"Aprende Revit Arquitectura 2021 con un proyecto desde cero" |
"Con este curso vas a aprender las herramientas necesarias para crear cualquier edificacin con una vivienda unifamiliar.Aprende paso a paso todos los conceptos y empieza desde hoy a entregar tus proyectos con la calidad de un buen profesional en la arquitectura. Ahorra tiempo y energa y lucete siendo el mejor en tu rea. El momento de aprender Revit, es ahora. Curso de un arquitecto para otro arquitecto.Puedes usar versiones anteriores sin problema."
Price: 19.99

"Aprendendo a ser pais em home office" |
"Este curso traz respostas a dvidas comuns relatadas por pais que se sentem pressionados e perdidos diante de conflitos familiares, que aumentaram nestes tempos de pandemia e de adaptao ao home office.Em geral, estes pais querem estabelecer relaes mais prazerosas com seus filhos, cumprirem suas responsabilidades familiares, lidarem com as demandas profissionais e, terem mais qualidade de vida, mas acabam se sentindo sobrecarregados e estressados diante de uma ambivalncia de sentimentos intrapessoais.A autora reuniu algumas dicas simples e prticas, que serviro de apoio para que seja possvel lidar com estas questes, contribuindo para uma melhor adaptao ao novo mundo, seja no trabalho ou nas relaes familiares."
Price: 39.99

SEOMEOGoogle |
"GoogleGoogle GoogleGoogleGoogle50GoogleGoogle50%GoogleSEOSEOWEBSEOGoogleSEOSEOGoogle1.2.GMB3.GMB74.BAN5.Google6.7.8.HP9."
Price: 24000.00

"Certified Scrum Master (CSM) Practice Test Question" |
"CSM Practice Exam - Carefully selected CSM Exam Questions to help you pass on your first attemptPractice the most Highly Tested CSM Questions from topics that appear on the actual CSM exam.Full Practice Exam with High Quality CSM Questions and Answer ExplanationsWhen it comes to the CSM (Certified Scrum Master) certification, it is important to review CSM Practice test/ Practice Exam questions that are most similar to the ones tested on the actual exam.After months of dedicated research and my own experience, I created this High Quality Practice exam to deliver the same experience as that of the Actual CSM exam.This exam contains :The Most Asked Questions on the CSM ExamAnswer ExplanationsSituation Based QuestionsEach question is supported by answer explanations which will allow you to understand the reasoning behind the correct answer choice."
Price: 1280.00

"Time management: Double Your Personal Productivity" |
"Hi, were Mark and Brendan and were the Founders of Curious Communicator a communication and leadership skills training company, helping people to delegate any task so they have time to do the things they most enjoy.We do this by teaching them how to double the productivity of their entire team.We typically work with leaders and business owners and we help them to delegate any task quickly and easily.We decided to take the same high quality Time Management and personal productivity sessions we do in the real world and make them available digitally.Fast forward to today, and thanks to the internet, the online training that resulted from putting our operational management skills experience into online courses has gone on to benefitting literally thousands of leaders and managers across the world in people management.. (6 continents and 29 countries so far to be exact).This video course Time management and productivity to transform your life forever was made in a unique way to teach you everything you need to know about getting things done fast explained step-by-step, and complete with dozens of diagrams, tables and photographs.You'll learn a wide range of valuable business communication and management skills, and discover some of the most time management skills that are working great to improve personal productivity right now.Well show you the combined time management principles you can use to supercharge your personal productivity and we talk you through it step-by-step, you'll be able to use these models to improve your time management skills using simple easy to follow steps, that you can start doing today!By the time you finish this course, you'll have the blueprint of how to identify the tasks that will get the most success and the ones that will waste your time using a proven successful productivity method.If you understand why personal productivity is so important and you can see why improving time management skills would benefit you and the people you work with, then this course will help you take your business skills from basic to expert level fast!- Join our students - Getting Real World Results- Quality Training - Get the same training that CEO's and Business Owners pay thousands for!IN THIS COURSE WE WILL SHOW YOU:The 2 different types of personality and which one you have more in common with.What you should do when interruptions are stopping you from doing the things you want to doBiggest time wasters that lower your time management productivity and how you can avoid them3 steps you can take over and over again to continuously improve your personal productivity for the rest of your lifeThe principle you can use to easily identify the right tasks to stop doing.FREE RESOURCES AND BONUSES:FREE 30 page - Time Management Guide (Downloadable)The same worksheets we use with clients that pay thousand for our leadership trainingDownloadable resources and guides and much more!WHY DID WE CREATE THIS COURSE?Leadership and communication skills have changed our lives forever, we work with highly skilled teams in exciting working environments with fast growing companies.Now, we want to help more people and share our experience and teaching style with the world! Whenever we start training, our clients usually comment they dont have time so we started with time management.That's why we created this course.Our mission is to raise the level of communication everywhere and our goal is to create the fastest method in the world for teaching effective communication. We want to share with you our techniques for becoming a world class leader and communication._________________________________________________________________________With an openness to learning and applying the teaching from this course to your interactions with others, you will instantly begin your journey towards learning worldclass time management skills.When we add new material to our training we will update this course - at no extra cost to you! This is a course that add value to every aspect of your life.You have our personal guarantee that you will love what you learn in this course. If you ever have any questions please feel free to message us directly and we will do our best to respond as quick as possible!_________________________________________________________________________What we can't do in this courseWe can't guarantee your success - This course does take effort on your part to put these techniques into action - But you can do it!(in other words we want you to be an expert in doing not just learning academically)_________________________________________________________________________This course will not stay at this price forever! Now is the time to take action!Click the ""take this course"" button at the top right now!See you in the course!Mark and Brendan"
Price: 194.99

"Escribe e ilustra tu propio cuento infantil" |
"Bienvenidos/as al curso de creacin e ilustracin de cuentos infantiles con acuarelas.La acuarela es un medio muy verstil y expresivo perfecto para ilustracin infantil. Sus colores suaves y su amplia variedad de trabajo, hace de este medio un complemento indispensable a la hora de dar personalidad a nuestra obra e ilustracin.En este curso aprenders a usar las acuarelas desde cero. Te ensear las nociones bsicas necesarias para comenzar. Despus, profundizaremos y perfeccionaremos la tcnica para llevarla a cabo en la ilustracin final.Por otro lado, aprenders a crear una historia para los ms pequeos. Aprenders cmo iniciarla, cmo hacerla interesante, cmo crear personajes atrayentes, cmo hacerles hablar, cmo crear una trama que capte la atencin y mucho ms.As, en este completo curso, pretendo ensearte a crear tu cuento desde los inicios y terminarlo por completo, tanto a nivel de escritura como de ilustracin.Espero que disfrutes de este curso y me acompaes hasta el final.Comencemos."
Price: 19.99

"Mastering COLREGs Marine navigation rules" |
"In this course you will learn the international rules for navigation, the so-called COLREGs (collision regulations). The course will explain rule-by-rule what the regulations are about. The course will go through a brief history of the COLREGs, as well as rules regarding sailing and steering, lights and shapes, and sound and light signals. Where needed, the rules will be explained with illustrations. After each section, there is a multiple choice quiz, where you can test your knowledge. The course is suitable for any boater or sailor, who wants to know what the collision regulations are about."
Price: 49.99

"Coaching para mejorar la autoestima" |
"El coaching es una herramienta poderosa que permite iniciar y mantener un proceso interno de desarrollo de competencias y habilidades, que se transformarn en los valores o recursos internos de la personalidad, encaminando estos recursos a alcanzar las metas y objetivos planteados para disfrutar de una realizacin personal y una mejora significativa de la autoestima y todo lo que ella representa."
Price: 24.99

aocukaco |
" {T} / {B} / {P} / {BP} /"
Price: 19.99

"Dart & Flutter ile Android ve iOS Uygulama Gelitirme" |
"GereksinimlerBu kurs iin herhangi bir programlama ve algoritma bilgisine sahip olmanza gerek yoktur.nternete bal olan ve ortalama performans gsteren bir bilgisayar yeterlidir.Kursun leyii:Konu anlatmlar esnasnda zenle seilmi uygulama rnekleriyle konular rahatlkla renebileceksiniz.nite sonlarndaki rnek proje uygulamalar ile renmelerinizi kalc hale getireceksiniz.Videolarn sonlarnda kafanza taklanlar, projelerinizde zemediiniz sorunlar benimle iletiime geerek ortadan kaldrabileceksiniz.Kursun zengin konu anlatm, gerek hayattan seilmi rnekleri ile konular rahatlkla anlayabileceksiniz.*** Bu kurs srekli kendini yenileyen ve gelitiren bir kurs olaca iin yeni ders konular ve yeni ierikler eklenmeye devam edecektir."
Price: 49.99

"Sonhos Lcidos" |
"Neste curso o aluno ir aprender a tcnica secreta dos monges tibetanos e yoges do sonho, que o permitir transcender o corpo acessar todas suas memrias, lembrar de todos os sonhos, realizar qualquer coisa dentro do sonho, com total percepo e concincia, assim como se estivesse acordado! Assim percepo do ""EU"" aumenta, dobrando a longevidade da pessoa a permitindo evoluir muito mais, pois ela tambm estar conciente ns sonhos e poder aprender muito com eles!"
Price: 24.99

"Fundamentos de Unreal Engine 4 e C++" |
"**Importante**: Este curso foi feito usando Unreal Engine 4.25 que a verso mais recente do programa.Neste curso irei te ensinar os fundamentos da programao de jogos usando C++ e Unreal Engine.Vamos comear do bsico. Primeiro vamos falar dos conceitos chaves necessrios para entender o funcionamento de um jogo. Vamos falar dos conceitos de game loop, condies de trmino e como estruturar um jogo.Para isso vamos criar um projeto usando somente C++, onde vou explicar, passo-a-passo, tudo o que voc estiver vendo na tela. Esse projeto ser o Terminal da Velha, um jogo da velha que funciona no terminal.No Terminal da Velha, voc joga contra o computador, no entanto, vamos estruturar o cdigo de forma que seja muito simples jogar contra outra pessoa ou mesmo fazer o computador jogar contra ele mesmo.Depois vamos criar o jogo Parapong, uma verso em 3D do clssico Pong. Vamos fazer um level caixa cinza para que possamos programar a mecnica do jogo sem distraes.Desenvolver jogos um assunto extremamente abrangente e impossvel resumir tudo em um nico curso, porm, este curso lhe dar a base necessria para que voc possa desenvolver o seu prprio projeto.Teremos tambm uma seo onde iremos fazer o polimento do jogo, adicionando malhas estticas, udio, efeitos de partculas e animaes para fazer o jogo ficar, alm de divertido, visualmente atrativo.Ao matricular-se neste curso voc ganha acesso a um servidor Discord exclusivo onde voc poder tirar dvidas, compartilhar o seu progresso e interagir com outros alunos do curso. Um extra imperdvel.Matricule-se agora para poder aprender os fundamentos da programao de jogos com Unreal Engine 4 e C++!"
Price: 114.99

weplayrussian |
"WEPLAY - , . . , , , , , , , . , . , , . . , ( , ) Google . , , , , , , , , . , 5-8 , , , , , , , . , , 20 , , : D !"
Price: 49.99

"Basic Concepts for Endodontic Treatment" |
"Learning ObjectivesIn this course, participants will: Provide proper diagnosis Identify tooth suitable for treatment Locate canals using guides Use appropriate instruments Select intra-canal medication Utilize strong provisional restorative material Properly seal root canal system Consider or not retreatment Avoid accidents Deal with pain accordinglyTopics CoveredLecture Content: Diagnosis Diagnostic tests Investigation of tooth structure Cracked tooth Endodontic radiography Rubber dam Endodontic access Chemo-mechanical preparation Intra-canal medication Temporization or interim restoration Obturation Retreatment Evaluation of endodontic outcomes Procedural accidents Pain managementAbout the Instructor Dr Mateus De Mello:Dr Mateus De Mellos passion for Endodontics started in 2002 working at Projeto Trauma (UNESA) where all of his cases involved dental traumatology.He became a Specialist in Endodontics (UNESA) in Brazil in 2006 after prooving skills during several hours of operations using a microscope.Dr De Mello was a tutor for Operative Dentistry at Griffith University before he successfully obtained his registration as a general dentist in Australia through the Australian Dental Council (ADC) exams.He has since been delivering great general dental work under the operating microscope, particularly endodontic treatment.He is a member of the Australian Society of Endodontology (QLD) Inc and the International Association of Dental Traumatology (IADT).Dr Mateus De Mello graduated in dentistry from the Estcio De S University (UNESA) in Rio De Janeiro Brazil in 2004."
Price: 194.99

"Microsoft Azure For Absolute Beginners" |
"Cloud Computing is the future of our world because cloud computing is the backbone of almost every industry, Have you noticed how the digital world is evolving day by day and Microsoft Azure is becoming the market leader in cloud computing, this is the best time to learn Azure platform and be a master of Cloud Computing.This course is designed to help students get themselves familiar with Microsoft Azure. :- In this course, you will learn the following:-1. Basics of Cloud Computing2. Basics of Microsoft Azure3. Understanding of Azure Networking4. Understanding of Azure Virtual Machines, scale sets, and backup strategy5. Understanding of Azure Storage and its types6. Understanding of databases offered by Azure7. Understanding of Azure Datawarehouse8. Understanding Azure Security and Monitoring9. Understanding of Azure pricing & Costing10. Understanding of Azure Privacy & Compliance11. Understanding of Azure Active Directory and Azure policyThe Advance of technology is based on making it fit in so that you don't really even notice it, so it's part of everyday life.-Bill Gates"
Price: 12480.00

"Aprenda Microsoft Azure do ZERO" |
"Esse curso voltado para pessoas interessadas em conhecer a Nuvem Microsoft e j garantir sua primeira certificao nessa tecnologia, para assim agregar um grande valor no seu curriculum vitae. A grade do curso terica e com muitos exemplos prticos, exige pre-requisitos tecnolgicos para cursar... ento, entre agora no mundo das certificaes atravs desse treinamento e garanta sua posio rapidamente :)"
Price: 354.99

"Tableau and Football/Soccer: A beginners guide" |
"Are you interested in football analysis? Do you want to create interesting and insightful visualizations to enhance your analysis? Maybe you want to post football graphs and plots on Twitter? If so this course will teach you how to display data effectively, how to create dashboards and how to work with data to achieve your goals"
Price: 19.99

"Product Owner II Exam Prep 2020 - Pass on your FIRST try!" |
"What do students say?""Yet another great product for preparing for certification from Scrum dot org. I have used 3 of the study courses now and all have led to complete success and were more than useful.""""The course was very useful in aiding me to fully prepare for the exam.""""Unbelievably great course. This exam prep gave me confidence going into the test. I passed on my first attempt!!!!""READY TO TAKE IT TO THE NEXT LEVEL?Professional Product Owner II is an advanced level assessment aimed at demonstrating that you know Scrum theory and how to apply it in the real world.The PO II assessment is positioned between Level I PO and Level III PO in terms of difficulty and is an achievable certification for those that have attended a Professional Product Owner course and/or have sufficient real world experience.WHY ENROLL IN MY COURSE?I promptly respond to all questions and messages. Lifetime support!All of the questions are uniquely mine. Each question has been created through thorough research for accuracy and maximum value.At the end of the tests, each question is supplemented with explanations to sharpen your knowledge and understanding.The questions are frequently enhanced and improved based on student questions and feedback.New questions and explanations are frequently added.Lifetime access!How can I achieve the PRODUCT OWNER 2 certification?Our carefully formulated questions will help you gain a deeper understanding of the Scrum framework and help your team become a high performing unit. The LEVEL II questions and answer options tend to be longer than in LEVEL I and it takes more time to read and understand. As with all official assessments, it is challenging and designed to test your real understanding of the Scrum Product Owner role. This will teach you with real world examples to bring your learning to life. It is of course possible to take and pass the official assessment without attending a course if you have sufficient knowledge and experience.The LEVEL II assessment is a more advanced assessment than the LEVEL I and tests your knowledge of Scrum theory, the Scrum Guide and expects some real world experience to allow you topass.The first and best preparation for the Product Owner II (PO II) assessment is to attend the Professional Scrum Product Owner course. It will teach you all the theory you need with real-world examples to bring your learning to life. It is of course possible to take and pass the Product Owner II (PO II) without attending a course if you have sufficient knowledge and experience.The next step, if you havent already is to take and pass the PSPO I assessment.Refresh your knowledge of the Scrum Guide and other areas as you feel appropriate.Here are some further tips that helped me:Read and understand the Scrum Evidence Based Management Guide.Favor any answer that promotes experimentation and making data-based decisions.Read the following blog posts on the Scrum site:10 Tips for Product Owners on (Business) ValueTips for Agile product roadmaps & product roadmap examplesStances of the Product OwnerThe assessment includes lots of multiple answer questions including a few Select all answers that apply that are especially challenging. Be especially careful with these.As with all Scrum assessments, some questions are very much it depends. Dont get stuck on these. Pick an answer, note down the question number and come back to these tougher questions once you have been through all the questions once. You want to ensure you dont run out of time and spend the most time on the questions where it will have a benefit.DisclaimerAll questions 2020. All rights reserved.The statements made and opinions expressed herein belong exclusively to the creator of this course and are not shared by or represent the viewpoint of Scrum .org or Scrum Alliance. This training does not constitute an endorsement of any product, service or point of view. Scrum .org and Scrum Alliance makes no representations, warranties or assurances of any kind, express or implied, as to the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability, availability or currency of the content contained in this presentation or any material related to this presentation. In no event shall Scrum .org or Scrum Alliance, its agents, officers, employees, licensees or affiliates be liable for any damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for loss of profits, business information, loss of information) arising out of the information or statements contained in the training. Any reliance you place on such content is strictly at your own risk."
Price: 99.99

"Tabela Dinmica em Excel para iniciantes" |
"Voc um profissional buscando por novas habilidades para alcanar uma posio no mercado de trabalho ou uma promoo?Voc recm chegado ao mercado de trabalho?Voc est na faculdade ou recm formado?Se a resposta para alguma das perguntas acima for sim, este curso pra voc.O curso de tabela dinmica em Excel para iniciantes busca oferecer de forma prtica, direta e objetiva a competncia para usar a ferramenta, realizando agrupamento de dados, elaborando resumos e relatrios gerenciais, facilitando a obteno de insights atravs das tabelas e possibilitando encontrar tendncias.Venha conhecer o poder das tabelas dinmicas e como elas podem te ajudar no dia-a-dia do trabalho!!"
Price: 39.99

"Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA) Practice Exam" |
"Welcome to our Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA) Practice Test.Use this practice exam course to prepare to pass your Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA) Exam. This practice test has 300 High Quality Question to prepare for your Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA) Exam. What Special About This (Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA) Exam )1.High Quality Question to crack your Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA) exam on your first attempt.2. Contains The Most Asked Questions on the Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA) Exam.3. Validate your expertise with an industry-recognized credential.4.100% verified answers.5. Current & always Updated.6. These questions will help you to get a good score of at least 80% on the main exam. 7.30 days money-back guarantee by UdemyThis course does not contain the study material.This course contains a number of questions.Who this course is for:i.Students who are motivated enough to crack their Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA) exam on their first attemptii.Those who want to gain knowledge & Check their Skill Test while attending this Practice Testiii.Want to find your weak areas for the *** certification, and improve on them.Go ahead and hit the ""take this course"" button to start growing a business online today!"
Price: 19.99

"- "" Excel""" |
"- "" Excel"": , : 5 . . , 1,5-2 5 . ( ): 9 .: . . : 1. . , , 80% . : 2. . : , 3. , . , . :, , (, , ) 4. Excel Excel . : , . 5. "" "" . : , , ,"
Price: 3299.00

"Costura Para Todos" |
"Curso de Corte e Costura onde o aluno ir Conhecer as ferramentas e materiais para costura aprender, manusear mquina domstica e overloque industrial, ir Conhecer o que so e para que serve molde base , tiragem de medidas e confeccionar as peas bsicas do vesturio feminino saia, blusa, cala e vestido, da tiragem de medidas at o acabamento final das peas."
Price: 219.99

"lgebra Bsica pura para economistas y administradores" |
"NOTA IMPORTANTE: Si llegas a este curso mediante un enlace directo del autor, la mayora del beneficio de la venta del curso ser para el autor. Si llegas a este curso a travs de bsqueda interna en esta plataforma, la mayora del beneficio de la venta del curso ser para la plataforma. Explicado esto si deseas ayudar directamente al autor, vuelve a entrar a este curso desde el enlace que encontrars en la cuenta de Instagram del autor e inscribete. (En el twitter puedes encontrar la cuenta de instagram).Por qu es necesario inscribirse en el curso? La importancia de este curso se debe a que representa la base que se le dificulta a gran cantidad de personas y jvenes sean o no estudiantes. Lo fundamental en este curso y en la matemtica en general es aprenderse las propiedades y los teoremas, no es solo hacer de manera mecnica los ejercicios ya que no todos son iguales. hay que hacer gran cantidad de ejercicios pero apoyndose en las propiedades, esto nos ayudar a aprendernos la esencia de la matemtica que se esconde en cada ejercicio y as aplicarla e interpretarla en la microeconoma. El alumno al aprenderse las propiedades aqu mostradas y aplicarlas a gran cantidad de ejercicios podr desempearse muy bien en la matemtica pura y tendr un gran dominio para asimilar el aprendizaje de temas matemticos ms complejos. El curso contiene documentos descargables con mas de 200 ejercicios y sus soluciones los cuales garantizarn el aprendizaje del alumno.Extra: En adicin a que aprnderas mediante las lecciones al adquirir este curso, se te conceder tambin el acceso al Grupo Privado en el cual compartirs tus dudas sobre propiedades y/o ejercicios y te sern resueltas con las dudas de los dems alumnos."
Price: 19.99

"202095SEOSNSUdemySNS 2020730WordPress2020810SEO 2020816SEO 202095SEO SEO 2020915SEO Google 2020925SEO Hotjar FacebookInstagramTwitterSNS100 84 ZMOT ZMOT 84 123SNS45 1 SNSUdemySNS 3 3Udemy30Web2020Google8SNS12"
Price: 7800.00

"Preconception Health. A Naturopath's Perspective" |
"Did you know that becoming a parent actually starts well before you even fall pregnant? What if I told you that the health of your child starts from the health of your egg and your partners sperm? The healthier these are, the better chance your child has to a healthier life. And this continues to be shaped during pregnancy where the mothers health, nutrition and stress can all affect their childs future health. This is something called epigenetics and has become a focus for why some people develop diseases and others dont. And this is why preconception health and awareness is paramount.By joining me on this course you will learn:1. Womens hormones and fertility: I want you to walk away with an understanding of what goes on during a menstrual cycle and what this might be saying about your own hormones. I will discuss reasons for hormonal abnormalities, including the role of the Hormonal Birth Control and how to come off this safely. We will then also spend some time going through how you can easily track ovulation as this is not only a key part in fertility but also healthy menstrual cycles and healthy eggs.2. Preconception health for men and women. I will talk mostly about what nutrients to focus on and why with research and evidence to back these recommendations. I will then also touch on diet suggestions as well as lifestyle factors to consider.This course is made for anyone looking to have children - whether it is your first, second or third child and whether you are looking at falling pregnant soon or just one day in the future. What you will learn on this course will not only improve your health and well-being but, most importantly, set up the foundation of your child's health."
Price: 34.99

"REACH Practitioner Certification" |
"This self-paced learning experience guides users through a foundational understanding of the concepts and solutions associated with the REACH Quotient (RQ) and offered within the REACH Ecosystem. While the content within this learning environment is aimed at new users of the REACH Ecosystem, advanced users also will find ample access to helpful guidance regarding their utilization of RQ.Upon completion of this learning experience, users will be offered an opportunity to take an evaluation of their learning. Successful completion of the evaluation will demonstrate the user's preparation in leveraging RQ, allowing the user to be listed as ""Certified REACH Practitioner"" within correspondence and media."
Price: 199.99

"Music for Beginners: Introduction to Playing the Piano" |
"You're at a party, an event, a friend's house. You see a piano. Someone is sitting there, playing a sweet, flowing, harmonious melody. Their eyes are closed, they're swaying slightly. Just feeling the music. That could be you. No, seriously. It could be you.Music for Beginners: Introduction to Playing the Piano provides you with the skills you need to successfully play the music that YOU want to play. You will learn basic piano techniques and be able to play a variety of music in a relatively short period of time. You will learn some of the best practicing tips and techniques out there to successfully make the most out of your practice time and improve quickly. To begin, you will learn to read sheet music, so that you are able to identify different note types and which keys are which on the piano. After that, you will play some simple exercises to help you improve your coordination in each hand, before putting the hands together to create beautiful harmonies in your music. You will learn the techniques that musicians use to make their music sound interesting and magical.All of this equips you for successfully playing the music that you want to play, without too much guidance. The course comes with exercises, guides, worksheets, etc. so that you are prepared in all aspects to play music at the next level. Next time you are at a party, an event, or a friend's house, you will be able to impress them with your incredible piano skills. Whether you decide to play Billy Joel's ""Piano Man"" or Beethoven's ""Fr Elise,"" you will definitely amaze all your family and friends!This course is from Magic Minds Music Studio by Emily."
Price: 59.99

"0'dan Hzlandrlm E-Ticaret Kursu(7 Kurs Entegre 1 Arada)" |
"KURSUMUZ SREKL GNCELLENECEK VE RENCLERMZ LE SREKL CANLI YAYINLARLA VE SOSYAL MEDYA HESAPLARIMIZDAN LETMDE KALINACAKTIR !Tecrbe sert bir retmendir. nce snav yapar sonra ders verir.Kendi ticaretimizde ve danmanlk verdiimiz ilerde ar yolla edinilmi tecrbeler ile sizleri 1-0 nde balatacaz.Kendinize Yatrm Yapmann Tam ZamanKsa srede internette satabilir hale gelebilmek iin 7'si Entegre 1 Arada Hzlandrlm E-Ticaret Kursu'na katln. Mkemmel i fikirlerinizin doru bir ekilde devam edebilmesi iin bu 7 ana konu stnde batan sona profesyonel bir ekilde ilerlemeniz gerekiyor. Tabii ki bu yolda biz sizi yalnz brakmayacaz. Kurs srekli gncel tutulmakla beraber kendi danmanlk irketi sosyal medya hesaplarndan da sizlere anlk destek verecek ve sorularnz cevaplayacaz. Belirli zaman aralklar ile canl yaynlar yapacaz ve sizlerle etkileim iinde olacaz."
Price: 379.99

"Business Writing for Professionals" |
"This course is designed for professionals who use English for business communications. You may already work in a setting where you use English on a daily basis, and you want to strengthen that skill. Or, perhaps you are in the process of working on your professional development and you have identified a need for strong communication skills in English for future engagements. In this course, we will take a close look at what you need in order to set yourself and your company up for successful international relations. At the end of the course, you will be equipped with a number of professional skills in your toolbox that will definitely enhance your work performance.Listen to the lectures at your own pace, and dive in to the depth of the information in the course book. You also get a chance to practice your own writing in the four assignments, submit them and receive detailed and personal feedback on what you already master and what you can improve to deliver better results at the workplace!"
Price: 199.99

"How to write proper Lewis electron-dot structures." |
"In this short course, my first in a planned series of courses which together are intended to cover both semesters of undergraduate organic chemistry as taught in the U.S., some simple but powerful methods for generating valid Lewis electron-dot structures are introduced. A solid foundation in Lewis structures is absolutely necessary for success in organic."
Price: 19.99

"The Food Truck Bible - The A-Z On How To Win On The Street!" |
"You're A Person Who Wants To Be Freed From The Daily 9-5 Headaches & Have Enough Money To Live A Happy Life! The Problem Is You Really Want to Start A Food Truck, But Can't Get The Detailed, Real Information That You Need To Be Successful. I'm Here Guide You To Your Desired Goal Of Being On The Road, Making People Smile! Here's The Plan. Start With This Course & Together, We'll Go Over Everything That I Learned 1st Hand From Being On The Road For 3yrs.. Now Is The Time For You To Take Your Future Into Your Own Hands. COVID-19 Told Us That No One Is Safe At Their Job. Once You Learn The Ends & Outs Of Being Mobile, You'll Forever Thank Yourself For Starting This Course!"
Price: 94.99
