"Internalisasi Budaya Kerja Berdasarkan Identitas" |
"Setiap orang mengetahui bahwa budaya kerja sebuah organisasi memiliki peranan penting, terutama terhadap performa dan kinerja. Namun, sampai saat ini, lebih banyak organisasi yang kesulitan dalam membangun budaya kerja yang efektif dalam jangka panjang. Course ini merupakan jawaban yang akan mengubah pemahaman Anda. Pada Course kali ini, kalian akan mempelajari identitas, budaya, hingga membuat sistem organisasi yang bersifat internal. Setelah menyelesaikan Course ini, pemahaman Anda tentang budaya organisasi yang sifatnya abstrak, akan berubah menjadi konkret dan terstruktur. Langkah demi langkah, Anda akan dapat membangun serta melestarikan budaya organisasi secara sistematis."
Price: 350000.00

"Kecerdasan Emosional (EQ) di Tempat Kerja" |
"Seiring berkembangnya zaman, pekerjaan yang tersedia juga semakin berkembang dan menuntut kita untuk lebih kompeten. Ada 2 faktor yang menentukan kompetensi seseorang dalam bekerja, yaitu EQ dan IQ. IQ sendiri berpengaruh 20% terhadap tingkat kesuksesan seseorang, sementara 80% sisanya ditentukan oleh faktor EQ. Dalam course ini, peserta akan memahami berbagai kisah orang sukses karena EQ-nya. Peserta akan belajar apa saja aspek yang dibutuhkan untuk membangun EQ yang bagus dengan konsep 4 kompetensi EQ menurut Daniel Goleman. Lalu, peserta juga akan belajar tips sukses EQ dengan pendekatan modelnya, yaitu Six Seconds."
Price: 350000.00

"Aktivitas pemasaran di media sosial untuk pelaku bisnis" |
"Melakukan aktivitas pemasaran di media sosial untuk pelaku bisnis (terutama rintisan/startup) sebaiknya bukan hanya sekadar ""ada"", tapi memang memiliki tujuan dan hasil yang valuable secara bisnis. Course ini akan membahas tentang tujuan, tahapan, serta cara mengukur efektivitas pemasaran digital, khususnya melalui pengembangan komunitas online di media sosial. Melakukan aktivitas pemasaran di media sosial untuk pelaku bisnis (terutama rintisan/startup) sebaiknya bukan hanya sekadar ""ada"", tapi memang memiliki tujuan dan hasil yang valuable secara bisnis. Course ini akan membahas tentang tujuan, tahapan, serta cara mengukur efektivitas pemasaran digital, khususnya melalui pengembangan komunitas online di media sosial."
Price: 350000.00

Self-confidence |
"Hello my friend,These days we find ourselves losing our identities and can't act or deal with a lot of situations in our life.We need to get that back. We need to believe in ourselves. We need to feel the strength in ourselves so we can conquer anything hard.The first thing to do all that is by building confidence in yourself. You need to know exactly:1- What are your weak points.2- What are your strength points.3- How to embrace your strength points.4- How to maintain your life with this confidence.So these are the things that you will learn in this course. And what? In the simplest way ever.I am not going to complicate things to you and teach you the theoretical way. I will try to make it very practical and simple to you.Don't hesitate. Be strong. Take the decision. Enroll."
Price: 19.99

"Hacking tico Web From Zero to Root" |
"En este curso aprenders desde cero las tcnicas de explotacin de sitios web bsicas, pero no te preocupes, que sea bsico no quiere decir que no haremos cosas asombrosas.He preparado varios escenarios reales que te divertirn. Te llevar poco a poco viendo el pensamiento crtico que hay que tener a la hora de realizar una auditora a una aplicacin web con el fin de descubrir la existencia de una vulnerabilidad.Y lo mejor de todo es que pasars de cero a root. Ser emocionante poner en prctica las habilidades de hacking web que aprenderemos para ver como entramos por el sitio web directo al servidor para hacernos dueos de el. Aprenderemos algunas tcnicas de explotacin muy interesantes para explotar sistemas basados en Windows y Linux. Usaremos muchas plataformas distintas de tal modo que habremos practicado en mltiples laboratorios haciendo de este curso algo ms realista e interesante. Quizs lo mejor de esto sea que no tendrs que preocuparte por los recursos de tu PC ya que solo virtualizaremos una mquina y esta ser la de Kali Linux. Tambin tendrs tareas que permitirn poner en prctica lo aprendido en algunas secciones. Finalmente, al acabar el curso sers capaz de replicar estos ataques por tu cuenta y llevarlos a otro nivel porque te dar algunos consejos de como continuar con el estudio en la materia. As que sin ms que decir, te espero para comenzar esta gran aventura!"
Price: 69.99

"Robotics For Absolute Beginners(Getting Started)" |
"This is level one for absolute beginners of robotics and for the people getting started with robotics.If you are totally new don't worry you are in the right hands, we are going to learn all new projects do amazing electronics and all of this is entirely on simulation. so hope you have fun and enjoy the sessions"
Price: 19.99

"Curso de portugus - Morfologia - Escrita para iniciantes" |
"Fonemas Orais Nasais Sonoros Surdos Ortografia ExercciosVogais Semivogais Consoantes Ortografia ExercciosSlabas Monosslabas Disslabas Trisslabas Polisslabas Ortografia ExercciosOxtona Paroxtona Proparoxtona Slaba tnica Ortografia ExercciosDitongo Oral Nasal Crescente Decrescente Ortografia ExercciosTritongo Oral Nasal Ortografia ExercciosHiato Encontros Voclicos Ortografia ExercciosDgrafos Encontros Consonantais Ortografia ExercciosSinnimos Ortografia ExercciosAntnimos Ortografia ExercciosHomnimos Ortografia ExercciosParnimos Ortografia ExercciosSubstantivos Comum * Prprio Ortografia ExercciosSubstantivos Concreto * Abstrato Ortografia ExercciosSubstantivos Simples * Composto Ortografia ExercciosSubstantivos Primitivo * Derivado Ortografia ExercciosSubstantivos Coletivos Ortografia ExercciosGnero dos substantivos Ortografia ExercciosNmero dos substantivos Ortografia ExercciosGrau dos substantivos Ortografia ExercciosArtigos Ortografia ExercciosAdjetivos Gnero Ortografia ExercciosAdjetivos Nmero Ortografia ExercciosAdjetivos Grau Ortografia ExercciosNumeral Ortografia ExercciosPronomes pessoais Ortografia ExercciosPronomes possessivos Ortografia ExercciosPronomes demonstrativos Ortografia ExercciosPronomes indefinidos Ortografia ExercciosPronomes relativos Ortografia ExercciosPronomes interrogativos Ortografia ExercciosPronomes de tratamento Ortografia ExercciosVerbos 1/2 Ortografia ExercciosVerbos 2/2 Ortografia ExercciosAdvrbios Ortografia ExercciosConjunes Ortografia ExercciosPreposies Ortografia ExercciosInterjeies Ortografia Exerccios"
Price: 104.99

"Guia Completa ASP.NET Core MVC (v3.1)" |
"Este es un curso de nivel principiante a avanzado en ASP.NET Core 3.1 que lo llevar desde lo bsico hasta el modo avanzado. Este curso es para cualquiera que sea nuevo en ASP.NET Core 3.1 o que est familiarizado con ASP.NET y quiera dar un primer paso para comprender qu es diferente en ASP.NET Core 3.1. A partir de ah, estaramos construyendo un super proyecto para comprender todos los conceptos en ASP.NET Core 3.1, ya que implementaremos nuestra aplicacin final de Sistema de Ventas e Inventario."
Price: 19.99

"Monetizao Completa para Games com Admob e Construct 3" |
"Procurando a melhor maneira de lucrar com seu jogo para dispositivos mveis? Ao usar publicidade no app para gerar receita, os usurios podem jogar de graa enquanto voc gera receita. Continue lendo para saber por que os desenvolvedores optam por gerar receita com anncios e ver as prticas recomendadas para implementar anncios no seu jogo para dispositivos mveis.Neste curso completo, voc aprende a configurar o plugin Anncio Mvel do Admob no Construct 3, e vamos criar 3 jogos completos e monetizar cada um deles, onde voc aprender onde e como colocar anncios em diferentes estilos de jogos.Por que os desenvolvedores de jogos geram receita com anncios para dispositivos mveis?Os usurios esperam ter jogos gratuitosOs desenvolvedores sempre usaram uma ampla variedade de estratgias de monetizao em jogos, incluindo modelos com assinatura e compra no aplicativo (IAP). Com IAPs, os usurios pagam por recursos para melhorar o desempenho no jogo. Porm, na maioria dos casos, apenas uma pequena parte dos usurios de apps fazem gastos desse tipo durante um determinado ms. Como resultado, muitos desenvolvedores esto usando a publicidade em dispositivos mveis como um meio para gerar novos fluxos de receita.Todos saem ganhando com os anncios em jogos para dispositivos mveisNem todos os usurios esto dispostos ou podem pagar por jogos para dispositivos mveis ou itens de compra no aplicativo, ento a publicidade se tornou a maneira mais utilizada de gerar receita. Essa soluo ideal para todos: desenvolvedores, usurios e anunciantes. Os desenvolvedores recebem a receita de que precisam para continuar produzindo o contedo que amam. Os usurios continuam aproveitando seus jogos favoritos gratuitamente, o que aumenta o engajamento e a reteno. Por fim, os anunciantes podem conquistar novos usurios com anncios segmentados e relevantes.A publicidade em jogos para dispositivos mveis pode ser combinada com outros modelos de monetizaoAlm de oferecer uma experincia gratuita ao usurio, a publicidade no app um modelo flexvel que pode ser combinado com outros fluxos de receita, como as IAPs. Cada vez mais desenvolvedores esto descobrindo que os anncios podem coexistir com as IAPs sem prejudicar a receita. Eles tambm esto vendo que anncios premiados podem at oferecer aos usurios uma prvia dos itens disponveis para compra no aplicativo, ajudando a converter mais usurios no pagantes em compradores. De fato, vimos que a adoo da prtica conhecida como ""monetizao hbrida"" aumentou mais de 50% no ltimo ano.1 Continue lendo para saber como um desenvolvedor como voc escolhe usar a publicidade no app na estratgia de monetizao do jogo."
Price: 84.99

"Ableton Workflow Tutorial - How To Make A Track In A Day." |
"Calling all passionate, aspiring and existing Ableton music producers!!! A must-buy comprehensive guide on how to master Ableton and the music industry from a mastering engineer, Ableton instructor and a label owner.This course shows that you don't need the technical skills or music theory knowledge to be proficient in Ableton.Sit back and relax whilst you learn some of the best kept producer secrets in the industry, along with never before shared knowledge about Ableton Live 10.Learn How To Use Ableton The Right Way!!Omar had humble beginnings of wanting to learn Ableton but no YouTube video or mentor would accommodate for his needs, now Omar is a successful Mastering Engineer and producer it is time for him to teach you his methodologies. Omar Meho is a resident DJ in Ibiza, he has played in front of 12,500 people at a festival, he will teach you how he has made over 200 tracks in the past 8 months as a producer. He runs his own record label and has signed his successful E.P's and Albums to over 10 record labels in that time. Having plays on BBC Radio 1 and support from some of the world's top DJ's and producers including Marco Carola, Adam Beyer, Guti, Chris Stussy, East End Dubs & more. This course comes with exclusive learning content, full-track templates, sample packs and project files which will help you master and understand Ableton much faster with great depth!After a fantastic reception to Omar's one-to-one Mentoring Omar has decided to launch this course.This is the right course for anyone looking to learn Ableton.Learn invaluable lessons from Omar's comprehensive Ableton Music Production Guide.It can be done, by using this guide by Ableton Live 10 guru Omar Meho.Ever asked a friend to teach you Ableton and they haven't?! This course will cover everything they will show you.Omar has cemented his talent in the music industry by bringing you this course which will dissect his expert methodology on how to produce a track a day as he has done, with extensive videos where he makes a track and times it and finishes it in 15 minutes. With over 15 hours of video content and loads of bonus content, this is a fair price for the course and is arguably the best Ableton course on Udemy in terms of insight and knowledge.There are six of these videos and each is an insightful glimpse into the workflow of a successful producer which you will find nowhere else. The course is a must for a new Ableton user.This course includes everything you'd need to start your music production journey and more!With a network of successful producers around him, Omar can give relevant and proven hidden strategies on how to survive in the music industry, penetrate the market and get into the Beatport Top 100 Minimal/Deep Tech Charts. If you want to learn more about Ableton or become a master of your own fate. Some of the Genre's covered in this course include: House, Tech House, Deep House, Micro House, Minimal House, Garage. If you are an aspiring EDM producer and you want to learn ableton or improve your existing skills whilst learning new ones this course is the one for you. Omar will provide you with game-changing project files, templates and samples which will revolutionise the way you access and use Ableton Live 10. Comprised of 40 Lectures, each contains invaluable content which you will find nowhere else and the hidden-gems included in this course will also give you the upper-hand and advantage over other producers in the industry who haven't seen this course. Including incredible templates which will revolutionise the way you work for the rest of your life, Omar shows you how to finish a track using only MIDI in 10 minutes, which is a truly breathtaking experience you must watch, the track has been signed to a record label!Join a group of like-minded individuals and collaborate via our facebook group, included at the end of the course.QualificationsOmar has a business with marketing degree with honours from the University of Brighton so he is best suited to give you marketing advice. Also, this course covers the business side of things which. is a niche in the way that other courses will not cover this in as much depth.Omar has also been a resident DJ for 10 + years internationally and has renowned success in the music production industry with his music in every online store. This course explains what, why, when and how to do things which is far more valuable than simply skimming through things as it gives the learner a greater opportunity to understand things on a professional level and be able to discuss with friends.This interstellar course includes:Beginner Level- Audio interface- Arrangement- Bass Processing- Automation- Midi- Audio- Sidechaining- Compression- Saturation- EQ- Max For Live- Finishing Touches- Reference Tracks- How to finish tracks in 15 minutes- Useful Free VSTs- LFO- How to make a track from start to finishAdvanced Level- Mixdown- Mastering advice- MIDI Mapping- Branding Techniques- Customising parameters in external VST's- Organisation in Ableton Live 10's BrowserExpert Level- Understanding different music genres- Methodology of Ableton- Sample packs- Camelot Wheel - Mixing in key- Creating artwork for your tracks- Distribution to Spotify, Beatport, iTunes- Marketing your music to record labels- Pitch EnvelopeExtras- Learn from someone with 10+ years of experience- Learn from someone who runs their own record label, makes their own artwork, manages their own distribution and marketing- Sample packs- Project Files- Templates- Presets- Full-track breakdowns- Email templates- VSTs- Community invites + events!- Recommendations- A chance to see how someone else's workflow - MP3's to use as a Reference Track- Charts- Diagrams- Unique advice- Mastering advice - Never before seen strategies- Useful Industry-secret Websites- Opportunity for 1-to-1 Lifetime Mentoring from Omar.- Opportunity to get signed to a record-label- Opportunity for Remix competitions- Comes with Sample Pack and Mastering Support.Boost your production skillsStrengthen your knowledgeExpand your network 5-Star Reviews 1. RandyOmar has alot of experience as a DJ and a good understanding of the music business side of things. He's helpful in any regard and is practical when explaining ideas. Overall great session.2. BrettOmar knows his stuff - both as a DJ and producer!3. HarryOmar changed the way i see ableton. Big recommends for anyone looking to expand their profile, up their work flow or master ableton! Big up4. SamOmar was incredibly inspiring and helpful. I'm looking forward to continuing to progress towards a career in music with his direction.5. JamieA truly experienced professional in the music industry, knowledgeable in all areas from production to marketing and distribution. Each lesson I take away valuable information and advice that accelerates my career. Thank you Omar6. KyleOmar is an very experienced and well rounded DJ, with knowledge of a wide variety of genres. He has massively improved my mixing within a matter of weeks. Furthermore, I look forward to his coaching regarding music production and self promotion in the future. Overall, I have come on leaps and bounds under his guidance.7. DavidOmar is very knowledgeable about music production. More importantly he knows how to save a lot of time and time saves money and that's a good thing. You'll make his fees back because you'll be able to produce much faster. Save your time and your money with Omar.8. ShannonOmar is a trustworthy tutor He taught me how to DJ from scratch and I now play on the radio He is an expert and very professional9. YasminOmar is a trustworthy tutor as he is always on time and very patient with his clients, he helped me start up on my producing and getting to grips with the software I use as well as some important tips and tricks.10. NicoleOmar is a fantastic tutor, a passionate dj who taught me how to start up on my decks, transitions and bpm through to producing my own records and signing to record labels. I recommend him 100%.Learn to become an expert with Ableton Live 10.Go ahead and click the enroll button, and I'll see you in lesson 1!Cheers,Omar."
Price: 199.99

"AutoHotkey - How To Start for Beginners" |
"Note: This course is for candidates, that want to start with AutoHotkey.AutoHotkey gives you the freedom to automate any desktop task. You can compare it to RPA tools, where you with AutoHotkey get incredible speed with a very easy syntax.In this course you will learn everything there is to get started with AutoHotkey. The following topics will be covered (all by examples so you can code along):Download, setup and install AutoHotkeyHotkeysHotstringsVariablesArraysTaking user input with InputBoxFolders, Programs and WebsitesVolume ControlBrowsersExcelRandom functionsRunning scripts at Windows Start UpThese topics are what you need to get started and get used to the syntax. You will be able to create your own scripts automating your desktop tasks, such as back office workflows or automating your favorite computer game.For more information check out the course outline."
Price: 19.99

"Excel for Data Analysis. Learn the Art of Excel Analytics." |
"**** Lifetime access to course materials . 100% money back guarantee ****1. Learn basic and advanced functionalities of Excel.2. Learn how to do data manipulation and analysis to solve real world business problems using case studies.3. Start using pivot tables and Vlookup like a pro.4. Start using built-in formulae in excel for the data analysis.5. Learn how to find interesting trends in the real world datasets.Real World Case Studies include :Acquisition Analytics on the Telemarketing datasets : Find out which customers are most likely to buy future bank products using tele channel.Investment Case Studies: To identify the top3 countries and investment type to help the Asset Management Company to understand the global trendsData Analysis on Ireland Loan Datasets : Find out which customers are good or bad and who are likely to repay the loan."
Price: 199.99

"Authentische Rhetorik: Natrlich erfolgreich sprechen" |
"Der neue Kurs von Dr. Valentin Zahrnt, Workshop-Trainer und Coach fr authentische Rhetorik, erstmals seit Ende Juli 2020 online verfgbar!Viele konventionelle Rhetorik-Trainings verlaufen nach einem Checklisten-Ansatz: Die Redner werden danach beurteilt, inwieweit sie standardisierte Gebote und Verbote befolgen. Das lenkt die Aufmerksamkeit der Redner weg von der Botschaft und weg vom Publikum. Zudem hemmt es den Redefluss und verleitet zu einer unnatrlichen Krpersprache.Dagegen lautet mein Grundsatz: Du wirkst als Redner, weil Du erlebst und ausstrahlst. Ich untersttze Dich, Deine Worte und Botschaft beim Sprechen besonders bewusst zu erleben. Du siehst vor Deinem inneren Auge, worber Du sprichst, und findest von selbst einen individuellen, starken Ausdruck, der als glaubwrdig und sympathisch wahrgenommen wird.Diese Kompetenzen ntzen dir berall, ob auf dem Podium, vor der Kamera oder im Meeting. Und sogar im Gesprch zu zweit. Damit hast du nicht nur mehr Erfolg, sondern auch einfach mehr Freude am Reden.KURSINHALTVerstndnis fr die Mglichkeiten und Grenzen des authentischen Auftretens gewinnenDen Inhalt Deiner Rede mit allen Sinnen durchdringen und intensiv erlebenDen Rhythmus Deiner Rede intuitiv erfassen und richtig Pausen setzenGedanken sichtbar entstehen lassen, entschlossen aussprechen und bewusst nachwirken lassen und so den Worten eine lebendige Kraft verleihenDinge, von denen Du sprichst, als imaginre Objekte visualisieren und im Raum positionieren, so dass sie fr die Zuschauer Wirklichkeit werdenDeine Botschaften intensiv aussenden, damit sie das Publikum auch wirklich erreichenEigene Geschichten fesselnd erzhlenGroe Reden halten, die die Bhne fllenDie optimalen Voraussetzungen schaffen, um authentisch auftreten zu knnen zum Beispiel durch ein geeignetes Rede-DesignDeine Identitt als Redner oder Rednerin findenSTIMMEN VON WORKSHOP- UND COACHING-KUNDENRhetorik mal anders. Valentin Zahrnt geht weg von einem klassischen ""do and don't do"" Seminar, hin zu einer Entdeckung der eigenen Person, Wirkung und Wirksamkeit. Wirklich spannend und angenehm auerhalb der eigenen Komfortzone. Ich bin Trainer und Moderator und damit hufig auf der Bhne und konnte trotzdem noch ganz viel fr mich lernen. Eine klare Empfehlung von mir!Philip Schwidetzki (Google Review)Valentin ist ein exzellenter Coach, der mir nach nur wenigen Stunden sehr dabei geholfen hat, die tieferliegenden Grundlagen fr eine bessere Rhetorik speziell angepasst auf meine Persnlichkeit zu analysieren und zu strken. Ich finde es hervorragend, dass wir dabei nicht einfach an ein paar oberflchlichen Angewohnheiten gearbeitet haben, sondern an echten und nachhaltigen Vernderungen meiner rhetorischen Fhigkeiten.Sarah (Google Review)Wenn Du lebendig, mitreiend, berzeugend reden mchtest, kann ich das Rhetorik-Coaching von Valentin Zahrnt nur empfehlen. Schritt fr Schritt fhrt er Dich mit auf der Reise zur wirksamen Rede. Dabei schaut er sehr genau, was Du mitbringst und brauchst, fordert und frdert - und bringt Dich zum Ziel.Ina (Google Review)DEIN TRAINERDr. Valentin Zahrnt verfgt ber langjhrige Erfahrung mit den unterschiedlichsten Formen des ffentlichen Redens: als Wissenschaftler auf Konferenzen, als Campaigner auf Podiumsdiskussionen, im Radio, im Europischen Parlament, als Unternehmensberater vor Kunden, als Trainer in Workshops, als Dozent vor Studenten Zudem verfgt er ber ein vielseitiges Training von Stimme und Krper: Einjhrige full-time Tschechow-Schauspielausbildung, 3 Monate Meisner-Technik, Impro-Theater. Zahlreiche Fortbildungen rund um das Krperbewusstsein (Impro-Tanz, Meditation, Krperpsychotherapie ). Klassischer Gesang seit 2005.Dr. Valentin Zahrnt arbeitet als Coach und Trainer zu authentischer Rhetorik. Daneben begleitet er psychosomatische Stimmpatienten als Heilpraktiker fr Psychotherapie."
Price: 59.99

"JK0-701 CompTIA E2C A + Essentials Certified Practice Exam" |
"240 UNIQUE practice questions for JK0-701 CompTIA E2C A + Essentials Certified Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : JK0-701 CompTIA E2C A + Essentials Certified Practice ExamTotal Questions : 240Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :150 minsPassing Score : 75 (180 of 240)"
Price: 164.99

"Curso Bsico de Eletrnica - Mdulo 2" |
"Este curso o Mdulo 2 do Curso Bsico de Eletrnica de Newton C. Braga. Neste mdulo abordado o funcionamento dos capacitores, motores, indutores, filtros RL e RC, magnetismo, blindagens e algumas associaes de componentes, como tambm o procedimento de leitura de valores.Voc aprender tambm sobre o uso e funcionamento da corrente alternada."
Price: 69.99

"Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE) Practice Test : 2020" |
"In this Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE) Practice Test course there are over 140 exam style questions in total. Take the exams as many times are you wish and when you are getting around 95% every time you know you are ready for the real thing.I am highly dedicated to provide you with the best and most preparing practice questions to pass your Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE) Practice Test examWhy take our Course?i.Unique & Updated 140 Questionsii.All Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE) Practice Test Questions Suggested by Top Subject Matter Expertsiii.Verified answersiv.30 days money back guarantee, no questions asked.Go ahead and hit the ""take this course"" button to start growing a business online today!Requirements:Want to pass the Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE) Practice Test certification.Want to find your weak areas for the Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE) Practice Test certification, and improve on them."
Price: 19.99

"BECOME AN EXPERT IN UNDERSTANDING AND TREATING LOW BACK PAIN DUE TO SCIATIC NERVE COMPRESSIONOften, the term sciatica is confused with general back pain. However, sciatica is not just limited to the back. The sciatic nerve is the longest and widest nerve in the human body. It runs from the lower back, through the buttocks, and down the legs, ending just below the knee.This nerve controls several muscles in the lower legs and supplies sensation to the skin of the foot and the majority of the lower leg. Sciatica is not a condition, but rather a symptom of another problem involving the sciatic nerve. Some experts estimate that up to 40 percent of people will experience sciatica at least once in their life.At the end of the course , You will be able to: Diagnose Low Back Pain due to sciatic nerve compression. It's different signs and symptoms in both acute & chronic conditions which will help in building up diagnosis. The main part is it's Exercises for its treatment & by learning these exercises anyone can treat."
Price: 4480.00

"IGBC AP Practice Test" |
"The practice test has the following four sections :Section I : Green Building Design & ConstructionSection II : Building Standards & CodesSection III : IGBC Resources and ProcessesSection IV : Green Design Strategies & ImpactsSECTION I: Green Building Design & ConstructionThe purpose of this section is to demonstrate the candidate's general understanding of the green building design and construction industry as they relate to green building practices.SECTION II: Building Standards & CodesThis section is to verify the candidate's understanding and knowledge on few of the local building standards and codes as they relate to environmental aspects.SECTION III: IGBC ProcessesThis section would test the candidate's understanding of processes and resources related to IGBC programme.SECTION IV: Green Design Strategies & ImpactsThis section is to evaluate understanding of green building strategies and the impact that they would result in. The candidate is required to match the impact to a strategy provided.The sample test will be very useful for all the candidates who are planning to take IGBC AP exam. The course will be frequently updated with new questions. Please contact us if you have any query related to this course - support@designparameter.com"
Price: 1280.00

"ACCA F1 (AB) External Analysis Chapter 6 to 9" |
"This course is designed to develop knowledge and understanding of the principles and concepts relating to External Analysis Of Business Organization. Like Political system Government Policies Sources Of Legal Authority Employment legislation Data Protection & Security Health And Safety Measure In The Work Place Principal Of consumer Protection Sale of Goods And Simple Contract effects of social and demographic trendseconomic sustainabilitybusiness SWOTactivities that affect its competitivenessfactors that influence the level of competitiveness in an industry using porters five forces model"
Price: 19.99

"Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Fundamentals: Core Architecture" |
"Welcome to the Fundamental Course on Core Architecture of Google Cloud!Why choose this course?This course is crafted in such a way that any learner who wishes to enter this magnificent domain and develop the foundation skills required towards the domain and the Professional Google Cloud Certification may be able to quickly adopt the most essential key concepts. Choosing this course will allow you to stay motivated throughout and it's explanations delivered across all the lectures will satisfy your curiosity. What will you learn in this course?This course introduces you to big concepts and terminologies for working with Google Cloud Platform (GCP). You study the most essential computing and storage services that are provided in the GCP, which includes Google Compute Engine, App Engine, Kubernetes Engine, Cloud Storage, Cloud SQL. You will adopt practical experience through lab visualizations which give you foundation skills required to work with GCP.As you've shown interest to get your hands-on the Google Cloud Platform you must be aware of Google Cloud in general. If not, let me give you a quick overview.Google Cloud Platform - GCP is fastest growing Cloud Platform Services in the world.Last year they recorded 150% growth rate. Google in the past years has been investing heavily in extending GCP services across the world .GCP is already is prominent in Data Analytics, and Machine Learning offerings proven numerous years and has added Storage, Compute platform , Database, Security and lots of more public cloud services for enterprises around world.Google has innovative data centers build to scale enterprise infrastructure and platform services requirements.Do you need to pay in order to access the GCP?The answer is no, you get a free $300 credit to use the Google Cloud Platform. This credit allows you to get hands-on experience even on the paid resources.Why learn the foundation for the same certification repeatedly, why not consider an entire ""Basic to Advanced Course?""I personally believe, every trainer implements different strategy to deliver the content. However, they tend to stress more on the Advanced topics and neglect the key fundamentals. Due to which, learners are unable to understand and deploy those further problems that are required to be addressed as a Cloud Professional. This course, emphasizes on the Core Architecture of the platform along side clearing your fundamentals and building those pillars to crack any obstacle coming your way.That says it all. Say, 'Victory' dear learner. ""Just say it!"" Happy Learning! :)"
Price: 9280.00

"Learn PSS/E Siemens and PSS/E automation with Python" |
"This course focuses on Modeling and Simulation of Power Systems using one of the most powerful, reliable and user-friendly, high performance transmission planning and analyzing Software - PSS/E. All Electrical Engineers , Researches or Student Electrical Engineers will know how to create a project, performing main modules; like load flow modules, dynamic simulations, implementing and simulating Wind and Solar Energy, plotting and much more. Looking forward the fact that this Software offers the opportunity to be automated with python, there is also a dedicated section in which will be explained how to perform all the modules described above with python. It is an important step toward automatizing the whole Power Systems !"
Price: 19.99

"Neuro Negociacin El arte de negociar que cambiara tu vida" |
"Neuro Negociacin El arte de negociar que cambiar tu vida En este curso digital aprenders conocimientos de 3 disciplinas Negociacin + Neuro Coaching + Coaching para la NegociacinDividido en cmodas clases audiovisuales (+ de 3hs de video) muy claras, sin tecnicismos que te compliquen y con una metodologa sencilla de aplicarVuelco muchos aos de aprendizaje, experiencia profesional y vivencias personales en este curso, que te aseguro, est repleto de contenidosNo importa si sos emprendedor, dependiente, dueo de un gran negocio o simplemente pap o mam, lo que aprenders te va a servir para tu vida cotidiana ya sea personal como profesionalEn todas las negociaciones que he participado como abogado, es increble lo mal que se pueden llevar las personas por no entender estas tcnicasY estoy convencido que si esta metodologa se enseara en cursos pre-matrimoniales se reduciran los divorcios en gran cantidadTe aseguro que todo lo que vas a aprender va a ser de gran utilidad en tus negocios y en tu vida profesional, de eso no me caben dudas, pero mas an te servira en tu vida personal, en tu relacin con tu pareja y con tus hijos, con tus familiares y amigos, aqu es donde mayor provecho le sacaras a este curso, ya que si logras mejorar tus relaciones, sobre todo de pareja, provocar que tu hogar o tu crculo mas ntimo viva en paz y realmente eso no tiene precio. Vivir en paz te convierte casi de forma automtica en un ser humano mucho mas prspero y productivo.Si realmente quieres llevar tu vida a otro nivel, deberas tomar este curso !Contenidos:Coaching para la NegociacinLa RealidadLos JuiciosLa escucha OntolgicaConversaciones poderosasHabla responsableComunicacin efectivaEstados de nimo y emocionesMtodo Negociacin HardvardEl problema Criterios para negociarSeparar las personas del problemaLos intereses subyacentes, no negocie en base a posicionesBuscar opciones de mutuo beneficioCriterios objetivosNeurocoachingParte1Parte2Parte3"
Price: 59.99

"Use of Gestalt therapy to diagnose and treat obsession(OCD)" |
"familiarity with obsession and its dimension,the effect of unresolved emotional issues on obsession, familiarity with the concept of unfinished business and its connection with obsession, familiarity with the concept of forgiveness in the Gestalt therapy approach, also familiarity with Gestalt therapy approach, and how Gestalt therapy intervention in obsession. the method used in this study. psychology students and psychologists can use this approach to reduce mild and non-clinical obsessions of their clients "
Price: 54.99

"Microsoft Planner - Gesto de Atividades Corporativas" |
"Como todos os treinamentos que produzimos, objetividade nosso principal leme, apresentar recursos indispensveis de forma rpida e que permita a voc, implantar os recursos o mais breve possvel na rotina da empresa.A gesto de atividades uma das qualidades mais procuradas em profissionais e a fundamental para produzir de forma otimizada, proporciona o equilbrio e controle sobre seu prprio tempo.Organize o trabalho em equipe com o Microsoft Planner. Ele ajuda sua equipe a criar planos, a organizar e atribuir tarefas, a compartilhar arquivos, a conversar sobre o trabalho e a obter atualizaes sobre o andamento."
Price: 39.99

"Wondershare Filmora - Video Editing + How to get clients" |
"Hello, Welcome to this Filmora editing software course.This course is for everyone working online whether you are a youtuber or a course instructor or you just want to learn video editing this course is the one for you.With this course you will learn to edit videos in a simple yet professional way starting from cutting and merging videos to adding cool effects and transitions provided by Filmora, you will also learn to work with texts and animate it and edit audio files to export a full professional project plus changing and grading colors inside the video. You will also learn how to edit your videos if you are a youtuber and also if you want to create a course for those who want to use Filmora to create courses to sell.After you complete this course you will be able to create your own videos in a professional way."
Price: 34.99

"Creating Heatmaps and Clustering in R" |
"In this video the student will be able to use clustering methods to find clusters in his data. He will also be able to make nice-looking heatmaps using the heatmap and the pheatmap command. Clustering topics such as k-means clustering, PAM clustering, Silhouette plots, and elbow plots will be covered. Minimal familiarity with R coding is required."
Price: 34.99

"Basic Software Testing Tips and Tricks" |
"Are you new to testing?Find a great step by step helping guide to start your testing career.In the course you shall find a full introduction lesson that will boost your Software Testing knowledge, starting from how to approach a testing project, then how to cover all functional testing activities details including all types of test cases."
Price: 19.99

"Curso de Trading desde Cero" |
"Este no es el tpico curso bsico de trading. Nuestro equipo de analistas ha trabajado por casi una dcada en Brokers altamente regulados y han tenido contacto con miles de traders. Sabemos exactamente lo que debe saber antes de invertir Cree cimientos slidos!Los Traders creen que aprender Anlisis Fundamental y Tcnico es lo que necesitan para empezar a invertir Eso no es as!El gran problema que enfrentan los traders al comenzar a operar en los mercados financieros es que centran todo su esfuerzo en una cosa: Anlisis de Mercado.El apetito por aprender sobre Anlisis Tcnico y Anlisis Fundamental es ENORME, sin embargo, hay muchas cosas que no saben y ese desconocimiento en el corto plazo se vuelve extremadamente problemtico.Sabra usted responder preguntas como Cules son los 5 reguladores de mercado mas respetados a nivel global? O Cules son los 7 conflictos de inters que existen entre Brokers y Traders? Quin gana dinero cuando usted pierde y quin pierde cuando usted gana? Cuntos tipos de contrato existen para operar un activo financiero?Hay muchas cosas que debe descubrir y lo invitamos a aprender de estos y muchos otros temas en nuestro curso de Trading Desde Cero!"
Price: 34.99

"Cozinhando sem glten e sem lactose de maneira fcil" |
"Desenvolvemos esse curso na prtica para te ajudar a fazer pes, massas, recheios e coberturas, bolos, pes recheados e pratos prontos. Com esse repertrio de receitas e com todas as dicas aprendidas ao longo do livro de receitas voc estar preparado para elaborar suas prprias delcias, usando os ingredientes que tem em casa e a sua criatividade."
Price: 54.99

"Python For Complete Beginners" |
"This course is a basic introduction to programming in Python. This course outlines the key concepts of Python as well as giving you the basic skills to start you on your programming journey. This course not only explains to you what Python is and how to use it at a basic level, but it actually goes through examples with you step-by-step.Join this course and learn how YouTube, Google, Reddit, and more companies were built!"
Price: 19.99

"Inteligncia Emocional l Curso Completo + Certificado" |
"Gostaria de diminuir a ansiedade que te consome a cada dia?Voc se sente como se a mente te controlasse?Quer entender os bastidores das tuas emoes?Tenta sair da procrastinao e levar uma vida mais produtiva, mas no consegue?Gostaria de alcanar o equilbrio emocional para ter melhores relacionamentos?Se a resposta por SIM para qualquer uma das perguntas ou em mais de uma, timo. Voc est no lugar certo, porque esses questionamentos que nortearo toda a nossa jornada. um curso completo de inteligncia emocional abordando a teoria e a prtica. Nele voc aprender o que h de mais moderno sobre o estudo das emoes.Mas pode acabar se perguntando: pra qu inteligncia emocional?Se voc quer alinhar as tuas foras rumo ao sucesso ou conseguir valorizar as coisas mais importantes na vida, necessrio saber agir e ter as atitudes certas. Ento precisa conhecer o que vem antes de qualquer ao: os pensamentos e as emoes. Aqui voc aprender o que as escolas deveriam te ensinar: ser consciente das suas emoes, conseguir lidar com elas e us-las a seu favor. Alm disso, o curso est repleto de bnus extras para um aprendizado ainda mais eficiente.O curso ser baseado nos estudos revolucionrios de Daniel Goleman, Robert Plutchik, Sigmund Freud, Walter Mischel, Marshall Rosenberg, Rajneesh Jain, Howard Gardner, Rodrigo Fonseca, Ferreira Santos, Alberto Gomes, Gisele Mafro, Marc Brackett, Ryan Robinson, Susan Cain, Thalia Eley, Jerome Kagan, lvaro Bilbao. Reinaldo Passadori, Jessie Sun, David Mezzapelle, Julie Zhuo, Luciano Braga e Eckhart Toller.O curso est dividido nos seguintes mdulos:1. Inteligncia Emocional: Aqui voc aprender sobre a importncia da inteligncia emocional para a vida pessoal e profissional; a origem e evoluo da nossa mente e como isso implica no seu cotidiano; entender o que seria conscincia pura e a relao direta entre a mente e o ser interior; como parar de lutar contra a mente e se permitir ser o grande protagonista das tuas emoes.2. As 5 habilidades emocionais:Aqui voc aprender as bases fundamentais da Inteligncia Emocional. Sem elas, invivel analisar, lidar e aprender com as prprias emoes. As cinco habilidades so: autoconscincia, autoliderana, inspirao, empatia e interpessoalidade.3. Diferenas essenciais:Aqui vamos traar um caminho de esclarecimento das principais ideias voltadas para Inteligncia Emocional. Elas so extremamente importantes para entender as habilidades e as ferramentas prticas sobre o tema. Vamos diferenciar porque muitas vezes agimos com impulso e outras de maneira racional; qual a diferena entre consciente, subconsciente e inconsciente e qual relao com as nossas emoes; qual a conexo entre emoo, sentimento e sensao e porque no devemos confundi-las.4. Nascimento das emoes e os seus tiposNesse mdulo, voc aprender quais so os bastidores das nossas emoes; o que est por trs fazendo com que voc pense ou aja de certa maneira. Voc entender como os tipos de emoes (primria, secundria e de fundo) faro de voc um excelente observador, podendo analisar as suas emoes e dos outros, tais como: familiares, amigos e conhecidos. Compreender o que compe as seguintes emoes: alegria, tristeza, raiva, medo, surpresa, afeto, averso e confiana.5. Armadilhas da mente:Imagine se voc entendesse sobre os principais problemas da humanidade, podendo se salvar e ajudar os outros, seja pelo amor ao prximo ou de forma profissional. exatamente isso que vamos aprender neste mdulo. Voc entender de onde vem e como funciona as armadilhas da nossa mente, tais como: a ansiedade, a depresso, o temperamento, a baixa autoestima, o preconceito, a apatia e a antipatia, a timidez e o ego.6. Ferramentas da Inteligncia EmocionalPor fim, voc conhecer as tcnicas prticas para reconhecer e lidar com as emoes antes que elas prejudiquem os seus relacionamentos, o trabalho e o convvio social. Em conjunto elas so poderosas: podem fazer revigorar a alma e dar nimo s aes dirias. Voc se tornar uma pessoa mais consciente de si e utilizar as emoes a favor das suas conquistas. Afinal, este o papel da Inteligncia Emocional: fazer com que voc se liberte das amarras mentais e consiga realizar os seus sonhos. Eu te espero como meu aluno para juntos reconquistarmos as emoes adequadas para uma vida repleta de realizaes. Inscreva-se no curso e fique com Deus!"
Price: 39.99
