"SQL Practice Test Developing SQL database 2020" |
"This will help all students who wish to get Certified on including Basic , MYSQL concepts. There will be 2 practice tests, first with 17 questions. The time limit for the 40 minutes and the last one is 1 minute. All the best! This is an Unofficial course and this course is not affiliated, licensed or trademarked with Microsoft in any way.""All the best!"
Price: 1280.00

"Curso de Odoo 12 13 14 Funcional Modulo de Proyecto" |
"Bienvenidos al Curso de Odoo 12 13 14 Funcional Modulo de ProyectoSi deseas poder gestionar el Modulo de Proyecto de Odoo este curso es perfecto para ti.Nuestros cursos son actualizados constantemente, si tienes duda con algn tema que no se ah tocado lo agregamos por ti.Aprovecha esta oportunidad y aprende a utilizar el Modulo de Proyecto"
Price: 19.99

"Curso de Criatividade e Inovao" |
"Neste curso sobre criatividade e inovao eu vou falar sobre lmpadas, as duas lmpadas do crebro, as lmpadas das competncias e das habilidades, como acender sua fora inovadora, como fazer ressurgir aqueles recursos que tornam voc e seu trabalho mais ainda diferente e diferenciado. O meu objetivo aqui fazer ccegas no seu crebro para voc chegar mais cedo aos seus resultados. Eu estou aqui para cutucar e provocar suas reflexes. Ao longo deste curso dividido em 9 partes (Introduo + 8 aulas) eu vou falar sobre criatividade e inovao e tambm irei apresentar duas tcnicas ou ferramentas que eu considero as duas melhores de todos os tempos. S duas, mas que valem por mil. Assista a todos os 9 vdeos e acenda as lmpadas da competncia. Um abrao no seu talento e vamos nessa juntos! "
Price: 129.99

"HTML From Scratch To Expert" |
"This course will suits best to the beginners or to those students who are looking to build their career in software field. In this Course i will teach you html and basics of html and making web-page by using html .In this Course You will about :-Introduction to HTML.Implementation of all tags.Making Informative Website - 1.Adding Audio in web-page.Adding Image in web-page.Revision Tour"
Price: 1280.00

"30 min Yoga, Meditation & Stress Management sessions" |
"Enjoy Yoga at home, work or while traveling. And also learn Chair Yoga that uses the support of a chair (seated or standing). This course offer 7 hours of online yoga instruction, including 16 minute lecture on yoga philosophy, 4 Yoga classes, 30 min each, a 30 minute guided meditation, 4 Chair Yoga 30 minute classes and a 30 minute guided relaxation. This course includes three 30 min Chair Yoga & yoga classes featured on Cable TV. Also, 3 additional 5-10 minute 'Office Yoga"" videos are included to enjoy short practices at your desk, as well as a video on pranayama, yogic breathing techniques and a 20 minute Gentle Yoga video with reflections on ahimsa. Learn the tools to enjoy the benefits of yoga and stress management at all ages and stages of life. Yoga is for everyone!What is Yoga class like? Classes with Stacie include: centering, warm-ups, yoga postures, concentration & breathing exercises, guided relaxation & meditationWhat are the benefits?Flexibility and strength Energy & clarityOverall well-beingInner peaceWho can participate? Everyone! Those with chronic illness, pre and post surgery or with injuries can skip or modify poses, or enjoy Chair Yoga and Gentle YogaWhat do you wear?Anything you want! Comfortable clothes are preferable.Practice with shoes, socks, or bare-feet.Taught by Stacie Dooreck:Author of SunLight Chair Yoga and Yoga for everyone! booksCertified Sivananda Yoga instructor since 1995Certified Kundalini Yoga and Gentle Integral Yoga instructorStress Management Specialist for Ornish Heart Disease Reversal ProgramBay Area Office Yoga Instructor"
Price: 109.99

"React Native: Aprenda React Native com exerccios prticos" |
"Ol a todos,Bem-vindo ao React Native: Aprenda React Native com exerccios prticos.O React-Native uma biblioteca desenvolvida pela equipe do React e amplamente usada para criar aplicativos mveis para Android e IOS. Voc no precisa aprender Java, Android, Swift, Objective-C ou qualquer coisa assim. React e JavaScript tudo o que voc precisa para criar aplicativos mveis incrveis que funcionam no Android e no iOS.Este curso para iniciantes, para quem comea do zero. Vamos lev-lo do nvel iniciante ao avanado. Voc aprender o desenvolvimento do React passo a passo com exemplos prticos. Para voc se beneficiar deste curso, tudo o que voc precisa de uma ideia bsica de JavaScript, como a que vimos no curso HTML5.No curso, informaremos em detalhes quais dependncias voc precisa instalar e como, para criar aplicativos mveis no Mac e no Windows. Vamos usar ferramentas e plataformas gratuitas para que voc no precise comprar nenhuma ferramenta ou aplicativos. Voc aprender a executar um simulador de Android e iOS no seu computador Mac ou Windows.Mais adiante, aprenderemos os fundamentos do React, JSX e o sistema Props and States ser muito fcil de entender e saber como se inscrever para todos no final do curso.Vamos criar componentes reutilizveis atraentes em vrios aplicativos, para que voc possa t-los e us-los em seus prprios projetos no futuro.Neste curso, vamos explicar todos os tpicos complexos em detalhes, mas simplificando-os, o que lhe ajudar muito a continuar crescendo como programador. Usaremos alguns diagramas para explicar alguns tpicos importantes e criaremos um aplicativo mvel atraente e funcional.Ao final do curso, voc ter aprendido;O bsico das bibliotecas React e React-Native.Como enviar solicitaes HTTP de um aplicativo mvel.Como usar o sistema Flexbox.Como criar componentes reutilizveis.Acessar outro aplicativo no dispositivo a partir de nosso aplicativo.Criar seu prprio aplicativo mvel, ser fcil para voc.Por que voc gostaria de fazer este curso?Nossa resposta simples: a qualidade do ensino.Ao se inscrever, voc sentir a experincia dos instrutores da OAK Academy.Quando voc se inscrever, eu mesmo, Juan Gabriel Gomila e a equipe da OAK Academy, forneceremos o melhor material, usando as melhores tcnicas de ensino online, para que voc aprenda todos os truques do React Native.No necessrio nenhum conhecimento prvio para aprender React Native.Este curso comea com o bsico. Primeiro, voc aprender alguma terminologia. Ento comearemos a programao e voc aprender tudo com atividades prticas. Tambm ensinaremos as melhores tcnicas e atalhos.Passo a passo, simples e fcil com os melhores exerccios prticos:Ao final do curso, voc ter um amplo entendimento do React Native e ir querer aprender ainda mais.Qualidade na produo de vdeo e udio:Todos os nossos vdeos so criados / produzidos com vdeo e udio de alta qualidade para oferecer a melhor experincia de aprendizagem.Voc estar:Vendo claramenteOuvindo claramenteNavegando pelo curso sem distraoVoc tambm receber:Acesso vitalcio ao cursoSuporte rpido e amigvel na seo de perguntas e respostasCertificado de concluso da Udemy pronto para ser baixadoComece agora!Oferecemos suporte total, respondendo a qualquer pergunta do curso.React Native: Aprenda React Native com exerccios prticosVejo voc no curso!"
Price: 199.99

"SAP FICO- APP-DMEE From Scratch to Advance" |
"SAP Automatic Payment Program -DME is the payment method used for generating Flatfile/xml as ler the bank format.This course helps to do APP configure as well as DMEE Tree in R/3 and understand the key concepts of the DMEE Format with practical understanding of the same .DMEE Tree debugging is also explained clearly .** Disclaimer ** SAP is a registered trademark of SAP AG in Germany and many other countries. I am NOT associated with SAP.SAP software and SAP GUI are proprietary SAP software. Neither Udemy nor me are authorized to provide SAP Access."
Price: 1280.00

"El idioma Coreano - Basico 2" |
"Despus de aprender el sistema de escritura coreano creado en 1441 y despus de aprender la conjugacin de los verbos en el tiempo presente ""sin problemas"", Ha llegado el momento de aprender a formar oraciones!. En este curso aprenders todo lo necesario para que puedas comenzar a decir y escribir tus primeras oraciones en Coreano. Comenzaremos por aprender las bases que hacen una oracin posible: Las Partculas.Profundizaremos en cada una de las partculas base para que puedan leer, escribir y entender una frase coreana.Si estn listos, entonces, Comencemos!."
Price: 19.99

"Modelos Financieros para Negocios y Proyectos de Inversin" |
"Aprenda los conceptos, modelos y criterios financieros para el manejo y anlisis de viabilidad y rentabilidad de proyectos de inversin y negocios. Al final del curso usted sabr: definicin, tipos de proyectos, costo amortizado, evaluacin de proyectos, Flujo de efectivo y etapas de un proyecto.Capacita a estudiantes, profesionales, empresarios y ejecutivos en los conceptos, modelos y criterios financieros para el manejo y anlisis de viabilidad y rentabilidad de proyectos de inversin, permita cimentar conocimientos en una forma amena y prctica."
Price: 19.99

"Feedback - A arte de dar e receber feedbacks mais efetivos" |
"Voc alguma vez j recebeu um feedback, que ao invs de deix-lo(a) bem acabou sua autoestima? Em vrios treinamentos presenciais, temos inmeros relatos de feedbacks prejudiciais, em alguns casos, chegam ao absurdo de beirar o assdio moral.Mas de fato, voc sabe o que feedback? Veja a definio:Feedback uma palavra inglesa que significa realimentar ou dar resposta a uma determinado pedido ou acontecimento. Em alguns casos a palavra feedback pode significar resposta ou reao. Neste caso, o feedback pode ser de reforo, em uma situao positiva ou de correo, em uma situao negativa.Agora que voc j sabe o que significa, voc deseja aprender mais sobre este nobre termo que ronda as nossas relaes humanas?Pois saiba que feedback, diferente do que muita gente imagina, deve ser feito a todo instante, seja na vida profissional seja na vida pessoal, ou seja, todos que convivem com voc uma hora ou outra precisaro de um feedback seu, at mesmo voc precisa de um feedback de outra pessoa.Mas voc est se sente preparado(a) para dar um feedback de maneira assertiva e efetiva, sem ofender ou prejudicar a outra pessoa? Ou voc se sente preparado(a) para receber um feedback ruim e transform-lo em algo positivo?Neste curso voc aprender tudo sobre a arte de dar e receber feedbacks:Voc entender como funciona a comunicao humana;Quais os princpios fundamentais para que a comunicao flua de maneira correta;Aprender sobre o que e o que no feedback;Saber aplicar as principais tcnicas de feedback;Descobrir como reverter um feedback ruim para algo positivo para voc;Alm de saber como desenvolver relaes baseadas na confiana.Se voc deseja aprender tudo isso e mais um pouco, inscreva-se j! E no se esquea de que na Udemy voc conta com garantia de 30 dias de satisfao, neste caso o risco todo nosso!"
Price: 159.99

"Diploma Course In professional Palmistry/ Fortune Telling" |
"Namaskar,Just One Head Line can have hundred's of combinations and shape, position in different hands, that's where I have done my hard work. I have tried to cover almost all the permutations and combinations. Spending hours and hours in creating pictures of all such combinations has enabled me to give live demonstration, which matters most while learning Palm Reading. After taking course and with some practice students will be fully prepared to begin their practice professionally.This is going to be a very comprehensive course as I will be discussing every single aspect of Palm Reading. Once you will finish this course you will receive a ""Diploma as A Professional Palmist/Palm Reader "" from our Eminent institute Vidya Retreat. This course is a result of my hard work of several months as this is the most unique Palmistry course available online. I request to go through all the free preview videos to get the flavor of this course. Chiromancy, or Palmistry as it is also known, is one of the oldest forms of Divination. Not only does Palmistry give good insight to an individual's nature and lifestyle, but also tells everything about his/her life path so it is an extremely useful tool."
Price: 199.99

"Practice the Latest Complete CEH v10 2020's Exam Questions" |
"Welcome to Practice the Latest Complete CEH v10 2020's Exam Questions.These Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH 312-50 v10) Practice Exams provide you with realistic test questions. In this course, we will prepare you for what it is will be like to take the Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) Certification Exam With 3 practice exams, each of which is timed at 180 minutes, we have carefully hand-crafted each question to put you to the test and prepare you to pass the exam with confidenceThese practice exam questions are based on the Exam Objectives for EC-Council's Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) exam for all areas of the exam (Background, Analysis/Assessment, Security, Tools/Systems/Programs, Procedures/Methodology, Regulation/Policy, and Ethics) to help better prepare you for the real certification exam.You won't be hoping you are ready, you will know you are ready to sit for and pass the exam. After practicing these tests and scoring an 90% or higher on them, you will be ready to PASS on the first attempt and avoid costly re-take fees, saving you time and moneyThis course is frequently updated to ensure it stays current and up-to-date with the latest release of the certification exam, and also provides you with a 30-day money-back guarantee if you are not satisfied with the quality of this course or for any reason!This practice exam course is an UNOFFICIAL course made by an instructor and expert who holds the Certified Ethical Hacker certification to help you."
Price: 54.99

"CISM full practice Exams 2020 + Explanations" |
"Welcome to CISM full practice Exams 2020 + Explanations.These CISM Practice Exams provide you with realistic test questions. In this course, we will prepare you for what it is will be like to take the Certified Information Security Manager (CISM) Exam With a practice exams, we have carefully hand-crafted each question to put you to the test and prepare you to pass the exam with confidenceThese practice exam questions are based on the Exam Objectives covering all areas of the exam to help better prepare you for the real certification exam.These questions are covering: Domain 1: Information Security Governance. Domain 2: Information Risk Management. Domain 3: Information Security Program Development and Management. Domain 4: Information Security Incident Management.This course is frequently updated to ensure it stays current and up-to-date with the latest release of the certification exam, and also provides you with a 30-day money-back guarantee if you are not satisfied with the quality of this course or for any reason!Note: CISM ver.2017 Exam will be tested on until the next planned CISM curriculum update by ISACA in 2022.You won't be hoping you are ready, you will know you are ready to sit for and pass the exam. After practicing these tests and scoring an 90% or higher on them, you will be ready to PASS on the first attempt."
Price: 34.99

"SAP WM Organization Structure & Master Data Course" |
"In this course, below topics are explained with configuration and Testing along with Business examples. The main usage of key elements are highlighted to understand better. I hope this knowledge will be helpful for the students who enroll this course- Overview of SAP WM Organization Structure- Details of Warehouse Number- Details of Storage Type- Details of Storage Type Indicators- Details of Storage Section- Details of Storage Section Indicator- Details of Storage Bin- Details of Storage Bin Type- Blocking Storage Bin"
Price: 29.99

"SAP WM Strategies, TR, PCN and Transfer Order" |
"In this course, below topics are explained with business examples. The step by step configuration along with Testing are provided for each process in the video. I hope it will be helpful to enhance your career in SAP WM- Stock Placement/Put away Strategies- Stock Removal/Picking Strategies- SAP WM Movement Types- Transfer Requirement- Posting Chance Notice- Transfer Order"
Price: 29.99

"Footprinting and Reconnaissance CEH Practice Test" |
"Footprinting is the technique used for gathering information about computer systems and the entities they belong to. To get this information, a hacker might use various tools and technologies. This information is very useful to a hacker who is trying to crack a whole system.Active footprinting involves the use of tools and techniques that can aid you in gathering more information about your target. Unlike passive footprinting where the process never 'touches' the target, active footprinting involves tasks that may be logged by the target's systems so being stealth is key.D"
Price: 1280.00

"Secrets of the German Shepherd Dog: Care and Training" |
"Learn more about the German Shepherd Dog. In this course Secrets of the German Shepherd Dog, we will show you how to train your canine, his health care, diseases, feeding, and the training he should have so you can understand him better and improve your relationship with him. For this, you will have 14 classes (almost 2 hours of course), where we will see everything we should know before having a dog or German Shepherd Dogs.Step by step and in a progressive way you will learn to understand better your German Shepherd Dog (puppy and adult) and you will know everything you need to take care of it and risk it better so you will understand more its emotions and how to relate to it. You don't need to have any previous knowledge or be a professional in the animal world, the course is designed to start from scratch, and whatever your level you can get the most out of it.Let's look at the term of the course. German Shepherd CourseClass 1. IntroductionClass 2. German Shepherd as a Pet: Activity and RecommendationsClass 3. Relationship with family and childrenClass 4. Expenses to be taken into accountClass 5. Taking care of your home before the arrival of a German ShepherdClass 6. First aid and emergency kitClass 7. Understanding German Shepherd PuppiesClass 8. How to feed your puppy, an adult dog and the importance of waterClass 9. Visit the vet / We name some diseasesClass 10. Undesired behavior: BarkingClass 11. Basic training of your German ShepherdClass 12. Training your German Shepherd: Teach him to comeClass 13. Training your German Shepherd: Teach him to recoverClass 14. Training your German Shepherd: Teach him to swimWhat are you waiting for? Go ahead!"
Price: 19.99

"Master The Kettlebell Windmill" |
"This course will take you from Zero to Mastering The Windmill in no time.Are you lacking Hamstring Flexibility or Hip Mobility? Do you find your hips don't move freely as you want them too? Can you hold a weight above your head and move your body in different directions without losing shoulder strength and stability? Do you feel you can work on your posture and would like to have a nice healthy spine? without feeling back pain.The Windmill helps you to work on all these weaknesses and tight areas that are going on throughout your body.It strengthens your hip hinge and hamstring flexibilityIt improves hip mobilityYou will increase your shoulder strength and stabilityIt greatly increases core strengthImproves balance and co-ordinationAll these wonderful benefits are worked on by adding the Windmill into your regular training. The Windmill exercise is for everyone. No one should ever neglect this exercise. So start today and learn how to correctly execute the Windmill, no matter what level you are at, there are are Beginners to Advanced versions."
Price: 74.99

"Curso de mindfulness y gestin de emociones" |
"En este curso aprenders nociones bsicas sobre la Atencin Plena, y vers cmo la prctica regular de Mindfulness puede ayudarte a gestionar tus emociones de forma saludable.1. Aumentar tu capacidad de experimentar el momento presente.2. Aumentar tu capacidad de gestionar emociones.3. Mejorar la relacin contigo mismo y con los dems.4. Desarrollars la compasin con Mindfulness.El curso es terico-prctico, con material terico para que aprendas los conceptos, y prcticas guiadas para que los interiorices."
Price: 39.99

"Electric Vehicle basics" |
"If you want to know how electric vehicles work, what basic systems they are made of, their development history, classification, influence, and possible directions for future developers, then welcome to this course.You can understand all the basic concepts and techniques associated with electric transportation.For a better understanding of boring theoretical material, all lessons are diluted with various videos, diagrams, pictures.This course is subject to further development and improvement; Many more lectures, resources will be added to help understand the topic."
Price: 54.99

"After Effects Motion Graphics Beast" |
"NOTE: All Available Captions are Autogenerated!This course is made for beginners and advance who want to up their game in animation and motion graphics in After Effects By the end of this course, you can call yourself an animator and a good animator!Let me tell you whyWe will start the course by the basics of After Effects you will learn everything you need to know to start working with After Effects comfortably Next, we will cover the principle of animation we will cover the most important one for motion graphicsYou will learn about all types of keyframes with practiceYou will learn about Graph Editors in Adobe After EffectsYou will know how to animate with easeYou will learn about some of the best animation techniques to date.You will learn everything text animationyou will learn everything about shape animationYou will learn how to do morphing animationYou will learn about the letter animationYou will learn how to make beautiful gradient liquid title animationsYou will learn Modern data visualization You will learn advanced motion trackingWith all of these, there will be practice projects,Wait we are still not done at the end we are going to work on 4 real projects. You will learn step by step how to make each of them. Not only this you will have access to the project files and dive deep into them.By the end of this course, you will have a bunch of animation project that you can add to your CV and start receiving jobs from Clients.Download all the project files now, you will need it from the first lesson"
Price: 199.99

"EXIN DevOps Foundation: Exam Simulator" |
"This EXIN DevOps Foundation certification has been designed to give IT and business professionals basic knowledge and understanding of DevOps. Created as a stepping-stone to the EXIN DevOps Professional certification, this certification confirms understanding the origins of DevOps and the benefits of DevOps principles and practices for the organization.Course Type: Trial ExamHelp students prepare for their certification exams by providing practice questions.Course content:Simulator of 40 multiple-choice questions to support certification, in which you can practice with questions similar to the real exam, marking your answer and seeing the score obtained at the end, each time the questions are ordered randomly, in this way You can exercise as many times as you deem necessary.Self Instructional Support Material for certification.Get a 25% discount on the EXIN DevOps Foundation Certification when buying the exam with us. Only valid for USA.Important considerations:This course is NOT the official EXIN training.This course does NOT include Videos.We are an EXIN Authorized Exam Center."
Price: 19.99

"Medieval Battered Jungle Knife" |
"In the course, I will be creating the Jungle Knife from scratch to finished rendered game ready design, We start with making by setting up a reference image in photoshop and importing to Maya, then we take base model to brush for detailing and refinement .. after that, we begin the baking process and prepare the asset for baking in marmoset toolbag and lastly, we import the baked maps to substance painter for finally texturing... then we do our final presentation rendering in marmoset toolbag"
Price: 19.99

"First-Time Agile Manager 1. Principles" |
"First-Time Agile Manager to kurs, ktry pozwoli Ci spojrze na projekty w nowy, zwinny sposb i skutecznie nimi zarzdza.Bycie skutecznym menederem projektw zwinnych wymaga ukszatowania zarwno zwinnych postaw i specyficznego sposobu mylenia o wartoci dla klienta, a take poznania unikatowych metod i narzdzi pozwalajcych wprowadzi zwinn filozofi w ycie. Dlatego, ze wzgldw praktycznych, peny kurs zosta podzielony na 2 czci:First-Time Agile Manager 1. Principles, 2 godz. First-Time Agile Manager 2. Toolbox, 5 godz.Cao obejmuje 7 godz. praktycznych warsztatw projektowych, co odpowiada 2-dniowemu kursowi stacjonarnemu.W TEJ CZCI - First-Time Agile Manager 1. Principles dowiesz si, w jaki sposb stosujc pryncypia, zasady i praktyk zwinn dostarcza rezultaty biznesowe szybciej, lepiej i bardziej efektywnie. Zdobdziesz nie tylko wiedz i umiejtnoci tworzenia zwinnego rodowiska pracy, ale przede wszystkim zmienisz swj sposb mylenia i postawy, stajc si zwinnym menederem projektw i liderem zespow zwinnych.W drugiej czci poznasz ponad 20 metod, technik i narzdzi zwinnego zarzdzania projektami, ktre pozwol Ci od razu skutecznie poprowadzi Twj pierwszy zwinny projekt. I kady kolejny.Jeeli chcesz naprawd zrozumie, czym zwinnoc bya, kiedy si rodzia i czym jest dzisiaj w nowoczesnych organizacjach wybierz ten wanie kurs. Ponadto:Autor doskonale rozumie zwinno, bo by przy narodzinach Agile Manifesto i zwinnoci uczy si od jego twrcw. Wiedza, ktr dostaniesz jest skuteczna i przetestowana w setkach praktycznych sytuacji projektowych.Autor ma due dowiadczenie projektowe - przez 20+ lat poprowadzi ponad 150 projektw, penic kad moliw rol projektow. Wie zatem doskonale, co moe Ci pomc osignc sukces tu gdzie jeste teraz lub tam, gdzie zaraz bdziesz.Kurs jest niezwykle praktyczny. Znajdziesz w nim tylko praktyczn wiedz, zdobdziesz praktyczne umiejtnoci i skorzystasz z wieloletniego dowiadczenia autora."
Price: 159.99

"Covariant formulation of classical electrodynamics" |
"This course aims to give a concise, complete and mathematically intuitive description of the fundamental laws of electromagnetism, namely: Maxwell's equations, Lorentz force, electromagnetic energy momentum tensor, etc.The following concepts are used extensively: tensors, Minkowski metric, lagrangian mechanics, which were introduced by the instructor in the course ""Mathematical intuition behind Special and General Relativity""."
Price: 199.99

"Working Capital Management module is part of ACCA paper Financial management. [Reference - BPP Material].The module consists of three chapter which includes:1. Working capital The nature of working capitalObjectives of of working capital managementRoles of working capital managementThe cash operating cycleLiquidity ratios2. Managing working capitalManaging inventoriesManaging accounts receivableManaging accounts payable3. Working capital financeThe management of cashCash flow forecastsTreasury managementCash management modelsInvesting surplus cashWorking capital funding strategies"
Price: 19.99

"RDBMS Concepts for Data Science Aspirants" |
"This course introduces concepts of Relational Database Management System (RDBMS), its benefits, functions and other aspects of RDBMS like database constraints, keys and normalization. Though it looks at them from the data science perspective, it is also applicable to all learners who are keen on knowing more about concepts of database."
Price: 19.99

"Microsoft 70-540 Windows Mobile Application Development Exam" |
"237 UNIQUE practice questions for Microsoft 70-540 Windows Mobile Application Development ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : Microsoft 70-540 Windows Mobile Application Development ExamTotal Questions : 237Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :140 minsPassing Score : 75 (177 of 237)"
Price: 169.99

"Java Generics, Collections Framework And Streams API" |
"Learn about Java Generics and how to create Generic classes. You also learn about Generic Interfaces and Methods. After learning and understanding Java Generics we then dive into the Java Collections Framework where we learn about data structures such as List, ArrayList, HashMap, HashSet, LinkedList... and so on. We have extra lessons on Java Optional which helps us avoid null pointer exceptions in Java. You will learn about Optionals because it's knowledge will be applied when you learn about Java Streams API. Finally, we learn about the Streams API, how it works and the various methods such as filter(), map(), flatMap(), reduce(), collect() ... and so on.After this course, you should have a solid understanding of the Java Generics, the Collection Framework with its Data Structures and the Java Streams API."
Price: 74.99

"Disaster Deployment Security Certification" |
"This course will enable security professionals what to expect while being deployed into an austere area. Every year there seems to be some sort of emergency in the United States requiring private security forces to be deployed there. Sometimes its a hurricane, sometimes its a wildfire. This course is to get individuals to understand what they can expect."
Price: 29.99

"GA Board 24 Security Officer Course + House of Worship Cert" |
"This course will certify the individual as an unarmed security officer in the State of GA. In addition, this course will also certify the individual as a security officer for a house of worship. This course is for adults 18 or older, and contains adult themes. Once you complete the course, contact me to ensure you get both certifications."
Price: 99.99
