"Security Operations During COVID-19 (Pandemic Security) +" |
"This course will teach security professionals how to operate during the current COVID-19 Pandemic. The student will be familiar with certain terms, be familiar with disease vectors and understand what he or she can do to keep themselves safe and others safe. This course will also have a disaster security course as a bonus, in the event that the officer be deployed to a disaster area, what to expect, and how to operate."
Price: 24.99

"Riot Operations for Security Guards" |
"The student will learn what to do as a security officer working during times of civil unrest.The student will learn tactics that violent crowds use & will be familiar with basic riot control techniques. We live in difficult times, and many people are getting seriously hurt during these times. This course is designed to give the security officer some things to take into consideration while working as a security officer in a retail environment when things are possibly getting bad outside. Additionally, the security officer will get basic knowledge in some riot control techniques, in the event that a contract comes that requires that type of mission"
Price: 24.99

"Como ser uma pessoa autoconfiante" |
"Neste curso voc ir aprender como ser uma pessoa autoconfiante, ser mais feliz e viver melhor a cada dia! Com as dicas simples, faceis e objetivas que voc ir aprender no decorrer do curso, voc gradativamente vai alcancar assim excelentes resultados.A auto-confiana pode ser adquirida atravs de um passo a passo, que irei ensinar no curso ."
Price: 39.99

"Organizzazione Aziendale" |
"Questo corso si rivolge per lo pi a disoccupati, lavoratori e liberi professionisti con lobiettivo di fornire gli elementi fondamentali per la comprensione di una struttura organizzativa e delle sue leve fondamentali.Si analizzeranno le principali strutture organizzative, le modalit di divisione del lavoro, il concetto di ruolo e mansione. Il taglio molto pratico e la divisioni in moduli stata pensata proprio per fornire le conoscenze e le capacit di analisi necessarie alla comprensione dei contesti e dei fenomeni organizzativi."
Price: 69.99

"Customer Retention: Maximise Your Profits" |
"What is your ideal work life? Does the word carefree come to mind?Free from worry and stress of having to make more money to pay the bills each month.Ultimately, a carefree work life is what this course is all about.I want to show you a fast, cost effective and reliable way to increase your sales and profits.You want a carefree work life, and you're either:Someone who has spent hours awake at night trying to figure out how to get new customers.Someone who sees others being successful, but isn't having as much success as you'd like, despite working really hard every day.I can help you, no matter what situation you're in.THIS COURSE WILL SHOW YOU:Why you need to focus in customer retention.The benefits of customer retention.Free tools to help you implement a customer retention strategy.How to figure out where you are with your existing customer retention efforts.What you need to do before you create your customer retention strategy.How to get your team on board your customer retention strategy.Great tips for getting your organisation to focus on Customer Retention.Bullet proof customer retention strategies to use today.How CRM, customer care, customer service, customer satisfaction and customer experience will lead to customer retention.Valuable customer retention tactics that will get results.Practical tips to have your customers return often and purchase more.Examples of successful customer retention in action.Diligently track and measure your customer retention efforts.Along with the video content of the course, there are many bonuses.BONUSES:Downloadable resources and guidesAn audio version of the course to listen on the goAssignments that make you productive while taking the courseAn instructor who truly cares about your successI SHARE PRACTICAL SECRETS IN THIS COURSEThese are techniques that I have used to grow profits in multiple businesses They are techniques that other successful business owners are using today to grow their sales.IT WILL NEVER BE A BETTER TIME TO START A CUSTOMER RETENTION STRATEGYThe key thing to know before starting is that you need very little to get started.You don't need a to know how to sellYou don't need to know how market.You just need to be consistent and persistent. You just need to believe in yourself and your team. You just need to keep your eye on the goal (whatever that may be - $1,000,000 per year extra in sales, financial independence).WHY AM I DOING THIS?Customer Retention can change your life. Instead of racking your brain trying to come up with creative ways to get new customers and stressing about how to pay your bills each month, you will now have the easiest and most effective way to increase your sales and profits without breaking the bank.I have had wonderful opportunities to work with and learn from hundreds of successful businesses over the past 25 years. I have studied their customer retention strategies and tactics for becoming and staying successful.Now I want to give back.That's why I created this course - to walk with you through the entire process.With our 30-day 100% money-back guarantee, there's no reason to hesitate.I'll give you two more reasons why you should enrol right this second:Your investment in this course will quickly be paid back even just by implementing some of the techniques I share with you. There are lots of gold nuggets to choose from, making this course a great investment in your future success.While today is still the best day you can get started with creating and implementing a customer retention strategy, it will get harder for businesses as the markets get more and more competitive. You want to start as soon as you can (like today) to take advantage of the fact that your competitors may not have a customer retention strategy in place just yet. Instead of struggling and trying to do everything yourself, just learn from someone who has already figured it out.I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE YOUR SUCCESSIn the first section, I give you 5 mostly free tech tools to help you implement a customer retention strategy. These will enable you to improve your retention right now to achieve great customer loyalty!See you inside!FK"
Price: 194.99

"Social & Communication Skills for Introverts" |
"In this practical social and interpersonal communication skills training I go into how to best connect with people and make new friends. Youll be well on your way to building a positive social circle in your hometown or anywhere in the world even if you are shy or introverted.98% of all high performers on the planet are introverts. Elon Musk. Bill Gates. J.K. Rowling. Warren Buffet. Theyre all introverts. Just like you, and well, me as well. For me, being introverted and shy kept me from participating in many activities in high school, college, and hindered me from taking many professional opportunities. In the past I was filled with regret at everything I missed out, but since, I have more than made up for all of those ""lost years"".My mission in this course is to help introverted individuals boost their confidence and create meaningful connections in every area of their life. I will help you build social fluency. These are skills, not personality traits. Youll be transforming your vibe, learn the best ways to start/keep conversations going and bring out your best energy for people to enjoy who you are.Want to move up in life and climb the ladder of your personal success?As I found early on, what distinguishes highly successful people many times is not only their intellect, but often times the way they leverage the power of their interpersonal skills and relationships where everybody wins. You are not only one interaction away from EVERYTHING youve ever wanted, but you could be that same opportunity for someone else. That is the secret to building social wealth and overcoming social anxiety.In this course, I lay out the specific stepsand inner mindsetI use to start conversations, keep conversations going, and make new connections. My way of interacting and relating to the world is based on curiosity, humor and generosity, plus in connecting friends to each other. This is genuine connection-building based on a desire to simply spread the good energy rather than connecting with people with a specific agenda.The course is full of practical advice on how to overcome rejection (and the fear of it), getting VIP service everywhere you go, instantly connect with anyone and much more.YOU WILL LEARN TO:Start a conversation with anyone, anywhere, at any timeOvercome the fear of rejection and boost your social confidenceMake a memorable impressionConnect With People InstantlyMaster Social Events (Working a room)Boost Your Social ConfidenceMake New Friends and Build an Amazing Social LifeAlways know what to sayBe the most interesting person in the room even if you're not a social person"
Price: 199.99

"Adobe Illustrator CC: Beginner Training Course" |
"Adobe Illustrator CC: Beginner Training CourseAdobe Illustrator is a premium software used for creating vector graphics for print or the webs. Actually, it is standard for making logos, graphics, comics, books or magazines, character designing, advertising and wide range of products. This course was designed to teach you how to successfully use Adobe Illustrator, no matter if you have ever used this program before or not, This course is designed for those students who are interested in logo designing, creating two-dimensional animation characters, designing children books, greeting cards and any other graphical activities. This course will teach you everything you need to know to make full use of the Adobe Illustrator. The first course which teaching methods and tutorials has qualitatively changed. For instance, in this course all the tutorials have been attached to the videos as .ai file, you can download them easily. Scylla has decided to publish free mini courses which they are an overview to the ultimate courses. This is the one, if you want to learn more, you can start the Ultimate Course of Adobe Illustrator CC published by Scylla!If you've used Illustrator before, then this course may amaze you with all the improvements and innovative projects that have been made to the program. If you're new to Illustrator, don't be nervous, that it will be overwhelming. We'll start at the beginning and teach you everything you need to know, in simple language so you learn easily.here's an unconditional, no-questions-asked full 30-day money-back guarantee! I'm known for always offering support in Udemy, so feel free to shout out if you're stuck or need assistance. ""I'm here to help""Why is this course different? Simple and clear script Every episode has a quick summary which includes what is going to be taught In comparison with others, we will teach you the full course Illustrator in less hours Progressive difficulty: we start slow and we build our way up Tons of practical projects and exercises Impeccable sound and video quality Quality instructor support: respond quickly to all questions All lectures are straight to the point - minimal effort, maximum results By the end of this course you will be able to use the program easily, get started today on your Illustrator journey!"
Price: 29.99

"Inteligencia de Negocio para el anlisis de Datos con Excel" |
"Contar, Contar Si, Concatenar, Promedio.Si, Sumar.Si, Buscarv, Buscarh, Si, Y, O, Formularios Automticos, Solver, Coincidir, Abs, Aleatorio, Bdcontar, Dias.Lab.Int, Administrador De Escenarios,Ecuacin De La Recta Y Su Proyeccin, Productividad, ndice De Productividad, Pronsticos Con Estacionalidad, Estadstica Descriptiva,Indicadores Financieros, Pruebas cida, Margen Bruto , Punto De Equilibrio, Rotacin De Cartera E Inventario, Evaluacin De Inversin De Un Robot, Entre Otras"
Price: 19.99

"Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 1Z0-997 Practice Exam" |
"Enhance your certification score. Even though you're working at a top company, you'll want to keep your certification score up. It's important for your job search, especially if you want to go for a higher level position. When you're looking for new jobs, people are going to be screening your resume a bit with certifications. Understand the test structure and what to expect; then walk through each topic area, quiz yourself with practice questions and answers, and ensure youre ready to take the certification.Scenario based exam questions for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 1Z0-997 Certification PracticeOnline practice exam to be completed in Specified Time Duration.Practice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts. Your results are immediately available, while you stay focused on your exam results. Practice tests provides the answer to a test/questions you haven't already learned.Exam Questions similar to actual Certification Exam.Life time Access to practice tests to try as many times until you master the subject. You have access to practice test answers 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. If you're not satisfied, you can easily return to the practice test to make corrections.The practice test have been designed carefully by maintaining the exam structure , syllabus, topic weights , cut score and time duration same as actual certification exam. The aim of the practice exam is to allow the candidate to identify the risks related to a exam topics and be able to recognise them when analysing a real practice scenario.Applicants will need to make sure that they are able to complete the practice examination in its entirety and pass all the multiple choice tests in general nature.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 1Z0-997 Certification PracticeExam Code: 1Z0-997Exam Level : AssociateDuration : 120 minutesNumber of Questions : 50 questionsPassing Score : 70% Total Questions to check your knowledge: 100 "
Price: 79.99

"Learn to build caltech-101 image classifier mobile app" |
"Course DescriptionLearn to build Caltech-101 image classifier iPhone app using Apple's crate ML and core ML SDK. Deep learning is popular where a machine can be trained to detect objects in images. Once trained, it can be used to detect objects in any image. The app does not require any wifi or cellular connectivity. It uses deep learning to train the model from scratch on your own image dataset. The model can then be used inside an mobile app using Apple's coreML SDK. We'll build this app in this course. Since the app does not send your images or vides to remote service, it maintains your privacy and data secured. Build a strong foundation in pose detection engines with this tutorial for beginners.Understanding fundamentals of CreateML and CoreMLUnderstanding fundamentals of deep learning and CNN Train a model on your own dataset using create ML SDK and XCodeBuild a real life object detection mobile application using coreml and swiftA Powerful Skill at Your Fingertips Learning the fundamentals of object detection puts a powerful and very useful tool at your fingertips. swift, create ml and coreml are free, easy to learn, has excellent documentation.No prior knowledge of CNN or deep learning is assumed. I'll be covering topics like CNN from scratch. Jobs in computer vision area are plentiful, and being able to learn object detection will give you a strong edge. Learning object detection will help you become a computer vision developer which is in high demand.Content and Overview This course teaches you on how to build object detection engine using open source create ml, coreml and swift . You will work along with me step by step to build following answersTrain Object Detection model Build Mobile object detection app using trained modelWhat am I going to get from this course?Learn object detection from professional trainer from your own desk.Over 10 lectures teaching you how to build object detection engineSuitable for beginner programmers and ideal for users who learn faster when shown.Visual training method, offering users increased retention and accelerated learning.Breaks even the most complex applications down into simplistic steps.Offers challenges to students to enable reinforcement of concepts. Also solutions are described to validate the challenges."
Price: 24.99

"Adobe Premiere Pro: Best Editing Software (detailed Course)" |
"Adobe Premiere Pro Full Course For Beginners: Learn Editing:-I know everyone wants to, edit there videos that they have shot!You will learn how to edit videos & audios and create cinematic videos that will memorise everyone who sees it.The Main Topics you will learn:I am also teaching you how to re-create two cool effect videos!You will be taken through all the features, effects & icons at first so you don't get confused on which is whatYou will know how to import and export your videos on your media. You will know few methods on how to import and export too.You will know how to edit a complete video in step by step process. To become a professional Video Editor, YouTuber and Build a career out of this! Learning all the editing tools and how to use all the Editing effects in Adobe Premiere Pro.Learning how to do Colour Correction of your clips. You will have a complete understanding of all the Colour setting options.Adding transitions, animations to your clips, text, photos etc.You will be learning about key frames which is a very important topic of Adobe Premiere Pro.You will also be able to do colour grading to your videos professionallyAlso you will learn how to add motion, animation, graphics and titles etc,At the end of this course you will be able to edit your videos very professionally,Also you can make cool B-Rolls, Effect Videos own your own."
Price: 34.99

"Wix le Sfrdan Profesyonel nternet Sitesi Kurulumu" |
"A'dan Z'ye Kod Bilgisine Gerek Kalmadan, Wix le Profesyonel E-Ticaret, Blog, Kurumsal ya da stediiniz Her Trde nternet Sitesi Kurmay renin. Wix, Profesyonel ve Kiisel Kullanm in Gelitirilmi, Kod Bilgisine Gerek Kalmadan nternet Sitesi Kurabileceiniz, Web Tasarm almalar Yapabileceiniz ve SEO Uyumlu Yaps Sayesinde Arama Motorlarnda st Sralara kabileceiniz Bir Platform. Eitim erisinde, E-Ticaret ve Blog Sitelerinin Nasl Kurulaca Tm Detaylar le Anlatlmtr. Eitimi Bitirdikten Sonra, Kiisel ya da Kurumsal Amalar le Kullanmak in Bir ablona Baml Kalmadan, Tamamen zgn Olarak Hazrlanm Web Siteleri Kurabileceksiniz. Wix le nternet Sitesi Kurmann Avantajlar:Kod Bilgisine Gerek Kalmadan, Ksa Srede Her Trl nternet Sitesini Kurabilirsiniz. Wix SEO Wiz Yardm le, Arama Motorlarnda Kolaylkla Grnebilir, st Sralara kabilirsiniz.Dier Altyaplara Oranla, renme Sresi ok Daha Azdr. Tema in cret demek Zorunda Kalmadan, Kendi Temanz Kendiniz Oluturun ya da Yzlerce cretsiz Temadan Birini Seerek Kullanmaya Balayn. Profesyonel E-Ticaret Aralar le Kolaylkla Online Sata Balayabilirsiniz. Eitim Boyunca Neler Yapacaz:Wix Editr le Web Tasarmna Ynelik Her eyi, Batan Sona Uygulayacaz. E-Ticaret Sitesi Kuracaz.E-Ticaret Sitemiz zerinden Bireysel ya da Kurumsal Olarak Online demeler Alacaz. Blog Sitesi Kuracaz.Wix Seo Ayarlarn En nce Ayrntsna Kadar Yapacaz. Siz de Vakit Kaybetmeden Hemen Eitime Katln ve ster Kendiniz in, ster Mterileriniz in Profesyonel nternet Siteleri Kurmaya Balayn."
Price: 199.99

"Amazon Native Shopping Ads Amazon Associates edition" |
"Welcome to Amazon Native Shopping Ads Amazon Associates edition course.My course consists of insights,strategies and systems about: 1) Finding products to promote with Amazon Native Shopping Ads 2) Latest contextual advertising techniques 3) Setting up the ad variants and the ad formats 4) Adding new online income stream to your portfolio 5) Increasing Amazon Native Shopping Ads referral fees 6) Figuring out the best ad placements for Amazon Native Shopping Ads 7) Posting posts on Quora with the links to your Amazon Native Shopping Ads friendly blog posts 8) Advantages of Amazon Native Shopping AdsYou do not need to spend money on expensive programs and training anymore.They will not get you anywhere anyway.Save up to $1000 a year (and more) just for the price of $199.99 course.Amazon Native Shopping Ads Amazon Associates edition course has one section and is shorter than myUltimate Guide for the Next Generation of Affiliates.Take notes for the important parts of the video lectures so you can go back to them when needed. You can download PowerPoint Presentation to remind you on lectures while studying.This course goes straight to the details,systems and strategies needed for success.It is made in mind to produce more Native Ads champions around the world.Are you ready to jump start your Amazon Native Shopping Ads earnings?I hope you are.In my course you can expect quizzes,1 downloadable PDF and video lectures.I want you to take an action today and start learning about making more Native Shopping Ads referral fees.Introduction debunks some myths that surround running paid ads to blog posts that containAmazon Native Shopping Ads,contextual advertising and much more.While going through the introduction you will understand the concept of a whole course.You will also understand that being a contextual advertiser is a must nowadays.Students of this course are blessed to leave away their frustrations about contextual advertising.Enroll now and upgrade your knowledge about affiliate marketing and apply same knowledge.Topics that I am covering in my lectures are : Amazon Native Shopping Ads overview promoting blog posts that contain Amazon Native Shopping Ads on Quora Setting up Recommendation Ads Setting up Search Ads,setting up Custom Adsand more!Amazon Native Shopping Ads Amazon Associates edition is made for all of the marketers.Beginner,intermediate and advanced online marketers are covered in this course.You will also learn about leveraging free traffic driving source.Amazon Native Shopping Ads Amazon Associates edition is more than consolidated information.Do not have prejudices upfront and give this course a try.You will get a lifetime access to the updates of my course too.I am honored for helping you with this course.This course will transform your online journey.Give the reviews and ratings.Thank you.Stay motivated."
Price: 19.99

"O que voc aprenderTenha uma compreenso completa de como operar no mercado ForexSaiba as diferenas entre as moedas negociadas no ForexComo escolher uma corretora de Forex regulamentada e abrir uma conta de negociaoComo abrir uma conta demo gratuita para treinar sem por seu capital em riscoEntenda o que alavancagem e como isso afeta sua negociaoConhea a terminologia de Forex como Ask, Bid, Spread, Equity, etc.Entenda a diferena entre pip e pipetesUse todos os tipos de ordens: Compra / Venda / Buystop / Sellstop / Buylimit / SelllimitVoc aprender os dois tipos de Anlise no Forex: Fundamental e TcnicaSer capaz de ler o calendrio de eventos econmicosNo final deste curso, voc ter um arsenal substancial de tcnicas de anlise tcnicaVoc aprender como instalar e usar a plataforma de negociao MetaTrader 4 em detalhesVoc saber tudo sobre como calcular e gerenciar riscos ao negociar ForexVoc receber um cupom de bnus com um desconto insano para o meu prximo cursoRequisitosBasta ter um computador com acesso a internetDesejo de aprender e alcanar seus objetivos!"
Price: 69.99

"All you need to know about Weka in just 30 mins" |
"In 30 minutes I will show how to use Weka. What is feature engineering and how to generate feature set. How to load feature set in Weka. Which formats of feature set are supported by Weka. What classifiers available at weka and how to use them. How to install third party classifiers in Weka. How to visualize your pre-processed data.Bonus: How to solve memory related issue in time of running Weka."
Price: 199.99

"CISSP Certification New Practice Exam (2020)" |
"Are you wanted to pass your CISSP exam?Are you searching for High quality CISSP Practice Questions?If yes...then you are in the right place.In this CISSP Certification New Practice Exam (2020) course Tech Hub Provide you 300 unique & updated Quality CISSP Questions for your upcoming CISSP exam.These CISSP tests cover material from each topic of the CISSP main exam.This 300 questions help you to get prepared for the main CISSP exam environment. Why take our Course?i.Unique & Updated 300 CISSP Questionsii.All CISSP Questions Suggested by Top Subject Matter Expertsiii.Verified answersiv.30 days money back guarantee, no questions asked.Who this course is for:i.Those who want to get knowledge on CISSP exam & check their skills on CISSP Examii.Those who confident enough to crack their CISSPexam In their first attemptiii.have an open mind and desire to learnRequirements:i.No prerequisites needed as this is a practice test (CISSP)ii.Although you have to know the basics of CISSP exam topic & CISSP exam curriculum"
Price: 19.99

"Complete Payroll Management in Microsoft Excel & TALLY ERP9" |
"The Managing and processing a businesss payroll is an important task, and its vital that those handling the payroll have a full understanding and knowledge of the processes involved. The understanding and operating of a payroll system within a business is an essential requirement for perform the payroll process exactly and correctly with lower financial cost.Welcome to My Complete Payroll Management In Microsoft Excel & TALLY ERP9This Complete Payroll Management In Microsoft Excel & TALLY ERP9 course is all about payroll management, it consists How to Calculate the payroll and general overall understanding about payroll.The course contain 2 practical scenario with Different Pay heads and calculation process. I have given task to do then video answer is available. It is suggested that you:01. How To Enable Payroll Features On Tally ERP9?02 How To Enter The Opening Balance In Tally ERP9?03 How To Create A Template For Payroll Management In Microsoft Excel?04 How To Calculate The Employee's Allowances And Deduction By Using Microsoft Excel And Tally ERP9?05. How To Exactly Calculate Employee's Total Earnings And Deduction And Net Salary By Using Microsoft Excel And Tally ERP9?06 How To Get The Pay Slip,Pay Sheet And Payroll Statement On Tally ERP9?07. How To Cut The Employee's House Loan And Education Loan , Income Tax And Professional Tax?This is a very useful course if:You are thinking of employing peopleYou are going to take responsibility for Payroll ProcessYou are going for jobs which have a requirement for you to be able to know payroll and use Tally ERP9 for payroll processYou want to put this skill on your CVYou are a bookkeeper or accountant and will be offering payroll servicesYou run your own business and want to know how to run the payroll for yourselfPayroll management teamHR Managers"
Price: 199.99

"Sfrdan Her Ynyle Angular 9" |
"Angular nedir ve neden bu framework ?Angular, Google tarafndan gelitirilen ve desteklenen SPA(Single Page Application) uygulama yaplmasna olanak salayan modler yapsyla popler bir javascript ktphanesidir.Peki nedir tek sayfalk (SPA) javascript uygulamalar ?Single Page Application, routing(navigasyon) ilemlerinin backend(server-side) tarafnda deil JavaScript tarafndan client-side(istemci) tarafnda yapld bir web uygulamasdr. SPA dier frontend uygulamalar gibi her sayfa iin farkl html ler oluturmuyor, build olduktan sonra web sayfamzda yalnzca bir tane index.html sayfas oluyor ve istemci tarafnda sayfalar router ile deiiyor ve kullancya gsteriliyor. Bunu yaparken de web componentlerden yardm alnyor. Router, ilgili path iin daha nceden belirlenen componentleri kullancya gsteriyor. Bu da yeni bir sayfaya gemi etkisi yaratyor. Yani tm bu componentlerin deiimi taraycnzda oluyor.Kurstaki balklar : Angular ve SPA nedir ?Bir Angular projesi nasl oluturulur ?Bootstrap, Material gibi paketler nasl eklenir ?Angular routing mekanizmas nedir, nasl eklenir ? Lazy loading neden nemlidir, nasl yaplr ?Angular data binding nedir ? Nasl yaplr ve ka eittir ?Cookie ve local storage nasl ynetilir ?Directive nedir ? Ka eit directive vardr ? Custom bir directive nasl oluturulur ?Pipe nedir ? Hazr Angular pipelar nelerdir ? Custom bir pipe nasl oluturulur ?Angular zerinde componentler birbirleri ile nasl haberleir ?Angular Forms (template driven &. Reactive) ile almak.Guard nedir ? Nasl eklenir ? Ne ie yarar ?Service nedir ? Ne ie yarar ? Componentler ile balants nasl kurulur ?Interceptor nedir ? Nasl eklenir ? Ne ie yarar ?Angulara oklu dil (internationalization-i18n) nasl eklenir ?Storybook nedir ? Byk projelerde neden kullanlmas gereklidir ?Angularda file-upload ilemi nasl yaplr ?Unit test ve e2e nedir ? Faydalar nelerdir ?Angular projesi nasl deploy edilir ? Herokuya nasl balanr ?"
Price: 69.99

"Administration of Veritas InfoScale Storage" |
"Hello,Are you ready to Take & Pass Veritas Storage InfoScale?If your answer is Yes so this course will help you not only in Exam Preparation but boost your Confidence to Next Level.These Practice Tests are prepared to let you pass VCS-257Exam .We Believe attending Practice Questions gives you knowledge about different types of questions in ExamExam topics are mentioned belowUNIX/Linux system and network administrationStorage virtualization and high availability conceptsVeritas Storage Foundation 7.1 Administrators GuideDynamic Multi-Pathing 7.1 Administrators GuideDynamic Multi-Pathing 7.1 Release NotesDynamic Multi-Pathing 7.1 Installation GuideVeritas InfoScale Storage 7.1 Troubleshooting GuideVeritas InfoScale 7.1 Release NotesVeritas InfoScale 7.1 Whats new in this releaseVeritas InfoScale 7.1 Installation GuideStorage Foundation 7.1 Configuration and Upgrade GuideVeritas InfoScale 7.1 Troubleshooting GuideVeritas InfoScale Replication Administrators GuideVeritas InfoScale Solutions SmartIO for Solid-State Drives Solutions GuideStorage Foundation Cluster File System High Availability 7.1 Administrators GuideVeritas InfoScale 7.1 Solutions GuideWish you best of luck to achieve your IT Certification goals."
Price: 19.99

"Administration of Veritas Backup Exec" |
"Hello,Are you ready to Take & Pass Administration of Veritas Backup Exec?If your answer is Yes so this course will help you not only in Exam Preparation but boost your Confidence to Next Level.These Practice Tests are prepared to let you pass VCS-325 Exam.We Believe attending Practice Questions gives you knowledge about different types of questions in Exam. Exam Details are mentioned belowInstall Backup Exec and add additional agents and options on the Backup Exec server after the installation.Describe the features of Backup Exec.Describe the various backup methods available in Backup Exec.Configure preferences and global settings.Configure storage devices.Create jobs to backup, restore, convert, and duplicate.Install and configure agents for remote servers.Add and manage protected server resources.Install Backup Exec updates and apply updates to Windows agents.Run inventory and catalog and other utility jobs.Identify agents and features used with Backup Exec in their environment.Configure enhanced backup job functionality (e.g., GRT, Instant GRT, Disk Staging, Duplication of backup sets, data encryption, snapshot, backup to cloud, and virtual environments).Perform basic troubleshooting (e.g., restart services, interpret job logs, check Event Viewer, check Configuration Tasks Widget, run Backup Exec troubleshooting tools, etc.).Import, export and backup the Database Encryption Key.Wish you best of luck to achieve your IT Certification goals."
Price: 19.99

"Administration of Veritas eDiscovery Platform" |
"Hello,Are you ready to Take & Pass Administration of Veritas eDiscovery Platform?If your answer is Yes so this course will help you not only in Exam Preparation but boost your Confidence to Next Level.These Practice Tests are prepared to let you pass VCE-413 Exam.We Believe attending Practice Questions gives you knowledge about different types of questions in Exam. Exam topics are mentioned belowAbility to perform administrative tasks for and/or familiarity with standard backup and availability concepts.Legal Hold ReferenceLegal Hold User GuideIdentification and Collection GuideReviewer's QuickStart GuideTag Sets Reference CardUser GuideCase Administration GuideSystem Administration GuideLoad File Import GuideReview and Redaction ReferenceProduction ReferenceExport and Production GuideUI Navigation Reference CardAudio Search GuideTransparent Predictive Coding User GuideKeyboard Shortcuts ReferenceAudio Search ReferenceAudio Search Processing ReferenceRelease NotesInstallation GuideUpgrade Overview GuideUpgrade GuideUtility Node GuideNative Viewer Installation GuideDistributed Architecture Deployment GuideAdministrators QuickStart GuideCollection ReferenceOnSite Collection ReferenceReview and Redaction ReferenceUser Rights Management ReferenceeDiscovery Support PageAbout eDiscoveryWish you best of luck to achieve your IT Certification goals."
Price: 19.99

"TOGAF Part One & Part Two Combined" |
"Hello,Are you ready to Take & Pass TOGAF Part 1 and Part 2 Combined?If your answer is Yes so this course will help you not only in Exam Preparation but boost your Confidence to Next Level.These Practice Tests are prepared to let you pass 0G0-093 Exam.We Believe attending Practice Questions gives you knowledge about different types of questions in Exam. Wish you best of luck to achieve your IT Certification goals."
Price: 19.99

"QGIS Avanado" |
"Neste curso online voc vai aprender os conceitos avanados de Sistemas de Informaes Geogrficas (SIG), atravs de exemplos prticos com o software QGIS 3.0.Veja as ferramentas do software, como executar banco de dados geogrficos, como trabalhar e elaborar mapas temticos, sistemas de referncia e georreferenciamento de imagens, edio de dados avanada, acesso a dados remotos e manipulao de dados e tudo sobre elaborao de layout de mapas e as melhores prticas.Alm disso, execute e compreenda as principais ferramentas de gesto de tabelas, geoprocessamento, dados matriciais, anlise topolgica, model builder, Phyton e muito mais.Obs: Esse curso faz parte do curso Completo de QGIS, caso queira se aprofundar, indico esse curso para continuao do seu aprendizado."
Price: 129.99

"Mengenal Istilah Co Creation" |
"Tidak bisa dipungkiri lagi, kebutuhan akan kemampuan marketing dalam bisnis semakin meningkat seiring berjalannya waktu. Ada banyak teknik yang dapat diterapkan untuk mendongkrak laba perusahaan kalian. Salah satu teknik yang diterapkan dalam marketing adalah Co Creation. Pada Course kali ini, kalian akan mendapatkan pengetahuan mengenai konsep Co Creation sebagai sebuah strategi bisnis dan marketing. Kalian akan mempelajari tentang relevansi konsep co-creation di zaman sekarang. SME akan mengajarkan implementasi serta pengaruh co-creation pada bisnis dan marketing. Seteah mempelajari Course ini, kalian diharapkan mampu memahami Co Creation secara utuh dan menerapkannya di dunia kerja."
Price: 350000.00

"Prinsip dan Teknik Dasar Collection" |
"Collection atau lebih familiar dengan kata penagihan, adalah sebuah kegiatan yang tidak bisa dilakukan sembarangan. Penagihan ini pun sering kita jumpai, terutama bagi mereka yang sering membeli produk/jasa secara kredit. Karena sering dijumpai, maka mempelajari cara melakukan proses penagihan yang baik akan memudahkan kalian dalam dunia perkreditan. Pada Course kali ini, kalian akan mempelajari proses penagihan, metode yang efektif, serta do & don't dalam penagihan. Setelah mempelajari Course ini, kalian diharapkan mampu untuk memahami konsep dan siklus kredit konsumen, serta meningkatkan kinerja kalian yang ingin menggeluti bidang penagihan."
Price: 350000.00

"Komunikasi yang Tepat di Posisi Krisis" |
"Setiap perusahaan, baik kecil maupun besar, tidak akan pernah luput dari sebuah krisis. Yang membedakan adalah bagaimana mereka mempersiapkan diri untuk menghadapinya, apalagi saat manajemen mengalami krisis secara langsung. Komunikasi mengambil peran yang sangat penting dalam manajemen krisis, terutama dalam menghadapi media yang, jika tidak dikelola dengan baik, akan terus menerus mengeluarkan pemberitaan negatif terhadap perusahaan. Melalui Course ini, kalian akan diberi pengetahuan mendasar mengenai apa itu krisis dan bagaimana krisis bisa terjadi, peran penting komunikasi dalam manajemen krisis, serta bagaimana menghadapi media dalam situasi krisis."
Price: 350000.00

"Konsep Dasar Pembelian (Purchasing)" |
"Course ini memberikan pemahaman dasar mengenai strategi pembelian barang, maupun jasa yang mencakup 5 ( lima) bagian pokok. Bagian-bagian tersebut adalah prinsip pembelian, pemilhan pemasok, pengkategorian barang & jasa, prinsip negosiasi dan inventory. Dengan memahami hal ini, kalian diharapkan mampu memahami dan menerapkan strategi dasar dalam pembelian barang dan jasa dalam perusahaan"
Price: 350000.00

"Langkah-Langkah Pembuatan Project Charter" |
"Course ini akan membahas salah satu tahapan paling krusial dalam manajemen proyek yaitu tahap perencanaan. Pada Course ini, kamu akan berkenalan dengan project charter dan belajar membuat sebuah project charter sederhana. Kelas ini cocok untuk semua orang, terutama mereka yang melakukan manajemen proyek dalam kesehariannya. Dengan perencanaan proyek yang matang, diharapkan eksekusi proyek akan menjadi lebih mudah. Setelah mempelajari Course ini, kalian diharapkan mampu mengeksekusi sebuah proyek dengan cepat, efektif, dan tepat sasaran yang sesuai dengan rencana proyek yang sudah dimatangkan."
Price: 350000.00

"Oracle Planning 2020 Implementation Essentials 1Z0-1080-20" |
"The Planning Cloud 2020 Certified Implementation Specialist has demonstrated the knowledge and expertise in implementing Enterprise Performance Management and Planning solutions. Individuals with this certification can set up and configure security, set up a Planning business process, and configure the Financials, Workforce, Capital, and Projects modules, and design Reports and Documents."
Price: 19.99

"Energy saving in Pump" |
"Benefits of the courseAbout the pump and Energy consumption in Pump Energy saving possibility in pump Working of pumpDifferent types of pump Centrifugal and reciprocating pumpPump Affinity laws Pump curve and system curve Static and dynamic headNet positive suction head (NPSH) Cavitation in pump and how to prevent itFlow control in pump Why throttling should not be used in pump Suggested flow control Case study of flow throttlingSeries and parallel arrangement of pump Selection of pump Energy saving in pumpImpeller trimmingPump maintenanceReview of flow control methods in pump Use of variable speed drive in pump Guidelines for new pumping system Checklist for pumping system"
Price: 99.99

"React Completo do bsico ao avanado" |
"React vem crescendo com uma das principais bibliotecas JavaScript tanto para criao de aplicativos Web como mas tambm para dispositivos mveis (Android, iOS) usando React Native.A Geek University traz para voc mais de 60 aulas, onde voc ir aprender React de verdade, de forma simples e objetiva, todos os conceitos e prticas essenciais desta biblioteca JavaScript, que tornar voc um profissional mais completo e preparado para os desafios que os projetos modernos exigem.Voc ir aprender:Conceitos principais de JavaScript moderno;Instalao e configurao do ambiente;Instalao de pacotes usando Node Package Manager;Fazer requisies HTTP em APIs Web;Principais mtodos de ciclo de vida de um componente React;Hooks;Fazer rotas;Redux;Validao de Formulrios;Formik;Yup;Fazer Deploy da sua aplicao React em um servidor;E muito mais!No deixe de conhecer todas as sees deste curso e assista as aulas abertas para voc tem uma boa ideia de tudo que iremos tratar aqui.Evolua seu lado geek na Geek University!"
Price: 109.99
