"Salesforce Community Cloud Consultant Practice Exam" |
"Enhance your certification score. Even though you're working at a top company, you'll want to keep your certification score up. It's important for your job search, especially if you want to go for a higher level position. When you're looking for new jobs, people are going to be screening your resume a bit with certifications. Understand the test structure and what to expect; then walk through each topic area, quiz yourself with practice questions and answers, and ensure youre ready to take the certification.Scenario based exam questions for Salesforce Community Cloud Consultant Certification PracticeOnline practice exam to be completed in Specified Time Duration.Practice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts. Your results are immediately available, while you stay focused on your exam results. Practice tests provides the answer to a test/questions you haven't already learned.Exam Questions similar to actual Certification Exam.Life time Access to practice tests to try as many times until you master the subject. You have access to practice test answers 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. If you're not satisfied, you can easily return to the practice test to make corrections.The practice test have been designed carefully by maintaining the exam structure , syllabus, topic weights , cut score and time duration same as actual certification exam. The aim of the practice exam is to allow the candidate to identify the risks related to a exam topics and be able to recognise them when analysing a real practice scenario.Applicants will need to make sure that they are able to complete the practice examination in its entirety and pass all the multiple choice tests in general nature.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : Salesforce Community Cloud Consultant Certification PracticeExam level : Consultant Duration : 90 minsNumber of Questions : 60 questionsPassing Score : 62%Total Questions to check your knowledge: 100"
Price: 59.99

"Venda Qualquer Servio" |
"O curso Venda Qualquer Servio apresenta um mtodo completo para voc vender o seu servio presencial, ou online. Voc ser capaz de construir uma proposta de valor irresistvel para os clientes, inovar no seu modelo de negcio, posicionar o seu negcio no Google, gerenciar anncios nas mdias sociais, atrair leads qualificados, vender e fechar negcios com assertividade."
Price: 24.99

"Free or Low Cost Real Estate Resources" |
"This course is designed for any real estate agent, new or seasoned, who is interested in learning about free or low cost resources that are available. You will learn about 21 resources including 14 that are online and 7 that are downloadable word documents ready for you to brand with your own information. The resources are broken down into three categories including marketing, social media, and additional resources."
Price: 24.99

"Ultimate Guide for the Next Generation of Affiliates" |
"I proudly present to you Ultimate Guide for the Next Generation of Affiliate Marketers.My complete guide consists of three piece courses:1) Affiliate Marketing 2.0 Course 2) Pinterest and YouTube for Affiliate Marketers Course 3) Blogging for Affiliate Marketers Course Save up to $4800 a year in coaching hourly rates.Save up to $12000 a year in paid advertising costs.Save up to $6000 a year in social media management fees.Save up to $6000 a year in content marketing services.Save up to $12000 a year in e-mail marketing service providers fees.Save up to $5000 a year in affiliate marketing bootcamp classes.Save up to $5000 a year in web design services,press releases and additional costs.Save up to $50800 a year (and more) just for the price of $199.99 course.Ultimate Guide for the Next Generation of Affiliate Marketers is divided into the 3 sections.Each section has actually a downloadable file as a resource for accomplishing your goals more efficiently than ever before.Downloadable files are made as easy to navigate pdfs edited in Word.I am thrilled to help you with this guide.Remember that your success is mine success too.There is not anything impossible in online world,you just need a proper guidance.Luckily,you stumbled upon effective and honest lectures.This course is updated with the brand new video tutorials.Join thousands and thousands of students on this journey.Leave your feedback after you finish with the course.Conclusion lectures consist of summed up previous lectures.Quizzes are made to keep you in check and accountable.Students now have a chance to learn from me without a need to schedule expensive workshops or masterclasses.Enroll now because I might raise pricing of my course in the near future.Topics that I am covering in my lectures are :organic on-page SEOimportance of having your own product and your own websitee-mail marketingPinterest SEO or how to reverse organic on-page SEOaffiliate marketingPinterest AnalyticsHashtags on Pinterest as a symbol of getting viralhow to start a YouTube channel the right way3 important pillars of YouTube SEOtangible and intangible productsaffiliate marketing and membership sitesconsulting,coaching,mentoring and freelancinginfluencer marketingGoogle AdSenseand more!Ultimate Guide for the Next Generation of Affiliate Marketers is made for younger and older millennials.At the end of the course you will be able to master the secrets of affiliate marketing and juggling multiple sources of online income while working wisely but not hard.This guide is not only budget friendly but it is also time management friendly.What is different about my course is a fact that I am not preaching how you will make $1000000 from affiliate marketing.Affiliate marketing and other types of online earnings are never consistent but they are high enough to live comfortably.Of course,key is to have multiple sources of online income and not just affiliate marketing earnings.You will get a lifetime access to the updates of my course too.Give the reviews and ratings.Thank you.Stay motivated."
Price: 19.99

"Affiliate Marketing Accelerator" |
"Welcome to Affiliate Marketing Accelerator course.My course consists of insights,strategies and systems about: 1) Selling useful software as an affiliate marketer 2) Selling high ticket services as an affiliate marketer 3) How referral marketing works and how to make it work for you 4) How to write perfect sales copy for your affiliate offers without much effort on your side 5) How to use Facebook to sell affiliate offers even if you do not have large following 6) Selling on internet without being in M L M or in network marketing 7) Using LinkedIn to generate leads and attract cold traffic 8) Understanding cold traffic,front end and back end online sales and making money without spending a dime on automation9) How Telegram click bot ads can grow your blog traffic easilyYou do not need to spend money on expensive programs and training anymore.They will not get you anywhere anyway.Save up to $1000 a year (and more) just for the price of $199.99 course.Affiliate Marketing Accelerator has one section and is shorter than myUltimate Guide for the Next Generation of Affiliates.Section has 33 minute long introduction video. You can download PowerPoint Presentation to remind you on lectures while studying.This course goes straight to the details,systems and strategies needed for success.It is made in mind to produce more affiliate marketing champions around the world.Are you ready to jump start your affiliate marketing earnings?I hope you are.In my course you can expect articles,quizzes,1 downloadable PDF and video lectures.I want you to take an action today and start learning about making more affiliate commissions.Introduction video debunks some myths that surround this way of earningmoney online and introduction also outlines importance of being affiliate marketer these days.While listening to introduction video you will understand the concept of a whole course.You will also understand why making money online is a must nowadays.Students of this course are blessed to leave away their frustrations about affiliating.Enroll now and upgrade your knowledge about affiliate marketing and apply same knowledge.Topics that I am covering in my lectures are : selling software as an affiliate marketer selling services as an affiliate marketer referral marketing 101 crafting perfect sales copyFacebook for selling affiliate and referral offers 2 times moreand more!Affiliate Marketing Accelerator is made for all of the affiliates.Beginner,intermediate and advanced affiliate marketers are covered in this course.You will also learn about referral marketing besides learning about affiliate marketing.Affiliate Marketing Accelerator is more than consolidated information.Do not have prejudices upfront and give this course a try.You will get a lifetime access to the updates of my course too.Give the reviews and ratings.Thank you.Stay motivated."
Price: 19.99

"Amazon for the Affiliate Marketers Amazon Associates edition" |
"Welcome to Amazon for the Affiliate Marketers Amazon Associates edition course.My course consists of insights,strategies and systems about: 1) Finding products to promote on Amazon 2) Choosing a low competitive but high profitable niche 3) Tweeting with Amazon Affiliate links 4) Getting more Karma score on Reddit in order to post Amazon affiliate links 5) Increasing Amazon affiliate earnings 6) Structuring blog post for Amazon affiliate links 7) Pinning on Pinterest with direct affiliate links to Amazon products 8) Advantages of Amazon for the Affiliate MarketersYou do not need to spend money on expensive programs and training anymore.They will not get you anywhere anyway.Save up to $1000 a year (and more) just for the price of $199.99 course.Amazon for the Affiliate Marketers has one section and is shorter than myUltimate Guide for the Next Generation of Affiliates.Take notes for the important parts of the video lectures so you can go back to them when needed. You can download PowerPoint Presentation to remind you on lectures while studying.This course goes straight to the details,systems and strategies needed for success.It is made in mind to produce more affiliate marketing champions around the world.Are you ready to jump start your Amazon affiliate marketing earnings?I hope you are.In my course you can expect quizzes,1 downloadable PDF and video lectures.I want you to take an action today and start learning about making more Amazon affiliate commissions.Introduction debunks some myths that surround posting direct Amazon affiliate links onvarious platforms,which platforms to choose for promoting Amazon affiliate links and much more.While going through the introduction you will understand the concept of a whole course.You will also understand that being an Amazon affiliate marketer is a must nowadays.Students of this course are blessed to leave away their frustrations about affiliating.Enroll now and upgrade your knowledge about affiliate marketing and apply same knowledge.Topics that I am covering in my lectures are : Amazon for the Affiliate Marketers promoting Amazon affiliate links on Twitter promoting Amazon affiliate links on Pinterest promoting Amazon affiliate links on a blog and Redditand more!Amazon for the Affiliate Marketers Amazon Associates edition is made for all of the affiliates.Beginner,intermediate and advanced affiliate marketers are covered in this course.You will also learn about leveraging different traffic driving sources.Amazon for the Affiliate Marketers Amazon Associates edition is more than consolidated information.Do not have prejudices upfront and give this course a try.You will get a lifetime access to the updates of my course too.I am honored for helping you with this course.Give the reviews and ratings.Thank you.Stay motivated."
Price: 19.99

"156-215.71 Check Point Certified Security Administrator Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) With OPSEC server can be used to prevent users from accessing certain web sites?a) LEAb) AMONc) UDPd) CVPe) NoneQ) You included Cleanup rules in the rule base. Where in the rule base will accept ICMP requests implicit rule has no effect?a) The firstb) until the lastc) Lastd) After Rule Stealthe) NoneQ) In the Rule Base, which element determines that the firewall to do with the package?a) Destinationb) Sourcec) Effectd) note) serviceQ) That the command displays detailed information on the verification of licenses Point?a) pkgadd -db) Tunec) Printd) PV Printe) cplic pressure"
Price: 149.99

"CRISC Certification New Practice Exam (2020)" |
"Are you wanted to pass your CRISC exam?Are you searching for High quality CRISC Practice Questions?If yes...then you are in the right place.In this CRISC Certification New Practice Exam (2020) course Tech Hub Provide you 200 unique & updated Quality CRISC Questions for your upcoming CRISC exam.These CRISC tests cover material from each topic of the CRISC main exam.This 200 questions help you to get prepared for the main CRISC exam environment. Why take our Course?i.Unique & Updated 200 Questionsii.All CRISC Questions Suggested by Top Subject Matter Expertsiii.Verified answersiv.30 days money back guarantee, no questions asked.Who this course is for:i.Those who want to get knowledge on CRISC exam & check their skills on CRISC Examii.Those who confident enough to crack their CRISC exam In their first attemptiii.have an open mind and desire to learnRequirements:i.No prerequisites needed as this is a practice test (CRISC)ii.Although you have to know the basics of CRISC exam topic & CRISC exam curriculum"
Price: 19.99

"Examen de Prctica de Certificacin SSCP (Espaol)" |
"Desea aprobar su examen SSCP?Est buscando preguntas de prctica SSCP de alta calidad?En caso afirmativo... entonces ests en el lugar correcto.En este curso Examen de Prctica de Certificacin SSCP (Espaol) centro de aprendizaje Proporcione 250 preguntas SSCP de calidad nicas y actualizadas para su prximo examen SSCP. Estas pruebas SSCP cubren el material de cada tema del examen principal de SSCP.Estas 250 preguntas le ayudan a prepararse para el entorno principal del examen SSCP. Por qu tomar nuestro curso?i.Unique y actualizado 250 preguntas. Todas las preguntas del SSCP sugeridas por los mejores expertos en la materia. Respuestas verificadasiv.30 das de garanta de devolucin de dinero, sin preguntas.Para quin es este curso:i.Aquellos que quieren obtener conocimientos sobre el examen SSCP y comprobar sus habilidades en el Examen SSCP. Aquellos que confan lo suficiente para resolver su examen SSCP en su primer intentoiii.tener una mente abierta y el deseo de aprenderRequisitos:i.No requisitos previos necesarios, ya que se trata de una prueba de prctica (SSCP). Aunque usted tiene que conocer los conceptos bsicos del tema del examen SSCP & SSCP plan de estudios del examen"
Price: 19.99

"CISM Certification Practice Exam 2020" |
"Are you wanted to pass your CISM exam?Are you searching for High quality CISM Practice Questions?If yes...then you are in the right place.In this CISM Certification Practice Exam 2020 course Tech Hub Provide you 300 unique & updated Quality CISM Questions for your upcoming CISM exam.These CISM tests cover material from each topic of the CISM main exam.This 300 questions help you to get prepared for the main CISM exam environment. Why take our Course?i.Unique & Updated 300 Questionsii.All CISM Questions Suggested by Top Subject Matter Expertsiii.Verified answersiv.30 days money back guarantee, no questions asked.Who this course is for:i.Those who want to get knowledge on CISM exam & check their skills on CISM Examii.Those who confident enough to crack their CISM exam In their first attemptiii.have an open mind and desire to learnRequirements:i.No prerequisites needed as this is a practice test (CISM)ii.Although you have to know the basics of CISM exam topic & CISM exam curriculum"
Price: 19.99

"PMI-ACP Certification Practice test 2020" |
"Are you wanted to pass your PMI-ACP exam?Are you searching for High quality PMI-ACP Practice Questions?If yes...then you are in the right place.In this PMI-ACP Certification Practice test 2020 course Tech Hub Provide you 360 unique & updated Quality PMI-ACP Questions for your upcoming PMI-ACP exam.These PMI-ACP tests cover material from each topic of the PMI-ACP main exam.This 360 questions help you to get prepared for the main PMI-ACP exam environment. Why take our Course?i.Unique & Updated 360 Questionsii.All PMI-ACP Questions Suggested by Top Subject Matter Expertsiii.Verified answersiv.30 days money back guarantee, no questions asked.Who this course is for:i.Those who want to get knowledge on PMI-ACP exam & check their skills on PMI-ACP exam ii.Those who confident enough to crack their PMI-ACP exam In their first attemptiii.have an open mind and desire to learnRequirements:i.No prerequisites needed as this is a practice test (PMI-ACP)ii.Although you have to know the basics of PMI-ACP exam topic & PMI-ACP exam curriculum"
Price: 19.99

"SPHR Certification Practice Exam 2020" |
"Are you wanted to pass your SPHR exam?Are you searching for High quality SPHR Practice Questions?If yes...then you are in the right place.In this SPHR Certification Practice Exam 2020 course Tech Hub Provide you 203 unique & updated Quality SPHR Questions for your upcoming SPHR exam.These SPHR tests cover material from each topic of the SPHR main exam.This 203 questions help you to get prepared for the main SPHR exam environment. Why take our Course?i.Unique & Updated 203 Questionsii.All SPHR Questions Suggested by Top Subject Matter Expertsiii.Verified answersiv.30 days money back guarantee, no questions asked.Who this course is for:i.Those who want to get knowledge on SPHR exam & check their skills on SPHR Examii.Those who confident enough to crack their SPHR exam In their first attemptiii.have an open mind and desire to learnRequirements:i.No prerequisites needed as this is a practice test (SPHR)ii.Although you have to know the basics of SPHR exam topic & SPHR exam curriculum"
Price: 19.99

"PMI SP Exame de Prtica de Certificao" |
"Quer passar no exame pmi sp?Est procura de perguntas de prtica pmi de alta qualidade?Se sim... Ento est no lugar certo.Neste curso PMI SP Prtica de Certificao Tech Hub Fornecer-lhe 300 perguntas de qualidade pmi sp nicas & atualizadas para o seu prximo exame PMI SP. Estes testes PMI SP cobrem material de cada tpico do exame principal pmi SP.Estas 300 perguntas ajudam-no a preparar-se para o ambiente principal do exame PMI SP. Por que tomar o nosso curso?i.Unique & Atualizado 300 PerguntasIi. Todas as perguntas pmi SP sugeridas por especialistas em assuntos de topoiii. Respostas verificadasiv.30 dias garantia de devoluo de dinheiro, sem perguntas.Para quem este curso:i.Aqueles que querem obter conhecimento sobre pmi exame SP & verificar suas habilidades em PMI SPIi. Aqueles que confiantes o suficiente para quebrar o seu exame PMI SP na primeira tentativaiii.ter uma mente aberta e desejo de aprenderRequisitos:i.No pr-requisitos necessrios, uma vez que se trata de um teste de prtica (PMI SP) Ii. Embora tenha de conhecer os fundamentos do tpico do exame PMI SP & PMI SP exame curricular"
Price: 19.99

"CISCO CCNA 200 - 125 Certification Practice Exam" |
"Are you wanted to pass your CISCO CCNA 200 - 125 exam?Are you searching for High quality CISCO CCNA 200 - 125 Practice Questions?If yes...then you are in the right place.In this CISCO CCNA 200 - 125 Certification Practice Exam course Tech Hub Provide you 300 unique & updated Quality CISCO CCNA 200 - 125 Questions for your upcoming CISCO CCNA 200 - 125 exam.These CISCO CCNA 200 - 125 tests cover material from each topic of the CISCO CCNA 200 - 125 main exam.This 300 questions help you to get prepared for the main CISCO CCNA 200 - 125 exam environment. Why take our Course?i.Unique & Updated 300 Questionsii.All CISCO CCNA 200 - 125 Questions Suggested by Top Subject Matter Expertsiii.Verified answersiv.30 days money back guarantee, no questions asked.Who this course is for:i.Those who want to get knowledge on CISCO CCNA 200 - 125 exam & check their skills on CISCO CCNA 200 - 125ii.Those who confident enough to crack their CISCO CCNA 200 - 125 exam In their first attemptiii.have an open mind and desire to learnRequirements:i.No prerequisites needed as this is a practice test (CISCO CCNA 200 - 125)ii.Although you have to know the basics of CISCO CCNA 200 - 125 exam topic & CISCO CCNA 200 - 125 exam curriculum"
Price: 19.99

"MICROSOFT AZURE 301 Certification Practice exam" |
"Are you wanted to pass your AZ-301 exam?Are you searching for High quality AZ-301 Practice Questions?If yes...then you are in the right place.In this MICROSOFT AZURE 301 Certification Practice exam course Tech Hub Provide you 65 unique & updated Quality AZ-301 Questions for your upcoming AZ-301 exam. These AZ-301 tests cover material from each topic of the AZ-301 main exam.This 65 questions help you to get prepared for the main AZ-301 exam environment. Why take our Course?i.Unique & Updated 65 Questionsii.All AZ-301 Questions Suggested by Top Subject Matter Expertsiii.Verified answersiv.30 days money back guarantee, no questions asked.Who this course is for:i.Those who want to get knowledge on AZ-301 exam & check their skills on AZ-301ii.Those who confident enough to crack their AZ-301 exam In their first attemptiii.have an open mind and desire to learnRequirements:i.No prerequisites needed as this is a practice test (AZ-301)"
Price: 19.99

"Prueba de prctica de certificacin SSCP" |
"Desea aprobar su examen SSCP?Est buscando preguntas de prctica SSCP de alta calidad?En caso afirmativo... entonces ests en el lugar correcto.En este curso De Prueba de prctica de certificacin SSCP Tech Hub Le proporciona 250 preguntas SSCP de calidad nicas y actualizadas para su prximo examen SSCP. Estas pruebas SSCP cubren el material de cada tema del examen principal de SSCP.Estas 250 preguntas le ayudan a prepararse para el entorno principal del examen SSCP. Por qu tomar nuestro curso?i.Unique y actualizado 250 preguntas. Todas las preguntas del SSCP sugeridas por los mejores expertos en la materia. Respuestas verificadasiv.30 das de garanta de devolucin de dinero, sin preguntas.Para quin es este curso:i.Aquellos que quieren obtener conocimientos sobre el examen SSCP y comprobar sus habilidades en el Examen SSCP. Aquellos que confan lo suficiente para resolver su examen SSCP en su primer intentoiii.tener una mente abierta y el deseo de aprenderRequisitos:i.No requisitos previos necesarios, ya que se trata de una prueba de prctica (SSCP). Aunque usted tiene que conocer los conceptos bsicos del tema del examen SSCP & SSCP plan de estudios del examen"
Price: 19.99

"MS 900:MICROSOFT 365 Fundamentals Practice Test (2020)" |
"Are you wanted to pass your MS 900 exam?Are you searching for High quality MS 900 Practice Questions?If yes...then you are in the right place.In this MS 900:MICROSOFT 365 Fundamentals Practice Test (2020) course Tech Hub Provide you 184 unique & updated Quality MS 900 Questions for your upcoming MS 900 exam. These MS 900 tests cover material from each topic of the MS 900 main exam.This 184 questions help you to get prepared for the main MS 900 exam environment. Why take our Course?i.Unique & Updated 184 Questionsii.All MS 900 Questions Suggested by Top Subject Matter Expertsiii.Verified answersiv.30 days money back guarantee, no questions asked.Who this course is for:i.Those who want to get knowledge on MS 900 exam & check their skills on MS 900 examii.Those who confident enough to crack their MS 900 exam In their first attemptiii.have an open mind and desire to learnRequirements:i.No prerequisites needed as this is a practice test (MS 900)ii.Although you have to know the basics of MS 900 exam topic & MS 900 exam curriculum."
Price: 19.99

"CFE: Examen de prctica certificado del examinador de fraude" |
"Quieres aprobar tu examen de CFE?Est buscando preguntas de prctica de CFE de alta calidad?En caso afirmativo... entonces ests en el lugar correcto.En este curso CFE: Examen de prctica certificado del examinador de fraude curso Tech Hub Proporcione 220 preguntas nicas y actualizadas DE CFE de calidad para su prximo examen CFE. Estas pruebas de CFE cubren el material de cada tema del examen principal de la CFE.Estas 220 preguntas le ayudan a prepararse para el entorno principal del examen CFE. Por qu tomar nuestro curso?i.Unique & Actualizado 220 Preguntas. Las CFE preguntas sugeridas por los mejores expertos en la materia. Respuestas verificadasiv.30 das de garanta de devolucin de dinero, sin preguntas.Para quin es este curso:i.Aquellos que quieren obtener conocimientos sobre el examen CFE y comprobar sus habilidades en CFE.. Aquellos que confan lo suficiente para resolver su examen DE CFE en su primer intentoiii.tener una mente abierta y el deseo de aprenderRequisitos:i.No requisitos previos necesarios, ya que se trata de una prueba de prctica (CFE). Aunque usted tiene que conocer los conceptos bsicos del tema del examen CFE & CFE plan de estudios de examen"
Price: 19.99

"CPCM Certification Practice Exam" |
"Are you wanted to pass your CPCM exam?Are you searching for High quality CPCM Practice Questions?If yes...then you are in the right place.In this CPCM Certification Practice Exam course Tech Hub Provide you 168 unique & updated Quality CPCM Questions for your upcoming CPCM exam.These CPCM tests cover material from each topic of the CPCM main exam.This 168 questions help you to get prepared for the main CPCM exam environment. Why take our Course?i.Unique & Updated 168 Questionsii.All CPCM Questions Suggested by Top Subject Matter Expertsiii.Verified answersiv.30 days money back guarantee, no questions asked.Who this course is for:i.Those who want to get knowledge on CPCM exam & check their skills on (CPCM)"
Price: 19.99

"PMI-SP Certification Practice Exam" |
"Are you wanted to pass your PMI-SP exam?Are you searching for High quality PMI-SP Practice Questions?If yes...then you are in the right place.In this PMI-SP Certification Practice Exam course Tech Hub Provide you 300 unique & updated Quality PMI-SP Questions for your upcoming PMI-SP exam.These PMI-SP tests cover material from each topic of the PMI-SP main exam.This 300 questions help you to get prepared for the main PMI-SP exam environment. Why take our Course?i.Unique & Updated 300 Questionsii.All PMI-SP Questions Suggested by Top Subject Matter Expertsiii.Verified answersiv.30 days money back guarantee, no questions asked.Who this course is for:i.Those who want to get knowledge on PMI-SP exam & check their skills on (PMI-SP)ii.Those who confident enough to crack their PMI-SP exam In their first attemptiii.have an open mind and desire to learnRequirements:i.No prerequisites needed as this is a practice test (PMI-SP)"
Price: 19.99

"CompTIA Linux+ (XK0-004) Practice Exam 2020" |
"Are you wanted to pass your CompTIA Linux+ exam?Are you searching for High quality CompTIA Linux+ Practice Questions?If yes...then you are in the right place.In this CompTIA Linux+ (XK0-004) Practice Exam 2020 course Tech Hub Provide you 78 unique & updated Quality CompTIA Linux+ Questions for your upcoming CompTIA Linux+ exam.These CompTIA Linux+ tests cover material from each topic of the CompTIA Linux+ main exam.This 78 questions help you to get prepared for the main CompTIA Linux+ exam environment. Why take our Course?i.Unique & Updated 78 Questionsii.All CompTIA Linux+ Questions Suggested by Top Subject Matter Expertsiii.Verified answersiv.30 days money back guarantee, no questions asked.Who this course is for:i.Those who want to get knowledge on CompTIA Linux+ exam & check their skills on CompTIA Linux+ii.Those who confident enough to crack their CompTIA Linux+ exam In their first attemptiii.have an open mind and desire to learnRequirements:i.No prerequisites needed as this is a practice test (CompTIA Linux+)"
Price: 19.99

"CSSLP:Certified Secure Software Lifecycle Professional Test" |
"Are you wanted to pass your CSSLP exam?Are you searching for High quality CSSLP Practice Questions?If yes...then you are in the right place.In this CSSLP:Certified Secure Software Lifecycle Professional Test course Tech Hub Provide you 300 unique & updated Quality CSSLP Questions for your upcoming CSSLP exam.These CSSLP tests cover material from each topic of the CSSLP main exam.This 300 questions help you to get prepared for the main CSSLP exam environment. Why take our Course?i.Unique & Updated 300 Questionsii.All CSSLP Questions Suggested by Top Subject Matter Expertsiii.Verified answersiv.30 days money back guarantee, no questions asked.Who this course is for:i.Those who want to get knowledge on CSSLP exam & check their skills on CSSLP Examii.Those who confident enough to crack their CSSLP exam In their first attemptiii.have an open mind and desire to learnRequirements:i.No prerequisites needed as this is a practice test (CSSLP)"
Price: 19.99

"Meditao Na Prtica" |
"Voc se sente ansiosa, estressada ou triste em alguns momentos do seu dia? Sente que esta faltando alguma coisa? Ou simplesmente quer melhorar sua qualidade de vida? Quer aprender e ajudar outras pessoas? Quer benefcios mentais e fsicos? Quer se conhecer?Ento esse curso pra voc! Eu me chamo Rosana Alves e vou te ensinar a meditar na prtica, se voc j entende de meditao vem praticar comigo de forma personalizada e com varias outras pessoas pois essa troca incrvel e se voc no entende do assunto s tem vontade mas acha que no vai conseguir ou foi deixando pra depois essa sua oportunidade de comear j e sem complicao.Com esse curso voc ter um diferencial que a prtica da meditao de forma personalizada levando em conta suas particularidades, eu serei sua facilitadora e estaremos juntos por mais 21 dias em um grupo bnus um presente meu nesse momento to desafiador que vivemos, ento aproveite pois o presente por tempo limitado estarei com voc nesse grupo aps o termino do curso para que eu possa acompanhar sua evoluo e desafios e voc ainda recebe materiais exclusivos em pdf e udio! Vem ser plena (o)!"
Price: 99.99

"Sun 310-090 Certified Business Component Developer J2EE Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) Which method can be called from the transition container bean instance state ready state pool?a) ejbRemoveb) ejbCreatec) ejbActivated) unsetEntityContextQ) Which statement is true about implementing ejbSelect methods?a) The container calls the appropriate methods in the bean class ejbFind.b) The deployment descriptor EJB QL guide implementation of the container.c) The EJBObject enclosure contains methods that call ejbSelect methods.d) The provider Bean provides implementation of ejbSelect methods.Q) What role is responsible for the implementation of business methods at home for a CMP 2.0 entity bean?a) Deployerb) Bean Providerc) container Providerd) Application AssemblerQ) What to javax.ejb.EJBContext method returns an object that allows a Bean providers to define operations?a) Start()b) getAutoCommit ()c) getTransaction ()d) getUserTransaction ()Q) That is a responsibility of the EJB 2.0 container, with respect to the session bean?a) invoking the method setSessionContextb) invoking the seat interface create methodc) the implementation of a class that implements javax.ejb.SessionBeand) the implementation of a method afterBegin, if declared in the remote interface of the bean"
Price: 154.99

"Projeto eltrico Residencial- Dimensionamento e detalhamento" |
"Poucos profissionais sabem executar projetos eltricos, visto que um assunto complexo, que envolve vrias disciplinas da graduao e durante os cursos de engenharia e arquitetura muitos no conseguem absorver o conhecimento necessrio para poder realizar projetos de forma confiante. Para corrigir isto criamos esse curso, para que voc tenha embasamento necessrio para fazer seus projetos."
Price: 39.99

"CFD simulations in COMSOL Multiphysics" |
"A Complete CFD Simulation basic course in COMSOL Multiphysics.Course specially designed for students who have no prior knowledge of any CFD software. We will teach you from scratch and work through to make a complete simulation workflow.What you will get in this course: 1. Complete guidance of using CFD for your project.2. How to start your simulation workflow, create geometry, add boundary conditions,add mesh,simulate, post process results3. Walk through common mistakes beginners make in COMSOL.4. Help you to learn compare results with experimental data to access the results accuracy and quality.5. Finally we teach you that how to conclude the results after post processing. So that it is useful for you when you are writing your project report, thesis report or research paper.6. New videos, examples, notes will be updated regularly depending on students feedback.7.24 x 7 Support from instructor in case you are struck in working on any of the examples in this course.What students are saying:OVER 20+ 5 star REVIEWS!!! The number 1 Best Selling COMSOL course from same instructor on Udemy, by far.Salient features:Quick informative videos for easy and quick execution 25+ supplemental resources including books, input/output files, solution files, ppt slides, PDFs for all lectures and software links and instruction to install them.Full life time access, anywhere & anytime.Access on mobile, TV, desktop and laptop.Only Bestseller COMSOL course instructor on udemy."
Price: 124.99

"Fast Introduction into Julia (2020)" |
"This course will teach you Julia from scratch. You will be taught the basics of programming step by step. Julia is a very new programming language, which was developed mainly for numerical and scientific computing. It combinesthe speed of hardware near languages like c and c++ with a simple high-level syntax like Python."
Price: 99.99

Price: 119.99

"Se torne um afiliado da Amazon" |
"Voc sabia que pode fazer vendas todos os dias atravs da maior plataforma de e-commerce do mundo: a Amazon. E melhor, sem precisar de estoque, de investimento em anncios ou de atendimento ao cliente. Neste treinamento voc vai aprender a ser tornar um afiliado da Amazon e vender quaisquer produtos do site da Amazon, e recebendo uma comisso por cada venda realizada.Com a Amazon voc pode ter seu prprio negcio, ter alta lucratividade, liberdade financeira, e trabalhar de qualquer lugar do mundoQuero lhe dar as boas vindas a este treinamento, e lhe afirmar, que com este mtodo vai conseguir efetuar muitas vendas apenas com um telefone ou computador com acesso a internet."
Price: 39.99

"AZ-500 - Microsoft Azure Security Engineer - Practice Tests" |
"Candidates for this exam should have subject matter expertise implementing security controls and threat protection, managing identity and access, and protecting data, applications, and networks in cloud and hybrid environments as part of an end-to-end infrastructure. Responsibilities for an Azure Security Engineer include maintaining the security posture, identifying and remediating vulnerabilities by using a variety of security tools, implementing threat protection, and responding to security incident escalations.Azure Security Engineers often serve as part of a larger team dedicated to cloud-based management and security or hybrid environments as part of an end-to-end infrastructure. A candidate for this exam should be familiar with scripting and automation, should have a deep understanding of networking and virtualization. A candidate should also have a strong familiarity with cloud capabilities, Azure products and services, and other Microsoft products and services.The exam will test a total of 4 key areas and they are as follows:Manage Identity and Access (20-25%)Implement Platform Protection (35-40%)Manage Security Operations (15-20%)Secure Data and Applications (25-30%)The practice tests are constructed to enhance your confidence to sit for real exam as you will be testing your knowledge and skills for the above-mentioned topics. The practice tests are accurate, proven correct by test-takers, and will get you maximum score in the exam yet it is highly important to use our practice tests as a resource, not just the only resource.Upon enrollment, you will receive unlimited access to the tests as well as regular updates.Best of luck!Practice until you can't get it wrong!"
Price: 24.99

"SY0-501 - CompTIA Security+ - Practice Tests" |
"CompTIA Security+ is a global certification that validates the baseline skills you need to perform core security functions and pursue an IT security career. Security+ for DoD 8570 compliance than any other certification. Security+ focuses on the latest trends and techniques in risk management, risk mitigation, threat management and intrusion detection. CompTIA Security+ is the first security certification IT professionals should earn. It establishes the core knowledge required of any cybersecurity role and provides a springboard to intermediate-level cybersecurity jobs. Security+ incorporates best practices in hands-on trouble-shooting to ensure security professionals have practical security problem-solving skills. Cybersecurity professionals with Security+ know how to address security incidents not just identify them. Security+ is compliant with ISO 17024 standards and approved by the US DoD to meet directive 8140/8570.01-M requirements. Regulators and government rely on ANSI accreditation because it provides confidence and trust in the outputs of an accredited program. The CompTIA Security+ exam will certify the successful candidate has the knowledge and skills required to install and configure systems to secure applications, networks, and devices; perform threat analysis and respond with appropriate mitigation techniques; participate in risk mitigation activities; and operate with an awareness of applicable policies, laws, and regulations. The successful candidate will perform these tasks to support the principles of confidentiality, integrity, and availability.CompTIA Security+ will help you learn the following skills:THREATS, ATTACKS & VULNERABILITIESDetect various types of compromise and have an understanding of penetration testing and vulnerability scanning conceptsTECHNOLOGIES & TOOLSInstall, configure, and deploy network components while assessing and troubleshooting issues to support organizational securityARCHITECTURE & DESIGNImplement secure network architecture concepts and systems designIDENTITY & ACCESS MANAGEMENTInstall and configure identity and access services, as well as management controlsRISK MANAGEMENTImplement and summarize risk management best practices and the business impactCRYPTOGRAPHY & PKIInstall and configure wireless security settings and implement public key infrastructureSY0-501 exam info :No. of Questions: Maximum of 90 questions Type of Questions: Multiple choice questions (single and multiple response) and performance-based Length of Test: 90 MinutesPassing score: 750 (on a scale of 100-900)Validity: 3 yrsThe practice tests are constructed to enhance your confidence to sit for real exam as you will be testing your knowledge and skills for the above-mentioned topics. The practice tests are accurate, proven correct by test-takers, and will get you maximum score in the exam yet it is highly important to use our practice tests as a resource, not just the only resource.Upon enrollment, you will receive unlimited access to the tests as well as regular updates.Best of luck!Practice until you can't get it wrong!"
Price: 29.99
