"Ballet Clsssico: iniciante - bsico II" |
"Uma aula para quem j praticou ballet clssico e conhece os movimentos bsicos, mas ainda precisa se aprofundar para chegar ao nvel intermedirio. Exerccios de barra e centro com sequncias mais complexas que no nvel bsico I. Um trabalho com maior dificuldade, promovendo a evoluo do aluno para chegar aula intermediria com aptido. "
Price: 39.99

"Meditation For Beginners!" |
"We often set out to do things and give them up after sometime. Meditation can also be one of those things that have been on your mind for a long time, but you never got around to starting it. Or maybe you did start but after facing a few challenges, couldnt continue after some time.So if you want to start a meditation practice, or establish an existing one, this course is for you. Designed and delivered by Chanshi Acmo himself, this course is a beginners guide to meditation. And were sure the more experienced ones can also learn a thing or two!In our decade long interactions with students, we have come across some common set of challenges almost everyone faces when they set out on their meditation journey. In this course, Chanshi uses his immense knowledge and experience to share his most valued learnings in the most simplified manner, to make your journey easier. All of his teachings in every course are not just unique, but highly effective too.In this course, Chanshi discusses the challenges new meditators are likely to face when they start out on their meditation journey. He explains the key points one must keep in mind to be aptly prepared for meditating. So, preparedness is the key. If you know what to expect, you would treat the challenges as normal, and keep up your practice.In the second section, Chanshi discusses the obstacles that you would face after you have started out, while establishing a consistent practice. Not just that, he also gives practical solutions to those obstacles. In the end, you will find an effective guided meditation for your spiritual advancement, that would highly benefit you in all aspects of your life.No matter what your goal or objective is to start out on your meditation journey, this course will take you closer to it. You can learn from the experiences of someone who has been through it and speed up on your path of spiritual advancement.KNOW YOUR TEACHER:Chanshi Acmo is the founder and President at The Broken Buddha Foundation , a non profit, meditation center and a humanitarian organization that transforms you to being loose, playful and natural. By bringing about a wholesome meditation in you from within, we enable you to lead happier and a more fulfilling life. He designs and delivers programs consisting of different sets of powerful transformative tools that shall bring new meaning and joy to every aspect of one's daily life. With his focus on meditation, Chanshi has been sharing innumerable meditation techniques for more than a decade, that personally empowered him with an enlightened state of being. His programs are based on techniques and methods that are driven by customized system of Zen, Tao, Sufism, Vajrayna and Yoga that are strongly free from any religious or traditional and cultural baggage. Thus, emphasizing only on the essence and what works for an individual at a personal level.Having been on the other side, he can empathize with the challenges people face on an everyday basis in the corporate professional world. This enables him to design and deliver content that is relevant to the present day mindsets.KNOW YOUR ORGANIZATION:Why the name - The Broken Buddha?Buddha-hood or the Christ-hood is a natural expression of every being whose idea of the Buddha has been broken down completely. In the process of self discovery, the first and the foremost action to be taken by every individual is to break the ideas pertaining to the self. It is evident in the following natural phenomena, how only through the process of breaking can the essence bloom. Broken clouds pour rainBroken soil sets as fieldsBroken crop yield seedsBroken seeds give birth to new plant... Unless the shield breaks open, the essence remains hidden, protected and most importantly useless. The Broken Buddha is also an analogy to depict this generation of wise beings. The prudent beings of this generation are neither going to fit into the mental conception of what perfect is nor what austere is. The Broken Buddha is an enlightened accountant, the enlightened cobbler, the enlightened software engineer. The Broken Buddha is YOU. A natural movement in the expression of truth is for the truth to pour itself back into the world; embracing all its seeming perfections and imperfections.Course Details:Detailed explanations on how to start meditatingRecognizing obstacles in establishing a regular meditation practiceIn depth solutions to the obstacles in establishing a regular meditation practiceGuided meditation for spiritual advancementBenefits of this Course:Start you out on your meditation journeyHelp you recognize and overcome challenges to start your meditation practiceHelp to establish a consistent and fruitful practiceHelp you in your spiritual advancementMake you ready for advanced meditations-physically and mentallyTake advantage of the many benefits of meditation like reduced anxiety and stress, better quality sleep, enhanced creativity and intuition, enhanced feelings of calm, confidence and relaxation etcKNOW MORE ABOUT YOUR TEACHER:Chanshi Acmo is a spiritual teacher, musician & composer and a social entrepreneur. He was born to a humble South Indian Brahmin, Kannada speaking family. He was the only child to his parents that allowed him a great luxury of time and space to be lost in his own inner explorations and experiments. A few years after of his birth in Bangalore, his parents moved to Mysore, where he spent all of his growing years.Though all of his initial exposure to wisdom of meditation, yoga, religion and spiritualism came through the Brahmin tradition and family inheritance, it was his parents distinct approach to life, a devotional father and a strong-willed mother, that instilled a grounded acceptance of the heart-mind unison in him, that later opened doors to several meditations that were heart and mind oriented. Regularly watching corpse on pyre in a graveyard that was behind his grandparents house became an intense initiation to his inner inquiry, that led him to explore the teachings of many masters across different ages. However, it was the personal experiences through his life that made him become crystallized to be receptive for an inner awakening. Having completed his BE in Electronics and Communication, in 2006, he earned his Masters in Business Administration in 2008. Post a short lived corporate life, he ventured into various social entrepreneurial entities with his wife that, as he feels, became means to express the creative energies within him. All his ventures have always been around helping people with an organic life of well-being and balance. The conventional education he had helped him much to establish an unparalleled contextual relevance to his spiritual teachings, avoiding esoteric concepts as much as possible. Satire, humor and at times anger too are his fond tools, that he says can help to awaken people a little faster than being lovey-dovey. However those who have really known him well have always felt the underlying love and compassion in all his teachings. He founded The Broken Buddha Foundation in 2015, to host and encourage humanitarian programs with its complete focus on meditation through several methods and techniques.The foundation designs and delivers programs consisting of different sets of powerful transformative tools that intend to bring new meaning, joy and awareness to different aspect of one's daily life."
Price: 199.99

"Recupera tu Fuerza Interior estando en el Presente" |
"Todos pasamos en algn momento de nuestras vidas por situaciones que nos ponen al lmite, que nos debilitan y nos quitan nuestro poder. Mientras ms complejo sea el entorno, los cambios a los cuales nos enfrentamos sean ms grandes y la incertidumbre de lo que va a pasar nos genere ms desconfianza o temor, lo nico que nos queda es creer en nosotros mismos, y recuperar el control.Tomar el control de nuestras vidas significa dejar de vernos como vctimas y asumir la responsabilidad de que podemos hacer algo para que nuestras vidas cambien. Para ello debemos conocer como funcionamos, tomar consciencia de las herramientas con las que contamos y usarlas a nuestro favor. NO podemos seguir viviendo en automtico, dejando que nuestros pensamientos y nuestras emociones nos controlen. Debemos dejar de buscar respuestas afuera, o en el pasado para solucionar nuestros problemas y enfocarnos en nosotros, en lo que queremos, en tener un futuro mejor. Sin embargo, para que ese futuro sea posible, tenemos que construirlo HOY. Porque el PRESENTE es lo nico que existe y cada decisin que tomemos nos llevar al futuro que queremos o no.Por eso vivir en el presente es tan importante, estando bien en este instante, tomando decisiones en base a lo que realmente deseamos, a lo que nos dicta nuestro corazn.Que el miedo no sea la excusa para ceder nuestro control.Debemos estar en el aqu y el ahora de forma plena y para ello dejo en este libro todo lo que he aprendido durante todos mis aos de coach y adems incluyo todas las herramientas de Mindfulness que yo uso, que son muy sencillas y que al ir usndolas diariamente nos ayudarn a tener un bienestar fsico, mental y emocional y con ello fortalecernos para RECUPERAR nuestra FUERZA INTERIOR."
Price: 19.99

"Learn To Design With Canva - Step By Step Tutorial" |
"In this course or tutorial, students will learn, how to design posters, flyers, posts, presentations, facebook ads, instagram posts, instagram ads, brochures, business cards, and many other designing tutorial, please do not skip video classes, so that you can learn properly and get the benefit of this course. Watch each class with full attention in order to get fully trained, so that you can design each and everything on Canva."
Price: 19.99

"Spring Framework MVC" |
"Herkese Merhabaimdiye kadar 100lerce arkada Java eitimlerime katld.5 sene kadar online eitimlerde bir ok arkadala birlikte emek harcadk. bulmalar noktasnda beraber aba gsterdik.lk olarak mevcut eitimlerimin kaynaklarn aktaracam sonrasnda sfrdan Udemy iin eitimler ekmeyi hedefliyorum.(OCA11 OCP11 , temizinden bir Spring Framework , Spring Boot eitimi vs.)Bu egitim injavawetrust ta yer alan More JavaEE & Spring egitimi kapsaminda olan Spring MVC bolumunu icermektedir.Bu egitimlerde farkli konulara deginmek adina genel olarak kapsami 5 hafta ile tutmustum.Faydali olmasi dileklerimle."
Price: 59.99

"AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate -Practice Test" |
"These quizzes are the final step in your test preparation. Want to test your exam readiness for the Amazon AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate AND feel confident to pass your AWS certification exam first time? Then these ultimate AWS Solutions Architect Associate practice exams are for you. They are based on the required supplemental reading detailed in the A Cloud Guru AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate course, and should be taken after having finished both the video lectures and the FAQs/White Papers. As technical information is continuously updated by AWS, please refer to the AWS Documentation for the latest information.FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS:What's the difference between SAA-C01 vs SAA-C02 exam?I took both exam versions and in my professional opinion, the SAA-C02 exam is about 70% similar to the previous exam. Amazon Aurora Serverless, AWS Global Accelerator, Amazon FSx for Lustre, Elastic Fabric Adapter (EFA), Direct Connect Gateway, HPC and many new topics were added in the latest SAA-C02 exam. It is more verbose than the previous version with longer scenarios and options. But again, the majority of the topics covered ( S3, EBS, EC2, etc) are similar to the previous one.Can I take the SAA-C02 exam online at my home?Yes, you can. AWS announced last March 2020 that you can the new SAA-C02 exam, as well as the other AWS certification exams at the comforts of your home. Take note that this is only supported by Pearson Vue, and not PSI.How can I schedule my SAA-C02 exam?You can go to the official AWS Solutions Architect Associate Certification page and then click the Schedule Exam button to book your SAA-C02 test. Alternatively, you can directly login to your AWS Certification account to schedule the exam.KEY FEATURES OF THESE POPULAR PRACTICE EXAMS500+ PRACTICE QUESTIONS: 6 sets of Practice Exams (with 65 Questions each) available on Udemy and access to the online Exam Simulator from Digital Cloud Training with a pool of 500+ questions to assess your exam readinessEXAM SIMULATION: All Practice Tests are timed and scored (passing score is 72%) mimicking the real exam environmentDETAILED EXPLANATIONS: Every question includes a detailed explanation that explains why each answer is correct or incorrectREFERENCE LINKS: To help you understand the AWS concepts, all answers link to relevant sections of our online Training Notes (Cheat Sheets) with exam-specific informationRANDOMIZED QUESTIONS: Each time you take the test, the questions and answers are randomized, making it more challenging to ensure you're learning and not memorizingPREMIUM-QUALITY: These practice questions are free from typos and technical errors which makes your learning experience much more pleasantALWAYS UP TO DATE: Our question bank is constantly updated based on student feedback from the real exam. New questions are added on a regular basis growing our pool of questionsACTIVE Q&A FORUM: In this discussion board, students ask questions and share their recent exam experience offering feedback on which topics were coveredRESPONSIVE SUPPORT: Our team of AWS experts respond to all of your questions, concerns or feedbackBEST VALUE FOR MONEY: Compared to the Official AWS Practice Test which gives you up to 40 questions only (for $20), when investing in these tests you get lifetime access to our pool of questionsACCESS ON MOBILE: Study on the go and access all resources from your mobile"
Price: 24.99

"mini camp" |
"Specialist marketing camp Facebook , Instagram :- .- .specialist marketing camp mini part 1 : :- - - - </ > - - - #Infinity_Studio#_"
Price: 54.99

"CAPEX financial model as per IAS 16 in Hindi/Urdu case study" |
"Are you exited to learn about capex financial model. Prepare CAPEX financial model as per IAS 16. you can calculate monthwise depreciation/addition of fixed asset by using advance excel formulas. Model is prepared with MS excel.practical case study with downlable solved and unsolved financial model.I will teach you step by step , how can you create financil model.Who should attend this course:Finance and accounts personsaccountant, financial analyst, CFO, bankers. finance mananger , accounts manager. accounts officerMBA, CMA, ACCA, CA, CPA, CIMA,B.COM, BBA"
Price: 19.99

"Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2019 Cloud Operations Associate" |
"Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2019 Cloud Operations Associate Exam Simulation is designed for all candidates, including Professionals responsible for designing infrastructure solutions using Oracle Cloud Infrastructure services, cloud architects, and consultants. who want to validate their knowledge and skills to pass 1Z0-1067 exam.Exam Topics:Automating Cloud Tasks- Use the OCI CLI to simplify repetitive tasks- Utilize configuration management tools to control infrastructure- Manage infrastructure as code- Explain user resource manager processes to implement infrastructure as codePerformance Tuning and Troubleshooting- Explain Troubleshooting resource availability and accessibility- Validate OCI performanceManaging Cost- Utilize billing tags to track cost- Explain how to Implement billing alerts- Leverage automation to control costSecurity and Compliance- Create secure access control policies- Leverage compartments for resource isolation- Audit cloud accessMonitoring and Alerting- Understand Metric Query Language (MQL)- Create and managing alarms- Implement automated notificationsData Retention and Archival- Use Object Storage Lifecycle policies for tiered data storage- Manage automated block storage and database backups- Implement cross-region data copy strategiesDesigning for Cloud-Scale Agility- Utilize edge services for automated failover / recovery- Implement hybrid network environments"
Price: 19.99

"Building Mobile Progressive Web Applications with Angular" |
"Yes, it could be longer, but it's not!Let me start out by saying that this isn't a 9-hour, in-depth, comprehensive course on Angular. Instead, it's a no-nonsense guide to getting your Angular app hosted as a Progressive Web Application (PWA) as quickly as possible, and with a minimum amount of fluff.You'll thank me for not wasting your time.Forget the App Stores!They are too expensive: While Google only charges a one-time $25 fee to join, Apple charges $99/year just for the privilege of hosting your apps there. And even if you are willing to pay, those companies still have veto power over the content of your application.They are too complicated: Have you seen what's required to submit an application to either Apple or Google?Updates are painful: Each update to a mobile App Store requires going through the entire submission problemYou risk arbitrary rejection: When submitting to an app store, it is possible that a faceless stranger might reject your app. I actually had an app rejected by Apple because, it provided no user value. Ouch.It's time to say no.As a software developer, you want your apps to reach as many people as possible, right? Which platform should you target to reach the most users possible? How about all of them? Progressive Web Apps, or PWAs, let you do just that... and without paying Google or Apple to be in their stores.Progressive Web Apps to the RescueNo App Store Submissions! One of my favorite reasons to choose a PWA is that there are no app store submissions. If you are building an app for the enterprise, you may not want it distributed to users outside of your organization.Painless Updates: updating a PWA is no different than updating any other web app. Your features or bug fixes can go live as quickly as your build process allows.What are you getting?In this video course, Ill show you how to take an existing Angular application and deploy it to the web as a Progressive Web Application. This will make it easy for you to target the web, iOS, and Android, all at the same time, without ever asking Google or Apple for permission.By the end of this course, you should have all the knowledge and confidence you need to deploy your own PWA that all your potential users can enjoy.This is the complete presentation I was planning to give at DevIntersection Orlando in April. Unfortunately, due to COVID-19, the entire conference was canceled. Rather than letting this important material go to waste, it seemed prudent to make it available to the general public, and at a much lower price.If you were planning to attend DevIntersection last spring, you (or your employer) would have spent about $1500 to get in the door. Then you would have had to decide which of a dozen or so sessions to attend at any given time. It's likely you would still have missed this one, and that would be a shame.If you were to hire a professional consultant to come train you on this content in-person, it would probably cost upwards of $2000 per day once you factor in travel costs. This might make sense for a Fortune 500 company but not for a single individual or small user group meeting.Praise for the Book Greg M said PWA Made EasyI have built one PWA prior to reading this book. I found the process before to be quite daunting. Having all of the steps in one easy to read reference makes it seem so much more simple than I thought before. Seeing how difficult it is to get into the app stores these days, this seems like a much better option! The book is very engaging and includes lessons learned that the author went through. One of the many things that makes this book stand out to me is that the author even includes a sample application you can use to get going quickly in how to set up a PWA. If you already have an application written in Angular, or in Ionic, this book will give you exactly what you need to get it hosted as a PWA that your users can ""install"" on their home screens. I highly recommend this if you are just as frustrated as I am with getting apps distributed through apps stores! Claudio Del Valle Cabello said Everything you need and more!I've been building applications with Ionic and Angular for a couple of years. By now, the process is almost automatic. I know where to look and can point out just about all usual pitfalls one might encounter along the way. However, the very fact that the process is almost second nature precluded me from understanding some parts that either previous documentation and tutorials allowed me to complete by following the steps, or that I have repeated countless times and forgotten what they were actually doing. Furthermore, the format of this book lays out the commands, sections of code, and strategies of building a PWA in a way that gives you a holistic understanding of what you need to know plus guidance if you want to look further into a particular topic. I highly recommend reading the book all the way through, even if you already have an existing PWA, but if you need a quick reference it's easy to find things and jump around the book.FAQIs this course for a beginner just learning mobile app development?I recommend this course for Angular developers who want the fastest path to installing their apps on mobile devices, without dealing with the various app stores. If you are truly just starting out, I recommend starting with one of my Ionic courses.Is the course Complete?Yes, this course is complete. That said, one thing I love about this type of platform is that I can make incremental improvements and corrections as needed, to make sure the course stays relevant.Added BonusRegardless of the option you choose, I will also include a PDF copy of the book version of the course for a limited time."
Price: 19.99

"Construcin de Microciclos en el Ftbol (Parte 1)" |
"Esta primera parte del curso, sera introductoria para indagar diversos aspectos sumamente necesarios a las hora de entrenar al Ftbol, de esta forma podrs lograr lo siguiente: Aprender la Estructura Organizacional de un Club de Ftbol.Conocer los Modelos de Periodizacin Tradicionales y Contemporneos.Saber los Mtodos de Entrenamiento.Comprender la Interrelacin Espacio-Tiempo en el Ftbol.Estudiaras la lgica interna y ciclos del juego."
Price: 19.99

"Sfrdan leri Seviyeye Perspektif Teknikleriyle Obje izimi" |
"Sfrdan ileri seviyeye perspektif teknikleri ile profesyonel rn ve mimari izim teknik altyapsna sahip olacaksnz. Bir rn ya da mimariyi nasl analiz ederiz? Genel geometrisine nasl ayrrz? Genelden detaya nasl gideriz? Hangi perspektif teknikleri nerelerde kullanrz? Bunlar gibi nemli konular eitimin sonunda ok iyi bir ekilde renmi olacaksnz. Her formun tekniini ayr ayr renerek yaplabilecek hatalar en aza indireceksiniz. Bu kurstaki akademik tekniklerle en karmak grnen formlar izerken bile perspektif hatalar yapmayp profesyonel izer gibi i ortaya koyabileceksiniz.(From beginner level to advanced level drawing course with perspective techniques)"
Price: 119.99

"Object Drawing From Beginner To Advanced Level Techniques" |
"You will have the technical foundation of professional object drawing and architectural drawing with perspective techniques from beginner to advanced level. How do we analyze an object or an architectural structure? How do we break it apart to its geometry? How do we go from general to the specific? Which perspective do we use and where do we use it? You will learn the answer of these and many more questions and topics at the end of this course. You will minimize the possibility of mistakes you can make by learning the technique of every form separately. You will be able to get professional results without any perspective mistakes even while drawing the forms that might seem the most complex with the academic techniques that you learn in this course. (From beginner level to advanced level drawing course with perspective techniques)"
Price: 119.99

"Better habits with home interior design." |
"In this class, I want to teach you how powerful our environment really is. The design of the environment not only impacts our feelings but our actions too. Although we have our willpower to guide us, because using it can make us feel depleted, we often use ""automatic"" actions, ingrained in us by repetition called habits.We can design our environments to support great habits or we can design them such that we develop bad habits. It's very taxing on our willpower to be physically active in an environment that is designed for lying down and sleeping for example.In this class you will learn:1. the latest scientifical evidence about the power of environmental design2. what are habits and how they impact our identity3. how to design your home so you can have more time and headspace4. How to design your home so that you can:a) eat healthilyb) exercisec) spend more time with loved onesd) work on things you lovee) recycleEverything you do / or don't do overtime adds up to a positive or a negative result.The people who are most disciplined are not the ones who have the strongest willpower but the ones who set up their environment in a way that they are least tempted. Sticking to your habits does not require self-control but some clever design in advance.Resources:The class is inspired by the book ""Atomic Habits"" by James Clear.You can find all the photos I have used in this class in my ""Home design for better habits"" Pinterest board.Looking forward to hearing what you thought of it!Ana"
Price: 34.99

"Advanced Corporate Level WordPress Training for 2020" |
"We are covering the complete content of WordPresss to create a real-time applicationIf you like our session then message us, we will launch a separate course for WordPress Advance.WordPress Web Development Basic to Advance, Theme Development, Plugin Development, and more.WordPress is one of the most popular CMS, we can customize a WordPress web application using code.We can create themes, plugin development ourselves using it.In this video session, I will discuss how to create custom menus and widgets in WordPress.We discuss plugin integration using some advanced plugin options and theme integration using some advanced theme options."
Price: 19.99

"Criando um Ambiente de ensino com Wordpress + Learndash" |
"Com o crescimento do ensino digital, escolas, professores e criadores de contedo perceberam a necessidade de criao de ambiente de ensino prprio. Utilizando o wordpress e gastando pouco, podemos criar uma plataforma de aulas organizada, com niveis de acesso ao contedo e integrada uma loja online. Esse curso lhe trar o conhecimento necessrio para voc implementar um ambiente de aulas online."
Price: 579.99

"Level 1A Japanese Lesson (Basic)" |
"Level 1A Japanese lesson is a very basic level of Japanese. This will teach you how to pronounce & written the hiragana and katakana properly, recognise them by practice in written, the basic sentence of Japanese such as O namae wa nan desu ka, the basic conversation such as Ohaiyo gozaimashite, etc....you will need to work the pronunciation of conversational as well and the Japanese Vowels. Furthermore, you will learn the Japanese Grammar, Japanese conjugation as well as the verbs and noun sentences.You will need to learn the Hirakana, katakana and the romaji at the same time for improvement. Once you get it, then you would be able to catch up level by level easier. I will be given you some quiz for practice because practice make perfect. It is your option whether you want a feedback for your pronunciation or not. If you want it, you can submit your voice recording of your pronounciation to me via whatsapp or comment or message me anyway of your preference.After course completion, you will be able to speak fluently based on what i teach you."
Price: 54.99

"Top UI/UX Best Practices - User Experience Design Tips" |
"User Experience is a field that is often misunderstood. In order to be successful, UX professionals must speak the language of business to make business cases with decision-makers.If you find yourself explaining the importance of UX to others, you need to have a clear understanding of hard statistics when expressing the value of UX to stakeholders, in order to support your business case.As a UX consultant, I have tested thousands of websites and the symptoms below ALWAYS indicate UX issues. Whether you are trying to assess the situation or making a business case for redesigning the site, this list will help you recognize some of the most common symptoms of poor user experience and turn it into an exemplary on."
Price: 12800.00

"HTML & CSS - Certification Course for Beginners" |
"Welcome to the HTML & CSS Certification Course for BeginnersThis two-part series provides an in-depth look at the fundamentals of coding in HTML and CSS. We start by exploring HTML Development using some of the most commonly used tags and attributes. Students will learn the composition of an HTML file, and some of the essential components. Students will work with HTML Spacing, Text Formatting, Lists, Images, Embedding Videos, Link Creation, Tables, and Forms. We also include a hands-on project, that helps solidify the concepts we explore in the course.After the HTML Section, students will dive into CSS to fully customize the look of their web pages. We provide an extensive overview of CSS attributes, components, and positioning. This includes:Parts of a CSS RuleCSS DivisionsCSS IDsColor CodesApplying Borders, Backgrounds, and Styling ImagesCSS Positioning, including Static, Relative, Absolute, and FixedCSS Z-Indexing, Styling Links, and Styling Tables.Through a hands-on project, students will also build a fully customized, responsive website using both HTML5 and CSS3.If you are serious about taking your coding skills to the next level, enroll in this course today!"
Price: 12800.00

"1Z0-521 Oracle EBS R12 Order Management Essentials Exam" |
"91 UNIQUE practice questions for 1Z0-521 Oracle EBS R12 Order Management Essentials ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : 1Z0-521 Oracle EBS R12 Order Management Essentials ExamTotal Questions : 91Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :60 minsPassing Score : 75 (68 of 91)"
Price: 144.99

"C_THR12_66 SAP Associate Human Capital Management Exam" |
"153 UNIQUE practice questions for C_THR12_66 SAP Associate Human Capital Management ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : C_THR12_66 SAP Associate Human Capital Management ExamTotal Questions : 153Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :100 minsPassing Score : 75 (114 of 153)"
Price: 169.99

"Succeed in Computer Science Studies" |
"Are you enrolling in a Computer Science degree?This course will set you up for success in your studies!Our course is not just another Introduction to Computer Science course attempting to make you a short-term pro.In this course, our goal is to provide you with the study tips and learning strategies to succeed in your CS studies.As two Computer Science (CS) graduates of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL), we have seen many students begin their first semester unprepared. Unsurprisingly, this is because many CS freshmen have inaccurate expectations of their Computer Science studies.Many possess an unprepared mindset, inadequate habits, and poor judgment about their Computer Science journey.New CS students can achieve greater results if they develop these things early on!In some cases, students arent fully aware of what this degree truly consists of and never benefit from the bright future the degree can offer. In fact, some statistics suggest Computer Science is the engineering degree in which students drop out the most. In our first year of Computer Science, we had to develop the habits and apply techniques that we teach in this course to avoid being part of this metric. You will learn how to study Computer Science and succeed, thanks to the numerous study tips, programming advice and learning strategies.This course is intended for high school graduates or any professionals seeking to start their studies in Computer Science in a college, university or institute of technology. Our course will prepare the student to enroll in a Bachelor of Science (BSc) program in Computer Science, where you typically encounter first-year courses such as linear algebra, calculus, and discrete mathematics. The course can also be helpful to undergraduates in CS looking for advice in their studies.This course will NOT teach you the basics of programming, theoretical content, mathematics, or complicated notions you will be studying throughout your degree. Instead, this course is intended to kickstart your studies in Computer Science by teaching you how to be a successful CS student before your courses begin.What am I going to learn from this course?In this course, we will prepare your mindset for Computer Science studies and explain to you what to expect (and not to) from your degree program. You will get precious advice and resources that will help you save time and effort by teaching you how to use your resources wisely. Our course will kickstart your studies, which is likely to improve your grades and increase your chances of graduating.By the end of this course, you will be able to:Use your time wisely as a Computer Science student,Prepare your workflow and setup before your courses begin,Understand the importance of courses you will attend,Know where to seek help and get useful resources,Know about specializations and their implications on your career,Be 100% ready for Week 1 of your Computer Science program.Course ContentsIn Section 1, we will introduce you to the fundamentals of Computer Science, the challenges youll likely face, and the opportunities youll get during and after your studies.Section 2 will explore learning strategies and tips that will help you save time and effort, as well as give you a comprehensive overview of a typical Computer Science curriculum.Finally, in Section 3 you will step into the Computer Science world and get the most important tools youll need during your studies. We will give you programming advice and refer you to resources where you can learn to code for free. Throughout the course, we will give you extra content which will summarize the course or help you remember its contents.We are confident you will learn valuable information in our course and use its content to your advantage. A 100% money-back guarantee with no questions asked is available should you not be satisfied with this course!Theres a famous saying by R. Kiyosaki: Time is your greatest asset.This course will help you understand whether Computer Science is for you or not. Perhaps the next Steve Jobs or Bill Gates is among you! Otherwise, this course will save you precious time which you can use to find your passion."
Price: 99.99

"How to Draw Step by Step for Kids and Beginners" |
"How to Draw for Kids and BeginnersIf you are a beginner or wish to teach your children how to draw, this is the perfect introduction to drawing using simple step by step techniques to master the basics of drawing.Are you looking for a fun interactive How to Draw drawing tutorial with a variety of drawings? Does you wish to learn how to draw animals, people, sea creatures, dinosaurs, mermaids, unicorns, and more?This course has been designed and delivered by an art teacher for the absolute beginner and is already tried and tested, for both beginners and those wishing to learn how to draw new and exciting drawings. As you move through the various video tutorials, your confidence will grow as will your artistic expression and creativity. You will see your own skills grow before your own eyes and once you have finished, you can enjoy coloring in your own drawing.Learning how to draw is fun and easy and perfect for building confidence. Each video shows you step by step how to draw each drawing, with 50 different videos to choose from. As an art teacher, I know you will love these lessons and the opportunity to grow into art in a fun and colorful way. Should you have any questions along the way or wish to request a particular tutorial, Id love to know. I hope to add many more video tutorials to this series.How Learning to Draw Benefits Your DevelopmentThis video series has been designed by an educator to enable self-development through the drawing of simple shapes and lines. Learning how to draw delivers:Improvement of hand-eye coordination.Improvement of creative thinking and imagination.Benefit from using drawing as a form of communication and expression.Reduce your stress and improve your concentration."
Price: 59.99

"Computer Shortcut Keys Practice Test for All Exams,Interview" |
"Computer shortcut keys provide an easier way of navigating and performing commands in computer software. The use of shortcut keys is beneficial for computer users, as it allows them to complete tasks accurately and in less time.In modern times, there is no confusion in saying that computers have become a very useful part of daily life. If you use the computer frequently, you must have knowledge about the computer shortcut keys.The computer shortcut keys are a set of one or more keys that generate a particular command to be executed.Note- With computer shortcut keys, you can increase your typing speed. Computer shortcut keys speed up your work and always keep you ahead.The following topics are covered in this testTop shortcut keys in Microsoft WindowTop shortcut keys in MS WordTop shortcut keys in MS ExcelTop shortcut keys in MS PowerPointTop shortcut keys in MS AccessWhat Makes This Course Special You will get to learn super useful keyboard shortcuts in the fastest time possible. Fast & Friendly Support in the Q&A section30 days moneyback guarantee. Without any queries Lifetime Access to course updatesLifetime supportAbout test: This test divided into Five tests.Computer Shortcut keys Test-130 questions 15 minutes 60% correct required to passComputer Shortcut keys Test-230 questions 15 minutes 60% correct required to passComputer Shortcut keys Test-330 questions 15 minutes 60% correct required to passComputer Shortcut keys Test-430 questions 15 minutes 60% correct required to passComputer Shortcut keys Test-530 questions 15 minutes 60% correct required to passKey features of practice sections and model test:You can pause the test at any time and resume later.You can retake the test as many times as you would like.The progress bar at the top of the screen will show your progress as well as the time remaining in the test. If you run out of time, dont worry; you will still be able to finish the test.You can skip a question to come back to at the end of the exam.You can also use Mark for Review to come back to questions you are unsure about before you submit your test.If you want to finish the test and see your results immediately, press the stop button. !!!Best of luck!!!"
Price: 24.99

"Fundamental pharmaceutical selling skills" |
"This course will provide you with detailed information about the principles, practices and tools involved in all aspects of the pharmaceutical and medical devices pre selling and profitable selling process and creating loyal customers.I will share with you the best practices of my 28 years of experience in the pharmaceutical and healthcare fieldwithin multinational companies, like SANOFI, BASF Chemicals, DPC(DIAGNOSTIC PRODUCTS CORPORATION).During this course you will learn and challenge your learning through different types of articles:video sessions, case studies quizzes and more, to guarantee that you became familiar with and gained a respectable experience in the pharmaceutical and medical equipment selling environment & the art of selling which includes:Introduction to the pharmaceutical promotion:Pharmaceutical market specificity.The vital role of the Medical Representative.Prospecting and qualifying your prospect: Gathering information and creating customer data base.Targeting the right prospects to achieve the best ROI.Precall planning & preparation:Product technical knowledge.Market and competition.Setting specific & ambitious objectives.Master the use of your promotional tools.The adaptive selling:Gain, develop and retain your customers attention.Ask objective driven questions to fully understand your customers needs.Dig and probe deeply to uncover customers hidden needs.Customize your message according to each customer needs.Product detailing: Features>>Benefits>>Values.Customer responses.Handling objections:Respond to and manage objections confidently and professionally.How to differentiate true objection from false one.Trust your price.A successful closing:Deploy key strategies for winning business and gaining customer commitment.Post call analysis:Self- feedback of what you have already done.Writing notes for the next visit.Follow up to maintain and keep developing your client relationships for long term and profitable business."
Price: 29.99

"The Complete Guide To Becoming A Successful Freelance Writer" |
"Welcome to the Complete Guide to Becoming a Successful Freelance Writer. Im going to teach you step by step how to build a viable and enjoyable career as a writer without needing any previous professional writing experience. This course is focused on getting you into the right space and mindset for writing online and in print for websites, newspapers, magazines, marketing and PR agencies and all sorts of other paid writing outlets.My name is Karen Hockney and Ive spent the last three decades as a successful journalist, writer and author, working on staff and freelance for some of the biggest publications, TV channels, corporate, marketing and PR giants in the UK and beyond. It is my experience in the craft of writing for a huge variety of clients and my extensive knowledge garnered from many years in the freelance world which have led me to create this course to share with you the numerous nuggets of wisdom and expertise that I have learned during my long and lucrative career.As a successful freelance writer, I regularly travel the world on assignment, meeting interesting and diverse new people every day. Being able to work from anywhere as part of the internet generation successfully enabled me to leave London in 2008 and start an exciting new life chapter in the South of France where I now live and work.Ive designed this course with the beginner or fledgling writer in mind someone who has the desire, the hunger and ambition to write. I should stress, however, that even if you are already writing, you can still learn some invaluable tips and tricks of the trade from this course and these should stand you in excellent stead to further develop and hone your writing career.Im going to teach you in simple, easy to understand terms all about identifying your strengths and potential niches, how to market your writing skills to clients, writing the perfect pitch, landing your first paid writing gig and getting published. Ill also be sharing with you the secrets to generating your own writing ideas, the gold standard rules on freelance writing and finally, how to consolidate your writing success long term and make it the career you have always hoped for and dreamed of.Therell be tasks to complete in your own time, feedback from me via the course platform and by the end of this course, you will be equipped with all the detail, knowledge and confidence you need to turn your writing ambitions into reality.This course is for complete beginners with no previous professional writing experience as well as writers who have already started on the freelance writing career path but perhaps need a little further guidance. Every writer at every stage of their journey can learn something valuable from this course!"
Price: 199.99

"Create a static JAMstack website with Angular and Scully" |
"In this course, I'll begin with an existing Angular 9 website that uses rest API's to display page content. Like many Angular sites, it has an average performance score (~80%) with Google Lighthouse and requires javascript. Step-by-step, I'll go through the process of transforming it into a high performing static website that works without javascript. At the end of the process, the site will have a 100% performance score with Google Lighthouse."
Price: 19.99

"A-Level Maths: Statistics (Year 1 / AS)" |
"A-Level Maths: Statistics (Year 1 / AS) is a course for anyone studying A-Level Maths:This course covers everything in the statistics component of maths A-Level AS content, usually covered in the first year of study (Year 12). The course is suitable for all major exam boards, including Edexcel, OCR, AQA and MEI. It is also a great introduction to mechanics for anyone interested in getting started.The main sections of the course are:Analysing Data - we will learn how to calculate means and medians, including from grouped data and using linear interpolation, as well as a range of different measures of spread, including interquartile range and standard deviation. We also how to merge data sets and how to code data.Representing Data - we will learn a wide range of different ways to represent data, such as histograms, cumulative frequency curves and box plots. We also look at what outliers are, and how to represent these.Bivariate Data - we will learn how to represent bivariate data in a scatter graph, how to interpret correlation, and look at regression lines.Probability - we learn what independent and mutually exclusive events are, and how to represent these in Venn diagrams and tree diagrams.Binomial Distribution - we learn what the binomial distribution is, how to calculate probabilities with it, including how to use a calculator to speed things up.Hypothesis Tests - we learn how carry out a binomial hypothesis test, including one-tailed and two-tailed tests, as well as critical regions.Sampling - we review all the major sampling techniques, both random and non-random, applying them to real data sets and discussing the strengths and weaknesses of each.Large Data Sets - I have made introductions to the large data set for Edexcel, AQA, OCR and MEI.There are four extra extended videos at the end where I go question-by-question through the statistics content in the specimen papers of Edexcel, OCR, AQA and MEI.What you get in this course:Videos: Watch as I explain each topic, introducing all the key ideas, and then go through a range of different examples, covering all the important ideas in each. In these videos I also point out the most common misconceptions and errors so that you can avoid them.Quizzes: Each sub-section is followed by a short quiz for you to test your understanding of the content just covered. Most of the questions in the quizzes are taken from real A-Level past papers. Feel free to ask for help if you get stuck on these!Worksheets: At the end of each chapter I have made a collection of different questions taken from real A-Level past papers for you to put it all together and try for yourself. At the bottom of each worksheet is a full mark-scheme so you can see how you have done.This course comes with:A 30 day money-back guarantee.A printable Udemy certificate of completion.Support in the Q&A section - ask me if you get stuck!I really hope you enjoy this course!Woody"
Price: 29.99

"Master your Focus and Ensure Success in What You Do" |
"Hey there,Have you ever wondered how top performers out-perform an average Joe?It doesnt matter if its in sports, business, the music industry, or even video games.The best of the best are different.They do things that are Extraordinary.This question got me on a path to discover how these top performers do what they do and also what they DONT do.And what I learned was that their brain was in a different state of mind than average peopleThe Calm and Attentive State of Successful People.Do you want to know how these people do what they do?Would you like to know how to become a goal-busting and a high achieving individual by leveling up your concentration and focus better?Do you think about all the things you need to do in your 'to-do' list and you feel overwhelmed even before you get out of bed?Want to know the secret that will help you form better habits and stay on track to reach any goal?If your answer is YES to any of the questions above, then this course is for you!It can improve the quality of the various spheres in your life, at the same time!In todays society we have so many distractions and are often overwhelmed to the point where we sometimes just stop doing what we should be doing.Do you know that human beings think between 50,000- 70,000 thoughts a day?This includes images, mental chatter or even movies playing in our head!95% of these thoughts are repetitive of previous days and 80% of the habitual thoughts are negative.Did you know that what we focus on and feel we attract our lives?Our destiny is consistently shaped by our thoughtsSo how do you achieve success with so much going through your mind?Always remember that you have the power to change your life for the better.The 'Power of Focus' will help you with all this. It will make you unstoppableWith The Power of Focus, many are able to achieve the life they desire: Abundant wealth, prosperity and a lifetime of happiness.Heres what youre About To Discover Inside:The 3 Types of FocusStrategies of Building Your Power To ConcentrateDistractions That Are Chipping Away Your Ability to FocusLife Hacks Of Highly Successful And Focused PeopleHow To Turn Your Smartphone From An Enemy To A FriendHow To Get Into, And Stay, In A Focused State Of MindHow A Focused Mind Can Help You Solve Problems And Take Decisions Easily By Tapping Into Your IntuitionHow To Differentiate Between Actions That Move You Forward And Time Wasters, the ones that hold you BackSimple Exercises For Training Your Concentration AnywhereHow Highly Successful People use their State Of Mind And How You Can Do That TooAnd Much More...Just know that thousands of dollars have been spent into researching the scientific studies and the habits of successful people, and distilling them into these proven strategies.Strategies that will give you the mindset to achieve all your goals.And heres your opportunity to learn these techniques to live your dreams by adopting this mindset. Your life matters! Take Charge Of Your Life Today With The Power of Focus.A successful life filled with wealth, health, love and abundance is waiting! Please Note: The course has been kept short to give you the most return for your time, in the least cost to you. Intro, outro sections have been excluded so that you can jump straight to the content and start implementing the knowledge right away. A Mindmap and a Checklist have also been included with this course for your quick reference. You are sure to get more value out of the course than it would cost you. Sincerely wish you the very best in your life regardless you take the course or not!"
Price: 19.99

"Photo Art Course" |
"In this course, you will learn how to digitally cut out, enhance and manipulate ANYTHING within ANY picture. Such as a tree, sky, person, pet or literally ANYTHING within a photo. You will learn how to create your own original ART Masterpiece's. Using these techniques, you will create stunning ART with your own unlimited imagination. Using either picture's you have taken and/or using Royalty Free Photo's available for download online. In my experience, ""Microsoft POWERPOINT has been, by far, the very best Photo Art Canvas and Photo Blending Software available to buy"", says Artist/Instructor E.D. Killion. ""I will teach you how to create 'out of this world' ART in less than 1/2 of a day"".From now on, WOW yourself and other's with your own self-made Art Creation's. Learn a NEW skill. Acquire a NEW ability. This is very self-rewarding ability. Become a capable Photo Artist now?"
Price: 49.99

"Russian for business professionals-Vol. I" |
"Busy people think that learning a new language requires years of hard work. That is why many of them do not even start, being sure that they will give up soon because they know the main value is their time, and they do not have much time for any long-term commitment. This courses is created to help.If your business has Russian clients or partners, if you plan to travel to Russia or you have Russian friends - this course is for you. Especially, if you are a business owner or CEO. Executives need to take clients out for lunches and dinners, need to network not only with business people but with their families and friends. Basic knowledge of Russian facilitate these duties, good knowledge of Russian helps to get new business partners and friends."
Price: 199.99
