"Theory of Constraints (TOC) & its Applications -Crash Course" |
"This course, ""Theory of Constraints and its Applications"" is a full course on TOC fundamentals and its importance in improving performance of systems . It is based on the breakthrough philosophy of constraints management as introduced by Dr. Eliyahu Goldratt. In any situation, the efforts required to get a result depends upon the leverage we have. Finding this leverage is difficult in complex systems that we deal with today. TOC is the science that helps us in finding and managing the leverage points (constraints) of a system to improve its results. This course, is a complete course with all important TOC applications (in thinking, operations, distribution, projects and finance) that are currently helping individuals/Organizations across the globe to achieve great results. The course does not only cover the theoretical aspect of TOC but also the practical application in real life. If you are not satisfied with the results of the system you are working in and want to improve its output, this course is for YOU."
Price: 6400.00

"How to run a business in Nigeria successfully." |
"The course aims to help those operating or planning to expand into the lucrative Nigerian market. The objectives of the course include understanding Nigerias business environment, discovering the potentials in the Nigerian market, the challenges in the market, and strategies for effectively managing these challenges.The course is based on a combination of practical and theoretical insights on doing business in Nigeria. "
Price: 19.99

"Simple Guidelines To Building The Best Diet For You" |
"Spending over 10+ years in the health field and working with thousands of clients, including professional athletes and high level collegiate athletes, I understand the significance on nutrition. and Nutrition plays a huge role in our everyday life. Although many people try to complicate what goes into building a personal diet, the process of building a diet uniquely for yourself, is quite simple. Find out simple steps to use to help you build a diet uniquely for you and accomplish your goals. In this course we will focus on 4 main areas:1) ASSESSMENT- Figuring out what assessment protocol to use in order to track progress. I will also introduce a take you through, a very important tool to use to track your diet on a day to day basis2) GOAL SETTING- Whether your goal is to gain weight, lose weight, or just feel better on a day to day basis, I give you the step by step process on what are the primary things we need to change in order to help reach your goals3) OPTIMAL FOOD INTAKE- Whether you are a vegetarian, vegan, carnivore etc. I will give you the tools to use when mapping out your diet and figuring out the ideal foods to eat daily4) BUILDING YOUR NUTRITIONAL PLAN- I will take you through the step by step process that you will be able to do on your own in setting up a nutritional plan specifically for your goals. I will give you three examples of different clients with three different goals and how I go about building out their diet plan that you can easy replicate for yourself.5) NUTRITIONAL SPREADSHEET- A calculator for you to use to get all the details down on paper to start your unique nutritional planCome join me on the journey to better health!"
Price: 19.99

"Python for beginners and professionals -2020" |
"This course is completed designed for beginners who have never programmed before, as well as existing programmers who want to increase their career options by learning Python coding completely from beginners to expert level.The fact is, Python is one of the most popular programming languages in the world Huge companies like Google use it in mission critical applications like Google Search Console, Facebook friend recommendation, Search Engine Optimization and Networking applications .Python is the number one language choice for machine learning, data science and artificial intelligence. To get those high paying jobs you need an expert knowledge of Python, and thats what you will get from this course."
Price: 1280.00

"Crack the Product Manager Interview - Indian Context Guide" |
"Course will take you through a step-by-step approach of preparing for the interview. If you just follow the course sincerely and do the homework properly, then you can be assured of being 100% prepared for the product manager interview. In this course, tips, methods, knowledge and examples to perform much better in each component of the product manager interview will be shared. Also, you will be taken through all terms used by Product Managers. All common interview questions and their sample answers would be covered. Then briefly it will cover the conduct during the interview and general advice."
Price: 2560.00

"Job Interview Practicals: Complete Interview Skills Training" |
"Get a complete guide to mastering interviews. Expert, practical advice from 25 years of hiring experience.We'll be covering long and short term interview preparation, the questions you should expect to be asked, what you should do on the day of the interview and during the interview itself. And then there are still tips for enhancing your chances of success post-interview and for future interviews.Long term preparationWhat to researchUncovering intel on the interviewers themselvesGetting in the zoneNavigating the interview dayPsychology of interviewsPersonality traits interviewers are looking forHow to answer and ask questions like a masterStaying professionalHow to reject a job And much moreI've been a people manager for over 20 years at some of the biggest companies in the world. I've been involved in hundreds of interviews and have built up a ton of experience in the area of hiring, interviewing and ensuring my team gets great people in.I've also had to face some of the toughest interview processes there are as a candidate, so I know how stressful it can be and what to do to give yourself the best chance of success.In this course I'll give you the benefit of the experience I've used to get jobs at some of the biggest enterprises there are, as well as giving you an insight into what an experienced hiring manager is looking for in their dream candidate.Job interviews are some of the most stressful events anyone will go through. They're full of ups and downs, taking you from the depths of despair to the heights of ecstasy. It's incredibly hard to make sure your best self comes across in a short, intense interview and many great candidates slip through the net due to lack of preparation, planning or complacency.Many of the tips you'll see in this course are simple to implement but in combination will enhance your preparation and ensure you eliminate many common mistakes from your interview.Using the tips in this course, you'll be able to significantly increase your chances of success, whilst keeping the stress levels down and allowing yourself to relax and enjoy the experience. I'm gonna give you real world advice from someone who's been involved in the field for 2 decades, not sanitised textbook guides.We'll be covering long and short term interview preparation, the questions you should expect to be asked, what you should do on the day of the interview and during the interview itself. And then there are still tips for enhancing your chances of success post-interview and for future interviews.So welcome to this Productivity ACE course. Let's get it done!"
Price: 19.99

"Take your first steps into the world of C++ language" |
"Hi guys,In this course, I selected only the necessary ideas and functionalities that you need to start programming in C++.Because when I started programming in C++, I found a lot of details that I didn't need as a beginner. So I made this course for you from that point of view. Where I will be showing you only the necessary ideas that a beginner needs to start his or her C++ programming journey.I will be showing you which software is easy and better to start writing your programs. After that a talk about variables, arrays and other beginner friendly concepts.In the end, I show you concepts about object-oriented programming : classes, constructors, ..."
Price: 19.99

distancionnie-uroki-tutorial |
"Google Classroom , Google , , - , . , ."
Price: 19.99

"Introduo ABNT NBR ISO 9001:2015" |
"Neste curso voc ter uma introduo aos conceitos de gesto da qualidade e aos requisitos da ABNT NBR ISO 9001:2015 de uma forma direta e objetiva. So apresentados os sete princpios de gesto da qualidade, abordagem de processo, ciclo PDCA, mentalidade de risco, alm de um breve histrico da norma."
Price: 39.99

"Jornada em Home Office + Bnus" |
"Home Office quer dizer escritrio em casa e uma modalidade de trabalho que permite que pessoas e empresas se conectem distncia.O trabalho remoto est crescendo pelo mundo, porm os brasileiros ainda no acordaram para isso e continuam nos seus empregos convencionais onde trabalham muito e recebem pouco.E um detalhe: em 2020 est ocorrendo um raro momento de oportunidade explosiva de ganhos, e eles precisam de brasileiros. Muitos brasileiros."
Price: 39.99

"Como montar um cardpio de 1200 Kcal por dia" |
"O curso ensina a elaborar um cardpio com 1200 Kcal de forma equilibrada e simples, respeitando hbitos alimentares e culturais. Tambm mostra a importncia de entender como o corpo forma e queima gordura considerando a bioqumica do corpo. IO que fazer depois de uma comilana exagerada, depois de festas e eventos para no colocar tudo a perder falado durante o curso.O aluno aprende a preparar suas refeies entendendo como chegar, atravs de alimentos saudveis e acessveis, a um cardpio dirio de 1200 Kcal."
Price: 99.99

"Build a Business Mindset - You 2.0" |
"Learn to develop the mindset that it takes to run a successful and profitable company. In this course we will teach you the basics of how to cast out doubt, stop procrastinating, set goals and actually accomplish what you set out to do in life. This lecture - based course challenges the mind and forces you to really think hard about the goals in your life and if you are in fact, doing all you can to accomplish them. Discover yourself and become You 2.0."
Price: 19.99

"LTE Protocol Testing : Basic to Advanced" |
"This course will Bring you the knowledge of LTE Call flow. Following topics has been covered :1. Frequency Scanning2. Cell Synchronization3. PCI Decoding4. MIB decoding5. PDCCH decodingThis video has been made as per Interview aspect. You would be able to able to answer Interview Questions on behalf of the knowledge shared in the video."
Price: 12800.00

"This course will teach you how to go from being an average reader, reading maybe a book a month, to becoming a reading master reading 100+ books per year. More than just improving your reading speed you will also learn how to transform your reading into actionable results.Imagine if you read 8 books each month focused and applied toward your goals. How would this level of study boost your life?""If you want to be wealthy, study wealth. If you want to be happy, study happiness."" This was some of the best advice Jim Rohn said he ever received. Improving your reading and study skills will completely transform your life.I created this course because the information in it made a huge impact in my life, and I wanted to share it with other amazing people, like yourself. Take the next step in your life and enroll in this course now.Here's to your continued success and well-being,Derek Isaac"
Price: 149.99

"Sportwetten Bonussystem - Geld verdienen ohne Risiko" |
"Ihr fragt euch wie man risikolos mit Sportwetten Geld verdienen kann? Ihr habt Lust auf Gewinne mit minimalem Zeitaufwand?Ihr habt euch schon immer gefragt, wie ihr die 100% Willkommensboni bei Ersteinzahlung in eure Taschen flieen lassen knnt?Dann habt ihr den richtigen Kurs gefunden!Hier lernt ihr alles was ihr bentigt, um euch ohne viel Aufwand einen saftigen Gewinn zu sichern. Bei optimaler Anwendung des Kurses sind auch noch hhere Gewinne kein Problem. Noch nicht berzeugt?Bei Udemy gibt es ein 30 Tage Umtauschrecht, und somit habt ihr kein Risiko."
Price: 29.99

"Learn to Play Guitar" |
"This is a course designed to set you off in the right direction into your journey of playing guitar. Early in the lessons you will learn a popular rhythm, some chords, and two important scales. There will be explanations on how to apply everything that is learned. The intention is to build a foundation on concepts that are fun, easy to play, and that translate to all popular music."
Price: 19.99

"How To Live A More Meaningful Experience of Life - Coaching" |
"With over 10 hours of 1 to 1 video content to work through, this insight coaching will help you dig deep and explore what really matters to you and inspire you to find more meaning and fulfilment to live a more meaningful experience of life, no matter where you are in your journey..."
Price: 49.99

"Learn Astrology With Psychic Daquan Jones" |
"This course is designed to help you learn all of the basic fundamentals of Astrology at Beginner's Level. In this course, you will learn about polarities, elements, modalities, planets, zodiac signs, houses, and aspects. These are the tools needed to understand how to interpret Astrology at the most basic level."
Price: 29.99

"Teach Children Emotional Regulation" |
"Welcome to Teach Children Emotional Regulation! This is a quick course on how to help children regulate their emotions. This helps curb unwanted behaviors, giving children and adults a better life experience. This course can be used a few different ways. It is designed to equip adults with what they need to help teach children the emotional regulations tools OR the children themselves may watch the videos to learn them. Each emotion that is addressed in this course comes with a video of a book being read to help explain that emotion prior to the lessons and emotional regulation tool videos. Please note that this course only emcompasses a few (12) emotions and only utilizes a few different tools that can be used for emotional regulation. The bigger the tool box, the easier it is to navigate when things go awry. Growing up is a grand adventure with a large emotional roller coaster as children are trying to find their place in the world and learn their roles of how they fit into society, family, and friend groups. In this year of 2020, it is especially difficult as pandemic, protests, riots, and global upheaval have shaken the basis of our world and even adults are struggling to regulate new emotions that are surfacing; fear of the unknown; and finding their place in a new way of being. If this time is difficult for adults, imagine how difficult it is for children that see AND FEEL what is going on but do not have enough capacity to understand some of these very adult concepts. Everyone is being affected and it is especially important for us to support our children. I want to say thank you. Not just for purchasing my course, but sincerely for helping children grow, develop, and create happy and healthy lives. I hope you enjoy this course and please feel free to message me if you have any questions!"
Price: 34.99

ManyChat |
"Facebook MessengerManychatManychatChatbotChat commerceFB Messenger83emailLeads"
Price: 49.99

"CATIA V5 3D Design & Modeling Course for Beginner" |
"This CATIA V5 Course has been design by an industry expert and covered each end every command of Sketch and Part design Module. Learning CATIA V5 from an Industry expert will help you to understand the real understanding of industry requirement.This course has been design for individuals who wants to join Automotive, Aerospace, ship building or Rail Industry as a design Engineer or a Freelancer. Even If you are a student and wants to learn CATIA V5 to get additional help to finish master thesis, this course will also help.Individuals who learned CATIA V5 and need a quick brush-up for an interview, this course will definitely will help.Highlights about the Course ""CATIA V5 3D Design & Modeling Course for Beginner""- Basic introduction about CATIA V5.- Each command will be explain with an example and with an explanation of industrial use.- Plenty of assignment for practice and all the materials are downloadable.- List of all command in a sheet, which can be download.- 50 interview question related to CATIA V5."
Price: 99.99

"Java Programming / Java Coding for COMPLETE BEGINNERS ONLY" |
"*****This course is for you IF: *****You are a COMPLETE BEGINNERYou know NOTHING about coding/programmingYou'e tried the free videos and lessons on YouTube and they aren't very helpfulI started my Computer Science degree years ago. When I began, professors would gloss over concepts and terms. They assume I knew certain terms and caught on to their lingo - well, I DIDN'T!I tried watching free YouTube videos and lessons only to find out - THEY DID THE SAME THING!The problem with most teachers, they do not know how to speak technical to NON-TECHNICAL PEOPLE!That's where I come in. I went through the same struggle. I know what it's like to listen to hours of videos and lessons and feel like you came out knowing just as much as you did before you started!I have been a professional Software Engineer at a Major INTERNATIONAL Blue-Chip Company for over 5 years. My experience and learning coding from scratch (from a non-computer background) allows me to break down concepts and terms in practical ways that everyone can understand."
Price: 94.99

"Your guide to self-directed Learning" |
"As a result of COVID 19 Crisis, Our life has changed severely, everything around us has changes and most of us have started to social distance themselves.You have seen the rapid growth in online learning, with more and more e-learning courses and webinars available but learning independently can be challenging, even for the brightest and most motivated students. This guide will help students, parents, teachers, schools and school administrators facilitate student learning and provide social care and interaction."
Price: 19.99

"Tabla - A Beginners Course of Indian Drums" |
"Learning new musical instrument improves your concentration power. Playing an instrument keeps you happy, makes you smarter, relieves stress, and gives you confidence. In this course you will learn to play Tabla from very basics up to playing a song!!!You will learn Tabla through systematic approach of learning. You will initially get familiar with the different parts of The Tabla and proper seating posture for playing Tabla. You will be introduced to the basic and important syllables of this instrument. This syllables are the A B C D of this instrument. We will use these syllables to make practice phrases. After that you will learn various taals by which you can accompany any song effectively. In this course Kayda is also included. Kayda improves your playing technique because of which your Tabla playing becomes more efficient. Then you will learn to play tihai and tukda. These are small predefined compositions which add more beauty to your playing. I will give you tips to maintain your Tabla set in proper condition.In the end section you will be able to apply concepts of taal and tihai for accompanying a song. I will teach you to accompany 2 songs. You can use these techniques to accompany any other songs as well. You will gain enough confidence to play Tabla with any song at the end of this course!!!I am professional Tabla player and Tabla teacher. I have completed masters study in Tabla. I UGC NET qualified with 98 percentile. I have completed Tabla Visharad from India. I am happy to teach you through Udemy platform. Lets learn and create some good music !!!"
Price: 149.99

"IKIGAI For Purpose Peeps" |
"Purpose Peep (yes, that's you),Have you been longing to connect with your reason for being that aligns what you know with how you be and what you do? Have you been asking the big three questions:Who am I, really?Why am I here?What am called/drawn/assigned to do with that understanding?IKIGAI used as a framework to unlock your purpose possibilities, not affirm what you do not know or is not working for you, is a way to connect your inner purpose clarity with the world beyond yourself, which I call outer purpose clarity. It is a dance between these two aspects of your path to purpose journey that leads to a thriving life of purpose. Your purpose is alive and is not stagnate. When we learn the daily practice of being with life as a purpose partner, our lived experience expands.I am Dena Wiggins, and these days I call myself a Purpose Doula. A doula is here to assist with a broad tool kit to support you in birthing your purpose clarity. Life has been informing you as a faithful purpose partner and now is the time to recognize and align with life in real-time. The format is to watch a short video and do an unlocking assignment. The beauty is that IKIGAI For Purpose Peeps is a framework that you can use repeatedly to:Get ClearMove Into Inspired Action StepsContinually Use As A Purposeful Lens For Your Life ExperiencesWelcome!Dena For Your Purpose"
Price: 29.99

"Como Plantar Horta em Vaso" |
"Venha aprender como plantar sua prpria horta em vaso!Este curso voltado para pessoas que desejam cultivar suas prprias hortalias em vasos. Seja pelas limitaes do espao fsico ou pelo prazer de produzir seu prprio alimento orgnico. Voc aprender de forma prtica e simples sobre os principais tipos de hortalias, como preparar o solo e escolher o vaso ideal para sua planta, como plantar e por fim, como cuidar do seu vaso para o sucesso da sua horta. O curso composto por vdeos que detalham todo o processo de plantio e cuidado que deve ser oferecido para o seu cultivar, alm de explicaes sobre ferramentas e insumos.Pronto para ter sua prpria horta em casa?Prepare os vasos e mos terra!"
Price: 39.99

"Instructional Design and Implementation for eLearning" |
"Do you have to teach online in just a few weeks? Are you pressed for time when it comes to training because of your own family obligations? Then, NOW is the time to take this crash course! I want to show you the best tricks to engaging your students online, as quickly as possible. Because I am in the same situation with small children at home. This course is designed for impact, not duration. Is this course for you?You will benefit the most from this course if you are already a teacher and:You are transitioning to online teachingYou want to increase engagement in your existing online classes. OBJECTIVESIn the first section of this course, you will learn about organization of online tools and information. I will show you how to keep everything for your course easily accessible to students. At the same time, you will be able to embed amazing tools for your students to use, for free!(Added in September, 2020) Using Google Sites to Deliver Organized Online Courses.How to Use Flipgrid for engagement between classes.How to embed websites/tools into Google sites by copying and pasting. In the second section, you will learn how to plan for objective-based lessons, including using the Gradual Release of Responsibility Model. Then, you will move onto Zoom Videoconferencing and see examples of the uses of different features available to you. This includes: Screen sharingAnnotationVirtual Backgrounds Breakout RoomsRemote ControlAnd you will also get a tour of popular free resources which can be used for collaboration in distance education. Google SlidesTours and ExpeditionsFlipgridOUTCOMESThis crash course will show you how to:Simplify your lesson planning.Plan lessons for performance objectives. Understand the features that Zoom offers.Utilize the tools in online classes. Increase participation from your students. Provide the opportunity to collaborate in an online environment. Combine Zoom with popular online tools. Work asynchronously or in real time with students. Provide meaningful and personalized feedback through technology. Save time by using already made materials. BonusesVideos that demonstrate the use of the tools. A template to help you lesson plan on the go.Downloadable resources that overview each tool. Descriptions that help you prioritize the tools that will work for your subject. Examples of possible uses. Explanations of how educators can use and adapt the tools. Accommodation options to meet all students needs. An additional section of resources just for the teacher. An experienced online instructor who wants to help you! Technical RequirementsYou need a computer and/or tablet/smartphone. Having all three is ideal, but not necessary! You don't need advanced computer knowledge. Many of the activities can be done with a tablet and a stylus, making it an easier transition for new online teachers. Note: For the bonus material, you do need an iPad.ResultsThese are the same tools that I use in my online classes to keep students engaged, interested, and having fun, while they learn! Ive taught thousands of online students since 2014 and have a high retention rate because of the teaching strategies and tools that you will see in this course."
Price: 29.99

"Oracle Autonomous Database Cloud 2019 Specialist 1z0-931" |
"Perhaps this is your first step toward the certification, or perhaps you are coming back for another round. We hope that you feel this practice test challenges you, teaches you, and prepares you to pass the 1z0-931.Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2019 Cloud Autonomous Database Exam Simulation is designed for all candidates, including Professionals responsible for designing infrastructure solutions using Oracle Cloud Infrastructure services, cloud architects, and consultants."
Price: 1600.00

"SAP Analytics Cloud {C_SAC_2014} - Material and Q&A Dumps" |
"Description: 100% money back Guarantee.Enroll in this course and get complete material for learning SAP Analytics Cloud and guaranteed SAC C_SAC_2014 SAP Certification Dumps. Following material will be sharedSAC01 materialC_SAC_2014 SAP Certification Exam Dumps has been provided in 3 different tests with solution reasoning which are the actual Dump Questions.For SAC Official document SAC01, please reach out to me via personal message.90+ SAP Certification question which will guarantee you SAP Certificate Badge for SAC.Material and Dumps cover below topics Augmented Analytics - Smart Predict, Smart Insight, Search to Insight, Smart Discovery Overview and Positioning of Analytics Cloud Features of Scripting Connections of Data models Users , Security and Administration SAP Analytics Hub SAP Analytics catalog Restrictions of BW Live ConnectionFor 100% Cashback T&C:Please message me in personal for the terms and conditions."
Price: 2240.00

"Fundamentals of Network Security" |
"Module 1: In this Module you Understand the Concept of Network Security and types of the Network.Module 2: In this Module you understand about Types of layer in OSI Model such as application layer, data link layer etc.Module 3: In this module you understand about the Types of network attack, which harm the computer and network system alsoModule 4: in this Module you Understand about the Network Protection."
Price: 19.99

"Sfrdan leri Seviye Siber Gvenlik Ve Hacker Eitimi" |
"Bu kurs ile sizlere siber gvenliin temellerini retmeye ve beyaz apkal hacker olma yolunda ilk admlarnz atmaya yardmc olmaya altm. Bu kursta ayrca sektr hakknda bilgi sahibi olmay, mlakat srelerinden sizlere sorulacak sorulara hazrlkl olmaya amaladm. Ayrca temel network eitimi, temel kriptoloji eitimi ve siber gvenliin temellerini oluturan baz kavramlar hakknda da bilgi sahibi olacaksnz."
Price: 104.99
