"Sistema 5 - Aprenda a visualizar todo o brao da guitarra." |
"Nessa aula, voc vai aprender a tocar em todo o brao da guitarra, com a escala maior, em todos os tons maiores (12) tons. Saindo da sua zona de conforto, da mesmice, de ficar preso somente nos tons ou shapes que j est acostumado.Irei tocar com junto com voc, explicando cada etapa.Alm do vdeo, teremos materiais em PDF e duas bases para estudarmos. Siga passo a passo !Cansado de procurar algo eficaz , com direo ? mostrarei essa forma maravilhosa de visualizar o brao da guitarra, SISTEMA 5.Espero de corao que esse vdeo eleve sua musicalidade.Bons estudos !"
Price: 69.99

"Coolhunting - Tendncias de Negcios" |
"O seu negcio est preparado para as mudanas do mundo?Voc, enquanto profissional, est preparado para as novas necessidades do mercado?Quantas vezes voc sentiu que o que estava fazendo era... mais do mesmo?Caroline e Wisma viajaram por 11 pases em 2019 e 2020 buscando as principais tendncias de negcios para os prximos anos e compilaram tudo neste relatrio indito e exclusivo. So 19 tendncias para voc aplicar HOJE no seu negcio ou na empresa em que trabalha. De um jeito leve, direto e descomplicado, com exemplos REAIS, voc entender o que est sendo previsto para o futuro das empresas e projetos.Com certeza ser um divisor de guas na sua forma de ver a relao dos negcios do futuro com as pessoas. Ah, e sem aquelas tendncias impossveis de serem aplicadas, t?Seja bem-vindo ao futuro que est nas suas mos."
Price: 189.99

"OOP Prensipleriyle Oyun Gelitirme" |
"Bir oyun motorunun nasl altn ya da oyunun nasl yazldn merak ediyorsanz ve eer farkl oyun motorlarna kolayca adapte olmak ya da Object Oriented Programing prensiplerini renmek ve nasl kullanldn uygulamal olarak grmek istiyorsanz doru yerdesiniz. Bu eitim seti hem OOP prensiplerini renip pekitirmek isteyenler hem de oyun sektrne atlmay dnenler iin hazrlanm bir eitim setidir.Kursumuzda olcPixelGameEngine'nin bilgisayarmza nasl ykleneceinden balayarak, oyunun son haline kadar adm adm ileyeceiz. Kurs boyunca C++ kullanacaz fakat herhangi bir programlama dilinde temel yaplar biliyorsanz bu kurs sizin iin uygundur. C++ syntax'na zg kavramlar tek tek felsefesi anlatlarak aklanyor."
Price: 49.99

"Design and Analysis of Experiments - Part 1" |
"Investigators perform experiments in virtually all fields of inquiry, usually to discover something about a particular process or system. In this course, you will learn the basic concepts of experimental design, and the statistical analysis of data. The course begins by introducing different probability and sampling distributions. The fundamental concepts of hypothesis testing and analysis of variance are discussed before starting designing of single factor experiments. The general factorial design and the two-level factorial designs are explained at the end. On completion of the course, you would be able to plan and conduct experiments, and analyze the resulting data so that valid conclusions can be drawn. The second part of the course ( to be launched soon) will focus on advanced concepts of experimental design, and the application of statistical software in the field."
Price: 1920.00

"Escreva sua Autobiografia" |
"Voc quer contar a sua histria mas no sabe por onde comea? Quer deixar sua histria como legado para seus descendentes mas no sabe como? Neste curso voc vai aprender como evocar, coletar e registrar suas memrias, usando tcnicas que te permitiro reconstituir sua histria de vida, e aprender, ainda, a usar essas memrias como ferramenta para escrever sua autobiografia. O participante aprender sobre o conceito, a funo e o funcionamento da memria, de forma a acessar os seus processos, evocando lembranas de fatos, acontecimentos e informaes que pareciam esquecidos, atravs de mtodos e tcnicas da histria oral. Aprender tambm sobre como produzir um material tanto para deixar como legado para a famlia quanto para usar na escrita da prpria histria. Para transformar essas memrias em histria, sero apresentadas algumas tcnicas de storytelling que vo auxiliar o aluno na constituio de personagens e na escrita criativa. Todos os conceitos e tcnicas apresentados sero empregados por meio de exerccios, levando o participante a aplicar os conhecimentos adquiridos durante o curso, sob a orientao das professoras. Alm disso, o participante receber um E-book com todo o contedo do curso, e tambm um Caderno de Exerccios, e um Roteiro de Aulas. Alm disso, ter acesso a um rico material impresso composto por artigos cientficos e de revistas especializadas. Depois deste curso, no vai faltar nem material e nem inspirao para o participante escrever uma Autobiografia. "
Price: 69.99

"5S i Yeri Organizasyonu" |
"Bu kursta 5S'in btn safhalarn reneceksiniz.Yaln sistemde renilmesi gereken ilk ara 5S tir. nk 5S olmadan dier aralar etkili olmaz.Bu dersle birlikte herhangi bir Danman gerektirmeden her alma alannda 5S uygulamas yapabileceksiniz.5S uygulamas iin herhangi istatistik veya matematik altyapsna gerek yoktur.5S en etkili yaln aratr.Herkes 5S renmeli ve uygulamal.5S rendikten sonra bunu anlayacaksnz.5S Japonca 5 kelimenin (5 adet 5S safhas) ba harflerinden oluuyor.Trke karl Ayklama, Dzenleme, Temizlik, Standartlatrma, Disiplin."
Price: 49.99

"Jak uczy online? - narzdzia uatwiajce prac nauczyciela" |
"Kurs pomaga szybko zacz uczy online i pokazuje jak korzysta z nowoczesnych technologii. Nawet jeli jeszcze nie prowadzisz lekcji online, to na tym kursie znajdziesz wszystko czego potrzebujesz, eby zacz. Ten kurs to te wietne rozwizanie dla osb, ktre zaczy uczy online. Jeli ju dziaasz online, ale szukasz narzdzi i technik, ktre uatwi Ci prac, to ten kurs jest dla Ciebie!Poznasz darmowe strony internetowe i aplikacje, dziki ktrym w kilka minut przygotujesz atrakcyjne materiay do pracy z uczniami. Zobacz jak w atwy sposb moesz przygotowa: pikne prezentacje, atrakcyjne gry online, testy, ktre automatycznie si sprawdzaji wiele innych Kada lekcja na kursie zawiera bdzie dokadne instrukcje krok po kroku w jaki sposb przygotowa lekcje online. Dowiesz si, jak korzysta z nowoczesnych technologii oraz zobaczysz przykady wicze i pomysy na lekcje. Jeli szukasz nowych narzdzi i rozwiza i mnstwa praktycznych informacji, to znajdziesz je na tym kursie. Poznasz darmowe narzdzia, ktre sprawi, e Twoja praca bdzie atwiejsza i przyjemniejsza. Zobacz ju dzi!"
Price: 369.99

"SAP Hana 2.0 SP 04, C_HANATECH_16 Mock test , Guarantee pass" |
"This course is intended to give you full insight of SAP certification exam on SAP C_HANATECH_16 - 2020.It contains two sets of 40 questions, total 80 questions , if you solve this 80 questions we can guarantee you will be able to crack the actual certification test.Questions are covered from all topics of Hana and are chosen to make sure you get the same or similar questions in your exam.Perform SAP HANA Sizing and OS Preparations8% - 12%Create users, setup authorizations and verify security settings8% - 12%Execute database migrations to SAP HANA8% - 12%Perform a SAP HANA backup and recovery8% - 12%Perform daily administration tasks8% - 12%Installing, upgrading and performing the post-installation task of the SAP HANA database8% - 12%Describe the different database administration tools< 8%Installing and configuring SAP HANA Cockpit < 8%Explain the SAP HANA system architecture and deployment options< 8%Configure and manage SAP HANA Scale-out systems< 8%Set up and manage SAP HANA System Replication< 8%Proactive Monitoring and troubleshooting of SAP HANA< 8%Analyze system performance Root Cause Analysis< 8%Work with SAP HANA MDC systems < 8%"
Price: 2560.00

"Interior Design as a Business" |
"This exclusive Masterclass is designed to teach you the basics of how to commence your own interior design business journey and equip you with the tools to be ready to leap into a dream career whether it be today, in six months or two years from now! My strategies, lessons and tips are timeless & applicable to any community in any country. Whether you are a stay at home parent, a busy working executive, looking to shift careers, somebody starting a brand new career path or just someone exploring the idea of entrepreneurship , Interior Design as a Business is a fantastic choice.Interior Design as a Business Masterclass is designed to cover the following course material:Module 1: Introduction to Interior DesignWhat is interior design and dcor?How much of an impactful career option would Interior Design be for youModule 2: The Business of Interior DesignThis module will cover the business basics like setting up a business identity, locations, costs, the how tos to considerModule 3: Business Brand + MessageWhat image do you want to build for your brand?What marketing collateral do you need ?Module 4: Identifying your Target Market & Market EntryWho is ideal customer and demographic?Where are you going to be launching your business and how will you enter that market?Module 5: Business MarketingWhat streams and funnels will you be implementing to market your business?How will you incorporate digital marketing essential such as website, SEO, social media etc?Module 6: Vendor & Trade RelationsHow to build supplier relations?How important is your trades team?Module 7: Client ConsultationsThe main elements to consider for the first consultationShould the first consultation be free or paid?Module 8: Contracts & AccountingWhat are the systems in place to manage the projects?What steps are being taken for the business to come out profitable?"
Price: 199.99

"How to get Started as a Writer" |
"In this course, you will learn some the steps you can take as a new writer and or blogger. Starting out may seem overwhelming but fear not for I am here to help you along the way. If you have no idea where to look or how to get started, I will show you some of the things you can start doing today."
Price: 34.99

"I disturbi d' ansia e disturbi dell' umore (2 corsi in 1)" |
"Ciao!In questo corso avrai accesso a ben 2 corsi uniti:1) Disturbi d' ansia: imparerai a riconoscere le caratteristiche cliniche, l' eziologia e il trattamento adeguato per i disturbi d' ansia;2) Disturbi dell' umore: imparerai a riconoscere le caratteristiche cliniche, l' eziologia e il trattamento adeguato per i disturbi dell' umore.Questo corso, da inquadrarsi nel settore della Psicologia Clinica, offre una descrizione completa e approfondita dei disturbi d' ansia e dell' umore mantenendo fede al DSM-5, considerato il manuale punto di riferimento per ogni psicologo clinico.Ho deciso di offrirti la versione EBOOK all' interno del corso, cos che tu possa rivedere le slide in qualunque momento lo desideri.Alla fine di questo corso sarai padrone dei concetti fondamentali per la comprensione dei disturbi d' ansia e dell' umore.Siediti comodo e...Ci vediamo dall' altra parte!"
Price: 19.99

"ngilizcede akademik kelime reniminde akademik snav hazrl yapanlara ok ynl katk yapabilecek bir alma hazrladk. AKADEMK OKUMA PARALARI ngilizce dilini akademik anlamda renmeye alan herkese hem okuma, hem kelime almas bakmndan, hem eviri almas hem de dilbilgisi almas bakmndan ok katk yapabilecek orijinal bir almadr. Bu alma;farkl alanlardan seilmi gncel konularyla, bu konularla ilgili nemli dilbilgisi ayrntsnn verildii dipnotlaryla,paralarda geen bilinmeyen kelimeler ve anlamlaryla,bilinmeyen kelimelerin eanlamllar ve zt anlamllaryla,paralardan karlm zgn kelime, zaman, edat, bala ve dier dilbilgisi konularn pekitiren sorular ve cevap anahtarlaryla,eviri Videolaryla birlikte akademik kelime renmeye ve okumaya ok katk yapabilecek bir kaynaktr.AKADEMK OKUMA PARALARI mevcut dil snavlarna (YKS-DL, YDS, eYDS, YKDL, ABT NGLZCE) ve hazrlkta kullanlabilmesinin yan sra, drt temel beceriyi len niversitelerin HAZIRLIK ATLAMA snavlarna (PROFICIENCY EXAMS), PTE, IELTS ve TOEFL snavlarna da katk salayabilir bir kaynaktr. Bir taraftan farkl okuma paralarndan yeni kelimeler renebilir, dier taraftan okuma almas yaparken ayn zamanda nemli dilbilgisi konularn hemen parann altnda grp ayrntsna bakabilirsiniz. Bilinmeyen kelimelerin eanlamllar ve zt anlamllarn ister okuma parasndan nce, ister okuma parasndan sonra alp renebilirsiniz. Okuma paralarnda geen dilbilgisi konularn ve kelimeleri pekitirmek iin testleri yapabilirsiniz."
Price: 49.99

"Create Progress Bar for Videos" |
"This course demonstrates how to create a progress bar for videos that advance in real time. The purpose of a progress bar is to give your viewers a visual reference as your video progresses from start to finish. Progress bars are useful when presenting your content in chapters or sections to help viewers follow along."
Price: 19.99

"Off-Leash Dog Training Introduction: Leash Walking 101" |
"Tired of your dog pulling you down the street? In this course, professional dog trainer Bijan of ORA Dog training teaches you how to train your dog to walk properly and 'heel' on a leash.Once you and your dog have mastered the heeling drills and commands, the next step is off-leash mastery. Take your dog walking in high distraction spaces and rest assured his/her attention will remain on you as the owner at all times. ORA train Obedience and build Relationship through Affection."
Price: 39.99

"Best Math Course on Functions and Transformations" |
"In this course you are going to learn everything that you need to know about high school level function and its transformation. The course consists of several video lesson, explaining the concepts as simply as possible and showing examples that would help to understand the knowledge. Also there are multiple choice short quizzes to test your understanding and skills. You will also be provided with downloadable pdf of practice questions which will keep you consistent in practicing. In Math, it is all about the practice. As the Law of Practice says, ""Whatever you practice, you get good at"". So, what are you waiting for? If you are someone who wants to become a master in functions and its transformations, this is the place for you."
Price: 99.99

"EXIN DevOps Foundation: Examens de prparation" |
"Cette certification EXIN DevOps Foundation a t ralise pour fournir aux professionnels de l'informatique et des affaires une comprhension et des connaissances de base de DevOps. Cre comme premire tape pour obtenir la certification EXIN DevOps Professional, la Foundation EXIN DevOps confirme une comprhension des origines de DevOps et des avantages que les principes et pratiques DevOps pour une organisation qui souhaite adopt DevOps."
Price: 19.99

"Accelerate the Job Search by Building a Network with Purpose" |
"In this course, you will learn how to control the one thing that often feels like an uncontrollable process - the job search! By learning how to build a network with purpose, you will open up doors you never anticipated and not only accelerate your ability to get a job but also your career.The science behind networking tells us two things. First, networking is a vital component of career satisfaction, and second, we will feel unclean when we do network. So, on one hand we need do network, but on another hand we will hate every minute of it. Thanks science!Rather than just share a few tips and tricks to networking, we took a much more comprehensive approach to the topic and broke down this course into three parts. First, is a discussion on theory as we take a deep dive into the science behind networking and attempt to develop a practical mental approach to the networking process. Second, is preparation, where we will spend time on the work you will need to do to build a network with purpose. And, last, we will discuss the execution phase of the process from the fundamentals of a conversation all the way through informational interviewing and the live networking event.By focusing our effort on theory, preparation, and execution, we hope to arm you with the knowledge you will need to become a great networker as you build a great career."
Price: 19.99

"Apprenez utiliser les fleurs de Bach de A Z" |
"Cette formation est faite pour vous si :- Vous recherchez un moyen efficace de vous librer de vos motions ngatives telles que le stress, la jalousie, le doute, la dprime, la tristesse, la peur, ...- Vous souhaitez accompagner et conseiller votre entourage, vos patients ou vos clients - Vous recherchez une formation complte, adapte aux dbutants, pour apprendre utiliser les fleurs de BachGrce cette formation, vous deviendrez 100% autonome dans l'utilisation des fleurs de Bach. Vous saurez tout :- Comment les prendre et quel moment, la posologie selon divers cas, comment les choisir correctement, .. Vous connatrez tout sur leur utilisation- Vous connatrez toutes les vertus de chacune des fleurs, en dtail- Vous serez capable de les utiliser pour vous-mme en toute autonomie et de les conseiller votre entourage ou vos clientsVous aurez accs :- Plus de 4 heures de cours vidos- 39 fiches mmo tlchargeables et imprimables (pas besoin de prendre des notes !)- des jeux et exercices pour apprendre et mmoriser les fleurs de Bach et leurs indications"
Price: 144.99

"Get The Most Out Of Your Guitar Amp" |
"In this 6 session course I go over the basic types and functions of guitar amplifiers. I aim to teach you more about your amp in order that you may learn how to dial in a good sound no matter what style you play and get the most from your amplifier."
Price: 24.99

"Aprende a importar de China sin salir de tu casa!" |
"Quieres iniciar un negocio y no sabes cmo? Con este curso aprenders a importar mercanca de China desde cualquier parte del mundo sin la necesidad de intermediarios y sin tener conocimientos previos de comercio internacional, con esto sers capaz de iniciar o expandir tu negocio importando desde una pieza hasta un contenedor.Este curso tambin te ayudar a dominar un proceso de importacin con el cual la mercanca llegue a tu casa sin utilizar agentes aduanales o hacer trmites en aduanas. Lo ms importante es que tambin sabrs cmo proteger tu inversin durante el proceso de importacin."
Price: 270.00

"Kubernetes on AWS using Amazon EKS" |
"Welcome to Kubernetes on AWS using Amazon EKS course.This course is completely focused on Amazon EKS - which is a manged Kubernetes service provided by AWS. In addition to EKS specific features, you will also learn basics building blocks of Kubernetes.You will be fully equipped with Kubernetes and especially Amazon EKS concepts after you finish this course.In this course, you will learn how toProvision EKS using AWS Console, CDK and eksctlUpgrade EKS Cluster using eksctlConfigure Fargate with EKSConfigure Spot Instances with EKSMap IAM users and roles to Kubernetes RBACDeploy ALB and Nginx Ingress controllersDeploy kube2iam and ExternalDNSDeploy and Configure Kubernetes DashboardScale your EKS Cluster with Cluster Autoscaler, HPA and VPA approachesLogging and Monitoring using Cloudwatch Container Insights, Grafana and PrometheusStateful deployments with EBS backed persistent storageContainer Storage Interface (CSI) provisionerThis course enables you to start working on EKS in a real environment straightaway."
Price: 29.99

"Complete C++ Bootcamp" |
"Welcome to c++ Bootcamp.A modern and complete course on c++ that will explain all concepts along with code, in an easy to understand format.Surely this course is not 100 hours long but I dont think it needs to be. A course needs to be compact and understandable. No boring videos, just to the point talk, easy to understand code examples and thats it. No extra hype.Why should I learn C++?C++ is a very powerful programming language that clears a lot of under the hood concepts to a programmer. Not only that this is one of the most favorite programming languages for coding interviews. This course will give you an extra edge for such interviews.What you have covered in this course?This course starts from very basics like installation, data types, variables, and loops. After that, we will go in-depth about subjects like functions, pointers, smart pointers, move semantics, and the Standard template library. There is not much theory in these videos, so expect more code and explanation via code.Are code files included in this course?Yes, of course, All code files are included as an attachment to every video. (all most every).C++ is sometimes considered a bit old fashioned language, which is far from the truth. C++ is totally a modern programming language and see a lot of periodic updates over time. Each update brings something new to this language. For example, initially, memory management was not automatic in this language but now we have smart pointers that can make memory management almost automatic. Again this depends on our implementation but the point is that features getting added with every update. Most of the machine learning libraries are under the hood pure c++ libraries. But to make things easy they provide an interface to languages like python. But all know that for performance reasons, C++ is always the first choice.I hope that this course will serve you well.Happy Coding!"
Price: 19.99

"SAP SucessFactors Mastery Management Training" |
"Cloud Solution and Saas ModelCloud and SF ArchitectureHistory of successfactorsInstance, Provisioning explanationTechnical ArchitectureIntegration Technology/ToolsSuccessfactors Sales demo and Professional System Set upBizxpert Methodology Implementation MethodologyBasic company settings in ProvisioningCreating administrators in ProvisioningCreating administrators in InstanceInstance basic settings Passwords, Home Page, Welcome Menu, Company info, Employee filesAdministrator toolsInstance- User Group CreationInstance Setting up Company LogoCommonly used termsAdmin PrivilegesInstance Re-setting user Account or PasswordProxy ManagementSetting up company LogosManage Data User RecordsEmployee Data FileProvisioning Setting-Basic Company SettingPermissionsProvisioning System-Super Admin CreationRole Based Per missioning (RBP)Pick list ManagementProvisioning system-Default Permission and Role based TrainingText Customization in InstanceXML and Data modelsInstance- Password PoliciesPeople SearchRating ScalesSuccesfactor Data Model ConfigurationRoute Maps (Workflow)Instance-Theme Manager ConfigurationLaunching formsEmployee Profile"
Price: 49.99

"SAP Successfactors Employee Central Training" |
"Employee Central Course Content Introduction and basic provisioning set up exercisesFoundation ObjectData modelsEmployee Central StructureMDF ObjectData model ManagementData model AssociationsProvisioning SettingEnable employee central and RBP14 Step Implementation SequenceUpdate employee detailsESS/MSS functionalityUnderstanding securityManaging security with RBPData Model ManagementEC as a system of recordSetting Up Corporate data ModelEC Customizing and Populating Basic Foundation dataCustomizing Country specific files in Foundation tablesCreating and modifying associationsSetting up Corporate Data ModelPropagationsSetting up Country Specific Corporate Data ModelImporting users and dataMass ChangesSetting up Succession Data ModelCustomizing employee filesCustomizing CSF for employee filesPosition ManagementSetting up Country Specific corporate Data ModelAbsence ManagementWorkflow Configuration Role and UserWorkflow Configuration- Dynamic RoleEmployee Central Reporting and IntegrationMDF OverviewMDF Objects creationEvent Based Workflow ConfigurationManage Business Configuration Rules setupManage Workflow Requests/groupsManage PositionsPosition Management settingsPosition Org chartImport & Export DataOrg ChartManage SequenceMonitor Job"
Price: 99.99

"SAP SuccessFactors Goal & Performance Management Training" |
"SAP SuccessFactors is a cloud-based HR solution for your organization. This business solution is based on Software as a Service (SaaS) model. The tool is designed to meet the requirement of enterprise-class organizations. It also helps you to improve business execution and get better results.Performance Management ProcessGoal Template ConfigurationAdding New Template from success storeOld & V12 Goal Management TemplateLaunching formsImport/Export Objective LibraryIntegrating Goal Template with Performance TemplateImport GoalsCore Competencies vs Job Specific CompetenciesGoal Execution settingsPerformance Management ProcessRoute MapsRating ScalesPerform Spell CheckForm Template settingsPerform Legal ScanRoute FormsCompetenciesDevelopment Plan process"
Price: 49.99

"SAP SuccessFactors Compensation Management Training" |
"Compensation Management TrainingSuccessFactors is a cloud-based human resources information system (HRIS) system. Pre-workProvisioning detail for CompensationProvisioning exercisesEmployee Data ExportDiscovery and KickoffData IntegrationCurrency Conversion TableBudget RuleProvisioning and XMLComp admin toolsComp Mastery Salary SheetExecutive ReviewEligibility RuleMulti currency reviewBudgetsBonus SheetRating SourceCreate Compensation ProfileStock OptionsCreate Compensation WorksheetManage Compensation WorksheetReportingCompensation StatementComplete Compensation ProfileAdmin MaintenanceTrouble shootingEC IntegrationFinal exercise"
Price: 49.99

"Edexcel GCSE Chinese (1CN0-1F) Listening - Foundation tier" |
"This Quiz is based on (1CN0-01) 2017 SAM Specimen Paper. There are total 14 , Questions. answer in English. We modify into quiz with best possible vocabulary explanations in deep deep details.Please refer to the Pracitce Test ""Quiz Edexcel GCSE Chinese (1CN0-01F) Listen -Foundation Tier"" for practice.IntroductionThe Pearson Edexcel Level 1/Level 2 GCSE (91) in Chinese (spoken Mandarin/spoken Cantonese)is designed for use in schools and colleges. It is part of a suite of GCSE qualifications offered by Pearson.(First teaching from September 2017 First certification from June 2019)(Replace (5CN01/1F) Listening; (5CN02 Speaking); (5CN03/3F) Reading, Last exam in 2018) Foundation tierPaper 1: (1CN0/1F) Listening and understanding in Chinese Time: 30 minutes and 5 minutes reading. 14 Questions, answer in English."
Price: 69.99

"Sistemas Avanados com Java WEB JSP" |
"O curso para desenvolvimento de sistemas avanados com Java WEB JSP possui 67 aulas, neste curso voc vai aprender como trabalhar dentro dos paineis administrativos em sistemas web, este o quinto dos seis cursos que compem o sistema imobilirio completo, totalmente aconselhvel acompanhar os cursos anteriores caso no tenha um conhecimento avanado em JSP, adquira j nosso treinamento e comece a criar sistemas completos em java."
Price: 294.99

"Aprenda React Native do Zero" |
"O curso de React Native possui 35 aulas, este um curso para iniciantes, para quem deseja ter seu primeiro contato com React voltado para o desenvolvimento de aplicativos mobile, mostro detalhadamente como instalar o React de forma simples e usar seus principais componentes, adquira j nosso treinamento e comece a usar essa tecnologia fantastica para o desenvolvimento hbrido de aplicativos."
Price: 39.99

"Google Tag Manager Course -" |
"Google Tag Manager Google Tag Manager:- .- Google Tag Manager Google Tag Manager :- .- ... Google Tag Manager Google Tag Manager "
Price: 49.99

"Backups auf Linux meistern mit Borg" |
"Backups gehren in der IT zu den Grundpfeilern eines professionellen Systems. Strungen knnen vielfltig auftreten, Datenverlust ist immer ein Risiko. Mit Backups kannst du entschieden dieses minimieren.Unter Linux gibt es neben den bekannten Mglichkeiten wie cp, tar und rsync eine aufstrebende Open Source-Software, die die Verwaltung nochmals vereinfacht: Borg.Dieser Kurs wird in die Grundlagen der Bedienung einfhren. Hast du diese Grundlagen verinnerlicht, wirst du mit mir ein Script erstellen, um die Backups zu automatisieren. Eine Einfhrung in Backups mit SSH sowie das strukturierte Aufrumen alter Backups runden diesen Kurs ab.In drei Stunden die Grundlagen erlernen, um clever Backups zu verwalten dieser Kurs macht es mglich!"
Price: 39.99
