"Ykdil ve Tpdil snavlar iin gerekli olan az ve z grameri bu videolarmzla halledebilirsiniz. Salk alannda gerekli olan ngilizce verilmitir. Salk alanndan snava girerken ok fazla bir dil bilgisine ihtiya duymazsnz. Gerekli olan ey sadece az dil bilgisi ve bol sayda okuma yapmaktr. Konulardan arlkl olarak tenses, modals, passive ve conjunctions konulardr. Dier konular sadece eviri yapmak iin ihtiyacnz olan ama snavda soru olarak karnza kmayacak olan konulardr. Yukarda yazdmz konular metin iinde pekitirmenizi tavsiye ediyoruz."
Price: 49.99

"Yds, Yks ve Ykdil snavlar iin gerekli olan az ve z grameri bu videolarmz ile halledebilirsiniz. Yds, Ykdil ve Yks alanlarnda gerekli olan ngilizce verilmitir. Yds, Ykdil ve Yks alanlarndan snava girerken ok fazla bir dil bilgisine ihtiya duymazsnz. Gerekli olan ey sadece az dil bilgisi ve bol sayda okuma yapmaktr. Konulardan arlkl olarak tenses, modals, passive ve conjunctions konulardr. Dier konular sadece eviri yapmak iin ihtiyacnz olan ama snavda soru olarak karnza kmayacak olan konulardr. Yukarda yazdmz konular metin iinde pekitirmenizi tavsiye ediyoruz."
Price: 49.99

"ngilizce eviri ve Stratejileri Kursu YDS YKDL YDT" |
"ngilizcesini gelitirmek isteyen, evirmenlik blm okuyan, akademik snavlara hazrlanan ve ngilizce retmenlii yapan veya dersini veren herkesin faydalanacan dndmz bir alma hazrladk. Alannda yaynlanm veya benzeri olmayan tek kaynak zelliini tamaktadr.ngilizce alrken normal artlarda ounu kitaplarda bulamayacanz ama yllarca yaplan almalardan elde edilen deneyimler sayesinde derlenen bu bilgileri, daha etkili bir ekilde renebilmeniz iin VDEO anlatmlarn da ekledik.Ksa, renkli ve Trke aklamal bu bilgileri srekli alarak ok iyi derecede eviri yapabilecek seviyeye geleceinizi, snav ve okuma almalarnda ok daha iyi olacanz dnyoruz.almamzda verilen ksa notlar belli bir sralama ile verilmemitir. stediiniz sayfay ap, ihtiyacnza gre alabilirsiniz. Her almay mutlaka video anlatmyla birlikte almanz tavsiye ediyoruz.ngilizce reten ve renen herkese faydal olmas dileiyle"
Price: 49.99

"God's Grand Framework" |
"Why do we exist? Why do bad things happen? What did Jesus do? What does the Holy Spirit do? Where are we headed? All of these questions and more are addressed in ""God's Grand Framework."" This book is Pastor Jamin Bradley's big picture look at what the Bible has to say. It uses the overarching story that the Bible tells to address the many important questions Christians ask. If you're tired of getting clich answers to the important questions of the Christian faith, then ""God's Grand Framework"" is for you. It will help you dive more deeply into the answers that Scripture gives us, push you to understand the full Biblical story better, and provoke you to think more deeply about some of Christianity's most basic questions."
Price: 19.99

"Gagner sa vie en envoyant 1 email par jour" |
"Le systme que je vais te prsenter est rserv aux gens qui aiment les systmes simples.Pourtant, ces dernires annes, on a dclar guerre la simplicit.Et le monde du marketing na pas t pargn.Tunnels de vente en 18 tapesSquences email rallongePub Facebook en 14 versionsPeut-tre que tu as dj vcu cette histoire :Il est 2h30 du matin.Tu es en peignoir devant ton ordiles yeux carquills de stress et de fatigue.Tu ttais promis de terminer ta configuration Clickfunnel avant 22h, pour esprer tendormir avant minuit.Mais ctait sans compter ce bug de dernire minute.En essayant de rsoudre ce bug, a a cr un nouveau bug.Et tu te retrouves, 4h30 plus tard, chercher un sous-titre pour le formulaire du 5me upsell.Tu viens de perdre 1 semaine te casser la tte sur un logiciel infernalet tu nes mme pas sr que ton produit va marcher.Tu nes pas le seul avoir vcu a.Le marketing sest tellement complexifi quon en a oubli lessentiel.La seule chose qui compte, cest de vendre.Et tu nas ni besoin de tunnel de vente, ni de squences automatiques, ni dune intelligence artificielle invente par Elon Musk pour y arriver.Les seules choses dont tu as besoin, ce sont :Une audience,un message, un produit.Pendant plus de 3 ans, jai gagn ma vie en vendant des produits avec des vidos YouTube et des podcasts.Il y a quelques mois, jai dcid de tout arrter, pour me lancer dans quelque chose de beaucoup plus simple lemail.Plus besoin de chasser les gens de chez soi pour te filmerPlus besoin de passer des heures monter tes vidosPlus besoin de librer du temps (cest boucl en moins d1/2h par jour)Plus besoin dnergie (jai jen pendant 3 jours en rdigeant mes emails)Cest le systme le plus simple que je nai jamais trouv.Ce systme, je lai filmet je texplique tout.Mais dabord, quelques chiffres :Avec ce systme, jai atteint un taux douverture de 40%, et un taux de clic de 15%. Sur une liste ancienne de plus de 5000 personnes.Cest plus que tous les rsultats que jai pu avoir sur YouTube.La raison, je la connais :Plus personne ne reoit demail intressant.Offre a aux gens, et tu seras la seule newsletter quils liront chaque jour.Les objectifs du systme :Envoyer tes premiers emails ds cette semaine et commencer faire grossir ton audience automatiquementDici quelques mois, btir un lectorat de plusieurs milliers de personnes et augmenter drastiquement ton chiffre daffaires.Ce systme a t conu pour tous les entrepreneurs.Mais il sera particulirement adapt ceux qui :Nont pas le temps de faire des vidos ou des tunnels de venteOnt des difficults devant la camra et prfrent travailler tranquillement derrire leur ordinateurOnt des enfants ou un entourage proche qui ne leur permet pas de se filmer dans de bonnes conditionsOn dj un travail (ou des tudes) plein temps et nont pas lnergie pour parler devant un microCherchent un plan daction tape par tape suivre sans prise de tteMise en garde : Je parle dans mes formations comme je parle un ami. Ce nest ni beau, ni propre. Mais je te donne tout ce que jai pour te permettre de russir. Si tu cherches une formation acadmique, va sur Udemy ou inscris-toi une cole de commerce. AU PROGRAMME Mon systme pour gagner sa vie en envoyant seulement 1 EMAIL PAR JOUR, recopier. Valable dans TOUTES les thmatiques, et quelle que soit ton audience de dpart Comment faire des ventes dans CHAQUE EMAIL et gnrer des revenus rcurrents, sans avoir besoin de lancer sans arrt de nouvelles offres Comment capturer des adresses mail TOUS LES JOURS grce un simple copier-coller, sans pub Facebook et sans vidos YouTube. 100% lgal et compatible avec la loi RGPD Comment UTILISER INSTAGRAM pour faire la pub de tes emails ta place TOUS LES OUTILS dont tu as besoin pour monter ta mailing-list, envoyer des emails et vendre tes produits Comment crer un formulaire de capture qui convertit PLUS DE 30% de tes visiteurs en abonns Comment envoyer un email ta liste DIRECTEMENT DEPUIS TON CLIENT MAIL PERSO, gagner de prcieuses minutes chaque jour et travailler sans ordinateur (un simple smartphone suffit) 3 solutions pour VENDRE TES PROPRES PRODUITS, de la plus simple la plus puissante Tout le MATRIEL dont tu as besoin pour monter le systme Comment russir crer un email tous les jours, trouver des ides originales et prendre de lavance LE TEMPLATE COMPLTER pour crer des emails inspirants, presque tous les coups CRIRE SANS ENNUYER LES GENS : ce que lcole ne nous a jamais appris Ce quil ne faut JAMAIS FAIRE quand on rdige un titre (au risque de faire fuir les bons clients) 9 MODLES DE TITRES qui font du clic + mes exemples tests et approuvsJe te laisse imaginerTu te rveilles lheure que tu veux.Tu commences ta journe en lisant un bouquin, tranquillement, en buvant une boisson chaude.Ds que tu te sens prt, tu allumes ton ordi, tinstalles confortablement, et commences crire.Ce qui est gnial avec ces mails, cest quils sont amusants rdiger.Tu parles de lanecdote qui test arrive hierDune actualit qui tintresseDe ton dernier achat impulsifPeu importe. Limportant, cest de faire le lien avec ton message.1/2h plus tard, cest termin.Tu cliques sur envoyer, et cest fait.Ton mail partira le lendemain matin.En attendant, tu peux profiter de ta journe pour faire du sport, passer du temps avec tes amis, ou regarder en boucle la dernire formation dAntoine BM.Lide, cest de rembourser cette formation le plus vite possible.En fait, ds ta premire vente.Si tu as dj une audience peut-tre mme ds ce soir.Comment suivre la formation ?Il sagit dune formation vido.Je dessine sur un tableau blanc en texpliquant chaque tape du systme.Tu peux regarder cette formation o que tu sois, puisque les fichiers sont transfrables sur ton ordinateur.Je te conseille vivement dappliquer chaque tape de la formation immdiatement, puisque cest comme a quelle a t conue.PAS. DE. RSULTAT. SANS. ACTION."
Price: 99.99

"ABRSM Music Theory Practice Exam: Grade 3 & Grade 4" |
"Welcome to the practice tests for the most popular standardized test in music theory in the world!The ABRSM (Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music) Music Theory exams are considered to be the benchmark exam to measure progress in music theory. More than 600,000 candidates take ABRSM exams each year in over 93 countries. The Music Theory exams are divided into 8 levels. In this class, we will focus on levels 3 and 4.These practice exams have been constructed from materials available directly from the ABRSM guidelines, including past exams, practice materials, and study suggestions. I've tried to adhere to all the qualifications of the exam, in order to replicate the experience of the exam as much as possible. If you have taken my music theory classes, these exams will be a great way to test your progress. These exams correspond to levels 4, 5, and 6 in my music theory classes available here on Udemy.There are two versions of each exam contained here. My intention in doing that is to create multiple options for you to practice each test from scratch.This exam has been put together to follow all of the requirements publically available for the ABRSM Music Theory Exam, Levels 3 and 4. The exam is timed, with 90 minutes allotted to complete the exam for level 3, and 120 minutes allotted to complete the level 4.Please note: The actual exam is not multiple choice (although it does have some multiple-choice questions), but because of the Udemy test format, I had to make them multiple choice. I've tried to give many possible answers to simulate the real exam as much as possible.Grading criteria: A score of 66% is required to pass. A score of 80% is required for a mark of ""Merit"". A score of 90% is required for a mark of ""Distinction"". Before you take the real test, please see the official rules to get an understanding of how the test is run, what can be brought into the test, and any other rules and qualifications. You can find this information on the ABRSM website."
Price: 19.99

"ABRSM Music Theory Practice Exam: Grade 5 & Grade 6" |
"Welcome to the practice tests for the most popular standardized test in music theory in the world!The ABRSM (Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music) Music Theory exams are considered to be the benchmark exam to measure progress in music theory. More than 600,000 candidates take ABRSM exams each year in over 93 countries. The Music Theory exams are divided into 8 levels. In this class, we will focus on levels 5 and 6.These practice exams have been constructed from materials available directly from the ABRSM guidelines, including past exams, practice materials, and study suggestions. I've tried to adhere to all the qualifications of the exam, in order to replicate the experience of the exam as much as possible. If you have taken my music theory classes, these exams will be a great way to test your progress. These exams correspond to levels 7, 8, and 9 in my music theory classes available here on Udemy.There are two versions of each exam contained here. My intention in doing that is to create multiple options for you to practice each test from scratch.This exam has been put together to follow all of the requirements publically available for the ABRSM Music Theory Exam, Levels 5 and 6. The exam is timed, with 120 minutes allotted to complete each exam.Please note: The actual exam is not multiple choice (although it does have some multiple-choice questions), but because of the Udemy test format, I had to make them multiple choice. I've tried to give many possible answers to simulate the real exam as much as possible.Grading criteria: A score of 66% is required to pass. A score of 80% is required for a mark of ""Merit"". A score of 90% is required for a mark of ""Distinction"". Before you take the real test, please see the official rules to get an understanding of how the test is run, what can be brought into the test, and any other rules and qualifications. You can find this information on the ABRSM website."
Price: 19.99

"SAP OO ABAP (Object Oriented Programming) For Beginners" |
"ABAP Objects (OOABAP) Concepts of object-oriented programmingUse of simple classes and methodsUnderstanding of object-oriented programmingAdvantages of Object Oriented ProgrammingComponents of a Class MethodsMethods and AttributesVisibility/Encapsulation...Public, Private and ProtectedAttributes of Object Oriented ProgrammingCreation of Global class and using it in a local programUse the global class created in a local programAccessibility of different sections of a classClasses & ObjectsDefining Local Classes, Components of a ClassAttributes, Constructor, Inheritance, PolimorphisimInterfaces, Events and Exception Handling"
Price: 29.99

"SAP ABAP Advance Topics Training" |
"ALE & IDOCIntroduction to ALE and IDOCDistributed Applications and Business ProcessesALE Components and benefitsALE Architecture, Logical System, Message TypeSegments, IDoc Type & IDocALE with IDOCRFC and IDOC with Standard Message typesALE with IDOC and RFCStandard ALEIDOC Steps to Send the Material from Outbound to Inbound Using MATMAS Message ClassInterface: BAPI Business Application ProgrammingIntroduction to BAPIBOR and RFCsCustom BAPI CreationData Uploads through the BAPISReports using BAPIBAdis Business Add InsBAdi EnhancementsBAdis Business Add Ins Implementation"
Price: 19.99

"SAP BDC (Batch Data Communication) Training" |
"BDC stands for Batch Data Communication and is also referred to as Batch Input. It is a technique for mass input of data by simulating user inputs in screens of existing transactions. Screens are not displayed, it can be run in the background. You do not bypass any of the standard SAP consistency checks, authorizations, etc.BDC was a great way of uploading data into SAP in a pre-BAPI era, now SAP is making available BAPIs for most of the functionalities, some one should first look out for BAPI if it is not available then go for BDC. Other methods of update include direct update SAP programs and IDocs.There are two main methods of BDC, these are:Call Transaction Using (CTU)Batch Input Session (BI session)"
Price: 29.99

"A First Course in Abstract Algebra:Group Theory, Ring Theory" |
"Abstract AlgebraGroup Theory Ring TheoryIt helps to understand Ring Theory, Linear Algebra, Vector Space,Discrete Mathematics.Update on 15th June 2020: New Video lectures and handwritten flash cards are uploaded Abstract Algebra with handwritten images like as flash cards in Articles.Dear students, Algebra is a university level Math topic. Math majors,B.Sc level students, M.Sc level students study Abstract Algebra. Set theory plays play key role to understand abstract algebra. In this course, we will discuss about the definition of set, What is Binary Operation, What is Closure property, What is Associative Property, What is Identity property, What is Inverse property, The definition of group with example, The definition of sub group with example,The definition of order of the group and order other element in a group The definition of commutative Group. Abstract Algebra:Ring TheoryWhat is Ring?What does it mean by Ring with Unity?What is Commutative Ring?Definition of Ring with Zero Divisors***Mathematics in my point of view: ""Mathematics/Math:Math is a simply a language. In School grade/Classes,covered Algebra,Trigonometry,Geometry, and Precalculus.In College,covered Algebra 2,College Algebra,Probability,Statistics,Calculus:Calculus 1,Calculus 2,Calculus 3(Multivariable Calculus like Differential Equations,Engineering Mathematics), And University Math topics are Abstract Algebra,Linear Algebra,Discrete Mathematics,Number Theory,Real Analysis,Complex Analysis,Functional Analysis,Matlab. In Test Prep:SAT,Act, GRE,GMAT,LSAT are with Quantitative Aptitude Section.Application of Math:Engineering,Physics,Science,Computer sciences like in Games development,Programming, Machine learning,Data science"".***These concepts are very important to understand Ring theory, Vector spaces. More videos will be uploaded soon Thank you for your supportAbstract Algebra Group Theory Ring Theory"
Price: 59.99

"Calculus this calculus 3 course > calculus 2 > calculus 1" |
"Calculus - calc 3 :This calculus 3 course > Calculus 2 > Calculus 1Calculus This Calculus 3 course is advance Math to Calculus 1 and Calculus 2 (Calculus).Learn Multivariable Calculus.Calculus 3 - This Calculus 3 course>Calculus 1>Calculus 2Calculus 3 is advance to Calculus 1 and Calculus 2Calculus 3 is applied the concepts of Calculus 1 in Calculus 3, Calculus 2 in Calculus 3, Precalculus in Calculus 3It's important to understand thatCalculus means in Math? Calculus definition? Calculus Applications in Math/Mathematics? And what is Calculus 1, Calculus 2 and Calculus 3?Calculus 1 is Derivatives Calculus 2 is Integrals Calculus 3 is Multivariable Calculus. In this Calculus 3 course, you will learn Calculus 3 is with Differential Equations and Laplace Transform Calculus 3 Important Concepts, Calculus 3 Important formule, Calculus 3-Solved Problems Before starting Calculus 3,revise these Math/Mathematics topics below:Precalculus, Trigonometry, Calculus 1, Calculus 2.Real Analysis can be also understand after revise above basic Calculus topics***Mathematics in my point of view: ""Mathematics/Math:Math is a simply a language. In School grade/Classes,covered Algebra,Trigonometry,Geometry, and Precalculus.In College,covered Algebra 2,College Algebra,Probability,Statistics,Calculus:Calculus 1,Calculus 2,Calculus 3(Multivariable Calculus like Differential Equations,Engineering Mathematics), And University Math topics are Abstract Algebra,Linear Algebra,Discrete Mathematics,Number Theory,Real Analysis,Complex Analysis,Functional Analysis,Matlab. In Test Prep:SAT,Act, GRE,GMAT,LSAT are with Quantitative Aptitude Section.Application of Math:Engineering,Physics,Science,Computer sciences like in Games development,Programming, Machine learning,Data science"".***Differential Equations and Laplace is a very important topic in Engineering Math. In this course, we will discuss about the definition of Differential Equations, Laplace Transforms with System controls and System Dynamics What is Laplace Transform? Solved Example Problem on Laplace Transform Ordinary Differential Equations, Partial Differential Equations, Order of a Differential Equation, Degree of a Differential Equation, Linear Differential Equation, Exact Differential Equation, Non Exact Differential Equations, Homogeneous Differential Equations Separable Differential EquationSecond Order Linear Differential Differential Equations Watch and learn. Udemy is a great platform to learn. You will have 30 days money back guarantee also. Let's start Calculus 3.Enroll in this ""Calculus 3 This Calculus 3 course>Calculus 1>Calculus 2Calculus 3 is advance Math to Calculus 1 and Calculus 2"" Course. Thank you"
Price: 19.99

"LEADERSHIP LESSONS - From the people you lead!" |
"""Leader"" is not a title you can claim. If the people in your charge respect you, trust you and believe in you then THEY will call you their leader. The decision is entirely theirs.And their decision to call you leader is a direct product of how you behave. Because, according to the Harvard Business Review, Leadership is 85% people skills (attitude and behaviour) and just 15% operational talent (aptitude and technical knowledge).Furthermore - research in the UK shows that 95% of senior leaders believe they are 'Trusted' by their followers. That same survey (across 2,000 UK workers), indicated that just 16% of followers trust their leaders. THAT'S A HECK OF A PERCEPTION GAP!Leadership Lessons from the people you lead, is a 3 hour course that took 25 years to create.Andy Edwards, the course author says:Having been in business for more than 25 years, I have trained and coached many thousands of leaders but, just as importantly, thousands of FOLLOWERS too. This has given me a unique insight into, not only how leaders tick but also what followers complain about most.As an accredited behavioural psychologist, it struck me that the best lessons for leaders are available from their followers. The trouble is, many leaders (and many followers) do not recognise the value available in these 'lessons'. Leaders, especially. They think they have to be In Charge, The Boss they have to be seen to know better than the people they lead so the learning is rarely sought or simply ignored by leaders (and virtually never offered by followers).You can try any number of other leadership courses out there but they tend to be leaders telling other leaders how to be great leaders. This course is unique because it actually looks at leadership from the perspective of the end-user. That end-user being the team member.Based on the above, I created this course which, as a leadership trainer, I offer to my clients. You are quite welcome to invite me along to present it as in-house session.WHAT TO EXPECT (CONTENT OVERVIEW)First of all, this course is not for the faint-hearted leader. There are some uncomfortable truths early in the course that provide clarity about the problem that many leaders face.So, the first section, Andy lays out the problem using his own experience but also surveys commissioned by respected organisations, associations and governing bodies.A particular feature of the course is the availability of what Andy calls the Followers' Briefing' Documents.After many of the lectures you can download an information sheet or exercise sometimes both. This information enhances the video lectures and is like a briefing document direct from your followers (if they were brave enough to write one!).Section two moves into the six Cs of leadership. Based on the fundamental (but uncomfortable truth) Any problem in your team is probably a reflection of your leadership (or lack of it).Leaders will complain and point to reasons why their team or followers are failing without understanding how much they, the leader, can actually do about it.So, Andy tackles six areas that cover 99% of the problems leaders have with their team but it DOES require the leader taking responsibility for, well, leading! Usefully (not a bit awkwardly!) all six of the areas begin with the letter C!Section three is an absolute eye-opener. We look at the seven Failures of leaders. AS TOLD BY THE FOLLOWERS.When moaning or complaining about (or to) their leader, many followers do so in a sullen, negative, passive or even hostile manner. This makes it easy for the leader to blame the follower for such an uncooperative or defensive attitude. However, this is not the issue itself... This is a symptom of the poor relationship between leader and follower - which is the true problem.Address all seven of the leadership Failures and the followers have more than 90% of their complaints totally eradicated. Trust in the leader is enhanced. Morale goes up as does discretionary effort, competence, confidence, loyalty AND PRODUCTIVITY.Section 4 concludes the course with two important leadership approaches 'Consistency not intensity' PLUS the most important question a leader can ask. To find out what it is, you'll have to take the course!What it all boils down to is that business is about people it always has been, and always will be. Too often businesses fall short, not because leaders dont understand the business, but because they dont understand what the people who work for them actually need in order to bring their best efforts to work.BY THE END OF THE COURSE YOU WILL BE ABLE TO:Understand the link between world-class leadership and customer delightKnow why and under what circumstances, people become leadersBe clear about the specific roles and followers' expectations of leadership and managementUnderstand exactly what their followers want (and need) from youRecognise how to take leadership responsibility for (and address) the problems in the teamUnderstand the seven leadership failures, their implications - and precisely how to overcome themBe confident enough to ask followers the most important question a leader can ask!Leadership is about getting things done through others... Great leadership leads to every business metric, every KPI and every customer being positively affected. It really is THAT important! By the end of this course, all these enhancements will be available to you.WHO IS IT FORIs this course for you? Well, as I said earlier, its not for the faint-hearted leader.I hope that you are either a new leader (or just about to become one) or an existing, battle-scarred leader who has tried everything else and believes that workers can NEVER be on the same side as their boss.Either way, this course is for leaders who are prepared to learn uncomfortable truths. Leaders who are prepared to take responsibility, and who will not dismiss or deny the material or immediately believe that it does not apply to them.I remind you of that survey I mentioned earlier... 95% of leaders believe that their followers mostly or fully trust them. The truth is that when those followers are asked that question, fewer than 20% of them actually do. This perception gap borders on the delusional. So be prepared to challenge what you think you know.This is for leaders with a degree of self-awareness and an open mind. Take this course on the principle that the material might, just MIGHT apply to you and youll learn some great lessons. Not so much from Andy Edwards but from your followers.TESTIMONIALS FROM LEADERSHIP TRAINING WITH ANDYWorking with Andy has been so much more than (I expected). It has been a voyage of discovery, learning more about myself than I ever imagined, reinforcing strengths, understanding that perceived weaknesses were not in fact this, just areas for focus, and recognising where I can help and influence others with their behaviours.The sense of team that has developed between the cohort (which was made up from different business functions) under Andys guidance is palpable. Bonds built on more than just the day job have had visible improvements on morale, behaviours and achievement of targets. M.S.As a leader, I have a far greater appreciation of what drives the individuals in my team. I place more value in spending time and energy with individuals and Ive seen my own confidence, decision making and focus improve as a result.I have a team who now think and behave above the line even in tough circumstances. I have a team who trust each other and work towards shared objectives and take pride in their joint achievements. I have a team who are comfortable challenging each other with respect, and accepting challenge with grace. A.G.Not only did Andy give me the tools, inspiration and motivation to change a culture within my department (taking staff satisfaction from 38% to 80%), he also gave me the vision and empowerment to create more rewarding personal relationships in general life. This man is inspirational, one of a kind and is by far the best tutor / mentor / coach I have ever had the pleasure of working with. R.H"
Price: 119.99

"Electronics : Diode (Part 2) : Diode applications" |
"Learn the fundamentals of Diodes and take the first leap to the world of Electronics.this course is basically the 2nd part of Diode course and here we will look at the diode from application point of view and discuss and design different clipper circuits, clamping circuit, rectifiers etc.So lets have a highlight of the entire course quickly-See the Diode from Application point of view.Learn the technique to design Series Negative Clipper.Learn how to design Series Negative Clipper with applied bias.See how to design Positive Clippers with and without applied bias voltage.Understand the concepts of Shunt Negative/Positive Clippers with and without applied bias voltage.In-depth knowledge about Two-way clipper.Understand diode peak detector circuit, diode clamping circuit in detail.Design voltage doubler and voltage multiplier circuits using diodes.Thoroughly learn how to design Half wave rectifier and understand its quantitative analysis. Learn how we can use it as a battery replacement.Learn Full wave rectifier in detail and understand its analysis quantitatively. Clear your doubts with examples.Understand how we can use diodes as Digital gates."
Price: 19.99

"Minitab 1: AIGPE's Minitab Beginner Certification Simulation" |
"Looking to achieve AIGPE's Minitab Beginner Certification Exam? Minitab Beginner Certification Simulation Exam is a specialized simulation exam created to help you achieve AIGPE's Minitab Beginner Certification. AIGPE's Minitab Beginner Certification is based on Minitab Masterclass: Part 01 (Master Top 10 Graphical Tools) Training Course. At the end of the training, you have an option to appear for Minitab Beginner Certification Exam and achieve AIGPE's Minitab Beginner Certification. This Certification Exam has two free attempts. If you are looking to pass this exam in these two free attempts and prepare well to gain the knowledge of correctly answering all the questions, you have come to the right place.Which Minitab related topics are included in this Simulation Exam?The Certification Exam is based on the curriculum offered in Minitab Masterclass: Part 01 (Master Top 10 Graphical Tools) Training. The multiple-choice questions include the following topics:Display Descriptive StatisticsGraphical SummaryRun ChartBar ChartPie ChartPareto ChartCause and Effect DiagramScatter DiagramHistogramBoxplotHow many questions does this Simulation Exam include?The simulation exam has 30 questions that are divided into two tests of 11 questions and 19 questions, respectively. You are expected to finish one test, take a quick break, and come back to the second test.Although AIGPE's Minitab Beginner Certification Exam does not have a time limit, you are required to finish the entire exam in one sitting. That is, once you start the exam, you should ensure it is completed until the end. This simulation exam helps you prepare mentally, physically, and emotionally for the final certification exam.Can you take this Simulation Exam more than once?Yes. You can retake this Simulation Exam as many times as you wish. Once you have completed the exam, the option to ""Retake Test"" will appear. Just click on that, and you can retake the practice test.Do you have to finish the exam once you have started it?No. If you are required to leave during this simulation exam or decide that you want to work on something else, the simulation exam can be paused, and that will also pause the test timer. When you are ready to return to this simulation exam, you can resume where you left off!Will this simulation exam test show your final score?Yes. When you've completed the Simulation Exam, your final score will be posted. In addition, to the ratio of correct answers versus incorrect answers you entered will be shown based on the knowledge area. You can also review your answers by click on ""Review Questions.""Can you review your answers?Yes. You can review all the answers you submitted by click on ""Review Questions"" after you have completed an exam and see which questions you got right or wrong. You can also search through them for specific subjects in the exam using the ""Knowledge Areas"" filter. By clicking on the ""All Questions"" filter, you'll be able to select the questions you would like to review (correct, incorrect, skipped, marked for review).All the material found in this simulation exam is 100% original and not found anywhere else.If you are not sure if you are ready to take the Minitab Beginner Certification Exam, this simulation exam can test your knowledge. If you find something that you don't know, you can study a bit more on that area.It is important to note that this is NOT the final Minitab Beginner Certification Exam.Click the ""Buy Now"" or ""Add to Cart"" button to prepare for your AIGPE Minitab Beginner Certification today!"
Price: 29.99

"Complete YouTube Course: Audio and Video Production at Home" |
"Have you always wanted to make YouTube videos but didnt know where to begin? Do you wish you had the equipment and knowledge to make videos on a budget?In this 16-hour complete course, well show you the essentials and much more so you can make pro looking videos on a budgetStart Making Professional Looking and Sounding YouTube Videos Today!Taught by the No.1 Video Production, Photography and Music Production instructors on Udemy.This course is all about creating the best YouTube videos with Pro-Level Video and Audio Production even on a budget.Learn how to create amazing looking and sounding videos and take your content to a professional level.What is this YouTube Video Production and Audio Production Course all about?In this course, you will gain a deep understanding of Video Production and Audio Production and how to edit video and audio like the pros. You'll learn the tricks and tips used by YouTubers to make their videos look and sound great.This course will cover such topics as : How to Record Your Own Videos at Home on a Budget A Complete Guide to Using OBS for Recording Videos (Free Software) How to Mix Audio with OBS like the Pros; for Podcasts, Tutorials and Live Streaming A Crash Course into Video Editing with Adobe Premiere Pro A Crash Course into Video Editing with Shotcut (Free Software) How to Setup your Camera to get the Best Possible Shots Learn how to use EQ, Compression, Limiting and more, to Improve the Quality of your Audio How to use Chromakey with Green Screens to Create Floating Head Videos Learn how to Livestream with OBS How to Record and Edit Videos on Your Phone How to get Great Lighting for your Videos on a Budget Video Editing Tricks and Tips used by the Pros Record and Edit Videos at home with Free Software The Right Video and Audio Recording Equipment for you Room Treatment Tips Best Budget Video Camera Gear Pro-Level Video Camera Gear Pro-Level Video Lighting Gear Best Budget Audio Recording Gear Pro Level Audio Recording Gear Free Audio Editing Tools Audio Editing Tricks and Tips used by the Pros How to find and edit backing tracks for your YouTube videos and Much More.What you'll learn in this course will give you the right knowledge and confidence so you can make amazing looking and sounding videos. This course will also improve your video editing and audio editing skills which will translate to other pieces of video and audio editing software.So if you want to create professional YouTube videos, get pro-level audio for podcasting, make an epic vlog, or set up amazing looking live streams then this is the course for you!BROUGHT TO YOU BY TOP VIDEO PRODUCTION INSTRUCTOR PHIL EBINER, TOP MUSIC PRODUCTION INSTRUCTOR TOMAS GEORGE AND PRO AUDIO ENGINEER IAN ALEXANDERWhat makes us qualified to teach you?Phil Ebiner is the creator of some of the world's most popular video editing courses - with over 1,000,000 students and thousands of 5-star reviews.Tomas George has a MMus Masters Degree in Music Production and a BA(Hons) Degree in Music Composition. He is also the creator of some of the world's most popular audio and music production courses - with over 200,000 studentsIan Alexander has a MA Masters Degree in Music Production and BA(Hons) Degree in Music Production. He is a professional Audio and Mastering Engineer.Our Promise to YouIf you have any questions about the content, we will always be responsive to questions and direct messages. Go ahead and click the enroll button, and we'll see you in lesson 1!Cheers,Phil, Tomas and Ian."
Price: 199.99

"Microsoft Excel -Basic Excel/ Advanced Excel Formulas" |
"If you want to improve your Excel skills, learn to use new functions or simply interested in becoming better in this amazing Microsoft APP then this course is for you. My name is Yassin Marco and I have been lucky enough to have the privilege to teach more than 250 000+ students in more than 190+ countries around the world. Since teaching is my passion, I decided to design this course to help people achieve there full potential with Microsoft Excel. This means that by the end of this course your Excel knowledge will have significantly grown. Indeed, this course teaches you how to properly work with more than 80+ Excel functions and formulas. Also all of those formulas are presented with clear Examples so you will be able to use them to create your own programs. Still not convinced, well not only you will receive a course and support for lifetime but if you are not satisfied you get your money back with no questions asked in the next 30 days.So if you are looking for THE Excel course you will definitely not be disappointed by this one.Finding the right Excel course can be really complicated, espescially if you have almost no knowledge of this APP and want ot learn all the basics. Indeed, wether you are alooking to- Understand the basics of microsoft Excel- LEarn how to properly work with microsoft Excel- Get different Tips and Trick of this amazing Excel app- Learn new functions and formulas and be able to use them everytime that you work with microsoft Excelor any other given reason. The way this course have been designed will not only give a compete understanding of this Microsoft App but will also give a complete knowledge of more than 80+ Microsoft Excel functions and formulas. This is why this course is your best choice to learn this amazing AppThe structure of the courseThe way this course have been designed is here to help you learn all the basics of micrsoft Excel by practicing them. In other words, this course is devided into categories of functions and each categorie will teach you different functions that can be used in a certain field. Each class of the course is stricly reserved in teaching new functions. Also, the way each function in presented will help you learn it much easielly. Indeed, not only you will learn the theory around each function but you will also have the chance to practice it. In other words, in each class you will be able to use the function in different real life scenarios. Since there is a lot of practicce this is the best way to learn something and be able to master it.Also, not only you will master new skills, you will also have all the required knowledge to be able to perform different tasks and many fields such as finances, mathematics and statistics. Not only this but you will also be able to put everything you have learned together and use all the functions that you have learned to create your own advanced Excel apps.For who is this course designedThis course can be very usefull for new Excel users that are seeking ways to learn more about this app. Indeed, not only you will learn different ways to use Microsoft Excel with different formulas and functions but you will also have a complete understanding of more than 80+ Formulas. This means that it can be perfect for anyone trying to learn this app. Also, This course could be very good for people who already have experience with Microsoft Excel and who want to push there knowledge of this app a bit further. Indeed, the formulas teached in this course can be perfect for any experienced Excel user that want to learn new Excel functions/formulas and practice them.Why should I take this courseThis is definetly not the only microsoft Excel course out there. But, this course is very unique. Indeed, there is almost no course that focus really on teaching you how to properly work with more than 80+ Formulas and functions. Not only you will have the theoritical side of each function/Formula but you will also learn how to use it with different Examples. In other words, each function is at first presented theoritically then you can practice it with different Examples that are given inside of the course ! This is excatly what makes this course so unique, no other courses will give you so much knowledge with practice in only a 5H course. Also, this course is frequently updated, this means that the information will be updated in the futur months.There is no risk involved in taking this courseThis course comes with a 100% satisfaction guarantee, this means that if your are not happy with what you have learned, you have 30 days to get a complete refund with no questions asked. Also, if there is any concepte that you find complicated or you are just not able to understand, you can directly contact me and it will be my pleasure to support you in your learning.This means that you can either learn amazing skills that can be very usefull in your professional or everyday life or you can simply try the course and if you don't like it for any reason ask for a refund.You can't lose with this type of offer !!This is why more than 15 000 students have already took the course !! Don't wait anymoreENROL NOW and start learning today :)"
Price: 79.99

"YouTube 240 Adobe Premiere Pro" |
"YouTube10 YouTube1000YouTuberAdobe Premiere Pro YouTuberPremiere ProAfter Effects2018YouTubeYouTube2018YouTubeYouTube SpaceYouTube2020YouTubeYouTubeYouTube8 / PowerPointYouTuberAdobe Premiere Pro72480/5680/ / PowerPointYouTuber1.55703498DVDRyohei Watanabe2.Ryohei WatanabeSEVEN SEAS PICTURES ()VPRICOH 181002 YouTube3YouTuber1 YouTubeYouTuber2 (BGM)()()3YouTubeWatanabe9YouTube810009 YouTube 81000Adobe Premiere Pro 2402YouTube"
Price: 7800.00

"ES6ES9 - JavaScript" |
Price: 2400.00

"Quickbooks Online 2020" |
"After taking this course, you will be able to confidently provide support to various types of clients like small businesses and enable them to properly implement Quickbooks Online. This course will focus primarily on the use and implementation of QBO (Quickbooks Online). This includes everything from the setup and maintenance of client accounts to managing lists and reports. You will also be exposed to basic accounting principles, relevant financial documents, and common errors QBO users typically make."
Price: 19.99

"Mster Completo en Java de cero a experto con IntelliJ 2020" |
"Este curso tiene como objetivo entregar las bases necesarias para el desarrollo de aplicaciones Java en su ltima versin (JDK 15+), utilizando las mejores practicas en desarrollo utilizando programacin orientado a objetos.Te ensearemos paso a paso y desde cero cmo construir aplicaciones Java provechando las caractersticas de la Programacin Orientada a Objetos (POO) mediante clases, clases abstractas, interfaces y enumeraciones, principios orientado a objetos (herencia, abstraccin, encapsulamiento, ocultacin, interfaces y polimorfismo etc.), clases y mtodos Genricos con el API Java Generic.El curso est en desarrollo, todava NO est completo, hay mucho contenido que ir agregando durante los prximos das, semanas y meses, prximos contenidos:API de Colecciones de objetosManejo de excepcionesArquitecturas multi-ncleo a travs de ThreadJava 8 Closures y expresiones lambdaJava 8 API StreamJava 8 OptionalJava 8 Date/Time APIRegEXAPI reactiva RxJavaBase de datos JDBC para realizar consultas y operaciones CRUD (crear, leer, actualizar y eliminar) con relaciones de tablasHibernateDesarrollo de aplicaciones de escritorio con SwingDesarrollo de aplicaciones web empresariales con Java EE 8: Servlet/JSP, JSF2, JPA, CDI, REST, SOAP, EJB (Enterprise JavaBeans). y msEl curso es completamente funcional con versiones de Java 8 y 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 y superiores.Porqu elegir nuestros cursos?Acceso 7 x 24 a nuestra Plataforma e-learning.Soporte online con profesor JavaAl finalizar recibes un certificado digitalSomos pioneros en brindarte este tipo de acceso para darte la libertad que necesitas para estudiar, donde quiera que te encuentres.Excelente relacin calidad-precio.Conocimiento aplicable a proyectos reales del mercado laboral.Atencin rpida y satisfactoria a las dudas por parte del profesor.Interactividad del curso ya que contiene foros y comunicacin para resolver dudas.Todos los materiales del curso estn en espaol y al finalizar recibes un diploma UDEMY digital certificando tu aprobacin con validez internacional y LinkedIn.Si quieres ser un profesional en las tecnologas de Java y avanzar al siguiente nivel, es casi obligatorio este curso, te invito a que te inscribas, nos vemos adentro."
Price: 19.99

"Guia Prtico de Grficos e Visualizao com R" |
"Neste curso criado pois dois especialistas no tema, voc vai aprender passo a passo como criar elementos grficos utilizando R, aliados as melhores prticas. Entre outras coisas, voc vai aprender:Conceitos de Estatstica e Cincia de DadosDados tabelados, tipos de frequnciaGrficos para variveis quantitativasGrficos para variveis qualitativasCriao de elementos grficos como correlogramas, dendogramas e muitos outrosGrficos animados e interativosTudo isso utilizando R e RStudio."
Price: 54.99

MEOGoogle |
"1Web Web Google Google Google Google Google MEO MEO GoogleMEO MEO MEOMEO"
Price: 6000.00

"SAP MDG - Data Replication Framework (DRF) for beginners" |
"In this course you will learn about SAP DRF, prerequisites for configuring DRF, DRF Configuration using IDOC's and Editions in MDG Finance. For all the above concepts you'll be shown practical demo. I have not covered interconnecting systems using Services (SOA Manager), RFC's using DRF in this course but, I'll be giving a brief overview of them while teaching replication using IDOC's.This course is intended for beginners in SAP DRF and will be useful for SAP Technical and functional consultants who would like to learn / configure DRF in their systems. I have tried to make it as simple as possible so that even beginners are able to understand it. It's good to have some knowledge in configuring ALE IDOC's in SAP before taking this course."
Price: 49.99

"Marketing Agency Success: How To Create A Winning Proposal" |
"You have a talent and skillset that businesses need, yet getting in the door to new clients for business is one of the hardest and difficult process that can waste a lot of time. In this course you are going to learn my unique process that helps me close new business relationship for my marketing agency that closes 90% of the time. In this course you will learn:Exact winning successful proposal templateProposal psychologyHow to find new clientsSo much more..."
Price: 34.99

"Learn 4 STEPS to Make Money Online by Blogging!" |
"Would you like to wake up in the morning, check your phone and see how much money you made while you've been sleeping?That's my morning routine.Every single morning I like to check out from my phone how much money I have made last night.But of course, things weren't always so good for me so let's go back in time back to 2015...How Did I Learn to Make Money Blogging?I was searching for ways to make money online...Then I made a few searches on Google...I saw a website where a man from the US showed me step-by-step how to make money blogging. The process was very simple! Just 4 steps...However, it took some time to master the process and I must admit that I made a lot of mistakes.With trial & error I eventually learned how to make money with blogging.I made over $100,000 online and helped many others to make money with blogging too. People learned the steps to make money on my blog Your Online Revenue and on my YouTube channel Learn to Make Honest Money Online...Now I Have the Privilege to Help YOU to Make Money Online Too!Nowadays it's my mission to help ordinary people to make a life-changing income onlineYou can make much faster progress than I did because now you have better tools available than when I started.In addition, you don't need to repeat the same mistakes when I did when I made my first steps to make money with blogging.It's Your Time!See you inside the course!PS. Even 1 advice from this course can be worth $1,000's or even $10,000's during your ""blogging career"".Start the course now so you won't miss out anything important!"
Price: 199.99

"Creative Writing: showing character emotions" |
"How do you convey an emotion? The answer to this question is a very complicated challenge for us writers, perhaps the most difficult one of all of them: thats why we cant take it lightly. Of course, we could write: And then, the main character in our story... died.Was that clear? No doubt.But did we stir anguish in the reader? Fear? Awe? Concern? Well, no, not really. And the truth is, its not easy to convey an emotion to the reader, in the same way that its not easy to talk about it in real life. Many of us prefer to show our emotions through actions, or by buying a gift, for example a bouquet of flowers: but how do we make our reader feel the love that two characters are feeling for each other without falling into clichs? How do we make the reader sad when our character has lost someone they care about? How do we make them frightened when our character is investigating a murder? The simple answer is: through the show, don't tell principle, and weve talked about it at length in our course Creative writing: the full course. We need to become excellent sociologists or psychologists, or scholars of social and romantic relationships; or, as an alternative, you can enroll this course. How do you show and make people feel anxiety, depression, anger, desire, boredom and many other emotions that we will describe in this course? How do you make the scene in which the character is feeling such an emotion a realistic one, and how do you make your reader feel italmost like theyre living in that moment themselves?We will compare sentences that tell, or describe an emotion, with those that show it and that trigger the same feelings in us who are reading. We will make a detailed list of the bodily reactions that each emotion provokes in us.Because thats the only way you can learn how to really get your reader excited.Are you ready to begin this journey? I cant wait!"
Price: 99.99

"Description.This course is a collection of short 'howto' videos on day-to-day administration tasks. It starts off with eleven modules (120 minutes in total). Each module has three videos. The first video is the introduction to the topic and gives a short overview of what the module deals with. The second and third video contain a demonstration on the command-line and with System Manager respectively,I would like this to be a training that grows, based on requests for topics. So if the topic you are interested in, is not in this training, you can place a request for the set of three videos - intro, cli and system manager.The topics available right now:1. NetApp ONTAP Cluster Overview 1.1 NetApp ONTAP Lab Setup. (Skip if you already have a lab)2. Aggregates - Introduction2.1 Aggregates - Command line2.2 Aggregates - System Manager3. Storage Virtual Machines - Introduction3.1 Storage Virtual Machines - Command line3.2 Storage Virtual Machines - System Manager4 Volumes - Introduction4.1 Volumes - Command line 4.2 Volumes - System Manager5. Networking Ports - Introduction5.1 Networking Ports Command line5.2 Networking Ports System Manager6 Networking ipspaces - Introduction6.1 Networking ipspaces - Command line6.2 Networking ipspaces - System Manager7 Networking Logical Interfaces - Introduction7.1 Networking Logical Interfaces - Command line7.2 Networking Logical Interfaces - System Manager8 NAS NFS - Introduction8.1 NAS NFS - Command line8.2 NAS NFS - System Manager9 NAS CIFS - Introduction9.1 NAS CIFS - System Manager10 SAN iSCSI - introduction10.1 SAN iSCSI - System Manager"
Price: 34.99

"Devexpress le Restaurant Uygulamas (Blm 3)" |
"Kursu almadan nce amacnz eer ki Profesyonel yntemlerle C# ve Devexpress nasl kullanlr diyorsanz doru yerdesiniz. Kursumuz BackEnd ve FrontEnd ksmlarndan oluan ve BackEnd tarafnda NLayer Architecture(ok katmanl Mimari) eklinde tasarlanan, gereksiz kod yazmnn olmad gl bir BackEnd ile FrontEnd tarafnda Devexpress`in bir ok aracnn kullanld ve grnts ho ve kullanl bir uygulama yaptk. Uygulamamzn tantm videosunda bu ksmlar inceleyebilirsiniz. Kursu almadan nce ltfen izleyin. Kursu bitirdiinizde C# ile ilgili bir ka seviye atlayacanz(Ezbere yapmadnzda) garanti ediyorum. ok ok nemli not: Ltfen kursu Kaynak kodlar talep etmek iin satn alacaksanz ltfen uzak durunuz. Kaynak kodlar paylalmayacaktr."
Price: 99.99

"Sleep & Insomnia: 111+ Tips For Optimal Sleep & Relaxation" |
"111+ Practical Tips For Deep Sleep, Insomnia And RelaxationUse This Guide To Sleep Smarter Today By Following Practical Tips, Including A Guided Meditation & Hypnosis (+ Ebook)Facts about Insomnia and Sleep Disorders:Approximately one in four Americans develop insomnia each yearUp to 10% of American adults are likely to have chronic insomniaRoughly 27% of working women suffer from insomnia, compared to 20% of working menUp to 10% of American adults are likely to have chronic insomnia83% of those who suffer from depression also experience symptoms of insomniaLost productivity related to insomnia costs the US economy about $63 billion a yearSource: https: //www . thegoodbody . com / insomnia-statistics/Everybody wants to experience a restful sleep and relaxation. But more and more are struggeling with this aspect of life.You might suffer from feeling tired and unfit? You might have tried a lot, but you are not sure what might be the best solution for you?If that is the case - this is the right course for you! In this course you will learn how to enjoy deep sleep so that you can overcome insomnia and enjoy relaxation!The author, Kevin Kockot (M.A. Prevention & Health Promotion) is an online content creator for years in the field of health, healing and relaxation. He teaches thousands of students on several platforms, including Udemy, Insight Timer and Skillshare.Do you want to learn about the ""111+ Practical Tips For Deep Sleep, Insomnia And Relaxation""? Enroll now! I am happy to meet you!"
Price: 199.99

"Basic to Advance Training on Microsoft Power BI - Part1 of 2" |
"A very detailed discussion on Power BI introduction. A Free Microsoft tool works in real world to produce amazing , powerful and dynamic ,interactive dashboards/Reports.Installation on Power BI - Real live example shown. No fast forward. Helpful for new students who never seen BI before.Clustered Column and Stacked Column Chart visualizations covered . When and why they should be used and difference between them discussed too.how to import data and things to be taken care of from different sources.Drill down feature for deep analysis.Stylish Drill-Through feature.Line & Pie Visualizations.Tool-tip and Tool Tips features - Why you need them and what is the difference.How to make Tables and Matrix. Their role in reports .Difference between them. Advantages and disadvantages.Learn how to create Slicers and rules to be followed. What are Cards and Themes in BI - Simple awesome.Learn not so much explored Analytical feature in Visualizations- A full detailed discussion on each feature. Why and where you need this. Cross Filtering feature - No VBA , no complex formulas- Inbuilt feature which adds so much value to your reports and dashboards.Area Chart Visualization -from scratch. with practical scenarios telling the difference between it and others .Line and Column visualization - including stacked.How to use custom visuals if you not happy with in-built ones though they are always extra-ordinaryShow amazing up and down falls in business using WaterFall visualizationComplete discussion on KPI ,Map , TreeMap , QnA feature, Decomposition tree visualization,Ribbon Chart.How to use shapes ,bookmarks and selections in power-bi to take the reports to extreme level. Use of Slicers in navigating pages.You can ask for support any day , any time."
Price: 19.99
