"Vencer Crises!" |
"preciso refletir e compreender sobre sua vida profissional durante e depois de momentos de crise.Neste curso voc receber elementos cruciais que podero fortalecer sua personalidade profissional para seguir em perodo de incertezas e instabilidades em todo o mundo.Se o momento de crise e dificuldades, voc precisa de conhecimento para ter motivao e confiana em suas decises e aes."
Price: 39.99

"Salesforce JavaScript Developer I Practice Tests" |
"This course is designed to ensure that you learn & master the concepts of the Salesforce JavaScript area and pass the certification exam on your first try. My practice tests will help you learn how to clear the Salesforce JavaScript Developer I certification. The practical hands-on learning approach followed in the course will ensure you clear the certification course. All the best!I am also looking forward to hearing from you about how much these tests have benefited you in preparing your exam. Please leave your comments and I shall do my best to reply to you at the earliest possible time from me.Best of Luck."
Price: 24.99

"Basics of Revenue Management" |
"In this course you will understand the basics of Revenue Management. You will also learn about the practical application of Revenue Management in the day to day operations of a hotel. You will be able to gain more insights into the mindset of the management team in terms of business strategy. This course will give you a great introduction to the subject which you can build up upon by taking a professional full time course from a university."
Price: 199.99

"10 Minute Daily Face Yoga" |
"Learn the benefits of the daily practice of Face Yoga to sculpt and tighten your facial muscles. The course comprises of 7 sections which guide you through the facial areas with step-by-step instructions of individual exercises. The course culminates in a 10 minute daily face yoga routine to follow. This course is suitable for anyone who is interested in the holistic benefits of facial yoga for self improvement and wellbeing."
Price: 34.99

"Anlise de informaes geogrficas com SURFER 13" |
"(Inclui arquivo PDF com passo a passo). Nesse curso, vamos utilizar o software SURFER 13 para criar curvas de nvel, perfis topogrficos, mapas em trs dimenses atravs de dados disponibilizados na internet. muito til para observarmos o relevo de um local, ter conscincia de locais mais elevados, para onde a gua escoa. Tambm ser mostrado mtodos de interpolao, e como criar mapas de fluxo de gua subterrnea."
Price: 39.99

"Uso do solo e reas verdes em APPs e Unidades de Conservao" |
"(Inclui arquivo PDF com passo a passo). Nesse curso, vamos utilizar ferramentas de programas gratuitos- como Google Earth, QGis e Excel- para avaliar o uso do solo em uma rea de rea de Preservao Ambiental, mas que pode ser usada para outros tipos de Unidades de Conservao. Essas reas necessitam ter seus recursos naturais preservados e a ocupao humana deve ser bem administrada. O curso interessante tambm para quem quer aprender algumas ferramentas de geoprocessamento, e aplic-las para outros fins."
Price: 39.99

"Avaliao espao-temporal da qualidade da gua" |
"(Inclui arquivo PDF com passo a passo). Nesse curso, vamos ver noes de legislao de qualidade da gua e coletar informaes do monitoramento regular de qualidade da gua do rgo ambiental de Minas Gerais, para processamento do programa QGIS e observao da variao de parmetros de qualidade da gua, dos trechos do rio Paraopeba, na faixa de tempo de 2012 at o terceiro trimestre de 2019. O mtodo pode ser executado para quaisquer outros dados de qualidade de outra localidade,sendo necessrios os dados geogrficos e de tempo de amostragem."
Price: 39.99

"ACQUIRE ENGLISH:Speaking, Listening and Pronunciation A1->A2" |
"The goal of this course is simple; to improve your speaking, listening and pronunciation. In our videos, we use simple, easy to understand pictures to help you acquire English skills, not learn English. We do not stand in front of a white board teaching grammar. We want you to have English skills for communication, not just English knowledge for test taking.By following along with our step-by-step training system were confident your English speaking listen and pronunciation will go to the next level.We hope you enjoy the lessons and thank you for doing the Acquire course."
Price: 49.99

"Introduction to Financial Derivatives" |
"You will understand the main categories of Financial Derivatives: forwards, futures, swaps and options and all related terms about derivatives trading with case studies You will learn how to make scenario analysis for Cross Currency Forwards, Cross Currency Swaps, Interest Rate Swaps (IRS), Forward Rate Agreement (FRA) by solving examples You will learn the basics of options valuation and Greeks. You will understand how to calculate the Breakeven level and make scenario analysis on Options. You will be able to discuss effects of Monetary Policy Decisions, Economical Environment, Market Efficiency, Volatility and Leverage on the value of derivatives and the basics of margin valuation."
Price: 24.99

"Practice test : SAP Analytics Cloud" |
"SAP Analytics cloud offers certification exam, the practice test is designed by our Experts to test your understanding in the following sectionsData Preparation: Data ModelSAP Analytics Cloud Administration, Connections and IntegrationBusiness IntelligenceSAP Analytics Cloud ArchitectureContent presentation, Sharing, CollaborationBuilding StoriesDesigning analytical applicationsPractice test addresses real-life scenarios and practical examples which are useful to you for preparing for the real exam!**Disclaimer1.SAP is a registered trademark of SAP AG in Germany and many other countries. I am NOT associated with SAP.2.SAP software and SAP Analytics cloud (SAC) are proprietary SAP software."
Price: 1280.00

"The 40 Best Moves to Resolve or Reduce Your Low Back Pain" |
"This exercise series is for women and men suffering from low back pain that feels nagging, surprising, moderate & non-stop; or chronic, severe pain. These safe, high quality moves are best to help you prevent or recover from conditions that arise from too much curvature (arching) of the low back, which is called hyper-extension or Lordosis. This includes conditions like chronic hyper-extensions, back spasms, scoliosis, Anterior Pelvic Tilt (APT), herniated disc(s), pre-or-post back surgery, lower cross syndrome, or posture problems like sway-back, Military posture, Dancer's posture, or Athlete's posture. If you want to resolve your back pain with safe, efficient exercise-- you have to strengthen your core with proper technique. The techniques you learn here are simple, logical, and powerful changes for people with excessive curvature in the low spine (lordosis). Improve your core strength, flexibility, mobility and posture-- and protect you from the troubles of back pain. Get back to feeling strong, youthful and vibrant! Safely resolve or reduce back pain caused by your specific condition. Your Pain Score should be 6 of 10 or less. If your pain feels unbearable or intolerable, or you cannot walk-- you should first seek advice or therapy from a medical doctor or Physical Therapist."
Price: 39.99

"500 Yu TbeDIY m(__)m"
Price: 12600.00

"Sra D Hikaye Anlatma ve Yazma" |
"Sra D yk Anlatma ve Yazma Kursu, sizi unutulmaz bir konumac yapacak. Bu kurs ile hikaye anlatmann tesine geip insanlara bir hikayeyi yaatacaksnz. Anlatacanz hikayeler, canl sunulan bir filme, unutulmaz bir gsteriye dnecek ve karnzdaki kiiyi olaanst ekilde etkileyecek. Bugn en nl en etkili youtuber'lar kendilerini ""hikaye anlatcs"" olarak tanmlyor. Kendine zg bir hikayesi olan oyuncular, sanatlar ve insanlar byk projelere seiliyor. Kendi yksn en iyi anlatan markalar ve irketler pazarda liderlii ele geiriyor. Btn bunlardan tr sra d ve etkili ekilde hikaye anlatmak her zamankinden daha nemli.Bu kursta reneceiniz tekniklerle unutulmaz ve etkileyici ykler anlatacaksnz. Bazen kendinizle ilgili anlatacanz bir yk sayesinde bir ie girecek ya da bir ii alacaksnz. Belki byk bir sat yapacaksnz. Byk konferanslarda izleyicilerinizi byleceksiniz. Youtube kanalnzdaki izleyicileriniz bir sonraki yknz dinlemek iin sabrszlanacak. Konumacysanz, sizi dinleyenler tekrar tekrar baka konferanslara, eitimlere davet edecekler.Bu kurs size sra d yk anlatmann yan sra sra d bir yky nasl kurgulayacanz da retecek. Sfrdan bir yk yazmak istiyorsanz, en yaratc, en arpc, en popler yky siz yazacaksnz. lham gelmiyor demeyeceksiniz, ilham o kadar artacak ki, hangi yk yazacanza karar vermekte glk ekeceksiniz. te o noktada, bu kursun muhteem iki sorusu iinizi kolaylatracak: Amacm ne ve amacma en ok hangi yk, hangi kalp, hangi karakter hizmet ediyor sorular pusulanz olacak."
Price: 29.99

"Niagara y materiales avanzados en Unreal Engine" |
"Hola y bienvenidos al curso de efectos visuales con Niagara y materiales avanzados en Unreal Engine.Mi nombre es Jorge Moreno, soy desarrollador de videojuegos y trainer autorizado de Unreal.El objetivo de este curso es darte las herramientas para crear increbles efectos visuales con Unreal Engine, tanto si eres programador como artista, este curso ampliar tu arsenal de conocimientos para afrontar el efecto que desees con confianza.Empezaremos con un efecto sencillo pero completo, trataremos materiales subsurface, escribiremos nuestros propios mdulos en Niagara y terminaremos haciendo raymarching y programando nuestros propios shaders.Haremos todos los efectos que has visto en el vdeo de presentacin as que, vamos a por el primero? Te espero en la primera leccin, mil gracias por tu confianza!"
Price: 79.99

"Six Sigma Green Belt Examiner" |
"Six Sigma Green Belt Examiner is a set of four individual tests each with 100 multiple-choice questions covering the five phases of the Six Sigma DMAIC methodology in addition to a General Knowledge domain area. They are designed to test your knowledge in Six Sigma and boost your preparation to pass an official Certified Six Sigma Green Belt exam.For each practice test:You can pause the test at any time and resume later.You can retake the test as many times as you would like.The progress bar at the top of the screen will show your progress as well as the time remaining in the test. If you run out of time, dont worry; you will still be able to finish the test.You can skip a question to come back to at the end of the exam.You can also use Mark for review to come back to questions you are unsure about before you submit your test.If you want to finish the test and see your results immediately, press the stop button."
Price: 29.99

online-startup |
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Price: 24.99

"Finanas Pessoais Para Iniciantes" |
"Este o curso ideal para quem sonha em deixar o endividamento, com vistas a vida de investidor, rumo independncia financeira. Aqui, so abordados de forma simples e didtica, os principais assuntos necessrios para se alcanar uma vida financeira plena, com apontamentos inclusive, em relao s fontes de gastos desnecessrios que nos deixam cada dia mais distantes da realizao dos nossos sonhos e, na maioria das vezes, nem percebemos.Entenda atravs deste curso, como sobreviver em meio crise e ainda, como encontrar oportunidades que vo te alavancar numa vida financeira plena, mesmo em tempos difceis.O principal intuito no compartilhamento dessas informaes to valiosas, promover a democratizao da informao e, junto isso, proporcionar a autonomia necessria para que voc tenha condies de transformar suas finanas pessoais por meio do conhecimento.Vem comigo!"
Price: 39.99

"PRO Forex and Stock Market trading with Ichimoku Kink Hy" |
"In this class, you learn about the World of Ichimoku Kink Hy.IMPORTANT: This course will never be on sale so if you're waiting for discount it won't happen. This course is based on knowledge I got from original books of Ichimoku Sanjin and is worth every penny.Get ready to be mesmerised as I won't be talking only about obvious ingredients like Indicator and it's 5 lines - Tenkan-Sen, Kijun-Sen, Chikou-Span and Kumo (Senkou-Span 1 and Senkou-Span 2) but we will concentrate on the most important aspects - 3 theories: Time Theory, Wave Theory, Price Targets Theory tooI'll introduce to you Goichi Hosoda aka Ichimoku Sanjin himself so you can get to know better the brain behind this amazing trading system/philosophy.Ichimoku Clouds like some are describing this forex trading strategy was created after years of market analysing, and it's a source of enormous wisdom so whether you're just starting your trading adventure or you're experienced trader, you will find this class very useful."
Price: 199.99

"Facilitate great collaboration" |
"As your company adopts a flatter structure, youre required to collaborate and communicate even more across your organization. Facilitation skills will enable you to STAND OUT as a leader - whenever and wherever you collaborate with others! While your company may invest in formal facilitator training (e.g., for workshops), brushing up on your facilitation skills can help you master collaboration - inside and outside of meetings.This concise course is designed to give ""informal"" facilitators like you the skills you need to facilitate teamwork in a variety of scenarios. Whether you're in a formal workshop or collaborating ad-hoc at someone's desk, in the kitchen or on a video conference, facilitation skills can help you drive creativity and productivity. Be a catalyst!You'll learn insights from Design Thinking, Solution-Focus coaching (and more!) that you can easily use to create a positive and reaffirming culture and get more done. When you and your team collaborate in a way that acknowledges and leverages each others talents, youll supercharge your outcomes!You'll learn:Important skills that will help you build and foster important relationships with your colleaguesHow to build on your existing collaboration skills with insights from Design Thinking and Solution Focus coachingIdeas how you can use meeting collaboration tools to carry the power of collaboration over from meetings into daily business as wellHow to deliver more value at work by enhancing collaboration in your teamHow greater team empathy can help you discover and utilize hidden team talents and how to build itHow you can enable your team manage your increasing workload by focusing more on value-added work and less on procedural headachesHow you can drive productivity with simple to use tools and methodsHow to recognize peoples hidden talents and redirect complainers energy to improve outcomesCourse thumbnail photo credit: skynesher"
Price: 199.99

"Beginners Foraging - Learn 5 Edible Wild Plants in the UK" |
"Learn five commonly found plants in urban environments and thier key identifying features as well as thier proper botanical names. Includes a brief introduction to safety and the law equipping you with all you need to start exploring the world of foraging and plant identification. This course is designed for complete beginners with a city environment in mind - you do not need to live in a lush countryside setting to find a range of edible and useful plants around you!"
Price: 19.99

"Corso completo di Pytest - da 0 ad assunto!" |
"Con questo corso, totalmente in italiano, imparerai aEffettuare test automatici che ti permetteranno di risparmiare tempo energie e denaroInstallare tutto il software necessario, gratuito e disponibile per Windows, Linux o MacEseguire test automatici sul tuo computer ma anche su un server di Continous Integration (A seguire)Ottenere report di esecuzione che potrai condividere con la tua aziendaOttimizzare l'esecuzione dei test per eseguirli rapidamente ed in paralleloEseguire solo i test che ritieni utili in quel momentoRiutilizzare codice e risparmiare tempoGestire test su ambienti instabiliGestire test pronti per venire eseguiti su diversi ambienti, testing, quality, produzione"
Price: 19.99

"Les principes fondamentaux du montage vido sur Premiere Pro" |
"50% thorie, 50% pratique !!Je vous transmets mes connaissances sur les fondamentaux du montage vido qui vous permettrons d'avoir une base solide pour bien prendre en main votre logiciel de montage vido. Vous apprendrez les outils principaux communs aux logiciels de montage professionnels que j'illustrerai et/ou que je montrerai dans Premiere Pro. Vous pourrez mettre en application ces mthodes sur la plupart des logiciels professionnels, et oui !Enfin, vous trouverez aussi des analyses et des conseils pour monter en qualit dans votre faon de travailler que je mettrai parfois en lien avec mes expriences de monteur vido que j'ai accumul depuis 2005, anne o j'ai cr une WebTV l'ge de 19 ans, et y avait pas Youtube !..N'oubliez pas que la meilleure faon d'apprendre, c'est de pratiquer par soi-mme et qu'il n'existe pas de workflow magique adapt toutes les productions. vous de vous forger votre propre exprience en pratiquant ;-)"
Price: 19.99

"C Programming - skills test (beginner/intermediate)" |
"C, developed by Dennis Ritchie in 1973, is one of the most popular programming languages today. C was initially used for system development work, particularly the programs that make-up the operating system. C was adopted as a system development language because it produces code that runs nearly as fast as the code written in assembly language.This course will test your skills of the C programming language. Whether you are a complete beginner, or already program in C for years. You will find challenging questions that will teach you new insights. Every subject also contains some common mistakes to train you on the essential skill of fault finding. Can you spot them?Ideal when preparing for an interview or exam. Or simply to challenge yourself!"
Price: 19.99

"Sfrdan Akorlarla Ukulele renin" |
"Sfrdan orta dzeye kadar olan bu derslerimizde adm adm nasl ukulele alnacan reneceiz. Derslerimiz ok fazla teori iermeden en kolay ve hzl yoldan nasl ukulele alabileceimizi hedef almakta. En ok kullanlan ukulele akorlarnn yan sra ukuleleye almak iin tablarla da birka rnek ark alacaz. Ukulele genel olarak akorlar zerinden alnan bir mzik aleti ve kursumuz da en ok kullanlan akorlarla size ukulele almay retmekte. rencilerimizin istekleri dorultusunda eitim videolarna yeni arklar da eklenecektir."
Price: 49.99

"Mastering Excel 2019 - Advanced" |
"There are two kinds of people: Those who are masters at Excel 2019 or Excel 365, and those who wish they wereWhen you master Excel 2019 or Excel 365, you have one of the most practical and valuable skillsets in modern business. A spreadsheet guru can work wondersfrom organizing lists; to creating multi-layered, interactive reports; to answering critical business questions like ROI, budget allocations, expense tracking, and more. This course builds on your existing Excel knowledge and teaches you how to use links, Lookup functions, Data Validation, Macros, data tables, and more.This is our most requested training course!If you are comfortable with using Excel for a variety of tasks, let our Microsoft Certified Trainer, Kathy Jones, walk you through more advanced topics that will take your spreadsheets to the next level and help you to be more efficient in analyzing your data."
Price: 39.99

"MS Word - Elegant si Rapid" |
"Am creat acest curs cu urmatoarea idee in minte: care sunt cele mai relevante lucruri pe care ar trebui sa le stii despre Word care nu sunt suficient de intuitive si ar merita o explicatie. Nu o sa iti arat cum sa salvezi un fisier, dar nici nu o sa bantuim prin cotloanele Word-ului ca sa cautam optiuni pe care nu le vei folosi niciodata.Vei gasi aici tutoriale, documente exemplu dar si un loc in care vei putea pune intrebari. Totul fara reclame sau alte lucruri care sa iti distraga atentia."
Price: 19.99

"Math For Video Games: The Fastest Way To Get Smarter At Math" |
"Maths and video games go hand-in-hand. Video games are a practical, challenging, and fun way to sharpen your math skills. What's more, video games are like living math. From graphics and physics, to AI and movement, games are full of math.Learn foundational math concepts relevant to game development. In the course we break it down and build it back up, block by block. For each skill you will start from an interesting real-world problem. You'll always understand why you're learning a concept, and feel motivated to solve the problem in hand. In the course you will learn:How to write and solve equations relevant to game development.Basic trigonometry the fun way, triangles, circles & stuff.Enough vector math to make 2D and 3D games.About imaginary & complex numbers, angles & quaternions.The concepts learnt will help you create interesting scoring mechanics, have one object smoothly follow another, calculate the path of a projectile, target enemies using triangles and understand how random item drops work.This course is the result of a successful Kickstarter, and consistent demand from our community of hundreds of thousands of students worldwide. There is a real need to improve math skills, not just for games, but for many areas of life. You'll be amazed how much more colourful the world looks as your math improves.All the math you learn will be reinforced with quizzes. You'll write your own handwritten notes as you go, to help you remember your skills. We'll translate some of the math to pseudocode so you can see how it applies to C#, C++, Python and any other modern language.Get plugged into our communities of amazing developers on Facebook (nearly 20k), in our own TA-curated Community (17k views/day), and our student chat group (10k live at any one time).You will get full lifetime access for a single one-off fee. The creators are qualified and experienced coders and avid gamers, so are able to explain complex concepts clearly, as well as entertain along the way.This course is still in development, with new content dropping on a weekly basis.Join us on this exciting journey now, you won't be disappointed!"
Price: 94.99

"How Social Ent. NGOs & Charities Can Create Income Streams" |
"If you answer to any of the above two questions is yes - then join this course. In this no-fluff actionable course I will reveal to you how you, your organization can start generating additional streams of income for your Charity, NGO, Church, or Social Enterprise.I will give you ideas and suggestions that will reveal the untapped opportunities that you can use to start generating income for your organization.What Some Of My Students Said:5 Star Rating: Boomy's lectures are compact, accurate, and to the point. I learned many new ideas and concepts that will help focus my business plan and map a growth plan. The bonus lecture on cashflow forecasting is an excellent introduction for individuals new to finance. I will be taking more business planning courses from Boomy - AndrewThis course is so focused to the point and packed with highly useful information, unlike so many other courses that beat around the bush. highly satisfied with the content - Anusha"
Price: 19.99

"Selling with Video" |
"Do you cringe at the thought of creating video for social media for your jewelry business?Not sure where to start? What to say?If you are just getting started with video but you're not sure if you should take the plunge or even how to do it, I've got you covered in this mini crash course JUST for jewelry designers!Get this...""85% of all internet users in the United States watched online video content monthly"" -Oberlo""4X as many consumers would prefer to watch a video about a product than to read about it."" -AnimotoSo what does this mean for you and your jewelry biz?What if video completely freaks you out?If using video for your social media isn't part of your strategy, don't worry, I've got you covered.This course shows you that you don't need a ton of tech or a ton of equipment to get started creating videos.We are going to cover:The basics of social media video on Facebook and InstagramHow you can use video in your strategy without too much technologyMy top tips on getting the best out of your videoActual topics that perform the best for jewelry designersGet started and start selling your gorgeous work more confidently online!"
Price: 19.99

"Profitable Giveaway Strategies for Jewelry Designers" |
"Giveaways can double your following, explode engagement on your social media and literally create a viral effect for your jewelry business!(And guess what love, it can even encourage sales too!)In Profitable Giveaways I show you, step by step, proven techniques on how to run successful giveaways that build buzz around your jewelry, encourage an engaged fanbase and actually make sales for your jewelry business.It isnt as simple as slapping a jewelry pic on your FB feed and asking people to just enter to win and hope for the best.So let me ask you...What if you could run a wildly successful giveaway for your jewelry business?What if instead of getting ""meh"" results with a ton of hard work, you could build your tribe, explode your email list and make money while doing it?I am revealing the crucial steps to building the right giveaway strategy, from the best entry rules for each platform that will take you from crickets to crazies, to high converting landing pages, to easy and gorgeous graphic creation and more.Spontaneous giveaways just arent going to cut it.You need a strategy that puts your jewelry biz in front of the right people at the right time with the right tools.In this course you will learn:The crucial components to running successful giveaways on three of the top social media platforms (Facebook , IG and Pinterest)My secret sauce that turns all of my giveaways into profitable eventsThe right time frame and entry guidelines to make your giveaway a raging successHow to be compliant on each platform so you dont run into trouble or get it shut down! (Eeek!)The best setup to encourage more people to sign up for your giveawayHelpful workbooks to help you organize and easily set up your own giveaways.PLUS bonus videos on creating high converting landing pages and creating graphics AND workbooks to help you easily set up your own giveaways.This course is totally for you if:You have a handmade jewelry business and you are ready to boost your exposure and buzz for your brandYou have tried giveaways before and didnt see results (meaning buzz, sales or as many entries as you wanted!)Youve been spontaneously posting giveaways without a strategy for growth or salesYou have no clue where to start when it comes to setting up a giveawaySign up today and get started learning how to run giveaways like a pro and build your jewelry biz!"
Price: 19.99

"Business Networking Part 6: Persuasion Strategies" |
"Network with confidence and purpose.In this fast-paced course, Chaffee-Thanh Nguyen and Scott Paton explore how to succeed in Networking events. In the short period you have with other Networkers, how do you achieve your networking goals? How do you persuade your ideal clients/customers to take a good hard look at your products or services?You'll discover:Powerful Persuasion StrategiesThe Principle of AssociationThe Power of AnchorsScarcity SecretsThe Law of reciprocityAnd moreVerbal Persuasion TacticsRhetorical QuestionsAnswer A Question With A QuestionA.R.C.ing StatementsAlternate AssumptionsEmbedded CommandsAnd much more...Enrolll today!"
Price: 199.99
