"Become Fashion Designer, Draw Fashion Sketches & Note Book" |
"Welcome to the course on ""Become Fashion Designer, Draw Fashion Sketches & Note Book ""There is no formal education or certification required to become a successful fashion designer, but that doesn't make the feat any easier. To become a fashion designer, you will need to have a combination of drawing, sewing, and design skills, a knowledge of the fashion industry, and unparalleled perseverance. You'll also need to create a strong fashion portfolio and strengthen your knowledge of business and finance in general.In the fashion world, new designs are presented in the form of hand-drawn sketches before theyre actually cut and sewn. First you draw a croquis, the model-shaped figure that serves as the base of the sketch. The point is not to draw a realistic-looking figure, but a blank canvas of sorts on which to display illustrations of dresses, skirts, blouses, accessories and the rest of your creations. Adding color and details like ruffles, seams and buttons helps to bring your ideas to life.If you've ever wanted to design fabulous fashion pieces but didn't know where to start, there are simple ways you can get your creative energies flowing! Start with putting together a fashion design notebook so you can have a tangible collection of your designs all in one place. It's a great way to impress your friends and colleagues, and it's easy to get started. So Let's Get Started!"
Price: 149.99

"Igualdad de oportunidades entre mujeres y hombres." |
"Tenemos que terminar con las situaciones de exclusin, discriminacin y invisibilizacin en las que se ven implicadas la mujeres cada da. Para lograrlo es preciso sensibilizar a la poblacin y que los ciudadanos conozcan en que consiste, de manera que pueda denunciarlos y demandar su eliminacin.La formacin para la igualdad es una herramienta mas que a cerca recursos para afrontar nuevos retos, dando a conocer la normativa existente en esta materia, as como desvelando y corrigiendo las desigualdades, neutralizando los posibles efectos discriminatorios, concibiendo la igualdad como un derecho cuyo ejercicio debemos demandar."
Price: 19.99

xchdvaqb |
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Price: 19.99

"Drogensucht & Suchtbegleitung Befrei Dein Kind Aus Der Sucht" |
"Ich war selbst sehr lange in der Sucht gefangen und ich habe mich und mein Umfeld mit meiner Sucht zerstrt. Heute helfe ich Menschen aus der Sucht und zeige den Eltern und Angehrigen die richtige Suchtbegleitung. Wissen aus ber 14 Jahren Sucht und einer Cleanzeit von 8 Jahren erwarten Dich im Kurs.In diesem Kurs will ich mit Dir mehrere Punkte durchgehen:Du wirst lernen:Die mglichen Ursachen einer Sucht Einer der wichtigsten Punkte und Schritte um eine Person aus der Sucht zu befreien Wie Du es schaffst und was Du beachten musst um eine Kommunikation aufzubauen Der richte Umgang mit dem Freundeskreis um das Risiko zu minimierenDie Voraussetzung um eine Kommunikation mit dem Konsumenten zu erreichenDie richtige Umgang mit dem Freundeskreis bei einer SuchtDen Schritt um nicht an der Sucht zu zerbrechenWie Du mit Gewalt, ngsten und Respekt im Haus umgehst und Regeln erschaffst Wie Du mit den Finanzen bei einer Sucht richtig umgehst und die Sucht nicht frderstWie Du eine einfache Kontrolle erschafft und ausbst um in Sicherheit zu lebenWie Du in 4 bis 6 Wochen eine Kommunikation und regelmige Gesprche aufbaustMit welchen Mitteln Sie den Konsumenten bringen Suchtfrei zu werdenWelche zwei universellen Gesetze Du fr die Suchtfreiheit Deines Kindes ntzen kannstBonusvideo fr den Konsumenten Hast Du vielleicht Sorgen und ngste Dein Kind oder eine geliebte Person ganz an die Drogen oder an die Sucht zu verlieren?Kennst Du diesen Schmerz im Herz, dass Du es nicht mehr mitansehen und ertragen kannst, wie sich Dein Kind weiter und tglich zerstrt?Wirst Du tagtglich aufs neue enttuscht, weil Du auf eine Besserung hoffst, aber dann erkennst Du wieder die Lgen?Verlierst Du von Tag zu Tag mehr die Hoffnung und den Glauben, in Dich und in Dein Kind?Ich kenne das Gefhl, aber von der anderen Seite. ber 14 Jahre war ich in der Sucht gefangen und habe in all dieser Zeit meinem Umfeld groes Leid zugefgt. Ich kenne die Sucht von der anderen Seite und das all zu gut.Mchtest Du erfahren welche Schritte ntig sind um Dein Kind aus der Sucht zu befreien?Dann schau Dir jetzt den Kurs an um die Suchtfreiheit genieen zu knnenIm Training erfhrst Du u.a.:wie Du eine Kommunikation mit dem Konsumenten aufbaust!wie Du mit dem Freundeskreis bei einer Sucht richtig umgehst!ich gehe intensiv auf den wichtigsten aller Schritte ein, um eine geliebte Person aus der Sucht zu befreien!und viele weitere wertvolle InfosEin weiteres Bonusvideo mit zustzlichen Bonis und einem Geschenk!Im kurzem zusammengefasst, eine einfache, klare, praxiserprobte und leicht umsetzbare Strategie, um Dein Kind bei der Sucht richtig zu begleiten und aus der Sucht zu befreien."
Price: 149.99

"Suchthilfe und Suchtbegleitung" |
"Ich war selbst sehr lange in der Sucht gefangen und ich habe mich und mein Umfeld mit meiner Sucht zerstrt. Heute helfe ich Menschen aus der Sucht und zeige den Eltern und Angehrigen die richtige Suchtbegleitung. Wissen aus ber 14 Jahren Sucht und einer Cleanzeit von 8 Jahren erwarten Dich im Kurs.In diesem Kurs will ich mit Dir mehrere Punkte durchgehen:Du wirst lernen:Die mglichen Ursachen einer Sucht Den ersten Schritt um nicht an der Sucht zu zerbrechenWie Du es schaffst und was Du beachten musst um eine Kommunikation aufzubauen Die Voraussetzung um eine Kommunikation mit dem Konsumenten zu erreichenWie Du mit Gewalt, ngsten und Respekt im Haus umgehst und Regeln erschaffst Wie Du mit den Finanzen bei einer Sucht richtig umgehst und die Sucht nicht frderstWie Du in 4 bis 6 Wochen eine Kommunikation und regelmige Gesprche aufbaustDie besten Abschreckmethoden um ein weiteres versinken in die Sucht zu verhindernDie zwei grten Fehler bei der SuchtBonusvideo fr den Konsumenten Bonusvideo mit weiteren Bonis und Infos Hast Du vielleicht Sorgen und ngste Dein Kind oder eine geliebte Person ganz an die Drogen oder an die Sucht zu verlieren?Kennst Du diesen Schmerz im Herz, dass Du es nicht mehr mitansehen und ertragen kannst, wie sich Dein Kind weiter und tglich zerstrt?Wirst Du tagtglich aufs neue enttuscht, weil Du auf eine Besserung hoffst, aber dann erkennst Du wieder die Lgen?Verlierst Du von Tag zu Tag mehr die Hoffnung und den Glauben, in Dich und in Dein Kind?Ich kenne das Gefhl, aber von der anderen Seite. ber 14 Jahre war ich in der Sucht gefangen und habe in all dieser Zeit meinem Umfeld groes Leid zugefgt. Ich kenne die Sucht von der anderen Seite und das all zu gut.Mchtest Du erfahren welche Schritte Du gehen musst um die richtige Suchtbegleitung zu gewhrleisten?Dann schau Dir jetzt den Kurs anIm Training erfhrst Du u.a.:Wie Du es schaffst und was Du beachten musst um eine Kommunikation aufzubauen Die Voraussetzung um eine Kommunikation mit dem Konsumenten zu erreichenWie Du mit Gewalt, ngsten und Respekt im Haus umgehst und Regeln erschaffst Wie Du mit den Finanzen bei einer Sucht richtig umgehst und die Sucht nicht frderstWie Du in 4 bis 6 Wochen eine Kommunikation und regelmige Gesprche aufbaustDie zwei grten Fehler bei der SuchtEin weiteres Bonusvideo mit zustzlichen Bonis und einem Geschenk!Im kurzem zusammengefasst, eine einfache, klare, praxiserprobte und leicht umsetzbare Strategie, um Dein Kind bei der Sucht richtig zu begleiten und aus der Sucht zu befreien."
Price: 99.99

"El duelo y sus etapas: Una aproximacin desde el corazn" |
"El presente curso, contiene informacin comprensiva desde el corazn, acerca de los procesos de duelo que en psicologa se han investigado. En l encontraras todo lo relacionado con las fases del duelo: Negacin, Ira, Negociacin, Depresin, Aceptacin. Es por ello que el curso est dividio en tres grandes secciones, donde en la primera conocers la descripcin detallada de las caractersticas ms importantes de cada una de las etapas. Mientras que en la segunda gran seccin, encontrars las recomendaciones que puedes implementar si ests viviendo un proceso de duelo. Y ya en la tercera etapa, podrs encontrar recomendaciones puntuales para familiares y amigos, en caso que sea un familiar, un amigo, el que est viviendo un proceso de duelo y sepas as, como ayudarle. Todo esto de la mano de los ms grandes expertos en psicologa de nuestro tiempo."
Price: 345.00

"The Complete Java Game Development Course for 2020" |
"Learn JAVA by developing fun games from scratch. This course is for everyone who has desire to learn JAVA. The game complexity increases with every section and you will be able to rise your knowledge throughout the course. You will develop amazing games and you will see how JAVA works moving things on screen and objects interaction. You will also create and import pictures used in the games and get familiar with creating randomly movable enemies, animating the game characters and playing music while playing the game."
Price: 94.99

"PLC Programming for Refrigerator, AC and Heat Pump" |
"This lecture includes all knowledge and know-how I have gotten while working as an automatic control engineer since 2007. I tried to explain as much as I can about the new and best tactics used in the actual field. So, I organized agenda useful for not only beginners but experts who know almost everything about systems like refrigerator, air-conditioner (AC) and heat pump except for the automatic control. For example, you can feel that they are my daily issues I need to handle while working as an engineer or a technician in those field after checking the topics.I did my best to explain about the PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) program as easy as possible with minimum functions. I bet that this lecture will be incredibly helpful for you not only when you reviewing the others program but making your own program.You will understand about the below after this lecture.l What a basic electric circuit is and how to build it with PLC programl How to make self-holding circuit programl A way to configure auto and manual operation program at the same timel A procedure for dealing with analog signals to be used in PLC programl What a timer is and what kinds of functions we can make with itl How to use a counter for refrigerator, AC or heat pumpl How to control an inverter compressorl What is a tactic to manipulate an electronic expansion valve (EXV)l Dealing with a system made up of many devicesl How to stop a system with interlock signals such as emergency stop button, fire alarm and so onl How to make programs for defrostI hope you will enjoy your program work after taking lecture. And if you have any topic you want me to explain, please let me know through feedback or email. Good luck."
Price: 79.99

"Introduction to Massage with Margita" |
"On completion of this course you will have a basic understanding of how the body works and will have learnt massage techniques from one of the industries finest massage therapists and lecturers. Contraindications for massage, what they are and how they will affect your treatment.How to perform a consultation, what you need to find out from your client/guest before starting the treatment.How to educate your client/guest about their aches and pains and how best to help them.Anatomy and Physiology, what you need to know to help you client/guestMassage techniquesHow to recommend helpful products to your clients/guests to ensure their aches and pains get better and they can do more to help themselves at homeWe cant wait to share this any many more tutorials with you. Good luck!"
Price: 19.99

"Associate Real Estate Specialist" |
"Welcome to India's first Real Estate problem Solving courses, Get to know about the Industry, what is coming up and how do your prepare yourself for the industry post pandemic. Learn - What are the challenges faced in the Industry and how to overcome those challengesHow does an Indian Market workThings to do as an AgentHow to gather knowledge and upskill yourself How to get into markets, do target segmenting and lead generation.Digital Marketing into Real estate Establishing yourself as a Brand."
Price: 1600.00

"Building a Face Detection and Recognition Model From Scratch" |
"Build your first major project on Face Detection and Recognition model using Python, Machine Learning and Computer Vision library called OpenCV. In this course, you will build a model along with me from scratch.Pre-Requisities:Basic Knowledge on PythonAny Operating SystemLanguages and Technologies used:Python(3x)OpenCV libraryMachine Learning and Computer VisionOutcome:Build a complete project from scratchComplete code used in the course will be provided"
Price: 2240.00

"Ansys Workbench SpaceClaim Uygulamal Eitim" |
"Ansys nedir, Bilgisayar Destekli Mhendislik (CAE) yazlmlar arasnda en gl olan Ansysdir. Ansys rnleri ile yapsal analizden, dinamik analize, termal analizden ak analizlerine kadar birok alanda rn gruplar iinde barndran bir yazlmdr. Temel dinamikleri hesaplamal mhendislik yani nmerik analiz tabanldr. ANSYS Neden nemlidir ?rnlerin henz prototipleri dahi retilmemiken sanal ortamda test edilmesine olanak salar.Sanal ortamdaki 3 boyutlu simlasyonlar sayesinde yaplarn zayf noktalarnn tespiti salanabilir.Tespitler neticesinde iyiletirmeler ve mr hesaplamalar gerekletirilebilir.Muhtemel problemlerin ngrlmesi salanm olur.Eitimimiz boyunca 2D-3D tasarm, Montaj uygulamalar , Profil Tasarm, Static Structual ,Fluent,Workbench kullanm renilecektir."
Price: 49.99

"As 7 Ferramentas da Qualidade - Um jeito prtico de aprender" |
"Ferramentas da Qualidade so tcnicas que utilizadas para identificar e priorizar os problemas, elaborar e implantar solues e verificar os resultados, garantindo maior controle dos processos e melhorias na tomada de deciso.Neste curso voc ir aprender sobre as 7 ferramentas da qualidade: Fluxograma, Diagrama de Ishikawa, Diagrama de Pareto, Histograma, Folha de Verificao, Diagrama de Disperso e Carta de Controle.Alm do certificado ao trmino do curso, os instrutores ficaro a disposio para sanar qualquer dvida sobre as ferramentas ensinadas, sua aplicabilidade, dicas e muito mais."
Price: 84.99

"Permtasyona Giri (Sayma)" |
"Anlalmas zor bir konuyu gzel bir anlatmla sizler iin hazrladm. Permtasyon konusu korkulu ryanz olmaktan kp elenceli bir hal alacak. Aslnda mantnn ne kadar kolay olduunu farkedeceksiniz. indeki yeni nesil sorularla da snav hazrln destekleyip baarnza katk salayacaktr. Sizler iin her zaman en verimli ierikleri hazrlamaya devam edeceim. Birlikte her eyi baaracaz."
Price: 49.99

"3 saatte Revit 2021 renin!" |
"Bu eitim paketinde en gncel Revit srm zerinden (Revit 2021) batan sona tm modelleme ve dkmantasyon aralar gsterilecektir. Uygulamal bir eitim olacaktr. Bir sunum ile de kursumuzu destekliyoruz. Zamanmz verimli kullanmak, sizlere programn mantn ve matematiini retmek temel hedefimizdir. Uzun uzadya eitimler yerine programn mant zerine kurgulu bu akc eitim sayesinde ok ksa srede (yaklak 3 saat) Revitte mimari proje hazrlayabileceksiniz. Program renmek iin gnlerinizi deil sadece birka saatinizi ayrn!Eitmeniniz olarak 2011 ylndan bu yana profesyonel olarak eitim kurumlarnda eitmenlik yapmakta, zel irketlerde projelere destek vermekteyim. Size program rnekler ile detayl olarak anlatacam. Program bilgimin yannda eitmenlik tecrbemle sizleri skmadan, keyifle derslerimizi yapacaz."
Price: 69.99

"Habit Factory: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change" |
"More than 40% of the actions you perform each day are established habits rather than deliberate decisions. If you understand how your habits work, you can control your decision-making mechanisms and improve a huge, instinctive, and automatized part of your life. What is a habit? It is when you make a deliberate decision at some point in time and then eventually stop thinking about the action as you repeatedly follow the same routine. The objective of this course is to reshape the way you think about success and progress while giving you the strategies you need to reshape your habits. A significant portion of your life is dictated by habits. Your repetitive actions ultimately determine who you are, what you believe, and the personality you portray. Everything we cover in this course, from procrastination and productivity to strength and nutrition, focuses on establishing better, useful habits. When you unlock the secrets behind reshaping your habits, you can reshape your life. - Accessing the deeper levels of your mind in todays new reality requires a change in mindset, or in other words, a new habit. The essential challenge of our world today is finding our voice and inspiring others to find theirs. This is what we call the Inspiring Habit, which is humanitys answer to the search for its voice. Ultimately, this course aims to transform the way you think about yourself, your purpose in life, your organizations, and humankind. - There is also another matter which should be taken seriously. Some tiny yet significant habits exist in a process known for distilling complex topics into simple behaviors that can be easily applied to daily life and work. Here, we have drawn on proven ideas from biology, psychology, and neuroscience to create an easy-to-understand course for making good habits inevitable and bad habits impossible. Those habits mentioned can be hard to notice or impossible to change at all. If you're having trouble changing your habits, the problem isn't you; the problem lies within your system. Change your system by altering or enhancing the tiny but extraordinary habits one by one. - Throughout the course, you will discover incremental, sequential, and integrated approaches for self-development and personal greatness. We call these efficiency habits, and they work from the inside out to build a character of total integrity. - You will also encounter a chapter in which we reveal the most important habits you will need to develop in order to perform well. Develop these habits, and you will win. Neglect them, and life will be a never-ending struggle. - If you have ever wondered about the secrets of successful masterminds behind big organizations, you will enjoy our section about the habits of successful business leaders. This chapter is designed for one purpose: to take you from where you are in life to where you want to be by incorporating easy, secret habits into your daily routine. By discussing the habits of successful business leaders, we break down the walls of complexity around success and create simple formulas that you can easily implement in your life to attain the wealth and abundance you desire. To summarize, this course will help you learn how habits form and how you can enhance or alter them for your own benefit. You will also learn how habits become embedded in organizations and societies and how they affect your life so you can make massive improvements by implementing good habits and eradicating bad ones."
Price: 99.99

"Complete Practical Guide To Personal Finance For Beginners" |
"This personal finance course will teach you how to manage your money, create an easy budget, eliminate your debt, raise your credit score, earn more money, invest wisely, and so much more in a step by step format that is perfect for beginners. Do you feel overwhelmed by personal finance? Are you tired of living paycheck to paycheck and want to earn more money? Do you want retire early? Do you struggle with budgeting? Are you confused about your credit score and how to raise it? Have you considered investing, but it all seems so confusing? Do you often dream of becoming financially free and living the life you always wanted?If the answer is yes to any of these questions then this course will be perfect for you. I have been in your shoes before, and over the past 15 years I have helped people get out of debt, earn more money, and turn their finances around. Personal finance doesnt have to be confusing or overwhelming. When broken down step by step it can be easy to follow and even FUN! When you start hitting your goals, crushing your debt, and watching your investments grow it can be really exciting. Moreover, having your finances in order can relieve so much unnecessary stress in your life.PERFECT FOR COMPLETE BEGINNERSThis isnt your usual boring and stuffy personal finance course. This course is broken down with easy to understand concepts without a bunch of confusing financial jargon. It doesnt matter if you are buried in debt or have no debt, an account full of money or you are broke, this step by step course is built to help you master your finances and become financially free.Course CurriculumIn this complete guide to personal finance for beginners will cover the following topics and more: Personal Finance 101 Calculating Your Net Worth Budgeting Building Your Emergency Fund Paying Off Debt Creating A Debt Pay Off Plan Understanding Your Credit Score How To Get An Excellent Credit Score How To Earn More, Negotiate a Raise, and Negotiate A Job Offer Recession Proof Your Finances Relationships and Money Insurance Saving Money Investing 101: Real Estate Investing, Stocks, Bonds, Mutual Funds, ETFs, CDs and SavingsThis course was created in a step by step format that can be completed at your own pace.The course comes with 2 workbooks and many resources that accompany each section, including a 30 Day Emergency Fund Savings Challenge. The first workbook is a printable workbook for people who dont like spreadsheets or dont know how use them and a spreadsheet workbook for people who prefer the automations spreadsheets provide.By the end of this course, you will be able to create an easy budget, fill up your emergency fund, get out of debt, and start investing wisely so you can retire early, become financially free, and start living the life you always dreamed of!What students are saying about this course:This course is great because it breaks down personal finance into detailed and manageable steps. Money is so overwhelming and stress-inducing, but this guide has so many useful tips for overcoming that.I've never looked at my finances this way...maybe the fact that I haven't spent any time learning any of this is why I've never grown financially! The spreadsheets and guides are extremely helpful and I already feel my financial mindset is changing positively.The presenter is clear and concise. The visuals are very helpful. Everything is explained clearly and in detail. My fianc and I are to marry next year and I hope to apply a lot of the information I've gained from this course in debt management and investments.This was a really helpful course. The topics were very clearly explained. I feel significantly more competent when it comes to arranging my own money. I had always been really intimidated by investment options and this course really broke them down in a way that was clear and easy to grasp.What are you waiting for?? Enroll in this course today and take your personal finance skills to the next level.Lauren"
Price: 199.99

"Practical Digital Marketing Course (In Hindi)" |
"Do you want to increase inquiry in your business with less efforts and low investment?Are you looking for getting a high pay salary Job?If your answer is yes, then this training course is for you.By developing Digital Marketing skill will help you to grow your business as well as landing a high salary job.What you learn?1. How digital marketing is helpful.2. Does your website appears in search.3. How to promote business in local market.4. What is SEO (Search Engine Optimization)5. SEM (Paid marketing)6. Social media marketing7. Analysis and Result"
Price: 1600.00

"iOS 14 Swift 5 [2020] : From Beginner to Paid Professional" |
"Welcome to the most comprehensive Arabic course on iOS development. This course is designed to help you step by step understand the most amount of content and help with the least amount of costHere are some of the things you'll be able to do after taking this course:Submit apps to the app storeUnderstand programming & basic algorithmsWork fluently with Swift & iOSApply to iOS development jobs and solve complex ios tasksCreate your own iOS Apps with your ideas If you are absolutely new to programming you should start at the beginning of the course and go to the end.I've designed this course to take you down a guided learning path. Lectures are not broken out by specific topics. You build apps and then learn a ton of principles within those apps. So don't skip around!If you already know Swift then you can skip the Swift section. Don't worry about watching Swift videos if you already know Swift programing. iOS. : iOS iOS ios iOS . . . . ! . ."
Price: 199.99

"Excel aplicado administrao e finanas" |
"Mais do que apenas ensinar as como utilizar o Excel, este curso une a prtica do dia a dia das empresas com a ferramenta, conectando conceitos, ferramentas, prtica, e um conjunto de planilhas que vocs poder utilizar na sua empresa, seja voc funcionrio, empresrio ou estudante.O objetivo geral deste projeto proporcionar aos alunos, sobretudo estudantes e profissionais ligados administrao da empresa uma interatividade com o software Microsoft Excel, tendo como base a aplicabilidade de conceitos tcnicos relativos a administrao e finanas.Especificamente, o projeto visa apresentao das principais ferramentas disponibilizadas por esse sistema computacional, sobretudo s mais utilizadas por Contadores e Administradores de Empresas, Lderes e aspirantes ao longo de suas atividades funcionais. Simular casos prticos, que demandam conhecimentos abordados nas disciplinas dos Cursos, sobretudo com a utilizao da informtica, tambm foco do projeto em questo."
Price: 174.99

"Travel Management Course (Skill-Based)" |
"COURSE DESCRIPTIONThe course content is uniquely customized in a way to give each student who participates in this course the best skill orientation and the basic knowledge required to enter the travel and tourism industry. The course is detailed in a way to give the student the best including the skills required.Subjects like Basic elements of Travel Geography, World Time ( GMT, International Date Line, Elapsed Time ) and Maps are introduced in e-learning. Also, a look into the documents required like the Passport, Visas and Insurance are also discussed. Departure and Arrival Formalities, Basic Planning of a Holiday are taught. The importance of the technology (CRS) with an introduction to Fares/ E-tickets are also being introduced.Two skill-based courses are also included.By learning this course you can step into and be a part of the tourism industry which not only generates revenues for a country and cultural wealth, but it is also one of the most important economic engines for growth and development.Career options :Students have endless career opportunities in the fastest growing industry of travel and tourism.Few of the career options are working in travel agencies, Customer Ground Handling (customer service) at international or domestic airports, tour operator, event manager, ticketing officer, an adventure tourism expert, transport officer, holiday consultant, logistics, cruises, airlines, hotels, and tourism departments in government and private sectors.Payment:Salary is pretty good in the travel and tourism industry. Moreover, you get added perks such as free travel or reduced rates for you and your family. Salaries are higher in foreign-based airlines or travel agencies. Peak seasons might bring added bonuses and commission.CERTIFICATIONIssued and attested by a professional trainer of over 33 years of experience in the travel and tourism industry.LEARNING OUTCOMESOver 16 lectures, 2 skill modules and 3 hours of content.Exercises and Overall Test included.Learn the travel management basics from a professional trainer from your own desk.Information packed training, starting from basics.Best suitable for students who are keen to enter the service sector.Course content designed by considering current software testing technology and the job market.Assistance in Internship / On the Job Training at the end of the course.(Terms and conditions apply)"
Price: 2560.00

"Excel para Escritrio (Auxiliar Administrativo)" |
"O curso tem como objetivo, aumentar o conhecimento dos alunos sobre essa ferramenta chamada Excel, que pode ser aplicado em ambiente profissional, como tambm em um ambiente domstico.Estrutura do curso Excel para escritrio (Auxiliar Administrativo)Aula 01 Apresentao sobre o programa. Tela de trabalho. Teclas de atalho. Inserindo dados. Salvando a planilha.Aula 02 Formatao da planilha. Barra de formatao. Bordas e cores. Mesclar Clulas.Aula 03 Barra de frmulas. Criando frmulas. Utilizando AUTOSOMA.Aula 04 Adio Subtrao Multiplicao Diviso.Aula 05 Autopreenchimento. Exerccios.Aula 06 Inserir funo. Funo MDIA. Funo MXIMO. Funo MNIMO.Aula 07 Nomeando intervalos Funo SOMASE. Funo CONT.SE.Aula 08 Referncia relativa. Referncia absoluta. Exemplos.Aula 09 Funo PROCH. Funo PROCV. Exemplos.Aula 10 Operadores Lgicos. Funo SE. Funo SE aninhada. Exemplos.Aula 11 Exerccio de RevisoAula 12 Funo HOJE. Funo AGORA. Funo DIAS. Exemplos.Aula 13 Clculo entre planilhas. Exemplo.Aula 14 Validao de dados. Criando lista suspensa.Aula 15 Grficos. Elementos do grfico. Formatao do grfico."
Price: 84.99

"Curso de Violo para iniciantes." |
"Neste curso aprenderemos um pouco sobre cada um dos fundamentos musicais bsicos necessrios para comear tocar Violo. Para isto estudaremos harmonia, improvisao, acompanhamento com o foco inicial nos seguintes estilos: MPB, Jazz e Samba.Ao dominar este contedo o aluno ser capaz de tirar msicas de ouvido, improvisar, compor e ser capaz de entender-se fato o que est tocando no instrumento."
Price: 39.99

"Rangoli- The science of vibration patterns" |
"This course is for everyone who wants to learn something new and exciting. In this course I have explained you how you can make these rangoli colours at your home. Sometimes there are some shades of colours which are not available in the market so this course will help you how you can make your own shade of your choice.Also I have explained the benefits of materials use to make these colours.You need not to buy any rangoli tool from the market. I have very well explained that how you can make use of waste materials present at your home to make wonderful rangoli designs.Step by step you will learn how to make rangoli designs. There are five rangoli designs which I will teach you. The fifth one is the bonus in which you will learn how to create beautiful rangoli design using different flower petals."
Price: 59.99

"7-Week Soul Purpose Mastery & Creation" |
"This course utilizes the most cutting-edge tools, teachings & techniques from Western Psychotherapy, Eastern Spirituality and Transformational Life Coaching to help you create a life of fulfillment and purpose in a real, tangible and sustainable way. This course is especially designed for men who have or want to leave unfulfilling jobs or careers to start creating a life and start making a living doing what they truly love (though women can also benefit!).Each week is filled with valuable content, the likes of which you will not find anywhere else on the Internet. There are weekly exercises and practices that get you to start taking action towards creating your dream life today. It might sound too good to be true, but, guys this is the formula!!!This course is not for everyone. The time commitment is minimal (1-2hrs/week), but you need to be fully energetically & emotionally ready to make the commitment to creating your dream life. This means having left your old job/career or being willing to do that in the near future. The only reason I am saying this is to maximize the potential for your success. Not everyone is at a stage in their lives where they are ready to make this commitment.Additionally, this program is typically taught in an online, group coaching format with live calls and individual breakthrough sessions, which bring the concepts taught in the course to life, as well as to provide accountability. What you get on Udemy is simply the course content alone which is presented through slides and can be quite dense and is recommended for those who can keep themselves motivated & accountable (i.e., watch all the course material, take notes and complete the weekly assignments).This journey is simple. Again, this really is the formula! But it is not easy by any means. It requires commitment, resolve and the courage to face your fears. But, in the end, you only have this one life. And it is on you to decide what you're going to do with it. Taking this course will be one of the best decisions you've made in your life. There's no time to waste."
Price: 124.99

"5 Steps to Leading With Authenticity & Confidence" |
"""There's a 15% greater likelihood that direct reports will be thriving in wellbeing when their manager is thriving in well being."" ~GallupYou are here if you are a leader who is struggling with the juggle of busy work and life, and it's impacting your balance. You are looking for a way to rebuild your confidence, regain your self-awareness and unlock your untapped potential.I know what it's like to feel overwhelmed with competing priorities, too much multi-tasking - wearing too many hats, to have staff shortages, to feel exhaustion and have health struggles. For my clients, they think and feel this also, and it's on the increase.I'm Lynda Tregoweth; I am an expert in personal power and emotional intelligence. I'm an educator, coach, entrepreneur and human behaviouralist.Right now, I live in Melbourne, Australia and am the leader of my coaching practice. With nearly 30 years in leadership, consulting and coaching roles in Australia, NZ, UK.To be an effective leader takes more than getting results to your bottom line. It takes authenticity, trust from your people, courage and confidence. It's seeing, understanding and showing up for your people that allows them to foster the employee and customer loyalty, employee engagement to enable a cohesive culture that sustains business success.To enable this, you must do the work on you first; starting with dialling in your emotional intelligence.Commit to your successUnderstand what's truly holding you back right nowLearn what your motivation is so that you can tap into it to propel you forwardUnderstand your level of self-awareness and the impact you have on othersUnderstand how you see the world and learn what your limiting beliefs areYou'll identify your values so that you can easily use them as your compass to drive your decisionsYou will go deep to define your goals and priorities, so you can focus on the must-haves and reduce the feeling of overwhelmYou will learn about the importance of giving and receiving and why boundaries are essential to maintain your energy levelsBuild awareness and curiosity of others to deepen your level of rapport, communication and trustGain more in-depth knowledge of you in your eco-system to understand strengths and challengesYou will understand your fears and how to turn them into courageLearn more about who you are to show your true self in all situationsLearn how to use your vulnerability to be an effective communicator to take your people the journey with you and to build trustThen, you will learn how to define your superpowers so that you can use them as tools in your toolkit when you need themThe course is designed with you in mind with building blocks to strengthen your level of emotional intelligence so that you can implement as you learn. With every lesson you will learn more about yourself so that you can level up your sense of self and confidence, you'll find you're a-ha moments that propel you to a place of greater effectiveness, courage and resilience.You'll have additional workbooks and resources to support you along the way, as well as tips from clients on their personal experiences, and how they implemented what you are about to learn.After completing this class, you'll walk away with a greater understanding of yourself. You will know what drives you; you'll have a greater sense of awareness of yourself and others, and, how building confidence and owning your authenticity enables you to be a standout leader that people will follow, even without the job title. You'll feel great about the change you have made.What you'll learnHow to back yourself for success to lead with confidenceRelease your fears and blockers to build self-awareness and authenticityUnderstand what drives you so that you can live in alignment without the conflict of obligationHow to master your communication effectiveness to build trust in your relationshipsHow your environment is impacting your self-confidence, and your impact to others so that you understand your blind spotsHow to be yourself in any situation to be your most effective authentic, confident self and reduce the stress and overwhelmAre there any course requirements or prerequisites?A strong desire to develop your self-awareness and emotional managementYou care about how you feel.You are committed to achieving results for yourself.You have a strong desire to reduce your stress levels.Who this course is for:Leaders and executivesManagersEntrepreneursExperienced professionalsIndividuals looking to step into leadership roles"
Price: 49.99

"Finansal Trev rnlere Giri" |
"Finansal Trev rnlerin ana kategorilerini anlama Alivre Szleme (Forward), Vadeli lem Szlemesi(Future), Takas (Swap) ve Opsiyon ilemlerinin olay almalaryla tanmlanmas Cross Currency Forward, Cross Currency Swap, Interest Rate Swaps (IRS), Forward Rate Agreement (FRA) ilemlerinde Senaryo Analizi ve ilem yapmak iin doru zaman belirleme konusunda olay almalar Greeklerin ve Opsiyonlarda isel deerin rneklerle aklanmas.Opsiyonlarda Senaryo Analizi ve lem yapmak iin doru zaman belirleme konusunda olay almalar Ekonomik Koullar, Piyasa Verimlilii, Para Politikas Kararlar, Kaldra ve Oynaklk (Volatilite) gibir kavramlarn Trev rnlerin Risk Seviyesine ve piyasa deerine etkisi. Tezgahst Piyasalarda ve Borsa'da ilem gren Trev rnlerin teminat deerlemesine ilikin temel bilgiler"
Price: 24.99

"Renkli eviri kitabmz Trkiyede alannda baslan ilk kitap olma zelliinitamaktadr. Renkli eviri almamzda FL, BALA, ZARF ve KISALTMAyaplar renklendirilmitir. Bu sayede hem bu yaplar daha etkili bir ekilde renilmi olacak, hem de kelime renimini daha hzl bir ekilde yapm olacaksnz. Her bir szck iin tekrar tekrar szle bakma ihtiyac olmadan, vedoru kullanmn da grerek daha iyi renmi olacaksnz. Yoruma bal olarakbaz evirilerde en uygun anlam verilmeye allmtr. eviri almasna ve genel gramer tekrarna katk olsun diyeQUICK GRAMMAR ad altnda KISA AIKLAMALI ve VDEOANLATIMLI bir KONU TABLOSU da verdik. Bu sayede eviriyebalamadan nce iyi bir gramer tekrar yapm olacaksnz."
Price: 49.99

"Renkli eviri kitabmz Trkiyede alannda baslan ilk kitap olma zelliinitamaktadr. Renkli eviri almamzda FL, BALA, ZARF ve KISALTMAyaplar renklendirilmitir. Bu sayede hem bu yaplar daha etkili bir ekilde renilmi olacak, hem de kelime renimini daha hzl bir ekilde yapm olacaksnz. Her bir szck iin tekrar tekrar szle bakma ihtiyac olmadan, vedoru kullanmn da grerek daha iyi renmi olacaksnz. Yoruma bal olarakbaz evirilerde en uygun anlam verilmeye allmtr. eviri almasna ve genel gramer tekrarna katk olsun diyeQUICK GRAMMAR ad altnda KISA AIKLAMALI ve VDEOANLATIMLI bir KONU TABLOSU da verdik. Bu sayede eviriyebalamadan nce iyi bir gramer tekrar yapm olacaksnz."
Price: 49.99

"Renkli eviri kitabmz Trkiyede alannda baslan ilk kitap olma zelliinitamaktadr. Renkli eviri almamzda FL, BALA, ZARF ve KISALTMAyaplar renklendirilmitir. Bu sayede hem bu yaplar daha etkili bir ekilde renilmi olacak, hem de kelime renimini daha hzl bir ekilde yapm olacaksnz. Her bir szck iin tekrar tekrar szle bakma ihtiyac olmadan, vedoru kullanmn da grerek daha iyi renmi olacaksnz. Yoruma bal olarakbaz evirilerde en uygun anlam verilmeye allmtr. eviri almasna ve genel gramer tekrarna katk olsun diyeQUICK GRAMMAR ad altnda KISA AIKLAMALI ve VDEOANLATIMLI bir KONU TABLOSU da verdik. Bu sayede eviriyebalamadan nce iyi bir gramer tekrar yapm olacaksnz."
Price: 49.99

"Renkli eviri kitabmz Trkiyede alannda baslan ilk kitap olma zelliini tamaktadr. Renkli eviri almamzda FL, BALA, ZARF ve KISALTMA yaplar renklendirilmitir. Bu sayede hem bu yaplar daha etkili bir ekilde renilmi olacak, hem de kelime renimini daha hzl bir ekilde yapm olacaksnz. Her bir szck iin tekrar tekrar szle bakma ihtiyac olmadan, ve doru kullanmn da grerek daha iyi renmi olacaksnz. Yoruma bal olarak baz evirilerde en uygun anlam verilmeye allmtr. eviri almasna ve genel gramer tekrarna katk olsun diye QUICK GRAMMAR ad altnda KISA AIKLAMALI ve VDEO ANLATIMLI bir KONU TABLOSU da verdik. Bu sayede eviriye balamadan nce iyi bir gramer tekrar yapm olacaksnz."
Price: 49.99
