"Embracing your Divine Design: Lifepro (Part 1b)" |
"Lifepro (Part 1b) allows the Lifestyle Student to uncover:- the Beauty of Belonging- the Wonder of entering into Divine Reality- the Depths of Understanding when one becomes willing to let go of fear and dare to dive into a Shared Context- His/her Divine Design - His/her Purpose in Life- His/her ProgressIt offers the Lifestyle Student the Option to turn a New Page, should the Desire exists or develops.The relaxed Instructional Pace allows the Creative Processto evolve gradually within each Life Dimension, thereby offering the Student the Opportunity to make those lasting Connections needed to Authenticate from deep within."
Price: 24.99

"Raising the Financial Bar: Lifepro (Part 2)" |
"Lifepro (Part 2) allows the Lifestyle Student to uncover: -His /her Money Needs -His/her Money Heart -His/her Risk and Investment Options -His/her Route to Financial Freedom The relaxed Instructional Pace allows the Creative Processto evolve gradually within each Life Dimension, thereby offering the Student the Opportunity to make those lasting Connections needed to Authenticate from deep within."
Price: 24.99

"The Marketplace & Creativity: Lifepro (Parts 3 & 4)" |
"Lifepro (Part 3) allows the Lifestyle-Student to uncover: -His /her Work Needs -His/her Work Heart -His/her Range of Work Options and -Opportunities -His/her Route to Work Contribution and -Fulfilment Lifepro (Part 4) allows the Lifestyle-Student to uncover:-His /her Creative Needs -His/her Creative Heart -His/her Range of Creative Options and -Opportunities -His/her Route to Creative Contribution and -Fulfilment The relaxed Instructional Pace within each Life Dimension has allowed the Creative Processto evolve gradually. Not only did the Student have 'Space' and 'Time' to make the lasting Connections needed to Authenticate from deep within, but he/she has also been prepared to, eventually, spiral out of 'flowing' into 'flying'."
Price: 24.99

"Complete Angular course for 2020" |
"Welcome to complete Angular developer course.This is a fresh course totally designed on latest Angular in 2020. Angular is already a complex and big framework. To understand it, you dont just need best coding practices but also best teaching practices, so that you finish the course.Angular is a javascript based framework that is powerful and is used at majority of corporate world. Having deep understanding of framework will not only increase your chances of getting hired but also increase your chances to get salary hike.In this course, we will start from absolute scratch. We will install required tools to get started with Angular. After installing them, we will move towards creating few initial app, we will move towards creating app from scratch. We will delete everything and will recreate entire Angular app. This will give insight about every file and structure.After that we will take projects to understand Angular terms like 2 way binding, dependency injection, Reactive forms etc.This course also includes Typescript as this can be a small challenge to get started with Angular. Enough is covered that you will not get a speed-braker in this entire course. RxJS is also included in this course. An entire section on RxJS will clear your concepts and you will be able to use it in Angular projects.Finally, we will move towards creating Apps that use Authentications. This will help us to understand route protection too. After that we will handle Multiple API end points. At the end we will create an app inspired by Instagram, where we will use everything from the course. Routes, authentication, handling API, Firebase and more. This app can be worked more and can be used a refined portfolio application.I am really excited to get started with this fresh Angular course with you!Catch you inside the course!"
Price: 19.99

"Women Build Confidence Coaching Series" |
" Upgrade in the Midst of the PandemicWomen Build ConfidenceThe Women Build Confidence Coaching Program is designed to assist women with developing effective tools to reach personal and professional goals. We are excite to announce this revised course to individuals who are ready to reignite their goals during this time of #Covid19 Dr. Da Graca has spent 20 years helping women get out of the shadows and into the limelight of their dreams! Design your blueprint of success when you join this power packed program. Reclaim your life-on your own terms, and maximize your personal and professional success. Stop the disease of Tomorrow-ism, and ACTIVATE a new mindset that will catapult you to new levels of transformation. Access the secret sauce of persistence that Dr. Da Graca has used to navigate out of her own personal setbacks.Shift Your MindsetAffirm your Inherent Worth and ValueKindle New Sparks of OpportunityLeverage Your Skillsets for the New EconomyDesign A Personal Action Calendar with Step-by-Step StrategyLearn How to Persevere through UncertaintyQuery Your Personal Path of Success"
Price: 199.99

"Bootstrap 5 ile Premium Web Tasarm Proje Gelitirme Kursu" |
"Bootstrap' in en son versiyonu Bootstrap 5 ile gerek premium web tasarmlar yapmaya hazr msn?Temel html ve css bilgisiyle sfrdan gzel grnml web tasarmlarn hazrlamak bilgiden te ou zaman grsel bak asyla da alakaldr. Dolaysyla iyi bir css bilgisine sahip olsak bile gzel grnml web tasarmlarn hazrlamak zaman alc ve skc olabiliyor. Ancak uyumluluk, responsive vb. temel tasarm yeteneklerini bootstrap ktphanesine brakrsak ilerimiz olduka kolaylar. Son zamanlarda olduka popler hale gelen bootstrap css ve javascript ktphanesi ou byk firma tarafndan kullanlmaktadr. Bu yzden iyi bir bootstrap bilgisine sahip olmak ok deerli hale gelmitir.Temel css ve html bilgisiyle kursa katlp ksa zamanda gzel grnml web tasarmlarn kolaylkla yapabilir ve projelerinizde srekli tasarm arama abasndan kurtulabilirsiniz.Bu Kursta Neler Yapacaz?** En basitiyle hangi font trn kullanmalym, yaz boyutu ne olsun, hangi renk hangisiyle daha uyumlu gibi temel konular artk dnmemize gerek kalmadan premium tasarmlarla hedefimize kolaylkla ulayoruz.** Bir slider ya da bir popup kutusuna m ihtiyacnz var? Tek tek javascript eklentileri aramamza gerek yok. nk kursumuzda bootstrap javascript eklentileri ile hazr component' leri ksa zamanda kullanabilirsiniz.** Web tasarmmz mobilde nasl, tablette nasl ya da masa stnde nasl grnyor gibi konularla artk uramadan her taraycda baarl bir ekilde alan responsive tasarmlar hazrlyoruz.** Tm bootstrap konularn para para rendikten sonra sfrdan 3 tane premium web projesini hazrlyoruz.** Bootstrap ktphanesi iinde tanmlanan zellikleri tamamyla kendi uygulamamza gre zelletirmeyi reniyoruz. ** Sass ile hazrladmz kodlarmz Sass compiler ile css kodlarna nasl evirebiliriz, reniyoruz.En son versiyon!Bu kurs, Bootstrap 5'in (Henz Beta) son srmn kullanan en gncel kurstur.Gerek Projeler / Premium TemalarTm konular rendikten sonra bilgilerimizi birletirerek sfrdan 3 farkl projeyi batan sona yapacaz. Social TemplateAwesome SchoolAdmin Template"
Price: 49.99

"Procurement Planning (PMI - PMP)" |
"The Procurement Planning (PMI - PMP) is course 25 of 28 of the Project Management Professional Certification Program (PMI-PMP). Procurement management may not be the most flashy of all the project management knowledge areas, but it's still pretty important. Procurement is all about obtaining the goods and services that you'll need for your project. From purchasing raw materials, to contracting out specialties services you need to make sure the goods you buy are good quality. That they arrive when you need them. And that you maintain good relationships with your suppliers. In this course, we're going to look at the plan procurement management process.1. Buyers and Sellers in Procurement Management 2. Introduction to Contracts3. Inputs to Plan Procurement Management4. Fixed-price Contracts5. Cost-reimbursable and Time-and-materials Contracts6. Tools and Techniques of Plan Procurement Management 7. Make-or-buy Analysis8. Performing a Make-or-buy Analysis9. Outputs of Plan Procurement Management10. Bid and Procurement Documents11. Exercise: Planning Procurement ManagementThats it! Now go ahead and push that Take this course button, and see you on the inside!"
Price: 24.99

"Econometrics: Simple Linear Regression (University Students)" |
"This course is the key to build a strong foundation for the Econometrics module. This is what some of our students have to say about this Econometrics course: ''The videos are more detailed as compared to how I was taught Econometrics at school. He explains everything in a calm, not so rushed manner''''I am taking Econometrics this year at the University and this course makes a lot of sense. Everything is explained in a step by step and detailed manner''COURSE DESCRIPTION: Many students who are new to Econometrics describe it as a difficult subject. Do you think the same? Do you get lost among the mathematical equations and notations? If yes, then this is the first thing that you need to do - 'Change your approach to study this subject'Take it from me, Econometrics is quite an interesting subject. Whether you like it or not depends on how you tackle this subject. If you want to master Econometrics, then you need to understand the intuition of each and every concept and the logic behind each and every equation. And this is what I am going to help you with!! In this course, I will take you through: 1) All the equations that you will encounter in Simple Linear Regression (Population side as well as the sample side)2) The method of Ordinary Least Squares"
Price: 49.99

"Microsoft Power BI" |
"If you search for a course to be able to create interactive reports and dashboards, create beautiful visualizations, create real time reports, analyze different types of data, create reports from a variety of data resources,..etc. , so you are in the right place.Power BI is one of the most powerful business intelligence tools used in data analysis and reporting.In this course you will learn how to use power BI in a few and quick steps through a real life example.In this course you will learn:How to download and install Power BI desktop.Basic requirements for Power BI desktops.Different types of data that can be imported to power BI desktop.How to import different data types.How to transform data.How to edit the imported data.How to use different visualizations.How to use charts, tables, maps, gauges,...etc.How to format visualizations.How to create phone layout.How to publish reports.How to share your work. . . Power BI . power BI . : Power BI. Power BI. Power BI. . . . . ... . . . . ."
Price: 39.99

"Flowable BPM" |
"This is introductory course on Flowable BPM. This course is built for BPM Architect, Developer and Analyst who wants to learn this superb product of Flowable BPM. This product gives flexibility for Java Developers to work for BPM domain. Flowable BPM is one of the leader in BPM market which has both Community and Enterprise products for process development. Flowable BPM is very lightweight workflow engine with simple development interface. It is built on top of Java framework which will give more flexibility on Spring Boot and other Java framework for implementation."
Price: 199.99

"BIM and GIS make Cities Smarter : Infraworks-Civil 3d-ArcGIS" |
"It is the time to get new chance in your career, new chance to learn about BIM and GIS collaboration, use new technology and make your work smarter. the new position not only for civil engineer, or BIM engineer, its about city engineer. By this course you will enhance your traditional way of transferring information from the BIM to GIS and use these detailed information and smart elements in your asset management for future project or even during operation and maintenance. In this course you will learn about the following :Unit 1 : BIM and GIS value for Smart Cities.Unit 2 : Setup your ArcGIS Online.Unit 3: Adding data to your Project.Unit 4: Conceptual design in Infraworks.Unit 5: Detailed design in Civil 3d.Unit 6: Smart data assets to GIS.Unit 7: Site Data verification and operation.Unit 8: Advanced data analysis in GIS.This course is one of our BIM applications courses in Roads and infrastructure projects."
Price: 149.99

"Accountant in the Business Environment" |
"The purpose of this course is to develop your knowledge and understanding of how accounting relates to other parts of a business and the business environment. The course will seek to develop an awareness of how the wider environment will influence the role of the accountant as part of the management function. The course emphasis on developing study and learning skills and exploring strategies for effective learning. This course aims to develop the core value of social public and ethical responsibility by consideration of the ethics of the accounting profession.Thanks!"
Price: 54.99

"Python Object Oriented Programming: Hands-on for Beginners" |
"Python programming has gained popularity, and even prestigious colleges and universities have added Python to their curriculum.Python Programming language is used in many fields like DevOps, Cloud, and Data Science. Python is used to process Peta-bytes of data daily. The sky is the limit with the build-in functions/libraries, externally available open-source libraries/packages, and commercial ones. This course is all about Object-Oriented Programming, and we expect you to be familiar with various fundamental concepts like- Variables, Datatypes, Conditional/Loop Statements, etc.The course is a must to take your Python skills to the next level, and it becomes a foundation for more advanced learning!!This course will teach the four pillars of object-oriented programming - Abstraction, Encapsulation, Inheritance, and Polymorphism.The knowledge gained will also improve your efficiency in understanding other's code (work, open-source projects, etc.)What are you waiting for? !!! Enroll NOW !!!"
Price: 74.99

"ArcGIS Pro Vs QGIS Level 1: Fundamental" |
"Are you Thinking like this...You want to Learn both ArcGIS Pro and QGIS.You want to Learn ArcGIS Pro but don't Have the SoftwareEven You don't have any knowledge of GIS.You want to Do Your GIS Work Smartly easily with Dynamic Tools of GIS.You are searching for a cheap course of ArcGIS Pro and QGIS with having huge detail material, lectures, topics and Resources.You are searching for Cool and enjoyable lectures of GIS, ArcGIS Pro and QGIS with magical tricks description on each interfaces.You want to learn step by step process with how and why.Then This course is for you, Because this course...Will Teach you All Tools of ArcGIS Pro and QGIS Based on Our Regular GIS Work and Activities.Will Guide You How to Get ArcGIS Pro Software Free for 23 days and also with License Assign and Installation steps.Will Make you Zero to Hero in GIS, ArcGIS Pro as well as QGIS.Will teach you which software will be suitable for your particular GIS Task.Is a cheap course of ArcGIS Pro and QGIS with 42 Lectures, 9 Quiz Tests, 10 Sections, 3 Articles, 15 Downloadable Resources and each lecture contain many Topics and Materials.Gives you enjoyable and Dynamic tools and Magical Tips and Tricks of ArcGIS Pro and QGIS.Gives you All Lectures based on Step by Step Process with description about how and why with practical doing video. Because we believe in Learning by Doing and Playing."
Price: 199.99

"Oracle SQL for clearing 1z0-071 certification via Pearson" |
"The video tutorials will help you understand the database concepts from real ground zero. Starting with the understanding of excel and explaining database. This will make understanding RDBMS concepts really easy.We will learn each and every aspect of database like Select, Insert, Update, Alter, Create, delete etc.Also we will learn concepts of Join, Union, Sub queries etc and many more other concepts of Database.We ""Learn Well Technocraft"" is authorized global certification center for all exams like Oracle, Microsoft, AWS and many more. We offer discounted vouchers for exams using which you can save around $25 or 2000 INR. Also we provide dumps for all global certification. Also if you need any assistance related to the video tutorials please feel free to get in touch on info@dw-learnwell.com or whats app/call on +91 8411002339."
Price: 6400.00

"Build an Instagram-Like Android App Using Ionic 3" |
"In this course, Build Instagram-Like Android App in Ionic, will take you step by step towards creating a complete awesome Instagram-Like Android app using Ionic Framework version 3 from scratch.Building Android apps has never been easier. With Ionic framework, you will be able to create complete, well-designed, user-friendly Android apps quickly, test them, and upload them to Google Play Store. In this course, I'll be using these amazing features given by Ionic framework to build an Android application similar to Instagram. So by the end of this course you will have learned how to create a very complected app like Instagram for Android devices, and you will have your own version of the App!This course is divided into three main parts:The first part is that You will learn how to design your app just like Instagram.Then I'll teach you all the logic to make the app functional.And finally I'll also teach you the back-end side where it's an essential part to make the app completely functional.Therefore at the end of this course you will have an outstanding understanding of how an app like Instagram works, and you will be able to create complex apps as well!Why take this course?There are many benefits of taking this course for example you will:1. Improve your programming skills by build a complicated app.2. Be able to create your own Android mobile apps.3. Be able to apply for Ionic developer jobs.What will you learn in this course?You will learn a LOT in this course, as this course covers the three main aspects of building an Android app: the user-interface, front-end logic, the back-end logic and connection to database.Here is a list of topics covered in this course:How to install IonicUser interface designHow to use Ionic documentationIonic iconsCreate navigation tabsCreate user profileGrid imagesLogin pageSign up pageSearch featureCapture photosUpload photosScroll infinitelyPaginationEdit user profileLogoutCreate postAdd commentsFollow other usersUnfollow other usersChange profile imageLike postsWish you a successful journey throughout this course.See you!"
Price: 199.99

"Do you want to Be Data Scientist /Machine Learning Engineer?" |
"Hey Everyone,Do you want to get Feel about Data Science world.Do you want to validate weather you are right candidate to play with Data.You want to make career in Data Science & Machine Learning field.Do you want to know how Data analyst and Data Scientist work in their daily life.If you want to know above stuff, you are at right place.HBR : Data Scientist is the sexiest job of 21st Century.Payscale : The average salary for a Data Scientist is $96,039.------------------------------------------------------------------------------Course Outline : Data Science and Machine Learning overviewDifferent types of Data analytics.Complete Life cycle of Data Science ProjectsRole and Responsibility in Data Science industrySkill required to become Data ScientistData Science Education.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------I hope you are exited to dive into the ocean of data world.So What are you waiting for, Enroll today and follow the Path of becoming Data Scientist.Regards Ankit Mistry"
Price: 19.99

"AWS Lambda with Serverless Framwork : 3 Hands-on Projects" |
"Do you want to remove burden of managing server from your shoulder.Tired of staring and stopping machine instance based on traffic.With different application traffic will be different, and new strategy of scaling and managing server need to be employed. So, Do you want some solution who can take care of every thing like servers, scaling, Low billing cost?Amazon Provides compute services AWS LAMBDA, who take everything for you.I have designed this course (AWS Lambda with Serverless Framwork + 3 Practical Use cases) to teach about AWS Lambda and in-depth understanding about Lambda deployment with 3 Read Practical case study.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------What is AWS Lambda & Serverless.AWS Lambda is serverless (No Need to manage Server) Technology to deploy your business use cases.Serverless is Framework to start deploying on AWS Lambda with Minimum efforts.In this course I am going to teach you 2 important thing, AWS Lambda DeploymentServerless Framework----------------------------------------------------------------Course Outline : Course Overview : In this section get overview about course, AWS Lambda overview & deploying first Lambda virtual Function. Download all course material in this section. AWS Lambda & Serverless Framework : In this section we will get started with serverless framework to deploy lambda function directly from serverless CLI.Next There is 3 Real world case study to deploy Lambda Function.Case Study - 1 : Develop Lambda function to recognize text from Image uploaded on S3 with Amazon Rekognition API and complete deployment with serverless CLI.Case Study - 2 : Develop Lambda function to find Sentiment from text data inserted in DynamoDB stream with Amazon Comprehand API.Case Study - 3 : In this section we will develop HTTP get services along with Lambda function (serverless + Amazon API Gateway)By Learning AWS lambda skill, take control in your career and upgrad your career to the next level.---------------------------------------------------------------This course Has following stuff : Certificate of completion after finish 100%Q& A discussion forum.So What are you waiting for, enroll Now & Lift your resume.Happy LearningRegardsAnkit Mistry"
Price: 19.99

"Web API & Web Scraping with Python, requests, Beautiful Soup" |
"Hi everyone,Are you bored of manually collecting all those data from different different website.Do you want to learn how you can make complete flow automaticallyDo you want to know how how you can extract the data which Web API and with web scrapingDo you want to learn about Python library beautiful soap and requests to scrap data from websiteIf you want to learn about above stuff you are under right place.Welcome to Web API and Web scraping course with Python request and beautiful soap library.In this course we will start withFundamentals of web scrapingWhat is Web APIYour local installation setup with anaconda distributionWe will get started with Jupyter notebookWeb scraping cannot be learned without knowledge of HTML so I have added scores on HTML for those of you who just want to refresh the conceptComplete section will be dedicated to Web API.In this section we will learn about how Web API worksWith different Web API like countries API and Pastebin API, we will learn how to send get and post request with requests libraryIn this section we will learn about complete web scrapingWe will see how to scrap hacker news website with the help of beautiful soap and request libraryIn this course there is a less theory and more I'll be focusing upon the practical aspect of sending get and post request, scrapping website.So there will be a real hands on across the full course.So what are you waiting for just hit Enroll now button and start collecting data in a completely automated way.RegardsAnkit Mistry"
Price: 19.99

"Mockup Creation Course for Adobe Photoshop or Affinity Photo" |
"Have you ever wanted to learn how to create those awesome mockups you see everywhere these days? Do you want to present your design work or product designs in the best most professional way possible, making them both unique and polished? Do you want to create stunning presentations for your portfolio? Then this course is meant for you. This course is massive spanning multiple projects and software. We will first learn basic mockup theory, how to best layout our mockups. We will talk about proper shadows and highlights and crafting wonderful rich mockup experiences. We then teach you how to set up your own studio to take photos for mockups including t-shirts, iPads, bottles and more. Learn lighting techniques and photo editing techniques to make your mockups truly custom and unique. We will go over the basics of pre-made mockups and how to customize those extensively. Next, we learn how to adapt our designs and graphics to any photo imaginable, even free stock photos. We will give you the foundations needed to place graphics on t-shirts, apparel, mugs, boxes and more. We will learn how to apply graphics that have perspective and use warping tools to warp objects along curves to create product label presentations. We tackle a presentations of for a branding project so you can find ways to best customize and develop a mockup that adheres to the brands style, making it a stunning portfolio centerpiece.We will create a 3d Box from scratch and learn how to layer in shadows, highlights and details to create any box style needed for any presentation. There is even a whole section dedicated to using 3D software like Adobe Dimensions and Blender to create fully 3D product mockups that are hyper realistic. No prior experience needed in the 3D software as it will be taught from scratch. What makes this course truly unique is it gives you multiple software options for learning mockup creation. I, Lindsay Marsh will be walking you through projects using Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Dimensions and Jermey Hazel will walk you through similar projects using Affinity Products including Affinity Photo but also a free 3D software option called Blender. So no matter your software of choice, this course is for you! Also included is a wide array of finished fully customizable mockup templates compatible with both affinity and adobe products! This includes branding presentations, t-shirt templates and more. There are project files included along the way so you can work side by side with us without the hassle of creating your own designs first, giving you time to learn the overall process first.This course does assume you know the very basics of Photoshop or Affinity software but only very basic knowledge is required to take this course. It is gentle enough for most learners to follow along. So, if you want to step up your presentation game and produce some killer custom mockups then lets get started!"
Price: 199.99

"Taking you From Stress to Success" |
"As human beings we have similar responses to stress but also your individual and unique experiences influence this too, so when you understand how these all affect you day to day or year on year, it gives you the power to manage and improve your personal environment and make positive, helpful changes to your circumstances."
Price: 19.99

"Beginners DJI Ground Station Pro - Autonomous Drone Flight" |
"This course is geared to drone pilots who are just starting to learn about autonomous drone flight. As noted in the title, this is a beginners course. We'll be talking about DJI's Ground Station Pro flight app. Students should be aware, this particular flight application only works on iPads. It does not work with iPhones or Android devices.In this class we'll learn how to setup flights for 2 dimensional models, 3 dimensional models, and automated flight paths that can be used over and over again. Students will also learn that creating complex automated flights can take some time to prepare. However, the time invested is worthwhile if you're interested in creating re-usable flights for timelapsed photography and video. Ground Station Pro works well for applications like Drone Construction Progression Reporting."
Price: 29.99

"Kreative Ideen & originelle Konzepte entwickeln" |
"Fhlst du dich manchmal berfordert, wenn du vor neuen Projekten stehst? Sprst du den Tatendrang in dir, weit aber nicht, was du konkret schaffen sollst Stichwort Kreatief oder Kreativblockade? Kreative Ideen leider Fehlanzeige. Vielleicht denkst du auch: Ich bin so unkreativ, andere sind immer viel kreativer.Dann habe ich eine gute Nachricht fr dich: Kreativitt ist nur zu einem kleinen Teil genetisch bedingt. Der andere Teil lsst sich trainieren wie jede andere Fhigkeit auch.In diesem Kurs zeige ich dir daher, wie du das konkret tun kannst und deine Kreativblockaden lst. Ich zeige dir aus meiner jahrelangen Erfahrung als Knstlerin, wie du Schritt fr Schritt kreative Ideen & originelle Konzepte fr deine Werke entwickelst.Auerdem lernst bzw. vertiefst du noch folgende Dinge:wie du deine generelle Kreativitt steigerstverschiedene Kreativittstechniken, um sowohl im Kreativbereich, als auch in anderen Lebensbereichen auf neue Ideen zu kommenwie du Prokrastination & berforderung bei deiner kreativen Arbeit berwindestwie du neben einzelnen Werken auch kreative Ideen und Konzepte fr Produkte und Story-Welten entwickelstwie du kreative Werke erschaffst, mit denen du (mehr) Geld verdienen kannstDesign-Prinzipien und Tipps zum Dilemma ""Generalist vs. Spezialist in der Kreativbranche""wie du ein Portfolio zum Einstieg oder Aufstieg in der Kreativbranche schaffen kannstwie du deine Konzentration als Knstler steigerst und deinem Alltag mehr gesunde Struktur verleihstwie du deine kreativen Fhigkeiten analysieren und gezielt verbessern kannstwie du Briefings analysierst und gekonnt umsetzt ... und viel mehrDu willst deinen kreativen Fuabdruck auf dieser Welt mit originellen Werken hinterlassen oder zumindest deine Kreativitt generell steigern? Dann melde dich jetzt fr den Kurs an und lass dich inspirieren."
Price: 109.99

"Emotional Intelligence Training for Increased Sales" |
"Would You Like to Learn How to Increase Your Sales?Then, You've Come To The Right Place!Emotional Intelligence to Increase Sales is an Online Video Course For Anyone Wanting to Learn to Increase Your Sales and Handle Difficult Customers. You'll Learn How to be Successful With Your Sales in Any Business, Marketing or Sales Situation.Inside This Course, You'll learn how to Increase Your Sales.This Course Also Includes Premium Support. (We'll answer all your questions within 24 hours).After This Course, You'll Be Able ToIncrease Your Sales.Handle Difficult Customers.Control Your Emotions.What You Will Master Inside This CourseEmotional Intelligence to Increase SalesDealing With Difficult CustomersHow to Become Self-AwareHow to Self-RegulateHow to be SocialHow to be EmpathicHow to Stay MotivatedThis Course Includes Templates, Tools & Exercises That Will Help you Increase Your Sales!The Tools in This Course Are FREE.See You Inside The Emotional Intelligence to Increase Sales Course!Love Robin & Jesper"
Price: 99.99

"Data Warehousing and SQL End to End" |
"You'll learn how to read and write complex queries to a database using one of the most in-demand skills - Oracle SQL. These skills are also applicable to any other major SQL database, such as MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Amazon Redshift, PostgreSQL, and much more.Learning SQL is one of the fastest ways to improve your career prospects as it is one of the most in-demand tech skills! In this course, you'll learn quickly and receive challenges and tests along the way to improve your understanding!In this course, you will learn everything you need to become a SQL expert! Including:Get started with SQL Learn the basics of SQL syntaxAnalyzing data using aggregate functions with GROUP BY commandsRunning advanced queries with string operations and comparison operationsSet Operators Subqueries, correlated subqueriesLearn to use logical operators to add logic flow to your SQL queriesLearn common SQL JOIN commandsLearn to create tables and databases with constraints on data entriesand much, much more!SQL is one of the most in-demand skills for business analysts, data scientists, and anyone who finds themselves working with data! Upgrade your skillset quickly and add SQL to your resume by joining today!"
Price: 34.99

"Postmodern Architecture" |
"This is a course on Postmodern Architecture. That is the architectural style and philosophy that emerged as a reaction to Modern Architecture. Modernism in architecture is associated with glass covered buildings, simple forms such as the rectangular prism, straight lines and minimal decoration. Postmodernism says ""less is a bore"". Decorate the basic building and give it some uniqueness and character. This character often derived from Classical architecture."
Price: 194.99

"Mastering Cloud Automation using Azure PowerShell DevOps" |
"This course can be taken by absolute beginners including candidates with non-technical backgrounds, such as those involved in selling or purchasing cloud-based solutions and services, or who have some involvement with cloud-based solutions and services, as well as those with a technical background who have a need to validate their foundational-level knowledge around cloud services and Azure.The course is intended to help people learn Azure concepts quickly and give enough practice exercises to get them started with their cloud journey with a specific focus on Microsoft Azure. Why you should take this coursePDF Included: The slides used inside the course for explaining the curriculum of AZ-900: Microsoft Azure Fundamentals exam has been edited and provided to you along with course. So no need to worry about preparing notes.Demonstration of Important Azure PowerShellReal-world scenarios to help you master AzureEngaging Explanation of Azure conceptsRegular Test your knowledge exercises within lectures to validate your Azure knowledgeLearn how to automate your boring and repetitive work using simple PowerShell tiny scripts.Important Content:Introduction to Azure PowerShellConnecting PowerShell to Azure SubscriptionPowerShell Command-lets style in AzureSome very important PowerShell command lets.Query output of Azure PowerShellMicrosoft Azure Fundamentals: Understand cloud conceptsMicrosoft Azure Fundamentals: Azure Architectural Components"
Price: 19.99

"Curso de Segurana Individual e Patrimonial - BSICO" |
"Mercado de Trabalho: Vigilncia Patrimonial; Vigilncia em Bancos; Vigilncia em ""Shopping Centers""; Vigilncia em Hospitais; Vigilncia em escolas; Vigilncia em Indstrias; e muitos outros. Neste curso vocs aprendero sobre: Noes de Segurana Privada; Explicaes sobre o Direito Penal; Explicaes sobre o DIREITO A IMAGEM; Os direitos humanos fundamentais; Os direitos das crianas e adolescentes; Os direitos da pessoa idosa; Princpios gerais de conduta nos primeiros socorros; Conceito de Vigilncia; Perfil do Vigilante; Vigilncia em Geral; E muito mais!!!Como funciona o curso?Voc far a leitura dos simulados e obter o conhecimento dos tpicos. No necessrio conhecimento prvio, todo o contedo e explicaes (em textos) esto nos simulados. Esse um curso para quem sabe ler, pois sem a leitura no h desenvolvimento profissional. NO TEM VDEOS! Por que comprar? O preo de uma nica aula presencial, em escolas particulares, bem maior (mais caro) do que esse curso completo. Desconto no meu Facebook."
Price: 99.99

"Aletsiz Evde Vcut Gelitirme 2 , Profesyonel" |
"Bu kurs ierisinde, aletsiz ekilde kas geliimi, ya yakm ve kuvvet geliiminin ayn antrenman program ierisinde nasl yaplacan reneceksiniz.lk derslerde kursu kimlerin almas gerektii, kurs ierisinde neler olduu ve kurs ierisinde neler olmadn anlattm. Bu dersler n izlemeye aktr izleyip detaylar renebilirsiniz.Elit Seviyede Antrenman Yapmay reninOlimpik sporcularn uzun sredir kulland gnlk deikenli dalgal dnemleme yntemini bu kurs ierisinde detayl ekilde akladm ve rnek antrenman planlar oluturdum. rendiiniz bu dnemleme yntemini ve rnek programlar kullanarak ayn plan ierisinde ya yakacaksnz, maksimal kuvvetinizi gelitireceksiniz ve kas ina edeceksiniz.rnek Programlar nceleyinProgram tasarmn anlatm olsam da, size yol gstermesi iin detayl ekilde rnek programlar hazrladm. Kolay kullanabilmeniz iin bu programlar pdf belgesi olarak derslerin yanna ekledim.Detayl Teorik Bilgiyi reninYapacamz antrenmanlarn hangi bilgilere dayandn renmek teoriyi iyi ekilde anlamak, zaman ierisin reneceimiz yeni bilgileri daha kolay ekilde eklememizi salar. Bylelikle kendi antrenmanlarmz deerlendirebilir ve kiiselletirebiliriz. rendiimiz yeni egzersizleri daha kolay ve doru ekilde antrenmanlarmza entegre edebiliriz. Bylelikle daha verimli antrenman yapabilir ve programmza daha sk skya balanabiliriz.Gerekli teorik bilgiyi detayl ekilde akladm ve faydalandm kaynaklar daha ileri okuma yapabilmeniz iin kursun sonuna ekledim.lkemizde en ok satan fitness kursu olan Aletsiz Evde Vcut Gelitirme, Fitness Eitimi & Programlar kursunun yaratcs olarak, profesyonel seviyede antrenman yapmak isteyen herkese 2. kursu tavsiye ederim.Faydal olmas dileiyle.Umut Varol"
Price: 59.99

"Lezioni di Liberismo" |
"Leconomia fa parte della vita quotidiana di ognuno di noi, coinvolta in azioni come andare in panetteria, al cinema, prelevare denaro dalla banca. Tutti ne parlano, molto spesso senza saperne nulla. Soprattutto i politici e i professori ideologici delle scuole superiori o delluniversit. Ti piacerebbe poter riconoscere quando sbagliano e capirne di pi? proprio con questo scopo, per aiutarti a capire leconomia quotidiana, a pensarla in modo pi articolato, che TraDetector ha pensato di pubblicare il corso Lezioni di Liberismo. Come suggerisce il nome, si tratta di dieci brevi lezioni sui temi pi significativi delleconomia liberale della Scuola Austriaca, descritte in modo tale che anche chi non un economista possa accedere facilmente e senza complicazioni alle conoscenze essenziali delleconomia libera, che certamente ti aiuteranno a comprendere il mondo economico.Queste sono le lezioni che troverai allinterno del libro:Economia e IstituzioniCosa sono lEconomia, la Scarsit, le Scelte e il ValoreAzione, Tempo e IncertezzaCosa Sono i Mercati e Come Vengono Determinati i PrezziGli Effetti del Controllo dei PrezziProfitto, Perdite e ImprenditorialitCapitale, Interessi e Struttura di ProduzioneIl Ruolo della CompetizioneMoneta e PrezziBanche, Banche Centrali e Cicli Economici"
Price: 49.99

"AWS EKS Kubernetes-Masterclass DevOps, Microservices" |
"******* Course Overview *******Welcome to this Amazing course on AWS EKS Kubernetes - Masterclass DevOps, Microservices. Below is the list of modules covered in this course. Course ModulesCreate AWS EKS Cluster using eksctl CLI Docker FundamentalsKubernetes Fundamentals (Pods, ReplicaSets, Deployments & Services)EKS Storage with AWS EBS CSI Driver Kubernetes Important Concepts for Application Deployments Kubernetes - Secrets Kubernetes - Init Containers Kubernetes - Liveness & Readiness Probes Kubernetes - Requests & Limits Kubernetes - Namespaces, Limit Range and Resource Quota EKS Storage with AWS RDS MySQL Database Load Balancing using CLB & NLB Load Balancing using CLB - AWS Classic Load Balancer Load Balancing using NLB - AWS Network Load Balancer Load Balancing using ALB - AWS Application Load Balancer ALB Ingress Controller - Install ALB Ingress - Basics ALB Ingress - Context path-based routing ALB Ingress - SSL ALB Ingress - SSL Redirect HTTP to HTTPS ALB Ingress - External DNS Deploy Kubernetes workloads on AWS Fargate Serverless AWS Fargate Profiles - Basic AWS Fargate Profiles - Advanced using YAML Build and Push Container to AWS ECR and use that in EKS DevOps with AWS Developer Tools CodeCommit, CodeBuild and CodePipeline Microservices Deployment on EKS - Service Discovery Microservices Distributed Tracing using AWS X-Ray Microservices Canary Deployments EKS HPA - Horizontal Pod Autosaler EKS VPA - Vertical Pod Autosaler EKS CA - Cluster Autosaler EKS Monitoring using CloudWatch Agent & Fluentd - Container Insights AWS Services CoveredAWS EKS - Elastic Kubernetes ServiceAWS EBS - Elastic Block StoreAWS RDS - Relational Database Service MySQLAWS CLB - Classic Load BalancerAWS NLB - Network Load BalancerAWS ALB - Application Load BalancerAWS Fargate - ServerlessAWS ECR - Elastic Container RegistryAWS Developer Tool - CodeCommitAWS Developer Tool - CodeBuildAWS Developer Tool - CodePipelineAWS X-RayAWS CloudWatch - Container InsightsAWS CloudWatch - Log Groups & Log InsightsAWS CloudWatch - AlarmsAWS Route53AWS Certificate ManagerEKS CLI - eksctlAWS SNS - Simple Notification ServiceKubernetes Concepts CoveredKubernetes Architecture Pods ReplicaSets Deployments Services - Node Port Service Services - Cluster IP Service Services - External Name Service Services - Load BalancersServices - Ingress Service Services - Ingress SSL & SSL Redirect Services - Ingress & External DNS Imperative - with kubectl Declarative - Declarative with YAML SecretsInit ContainersLiveness & Readiness ProbesRequests & LimitsNamespaces - ImperativeNamespaces - Limit RangeNamespaces - Resource QuotaStorage ClassesPersistent VolumesPersistent Volume ClaimsAnnotationsCanary DeploymentsHPA - Horizontal Pod AutoscalerVPA - Vertical Pod AutoscalerCA - Cluster AutoscalerDaemonSetsDaemonSets - Fluentd for logsConfig MapsEach of my courses come withAmazing Hands-on Step By Step Learning ExperiencesReal Implementation ExperienceFriendly Support in the Q&A section30 Day ""No Questions Asked"" Money Back Guarantee!"
Price: 19.99
