"Learn How to Get Out of Debt" |
"This course is for anyone who has debt. It can be credit card debt, car loan or any other type of high-interest debt that just seems impossible to pay back.The general idea here is for you to learn how to better manage your personal finances. You will learn how to use a simple spreadsheet to keep track of your income vs your expenses and also how to create a budget that will help to stay on track and not overspend of things you do not really need.By the time you finish my course you will be able to:Create a system that will help you to easily manage your monthly financesGain Control of your spendings and reduce unnecessary expensesStop living paycheque to paychequeFree up the cash you never thought you hadcreate a monthly budget, pay down your debt faster and start saving for your financial goals"
Price: 99.99

"ST0-91W Symantec Net Backup 7.0 for Windows Practice Exam" |
"250 UNIQUE practice questions for ST0-91W Symantec Net Backup 7.0 for Windows Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : ST0-91W Symantec Net Backup 7.0 for Windows Practice ExamTotal Questions : 250Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :150 minsPassing Score : 75 (67 of 250)"
Price: 169.99

"CompTIA CLO-001 Cloud Essentials of Certified Practice Test" |
"250 UNIQUE practice questions for CompTIA CLO-001 Cloud Essentials of Certified Practice TestPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : CompTIA CLO-001 Cloud Essentials of Certified Practice TestTotal Questions : 250Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :150 minsPassing Score : 75 (187 of 250)"
Price: 169.99

"ECCouncil EC0-232 E-Commerce Architect Practice Test" |
"250 UNIQUE practice questions for ECCouncil EC0-232 E-Commerce Architect Practice TestPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : ECCouncil EC0-232 E-Commerce Architect Practice TestTotal Questions : 250Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :150 minsPassing Score : 75 (187 of 250)"
Price: 174.99

"English Placement Practice Test (EPT)- MCQs" |
"English placement test divided into three subtests. The entire English Placement Test (EPT) is designed to be completed in 115 minutes, which requires an average of approximately 30 seconds per test item. This is sufficient time for most students to complete the test.Who wants to know their level of English? ngilizce seviyelerini kim bilmek ister?Who wants to improve the English language. .ngilizce dilini gelitirmek isteyenler.After giving this test, to a more extent, you will be able to identify your deficiency and overcome it. .Bu testi yaptktan sonra, bir lde, eksikliinizi belirleyebilecek ve stesinden gelebileceksiniz.Thank you! !Teekkr ederim!What Makes This Course Special This Test useful for TOEFL, IELTS, IPET, PET, FCE, CAE, CPE, TOEIC, BANK, Jobs & other Competitive & Academic- All Level Fast & Friendly Support in the Q&A section30 days money back guarantee. Without any queries Lifetime Access to course updatesLifetime supportAbout test:This test divided into three tests.English Placement Test Level 190 questions 45 minutes 60% correct required to passEnglish Placement Test Level 290 questions 45 minutes 60% correct required to passEnglish Placement Test Level 350 questions 25 minutes 60% correct required to passKey features of practice sections and model test:You can pause the test at any time and resume later.You can retake the test as many times as you would like.The progress bar at the top of the screen will show your progress as well as the time remaining in the test. If you run out of time, dont worry; you will still be able to finish the test.You can skip a question to come back to at the end of the exam.You can also use Mark for Review to come back to questions you are unsure about before you submit your test.If you want to finish the test and see your results immediately, press the stop button.!!!Best of luck!!!Note: These questions are only for practice and understanding level of knowledge. It is not necessary that these questions may or may not appear for examinations and/or interview questions, but you will get Competitive and Academic Exams from these questions for sure."
Price: 24.99

"Kubernetes for the Absolute Beginners ( Arabic - )" |
"( k8s) . Cloud Native Computing Foundation. "" "". Docker. . . , . . Kubernetes pods Deployments Services Storage options Config Map/Secrets"
Price: 19.99

"Filemaker 18 - Der Komplettkurs - Teil 1" |
"Wir erstellen in diesem Kurs eine mehrbenutzerefhige Kundenverwaltung. Sie bentigen keinerlei Vorkenntnisse - wir beginnen ganz einfach und entdecken die Mglichkeiten whrend der Reise.Dabei besprechen wir unterschiedliche Vorgehensweisen, mit ihren Vor- und Nachteilen, denn nur so kann man sich fr die eine oder andere Strategie entscheiden.Denn auch bei der Datenbank-Entwicklung gilt: viele Wege fhren nach Rom.Die einzelnen Kursteile bauen aufeinander auf."
Price: 34.99

"Child Psychology & Development" |
"If you are searching for any child psychology certificate, babysitting course, or a child psychology diploma then you are at the right place. Because this course will help you in firming the grip on different psychological domain related topics such as clinical psychology, cognitive behavior therapy, complex ptsd, and early childhood education (ECE).Based on the diversity of human nature and their cross cultural communication, I have put more emphasis on the basic introduction to sociology & psychology in this course. So, this course may prove valid and valuable like an internationally accredited diploma. It is not a fully accredited professional child psychology diploma, anyhow, it provides great information on the mindset coaching of kids as well as relationship counseling of children. This course may prove the complete guide to becoming a babysitter as it elaborates the topics of psychology of diversity and unconscious bias. It gives basic tips for single parents also and tells how to deal with young kids in their normal routine of life.Parenting is not an easy task. As it deals with the psychoanalysis, neuropsychology, mind reading, sociology, and counselling children and adolescents. Parents not only need to learn social psychology politics but also focus on the past life regression in the relationships. Human psychology is very difficult to understand as we have seen many psychopaths in the history of the world.Whether you are a babysitter, single mom, single dad, or a caregiver. Whether you are a relationship coach, rebt practitioner, related to ptsd, sadhguru, and psychotherapy certification. This basic learning material is going to make you master in the art of child development, potty training, psychology counseling, and relationship coaching of children.We hear about strange words like emdr therapy and training, forensic psychology, forensics, gestalt therapy, hypnosis certification, and hypnotherapy certification. In our daily life, we also learn some unique phenomenal words such as masculinity, life coach certification, and marriage counseling. We don't know even the meaning of some of these words, but as I have told before that being a parent is not so much easy. As a parent, we need a lot of research and knowledge so that we may succeed in the best physical, cognitive, emotional, and speech development of children.There are many medical & ayurveda accredited techniques on the internet. There are also many counselling courses and diploma. Some of them are based on couples counseling. While others are related to some sort of criminology, criminal psychology, criminal law and justice.Newborn baby care starts from the pregnancy and birth. Then after birth, parents have to take special care of newborn baby food, baby sleep, early childhood development, early childhood education, and montessori education. Many mothers learn breastfeeding, early childhood foundations course, montessori course, and different diplomas about midwife and childbirth education. These things are essential for the best growth and development of babies. Anyhow, there is the need to enroll in a right course that might prove to be fruitful.There is a lot of basic learning material on different websites to help parents raise up their kids in natural way. As parents don't want that their kid become a criminal or a psycho in the future. So, it is better to buy or search for the best information guide for the child development.I hope you are going to register into this valuable and informative course. Best wishes!"
Price: 19.99

"Changes Management In Engineering Projects" |
". :- . . . . . . . ()."
Price: 99.99

"Pontos energticos de acesso" |
"Quero ajudar e disponibilizar conhecimento e transformao para pessoas quem no tem possibilidade de investir um valor alto.Por isso, uma oportunidade nica de voc ter disponvel essa maravilhosa ferramenta de transformao de vida.Essa tcnica age diretamente nas sinapses neurais do crebro, enfraquecendo e eliminando todos os bloqueios internos, crenas limitantes e traumas que nos impedem acessar nossa verdadeira essncia e potncia, e com isso ter uma vida muito mais leve, alegre e produtiva.Os pontos so uma tcnica suave e no invasiva serve para liberar bloqueios fsicos e mentais que foram armazenados no corpo e ajudam a trazer maior facilidade em todas as reas da vida, amplia nosso estado de presena, e expande nossa CONSCINCIA.Agem nos bloqueios internos neurolgicos. Ajuda elimina traumas e fobias, Depresso, Asiedade, Melhora a qualidade do sono e insnia, Maior clareza mental e reduo do estresse, Aumento da motivao e maior facilidade de comunicao, Aumento significativo nos sentimentos de alegria, felicidade, gratido, bondade e paz, Aumenta a criatividade, Expanso da Conscincia e maior estado de presena, Melhora da sade mental, reduo nos sintomas de depresso, ansiedade, sndrome do pnico, Maior concentrao e aprendizado de crianas e adultos. workshop com todas as informaes necessrias para sua transformao, aproveite essa oportunidade! No possui certificado, mas a cura e uma incrvel transformao pessoal, no ser mais disponibilizado apostila.Tudo por um mundo melhor. Abraos com Amor."
Price: 129.99

"Google Tag Manager for Beginners (Jul. 2020)" |
"Google Tag Manager is not only for large businesses. If you run a blog, a website for a local business or a small online-shop, Google Tag Manager will save you a lot of time and help you to gain insights about customer behavior on your website without writing a single line of Javascript CodeAs an example, you can enable Event Tracking in Google Analytics using Tag Manager with a few clicks. Previously, this required you to write a few lines of Javascript code for each event you'd like to track.In this curse, you'll learn how to get started with Google Tag Manager, add event tracking in Google Analytics with Tag Manager, how to use events in Google Analytics to create goals and, if you live in an area with GDPR or similar privacy laws, I'll show you the basic principle to execute Google Analytics Tags only, if the user has given consent.Specifically, you'll learn in this Tag Manager for beginners course:The basic concepts of Google Tag Manager: What's a container, a tag, a trigger and a variableHow to create a Google Tag Manager accountHow to add Tag Manager to your websiteHow to add click event tracking to Google Analytics with Tag ManagerHow to add form submission tracking in Google Analytics with Tag ManagerHow to add scroll visibility tracking in Google Analytics using Tag ManagerHow to use the Custom HTML Tag to add tracking pixels, like the facebook pixel, to your websiteIn the bonus section, you'll learn:How to create goals in Google Analytics based on tracked eventsThe basic principle of how to execute (""fire"") Tags only if a user gave consentEspecially event tracking, what you'll learn in this course, is an important aspect of understanding your website visitors. By adding e.g. click tracking you'll get insights about:Which links visitors use to navigate your siteHow often visitors use e.g. the main menu and which item they click (you're into a surprise when looking at the numbers!)If you run an online store, you can use click tracking to gain insights about which facets visitors use to filter a product list. This helps you to identify important product features that your visitors care about.By adding visibility tracking, you'll be able to see how far visitors scroll down a specific page, e.g. a landing page. You can use these insights to optimize the design of your landing pageWith form tracking, you're able to see not only how often a form was submitted, but also on which page. This helps you to identify, e.g. which pages brought the most leads or which blog post generated the most newsletter subscribersQuestions?If you've any questions about any lecture in the course, I'm here to support you. Just send me a message through Udemy and I'll usually answer within 24 hours weekdays.Vote for updates and bonus lecturesIf you're enrolled in one of my other courses you already know, that I value your opinion. I send out regular votes where students can vote for updates and bonus lectures. This is just one way I'd like to ensure you get the most out of the course and your investment.Ready to get started with Google Tag Manager?Enroll now!"
Price: 24.99

"Ethical Hacking mit Kali Linux" |
"Starte deine Ethical Hacking Karriere mit Kali Linux! In diesem Tutorial brauchst du nur ein wenig PC Grundkenntnisse, um die Grundlagen vom Hacking, ethical hacking und penetration-testing zu lernen. Du kannst Step-by-Step die typischen Angriffe auf PCs, Netzwerke und andere Ziele im Netzwerk erlernen und direkt ausprobieren. Wir haben uns bei diesem Kurs auf die direkte Praxis konzentriert und zeigen dir methodisch direkt wie es funktioniert (ohne groe Theorie-Einheiten). Du wirst die typischen Befehle der Kali Linux Console sowie eines UNIX-Systems kennenlernen und zuverlssig anwenden, um dich in weiteren Einheiten im ethical hacking zu versuchen. (Hinweis: Dieser Kurs behandelt bungen und Methodiken - direkt zum ausprobieren - mit Kali LInux! Er vermittelt keine Theorie ber ethisches Verhalten von Hackern!) ""Vielen Dank fr den tollen Kurs ber ethical hacking und kali. Ich habe viel gelernt und bin deutlich fitter in der Anwendung von Consolen-Befehlen und einfachen Security-Tools. Inbesondere den Wireshark sowie das Verschlsselungsprogramm Veracrypt fand ich Klasse!"" - Sebastian Teigters Dieser Kurs ist unterteilt in sechs Haupt-Lerneinheiten: Teil 1 - Angriffe zum direkten Zugriff auf den Server, das System und die ConsoleVersucht direkten Zugriff zu bekommen via Brute-Force MethodikenTeil 2 - Angriffe auf Schwachstellen in Protokollen, Systemen und ServicesVersucht direkten/indirekten Zugriff zu bekommen ber ExploitsPart 3 - Angriffe auf verschlsselte Daten, Dateien und PasswrterVersucht verschlsselte Offline-Dateien (Zip, Datenbanken, Windows) zu knackenPart 4 - Angriffe auf Webseiten, Webapplikationen und DatenbankenVersucht Zugriff auf einen Webserver oder eine Datenbank zu bekommen (Advanced)Part 5 - Angriffe auf die Kommunikation im lokalen Netz, VLAN und WLANVersucht Pakete im Netzwerk aufzuzeichnen und brecht in ein WLAN einPart 6 - Angriffe mit Trojanern, Phising-Toolkits und FrameworksVersucht Trojaner zu starten und klont Webseiten mit msfvenom und setDIESER KURS BEINHALTET UNSERE BEKANNTE HACKING-CHALLENGE(VERSUCHT ES ALS ABSCHLUSSTEST...)Dieser Kurs konzentriert sich auf direkte, praxisnahe bungen und Methoden, die ihr direkt ausprobieren knnt. Jeder Teilnehmer hat die Erlaubnis unseren Webserver zu hacken! (siehe Intro)Am Ende dieses Kurses...wisst ihr, wie ihr Ziele im Netzwerk angreifen knnt. wisst ihr, wie ihr Trojaner baut.wisst ihr, wie ihr Netzwerkpakete aufzeichnet und analysiert. wisst ihr, wie ihr unsichere Passwrter knackt und sichere erstellt.wisst ihr, was die bad guys tun und was ihr tun solltet :-)"
Price: 64.99

"Asana 2020 - Project Management tool - Beginner to Expert" |
"Asana is a great tool to have in your project management portfolio of skills. This is a comprehensive course that is properly structured so you can get from zero to hero in less than 2 hours.This course will give you a deep understanding of Asana functionality by using hands-on, contextual examples designed to showcase why Asana is awesome and how they can be applied in a number of ways.__________By the end of the course you'll be able to: Comfortably navigate Asana's interface Create tasks Create projects Use all task and project options Use all Asana project views Use Asana's advanced/paid features"
Price: 99.99

happinessbank |
Price: 79.99

"ServiceNow Certified System Administrator CSA Practice Exams" |
"These practice tests are in accordance with the official Exam Guide from ServiceNow, along with the 12 Knowledge Areas and corresponding weighting for each, so you can approach the actual ServiceNow Certified System Administrator Administrator (CSA) Exam with confidence, not just hoping you are ready, but knowing you are ready.Improve your odds of passing with the first attempt and avoid costly re-schedule fees by enrolling in this course today. You will receive your total final score, along with Section Level Feedback, so you can pinpoint the areas in which you need to improve and study further.You can retake the tests in this course as many times as you need. In addition to getting interactive feedback with each question, you'll receive explanations on why certain answers are correct, while others are incorrect. The Explanation contains links for additional study and reference, so you can see for yourself the official word from ServiceNow on a given topic.Topics included as per Exam Blueprint:1. User Interface & Navigation 20%ServiceNow Overview Lists and Filters Forms and Templates Branding 2. Collaboration 20%User AdministrationTask Management Notifications Reporting 3. Database Administration 30%Data Schema CMDB Application/Access Control Import Sets 4. Self-Service & Process Automation 20%Knowledge Management Workflows/Flow Designer 5. Intro to Scripting & Application Tools 10%Scripting Migration and Integration Development"
Price: 19.99

Price: 4800.00

"Data Science- Project Management Methodology - CRISP-DM" |
"Learners will understand about Project management methodology - CRISP-DM, in handling Data Science projects or Artificial Intelligence projects end to end. All the 6 stages including Business Understanding, Data Understanding, Data Preparation, Data Modeling, Model Evaluation and finally Model Deployment. This course includes a structured approach of handling the data related projects for maximizing the success rate."
Price: 104.99

"Killing it on Camera" |
"""I hate myself on Camera.""""I can't make videos.""""Ewww! My voice is coming out sooo weird.""If you've ever experienced any of this, I want to share something with you, ""You're not alone.""Because I have gone through the exact same things & it has been 1 whole year of practice, persistence &consistency, that I see a drastic change in my VIDEOS.I am a Digital Marketer Strategist & an Instagram Growth Expert & I absolutely understand the power of showing up,the power of Video Marketing.That's the reason I started this journey for myself & now after 1 whole year of doing it consistently,I have helped dozens of my course students become Video Experts.Today, I want to welcome you aboard on this magical journey with me.P.S. This course is not about technicalities of being on Video, it's about tips, tricks, hacks, and a little extra something to make your presence on camera WOW, at the same time making you fall in love with the process.Are you in?Can't wait to see you."
Price: 34.99

"Design of Electrical Apparatus in Tamil language" |
"Firstly Our Course is Completely in Tamil. Very easy to understand.You will learn from basic as well as advanced designing processes.This will be helpful for Electrical Engineering Students. Electric Motors are used at some point in the manufacturing process of nearly every conceivable product that is produced in modern factories.Design of Electrical Apparatus is mainly studied to know the designing concept of DC machines and TransformerThis course consists of IntroductionDc machines designTransformer designInduction motor designSynchronous machines designWho this course is for:Electrical Power EngineersElectriciansUnder Graduate Electrical Engineering StudentsPost Graduate Electrical Engineering StudentsElectrical Designer EngineersElectrical Maintenance EngineersPower Systems EngineersElectrical OperatorsElectrical Site EngineersTechniciansControl EngineersConsultantsDevelopersBuilding Energy ManagersBuilding Services EngineersFacility Maintenance ManagersProject Engineers"
Price: 2560.00

WordPress |
"WordPress 2 23112 8003WordPressWordPress1EKKO4WordPress1WordPressEKKOWordPress5WordPressEKKO8000SEO 13WordPress45"
Price: 3000.00

"Bayesian Statistics" |
"You can use the coupon SEPTEMBERBAYES to receive a 35% discount on the course until September 30.Bayesian Statistics is a fascinating field and today the centerpiece of many statistical applications in data science and machine learning. In this course, we will cover the main concepts of Bayesian Statistics including among others Bayes Theorem, Bayesian networks, Enumeration & Elimination for inference in such networks, sampling methods such as Gibbs sampling and the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm, Bayesian inference and the relation to machine learning.This course is designed around examples and exercises that provide plenty of opportunities to build intuition and apply your gathered knowledge. Many examples come from real-world applications in science, business or engineering or are taken from data science job interviews.While this is not a programming course, I have included multiple references to programming resources relevant to Bayesian statistics. The course is specifically designed for students without many years of formal mathematical education. The only prerequisite is high-school level mathematics, ideally a first-year university mathematics course and a basic understanding of probability."
Price: 19.99

"(Life Coaching)" |
Price: 4800.00

"NLP Dersleri ile Yaam Koluu Dersleri" |
"Yaam Koluunda kullanlan teknikleri anlatldktan sonra Yaam Koluu sanatn icra etmenin yntemleri paylalacaktr. Giri Dersleri 1) Psikoloji Balang Seviyesi 2) Sosyal Psikoloji & Yaam Koluu Balang Seviyesi 3) Bilisel Terapi 4) Psikoterapi ve Soru Sorma Sanat balang seviyesi 5) Kiilik Bozukluklar NLP Teknikleri : 6) Zaman izgisi NLP Teknii 7) Sabotajc NLP Teknii 8) apa kertme & Kt Anlar Silme NLP Teknii 9) Koullama ve apa Atma NLP Teknii 10 ) Freud ve NLP 11) Gelecee Yrmek NLP Teknii 12 ) Milton Erikcson ve Anedot Teknii 13) Deerler almas NLP Teknii 14) Walt Disney NLP Teknii 15) izik CD / Bozuk Plak Yntemi NLP Teknii 16 ) Karlkl Sandalye Yntemi NLP Teknii17) Sihirli Gzlk Teknii18 ) Zaman izgisi ile Hayat Amacn Bulmak19 ) Paragraf Tamamlama Teknii20 ) Nlp Teknii, Aynalama & Milton Erickson 21) Milton Erickson ve NLP Anekdotlar 22) Yaam Dairesi NLP Teknii 23) Alt Modalitelerin Deitirilmesi NLP Teknii 24) Milton Erickson ve Otomatik Yazma 25) yimserlik ve Olumlu Psikoloji & Swish NLP Teknii 26) Benlik Saygsn Ykseltmek 27) Duygusal Zekay Ykseltmek 28) Teflon Tava ve Tibetli Rahiplerin Rya Yogas Teknii Yaam Koluu Dersleri 31) Yaam Koluu Sanatn cra Etmek Ders 32) Yaam Koluu Sanatn cra Etmek Ders 33) Yaam Koluu Sanatn cra Etmek Ders ......50) Yaam Koluu Sanatn cra Etmek Ders 50"
Price: 409.99

"Ultimate Quick Reference for OKR's - 2020" |
"Are you willing to learn about the OKR concepts in the easiest way !This is the perfect course for you to give preparation series with short videos to get quick OKR knowledge and hands-on Topics Covered : - Introduction -OKRs ,Objective and key results, WHY they help you to really achieve your goals- Difference between KPI and OKR- Committed and Aspirational OKR's with examples - Planning for OKR,goal setting on a company level, team level and individual - OKR sample Template with can be ready used - Tools used for OKRs - explained in detail few tools which are famous - Drive deep on Writing - OKR best practices- Learn more on OKR Common Mistakes and how to correct them Features:REAL TIME EXAMPLES - Focus has been given on real time project examples for easy understanding and demonstration.MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE - Unconditional 30-day money-back guaranteeUNLIMITED QUIZ ATTEMPTS - Quizzes can be retaken any number of times.MOBILE ACCESS - Study on the go and access all resources from your mobileINSTRUCTOR SUPPORT - Responsive instructor support for any questions, concerns, suggestions or interview questions.LIFETIME ACCESS - You will have lifetime access to the resources once you purchase the course.Course Last updated on : 28th June 2020Enroll now to fast-track your learning on OKR's with ease !"
Price: 19.99

"Reiki Level I - Shoden - with Attunement" |
"This is the beginners level for the Reiki Practice. The first step in the Reiki Master path. It not only contains the theory, but also two Attunemnts with set date and time in order to open your crown and create your channel to receive the universal vital energy. On level I will learn: Introduction concepts of energy and Reiki Reiki as a method History of Reiki and Mikao Usui Reiki Principles Attunement overview 1st Attunement with date and time set How to connect to the Reiki energy Tools and techniques to transmite Reiki 1st Reiki symbol: Chokurei 2nd Attunment with date and time set - with Chokurei symbol Self-healing areas and positions"
Price: 49.99

"Overcoming Biases in Diverse and Inclusive Environments" |
"There is no escaping natural biases each of us bring to every interaction in our lives and the picture becomes even trickier as we learn that despite what we may have been told, biases are not only necessary for survival, but can serve positive outcomes in some cases. How do you embrace the positive aspects of bias, while shielding against the negative and opening your mind to new relationships? And how can we use trust to help us overcome some of these challenges?Many people speak of biases as stereotypes, and we will use similar language in this course, while adding to our understanding. We will also explore how biases relate to the foundational need for trust in our relationships, especially in relationships with those who look, sound, believe, or otherwise differ from ourselves. The first aspect we explore relates to how trust itself can be a bit tricky. Through understanding the unique challenges which trust presents, we can work to overcome and counter the impact in our relationships. Next, we examine how implicit theories and presumptive trust serve as the underlying power for stereotypes and biases. We then will learn three key tools which each of us can put to work across our relationships to simultaneously build trust safely in relationships, while also protecting us from the dangers of trusting too quickly. "
Price: 94.99

"ocuk Yogas ve Yaratc Drama I. MODL Eitim Program" |
"ocuk geliimi zerine eitim program ile hazrlanm olan Yaratc Drama Yntemi ile ocuk Yogas sizi bir adm ileriye tayacak.Tm ierikler tez almalarm ierisinde 1200 e yakn ocukla ve farkl ya gruplaryla tecrbelerim dahilinde paylam olduum tecrbelerim ve bilgilerimdir.Eitim ieriini akademik ve okul mfredat eklinde tasarladm. Sizleri tam anlamyla tanmlamalara ynelik ihtiya duyabileceiniz bilgiler dahilinde cevaplandrabileceimi dnyorum. Bu eitimin kaynaklar ile kendi bilgilerinizi pekitirebilirsiniz. Yaratc Drama ve ocuk Yogas gnmzde daha ok deer grmeye balad, bu iki alann birbirleri ile ilikilendirilmesi dikkat ekici bir unsur olarak karmza kyor.Tez almalarma ynelik paylam olduum bilgileri, internet ve sosyal medya zerinden baka hibir yerde bulamazsnz, nk okul deneyimlerim dorultusunda baarl olduu kantlanm ve tanmlarla dolu bilgileri sadece size aktaryorum.Kendi ierisinde toplam da 4 BLM olarak oluturulan eitim programnda okul ncesi ya gruplarnn geliim ve zelliklerini, ocuk yogasn ve yaratc drama alanlarn renecek ve konu hakknda bilginiz olacaktr.Bu eitimde, ocuk yogas dersleri ierisinde tm blmleri sesli sunum videolar ile anlatyorum.Aktif ekilde ilerleyecek olan eitimimizde, sorduunuz tm sorular cevaplyor olacam. Bu eitimi satn alan ve eitimi bitirdikten sonra 'Udemy' sertifikasna sahip olan rencilerimize TuduYoga onayl 'Katlm Belgesi' verilecektir. Bu belge ile yeliiniz salanarak dzenli olarak yaplan, farkl temalarla uygulama atlyelerimden, renci komite toplantlarmzdan, uzmanlk sertifika programlarndan ncelikle siz haberdar olacaksnz. Ayrca bana kiisel olarak ulaabileceksiniz.Eitim ieriklerine mr boyu eriim salayabileceksiniz dolaysyla eitim ierii gncel tutulacak ve daha ok ek balantlar kurulacaktr.almalarmda amalanan, yaratc drama yntemi ile ocuk yogasnda beden, zihin ve duyusal alan dengelemek ve ocuun bu denge ile yaamn devam ettirmesine yardmc olmaktr. Yaratc drama yntemi ile ocuk yogas alanlarn sentezleyerek bu aratrma ve uygulamalarmdan tr mutluluk duyarm.Sizinle tanmak iin imdiden heyecan duyuyorum, eitimimize ho geldiniz!NOT: Bu eitim program 'TuduYoga' ve uluslararas 'Udemy' eitim platformlarnda tannacaktr. Eitimi baar ile bitirenler 'ocuk Yoga Eitmeni' ya da 'Yaratc Drama Eitmeni' nvan almak iin uzmanlk sertifika programlarna katlmallardr. Bu eitimi sadece kendi nvanlarnzda ve alanlarnzda pekitire bileceiniz bilgiler dahilinde kullanabilirsiniz. TUE DURAKI Sosyal Medya Hesaplar: Instagram Sayfas: tuduogretmen YouTube Kanal: TUDU RETMEN Facebook Sayfas: tuduogretmen Twitter Sayfas: tuduogretmen----------------------------------------------------------"
Price: 24.99

"TOGAF 9.2 - Part 1 and Part 2 Practice Tests: UPDATED 2020" |
"The TOGAF 9.2 certification is ideal for anyone looking to excel in IT at an organization that values seamless information flow across enterprises. It is best suited for enterprise architecture professionals, business architects, IT architects, and Individuals who require a deeper understanding of TOGAF 9.2 methodology.This course offers the following features:176 TOP-NOTCH Questions - has 6 sets of TOGAF Practice Tests with 176 UNIQUE questions and a 60 & 90 minute time limit for each set.SIMULATES ACTUAL EXAM ENVIRONMENT - mimics the actual, and the latest TOGAF certification exam to help you pass and even ace the TOGAF exam!VERY ACTIVE Q&A DISCUSSION BOARD - with inputs from the instructors and exam feedback from thousands of our students, our Q&A board gives you the opportunity to know which topics recently appeared on the exam and better understand the TOGAF and concepts covered in the test.VERY RESPONSIVE INSTRUCTORS - our friendly team of TOGAF experts is able to address all your issues and COMPREHENSIVELY answer all your questions within 5 business days.CONTAINS A TEST REPORT - to track your progress and show you which TOGAF knowledge areas you need improvement.Prepared by an TOGAF Certified who has actually passed the actual TOGAF 9.2 exam! (Please see my LinkedIn profile to view my TOGAF Certificate)IMPORTANT NOTEThis course - TOGAF 9.2 - Part 1 and Part 2 Practice Tests are not exam dumps and since TOGAF shuffles the actual exam content from a question bank with hundreds to thousands of questions, it is nearly impossible to match what you can see here with the actual tests. Again, the key to passing the exam is a good understanding of TOGAF concepts and this is what our TOGAF Certification practice tests are meant to do.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------TOGAF 9.2 Official Exam Outline:There are three examinations as follows:TOGAF 9 Part 1 - Pass mark 55% (22 or more points out of a maximum of 40)This exam comprises 40 questions in simple multiple choice format, covering the Level 1 learning outcomes (see the Conformance Requirements for detail). Each correct answer scores a single point.TOGAF 9 Part 2 - Pass mark 60% (24 or more points out of a maximum of 40)This exam comprises 8 complex scenario questions, with gradient scoring. This exam is open book and covers the complete Level 2 learning outcomes. The correct answer scores 5 points, the second best answer 3 points, the third best answer 1 point. The distracter scores zero points.TOGAF 9 Combined Part 1 and 2 - This is a combined TOGAF 9 Part 1 and Part 2 examination for candidates who want to achieve Level 2 certification directly in a single examination. It consists of two sections, with pass marks as per the TOGAF 9 Part 1 and 2 examinations described above. Each section must be passed in order to obtain an overall pass mark. If you fail a section then no certification is awarded, however you only need retake the Examination(s) corresponding to the failed section(s).Question type : Multiple choiceFree Retake : NoBefore exam: Practice this test until you score 100%, so that you will be confident in the official exam.After exam: Once you are cleared the exam, digital badge and certification will be available in the TOGAF Certification Dashboard.All the Best!"
Price: 29.99

"Telemarketing y ventas telemticas" |
"En este curso hacemos un resumen de todo lo necesario, imprescindible y de utilidad para poder realizar un curso de telemarketing til y efectivo. Se comentan ejemplos, errores cometidos y sus soluciones entre otras. La idea del curso es tener de una manera rpida y efectiva un curso que sea practico para todo el mundo."
Price: 19.99

"Effectively activate your clairvoyance ability" |
"===Presentation===This simple and effective course with many practice and exercices will bring you the main techniques to develop your psychic gifts, these natural talents of clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentence you possess. Use the skill of the mediums and become more inspired to make better choices in accordance with yourself and bring success in your life.Everyone has intuition and it is through your feelings that you can increase your connection to a world that is just waiting to help you to achieve your goals. The universe keeps on sending you messages to help you, but are you ready to use your extrasensory capacities to receive them? Clairvoyance is on of the psychic ability to better recive those messages.Anyone wishing to rely more on their intuition for their business or the improvement of their professional or personal life can take this course. Whatever are your beliefs, just open yourself to the multiple possibilities that your psychic gifts and clairvoyance can bring you. This talent is also called sixth sense.This training is a concentrate of the best methods used by clairvoyants, psychics and mediums to be connected, without resorting to rituals or objects. YOU are the main tool for connecting to your intuition. Personal development in general can benefit from these ""magic"" techniques everyone has, just develop them like any other skill. The psychic gifts and extrasensory clairvaoyant but also clairaudient capacities are innate, you will learn in this course to reconnect with them.Concretely, you will be able to receive a lot of information on an environment, a person, the past, the future or the best choice to make depending on what you wish to obtain as a result. One of the techniques for accessing this knowledge is remote viewing. Clairvoyance or clairaudience will no longer be a mystery to you. This will allow you not to base your choices solely on a strictly rational analysis but to open up to the enriching experiences that you have chosen to live gudided by your intuition. Such learning can only benefit all areas of your life.This course offers a clear and fun approach that goes to the essential for anyone wishing to practice developing their inspiration on a daily basis through their psychic gifts and extrasensory abilities, a true sixth sense.===Objectives===Develop your intuition ; use clairaudience and clairvoyance ; and discover remote viewing to tame your sixth sense. Use psychic clairvoyance techniques for your development staff to achieve the goals you set for yourself.=== Content ===A richly illustrated and animated course for a fun and captivating learning experienceA practical approach focused on exercises: directly learn the essential techniques of listening to intuitionA global understanding of how intuition worksNo rituals, cards, oracles or crystal ball: YOU are the receiver of informationSimple techniques applicable in all circumstancesA connection to your five senses to shape your sixth senseRecognition of your personal aspirations to better target your goalsAn introduction to remote viewing which goes to the essentials of the techniqueA new technique to silence the mind and receive messages from the universe"
Price: 29.99

"Wondershare Filmora 9 Complete user Guide Beginner to Expert" |
"Hello and Welcome everyone. My name is Sunera Samuditha aka BRUSE_SSG. I am the instructor of this course.We all love videos. It may be a movie , a music video , a documentary , a cartoon , an advertisement, etc. Videos express so many things when considering with images , posters or still presentations. Such videos don't come out easily. Professional video editors create them with their masterpiece. BUT, what if I tell you that you can also become a such person without much effort and knowledge in a couple of weeks. Can't believe huh? We'll see about that.I created this course for everyone. This course is completely in simple English. You may be a student, a teacher, a public presenter, a lecturer or an individual who wants to learn how to make AWESOME videos without spending much of your time, money, and effort. Then this is the course suits best for you. Starting from the definite basics I will guide you to the professional level.This tutorial is about Wonder Share Filmora 9 (2020 update features included) and its complete tools. By the end of this course you will learn everything about Filmora 9. Believe me, now you gonna become a video or content creator. Sry even I can't stop you now.So I welcome you all to give yourself a try and don't worry about what you know now because you are going to know everything. Don't get bothered by asking others to create videos for you or don't spend money on others for your videos. Be the professional be your own video creator. Be proud of yourself. Show off on others. Good Luck !"
Price: 19.99
