"Keterampilan Interpersonal di Tempat Kerja" |
"Pernahkah kalian mendengar kata interpersonal? Secara singkat, interpersonal adalah berhubungan dengan orang lain dalam bentuk apapun. Namun, orang cenderung mengenal komunikasi interpersonal, yang juga memiliki arti serupa. Memiliki komunikasi interpersonal yang baik dapat menjadi aset berharga dalam diri seseorang. Untuk itu, Course ini membahas tentang komunikasi interpersonal sebagai sebuah ketrampilan yang dibutuhkan dalam dunia kerja. Penguasaan akan ketrampilan ini dapat menolong kalian untuk dapat berkomunikasi dengan efektif, mengemukakan pendapat dengan jelas, serta bekerja sama dengan siapapun termasuk atasan, rekan kerja, maupun pihak lain dari luar perusahaan."
Price: 350000.00

"Mengetahui Gaya Kepemimpinan yang Dinamis" |
"Perubahan zaman tentu menyebabkan berubahnya kebiasaan, lingkungan kerja, dan lain-lain. Pada Course ini, kalian akan mempelajari tentang pergeseran gaya kepemimpinan lama menjadi gaya kepemimpinan baru yang berfokus pada perubahan, atau dalam dunia akademis dan bisnis disebut sebagai kepemimpinan transformasional. Dalam course ini, terdapat penjelasan mengenai perbedaan antara kepemimpinan transformasional dengan kepemimpinan transaksional. Kalian juga akan mempelajari tentang karakteristik hal-hal yang menjadi kunci utama bentuk kepemimpinan transformasional, serta cara mengimplementasikannya dalam sebuah organisasi atau korporasi."
Price: 350000.00

"Introduction to SQL" |
"SQL is one of the most important tools in a Data Scientist's toolbox.With the ever-increasing size of data in recent years, the ability to understand databases, to extract information and meaning from them has become a basic necessity for anyone working in the field.This Course has been created in such a manner that by the end, even a novice with no background in SQL would be able to write effective queries for complex real-life problems.The Content consists of exhaustive Video Lectures that contain:Concept Introduction: Here you will get a walkthrough of the SQL clauses/concepts.Visual Demo: This will help you intuitively grasp the functionality of each SQL clause.Code Demo: Coding sessions will help you learn to write queries in a real SQL environment.In addition, we will provide plenty of checkpoints in term of Quizzes and Assignments to help you grasp the content better.End-to-end projects will help you understand how SQL works in real business scenarios.See you in class!"
Price: 1600.00

"Analitiese Meetkunde" |
"Die kursus begin by die basiese kennis oor die Cartesiese vlak, waarna dit afskop met 'n inleiding oor die reguitlyn. In afdeling 2 word die reguitlyn verder bespreek, met onder andere ewewydige lyne en loodregte lyne. Insluitende die inklinasie hoek.Afdeling 3 bou voort met 'n uitbreiding na die vergelyking van die sirkel. Die gebruik van vierkantsvoltooiing om die middelpunt en radius te bepaal. Ons kyk ook na die vergelyking van 'n raaklyn aan die sirkel.Al die afdelings sluit volledig uitgewerkte voorbeelde in."
Price: 300.00

"Herramientas de mezcla de audio" |
"En este curso se aprendern las herramientas fundamentales para la mezcla de audio, ecualizadores, ecaulizadoores de fase lineal, ecualizadores de fase mnima , diferentes tipos de ecualizadores (ecualizadores multibanda , grficos, semiparametricos, paramtricos y paragraficos) como funcionan los compresores y los diferentes tipos de compresores (Vca, Fet, Optico y Vari Mu), compresores multibanda y sus usos por sidechain, compuertas de ruido, reverberacin, delays, efectos de modulacin, saturadores , deeser y pitch."
Price: 49.99

"Ever wondered on how to solve questions from "" TIME AND WORK "" topic ?Don't worry !!... This course is designed primarily to help YOU to ace this section easilyThese kind of problems are frequently asked in exams like GMAT , GRE , SAT , NMAT , SNAP , CAT .You will be able to over come any question that occur in this section by just going through this course.While there are several course out there to solve questions in general , this course is designed specifically to address your need to solve questions from this section.First I will teach you basic theory and then we will proceed to solve basic level questions. Once we are able to solve basic level questions , we will proceed to solve intermediate level questions. After this we shall solve real hard questions in a simple way."
Price: 199.99

bestsellerpromotion |
Price: 24000.00

"How To Write A Book In 30 Days: The Amazing Writing Formula" |
"A book on your bucket list for long time ? How would you feel if you could fulfill your dream of writing your personal story or experience following super simple steps? And to add to that, end up with a quality book as well.Well, this class is for you.Whether you want to write a book :1) For your brand building2) Long time dream3) Bucket list4) Grow your business5) Help others with shared knowledge & wisdomThat's it. Don't wait any longer to make it happen. Your moment is now. ACT NOW. Speak out loud- the title!!My name is Alok Kumar and I'm a 30 day author, an Amazon Best Seller & a Peak Performance Coach. I run my own e- commerce venture & my two favorite things are to read & talk.In this class, I am sharing simple yet powerful 8-step formula that I used for my 30 days writing challenge & wish to help you with the same.If you believe in yourself & your story, go ahead. I will be waiting for you in this course. THIS IS A GAME CHANGER FOR YOU."
Price: 9920.00

"Herkese Merhabaimdiye kadar 100lerce arkada Java eitimlerime katld.5 sene kadar online eitimlerde bir ok arkadala birlikte emek harcadk. bulmalar noktasnda beraber aba gsterdik.lk olarak mevcut eitimlerimin kaynaklarn aktaracam sonrasnda sfrdan Udemy iin eitimler ekmeyi hedefliyorum.(OCA11 OCP11 , temizinden bir Spring Framework , Spring Boot eitimi vs.)Bu egitim injavawetrust ta yer alan More JavaEE & Spring egitimi kapsaminda olan JAX-RS & JAX-WS bolumlerini icermektedir.5 bolum JAX-RS (restful)3 bolum JAX-WS(soap)Faydali olmasi dileklerimle."
Price: 59.99

"Estratgias de Estudo: Produtividade, Concentrao e Memria" |
"O curso de Estratgias de Estudo um intensivo que oferece uma viso geral de como aprimorar o aprendizado. As aulas so sucintas e diretas, voltadas para quem no tem tempo a perder. As poucas horas de curso podem salvar inmeras horas futuras, j que as estratgias apresentadas tem a finalidade de otimizar a produtividade.Os assuntos so apresentados em uma ordem lgica, que permite uma absoro de contedo potencializada. A didtica dividida em 4 pilares:1. A Teoria:Iniciamos entendendo como o nosso crebro lida com os estudos. Aqui vamos citar diversas pesquisas cientficas que ajudam a esclarecer o processo de aprendizado.2. O Equilbrio:Essa seo continua a apresentar dados cientficos para embasar a importncia de uma vida equilibrada quando a sua meta a produtividade.3. Os Nos:Com o excesso de informaes que recebemos hoje, h diversas afirmaes equivocadas e falsas que devemos processar, aqui veremos quais so os perigos delas e como evit-las.4. A Prtica:Seo mais densa do curso, na qual apresento um compilado de estratgias, dicas e mtodos renomados mundialmente. Alguns exerccios rpidos seguem as aulas para auxiliar a reteno do contedo.Alguns tpicos tratados no curso:- Melhorar a concentrao;- Evitar a procrastinao;- Otimizar a leitura;- Estratgias para a memria;- Criar bons hbitos;- Tcnica de Feynman;- Tcnica Pomodoro;Se voc tem interesse em melhorar sua capacidade de aprendizado para estudar com mais eficincia, alm de ser mais produtivo na sua vida pessoal, te vejo nas aulas. At j!Categorias: Estratgias de Aprendizado, Desenvolvimento Pessoal, Ensino e Estudo Acadmico, Habilidades de Memria e Estudo.Outras palavras-chave: Como estudar?, Como focar?, Dicas de estudo, Tcnicas de estudo, Estudar melhor."
Price: 129.99

"Effective Communication Skills" |
"Most of us don't like speaking in front of others. It can be a very stressful experience, and this fear can cause many presentations to be highly ineffective, losing potential sales or goodwill. This is totally unnecessary and CAN be changed.This course will teach you techniques to realise the power of your voice and how it can be used in many different situations to create compelling and powerful presentations.It will show you how to prepare, shake the fear for presentations and how to engage your audience, even on a webcam.The course will also explain how to use concepts such as body language, posture, confidence, authenticity, tone to relate and engage your audience"
Price: 19.99

"Pague a cuotas sin intereses con su tarjeta de crdito" |
"Usando una estrategia de compras y pagos muy simple, podrs usar tu tarjeta de crdito para poder comprar a cuotas sin tener que pagar intereses. El curso te lleva paso a paso, a travs de micro clases y de aplicaciones prcticas cortas a la asimilacin de la metodologa, que una vez aprendida, podrs usar cuantas veces te sea posible, ahorrar mucho dinero en tus compras, cumplir con tu presupuesto personal de gastos y disfrutar de todos los beneficios que te da el banco por el uso adecuado de tu tarjeta de crdito."
Price: 19.99

"ENGLISH TENSES Master Course" |
"For many people around the world, English is not a first language. Yet, opportunities are directly linked to how well we communicate in English the global language of business.Take the first step towards gaining the confidence you desire in how you communicate with the world.Join this online English Master Course Now!"
Price: 24.99

"Em busca da Excelncia da Qualidade" |
"Este curso aborda conceitos relacionados busca da Excelncia na Gesto de um negcio atravs de uma metodologia do Processo de Gesto visando a Melhoria Contnua.Assim, tem como propsito apresentar uma ferramenta prtica e eficaz para a soluo de problemas aos profissionais que almejam sempre obter alto desempenho.O curso est estruturado em duas sees, sendo que a primeira seo aborda conceitos de Excelncia da Qualidade de Melhoria Contnua, e a segunda seo dando maior nfase aplicao prtica destes conceitos que, juntamente com a metodologia do Processo de Gesto, oferecem poderosa ferramenta para a soluo de problemas."
Price: 54.99

"System Penetration Testing And Ethical Hacking" |
"In this course you will learn how to conduct penetration testing against your systems. You will learn about exploit development, Vulnerability scanning with Nessus, Nexpose, Openvas, Explotation, client side exploitation, pivoting techniques and phishing for conducting social engineering penetration testing. When you will complete this course you have some abilities such as Vulnerability scanning, Vulnerability Assessment, Exploitation, Metasploit framework usage, social engineering attacks, tunnelling techniques and more."
Price: 99.99

"PMI-SP PMI Scheduling Professional Certified Practice Exam" |
"287 UNIQUE practice questions for PMI-SP PMI Scheduling Professional Certified Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : PMI-SP PMI Scheduling Professional Certified Practice ExamTotal Questions : 287Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :170 minsPassing Score : 75 (215 of 287)"
Price: 164.99

"Cyber Security Interview Questions ( WITH EXPLANATIONS! )" |
"These are common Cyber Security Interview questions you may be faced with for an entry level position. Answering these questions effectively will help you prepare for your first Cyber Security Interview. With knowledge, some experience, certifications, formal education, confidence and a commitment to continuous learning you will be better prepared to land your first Cyber Security Job."
Price: 19.99

"CISSP Asset Security Certified Practice Exam" |
"95 UNIQUE practice questions for CISSP Asset Security Certified Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : CISSP Asset Security Certified Practice ExamTotal Questions : 95Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :60 minsPassing Score : 75 (71 of 95)"
Price: 149.99

"LEED G.A V4.1 Exam Preparation Course Arabic Right Track" |
"This course introduces the academic approach of Sustainability and explores how LEED strategies can endure in the face of global change, ecosystem degradation and resource limitations.The course focuses on LEED key knowledge areas of sustainability theory and practice including a full understanding of the whole LEED Rating System Strategies & Organization participants will learn how to manage the LEED project process. This includes project demonstration requirements, project calculations and references.The goal is to share knowledge needed to maximize building performance, achieve LEED certification and help prepare for LEED examinations.This course provide you a Right Track (Short Way)you can take , enjoy during your journey to obtain the LEED green associate credential from the first timeThis course discusses the following topics:Introduction to green building & SustainabilityprinciplesBasics of the LEED certification processIntents and associated concepts of each LEED credit category with deeply understandingLEED Rating system & strategiesTips & Tricks on how to prepare for the LEED Green Associate exam & how to pass it"
Price: 99.99

"Master English Language: Intensive Spoken English Course" |
"A step-by-step process to help people give up their fears, stop self-doubt and step into the confidence to be seen and get real results in their lives.I hear it all the time, my friendIm stuck!I feel shy!I dont have the speaker quality!Im afraid to promote myself!I wish I had more confidence to put myself out there, but...Since youre on this page, Im guessing youre feeling some of this, too.You want to accomplish more in your life, and maybe you feel like if you just knew it was going to work out if you knew the step you want to take is the right one and that you wouldnt face judgment or failure then youd have the confidence to go all in.Because if youre like most of my students, you WANT to go after those big goals and dreams!Theres just one tiny problemSomething is holding you back from doing the big, scary Thing to move your dreams forward.The Thing youre feeling is called to do.The Thing that fills you with excited jitters when you think about it but also kind of makes you feel like youre going be a failure .Whats your Thing?Maybe itsFinally, starting to speak English in the first place.Taking on that new project that you know will put you outside of your comfort zone.Being seen in a bigger way, whether it be through speaking, a webinar, an online course...or anything, really!Sharing your truth with your audience in a vulnerable way.Or maybe even changing the direction of your career, because youre feeling called to do something else.Whatever it is, if youre like most passionate people I talk to, even though you WANT it you just cant bring yourself to actually DO it.Suddenly, everything else seems so much more important.The other skills are also important, I need to better present myself, even my clothes need a makeover?Or maybe you find yourself spending your time learning All the Things. English Grammar! Vocabulary words! Speaking in front of the mirror! How to speak English! How to become a better speaker!Next thing you know, another day, another week, another month has passed and you still havent done The Thing.This may be the point where you start feeling dejected and disappointed like youve let yourself down like you dont have enough motivation, and like maybe maybe youre not cut out for this after all.Im here to tell you that thats not true.Not even close.Its not that youre not motivated enough, dont know enough, or dont have it in you.Its just that the FEAR of doing what you need to do is keeping you procrastinating, stalling, and in an endless loop of learning.+And I get it. Ive been there, and so have thousands of my students. But guess what? You dont have to stay stuck in fear and put off your dreams forever.In fact, what if you could dropkick fear and move forward with the confidence to play BIG in your career (and your life)?Could you imagine what it would feel like toConsistently follow through on your goals especially the Public Speaking Get the fear out and instead build confidence and life thats true to YOUPut yourself out there without worrying about what people will think (especially those friends from high school you dont even talk to anymore!)See the LIMITLESS possibilities in your life, instead of just focusing on what could go wrongSound impossible?Spoiler alert: It isnt! But heres what most people dont knowIts not about taking another English or Grammar learning course. It isnt even about learning more vocabulary or accent!Because if youre being really honest, how many online business courses have you already bought and never did anything with?So if its not about learning more English how DO you start being more confident in your career and finally focus on the tasks that actually matter?It starts with realizing that our thoughts impact our actions, and our actions impact our results.Think about itHow you THINK about a certain situation determines which ACTIONS you take.If you THINK that learning English is scary and is going to require you to step outside of your comfort zone and maybe even take on a new identity then you might do things to stall and procrastinate on actually becoming a better English Learner.But if you know how to identify limiting beliefs when they come up and address the fears that keep you from taking action and from stepping into your limitless potential then your ACTIONS and RESULTS will reflect your new beliefs!And thats exactly why I created Master English Language: Intensive Spoken English Course and why its different from any other course out there.Before you learn one more thing about learning English or speaking in public with full confidence you have to first be able to deal with whats holding you back from taking consistent, powerful action in the first place.And thats exactly what were going to do together.A step-by-step process to help students ditch their fears, stop procrastinating, and step into the confidence to be seen and get real results in their lives.The Master English Language: Intensive Spoken English Course isnt your average online course. In fact, its not really a Speaking course at all?Its a course thats actually going to help you implement every single course you already have learned.Consider this your mindset boot camp.Were going to do the deep work (but in a fun way!), so you can remove the fears that keep you paralyzed, kick perfectionism to the curb, and take consistent, aligned, and confident action toward your goals.Overall a very informative training session. Course content got well covered and also demonstrated the concept very well. Thanks for such an informative and concept-clearing training session.. - Kartikey Kaul, Udemy StudentIt was a really very good experience. All the details covered by sir is really great. Every smallest information was well explained by sir. I am really thankful to sir. - Pragya Singh, Udemy Student""Well, my own personal experience is about this online course is dam good. Also the way of teaching to the enrollers, they can easily relate such things in their situation and the voice is doing a great role in this session. And off course, it was a good match for me, definitely this right place to build your confidence by attending it. Hope you will provide us with more and short things to learn it!"" - Atit Jagannath Lokhande, Udemy StudentHeres Whats Inside the Master English Language: Intensive Spoken English CourseModule 1 English GrammarModule 2 1000 Most Common used PhrasesModule 3 English VocabularyModule 4 1000 Most Common English WordsModule 5 Pronouncing the letters (A-Z)Module 6 Technical EnglishModule 7 Soft SkillsOH, BONUSES?Yeah, youll get plenty.Bonus #1 PDF Files of all the ModulesBonus #2 Fresh new weekly videosAnd the best part is?Ive designed the Master English Language: Intensive Spoken English Course to be a great learning experience for you.Yes, were going to be doing deep, transformative work inside this program.And yes, youre going to be learning A LOT about taking control of your mindset so you can take control of your results!But Im not about to just throw it all and say, GOOD LUCK!Ive broken everything down into a step-by-step system (which you have LIFETIME access to!), so you can take small, consistent action that leads to big results.Rememberits not a matter of doing ALL THE THINGS. Its about focusing on the right things! And Im breaking down exactly where you need to focus every step of the way.I benefited greatly from the experience and was a real plus to continue my career learning English, It is a good experience for me ? - Safia Mahgoub, Udemy StudentNew arrangement of presentation for the main ideas among other courses. - Waseem Mohssen Alhasan, Udemy StudentTeaching style and content are effective. Manoj Kotak, Udemy StudentSo tell meAre you ready to finally live your dream life from a place of I-can-do-anything confidence? I truly believe that you have the power to change the world and that you can accomplish ANYTHING with the right mindset.Yet so many of us are focused on the external part of their lives the strategies and the doing of all the things that they never pay attention to whats going on inside of them.And thats why so many stay stuck in indecision, procrastination, and fear, putting off what they feel called to do and instead focusing on what they feel like theyre supposed to do.Consider that your procrastination, lack of motivation, overwhelm, and addiction to information are all just symptoms of living in fear.ITS TIME TO GROW IN YOUR LIFE WITH CONFIDENCE + COURAGEBy using my Master English Language: Intensive Spoken English Course, you can reprogram your fear-based thoughts and start getting confidence-based results.The Master English Language: Intensive Spoken English Course is the exact course to help you dropkick perfectionism and permission-seeking, and instead take control of your thoughts, habits, and results.Its here to help you focus on the true driver of your entire life your mind.And because I know first-hand what can happen when you let go of scarcity thinking and step into your limitless potential, my intention is to make this program as accessible and easy for you as possible.""The instructor was AWESOME! I came to the class already with some knowledge of the program, but learned a good deal more thanks to your class.."" Rashmi, Udemy StudentOne of the best course. - Suyog Mahesh Dandge, Udemy StudentIts very good. I think its something for which I looking for for a very long time. Thank You so much for this course you provided us with this awesome, amazing knowledge.. Jitesh Arora Udemy StudentHow do I know The Master English Language: Intensive Spoken English Course will work for you? Because Ive been exactly where you are right now.Hi! Im your teacher and coach, Satish Sahani. I help entrepreneurs, students and professionals learn skills to excel in their career and heal from the old thought patterns that keep them stuck.So how did I get qualified to support you grow into a professional AND step into the most authentic version of yourself at the same time?It all started when I pursued my passion for bringing change in the lives of people. As someone who, previously, had to learn and earn is now able to be your instructor for this course.As my journey as an Instructor grew, I felt to give all that I have to you in the form of this constructive, well organised course Eventually, I realized that chasing money and perfection were just cover-up jobs for the real pain which people experience because of lack of some skill: The fear of not being what they can.And I knew that if I was feeling this way thousands of my students probably were, too.After years of self-exploration and radical risk-taking, Ive not only helped myself give away my fears to create a life I love Ive helped my students do it, too.I know firsthand that with the right method, you can let go of the fear of putting yourself out there and finally go after what you want (and get incredible results because of it!). And Im honoured to share my course with you (it only took me a few years to master!).Lets do this!"
Price: 1280.00

"Life to the Full: Your guide to a healthy lifestyle" |
"Would you like to improve the shape youre in? Do you want to participate with friends and family in games and outdoor activities? Do you want to have the kind of body that enables you to serve the Lord through serving others?If the answer to any of those questions is Yes this is the course for you. The course combines the Biblical principle of taking care of our bodies (the why) with the latest scientific findings for optimizing health through lifestyle (the how). Course components include...Bible verses for motivation and directionVideo lessons with clear, specific, and scientifically sound information for healthy livingResource videos that demonstrate simple exercises that can be done in your home without expensive equipment Reflection questions to help you focus on how the lessons apply to you individuallyQuizzes (not graded!) to help you recall the key points of the lessonsCourse topics include...Understanding the profound impact of lifestyle on health and diseaseDealing with stress, alcohol, and tobacco Developing a sound plan for nutrition and avoiding the quick-diet trapFormulating a plan for involving movement and activity as part of your daily routineThreaded through the course is a focus on motivation and consistency. You will learn how to live so that you get to your goal weight and keep at that weight as a natural part of your lifestyle and not as a temporary goal that comes and goes. The course is not a Quick fix or a miracle cure. It defines a program that is challenging and requires daily discipline. The objective is to start training from day one for lifelong success. When you complete this course, you will understand the essential elements of living a healthy lifestyle. You will be able to...Deal with stress and potentially toxic substancesShop for food that is rich in nutrients and low in sugar and unhealthy fatsPlan your day to include activities that strengthen your heart, muscles, and bonesYour instructor, Dr. Jim Mitroka, has the experience and training to be your guide. He has years of experience as a biomedical research scientist and as a university instructor. Dr. Mitroka developed and teaches a healthy lifestyle course to Pharmacy students. Please be aware that Dr. Mitroka is not a physician and the content of this course is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition."
Price: 19.99

"Git & GitHub Crash Course for Absolute Beginners [GitHub it]" |
"This course is a CRASH COURSE that will help you to get started with Git and GitHub.Whether you're a student, a web developer, or even some experienced software engineer - you may find this course useful and learn some new developer essentials.Here are some of the things we're going to cover up in this course:Chapter 1 - Introduction1. Common Problems Programmer Face (2 main scenarios - no version control, no collaboration) - 10 minutes.2. What is a VCS? - 4 minutes.Chapter 2 - Git Essentials1. Download & Install (covering ""git version"", ""git help"", ""git help <command>"") - 8 minutes.2. Configuring basic git information (name+email) - 3 minutes.3. Creating First Git Project (creating a project directory, ""git init"", ""git status"", talk about "".git"" directory - 6 minutes.4. Basic Workflow of Git (creating new ""hello_world"" file, ""tracked vs untracked"", ""3 stages"", ""git add"", ""git commit"", ""git log"") - 13 minutes.5. Basic Workflow of Git - Additional Practice (working with additional files in the project, modifying files, ""git add ."" - 10 minutes.6. Reviewing Changes (diff ""working directory"" VS ""last commit"", ""git diff"") - 6 minutes.7. Removing a file from git repository (""git ls-files"", ""git rm <file>"", ""git rm <file1> <file2>..., ""git rm -r <dir>"") - 10 minutes.Chapter 3 - First Steps with GitHub1. Why we need Remote Version Control System? - 3 minutes.2. Collaboration Importance - 4 minutes.3. What is GitHub? Choosing RVCS! - 6 minutes.Chapter 4 - Getting Started with GitHub1. Creating a GitHub Account - 2 minutes.2. Configuring Remote GitHub Repository with Git - 3 minutes.Chapter 5 - Working with GitHub1. Push Local Repository to GitHub.2. Creating a New Repository on GitHub.3. Clone, fork, and Pull.4. Raw, Blame, and History.5. Watch and Star.6. GitHub Issues & Labels.7. "".gitignore"".8. Branch & Merge.9. Conflict Resolution."
Price: 39.99

"Web testing using Katalon Studio - Basic to advance" |
"Katalon Studio is simple and easy to learn automation testing tool. Anyone having less or no coding experience can work on it. Experts can use their expertise to generate robust code. This course will enable the learner to work on web application automation testing using Katalon Studio at an advanced level. Who are the right candidates for this course -1. Manual testers who want to switch their career to automation testing2. Automation testers who wants to learn this new tool to work on Web application and API testing"
Price: 5120.00

"Nutrition at postpartum: post-pregnancy fast recovery" |
"Postpartum is a challenging time in the life of a woman. Often times, she needs to cope with several challenges such as breastfeeding, sleep deprivation, and taking care of her baby. On the other hand, she has to deal with huge physiological changes happening in her body after pregnancy and giving birth.Did you know postpartum is the most forgotten period of womens production life? Most health care provider and even families focus on health of newborn babies and they simply forget the one of new moms. However, as we all know, the health of babies is tightly connected to the health of their moms.Did you know one may not ever recover from pregnancy? The fact is due to the physiological changes during the pregnancy and afterwards, some women never fully recover after giving birth.Did you know most women need to lose weight at postpartum and many women may experience complications such as postpartum depression or constipation?Have you ever been overwhelmed with health and nutrition information you receive? Have you ever felt sometimes explications related to the nutrition are too complicated to practice? Take this course to learn what science tells you about how to heal at postpartum. This course is prepared in an easy language so that everyone could learn, understand and apply the instructions in her daily food planing.Have you heard of postpartum depression? In this course, Ill introduce you to some foods that can help recover from postpartum depression.Have you been worried about losing weight after pregnancy? In this course, I will provide you with efficient hints on how to healthily lose weight at postpartum to not only recover but also ensure your babys growth if breastfeeding.And finally, Ill explain nutritional facts specifically for breastfeeding. You will learn how to eat healthy when breastfeeding. You will also learn what foods you should avoid or limit eating during breastfeeding to ensure the growth and development of your baby.Knowledge is power. The more you know about your body changes and your nutritional needs at postpartum, the more you are aware of your nutritional needs during this time.In this course you will learn About physiological changes to your body at postpartum. How to take control of your postpartum and feel confident in this period. About a complete guide for eating healthy at postpartum. How to heal fast at postpartum and to get back faster to pre-pregnancy status Beat the most common challenges after giving birth such as losing weight, postpartum depression, and constipation. How to eat at postpartum to heal fast while nourish your baby well by breastfeeding Regarding the most important macronutrients and micronutrients at postpartum Practical guide and examples of the foods that you need to take at postpartum and their portion sizes What foods you should avoid or limit if breastfeeding to optimize growth of your newborn. What is a healthy practice to lose weight at postpartum? Examples of simple snacks for postpartum woman Common food sources and portion sizes of the most important macronutrients and micronutrients at postpartum Much more!Join this course to get prepared for your journey after giving birth! Learn what the best foods are for you to help recover fast at postpartum. Learn to distinguish myth from reality when it comes to eating healthy at postpartum. Learn how to eat healthy at postpartum especially if you plan to lose weight or you want to nourish yourself and your baby perfectly as well."
Price: 99.99

Python |
"Python is a true general purpose object-oriented programming language that provides rapid application development. It was released in 1991 by Guido van Rossum. It has huge demand in in the Rapid Application Development field due to its dynamic binding and dynamic typing options.What Is PythonPython On Jupyter NotebookPython - Variable & Data TypesPython - Basic Operators and FunctionsPython - LISTS,TUPLES,DICTIONARIES,SETSException handling In PythonLoop In PythonImportant Python Libraries For Data SciencePython - Overview of Object Oriented ProgrammingPython - Understanding Modules/PackagesPython - Getting Data In Python Data Visualization In PythonMatplotlib With Example CodeBulk Load CSV Into Snowflake using Python"
Price: 1600.00

"- Online Diabetes Management Program" |
"10 Ayurveda Diabetic Management Dr Sumi K BAMS ,MSC (Psy) Training program.Covid -19 , ,, . 21 .,,, 15 ."
Price: 5120.00

"Ingls Essencial para trabalhar em Londres" |
"Repete o que eu disse by Rafa Arajo apresenta um curso de Ingls para os Brasileiros que moram ou querem morar na Inglaterra, e que tenham dificuldade para arrumar empregos ou se manterem neles por conta do idioma.O curso tem mais de 2 horas, 14 vdeo aulas + material transcrito.O curso dinmico, com metodologia natural de ensino, vdeo aulas, material transcrito, atividades e (One to One Speaking lesson - uma amostra da aula individual online com o professor Rafa Arajo)."
Price: 34.99

"Child Abuse Awareness Prevention & Management Course" |
"This course is designed in such a way that the students can understand all the concepts of child abuse in a simplified manner and in a short period of time.After completion of this course: You will have a clear knowledge regarding how to identify signs of different child abuses, especially child sexual abuse in your childYou will be knowing child bullying in detailYou will be familiarized with whom & how to report the child sexual abuseYou will be given practical tools to prevent child abuseBy the end of this course, there will be a course assessment to verify whether you have understood the concept clearly & correctly."
Price: 1280.00

"Guitar is the easiest instrument and i mean it after joining course and month after to that you will also say this with me ""It's Really easy""This course is designed in such a way that you what you should need to know in very simplified way and make the whole learning process easy and fun.so start investing this time in learning this new skill with me."
Price: 1280.00

"Dufte Zeiten fr Kids" |
"Du bist Mama oder erwartest gerade ein Baby?! Natrlich sind auch alle Papas herzlich Willkommen das Wohlbefinden ihres Kindes von Anfang an ganz natrlich und nachhaltig zu untersttzen. Sei es im Eltern-Kind-Alltag zwischendurch, bei kleinen und greren Herausforderungen der einzelnen Entwicklungsphasen der Sprsslinge oder liebevolle, feste Rituale zum Eltern-Kind-Bonding. Ideal ist es, wenn du bereits ein kleines Grundverstndnis von therischen len hast und wir hier im Kurs besonderes Augenmerk auf die Bedrfnisse der Kleinsten und greren Muse bis zur Pubertt legen knnen."
Price: 29.99

"Investimentos na palma da mo - Investindo com o celular!" |
"A objetivo do curso mostrar que sim, possvel investir na bolsa de valores com pouco tempo, sem um computador nas horas vagas. Vou mostrar o uso dos apps na prtica alm de dicas para operar no celular alm de mostrar estratgias muito simples, com poucos indicadores que so ideais para operar no celular."
Price: 39.99
