"Juniper Networks JNCIA-Junos JN0-103 Certification Practice" |
"Enhance your certification score. Even though you're working at a top company, you'll want to keep your certification score up. It's important for your job search, especially if you want to go for a higher level position. When you're looking for new jobs, people are going to be screening your resume a bit with certifications. Understand the test structure and what to expect; then walk through each topic area, quiz yourself with practice questions and answers, and ensure youre ready to take the certification.Scenario based exam questions for Juniper Networks JNCIA-Junos JN0-103 Certification PracticeOnline practice exam to be completed in Specified Time Duration.Practice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts. Your results are immediately available, while you stay focused on your exam results. Practice tests provides the answer to a test/questions you haven't already learned.Exam Questions similar to actual Certification Exam.Life time Access to practice tests to try as many times until you master the subject. You have access to practice test answers 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. If you're not satisfied, you can easily return to the practice test to make corrections.The practice test have been designed carefully by maintaining the exam structure , syllabus, topic weights , cut score and time duration same as actual certification exam. The aim of the practice exam is to allow the candidate to identify the risks related to a exam topics and be able to recognise them when analysing a real practice scenario.Applicants will need to make sure that they are able to complete the practice examination in its entirety and pass all the multiple choice tests in general nature.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : Juniper Networks JNCIA-Junos JN0-103 Certification PracticeExam Code: JN0-103Exam Level : AssociateDuration : 120 minsNumber of Questions : 60Passing Score :Variable (60-70% Approx.)Total Questions to check your knowledge: 180 "
Price: 74.99

"Developing Emotional Intelligence - using deck of 52 cards" |
"Description:Nature of human being is to covet and his ultimate goal is to be genuinely happy. Now read this statement once again slowly and you will see its the biggest paradox in life. Our brains are wired to seek blissfulness yet when our desires remain unfulfilled it creates sadness. The pursuit of happiness itself makes us unhappy. This self-paced course aims to overcome this challenge by introducing mindfulness into your daily life.Develop Emotional Intelligence Using this 52- Card Deck Find a collection of 52 simple tools to lead a more fulfilling and mindful way of living. Learn a fun way to look at lifes challenges Recognize how easy it is to implement the ideas in your daily life. Build your Emotional Intelligence step by step as you go through each of these 52 cards Experience it in sequence or pick an idea you like to work on each day.Are You Up for the 52-Day Challenge?This on-demand video course is a collection of handpicked 52 cards that helps you lead a life with full awareness. Each concept is designed to give you a spark. Solving problems, handling stress, striking balance, understanding anger, accepting failures, dissolving ego, ending suffering, finding purpose, resolving guilt, managing energy and building trust are just some of the concepts that are covered in this course.Whether you are a student, professional, coach, homemaker, entrepreneur, or simply an individual who aspire to become a more capable version of himself/herself this simple to follow, easy to practice and fun to implement, 52 on-demand video course will certainly help in developing your EI.Contents and Overview:Proposing simple ways, to make life better for everyone, one card at a time, its an optimistic and empowering work. The best part is that you can learn it at your own pace by watching each video and then practising through self-introspection. This is a simple yet powerful way to build your Emotional intelligence as you go through each video right from understanding living (card 1) to finding purpose (card 52) and everything in between.Some of the things which you will learn in this on-demand video course are: Being Grateful - you woke up this morning with a heartbeat, so be grateful as you take your next breath, because somewhere, someone is taking their last. Growing Stillness - the blank space where you are no longer associating with your body, your breath and your thought that space is pure stillness. Simplifying Life some of the powerful tools you could implement are: learn to say NO, cut back on time wasters, and limit your media consumption and step into minimalism. Solving Problems learn how to use this simple tool of stacking to solve problems. Dissolving Fear - words that you use has a biochemical reaction in the body. If you say, I always feel fear, you have a different biochemical reaction then when you say, I always feel confused.How you should take this course?This unique, online on-demand video course provides an inclusive, entertaining and useful learning experience. Since there is no target date for you finishing this course, you can fit this around your current responsibilities and do it at your natural pace.1. Listen to the introductory video2. Watch 1 video each day for the next 52 days3. Do self-introspection on each video and stay mindful about it the entire day.4. Next day pick the next video and repeat the same process5. Listen to all the 52 videos in the same sequence (ideally) "
Price: 49.99

"Affinity Designer - der Komplettkurs fr Einsteiger" |
"Der Affinity Designer Kurs,in diesem Kurs werden wir in einzelnen Lektionen Schritt fr Schritt die Funktionen des Grafikdesign - Programms kennenlernen.Wir beginnen bei den einfachen Basics und arbeiten uns ber die Funktionen der vielen einzelnen Werkzeuge bis hin zu Grundlegenden Themen wie den Ebenen , so dass wir ein Verstndnis fr die Benutzeroberfche und dessen Tools entwickeln.Am besten lernt man bekanntlich beim mitmachen, deshalb werden wir sobald wir die Grundlagen durchgegangen sind, gemeinsam einige Grafiken von Anfang bis Ende selbst erstellen.Beim erstellen der verschiedenen Grafiken, werden sich zum einen die Grundlagen festigen, da sie hierdurch immer wieder praktisch angewendet werden, zum anderen erlernst du hierdurch auch einige neue Funktionen und Arbeitsablufe die sich beim Arbeiten mit Affinity Designer oft hneln.Du wirst lernen Schriftarten zu bearbeiten durch die Funktionen von Werkzeugen wie dem Zeichenstift und dem Knotenwerkzeug. Nur um ein paar der Lektionen zu nennen.Auerdem warten spannende Lektionen auf dich, bei denen wir unter anderem eine Weltkugel erstellen und uns anschauen wie man echte Bilder im Cartoon Stil nachzeichnet.Whrend der Lektionen werden alle Arbeitsschritte genau erklrt und auch optisch auf dem Bildschirm gekennzeichnet.Alle Bilder die ich in den Lektionen bearbeite, stehen natrlich auch fr dich zum Download zur Verfgung."
Price: 179.99

"Swahili For Everyday Life" |
"This course explores topics which cover everyday life conversations, so as to enable a student to become conversant in Swahili. It includes the use of Swahili from home to work, and other spheres of daily life. It will have a huge impact to the Swahili competence level of the students.This course is divided into three sections which arei) An introduction section, which include;-The opening videoii) Lecture section, which includes;-Ten lectures with full HD videos presented on an interactive board.-Ten downloadable lecture notes files for each topic.-Quiz for each topiciii) Closing section, which include;- The closing video note."
Price: 24.99

"Documentrio - quero fazer o meu" |
"Da ideia, criao, produo at a finalizao de um documentrio, aprenda passo a passo como criar seus prprios documentrios e dar vida a histrias, atravs da experincia pessoal do instrutor de j ter realizado vrios documentrios e poder contar alm da teoria a parte prtica de como montar um doc.Uso como exemplo vrios documentrios: Edifcio Master de Eduardo Coutinho, Privacidade Hackeada, Democracia em vertigem, Cora Coralina, os fimes que no fiz, etc."
Price: 39.99

"Estamos vivendo no perodo da 4 Revoluo Industrial, e de extrema importncia o profissional da Engenharia Mecnica ir se adequando a utilizao de ferramentas para aumento da produtividade e reduo de custos.Ao fim deste curso voc ser capaz de:*Realizar Programao em Mquinas CNC's*Controlar a produo, atravs do acompanhamento e superviso das operaes de materiais e equipamentos;*Planejar instalao de fbricas;*Aprimorar mtodos de fabricao;*Minimizar custos e aumentar produtividade.Neste curso o aluno aprender assuntos relacionadas Engenharia Mecnica, tais como:Industria 4.0 -O que Industria 4.0; -IoT A Internet das Coisas; -Computao em Nuvem; -Big Data Na Industria; -Robtica; -Impresso 3D; -A Manufatura Digital; -Integrao de Sistemas; -Segurana Digital.Conhecendo os Tornos-O que Torno;-Elementos do Torno;-Tipos de TornosProgramao de Torno CNC (comando Iso, semelhante ao Fanuc, Siemens, Mitsubishi - Com auxilio de simulador)-Sistema de coordenadas ;-tipos de funes;-Reconhecendo da interface e configuraes iniciais;-Selecionar material mara a usinagem;-Facear e cilindrar;-Furao e troca de lado da pea;-Ciclo de faceamento-Ciclo automtico de torneamento longitudinal;-Tornear canal-Alvio para interpolao circular-Interpolao circular (sentido horrio e anti-horrio);-Ciclo de rocasmento automtico.-E outros...Calculadora Cientifica-O que a calculadora cientifica;-Configurao das Definies;-Fix, Sci e Norm;-Notao de engenharia (Notao Cientifica);-Utilizando a memria;-Restaurar configurao de fabrica;-Converso mtrica;-Clculo de ngulos (Grau, minuto e segundo)-Seno, Cosseno e Tangente"
Price: 99.99

"Venda Humanizada - Comece a turbinar seus resultados" |
"Venda Humanizada - Aprenda como se conectar de verdade com ele, assim os seus resultados vo explodir!Torne-se um fator diferencial para o seu cliente. A Venda Humanizada voc se importar verdadeiramente com a pessoa do outro lado e saber usar esse conhecimento em seu benefcio, ajudando sempre seu cliente no objetivo dele.Um estudo realizado pela Universidade de Harvard, apontou que 95% das nossas decises de compra so inconscientes, e que compramos de acordo com nossas sensaes.Ou seja, se entendermos como a mente humana funciona, o sucesso nas negociaes aumentam. Na ultima decada, incriveis avancos aconteceram na neurociencia e na compreensao do cerebro. Alguns dos estudos foram aplicados para entender o que influncia na decisao de compra dos consumidores.Benefcios desse Curso:- Aumento nos fechamentos de vendas;- Aumento na reteno de clientes;- Melhora de desempenho no relacionamento com o cliente;- Vender mais para o mesmo cliente;E muito mais."
Price: 39.99

"Alibaba Cloud Certified Associate (ACA) Security" |
"This course covers all you need to know to pass the exam on the first attempt. This course is the one-stop-shop for everything you need to pass the Alibaba Cloud Security Associate exam.Are you looking for Alibaba Cloud Training?Alibaba Cloud is ranked as Chinas largest public cloud service provider and the fourth largest worldwide. Alibaba Cloud Certification is fast becoming the must-have certificates for any IT professional working with Alibaba Cloud. This course is designed to help you pass the Alibaba Cloud Security Associate (ACA) Exam. Prior Alibaba Cloud experience required. Doing the Cloud Computing Certification before the Security one is highly recommended. With this Alibaba Cloud certification under your belt (and optionally after completing our Alibaba Cloud Security Professional Certification - also available on Udemy), you will be in high demand by many employers and you can command a superior salary.In this course, we will start with a broad overview of the Alibaba Cloud Security and then deep dive into the individual elements of the Alibaba Cloud platform. You will explore all Cloud Security Services, such as WAF, Security Center, Anti-DDoS, etc.Alibaba Cloud is constantly evolving its platform. We will continuously update this course with new content so you will never have to worry about missing out or failing the Alibaba Cloud certification test because of new content. This is the best online Alibaba Cloud training available, at a greatly affordable rate.So join us in becoming Roopu Clouders today and get your Alibaba Cloud Certified Associate (ACA) Security qualification by completing our Alibaba Cloud online course today!"
Price: 34.99

"Alta Costura: Disea Tu Corset" |
"Este curso esta enfocado para todas aquellas personas que quieran incursionar en el mundo de la alta costura, se te enseara paso a paso a como realizar un corset, desde la eleccin de materiales, tipos de corset mas favorables, los cortes de los diferentes tipos de corset para que as tu disees tu propio corset.Veras que telas son las mas adecuadas, cuales son los tipos de bordado y varillas. Tambin aprenders a colocar copas, como forrar adecuadamente y como armar todo tu corset. Como proyecto final terminaras realizando un diseo exclusivo de corset."
Price: 19.99

"156-515.65 Check Point Security Expert Plus NGX R6 Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) Login and set policy Desktop Policy Server will kill the following processes on the client machine?a) srfw displayb) FWMc) PV monitord) FWDe) CPDQ) The following is part of EF CTL Pstat output. How kernel memory allocated for this system?a) 6MBb) 20MBc) 5 MBd) 12 MBe) 37 MBQ) Which of the following processes is responsible for functions related to policy and communications between the server console Smart and smart?a) CPDb) PV monitorc) FWDd) EF cooperatione) FWMQ) Which of the following processes the security of internal communication management, setting policies and general management capabilities voucher products Point and OPSEC partner products?a) CPDb) FWDc) fwsamd) PV monitore) FWM"
Price: 159.99

"VMware vSphere 6.7 Foundations (2V0-01.19) Practice Exam" |
"Exam Details The vSphere 6.7 Foundations Exam (2V0-01.19) is a prerequisite exam for the VCP-DCV, VCP-CMA, and VCP-DTM certifications. This is a 65 item exam, with a passing score of 300 using a scaled method. Candidates are given an appointment time of 105 minutes, which includes five-minute seating time and adequate time to complete the exam for non-native English speakers. Actual exam time is 100 minutes.Minimally Qualified Candidate The minimally qualified candidate (MQC) should have 6-12 months experience installing, configuring, and managing vSphere solutions. The candidate should possess typical vSphere skills, including deploying and configuring vSphere storage, networking, and compute resources as well as creating and administering vSphere virtual machines. Candidates should also be knowledgeable in optimizing, securing, and performing basic troubleshooting for all components of an installation. The successful candidate will likely have additional industry-recognized certifications and 1-2 years of general IT experience. The MQC should have all the knowledge contained in the exam sections listed below. Exam Sections Section 1 - install and Configure vCenter Server 6.x and ESXi 6.x Hosts Objective 1.1 - Identify vSphere Architecture and Solutions for a Given Use Case Objective 1.2 - Install and Configure vCenter Server 6.x Objective 1.3 - Install and Configure ESXi 6.x Hosts Section 2 - Configure and Manage vSphere 6.x Networking Objective 2.1 - Configure vSphere Standard Switches (vSS) Objective 2.2 - Configure vSphere Distributed Switches (vDS) Objective 2.3 - Configure vSS and vDS Features Based on Given Requirements Section 3 - Configure and Manage vSphere 6.x Storage Objective 3.1 - Connect Shared Storage Devices to ESXi Hosts Objective 3.2 - Configure and Manage Software Defined Storage Objective 3.3 - Create and Configure VMFS and NFS Datastores Section 4 - Deploy and Administer Virtual Machines and vApps Objective 4.1 - Create and Deploy Virtual Machines Objective 4.2 - Create and Deploy vApps Objective 4.3 - Manage Virtual Machine Clones and Templates Objective 4.4 -Administer Virtual Machines and vApps Section 5 - Establish and Maintain Availability and Resource Management Features Objective 5.1 - Create and Configure VMware Clusters Objective 5.2 - Plan and Implement VMware Fault Tolerance Objective 5.3 - Create and Administer Resource Pools Objective 5.4 - Migrate Virtual Machines Objective 5.5 - Backup and Restore Virtual Machines Objective 5.6 - Update ESXi and Virtual Machines Section 6 - Perform Basic Troubleshooting of a vSphere 6.x Implementation Objective 6.1 - Perform Basic Troubleshooting of ESXi and vCenter Installation Issues Objective 6.2 - Perform Basic Troubleshooting of ESXi and vCenter Operational Issues Objective 6.3 - Perform Basic Troubleshooting of Virtual Machine Operational Issues Objective 6.4 - Identify and Troubleshoot Basic Misconfigurations Section 7 - Perform Basic Monitoring of vSphere Implementation Objective 7.1 - Monitor ESXi, vCenter Server, and Virtual Machines"
Price: 19.99

"Clear and Simple VMware vSphere 6.7 Professional VCP-DCV" |
"Exam Details The Professional VMware vSphere 6.7 (2V0-21.19) which leads to VMware Certified Professional Data Center Virtualization 2020 certification is a 70-item exam, with a passing score of 300 using a scaled scoring method. Candidates are given 115 minutes to complete the exam.Minimally Qualified Candidate The minimally qualified candidate (MQC) has six to twelve months hands-on experience installing, configuring, and managing a vSphere solution. The candidate possesses skills in deploying and administering guest operating systems on a vSphere infrastructure. The successful candidate also has basic knowledge of: storage, networking, hardware, business continuity and disaster recovery, security, environmental monitoring and troubleshooting."
Price: 19.99

"2V0-41.19 VMware Professional NSX-T Data Center 2.4" |
"Exam Details The Professional NSX-T Data Center 2.4 exam (2V0-41.19) which leads to VMware Certified Professional Network Virtualization 2020 certification is a 70-item exam, with a passing score of 300 using a scaled method. Candidates are given an appointment time of 105 minutes, which includes five-minute seating time and adequate time to complete the exam for non-native English speakers. Actual exam time is 100 minutes.Minimally Qualified Candidate The minimally qualified candidate should have 6 months or more experience installing, configuring, managing, and troubleshooting NSX-T Data Center 2.4 solutions. Candidates should be knowledgeable of the features, functions, and architectures of NSX-T. They should have at least 6 months hands-on experience with Linux and KVM. They should have 1 year of experience working in IT and with VMware vSphere and its command line. The successful candidate will likely hold additional industry-recognized IT certifications or accreditation. The MQC should have all the knowledge contained in the exam sections listed below."
Price: 19.99

"Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Certification: Exam 70-740" |
"Exam 70-740: Installation, Storage, and Compute with Windows Server 2016In response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) situation, Microsoft is implementing several temporary changes to our training and certification program. Learn more.This exam retires on January 31, 2021 at 11:59 PM Central Time. You will no longer be able to take the exam after this date. Learn more about upcoming exam retirements.Candidates for this exam are involved with the installation, storage, and compute functionalities available in Windows Server 2016. Candidates perform general installation tasks, as well as creating and managing images for deployment.Candidates should have experience with local and server storage solutions including the configuration of disks and volumes, Data Deduplication, High Availability, Disaster Recovery, Storage Spaces Direct, and Failover Clustering solutions. The candidates should also be familiar with managing Hyper-V and Containers as well as maintaining and monitoring servers in physical and compute environments.Note: There are exam updates effective as of March 13, 2019. To learn more about these changes and how they affect the skills measured, please download and review the Exam 740 change document."
Price: 19.99

"70-741 : Networking with Windows Server 2016 Practice Exam" |
"Exam 70-741: Networking with Windows Server 2016In response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) situation, Microsoft is implementing several temporary changes to our training and certification program. Learn more.This exam retires on January 31, 2021 at 11:59 PM Central Time. You will no longer be able to take the exam after this date. Learn more about upcoming exam retirements.Candidates for this exam perform tasks related to the networking features and functionalities available in Windows Server 2016. Candidates should have familiarity with implementing and managing DNS, DHCP, and IPAM, as well as deploying remote access solutions such as VPN and RADIUS.Candidates should also have experience managing DFS and branch cache solutions, configuring high performance network features and functionality, and implementing Software Defined Networking (SDN) solutions such as Hyper-V Network Virtualization (HNV) and Network Controller.Note: There are exam updates effective as of March 13, 2019. To learn more about these changes and how they affect the skills measured, please download and review the Exam 741 change document."
Price: 19.99

"Check Point CCSA (156-215.80) Practice Exams" |
"Install R80 management and a security gateway in a distributed environmentConfigure objects, rules, and settings to define a security policyWork with multiple concurrent administrators and define permission profilesConfigure a Virtual Private Network and work with Check Point clusteringPerform periodic administrator tasks as specified in administrator job descriptionsPrerequisitesBasic knowledge of networking6 months to 1 year of experience with Check Point products recommended"
Price: 19.99

"Microsoft Teams Equipo Digital" |
"Con este curso de Microsoft Teams dirgido a profesionales que deseen actualizarse en la nueva solucin de colaboracin y productividad para equipos. Una formacin completa de Teams ofrecida en la modalidad de vdeo curso.Microsoft Teams es una herramienta ideal para las labores en Equipo , compartir, comunicarnos, interactuar.. Agiliza los procesos ser mas productivo en tu equipo empresarial ."
Price: 29.99

"Meta personality development" |
"developing personality misunderstood by influencing, but it serve far more and dipper meaning to developing self.influence is the end result while developing persona is unique process of TRANSFORMATION.here, I introduced some videos about it's introduction, and different skills to address your unique transformation. your persona is what you introduce to the world. it is great responsibility to spark within, because any how it reflects to your actions and behaviours."
Price: 199.99

"Design PRO Fundamentals" |
"Sabe quando algo no design de alguma pea no fica bom? Ou quando falta aquele algo a mais na pea? Pois , muitas das vezes alguns ajustes simples baseados nos fundamentos do design podem resolver o design do seu projeto. Evite refaes e seja mais assertivo com este curso. Garantia da Udemy;Material em PDF para reviso;Resposta rpida no campo de dvidas;Certificao.Faa j a sua inscrio conquiste mais espao no mercado de trabalho!Obs.: O curso no inclui o ensino de programas grficos como o Photoshop e Illustrator. um curso essencialmente terico, com exemplos de aplicaes em Design Grfico."
Price: 39.99

"OK! AWS290" |
Price: 64.99

"Angular, NodeJS, Express, Mongo. MEAN." |
" ! JavaScript- (MEAN STACK) FullStack JavaScript- MEAN STACK: MongoDB, Express.js, Angular Node.js FullStack JavaScript-, FullStack- ! FullStack-FullStack- - , Frontend-, Backend-.FullStack- (FullStack Developer) , -: (Frontend), (Backend), . : 10 . , , , , . . ! 2020 : Node.js, MongoDB, Express.js Angular. REST API , , Google Amazon. Express.js Node.js- , 1-2 . . , , FullStack JavaScript-, FullStack- C Junior JavaScript Developer 50-80 ., , , . Angular?Angular - ! -. Angular , , -.Angular . , . , Angular , , , , , HTTP ! . Angular . : Angular TypeScript Angular ( Reactive Forms ) ( ) (Pipes) ( HttpClient ) ( Interceptors ) Angular - , ( ) ! GoogleAngular - Google, , -."
Price: 24.99

"Re-konstrukcja relacji. Jak budowa i naprawia relacje?" |
"Zapraszam na kurs video dedykowany narzdziom rozwizywaniu problemw w relacjach. Proponuj w nim prost, a jednoczenie wiele wyjaniajc perspektyw, a mianowicie przyjrzenie si naszym relacjom z komponentw i atrybutw osobowoci, z jakich korzystamy w naszych relacjach. Okazuje si bowiem, e najczciej w naszych relacjach dochodzi do konfliktu, kiedy mamy nawzajem inne wyobraenia o tym, w jaki na przykad sposb druga osoba, jak i my sami budujemy wiat swoich potrzeb i jakie dziaania podejmujemy, by je zrealizowa? W jaki sposb budowany jest wiat wartoci - co jest istotne z perspektywy konkretnej relacyjnej strony - rodzica czy dziecka, przeoonego czy podwadnego, ony czy ma itd itp. Osobowoci te maj przypisane konkretne zobowizania wobec drugiej relacyjnej strony i nie zawsze zdajemy sobie spraw z tego, w jak rny sposb na te zobowizania patrzymy. Z mojego dowiadczenia w pracy z ludmi wynika, e ta wanie - transpersonalna perspektywa - pozwala nam w atwy i szybki sposb przewartociowa nasze relacje i rozwiza wiele konfliktw, ktre na pozr wydaj si nierozwizywalne. Jednak najpierw zaley zacz od podstawowej wiedzy o tym, w jaki sposb i na jakich fundamentach budowane s nasze relacje. Od czego zaley ich trwao, efektywno i sukces. Bo eby budowa waciwe zdrowe relacje, musimy mie odpowiedni wiedz i przygotowanie. Powiedzmy e to poziom czeladniczy. Jednak ju eby rozwizywa konflikty ju zaistniae w relacjach jest nam potrzebna wiedza i umiejtnoci na poziomie mistrzowskim. Zapraszam zatem na kurs i uprzedzam - nie bdzie atwo. Bdzie trzeba zdoby sporo wiedzy i zdoby umiejtnoci korzystania z wielu narzdzi. Ale - za co jestem pewien - po ich zdobyciu moemy w swoim relacyjnym yciu dokona przepotnej pozytywnej zmiany. Prawda, e to kuszca propozycja?"
Price: 249.99

"Risk Expert Parte III - Instrumentos no lineares" |
"O Risk Expert Parte III, coloquei separado justamente pois voc precisa ter feito os outros cursos meus para conseguir acompanhar este curso.Renda Fixa ExpertDerivativos ExpertRisk ExpertPorfolio ExpertNo Risk Expert Parte III vamos tratar o risco com instrumentos no lineares (renda fixa e opes). Aprender a fazer stress test e simulaes de cenrios com este tipo de ativos"
Price: 294.99

"Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Foundations Certified" |
"Hello,Are you ready to Take & Pass OCI Foundation Certified?If your answer is Yes so this course will help you not only in Exam Preparation but boost your Confidence to Next Level.These Practice Tests are prepared to let you pass 1Z0-1085-20 Exam.We Believe attending Practice Questions gives you knowledge about different types of questions in Exam. Exam Details are mentioned belowCloud Concepts - Understanding of basic cloud concepts and its principles of economicsCore OCI Services - Discuss Core OCI Services / Discuss Cloud Native ServicesOCI Pricing, Support and Operations - Explain the OCI Pricing Model/Explain the OCI operational and support ModelGetting started with OCI - Describe the key features and components of OCI / Describe Core Solutions on OCISecurity and Compliance - Explain the OCI Security model / Describe the OCI compliance structureWish you best of luck to achieve your IT Certification goals."
Price: 19.99

"Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Developer Practice Test" |
"Hello,Are you ready to Take & Pass OCI Developer 2020?If your answer is Yes so this course will help you not only in Exam Preparation but boost your Confidence to Next Level.These Practice Tests are prepared to let you pass 1Z0-1084-20 Exam.We Believe attending Practice Questions gives you knowledge about different types of questions in Exam. Exam Details are mentioned belowCloud Native FundamentalsSecuring Cloud Native ApplicationsOperating Cloud Native ApplicationsDeveloping Cloud Native ApplicationsTesting Cloud Native ApplicationsWish you best of luck to achieve your IT Certification goals."
Price: 19.99

"Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Architect Professional" |
"Hello,Are you ready to Take & Pass Oracle Architecture Professional?If your answer is Yes so this course will help you not only in Exam Preparation but boost your Confidence to Next Level.These Practice Tests are prepared to let you pass 1Z0-997-20 Exam.We Believe attending Practice Questions gives you knowledge about different types of questions in ExamExam Details are mentioned belowPlan and design solutions in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI)Design, implement and operate databases in OCIMigrate on-premises workloads to OCIImplement and operate solutions in OCIDesign for hybrid cloud architectureDesign for Security and ComplianceWish you best of luck to achieve your IT Certification goals."
Price: 19.99

"Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Architect Associate" |
"Hello,Are you ready to Take & Pass OCI Architecture Associate?If your answer is Yes so this course will help you not only in Exam Preparation but boost your Confidence to Next Level.These Practice Tests are prepared to let you pass 1Z0-1072-20 Exam.We Believe attending Practice Questions gives you knowledge about different types of questions in Exam. Exam Details are mentioned belowLaunching Bare Metal and Virtual Compute InstancesAdvanced DatabaseArchitect Best PracticesNetworkingStorageInstantiating a Load BalancerAdvanced Networking ConceptsIdentity and Access ManagementComputeDatabaseWish you best of luck to achieve your IT Certification goals."
Price: 19.99

"Urban Vegetable Gardens" |
"This course consists of content narrations in Portuguese on simple backgrounds, with English subtitles. Although there are many scientific articles within supplementary materials, which makes the course suitable for specialists, the main core was made thinking of general public, who wishes to improve their gardening knowledge and thus have an international vision about the matter."
Price: 19.99

"Kepemimpinan dan Peta Anatomi Manusia" |
"Kepemimpinan dapat dianalogikan sebagai kesatuan tubuh manusia yang terdiri dari kepala, badan dan kaki. Bagian kepala merupakan landasan segala perilaku seorang pemimpin. Bagian tubuh adalah keterampilan yang diperlukan bagi seorang pemimpin untuk dapat berfungsi dengan baik. Bagian kaki adalah rencana tindakan atau hasil nyata dari semua pemahaman dan keterampilan yang dimiliki. Pada Course kali ini, kalian akan mempelajari ketiga anatomi kepemimpinan diatas yang meliputi pikiran, karakter, perencanaan, dan masih banyak lagi. Setelah mempelajari Course ini, kalian diharapkan mampu mengeidentifikasi kemampuan penting untuk memimpin, serta menyusun perencanaan dengan target yang terukur."
Price: 350000.00

"Kepemimpinan Millennial" |
"Peserta mempelajari dasar-dasar untuk dapat menjadi pemimpin karismatik yang bersifat integrator, yaitu yang memiliki kemauan dan kemampuan untuk membuat anggota tim dan orang-orang di sekelilingnya terhubung dan mau saling bekerjasama terlepas dari perbedaan generasinya. Peserta mempelajari dasar-dasar untuk dapat menjadi pemimpin karismatik yang bersifat integrator, yaitu yang memiliki kemauan dan kemampuan untuk membuat anggota tim dan orang-orang di sekelilingnya terhubung dan mau saling bekerjasama terlepas dari perbedaan generasinya."
Price: 350000.00

"Ketahui dan Kuasai Profitabilitas" |
"Secara umum, profit atau keuntungan adalah jumlah pendapatan perusahaan dikurangi jumlah pengeluaran. Mendapatkan profit tentunya menjadi target utama seluruh perusahaan, baik pada level kecil, menengah, maupun besar. Profit yang besar memiliki banyak manfaat diantaranya menarik investor, mendapatkan pembiayaan dari bank, serta mengembangkan bisnis. Course kali ini akan mengupas tuntas mengenai profit mulai dari sejarah, definisi, hingga cara-cara yang dapat dilakukan untuk mendapatkan profit. Untuk itu, simak dan pelajari lebih lanjut agar perusahaan yang Anda miliki mampu menghasilkan profit yang sesuai dengan ekspektasi."
Price: 350000.00
