"Yoga & Meditation for Wellbeing: 15m a day for Stress Relief" |
"Enjoy 18+ videos, of guided 10-20 minute yoga sessions and a 15 min Yoga Philosophy lecture to establish a daily yoga & meditation practice, at home or work. Yoga improves flexibility, strength, balance, energy and gives peace of mind. Meditation & yogic breathing exercises (pranayama) improves the ability to focus, brings clarity and gives a deep sense of inner peace. Sessions vary, from active yoga asanas (poses), to gentle & chair yoga (no standing poses) and includes guided yogic relaxation, breathing (pranayama) and meditation sessions for stress management, filmed in serene, beautiful and magical nature settings in Bryce Canyon, Utah, Joshua Tree & Sedona. Receive the numerous benefits of yoga with a short daily practice. Yoga is for everyone! Yoga for Wellbeing Course:* 15-20 min each for daily practice* Unlimited access & self-paced* Yoga, Meditation, Stress Management & Gentle Yoga*9 other yoga, Chair Yoga & meditation courses currently availableTaught by Stacie, Dooreck, Author of SunLight Chair Yoga and Yoga for Everyone! books, Certified Yoga instructor since 1995, Bay Area office yoga instructor and creator of the 35 hr online SunLight Chair Yoga teacher training."
Price: 69.99

"Apache Spark" |
"Sparka, , . , Sparka. Spark ."
Price: 199.99

"Python -" |
"PythonPythonPython Python * WindowsMac* * Python * * * * ListTuple* (Dictionary)youtube Google* * * * * * * * K* * RyanCode Gym HahowJavaUdemy PythonYoutuberAT2020 usb+"
Price: 49.99

"Improve Your Handwriting: Better Form, Legibility, & Speed" |
"In this class, we'll covera writing sample and inspiration to improve forma writing sample and inspiration to improve legibilitya writing sample and inspiration to improve speed, andreview recent research findings on why handwriting is good for your brainI'll demonstrate paper positions and grips, and we'll go over how to analyze your style with an actual live (non-scripted!) student on camera.I'll also encourage you to take on a beginners mindset. To see your handwriting improve, following along this class one time will probably not yield significant improvement - you will have to continue practicing in your own time to get the new handwriting style into your muscle memory. But, the effort is worth it. Picking up a pen and writing with your hand can help you: organize your thoughts and ideas, recall important information, calm your mind, connect to your intuition, and feed your inner artist. And, like any other exercise you practice regularly, you will get much better at it over time. I hope you'll join me."
Price: 49.99

"Master Tattoo Class Part 2" |
"Part 2 of my Tattoo Master Class. Part one was taught on fake skin, and Part 2 is lessons on darker skin. Students will learn shading techniques and tricks by Kevo, a professional tattooist and Artist, marketing, different needle use and more. There are several lessons that are taught on audio, where you watch the video and listen to the lecture .IG: @KevoArtsYoutube: Kevo Show"
Price: 29.99

"How to Create Coloring Books in PowerPoint Self-Publishing" |
"Have you dreamed of building a self-publishing business? Do you want to publish new books quickly and easily? If so, this course is for you. In it, youll learn to design fun, beautiful, and profitable coloring books in PowerPoint.Coloring books are one of the most popular types of books, for good reason. We all need a way to relax and unwind, and coloring is a wonderful way to do that. One problem with many of the coloring books that you'll see online is that they use stock images, so many of the books are duplicates of other books.The best way to stand out in the crowded coloring book field is to design your own coloring books. The great news is, this is super easy to do in PowerPoint - even if like me, you can't draw.In this course you'll discover:How to Create Coloring Books in PowerPointLow-Content Book CreationWhere to Find Images for Your Coloring BooksHow to Combine Shapes and Icons to Create Coloring PagesHow to Turn Photographs into Coloring ImagesHow to Fill Shapes and Letters with Patterns for Coloring BooksHow to Work with Vector Images in PowerPointHow to Turn Color Images into Black and White Illustrations Suitable for ColoringBy the end of this course, you'll have all the tools and information you need to easily create unique coloring books in PowerPoint, even if you have no artistic ability.So, what are you waiting for? Why not dive into this training and learn all my tips and tricks for designing coloring books in PowerPoint?"
Price: 94.99

"The Internet Marketer's Handbook" |
"""Discover the 79 Actions That You Need to Take Today That will Lead to Huge Results in Your Internet Business""Finally! An Internet Marketers Handbook that Shows You How to Gain Huge Results for your Internet BusinessThe Internet is a big place that continues to grow at a substantial rate and diversify every year.There are currently over 4 billion users on the Internet today, and more than 1.95 billion websites that, as an Internet business owner youll have to compete with.With more than 40,000 Google searches happening every second, you need to find a way to gain the attention of these potential customers.In today's 24/7 connected world, getting in front of the right customers at the right time can be a challenge.Knowing how your target audience engages with their favorite brands and the things that influence them to buy are the keys to growing your online business.The Challenges You May Be FacingUnfortunately there are some common things that could keep you from realizing the huge results youd hoped for:You have a poor or non-existent business planYou never took the time to validate your business ideaYou arent effectively marketing your businessYoure providing poor customer serviceYou havent put in the right processes for growthYoure avoiding social media because you dont think your customers are on itYoure not in touch with your customersFortunately, many of the things that youre doing, or not doing can be corrected.By taking the right actions today, you can start to turn your Internet business around so that you can achieve success.Luckily, Ive created a comprehensive manual that details the 79 actions that you need to take today that will lead you to realizing huge results in your Internet business.This comprehensive guide covers everything from validating your business idea, to transitioning your business for growth, to successfully scaling your business to grow beyond your wildest dreams.So without further ado, allow me to introduce you to:THE INTERNET MARKETER'S HANDBOOK79 Actions That Lead To Huge Results In Your Internet Business"
Price: 199.99

"Einstieg ins Customer Relationship Management" |
"ALLGEMEINKundenmanagement ist heute in Unternehmen nicht mehr wegzudenken. War es frher noch der Verkufer/Vertriebsleiter, der diese Aufgabe bernahm, sind es heute eigenstndige Positionen. Vor gut 70 Jahren konzentrierten die Unternehmen sich primr auf das Produkt sind es heute die Bedrfnisse des Kunden, die in den Fokus gerckt sind.Von daher ist ein professionelles Customer Relationship Management unerlsslich.In diesem Kurs lernen Sie die Grundlagen des CRM.INHALTWas ist CRMKundenorientierungKundenzufriedenheitReklamationenQualittsmanagementZustzlich erhalten Sie bungsaufgaben und Checklisten, um das Erlernte zu vertiefen bzw. zu berprfen, ob Sie im Unternehmen auf dem richtigen Weg sind."
Price: 49.99

"Google Web Designer & My Business Basic Practice Test" |
"Google Web Designer Basics Assessment Answers Guide Expected Passing Score: 100% PASS Guaranteed 15 Question Bank with ANSWERSGoogle My Business Basics Assessment Answers Guide Expected Passing Score: 100% PASS Guaranteed 15 Question Bank with ANSWERSWhen you purchase this Practice Test & Answer Guide you are assured of:Curriculum Matched Our Google Web Designer Basics Assessment question bank is categorized to match the official syllabus so you can work in conjunction with Google Web Designer Basics Assessment Training.Up-to-Date Subject Matter This question banks are continuously updated to ensure all questions are kept current. With our updates on a WEEKLY BASIS, you can be confident youre studying with questions that are going to match the actual exams content."
Price: 19.99

"Azure Functions(Serverless) + .Net Core" |
"Bu kursumda serverless yaplar ina etmek iin azure cloud zmnn sunmu olduu Azure Functions servislerini reneceksiniz.Bu Kurs aadaki konular iermektedir.Azure Function nedir ?Azure Function'larn zellikleri nelerdir ?Azure Function Plan tipleri nelerdir ?Azure Function oluturma yntemleri nelerdir ?Azure Function Trigger Tipleri nelerdir ?Http Trigger nedir ?nasl kullanlr ?Timer Trigger nedir ? Nasl kullanlr ?Queue Trigger nedir ? Nasl kullanlr ?Blob Trigger nedir ? Nasl Kullanlr ?Cosmos Db Trigger nedir ? Nasl kullanlr ?Input ve Output Binding nedir ?Input ve Output Binding ile azure servisleriyle nasl haberleilir ?Azure Function'larda Dependency Injection nasl kullanlr ?Azure Function Yetkilendirme yntemleri nelerdir ?Azure Function ile Entity Framework nasl kullanlr ?"
Price: 119.99

"Golang Web de cero (Ajax + JSON + PostgreSQL + Bootstrap 5)" |
"Bienvenido al curso completo de Golang donde aprenderas de cero a crear una aplicacin web , iremos desde como definir una variable , crear nuestro servidor hasta el manejo de la web con Golang . Uno de los lenguajes ms poderosos y demandados hoy en dia. Veremos como hacer un listado , consultas , insertar , actualizar , eliminacin logica y fisica (Manejo de CRUD) . Realizar llamadas asincronas , ademas de JSON para el transporte de la informacin"
Price: 24.99

"DP-300 Administering Relational Databases on Microsoft Azure" |
"Hello, everyone!Prepare yourself to Face the Exam by practising on examwalk into the Testing Center with confidence after preparing our packageThe Question Numbers can be changed frequently as soon as another version becomes available.PRACTICE EXAM QUESTIONS WITH VERIFIED ANSWERSThis Test is Designed by our IT Specialist to students to pass DP-300 exam easilyPractice and trial make your official test error-free and easy also build confidence or give an idea about what type of questions can be made by the examiner and how we attempt well This Practice is to help you to achieve your IT CertificationMoney-Back Guarantee in 30 days""You belong with champions. There's no stopping you. I wish you the very best in your coming exam"" DP-300 Administering Relational Databases on Microsoft AzureThis exam covers all the topicsPlan and implement data platform resources (15-20%)Implement a secure environment (15-20%)Monitor and optimize operational resources (15-20%)Optimize query performance (5-10%)Perform automation of tasks (10-15%)Plan and implement a High Availability and Disaster Recovery (HADR) environment (15-20%)Perform administration by using T-SQL (10-15%)"
Price: 29.99

"Singing Bowls and Gongs for Meditative Sound Baths" |
"Finally, a practical guide to meet your goal of presenting dynamic meditative sound baths! No one has spelled it out like this before. This is a QUICK START program! I have provided you with FREE scripts and outlines for sound meditations throughout the training so you can get out there and start creating peace in the world with your sound healing instruments.Just think, you can provide a perfect escape from the modern stresses of life for lots of people. Learn where to find your audiences, and how to play in certain venues. Curious about how to keep an audience captivated for 75 minutes? How about how to ""sound-craft"" your instruments to maximize their sound healing potential? Marketing suggestions are also included. Best of all, valuable tips and tricks for creating memorable concerts to keep people coming back again and again. Even if you have just a few instruments, you can certainly create impact and positive change in the world with your unique sound bath. This video can show you how."
Price: 119.99

vrefiki-diatrofi |
". ; ; ; !, , .To webinar , , ( ) . 2 , ."
Price: 84.99

"How to Build a Chatbot Without Coding from beginner to Pro" |
"In this course, you will:(i) identify the Business Opportunities of Chatbots.(ii) learn how to build an entire Chatbot from beginning to end using professional techniques I will be showing you.(iii) master the different components used in building a truly functional Chatbot.(iv) learn how to train your chatbot to understand users and reply with a unique answer.(v) build a fully functional chatbot from scratch(vi) deploy Chatbots on Websites and(vii) receive bonus resources you can take advantage of after the course."
Price: 19.99

"Curso Google Ads (Adwords) com Foco em Pequeno Oramento" |
"O Google Ads (antigo Adwords) maior ferramenta de publicidade do mundo, conectando milhares de negcios com momentos cruciais na jornada de compra de seus clientes. Se usado corretamente ele tem o potencial de ser o maior motor de crescimento de uma empresa. No entanto, uma plataforma complexa e - se voc no entende a parte tcnica - em pouco tempo pode perder seu investimento sem trazer resultado algum. particularmente difcil para pequenos negcios: sem oramento suficiente para contar com profissionais qualificados e sem tempo para investir e entender a ferramenta em profundidade.Esse curso para voc que precisa dar um passo decisivo para comear a divulgar seu produto, mas precisa fazer valer cada real investido em publicidade.A concorrncia nos resultados de busca nunca foi to alta: aprenda os processos para ter diferenciais competitivos reais, atingir seu pblico de forma eficiente e fazer seu negcio acontecer!Diferenciais do cursoCurso com processo e metodologias proprietrias, com foco em ao e resultado, voc ter acesso ao conhecimento e experincia de um dos primeiros profissionais do mundo a anunciar no Google Ads. um curso que atende tanto quem no conhece a ferramenta quanto quem j tem conhecimento intermedirio, sempre otimizando o seu tempo com foco naquilo que realmente far a diferena.Em todo caso, voc sempre pode contar com um guia de 17 pginas explicando os principais conceitos dos vdeos, alm de um checklist completo em PDF para voc no esquecer de nenhuma prtica na hora de configurar as campanhas.Ateno! Esse um curso voltado para uma primeira campanha na rede de pesquisa do Google Ads. No inclui Google Shopping ou GDN (Google Display Network), que pouco recomendada para um estgio inicial. Menos mais: vamos focar - muitas vezes em profundidade e com exerccios prticos - somente nas tcnicas necessrias para maximizar seus primeiros resultados.No perca a oportunidade de acessar mais de 13 anos de experincia em Google Ads, com metodologia nica para rentabilizar ao mximo seu oramento!"
Price: 99.99

"Brand New Over-The-Shoulder Video Series On How To Sell Your Digital Videos On Amazon.If youre a creative person who loves making video content, do you know that you can turn your passion into a steady flow of passive income?No, Im not talking about getting paid for the ads that run before your videos or in the middle of your videos that annoys your audiences.Im talking aboutGetting Paid By People Who Really Watch & Enjoy Your Videos.Just like how a movie producer gets a profit.Imagine, how good it is if you can turn your movies, short video clips, or even your existing Youtube videos into an ongoing passive income for a lifetime!Sounds great, right?Does that sound interesting to you?If so then, I've got 3 words for you: Amazon Video DirectTurn Your Passion Into A Source Of Passive IncomeAmazon Video Direct is the new Amazon program that lets you get paid for every single video content you upload.Heres how you can get paid:Royalties based on hours streamed by Amazon Prime membersRevenue share for rentals, purchases, and monthly channelsAd impressionsA combination of all of themSee? Amazon gives you the flexibility to choose how to monetize your videos.And thats just for the starters, heres even more good news for youThere are more than 56 million Amazon Prime users that you can easily reach.You hear me 56 millions of active users!But hang on, thats not all!There are also 250 millions of people who can watch your videos right on the Amazon website itself.Guess what that meansMassive Distribution = A Lot More MoneyYou should be so excited right now so dont let this exciting opportunity pass you by!Get started now, and Ill show you the exact step-by-step to get started with Amazon Video Direct - easily and quickly.Why You Need To Get Started Now:An innovative platform that is completely free to use, no charges on you whatsoever.Reach a broader International audience with Amazon Video Direct.Absolute control over the backend Amazon platform and the digital video content that is uploaded to it.Publish on Amazon Video Direct and keep track of your true earnings and insights.Make changes to your project and or content anytime.And the list goes on and on.Selling your videos on Amazon will bring your business to the next level and that is why I decided to come up with this unique over the shoulder video series to get you started very quickly with it.IntroducingSell Digital Videos On AmazonHow To Harness The Power Of Amazon Video DirectTheres nothing like this video series.Watch as I show you how to get started on Amazon Video Direct and sell your videos for passive income.I reveal my best tips for using some unknown tactics that only a few elite few knows.You get to see everything. I explain everything to you.There will be no guesswork.All you need is just a short hour of your time to learn everything and youd be ready to get started with it instantly."
Price: 19.99

"Microsoft Office 365 - Work smarter and more productive" |
"Do you want to work faster?Brand New Over-The-Shoulder Video Series On How To Organize & Work Smarter With Office 365.Do you feel that youre lacking behind and you want to accomplish more with the little time you have?What if you can organize better and work smarter so that you can enjoy more free time?If youve given this a thought and you want to find a solution......then this will be the most important letter you will ever read.Organize Better. Work Smarter.Accomplish More.So you want to know whats the fastest and most convenient way to improve your productivity and have more free time?Theres one software that you absolutely need to use to get it doneIn two words: OFFICE 365.Thats right.Its the best office management software you can have available.Its the GOLD standard for organizing and managing your information in the business world.But thats not all.Its super easy to use and its very flexible.85 Million MonthlyActive Users.Before we go any further, let me give you some insights about Office 3651. Office 365 is the latest version of Microsoft Office. This latest version is cloud-based, meaning it is available online and offline.2. Office 365 runs on Windows 7 or higher and OS X 10.5.8 and higher.3. Just like the previous version of Microsoft Office, the Home Premium version of Office 365 comes with Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Publisher, OneNote, and Access.4. Office 365 home premium subscribers get free 60 minutes of skype to landline calls every month.5. By the end of 2017, Office 365 had over 85 million monthly active users.6. In 2017 Microsoft posted a 35% increase in Office 365 adoption.7. With Office 365, Microsoft has taken the lead in cloud-based solution adoption. 40% of Europes organizations with over 1,000 employees chose Office 365.8. Office 365 uses OneDrive for over the distance collaborations.Why You Need To Get Started Now:Office 365 is in the cloud and that brings a whole new level of convenience.The Office 365 license is good for five devices.Office 365 comes with 27 GB of Skydrive cloud storage.Collaborations are made easier with Office 365.Work away from the office with Office 365 on your mobile.IntroducingOrganize With Office 365Boost Your ProductivityWith Office 365Theres nothing like this video series.Watch as I show you how to get started with Office 365 to organize and work smarter to boost your productivity.I reveal my best tips for using some unknown tactics that only a few elite few know.You get to see everything. I explain everything to you.There will be no guesswork.All you need is just a short hour of your time to learn everything and youd be ready to get started with it instantly.Heres What Youll Discover InsideThis Video Training:How to get started with Office 365.Learn how to get used to the interface and configure your settings.Learn how are the applications available in it and what are the options to select when doing it.Learn what is real-time co-authoring and how it can help you work faster.How to quickly and easily collaborate with other people through the office apps.How to chat with co-workers and your team members using a very easy to use the feature.How to work with links instead of sending files to other people.And so many more...--------------------------------------ADDITIONAL RESOURCES: WORK FROM HOME PRODUCTIVITYATTENTION: Struggling to work from home? Is your workload getting on top of you?""Discover How To Stay Productive Working From Home and Develop Your Mind For Success""Working from home has the potential to be amazing, but for many of us, thats not how the story goes.Working from home means there is no commute.It means that you can simply role out of bed and be in your office.It means that you can work in an environment that you designed, surrounded by things that you find inspiring.And of course, it also means that you get to decide when and how you work.Most of us spend a huge amount of time at the office not really working.We talk at the water cooler, we attend pointless meetings, and we stare at emails. We do this, because our managers expect us to be in work for a certain amount of time.And thats the culture!If you went home and just worked well then you could be finished in 2/3rds of the time. Minus a commute and you have just saved yourself hours every single day. Thats hours to spend doing things you love, to work on side projects, or to hang out with your family.But if youre reading this, then Im guessing that hasnt been your experience so far!Perhaps youre feeling trapped.Perhaps youre feeling OVERWHELMED.Suddenly, there is no one looking over your shoulder. There is no accountability and no social pressure to get things done.And asking simple questions means shooting off emails that spend days to come back.Youre feeling cooped up in the house and frankly miserable and so when the day starts, there is simply no way that you can find the motivation to sit down to work properly.The result is that youre falling behind.Youre working longer hours and youre feeling completely stressed.You feel hot all the time and you dont remember the last time you shaved!This probably isnt how you thought working online was going to go!Does This Sound Familiar? The Typical Working Day For Someone New to Working From Home (Its a Nightmare!)So what happens?You probably begin your day at 9 am (because thats sensible).But you probably got up at 8.30 am (because you could) and you, therefore, didnt have time to wash. Youre feeling grimy from the day before but youll do it later.The first thing you do next is to make yourself a cup of coffee. That takes 5 minutes. Then you check some emails, and maybe watch a video on YouTube.Its now 9.35 am and you havent done anything yet.A colleague on Slack has noticed that youve only just logged inYou open up your todo list and you see a MASSIVE list of things that you need to complete. You MIGHT have had a chance if youd started at 9 am but now youre doomed!So you work solidly until 7 pm, battling between focusing and procrastinating. You finish exhausted but still send off another email before bed.Surprise, surprise, tomorrow doesnt go any better!So What's The Solution To All This?That would be to CHANGE YOUR MINDSET.Working from home is ALL ABOUT having the right mindset. Its about shifting the way you think about work, and its about training yourself to be able to operate with an incredible focus.Imagine being able to sit down and complete a days work in 5 hours. Thats not a far-fetched fairy tale: its something that countless people can do with time and practice.You could start work at 7 am (with the discipline to get up early) and you could be finished by 12 pm! You could have the whole rest of the day free.I wrote a brand new course which shows you step-by-step how to successfully work from home, become more productive, get more done, all without going crazy.Im proud to introduce you...WORK FROM HOME PRODUCTIVITYDiscover How To Stay Productive Working From Home and Develop Your Mind For SuccessYoull benefit so much by going through this guide. Here are what you will learn in this guide:How to create accountability and stakes to motivate yourself to workHow to tackle tasks and structure your workflow for maximum productivityHow to introduce positive habits that keep you happy, healthy, and focusedHow to optimize your health, wellbeing, and other self-care tipsHow to use amazing apps that let you do more and save a HUGE amount of timeHow to create a perfect home office. What makes a productive office, what you should avoid, and what you should implement.How to start each day feeling charged and ready to goHow to take maximum advantage of the work from home lifestyle in order to spend more time doing what you loveWhy you should ""eat the whole frog"" first thing in the morningHow to overcome writer's block. We all know it's a struggle trying to write or create. Follow these tips and tricks to help you overcome writer's blockTools and software to help you collaborate with other team membersHow to organize your workspace for productivityHow to deal with isolation and loneliness working from home+ much, much more!"
Price: 19.99

"FACEBOOK LIVE For Marketers and Entrepreneurs" |
"Brand New Over-The-Shoulder Video Series On How To Profit The Largest Online Audience Using Facebook Live.Do you want to create more engagement to sell more of your products and services?If the answer is a big YES......then this will be the most important letter you will ever read.How To Engage More?Use Facebook Live.Facebook Live helps you to connect with your audience in just a few clicks.Many brands use Facebook Live as Q & A sessions to engage followers in collecting feedback about their products and services.This kind of interaction has proved to be very effective in generating a long lasting following and setting up a platform to push products.Facebook Live can be a massive source of traffic for your business.There are so many benefits in using Facebook LIVE to build and grow your business very rapidly and if you're not using it, then you're missing out big time.The Biggest Audience In TheWorld Today.Before we go any further, let me give you some insights about Facebook Live.Facebook live is a live video streaming platform that was developed in 2015. Originally it was meant to be used by top celebrities but then Facebook opened to the public in 2016.Over the years Facebook Live has become the best way of interacting with viewers in real time, field questions and get an accurate estimate on engagement.80% of brand audiences prefer Facebook live video to reading a blog or web articles.Since the roll out of Facebook Live, live stream video search has risen by over 330%.When Facebook Live was rolled out, Facebook paid $2.2 million to influencers which attracted a wide variety of content from different sources including large media companies and independent users.Top Social media influencers reported a growth of over 20% in their likes and shares just from using Facebook Live.Facebook Live has over 8 billion daily views. The number grew from 4 billion per day in 2015.People watch Live videos on Facebook 3 times more than they watch pre-recorded videos.Why You Need To Get Started Now:Facebook Live is a Cost-Effective Video StrategyGenerate hype for your campaign and product releasesImprove your connection with your audience using Live videoGenerate more traffic using Facebook LiveGet real time insights on engagement and video performanceIntroducingEngage More With Facebook LiveMore Followers.More Sales.Theres nothing like this video series.Watch as I show you how to get started with Facebook Live to gain more followers and make more sales for your products and services.I reveal my best tips for using some unknown tactics that only a few elite few knows.You get to see everything. I explain everything to you.There will be no guesswork.All you need is just a short hour of your time to learn everything and youd be ready to get started with it instantly.Heres What Youll Discover InsideThis Video Training:How to get started with Facebook Live.Learn how to get use to the interface and configure your settings.Learn how to create your first broadcast and which features to select when doing it.Learn how to work with the settings when broadcasting.How to quickly and easily schedule your live event.How to generate your link so you can invite people to your schedule event.How to use the configuration settings and organize your ideas properly before going live.How to broadcast live from your computer screen.Learn how to work with multiple things at once to speed up your time.Learn the different techniques involved in creating engaging live videos.Useful tips to become more productive when using Facebook Live.Learn the some hidden features within this service to speed up your work.Integrating your work with other applications.Work smarter and accomplish more by using these secret advices that only a few know about.Learn how to install and use OBS for Facebook LiveAnd so many more..."
Price: 19.99

"Quora Marketing Made Easy. Beginner to Advanced." |
"What is Quora?Quora is a social Q&A community. Since being founded in 2010, the platform has seen its user base soar. Today, Quora garners over 1.5 million monthly visitors worldwide.For marketers, thats a vast untapped source of referral traffic and potential leads. With the right strategy, marketers can reach new audiences and drive prospects to their products and services, resulting in huge returns for their bottom line. For some marketers, using Quora has proven to triple their referral traffic for a reasonable time investment.Users on Quora develop profiles, pose questions to the community, and share their expertise by answering others questions on subjects ranging from technology to social media to startups and venture capital.10 huge Benefits of Using Quora as Part of Your Marketing Strategy1. Quora helps prospects discover your brandThe Quora community is vast and made up of dedicated users who trust it as a source of reliable information, which presents brands with a unique opportunity to truly engage with their audiences. Providing answers to users questions and starting conversations on topics related to your industry allows your brand to build its reputation as an authority, and demonstrate your expertise. Once your brand has established a voice, you can begin to build trust with prospects and naturally guide them to discover your products or services.The communitys distaste of shallow or self-promoting content means that marketers need to avoid overly-promotional tactics, and contribute to conversations in an organic way that doesnt attempt to sell users. Putting time and effort into real communication with drive the most qualified users to your website who are already sure of your credibility.2. Quora posts appear in search engine resultsSearch engines can now search Quora data to get the most relevant information about a particular search query, such as the name, age and location of the user.Bing produces Quora results in its social sidebar, where Google shows Quora posts as regular results, meaning its possible that your answer to a question could be ranked in the number one result spot for a given term. This is great news for marketers trying to drive organic traffic.All the more reason to ensure your answers and input are relevant, and dropping the occasional keyword or phrase wouldnt hurt. If Googles algorithm deems your responses the best answer to a search, your impact has doubled with the Quora community and search engine users.3. Quora lets you learn more about your target audienceQuora does the work of a marketing survey, without the survey. Its an excellent way to learn specific details about your core audience solely by paying attention to what people are asking about. If theyre expressing a problem, how can your brand be the solution to it? Your passive research can also help define your content marketing strategy. By focusing on what your audience vocalizes, you can create content that adequately addresses their wants and needs.4. Quora is great for content ideationRunning out of content ideas? Quora offers endless opportunities to discover common questions and create targeted content that provides actionable answers and solutions. By following users and feeds, youll easily be able to see what topics and content types are sticky with the community. For example, a user posting the question, How does social media help SEO? is an excellent prompt for a quick blog post, or a more robust e-book.5. Quora helps you discover industry influencers and capture their insightYou can connect with potential influencers and prospects in a few ways on Quora. Start by looking at frequent posters and follow them. Engage them by commenting on their questions or replying to their answers. If someone seems like a good prospect or someone who might be an ambassador for your brand, you can direct message them to reach out personally.Conducting a search of user profiles may also uncover prospects. Look for users with relevant bios and a high number of followers who ask or answer a lot of questions. You can see stats like their all-time impressions within the community, and access links to their social profiles as well.6. Quora lets you stay on top of trendsOnce you set up a profile, follow topics that matter to your brand to stay in the know. The trending sidebar feature lets you quickly see popular topics up to the minute, and posts with the most comments and upvotes will be apparent when scrolling through top stories in your feeds.Once you pinpoint leading topics that are relevant to your brand, insert your point of view into the conversations, and carry the topics over to your other social media outlets.7. Quora can be customer service and reputation management toolThere may be conversations happening on Quora about your brand or product that youre not aware of, but should be. Do a quick search for your brand and you might discover potential sales as users often pose questions searching for specific tools and/or advice. Craft authentic, informative responses to nudge them into your sales funnel.Youll also be able to address any concerns your users might be posting about your brand, product, or service. If a customer is experiencing a specific issue, take the time to step into the conversation and offer a solution. Any anytime you come across a positive mention of your brand, you can voice your gratitude and strengthen relationships with existing customers.8. Quora lets you build thought leadershipMany brands throw around the term thought leadership, but arent quite sure how to achieve it. Enter Quora. Its unique forum lets brands share knowledge in a genuine way that a whitepaper never can. Rather than trying to force your knowledge on your audience, Quora lets you participate in conversations that are already happening in your space.9. Quora can be an outlet to amplify your contentWhile weve noted that self-promotion is taboo on Quora, thats not to say that you absolutely cannot share your excellent blog posts or content in a relevant way. The key is to only promote your content that is directly related to a question posed or that provides insight and real value to the feed. Often the best answers are supported with data and/or reference material.If your content marketing strategy is smart, youre creating content users care about anyway, so sharing blog posts, articles, videos or infographics wont be forced. Promote your content by reframing it as a question. For example, if you wrote a blog post about how to write good email subject lines, pose the question What are your top tips for writing meaningful email subject lines?Or, ask questions as a way to create new roundup posts. Ask users if theyd like to be featured in a blog post on a certain topic, and pose a series of questions to craft into a post for your blog. They might even help you promote the final post afterward!10. Quora is great for getting competitor insightsJust as you can search for your own brand, you can also search for your competitors and see what theyre doing to market themselves, as well as learn how customers are talking about them. Investigate. Listen. Learn.You may find a common theme or reason customers choose your competitor over you, and utilize that knowledge to improve your product or service. There may also be opportunities to reiterate your unique value propositions when a user is at the critical decision-making stage of the sales funnel, and ultimately convince them to choose you. Whats more, even if you think you know your industry through and through, you may discover emerging industry trends or opportunities before your competition does by listening to your customers.Do you use Quora for your marketing strategy?-------------------------------QUORA MARKETING MADE EASYReach out easily to globally scattered audienceDrive more conversions get higher engagementLet your consumers discover easily about your brandStrengthen relationships with your customersGet higher ROI from your marketing effortsIntroducing:This is a complete collection with step by step content. Heres the breakdown:Video 1: What is Quora all about?Video 2: Setting Up Quora For Marketing?Video 3: Using Quora Features To Market Your BusinessVideo 4: Posting Your Marketing Videos on QuoraVideo 5: Using Quora To Engage Your AudienceVideo 6: Repurposing Your Blogs Content For QuoraVideo 7: Creating Backlinks On QuoraVideo 8: Setting up a Quora Ad campaignVideo 9: Setting Up A Traffic Campaign On QuoraVideo 10: Setting Up A Remarketing Campaign On QuoraVideo 11: Cross Promoting Your Quora Content On SocialVideo 12: Reviewing Your Performance On QuoraVideo 13: Growing Your Business Through The Quora FlywheelVideo 14: Formatting Your Quora Answers The Right WayVideo 15: Crazy-Simple Quora Strategies To Boost Your BrandVideo 16: Tips That Will Help You Create Thought-Provoking Quora AnswersVideo 17: Quora Marketing Dos And DontsVideo 18: Quora Marketing Premium Tools And Services To ConsiderVideo 19: Quora Marketing Success StoriesVideo 20: Quora Marketing Frequently Asked QuestionsWell, its time for you to start getting the most out of Quora Marketing. I know you'll love this training"
Price: 19.99

English |
"- . , "" , "", . , - ! . , , , , . """", . , !"
Price: 39.99

YouTube |
""" "" - , , . "" YouTube"" , , - ! - "" ""! , YouTube, !"
Price: 199.99

"6 Cursos em 1 Blender Game Design 15 Horas" |
"6 Cursos em 1 Blender Game Design 15 HorasAprenda a criar modelos para Games e animao com Blender, Substance Painter, Marmoser e Umreal Engine 4, aprenda passo a passo o processo completo de produo de assets para games e animao comece do zero e produza modelos completos estilizado.Preparao do projeto, modelagem poligonal, criao e configurao dos materiais no Substance, montagem do material criado no substance montagem do modelo na Unreal pronto para usar no seu game ou animao e tudo de forma prtica e objetiva, assim voc no perde tempo estudando ferramenta por ferramenta para finalizar e entender a produo de um modelo completo.Inscreva-se no curso e comece uma nova carreira."
Price: 39.99

"Mehr Sichtbarkeit durch Online Marketing auf Social Media" |
"Dieser Onlinekurs ist fr dich, wenn:du dein Offline-Business durch Onlinemarketing profitabler machen willst.du die richtigen Menschen erreichen willst, statt irgendwen.du gerade in Grndung bist und noch nicht weit, wie du auf dich aufmerksam machen kannst.du dein Business skalieren willst, indem du mehr Kund*innen und hhere Umstze generierst.du authentisches Social Media Marketing lernen willst, fr das du dich nicht verstellen musst.du dich mit Leuten umgeben willst, die auch so ticken wie du und groe Ziele haben.Let's get visions real."
Price: 199.99

"Automatizao de monografias com Microsoft Word" |
"Este curso demonstra como utilizar funcionalidades da ferramenta Microsoft Word para desenvolvimento de monografias, de tal modo que, permita que alunos e professores automatizem sumrios, lista de figuras, campos do texto, citaes, notas de rodap, entre outros. O curso conta com dinmica simples e no necessrio conhecimento avanado em informtica e Microsoft Word."
Price: 39.99

"Instagram Marketing-2020 [ Business Oriented Approach ]" |
"About Instagram:500 million Instagram app users access Instagram every single day.It's easy to get excited about Instagram's reach, user consumption patterns, and overall traffic volume. But, most of the people who try marketing on Instagram fail to get the results they are looking for.Following tips from this video course you can turbocharge your results with Instagram.You are leaving a lot of money on the table if you skip Instagram. Today Instagram can be used to build a brand for example many Multinational Companies ranging from marketing companies, Logistics & Supply Chain Companies, Product based Companies and many more companies in their domains are using Instagram to build a Brand Image and trying to market themselves.Not only Multinational Companies, individuals, entrepreneurs, small company owners, Marketers are using Instagram.In this lesson we will teach you:The best methods to Market on InstagramHow to build a persona on InstagramHow to build you own brand on InstagramHow to use Facebooks Ad Re targeting System to Pull Instagram Users Deeper into Your Funnel.Best Practices of InstagramHappy Learning,Logistics & Supply Chain World."
Price: 1280.00

"Supply Chain Analytics" |
"Want to handle the trends and challenges of the industry in a better way?Want to increase the profitability?Want to handle the stumbling blocks that can cause delay and dent in your reputation?Make the right move in the direction towards a successful career and learning the skills to handle supply chain With Us!The key objective in this work field is to satisfy the client by fulfilling his demands, improve the companys responsiveness, create value for the client, make network flexibility and persuade monetary achievement. Since building and keeping up a supply chain network includes more than one association, the job is unpredictable and complicated. To be successful in your career you need to develop plan of action effectively, form associations, create techniques, and put processes in order. It might be dependent upon you to execute new technologies or work with others to improve their abilities.It is a thorough and challenging program that has been intended to furnish experts with skills in the main disciplines of Operations Management, System Analysis, Innovation and Product Design, Technology Strategy, Manufacturing Planning and Control, Strategic Procurement, Supply Chain Management and Analytics, and more to deliver.As a piece of their general methodology, associations additionally utilize many supply chain strategies to endure and contend in a dynamic and competitive marketplace. In any case, it is additionally fundamental from the perspective of an organization to utilize effective performance measures to guarantee a consistent improvement of the supply chain and furthermore to set directions of its present techniques.With video lessons, written documents, quizzes, examples and exercises, it is a comprehensive course to gain complete understanding of the subject.This course gives a fundamental comprehension of supply chain management. Key attributes of familiar supply chain strategies and norms for their selection are additionally introduced. This course likewise presents key performance indicators for supply chain management.Anybody working in operations or another operating area, who is hoping to increase a working comprehension of the operational functions in service or manufacturing companies will gain through this course.This course will guide you in taking decisions that work in favor of the business. It amplifies the performance of the firm and assist in giving your business a leap by designing strategies that are helpful for your business. It is one of the best courses that can dive you deep into the depth of the subject and will lead you through all the tools to add to your skill.It will grasp your attention till the end as it is delivered by the experts who come from the same industry and with gazillions of experiences.This course will help you in perceiving and settling the genuine issues and settling on a calculative decision for the business. It will prompt Professional Development and vocation development as well.After the completion of the course, you will be able to: Get the ability to manage any changes efficiently Evolve an integrative approach to decision making. Adopt a data-driven approach to resolve business risks and bottlenecks Recognize emerging trends and get prepared to use it to the maximum advantage for the organization Get the understanding to contribute to an organizations financial success Experimental learning through team-based solving of a real-life problem Create an order of the contents of the supply chain Recognize the key drivers of supply chain management Spot the qualities of supply chain management in service organizations Coordinate supply chain strategies of service organizations with their key attributes Identify rules for choosing and joining distinctive supply chain strategies Match supply chain zones with its key indicators performance Understand the usage of R in supply chain management Get proficient in working with R tool Master the skill of handling large amounts of data without difficulty Acquire the understanding to handle different data types and structuresWhat will you get? World-class faculty to make you go through the best practices in Manufacturing and Operations Curriculum with experiential learning and is based on the working of the industry Real-world models for having a superior comprehension of the course Peer learning from experienced fellow candidates To have a consolidated data-driven approach that helps in decision making Get experience in recognizing and solving the business problems Give attention to the smallest details to avoid bottlenecks Develop a positive attitude and optimistic approach Engaging recordings for the better learning experience Exercises and tests for better self-examinationTARGET SECTORS WITHIN THE MANUFACTURING INDUSTRY Automotive Textile Chemicals Energy Food Products Rubber and Petrochemicals Packaging Electrical Machinery Heavy Engineering Equipment Construction and Real Estate Steel and Metals Technology and Consulting companies offering solutions to transform manufacturing and operations processesWords of appreciation from our StudentsA great course on to get enrolled in and is very good to upgrade your skills and add another feather to your resume. The mentor was so good that it did not feel dull at any moment and moreover he tried his best to solve each and every doubt we had. Jahanvi Gurnani2. I understood the concept of supply chain management full with all the materials provided my concepts became clearer. The course offers a good learning experience as it was full of quizzes, videos and exercises and the faculty is very good and experienced. Shaheen Waseem3. It is a very good course if you want to learn Supply chain management from the scratch. It is very comprehensive and at the same time engaging also. It really added to my confidence and I feel more positive about myself after doing it. Nikhil Wahi4. An interesting and knowledgeable one that is flooded with real life examples to have better learning experience, it is not like that usual boring one that dozes you off. This course will be of great help in my career and give a leap to it. Prakhar Khatri5. The course content was very good and decent and on top of that it covers all the important topics that is necessary to have a hold on the subject. You will not feel bored at any point in time and great for a good career growth. Daniel Revis"
Price: 199.99

"HTML, CSS tricks with famous sites - Only for fun!" |
"I used famous websites - Amazon, Twitter, GooglePlay... to show you how to improve UI by CSS properties (transform, hover, animation, box-shadow, transition-duration ect). All actions were completed in browser inspector - so, you do not need to use any code redactors. You will open new and interesting ways how to make awesome UI. You need to understand HTML and CSS before take this course!!!!!"
Price: 19.99

"1Z0-1084-20: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Developer Associate" |
"English Course Description / Explicacin del curso en EspaolHello there!I am extremely pleased to have you on board.Lets begin a journey where we would be working together to go through every possible challenging question 1Z0-1084-20: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Developer Associate 2020"" exam offered by Oracle has to you.Here is what makes this course so unique and beneficial for you. Since our material 1Z0-1084-20: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Developer Associate 2020 is based on a real test, We can guarantee that you would be able to solve 72% questions(at least) in your exam without putting any extra effort by going through all those reference textbooks.My purpose here is to ensure that when you appear in the real exam, you are calm and super confident about yourselves.This test is being offered by Oracle and our material has about +70 questions. Now, each question has been specifically designed for this course that will push your cognitive abilities to the limits. This intense journey will not only make you have a good idea about what type of questions the real exam would have but also cover the tiny concepts people usually miss while preparing for 1Z0-1084-20: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Developer Associate 2020The test was last updated on July 24th 2020 and covers all the latest concepts as per the course requirements and it is written in English.I have a firm belief that you are going to ace that exam like a true champion!#### Spanish ####Hola a todos!Estoy muy contento de tenerte a bordo.Comencemos un viaje en el que estaramos trabajando juntos para pasar por todas las posibles preguntas desafiantes que ""Oracle"" le ofrece en el examen ""1Z0-1084-20: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Developer Associate 2020"".Esto es lo que hace que este curso sea tan nico y beneficioso para usted. Desde nuestro material ""1Z0-1084-20: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Developer Associate 2020"" podemos garantizarle que podr resolver el 72% de las preguntas (al menos) en su examen sin hacer ningn esfuerzo adicional al revisar todos esos libros de texto de referencia ya que se basa en una prueba real. Mi propsito aqu es asegurarme de que cuando aparezcas en el examen real, ests tranquilo y muy seguro de ti mismo.""Oracle"" ofrece esta prueba y nuestro material tiene aproximadamente ""+70 preguntas"" similares. Ahora, cada pregunta ha sido diseada especficamente para este curso que llevar sus habilidades cognitivas al lmite. Este intenso viaje no solo le har tener una buena idea sobre qu tipo de preguntas tendra el examen real, sino que tambin cubrir los pequeos conceptos que la gente suele perderse mientras se prepara para ""1Z0-1084-20: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Developer Associate 2020""La prueba se actualiz por ltima vez el ""24 de Julio de 2020"" y cubre todos los conceptos ms recientes segn los requisitos del curso y est escrita en ingls.Creo firmemente que vas a obtener ese examen como un verdadero campen!"
Price: 345.00

"Juniper JNCIP-DC Data Center Professional:Latest Exams 2020" |
"Juniper JNCIP-DC Data Center Professional :Latest Exams 2020The Juniper Networks Certification Program (JNCP) Data Center certification track is a program that allows participants to demonstrate competence with advanced data center technologies and related configuration and troubleshooting skills. Successful candidates demonstrate advanced knowledge of the Junos OS used in a data center environment.This exam designed for experienced data center networking professionals with advanced knowledge of the Juniper Networks Junos software and data center devices, this written exam verifies the candidates understanding of data center technologies, related platform configuration, and troubleshooting skills.I have prepared this practice test course for all those candidates who are planning of taking JNCIP-DC (JN0-681) exam in near future.This is an Unofficial course and this course is not affiliated, licensed or trademarked with Juniper in any way."
Price: 24.99

"Segurana em Empresas de Abate e Proc de Carnes e Derivados" |
"O curso traz os requisitos e exigncias da legislao para as empresas de abate e processamento de Carnes e Derivados, de acordo com a Norma Regulamentadora nmero 36. So contedos como Mobilirio e Postos de Trabalho, Cmaras Frias, Manuseio de Produtos, Levantamento e Transporte de Cargas, Recepo e Descarga de Animais, Mquinas e Ferramentas (Facas e Chairas), Condies Ambientais de Trabalho, Plano de Resposta a Emergncia, Pausas Psicofisiolgicas e muito mais."
Price: 44.99
