"End impulsive behavior: A guide to curtailing ADHD behaviors" |
"I grew up much like the child you're thinking of right now; I know what is going on inside his or her head. In this course, you'll learn why your child is exhibiting bad behavior and how to better handle these behaviors. We'll take a deeper look at mistakes parents are prone to making and then modify the current landscape."
Price: 19.99

"Anlises Estatsticas para Marketing - Mdulo 1" |
"Ao final deste curso voc ser capaz de:- Entender e fazer anlises intermedirias de dados para fazer previses e tirar insights.- Entender como a Anlise de Dados e a Estatstica ajuda a prever comportamentos futuros atravs da anlise de dados do passado.- Entender como o uso de mtodos matemticos e estatsticos ajuda a mensurar e entender cenrios de negcios.- Aplicabilidade em vendas e marketing- Aplicabilidade no planejamento estratgico"
Price: 474.99

"Venda Mais com as Mdias Sociais" |
"Neste curso voc vai conhecer ferramentas altamente eficazes e 100% prticas de:Como criar contedo persuasivo nas redes sociaisTcnicas infalveis de CopywritingFerramentas que facilitam a conexo do cliente com seu negcioComo aumentar o seu nmero de seguidores no InstagramComo usar o WhatsApp Business como ferramenta eficaz de vendaComo criar cronograma de contedo eficiente e engajadorComo se destacar dos seus concorrentes nas redes sociais"
Price: 39.99

"Customer Service Success: Take Your Skills to the Next Level" |
"Great customer service is the foundation of any successful business. With the right skills, you have the power to build customer loyalty and create positive service experiences. When you listen and understand your customers' needs and communicate effectively, you can make decisions that benefit the customers and improve your companys performance.This course is for you if you wish to:Learn best customer service practices that are practical and easy to implement Create memorable experiences for your customersStand out from competitorsLearn in-demand customer service and soft skills that will last a lifetimeExceeding your customerss expectations can help deliver a long-term increase in revenue, customer loyalty, and your job satisfaction.This course is designed to apply to both individuals who want to upgrade their customer service skills, but also businesses that want to train their employees and take their customer service to new levels!-----------------------Customer service training doesn't have to be boring! Are you tired of courses that are outdated, monotonous or that just cover the basics? The comprehensive course includes engaging lectures, real company examples, downloadable course notes and scripts, and interviews with industry professionals. All of these resources are designed to help you apply what you learn and succeed! In this course, we will cover:Customer service fundamentalsEssential skills in customer serviceBuilding rapport in customer serviceManaging customer expectationsEffective listening skills Dealing with upset customersSelf-care in customer serviceResponding to positive and negative reviews on social mediaMemorable ways to ""wow"" your customersFAQs and adviceInterviews with industry professionalsAnd much much more!By the end of the course, you will:Feel confident building rapport with customersUse the power of words, first impressions, and body language to influence how they feel about interacting with youLearn how to effectively listen to customer inquiries Feel confident in communicating online, in person, and over the phoneBecome more productive, focused and resilient when dealing with upset customersTurn negative situations into positive experiencesGain practical skills to tackle challenging situationsLearn how you can improve your companys reputation, and as a result, your customers experienceWow your customers and impress your employersYour Instructor:Viktoriya Maya works as the Director of Marketing at Corporate Finance Institute, a leading global provider of online finance education. She is in charge of managing both the marketing and customer service departments to ensure the organization offers top notch education and student support. By serving over half a million of customers and managing a busy team of customer support professionals, she gained hands-on experience and valuable skills that helped her succeed in her role and grow her career. Take a look through the course description and try the free previews to explore the content in more detail You have absolutely zero risk. Udemy gives you a 30-day money back guarantee to make sure you are satisfied with the course.If you are ready to upgrade your skills, grow your career, and make a difference in peoples lives, enroll now to get started!"
Price: 199.99

"Master The Intervals of The Guitar" |
"This course is for those of you bored of learning stylistic licks that you forget after a few weeks and you're getting extremely frustrated. Intervallic playing is the backbone of how to break out of the box both from a melodic and harmonic point of view. With this course you'll learn and master the interval shapes and sounds on the guitar so that you can create your own licks and chords on the fly. You'll also gain a much better ability to play by ear with the ability to transfer what you hear to your fingers. So dive in."
Price: 19.99

"A Guide to Social Media Marketing Strategy" |
"YOU WILL LEARN how to use social media to build connections, brand awareness and create an effective system for amplifying your business or organization's message across town. Lessons are organized by 4 simple milestones that every social media marketer needs to grow their audience strategically.Students will receive a Social Media Marketing certificate upon completion.Harnessing Your Local Community. Tap into your local community to create a powerful network of connections to promote your brand message and amplify your impact.Selecting Social Media Platforms. Learn which platforms are ideal for reaching your future customers and building an engaged audience.Creating Compelling Content. Learn how to create inspiring content that captivates your prospects, customers and readers. Attract your audience and get your brand noticed in relevant communities by effectively using #HASHTAGS and @ACCOUNT TAGGING.Engaging Your Customers and Prospects. Maximize your presence on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn and grow your businessYOU WILL LOVE learning from two dynamic and engaging women who are taking the world by storm with their hyperlocal social media marketing philosophy and techniques for growing audiences, lifting up communities and amplifying organization's messages and missions.Simple Step-by-Step Training. Through a series of inspiring videos, detailed instructional slides, printable templates and guided exercises, entrepreneurs and marketers will learn the basic steps needed to turn their social media into a meaningful marketing channel.Flexible Viewing. View lessons on any device, in any order and on your schedule. With bite-size learning, you will gain expertise and confidence in your ability to leverage social media marketing tools.Course Certification. Receive an official Red Root Certification upon viewing the course. Add it as an accomplishment or educational training to your resume, share with your manager or use it to brag to your colleagues on LinkedIn.YOU NEED THIS COURSE if you are looking to build traffic through social media marketing, grow a brand audience, connect with your community or turn your passion into profit."
Price: 49.99

"Criando Apps Sem Programar Com Adalo" |
"Este curso mostra todo o processo de criao de um app, utilizando o Adalo. So cobertas questes como o armazenamento das suas informaes, a integrao com outros aplicativos atravs do Zapier e a disponibilizao final para os seus usurios, seja atravs da Web (PWA) ou das lojas especficas para Android e iOS."
Price: 49.99

"Python programming Bible - From Beginner to Advanced" |
"Python programming bible course is divided into 8 modules that covers the python programming with theory and practical examples. This is lectures series of python programming from beginner to advanced topics. Jupyter files and PPT files used in this lecture have been uploaded. In addition to theory and handson, 230+ assignment and interview question with answers will prepare student for any interview.Following are the module in the course :- Python Introduction & History- Installation & Program Execution- Python Data Types and processing - Python Statement- Python Function- Python Module and Module Package- Class and OOPs concepts- Exception handlingPython Introduction & History The course starts with basic python introduction and history of python. It also answers basic question on why we should learn python when there are so many programming languages available in the market. It also delves into what can be done in python and what are the areas where python does not score very well.Installation and Program ExecutionThis module covers details about the python installation using anaconda package and steps of python program execution. The python programmer will be able to write their first ""hello world"" program in python using Jupyter editor and Python shell.Python Data Types and processing This covers python built-in object types like Numbers- integer, float, complex number, String etc. It also covers details on list, tuple, dictionary, set and file operations that can be done in python. Dynamic typing concept is investigated here that is fundamentally different from other programming language.Python StatementThis module covers basic IF, WHILE and FOR loop that is at the heart of python compound statement. We will also go through print, range, zip, enumerate function that is provided by python for looping operations.Iteration and Comprehension is also covered here to traverse the container object in faster and efficient way.Python FunctionPython function is natural progression after the study of python statement. In this module we will go through the details of various function, nested function and various types of variables like global, local and non-local. We will also go through the details about a function that takes one or multiple input and how it returns one and multiple outputs. We will also go through the advance concept like lambda function, map, filter & reduce concepts and generator & extended generator concepts. Python Module and Module PackageThis module explains module coding and module package. It covers the concept about how and when to use IMPORT, FROM and RELOAD commands.Python Class and OOPsThis module starts with basic introduction of Class and object oriented programming in python. It also includes concept of inheritance, abstract class and operator overloading with theory and practical examples.Python Exception handlingThis is last module of this course that covers the concepts of exception handling framework in python. We will go through the usage of TRY, EXCEPT, ELSE, FINALLY, RAISE and ASSERT examples. We will also see how to use nested exception handling and how and why to use class hierarchy in exception handling."
Price: 8640.00

"Aprenda Opes Binrias Do Zero" |
"Catalogao de Estratgias Probabilsticas.Para voc que no sabe nada de leitura grfica ou at o momento aps muito estudo, ainda no conseguiu a to sonhada consistncia. Essas Estratgias com base em Probabilidade vo te dar uma nova perspectiva no mercado de Opes Binrias.Chegou a sua hora de lucrar com este material que uma prola de conhecimento e que te ajudar a ser assertivo sem precisar ler os grficos, haja vista, que agora voc olhar as Probabilidades e far suas entradas com base em probabilidades.Seja bem vindo a to sonhada consistncia em Opes Binrias! Chegou a Sua Hora De Lucrar Com Probabilidade Em Opes Binrias!Ateno ao Bnus! Curso Completo de Leitura Grfica iniciando no (Mdulo VII) Mais de 35 vdeos que vo te ensinar do bsico ao avanado Leitura Grfica com Price Action e com Indicadores.MDULO (INTRODUO)O que so Opes BinriasEscolhendo uma CorretoraCadastrando-se na CorretoraEntendendo o painel de controle da CorretoraEntenda o que Grfico Real e Grfico OTCAprendendo o que Price Action e IndicadoresTrs elementos do Candlestick (Perodo Formato Cor)Principais Candlesticks para Opes BinriasMDULO I (ESTRATGIAS PROBABILSTICAS CATALOGAO EM M1)Ciclo de 10 - Reverso da Oitava Vela em Comparao a StimaCiclo de 10 - A Vela Clone da AntepenltimaA Vela Clone da Vela do CentroA Vela do Prximo Ciclo CloneA Vela do Prximo Bloco e Clone da MaioriaA Vela do Prximo Bloco e Clone da MinoriaA Vela Clone da QuartaA Vela Clone da Primeira VelaSegunda Vela CloneMaioria entre Trs Velas CentraisMinoria entre Trs Velas IniciaisMDULO II (ESTRATGIAS PROBABILSTICAS CATALOGAO EM M5)Sexta Vela Reverso da QuintaVela Clone da Primeira na AlternnciaVela Clone da quarta VelaVelas do Bloco Geram Entrada na PrimeiraVelas do Bloco Geram EntradaA Vela Clone da PrimeiraA Vela Clone das Duas Primeiras VelasMDULO III (ESTRATGIAS PROBABILSTICAS CATALOGAO EM M15)Reverso da vela do BlocoA Vela Clone da Primeira Vela do BlocoMDULO IV (ESTRATGIAS PROBABILSTICAS TREINANDO OPERACIONAL EM M1) Treinando Operacional - Reverso da Oitava Vela em Comparao a StimaTreinando Operacional - Stima Vela Clone da AntepenltimaTreinando Operacional - Quarta Vela Clone da Vela do CentroMDULO V (ESTRATGIAS PROBABILSTICAS TREINANDO OPERACIONAL EM M5)Treinando Operacional - Sexta Vela Reverso da Quinta VelaMDULO VI (ESTRATGIAS PROBABILSTICAS TREINANDO OPERACIONAL EM M15)Treinando Operacional - A Vela Clone da Primeira Vela do BlocoCurso voltado a te ensinar opes binrias do zero. No importa se voc no sabe ou nunca viu ou nunca ouviu falar de Opes Binrias, pois neste curso, voc aprender do zero e passo a passo, conforme aulas expostas nos Mdulos abaixo:MDULO VII (PRICE ACTION)Suporte e Resistncia Mais EntradaMarcao de Suporte e ResistnciaEntrada usando Linha de Tendncia de Alta (LTA)Marcao de (LTA)Entrada usando Linha de Tendncia de Baixa (LTB)Marcao de (LTB)Marcao de Canal de LTA / LTBEntrada no RompimentoRompimentoEntrada no Falso RompimentoFalso RompimentoEntrada no Pull BackPull BackMDULO VIII (INDICADORES)Banda de BollingerRSIEstocsticoAroonMACDMdias Mveis + FractalParabolic SarMDULO IX (ESTRATGIAS)Operando Suporte e Resistncia + MACDOperando Confluncia (LTA e Suporte) + Confirmao de Entrada com Aroon e RSIOperando Dando Stop e Reposicionamento Imediato (LTA, MACD, AROON)Operando Com Mdia Mvel e Fractal em M1 Com Expirao em M5Operando Exausto com Suporte e Resistncia + MACD + AROON + RSIOperando com Bandas de Bollinger + RSIOperando Com Estocstico + RSI + Price ActionOperando Retrao de Forma DescomplicadaOperando com Indicador Weis Wave Volume no Perodo de M1Operando com Indicador Awesome Oscillator + Parabolic SarMDULO X (ESTRATGIAS AVANADAS)Operando com Clandestick ElefanteEstratgia Ceifeira em M1Ajude-Me a Testar Esta Estratgia de nome (3Ms)Alavancagem de Soros com a Estratgia (3Ms)Aprenda Definitivamente a Estratgia MHINo Compre Sinal Para Opes BinriasEstratgia Probabilstica Matadora (Boa em OTC)No Despreze a Conta Treino nas Opes BinriasMDULO XI GERENCIAMENTOTreinamento Forte! Combate Fcil! (Gerenciando Conta de Treinamento)Planilha Soros Para Iniciantes Nas Opes BinriasPlanilha de Controle e Gerenciamento de Risco (Opes Binrias e Digital)Planilha de Gerenciamento de Riscos (Altos Lucros e Baixas Perdas)"
Price: 114.99

"Complete French Course (Through Punjabi): Level Beginner" |
". ' 1. : (Pronunciation) , . (Vocabulary Building) Letter Sounds (A,B,C etc.) Vowel Sounds (a, i, y, etc.) French Accents (grave, aigu etc.) Special Letter combinations (ille, ill, gn, eille, ail, , oin etc.) etc (), (All vocabulary in pronunciation lessons is supported by a relevant Photo (image), English meaning, Punjabi Transcript, and Gender aware articles.)2. : (Grammar) . . concept Sentence Formation (Subject/Verb/Object) Negative Sentences (Ne pas, jamais, personne, nulle part etc) Asking Questions; (Pourquoi, quand, qui, que etc.) Subject and Object Pronouns Articles (Definite , Indefinite, Partitive )Adjectives, Comparatives, Tenses (Present, Past, Future, Conditional, Imperfect etc)Possessive, Demonstrative, Disjunctive and Relative Pronouns and AdjectivesPrepositions , , , -, , / , / (Every lesson, each grammar component is explained by real life examples, Translated in English and Transliterated in Punjabi)Apart from above two components you will have access to lessons on Introducing oneself, Expressing weather, counting/numbers, months/days and expressing time etc. )"
Price: 9920.00

"Preparing for the Agile Analysis Certification Exam" |
"Are you interested in IIBA-AAC certification, or just would like to learn more about the content of Agile Extension to the BABOK Guide version 2? Then this agile business analysis training opportunity is for you!""Preparing for the Agile Analysis Certification Exam"" is the most comprehensive certification course for the AAC exam. There is no concept from the Agile Extention which is not thoroughly covered.The benefits of Certification include that there is a continuous growing demand for Business Analysts who understands Agile. Add to that demand that the average salaries of Agile practitioners is significantly greater, which explains why this certification has become so popular among Business Analyst.Similar ""in-person"" courses may charge up to $1,000. Yet, there is no other course that covers the material better.Target Audience:Business Analysts working in an agile environmentBusiness Analysis professionals wishing to learn the content of the Agile Extension to the BABOK v2.Business Analysis professionals who are interested in earning the IIBA Agile Analysis (IIBA-AAC) certification.Business Analysis LeadersManagers of Business AnalystsLevel:NoviceIntermediateExperiencedBusiness Analyst Manager"
Price: 99.99

"Fundamentals of Git Source Control Management" |
"Taught by a NASA engineer, this course focuses on the core principles of Git SCM (Source Control Management) with an emphasis on understanding commits, parental relationships, and branches early in the curriculum. If you are new to git or consider yourself a beginner or even an intermediate git user, this course is for you. This curriculum includes 8 hands-on exercises that illustrate topics discussed in the videos which you and the instructor will work through together. Upon completion of this course you will have the skills needed to use Git in any new or legacy software project.Covered topics:Terminology and Common CommandsUnderstanding Commits & the TreeGit TagsUnderstanding Git BranchesRemotes and Sharing BranchesGit diff and difftoolMerge Conflict ResolutionMerging vs. RebasingThe Git IndexBest Practices"
Price: 29.99

"Film Photography: Shoot Your First Roll Of 35mm Film" |
"In today's digital-focused photography world, shooting on film provides both an experience and unique quality that can't be replicated. It's a process that will absolutely make you a better photographer, regardless of what level you're currently at.While intriguing to many, shooting on film can often be a bit intimidatingbut it doesn't need to be. The reality is, shooting on film is easier, more forgiving, and cheaper than many people think.Shoot Your First Roll Of 35mm FilmThis course is designed to quickly introduce you to the world of 35mm film photography, and provide you with the necessary steps and knowledge that you need to shoot your first roll of film. By the end of the course, you'll have shot a roll of 24 exposures, will have the files on your computer to share with the world and will have knowledge and confidence that will propel you forward!We'll start from scratch, beginning with:Purchasing your first cameraincluding the best places to find affordable used equipment and reliable make/model recommendations that still performChoosing A Film Stockincluding a quick overview of the current film market, and which film provides the best value and performance for beginnersCamera Operationincluding loading/unloading film, and basic operationExposure For Filmincluding using your camera's internal light meter, external light metering and how to do it for free, and a simple technique that will guarantee good looking imagesDeveloping And Scanning Your Negativesincluding where to send your film for development, lab recommendations, and how the scanning process worksPost-processingincluding why you need to edit your film scans, and simple yet impactful techniques to help you complete your imagesI look forward to introducing you to the world of film photography, and can't wait to see your results!"
Price: 29.99

"Why Do I Get Cavities?! A Crash Course on Tooth Decay" |
"Did you know that 92% of adults have had dental decay in their permanent teeth?! Due to the prevalence of this disease, understanding and knowing how to handle tooth decay becomes an essential topic to grasp whether you are a patient struggling with decay or an aspiring dental student that will be treating this prevalent disease in the future. As the instructor, I am so excited to share with you the knowledge that I have gained through years of strenuous training to be a dentist.This course will greatly benefit you by explaining key concepts in dental decay in a easy to understand format, without using complex dental jargon. It will also introduce you to many unique practices that you've never heard of that you can easily incorporate into your daily life to develop a healthy mouth. In this course, we will be going over:1) By section, each of the five factors that cause decay and the mechanics of how they work: Genetics, Diet, Oral Hygiene, Gum Recession, and Dry Mouth2) In each section, you will learn about the easy daily modifications that you can make (or introduce to your patients) to minimize your chance of decay3) In each section, you will learn about the various treatment options so that you know exactly why a treatment is proposed the next time you go to a dentist. These are explained in an easy to understand format so it's also a good template for the dentist to use to explain to their patients. 4) At the end of each section, a list of recommended products will be provided that will aid you to counteract the decay effect caused by each factor"
Price: 19.99

"Start, Run, and Grow a Business" |
"This course presents a 10 step model to operationalize and grow a new business. The model covers business planning, team building, culture creation, product launch, pricing, budgeting and planning, marketing, client success, burn rate, and business pivots. The course is ideal for large organizations starting new businesses within it, entrepreneurial ventures and small businesses."
Price: 24.99

"Certified Information Systems Security Professional CISSP" |
"Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) Practice Test500 Questions with accurate answers and full descriptionCISSP is an independent information security certification granted by the International Information System Security Certification Consortium, also known as (ISC). As of July 1, 2020 there are 141,607 (ISC) members holding the CISSP certification worldwide, a fall of just over 500 since the start of the year.Passing Score: 700/1000Exam Time: 3 Hours (English) 6 Hours (Non-English"
Price: 19.99

"Build Clean and Secure PHP Web Apps from Scratch" |
"As a Web developer, you're expected to know how to create a clean and functional Web site from scratch. This course is designed for beginner developers who already know their HTML and CSS and would like to get their hands dirty with creating nice and clean custom Web apps from scratch. I will walk you through the entire process of building a PHP Guestbook application using the LAMP stack. Everything will be built from scratch -- NO bootstrap, NO templates, NO third-party code. You create everything, and you own everything.This course is divided into three major phases:Phase 1: You will build the complete Web app from scratch using only procedural programming in PHP, custom CSS & HTML, and a MySQL database. Phase 2: You will tweak the app and integrate state management to restrict unregistered users from accessing protected content and functionality on the site. Phase 3: You will refactor and convert the same app code using object-oriented programming in PHP. The app that you build will use a MySQL database for data store and allow users to perform basic CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations on the site. Users will be able to view and sign the Guestbook, make edits, and delete content. By the end of the course, you will feel proud and confident to start building a complete PHP Web application from the ground up on your own using your own custom code and various programming techniques."
Price: 24.99

"Stand out with your authentic voice as a creative!" |
"Learn the secret that took me 10 years as a freelance photographer to learn.This lesson came to me after spending countless days in a self-developmental stage of my life. It finally dawned on me how I could gather the most essential thing that I've learned in the last 10 years as a photographer, and turn it into a clear and concise workshop!I'm extremely eager to share this information with you! I believe it will instantly take off the pressure that comes from striving to be recognized."
Price: 29.99

"Expectations of NCLEX (From 2 RN's That Know)" |
"Are you a nursing student or graduate that is ready to take either the NCLEX-RN or the NCLEX-PN and have no idea what to expect? In this video lecture series, we go over what to expect before, during, and after the NCLEX from 2 RN's that know. We will show you how to register for your NCLEX, the correct way to prepare for this national board exam, providing you with tips and techniques along the way, what to expect the day of the exam, and what happens after the test, showing you the different ways how to check if you passed or failed."
Price: 19.99

"Google My Business [le Guide Complet en 17 tapes]" |
" Rejoignez la formation la plus complte et la plus rcente pour optimiser sa fiche Google My Business. Comment faire du rfrencement Google My Business ? Comment arriver dans les premiers sur Google et Google Maps ?Une formation avec que du concret, je vous montrer comment bien optimiser sa fiche de A Z.Quelques semaines et vous verrez des bons rsultats :Plus de visibilitPlus dappelsUn Meilleur rfrencementPlus davis et de bons avisJe vous explique tout. (Conseils, Outils utiliser , Prsentation tlchargeable en BONUS)FORMATEUR : Le Consultant et Expert rfrencement Local / Google My Business et SEO le mieux not de France (voir mes avis). Intervenant dans des coles pour enseigner le SEO et Google My Business. Co-fondateur de LocalRanker !Dans formation avec que du pratique vous allez voir :1 - Prsentation Google My Business2 - Crer et Revendiquer un tablissement3 - Comment choisir son nom dtablissement sur Google (les erreurs fatales ne pas faire) ?4 - La catgorie : Savoir bien la slectionner pour le rfrencement5 - Ladresse physique6 - Zone desservies7 - Les horaires (normales, supplmentaires, exceptionnels)8 - Tlphone9 - Nom de profil court10 - Site web (prise de rendez vous et Google website)11- Produits et Services12- Attributs (points forts et nouveaux attributs livraison, plats emporter..)13- Descriptions (ce quil faut faire et ne pas faire)14- Photos (les types de photos, optimisations, publications, vidos)15- Google posts (comment les optimiser ?)16- Statistiques17- FAQ18- Les avis (Comment en avoir ? Lesquels ? Faux avis ? Avis ngatifs ?)Dcouvrez comment avoir plus de clients grce loptimisation de votre fiche Google My Business.Je suis toujours l pour rpondre vos questions, posez moi votre questions en commentaires et je prendrais mon temps pour y rpondre.Si vous tes un commerant, artisan, indpendant alors cette formation est indispensable pour vous.COMMENONS DS MAINTENANT!"
Price: 19.99

"fitAF83 Isolate" |
"Here at fitAF83 we help you burn body fat, get stronger and get re-energized with NO restrictive diets and WITHOUT living in the gym. No equipment at home? No problem! This course has been expertly designed to elicit great change for your body and no equipment is needed at all."
Price: 19.99

"Earn Money with Speechwriting. Way To Make Money Online." |
"Do you want to make money online and have more freedom?Learn the tactics we used to earn over 100$ per day working around 5 hours per day, with nothing more than a computer and internet connection!General speech writing is an online course that focuses on teaching practical skills that will allow you to go out and sell your speech writing services. The students will receive access to all the updated content for free. This course will take about 3 hours to complete if you do the included exercises well. At the end of the course, you should have your first customer. Course content: Module 1/ What is Speech writing and why can you make money with it? This module covers the introduction and discusses what speech writing is and how you can earn a living with it. Lessons include: - What is speech writing - Who needs a speech writing - Why speech writing can be a great way to make money and have fun - Why this is an important service Module 2/ How to get customers This module goes into a step by step approach to find your first customers. After this module, you should have your first customers lined up. Lessons include: - How to find your first customers - What niches you should focus on - How to scale up to larger customers - A clear exercise to make sure that you take action Module 3/ How to write the speech This module goes in to the details of how you can write a speech. It is a step by step approach. We have also included a pdf document to provide some examples so that you can see what is possible. Lessons include: - Structure of a great speech - How to get the required information from your customer - General guidelines of writing a speech - How to check the quality of the speech Module 4/ How much should you charge? This is a question that a lot of speechwriters struggle with. We will get into this in detail. Lessons include: - How to structure your project - Make sure that you charge enough - Avoiding conflict or issues with the customer Module 5/ How to upsell your customers and earn even more money This part discusses how you can increase your paycheck and earn more money. Lessons include: - How to offer more services to customers - How to work together with other service providers - Get more money for your work Module 6/ Conclusion In this part, we bring everything together and discuss the exercises again. We also provide additional motivation so that you can go out there and conquer the world"
Price: 19.99

"basics of python programming" |
"Python is an object-oriented programming language created by Guido Rossum in 1989. It is ideally designed for the rapid prototyping of complex applications. It has interfaces to many OS system calls and libraries and is extensible to C or C++. Many large companies use the Python programming language include NASA, Google, YouTube, BitTorrent, etc.Python programming is widely used in Artificial Intelligence, Natural Language Generation, Neural Networks, and other advanced fields of Computer Science. Python had a deep focus on code readability and this course will teach you python from basics."
Price: 19.99

"5 Simple Steps to Find & Define Your Niche" |
"Do you struggle with finding clients and getting your message to the right people?Is ""marketing"" and ""selling"" just not you?Do you feel overwhelmed by the thought of having to market yourself and your coaching practice?Are you completely lost for words when people put you on the spot and ask what you do for a living?Do you suffer from imposter syndrome?Would you like a simple, step-by-step process to help you define your niche and create a clear, concise and compelling message about what you do?Then I've created just the thing for youA simple 5 step process to define your niche, that immediately makes marketing and selling your services a walk in the park.5 Steps to Finding and Defining Your Niche is a practical training that will:Give you the step-by-step process that I have personally followed to find, define and refine my niche, that you can use again and again at any time in your businessTeach you how to bring all of your experience, expertise and excellence together into one clear message that will resonate with your perfect clientGive you the confidence to market yourself effectivelyHelp you not to pause awkwardly and stumble over words when potential clients ask you what you doIt works!Here's what some of my clients have said:""I recently did your online course to find my unique niche, and I found not only a definite niche but was truly inspired to follow my passion by implementing my niche going forward. I will gladly recommend your online course to everyone in the coaching industry. "" - Francois""Megan is an expert in her field having been a coach for the past 20 years but also has a prior career in Marketing. Her content has so many great insights - I have learnt SO much. But more than that Megan has a fantastic approach & style to coaching you through how to market your business ??"" Alison Coates""Megan, this is AMAZING! Such fabulous content and such an approachable, informative and at the same time authoritative style. Definitely re-reading, studying and acting on it."" - Claire HoldenWhat you will get:A series of videos that will guide you through the same process that I use to define and refine my nicheWorksheets for every step in the process to help crystallise and clarify your thinkingPractical examples of powerful niches and the principles behind why they work so well, so that you can apply these same principles to developing your own powerful nicheA process to help you craft your clear, compelling and concise niche statement and 3 short points so that you're never caught short when someone asks you what you do for a livingLearn how to:Clearly communicate to potential clients about what you do and the value you have to offerTake the stress out of selling and marketing your servicesDefine a clear, compelling niche that gets your potential clients saying: ""That's who I want to work with.""How can I help you?My name is Megan Hudson and I've been a business and management coach since 2002. I also spent more than a decade in brand marketing and advertising before that, so I've got a sound pedigree as an entrepreneur, business coach, and marketer.For years, I wasn't able to clearly communicate about what it was that I did, and where I could add the most value for my potential clients.My self-confidence suffered and I regularly lay awake at night, wrestling with whether I was really doing the right thing - even though I got positive feedback from my clients.One of the problems with coaching is that it has become increasingly commoditised over the years as more and more coaches enter the industry.You need to be really special if you want to stand out in a crowded marketplace, (especially if you are just starting out) and for that, you need to identify your coaching niche.It took me 10 years to crystalise what I was offering into a niche that made people sit up and say: ""I want to work with her - she can help me solve my problem.""People come to me now, and not the other way around.I never feel like I have to market myself or sell my services because I am so confident and comfortable about the value and results that my work offers.When anyone asks me what I do, I am able to tell them quickly and clearly, without stumbling for words or grinding to an awkward halt.Plus, I know exactly who I get the best results with, so I am able to strategically target my marketing message and efforts to get the best returns.Because my message is so clear and simple, it sticks in people's minds and they tell their colleagues and peers: ""I know just the right person for you.""I developed a system based on the step-by-step process that I used to define my niche, so that you don't have to waste 10 years getting to the core of what you offer. I created a series of 5 easy steps that helped me get clear on my niche, and the niche within my niche. The best thing about these steps is that I can re-apply them throughout my coaching career to make sure that my offering remains fresh and relevant for my potential clients. And so can you.Still have questions?Q: Will this work if my business is brand new?A: Yes, this is a great time to do this work for the first time so that you don't have to go through what hundreds of other entrepreneurs have gone through - trying to market themselves without getting results or being effective.Q: Do I need a website before starting this process?A: Not at all. Many of my clients effectively market themselves without having a website, but they are consistent and clear in the message that they send out via all of their marketing touchpoints so the message never gets diluted.Q: Can I do this in my own time?A: Absolutely. You will have online access to the videos and worksheets so that you can work through them at your own pace."
Price: 149.99

"BrainCamp E-Learning" |
"BrainCamp E-Learning consiste in una serie di seminari e approfondimenti su varie tematiche inerenti il VideoMaking, la Fotografia, la Comunicazione il Marketing e i Social Media.I seminari sono stati registrati Live durante l'evento dal vivo ""BrainCamp"", organizzato da Davide Vasta, formatore e VideoMaker. I relatori, tutti professionisti di successo nei rispettivi campi, ti porteranno per mano alla scoperta dei loro ambiti di lavori, svelando trucchi del mestiere e parlandoti di come impostano i vari progetti.Con oltre 17 ore di formazione, organizzate per aree tematiche, potrai approfondire sia materie a te gi note, sia nuovi argomenti di sicuro interesse, oltre a scoprire le caratteristiche salienti dei vari relatori."
Price: 119.99

"Le Basi del Video Editing - mini videocorso" |
"Questo mini videocorso pensato per dare la giusta consapevolezza del montaggio video, attraverso gli argomenti principali che bisogna conoscere: tagli, ritmica, musica, ecc.Il videocorso non legato ad un software particolare, talvolta viene utilizzato Premiere per fare alcuni esempi, ma i contenuti sono pensati per essere adattati a qualunque ambito di lavoro."
Price: 49.99

"Agile Strategic Planning" |
"Traditional strategic planning is outdated.This course presents Agile Strategic Planning.Agile Strategic Planning is a framework that adapts quickly to changing conditions. It is based on best practices and works for modern, smaller organizations.This course is probably not for organizations with more than 5,000 employees. That size organization requires a different strategic planning framework.If you have a startup or lead a team, or you want to learn some newer strategic planning strategies, this course is for you."
Price: 24.99

"Start a Passive Income Business in 5 Days" |
"Would you like to add an extra source of income without having to do much work once it's up and running? Do you like to create and design products but don't want to spend time and extra money?Then the Start a Passive Income Business in 5 Days course is for you. This course can be take part-time roughly an hour a day for 5 days to get it started. In those 5 days you'll learn how to:Design physical stationery products in Canva even with no design experienceCreate your branding and how different fonts and colours work togetherBuild your own online shopCreate products that are ready for saleSet up a business system that allows you to make money whilst only spending a couple of hours a week on it (if that).Oh and there's no start up fees at all, unless you want to."
Price: 19.99

"FL TRAINING - Self-Defense" |
"This unique approach to self-defense training focuses on preparing both your body and mind to give you the possible chance at a positive outcome in a bad situation. We start with Breath Training, which is how you'll learn to take control of fear and stress. We'll then move on to Movement Training, establishing the foundation of movement that you'll need for most situations. We save the best for last, introducing simple to learn but highly effective martial arts techniques that will give you the knowledge and confidence you need. This is a basic level course, for all fitness and experience levels. All you need for this course is a willingness to move your body and open your mind."
Price: 49.99

"INTELIGNCIA SOCIAL Como se conectar e convencer pessoas" |
"Este curso vai te ensinar a ser socialmente inteligente de forma prtica. Voc vai se tornar um social hacker.Voc sabia que a inteligncia social, ou social hacking, uma das habilidades profissionais mais procuradas pelas empresas do mundo hoje? Essa foi a concluso de estudos tanto do LinkedIn quanto do Frum Econmico Mundial.E que, segundo a Universidade Harvard, a qualidade dos nossos relacionamentos o segredo para uma vida saudvel e feliz?Inteligncia social a habilidade de agir e reagir para ser bem-sucedido em qualquer interao social.Seja na vida profissional, pessoal ou amorosa.Um social hacker uma pessoa com alta inteligncia social, que tem a capacidade de:conquistar as pessoas com carisma;persuadir e liderar equipes;negociar com sucesso;ser aceita em qualquer grupo;argumentar com propriedade;ter xito em qualquer tipo de relao, em qualquer ambiente.Desenvolvido por Elcio Coronato, dono do canal Elcio Coronato, que tem mais de 1 milho de seguidores e mais de 150 milhes de visualizaes no YouTube, o curso tem 37 aulas divididas em 6 mdulos, com mais de 7 horas de contedo.Elcio Coronato apresentador, reprter de televiso, palestrante e empresrio. Em 20 anos de experincia, passou por emissoras como MTV, Record e SBT. Foi um dos criadores do canal Desimpedidos, diretor e embaixador da Playboy Brasil.Transforme sua vida!Seja bem-vindo ao mundo dos social hackers!"
Price: 579.99

"Stepping Up on the Social Front: Lifepro (Part 1a)" |
"The Lifepro Curriculum allows the Lifestyle-Student to tap into his/her Created and Creative Potential by helping him/her to uncover his/her Divine Design and to start expressing and extending the Core of his/her Being and Becoming in a Creative Way.The relaxed Instructional Pace allows the Creative Processto evolve gradually within each Life Dimension, thereby offering the Student the Opportunity to make those lasting Connections needed to Authenticate from deep within.</p>"
Price: 24.99
