"(JVZOO )" |
"2020 jvzoo jvzoo 10000 1000 5 ...."
Price: 199.99

"Introductory Microeconomics" |
"All happy students are alike, each unhappy student is unhappy in its own way. Fundamentally, happy students are the students that have internalised the courses material so profoundly that, when assigned an individual project or task (may that be coming from a professor or an employer), can carry it out, completely independently, from A to Z in a way that is both perfectly rigorous and more-or-less innovative.The WhatThe purpose of this course is to get you started towards that lofty yet achievable target of knowing whats what when it comes to Microeconomics. Oftentimes students think that Microeconomics is too abstract to be useful. I hope you shall see, instead, that the dynamics that are the subject of Microeconomics are not just around you in every single moment but understanding Microeconomics allows you make sense and take advantage of them. There is, I dare to say, a high probability that, when you shall be done with your Introductory Microeconomics course, you will think that well, Microeconomics is fun and useful. That was the case for me and still is, after all these years.This is a course about Introductory Microeconomics. As such, its purpose is to lay the foundations for deeper and more comprehensive studies in Microeconomics. Hence, I spend little time dwelling on the mathematics and more time trying to convey the intuition, the concept and, essentially, why should you care. Also, I go as slow as possible in the explanations to give the opportunity to both fast and slow learners to benefit from the course: it is possible to increase the speed in case of need. I think its, didactically, the best approach. In light of my personal experience, and the experiences of other friends, I believe its better for students walking into a proper Intermediate Microeconomics course to have already understood the concepts, so that during the course they can focus, exclusively, on the mathematics. As such, instead of teaching an Introductory Microeconomics level course, I have taken the most fundamental core of an Intermediate Microeconomics course, stripped it of the mathematics and tried to convey, for each of the topic, why whatever I have decided to talk about it's such a big idea to be part of the canonical ""core Micro"". Because its an Introductory Microeconomics course, I expect nothing more than some basic high school algebra under your belt (I shall, very sparingly, throw in a comment or a Calculus notation for the mathematically versed but those seconds shall be over before you even realise that I mentioned them). What follows is what I believe to be the core of Microeconomics that I have written about in the last few lines: simple market model of supply and demand, consumers choice, producers choice (including production and costs), game theory (until repeated games), the various forms of competition (monopoly, monopolistic competition, oligopoly), uncertainty (risk profiles are, oftentimes, crucial), externalities (including the Coase Theorem), public goods, and the economics of information (adverse selection, moral hazard and signalling). I cap off by introducing you to an area of Advanced Microeconomics (Market Design) that, I believe, put together all the ideas and models discussed here to deal with problems of fundamental importance (how do we create and improve markets to guarantee not just the existence of the ""economic pie"" but of a ""fair distribution"" of the ""economic pie""), making evident, I hope, why a sound of understanding of basic Microeconomics is fundamental to be able to think and deal with the biggest problems.The WhoHaving established the importance of the what, the question as to why you would want to be introduced to it by me over somebody else is legitimate. I am in the process of completing my second MSc at the London School of Economics and Political Science after having completed, always at the LSE, an MSc in Political Economics and, before that, a BSc in Economic Sciences (Summa Cum Laude), with Best Dissertation and the Holy Quaternity of any BSc Economics (Microeconomics, Game Theory, Macroeconomics and Econometrics) with the highest grades available in each of these courses.During these years, I have sat in a number of Microeconomics (and subfields) courses which is higher than I can possibly remember. I have written two dissertations that make intense use of ideas and models that are higher-level versions of what I talk about in this course. Last but not least, my work has been and is being supervised by future winners of the Nobel Prize in Economics.The Why=The What+The WhoThe Why is, then, really quite simple: I have already met what you are about to meet and, probably most importantly from your standpoint, I have already had to share, teach and discuss what I have learnt. I have addressed countless questions from friends of mine throughout the years about anything that you find covered in this course. I have, hence, tried to put together the course in a way to address all most common problems that I have seen my friends have. You get to see the answers and the recommendations I have given to my friends that have allowed them to improve drastically their understanding of the subject. If anything, this course (and the others) was born out of the simple realisation that I was not able, at some point, to keep up with the demand for advice and discussion but I still wanted to help the people I care about. The reason why this course is on this platform stems from the simple realisation that, if my friends from the BSc and the MSc had all these questions, odds are that other students around the world also had them. And so, why not share the answers to them."
Price: 19.99

"Python bsico em 1 hora e meia" |
"Curso rpido para quem precisa aprender os fundamentos da linguagem em Python em um dia.As aulas so curtas, com uma atividade prtica ao final de cada sesso.Todos os slides e scripts vistos nas aulas esto disponveis para download.Ideal para quem deseja se preparar para realizar estudos e/ou atividades nas reas de cincia de dados, geoprocessamento, anlise estatstica, etc."
Price: 39.99

"Tattoo for Beginners" |
"Learn everything to start tattooing like a PROAre you curious about tattooing but do not know where to start? In this course, Sally Nassar will teach you EVERYTHING about the tools, materials and techniques to get started in the art of tattooing as a professional.You will learn to tattoo, from the assembly of the machine, work station, types of needles and hygiene, including basic techniques of lining, shading, filling and pointillism. We will incorporate human models when it comes to illustrating and working a tattoo and will dig into very detailed information.You will meet Sally, who will tell you how she started in the fascinating world of tattooing after studying everything about this art in India back in 2017.Sally will teach you how to assemble your first basic or professional kit to start tattooing. Thus, you will know in detail all the materials you need: what machines are there, the types of tools, needles and essential information for tattooing, as well as giving you some personal recommendations based on her experience in the field.You will learn about the different types of skin and the anatomical considerations that you must have to adapt the design to the area of the body. Next, you will see the exact steps to create the stencil, prepare it to apply it to the skin and, of course, assemble and sterilize your table before tattooing to avoid cross contamination.You will transfer the design to the surface to learn the techniques of lining, filling, shading and pointillism in different ways considering materials, voltage and movements to achieve the results you are looking for.You will see how to dismantle the table correctly, following maintenance and hygiene guidelines and, finally, you will learn several recommendations to advise your client before and after getting a tattoo.What is this course's project?You will make a tattoo on an orange, which will allow you to approach directly to how you would do with real skin, to start your own path in the world of tattooing.What you needAs it is your first time in the art of tattooing, you will need several types of tools and materials such as: lint free paper towelsgreen soapdistilled water nitrile glovesadhesive tapecling filmafter care creamhectograph sheetsTransfer liquidtattoo inktattoo machineline and filling needles clip-cordpower supplygrip disposable or steel"
Price: 24.99

"Microsoft 70-412 Practice Exam" |
"Welcome to our Microsoft 70-412 Practice Test.Use this practice exam course to prepare to pass your Microsoft 70-412 Exam .This practice test has 250 High Quality Question to prepare for your Microsoft 70-412 Exam . What Special About This (Microsoft 70-412 Exam )1.High Quality Question to crack your Microsoft 70-412 exam on your first attempt.2.Contains The Most Asked Questions on the Microsoft 70-412 Exam.3.Validate your expertise with an industry-recognized credential.4.100% verified answers.5.Current & always Updated.6.These questions will help you to get a good score of at least 80% on the main exam. 7 .30 days money back guarantee by UdemyThis course does not content the study material.This course contains a number of questions.Who this course is for:i.Students who are motivated enough to crack their Microsoft 70-412 exam on their First attemptii.Those who want to gain knowledge & Check their Skill Test while attending this Practice Testiii.Want to find your weak areas for the *** certification, and improve on them.Go ahead and hit the ""take this course"" button to start growing a business online today!"
Price: 19.99

"Riscopri l'abitudine di allenarti in 21 giorni" |
"Probabilmente sai gi che il miglioramento di se stessi e il cambiamento radicale dei propri stili di vita si fondano sulle azioni che ripetiamo quotidianamentele abitudini appunto.Ma cambiare abitudini non sempre semplice dato che unabitudine si crea soltanto ripetendola quotidianamente e senza interruzioni per un periodo di tempo sufficiente.Per questo ho preparato 21 DAYS WORKOUT, per darti la possibilit di acquisire labitudine di allenarti senza troppo sforzo, dato che con soli 10 minuti al giorno potrai con un po di costanza (21 giorni appunto) fare in modo che allenarti diventi unazione automatica.Cosa aspetti? Inizia ora la tua trasformazione con i 34 esercizi a corpo libero selezionati e combinati appositamente per te!Voglio darti un consiglio: non cercare la perfezione. Se salti un allenamento ogni tanto non preoccuparti, riprendi dal punto in cui eri rimasta e dacci dentro, i risultati arriveranno!"
Price: 39.99

"1. Exam Practice for GCSE Maths Foundation Level" |
"Step by step simple instructions of how to approach questions and complete 2017 paper 1 non-calculator past exam paper. This is an ideal way to revise basic topics in maths no matter what level you are. Following through a past exam paper is a good way to keep revision interesting and relevant. This level of maths is also a good way to exercise your brain if you are an adult learner:-)"
Price: 19.99

"Cmo ensear a leer a un nio en pocas semanas" |
"Con este curso podrs aprender de manera sencilla y adecuada cmo ensear a leer a un nio o nia pequeo. Contars con todo el material didctico necesario pronto para descargar y utilizar en casa, sin pagos extras. No hace falta ser un erudito para hacerlo; lo que necesitas es determinacin, entusiasmo y algunas herramientas didcticas que me propongo compartir contigo. El xito de un futuro lector competente est en tus manos. Adelante t puedes crear un vnculo positivo entre el nio y la lectura!"
Price: 24.99

"Channel Sales World: Building Cloud Channel Capacity" |
"Building cloud channel capacity is challenging because there are a limited number of companies who can profit from a subscription business model. These partners are sometimes referred to as Born in the could. ""Born in the cloud"" partners are defined as companies who started their businesses based on a subscription model revenue streams from the inception of the business. This is a new business model and finding these types of partners is difficult. This class with teach you HOW to double your channel effectiveness in 3 months."
Price: 19.99

"Fondamentaux de Android avec Java en Darija Marocain" |
"Dans ce cours complet, vous apprenez les concepts de base de la programmation Android et crez une varit d'applications l'aide du langage de programmation Java. Vous commencez avec Hello World et progressez vers des applications plus complexes, en utilisant les composants de l'architecture Android.Sur le march, il existe plusieurs techniques de dveloppement dapplication Android, mais mon avis dexpert, cest mieux de commencer avec la technique qui vous explique bien les bases. Cest pour a jai opt pour Java et Android Studio.Le contenue de ce cours a t cr par l'quipe de formation des dveloppeurs Google et il est disponible en anglais dans le site de la documentation.Lexplication est en franais et avec quelque mots en arabe la marocain, on dit aussi Darija, cest le langage denseignement au Maroc. Mais les slide reste en anglais, oui, pour vos prenez lhabitude se documenter en anglais et ne pas faire peur. Aussi, pour apprendre le sens des mots cl en anglais.Je partage avec vous dans ce cours, lexprience de 10 ans avec des journes diviser en deux partie : la formation des jeunes au matin et le dveloppement des applications aprs midi, qui ma permet de savoir comment la comptence se dveloppe et quils sont les ingrdients ncessaire pour la prparer.Pour vous expliquer, ce dveloppent jai opt pour une pdagogie simple et efficace pour la formation en ligne. Commencer par thorique et puis pratiquer avec l'aide du formateur. Chaque section contient une explication thorique sur les concepts de base et, un ou plusieurs travaux pratiques dirigs par la solution du formateur. Au fur et mesure que vous ralisez les travaux dirig : TD, vous crez des applications pour pratiquer et perfectionner les comptences que vous apprenez.Dans ce cours, nous allons voir en gnrale trois parties :la partie 1 intitul ""Commencez"" couvre la comprhension de la structure du projet, la cration de votre premire application, la cration d'activits.La partie 2 nomm ""Exprience utilisateur"" explique comment obtenir des informations de l'utilisateur, mettre en uvre des stratgies de navigation, utiliser des thmes et des styles.La partie 3 appel ""Sauvegarde des donnes utilisateur"" explique comment stocker les donnes utilisateur. Vous apprendrez utiliser les prfrences partages pour enregistrer des paires de valeurs-cls simples, puis vous apprendrez utiliser la base de donnes SQLite pour enregistrer, rcuprer et mettre jour les donnes utilisateur."
Price: 29.99

"Splunk Basics Course" |
"Machines are trying to tell us something through logs, so they are a very valuable resource for IT departments to ensure that everything is working as expected and to give us an idea of what is going on in our IT environments which will help to respond faster to incidents.In this hands-on course, we will learn how to set up a small virtual LAB to simulate real-world logging and monitoring scenarios, where we will collect logs from Apache web server and Fortigate firewall and send them to Splunk for storage, analysis, visualization and alerting.I selected these two log sources specifically because they represent the majority of log sources you will find in your environment, so you can follow the same steps in the course to integrate different log sources in the future.There are more complicated logs sources to integrate like logs that are pulled from database but they are not suitable to be discussed in an introductory course.After we onboard logs to Splunk, we will search and explore data we received then we will add knowledge to it by extracting interesting fields in these logs. At this point, our logs will be ready to be treated by Splunk Searching Processing Language (SPL) to create reports, dashboards, and alerts.This course will make you ready to dig deep into more advanced topics of Splunk administration like, High availabilityIndexers clustersSearch head clustersDeployments serversSplunk AppsAdvanced SPLBut you have to walk before you run, so my vision for this course is to master the basics first to break the ice."
Price: 19.99

"Curso de Opes Binrias - Bsico ao Avanado" |
"O mercado financeiro, um local que ocorre compra e venda de certos ativos financeiros, e que atravs deles voc pode gerar lucros diariamente utilizando anlise grfica, tcnicas e at mesmo com as ferramentas que a plataforma lhe disponibiliza.A anlise grfica a mais conhecida e utilizada por um trade, neste curso mostrarei meu operacional e as minhas estratgias que utilizo diariamente em minhas operaes no Day trade, mostrando de forma simples e intuitiva o meu operacional e as estratgias que eu utilizo diariamente. O propsito deste curso, fazer com que voc tenha a capacidade de operar, fazendo anlises grficas, e entendendo como o grfico se movimenta, sabendo a hora exata de comprar ou vender um certo ativo. Fora isto voc tambm ir adquirir os 3 principais pilares que um trading deve ter sendo eles: 1-Mindset2-Gerenciamento3-Operacional J que voc chegou at aqui pude constatar o seu interesse pelo nosso contedo, onde foi posto atravs de vdeo aulas todo o conhecimento adquirido pelo Trader Anderson em anos no mercado financeiro. Adquira j!!!"
Price: 579.99

"Become an expert food safety and hygiene catering industry" |
"This course, offers the basic food safety concepts for anyone who works in a setting where food is cooked, prepared or handled. It contains the legal requirement in food safety. This course gives an awareness of the hazards and how to manage them.Food Safety and Hygiene in the Catering industry, teach learners to work safely based on the law, you will learn how to minimize contamination and ensure the food you will handle is safe for consumers to eat.It will show you the HACCP system which provides those who work with food with an overview of what is involved in a HACCP and based on my experience, an easy method to reach food safety management system.This course teaches how to adopt food hygiene practices and work safely in an environment that can prevent cross-contamination. Keeping in mind the basic systems as FIFO and effective storage. This knowledge enables everybody to help their business and own career adhere to food safety law and ensure that food sold to consumers is safe to eat."
Price: 19.99

"BI-02 Business Intelligence Development Using Python" |
"Python For Business Intelligence is a course aiming to qualify its participants to play considerable role within business intelligence projects. using only Python without the need to other BI tools.Course topics selected from Python carefully based on BI tasks required to be done within all stages ranging from data collection to visualization.By the end of this course, students skills should replace BI ready made packages and provide more flexible BI system for the business they are working for. Furthermore they should help companies to avoid Troubles and Costs related to implementation, support and license of ready made BI tools."
Price: 199.99

"ServiceNow Certified System Administrator (CSA) - Paris 2020" |
"95% OFF the original price (for limited time)!Apply the discount / coupon code: CSA-PROExam PreparationThe questions are based on ServiceNow training materials, the ServiceNow documentation site, and the ServiceNow developer site. It should not be considered as the official study or exam materials and should be only used to practice for the actual exam.Exam ScopeUser Interface & Navigation (20%)ServiceNow Overview Lists and Filters Forms and Templates BrandingCollaboration (20%)User Administration Task Management Notifications ReportingDatabase Administration (30%)Data Schema CMDB Application/Access Control Import SetsSelf-Service & Process Automation (20%)Knowledge Management Service CatalogueWorkflows/Flow DesignerIntro to Scripting & Application Tools (10%)Scripting Migration and Integration DevelopmentExam StructureThe exam consists of approximately (60) questions. For each question on the examination, there are multiple possible responses. You should review the response options and select the most correct answer to the question. Multiple Choice (single answer)For each multiple-choice question on the exam, there are four possible responses. You should review the response options and select the one response most accurately answers the question. Multiple Select (select all that apply)For each multiple-select question on the exam, there are at least four possible responses. The question will state how many responses should be selected. You should review the response options and select ALL responses that accurately answer the question. Multiple-select questions have two or more correct responses."
Price: 199.99

"Weekend Project : Build a Face Recognition App with Python" |
"In this 1 hour course, you will learn how to do a face recognition app. There are three main sections in this course.Section 1:You will first learn the Face Recognition library, where you will learn how to detect the face and draw bounding box around it. Once you have learn to detect the faces, you will then learn to recognize it. We will be using a few faces, to compare and to recognize. Do they belong to the same person?Section 2:We will be using Streamlit. Streamlit is a new tool, an opensource tool, mainly used to display and interact with our machine learning models. You will learn the basics of Streamlit. There is so much to learn from Streamlit. Instead of bogging you down with all the stuff, we will learn, just enough, to create our apps!Section 3:With the knowledge we have learnt in the previous two sections, we will combine it and create our very own Face Recognition App.In line with our Weekend Project series, the course is designed to allow you to learn the basics and the specific skills in a short span of time. In one hour, you will gain the basic skills in creating your very own Face Recognition Apps."
Price: 24.99

Vrijheid |
"Leer hoe je in vrijheid kan levenVind wat je nu gebonden houdt en laat het losOntdek de ruimte, ontspannenheid en liefde voor jezelfBegrijp hoe je niet vrij leeftBegrijp hoe je jezelf tegenhoudt vrij te leven en alles te controlerenLeer de controle los te laten, te ontspannen en vrijer levenOndervindt de dagelijkse bevrijding van vrij levenLaat je leven weer makkelijk worden en ontspannenGa aan de slag met de theorie in de praktijkHoe vaak voel jij je vrij?Soms kan het best druk zijn en kan er veel op je af komen. Of je nu op een drukke plek bent, veel te doen hebt, een drukke periode ervaart op werk of je kinderen je oren eraf schreeuwen drukte ervaren we allemaal. De vervelendste drukte is niet die in onze omgeving maar die in ons hoofd. Wanneer we druk zijn in ons hoofd en onze omgeving ook druk is kunnen we stress ervaren omdat we iets moeten met al deze prikkels.Er is een alternatief. Dat is de rust meenemen naar de drukte. Dat klinkt gek maar rust in je hoofd hoeft niet gerelateerd te zijn aan rust in je omgeving. Sterker nog wanneer we onze relatie veranderen met deze prikkels en al deze moetjes en to dos los kunnen laten kunnen we ontspannen aan de slag. We kunnen doen wat nodig is en flowen met wat er in dat moment nodig is.We kunnen namelijk nog zo mindful zijn of veel limitaties hebben los gelaten, maar wanneer we niet veranderen hoe we omgaan met onze gedachten, gevoelens en omgeving en deze niet vrij laten dan kunnen we niet vrij leven.Tijd dus om onze relatie met de wereld, onze omgeving en gedachtes en gevoelens te veranderen en eindelijk vrij te gaan leven.Hoe kan deze cursus jou helpen vrijer te zijn en leven?Misschien heb je al weleens een moment ervaren van vrijheid. Een moment van flow op werk of tijdens sport, in meditatie, op vakantie, een vrij gevoel tijdens een feestje of onder invloed van truffels of ayahuasca. De vraag na zon ervaring is: hoe leef ik deze vrijheid?Misschien heb je nog niet zon ervaring gehad maar voel je dat je een stap wil maken naar een vrijer leven of bestaan en vraag je je af: Hoe ben ik vrij wat er ook gebeurt? Hoe ga ik om met mijn verantwoordelijkheid en mijn verplichtingen als ik vrij ben? En hoe ben ik vrij op mijn werk?Als je met deze vragen speelt en een vrijer leven wilt dan is deze cursus wat voor jou. Deze antwoorden en meer vind je in de opvolger van Mindfulness en Limitaties loslaten, het derde deel van de driedelige cursus: Het pad van vrijheid: Vrijheid.Voor wie is deze cursus?Voor mensen die hun innerlijke wereld kennen en verkennen maar zich nog steeds niet vrij en gelukkig voelen.Mensen die tegen hun beperkingen en limitaties loslaten en steeds meer vrijheid ervarenMensen die een mystieke ervaring hebben gehad, eventueel onder invloed van plant medicijnen of drugsMensen die veel mediteren en meditatie mee willen nemen in hun dagelijks levenAls je vrijheid wilt leren begrijpen en ervaren in je dagelijks levenAls je een veel fijner leven wilt met meer geluk en liefde voor jezelf en anderenWat ga je leren in deze cursus?Wat is vrijheid?Hoe vrij zou je kunnen leven?Hoeveel controle heb ik?Wat gebeurt er als we meer loslaten?Wie ben ik?Hoe leef ik vrijheid zodat ik vrij en gelukkig blijf?Wat als je niet leeft in vrijheid?De valkuilen van leven in vrijheid"
Price: 79.99

"Unity C# 2d- Memory Matching Game" |
"Requirement:Unity Personal Edition and Visual Studio or Any other Compatible code editor is required to follow alongBasic knowledge of Unity & C# is helpful but not mandatoryWant to Learn How to build Games by actually building Small , Simple and Fun Games?Then this is the perfect course for you.Advantage of taking this courseAfter Finishing this course You will be able to build Fully functional Games with Unity and C#.The best way to start creating a 2D game in the unit is to follow an example in its entirety.In this course you will discover your first 2D game. This course gives you the answers, which means that by following this course, you have your first playable game!Some of the core game development techniques this course will teach you are:Creating a unique randomization techniqueHow to setup 2d environment for 2d gameWriting code to make the button events detect object at runtimeKeeping track of the game state internallyHow to setup Ui layout perfectlyCreating a unique logic game plan according to the game concept"
Price: 1600.00

"Agil zur Dissertation" |
"Wenn Du gerade dabei bist, Deine Dissertation zu schreiben und dabei in einem Motivationsloch steckst, kann Dir Scrum dabei helfen Deine Doktorarbeit fertig zu schreiben. Mit Scrum endlich die Doktorarbeit fertig schreibenAgile Rahmenwerke wie Scrum helfen Dir beim Schreiben der Dissertation dabei, dass:Du Deine Motivation aufrecht erhltst, Dir erreichbare Zwischenziele setzt und den berblick ber die verbleibenden Aufgaben bewahrst. Scrum als etabliertes Rahmenwerk zum Managen komplexer Projekte Scrum hilft auf der gesamten Welt EntwicklerInnen ihre komplexen Projekte ins Ziel zu bekommen. Das liegt vor allem daran, dass Scrum auf Iterationen und Feedback aufbaut. Iterationen ermglichen es, auch bei schwierigen Problemen in kleinen Schriten zum Ziel zu gelangen und Feedback hilft dabei sich auf relevante Inhalte zu fokussieren wenig Mehrwertstiftendes zu umschiffen. Scrum fr Deine Doktorarbeit In unserem Kurs zeigen wir Dir, wie Du das agile Rahmenwerk Scrum nutzen kannst, um auch Deine Dissertation durch Iterationen und Feedback ins Ziel zu bekommen. Dabei lernst Du, wie Du den riesigen Aufgabenberg in kleine Hppchen zerlegst, schnell zu einem ersten Entwurf kommst und schlielich durch Feedback genau an den richtigen Stellen nachbesserst."
Price: 19.99

"Microsoft Excel - from Beginner to Advanced - Hindi ()" |
"Who this course is for:This Microsoft Excel courses will take you through 4 levels of Microsoft Excel topics (Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced and Macros).If your looking to take your Excel skills from beginner to advanced level and beyond, then this course is for you.This course gives you a deep, 100% comprehensive understanding of Excel's latest data visualization tools and techniques. I'll show you when, why, and how to use each Excel chart type, introduce key data visualization best practices, and guide you through interactive, hands-on demos and Excel exercises every step of the way."
Price: 1280.00

"Apprenez modliser et optimiser une base de donnes" |
"A la fin de ce cours, vous serez capable de raliser un projet d'analyse de donnes selon MERISE. Je vous accompagne pas pas pour apprendre analyse, concevoir et optimiser une base de donnes. Nous voyons ensemble comment viter les erreurs de modlisation et optimisation de base de donnes.Je vous montre les tapes d'analyse d'un projet de A Z. Je vous ferai une dmonstration sous forme d'un exemple concret."
Price: 19.99

"Excel Para Empresas - Do Zero ao Gerencial" |
"O curso 'Excel Para Empresas', Conduz voc a sair do zero ao Gerencial, e tem por finalidade preparar o usurio a utilizar no apenas os recursos, mas as suas intenes aplicadas a cada contexto corporativo. O termo Gerencial, atribudo para uma condio de uso aplicado ao cenrio corporativo, onde o usurio ao trmino do curso, ter capacidade a conduzir um tema e produzir algo para o seu negcio. O que chamamos de 'Relatrio de Entrega'."
Price: 54.99

"Basic Blogger Course" |
"If you are new to blogging this course offers a step by step tutorial on creating your blog in less than two hours. This course suitable for beginners and does not require any coding skills. The course is meant for all those who find Blogger's free templates restrictive and unimaginative. This course will enable you to customize the look and feel of your Blogspot blog without the need for any formal training in coding. All the resources provided in this course are free."
Price: 1280.00

"Educacin Socioemocional: Mejora Autoconcepto con Teatro" |
"Curso prctico guiado con dinmicas usadas en el teatro aplicadas a la educacin socioemocional.Lo que se busca lograr es contribuir a que el alumno tenga un conocimiento mas amplio de lo que son las emociones y sentimientos, como aparecen en el cuerpo y que podemos hacer para manejarlas.Lo anterior con la intencion de que las relaciones con si mismo y con los demas mejoren, construyendo asi un autoconcepto positivo que permita al alumno tener una mente con disponibilidad emocional para su vida cotidiana.El curso tiene un total de 50 minutos subidos de video que se complementan con los videos que tu mismo grabaras con un dispositivo mvil para hacer los ejercicios de reconocimiento.Si eres docente de cualquier nivel educativo, son estrategias que puedes tomar y aplicar en tu curso.Si eres estudiante te ayudara a desarrollar habilidades comunicativas asertivas con tus compaeros y maestros.Y para cualquier persona el darnos un espacio para hacer conciencia de nosotros mismos siempre va a ser una oportunidad de crecimiento personal.Adems conoce los conceptos de Autoconocimiento, Autoestima, Autoeficacia, sus diferencias y cmo se relacionan.4 textos de apoyo a la comprensin de los conceptos.1 texto de apoyo para conocer por qu usar el teatro cmo lenguaje expresivo."
Price: 270.00

PayPalZapierGmail |
Price: 19800.00

"Print on Demand with Etsy for Passive Income Beginners Guide" |
"UPDATES & NEW CONTENT ADDED FREQUENTLY! October 2020 - NEW! Currently recording new lectures for this monthSeptember 2020 - NEW! BETA Section on Creating Matching Shirt BundlesSeptember 2020 - NEW! Print on Demand Product ReviewsAugust 2020 - NEW! Bonus Lecture: 7+ Print On Demand Face Masks That Will Make You ThousandsJuly 2020 - Update - Thanks to student feedback and questions, added new pages to WorkbookJuly 2020 - NEW! Links to external articles added to multiple lectures where referencedJuly 2020 - NEW! Start A Passive Income Tshirt Brand on Etsy Udemy Course Workbook uploadedJune 2020 - Update - Section 4: Researching for DesignsAre you ready to start generating a passive income? Are you interested in launching your clothing brand? Have you heard about the hundreds of millions of dollars Etsy is bringing in every year for the platform's sellers, and you want in on that action? If you've answered yes to any of these questions, this is the perfect course for you.A few years straight, I spent a lot of time researching different ways of generating passive income online. Believe me, there are a ton, but the problem is, most of them only bring in nickels and dimes, and I'm looking to make dollars. I started getting frustrated until I came across a print on demand and dropshipping business model.As a graphic artist, I figured I would still have to work hard to create images to place on t-shirts and other products. I was wrong; I discovered that there is plenty of low cost and free resources that offer commercial licenses so I can use them to streamline my product creation.Then I needed to figure out how to get noticed...well, I had to learn that the hard way too. After a year of experimenting, I finally found the keys to making consistent sales on Etsy while only putting in about an hour of effort per week.This course will bring together all of my accumulated research and development into a shiny little package for you. Not only that, but I will also share with you how I am currently scaling my store up from generating $40-$50 per week in revenue to $300+ per day!This course is designed for beginners who have little to no experience with print on demand and dropshipping on Etsy but if you are intermediate with this topic, here are a few things you may take away from this course:How much can you really make by letting things run fully automated vs. how much you need to manually intervene to scale up.How to get started with SEO and understanding a couple of misconceptions that you may be practicing with your tags.How to use a vector graphic design software to put together designs using pre-rendered assets.How to use Etsy's built-in marketing tools, such as ads, sales, and email followups.What items to add right after t-shirts that are proven to sell.Why start with Etsy rather than Amazon Merch.I have also completed a workbook that I will be updating from time to time as the market changes. Please use the workbook as your cheat sheet and Etsy store planner.What is NOT covered in the course:My goal with this course is just to get you started. You could stop after taking this course, but I recommend diving deeps on some of the topics I cover. Here are some things I may touch on but won't dive deep into.Advance SEO and marketing analysesMarketing (buying ads) on social mediaAdvance graphic design techniquesI look forward to teaching you all that I know!"
Price: 79.99

"Learn to Speak Hindi through Mythological Krishna Stories" |
"This course comprises of narration of Hindu Mythological stories of little Krishna. It gives insight into the important events and takes you from birth of Lord Krishna and his early childhood adventures. English translation of each story is also available. Through these stories children will learn to comprehend and speak simple Hindi sentences with ease with help of instructions, translations and resources provided with the stories. It will also help children to develop understanding of Hindu Mythology and . The course provides PDF of stories along with quiz and speaking activity associated with each story."
Price: 1280.00

"- Python Programming With Real Life Example" |
"This course is created for beginners who didn't even know single code in Python. This course is designed from scratch. In this course, you can learn Python programming in Tamil with a real life examples and get practical knowledge of Python programming. I recommended to you follow this course and practice this course in real life."
Price: 1920.00

"Emotional Marketing and Content Creation Techniques" |
"In the midst of a global economic crisis and uncertainty people want 3 main things - information, help and something to relate to. Sounds emotional, right? Emotional marketing is a fantastic tool to help you increase your reach, popularity and sales without being annoying and over-promotional. In my 5-year career as an independent service provider I've never had to openly promote my services and search for clients. Clients found me because I had used emotional marketing techniques to build a name for myself and prove the quality of my work. Now I want the same for you!Im tired of marketing coaches who bully you into adopting their old-fashioned pushy sales techniques. Theres a reason why you dont like that approach and the thought of ""doing sales"" stresses you out. Its because you understand emotions. Use that and be the star that you are!In this course you will learn how to create content that attracts people to your brand and your products and services. Not only that, but you will also learn how to build and nurture a community of loyal supporters for your business. Emotional marketing is used constantly by political parties, multi-billion corporations, celebrities and solopreneurs. There's no reason why you can't reap the benefits of it too! "
Price: 24.99

Sales4You |
"We will teach you how to create a a pitch, things that are important for customer satisfaction and tell you what to think when creating a pitch. We will also address how to create a Sence of urgency when coming to sale, other factors will include the difference between sales and marketing as well as how to create a good work ethic."
Price: 300.00

"Hotel Revenue Management (Yield Management )" |
"Cette formation s'adresse toutes les personnes souhaitant acqurir des comptences en Yield Management pour un tablissement marchand (hotel, rsidence de tourisme, location de meubl...). La formation comprend 6 modules avec des vidos explicatives, des supports Pdf, des ressources externes, des exercices sur Excel...Module 1 : Dfinition, concept et histoire du Revenue ManagementModule 2 : Le cycle du RM : Prvoir, optimiser, analyser et vrifierModule 3 : Parcours client, la distribution, calcul des couts de commissionModule 4 : La segmentation et les plans tarifaires et promotionnelsModule 5 : Mesurer les performances, calcul des KPIs, Veille tarifaireModule 6 : Les stratgies du Revenue Management"
Price: 199.99
