."
Price: 199.99

"EXIN DevOps Foundation: Simulateur d' Examen" |
"La certification EXIN DevOps Foundation a t conue pour permettre aux professionnels (business et informatique) d'acqurir des connaissances de base et de mieux comprendre DevOps. Cre en tant que passerelle d'accs la certification EXIN DevOps Professional, cette certification confirme la comprhension des origines de DevOps et des avantages de ses principes et pratiques pour l'organisation.Type de cours: examen d'essaiAidez les tudiants se prparer leurs examens de certification en leur fournissant des questions pratiques.Contenu du cours:Simulateur de 40 questions choix multiples pour soutenir la certification en franais, dans lequel vous pouvez vous entraner avec des questions similaires l'examen rel, marquer votre rponse et voir le score obtenu la fin, chaque fois que les questions sont commandes au hasard, de cette manire Vous pouvez vous entraner autant de fois que vous le jugez ncessaire.Matriel de soutien autodidacte pour la certification en anglais.Obtenez un rabais de 15% sur la certification EXIN DevOps Foundation en achetant l'examen avec nous.Considrations importantes:Ce cours n'est PAS la formation officielle EXIN.Ce cours ne comprend PAS de vidos.Nous sommes un centre d'examen autoris EXIN."
Price: 19.99

"Practice the IIBA ECBA Exam: 150 Quality Questions, 2020" |
"The Entry Certificate in Business Analysis (ECBA) covers foundational knowledge on how to approach business analysis according to the BABOK Guide.ECBA EligibilityEnsure you register an account with IIBA Complete a minimum of 21 Professional Development (PD) hours within the last four years. Your hours can be logged and tracked here.ECBA CompetenciesECBA covers the foundational knowledge on business analysis according to the BABOK Guide and showcases that you have the core knowledge and competencies for the indemand field of business analysis. Highlight you have the knowledge and be certified by the leading authority in business analysis, IIBA.ECBA recognizes individuals ready to develop their business analysis skills, knowledge and behaviors as practicing business analysis professionals.Definitions of skill and knowledge levels used in this guide:Level 1 (ECBA) - Practical Knowledge or General Awareness:Follows rules: Ability to adhere to prescribed ways to work in order to execute activities related to the competency. Generally, needs rules and guidelines to perform tasks.Understands: Recognizes the key elements of the competency and why they are important. However, not expected to have the experience nor skill level to act upon the competency.Basic knowledge: Has a fundamental awareness of basic skills and knowledge involved in the competency.The competency elements are grouped into six Knowledge Areas, as defined in the Business Analysis Body of Knowledge (BABOK Guide).ECBA Exam BlueprintBusiness Analysis KnowledgeBusiness analysis and the BA professional - 2.5%Underlying competencies - 5%Business analysis key concepts - 5%Techniques - 12.5%BABOK Guide Knowledge AreasBusiness analysis planning and monitoring - 5%Elicitation and collaboration - 20%Requirements life cycle management - 20%Strategy analysis - 5%Requirements analysis and design definition - 24%Solution evaluation - 1%Exam Structure The ECBA exam has 50 multiple choice knowledge-based questions and must be completed in one hour.In this ECBA exam preparation course, you'll be challenged with 150 ECBA practice exam questions. These question have been written to emulate the ECBA exam and are based on the International Institute of Business Analysis.ECBA Exam One: 50 questions across all exam domains (one hour)ECBA Exam Two: 50 questions across all exam domains (one hour)ECBA Exam Three: 50 questions across all exam domains (one hour)Use this practice exams course to prepare to pass the ECBA exam. Take each one hour exam set until you can answer all questions correctly. Exam taking instructions: You can pause the test at any time and resume later. You can retake the test as many times as you would like. The progress bar at the top of the screen will show your progress as well as the time remaining in the test. If you run out of time, dont worry; you will still be able to finish the test.(as learning mode) You can skip a question to come back to at the end of the exam. You can also use Mark for review to come back to questions you are unsure about before you submit your test. If you want to finish the test and see your results immediately, press the stop button.This course is considered as a great tool to prepare and pass the ECBA exam, each question of the three practice tests was written, and audited by our experts at elite minds, who passed the exam from their first trial. Don't forget that you have 30 days money back guarantee! so you have nothing to lose, enroll now and make use of this course. Disclaimer: This is not an official course of IIBA. CBAP, CCBA, and ECBA are all registered items for IIBA"
Price: 99.99

"Pinterest Marketing - Pinterest For Business" |
"Why Are Businesses Flocking to Understand Pinterest Marketing?Pinterest acts as a search engine, where some choose to source their inspiration and where 48% of the users have the intention to shop.Pinterest is also a platform that is preferred by women, and with women being said to influence 70%- 80% of consumer spending, it makes Pinterest marketing an area of interest for many businesses.Not only has Hootsuite brought light to the above statistics, but they also explain that Pinterests active users have grown by 26% to 335 million over the past year.So, the active users are increasing, Pinterest appeals to women, and unlike most social media platforms, users dont visit Pinterest with the desire to share content, but rather with the desire to spend and shop."
Price: 49.99

"ECCouncil 312-49 Hacking Forensic Investigator Practice Exam" |
"315 UNIQUE practice questions for ECCouncil 312-49 Hacking Forensic Investigator Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : ECCouncil 312-49 Hacking Forensic Investigator Practice ExamTotal Questions : 315Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :210 minsPassing Score : 75 (236 of 315)"
Price: 179.99

"Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure(AZ-204) - Mock Test" |
"Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure (AZ-204)Candidates for this exam should have subject matter expertise designing, building, testing, and maintaining cloud applications and services on Microsoft Azure.Responsibilities for an Azure Developer include participating in all phases of cloud development from requirements definition and design, to development, deployment, and maintenance. performance tuning, and monitoring.Azure Developers partner with cloud solution architects, cloud DBAs, cloud administrators, and clients to implement solutions.A candidate for this exam should have 1-2 years professional development experience and experience with Microsoft Azure. In addition, the role should have ability programming in a language supported by Azure and proficiency in Azure SDKs, Azure PowerShell, Azure CLI, data storage options, data connections, APIs, app authentication and authorization, compute and container deployment, debugging, performance tuning, and monitoring.Part of the requirements for: Microsoft Certified: Azure Developer AssociateSkills measuredThe content of this exam was updated on May 18, 2020. Please download the exam skills outline below to see what changed.Develop Azure compute solutions (25-30%)Develop for Azure storage (10-15%)Implement Azure security (15-20%)Monitor, troubleshoot, and optimize Azure solutions (10-15%)Connect to and consume Azure services and third-party services (25-30%)To prepare for the exam, we strongly advise you to attend the training courses, review the study material, and gain hands-on experience related to the topics covered in the exam.We tried our best to provide correct answer of questions in this course, however we strongly request you to do research for correct answer too instead of just blindly memorize the answers."
Price: 19.99

-drawing-arabic-course |
"( ) . . . 9 . . -"
Price: 199.99

"[2020] Erstelle Deinen verkaufsstarken Online-Shop!" |
"In diesem Kurs bringe ich Dir bei, wie Du in krzester Zeit einen und profitablen Online-Shop aufbaust. Von der Bearbeitung des Shop-Designs ber MwSt. Einstellungen, bis zur Produkterstellung, ist hier alles dabei.Nach diesem Kurs wirst Du in der Lage sein, einen professionellen Online-Shop, als eCommerce-Experte, fr Dich oder fr andere aufzusetzen."
Price: 69.99
