"How to earn online testing software" |
"This course will be useful for people:1. Who want to start earning online from 400 2000 dollars per month testing software, while spending only a few hours a day on work (you can earn even more if you have the desire and time to do so). This is a Work from Home - earn online type of activity suitable for absolute beginners.2. Who want to get basic knowledge and experience in software testing3. Who want to get a new profession (Software Tester) and work in the field of Software Quality Assurance and Software Testing either as a freelancer or full-time4. Who recently immigrated to the USA, Canada, Europe, Australia or New Zealand and did not find a suitable job for themselves, who have not yet decided which field to choose in order to quickly get on their feet and start earning well.No technical knowledge is required to take this course!This online course is aimed at complete beginners with zero knowledge of the online software testing industry.No programming knowledge is required to take this course and to successfully work on crowdtesting platforms.In a structured form within 3 hours, this course provides general basic information on what software testing is. In addition to the main video lessons of this course, additional resources are provided for self-study and for deepening knowledge in this area. Thus, the student of the course receives a whole range of tools and materials, sufficient to fully start working as a software tester and earn online on crowdtesting platforms.In addition, the purpose of this course is to show, using one of the platforms as an example, how crowdtesting actually works.In the second part of the course, all the necessary steps are clearly demonstrated and explained step by step. Not only I explain the students of this course the details and conditions of an Entry Test example, but actually I show how I do it.In the final third part of the course, in addition to tips and strategies for a successful crowdtesting experience (based on my personal experience as a software tester in crowdtesting), a list of Other crowdtesting platforms is provided. Moreover, a successful experience of a student of this course on crowdtesting platforms is also presented here.If the students of this course have questions, I am always in touch and respond to messages very quickly.Welcome to my course How to earn online testing software!"
Price: 24.99

"Wordpress Complete Website MasterClass - Wordpress Made Easy" |
"Seriously, This is a very special WordPress course, I tried to make it very easy for a beginner and also very creative & Artistic to build your own breathtaking stunning website in just a few hours by finishing this course PLUS It has special editing techniques and I try to care for high-quality tutorials to make you feel like you are getting the best learning experience ever!& Most Importantly, No fluff, I like STRAIGHT TO THE POINT VIDEOS TO SAVE YOUR TIME & Build your website in the shortest time possible!So what is WordPress?WORDPRESS power more than 30% of total online websites including big websites like ( Mercedes Benz, xerox, eBay inc, BestBuy..etc) & it is that amazing tool to build & develop a website with NO coding or web design experience, and you don't even want to know about web design to make a beautiful website because WordPress got all those breathtaking beautiful themes, Plus we are using the most advanced page builder So far in WordPress: BRIZY Page builder, The Most Advanced page builder so far in WordPress, very intuitive page builder that lets you place your elements by DRAG & DROP Method and you can edit your elements by selecting & customizing them on the spot.What's really amazing is that you can easily customize your website to present different business Brands & Modules as there are tons of presets & templates to choose from plus I will show you how to Master the tools so you can confidently tweak designs to build a robust website for your business or any purpose.Some reviews from my previous WordPress courses!"" I have purchased over 15 courses about WordPress and other website developing courses and Khalil is by far the best one out there. I still don't understand how for just $10 I was about to obtain so much valuable information. I paid thousands of dollars to multiple institutions over my years and I never learned this much content. Thank you, Khalil Ibrahim."" Albert Abramchuk""This is one of the best WordPress courses I have ever purchased on Udemy. It is very applicable to the real world and I am getting new web design clients paying me more. I highly recommend this course."" Marvin Chibuye"" Great WordPress course, Instructor nicely covered all the features and approach is very friendly. Overall its great Elementor course and it is Valuable. thanks "" Qamar Faisal""what I really like about this course that it really seems to be for all levels it takes you slowly to excellence thnx a lot. "" James DonaldWhy this is a Complete WordPress MasterClass?- In this WordPress course, we will be learning Web Design & demonstrating Design theories & Fundamentals including design ratios, colors, fonts & more to achieve the best design visuals possible for our web design & development including Latest Design Trends & tools.- Also, you will learn how to use Brizy & WordPress theme to create a beautiful WordPress e-commerce Online store that attracts your customers and shows your products at it's best to design aspect & presentation Managing all the store customizations including tax, shipping, sales & even discount coupons.- This is a very practical course I will walk you through the steps and together we will be building your WordPress website step by step so by finishing this course you will have your website designed with its customization & getting the best out of it.- You will learn how to build & do web development for your WordPress website for free except for the hosting plan but everything else I will be showing you all the free methods to do it like the premium even for Brizy Page builder I will teach you how to design a beautiful website with both FREE & PREMIUM versions so you everyone can build a website regardless of his budget.- Learn How to establish a blog & publish articles using both free & premium methods.- How to Market your website's brand & products via facebook Campaigns & AdsSummary of what you get from this course :Know about WordPress web development.WordPress Online hosting, Domains & subdomains.how to optimize images & create creative Art direction with photoshop.Master the brand new Brizy page builder.how to web design your own beautiful Modern Responsive website using WordPress.You will know how to design web pages, menus, sidebars, footers. Apply Design rules to create professional, beautiful, Modern website for any purpose.You will know how to set up contact pages & WordPress contact form.how to set up email opt-in forms throughout your website for email marketing.how to find and install plugins.Publish articles on your Wordpress website & establish a blogComplete Woocommerce WordPress eCommerce plugin tutorial.Build an online 24/7 WordPress eCommerce store.learn to create discount coupons & sale offers.How to convert your website into https secure (encrypted connection & SEO ranking development).How to master your online store in all details ( shipping, tax, payments..etc).how to back up your WordPress website in case of an emergency.increase SEO ranking for your website with Analytics, webmaster tool & SEO plugins.You will know how to speed up your website's performance with caching plugins.how to build official professional domain emails.WordPress website migration and moving sites to different hosts and servers.Learn how to Create facebook Campaigns & Advertisements.Learn how to use facebook pixel for tracking your Ads.How to create facebook e-commerce store page.How to link your facebook page to your Website for business branding & Marketing.I tried to make this WordPress web development course so concentrated straight to the point making it so complete in the shortest possible time editing all the loading boring times or excluding all the bla bla that is not going to be useful to the students.The Instructor is What Makes the course so special, Right?Khalil Ibrahim is a Chief designer who promoted to that title after working in many international advertising agencies with experience over 15 years in the design field and using different design tools including WordPress. Besides traveling around the world learning about different Design Schools, Trends & Art Directions. and who really cared to not only make sure you understand WordPress, technicals & concepts but Also to really learn it in a creative way and to use it Artistically like a Creative professional.Enroll Now & Build Your Professional Creative Website Today!"
Price: 99.99

Terraform |
"Terraform HashiCorp infrastructure as code Terraform (AWSAzureGoogle Cloud Platform) (e.x. GrafanaInfluxDB ...)Sass(e.x. GitHub,GitLab...) Terraform Providers ...Terraform infrastructure Data Center Cloud Terraform TerraformTerraformAWSTerraformTerraformconfiguration languagecommandsprovidersdatasourcestatebackendsprovisionersmodulesTerraform AWS TerraformVPCEC2RDSSecurity GroupsAutoscaling & Load BalancersPackerDocker on AWSEBSECR...Terraform CloudTerraform CloudTerraform Cloud...BonusAWS(AWS Solution Architect)"
Price: 29.99

"Xamarin Forms y SQLite para Android, iOS y UWP 2020" |
"Aprende a utilizar SQLite en tus aplicaciones basadas en Xamarin Forms, para que puedas guardar informacin localmente.En este curso, iremos desde 0, creando un modelo desde el cual, aprenderemos a crear un repositorio para llevar a cabo las operaciones CRUD contra nuestra base de datos.Posteriormente, crearemos una aplicacin demostrativa, donde utilizaremos el repositorio desde la interfaz grfica, para llevar a cabo la ejecucin de las operaciones CRUD contra la base de datos.Finalmente, he aadido un conjunto de videos finales, donde doy tips y toco temas que seguramente te parecern interesantes y que son de suma importancia para llevar a cabo operaciones adicionales, tales como la creacin de repositorios genricos, o la creacin de mtodos que nos permitan filtrar datos a partir de una expresin lambda."
Price: 24.99

"SwiftUI pour iOS 14, iPadOS 14 et macOS 11" |
"Connaissez vous les bases de Swift et le la programmation Objet?Avez vous dj dvelopp des applications pour iOS avec Swift?Voulez vous apprendre le dernier framework d'Apple?Ce cours sur SwiftUI est donc fait pour vous.Nous apprendrons ensemble pas pas comment crer des applications avec le dernier Framework d'Apple sorti en Juin 2019 et mis jour en juin 2020.C'est une toute nouvelle faon de programmer pour iOS, avec un framework fluide, clair, dclaratif et concis. Vous n'aurez qu'a vous proccuper des fonctionnalits, SwiftUI s'occupe du reste.Nous verrons les nouveauts de la WWDC de 2020 comme par exemple les LazyVGrid, le DataFlow, les applications multiplateformes.J'ai pour ce cours eu une nouvelle faon de procder avec en version texte un rcapitulatif de chaque vido thorique. Nous aurons aussi des exercices pour mettre en pratique tout ce que nous avons vu. Car vous le savez bien, si vous voulez intgrer au mieux la programmation, il faut pratiquer au quotidien.iOS 14 est encore en beta, ce cours aura de nouveaux ajouts de sections en fonction des nouveauts.Je vous attends Nombreux sur le cours et je vous dit trs vite"
Price: 199.99

"Crer un game asset" |
"Dans cette nouvelle formation en ligne, je vous propose de raliser un projet complet sur la cration d'un objet 3D destin aux jeux vidos (game asset) et l'illustration 3D. On va utiliser les techniques que l'on pourrait appliquer au sein d'un studio de production.En effet, nous allons combiner plusieurs logiciels pour modliser, sculpter, texturer et raliser le rendu final.Au programme de cette formation Crer un Game assetModlisation des versions low et et high poly de notre objet sous Blender 3D,UVMAPPING de l'objet sous Blender 3D,Export de notre objet pour la sculpture avec ZBrush,Prparation des objets pour l'export vers Substance Painter,Texturing complet sous Substance Painter,Rendu final avec Marmoset Vous l'aurez compris, une formation complte pour acqurir des comptences professionnelles de cration de game assets.Les fichiers de travail sont fournis avec la formation. Et je reste votre disposition pour toutes vos questions dans le salon d'entraide de ce cours.Bon tuto !"
Price: 19.99

"Coding for beginners with C#" |
"C-SHARP (C#) is a general purpose, multi-paradigm programming language developed by Microsoft that runs on the .NET Framework. C# is widely used for building mobile applications, games and windows applications.C# is an object-oriented programming language. In Object-Oriented Programming methodology, a program consists of various objects that interact with each other by means of actions. The actions that an object may take are called methods. Objects of the same kind are said to have the same type or, are said to be in the same class.A C# program consists of the following parts Namespace declarationA classClass methodsClass attributesA Main methodStatements and ExpressionsCommentWhat You Will Learn :Setup C# Development EnvironmentCreate a Windows Form ApplicationCreate an ASP.NET ApplicationCreate a Console ApplicationCreate your own Web Browser with C#Create a Digital Clock"
Price: 19.99

"FLUTTER ve FIREBASE ile Mobil Uygulamalar Gelitirelim" |
"FLUTTER ve FIREBASE ile Mobil Uygulamalar Gelitiriyoruz.Flutter'n temel konular ile firebase'in temel konularn bu kursta rendikten sonra Instagram benzeri sosyal medya uygulamas gelitireceiz. Authentication, Database ve Resim ykleme ilemlerini bu uygulama ile reneceiz.Flutter konularna yabancysanz hi sorun deil nk bu kurs kurulum ve temel flutter konularn anlatarak balyor. Temel konular rendikten sonra uygulamalar zerinden hem flutter hem de firebase bilginizi bir st seviyeye karacaksnz.Gelitireceimiz UygulamalarBreaking Bad UygulamasBreaking Bad api'sini kullanarak restful api'den veri ekme ilemleriFirebase - Cloud Firestore kullanarak bilgileri kaydetme, listeleme, gncelleme ve silme ilemleriHarici paketleri kullanarak animasyon oluturma, spinner oluturma, fade effect verme ilemleriRandom Chat UygulamasFlutter animasyonlar kavrama ve zel animasyon oluturmaFirebase Authentication ile kullanc ilemleriFirebase - Cloud Firestore ile veri ilemleriFirebase - Cloud Firestore ile verileri sralama ve gvenlik kurallarImage-Blog Uygulamas Firebase Authetication ile kullanc ilemleri Firebase RealTime Database ile veri kaydetme,listeleme ilemleriFirebase Cloud Storage ile Resim kaydetme ilemleri"
Price: 409.99

"Adobe After Effects CC 2020" |
"SO, YOURE LOOKING FOR A COURSE THAT WILL TEACH YOU ADOBE AFTER EFFECTS CC 2020 QUICKLY & IN A FUN MANNER?Ive got just the course for you!Welcome, my name is Josh Werner with Learn Tech Plus and Ive put this course together to help people just like you quickly master Adobe After Effects...Whether youre a beginner or experienced with existing Adobe Applications!If your goal is to become a user of Adobe After Effects, then this course is perfect for you. It will get you started on the right path and give you the knowledge and skills you need to Adobe After Effects...Learning Adobe After Effects is Not only for Experienced users, but also everyone else. Because when you have master Adobe After Effects, you get around your profile and easily install applications to your computer versus having to get someone else to do it for you which can cost both time and money!In short, a good understanding of Adobe After Effects is tremendously beneficial.Now, in this course, we'll go far beyond that. By the end of it, you'll have gained complete proficiency in Adobe Premiere Pro even if you're currently a complete beginner!THATS RIGHT...NO PRIOR EXPERIENCE OR KNOWLEDGE IS REQUIRED!You dont need any previous experience or knowledge to take this course. In fact, all you need is a desire to learn and master Adobe After Effects.This is not one of those courses that will throw too much at you at once and cause you to get overwhelmed. This is a course that youll not only learn so much from, but also enjoy the journey as youre learning (which is a very important part of the learning process)The course will take you by the hand and teach you everything you need to know step by step and even put your knowledge to practice immediately by showing you how to setup an account in Adobe After Effects and How to Download the Adobe After Effects Application.On top of this, you will also get my continuous support as well to make sure youre successful with my course.LEARN ADOBE ADOBE AFTER EFFECTS BY DOING! (LEARN TO INSTALL ADOBE AFTER EFFECTS FROM SCRATCH!)We will go step by step and cover Adobe After Effects. The goal here is to help youA) Setup an Account with a 7 Day Free Trial which after is PaidB) Be able to Download and Install Adobe After EffectsHeres what well cover in the course:1. Well start from the very beginning and explain what Adobe After Effects is, why & how its used.2. Install some of the software well be using all throughout the course.3. Introduce you to Adobe After Effects4. Welcome Page5. Preferences6. Main Menu7. Tools ENROLL NOW ID LOVE TO SEE YOU INSIDE THE COURSE AND HELP YOU LEARN ADOBE AFTER EFFECTS CC 2020!"
Price: 199.99

"The Chemical Engineer's Reference Folder" |
"Dear students,We are proud to announce you the release of our new technical folder : The most complete guide of its kind. We decided to call it :THE CHEMICAL ENGINEERS REFERENCE FOLDER !This unique folder provides well-organized technical data in form of comprehensive tables, charts and diagrams.324 pages including more than 90 tables, 120 charts and 70 diagrams which are ESSENTIAL to the Oil & Gas, Petrochemical and Chemical Industries.The preparation of this folder was a joint effort of WR training engineers who compiled data, charts and diagrams for which they were especially qualified and possess valuable experience.So with no further ado, check out the table of content and the folder presentation video then make an informed decision.WHAT TOPICS ARE COVERED IN THIS FOLDER :These comprehensive charts and diagrams cover many important engineering fields :- PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF PURE SUBSTANCES- VAPOR PRESSURE- PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF WATER AND STEAM- SPECIFIC HEAT- ENTHALPY- VISCOSITY- THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY- DENSITY OF LIQUIDS- BEHAVIOUR OF GASES AND COMPRESSION- LIQUID VAPOR EQUILIBRIUM- COMBUSTION- FLUID DYNAMICS- CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS- HEAT TRANSFER AND HEAT EXCHANGERS- COMPRESSORS- PROPERTIES RELATIVE TO THE PETROLEUM CUTS- DISTILLATION, ABSORPTION AND STRIPPING- SAFETY- CONVERSION TABLESWHO THIS TECHNICAL FOLDER IS FOR ?This folder as the name suggests, was prepared mainly for two groups of readers :- Petroleum and chemical engineering students- Chemical engineers whose major interest is gas and petroleum production, refining and processing operationsINSTRUCTION TO DOWNLOAD THE CHEMICAL ENGINEER'S REFERENCE FOLDER :1. Upon enrolling in, expand the first section ""ABOUT THE CHEMICAL ENGINEER'S REFERENCE FOLDER""2. Under the lecture ""Overview of the folder"", click on the folder ""resources""3. Click on ""THE CHEMICAL ENGINEER'S REFERENCE FOLDER""4. A download window will open. Select the location where you want to save the pdf file5. Once downloaded and saved on your computer, you can start using the fileENJOY THIS AMAZING FOLDER :-)WR TrainingSpread the wings of your knowledge"
Price: 124.99

maeda-pptx |
"......Point13OK......OK3Point233OKUdemyMicrosoft365 PowerPointWindowsMac"
Price: 10800.00

MQL5: |
"MetaQuotes Language 5 (MQL5) - , MetaTrader 5. MQL5 , , - . - MQL5 , . MQL5 , , MetaTrader 5. - MQL5 , , , MetaTrader 5. MQL5 , , . MetaEditor, , , , , , MQL5 Storage. MetaTrader 5, . MQL5 Wizard, . ."
Price: 99.99

artificial-intelligence-data-science |
"Python 3: , , Python 3 .Python - , . , Python , , . Python - . , , . - IBM Watson Watson Assistant. IBM Watson . , , . Keras TensorFlow."
Price: 99.99

"VHDL for an FPGA Engineer with Vivado Design Suite" |
"This Course will teach you Fundamentals of VHDL which every VLSI Job aspirant must know before appearing for the Recruitment process or anyone interested in FPGA's. The course will explore various VHDL constructs through real system examples along with assignments, quizzes to enhance learning. Each module consists of some discussion on common interview questions to create a framework for Interview preparation. The entire course is taught using the Xilinx Vivado Design Suite to give practical exposure with Industry's most popular Toolsets."
Price: 1920.00

"Estimating And Costing" |
"Welcome to Estimating And Costing online training course.This course is a field oriented course and contains real examples and a full fledge real project for better understanding After successful completion of this course, you will be able to Estimate Building Project,Earth Work ,Sewer line And Manhole.Major Topics That We Will Learn In This Course: Estimate And Its Types How to Create Abstract Of Quantity And Abstract Of Cost In Excel Method Of Detailed Estimate Estimate Of I Wall L Wall T Wall F Wall E Wall H Wall U O And D Wall Estimate Of Two Room With Short Wall And Long Wall Method Estimate Of Two Rooms With Center-line Method Estimate Of Earth Work With Different Methods (Like Mean Area And Mean Depth Method ) Road Estimate How To Find Out Material Like (Cement Sand Coarse Aggregates And BricksRate Analysis Of Different Works:Rate Analysis For Concrete Rate Analysis For Masonry WorkRate Analysis For Plaster WorkRate Analysis For Tile Work Rate Analysis For Paint WorkSewer Line And Manhole Estimate Of Sewer Line Estimate Of Manhole Estimate Of Soakage PitR.C.C Work Esitmate Of R.C.C Footing And Columns Estimate Of Beam And Slab Barbending Schedule Basics B.B.S For Foundation Columns Beams And SlabExcel Training Material Statement In Excel Excel Training For Beginners"
Price: 24.99

"Como criar seu site com Wordpress mesmo sem saber programar" |
"Neste curso voc vai aprender como criar um site para seu trabalho, seu negcio, seu hobby, sua arte, mesmo sem saber programaoAs aulas so objetivas e organizadas passo por passo de uma forma fcil de entender, gravadas diretamente da tela do computador.A principal ideia desse curso que voc consiga fazer um site e colocar o seu projeto para funcionar de forma rpida, utilizando os recursos que j existem, sem precisar programar."
Price: 294.99

Google |
"GoogleGoogleGoogleGoogle2GoogleGoogle1GmailGoogleGoogle DriveGoogle1Google"
Price: 3600.00

"PMI PMP PMI CAPM, , . , , . 15-20 , . , . !"
Price: 19.99

"Funcionalidades avanados com XCP-ng o hypervisor COMPLETO" |
"O hypervisor XCP-ng um virtualizador completo onde vrios recursos avanados esto disponveis para a utilizao. Completamente gratuito, esse hypervisor uma soluo completamente robusta e segura para ambiente complexos.Esse curso vai lhe proporcionar um viso completas das funcionalidades, alm, de serem realizadas e laboratrio para verificar a funcionalidade do mesmo."
Price: 39.99

"Cisco 300-510 and 300-535 Exams : Practice Tests 2020" |
"Welcome to the practice test for exam Cisco 300-510 and 300-535 Exams : Practice Tests 2020 Implementing Cisco Service Provider Advanced Routing Solutions (300-510 SPRI) ExamThis exam (300-510 SPRI) tests a candidate's knowledge of implementing service provider advanced routing technologies including routing protocols, policy language, MPLS, and segment routing.The Implementing Cisco Service Provider Advanced Routing Solutions exam is a 90-minute exam associated with the CCNP Service Provider Certification.300-510 SPRI Certification Exam improve the following topics skills questions:1. Unicast Routing Compare OSPF and IS-IS routing protocolsTroubleshoot OSPF multiarea operations (IPv4 and IPv6)Troubleshoot IS-IS multilevel operations (IPv4 and IPv6)Describe the BGP scalability and performanceTroubleshoot BGPDescribe IPv6 tunneling mechanismsImplement fast convergence2. Multicast Routing Compare multicast concepts Describe multicast concepts Implement PIM-SM operations Troubleshoot multicast routing3. Routing Policy and ManipulationCompare routing policy language and route mapsDescribe conditional matchingTroubleshoot route manipulation for IGPsTroubleshoot route manipulation for BGP4. MPLS and Segment Routing Troubleshoot MPLS Implement segment routing Describe segment routing traffic engineering Describe segment routing v6 (SRv6)Automating and Programming Cisco Service Provider Solutions (300-535 SPAUTO) ExamThis exam (300-535 SPAUTO) tests a candidate's knowledge of implementing service provider automated solutions, including programming concepts, orchestration, programming OS, and automation tools.300-535 SPAUTO Certification Exam improve the following topics skills questions:1. Network Programmability Foundation Utilize common version control operations with git (add, clone, push, commit, diff, branching, and merging conflict)Describe characteristics of API styles (REST and RPC)Describe the challenges encountered and patterns used when consuming APIs synchronously and asynchronouslyInterpret Python scripts containing data types, functions, classes, conditions, and loopingDescribe the benefits of Python virtual environmentsExplain the benefits of using network configuration tools such as Ansible and Puppet for automating IOS XE or IOS XR platforms2. Automation APIs and ProtocolsDescribe the characteristics and use of YANG Data Models (OpenConfig, IETF, and Vendor)Describe common HTTP authentication mechanisms (basic, token, and oauth)Compare common data types (JSON, XML, YAML, plain text, gRPC, and protobuf)Identify the JSON instance based on a YANG modelIdentify the XML instance based on a YANG modelInterpret a YANG module tree generated by pyangImplement configuration and operation management using RESTCONF protocolImplement configuration and operation management using NETCONF protocolCompare the NETCONF datastores3. Network Device ProgrammabilityDeploy device configuration and validate operational state using ncclientConstruct a Python script using NETCONF with YDKDeploy device configuration and validate operational state using NetMikoDeploy device configuration and validate operational state using Ansible playbooksCompare gNMI with NETCONFConstruct a Python script using RESTCONF with JSONConstruct Xpath notation for a given node or instance of a nodeDiagnose model-driven dial-in/-out telemetry streams with gRPC for a Cisco IOS XR4. Automation and Orchestration PlatformsDescribe ETSI NFVDescribe NSO architectureIdentify the benefits of NSOConstruct a Python script to configure a device using NSO RESTCONF APIDescribe the management and automation of Cisco ESC componentsImplement XR traffic controller (including topology information transfer to XTC)Identify the uses of Cisco WAE Construct a service template using NSO Deploy a service package using NSOThis practice test will help you prepare for the real exam test environment with New Updated questions .This is an Unofficial course and this course is not affiliated, licensed or trademarked with Cisco in any way.Best of luck for your exam !!"
Price: 29.99

"Vine Cardigan Knitting TutorialVine" |
"Vine CardiganThe aim of this course is to guide you through the English knitting pattern of Vine Cardigan by Mika handmade, a process during which you would learn relevant knitting English and stitches. Pronunciation will be a focus of this course. Stitch techniques may vary among knitting instructors, so if you can grasp the productions, you will have access to plenty of knitting videos.The course content does NOT include knitting patterns. You can purchase it directly from the designer Irene Lin (shop links available in Course Introduction)"
Price: 114.99

"Como vender produtos, servios, projetos, propostas, ideias" |
"A competncia para vender chave para o sucesso para a maioria das pessoas nos tempos modernos, de alta competitividade em todas as reas. Ela fundamental no s para profissionais diretamente ligados a vendas, mas tambm para:Profissionais de servios que negociam projetos com organizaes parceiras.Profissionais de atividades autnomas - consultores, advogados, coachers, produtores de contedo, etc.Profissionais do ambiente acadmico que negociam projetos com instituies de fomento pequisa ou de outros tipos. Profissionais da rea de projetos sociais, lderes de ONGs, produtores culturais. Executivos de todas as reas.Profissionais que atuam em organizaes e tenham de ""vender"" internamente seus projetos e ideias. Enfim, se ilude quem pensa que basta produzir um bom projeto para as coisas acontecerem. Algum ter de vender - e ningum far isso por voc melhor que voc. Portanto, desenvolver essa habilidade essencial para quem quer crescer.Este curso, voltado integralmente para a prtica, trata de conceitos simples e de prticas consagradas que contribuem para formulao de uma boa estratgia de vendas e para uma execuo eficiente dessa. Embora curto, cobre os tpicos essenciais para pessoa que deseja melhorar sua habilidade de vender - produtos, servios, projetos, ideias. Os conceitos e prticas discutidos se aplicam em todos os tipos de vendas, formam uma base do processo de vender. Tanto podem ser aplicados em vendas pela internet, de diferentes modalidades, quanto podem ser aplicados em vendas pessoais face a face, na loja, no supermercado, na rua, ou no processo porta a porta. Em todas as atividades, em todas as circunstncias, pois trata da essncia. um curso que ensina aquele pouco que faz muita diferena para pessoas que no so da rea, mas tm de vender seus produtos, projetos, ideias. Todos entendero sem dificuldade e podero ter ganhos significativos para suas carreiras."
Price: 39.99

"Autoafirmao profissional e pessoal" |
"Conquistar o respeito fundamental para uma vida mais produtiva e feliz. Muitas pessoas deixam de aproveitar as oportunidades que a vida lhes traz por no saberem expressar seus reais sentimentos e aspiraes, por no saber dizer no, por no se fazerem ouvidas. Essa condio pode mudar, se houver real vontade de aprendizado. O comportamento assertivo, afirmativo, como tudo na vida, pode e deve ser aprendido. Esse curso traz conceitos fundamentais para essa mudana."
Price: 39.99

"A Complete Guide to WebSockets" |
"WebSockets technology is a bidirectional, full-duplex protocol for communication between client and server over the web. It has been standardized in 2011 and it's fully compatible with HTTP. This protocol enables realtime applications such as chatting, notifications, live feed, multiplayer gaming, and other use cases. In this course, you will learn what the WebSocket protocol is and why it was invented. You learn the pros and cons of WebSockets and when to use it. You will also learn how to horizontally scale and secure WebSockets in your applications and be able to build a real-time multiplayer game and chatting application. This course also has a special section that discusses advanced WebSockets topics such as HTTP/2 and how the protocol looks in Wireshark."
Price: 199.99

"Acesso Remoto com AnyDesk" |
"Neste curso, voc aprender como acessar computadores remotamente atravs da internet e ofertar servios aos seus clientes. Aprender a baixar o AnyDesk, instalar, configurar, usar o bate-papo da ferramenta, transferir arquivos, usar o computador remotamente e mais. AnyDesk uma ferramenta de acesso remoto que permite que voc acesse outro computador conectado a internet, em qualquer lugar do mundo, como se voc estivesse l presencialmente. Voc pode acessar o computador da sua empresa e trabalhar em casa, ter acesso aos arquivos, configurar computador de clientes sem sair de casa, ajudar seu irmo a fazer uma correo no documento que est escrevendo, ajudar sua me a achar aquela receita na internet, acessando o computador dela e abrindo o navegador. So vrias formas de utilizar o acesso remoto. Espero que goste. Seja bem-vindo."
Price: 39.99

"Curso de Aconselhamento Pastoral" |
"A grande vantagem que voc ter ao adquirir o nosso produto um grande conhecimento na Palavra de Deus, tendo em vista que o escritor reuniu as suas melhores pesquisas na rea teologia em Aconselhamento Pastoral e psicologia ministerial e as reuniu em uma linguagem de fcil compreenso para sua clientela."
Price: 39.99

"Formao em Missionrio" |
"O nosso Curso de Misses e Evangelismo capacitara ao pastor que esteja no ministrio h vrios anos, bem como o que esteja iniciando e buscando conhecimento e experincia na rea missionria.O nosso propsito promover o Reino de Deus na face da terra, bem como dar oportunidade aqueles que desejamo ter uma experincia pessoal com o Senhor e ao mesmo tempo uma comunho com os demais membros do Ministrio Pastoral e Ministrio Missionrio.Que o Senhor vos abenoe rica e abundantemente nessa viajem espiritual no transcorrer das aulas que esto sendo ministradas pelo Pastor Robson Colao de Lucena."
Price: 39.99

"Visual AI" |
"TensorFlowChainerDon't think! Just feel!BGMBGM"
Price: 4200.00

"PyTorchPython RNNEncoder DecoderRNN LSTMGRUEncoderDecoder: A. /: BGM: Apple"
Price: 4800.00

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"Udemy for business"
Price: 9600.00

"Conditional GAN" |
"(GAN)GANPyTorchCycleGANStyleGAN CycleGANStyleGAN"
Price: 2400.00
