"Abstract Art - Paint like a pro, let loose and have fun" |
"Come join me for a fun, action-packed class and start learning the skills to painting modern abstract art like you always wanted! This is not the average boring academic class.This 360 Abstract Art painting course will show you how to explore your own creativity, execute and play with bold modern painting abstract art techniques. This course will give you the knowledge and confidence to express yourself and develop your artistic voice.The course is your opportunity to learn how to create a complete modern masterpiece and add your personal stamp and patina to it and put it in front of your first potential customers in the shortest time possible. Both your amazing art and your customers are at your fingetips.No prior painting experience is needed - all levels are welcome.Youll go over every step that you need to take in order to move from amateur to an experienced modern abstract artist in the field that has lots of customers! Meaning how to mix your own intuitive creativity, power of mistakes, improvisation and not going by the rules style with the proper on-trend painting techniques and the efficient sales techniques.Youll gain instant access to all 15 sections of the course.The course is set up to quickly take you through step by step of the process of making abstract art from sourcing materials to cashing in the money from your customers. All this while you enjoy and have fun. It will equip you with the correct knowledge, mindset and attitude that you must have in order be succesful.Dont believe me? I offer you full money-back guarantee within the first 30 days of purchasing the course.Heres what you get with the course:Youll get access to the 15 sections of the course that will teach you the fundamentals of modern paintings techniques to use in your abstract art from the ground up. Over 2 hours of practical lessons with examples.All at your fingers tips instantly: The course starts with briefly describing how abstract art is the easiest and fastest way for you to express yourself in the artistic space and industry. Next I will show the secrets to save significant money on your painting materials.You will see in action my favourite mix of painting techniquesOnce you we advance with the painting we will take a break and discuss how you how to already start putting your name in front of potential customers. I will reveal my personal script that I use when I talk to them.You will see why the way I advertise is the most affordable way at the time being and will bring you from behind the scenes on the actual scene in the shortest time possible.As you have gathered all this knowledge up to this point I created a section where you will watch live draw after pictures randomly chosen so you can see in real practice how to do and draw what I teach.You will have a complete arsenal of modern paiting you caricature arsenal with a top of cake precious lesson concerning adding bodies to the drawing. Add a personal touch to the caricature by asking the person about his passions and drawing a body accordingly. Will put a smile on ones face.Lastly I will provide directions for you to take after completing this course for mastering your art, like starting drawing live people amongst your friends and one idea that will put yourself in front of a live audience fast.Over the 23 lessons you see me painting step by step and you can model what I do :Gain confidence that what you do is ok and that customers will love itSave wasted time doubting if you are on track because you see on 1st hand how things happen.Sort quickly threw potential buyers and find people that want to buy know your artHave a complete arsenal of modern painting techniques that you can mix in any way and form to create brilliant works of art fast.Seal you painting and give it you authenthicity signMoreover you get all these extra benefits :Admiration and recognition of friends and family for your new skill.The knowledge and power to create truly stunning artwork anytime anywhereYour persoanal sorted list with addicted collectors and art lovers that cannot wait to see your next paintingsWhat else will you get?Personal contact with me, the course tutorLifetime access to course materialsUnderstanding of how modern masterpiece cand be created in an intuitive manner A skill that you will have for your entire lifetime and never forgetI will be here for you every step of the way!We will have fun while immersing ourselves in an activity that ignites our imaginations and pushes the boundaries of our creativity. You can mix what I teach you in any way you want or you can keep the exact same steps on all your future paintings.So what are you waiting for? Lets get going! Sign up now and start painting abstract art like a pro!"
Price: 49.99

"LPIC-2 - Linux Engineer Exam 202-450 - September/2020 Q/A" |
"Course InformationsOver 415 Questions and Answers available in UDEMY platform and over other 75 written Questions and Answers sent apart as material in simulations only above 202-450 EXAM!!!Updated questions in September 2020!This course will allow you to assess your knowledge of the following topics in the LPIC-2 202-450 exam:- Domain Name Server- Web Services- File Sharing- Network Client Management- E-mail Services- System SecurityExam Informations Exam Title: Linux Engineer Exam Code: 202-450Number of Questions: 60 Questions Duration: 90 minutes Availability: Pearson VUE Testing CenterTest Format: Multiple-choice and Fill-in-the-blank questions Passing Score: A passing score is 500 out of 800 points Language Exam: English, German, Portuguese (Brazilian), Japanese"
Price: 19.99

"El ABC de las crisis emocionales." |
"Este curso est diseado en un proceso de aprendizaje que parte de lo bsico a lo complejo, todo para comprender Que es una crisis emocional? El formato del curso es amigable con tu aprendizaje, ya que es intensivo para generar una profundidad en el conocimiento del mismo, estaremos abordando los temas de:Que es una crisis?Tipologa de crisisModelos de intervencin en crisisPerfil CASIC para intervencin de primer gradoDiferenciacin de intervencin in situ y en consultorio tras una crisis.El curso busca por medio de recursos tericos y prcticos, generar un aprendizaje significativo en las/los estudiantes que decidan tomarlo, adems de ser amigable en cuanto a recursos multimedia, ya que podrs estar visualizndolo desde cualquier dispositivo, as como materiales de apoyo muy funcionales."
Price: 270.00

"Performance-Centered Asset Management - RCM tools" |
"ObjectivesThis training enables the participants to master the concepts and processes needed to sustainably optimize Asset Management (AM), using the principles of Reliability-Centered Maintenance (RCM).- Define industrial maintenance and related concepts;- Define dependability (RAMS), reliability and related concepts;- Define Asset Management and related concepts;- Define Reliability-Centered Maintenance, role, objectives and related concepts;- Develop an optimal and sustainable maintenance plan from the RCM analysis.Targeted participantsManagers, engineers, technicians, planners, analysts and professionals involved in Asset ManagementMethodologyThrough presentations and analysis exercises, the participant becomes familiar with the concepts of Reliability-Centered Maintenance, so that they can implement it sustainably.- Presentations (20%), analysis exercises (80%)"
Price: 199.99

"Everything About Sales : Strategies & Techniques" |
"SALES IS AN ART THAN A SCIENCEAre you want to be an amazing seller who is a master of influencing & convincing peoples ? then this course is just for you.have you ever noticed that "" for some person selling is very easy buy for others it is the most difficult "" ?even these persons are enjoy there sales meeting because they know some powerful strategies & tricks based on some basic principal of effective communicationsee principal means fundamental truth which are never can be wrong in any situation , like gravity is a principle ,so you have to learn these principles to make yourself a amazing seller.But first you understand it no one have the power of selling since his/her childhood , you have to learn these strategies & have to practice more and more in front of peoples practice practice & practice - this is the key of learn anything effectively This course will teach you: 1. Skill-will matrix -->here you will know how to be a perfect seller ?2. Filter value proposition *(FVP)-->here you will know how to connect specific product to specific customer3. Tharmo-meter scoring approach *(TSA)-->here you will know about who is your actual customer4. Approx Handling Time(AHT) -->here you will learn how to maximize your daily productivity5. Demo to purchase *(DP)-->here you will learn how to sell your product by give a little taste to the customers6. BANT Technique *--> here you will learn how to analyse your customers strength7. Community Partnership (CP)-->here you will learn how to jump to a big market8. Network & Marketing Ratio *(NMR)-->here you will learn how to growth & sustain your business 9. Psychology Behind Sales * (PBS)-->here you will know how to how to grab attention of customer at meeting 10. Wrong Assign Issue(WAI)--> here you will know what is seller buyer matrix & mismatch issue 11. LMD/NRO Bucketing System *-->here you will know how to make unique filtering system to build a sales overview 12. Research emotion to help user (REHU)--> here you will learn to spying on consumer behavior over social media 13. Sales Closing Techniques-->here you will learn 5 easy & effective sales closing techniques 14. Quick 50 Sales Strategies"
Price: 1280.00

"zgven Kazanma Rehberi" |
"zgven problemleri yaayan ve zgvenini gerekten gelitirmek isteyenler iin pratik bir rehber olarak bu kurs tasarlanmtr. Tm bilgiler pratik hayatn iinden deneme ve yanlma yntemiyle test edilerek renilmitir. erisinde ki felsefe ve mentalite uzun sren abalarla elde edilmi bilgilerdir. Kursun amac zgven problemlerini pratik ve etkili ekilde zmek ve herkese yardmc olmaktr. Bu kursla zgveni derinlemesine kefedeceksin."
Price: 49.99

"Merhaba, kursumuzda Web 2.0 aralar reneceksiniz. Sizler iin blmlere ekledik ve bu blmlerde grafik tasarm,animasyon hazrlama,kelime bulutu,arttrlm gereklik, bulmaca hazrlama, quiz oluturma ,evrimii pano oluturma,depolama aralar,anket oluturma,oyun hazrlama,video dzenleme, dijital hikaye ve dijital kitap gibi bir ok aralarmz bulunmakta. Buradaki balklar altnda birok aralar renebilir,istediklerinizi kullanm amacnza uygun seebilirsiniz. Bizler de sizlere iyi renmeler dileriz."
Price: 49.99

"Agilidade de A a Z" |
"O nosso mundo est evoluindo e se transformando cada vez mais rpido, exigindo novas demandas digitais e mudanas comportamentais, as quais tem gerado de maneira exponencial a necessidade de adaptao de processos, produtos, estruturas, tecnologias e necessidades de capacitao de equipes, para atendimento gil, eficiente e assertivo das novas necessidades e experincias buscadas diariamente pelas pessoas, clientes e empresas.Estar capacitado diante destes novos desafios fundamental para uma evoluo na vida profissional. No curso de Agilidade de A a Z, voc aprender sobre:Os princpios da agilidadeFluxo de trabalho gilDesenvolvimento de produtosProcessos para a transformao gilScrumMtricas geisO contedo do curso tem como objetivo, auxili-lo a:Reduzir a quantidade de retrabalhos,Ter uma viso ampliada do desenvolvimento de produtosViso ampliada sobre a gesto gilTer capacidade de adequao as mudanas sem gerar impactos negativos, Gerar um ambiente de empoderamento, compartilhamento de conhecimento e ganho de produtividade da equipe envolvida.Diferentemente de outros curso sobre agilidade, o Agilidade de A a Z no destinado apenas aos profissionais de TI, abordaremos tambm a agilidade para profissionais da Indstria, comrcio e servios."
Price: 39.99

"Presentasi Profesional dengan Microsoft PowerPoint" |
"Pada kursus ini akan mempelajari penggunaan microsoft office power point 2013 untuk membuat presentasi dengan menambahkan dan mengatur berbagai elemen seperti teks, gambar, audio, video, tabel dan diagram disertai efek-efek animasi dan transisi slide dan juga pengaturan agar presentasi anda dapat disajikan dengan baik pada berbagai media, baik pada layar maupun pada media cetak."
Price: 350000.00

"Cmo adelgazar y blindar el sistema inmunolgico (sin dieta)" |
"Todos estamos dispuestos a adelgazar con salud de forma definitiva, verdad? Y para aplicarlo es necesario aplicar algunos cambios en nuestra rutina, cierto?Si quieres lograrlo sin dieta y con tu propia marca personal, este curso te ensea cmo crear, disear y completar un ciclo de nuevos hbitos saludables con una estrategia multidisciplinar hasta lograrlo porque para perder peso y blindar el sistema inmunolgico frente a cualquier patgeno o enfermedad es necesario provocar un cambio en tus hbitos. Si has llegado a este curso es porque ya tienes claro que contar caloras, pasar hambre o machacarte haciendo algn deporte no funciona a largo plazo.Pero, no te aflijas porque existen otras formas de adelgazar que no conllevan frustracin ni ansiedad.Basado en 5 factores determinantes el plan de accin de este curso te ensea en un tiempo record a:Crear un ciclo de nuevos hbitos indispensables para lograr el doble objetivo con una hoja de ruta que te ayude a completar con xito el proceso de adelgazamiento desde una perspectiva ntima y personal.Y adems, vas a aprender a:- Conocerte mejor para conseguir tu peso objetivo de forma rpida y segura cambiando de forma deliberada tus propios procesos mentales.- Elaborar sabrosos platos de la cocina simbitica para adelgazar mientras blindas tu sistema inmunolgico con alimentos funcionales.- Disfrutar la experiencia de la actividad fsica sin cansarte.- Disear tu propio ritual vespertino de relajacin para lograr un sueo reparador.- Controlar tus emociones para permanecer estable y con la mente enfocada durante todo la transformacin.Y recuerda que he diseado este curso de adelgazamiento para que lo puedas entender fcilmente y puedas crear tu propio plan de accin con mi ayuda profesional y mi experiencia personal.Podrs comprobar igualmente que:- Al cambiar tu forma de pensar conseguirs el cuerpo y la vida que te has propuesto.- La forma de alimentarte te aportar un efecto potencialmente positivo en la salud ms all de una nutricin bsica y te ayudar a reducir el riesgo de padecer enfermedades.- El ejercicio fsico personalizado propuesto en este curso te ayudar a mantener tu peso objetivo a largo plazo sin esfuerzo alguno.- El descanso y la relajacin mejorarn tu estado de nimo, la concentracin y la calidad del sueo que necesitas durante todo el proceso.- Liberarte de la ansiedad te permitir controlar eficazmente el hambre emocional.Como podrs observar este es un proyecto de transformacin tan personal que solo t puedes completar el plan de accin con tu convencimiento y determinacin creando una nueva creencia para empoderarte y llegar a la meta con seguridad y rapidez.Los profesionales de la Medicina ms prestigiosos de todo el mundo saben que solo haciendo un mtodo multidisciplinar personalizado de esta problemtica se logra el objetivo de forma definitiva y este curso te ofrece adems la posibilidad de personalizar al mximo el proceso de transformacin para lograr con el xito ms rotundo tu peso ideal y una salud envidiable.Ahora te toca averiguarlo, ponerlo en prctica y conseguirlo!Estoy aqu para ayudarte y recuerda que en el caso de padecer cualquier tipo de enfermedad debers tener en cuenta la opinin de tu mdico para iniciar este proyecto.Buena suerte."
Price: 24.99

"Ejercicio teraputico para el hombro." |
"En este curso aprenders a analizar el movimiento de la escpula y el hmero.Con un mtodo prctico y sencillo.Dar consejos sobre posturas y movimientos.Elegir los mejores ejercicios para cada caso.Hablaremos en profundidad sobre la postura y el movimiento del hombro segn la evidencia cientfica actual. Aprenderemos cmo podemos valorarlo a travs de la observacin y la palpacin, teniendo en cuenta unos puntos concretos y unas medidas determinadas. Segn esa valoracin sabremos si este movimiento es normal o est alterado, cmo influye esto en los sntomas del paciente y cmo podemos modificarlo con nuestro programa de ejercicios."
Price: 124.99

"How to paint a watercolor seascape" |
"If you want to learn how to paint colorful seascapes in watercolor, then this lesson is for you. I will show you how to make a tonal pattern, mix colors, which brushes are better to use at one time or another. And of course I will teach you to make glare on the water!Enroll now and start using watercolor like a pro!"
Price: 69.99

"So 4 aulas, utilizando as 4 principais tcnicas para a produo ou criao de Brigadeiros Gourmet.Aula 1: Brigadeiros com Base em Chocolate;Aula 2: Brigadeiros com Base em Castanhas;Aula 3: Brigadeiros com Base em Ervas;Aula 4: Brigadeiros com Base em Recheios;Aula Bnus: Dicas e instrues sobre a venda de Brigadeiros Gourmet.Seja capaz de empreender e obter novas formas de buscar certa independncia financeira com a gastronomia!"
Price: 99.99

"Bu kursta, Trkiye'de yaplan Kamu Personeli Seme Snav (KPSS) iin geerli tn Yurttalk (Vatandal) kullanlr. erik videolar bir konu iin uzun videolar yerine gre balndan aradnz bulmanz salar. Kursa mr boyu snrsz eriim sahibi olacandan ilerideki mfredat ltfen, gerekli konu anlatm. Ayrca 2020 Gncel Konular Dosyas bonus olarak verilecek.Tm sosyal medya hesaplarndan UDEMY hesabmdan sorularnz bana ulatrabilirsiniz.imdiden Baarlar Dilerim."
Price: 49.99

"Membangun aplikasi Android tanpa coding" |
"Kursus 'Membangun aplikasi Android tanpa coding' ini akan dibuat beberapa seri untuk memberi pengetahuan dan meningkatkan level skill Peserta pemula secara bertahap dan runtut. Sedangkan untuk Peserta yang sudah memiliki pengalaman, nantinya dapat memilih kursus sesuai topik yang dibutuhkan.Seri pertama dari kursus ini fokus memberikan pengetahuan dasar kepada Peserta pemula, sekaligus mengarahkan dan membimbingnya untuk praktek langsung membuat 10 Aplikasi Kreatif Android dengan cara yang mudah, cepat dan mengasyikkan.Selanjutnya, Peserta pemula dapat berlatih mengembangkan sendiri aplikasi yang telah dibuatnya, serta mengasah logika dan ketrampilannya membuat berbagai aplikasi lainnya. Terakhir, Peserta pemula sangat diharapkan untuk terus mengikuti seri pembelajaran selanjutnya sampai level advance.Note: Gunakan kode kupon: KODULAR3 untuk mendapatkan harga special :)"
Price: 280000.00

"Bridging the Gap to Maths at University" |
"This course introduces many of the topics that you'll encounter at university. As graduates of the University of Cambridge, we know the topics and content we wished we'd seen before starting first-year lectures. Taking this course will put you in a stronger position to stay ahead of fast-paced university life.You'll get access to all of the videos from the course, along with accompanying worksheets for each video. This will allow you to absorb the content, before putting what you've learnt into practice.By the end of this course, you will have:Excellent preparation for tackling first-year university mathematics lectures and problemsBasic knowledge in several different fields of mathematics, so that you're ready to conduct further independent researchUnderstanding of how your pre-university knowledge flows into the structure of university mathematics You may have noticed that our course structure does not list the exact topics that we'll be covering in this course. This is intentional, since one of our key selling points is that we're giving you a concise presentation of the content we wished we'd known before entering university (instead we've given each lecture a 'code'). This will also help you to understand what areas of university-level mathematics you prefer. This is especially important, since you may have pre-conceptions about preferring pure over applied, or vice-versa. Our course will demonstrate that it's extremely possible that your interests change while studying mathematics. Watch our 'Pure vs Applied' video for more detail, but the key point is that the 'pure' of pre-university mathematics becomes the applied of university mathematics. Pure maths at university is even purer still - you'll spend hours, days, weeks showing that the mathematics you've learnt so far has a rigorous foundation. Applied maths takes the techniques that you've learnt (such as Calculus), extends them significantly, and then applies them to various contexts.We should be under no illusion that this is the entirety of your university experience, packaged into a small number of lectures. As such, this course should be treated as a stepping stone to further preparation, researching into specific topics that you've enjoyed in this course, or areas you think you may be slightly weaker on.So, join us on this journey, as we bridge the gap to university maths together!"
Price: 49.99

sweetwassem |
".1- .2- (): 3- : ( )4- : .5- ( ): .6- .7- 8- .9- ."
Price: 24.99

"Full Car Sales Training: A True Gentleman Wins!" |
"This course was created to help you become the best version of yourself in professional sales. Presented skills and knowledge are based on years of working in the automotive industry and training and certifying over 350 car salespeople at one of the largest global automotive brands. This online training contains a full professional training that was provided in a face-to-face form to all salespeople joining the brand on one of the European markets. Now youre getting access to it at your own home! And thats only a part of what you are receiving here! What youre also getting is content that was provided in one-on-one individual sessions during a process of certification (altogether worth approx. $950 USD or 850 Euro with the training session). Gathered there conclusions and examples of best practices developed by the brands best salespeople are added to this online training. There is also plenty of other sales tips, good practices, practical examples and expert knowledge on the subjects of customer service, business etiquette, communication and psychology in sales. You will also get a hint of what the Worlds best-paid skill in sales is!This training is suitable for experienced salespeople who want to broaden their sales skills and find out what mistakes they are making every day (thats going to hurt!). You are getting a whole chapter related to what harmful mistakes salespeople constantly do that cost them sales. Last minute of this course is supposed to be the last minute of any kind of mistakes happening on your side. And that may be way easier than you think! You will find plenty of real-life examples that you can use straight away in your sales conversations.If youre considering or planning to become a professional salesperson, after completing this course you will be well-prepared to start working as a sales professional in most B2C and B2B industries, including new cars sales. And you will likely be doing it better than most of your competition! Always remember that theres nothing like a natural-born salesperson and also that you dont need to be an extravert to be exceptionally good at sales and be loved by your clients!If youre not planning to be a professional salesperson and have nothing to do with selling, then know that its not only salespeople who should be interested in sales as in fact we all sell every day whether we work as professional salespeople or not. Selling is largely based on gaining trust, influencing and convincing others, and each of us needs a certain skillset in our everyday lives in order to achieve even the simplest of our goals. We are all in it together! If youre willing to better understand and learn how to manage it, join me in this course.Most of the examples that are used, come from the automotive industry and are easily translated into most other industries and businesses. Those of you focusing on online sales will also find many useful hints.The goal in giving you access to this course is to make a marketplace and buying and selling process as enjoyable and satisfying of an experience as humanly possible. This is the way to change the World that we all live in. But first we need to learn what matters to our clients the most. There's a huge amount of knowledge here!You will learn how to find new customers, take care of your current clients and make them work for your success. It is often a key part that is being forgotten by many salespeople in XXI century.This course consists of 83 lectures including the introduction that is crucial for you in order to get the vibe of what sales should mean to all of us. The point of the first few videos, which are more general, is to show you how important of a role salespeople play in todays economy and the entire World. You are getting a chance to learn: how to close (with examples), how to deal with objections (30+ practical examples), how to present your products and prices, how to greet your customers both in your store or via a phone call, how to make customer listen to you, what questions to ask, how to behave to become a trustworthy partner for your clients, what to do to convince your clients to advantages of your products (using arguments, proofs and letting them get to conclusions), how to look and arrange your workplace for as much external support as possible, how to plan your sales (and goals) starting from everyday activities, how to stay motivated, much more including rules of business etiquette (savoir-vivre) and building your position on the market.All this is to help you sell more items, achieve higher margins and above all, as this is where things get really connected how to make your clients happy with your customer service that will result in building their loyalty. This is what matters in the long run.Language used in the course is simple, understandable also for non-professionals and without strong influence of American or British accents. No Aussie accent either, mate!In order to get the most of this course, it is strongly recommended for you to take notes throughout the whole course. It is getting really advanced and detailed at some points, with examples worth remembering. There is a lot of value here, so please stay focused, take notes and lets start working on making the World a better marketplace!"
Price: 129.99

"Fall Protection and working at Heights Training - Arabic" |
": :1. 2. 3. 4. 5."
Price: 49.99

"Anlise de viabilidade de negcios com Excel" |
"Se voc tem como objeto analisar a viabilidade de um negcio, ou ainda j empreendedor e quer reavaliar seu negcio sobre outra perspectiva, este curso pra voc.Ainda, se voc estudante das reas de negcios ou empreende dentro do seu ramo, este curso pode agregar muito na sua formao e capacidade de tomada de decises.Passaremos pelos conceitos de precificao e definio de produtos e servios, custos de mercadorias, despesas em geral e investimentos, finalizando o curto em uma anlise de negcios que levar em considerao o resultado da empresa, rentabilidade e payback."
Price: 39.99

"Raciocnio Clnico para Fisioterapeutas" |
"O raciocnio clnico fundamental no dia a dia de um fisioterapeuta. A prtica de um raciocnio clnico assertivo, desde o primeiro contato com o paciente at a alta, possibilita uma melhor definio de hipteses diagnsticas tornando a escolha do tratamento mais assertivo e eficaz. O mtodo definitivo de raciocnio clnico tem o objetivo de desenvolver e aprimorar as tcnicas do fisioterapeuta atravs do uso do raciocnio clnico durante a avaliao, escolha do tratamento, progresso, alta e ps alta do paciente. Alguns dos pontos abordados nesse curso so:1-Mtodos de raciocnio clnico e sua usabilidade na atuao do fisioterapeuta.2- Etapas do processo de avaliao fisioterpica baseado em raciocnio clnico. 3-Plano de tratamento baseado na avaliao e em evidncias cientficas. 4 - implementao E progresso do tratamento at a alta do paciente. Pblico alvo: Fisioterapeutas e Acadmicos"
Price: 39.99

"Russir sa campagne financement participatif (crowdfunding)" |
"RUSSIR SA CAMPAGNE DE FINANCEMENT PARTICIPATIF (crowdfunding) 1. Quest que le financement participatif ?2. Dois-je absolument choisir une campagne de financement participatif pour mon projet ?3. Se familiariser avec le concept du crowdfundinga. Terminologieb. Les cercles 1, 2 et 3c. Le cycle de vie dune campagne de financement participatif4. Les chiffres du financement participatif5. A faire avant la campagnea. Dfinir son objectif (raliste)b. Le soin apport aux contrepartiesc. Le soin apport la page projetd. Regarder la copie du voisin : Success Stories & Big Fails e. tablir son plan dactionf. Choix de la plateforme idale6. A faire pendant la campagnea. Communiquer, remercier, inciter partagerb. Observer les statistiques et prendre des dcisions clairesc. Contacter la presse et les radios locales7. A faire aprs la campagnea. Communiquer sur la fin de la campagneb. Prendre quelques jours de vacancesc. Prparer et envoyer les contreparties"
Price: 19.99

"SEL Social Emotional Learning" |
"This course will help you to become more self aware, manage your emotions, engage better socially, develop key relationship skills and make critical and responsible decisions. Social and Emotional skills are vital for managing our emotions and behaviour, influencing a range of personal and societal outcomes throughout our life, coping with current changes in the world, adjusting to our environment, adapting, being resourceful and working well with others.They have a huge, positive impact on our personal and professional relationships, improving our job performance and making us calmer and happier people."
Price: 29.99

"Product Cost and Pricing Strategy" |
"Product Cost and Pricing Strategy course is about the basics of product cost and setting its strategy. successful completion of this course will ensure updated skills and tools needed to thrive today. This course will take you from the initial basics of theory until the application of these concepts in the real world. Furthermore, this course includes different type of businesses so that everyone can take benefits."
Price: 19.99

"Travel Course Air Ticketing Course Airline Course" |
"Travel Itinerary is the most important part of Travel Industry. Nor Travel Agents, Neither Travel Manager can grow without the knowledge of Travel Itinerary. Travel Itineraries are the first step of Designing Travel Packages of any destination of the world. This course teaches making Travel Itineraries of any destination of the world, it includes Domestic Packages, Inbound Travel Packages and Outbound Travel Package Travel Itinerary Designing also"
Price: 29.99

"Curso Home Office: Como Gerar Renda Online" |
"Esse curso voltado para aquelas pessoas que querem comear a gerar renda online, mas no sabem por onde comear. um curso para iniciantes. Voc aprender 5 formas possveis de gerar renda trabalhando em casa apenas com computador ou celular e acesso a internet. Voc vai conhecer diversas plataformas de trabalho, algumas pagam em dlar ou euro e voc vai conseguir trabalhar nelas mesmo residindo no Brasil e no falando ingls. Ainda que voc no saiba nada sobre esse mercado online, no curso voc ter um passo a passo do zero at o trabalho. Comeando pelo cadastro e passando por uma breve explicao sobre o funcionamento das plataformas . O que voc vai aprender?* Como ser um Avaliador de Mdias * Como realizar pequenas tarefas online* Como ganhar dinheiro respondendo pesquisas* Como ser um Afiliado* E como oferecer o seu trabalho em plataformas de freelancers"
Price: 84.99

"Blessed Assurance Sanctuary Security Video Series" |
"As we read in the Bible from 1 Peter, Ch. 5, Verse 8 from the King James Version....""Be Sober, Be Vigilant; Because your adversary the devil , as a roaring lion , walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:""If you have the desire to start a church security detail at your church or place of worship or currently have a church security detail, but don't train or know what to train on, this church security video training series can provide you with the information and skills to protect your congregation and your property.""Don't Be a Headline!!!!"""
Price: 199.99

"History/Civics for ICSE Board, Class-10" |
"Hi,This is the video course for ICSE Board Students of Class 10. This course will cover and provide the detailed explanation of the whole Civics part of ICSE Board, Class-10.This course will cover the three important sections of the Civics Part-1- Union Parliament.2- Union Executive3- Indian Judiciary.History/Civics is an interesting and scoring subject for ICSE Board Student. This course will give excellent understanding anout the key concepts of ICSE Board Students."
Price: 1280.00

"Practical Leadership: Complete Guide To Great Leadership" |
"Do YOU have what it takes to be a leader?I've been a people manager for over 20 years at some of the biggest companies in the world. I've worked for inspirational leaders, and tried to develop my own leadership skills to inspire and empower my teams. I've observed great leaders at work and dissected what makes them so effective. And now I'd like to share.In this class we'll take a deep dive into what makes great leaders so special.What characteristics do the people that reach the top of organisations exhibit? What makes them so special? Why do people follow their mission? How do they inspire others to be at their natural best?We'll look at 18 characteristics that make great leaders who they are.We'll explore subjects such asThe Leadership MissionEmotional IntelligenceEmpowerment & Psychological SafetyInspiration & CreativityCoachingHonesty & IntegrityThe Strive for PerfectionPerspective & EquanimityAt the end of this course you'll have a clear picture of how great leaders operate and you'll have the ammunition to be able to develop your own skills and boost your own chances of making it as a leader in your organisation.The course is fast paced, easy to consume, narrated with clear messages.This is Productivity ACE - Let's get it done!"
Price: 19.99

"THREE Abstract painting textured NEON pink GOLD leaf Acrylic" |
"Come in a joyful journey of the abstract painting. You will be using brushes, palette knife, gold foils (cheaper than gold ones but same effect as real ones) and great thick luscious acrylic paints. There is something cathartic about abstract painting. You can dive into it as a meditation, for inspiration and even art therapy benefits.AssignmentJust step into this full hearten and let yourself go into this process. Learn how to paint abstractly an acrylic turquoise painting with few touches of red, yellow and neon pink.Follow the step by step video of learning how blend these colors and textures. Improvise your own. You can even combine your own colors that go well together. Feel free to experiment. You can easily adapt it to your creative approach and individual style.In this process you can find your expressive language which can lead to satisfying projects.Materials:Acrylic paints (Amsterdam): white, turquoise, blue, yellow, brown, neon pinkSquared stretched canvas, bigger is always better.Palette knife, big flat brush, small flat bushGold foil (the cheap kind), glue for the foil (if the art supply store doesnt have it, just dilute some white glue with 30% water), paper towels (cleaning up the brushes)DeliverableA finished abstract painting with gold foil. It can be any colors you chose.Dont hesitate to ask any questions if you feel stuck. Looking forward for seeing the results. Share your pictures of your process and in the Project Gallery of this class.Dont worry if you dont have these specific colors you can use any others keeping in mind to use colors that go well together and keep it simple (for example you can go for complementary) or you can search for color pallets on Pinterest. This is the beauty of abstract painting. Choosing beautiful colors that go well together you can create beautiful artworks using this techniqueThis course is for beginners, and not only, who want to know more about acrylic painting. In this class you will learn techniques on how to make large abstract paintings with various acrylic paint and gold leaf. You are encouraged here to use your free hand, create new patterns and satisfying textures.Why acrylic paint? acrylics yield some of the most gorgeous colors and ingenuous results. In addition to being incredibly easy to use acrylic is quite inexpensive.The process of making this artwork is easy and relaxant. Its ideal for beginners in the sense of time, resources and the result. Painting spontaneously with no pre-planning gives great freedom for your creativity. Its a very easy and intuitive work with an even paced rhythm for a fast, gorgeous result and you are going to learn exactly how to do that in this course.By the end of this course you will have the skills to paint your own acrylic abstract paintings, using simple materials and technique. You will learn how to do your own compositions using palette knife and colors like turquoise, red, orange, yellow and even neon pink. The combination between turquoiseBuild a great texture into an artwork that you can put on your wall in any direction or give as a present to a loved one.You are few brush stokes away from your own beautiful amazing abstract painting!"
Price: 199.99

"Python Basics Training" |
"This course contains an introduction to Python programming language. The main target of this course are beginners or students, but our intention was to promote Python programming language basics, especially for network engineers. It contains an explanation of Python syntax and understanding how code works by presenting real code examples. Python Basics Training by Igor Stameski MSc is licensed under CC BY 4.0."
Price: 19.99
