"Email Marketing Formel" |
"Mein Partner Ren Renk stellt dir in seiner ""Email Marketing Formel"" ein System vor, welches dir dabei hilft, durch individuell-automatisiertes E-Mail-Marketing Vertrauen und Umsatz zu erzeugen.Ein paar Eckdaten ber Ren Renk:Steckbrief: 2-facher Familienvater, Ehemann, Business-Mentor, Coach, Online-Marketer, Grnder und Internet Unternehmer aus Leidenschaft.Mission statement: ""Ich coache Unternehmer dabei, mit erfolgserprobten und profitablen Online Marketing Strategien den durchschlagenden Erfolg zu erreichen den sie sich wnschen, und den sie sich verdienen. Zustzlich helfe ich anderen Menschen, sich ein eigenes profitables Online-Business aufzubauen.""2019 gewann er den Tiger Awards als ""Unternehmer des Jahres"" (Platz 1). Er ist einer der bekanntesten Online Marketer in Deutschland."
Price: 19.99

"Excel Bsico" |
"aprende a realizar sumas, aplicar funciones, combinar celdas, dar formatos, trabajar con hojas, conceptos basicos de estadistica, graficar en excel, calcular valores para graficos de excel, etc.Aprende excel sin tener ninguna experiencia, con clases cortas pero llenas de informacion, aplica tus conocimientos en los cuestionarios y realiza los ejercicios para aplicar lo aprendido, autoevaluate y adquiere nuevos conocimientos."
Price: 19.99

"Atendimento que gera Vendas" |
"Quantas vezes voc se sentiu satisfeito com o atendimento e indicou a empresa a amigos?Por outro lado, muito provavelmente j deve ter acontecido de voc ter sido mal atendido e falar mal da empresa, acertei? O primeiro contato do cliente so com os funcionrios linha de frente do negcio (atendentes, recepcionistas, vendedores) e o papel destes colaboradores (e de todos os outros) fundamental para o sucesso da empresa, ou seja, se o cliente tem um primeiro contato negativo, ele vai embora, mas se esse contato for positivo, ele fica, compra e ainda te indica! Percebe como o atendimento gera vendas e indicaes?! Neste curso voc aprender as melhores tcnicas para surpreender seu cliente, gerando muitas vendas para sua empresa!Toda empresa sobrevive de vendas e tambm da boa reputao. A maior parte das vendas so de indicaes, por isso to importante o cuidado com o atendimento. Em tempos de redes sociais e compartilhamentos, a insatisfao do cliente chega rapidamente a milhares de pessoas, por outro lado, a satisfao e o indicar so vistos com bons olhos e valem ouro!Todo mundo precisa aprender a lidar melhor com o cliente para realizar mais vendas. Mas como fazer isso? Aqui no nosso curso voc aprende!!"
Price: 39.99

"Become a Sales Warrior" |
"There are many people in a sales career in different industries around the world, but a precious few of them have discovered, and are applying, the secrets that are a ""must have"" to achieve success in sales. These few are praised and rewarded handsomely. They live well, enjoy life and enjoy their careers. In this course I uncover these secrets and we do a deep, step by step, dive into each one to help any student. Whether new or experienced, those who wish to become one of the precious few will understand and know how to apply the secrets to achieve their own success. "
Price: 109.99

Pranayama |
"Este curso visa entregar tcnicas milenares de respirao com comprovado resultado de desenvolvimento fsico e emocional, alem de ampliao de conscincia sobre si mesmo e do mundo ao redor.Estudamos o funcionamento orgnico da respirao e suas implicaes, os caminhos da energia pelo corpo, como capta-la do ambiente potencializando seu uso e enfim, como estruturar uma pratica regular."
Price: 99.99

"Teaching Online with Microsoft Teams: Quick Start Guide" |
"There are multiple courses on how to use Microsoft Teams, but what about how to teach with Teams? Knowledge of learning theories, strategies, activities, engagement and safeguarding all need careful consideration when adapting Teams from its original use as a business platform and applying it in an educational environment.Do you want to know how to set up your class and keep your Teams page private from students until you are ready to share? Do you want to know the pros and cons of different PowerPoint delivery methods? Do you want to know how to set up Class Notebook and get some suggestions on how to set up activities for students using the collaboration area and teacher only space? How about some ideas on how to differentiate using the files tab, or using some free tech tools to vary your delivery? Are you worried about the lack of privacy when using Microsoft Forms and want to know a quick and easy solution to hide results from students? If you want to know any of this then just click to join and in just a few hours you will feel like a pro when it comes to teaching online.In this course, Ill share all my experiences with you in relation to teaching with Teams, in the hope that you can then avoid some of the many pitfalls I fell into when I first started out using Teams. I take traditional teaching activities and show how they can be applied in an online environment, with the hope to inspire and reassure anyone using Teams to teach online. There really is so much more to Teams than meets the eye, so come and join me and take a look!"
Price: 19.99

"Brand Profile, Range Architecture and Extension in FMCG/CPG" |
"Learn about 3 fundamental branding tools:- Brand Profile: a summary of the brand positioning. - Range Architecture: the organisation of the brands/products portfolio of a company according to some rational criteria- Range Extension: the extension of a brand name in different and new categories/marketsWhat are the tools?Why do we spend our time in working on them?How do we use?How to plan them?"
Price: 19.99

"Bolsa de Valores Para o Investidor Srio" |
"Neste Curso apresento conceitos de base que so de extrema importncia para quem deseja iniciar no mundo da renda varivel. um curso introdutrio, abordando a estrutura da Bolsa de Valores e do Mercado Financeiro, os tipos de anlises existentes, dinmica da movimentao de preos e diversas formas de atuao, alm de mostrar como abrir conta em uma corretora. um curso que contribui para a formao do "" Investidor Srio""."
Price: 69.99

"Protect Your Company From Any Ransomware & virus Attacks" |
"This Course Is design For Everyone Who Is interested about Secure his computer-Laptop-Companyin this course i'm going to use some ransomware malware as test and show you two methods to protect your company from any ransomware & virus attacks.You Will Know:What is Ransomware ?What is Virus?The Dangers of Ransomware? The Dangers of virusHow can Ransomware Infect Systems?How can virus Infect Systems?What types of Ransomware? *How to Prevent From Any Ransomware Or virus & other malwares Attacks Without Using Antivrus Or Firewall.After You Finish The Course : You Will Learn The Secret Way To Prevent From Any This Attacks & Other Attacks ( Easy To Learn)"
Price: 199.99

"Design de Sobrancelhas" |
"Quer um servio rpido, simples de aprender, que possibilite fidelizar clientes e que no dependa de investimento alto em materiais? Ento voc est no curso certo! As sobrancelhas so a moldura do olhar, uma sobrancelha bem feita d aquele up na auto estima, faz toda a diferena no rosto e por isso muitas mulheres escolhem um designer para terem esse resultado. No curso voc aprender de maneira simples e objetiva as melhores e mais modernas tcnicas do mercado (linha, henna, pina e aquelas marcaes que vo deixar o design perfeito). Invista na rea que mais cresce no pas. Vem com a gente que sucesso!!! :)"
Price: 39.99

"Acompanhamento Pedaggico e Orientao Psicopedaggica" |
"Curso voltado para professores, discentes de licenciaturas, Pedagogos, Supervisores, Coordenadores, Gestores Escolares, Orientadores Educacionais, Psicopedagogos, entre outros profissionais da rea da Educao que desejem possui um contedo completo para orientaes aos discentes, bem como tcnicas, mtodos e ferramentas prticas para direcionar os discentes a encontrar reas de atuao profissional e acadmica. Ajuda na promoo de resolues de conflitos fora e dentro da escola. O curso tem bases slidas da Educao e outras reas que contribuem para a Educao Contempornea assim como ferramentas prticas testadas e comprovadas em vrios ambientes educacionais do Brasil e do mundo. Como a Psicologia Analtica para reflexo humanista, existencial e do auto-conhecimento, ferramentas de Coaching voltadas para a rea educacional e mtodos e tcnicas da programao neurolingustica - PNL - para que o discente possa ser orientado para a ao de seus projetos, objetivos e metas."
Price: 54.99

"Seleccin por Competencias 2020 - 2025" |
"As como invitamos a hacer RRHH diferentes, tambin buscamos hacer un curso diferente sobre la gestin por competencias enfocada en el proceso de SELECCIN. Somos unos creyentes de la innovacin, la diversificacin y la creatividad en procesos que muchos dicen que ya estn inventados y que an falta mucho para que se terminen de inventar."
Price: 24.99

"Understand How Your Body Can Burn Fat Without Starving" |
"The Course is helpful for people who suffer from obesity and also is helpful for diabetic people because the magic drink and super soup are not only helpful for people who suffer from obesity, but also for Diabetes, Cancers, Constipation, People who have low immunity, and who are suffering from lack of minerals."
Price: 39.99

"Colorizing Black & White Photography" |
"Learn everything you need to be able to start colorizing some old and black and white photography! I will walk you through the process from beginning to the end and give you some useful tips and tricks that I wish I knew when I first started. At the end of this course, you will have colorized your own photo and have the skills to colorize and fix many more!I am Tom Kai, A professional photographer and graphic designer with an incredible passion for creating. I've been working in the creative field for the past 10 years and in that time i've learned a lot of useful information that I want to share with YOU! I am excited to help you get started with colorizing black and white photography, and to give you all the skills you need to colorize and fix any old photo that you find!This class is designed for beginners and really anyone who has any interest in learning how to colorize black and white photography in photoshop. I will be walking you through some shortcuts and tricks that i've learned over the years that have helped improve my workflow and that have helped me create pieces that caught the eyes of some very cool clients! Whether you want to colorize images for yourself or to make money with, this class will be useful to all of you! And don't worry, I will provide you with all needed material for this project, such as the starting image.This course is made using the creative cloud version of photoshop, specifically Adobe Photoshop CC 2020 is what I use in this course, however the principles and skills taught in this course can and will apply to other versions as well. You can also download a free trial of Adobe Photoshop CC from their websiteIn this course you will learn:How to use the photoshop interface and toolsHow to fix scratches and blemishes in old photosHow to colorize your images in a non-destructive wayProper color theory to make the final colorized image look as authentic as possible"
Price: 29.99

": Hypnotism Workshop in Marathi" |
"- !!! ? ? ?, ?, , , ? ? ?, , , ? , ? !!! !!! : . (Curative Hypnotherapist NLP Master Practitioner Certified Life Coach)"
Price: 7680.00

rootandrhizome |
"1- 2- 3- 4- 5- 6- 7- 8- 9- 10-"
Price: 24.99

tapyourdream |
". , . , ... , , - . ."
Price: 2799.00

yourabundance |
", . , .. ! - , , . , - , , ."
Price: 2799.00

"Harness Your Potential & Relationships through Face Reading" |
"Did you know that there is a scientific correlation of how a face can reveal more than just expressions and feelings? Physiognomy has been around for centuries but only now again is gaining popularity again as facial traits give an accurate insight to personal traits and genetic gifts. The Power of Face Reading can;Get in greater sync with your hidden potential and personality.Enhance the impact of negotiationCreate a stronger influence and manage relationships more effectively.Boost your Profits, Sales and Communication.Understand people better.In fact, you can uncover genetic traits and gifts and understand yourself and others in a better way. This introductory course is designed for both individual and professionals alike as well as those who would like to advance as a face reading practitioner* The course has been designed by internationally featured Face Reading Expert and Physiognomist Nitesh Gurnani as seen on Entrepreneurs, IdeaMensch, Bizztor and Start-Up Success Stories."
Price: 199.99

"Mekanik - Fizik" |
"Bu videolar sayesinde fiziin her safhasnda kullanacamz kuvvet ve hareketin temellerini atacaz. Ders anlatm ve soru zmlerimizde her seviyeye hitap eden sorular setik. Kolaydan zora doru konuyu kavratan ve fiziin her blmnde kullanacamz kuvvet ve hareket etkilerini inceledik. zellikle niversite snavnda ( TYT - AYT ) mfredat ierikli nokta atlar yaptk. Bylelikle normal kitaplarda olmayan ancak 2015 ten beri deitirilen soru tarzlarna ayak uydurduk. Videolarmz ile birlikte fizie bak anz deitirmi olacaz."
Price: 49.99

"Introduo a qumica" |
"O curso possibilitar ao aluno uma viso bsica sobre alguns dos principais assuntos da qumica, portanto, compreender os fenmenos de transformao da matria primordial para que haja um aprendizado sobre a estrutura do tomo, pois, somente possvel assimilar os fenmenos de transformao, como por exemplo, reatividade, ligao qumica entre outros. A qumica uma cincia experimental, portanto, a vivncia pratica, no laboratrio, dos contedos adquiridos na teoria familiariza o estudante com o seu futuro profissional."
Price: 39.99

"Simulation PLC - Function Block Diagram" |
"Codesys Function Block Diagram PLC , Simulation . Visualization PLC HMI (Human Machine Interface) ."
Price: 29.99

"Simulation PLC - Structured Text" |
"Codesys Structured Text PLC , Simulation . Visualization PLC HMI (Human Machine Interface) ."
Price: 29.99

"Simulation PLC - Ladder Diagram" |
"Codesys Ladder Diagram PLC , Simulation . Visualization PLC HMI (Human Machine Interface) ."
Price: 29.99

"How to write essays from start to end" |
"This course teaches you how to write English essays from scratch to end. You will soon realise that writing an essay can be an experience that is systematic, effective yet thoroughly enjoyable!From the word 'Go!' you will learn how to brainstorm for ideas in constructive and effective ways. Tapping on these creative ideas, you proceed to hone your skills so your introduction is attention-grabbing, time-saving yet contains the essence of what you wish to convey. Moving on, you acquire skills on how to expand and elaborate on the ideas to build strong paragraphs with clear intentions on your necessary points. Thereafter, you learn how to end your essay effectively and leave your reader with a great impression.So hop on to the writing journey now!"
Price: 144.99

"Bootstrap para Mulheres" |
"Crie Sites responsivos, visveis em todas as plataformas digitais, e desenvolva kit mdias para divulgao do seu canal, ou negcios.Para mulheres que gostam de tecnologia, e so criativas.Pessoas que queiram montar designer de blog e kit mdias para divulgao de suas redes sociais.Que queiram montar um blog e no tem ideia de como montar o layout"
Price: 54.99

"Tablas dinmicas para Excel" |
"En aproximadamente una hora aprenders a crear tus tablas dinmicas de manera profesional. Vers absolutamente todo lo necesario para poder aplicarlas en tu trabajo o sumar este gran conocimiento a tu curriculum!El curso cuenta con clases explicativas paso a paso en videoEjercicios prcticos en cada claseMaterial para realizar las prcticasNo lo dudes! Aprenders todo lo necesario de manera rpida y muy muy simple!Las clases son breves y didcticas de manera que pueda retener tu atencin y sacar el mximo provecho al aprendizaje, sin sacrificar calidad de contenido!"
Price: 19.99

"Facebook Ads Express" |
"Deseas incrementar tus Leads, Ventas, Conversiones, pero no tienes las herramientas necesarias y te sientes sin ayuda en tu negocio?Entiendo tu situacin, mis clientes son mis socios, desde el 2015 estoy ayudando a pequeos y medianos negocios a alcanzar sus metas.He puesto todos mis conocimientos, tcticas y experiencia a tu disposicin, para esto he creado un curso enfocado en Facebook e Instagram Ads.En este curso aprenders paso a paso cmo crear un anuncio Efectivo en Facebook e Instagram de una forma sencilla, rpida y que genere conversiones.Al final de este recorrido estars capacitado para obtener leads, muchas visitas a tu website y crear engagement a tu marca."
Price: 24.99

"The basics of delivering a public speech" |
"This is a course that was built for beginners to work on their public speaking skills and it's done in two ways.First through knowing the basic elements of public speaking and how to use them properly.Second by implementing the acquired information into practice in real life which is meant to increase confidence and skillset.Combining these two ingredients will improve your speech, and give you the chance to be able to present your message in various events and occasions with higher professionalism. Throughout the course, you will find examples of rights and wrongs of delivering a speech. In this way, you will see why people fail to present and how they can meliorate their presentation skills so their goals can be accomplished. In order to understand ""how it's done right"", we will provide you with explanations. The content was created based on personal experience and lessons learned in the public speaking journey over the course of 5 years.Looking forward to see you in my course."
Price: 19.99

"Clone Instagram app with Firebase: Android: Pro, Superfast" |
"This is a Superfast crash course. This course do not require any prior knowledge, but a little familiarity with android studio will be helpful. Most of the crash courses clones app that doesn't even have any similarity to the original app. That is why we have created this course. You will first watch the app before enrolling it. We hope this course will help you to:1. Design layouts like an original app2. Think how to make a professional and good looking Android application3. Start developing android application 4. Use Firebase5. Facebook Integration6. and lots more....This course did not:1.Cover deep database things.2. Touched a less basics because it's a crash course."
Price: 19.99

"Ftbol Sala (futsal) bsico nivel I" |
"El entrenador es una persona que debe tener un amplio conocimiento terico- practico que lo aplique en la praxis del entrenamiento, por esta razn, este curso esta diseado para aquellas personas que de alguna u otra manera son aficionados al futsal y desean formar un equipo para formarlos, as como tambin para entrenadores que estn en formacin y requieren el reforzamiento de los conocimientos, el contenido del curso comienza con los fundamentos tericos, la preparacin fsica, la tcnica y tctica y la iniciacin en el futsal con respecto a las categoras inferiores, acompanos a ser parte de este gran deporte e inscribete para que conozcas el Futsal."
Price: 19.99
