"MASTER en FOTOMONTAJE AVANZADO con Affinity Photo para iPad" |
"El curso sobre Affinity Photo para iPad ms completo de habla hispana!En el aprenders a realizar los fotomontajes ms alucinantes y complejos que jamas habas imaginado. Empezamos desde el principio, con sencillos procesos paso a paso y haciendo hincapi en las tcnicas ms complejas para que en ningn momento llegues a perderte con forme se vaya elevando el nivel.Dentro del curso aprenders los secretos de grandes maestros para realizar asombrosas extracciones e integraciones en otras imgenes, hacer grandes Mattepainting, manejo de pinceles y herramientas vectoriales y un largo etctera. Concluirs el curso realizando fotomontajes artsticos de alto nivel.No encontrars otro curso de habla hispana que hable sobre este tema tan importante.Llevamos impartiendo formaciones sobre fotografia y video ms de 5 aos y por nuestros cursos han pasado ms de 65.000 alumnos. Estas son algunas de las valoraciones ms destacadas: Me encanta la manera en la que explica, se toma el tiempo para dejarlo muy claro. Karla Perla Rosas Piedra (Alumna del curso - MASTER en RETOQUE FOTOGRFICO con Photoshop) Excelente curso. Muy til. Ahora si, a sacarle jugo al iPad Pro! Didier Alban Murillo (Alumno del curso - Affinity Photo para iPad El poder de la edicin en tu mano)Por que un iPad? Un iPad nos cabe en un pequeo bolso o incluso dentro de una mochila fotogrfica de tamao pequeo/ medio, su duracin de batera asciende a ms de 10 horas con uso continuo. Es pequeo y manejable, incluso lo podemos usar para ensear el trabajo ya terminado al cliente o incluso para hacer nuevas ventas.Por que Affinity Photo? A da de hoy es la herramienta ms potente que sabe exprimir al mximo todo el potencial que ofrece un iPad. Es la nica aplicacin real sobre retoque fotogrfico y revelado que podemos encontrar. Existen muchas aplicaciones al respecto pero ninguna est destinada a un pblico experto, por lo que el resto no son importantes cuando hablamos de sustituir nuestro Workflow comn de un ordenador por un iPad.Esto y mucho ms en este curso."
Price: 99.99

"SAP Controlling" |
"SAP is the biggest global player in ERP space. SAP Controlling is the most sought-after module. Learn SAP Controlling Business Process, Configuration, Testing and various SAP controlling concepts. This course on SAP Controlling covers business process, concepts, configuration and testing on SAP Controlling topics like Organization structure, Cost Element Accounting, Cost Center Accounting, Master data creation, Planning, Budgets, Actual Posting, Variances, Report Painter, SAP Standard Controlling Reports, Assessments and Distributions in Cost Center Accounting, Product Costing ( Over head Costing Sheet, Costing variant, Valuation Variant, Cost Component structure, WIP, Variances, Period End Process etc.), Internal Orders, Profit Center AccountingOrganizational Structure: Operating Concern, Controlling Area, Controlling versions, CO number range etc.Cost Element Accounting: Primary Cost Elements, Secondary Cost Elements, Cost Element Categories, Cost Element Groups etc.Cost Center Accounting: Master Data creation ( Cost Center, SKF, Activity Type), Cost Center Planning, Activity Type Price Calculation ( Automatic or Manual), Cost Center Budget, Actual Posting to cost center, Variances, Report Painter, SAP standard controlling Reports, Allocation, Assessments, Distribution of Costs among cost objectsProduct Costing: Overhead costing sheet, Costing Variant, Valuation Variant, Cost Component Structure, WIP/ RA configuration, CO-FI Integration, Bill of Material, Routing, Work Centers, Standard Cost run, Product Costing SAP Tables, Material Master fields relevant for product costing, Production Order creation, Production Order Settlement, WIP Calculation, Variances, Product Costing Period End Process ( Actual OH Calculation, Operation Revaluation, WIP Calculation, Variances, Settlement) etc.Internal Orders: Internal Order Business Process (Create Internal Order, Maintain Budget, Supplement / Reduce budget, Post Actual, Check Internal Order Report, Variances etc.), Order Type, Model Order, Budget Profile, Allocation Structure, Budgetary Control etc"
Price: 29.99

"Curso Completo de Whatsapp Bussines: Aprenda na Prtica" |
"Voc quer aprender a usar todo o poder do Whatsapp pra otimizar o seu negcio, melhorar o atendimento aos clientes e vender muito mais? Ento voc precisa conhecer curso de Whatsapp Business! Nesse curso te mostraremos como grandes empresas como a PetChef e as Casas Bahia, usaram o Whatsapp Business para alcanar resultados incrveis, alm de criarmos na prtica, do zero, dois perfis no whatsapp. Sendo um perfil, de uma hamburgueria de atendimento delivery e um ateli esttico que trabalha com agendamento!Portanto, voc vai aprender a criar:Perfil comercial profissionalCatlogo com foto e descrio de seus produtos e serviosLink para divulgar seu whatsappPersonalizar link do whatsappLink para divulgar seus produtos do catlogoMensagens automticas de saudaoMensagens automticas de ausnciaMensagens rpidas para agilizar seu atendimentoEtiquetas para suas conversasEtiquetas para suas mensagensListas de transmisso personalizadas para cada tipo de clienteVendas com preos personalizadas para cada tipo de clienteCriar um perfil completo no Whatsapp Business de uma hamburgueriaCriar um perfil completo no Whatsapp Business de um ateli esttico"
Price: 39.99

"Dveloppement d'extensions pour Google Chrome cours complet" |
"Vous souhaitez vous lancer dans le dveloppement d'extensions pour navigateurs ? Parfait, vous tes au bon endroit !J'ai cr ce cours qui vous permettra d'tre rapidement oprationnel dans la cration d'extensions pour Google Chrome (et pour les autres navigateurs bass sur Chromium comme par exemple Brave Browser).Pour suivre ce cours, il vous faudra des connaissances de base en dveloppement avec HTML et Javascript. Si besoin, consultez mon cours ""Devenir dveloppeur web"" afin d'effectuer votre session de rattrapage :)Le but de ce cours est simple : vous apprendre crer vos extensions pour Google Chrome. Aprs avoir suivi cette formation, vous aurez cr vos premires extensions et vous aurez les connaissances qui vous permettront de vous lancer sur n'importe quel type d'extension.En quelques lignes, voici ce que nous allons dcouvrir :Les notions fondamentales du dveloppement d'extensions pour ChromeLa structure de base d'une extensionUtiliser l'API de Chrome pour intgrer de nombreuses fonctionnalitsApprendre par la pratiqueDvelopper des exemples concretsUtiliser HTML, CSS et Javascript au mieux pour coder nos extensions...En quelques heures, vous serez parfaitement l'aise dans la cration d'extensions pour navigateurs. Rejoignez mon cours et lancez vous dans la cration d'extensions ds aujourd'hui !"
Price: 39.99

"Fully Accredited Advanced Kinesiology Diploma Course" |
"Fully Accredited Advanced Kinesiology Diploma CourseUsing Kinesiology To Heal & Assist Your Clients Every Step Of The Way! This course is fully accredited by CTAA - Complementary Therapists Accredited Association.Our Advanced Diploma course on Kinesiology is an in-depth course which adds to and builds upon the information provided in the foundation-level course. It is recommended that you have taken this course but not mandatory.We use the basis of applied kinesiology and it is important that you have an informed knowledge of anatomy and physiology prior to commencing this course.Each part of the body is interconnected, and it takes little to impact movement or for balance to be affected. Walking incorrectly can create muscular aches and pains and life is impacted as a result. Posture is also a vital consideration. You will see within this course that the human anatomy is fascinating and how to work with it for successful healing.The very principles of kinesiology are used in medicine, for health and fitness, for sports people and to recover from injuries.Our easy to learn modules include:Welcome to your Fully Accredited Advanced Kinesiology Diploma CourseYour Fully Accredited Advanced Kinesiology Diploma Course training manualAdvanced KinesiologyMuscles & Related StructuresThe Nervous SystemThe Central Nervous System & PostureCorrection TechniquesMuscle testingDiagnosticFinal Assessment & SummaryAnd so much more!This course is fully accredited by CTAA - Complementary Therapists Accredited Association."
Price: 94.99

"[2020] Guia Oficial de Scrum Narrada en espaol" |
"Guia Oficial de ScrumNarracin - ""AudioBook"" Entiende la guia escuchandola poco a poco y repitiendo los conceptos.Ideal para complementar tus cursos de Scrum.La gua tiene 19 pgina y es descargable gratis, pocas veces la leemos realmente y completamente.Mi intencin es que la escuches por partes, por cada prrafo.No soy narrador, pero creo va a ser interesante puedas escucharla.Espero tus comentarios y feedback.Ismael RamirezThis is a derivative work by Ismael Ramirez based on ScrumGuides org. No endorsement is made by either Jeff Sutherland, Ken Schwaber, or any of their related commercial entities. The original Scrum Guide is offered for license under the Attribution Share-Alike license of Creative Commons"
Price: 19.99

"[2020] Scrum Guide: Audio Book" |
"Scrum Guide: Audio Book Please remember: I am not a professional voice-over-person. Its pretty clean and understandable version of the Scrum Guide presented to you.This is a derivative work by Ismael Ramirez based on ScrumGuides org. No endorsement is made by either Jeff Sutherland, Ken Schwaber, or any of their related commercial entities. The original Scrum Guide is offered for license under the Attribution Share-Alike license of Creative Commons."
Price: 19.99

"[2020] Guia Oficial do Scrum em Portugus" |
"Guia Oficial do Scrum em PortugusNarrao - AudiolivroEntenda o gua escutando aos poucos e repitido os conceitosIdeal para complementar as suas aulas do Scrum.O gua tem 19 Pginas e pode baixa-lo sem custo, poucas vezes o compreendemos completamenteA mina inteno que voc escute aos poucos, pargrafo por pargrafoAguardo pelos seus comentarios e feedbackThis is a derivative work by Ismael Ramirez based on ScrumGuides org. No endorsement is made by either Jeff Sutherland, Ken Schwaber, or any of their related commercial entities. The original Scrum Guide is offered for license under the Attribution Share-Alike license of Creative Commons"
Price: 19.99

"La apertura inglesa 1" |
"La apertura inglesa es una de las mejores aperturas que existen.Tartakower la denomin la apertura ms fuerte del mundo y es, sin duda, la apertura favorita de la gran mayora de Grandes Maestros.De hecho, es una apertura tan fuerte que tambin es la favorita de Alphazero, la Inteligencia Artificial que ha revolucionado el ajedrez.La apertura inglesa es una apertura muy extensa, que se caracteriza por su lgica y gran cantidad de variantes, para uno y otro bando. Desde los primeros movimientos los dos jugadores buscan controlar el centro y dominar el juego en los dos flancos. Y se trata de una apertura muy rica en ideas tcticas y estratgicas.En este curso se estudian las ideas fundamentales de la apertura inglesa, celadas, trucos tcticos, planes y maniobras tpicas.No solamente aprenders aperturas, sino que tambin aprenders estrategia, mejorars tu visin tctica y combinativa y desarrollars tu tcnica en general, ya que te familiarizars con los esquemas y planes tpicos del medio juego, que surgen a partir de esta apertura tan interesante.Tienes ante ti un curso muy completo, con numerosos ejercicios prcticos e ilustrativas partidas magistrales completamente comentadas, para que puedas llegar a dominar esta apertura llena de posibilidades.Comprender las ideas que hay detrs de la apertura inglesa te permitir jugar a ganar desde las primeras jugadas y te permitir mejorar mucho tu nivel de juego.Si realmente quieres mejorar tu juego, este es tu curso."
Price: 19.99

"La apertura inglesa 2" |
"La apertura inglesa es una de las mejores aperturas que existen.Tartakower la denomin la apertura ms fuerte del mundo y es, sin duda, la apertura favorita de la gran mayora de Grandes Maestros.De hecho, es una apertura tan fuerte que tambin es la favorita de Alphazero, la Inteligencia Artificial que ha revolucionado el ajedrez.La apertura inglesa es una apertura muy extensa, que se caracteriza por su lgica y gran cantidad de variantes, para uno y otro bando. Desde los primeros movimientos los dos jugadores buscan controlar el centro y dominar el juego en los dos flancos. Y se trata de una apertura muy rica en ideas tcticas y estratgicas.En este curso se estudian las ideas fundamentales de la apertura inglesa, celadas, trucos tcticos, planes y maniobras tpicas.No solamente aprenders aperturas, sino que tambin aprenders estrategia, mejorars tu visin tctica y combinativa y desarrollars tu tcnica en general, ya que te familiarizars con los esquemas y planes tpicos del medio juego, que surgen a partir de esta apertura tan interesante.Tienes ante ti un curso muy completo, con numerosos ejercicios prcticos e ilustrativas partidas magistrales completamente comentadas, para que puedas llegar a dominar esta apertura llena de posibilidades.Comprender las ideas que hay detrs de la apertura inglesa te permitir jugar a ganar desde las primeras jugadas y te permitir mejorar mucho tu nivel de juego.Si realmente quieres mejorar tu juego, este es tu curso."
Price: 19.99

"La apertura inglesa 3" |
"La apertura inglesa es una de las mejores aperturas que existen.Tartakower la denomin la apertura ms fuerte del mundo y es, sin duda, la apertura favorita de la gran mayora de Grandes Maestros.De hecho, es una apertura tan fuerte que tambin es la favorita de Alphazero, la Inteligencia Artificial que ha revolucionado el ajedrez.La apertura inglesa es una apertura muy extensa, que se caracteriza por su lgica y gran cantidad de variantes, para uno y otro bando. Desde los primeros movimientos los dos jugadores buscan controlar el centro y dominar el juego en los dos flancos. Y se trata de una apertura muy rica en ideas tcticas y estratgicas.En este curso se estudian las ideas fundamentales de la apertura inglesa, celadas, trucos tcticos, planes y maniobras tpicas.No solamente aprenders aperturas, sino que tambin aprenders estrategia, mejorars tu visin tctica y combinativa y desarrollars tu tcnica en general, ya que te familiarizars con los esquemas y planes tpicos del medio juego, que surgen a partir de esta apertura tan interesante.Tienes ante ti un curso muy completo, con numerosos ejercicios prcticos e ilustrativas partidas magistrales completamente comentadas, para que puedas llegar a dominar esta apertura llena de posibilidades.Comprender las ideas que hay detrs de la apertura inglesa te permitir jugar a ganar desde las primeras jugadas y te permitir mejorar mucho tu nivel de juego.Si realmente quieres mejorar tu juego, este es tu curso."
Price: 19.99

"La apertura inglesa 4" |
"La apertura inglesa es una de las mejores aperturas que existen.Tartakower la denomin la apertura ms fuerte del mundo y es, sin duda, la apertura favorita de la gran mayora de Grandes Maestros.De hecho, es una apertura tan fuerte que tambin es la favorita de Alphazero, la Inteligencia Artificial que ha revolucionado el ajedrez.La apertura inglesa es una apertura muy extensa, que se caracteriza por su lgica y gran cantidad de variantes, para uno y otro bando. Desde los primeros movimientos los dos jugadores buscan controlar el centro y dominar el juego en los dos flancos. Y se trata de una apertura muy rica en ideas tcticas y estratgicas.En este curso se estudian las ideas fundamentales de la apertura inglesa, celadas, trucos tcticos, planes y maniobras tpicas.No solamente aprenders aperturas, sino que tambin aprenders estrategia, mejorars tu visin tctica y combinativa y desarrollars tu tcnica en general, ya que te familiarizars con los esquemas y planes tpicos del medio juego, que surgen a partir de esta apertura tan interesante.Tienes ante ti un curso muy completo, con numerosos ejercicios prcticos e ilustrativas partidas magistrales completamente comentadas, para que puedas llegar a dominar esta apertura llena de posibilidades.Comprender las ideas que hay detrs de la apertura inglesa te permitir jugar a ganar desde las primeras jugadas y te permitir mejorar mucho tu nivel de juego.Si realmente quieres mejorar tu juego, este es tu curso."
Price: 19.99

"La apertura inglesa 5" |
"La apertura inglesa es una de las mejores aperturas que existen.Tartakower la denomin la apertura ms fuerte del mundo y es, sin duda, la apertura favorita de la gran mayora de Grandes Maestros.De hecho, es una apertura tan fuerte que tambin es la favorita de Alphazero, la Inteligencia Artificial que ha revolucionado el ajedrez.La apertura inglesa es una apertura muy extensa, que se caracteriza por su lgica y gran cantidad de variantes, para uno y otro bando. Desde los primeros movimientos los dos jugadores buscan controlar el centro y dominar el juego en los dos flancos. Y se trata de una apertura muy rica en ideas tcticas y estratgicas.En este curso se estudian las ideas fundamentales de la apertura inglesa, celadas, trucos tcticos, planes y maniobras tpicas.No solamente aprenders aperturas, sino que tambin aprenders estrategia, mejorars tu visin tctica y combinativa y desarrollars tu tcnica en general, ya que te familiarizars con los esquemas y planes tpicos del medio juego, que surgen a partir de esta apertura tan interesante.Tienes ante ti un curso muy completo, con numerosos ejercicios prcticos e ilustrativas partidas magistrales completamente comentadas, para que puedas llegar a dominar esta apertura llena de posibilidades.Comprender las ideas que hay detrs de la apertura inglesa te permitir jugar a ganar desde las primeras jugadas y te permitir mejorar mucho tu nivel de juego.Si realmente quieres mejorar tu juego, este es tu curso."
Price: 19.99

"La apertura inglesa 6" |
"La apertura inglesa es una de las mejores aperturas que existen.Tartakower la denomin la apertura ms fuerte del mundo y es, sin duda, la apertura favorita de la gran mayora de Grandes Maestros.De hecho, es una apertura tan fuerte que tambin es la favorita de Alphazero, la Inteligencia Artificial que ha revolucionado el ajedrez.La apertura inglesa es una apertura muy extensa, que se caracteriza por su lgica y gran cantidad de variantes, para uno y otro bando. Desde los primeros movimientos los dos jugadores buscan controlar el centro y dominar el juego en los dos flancos. Y se trata de una apertura muy rica en ideas tcticas y estratgicas.En este curso se estudian las ideas fundamentales de la apertura inglesa, celadas, trucos tcticos, planes y maniobras tpicas.No solamente aprenders aperturas, sino que tambin aprenders estrategia, mejorars tu visin tctica y combinativa y desarrollars tu tcnica en general, ya que te familiarizars con los esquemas y planes tpicos del medio juego, que surgen a partir de esta apertura tan interesante.Tienes ante ti un curso muy completo, con numerosos ejercicios prcticos e ilustrativas partidas magistrales completamente comentadas, para que puedas llegar a dominar esta apertura llena de posibilidades.Comprender las ideas que hay detrs de la apertura inglesa te permitir jugar a ganar desde las primeras jugadas y te permitir mejorar mucho tu nivel de juego.Si realmente quieres mejorar tu juego, este es tu curso."
Price: 19.99

"La apertura inglesa 7" |
"La apertura inglesa es una de las mejores aperturas que existen.Tartakower la denomin la apertura ms fuerte del mundo y es, sin duda, la apertura favorita de la gran mayora de Grandes Maestros.De hecho, es una apertura tan fuerte que tambin es la favorita de Alphazero, la Inteligencia Artificial que ha revolucionado el ajedrez.La apertura inglesa es una apertura muy extensa, que se caracteriza por su lgica y gran cantidad de variantes, para uno y otro bando. Desde los primeros movimientos los dos jugadores buscan controlar el centro y dominar el juego en los dos flancos. Y se trata de una apertura muy rica en ideas tcticas y estratgicas.En este curso se estudian las ideas fundamentales de la apertura inglesa, celadas, trucos tcticos, planes y maniobras tpicas.No solamente aprenders aperturas, sino que tambin aprenders estrategia, mejorars tu visin tctica y combinativa y desarrollars tu tcnica en general, ya que te familiarizars con los esquemas y planes tpicos del medio juego, que surgen a partir de esta apertura tan interesante.Tienes ante ti un curso muy completo, con numerosos ejercicios prcticos e ilustrativas partidas magistrales completamente comentadas, para que puedas llegar a dominar esta apertura llena de posibilidades.Comprender las ideas que hay detrs de la apertura inglesa te permitir jugar a ganar desde las primeras jugadas y te permitir mejorar mucho tu nivel de juego.Si realmente quieres mejorar tu juego, este es tu curso."
Price: 19.99

"La apertura inglesa 8" |
"La apertura inglesa es una de las mejores aperturas que existen.Tartakower la denomin la apertura ms fuerte del mundo y es, sin duda, la apertura favorita de la gran mayora de Grandes Maestros.De hecho, es una apertura tan fuerte que tambin es la favorita de Alphazero, la Inteligencia Artificial que ha revolucionado el ajedrez.La apertura inglesa es una apertura muy extensa, que se caracteriza por su lgica y gran cantidad de variantes, para uno y otro bando. Desde los primeros movimientos los dos jugadores buscan controlar el centro y dominar el juego en los dos flancos. Y se trata de una apertura muy rica en ideas tcticas y estratgicas.En este curso se estudian las ideas fundamentales de la apertura inglesa, celadas, trucos tcticos, planes y maniobras tpicas.No solamente aprenders aperturas, sino que tambin aprenders estrategia, mejorars tu visin tctica y combinativa y desarrollars tu tcnica en general, ya que te familiarizars con los esquemas y planes tpicos del medio juego, que surgen a partir de esta apertura tan interesante.Tienes ante ti un curso muy completo, con numerosos ejercicios prcticos e ilustrativas partidas magistrales completamente comentadas, para que puedas llegar a dominar esta apertura llena de posibilidades.Comprender las ideas que hay detrs de la apertura inglesa te permitir jugar a ganar desde las primeras jugadas y te permitir mejorar mucho tu nivel de juego.Si realmente quieres mejorar tu juego, este es tu curso."
Price: 19.99

"La apertura inglesa 9" |
"La apertura inglesa es una de las mejores aperturas que existen.Tartakower la denomin la apertura ms fuerte del mundo y es, sin duda, la apertura favorita de la gran mayora de Grandes Maestros.De hecho, es una apertura tan fuerte que tambin es la favorita de Alphazero, la Inteligencia Artificial que ha revolucionado el ajedrez.La apertura inglesa es una apertura muy extensa, que se caracteriza por su lgica y gran cantidad de variantes, para uno y otro bando. Desde los primeros movimientos los dos jugadores buscan controlar el centro y dominar el juego en los dos flancos. Y se trata de una apertura muy rica en ideas tcticas y estratgicas.En este curso se estudian las ideas fundamentales de la apertura inglesa, celadas, trucos tcticos, planes y maniobras tpicas.No solamente aprenders aperturas, sino que tambin aprenders estrategia, mejorars tu visin tctica y combinativa y desarrollars tu tcnica en general, ya que te familiarizars con los esquemas y planes tpicos del medio juego, que surgen a partir de esta apertura tan interesante.Tienes ante ti un curso muy completo, con numerosos ejercicios prcticos e ilustrativas partidas magistrales completamente comentadas, para que puedas llegar a dominar esta apertura llena de posibilidades.Comprender las ideas que hay detrs de la apertura inglesa te permitir jugar a ganar desde las primeras jugadas y te permitir mejorar mucho tu nivel de juego.Si realmente quieres mejorar tu juego, este es tu curso."
Price: 19.99

"La apertura inglesa 10" |
"La apertura inglesa es una de las mejores aperturas que existen.Tartakower la denomin la apertura ms fuerte del mundo y es, sin duda, la apertura favorita de la gran mayora de Grandes Maestros.De hecho, es una apertura tan fuerte que tambin es la favorita de Alphazero, la Inteligencia Artificial que ha revolucionado el ajedrez.La apertura inglesa es una apertura muy extensa, que se caracteriza por su lgica y gran cantidad de variantes, para uno y otro bando. Desde los primeros movimientos los dos jugadores buscan controlar el centro y dominar el juego en los dos flancos. Y se trata de una apertura muy rica en ideas tcticas y estratgicas.En este curso se estudian las ideas fundamentales de la apertura inglesa, celadas, trucos tcticos, planes y maniobras tpicas.No solamente aprenders aperturas, sino que tambin aprenders estrategia, mejorars tu visin tctica y combinativa y desarrollars tu tcnica en general, ya que te familiarizars con los esquemas y planes tpicos del medio juego, que surgen a partir de esta apertura tan interesante.Tienes ante ti un curso muy completo, con numerosos ejercicios prcticos e ilustrativas partidas magistrales completamente comentadas, para que puedas llegar a dominar esta apertura llena de posibilidades.Comprender las ideas que hay detrs de la apertura inglesa te permitir jugar a ganar desde las primeras jugadas y te permitir mejorar mucho tu nivel de juego.Si realmente quieres mejorar tu juego, este es tu curso."
Price: 19.99

"Public Relations & Marketing overview" |
"Public opinion is the single most powerful and influential factor in determining whether or not any business or organisation will succeed. The same is true across private and public sectors alike public opinion having the power to make or break a brand in record time. Just as strong public opinion can propel a business to success in an instant, a poor reputation can have the exact opposite effect. The Internet has made constant and aggressive reputation management more important than ever before - a process orchestrated and managed by PR professionals.As a profession, public relations is challenging, rewarding and fulfilling equal measures. Along with practical experience and a very specific set of character traits, it takes a strong educational foundation upon which to build a life-long career in PR. Ideally suited to those looking to join the industry at an entry level or continue studying at a much higher level, this free course introduces the basics of both the concept of PR and the profession itself.Core topics covered include the differences between PR, advertising and publicity, a variety of PR tools and a broad overview of contemporary public relations in general."
Price: 19.99

"Departmental Accounts Complete Course for Beginners" |
"Use Coupon Code: SEPT35 for 35% Discount.In a business organisation where there are several independent activities or where there are various departments carrying on separate functions, the management would be interested in finding out the performance of each department. This can be made possible if departmental accounts are prepared. Here, each department is considered as a separate Activity Center.Basically, in departmental accounts, each department prepares its separate accounts to judge individual performance and to find net profit or loss of each department. This can improve the efficiency of each and every department of organisation. Also, availability of separate cost and profit figures of each department facilitates better control and thus effective planning can be achieved on the basis of departmental accounting information. So, this is the tool which helps management in decision making.In this course, we will understand the complete departmental accounting with allocation of expense between different departments and preparation of general profit and loss account for the organisation as a whole and the balance sheet showing the financial position of the company.Also, many times there is transfer of goods between departments at cost price or at a price higher than the cost. So, here, we will also study how to account for this inter-departmental transfer and elimination of unrealized profit on unsold stock.And lastly, we will also study Memorandum Stock and Memorandum Markup Account method of Departmental Accounting.What will you learn? Meaning and importance of Departmental Accounts Format of Departmental Accounts Basis of Allocation of Expenses between departments Preparation of General Profit and Loss Account Accounting of Inter-Departmental transfer of goods at cost price or invoice price Calculation of stock reserve Memorandum Stock and Memorandum Markup Account method 8 comprehensive problem solving sessionsThis accounting course consists of simple and logical explanatory videos on all the topics of Department along with various problems solving sessions which covers all the different varieties of concepts and adjustments.Who can take this course?This course is beneficial to all the students or professionals or anyone who wants to have in depth knowledge on Departmental Accounting with the help of explanatory and problem solving videos.Benefits of taking this courseOn completion of this course, your knowledge on Departmental Accounts will be stronger. This course consists a total of 3 sections with 11 lectures in total that will make Departmental Accounting very easy and interesting with deeper knowledge of the entire topic.Explanatory videos ensure complete concept understanding.Problem solving sessions helps in applying your knowledge to solve various problems.In short it is an interesting and complete course on Departmental Accounts fulfilling all the needs.So hurry up and enroll now!"
Price: 19.99

"Vocabulary for GRE, GMAT, TOEFL, IELTS" |
"Hello students, welcome to my new course. This course has been designed to make you memorize a minimum of 600 words. This course has been divided into 4 parts, where in each part we will cover 150 words in 30 videos, each video having 5 words each. Hope you will enjoy the course.Have a happy Learning"
Price: 159.99

"JavaScript Web Projects: 20 Projects to Build Your Portfolio" |
"Just launched July 2020 with all modern features of HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript! Join a live online community of over 350,000+ developers and a course taught by industry experts that have actually worked both in Silicon Valley and Toronto with JavaScript! This course is focused on efficiency and getting you hired by building your dream portfolio so you can get a job or work as a freelancer. Never spend time on confusing, out of date, incomplete tutorials anymore! Graduates of Andreis courses are now working at Google, Tesla, Amazon, Apple, IBM, JP Morgan, Facebook, + other top tech companies (seriously, google this to verify some testimonials).Whether you want to become a freelancer, get hired, or to just advance your career, this brand new course will take you step by step through 20 JavaScript projects that you will be able to customize and put on your portfolio right away. Along the way, you will learn to build projects using HTML, CSS and JavaScript and truly build your skills as a JavaScript developer.Whether you want to one day learn React, Angular, Vue JS, Node.js, Svelte, or any other toolchain of a modern developer, at the end of the day, JavaScript fundamentals are key, and learning JavaScript is an investment that will pay off many years into the future. By solidifying your JavaScript knowledge and being able to build thing without crutches like libraries and frameworks, you will future proof yourself. Here is the truth: Its easy to find JavaScript projects to work on online. You can copy and paste code. You can watch YouTube videos. Thats simple (and free). This course is different in that not only de we have modern projects using the latest features of JavaScript, and browser APIs, but we also do a Code Review of each project. After we build a website, we go through the code and talk about how we can improve the code, how to improve the security, or improve the performance of your projects.Its like having a senior developer finally teach you what good code means, what are the common mistakes beginners make, and how to write maintainable code.All code is going to be provided to you, and even if you dont like to code along, you will get access to the code for the projects to put them on your portfolio right away.So what are we building? Get ready for this: Spock Rock Game - Confetti.js, ModulesQuote Generator - Fetch, Async/Await, Quote API, CORSPicture-in-Picture - Picture-in-Picture API, Screen Capture APIBookmarks App - DOM, localStorageNASA APOD - Fetch, Async/Await, NASA API, DOM, localStorageAnimated Navigation - CSS AnimationsInfinite Scroll - Fetch, Async/Await, Unsplash API, DOM, Scroll Event ListenerCountdown App - Date, localStorageMusic Player - HTML 5 Audio APICalculator - Math MethodsSplash Page - DOM BasicsLight/Dark Mode - DOM, localStorageForm Validation - DOM, FormsJoke Teller - Fetch, Async/Await, Joke API, Text-to-SpeechVideo Player - HTML 5 Video APIMS Paint Clone - Advanced HTML Canvas, localStoragePong Clone - Advanced HTML CanvasMath Sprint Game - SetInterval, DOM, Array Methods, localStorageAnimated Template - Template, AOS.jsDrag and Drop - Drag and Drop API, localStorageWe will be using modern ES6,ES7,ES8,ES9,ES10 features to master JavaScript! Think of this as a full on JavaScript bootcamp to get you from a beginner to a confident programmer! on top of that, we also cover common UI/UX practices to make sure we have good designs and our projects are mobile friendly.The course is not about making you just code along without understanding the principles so that when you are done with the course you dont know what to do other than watch another tutorial. No! This course will push you and challenge you to go from an absolute beginner in JavaScript to someone that is able to build projects on their own.So the best time to begin? It's Today! By taking that first step right now, you are that much closer to developing the skills that get you hired and closer to your dream career. See you inside the course :)Taught By:Andrei Neagoie is the instructor of the highest rated Development courses on Udemy as well as one of the fastest growing. His graduates have moved on to work for some of the biggest tech companies around the world like Apple, Google, Amazon, JP Morgan, IBM, UNIQLO etc... He has been working as a senior software developer in Silicon Valley and Toronto for many years, and is now taking all that he has learned, to teach programming skills and to help you discover the amazing career opportunities that being a developer allows in life. Having been a self taught programmer, he understands that there is an overwhelming number of online courses, tutorials and books that are overly verbose and inadequate at teaching proper skills. Most people feel paralyzed and don't know where to start when learning a complex subject matter, or even worse, most people don't have $20,000 to spend on a coding bootcamp. Programming skills should be affordable and open to all. An education material should teach real life skills that are current and they should not waste a student's valuable time. Having learned important lessons from working for Fortune 500 companies, tech startups, to even founding his own business, he is now dedicating 100% of his time to teaching others valuable software development skills in order to take control of their life and work in an exciting industry with infinite possibilities. Andrei promises you that there are no other courses out there as comprehensive and as well explained. He believes that in order to learn anything of value, you need to start with the foundation and develop the roots of the tree. Only from there will you be able to learn concepts and specific skills(leaves) that connect to the foundation. Learning becomes exponential when structured in this way. Taking his experience in educational psychology and coding, Andrei's courses will take you on an understanding of complex subjects that you never thought would be possible. --------Jacinto is a Senior Developer with the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation with a diverse background, including 5 years experience as a teacher in Canada and South Korea. He has had a passion for technology from a very young age, which led him to build his first computer at age 12 and start using design software at 16. As an instructor for the Zero To Mastery Academy, Jacinto combines these artistic and critical thinking skills to create high quality projects that will add real value to students portfolios and jump start their careers in web development.Starting out learning something new can be challenging and there are so many resources available that it can be overwhelming. Jacinto understands that for some, bootcamps and post-secondary education are too time-consuming or expensive for many to consider. With that in mind, he does his best to create the highest quality courses that are inexpensive and beginner-friendly.As a self-taught developer, Jacinto started from scratch and learned enough to land a Senior Developer job after only 4 months working through online courses. He knows it is possible to upgrade your skills and switch careers without spending excessive time or money. He couldnt be happier to be in this exciting and growing industry and aims to provide students with the same opportunity.See you inside the courses!"
Price: 169.99

"Blissful Mixed Massages: Thai, Swedish, Indian Head & More" |
"International Techniques Demonstrated & Explained For BeginnersAbsorb powerful skills, with ancient and modern methods from the greatest Eastern and Western traditions at your fingertips. Appreciate beautiful scenery, numerous camera angles, world-class music, and elegantly detailed narration; enjoy a learning journey that is swift and smooth.Improve physical health and emotional health; strengthen social relationships; indulge in the benefits of deep relaxation.Make social gatherings more interesting or spoil loved ones at the end of a long day.Learn to share mesmerizing feelings of well-being, relief and tranquility. 3.5 Hours of Narrated Tutorials:Pick and choose what you want to learn, and when you want to learn... Thai Yoga Back Rub Hand Foot Simple Swedish on a Bed Deep Tissue - Back Indian Head Hawaiian Lomilomi Abdomen Swedish Legs Equipment Advice Basic Principles of MassageA Diverse Skill Set:International MassagesTechniques For All SituationsLearn Quickly & Easily No Prior Knowledge RequiredBeautifully Presented:Filmed in Serene LocationsRelaxing MusicProfessional NarrationNumerous Camera AnglesReal-Time DemonstrationsNote: this is composed of a carefully-picked selection of video footage taken from the 'Massage Professional: 15 Hours, 11 Certificates' course and book selection, also by Ebodhi and available on Udemy. This larger course does not participate in the usual Udemy discount promotions, and is designed for ambitious students rather than for those with a casual interest in massage."
Price: 34.99

"Safe Management Measures awareness" |
"Singapore has implemented the Circuit Breaker from 7 April. This meant ONLY ESSENTIAL Businesses were allowed to operate and with restrictions or safe management measures in place.As Singapore enters a stage were it is exiting the Circuit Breaker, it will do so cautiously and progressively, with certain businesses only allowed to resume also with Safe Management Measures in place.Under the COVID-19 (Temporary Measures) Act, failure to comply with Safe Management Measures will be fined up to $10,000 or jailed up to 6 months, or both. Repeated non-compliance will be fined up to $20,000 or jailed up to 12 months, or both.Post Circuit Breaker Restart- Understanding Safe Management MeasuresCourse OverviewLearners will be able to understand:The needs and objectives behind Safe Management Measures and the various requirements to be implemented for general workplace settingsLegal Requirements based on MOH, MTI and MOMThe roles and responsibilities of Safe Management Officer(s) (SMO) in implementing a Safe Management Measures Programme at workplaces.The Governments requirements for workplaces to implement upon resumption of economic activities after the Circuit Breaker period.Course OutlineNeeds and objectives behind Safe Management MeasuresPurpose of the Safe Management MeasuresSafe Management Officer(s)The Governments requirements for workplaces to implement upon resumption of economic activities Post Circuit Breaker Period.Run down on Annex C Checklist of Safe Management Measures Required at the workplace for resumption of business activitiesPenalties"
Price: 44.99

"Safe Management Measures Officer Course" |
"Safe Management Officer CourseCourse Overview for Safe Management OfficersSafe Management Officer Course Learners will be able to understand:And apply the legal requirements related to COVID-19 safe workplaceIdentify and perform the roles and responsibilities of an appointed Safe Management Officer (SMO)The Safe Management Measures requirementsCoordinating the implementation of SMM Plan at workplacesMonitor and review the Safe Measures at the workplaceSafe Management Officer Course OutlineIntroduction to Covid-19.Legal Requirements on Safe Management Measures.General vs Sector Specific RequirementsSources of InformationRoles and responsibilities of appointed Safe Management Officer (SMO) & Safe Distance Officers (SDO)Developing Safe Management Plan and Monitoring PlanSteps to implement effective Safe Management MeasuresMonitoring SMM and Inspection (Checklists)Use of TechnologyRun down on Annex C Checklist of Safe Management Measures Required at the workplace for resumption of business activitiesPenaltiesTarget AudienceManagement Representations who will be appointed as Safe Management Officer (SMO), WSH Professionals (Safety Managers/WSH Officers/ WSH Coordinators), Safe Distancing Officers (SDO)s, Self-employed persons and representatives or any person who is interested to perform Safe Management Measures in their workplaces.All industries such as Construction( You can attend Awareness Courses but your Safe Management Officer needs to attend a online BCA training), Shipyard, Manufacturing, Oil Petrochemical and other businesses such as F&B establishments, Retail establishments, Shopping malls Department stores, and standalone stores."
Price: 59.99

"Microsoft Excel Advanced" |
"This course is designed for users who wish to increase their skills and knowledge of spreadsheets and Microsoft Excel. This level will help the delegate to produce more advanced and productive spreadsheets using many of the built-in features. This Excel Advanced Course includes the use of form controls, what-if analysis, Pivot Tables and an introduction to Macros and VBA."
Price: 149.99

"Como administrar o tempo ao seu estilo de vida" |
"A grama do vizinho mais verde quando comparo a organizao do meu dia a dia? Vou dormir sem conseguir fazer o que me programei? No sei quem controla meu tempo, acho que ele que me controla.Te convidamos a entender como o seu perfil comportamental pode influenciar nas prioridades dirias, ou sabot-lo em sua administrao do tempo, e tambm em como us-lo a seu favor.Facilitamos esse processo atravs de exerccios de autoconhecimento e vdeos com explicaes simples e direta, usando a linguagem do dia a dia."
Price: 39.99

"Learn How to Create Videos for Your Online Course" |
"Are you an Online trainer or a coach? Do you want to learn how to create instructional videos for your online courses?Then you've come to the right place!I'm Kush Sharma, an online entrepreneur who specializes in running an online course business.I'm currently the author of 15 courses related to photography, videography, editing and online marketing. Currently my courses have been downloaded in over 120 countries.I have developed this course for online coaches who want to learn how to create videos for their online courses.We will start by first learning the different methods of creating videos for your online courses.Then we will start to dive in deep into each method.We will be starting with the most popular easiest method to create online courses, i.e, Screencasting. I'll be showing you how the different types of screencasting software and how to use them with a webcam.We will be seeing free software for screencasting as well as paid software.I'll actually be showing you how to use these screencasting software.From there on we'll be moving towards learning about the all important Audio. You'll learn that more often than not, audio is more important than even video when it comes to online courses.In this section we'll be learning about the different types of microphones and ways to make your audio sound better.From there on, we'll be seeing how to shoot videos using both the smartphone and a DSLR camera. In this section I'll be shooting these videos right in front of your eyes so you exactly see how I shoot these videos for my own online courses.In this section we'll also be learning about the different type of equipment that can help you in shooting videos, like LED lights, tripods, different brackets, etc.From there we'll move towards the all important section on video editing. Here I'll be showing you how to use a completely free video editing software to edit your videos. Then we'll also be seeing how to edit your audio to make it sound better, again by using a free software.Finally, we'll be rounding things off by looking at some very vital tips on improving the overall process of online course video creation.This is the era of videos and as an Online Coach, you can take your coaching business to the next level by learning how to create videos the correct way.I hope to see you inside the course :)"
Price: 139.99

"Da 0 ad Ethical Hacker" |
"Il corso in italiano.Il corso presenta gli strumenti principali utilizzati da un ethical hacker. Nel corso presente anche il mio libro che consente di studiare in modo dettagliato la parte teorica. Dopo ogni lezione aggiuntiva teorica verr descritto il funzionamento degli strumenti con esempi pratici, ad esempio, come eseguire dei penetration test manuali con burp e come evidenziare le tipologie di attacco pi frequenti (sql injection, xss, xxe ed altre). Il corso risulter completo dopo aver seguito tutte le lezioni e aver completato i quiz. Alla fine, in caso di esito positivo, verr rilasciato un attestato."
Price: 69.99

"Gravit designer le cours complet" |
"Gravit designerGravit designer est un logiciel de cration graphique qui peut fonctionner sur toutes les plateformes. C'est un logiciel polyvalent qui permet de crer un nombre vari de conceptions graphiques. Il offre la possibilit de travailler au format vectoriel, trs utile pour la conception de logo, d'affiche, ou tous documents destins l'impression. C'est galement un outil complet qui vous permettra de faire vos documents marketing, comme les posts pour les rseaux sociaux, les montages, ou encore les fiches de prsentation. Il existe une version en libre service en ligne, et une version de bureau. De nombreux outils accessibles, gestion de texte, des objets, ajout d'effets et bien plus. Il est possible de dmarrer avec des modles. Il peut convenir aussi bien des dbutants qu des experts grce sa polyvalence. Il propose une interface ergonomique. Cration de documents graphiques- Couverture de livre- Affiche- Flyer- Montage photo- Post pour rseaux sociaux- Carte de visite - Carte d'invitation- Logo- Maquette de site web- Et bien plus...La formationIl y a une version gratuite et le cours permettra de voir le logiciel avec toutes les fonctionnalits de la version gratuite ainsi que de la version pro sur bureau. Vous apprendrez ainsi utiliser toutes les fonctionnalits pour pouvoir optimiser vos designs. Il y aura galement plusieurs entrainements sur la cration de documents graphiques varis."
Price: 49.99

"Adobe XD for application and web design" |
"Adobe XDAdobe XD is a software from the Adobe series that allows you to create mobile applications, but also all types of web design. It offers great simplicity in its interface, which means that the design has never been more convenient than in Adobe XD. Unlike software like Photoshop or Illustrator which requires a lot more functionality to create mobile or web mockups, Adobe XD is the ideal design tool for creating this type of design. It incorporates policies, shapes, colors, icons and images. It is possible to choose all starting sizes. Adobe XD also has a very handy layer system. We also work with assets and components.Adobe XD allows you to- Create a mobile application- Create landing pages- Create the design of a website- Create interactions between the different artboardsAt the end of your work, you can use your design and it can be ready for web development.TrainingIn this course, you will learn how to prototype from scratch with Adobe XD. As you act step by step, learn about the software, use the tools, manage colors, images and more, you will be able to see the full range of features. Design will no longer hold any secrets for you. You can also work on concrete examples through the creation of web applications with different work plans, defining by the interactions between them."
Price: 49.99
