"Learn Korean from Scratch - Start Speaking Korean in 30 Days" |
"Welcome to the ""Learn Korean from Scratch"" course from TOPIK GUIDE.This course curriculum has been systematically designed to help you learn Korean language in the most effective and efficient way possible.This course is very different from the typical Korean lessons on YouTube and on many blogs.We will not try to make you memorise 100 Korean phrases about different situations and make you assume that you have learned the language.Memorising sentences and words is not learning a language.Learning a language means having the skills to recall the words and grammar from your memory and frame meaningful expressions to communicate as required in different situation.And, that's what we want to teach you in this course.We will start from the very basics - the Korean script, learn how to connect characters to make words.Then we will learn how to make simple sentences and slowly we will move up to holding conversations.The instructor of this course is a foreigner who himself learned Korean from scratch and is a Korean linguist today.He has a 3 degrees in Korean language and linguistics including a Masters from Seoul National University with 'Teaching Korean as a Foreign Language' as his major.He has highest TOPIK level 6 and has helped hundreds of Korean language learners learn Korean, pass TOPIK test and achieve their dreams to study or work in Korea.During this course, the TOPIK GUIDE Team, along with the instructor, will always be there to help you if you feel stuck at any point.See you inside the course.Frequently Asked QuestionsQ:- I have tried to learn Korean multiple time through different sources but couldn't go beyond alphabet. How is this course different from other courses?A:- We know that language learning is difficult. If anyone is promising you that he will make you learn the language without any serious studying and just by doing some fun activities or memorising phrases, he is lying. Many Korean language instructors have very good knowledge of Korean language but they don't know how to teach things in a systematic way and order. It's either because they themselves didn't learn the language a systematic way or because they don't know to teach a foreign language effectively. And that't the reason most of the learners are not able to go beyond the first few lessons. Most just give up at the alphabet because they the teacher is not able to explain the pronunciation changes properly and they feel overwhelmed.This course has been designed by an expert who has not only learned Korean from scratched and achieved near native level fluency but also did formal study and research on how to teach Korean as a foreign language. So this course uses tried and tested methods to teach you the concepts of Korean language. Yes, you will have to put in more effort than when learning through YouTube videos but you will not feel that you are not able to understand something at any point in the course. Consider this course an online version of the courses taught at the language schools of SNU, Yonsei, Sogang and so on (for which you need to pay $1500-2000). We use the similar pattern and order of lessons. Actually it can be better than them in the sense that we explain every single grammar concept in English. Q:- What if I have any questions during the course?A:- We know that language learning, especially at the beginning stage, requires some extra hand-holding. There we are always just a message or email away from you. If you have any questions during the course, you can leave a message on the lesson page, mail or message us on Facebook and we will be there to help you.Q:- Is the course content final or will you add more lessons?A: We plan to add more lessons. The reason why haven't added them yet is that we want to see the students' progress data and issues faced by them, what they like and dislike and then create new content accordingly.Q:- Can I take TOPIK test after this course?A: Though TOPIK test will require some additional and more focused preparation apart from this course but you will definitely be ready to prepare for TOPIK I after this course. If you are interested in taking TOPIK test, you can contact us after you have completed 75% of the course and we will guide you accordingly.Q:- What if I don't like the course?A:- Through we are very confident that you will find the course helpful, we realise that people have different learning needs and styles. For any reasons, if you don't find the course useful, you ca get a 100% refund within 30 days after purchase.See you inside the course!Happy Learning!"
Price: 49.99

"Curso de Salsa Clsica Cubana 100 Pasos para ti Vol.2" |
" El curso 100 Pasos de Salsa de nuestra nueva coleccin Salsa Secrets by Virtuosso te ensear a bailar salsa clsica cubana, sin duda el ms elegante y tradicional estilo de salsa. Este curso contiene 100 pasos de salsa, desde el paso bsico y la postura en pareja, hasta las realizaciones ms complicadas que te permitirn brillar en la pista de baile. Aprender este sensual y elegante baile sin duda te har sobresalir en la pista. Desarrolla tu talento y muestra tus habilidades con los mejores pasos de salsa que Virtuosso te presenta en una coleccin exclusiva. Ya no te quedes sentado ni te dejes impresionar por los dems, descubre los secretos de este curso y aprende a bailar salsa de una vez por todas! Este curso en video te ofrece adems pistas de msica de salsa para que practiques los pasos de salsa que te ensearemos. "
Price: 270.00

"Curso de solos en la guitarra elctrica Vol.2" |
"Alguna vez quisiste tocar esas canciones que hicieron historia como lo hacen las bandas ms famosas de rock? Por fin lleg el momento de que conozcas todos los secretos para lograrlo! Tenemos para ti una compilacin de los mejores solos en guitarra elctrica, incluidos en canciones de reconocidos artistas como Queen, Metallica, Pink Floyd, Carlos Santana, AC/DC, Audioslave, Eric Clapton, Ozzy Osbourne, Led Zeppelin y Black Sabbath. En los dos volmenes que componen este curso te explicamos en cmara lenta y con lujo de detalles todos los acordes y tcnicas que debes utilizar para que tu guitarra suene como la de los msicos ms famosos de la poca contempornea. Adems te proporcionaremos un CD adicional con las pistas de cada una de las canciones explicadas para que practiques los solos fantsticos recopilados en esta coleccin. Uno de los mejores guitarristas de Amrica Latina te ensear todos los secretos para que toques algunas de las canciones de rock ms famosas como siempre lo deseaste, con explicaciones claras y precisas, acercamientos de cmaras y la pista de cada cancin para que puedas practicar los solos. Con el curso Solos Fantsticos aprenders paso a paso cmo interpretar los solos de canciones emblemticas para que puedas lucirte en el escenario. "
Price: 270.00

"Teaching Online for K-12 Teachers" |
"Teaching with technology is one thing, teaching through it is a completely different ballgame. This was a taken from a teacher following the pivot to online learning that occurs nationwide in the Spring of 2020.More and more Schools are considering integrating online or hybrid learning into their models, but few are providing teachers quality professional development to ensure they can help their students be successful.This course will define what highly effective online learning looks like and how you can utilize the best tools and practices to create engaging and rigorous learning experiences for your students who are either learning at a distance or through a hybrid model.The model for online learning advocated in this course is a result of combining research, student and teacher interviews, and best practices. With this strong foundation in place, will take you step-by-step through the best use of powerful and free online tools and how to design engaging lessons that promote engagement through the use of learner-centered instructional models.Other topics that will be addressed includePerformance-based assessment.Incorporating multimedia content into lessonsProject-based learningOnline assessment strategiesSupporting all learners through effective scaffolding"
Price: 29.99

"Good Guitar Habits" |
"Whether you're a guitarist who's been at it for years or a new player, chances are that you've developed many habits... and not always the good kind. In this course, I'm sharing some of my private students' most valued first-hand lessons - how to develop good guitar habits.In this course, you'll learn how to play anything (chords, scales, etc.) in all 12 keys and you'll learn how to practice effectively and efficiently. The sections on playing in 12 keys will give established beginners (and transitional intermediate players) a much more complete understanding of how musical keys map out across the guitar fretboard AND how to use that to their advantage. The section on practice routines will outline recommendations for refining, expanding and optimizing your practice time so that you can get even more out of the same time commitment. In between these fundamental training sections are two sections on alternate picking and fingerpicking - 2 areas where I see my private students developing their bad habits most often. The purpose of these sections is to establish clear guidelines for learning and practicing these important skills.Develop good habits and an optimized practice routine to see better resultsStay focused and stay encouragedGet recommendations for improving your picking speed and precisionNo-nonsense kickstarter for adding fingerpicking to your repertoireTry new things and expand your horizons on guitarContents and OverviewAfter an orientation that will help you understand what to expect and how to succeed, you'll get 4 distinct training sections. Each section will isolate the method for acquiring new skills and learning to practice them in a productive, engaging way.Following one after another, the courses 4 primary sections will address (1) Practicing in 12 Keys, (2) Alternate Picking Essentials, (3) Fingerpicking Essentials and (4) Practice Routine & Visualization. Each section simulates a series of instructive video lessons modeled after private lessons that have proven helpful in thousands of actual past private sessions.Practicing in 12 KeysLearning 12 ""Roots""Scales and Arpeggios in any key12 Key chord patternsNote-naming conventions on the fretboardAlternate Picking EssentialsLearn the Pentatonic scale (if you don't already know it)Understand timing using subdivisionsLearn to practice effectively using a metronomeGet a clear, repeatable exercise demonstrationFingerpicking EssentialsLearn finger placement and 'planting'Understand duple and triple and how to mix themSimple walking bass linesLearn about common chord progressionsPractice Routine & VisualizationDiscover the power of fretboard visualizationDDesign an optimized, 3-part practice routine for yourselfFind out what's worked for my private studentsEach section wraps up with a quiz and an optional 'homework' project. These learning aids will help you see how much you've learned (or see where you need to improve further). Students are encouraged to reach out to the instructor with questions at any time. This course is designed to emulate the most common core lessons that I have been teaching my established beginners (and transitional intermediate) students for years and years. If you want to expand your technical skills, improve your fretboard knowledge and optimize your practice routine, I look forward to seeing you in the course!"
Price: 49.99

"Spring Framework 5 + REST de cero a experto 2020" |
"En este curso se entender a detalle el uso de Spring framework enfocado en los siguientes mdulos:Core de SpringCore de Spring, conceptos avanzadosCiclo de vida de los beans de Spring Aspect oriented programming HttpWeb services RESTJava Persistence Api + H2 (In memory databases)Spring Data + Java Persistence Api Uso de mtricas y Actuator (Prometheus, Micrometer y Grafana)Documentacin con swaggerSpring Cache (Redis)Complementando el ejemplo prcticoSeguridad utilizando Spring SecurityConceptos avanzados de autorizacinApache Kafka con Spring FrameworkTodo esto con ejemplos prcticos todo programado en el momento."
Price: 870.00

"There are a lot of different options when it comes to recording a Voice Over. People that use Voice Over these days expect people to have the ability to record themselves at home in a digital, broadcast quality fashion. Here we will talk about the bits of equipment needed to get started doing just that."
Price: 19.99

"Covid Online Teaching: Best Practice, Tools and Tips" |
"This course helps teachers reduce the stress of online teaching by teaching you several tools that help with students engagement, collecting progress data and improve communication to administrators, students, teachers and parents. In this course you will learn how to use several tools that give you the upper hand in teaching online. Boost student participation, Collect and Organize student progress, compile class information into an easily accessible site, improve parent communication and create accountability and organization for your online courses."
Price: 24.99

"UNITY 2020 & BOLT: Crer des jeux SANS CODER (visual script)" |
"Vous voulez crer des jeux mais vous ne souhaitez pas utiliser un langage de programmation ? Par de problmes, grce BOLT vous allez pouvoir dvelopper vos jeux sans code, tout en Visual Scripting ! Le tout se passe sur la version 2020 de Unity (dernire en date), que demander de mieux ?Je suis Anthony Cardinale, Ingnieur et expert certifi Unity. Je suis l'auteur de plusieurs livres et formations sur ce logiciel. Dans ce cours je vais vous apprendre crer vos propres jeux sans avoir besoin de connatre la programmation. Cette formation s'adresse tout le monde, mme aux dbutants qui ont une ide mais qui ne pouvaient pas (jusqu' maintenant) la dvelopper.Dans cette formation vous allez dvelopper votre premier jeu (sans aucunes limitations !) avec Unity version 2020. Je dis bien ""aucunes limites"" car vous pourrez faire autant qu'un programmeur. Cela est rendu possible grce BOLT, le plugin de visual scripting.Bolt est un plugin gratuit pour Unity qui vous permettra de programmer visuellement en reliant des blocs entre eux. La programmation classique est donc remplace par de la programmation visuelle idale pour se lancer dans la cration de jeux vido. (Pour ceux qui connaissent, Bolt est similaire Playmaker, un plugin concurrent). Dans cette formation vous apprendrez crer un jeu complet. Nous allons installer les outils, importer les ressources, crer des niveaux pour notre jeu, mettre en place le personnage, les objets interactifs... puis nous allons programmer (en visuel) avec Bolt.Vous n'avez pas besoin de connaissances pour suivre ce cours. Pour les dbutants, c'est l'idal pour commencer. Pour les dveloppeurs et professionnels, c'est galement un plus d'apprendre la programmation visuelle. Vous pourrez par exemple migrer de Unreal & Blueprint Unity & Bold, vous pourrez apprendre bolt pour enseigner vos tudiants la programmation de faon ludique... Pour ma part, j'utilise bolt pour gagner du temps dans plein de domaines comme prototyper rapidement des projets afin de playtester.En suivant mon cours, vous apprendrez avec un expert certifi qui enseigne Unity depuis plus de 10 ans. Apprenez galement sur la toute dernire version du logiciel afin d'avoir un cours jours et utile sur plusieurs annes.A l'issue de cette formation vous serez en mesure de crer vos jeux en totale autonomie grce Unity et son plugin Bolt. Vous serez capable de programmer votre personnage, les interactions avec les objets, ennemis, grer les collisions etc. De plus, si aprs cette formation vous souhaitez apprendre la programmation avec C#, vous aurez beaucoup plus de facilits car les fonctions vous seront alors familires ! J'ai publi plusieurs cours sur la programmation C# avec Unity si vous voulez jeter un coup d'oeil.Si vous aussi vous souhaitez vous lancer dans la cration de jeux sans programmation, rejoignez moi et ralisez votre rve !"
Price: 59.99

"Fundamental Data Analysis and Visualization Tools in Python" |
"This course will provide an introduction to the fundamental Python tools for effectively analyzing and visualizing data. You will have a strong foundation in the field of Data Science!You will gain an understanding of how to utilize Python in conjunction with scientific computing and graphing libraries to analyze data, and make presentable data visualizations.This course is designed for both beginners with some basic programming experience or experienced developers looking to explore the world of Data Science!In this course you will:- Learn how to create and analyze data arrays using the NumPy package- Learn how to use the Pandas library to create and analyze data sets- Learn how to use Matplotlib, and Seaborn to create professional, eye-catching data visualizations- Learn how to use Plotly to create interactive charts and plotsYou will also get lifetime access to all the video lectures, detailed code notebooks for every lecture, as well as the ability to reach out to me anytime for directed inquiries and discussions."
Price: 19.99

"Advanced Chakra Healing Certification Course -Energy Healing" |
"====== A FEW OF MELISSA'S COURSE TESTIMONIALS ======""Wonderful! Loved, loved, loved it"" - Katy""Melissa is a wonderful teacher. She delivers the course in a way that is easy to follow. She has a lovely warm and gentle presence, I found the course material to be comprehensive. I learnt a lot! I will continue to work with this course repeating the steps regularly. This is my fourth course from Melissa after discovering her on Udemy last week. I treated myself and purchased all of her courses whilst on sale! It was a great decision. I highly recommend this course."" - Thea""Melissa delivers another 5-star course!"" - Tiffany====== WHAT TO EXPECT ======Well be diving directly into Advanced Chakra techniques in this journey together! And when I say advanced, I refer to developing ourselves to move beyond our bodily incarnation on our soul-journey. This means we'll be going well beyond the 7 Main Chakras to discuss - in detail - other Higher, Major, and Minor ones.To get the most out of this course, students must have (at least) moderate knowledge of energy healing and Chakra healing. As such, there is no ""foundational"" material about Chakras presented herein, which means you are expected to easily understand the terms used when referencing energy healing, Chakra healing, the 7 main Chakras, their location, functions, basic healing steps for each, and so on.For those ready to raise their vibrations up to the next level, you'll be excited to know that by the end of our journey together you will have a deeper knowledge of and more abilities to spiritually evolve, connect with your soul purpose, and activate your ethereal gifts.====== WHAT'S INCLUDED ======The PDF version of Melissa's Advanced Chakra Healing Techniques for Chakra Healers book (PDF)The Higher, Major, and Minor Chakras Chart (PDF)Audio versions of each of the Chakra Evolution steps, from start to end to help you practice (MP3)Melissa ""Letting Go"" Meditation audio (MP3)Melissa's 5-minute stress relief meditation (MP3) Once enrolled, you'll need to download my book Advanced Chakra Healing Techniques (PDF). The book has all the details and steps you'll need, and makes a great reference point during and after the course!As you progress, you'll learn some important information about emotional wounds, and the full process of letting go. From there, I'll teach you how to start your healing flow and to then activate your hands. We'll then go through each of the Higher, Major, and Minor Chakras - including their purpose, their characteristics, and the steps to evolve them!You'll be able to access and download a wide variety of supplementary material, all there to support you in your journey to become an Advanced Chakra Healer!Once you've completed the entire course, gone through all the lectures and practiced when prompted, if you choose to, you'll be able to take my Advanced Chakra Healing Final Exam. Upon successful completion, you'll receive a beautiful Certificate of Completion (PDF)!The additional benefits of this course include releasing burdens of the past, revealing the purpose of your soul-journey, as well as activating any special ethereal gifts you were born with! Lastly, as I continue to add more helpful information to this course over time, you'll have lifetime access to it! I hope you enjoy this exciting new journey sweet friend! #biglove"
Price: 149.99

"Complete Chatbot Course Using Rasa - Python - NLP - AI" |
"The most in-demand skill for any Data Scientist right now is creating a chatbot to handle conversations with user. With nearly 80% companies expected to implement chatbots in the near future. Do you want to be the one implementing it? The course is designed to teach you how to create a chatbot which can help users with suggestions of laptops and phones from amazon right from the creation of first file to the deployment on platforms like Facebook and Telegram.Learn the most flexible and fastest growing Chatbot Framework out there! Rasa is an open source framework which doesn't charge you anything! What makes Rasa standout when compared to all the bots out there is its flexibity, it provides very solid inbuilt frameworks with options to customize the entire chatbot module. Keep all your User data on your cloud premise without sharing with any third parties (which is really important given the current data policies and growing privacy concerns!).With very little coding needed any beginner in programming can get along with the course and learn how to build advanced chatbots!The course has given major emphasis on practicality and application of all the concepts taught. With a blend of slides and code walkthrough you are taken through a complete journey of deploying your first chatbot.The course comes with all the source code used in developing the bot. With the intention of prompt updates to the course as and when needed you can be sure you never miss out on new features added to the Rasa Framework! You surely do not want to miss this!"
Price: 184.99

"Vector Calculus: Become An Expert of a Line Integrals" |
"HOW BECOME A CALCULUS 3 ( LINE INTEGRALS ) EXPERT IS SET UP TO MAKE COMPLICATED MATH EASY:Do you want to become a calculus Expert? Do you want to become a vector calculus Expert? Do you want to learn very important topic line integrals. If you want to become a line integrals master then you have come on the right place.This 25-lesson course includes video and text explanations of everything from Line Integrals, and it includes 30+ quizzes (with solutions!) and an additional 28 practice problems, to help you test your understanding along the way. Here is a listing (and brief description) of the material that is in this course:SECTION I: Intro To CourseIn 1st section, we will discuss about Vector Calculus and its importance and we will also start off with a quick review of Line Integrals.SECTION II: Basic Fundamentals Before starting to Line Integrals we will try to explain some of its key concepts. For example, Addition and Subtraction of Vectors Scalar and Vector Products Limits of Vector Functions Differentiation and Integration of Vectors How To Parameterize the Equations of Curves? And all of these are very important skills that will be required in a great many of the line integrals we evaluate and so needs to be understood.SECTION III: Line Integrals 1st TypeIn 3rd section, We will formally define the first kind of line integral and that is line integrals with respect to arc length. We will also try to explain this kind of line integral with three examples.SECTION IV: Line Integrals - 2nd TypeIn 4th section, we will define the 2nd type of line integrals and that is line integrals of vector fields and We will also see that this particular kind of line integral is related to special cases of the line integrals with respect to x, y and z.We will also try to explain this kind of line integral with six examples.This section also contains quizzes that allow you to test your knowledge.SECTION V: Line Integrals 3rd Type:In this section, we will continue looking at line integrals and define the 3rd kind of line integral that is line integrals with respect to x, y, and/or z. We will also try to explain this kind of line integral with 3 examples.We also introduce an alternate form of notation for this kind of line integral that will be useful on occasion.SECTION VI: Applications of Line IntegralsIn 6th section, we will discuss the applications of line Integral. The line integral has many uses in Physics and Engineering. But in this section, We will cover only one application that is Work done. We'll also try to explain three problems about work done. This section also contains quizzes that allow you to check your knowledge.SECTION VII: Fundamental Theorem for Line Integrals: In 7th section we will talk about some important theorems of line integrals and also talk about fundamental theorem of calculus for line integrals of vector fields. This will illustrate that certain kinds of line integrals can be very quickly computed. We will also give quite a few definitions and facts that will be useful. SECTION VIII: Greens Theorem In 8th section we will discuss Greens Theorem as well as an interesting application of Greens Theorem that we can use to find the area of a two dimensional region.we will also explain it through some examples.Who is course for? M.Sc. Mathematics students M.Sc. Physics students BS 4-Year students Candidates of CSS Examination Candidates of Other Competitive Examination Homeschool parents looking for extra support with Vector Calculus Anyone who wants to study Vector Analysis for fun after being away from school for a while. Professionals who need a refresher on this topic for a new career challenge."
Price: 19.99

"The Best Advanced Arrow Based Highest Profitable Strategy" |
"Hello My Dear Fellow Traders i am sure you guys are looking for a best strategy in any kind of trading so its a best place for you guys because i am going to give you guys best strategy.It is a very simple and an easy strategy and you guys are going to find it very simple .every trader dreams of becoming a successful trader but sometimes it become complex for him to find a best strategy.I have seen many traders who are failing in forex from many years and they are unable to find a consistent and long term winning strategy.So My Dear Fellow Traders Here i am going to give an epic and the most powerful strategy.lets take a look that what you will be getting from this strategy. A Best Highest Profitable StrategyA Very simple and to the Point StrategyBest Arrow Based StrategyYou will Learn a Strategy that works on all time frames all PairsYou Will Learn How To Get 1 Year VPS For MT4Buy Entry Explained With Proper Stop Loss and Take ProfitSell Entry Explained With Proper Stop Loss and Take ProfitA Strategy That Will Implemented on Live MarketLive Trades Included."
Price: 199.99

"Be a Pro with SnowPro Certification" |
"This course tests your strength on basics of Snowflakes Cloud storage and computing. This course covers about the basics on Snowflakes architecture, tools, loading types, Performances, Time-travel, Security and Data sharing and many more. This is not a dump for SnowPro certification but, clearing this will ensure you are the Stronger in basics of Snowflakes. Possibilities are there that many question may be useful in next stages."
Price: 24.99

"Blockchain Use-Cases Beyond Bitcoin Urdu / Hindi" |
"What is Blockchain? Is this realy only about Bitcoin? Learn about the basics of Blockchain in this course in very simple manner.Also we have discussed the use cases which will make you to think beyond imagination or your current understanding of Blockchain.Inside this training we can discuss about the basics of blockchain technology, how blocks contain data representing anything of value, why are called immutable & trustless networks and the differences between blockchain and cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin.Think and learn Blockchain beyond programming & beyond bitcoin."
Price: 154.99

"Informatica Cloud Real Time Project with Data sets provided" |
"Hello All, Get your self better wings in cracking Practicals in Informatica cloud with this course.There are many people those who have acquired theoretical knowledge on Infomratica or Informatica Cloud, but do not have confidence to crack interviews because they lack the real time practical exposure. With this project you will be able to over come that fear. You will be working on various aspects of Informatica Cloud and implementing all aspects of Data Warehousing life cycle in this project like Staging Area, SCD, Dim and Fact Tables.I have tried to add all the aspects starting from Business Requirements to deployment to production in this project.The documents like BRD, Business Understanding Document are also attached as a part of the course.The scenarios included involve use of all aspects of Informatica cloud including Transformations, tasks, Taskflows etc. We will also be working on various type of sources and targets like file system and Databases.Apart from that there are concepts of Data Modelling from practical perspective which is also covered.At the end of the video you will have complete understanding on the DW concepts implementation using Informatica Cloud including concepts like SCD etc.So don't let the practical skill stop you from clearing the interviews, invest quality time on this and you will be able to make to understand all aspects properly with the data sets provided."
Price: 1600.00

"COVID19 Protect Me: Device Warns You if Your Hand near Face" |
"In this course you will learn how to Make a device that will literally help you protect yourself from Viruses and Other diseases that Transfer by hand!We all know that touch your face is a bad habit that we can't get rid of! When you touch an infected surface or person with your hand, you become a virus carier, and that virus waits for you to touch your face so that it can move from your hand to your mouth and nose, once this happen, the virus will find its way to the inside of your body causing illness, feavor and in some major cases Death!Today together we will make a device that will help you get rid of the (Touch Your Face) habit.What You Will Learn In this CourseWhat is this device?Why using this device is essential?Circuit Design and SimulationCircuit AssemblyHow to design a 3D Outer Case for Your device"
Price: 199.99

"Narrativa avanzada" |
"En este curso de guion trabajaremos las areas ms dbiles y errores ms comunes del escritor promedio.Aprenderemos a:como escribir manejando ritmo y tono consistente.Tipos y funciones de dilogosErrores ms comunes.Dispositivos narrativos.Tips para mejorar la calidad de nuestro guion.Las leyes del guion. El curso incluye bibliografa y ejercicios para que practique y estudie los temas vistos."
Price: 19.99

"Java Clean Code, SOLID and TDD - The complete course" |
"Java Clean code is one of the most popular topics in the programming world. In this course you will master all the core concepts of Java clean code while working hands on creating easy to follow Java projects. Java is the most popular programming language in use since its the only language that works across all computer platforms + android without needing to compile again new changes. Write once, and the JVM does all the work in making sure your program can run on any platform like Windows, Mac, Linux or Android. This complete Java clean course will teach you everything you need to know in order to code awesome, profitable projects, and of course, have fun whilst doing it.What is clean code!Names!Methods!Classes!Comments!The Single Responsibility Principle!The Open Closed Principle!The Liskov Substitute Principle!!The Interface Segregation Principle!The Dependency Inversion Principle!Software Components!Software Architecture!Test Driver Development!+ All the projects and lectures as .pdf available on github!This course is not for everyone.This is not a get rich quick course where you copy other peoples code, make low-quality software and hope to have contracts rich clients. This course takes work. There is a lot to learn with Java clean code, but with the right guidance, information, tutoring and tests, it doesnt have to be as difficult or time-intensive as doing it by yourself.You literally cant lose. You either end up with advanced Maven skills, go on to develop great programs and potentially make an awesome career for yourself, or you try the course and simply get all your money back if you dont like itReady to get started, programmer?Enroll now using the Buy Now button on the right, and get started on your way to start Maven. Or, take this course for a free spin using the preview feature, so you know you are certain this course is for you.Hurry up, class is waiting!"
Price: 19.99

"Prophetic Pioneers - Pioneering Your Prophetic words" |
"We are in a very exciting time on the earth! We have unprecedented opportunities to arise and shine.Prophetic Pioneers are those that God has chosen to send ahead to bring the new. This is the essence of prophesy - it releases heaven's perspective, will and culture to earth.We are living in a moment where we get to usher in a deeper understanding of the finished work of the cross of Jesus and His power to redeem not only the past but the present and future in a way that is not only going to overflow and flood the earth but blow the roof off!His goodness will been seen, experienced and known!THIS IS THE TIME OF THE PROPHETIC PIONEERS!WHAT IS THIS?In this 6 Day e-Devotional, be encouraged and equipped with learning the processes of pioneering our prophetic words, through the life of Joseph from Psalm 105.The central purpose of this mini course is to aid you in developing your connection with God and practically empower you further towards your Prophetic Destiny in a safe, respectful, shame-free space.WHO'S THIS FOR?~ Anyone who wants to know God more and walk in your Prophetic destiny~ Anyone who is pioneering a new initiative, in any sector of life~ Leadership - essential Professional Development~ Parents - developing together with your child their ability to step into their prophetic words. Having used this material in our family, its transformed how we do life togetherWHAT WILL YOU LEARN?In this e-Devotional you will be equipped in:1. What is Prophesy and how does it actually work out in our lives as we pioneer them?2. What is the landscape and process of pioneering? Why are we called to be pioneers?3. What challenges face us as we move through the process of pioneering our prophetic words?4. Learn practical tools to breakthrough these challenges. WHAT YOU GET?~ 5 Video teaching laying a foundation for the 6 day Devotional~ 6 Day Devotional which includes 1 Video each day and 1 Worksheet to assist you in actioning this material into into your immediate contextWHO?This mini-course and Devotional features easily learned elements supported by practical exercises, all clearly explained by Helen Goatley, Instructor and Consultant.Helen brings a background in Education and Anthropology to her work which is based on over 20 years experience of helping and inspiring people in many different settings and cultures internationally.This is a training course and NOT a Counselling course. If during this course you come into a deeper awareness of your life journey. We encourage you to courageously seek out the professional help you need to succeed further and bravely own your story and destiny. People who do this are heroes and champions.What you Can and Cannot do with our material:~ You CAN learn from them and share what you learn with others.~ You CAN quote from the material and use sections in your blogs and teaching. Kindly give Helen Goatley of All4Him The Tabernacle credit~ You CAN teach this in your church or small groups and you can duplicate the notes for this purpose only. Consider a donation to this ministry if you do this. Please give credit to and reference to our website~ You CAN to do this Devotional and use all worksheets with others in your Leadership or Staffing teams, friendship groups or Church groups. We ask that each group member pay for this Devotional. We live by a core value of honor and this is a way to honor the work of the Author and yourself as a learner. We value what we sacrifice for. For us, this is a means of income and a way of supporting the work so we can continue in it. Share, learn, grow and change the world you live in!~ You CANNOT: reprint or use this material in written form without permission from the Author and All4Him The Tabernacle. You CANNOT use any part of this Devotional or it's materials for commercial use. You can not sell it, sell training based on it or create a website redistributing this course or any material from it.~ You CANNOT repost this material on the internet or give it away to others, thanks!"
Price: 34.99

"Wordpress com Woocommerce Bsico - Crie sua Loja Virtual" |
"Aprenda a criar sua Loja Virtual com WordPress e WooCommerce.Nos ltimos anos o nmero de lojas virtuais no Brasil tem apresentado um crescimento exponencial, se firmando cada vez mais como um mercado promissor. O consumidor, principal responsvel por este crescimento, est cada vez mais digitalizado e devido a praticidade e a comodidade de comprar na internet, tem influenciado o panorama das vendas online, impulsionando o comrcio eletrnico.Alm disso, uma loja virtual fica aberta 24 horas por dia, todos os dias do ano e tem um custo de praticamente ZERO para comear.No tendo uma loja virtual, seu negcio est perdendo dinheiro e clientes a cada dia. E evitando que os seus produtos e suas ideias se espalhem pelo Brasil e pelo mundo.Pelo contrrio, com uma loja virtual bem otimizada, voc poder aumentar as suas vendas e atingir milhares de novos clientes.Neste curso voc vai aprender como Criar um Loja Virtual passo a passo comeando do Zero e utilizando Ferramentas gratuitas como o WordPress e o WooCommerce.Vai aprender como personalizar sua loja virtual para deixa-la com a cara da sua empresa, com um layout super profissional que vai garantir mais vendas e clientes satisfeitos.Alm disso, voc tambm vai aprender como criar um sistema de pagamentos online para aceitar cartes de crdito, debito, boleto bancrio, transferncia online e tambm como integrar a sua loja com o PagSeguro da Uol e com o Paypal. Dessa forma os seus clientes tero todas as opes de pagamento disponveis no mercado ali na sua loja.Tenho certeza que voc vai adorar o curso e que no final vai ter a sua loja virtual super otimizada e rentvel.Inscreva-se no curso agora e vamos comear a criar uma loja virtual poderosa e otimizada que vai gerar vendas a cada dia!Te vejo l!Para quem este curso:Se voc quer criar uma loja virtual, se voc tem produtos fsicos ou digitais que deseja vender na internet, este curso para voc.Se voc quer criar uma renda extra vendendo os seus produtos ou servios online, este curso para voc!"
Price: 39.99

"Micropigmentacin de Cejas: Efecto Polvo" |
"La micropigmentacion de Cejas efecto polvo se ha convertido en los ltimos tiempos en una de las tcnicas mas tendencias en el mercado del maquillaje permanente, logrando un efecto pixelado donde los resultados son de los mas buscados actualmente, mas de 4 horas de vdeo en Full Hd donde desarrollamos las tcnicas mas innovadoras de aprendizaje, para que de forma detallada y profunda puedas asimilar toda la informacin y as poder ejecutar una tcnica adecuada con un alto nivel de profesionalismo. Mas de 2500 estudiantes en 45 pases han tomado nuestros cursos y han podido poner en practica todo lo aprendido generando nuevas oportunidades de carrera profesional en sus vidas."
Price: 199.99

"Manufacturing process selection and Design for manufacturing" |
"Design for manufacturing or DFM is a very important practical activity in Mechanical design engineering. Converting concept into designs which can be manufactured and ready for implementation is a key skill in product development. This course attempts to cover the basics of designing for manufacturing including selecting a suitable process based on various criteria and designing for the process to reduce cost and improve ease of manufacturing .Topics covered are Importance of Process selection Parameters and Criteria for selectionComparison of processes Process- Shape matrix Section wall thickness and Tolerance rangesCost associated Part complexity and part costPrototyping vs productionCase studies in process selection Designing for Forging - principles and guidelinesDesigning for Casting - principles and guidelinesDesign for Injection Molding - Principles and guidelines.Exercises to practice The learning outcome of this course is to develop a strong basic comparative understanding of various processes and get started with designing as per certain processes to build DFM skills for mechanical design & product development. Course will be best suitable for Mechanical design engineers who want to level up their DFM knowledge and skills ."
Price: 4160.00

"Mouse to program Raspberry pi -No python- No C-No Coding" |
"Program raspberry pi without programming background.Model based design techniques.Simulink support package installation.Interfacing raspberry pi with simulinkControl LED and read switch status.Controlling servo motors directly from raspberry pi.Analysis of data in the simulink from raspberry pi in external mode.Camera interfacing and image processing.Raspbian os installation on the SD card from simulink.(firmware installation).Simulink blocks usage."
Price: 1280.00

"Trello: Do B-A-BA ao avanado" |
"Esse mais completo curso de Trello da Udemy. Esse curso amplo e fala sobre a organizao pessoal, gesto de projetos e vida profissional. Curso ideal para todos os nveis. Voc vai aprender a dominar a ferramenta e aplica-la sua vida diria, pessoal e profissional. Voc aumentar em 10x a sua produtividade.Ao final deste curso:- voc ser um especialista em Trello- voc poder gerenciar suas tarefas para aumentar a sua produtividade.- far o seu trabalho de forma mais eficiente- saber como trabalhar e colaborar digitalmente com sua equipe- saber tcnicas de automatizao no Trello"
Price: 159.99

"Vender en Instagram Sin Seguidores Insta Lab" |
"Quieres ganar seguidores? Para que? Quieres vender 1000 USD al mes? Como?En este curso me encargue de desmentir los mitos mas famosos parra ganar seguidores que no sirven en la actualidad, metodologas falsas y estrategias inservibles que cientos de usuarios aplican con la esperanza de tener resultados.Le buena noticias es que no necesitas seguidores para vender tus productos digitales, necesitas tener una metodologa correcta con estructura funcional en todas las plataformas de Instagram para que pues generar un verdadero impacto con tu campaas publicitarias, esa es la verdadera forma de ganar dinero en Instagram.Este 2020 llevo ms de 34 mil dolares facturados con mis cursos digitales y mis E-books donde revelo estas metodologias que aplico con mis clientes que cada uno de ellos cuentan con mas de 50k de seguidores en Instagram.Bueno, si quieres aprender informacin inservible y pasada puedes seguir viendo tutoriales en YouTube y blogs en Internet, quieres vender de verdad o tener solo nmeros en tu cuenta de instagram en vez e tenerlos en tu cuenta de banco?Nos vemos dentro emprendedor."
Price: 19.99

"Inteligencia Estratgica" |
"Qu es la inteligencia? Durante aos ha habido un debate sobre en qu consiste la disciplina de inteligencia. Algunos estudiosos y practicantes de este tema argumentan que la inteligencia es un tipo de informacin y otros consideran que es un tipo de actividad.En este curso, analizaremos a la inteligencia de forma ms amplia para entender varios aspectos de esta disciplina. Sobre todo, nos adentraremos a la inteligencia a partir de 1) entender la importancia de generar conocimiento til al tomador de decisiones de una organizacin; 2) poder identificar las actividades que realizan de forma cotidiana los agentes de inteligencia; y 3) aprender a elaborar reportes de inteligencia que se pueden entregar a un tomador de decisiones.Con ello, al finalizar la materia el alumno entender que la inteligencia es una disciplina muy til, tanto para organizaciones civiles, militares, pblicas y privadas. Sobre todo, por que la inteligencia provee de informacin sobre los riesgos y amenazas potenciales, ademas de identificar claramente las capacidades, recursos e intenciones de los adversarios o enemigos."
Price: 79.99

"Relaxamento Muscular Simples" |
"Eu sou massoterapeuta a mais de 10 anos, e durante esse tempo eu atendi muitos clientes, e aprendi e desenvolvi muitas tcnicas e trabalhei de varias formas nessa rea.O Relaxamento Muscular uma das minhas tcnicas favoritas, apesar de simples tem uma aceitao muito grande e isso se d graas ao seus resultado incrveis tanto no relaxamento quanto no alvio de dores musculares. Aprendendo essa tcnica voc pode imediatamente iniciar seus atendimentos e ingressar no mercado de trabalho como massoterapeuta, onde voc pode aplicar suas tcnicas como autnomo, profissional liberal ou mesmo trabalhar em um espao especializado em massoterapia, academias , centro de reabilitao e etc.O QUE VOU APRENDER?Aplicar a Tcnica de Relaxamento Muscular Iniciar no mercado como massoterapeutaFazer fichas de anamnese da maneira corretaIdentificar contra indicaes relativas e absolutasTRANSFORME SUA VIDA!Se voc esta desempregado ou quer uma renda extra essa Tcnica de Relaxamento Muscular vai te possibilitar trabalhar como autnomo de maneira imediata podendo assim mudar sua realidade financeira, ou mesmo aplicar a tcnica somente na sua vida pessoa e obter resultados incrveis.SUA JORNADA1 - ASSISTA AS AULAS 2 - TREINE O CONTEDO 3 - SEJA UM MASSOTERAPEUTAO QUE IREI RECEBER?ADQUIRINDO NOSSO CURSO VOC IR RECEBER ACESSO COMPLETO E VITALCIO A TODAS AS AULAS QUE IRO TE ENSINAR A APLICAR A TCNICA DE RELAXAMENTO MUSCULAR COM PERFEIO."
Price: 54.99

"Business Analytics: Use Data Analysis for Financial Industry" |
"Data science is now a mainstream business tool. It is applied across many industries to increase profits, reduce costs, save lives and improve customer experiences.In the past few years, the ability of data science to deal with a number of significant financial tasks has become an extremely important point. More and more companies want to learn what enhancements data science brings and how it can reform their business strategies.The extent of data available to companies and individuals is unprecedented. Financial industries have the most digital data stored. Organizations that want to leverage this available data require professionals who have a solid understanding of data analytics and understand how to apply it to solve meaningful business challenges.This course reveals the reality of the data analytics world, and outlines clear and actionable steps that will equip the student with the tools needed for this next phase of business evolution. It will help you understand the basic concepts in data analytics as well as its applications. It contains proven steps and strategies on how to use everyday data analytics for financial services to increase profitability and customer satisfaction."
Price: 199.99

"History of Western Civilization II" |
"Welcome to the test prep exam for History of Western Civilization part IIYou should complete History of Western Civilization part I before taking this exam.This exam will consist of 50 multiple choice based questions. You will have 60 minutes to answer them.To pass, you must answer at least 40 questions correctly."
Price: 19.99
