"The Power of The Eternal Now - Attract Miracles & Abundance" |
"The The Power of The Eternal Now - Attract Miracles & Abundance is for you if you want to experience presence, flow, joy, miracles and abundance in your life. In this course you will learn how to release negative emotions like fear and stress . You will be releasing the blocks to experiencing the eternal now and spirtual flow and synchonisty in your life.At the age of 30 while working in the stock market I suddenly developed kidney failure. When the doctors told me they did not know what to do save my life, I faced powerlessness over losing my life., As I surrendered to my circumstances I had a heavenly timeless experience come over me and I heard a voice say ""find a spiritual solution"". The doctors managed to stabilise my condition, but I was left with kidney failure health problem, fear stress and negativity,The spiritual experience I had resulted in my looking for a spiritual solution to my problems and so I trained in Rei-Ki, spiritual healing, hypnotherapy, NLP, A Course in Miracles and studied under enlightened teachers such as Dr David R Hawkins.Using the techniques I learned and consistently applying them, my my health improved and my deep feels and emotions of fear and negativity left me.In this course I show the tools I used to achieve good levels of peace, presence and abundance in life.My wish is for you to gain the freedom and flow that comes from being in the eternal now.Hit the enrol button to get started and remember you are covered by Udemy 30 day money back guarantee."
Price: 124.99

"How to Develop an Abundance Mindset" |
"In this course, I'll show you how to create an abundance mindset using techniques taught to me by the worlds most inspirational people to powerfully transform your results.Because if youre tired of being stuck in a rutYou feel like you should be getting better resultsYou feel like theres more to life than what youre currently experiencingYou're ready to make a changeI Made This Course For You.You may recognize the feeling of being stuck, whether you're stuck at your job, or in life in general. This course will give you the life tips, tools, and resources to break free of those chains holding you back, and start living the life you desire. Filled with exercises to guide you along your journey, everything you need to achieve your goals is written within these lessons. All you need to bring is an open mind, motivation, and your desire to change your life. Throughout this course you will learn:How to achieve your D.R.E.A.M goalsHow to turn negative thoughts into positive thoughtsHow to replace old, bad habits with new, positive habitsHow the magic word can change your lifeHow to work with the Law of AttractionAnd so much more!You've got nothing to lose and everything to gain, but you have to want the change. Taking this course alone will not make the changes. You'll need to put the lessons and exercises into action to get where you want to be.Are you just existing, or are you truly living? It's time to start changing your life by making today matter, and living your life to the fullest.So to start creating that abundance mindset and start changing your life from this day forward, just click the ""enroll now"" button and Ill see you inside the course.To your success,Jacob Lethbridge"
Price: 19.99

"Text Mining no R: extrao, informao, anlise, documento" |
"Os dados no estruturados representam mais de 80% de tudo que circula na internet. A disponibilizao de dados nesta nova forma de armazenamento cada dia mais crescente em todas as organizaes mundiais. Um grande desafio entender o que textos, sites, arquivos em formatos word, pdf, etc podem nos trazer de informaes relevantes e qual seria esta amplitude.Pensando nisso, foi criado o curso Text Mining no R: extrao, informao, anlise, documento que visa entender o processo de obteno de informaes importantes de um texto com base na recuperao de informaes, extrao de dados, aprendizado de mquina, estatsticas e lingustica computacional que so tarefas tpicas de minerao de texto, que incluem categorizao e agrupamento de texto, extrao de conceito/entidade, produo de taxonomias granulares, anlise de sentimentos.O curso trabalhado com diversos prticas em arquivos texto, inclusive com o uso de web scrapping, ou seja, coleta de dados web ou raspagem web, uma forma de minerao que permite a extrao de dados de sites da web convertendo-os em informao estruturada para posterior anlise.Para isso voc conta: Acesso total vitalcio ao contedo do curso; Certificado de concluso do curso oferecido pela Udemy; Acesso no seu dispositivo mvel e TV ou Computador; Acesso 24h / 7 dias por semana aos instrutores usando a seo de Perguntas e Respostas.SEJA MAIS UM ALUNO DESTE CLUBE QUE NO PARA CRESCER!"
Price: 249.99

"Aprenda no R Anlise de Texto e Construo de Script" |
"Voc que pretende adentrar na rea de dados, principalmente trabalhar com Data Science, no pode ficar fora deste treinamento que est disponvel. Ele permitir que voc trabalhe com os mais diversos scripts na Linguagem R, uma das principais ferramentas que existem no mercado gerao de informaes com o trato nos dados. Por meio da linguagem R, possvel ler grandes arquivos ou bases de dados e gerar estatsticas exploratrias e inferenciais, que geram modelos estatsticos. Aqui neste curso, voc aprender tcnicas de Text Mining que so utilizadas para a gerao de informaes sobre se um texto relevante para um determinado assunto, ver o quanto possvel identificar se um texto fala de assuntos negativos ou positivos, a chamada anlise de sentimento, far com que voc tenha um grande embasamento para aplicar nos seus textos na sua organizao.Por isso, o convido-o a participar deste treinamento, conhecer de perto todos os segredos da linguagem R e suas aplicaes, aprender de foram prtica com uma apostila prpria sobre o uso de dados no R.Sou profissional da rea de dados a mais de 15 anos, e estou aqui ara ajudar voc a aprender R e Text Mining. Trone-se um profissional reconhecido na rea e consiga a vaga dos seus sonhos."
Price: 234.99

"Analise com Text Mining e Plot Grficos com GGPLOT2 - no R" |
"Uma das reas mais pujantes nas grandes empresas hoje em dia a construo de algoritmos de machine learning e o uso de descoberta de dados por ferramentas visuais. Para este curso trago estas duas grandes novidades, o uso de Minerao de texto com a linguagem R que a base para o estudo de PNL e identificao de tokens (palavras) com correlao dentro de textos e a construo de grficos pelo uso do R GGPLOT2 que transforma os resultados de seus dados processados em belas imagens para tomada de deciso.O Text Mining ser por meio da leitura de arquivos de texto de diversos assuntos e anlises sero criadas para entendermos: qual a correo entre os textos, qual a anlise de sentimento entre os texto, quais as palavras mais relevantes e que identificam o texto, enfim, fazer uma anlise sinttica e morfolgica das informaes contidas no texto. J o uso do R GGPLOT2 algo que vai alm de execuo de scripts dentro da linguagem R, a forma mais prtica de gerao de resultados utilizando grficos de barras, setores, pontos, wordcloud, dentre muitos outros na resoluo de seus problemas.Por isso, convido voc a vir comigo trabalhar com dados, fazer uma imerso completa nestes dois grandes treinamentos que esto reunidos em um nico, participar ativamente das atividades que trabalhamos passo a passo.Sou profissional da rea de dados h mais de 15 anos, e possuo conhecimento principalmente na construo de projetos ligados a rea de dados.Aguardo voc!"
Price: 249.99

"Construo Relatrios R MARKDOWN e Anlise com Text Mining" |
"Aprender a linguagem R uma das grandes necessidades que profissionais da rea de dados precisam para evoluir nos seus projetos dentro das empresas. O que necessitam identificar aonde os dados podem ser utilizados e tragam valor para as corporaes.Neste curso trago duas grandes ferramentas construdas por uso dos scripts em R, o uso do Text Mining para anlise de extoe a preparao de relatrios dinmicos com o uso do R MARKDOWN.O Text Mining uma das mais ricas aplicaes que so trabalhadas dentro da linguagem R, com ele possvel analisar grandes bases de texto e identificar: correlaes, palavras mais frequentes, palavras menos frequentes, identificao dos principais assuntos retratados dentro dos textos, e o mais importante fazer a anlise de sentimento.J como uso do R MARKDOWN, ser possvel a criao de relatrios dinmicos em diversos formatos, PDF, DOC, LATEX, dentre muitos outros, simplesmente construindo scripts dentro da linguagem R. o que h de mais preparado na construo de relatrios tcnicos das sadas dos scripts R, que produzem modelos estatsticos como resultados.Convido voc a trabalhar conosco neste incrvel curso que rene duas das principais aplicaes da linguagem R.Sou profissional da rea h mais de 15 anos e procuro trazer o que as empresas esto aplicando no seu dia dia.Venha conferir e comece hoje!"
Price: 219.99

"Scrum Master Certification CSM PSM Mock Practice Tests" |
"Covers all Agile methodologies, and Scrum framework questions more in depth Reference : Scrum Alliance, Scrum.Org Learners should be able to clear the exam with detailed study & various questions framed, with various levels of difficulties.Keep learning & share the knowledge. !Scrum values, ceremonies, artifacts, agile manifesto, authors and antipatterns , who does what , time box, value delivery etc. Professional Scrum, Professional Scrum Master, PSM, PSM I, etc. is the protected brand of Scrum .org. This course and practice exam is neither endorsed by nor affiliated with Scrum .org CSM A-CSM are protected brands of Scrum Alliance. *This mock test preparation is right for your career suited to those about to take their initial Scrum Master certification.The tests are specifically designed around the Scrum guide, the definitive Scrum body of knowledge, last updated / published in year 2020.Things covered:Scrum history, definition, theory and Values the 3 Scrum roles, the 4 Scrum events and the 3 Scrum Artifacts.Pass the Professional Scrum Master 1 (PSM I) certification in your first attempt , try our mock practice exams.Scrum Master certification - practice test questions & answersA comprehensive set of mock exam questions you should give a try before your Professional Scrum Master certificationScrum Master Exam PrepScrum Master Exam Cram Session"
Price: 1280.00

"Autonomous Robots: Localization" |
"FYI all Aspiring Roboticists: Your Robot Will Not Work Without Localization! Learn How to Solve This!Want to learn the ins and outs of localization in robotics in an easy-to-follow, hands-on, streamlined online course? This program is for you. My course will introduce you to a variety of valuable robotics concepts in a way that is easy to understand and implement, even for robotics beginners!You wont just be lectured on concepts, youll have the chance to put it all to use. Youll make your own code and test it, just as you would in an in-person workshop. Through our custom online simulator, you can see the results of your solution and how it would work on an autonomous robot in the real world!Learning new skills gives you a competitive advantage. Learning about localization gives you another tool to add to your robotics toolbox, and gives you the ability to take on more complex projects. Whether you want to put your coding knowledge to use in your workplace, school, or in your garage (because you just find robots fun; I find them fun, too) this course can help you level up your game.Check out the course and get started experimenting, exploring and seeing what you can do!"
Price: 199.99

"Informtica Bsica para todos" |
"Neste curso abordaremos como utilizar o computador corretamente de forma simples e didtica de como aprender a informtica sem complicao.Voc aprender noes bsicas de hardware, software e internet. Aprender a personalizar a rea de trabalho, como por exemplo trocar o fundo da tela, o tema, as cores e a proteo de tela.Tambm aprende como criar, editar, salvar e excluir documentos e pastas. Alm de abordarmos as principais ferramentas do computador como: calculadora, bloco de notas, wordpad, paint, paint 3D e painel de controle.Entenderemos tambm os principais comandos: copiar, colar , recortar e muito mais.Voc pode conferir a grade do curso e analisar se as aulas atende suas necessidades.Ento fica o convite para fazer o curso e eu te vejo no curso!"
Price: 34.99

"Ferramentas Estratgicas Essenciais" |
"Este curso expe as ferramentas para diagnstico empresarial e de ambiente de negcios e para delineamento estratgico de organizaes mais utilizadas e de mais fcil aplicao, permitindo ao gestor ou ao empreendedor de qualquer negcio a sua utilizao. As ferramentas apresentadas tambm so fundamentais para novos empreendimentos, no importando se so recentes nem se so de micro, pequeno ou mdio porte.Nele, voc ter contato terico e prtico com as seguintes ferramentas:1 - Ferramentas de diagnstico:Modelo das 5 Foras de PorterTcnica de identificao de Fatores-Chave de SucessoModelo de identificao de vantagem e de desvantagem competitivaTcnica para reconhecimento de oportunidades e ameaasAnlise SWOT2 - Ferramentas para formulao estratgica:Ciclo de Vida de ProdutoMatriz BCGMatriz GEMatriz ADLGrid de AnsoffModelo das Estratgias Competitivas de PorterModelo DeltaTringulo de OhmaeEstratgia do Oceano Azul"
Price: 99.99

"Iniciacin a programacin con PseInt" |
"Todos queremos iniciarnos en la programacin de una manera sencilla y escalada, este es el propsito del programa PseInt, un programa para aprender a programar con un lenguaje ms humano llamado pseudocodigo.Con este programa, no es para hacer aplicaciones para vender o distribuir, sirve para empezar a entender el enrevesado mundo de la programacin.Con este curso podrs aprender lo siguiente:Entender los conceptos bsicos del programa.Manejar variables.Saber utilizar estructuras condicionales.Saber utilizar estructuras de repeticin.Saber utilizar subprocesos.Saber utilizar arreglos unidimensionales y bidimensionales.Todo esto explicado de una manera terica-practica con el propio programa y en pizarra para explicar conceptos tericos que debis saber.El curso incluye ejercicios que realizaremos paso a paso.Tambin incluimos material adicional para complementar el curso con ejercicios y artculos."
Price: 24.99

"Simple Watercolor Landscapes; Paint Loose Monochrome Art" |
"Are you frustrated trying to teach yourself watercolors? Do most of your paintings look tight & rigid?Whether you're brand new to watercolor painting, or have played around with it but need more guidance, this simple watercolor landscapes course will help you feel confident and comfortable using one of the most challenging mediums out there.This course was designed for the complete beginner, with helpful demonstrations and fun projects to get you taking action. Throughout this course, you'll be creating your own monochromatic watercolor landscapes that are approachable, enjoyable to learn and will inspire you to paint loosely and expressively!Working with monochromatic palettes is a great way to simplify watercolor painting so that you can focus on developing some key fundamentals like value, mixing water & pigments, how to manage various washes on wet and/or dry paper. Once you have mastered monochromatic paintings you are one step closer to greatness!Why learn watercolor from me?I have been a full-time artist for the past 15 years and have worked with major brands such as Churchill Downs, Kentucky Derby, Carnival Cruise Lines, CBS sitcoms to just name a few. Watercolor was my first medium and immediately fell in love with the loose, expressive qualities.I promise to help you learn watercolor painting, no matter what it takes. If you ever get stuck, just post a message to the course dashboard and I'll be there to support you.Happiness GuaranteeIf you aren't happy with your purchase, we have a 30-day 100% money back guarantee. There's literally no reason to hesitate!"
Price: 49.99

"Igiene Posturale. Mantieni in salute le tue articolazioni" |
"Se stai cercando un corso per aiutare le tue articolazioni e i tuoi muscoli a sentirsi meglio, questo il corso che fa per te.Lavoro come fisioterapista dal 2007 e questi sono gli esercizi base che propongo ai pazienti, le articolazioni proprio come i denti hanno bisogno di prevenzione.Il corso composto da 4 routine da fare una volta al giorno per 4 settimaneSerie 1 Mobilizzazione articolareSerire 2 Automassaggio ProfondoSerie 3 Mesa in tensione delle catene principaliSerie 4 Risveglio recettorialeSe non togliamo le tensioni che ogni giorno accumuliamo, pian piano queste entrano in profondit e iniziano il processo degenerativo che porta poi le cartilagini a consumarsi fino ad arrivare a problematiche di artrosi Qui sono raccolti gli esercizi base per migliorare il recupero sia per chi fa sport ma sopratutto per chi sta molto tempo seduto. Preparare muscoli e articolazioni con una routine studiata inoltre diminuisce del 50 % il rischio di incorrere in un problema al sistema muscolo scheletrico come ad esempio:Cervicale LombalgieTunnel carpaleDolori alle ancheDolori alle ginocchiaDistorsioni alle caviglieStrappi muscolari"
Price: 29.99

"Benessere Integrato costruisci le basi per la salute" |
"Un programma completo che ti aiuta ad affrontare e a conoscere meglio i 5 aspetti che puoi imparare a controllare per mantenerti in forma e in salute.Un programma adatto al:- neofita che vuole avvicinarsi al mondo della salute,- allo sportivo o appassionato di fitness esperto che vuole approfondire meglio le sue conoscenze- alla persona con dolori o malattie che insieme al suo medico di fiducia dopo un accurata valutazione vuole cercare di affiancare al suo percorso di cura un percorso educativo con un programma pratico, perch la cura delle patologie fondamentale ma per la riconquista della salute necessario fare un passo in pi.Ogni professionista ti fornisce i principi essenziali delle discipline collegati a questi aspettiAlimentazione - DietistaRecupero e conoscenza del corpo - FisioterapistaAllenamento - Laureato in scienze motorieAtteggiamento emotivo e mentale -Psicologo"
Price: 29.99

SQLServer |
Price: 5400.00

"Forex trading: Advanced Heiken Ashi Swing trading strategy" |
"As a retail trader, you are the smallest fish in an ocean of a money ecosystem. The Forex market is a diverse environment occupied by ruthless and tough men and women whose only objective is to separate you from your hard earned money. Being successful as a retail forex trader is very difficult but I can assure you, It is possible, with the right forex trading tools and mindset. In this course, I will be teaching you an easy to follow forex trading strategy in which you will not need to have a high win rate to be profitable. This trading method is based on the acceptance that as retail traders, we were born to lose more trades than we win in the market. However, we aim to make money either way. The Swing trading system is based on the Latvian Heiken Ashi candlesticks, RSI and Moving averages. The Swing trading system has clear patterns that we shall be looking to trade in different market conditions. Also, it has clear market entry rules and market exit rules, including setup invalidation levels (stop loss) and profit taking targets. The patterns considered offer trade opportunities that can last for days or weeks. The system, although mainly optimized for the Forex market, can be applied in Stocks, commodities and cryptocurrencies. The system allows you to:To identify and capture new trendsTo join into existing trends with easeIdentify and trade volatile ranging marketsTo identify and trade trend reversalsAvailable for free to those who purchase this course is the entire plug and play Template file for your Metatrader 4 platform, together with the indicators that you will need.The indicators included in the swing trading system include:The Latvian Heiken Ashi candlesticksThe RSI indicatorMoving averagesA pipsometerA candlestick timer"
Price: 19.99

"2020 Python Completo: De Cero a Hroe en Python" |
"Convirtete en un programador python y aprende una de las habilidades ms solicitadas por los empleadores del 2020!Este curso es completo y directo para el lenguaje de programacin Python! Si nunca has programado antes, ya sabes la sintaxis bsica, o quieres aprender sobre las caractersticas avanzadas de Python, este curso es para ti! En este curso te ensearemos Python 3.Con ms de 100 clases y muchas horas de vdeo este curso completo no deja ninguna piedra sin remover!Este curso incluye pruebas, tests, ejercicios de codificacin y tareas, as como 3 grandes proyectos para crear una cartera de proyectos en Python!Aprende a usar Python para tareas del mundo real y aplicarlo en los campos mas solicitados como Ciencia de Datos, Big Data, Inteligencia Artificial, Desarrollo Web y Hacking EticoEste curso te ensear Python de una manera prctica, con cada conferencia viene un screencast completo de codificacin y un cuaderno de cdigos correspondiente! Aprende de la manera que sea mejor para ti!Empezaremos ayudndole a instalar Python en su ordenador, independientemente de su sistema operativo, ya sea Linux, MacOS, o Windows, le tenemos cubierto.Cubrimos una amplia variedad de temas, incluyendo:Conceptos bsicos de la lnea de comandosInstalar PythonEjecutando el cdigo PythonCuerdasListas DiccionariosTuplasNmero Tipos de datosFormato de impresinFuncionesAlcanceargs/kwargsFunciones incorporadasDepuracin y manejo de erroresMdulosMdulos externosProgramacin orientada a objetosHerenciaPolimorfismoDesarrollo Web con DjangoRest APIsInteligencia ArtificialBig DataHacking EticoTodo esto y mucho mas!Entonces, a qu ests esperando? Aprende Python de una manera que te permita avanzar en tu carrera y aumentar tus conocimientos, todo de una manera divertida y prctica!"
Price: 199.99

"Viver e trabalhar na diversidade" |
"Voc lida bem com as geraes diferentes: baby boomers, turma da gerao X, Y?Voc lida bem com integrantes de grupos minoritrios e mais vulnerveis no contexto social?Voc aceita o novo, o diferente, o estrangeiro, o que pensa com outros paradigmas?Voc acolhe bem os que vm com a mudana e trabalha produtivamente com eles?Voc no s aceita, mas valoriza a contribuio dos que agem de modo diferente e so diferentes?Se respondeu afirmativamente, est em condies de viver produtivamente e com maior realizao no mundo novo dos mercados, das organizaes e do trabalho.A diversidade - presena de pessoas diferentes entre si em estilo de vida, etnia, raa, modos de pensar, enfim, modos de ser - vem crescendo significativamente em todo o mundo, em decorrncia da consolidao da democracia em razovel nmero de pases, da legislao de proteo s minorias e livre expresso, da globalizao, das imigraes, do comrcio, do turismo, etc. As organizaes, imersas nesses ambientes diversificados, tornam-se tambm diversificadas internamente e, mais que isso, percebem que essa diversidade interna no s inevitvel mas tambm positiva. Nesse contexto, governo, organismos internacionais, organizaes da sociedade civil, empresas passaram a desejar a diversidade - a incorpor-la, a busc-la, a promov-la. Isso, por sua vez, torna desejvel e necessrio que profissionais de todas as reas, estejam ou no na liderana, aprendam a lidar produtivamente com a diversidade.As carreiras hoje se desenvolvem em ambientes de pluralidade, diversidade, e mudana acelerada, que traz novas parceroas, novas ideias, novos desafios, novas necessidades de integrao. fundamental aprender a conviver bem com tudo isso para apresentar bom desempenho e vencer os desafios. O presente curso, composto de 18 vdeos curtos, visa contribuir para que as organizaes, as lideranas e as pessoas lidem de modo o mais eficiente e eficaz possvel com a diversidade, pluralidade e mudana e aproveitem as oportunidades que vm junto com tudo isso.Para as organizaes e empresas a diversidade interna traduz-se em maior capacidade de inovao, em melhor interpretao dos anseios de clientes e outros grupos relevantes, em proposio de produtos e servios mais adequados sociedade atual, em imagem e reputao de modernidade, que angariam simpatia.Para lderes, aprender a lidar com a diversidade quer dizer equipes mais produtivas, mais criativas, mais sintonizadas com o meio, mais harmnicas e capazes de angariar cooperao externa.Para profissionais de todas as reas, por fim, maior capacidade de viver e trabalhar produtivamente na diversidade quer dizer melhores oportunidades de carreira, maior grau de realizao pessoal e profissional. O curso traz indicao de material externo de valor, e orientaes pontuais que sero de valia para as pessoas, seja na condio de lderes, seja na condio de colaboradores, seja na condio de profissionais responsveis por promover a diversidade internamente."
Price: 39.99

"What makes a team effective at Google?" |
"Learn more about Project Aristotle, its researchers and findings.Discover the secrets of effective teams at Google.Create a better understanding which academic studies Google researchers based on.Gain a deeper insight into psychological safety and other behaviors that seem important in a successful team.Boost your inspiration by learning about Google people.This course containing 11 lectures will walk you through the development of the Project Aristotle.You will have an idea how researchers scrutinized hundreds of Google teams to find out what makes a team effective. You will learn about five key dynamics of effective teams.You will understand how to make psychological safety easy. You will walk away from the course being more confident how to boost personal transformation and team productivity."
Price: 39.99

"Entity Framework for Beginners in C# to Design Db App in SQL" |
"Hi There!With my 20 years programming skills i'm with you to share my knowledge with you.SoIf you try you will learn using Entity Framework in C# to create database Apps in C#!If you are beginners or student looking for a tutorial to create database apps in SQL and Entity Framework in in C# in simplest way!I started from beginning and show you how to :Main parts of entity frameworkDownload and install entity framework in C# projectBuild database Apps in C# by entity frameworkDesign Pro Data Entry FormsCreate Customer info Project in C#Load,Save,Delete & New By Entity Framework by C# in SQLand ...Don't hesitate to start learning Entity Framework in C# and SQL!Every thing will be discussed with sample project and you will have lot of fun within my course.Say Hi EF with SQL & C# world and let's go !!!"
Price: 19.99

"Como Crear un Curso Online" |
"Hola te doy la Bienvenida a Este Curso de Elaboracin de Contenidos Digitales para la WEB (Internet), En Donde Aprenderas a Crear Contenidos Digitales.Que veremos en Este Curso:Aprenderas a Grabar la Pantalla de Tu ComputadoraAprenderas a Editar tu Video.Conoceras la Interfaz del Programa a Utilizar para la Edicin de Videos.Aprenderas a Separar el Audio del VideoAprenderas a Eliminar el Ruido del AudioAprenderas a Ingresar diferentes Intros, en Diapositiva de Power Point, o una Intro Animada.Aprenderas a Ingresar el Efecto Sensurado, para Sensurar rostros, texto, o alguna parte de una imagen o video.Aprenderas a darle efecto a tu Curso, para que se visualice en tu pantalla.Aprenderas a Acelerar o a alentar tu video.Aprenderas a Exportar tu video en un Formato mp4, en calidad para tiktok, para facebook o youtube."
Price: 64.99

"Facebook Ads Guide" |
"Are You Ready To Produce Ten Times Better Results?Its About Time For You To LearnFacebook Advertising The Right Way!Did you know that when you log into Facebook, you're legally giving them the right to figure you out?Facebook has so much technology it can figuratively get in your head!You have to leverage the highly sophisticated technology Mark Zuckerberg brought to the table!Dear Friend,It doesn't matter if you run a well-established business or you are managing a startup.It doesn't matter how much of a budget you're working with.Like it or not, and believe it or not, the main way you can make people become aware of your company's brand, and eventually consume the products or services your company offers, is through advertising. Free Advertising Doesn't ExistLet's put it this way, you can't be in two places at once.If you're spending all this time and effort trying to brand and promote your business the free way, what if you did something else that produces ten times the result?You Cannot Ignore Facebook AdsHeres Where My Advice For You Comes In.With My AdviceYou will understand why to use Facebook Ads.You will also know the Downside of Facebook Advertising.You will also know the Downside of Facebook Advertising.You will be able to leverage its highly sophisticated ""social snooping"" and ""personal profiling"" technology.You will learn step by step, the different ad opportunities currently available on the Facebook ad platform.To make it easy, Ive put together a step-by-step guide that will show you exactly how its done...INTRODUCINGThe Beginner's Guide to Advertising on the Facebook Platform!No stones are left unturned when you get your hands on this now.You will become a complete expert on this, and youll get everything you need inside to do the same Heres Just A Quick Preview Of What Youll Discover Inside...Why Choose Facebook Ads?The Basics You Need to Know Before Creating Your First Facebook Ad CampaignHow Does Facebook's Ad System Operate?How to Get Started on Your Facebook Ad Marketing CampaignCreate Your Facebook Page and AccountUse the Facebook Ads ManagerCreate A Facebook Advertising CampaignCreate Your AdMonitor Your Campaign CarefullyEffective Facebook Advertising Tips and IdeasPlus, a whole lot more...This is the easiest way to actually produce ten times better results with Facebook Ads!Who Needs This Step-By-Step Guide?If you answer YES to any of the below, you need thisYou want to produce ten times better results with Traffic Generation.You want to learn Facebook Advertising the right way./li>You want to leverage the highly sophisticated ""social snooping"" and ""personal profiling"" technology Mark Zuckerberg brought to the table.You want to figuratively get in the head of your target audience.You want to figuratively get in the head of your target audience."
Price: 194.99

"Overcome Anxiety" |
"""Unlock the Secrets and Learn How to Stop the Cycle of Anxiety, Worry, and Fear So You Can Regain Control of Your Life""Finally! Discover Everything You Need to Know to Overcome Anxiety!From: [YOUR NAME]Are you constantly worried, afraid, or nervous?Do you find that you have trouble falling or staying asleep?Do you often wonder why you cant stop worrying and why youre always so fearful?Do you wish you could overcome your anxious thoughts so that you can take control of your life and start to live the life youve always wanted?If these kinds of thoughts are keeping you up at night, you could be suffering from an anxiety disorder.You're Not AloneIf youre constantly worrying and suffering from anxiety, youre not alone.Nearly 18 percent, or 40 million adults in America suffer from anxiety disorders.While everyone suffers from anxiety during stressful times in their lives, when the anxiety begins to happen daily it can quickly take control of your life.Signs You May Have An Anxiety DisorderHere are some signs and symptoms that could indicate youre suffering from an anxiety disorder.You worry excessively over normal, everyday situations.You feeling constantly agitated.You constantly feel restless and on edge.You suffer from chronic fatigue.You have difficulty concentrating on your school, work, or home life.You experience excessive irritability.Your muscles on constantly tense.You have trouble falling or staying asleep.You experience frequent panic attacks.If youve experienced any of these signs or symptoms, then you might be suffering from an anxiety disorder that, if not treated could end up taking over your life.Fortunately, Ive compiled a comprehensive guide that will show you how to finally stop the cycle of anxiety, worry, and fear so that you can regain control of your life.OVERCOME ANXIETYc"
Price: 199.99

"Microservices Architecture - The Complete Guide" |
"Microservices Architecture is the most popular Software Architecture style these days.Almost every new software designed and built, is doing so using Microservices. And not just that, but there are a lot of legacy applications that are being migrated to Microservices Architecture.Companies such as Netflix, Amazon, Facebook. Uber and lost more have migrated to Microservices, and it became the de-facto standard for Software Architecture.That means that a lot of Software Architects are looking for resources about Microservices, but until now - there was no a single, comprehensive course that covered all aspects of Microservices.And this course does just that.If you'll take this course, you'll know everything there is to know about Microservices.We start from the very basics - why do we need Microservices and what problems do they come to solve? - and go to the most advanced concepts such as Service Mesh and CI/CD.By the end of this course you'll become a real expert in Microservices, and you'll be able to design advanced, robust Microservices-based systems.Here is a partial list of what we'll talk about in this course:- History of Microservices- Problems they solve- The 9 attributes of Microservices- The Architecture Process of Microservices- Testing- Service Mesh- Common Anti-PatternsAnd lots and lots more...But I want to make this course as practical as possible, and for this reason - I've included in it a real-world case study. In this case study we'll design, together, a system from the ground up using the concepts we've learned in this course, since I really believe theory alone is not enough.But that's not all...At the end of this course, you'll be able to download the Microservices Architecture Checklist, a comprehensive checklist that will guide you through the process of designing Microservices systems, and provide a great summary of what we'll learn in this course.Using this checklist will help you design the best Microservices Architecture possible, will help you decide whether you should actually utilize Microservices, and, most important - will make you a better architect.This course takes you from the absolute basics of Microservices to the most advanced topics, known only to few. Completing this course will give you all the knowledge required for designing Microservices systems, and, as a bonus, will put you in a great position when looking for your next job.No other course covers this topic in such a comprehensive and thorough way. I've put all my 20+ years of experience with hundreds of clients in this course, and I'm sure you will greatly benefit from it.------------------------------------------------------------What do my students have to say about my courses?------------------------------------------------------------""well done - The course was very practical"" - Sam ""Good explanation on the topics covered, ""Soft Skills"" section is a great addition of topics"" - Sergio ""[The course] given me the confidence to go out to the market and advertise myself as such [an Architect]"" - Mathew""Life Changing"" - ArivazhaganAnd lots more...------------------------------------------------------------Who is this course for?------------------------------------------------------------Any person who is involved in Software Architecture & development, even system analysts, can profit from this course. That includes:- Software Architects- Junior developers- Senior developers- Architects- Anyone who is interested in software architecture.If you're not sure if this course is for you - drop me a note!------------------------------------------------------------What are the prerequisites for this course?------------------------------------------------------------It's a good idea to have some basic knowledge about software architecture, but it's not a must.In any case, you don't have to have any prior knowledge of Microservices!------------------------------------------------------------About Me------------------------------------------------------------I've been in the software industry for more than 20 years, and a Software Architect for more than 17 years, working with a variety of clients - Fortune 100 enterprises, start-ups, govt. entities, defense, telco, banking, and lots more.I'm an avid speaker and trainer, having trained thousands of students in various courses.I love what I do, and my greatest passion (well, besides my family...) is designing modern, practical, and reliable systems for my clients, using the best possible architecture patterns."
Price: 149.99

"Edible Garden, Edible Forest" |
"In our fast paced world, we often forget that food and medicine grows at our doorsteps. Food is, after all, medicine. Learn more about wild plants and herbs and use them in healthy recipes. Herbal preparations such as oils, vinegars, bitters, latte, all deserve a place in our modern kitchen. Whether you want to support your immunity in the time of a pandemic, prepare unusual recipes to surprise your friends and family or just to better know the area you live in, this course will provide you with the basics to spark your interest in the nature around you. Recipes are lactose and gluten free and are very easy to make. The course manual supports you on this journey with complementary information. "
Price: 24.99

"Pegan cooking and lifestyle" |
"Pegan cooking combines the benefits of paleo and vegan cooking. It is not only a health promoting diet but it is a lifestyle that can have a profound impact on your mood and sleep. With pegan diet you can prevent chronic disease, you will have more energy and it can be very effective if you're trying to lose weight. Our mind, body and nutrition are deeply connected and in this course, you will find out how a change in your diet can have a profound positive effect on your mood and the way you show up in this world."
Price: 24.99

"Be Your Perfect Partner" |
"Be Your Perfect Partner: How developing emotional resilience allows you get to know, and develop a solid relationship with your best self.Emotional Resilience determines your success in nearly every area of your life, partnerships are no exception! Once you learn the ropes of your emotional anatomy, you will be able to go straight to the problem areas and fix them, allowing you to develop ideal relationships with anyone beginning with YOU.Do you wish to feel emotionally complete and have the ability to love without fear? Can you open your heart right now? Do you feel vulnerable when it comes to love? Are you attached to the outcome when you think of loving someone?If you feel you cannot openly and freely love others, you have something under the hood that is missing something. The great news is that we can get in there and fix it, tune it up, sync your machine, and get your heart moving experiencing the deepest and most rewarding feeling of loving.Be Your Perfect Partner teaches you how to develop a new perspective on your emotions, equipping you to look at your emotions as if you were under the hood of a car looking at your engine. This course walks you through the anatomy of your emotions, one stage at a time so you can see exactly where you need to make adjustments.You will learn several processes and tools to fix those hiccups, create a smooth running system giving you the ability to enjoy abundance in every sense of the word. You will learn that abundance in one form attracts abundance in all forms.You will learn from a seasoned Minister of Therapeutic Energy, who has shared these same concepts with hundreds of personal clients and her Master Energy Therapist students. Be Your Perfect Partner takes a unique approach to understanding and handling emotions. I will show you how to break down your emotions into individual elements and show you how to specifically and objectively address each one. This objective view of your emotions puts the reigns in your hands and removes emotional vulnerability.You will see that emotions are YOUR BEST FRIEND. They are not ever the enemy we may have been socialized to believe. For example, we have all heard anger is bad, or dont love too much. These emotion rules do much more damage than they benefit us. Befriending your emotions, getting to know them, building a relationship with them, learning how to listen to them, will take your life to places currently unimaginable. You will love naturally and freely without ever feeling vulnerable. This is the power that you are about to harness. Imagine building fruitful relationships in every aspect of your life, then your family, your personal partners, your coworkers, teammates, and fellow volunteers. You will even be able to restore deeply damaged relationships. Imagine that one relationship that pains you to this day becoming a source of joy and filling your heart with compassion. Rather than merely THINKING positive thoughts, hoping for the best, to solve your problems, youll learn to FEEL ABUNDANCE until it embraces you and dominates your existence. People will start asking you what you are doing differently because you look great!This course teaches you the tools and concepts you can utilize to alter the course of your life, and maybe even influence the lives around you.Learn how to keep your cool under pressureDiscover new resources to continue to expand your resilienceLearn how to view your emotions as your friends and build a trusting,productive partnership with themLearn how to access the scientifically measured and proven benefits of compassionLearn to flourish with your own internal guidance systemShift the course of your future and create a life of every kind ofabundanceAll of which make you a great partner to yourself!Learn the complete cycle of emotions, know what they want to tell you, learn to communicate with them, to release old destructive patterns, and replace them with new productive ones.What makes Colleen qualified to teach you?Colleen has a personal story that drove her to find answers to her emotional pain, which began as a toddler and continued and accelerated until she learned the anatomy of emotions. She studied Reiki until she became a Holy FireIII Karuna Reiki Master Teacher which began the process of understanding the anatomy of emotions. She has been helping clients discover the power of emotions in her private practice for over ten years. Utilizing her formal education of a bachelors in Psychology, over 50 credit hours in Human Health Science, a Masters in Strategic Communication, as well as her experience guiding hundreds of clients to develop emotional resilience, and informal study of the works of Dr. Joe Dispenze, Dr. Bruce Lipton, Gregg Braden, Abraham-Hicks, Cyndi Dale, Caroline Myss, Teal Swan, David Hamilton, Donna Eden and others in the holistic energy field, her personal drive to understand how emotions serve us, and her unconditional compassion for humanity, Colleen has developed a unique and easy to integrate method to guide students towards an understanding of how emotions function, and how you can actually partner with them!Once you know how emotions work, and the purpose they serve in your life, you will forever be free of the need for outside approval and acceptance.If you want to free yourself of emotional bondage, or simply partner with the most amazing, trusted friends you will ever have, to create and build, one step at a time, the life you were meant to live, this course is for you!My Commitment to YouI will be here for you every step of the way. You will always have my unconditional compassion and support until you feel confident in your competence to fly on your own. I value your thoughts and questions and welcome every one of them. Just post a question or send a direct message for me to answer. Seriously, please ask your questions. This work is not just a class to me.Are you ready to build a rich life together, emotionally ever after to expand your capacity to live?To expand your ability to take on new challenges!LEARN to INFLUENCE those around you into harmonious productivity! LEARN to appreciate every aspect of you!LEARN how to appreciate even the worst of others!LEARN to EMBRACE your every emotion as your secret friend who always has your back!LEARN to utilize your precious energy for experiences that benefit you!LEARN to let go of and even embrace those draining thoughts and feelings that you thought you just had to deal with.Your true other half has been waiting for you to come on board! Time to become one within yourself.Click the enroll button, and I will see you in the first lesson! Who this course is for:Anyone who wants to take the vulnerability out of their emotionsAnyone feeling owned by their emotionsAnyone wishing to feel free to prosperAnyone who wishes to feel to loveAnyone who wants to shift current relationships from toxic to trueAnyone willing to do the work to build an eternal partnershipThis course is NOT for people who prefer living in emotional captivityor who utilize victimhood for personal gain. Lets get to work!"
Price: 189.99

"Aulas fceis: aprenda violo gospel (nvel 2)" |
"O Curso de Violo Gospel Nvel I fruto de mais de 15 anos de ensino, e centenas de alunos que experimentaram na prtica os efeitos de uma didtica eficiente que desmistifica muitas coisas acerca do aprendizado do violo.Os desafios do ensino e as particularidades de cada aluno fizeram com que este mtodo se tornasse o mais rpido, eficiente e prtico caminho para o desenvolvimento das habilidades necessrias para todos os que desejam tocar violo de forma satisfatria.A didtica a favor de quem estuda:Aprenda acordes e exercite a mudana entre eles usando pontos de referncia que tornam os movimentos mais fceis de serem assimilados;Junte o ritmo - depois que os acordes esto fluindo hora de adicionar as batidas (ritmo) explicado de forma visual utilizando recursos que facilitam a assimilao dos movimentos e quais partes da mo deve ser usadas para produzi-lo.Faa exerccios que simulem as situaes encontradas em todas as msicas que sero estudadas ao longo do Nvel I, para que na hora de execut-las junto com o professor, todos os caminhos que voc ir percorrer estejam fluindo.Tudo isso repetido a cada aula, a cada novo acorde, a cada nova sequncia e a cada novo ritmo."
Price: 114.99

"Aprenda a Desenvolver Seu Sistema Oramento Financeiro" |
"Neste curso ns ensinamos a desenvolver um Sistema Oramento Financeiro, ou seja, nosso foco o Sistema Oramento Financeiro. Ns vamos utilizar uma ferramenta que disponibilizada de forma grtis, isso mesmo, a ferramenta freeware, e serve para desenvolver diversos sistemas, seja sistemas, comerciais, empresariais, mdicos etc. Contudo, nosso foco o Sistema Oramento Financeiro. Caso voc queira obter mais conhecimento da ferramenta de desenvolvimento, ns temos outro curso bsico aqui na Udemy, que ensina a desenvolver qualquer sistema. Desenvolva sistemas simples de oramento financeiro, robustos ou complexos mesmo sem ter nenhum conhecimento na rea de TI ou ser formado. O segredo o conhecimento que vamos disponibilizar por meio deste curso para desenvolvermos juntos um sistema de complexidade intermediria de oramento financeiro. No necessrio aprender nenhuma linguagem de programao.Aprenda a criar formulrios, criar relatrios, adicionar botes etc. Criar sistemas sem a necessidade de digitar nenhuma linha de cdigo. necessrio primeiro criar um ambiente de desenvolvimento virtual propcio ao desenvolvimento com a ferramenta. Calma, ns vamos ensinar a criar, configurar e desenvolver.Ensinamos a criar um ambiente virtual de desenvolvimento que o windows xp ou windows 7, o Visual Basic 6 e a ferramenta de desenvolvimento. Desta forma, seu computador fica do jeito que est, sem alterar em nada a configurao atual. Basta criar este ambiente virtual de desenvolvimento, propcio para o desenvolvimento e a utilizao da ferramenta.Escopo do Curso:1) Vamos criar dois bancos de dados, um de cadastros e o outro de empresa;2) No banco de dados empresa vamos criar uma tabela de empresa para o cliente cadastrar a sua empresa;3) No banco de dados cadastro vamos criar trs tabelas: Grupos; Oramentos e Subgrupos;4) Vamos criar formulrio de entrada de dados para todas as tabelas informadas no item 3;4) Elaborar formulrio de consulta para oramento e relatrios de Receitas; Despesas; Investimentos e Balano;5) Vamos aprender a baixar, instalar e a configurar a ferramenta;6) Conhecer o ambiente de desenvolvimento da ferramenta;7) Compilar o Sistema criado na ferramenta de desenvolvimento;8) Vamos desenvolver um sistema oramento financeiro como exemplo e de forma didtica."
Price: 249.99

"Complete T-Shirt Production Business Using Teespring" |
"I this course you will learn how to build your T-shirt Business from beginner to advanced. You will learn everything there is to know about teespring, You will learn how to create awesome designs in Canva (that is a free tool). You will learn about fundraising and how you can utilize teepring for fundraising and charity. You will learn how you can boost your Teespring sales with crowdfunding and you will get a complete course in how to generate instant traffic for your teespring store. The complete course to make a successful T-shirt production business using TeespringHere is what you get: 1. Everything you need to know about Teespring - Video courses, Ebook and articles2. Learn the easy way to create your own designs with Canva that you can upload to Teespring3. Learn how you can utilize Teespring for fundraising or charity4. Boost your Teespring sales with Crowdfunding5. How to generate instant traffic to your storeHow to Build Your Own T-Shirt Company with TeespringIf you havent heard of teespring, its time you do. Teespring makes it easy for anyone that wants to create and sell t-shirts to do just that. You simply design your shirt using the designer tools that they provide, then set your price, add a goal, and begin to sell. It sounds pretty simple, right? What many arent aware of is that teespring has changed the way in which t-shirts are made you could say theyve revolutionized t-shirt manufacturing. Teespring has created a way that automates t-shirt manufacturing, which until recently was considered a very labor-intensive undertaking. They have also automated the shipping process through the use of custom-built software and some developer services. Evan, from teespring, says, ""I built out an entire admin app for non-technical people to manage the platform...We wanted people to be able to design their t-shirt, launch a campaign, gather orders and tip the campaign, and then have those t-shirts printed and delivered with the fewest possible number of human touch points we could get.""Every day their printers have new jobs assigned automatically. The number of jobs is based on the capacity of each printer. The jobs awaiting printing can be seen in the queue or printer portal. One of the biggest challenges they faced was the design of an automated system to generate the shipping labels. Its also been a huge thorn in their side, what with domestic and international addresses and the fact that people enter information differently this was a real challenge for Teespring. In fact, for a long time, they had a full-time developer that did nothing but correct address inputs. But thats all fixed and running very smoothly now. Evan and Walker met while they were both attending Brown. Evan was a computer science major while Walker was a freelance design and front end developer. They clicked instantly. Some of their earlier endeavors didnt get off the ground, but Teespring, which was developed in their senior year, was different. It was a hit from the very beginning selling more than 300 shirts in the first 24 hours the site was live. Today, it has morphed into something even more. Today many entrepreneurs have discovered a way that they can make not just a little money but a reasonable income. Threes some real potential here and now would be a great time for you to explore this a little further to see what it can do for you."
Price: 199.99

"Aprende Google Earth - de bsico hasta muy avanzado" |
"Google Earth es un software que vino a revolucionar la forma como vemos el mundo. La experiencia de dar vueltas a una esfera cuando pero con un alcance de acercamiento a cualquier parte del mundo, como si estuviramos all. Este es un curso nico, en el que se ensean desde los aspectos bsicos de navegacin hasta la construccin de giras guiadas en tres dimensiones. En esto, un profesional de las ciencias sociales, periodismo o un maestro abrirn su mente para sacarle todo el provecho que esta herramienta provee para realizar mejores exposiciones. Asmismo podr encontra nuevas ideas para ejercicios y proyectos con sus estudiantes con aplicaciones para la ingeniera, geografa, sistemas de informacin geogrfica o catastro.Adicionalmente, el curso tiene un nivel avanzado explicando diferentes interacciones de Google Earth con las reas de catastro, sistemas de informacin geogrfica e ingeniera. Esto incluye cosas como:Importar coordenadas desde Excel,Importar imgenes satelitales,Georeferenicar imgenes,Descargar imgenes de Google Earth,Enviar datos de software ArcGIS y AutoCAD hacia Google Earth,Georeferenciar datos,Construccin de rutas y visitas guiadas,Importar datos catastrales y agregarles elevacin.El curso incluye tanto los datos usados en las explicaciones (imgenes, ficheros CAD, ficheros GIS, ficheros Excel, ficheros KML), as como el software utilizado para los ejercicios de descarga de imgenes georeferenciadas y tambin para conversin de datos."
Price: 199.99
