"Clickbank ve Amazon Sat Ortakl ile Para Kazanmaya Bala" |
"Merhaba ben Okan. 2011 ylndan beri sat ortakl sektrnde faaliyet gsteriyorum. lk 6 yl Trkiye pazarnda sat ortakl yaparak internet zerinden gelir saladm. Daha sonra yurt dndaki pazarn ok daha fazla kazandrmas ve mterinin daha ok olmas zerine yurt d piyasalarda faaliyetlerime baladm. lkemizde sat ortakl sektrnn gelimedii ve sat ortaklndan haberdar olan kiilerin azl dikkatimi ekti. Bunun zerine sat ortakln A'dan Z'ye reten ve gelir salamay amalayan bu kursu yaplandrma karar verdim. Bir oumuz zel sektrde saatlerini heba ederken yurt dnda insanlarn bu i ile ok fazla para kazanmas zerine lkemizdeki bireylerin de bu pastadan payn almas gerektiini dnmekteyim. nternet o kadar byk bir pasta ki buradaki pasta hepimize yetecek dzeyde. Siz de internetten para kazanmak istiyorsanz kursumuza katlmanz neririm. Clickbank ve Amazon sat ortakl ile dolar baznda kazan salayarak yaam standartlarmz daha st seviyelere ekmeyi hedefliyorum. imdiden hepinize ho geldiniz demek isterim. Herkese bol kazanlar dilerim."
Price: 149.99

"The Complete guide 0f CISCO iOS Backup and Upgrade" |
"Welcome to the The Complete guide 0f CISCO iOS Backup & Upgrade. This course is designed for beginners who want to learn router / switch configuration backup and iOS upgrade.This course introduce a variety of concepts, practice activities and simulations that help build the learners skills and understanding of router / switch configuration.In this Course you will; Understand CISCO Hardware - Memory types Have a full understanding of The boot sequence process Learn how to Install & configure TFTP server Understand how to get the Proper iOS Image Understand how to backup / restore cisco iOS Learn how to back the configuration Learn how to Upgrade the iOS Test and verify the backup & upgrade Build a simple Network to simulate the Scenario Have Full Lab Practice on Packet TracerTogether, we will walk you through the entire learning process step by step.With this course you'll get 24/7 support, so if you have any questions you can post them in the Q&A section or send us a message and we'll respond to you."
Price: 54.99

"VOICE CONTROL: Dein komplettes Stimmtraining System" |
"VOICE CONTROL wird Dich auf den Weg bringen, ein exzellenter Snger zu werden... schneller als Du es fr mglich gehalten hast! Ob Du es glaubst oder nicht, Du hast bereits die ""eingebaute"" Fhigkeit, ein groartiger Snger zu sein. Du wurdest mit einem natrlichen Stimmumfang geboren, und ich werde Dir helfen, diesen anzuzapfen - schnell und einfach, natrlich mit Spa! Wir werden Techniken und alltgliche gefhlsmige Klnge in Deinem Stimmtraining kombinieren, um Dir zu helfen zu verstehen, dass Singen nicht so schwierig oder bengstigend ist, wie Du dachtest. Das Highlight: mit unserem Baukasten-System wird das Singen super leicht, Schritt-fr-Schritt und fr jeden verstndlich erklrt. Mit den 13 Baukasten-Elementen und sechs verschiedenen Styles (von Speech-Level bis Belting) lernst du Schritt-fr-Schritt alle Elemente des Singens kennen, bekommst Tipps und Hilfestellungen fr Probleme beim Singen und erreichst so deine persnlichen Ziele und deine absolute Voice Control. Das wirst du lernen:- deinen Stimmumfang zu vergern- lauter zu singen- dein Vibrato zu verbessern und zu kontrollieren- mit weniger Anstrengung gesund zu singen- Stimmprobleme zu beheben- in verschiedenen Styles wie Speech-Level, Belting, Falsett oder Klassik zu singen.- uvm...Der Kurs beinhaltet: 2 Video-Lektionen pro Tag, 7 Tage die Woche, 8 Wochen lang. ber 5 STUNDEN Gesangsunterricht in hoher Auflsung! 4 Dateien mit ber 30 bungen (Mp3's), die Du herunterladen kannst, um Lektionen berall zu ben!Hilfreiche Tipps & Tricks aus der PraxisZugang zur VOICE CONTROL Community. Austausch mit allen Kurs MitgliedernKOMPLETTE Warm up, Workout und Cool Down Routine zum Schluss Es ist mein Bonusgeschenk an Dich!Dies ist der perfekte Kurs fr KOMPLETTE ANFNGER, fr Menschen, die ein wenig Erfahrung im Singen haben, aber nicht viele Gesangsstunden genommen haben und nicht wirklich viel ber Technik oder die Funktionsweise der Stimme wissen. Wenn es Dein Ziel ist, Pop, Rock, Country, Blues, R&B, Indie, Alternative... jede populre Musikrichtung zu singen, dann ist dieser Kurs genau das Richtige fr Dich. Damit dieses System fr Dich funktioniert...- Du bentigst KEINE ""natrliche"" musikalische Begabung, kein Gesangstalent und keine vorherige Gesangsausbildung.- Du brauchst NICHT ber Techniken oder die Funktionsweise Deiner Stimme Bescheid zu wissen (je weniger Sie wissen, desto besser, da Sie weniger schlechte Angewohnheiten zu berwinden haben). - Du brauchst KEIN Wissen ber die Musiktheorie"
Price: 199.99

"Beginner to Intermediate Coding Problems & Solutions in C" |
"If you want to learn to program in C and learn the fundamentals that are required to help develop your coding and problem solving skills and push them to the next level then read on.PRACTICE IS KEY. IT IS NOT ENOUGH TO SPONGE UP A LOT OF CONCEPTS IF YOU ARE NOT PRACTICING IT. TO GET BETTER AT PROGRAMMING, YOU HAVE TO PRACTICE!This course is designed to take anyone who has minor experience in coding and is willing to push their understanding to the next level by solving multiple problems using C. The problems are designed to build on the fundamentals of programming and push you to PRACTICE what you know rather than just listening and leaving.Whether you want to:- build the skills you need to demonstrate mastery in the fundamentals of programming- learn C and its unique coding format.- develop your coding skills and push it to the next levelEach video is a solution that takes you step by step through each example problem by highlighting KEY coding concepts and ideas behind every solution.NOTE: Please check the description for a copy of the example question file attached in each video. This will allow you to tackle the problem on you own and come back for a complete breakdown analysisWhat you will build uponSimple Arithmetic computationFind the Area of a Triangle app in CConvert a temperature from Celsius to Fahrenheit app in CScanf Properties and toolsCalculate the Date of Birth app in CFind out if the first 2 numbers entered are even or odd app in CConcept of LoopsCreate a menu for computation app in CReverse the order of a number app in CStore the reverse order of a number app in CBinary to decimal conversion app in CKey Concepts on Arrays1D Arrays2D Arrays Key Concepts on File I/OHow to read and write info into FilesIt is no Secret that the basic concepts found in other courses can be found on the official JAVA ORACLE WEBSITE. What this course focuses on is Practice! Practice, Practice, Practice.If you need help on the fundamentals I have Included a video on some of the key concepts in the last section.If you are willing to put in the work. I guarantee you that you will develop your programming skills quickly and robustly that simply watching lectures online.IS THIS COURSE UPDATED?Yes- it can be. If you find yourself being benefitted by my course structure and my teaching style leave a comment below and I will sure to create more examples that cover even more complicated topics.Hope this helps you out!"
Price: 19.99

"Medical Device Process Validation Explained In Simple Terms" |
"This Course is broken into six sections. The objective of the course is to explain process validation in simple terms:Section 1 will give an introduction to process validation and explain why we need it.We will discuss the steps we take to decide if we need to validate.The course focuses on medical device process validation. We will explain the regulation governing process validation within the medical device industry. This will explain how ISO 13485, the FDA Quality system regulation (QSR) and the FDA 21 CFR 820 fit into regulation that governs process validation.Please remember the course explains process validation so it can benefit people interested in manufacturing in any industry.This section will explain the 3 different types of validation.In section 2 we will explain how process validation is performed.We will explain what the user requirement specification is.We will explain design qualification.Install qualification will be explained which contains the factory acceptance test and the site acceptance test.We will explain what an operational qualification is. We will demonstrate an operational qualification.We will explain what a performance qualification is.Section 3 will explain what is meant by process capability and how it relates to process validation.We will understand the process capability ratio and the process capability index.We will understand the process model, control limits and action limits.We will understand the Design of experiments and how this is used in the operational qualification part of process validation.Section 4 Risk ManagementWe will point out where risk management is required within the medical device regulation.We will explain how risk management fits into the validation process.We will summarise how the ISO standard 14971 is utilised and therefore how risk management is applied.Section 5 Process Validation DocumentationIn this section we will understand the documentation which needs to be created in order to complete process validation. We will explain terms as follows: Process Validation Documentation. Validation Master Plan. Validation Plan. Validation Change control. Calibration within Process Validation. Preventive Maintenance within the validation process. Validation Summary ReportSection 6 will explain in chronological steps how regulation developed for the life science industry in the U.S. We will study this and understand how the regulation developed to include process validation.The course will be of great benefit to anybody that really wants to understand process validation in simple terms. It can be a very useful training package for the following disciplines: Operations. People managers. Manufacturing Engineers. Process Engineers. Quality Engineers. Regulatory Affairs. Research and development Engineers. Process and development Engineers. Students who need to really understand process validation in simple terms. Entrepreneurs or small medium start-up companies that need to develop and understand the manufacturing process."
Price: 199.99

"We are very excited to announce our new flower? making course . First time this course is going to launch with Soft pastels colors (any brand) few tools """"FREEHAND FLOWERS """" (NO PUNCH/ NO DIES) Does anything express beauty better than flowers???? COURSE INCLUDED DETAILS More then 15 types Varieties of flowers 1.How to handcut without any dies . 2.How to color with soft pastels. 3.How to formation of the flowers. 4.How to make leaves. 5.How to make leave bunches. 6.How to make cylax. 7.How to work with pollens. 8.How to make thread pollens. 9.How to make beads shuger pollens. 10.How to wrap wire. 11.How to attach wire with pollens. 12.How to apply Glitter. 13.How to make Filler flowers."
Price: 19.99

"2020. Junior QA" |
"500-2500 $ - ! , , , . . . , . . . . . , . , . , , api, . . , Android studio + ."
Price: 129.99

"How to Make a Well Done - Exceptional Film. (EN Subtitled)" |
"Pre-ProductionProductionPost-Production Through those three Stages, mainly The Director and the Producer Make the Movie.And through Creative Thinking, They Can make an Exceptional Movie.In Course I'm explaining and teach the details of those stages, you'll learn what the director, and producer as well do and should do, how creative thinking can make a big difference in the Movie, keys to think more creatively. I'll be analyzing and discussing some scenes from many sides. You'll learn about the relation between the Director and all other departments technically and creatively. And many other things to be learned in Filmmaking through Course.Also there's some Assignments by the end of some lectures, assignments only necessary for beginners though.If You're a beginner you'll learn everything you need to make a well done (at least) towards an exceptional movie, depending on many things you'll be responsible for while making your movie.If you're a professional, You may add to your knowledge or got new inspirations.And if you're between, You're between :)See You in Course. Have a Good Times.Note: The Course is Arabic Speaking, Fully Subtitled in English (Accurate with expressions, synced burnt subtitles on screen). . . . . . . . ( ) . . :) . . : ( )."
Price: 29.99

"Alibaba Cloud Certified Professional (ACP) Security" |
"This course covers all you need to know to pass the Alibaba Cloud Security Professional exam on the first attempt. This course is designed to help you pass the Alibaba Cloud Security Professional (ACP) Exam. Prior Alibaba Cloud experience required. Doing the Cloud Computing Certification and the Security Associate Certification before the Professional Security one is highly recommended. With this Alibaba Cloud certification under your belt, you will be in high demand by many employers and you can command a superior salary.In this course, we will start with a broad overview of the Alibaba Cloud Security and then deep dive into the individual elements of the Alibaba Cloud platform. You will explore all Cloud Security Services, such as WAF, Security Center, Anti-DDoS, SSL, KMS, Content Moderation, etc.Alibaba Cloud is constantly evolving its platform. We will continuously update this course with new content so you will never have to worry about missing out or failing the Alibaba Cloud certification test because of new content. This is the best online Alibaba Cloud training available, at a greatly affordable rate.So join us today and get your Alibaba Cloud Certified Professional (ACP) Security qualification by completing our Alibaba Cloud online course today!"
Price: 34.99

"Curso Oramento e Fluxo de Caixa em Excel" |
"Voc que trabalha ou pretende trabalhar com Planejamento Financeiro, este curso foi feito pra voc!Contendo contedo terico e prtico sobre Anlise Oramentria e Acompanhamento de Fluxo de Caixa com o Excel, neste curso voc aprender sobre as premissas de caixa (Regime de Caixa e Regime de Competncia), elaborao de oramento e acompanhamento de receitas operacionais, custos e despesas de produo e suas principais anlises financeiras:Fluxo OperacionalFluxo InvestimentoFluxo FinanciamentoMargem de ContribuioMargem de LucroPonto de EquilbrioNo ensinarei o antigo e genrico Excel Avanado. Comigo voc aprende o que realmente importa na sua rea de atuao.Nosso lema : POUCA teoria e MUITA prtica.Ao trmino do curso o aluno entender todo o ciclo de Planejamento de Finanas Corporativas e estar apto para concorrer que necessitem dessa competncia."
Price: 99.99

"Citrix 1Y0-A02 XenServer Enterprise Administration Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) That the team manager can use to create an ISO image on a Linux system?a) ddb) tarc) CPIOd) dumpe2fse) NoneQ) In order to run Microsoft Windows virtual machine on the basis of (VM), a hardware platform that supports _________ and _________.A) PCI-Xb) AMD-Vc) intel LTd) intel VTQ) What are the two backup XenServer storage using virtual machine LVM for data storage are available?a) NFSb) CIFSc) Locald) ISCSIQ) What is the maximum number of supported servers in the resource pool?a) $8 b) sixteenc) $20 d) $32 e) None"
Price: 174.99

"CompTIA 220-901 A + Certification Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) The technician must run diagnostic DVD on a laptop running Windows 8.1. After you install the boot order in the BIOS to UEFI internal DVD-RW drive, reboot the notebook is still in Windows. Which of the following parameters should be set to the laptop to boot from the disc DVD-RW?a) TPMb) virtualizationc) Secure downloadsd) UEFI BIOS passwordQ) The technician connects the monitor to your desktop PC. He is physically located to the right of the current screen, but the mouse can only get to the second screen by moving to the left edge of the screen on the first monitor. Which of the following display settings should be adjusted to get the cursor to move with the physical placement of the monitor?a) peelingb) rotationc) A placed) resolutione) NoneQ) Which of the following types of cables are likely to be used for connecting to an external hard drive? (Choose two.)a) Molexb) SPDIFc) ESATAd) HDMIe) NoneQ) Equipment SEARCH expansion card malfunctions in a computer that allows the computer to receive faxes using your VoIP line. The line is connected to the expansion card is most likely that the following types of cables?a) coaxialb) CAT3c) CAT6d) multimode fibere) None"
Price: 169.99

"ECCouncil 312-49v8 Computer Hack Forensic Investigator Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) TCP / IP (Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol) is a communication protocol used to connect a variety of hosts on the Internet. It consists of four layers, namely, the network interface layer. Internet layer, a transport layer and application layer. Which of the following protocols running in the transport layer TCP / IP?a) UDPb) HTTPc) FTPd) SNMPe) NoneQ) What is a journaling file system Linux?a) ext3b) HFSc) FATd) BFSe) NoneQ) Which of the following types of steganography hides the secret message in a specially designed pattern on your document, it is not clear to the average reader?a) Outdoor steganographic codeb) Visual Semagrams steganographyc) Text Semagrams steganographyd) technical steganographye) NoneQ) P0P3 (Post Office Protocol 3) is a standard protocol for receiving e-mail messages, delete the e-mail address on the server as soon as the user downloads. When you receive a message, add a POP3 server on the bottom of the recipient's account file that can be downloaded from the mail client at any time. E-mail client connects to the POP3 server in _______________by default for e-mail.a) port 109b) port 110c) port 115d) port 123e) None"
Price: 159.99

"IBM C2010-597 TRIRIGA Platform Application Development Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) The advanced formula can be created for the two types of data? (Choose two.)A) Textb) datec) figured) logicale) classificationQ) The helper object notice must be attached to the records of people to communicate with any line connection?a) Informb) routec) deliverd) to notifye) NoneQ) When creating or modifying forms, which elements can be added directly on the tab?a) insetb) fieldc) the formd) separatelye) NoneQ) The field type can be used as Locator field?a) Textb) datec) figured) classificatione) None"
Price: 164.99

"Sales force ADM-201 Administration Essentials Practice Test" |
"Want to prepare for your Salesforce ADM-201 Certificate exam? We are here to help!This 250 Questions here-in are emulating 100% the official examination conditions and will get you better prepared for the real deal.Our team spent hours preparing this test specifically for you to get the highest score on the official Salesforce ADM-201 exam. This Salesforce ADM-201 test covers all the requirements of the official Salesforce ADM-201 exam, meaning if you get a good score on this practice test, it is because you are prepared for the official exam!Rest assured that if for some reason you do not like the Salesforce ADM-201 practice test.We will give you 30 days to request a refund.This Salesforce ADM-201 250 Questions here-in are emulating 100% the official examination conditions and will get you better prepared for the real deal.Our team spent hours preparing this test specifically for you to get the highest score on the official Salesforce ADM-201 exam. This Salesforce ADM-201 test covers all the requirements of the official Salesforce ADM-201 exam, meaning if you get a good score on this practice test, it is because you are prepared for the official exam!Rest assured that if for some reason you do not like the Salesforce ADM-201 practice test.We will give you 30 days to request a refund."
Price: 19.99

"Excel para iniciantes - Curso prtico" |
"se voc precisava de um treinamento completo para perder o medo e finalmente deslanchar no Excel voc acaba de encontrar, neste curso iremos te tirar do absoluto zero e ensinar tcnicas bsicas e avanadas de criao de planilhas. Com este curso voc ir se destacar no seu mercado de atuao, j que o Excel uma ferramenta requisitada em praticamente todos os processos seletivos, visto que possui diversas aplicaes, tanto em mbito profissional e at mesmo pessoal para organizar melhor suas rotinas."
Price: 54.99

"Female anatomy for artists" |
"Do you make your female characters always lifelike, sexy and perfect? Do they always come up pretty, with nice proportions and exactly as you wanted them? Then this course is NOT for you. But if you don't feel quite at home when drawing or sculpting human anatomy, and more specifically - female anatomy, then you've come to the right place!My name is Niko, and i am a 3D character artist for about 11 years now. I started studying anatomy 20 years ago but at some point I realized that female anatomy was my weak point so I was searching for such course. Sadly there were almost none available. And although female and male muscles and bones are pretty much the same, the forms are pretty different. So now, after alot of studying and practice, i decided to do a female anatomy course myself and i am doing this course by real time sculpting in Zbrush, because i think the best way to explain anatomy is to sculpt it in 3D and view muscles and forms from all angles.We will start this course by making the overall shape of a female head, and i will explain its forms and proportions. Then we will make the torso shape and i will explain its muscles and forms. Next we will make the legs, and we will talk about their forms and muscles too. Feet are pretty much ignored by most artists, but we will learn about them too . After that, we will jump to the muscles and bones of the arms, which are also pretty interesting, so make sure not to miss it!Then we will make the basic form of the breasts, followed by hands and fingers. At this point, we will start detailing the face, where we will talk about proportions, sculpt, and draw all the face features, like nose, mouth, eyes, and as a bonus - the eyeballs. We will continue with duplicating the head, and make a male head out of it. We will do the same with the torso, arms, legs, feet and hands, so we will have a separate male model for comparison.Then it will be time to combine all the parts of the female body and refine some areas. We will add eyebrows and eyelashes, nails, and we will cover certain areas for a bit of a decency :). Last, we will learn how to paint human skin and makeup and also make hair for better presentation. This course doesn't require previous knowledge of anatomy, although it could be useful. I would also like to thank the Anatomy 4 sculptors for letting me use images from their amazing book. I really think it is a must have for all artists interested in anatomy. Although this course will give you practical knowledge about muscles, forms and bones, I do recommend using this book to refresh your knowledge when necessary."
Price: 99.99

"Como elaborar um currculo e se preparar para o mercado?" |
"Este curso tem como objetivo ensinar a fazer um currculo de alto padro, com grande apelo visual e atrativo. Assim suas chances de ser contratado ou recolocado aumentam consideravelmente. Ainda nesta linha de apresentao, falaremos sobre o mercado de trabalho, o que mudou e o que est mudando nas profisses e no perfil dos candidatos. Voc est preparado?"
Price: 39.99

excel-pivot-table-professional |
":- ( ). . . ( """") ."
Price: 39.99

"SAP Business Planning and Consolidation 10.1 and 11.0" |
"Key features:93 Questions.No duplicate questions.Scenario based & important questions.Guarantee of Passing certification exam.Specially designed for SAP Certified Application Associate - SAP Business Planning and Consolidation 10.1 and 11.0.Ideal for C_EPMBPC_11. Sample Questions and answersMaximum length of BPC Characteristic in BPC Embedded?A. 250B. 255C. 32D. 21Answer: AYou are testing script logic to perform a loop over months, You save budget data for month 2018.01 to 2018.06.*XDIM_MEMBERSET CATEGORY=BUDGET*XIDM_MEMBERSET TIME=%TIME_SET%*XIDM_MEMBERSET P COSTELEMENT=LABOR*WHEN P COSTELEMENT*IS LABOR*FOR %COUNTERS%=1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12*REC (EXPRESSION=%VALUE%/12*2,TIME=TMVL(1,2018.01)CATEGORY=FORECAST)*NEXT*ENDWHENWhen this script logic executed. What months receive data?A. 2018.07 to 2018.12 B. 2019.01 to 2019.06 C. 2018.07 to 2019.06D. 2019.01 to 2019.12Answer: CWhich data source types are processed by the balance Carry Forward rule?2 correct answersA. InputB. LevelC. AutomaticD. ManualAnswer: A and DYou are configuring work status in BPC Embedded environment with a Sales Info Provider. The requirement is to determine the owners via a characteristic that is NOT contained in the Info Provider. How can the work status ""Locking Dimensions be determined?A. By using a reference dimensionB. By using a customer implementationC. By using an external dimensionD. By using a propertyAnswer: BYou want to set up a consolidation model. Which of the following dimensions should be the same for consolidation, rate and ownership models?2 correct answersA. categoryB. timeC. data sourceD. entityE. accountAnswer: A and BWhat dimensions are used to configure the carry forward business rule?3 correct answersA. Time dimensionB. Data Source dimensionC. Entity dimension D. Flow dimensionE. Account dimensionAnswer: B, D and E"
Price: 199.99

"DP-100 - Microsoft Azure Data Scientist Associate - Tests" |
"In today's world, individuals with fundamental and practical knowledge in data science or engineering are considered highly skilled and recognized among employers in the IT market. There is an exponential demand for people with data skills and the Microsoft Azure DP-100 exam is based to test the skills of the candidates for designing and implementing Data Science Solutions in Azure. It was once said in a documentary ""In a few years from now Data will be the most expensive asset on the planet."" It is the best time to start learning about Data Science and upon validation of certification in Data Science, it will give a boost for greater career opportunities.The Azure Data Scientist applies their knowledge of data science and machine learning to implement and run machine learning workloads on Azure; in particular, using Azure Machine Learning Service. This entails planning and creating a suitable working environment for data science workloads on Azure, running data experiments and training predictive models, managing and optimizing models, and deploying machine learning models into production.The exam is focused on a total of 4 modules and they are as follows:Set up an Azure Machine Learning Workspace (30-35%)Run Experiments and Train Models (25-30%)Optimize and Manage Models (20-25%)Deploy and Consume Models (20-25%)The practice tests are constructed to enhance your confidence to sit for real exam as you will be testing your knowledge and skills for the above-mentioned topics. The practice tests are accurate, proven correct by test-takers, and will get you maximum score in the exam yet it is highly important to use our practice tests as a resource, not just the only resource. Upon enrollment, you will receive unlimited access to the tests as well as regular updates.Best of luck!Practice until you cant get it wrong!"
Price: 24.99

"CCTV surveillance system" |
": - - - - - - - - - - ( ) - - - - - - -"
Price: 24.99

usgchxwr |
Price: 24.99

"Electrical power cables calculations" |
"This course covers the following topics : 00-voltage drop - introduction 01- voltage drop - tables02-voltage drop for 380 operation voltage03-voltage drop for 220 operation voltage04-voltage drop for AL cables calculations05- cables sizing introductions for Cu cables 06- cables sizing introduction for AL cables07- cables sizing derating factors calculations08- cables sizing for type Cu/pvc/pvc09- cables sizing for type AL/pvc/pvc10- cables sizing for Copper multiCables11- cables sizing for Aluminum multiCables12- cables installation13- short circuit calculations ( transformers short circuit )14- short circuit at main circuit breaker15- short circuit at specific point16- cables calculations application17- tables used in examples"
Price: 24.99

"ACA Cloud Computing Certification Exam" |
"Hello,Are you ready to Take & Pass ACA Cloud Computing Certified Associate?If your answer is Yes so this course will help you not only in Exam Preparation but boost your Confidence to Next Level.These Practice Tests are prepared to let you pass ACA Cloud Computing Associate Exam.We Believe attending Practice Questions gives you knowledge about different types of questions in Exam. Exam Topics are mentioned belowCloud ECSCloud SLBCloud OSSCloud RDSAuto ScalingSecurity SolutionsOther Cloud Related TechnologiesWish you best of luck to achieve your IT Certification goals."
Price: 19.99

"Learn Virtaulbox, VMware Workstation, Linux & windows Hindi" |
"Oracle VM VirtualBox and VMware workstation is a program for Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, and Solaris, which enables you to install alternative operating systems within your current (host) operating system.You can run Linux side-by-side with other operating systems, including BSD, Solaris, and Windows.I'll walk you through 5 complete operating system installations. Each OS will be thoroughly treated, from virtual machine creation, to installation, guest additions, and more! The following guest operating systems will be covered in the course:Windows 10Windows server 2019CentOS 8Esxi 6.7 (Vmware Vspare hypervisor )Ubuntu Desktop Get started today with Oracle VM Virtualbox, and start playing with new operating systems, learning how they function, BEFORE you perform a local installation!Virtualization is a great way to familiarize yourself with new operating systems.You can learn valuable skills, including server administration and networking, all within a safe, virtual environment.I would like to remind you that Udemy gives you 30 days Money-Back Guarantee 100% No Questions Asked.If you are interested in the course you can give it a try."
Price: 1280.00

"Windows Server 2019 Administration" |
"Are you ready to bring your skills up to speed on the latest version of Windows Server?In this course on Windows Server 2019, youll learn all the basics to jump-start you on the road to learning Microsofts latest version of Windows Server.Well show you how to set up your new server from installations to useful configuration tips. Well also cover how to manage storage and get started with some of the fundamental roles in Windows Server. All of this is done with a real-world approach.By the end of the course, youll have all the information you need to get started with Windows Server 2019 in your own environment."
Price: 19.99

"Editing Podcast in Ableton Live 10" |
"This course is specifically made for some who has prior knowledge in music production or hasn't used a digital audio workstation.this course will guide you to have a quick start in ableton live 10. it will always make you get comfortable with some audio technicalities and get yourself started in audio editing for your podcasts.Getting that polished sound for your podcast is what always people are looking for ,that can be achieved once you go through this course.this course contains topics such as,1.SOURCE AUDIO2.ARRANGEMENT3.NOISE REMOVAL4.LEVELS IN MUSIC5. EQUALIZATION6.COMPRESSOR7.LIMITER8.EXPORT.Join this course and get your podcast to be elegant .i will see you all in the course."
Price: 19.99

"LO QUE APRENDERS Te ensearemos los pasos para aprender a pronunciar como un verdadero nativo. Te hemos preparado 84 palabras de vocabulario de uso diario con la pronunciacin en ingls y con la escritura inglesa. Gramtica inglesa: Present simple y Present Continuous. Aprenders los pasos para hacer un buen writing y cmo evitar los errores ms comunes. Podrs enviarnos un writing y te lo corregiremos personalmente para que puedas poner en prctica lo aprenido. Cmo mejorar la escucha en ingls.REGALOTendrs la oportunidad de disfrutar de 30 min de Speaking (online) EN DIRECTO, con la profesora del curso para poder mejorar tu nivel y poner en prctica lo aprendido durante el curso."
Price: 19.99

"The Entrepreneur and the Idea" |
"This course is for those aspiring entrepreneurs out there looking to be their own boss whether it's a full time business or a side hustle. The course will take you on a journey that will allow you to understand what an entrepreneur is, what types of startups exist, where startup ideas come from, and how you can identify and refine your market. By taking this course, you will receive information and tools that help you identify an idea, decide on your market, and then assess the feasibility of the business objectively. This is the first course in the series - Foundations of Entrepreneurship."
Price: 49.99

"Reinforced Concrete Beam Design" |
" In this course, you will be learning design of singly reinforced beams, doubly reinforced beams and T-beams using code ACI-318. We will be looking at the flexural design of beams (i.e. designing the concrete section size as well as the longitudinal steel reinforcement needed to resist bending moment). Also, we will be discussing the design of shear (transverse) reinforcement, i.e. stirrups/ties.Moreover, we will be defining what is meant by development length and we will see how to calculate it for rebars in tension and in compression and for standard hook in tension. Furthermore, you will be learning how to check the serviceability of the RCC beam (i.e. calculating the cracking moment, checking deflection as well as checking the max spacing between rebars to control cracking)."
Price: 34.99
