"Detailed Chakras and Human Body Course" |
"This course deals with micro-chakra issues beyond the basic chakra knowledge, by examining the chakras in more detail. They are given this name because they are believed to consist of vortex-rotating energy fields according to Hindu traditions and some belief systems.Chakra is considered as the connection point of metaphysical and / or biophysical energy in the human body in Indian Philosophy and some related Asian cultures. The masters of yoga argue that man has a more sensitive and more active body than his apparent physical presence. We can only perceive this in some special situations through our emotions.In fact, it is thought that there are many important chakras in our body: for example, chakras in palms, soles, knees, elbows are more important than others. But the main chakra centers are lined along the spine in our body.According to the Indian philosophy, while there is a positive current at the top of the human head, there is a negative current at the lower part of the spinal bone, at the tail-end. The electric power circulating between these two ""poles"" is ""LIFE""."
Price: 44.99

"Salkl ve Uzun Yaam Kursu" |
"Bugn doan bir bebek sadece 100 deil, 120 yanda bile yaayabilir. nanmas zor deil mi? Grne gre, sadece uzun yaam iin deil, uzun ve salkl yaam iin bir gen belki de bulunabilir. Bugn bile, 100'n dnm yan geen birok insan var - sadece birka on yl nce imkansz bir baar gibi grnen bir ya bu. Aslnda, o kadar ok salkl, yal insan var ki, yeni bir terim ortaya kt: Wellderly. Bunlar, 80 yan zerinde, yksek tansiyon, koroner hastalk veya diyabet gibi kronik hastalklar olmayan ve bu durumlar iin hi ila almam kiilerdir. Bu kursta size birka tyo ile bu srlardan birkan, ifa dersleriyle zenginletirerek vermeye altk."
Price: 99.99

"Enerji ve ifa Kursu" |
"Enerji iyilemesi, vcudun ince enerji sistemlerini bloklar kaldrmak iin harekete geiren btnsel bir uygulamadr. Bu enerjik bloklar krarak, vcudun kendi kendini iyiletirme yetenei uyarlr. Bu tanmn ilenmesi ok ey, bu yzden enerji iyilemesi ile ilgili hala olabilecek karklk veya yanl anlamalar giderebilecek baz forml ve tyolar mevcuttur. Bu kursta, enerji, aura ve ifa konularn, bu tyolarla birlikte ileyerek reneceksiniz. retmeniniz, anlalr bir dille, konular size hi duymadn ama aslnda bildiiniz bilgi, anlatm ve yntemlerle tarif etmekte..."
Price: 89.99

"Data Science con Python - Numpy & Pandas" |
"Quiere iniciar su camino para convertirse en cientfico de datos y dominar el rea de Data Science?Vivimos en un mundo dominado por los datos, es por ello que obtener estas habilidades le permitir acceder a posiciones de alto valor aadido debido a la gran demanda de perfiles de Data Science. Portales como indeed estiman salarios anuales promedios de 122.800$ y estudios como MarketWatch apuntan a que en los prximos aos habr un aumento del negocio de Data Science de un 30% anual, por lo tanto es una excelente oportunidad para usted adquirir estos conocimientos.En este programa aprender por completo los fundamentos de Data Science, su base estadstica y cmo llevarlo a la prctica con Python, dominando desde cero este lenguaje y sus potentes libreras como Numpy y Pandas enfocadas en el anlisis de datos.Al finalizar el curso podr ejecutar proyectos completos de Data Science siendo capaz de importar fuentes de datos heterogneas, realizar la limpieza y transformacin de datos y analizar la informacin para obtener conclusiones que provoquen alto impacto en su entorno.Este curso tendr un enfoque eminentemente prctico, se explicar paso a paso y en detalle cada nueva funcionalidad, pero el objetivo es que sea capaz de aplicar los nuevos conocimientos ejecutando los mltiples casos prcticos reales propuestos para poner a prueba las destrezas adquiridas.A su vez, tendr a su disposicin un material extenso de consulta y todos los scripts de Python explicados durante esta especializacin de tal manera que le sea muy sencillo reutilizarlos para su caso de uso concreto.Es el momento de que pase a la accin, preprese para un futuro dominado por los datos adquiriendo una habilidad muy importante para poder destacar sobre el resto y conseguir sacar el mximo provecho de la informacin.Apntese a la carrera profesional de mayor potencial del siglo XXI.*Este curso forma parte de una carrera en Data Science complementada con cursos adicionales."
Price: 119.99

"Selenium (Testes de UI) com .NET Core 3.1 - C# na Prtica" |
"Implementar um projeto com o driver do Selenium para C# com AspNetCore 3.1Criar uma Classe de extenso do IWebDriver para facilitar o uso do Selenium.Implementar projetos de testes xUnit com AspNetCore, interagindo com o projeto de driver do Selenium,montando uma pesquisa do google e recebendo o resultado da pesquisa, para iniciar a jornada de automao.em sequencia fazendo uma automao de um programa que calcula IMC (Fornecida no Curso para realizar os testes).Em seguida iremos criar um outro projeto de teste com xUnit com AspNetCore, para automatizar o projeto de Contatos, este projeto fornecido para o curso para realizao da automao dos testes.Nesta automao ser imputados dados gerados pela biblioteca Fake.NETCoreAutomatizar teste de UICadastro de UsurioLogin do UsurioCadastrar usurio j cadastradoCadastro de ContatosPesquisar de ContatoEdio de ContatoDeleo de Contato"
Price: 39.99

"Pulmonology : Chest Medicine and Respiratory Medicine" |
"It is also known as respirology, respiratory medicine, or chest medicine in some countries and areas.Pulmonology is considered a branch of internal medicine and is related to intensive care medicine. Pulmonology often involves managing patients who need life support and mechanical ventilation. Pulmonologists are specially trained in diseases and conditions of the chest, particularly pneumonia, asthma, tuberculosis, emphysema, and complicated chest infections."
Price: 189.99

"Como gravar msicas ou vozes em casa com Audacity" |
"Como fazer gravaes de tima qualidade para suas vdeo aulas, msicas ou podcasts usando o programa Audacity.Esse curso foi criado voc aprender a gravar seus udios de forma simples e rpida, em casa, usando o computador, mesmo que no saiba nada sobre produo musical.Com os ensinamentos deste curso, voc no precisar comprar equipamentos caros.No curso voc vai aprender a criao, gravao, edio do udio, configurao dos equipamentos e utilizao de efeitos, com exemplos prticos.Vai acompanhar a criao e gravao de uma msica durante o curso, um instrumento de cada vez, desde o zero at a masterizao finalPara quem esse curso?Para pessoas que querem gravar suas vdeo aulas, podcast, msicas, locues e se preocupam com a qualidade final do seu trabalho."
Price: 384.99

"10 Tcnicas de impresin 3D - Mejorar en impresin 3D fcil" |
"La impresin 3D es la tecnologa que lo est revolucionando todo. Actualmente permite la fabricacin de objetos en todo el mundo de una forma rpida y fcil. Solo se necesita una impresora 3D y un diseo 3D, nada de moldes, envos y equipos costosos.En la actualidad hay muchas personas y empresas que estn intentando aprender a imprimir. Por eso, hemos recopilado las 10 tcnicas de impresin 3D ms utilizadas en estos momentos. Estas tcnicas de impresin 3D te ayudarn a imprimir tus proyectos en funcin de para qu quieras la piezas. Como sabrs no es lo mismo fabricar una pieza para decorar que fabricar una pieza que tenga que resistir un peso.Pues bien, aqu conocers los parmetros de impresin que diferencian estas tcnicas de impresin y aprenders a usarlas de la forma correcta.Entra y aprende las 10 tcnicas de impresin 3D ms utilizadas."
Price: 24.99

"Stress & Anxiety Reduction Through Mindfulness Practice" |
"***CERTIFIED COURSE***Stress & Anxiety Reduction Through Mindfulness PracticeLearn How To Reduce Stress & Anxiety Through Simple Mindfulness Practice, Regain Your lIfe Through MindfulnessThe sources of stress in modern-day life are seemingly infinite. From small everyday situation to major life-changing events, it can feel as if there is no escaping the constant pressure of the world around us. The persistent experience of stress has brought about the prevalence of anxiety. We use both words to describe many events or emotions during our day but there are two subtle differences. Stress is what arises when an interrupting factor enters your life, upsetting your normal balance. It is the bodies response and it brings an uprising that needs a response and can be subtle or chronic. Anxiety, on the other hand, is the experience of fear, nervousness or apprehension as often the direct response of stress. Again it can be mild or server and this will vary and the impact can be severe on the control it has over your life.This course will unpack this and give you insight and simple techniques to change your relationship and for you to reduce stress and ultimately anxiety through mindfulness helping you to regain your true life.Sign Up Today & Join Me On this fun but a life-changing compact course."
Price: 29.99

"Rocking AWS CloudFormation, CDK with DevOps, Interview Guide" |
"What will you achieve from this course?Welcome to Rocking AWS CloudFormation, CDK with DevOps, Interview Guide: Learn CloudFormation in it's entirety in JSON and YAML, from basic to advanced topics Big focus of this course is teaching you how to write ANY CloudFormation, rather than me giving you few templates In real-world, learning CloudFormation is not enough, you need to know how to run it using DevOps. This course will teach you how to run templates using DevOps Tools - Jenkins, Terraform and AWS CodePipelineYou will learn newest Infrastructure is Code Service - AWS CDK (Cloud Development Kit), in both Typescript and Python with hands on examples. I will share my cheat sheet using which you can code any CDK!Learn SAM (Serverless Application Model) in CloudFormation to provision your Serverless Apps Interview Guide - I am a seasoned Cloud interviewer. I am sharing my personal tips and tricks so that YOU can rock your Cloud interview!About the instructorRajdeep Saha is an AWS-Professional Certified Solutions Architect working at a leading cloud provider, he has worked in Fortune top 20 companies as Distinguished Cloud Architect. Unlike pen and paper architects, Rajdeep has migrated real enterprise projects into cloud using extensive Infrastructure As Code and DevOps. He has published blogs, presented well received talks in Conferences. He is also the author of highly-rated ""Rocking AWS Serverless - A Real World Guide"" course on Udemy.Rajdeep often uses real-world analogy to explain AWS concepts in this course, which makes it easier for the students to understand and retain the knowledge. Rajdeep also presents and attends in all major cloud conferences and keeps up to date in his domain. You are in capable hands! All opinions are Rajdeep's own.Course StructureThis course has four main areas - CloudFormation , DevOps, CDK (Cloud Development Kit) and Interview Guide. Below are the details for each section:CloudFormation - Divided into Basic and Advanced chaptersBasic CloudFormation Chapter covers:Infrastructure as Code - What and WhyCloudFormation IntroCost Of CloudFormation StackJSON Vs YAMLInput ParametersIntrinsic FunctionsPseudo ParametersMappingsConditionsResourcesOutputsCloudFormation DesignerRunning CloudFormation from CLIMUST WATCH: How to Code Any CloudFormationAdvanced CloudFormation Chapters cover:CloudFormation And IAMDrift DetectionTermination ProtectionStack PolicyNested StackChange SetsLambda PrimerCustom ResourcesStackSets And Hub & Spoke ModelUserdataDynamic Reference - Secrets Manager And SSMHelper Scripts (cfn-init, cfn-hup, cfn-signal, cfn-get-metadata)CloudFormer ToolCloudFormation Best PracticesCreating Serverless Infrastructure Using SAM (Serverless Application Model)DevOps Chapter covers:DevOps Quick PrimerWhy Automate CloudFormationInstall Jenkins Easy Way!Run Cft From Git Using Jenkins JobRun Cft Using Jenkins PipelineTerraform - What and WhyRun Terraform TemplatesAWS CodePipeline - What and WhyRun Cft With AWS CodePipelineMultiple WaysCloudFormation Vs TerraformAWS CodePipeline Vs JenkinsMUST WATCH: AWS CodePipelineCDK (Cloud Development Kit) Chapter covers:CDK - What And Why?CDK Vs CloudFormationTypeScript - Initial SetupTypeScript - Generate Cft And DeployTypeScript - Code Any TypeScript CDK!Python - Initial SetupPython - Generate Cft And DeployPython - Code Any Python CDK!Example Infra - EC2, S3, Lambda, API Gateway, SNS, SQSMUST WATCH: CDK CheatSheet For Coding Any CDKInterview Guide covers:CloudFormation Interviews - Main Areas Of FocusQuestions On Coding TemplateQuestions On DevOpsQuestions On Learn And AdaptGeneral Cloud Interview TipsWhiteboarding Interview TipsMUST WATCH: How I Switched My Career To AWS - Tips And StepsThis is the course that could take your career to next level. Let's have some fun and build some awesome stuff in cloud together!"
Price: 49.99

"Aprenda Ukulele" |
"Se voc sempre quis aprender a tocar algum instrumento essa a hora pra comear. Esse curso totalmente voltado para a prtica, sem muita teoria. Voc vai aprender o bsico para ler cifras, saber fazer os acordes e as batidas para buscar suas msicas preferidas no seu site de cifras e tocar no aniversrio, na viagem, na praia com os amigos etc."
Price: 39.99

"ASP.NET Core 3 RESTful WEB API - 2020 Formao Completa" |
"RESTful API representa hoje o primeiro passo para voc aprender sobre desenvolvimento de sistemas web altamente escalveis e que atenda a demanda cada vez maior em todo mundo por solues capazes de processar um grande nmero de requisies.Imagina nesse momento o nmero de pessoas acessando sistemas web de ensino(EAD), banking line, loja virtuais ou qualquer uma das redes sociais? A proposta desta formao ajud lo a cria solues web robustas utilizando o estilo de arquitetura REST e alm disso voc vai aprender a trabalhar em alto nvel com ferramentas de desenvolvimento como Visual Studio, .NET Core 3.x e a linguagem de programao C#"
Price: 264.99

"Business Fundamentals: International Business" |
"Welcome to this International business fundamentals course. This course has been curated to give students a thorough understanding of beginner level International Business. This is ideal for people who have little to no exposure to International business terms and terminologies used in International Business. Whether you are an International Business manager or a business student seeking to learn about business fundamentals, then this course is the one for you. This course is updated regularly to give you the latest information on Business Fundamentals.This course will also touch upon various aspects one may encounter in International Business, including the formation and selection of International Business StrategyAt the end of this course, students will be well acquainted with the fundamentals of international business terms. You will also find it easier to progress to more complex theories involved in international business. In order to keep the students informed about new developments, this business fundamentals course is updated regularly."
Price: 99.99

"3D Printing 101 The Ultimate Beginner's Guide 2020" |
"Learn 3D Printing from an Engineer The Practical Guide for BeginnersAre you interested in 3D printing and looking for a practical and compact entry-level course, but don't feel like reading or searching for information? Then this course is well suited for you! In this workshop you will learn all the basics you need to know in order to operate a 3D printer and create your own 3D printed objects. Start now with this professional, descriptive and step-by-step 3D printing tutorial, made by an engineer!Benefits of this Workshop at a Glance: Step-by-step explanations for using hardware and software. Learn all the basics of 3D printing with the guidance of an engineer and experienced user. Get started quickly and easily.Easy to understand explanations of the topic. Ideal for beginners and intermediates.Nowadays, 3D printers are also affordable for home users! This workshop includes a purchase guide to get you started with 3D printing at an affordable price (less than 400-600$).Comprehensible and thus straight to the point: Total running time approx. 80 minutesFAQ's about the course:What do I learn in 3D Printing 101?The workshop includes everything you need to know to get started in the world of FDM 3D printing and its applications. From a purchase advice to how to use the necessary software and a 3D printer. There are also chapters on materials, troubleshooting and 3D scanning waiting for you. All necessary hardware and software for 3D printing will be presented step by step and explained by printing examples (free of charge).What do I need for the 3D printing course and how long does it take?The workshop has a total duration of about 80 minutes (divided into several individual lessons). Of course, you are free to choose which chapters you want to watch at what time and you can also pause at any time. Ideally, you will need your own 3D printer for the workshop. A purchase advice is included in the workshop. If you do not want to buy one, alternatives are also shown (external providers). You could also use a Makerspaces 3D Printer nearby. In this case you will also benefit from the content of this course.How much does a 3D printer cost?High quality 3D printers for home use are available starting at around $ 500. So 3D printing does not have to be expensive. The general price range for FDM 3D printers is approximately $ 400 - 5000.Is the tutorial only for 3D printing beginners?This course is generally designed for anyone interested in 3D printing or in general technology. No matter whether only for information purposes about the technology or for the application and implementation of own models. All processes are explained in detail and are presented in a way that is easy to understand. This course is also ideal for inventors, engineers, architects, artists, students, teenagers, etc.Who will show me the 3D printing basics in this course?The 3D printing course is taught by an engineer and experienced user in the field of 3D printing.Is learning to 3D print difficult?3D printing is certainly a complex subject, as the use of software and hardware must be learned. Without help, you can lose track of what's important to achieve good results. However, with this 3D printing tutorial you have all the information at your fingertips and thus always have a clear view. Do I also learn to design my own objects?The topic of CAD designing will be addressed very shortly in this workshop. This means that design software is presented. The process of designing itself, on the other hand, is not taught, as this would go beyond the scope of the workshop. What can I do with a 3D printer anyway?You have the possibility to download and print numerous (100.000+) great objects from so-called content platforms for free. A lot of useuful and functional items for your household, toys for kids, gifts for friends and other spectacular things. As a first inspiration you are welcome to watch the trailer of the workshop.As you can see, 3D Printing is a somewhat sophisticated technology. Lets get started, enroll to 3D Printing 101 now and welcome the future!"
Price: 79.99

"Kennzahlen in der Logistik" |
"AllgemeinDie Logistik ist verantwortlich fr die Steuerung der Ware innerhalb eines Unternehmens. Von der Warenannahme, der Lagerung bis zum Versand mssen hier Prozesse optimiert werden. Damit diese wirtschaftlich erfolgreich sind, mssen mehrere Kennzahlen analysiert werdenSie lernen in nur 1 Stunde die relevanten Kennzahlen aus der Logistik kennen.InhaltLagerbestndeLagerreichweiteInventur-QuoteServicegrad / LieferfhigkeitRckstandsquoteLagerauslastungDurchlaufzeitenRetourenProduktivittKommissionierungsfehlerquoteSEKZum Abschluss gibt es eine bungsaufgabe, in der einige Kennzahlen aus der Logistik berechnet werden mssen."
Price: 49.99

"Futures Day Trading: Trade with Tapereading and Tick Charts" |
"Day Trading with Tape and Tickcharts in Stock Index Futures Stock Index Daytrading Course ...how to become super profitable in the daytrading arena.This course is a full dive into the micro perspective of the futures market and will cover everything youll need to know to get started with becoming a 90 minutes day trader and build your own edge from reading market internals and indicators.Youll be learning from a trader with 6 years of experience in futures day trading. I have been coached for 2 years and practiced diligently with many humbling experiences, day for day... and Im here, giving you all my knowledge for a very low price!So this is your chance to learn the futures market from the ground up. Forget other technical knowledge you have learnt. I will teach you how to read spread, tape, orderbook, options and kassa market all what is going into the tick-to-tick, ongoing price discovery in the futures market.Our focus will be on building an edge through knowledge and careful observation of big market participants.If you dont have any previous day trading experience, its OK. Youll need some side research on special trading words - but thats all it is.Anyone who is interested in learning more about futures and might be frustrated with their current results this course is exactly made for you!What You'll Learn:Which Market? Which data feed/broker/platform?How do exchanges work, how are orders matched?What goes into Price Discovery in the Futures Market?How to interpret the Tape PrintsWhat the Order Book can tell youHow to read Spread Distance and Spread OrdersHow to interpret Impulses in priceWhy Tick Charts show more than CandlesticksHow to define Trends within a Tick ChartTick Chart Patterns as Trading SetupsHow to use Options and Kassa Market to your AdvantageHow to Win the Trading Day (Mindset & Plan)& Much More! (Practice Exercises, PDFs, Example Live Recordings with Comment, Quizzes)Who this course is for:Anyone interested in learning how to day trade in the stock index futures/CFD market.Struggling traders with a strong desire to understand the futures market on a deep level in order to profit from it.Professional discretionary traders who want to improve their tape reading skills and understanding of other market internals like spread and order book, as well as their understanding of options and kassa market and its influence on futures pricing."
Price: 49.99

"Azure Logic Apps - 360" |
"There is no doubt that integration and automation became a trend and a demand for most of the companies across different sectors.Companies are looking now to have an end to end solution that can automate their processes across different workloads and systems, so platforms integration became the main integrant component that can orchestrate the automation processes.Azure Logic App is one of the most powerful tools that can serve any kind of business automation requirements, and this because of* Simplified process: Logic app is a workflow platform that allows you to build a complete automation process without writing a single line of code.* Support 100s of connectors across different services and workloads and this includes 3rd party solutions.* Triggers: Event-driven workflow execution according to the given action for the selected service.* Build B2B isolated solution by connecting to your on-premises services and solutions.With AzureIn360 you will have a complete walkthrough on the given service across the different perspectives, you should expect yourself to be fully experienced with the hands on lab provided throughout the training that covers the following areas:* Develop* Control* Test* Monitor* Secure* Deploy* Maintain performanceWith AzureIn360, real life case scenarios will be at your end in the form of a practice on each and every given topic, this for sure includes working with built in and 3rd party connectors. See you there!"
Price: 19.99

"Polar Channel Codes, 5G" |
"Polar codes are the first error correcting channel codes whose performences are proved mathematically. Polar codes can be considered as a break through in channel coding society. Polar codes are adopted by 5G telecommuication standards. In this course, we explain encoding and decoding operations performed in polar codes. We provide detailed examples to comprehend the polar encoding and decoding operations."
Price: 29.99

"PMP Preparation course - 6th Edition" |
"The PMP practice tests give you immediate access to realistic PMP exam sample questions. Question style and difficulty match closely what you can expect to see on your actual exam. Each question is supported by answer explanations which will allow you to understand the reasoning behind the correct answer choice."
Price: 199.99

"Complete Singing Course" |
"Covering everything from the anatomy of the voice, vocal registers, vocal flexibility, breathing and so much more!I 've been singing and teaching for years and have made this complete course knowing from experience what works with my students. Every chapter starts with a Theory video and is followed by a series of exercises made for you to understand the theory, feel the right sensations and start building that voice! Those exercises also serve as warmups and there is a complete pro warmup session at the end of the course for you to do before singing. You will also know your voice type and vocal range though you should definitely go back to track your evolution as I can guarantee your vocal range will improve if you follow the exercises.I also added a bonus section to answer questions/ problems that I find most of my students were struggling with. Finally, if you are in need of some song ideas I made lists according to your voice type."
Price: 129.99

"FLIPPA: Buy and sell online businesses" |
"Do you dream about making it big online?Brand New Video Series On How To Sell And Profit With FlippaDo you know that selling websites online can make you a real fortune?The truth of the matter is this:The majority of the people do not understand how this works and they are missing out big time on this amazing opportunity.Virtual Real Estates CanMake You Big BucksHave you ever heard of the term ""VRE""?This stands for Virtual Real Estates.It is no secret that in the offline world, you can make a fortune in selling real estates.In fact, most of the richest people in the world have been involved in trading real estates in one way or another.But wait a minute...How is this related to the internet?Simple...The principle remains the same.You buy or create profitable online businesses at a low cost and then sell them for a higher price so you can make a huge profit very quickly.These ""profitable online businesses"" are websites.They are virtual real estates and there's a huge demand for it.The Biggest VRE MarketplaceHere's the good news...On the internet it is very easy to trade websites for big profits.It's much easier than in the offline world.You can have instant access to a huge crowd interested in what you've to offer RIGHT NOW....the most popular marketplace for this is certainly FLIPPA.5 Big Reasons Why Now IsThe Best Time To Get StartedImagine this...The accounts at Flippa are all verified for authenticity.Flippa offers analytics and insights tools.Flippa offers a standard sales agreement for transaction protection.Facilitated communication between the sellers and buyers.Flippa has a safe and secure escrow system.I explain everything in the video series I recorded for you.IntroducingSell & Profit With FlippaHow To Make InstantCash With FlippaTheres nothing like this video series.Watch as I show you how to make big bucks from flippa starting today.In this video training I reveal all my best tips to you on what I do and what are the tools I use to get it done fast.There will be no guesswork.All you need is just a short hour of your time to learn everything and youd be ready to get started with it instantly.Heres What Youll Discover InsideThis Video Training:Learn how to get started with Flippa.A quick overview of the interface and the features available.Understanding the marketplace and the audience of Flippa.Learn how to browse the listings and the requirements.Simple way to post your listing following some good practices.Learn how to create listings that attract bidders.Learn the simple way to build check your statistics.How to create, edit, save and publish your listings in just a few clicks.How to seriously make money with Flippa as a business model.And so many more."
Price: 19.99

"Anti Aging, Age Slower and Reverse Aging" |
"REVERSE AGINGDiscover Effective Strategies On How To Reclaim Your Youthful Good LooksIll Personally Show You Simple Ways To Take Ten Years Off Your Face, Body, Energy Levels, and LibidoThe older I get, the more I realize how many of us miss our younger days with more energy, vitality, libido and not to mention amazing skin complexity and good looks!Sure, we gain more experience and wisdom.And sure, we've had our fair share of heartbreaks and tragedy.But our spirit still has a love for life and a desire to create new memories.It's such a shame then that our body can't keep up.We used to run until we collapsed, now we feel like collapsing after a walk up the stairs.We used to pull an all-nighter with our friends to our hearts content, but now we easily become fatigue or fall ill if we try to do that again.I guess you can relate to this as well.Now! Imagine looking and feeling young again, having a body that can keep up with your youthful spirit.It's not impossible.How would it feel like to have others complimenting you for looking so young and vibrant even though you're close to hitting 5 or even 7 decades one day?Wouldn't be it GREAT if you could simply REVERSE the aging process?THE SCIENCE BEHIND AGINGWhen it comes to aging, age is just a number.At the cellular level, something called mitochondria creates the energy needed for our cells to keep life going.This battery for the cell usually declines with age, bringing forth all kinds of undesirable effects.However, scientists have found that this decline in mitochondrias efficiency can be slowed down or even reversed by adopting a few lifestyle habits.BEING YOUNG AT 50 IS COMMONJennifer Lopez, a name that almost everyone knows, is 47 years old but still looks 20.She attributes her youthful look to the basics: exercise, good sleep, meditation, water, and moisturizer.Liu Yelin is another 50-year-old hot mom, often mistaken for his son's girlfriend.She lives by the motto: If you think you look rough, you just haven't sweated enough.Charles Eugster, 96, still sprints, row, and wakeboard regularly.You can find many stories online of people who refused to grow up.They treat their body like a temple and it returned the favor.All you need to know is how to nurture your body properly and reclaim your fountain of youth!You're About To Discover Amazing Ways To Turn Back The Clock And Beat AgingToday's your lucky day because I'm giving you FULL ACCESS to...My Secrets on how to become 20 years younger just by making a few simple lifestyle changes!Here's a glimpse of what you'll discover inside...Lifestyle Of The Forever YoungAnti-Aging Food3 Basics Of Aging NaturallyWhy Being Alone Ages YouHow Some Skin Care Products Can Actually Harm Your SkinAnd MANY more...Just know that I've spent YEARS experimenting with reverse-aging technology and spent Thousands of dollars into putting everything together for you to give you the simplest and actionable blueprint to turn back the biological clock.All the research and self-experimentation has been done for you!Here's your golden opportunity to learn my secrets to have youthful looks and radiant energy.I'm granting you the permission to follow my method and apply it to your new transformational lifestyle.It's your chance now to shave twenty years off and finally live your dreams.Introducing...Reverse AgingA Life-Changing Blueprint On How To Take Ten Years Off Your Face, Body, Energy Levels and LibidoReverse Aging is your go-to health guide to bringing back your fountain of youth while radically improving your overall mental and physical health without taking drastic measures and using harmful pharmaceutical products! You will discover the truth behind slowing down your biological clock.Find out how celebrities, exceptional elderlies, and I personally, manage to stay young even as the years go by.Here's What I'll Be Sharing With You Exclusively:How to stock your fridge with food considered by scientists to be the fountains of youth.How to hack your sleep to have you waking up looking like a younger YOU!How sugar can destroy you from the inside it's not just donuts that you have to be worried aboutThe weird but amazing effects being in a tight social circle can have on your appearanceWhy sunlight is a double-edged sword and how to reap its benefits to feel ten times betterThe little-known molecule in your body that keeps you young and how to get more of it!How to stop parasitic habits that are sapping away your youth and vitality... And that is just the tip of the iceberg!Why This Ultimate Must-Have Blueprint is Perfect For You:Recover and restabilize your hormone levels and everything related to it like libido and appetiteImprove your ability to recover from the gymBe mistaken for a young adult when you meet new peopleStop the aches and pains that come with ageAvoid the extreme route of surgery or botox and get the same results naturallyTo sum it up, you will:Look ten years younger without injections or expensive creamsHave the energy levels of a restless teenagerWatch your libido skyrocket as if you're having a second puberty.Grow and age gracefully without wrinkles or joint achesThe benefits of reverse aging are endless!And Here's The Good News...This will only cost you a low one-time investment.This Blueprint is worth so much more than what I'm offering to you right now. But I will only be charging you a small fraction of its total value.------------------------------------------------------------------------------AGE SLOWERAre You Ready To Get The Call from your old school/collegeinviting you to a reunion?Its About Time For You To Learn How To Age Slower, By Protecting Your Brain, Your Looks and Your Health The Right Way!Its never too late. Here you will find many techniques and strategies that you can use to reverse damage to your cells, your brain and your joints.Too young? Now its an awesome moment to worry about how youre going to look in the future.So, its absolutely essential that you start to look after your health as soon as possible.Getting older is inevitable. Until scientists discover a genetic fountain of youth, we all must come to terms with the fact that we are going to see our health deteriorate as we get older and count more candles on the cake with each passing year.(Okay, so that last part isnt necessarily true most people give up on that once you reach about five).But while its inevitable that you are going to age, you do get a say in how you age.You get a say in how you get to look and feel and how healthy you are.Sure, some of this comes down to luck, but...A Whole Lot of it Comes Down to the Way You Eat, Your Lifestyle and Even Your Mental Attitude!If you are already making your way into your twilight years then you may be under the impression that it is already too late for you.Not true! As you will see, there are many techniques and strategies that you can use to reverse damage to your cells, your brain and your joints and many of these can make a profound difference in a short amount of time.And perhaps youre in the other camp. Maybe you think youre too young to worry about how youre going to look in the future.But if youre over 25, the reality is that your body has already begun to decline. It has already begun to deteriorate.So, its absolutely essential that you start to look after your health as soon as possible.Heres where my advice for you comes in.With My Advice, youll be able to do...Learn how to get the very most from your body, your looks, your mind and even your career no matter what age you are.Learn the secret to aging gracefully whether youre a man or a woman and no matter what life throws your way.See that your body can and should last you your entire life that aches, pains and damaged skin are not inevitable.Learn to keep on thriving until your last days on this Earth.Look and feel better immediately and protect you against changes that you might otherwise see in as little as a year.For the younger readers this is going to come down to how much foresight you have. How well youre able to look into the future and to plan for that, rather than doing what pleases you right now.And the list goes on and onBut before you make up your mind on whether this is something you should spend your time on, I want you to imagine a day in the future.This day might occur in a few years from now or in a few decades.But at some point, you are likely to get a call from your old school/college inviting you to a reunion.You can now turn up at that event and look fantastic.If youre single, then youll have the pick of all the hottest men/women of your childhood.If youre not, you can flaunt your success and just how incredible you look.OR you can ignore my advice and live life for the moment.You can turn up to that same event and be the one who just looks tired.You can be the one who your old friends whisper about behind your back: theyll say boy, that guy/lady has really let themselves go.Think ahead.Introducing: Age SlowerAnti-Aging Tips to Protect Your Brain,Your Looks and Your HealthNo stones are left unturned when you get your hands on this now.You will become a complete expert at Aging Slower, by Protecting Your Brain, Your Looks and Your Health, and youll get everything you need inside to do the sameHeres Just A Quick Preview OfWhat Youll Discover Inside...The Impact Of Your Lifestyle: Incredible Examples of Celebrities That Have Aged Amazingly (And How You Can Steal Their Secrets)How to Tap Into the Secrets of the Celebrities for Youthful Looks and VigorWhy its Never Too Late to be What You Always Wanted to BeHow Our Goals and Expectations Change as We AgeThe Practical, Tactical Advantages of Getting OlderExamples of Ways You Can Still Achieve Amazing ThingsHow to Look Younger Than You AreTop Tips for Looking Younger When You're OlderSkin Products for Reversing AgingMakeup: How Women Can Use Makeup to Look Younger and Work Their Current AgeHow to Work the Cougar LookGrooming, Hair Color, and HairstyleSome Final Tips for Looking Younger QuicklyHow to Look Younger LongerThe Number One Strategy for Slowing Aging: AntioxidantsIonized Water for Profound Anti-Aging EffectsThe Master Antioxidant: GlutathioneProtection, Stress, Skin Care, and DietStaying Fit and Healthy As You AgeOvercoming the Challenges of Staying Fit As You AgeMobility, Energy and Health at Any AgeYour Brain Keeping Your Mind Sharp as You AgeThe Most Important Way to Keep Your Brain Young and Healthy in Older AgeThe Future: Has the First Person to Live Forever Already Been Born?Popular Life Extension TechniquesPlus, a whole lot more...This is the easiest way to actually Age Slower, by Protecting Your Brain, Your Looks and Your Health"
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