"PHR GPHR SPHR SPHRI Practice exams - All In One 1200+ qs" |
"PHR GPHR SPHR SPHRI certification exam questions - monthly updated - 1200+ questionsActual questions6 practice test3 SPHR practice tests 580 questions1 PHR practice tests 165 questions1 GPHR practice tests 204 questions1 SPHRI practice tests 250 questions90+ % exam pass guaranteeTest your KnowLedge 30 days money back guaranteePHR GPHR SPHR SPHRI certification exam questions all in one 1200 questions"
Price: 19.99

lpcreator |
", - . . . -. . , DIGITAL ."
Price: 29.99

"Data Mining without coding ~ Visual Programing ~ Orange3" |
"(Data Mining)(Machine Learning)(Data Pipeline)(Visual Programming)"
Price: 19.99

"Base para Gesto de Estoques + Negociao com Fornecedores" |
"Este curso traz para voc a oportunidade de gerenciar seus estoques, evitar desperdcios na compra, melhora seu desempenho na armazenagem dos seus produtos, ensina a construir indicadores de desempenho para acompanhar os resultados e corrigir o que precisa ser melhorado, ensina a negociar com os fornecedores e instituies financeiras e ajuda voc a melhorar a performance financeira do seu negcio."
Price: 54.99

"Cmo planificar objetivos correctamente con PNL." |
"En este curso vas a aprender uno de los conceptos ms poderosos de la PNL a la hora de hablar de objetivos. Se trata de bajar en limpio a Las Condiciones de la Buena Forma, que junto con el metalenguaje son herramientas poderosas a la hora de destrabar nuestra mente e ir en busca de nuestros objetivos."
Price: 19.99

"Full Piano Course! Learn Jazz,Blues,Classical,Rock and more!" |
"This diverse course transports you from a beginner to an intermediate pianist. It contains 27 lessons, each containing a recorded video class, a printable worksheet, supplementary exercises and a practise piece. Begin by learning the basics, then develop your musical understanding, learn to play like a pro, and then discover your true talent with a thrilling exploration into seven different musical genres! Learn amazing songs including: Yesterday by the Beatles, Fur Elise by Beethoven, Somebody that I used to Know by Gotye, Fly me to the moon by Frank Sinatra and I dreamed a dream from Les Miserables."
Price: 199.99

"CORE of Automation Anywhere 2019 (BE INSTANTLY PRODUCTIVE)" |
"This course is designed for any individual who is aspiring to be a RPA professional using Automation Anywhere, hence training covers both conceptual theory + practical working demonstration for all important & critical commands that are MUST to be a skillful in Automation Anywhere.After completing this training you should BE INSTANTLY PRODUCTIVE on the tool to strike attention of your client, boss and colleagues. And be a guide to your colleagues for tool. Briefly course covers: - [Please refer course content for detailed list]Learn RPA in general and tools available along with comparison Learn Installation & Configuring A2019Learn Automation Anywhere basic to advanced packages, commands/sub-commands with conceptual theory + real time demonstration/use cases Learn Migration from 11.x to A2019Learn Troubleshooting techniques for RDBMS & Emails Learn Security implementationLearn Industry Best Practices"
Price: 1280.00

"Reto de sueo infantil en 4 semanas" |
"Curso de sueo infantil para chiquitos de 6 meses a 6 aos.Este curso de sueo infantil te devolver tus noches de sueo ininterrumpido, pues te guiar paso a paso para solucionar los problemas de sueo de tu hijo. Este curso cuenta con una metodologa adaptable para nios de cualquier tipo de temperamento y a tu propio estilo de crianza, no tiene nada que ver con dejarlo llorar hasta el cansancio y por el contrario, podrs acompaarlo durante todo el proceso. Por fin resolvers en 4 semanas (o menos) esos despertares interminables y eternas noches en vela para cambiarlos por noches de sueo deliciosas. 100% comprobado!Qu obtendrs con este curso?Este curso te llevar paso a paso para que luego de esas 4 semanas (o menos), acuestes a tu pequeo despierto, le des un besito de buenas noches, y que a partir de ese momento estes libre para disfrutar de tu noche.Tu pequeo al obtener un sueo de buena calidad e ininterrumpido, estar ms descansado, ms feliz y ms dispuesto a aprender y a obtener lo mejor de su entorno.Estars asegurndole a tu pequeo un desarrollo adecuado tanto a nivel neurolgico como fisiolgicoPodrs tener tiempo para ti! Hace cunto tiempo que no cenas rico, que no ves una peli, que no te tomas un vino, o que no lees por fin ese libro que tantas ganas tenas?Obtendrs un lado de la paternidad que probablemente no conocas, El de disfrutar sin estar cansado!Ms de un matrimonio se ha salvado!No conlleva acompaamiento personalizadoQu aprenders en este curso?A acompaar a tu pequeo a hacer la transicin para que domine la habilidad de dormirse por s solo de una forma suave y cariosa.Cmo actuar cuando se despierta por las nochesCmo calmar su llanto sin necesidad de lecheCmo eliminar las tomas nocturnas reactivas e incluir alguna proactiva si todava necesitaComprendas cul es la causa detrs de todos esos despertares nocturnos interminables.Cmo funciona el sueo infantil (el detrs de cmaras)Qu se necesita del ambiente para obtener sueo ininterrumpidoPor qu es tan importante que tu beb obtenga un sueo ininterrumpido y que duerma bienCmo te tienes que preparar previamente para que sea un xito rotundoCmo pasar a tu pequeo a su propio cuarto de forma cariosa y acompandolo en el procesoCmo utilizar sus horarios para que sean nuestro mejor aliadoCules son los requerimientos de sueo infantil de acuerdo a su edadCules son los horarios recomendados por grupo de edadCul es el mejor ritual de sueo y qu caractersticas debe tener para que sea infalibleCmo inducir a tu pequeo a sueo profundoCmo ensearlo a dormir sus siestas por s solo.Informacin sobre cmo manejar situaciones especiales como viajes, enfermedad y cambios a la rutinaCundo hacer la transicin de cuna a camaEjercicios de relajacin para padres que te ayudarn a recuperar tu sueo"
Price: 720.00

"AZ-900 Azure Fundamentals Practice Tests" |
"If you do not feel safe and prepared to take the exam: AZ-900, today you can leave that thought to the past, I present the Practice Test for AZ-900 fully updated giving you the chance to pass the first attempt.2 Reasons You Should Be Microsoft Azure Certified1. Career flexibilityThere are several benefits associated with using cloud computing, and most companies are shifting their workloads to the cloud. With any Microsoft Azure certification, you can manage, develop and deploy cloud services across different industries, such as finance, healthcare, banking, government or insurance. Several cloud computing professionals certified in Microsoft Azure fill positions around the world - including remote positions in Europe (UK, France, Germany), USA, Asia and others.2. Higher wagesAccording to ZipRecruiter's salary report, the average Azure developer earns $ 131,838 per year and the average Azure architect earns $ 144,866 per year. And, the salary can be increased gradually when the required courses are taken to become a certified Senior Azure professional.Salary ranges vary in different regions and different areas of the world. The average salary for a Microsoft Azure certified professional starts at $ 40,914 and earns about $ 172,170 per year for senior roles.The Microsoft Azure AZ-900 exam is a good choice to choose if you are planning to build a career in Azure. Even if it is not a basic development or architecture exam, having technical knowledge is certainly a complement.Exam details:The Microsoft Azure Fundamentals exams (AZ-900) cover 40 to 60 questions that need to be answered in 85 minutes. There are different types of questions asked during the exam, including case study, short answers, multiple choice, brand evaluation, drag and drop, etc. In addition, this exam will cost $ 99 USD. But remember, you need to score 700 or more points to pass the Microsoft AZ-900 exam. In addition, the exam is available in four languages. This includes English, Japanese, Chinese (simplified), Korean.Measured skillsDescribe cloud concepts (15-20%)Describe the main Azure services (30-35%)Describe security, privacy, compliance and trust (25-30%)Describe Azure prices, service level agreements and life cycles (20-25%)IMPORTANT:Unofficial testing practice.We offer educational materials and practical tests to assist and help students prepare for these exams.All certification marks used are the property of the respective owners of the marks. We do not own or claim any ownership in any of the Marks."
Price: 99.99

"Biyoloji - YKS" |
"rencilerin yaam sevgisinden ve yaayan her eyden haberdar olmalarn, yaayan dnyann btnn ve harika karmakln anlamalar ve eitliliine sayg duymalarn salamak,Bilimin, zelliklede biyolojinin tarihsel geliimini anlamalarn salamak,Bilimsel bilginin kantlardan tretildiini ve srekli olarak deiiklie tabi olduunu anlatmak.Biyolojik literatr eletirisel okuma yeteneini gelitirmek,Biyolojik konularda etkili iletiim kurma kabiliyetini kazandrmak,Modern bilimsel cihazlar kullanma becerisi ve deneyimi kazandrmak,Biyolojideki etik konular hakknda bilgilendirme yapmak,nsan sal, nfus art, biyoeitlilik ve kaynaklarn korunmasn etkileyen kritik evresel ve sosyal konular anlama ve deerlendirme becerisi kazandrmak,Dikkatli gzlem yaparak problemleri analitik dnme kabiliyeti kazandrmak."
Price: 49.99

"1Z0-1084-20 Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Developer Associate" |
"Become an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Developer 2020 Certified to demonstrate your knowledge of developing, securing, testing, and operating applications in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, and the ability to use the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure service APIs, CLI, and SDKs to write applications. >>Using this Comprehensive course which covers exam questions and Developer Associate 2020 exam topics :Cloud Native FundamentalsExplain Distributed ComputingExplain Microservices vs. Containers vs. FunctionsDiscuss the Meaning of Serverless ComputingDescribe Service Communication PatternsSecuring Cloud Native ApplicationsOvercome Security challenges with Cloud NativeUse the Defense-in-depth approachConfigure and Use Secret ManagementUse IAM for authn/authzOperating Cloud Native ApplicationsManage InfrastructureBuild, Deploy and Release ApplicationsPerform Tasks around Monitoring, Observability, and AlertingDeveloping Cloud Native ApplicationsDevelop Serverless Application with Oracle FunctionsDevelop Microservices and Applications for OKEUse Data in Cloud NativeUse OCI APIs, SDKs and CLIupgradeTesting Cloud Native ApplicationsExplain the Challenges of testing in Cloud Native worldManage multiple environments (dev, test/stage, prod)"
Price: 19.99

"Composition Fundamentals for Visual Arts and Design" |
"Join Australian artist Shellie Cleaver for this class on the fundamentals of composition.Improve your visual work by better understanding how composition functions, what it does, how it affects the viewer, and the main compositional elements you need to know about.This class will arm you with the knowledge you need to improve your compositions and make your images more engaging and compelling."
Price: 24.99

"Arts Martiaux - Viet Vo Dao ( Vietvodao) - Tous niveaux" |
"Vous tes ceinture blanche, 1er Cp ou 2me Cp, et vous voulez progresser pour obtenir de meilleurs rsultats dans votre pratique du Vit V o ? (Origine Thanh Long - Matre Nguyn Dn Ph)Cette formation est faite pour vous... Vous tes au dbut de votre pratique du Vit V o ? Vous voulez perfectionner votre pratique du Vit V o ? Vous avez envie d'apprendre plus vite cet art martial ? Vous voulez russir vos passages de grade ? Excuter correctement tous les mouvements de la ceinture blanche au 1er Cp ! et suprieur ! Vous voulez avoir des explications techniques prcises, pour tre encore plus performant et meilleur dans votre pratique ? Vous voulez une vraie formation diplmante pour laquelle vous sera remis un diplme dcole ?Qui suis-je pour vous crire cela ?Je suis Franois LAJOIE, professeur de Vit V o et de Self Dfense, ceinture noire 5me ng. Je pratique les Arts Martiaux Vietnamiens depuis 25 ans et j'ai form plus d'une centaine de pratiquants adultes et enfants. Comment bien dmarrer la pratique du Vit V o ? Comment progresser plus vite ? Comment russir votre passage de grade 1er Cp ? Comment avoir une vritable formation en Vit V o ? Comment avoir une formation diplmante ?Vous avez dcouvert le Vit V o rcemment, et vous tes mordu.Vous avez immdiatement compris toute la richesse culturelle et technique de cet art martial. Sans oublier bien sur son tat d'esprit et son efficacit.Vous allez rgulirement au Vo Duong (Dojo en japonais), pour progresser, travailler et vous entraner. Vous voulez russir vos premiers passages de grade (Ceinture Blanche 1 Cp).Mais surtout, vous voulez devenir un V Sinh (pratiquant ceinture blanche du 1er au 4me Cp) plus solide, avec un Vit V o simple mais surtout efficace, que ce soit dans :les positions de base,les techniques mains nues,les techniques de pieds;les enchanements.Le problme, c'est que parfois les professeurs vont vite, et qu'ils doivent grer des niveaux diffrents. Il y a peut-tre dans votre groupe des V Sinh plus expriments, 3me ou 4me Cp, voir Ceinture Noire.Et vous n'avez pas eu forcement le temps d'assimiler toutes les bases techniques.Vous avez peur de vous tromper dans l'excution des mouvements. Vous tes impressionn par les pratiquants plus grads.Devant un autre pratiquant, vous n'avez pas la moindre ide de ce qu'il faut faire, et vous perdez rapidement le fil des techniques raliser.Vous n'arrivez pas mmoriser les mouvements et le nom des techniques de mains, de pieds et de position.Bref, vous voudriez progresser. Et vous avez besoin d'un vrai support pdagogique.Plus vous aurez des bases solides, plus votre progression sera rapideLe Vit V o ncessite de bonnes bases techniques pour progresser rapidement, tout comme un arbre qui commence avec une jeune pousse pour devenir ensuite un arbre robuste.Les pratiquants rguliers et expriments ont dj acquis ces bases. Les racines, le tronc, les branches.Sans bases solides, c'est trs difficile davoir une progression rapide.Ces bases concernent les postures, les dplacements, les mouvements du programme ceinture blanche 1er Cp de votre fdration nationale, de votre club ou de votre cole...C'est dj trs vaste. Et c'est ce qui parait si difficile aux dbutants. On se disperse. On essaye de retenir des mouvements trop compliqus.Alors qu'avec des mouvements simples et bien matriss, les bonnes attitudes, les bons dplacements, on peut dj tre un pratiquant srieux.Ce qu'il vous faut :C'est une ressource unique, qui regroupe tout les savoirs pour bien dbuter votre pratique du Vit V o, afin de construire votre progression plus vite, et commencer ressentir plus rapidement ce qu'est rellement votre pratique de l'art martial vietnamien.En 25 ans, j'ai form des centaines d'lves dbutants de tout ge, et je vais vous enseigner une vraie mthodologie pour vous permettre de progresser dans la pratique du Vit V oPerfectionner et structurerJ'ai regroup dans cette formation vido de 1h30, tout ce qu'il faut savoir pour dbuter et progresser dans votre pratique du Vit V o.Cette formation va vous apprendre structurer et perfectionner votre chauffement, vos techniques mains nues, de pieds et les 4 positions de base.Vous apprendrez galement les applications martiales lies aux mouvements. C'est un plus technique norme pour la bonne excution des mouvements.Votre passage de grade ne sera plus qu'une simple formalit...Cette formation en ligne est trs dtaille, filme en haute qualit, et sous 2 angles pour une meilleure comprhension des techniques.ComprendreVous apprendrez les applications des mouvements et les variantes que vous pourrez travailler pour varier vos entrainements.Vritable formationLes arts martiaux sont diffrents d'un entrainement sportif ou d'un entrainement militaire, de par la codification des techniques et de leurs applications.Il faut prparer votre corps au travail, l'affrontement d'un adversaire.Objectif de ce cours en ligneCrez votre rituel de pr-entrainement. Faites un vritable chauffement technique et utile dans votre pratique.L'objectif est de vous transmettre mon savoir technique et de vous rendre plus performant dans votre pratique.Vous dcouvrirez galement dans ce cours en ligne que tous les mouvements pratiqus ont une utilit technique et sont applicables, je vous le dmontrerai dans cette formation...Programme dtaill de cette formation technique Module 1 : chauffement traditionnel - 20 minutesRalisation de l'chauffement completExplications dtailles des mouvements Module 2 : Application de l'chauffement traditionnel - 6 minutesLes applications en combat Module 3 : Les 4 positions de base - 21 minutesTrung Bnh Tninh TnH TnCho M TnExplications dtailles des positions Module 4 : Applications des positions de base - 7 minutesTrung Bnh Tninh TnH TnCho M TnLes applications en combat des positions Module 5 : Les 4 frappes de mains de base - 12 minutesDi SnThi SnThi sn cn cuQut SnExplications dtailles des frappes de mains Module 6 : Applications en combat des 4 frappes de mains - 6 minutesDi SnThi SnThi sn cn cuQut SnLes applications en combat Module 7 : Les 4 coups de pieds de base - 7 minutesc Tiu CcHON CCo Sn CcLu Vn CcExplications dtailles des coups de pieds Module 8 : Applications en combat des 4 coups de pieds de base - 5 minutesc Tiu CcHON CCo Sn CcLu Vn CcLes applications en combatApprenez avec une vraie mthodologieL'chauffementSi vous ne voulez pas vous blesser avant un entrainement, il est judicieux de bien vous chauffer. Il n'est pas utile d'avoir le moindre matriel. Les chauffements sont des mouvements raliser avec calme et avec relchement. Le but principal est de prparer votre corps et votre esprit pour que votre entrainement soit le plus efficace possible tout en prservant votre physique.Dans cette vido, vous trouverez tous les lments ncessaires pour raliser un chauffement simple, de qualit, et valable aussi bien pour les adultes que pour les enfants. C'est ce que j'applique moi-mme durant mes cours.Les positionsChaque position est dtaille, avec une vue de face et de profil pour un meilleur apprentissage.Les techniques de mainsEn ce qui concerne les techniques de mains, vous apprendrez comment fermer les poings, avec quelle partie du poing il faut frapper et comment frapper avec rapidit et puissance. Nous aborderons galement les frappes mains ouvertes.Les techniques de piedsLes techniques de pieds sont puissantes. Vous apprendrez les diffrentes techniques de base et comment les appliquer avec efficacit. La position de votre corps pour les frappes de pieds est trs importante. Vous apprendrez donc avoir la bonne posture.Les applicationsLes applications martiales seront expliques et dmontres.Un entranement sans tabou et sans secret de polichinelleToute cette formation est applicable aussi bien pour les enfants que pour les adultes et c'est un excellent support de formation pour tous, que vous soyez un enseignant ou un lve.Ce qui est trs important dans cette formation trs complte, c'est de constater que chaque mouvement est ensuite applicable. Cela vous motivera dans votre pratique et vous permettra de raliser vos techniques avec une plus grande prcision.Formation diplmanteJe valide par vido interpose votre passage de grade du 1er Cp, avec remise d'un diplme de mon cole pour ce passage de grade.De plus, avant chaque passage de grade, il y aura un passage blanc (via vido).Le but tant de vous mener au succs et non l'chec.Votre passage de grade doit tre une formalit diplmante et valorisante.De relles comptences martialesComprendre un mouvement dans la pratique est essentiel (et une justification technique est un plus indniable).Si votre professeur est incapable de vous expliquer un mouvement, cela signifie soit qu'il n'a pas les comptences techniques requises, soit qu'il garde secrtes les techniques ce qui est beaucoup plus grave.EN RSUMTout le programme ceinture blanche 1er Cp, et toutes mes techniques pour progresser adaptes 100 % pour les dbutants.LES RSULTATSEn appliquant les astuces et mthodes de cette formation plusieurs choses vont se produire. Vous allez commencer comprendre les techniques. Vous allez commencer ressentir le Vit V o. Vos copains de club vont tre trs surpris de la rapidit de vos progrs, et de la varit de vos enchanements. Vous allez progresser plus fort et plus vite que les autres Vous aurez trs vite la ceinture blanche 1er Cap, et le 2me Cp en ligne de mire.En plus de 1h30 de formation vido vous aurez tout le programme 1er Cp. Si vous tes dans un club o l'on doit ""passer"" les ceintures 1er Cp, c'est une base de travail inestimable.Si vous voulez commencer envoyer des enchanements, vous allez y trouver de quoi surprendre vos partenaires, mme les plus expriments.Vous allez avoir toutes les bonnes bases pour construire votre Vit V o.Tout le programme ceinture blanche 1er Cp, et toutes mes techniques pour progresser adaptes 100 % pour les dbutants.Le tarif de ce cours est de seulement 57 urosVOUS AVEZ D'AUTRES QUESTIONS ?Si je commande, que se passe-t-il ensuite ?Il suffit d'tre connect Internet. Aucune comptence informatique n'est ncessaire. Vous pourrez visualiser cette vido autant de fois que vous le souhaitez. (Ordinateur, Tablette et Smartphone)Je suis dbutant, ce cours est-il adapt mon niveau ?Absolument, car vous avez besoin de bases solides que je reprends en dtail dans cette formation en ligne.Lorsque vous aurez acquis ces bases, vos progrs seront beaucoup plus rapides.Ce cours est-il destin aux enfants, ados, ou adultes ?Ce cours en ligne s'adresse tous, que vous soyez un enfant, un adolescent ou un adulte. Cette formation vido est conue pour tre utile tous les ges. Un enseignant y trouvera galement de nombreux ducatifs pour amliorer ses cours.Et si j'ai une question ?Je suis personnellement prsent pour rpondre vos questions, et en fonction de celle-ci je peux mme vous envoyer une vido explicative spcifiquement pour votre demande.Il vous suffit d'accder la fiche contact de mon site pour me contacter."
Price: 54.99

"3Ds max (base Mini course)" |
"( ) ! , ! , !"
Price: 29.99

"Aprenda Criar sua Loja Virtual em 2 horas no Shopify" |
"No curso Aprenda Criar sua Loja Virtual em 2 horas no Shopify voc vai aprender construir seu e-commerce do zero e no precisa ter conhecimento tcnico.O curso mostrado na tela do computador para voc acompanhar tudo de perto, basta trazer seu laptop, cadastrar na plataforma de e-commerce e aprender na prtica.Meu objetivo ajudar as pessoas a conquistarem independncia, fazendo com que seja mais fcil comear, gerenciar e expandir seu negcio no digital. Acredito que o futuro do comrcio conta com mais vozes, no menos pluralidade. Por isso, busco diminuir os obstculos para que as pessoas tenham o prprio negcio na internet.O mais legal, voc vai testar uma plataforma de e-commerce gratuitamente por 14 dias, sem precisar fornecer os dados do seu carto de crdito e finalizar o curso com seu e-commerce pronto para ser lanado!Montar sua loja de e-commerce nunca foi to fcilJunte-se a 1.000.000 empresas de sucesso na Shopify e tenha tudo o que voc precisa para ter uma loja de e-commerce de sucesso.O que a Shopify e como funciona?O Shopify uma das maiores plataformas de e-commerce do mundo, de acordo com estudos da W3Techs, atualmente alcanou a marca de um milho de lojas ativas em mais de 150 pases e uma das que apresenta um maior crescimento global.Seu maior objetivo proporcionar um meio facilitador de vender produtos online que liberasse os comerciantes de todas as barreiras tcnicas.Os usurios podem criar sua prpria loja virtual totalmente hospedada com domnio personalizado. O lojista tem todas as opes de carto de crdito, software de ponto de venda, apps e muito mais.Quanto custa abrir a minha loja virtual?Abra a sua loja online grtis. A Shopify te d 14 dias de teste grtis para experimentar sua loja no Brasil. Aps os 14 dias, voc pode escolher um dos planos de pagamento para continuar com a sua loja.E a parte de gateway de pagamento?Voc pode escolher entre mais de 100 provedores de pagamento com carto de crdito para a sua loja da Shopify. Mercado Pago, PagSeguro, Paypal e muito mais. A configurao simples.Escolha um dos mais de 70 modelosA Loja de Modelos da Shopify hospeda uma coleo de mais de 70 templates premium e gratuitos de e-commerce.Com modelos criados por designers conhecidos no mundo todo, tais como Happy Cog, Clearleft e Pixel Union, voc vai amar a aparncia do seu web commerce. Voc tambm pode personalizar o layout da sua pgina inicial, adicionar banners, slideshows e muito mais.Coloque o seu e-commerce nas mos do seu clienteCom mais e mais compras sendo feitas em dispositivos mveis, importante ter uma loja virtual que fique linda tanto no seu smartphone quanto no desktop.Seu plano da Shopify inclui um carrinho de compras embutido no seu e-commerce mvel. Isso significa que seus clientes podem navegar e comprar na sua loja enquanto esto caminhando usando um smartphone.Hospedagem web ilimitadaLargura de banda ilimitada. No cobrar do por trfego, pois o sucesso no deveria pesar no seu bolso.A Shopify faz com que seja fcil criar e registrar um nome de domnio para o seu e-commerce.Seu site criado em segundos e as atualizaes so sempre instantneas. A Shopify fica online 99,99% do tempo e tem tecnologia de ponta.Comece a aceitar pedidos em minutosA Shopify tem tudo o que voc precisa para configurar a sua loja de e-commerce e comear a vender online. rpido e fcil escolher um modelo, adicionar seus produtos e comear a aceitar pedidos. Voc pode fazer sua primeira venda online no dia em que comear! J imaginou?Compartilhe seu e-commerce com o mundoCom o SEO (otimizao para mecanismos de busca) da Shopify, os clientes em potencial conseguem encontrar sua loja virtual usando motores de busca como o Google.A Shopify gera sitemaps.xml e suporta as melhores prticas de SEO como H1, ttulo e meta tags personalizveis.Marketing da sua loja virtualO CMS da Shopify foi projetado por especialistas em SEO para que a sua loja virtual ranqueie no Google, Yahoo e Bing.Voc pode criar um Blog acoplado ao seu e-commerce. Neste curso voc vai aprender a criar, publicar e otimizar seu Blog dentro do Shopify.Carrinho de compras seguroA Shopify proporciona uma soluo de carrinho de compras seguro para sua loja. O carrinho de compras permite que voc aceite pagamentos de cartes de crdito e PayPal, com mais de 100 gateways de pagamento integrados.Torne seu site online seguro para os seus clientes e aumente as vendas. A Shopify est em conformidade com PCI nvel 1 e usa certificados SSL de 256 bits para garantir a segurana dos pedidos.App Store da ShopifyAdicione recursos e funcionalidades sua loja com mais de 4.000 apps com plena integrao com a Shopify.Vamos aprender instalar um app onde voc pode vender produtos por meio do modelo de dropshipping de maneira rpida e prtica. Bastam alguns cliques.Aceite cartes de crditoNo mundo do e-commerce, aceitar cartes de crdito e processar os pagamentos de forma eficaz pode ser complicado. Mas ao escolher o Shopify, fazemos com que os pagamentos com carto de crdito sejam simples e integrados com mais de 100 gateways de pagamento, incluindo o PayPal.Seu site totalmente hospedado pelo Shopify. Equipamos sua empresa de varejo online com um certificado SSL e conformidade PCI. Quando dizemos que temos uma soluo de ponta a ponta, no estamos brincando!Segurana, conforto e praticidadeAbra sua loja virtual em poucos minutos, o seu site inteiro tem o melhor sistema de segurana da internet e hospedagem grtis.Tenha acesso a tudo de melhor que a Shopify tem para oferecer.Venda qualquer produto onlineVoc pode usar a Shopify para vender qualquer coisa! Seja uma loja virtual de roupa, mveis, servios ou produtos digitais, incluindo cursos educativos e programas, nossa plataforma de loja virtual te ajuda com tudo isso.No painel administrativo voc pode criar catlogos de produtos, organizar seus produtos, publicar artigos no blog e gerenciar todo o contedo do seu site.Retirada no local para pedidos on-line possvel configurar uma opo para que os clientes retirem pedidos feitos on-line na loja fsica, na calada ou em um local que voc escolher. Aqui no curso voc vai aprender conectar seu negcio fsico com seu e-commerce. No importa se voc um fabricante, lojista, insdustria ou qualquer comrcio local.Para fazer isso, vamos aprender habilitar a retirada no local para cada um dos locais onde os clientes podem retirar os pedidos pessoalmente.A taxa de frete para retirada no local definida como Gratuita e no pode ser alterada.Cada pedido de retirada requer que voc ou um membro da equipe verifique se todos os itens esto em estoque. Vender pela internet usando servio de entrega localCom um servio de entrega local, os clientes podem comprar seus produtos pela internet e voc providencia a entrega diretamente em suas casas. Basta um e-mail para inform-los que o produto est a caminho. Assim, voc pode deixar o produto na porta do cliente sem precisar de interao fsica. seguro, rpido e conveniente. Como vai funcionar:Seu cliente faz o pedido, seleciona Entrega local no checkout e faz o pagamento pela internet pela sua nova loja virtual;Voc recebe o pedido via e-mail e comea a prepar-lo;Voc acessa a pgina de entrega local do pedido para ver o endereo do cliente e planejar sua rota;Ao sair, avise seu cliente que voc est a caminho via plataforma;Deixe o produto na porta do seu cliente de modo seguro;Pronto, s isso!Aqui no curso voc vai aprender configurar entrega local e facilitar a vida dos seus clientes entregando diretamente para ele.App da Shopify para sua loja onlineA Shopify Mobile uma app gratuito para Android e iPhone para gerenciar sua loja em qualquer lugar.Com o app da Shopify, voc pode ver todas as informaes vitais da sua empresa online. Verifique as estatsticas de vendas, visualize produtos, pedidos e dados dos clientes Alguns recursos:Notificaes push para novos pedidosVrios tipos de modelosGesto do estoqueProcessamento de pedidos e recebimento de pagamentosCompletar pedido, produto e dados do clienteVenha se aperfeioar e aproveite para comear seu negcio de sucesso com seu e-commerce!"
Price: 564.99

"Design & Style Your Wedding like a Pro" |
"Every couple deserves a wedding that feels special and unique and you have the power to create it for yourself!Discover a step-by-step approach to wedding styling and design with Xenia Motif creative director and destination wedding planner. No matter your budget, this course will help you discover basic principles of harmonious wedding design, and enable you to create a day that feels authentic and refined.You will learn how to: Identify your personal design style Curate a color palette unique to you Use Pinterest to your advantage Gather a team of vendors that can bring your vision to life Have a stylish wedding regardless of your budgetLessons are accompanied by printable PDF guides, questionnaires, and inspiration sources, that will be your invaluable companions along the way. By the end of the course, youll have the tools you need to create a stylish, personalised, unique wedding design, that will leave you and your guests speechless."
Price: 24.99

"SAP Data Services (BODS) Scratch to Advance" |
"From Basic to Advance Learning!!If you're looking to master SAP BODS then you're at the right place. The course covers all major transformations in detail with all real time scenarios. You will learn how to load data in SAP S/4 HANA and ECC using BAPIs and IDOCs. Apart from understanding transforms and migration you will learn code migration methods. The course also covers real time interview questions asked in the industry. "
Price: 11840.00

"Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the Classroom" |
"AI is finally here and most of us are already actively using it in our day-to-day life. To prepare our future generation to harness these technologies, educators need to understand how they can use AI, use it to facilitate learning and solve real-world problems. The course is aimed at all educators who would like to use AI, irrespective of the topic which they teach. The course assumes no prior knowledge of AI and will start by introducing the basic concepts. It will then illustrate a number of fun exercises which can be used with the students, to help them understand these concepts. The scope of this course is to equip educators with sufficient knowledge to tickle their curiosity and help them delve further into the amazing world of tomorrow."
Price: 29.99

"Advanced English pronunciation: speak like natives fast" |
"''When I first saw the syllabus and items of this course I was a bit shocked. Because Ive never heard of most of them. Thats why I decided to give it a go and Im happy with my decision. This course helped me to become better at speaking and more importantly listening, I think now I can watch English movies without the Eng subtitles!A. Les''----------------------------------------------------------------------Everyday I face many English learners who have a good command in grammar and vocabulary of this language, yet they have difficulty understanding native speakers and more importantly, they are not able to speak clearly and with confidence.[ Sounds familiar? ]In this course I aim to help students with an area of English which is often neglected - pronunciation and intonation.Now what makes this course unique and special?This course is made up of 15 different sections and in each part we go through the most important aspects of pronunciation.Syllables, word stress, rhythm, sentence stress, linking, intonation and reductions are only some important sections of my pronunciation course.----------------------------------------------------------------------''This course is a must for anyone who wants to expand their English or have trouble speaking it, I am good in English but I can't speak fast whether in my native language or English. The course is easy to follow and it took me a week to go through it and Im on my second round already! Thanks a million.Mona. M''----------------------------------------------------------------------British or American accents are not of general concern in this course. Because the rules of pronunciation in these two accents are not different.There are limited resources regarding this aspect of English learning and if you have always wanted to fit in a community of native speakers, you are in the right place.This course includes:lectures for every section of the coursePDF files for each sound'But why teach pronunciation anyway?There are two main reasons for teaching pronunciation:You need to understand and be understood.If you cannot understand English well, you are cut off from the conversation with native speakers.Now if you're ready, it's time to start this short journey together and build your pronunciation and intonation skills.As a person who needs to work, study or live in an international enviroment, you should learn to speak English like a native and in this course Im going to teach you how to speak English fluently like a native speaker.To achieve this target, students must learn english pronunciation through the lessons and videos.In this course you need to listen to me and go through the English pronunciation practice sentences. Repetition is the key.Only in this way learners can learn how to speak fluent English without hesitation maybe in 10 days or a bit more and more importantly you can improve your English speaking skills quickly at home.Although this course is not about learning English speaking, you will learn how to speak clearly without mumbling and speak confidently.Thats why I recommend this advanced English speaking course to every English learner out there.IELTS and pronunciationAs you are probably aware, pronunciation and speaking clearly are two key factors of achieving a good mark in IELTS speaking section.I cant say this product is an IELTS speaking pronunciation course but after finishing the 15 sections together you can definitly understand how to improve pronunciation for IELTS.Different sections and parts of my course are consisted of IELTS pronunciation exercises and practice.Pronunciation of English words not only helps you to speak fluently and clearly, but also you can improve your listening comprehension skills through this course.Every English conversation is mainly composed of 2 parts: speaking and listening.We will have the pronunciation of english words pratice and learn more about the pronunciation rules of British English.Learn English intonationNative speakers mostly use falling intonation and rise-fall intonation in English language.In this course we will have many examples of intonation and stress. There are some unique parts with intonation examples that you cannot find anywhere easily."
Price: 19.99

"Videocorso di analisi tecnica operativa" |
"Il (per)corso, pi che un corso, parte dalle basi necessarie per poter essere profittevoli sui mercati finanziari. Lo scopo quindi quello di fornire e formare le basi che spesso vengono trascurate e lasciano poi spazio a disastri economici. La letteratura in campo molto vasta e spesso si trovano informazioni contrastanti. Per essere vincenti ed efficienti sui mercati finanziari occorre seguire un metodo. Un metodo che prevede una strategia operativa ben definita e chiara prima di iniziare ad operare."
Price: 124.99

"Learning R Programming for Data Science" |
"This course puts the participant in the right path to become a competent Data Scientist by teaching him/her the basics of R Language as one prominent tool in Data Science.The course starts by introducing Data Science and the steps taken to complete a Data Science project. Then it continues with lectures on various methods and functions of R enabling the participant to start his/her journey towards becoming a Data Scientist with R.In this course participants will learn how to install and configure R and RStudio. Besides, participants will be able to create various data structures such as Vectors, Matrices, Factors, Data Frames, and Lists. They will solve simple data problems using Operators, Conditional Statements, Loops, base and user-defined functions. Participants will understand and use different data gathering and manipulation methods such as getting and cleaning external files, the Apply family, Regular Expressions, Dates & Times, Base Plotting, and the dplyr package."
Price: 24.99

"TypeORM Zero to Hero" |
"Apprendre et matriser un ORM peut tre plus complexe qu'il n'y parat. Les diffrents tutos et post sur les forums sont censs nous faciliter la tche, mais finalement c'est tout l'inverse.Vous devez chercher encore et encore pendant des heures comment faire ceci ou cela.Les exemples et bouts de code que vous trouvez ne sont jamais les mmes. Quand vous essayez un tutoriel ou de suivre une documentation, a se termine souvent de la mme faon, soit a ne fonctionne pas et vous ne savez pas pourquoi, soit a fonctionne et vous ne savez pas pourquoi.Du coup la fois suivante vous tes tent de copier coller le code prcdentVous pouvez continuer faire cela,Vous allez perdre en productivit,En crdibilit auprs de vos collgueEt donc surement passer de longues journes bloques sur des problmes tester des bouts de code random trouvs sur internetOu enfin apprendre, comprendre et matriser un Orm pour NodeJs.Pour apprendre efficacement, j'ai dvelopp un projet que vous pourrez tlcharger et qui sera complter tout au long de cette formation. Cette formation est donc livre avec:Un projet qui reprend toutes les sections de cette formationLes vidos seront accompagnes de code tlcharger qui vous permettront de pouvoir tester et comprendre les concepts voqus ici. C'est bien d'apprendre quelque chose mais c'est encore mieux quand on le met en pratique par soit mme et que l'on voit le rsultat de ses propres yeux.Des containers docker pour tous les outils ncessaires (Postgres, PGAdmin )C'est toujours frustrant de passer des heures installer un environnement avant de commencer apprendre.Une rponse en moins de 24h vos questions dans l'onglet support de Udemy.Rejoindre cette formation, c'est aussi rejoindre une communaut qui vous aidera et vous soutiendra pendant votre processus d'apprentissageCette formation une dure de 5 heures. Les comptences essentielles avoir sont condenses sur des sessions qui peuvent tre faites en quelques jours.Imaginez, la fin de la semaine, vous pourrez tre capable de dvelopper rapidement et qualitativement tous vos projets.Ce que cette formation n'est pas:Le but ici c'est d'apprendre TypeOrm, j'ai donc choisi de construire et de vous fournir un environnement efficace pour cela. Vous n'aurez donc pas besoin d'installer le serveur de base de donnes, ou de crer votre projet node etc. On va gagner ici de nombreuse heures que vous pourrez utiliser pour apprendre ce qui compte vraiment pour vous. Il n'y aura donc pratiquement rien faire dans la section mise en place de l'environnement."
Price: 64.99

"[2020] Aprende Scrum y como llevarlo a la prctica" |
"Tres razones para tomar el curso ahora:Segn LinkedIn el Scrum Master est entre los 10 perfiles ms buscados en el mercado laboral.Conseguirs una buena base de conocimiento para poder certificarte como Scrum Master. Podrs aplicar los tips que aprenders desde el primer da.Que vas a aprender:Marco de trabajo AgileLa diferencia entre la visin de producto y proyecto y porqu es importante distinguirlos a la hora de usar ScrumLas Bases de Scrum y como funciona este maravilloso frameworkEl Equipo Scrum y los RolesLos Eventos de Scrum Los Artefactos de Scrum Como hacer un seguimiento de la evolucin del equipo mediante el trackeo de los sprintsHistorias de usuario y las diferentes tcnicas existentes para simplificarlas con ejemplos reales y cuando usar cada una de las diferentes tcnicasComo plantear un MVP de un producto y que tcnicas podrs usar para elloCaso prctico de como transladar una idea de producto o servicio a un product Backlog para ser desarrollado con Scrum, realizaremos una simulacin prctica del uso de Scrum y aprenders algunos tips para mejorar la productividad, la eficiencia del equipo y del flujo de trabajoPara quin es este curso?Cualquier persona que desee una visin completa de ScrumCualquier persona que quiera ver como aplicar Scrum de una forma prcticaUna persona con experiencia en Scrum que se quiere actualizar"
Price: 94.99

"The History of Germany" |
"When it comes to the history of Germany most people seem to begin and end at Adolf Hitler and the Third Reich but have you ever wondered what it was that actually led to Hitler coming to power? What about Germany made it the perfect environment for fascism to thrive? Well this course will help you answer that question.The title of this course is The History of Germany From the Second Reich to the Weimar Republic. In this course, you will look at the problems faced by Germany from its very inception. You will see the shaky starts of Germany's first democracy and the fall out of the First World War. You will get an insight into the workings of extremist parties and you will look at what made Germans turn away from the idea of democracy. This course will set the scene for why the Nazis were able to come to power by looking at the problems faced by Germany long before Adolf Hitler was even on anyone's radar."
Price: 19.99

kontekstnaya_reklama_poisk |
"? 15 ! , . , , . . -."
Price: 1799.00

"How to write action introductions" |
"Writing can be hard for teachers and parents. I will model a lesson and teach exactly how I would in the classroom.Learn how to write an exciting introduction. I will be comparing writing from famous books and personal narratives. I will give tips to write effectively in a classroom setting or at home.The lecture is broken up into many examples of writing introductions. I will compare and contrast pieces of writing throughout the entire lecture series. Examining writing is fun and engaging. This lecture is designed for any parent interested in teaching writing."
Price: 19.99

"PMP Practice Simulation Test" |
"50 questions simulate the real test , set you mind free and think in depth way based on your PMP understanding , through these practice test you can understand and know how you can answer in confidence , so during your real exam do not worry , be sure that you can succeed , when you have obtained score 80% of this exam , i can assure you , you will be qualify to pass your real exam ."
Price: 19.99

"Rehab back to function after Breast Cancer" |
"Breast Cancer Awareness Is Not Just a Month, it is EVERYDAY. With millions newly diagnosed each year, emphasis is placed on detection and treatment. Little emphasis is placed on the effects of prolonged stress, fatigue, pain, uncertainty and permanent changes to the body. We are AMAZING, and we can adapt through every battle, but that doesnt mean that there arent questions What am I supposed to expect after breast cancer treatment? Will I always be at risk for lymphedema, and what is it anyway? What can I do to reduce my risk of having breast cancer return? Will a specific kind of physical or occupational therapist be better able to treat me after breast cancer? How do I get back the range of motion and strength into my arm?When you enroll in this course, you will be granted immediate knowledge and receive incredible benefits, helping you Build your knowledge about what lymphedema is and how it can be managed Develop a plan of action to help you reduce the risk of lymphedema after breast cancer surgery Save hundreds, if not thousands, of hours searching the internet for frequent symptoms or concerns Boost your energy, look and feel healthier, as you confidently complete a short stretching and exercise routine, based on research Maximize your knowledge with FAQ video segments, complied from my years as a treating physical therapist Own life-time access to resources, compression charts and exercise logsThis course was designed and organized as though you were having a private session with me. I am a board-certified physical therapist, board-certified wound specialist, certified lymphedema therapist and have taken hundreds of hours of continuing education. I have over 5,000 hours direct 1:1 treatment time in this specialty area over the course of my PT career, beginning in 2006. I have been honored to work along side women who are navigating their way through the treatment, or post-treatment.Its about focusing on the fight and not the fright. Robin RobertsMedical Disclaimer: The information is intended for educational purposes only. Bettina M Brown, PT, LLC assumes no responsibility to persons or property as a result of use or misuse of the information contained within. Always consult a health professional before making any changes to your health regimen."
Price: 199.99

"Estratgias para Educao a Distncia" |
"Neste curso exclusivo criado pela Dra. Talita Pazeto, voc aprendera novas abordagens e estratgias para educao a distncia. Entenda os desafios do ensino em tempos de isolamento social e aprimore seus conhecimentos sobre os novos formatos de educao a distncia. Entenda o papel de todos os agentes envolvidos no processo de educao, a dicotomia entra os formatos de aulas online e aulas ao vivo e como engajar e avaliar um aluno a distncia."
Price: 99.99

"Spis deg ung med Gunn Helene" |
"I dette kurset lrer du alt som skal til for sette sammen ditt eget smakfulle, foryngende kosthold basert p matvarene du liker! Endelig kan du finne igjen ungdommen i deg, med energi, gld og friskhet og bevare den inn i fremtiden.Etter endt kurs vil du kunneFle deg opplagt og skjerpet bde i kroppen og toppenSe ung og strlende ut og oppfattes som yngre enn du erGjre de foryngelsesgrepene i kosten som er relevant for nettopp degUnng bli en del av statistikken over brukere av kolesterolsenkende eller blodtrykksregulerende medikamenterSette sammen ditt personlige, foryngende kosthold med matvarene du liker slik at du kan spise foryngende resten av livet og trives med detSpare masse penger p kosttilskudd, pulver og kremer og f mange gode smaksopplevelserTa grep om din egen aldring i hud, hjerne, hjerte, yne, sinn med merKursoversikten 5 moduler:1. Nkkelen til holde seg ungDenne basismodulen tar deg gjennom hva naturlig aldring er, hvordan du finner din indre motivasjon for gjre kostholdsendringer og hvordan du kan mle fremskrittene du gjr. I tillegg fr du grunnleggende kunnskap om foryngende vitaminer, antioksidanter og plantestrogener.2. Ung utvendigHer gr vi i detalj p hvordan du kan forynge ditt ytre. Vi ser p huden, hret, neglene og ynene hvordan de aldres og hvilken mat som forebygger denne aldringen. Du fr ogs lre en anerkjent metode innen kostholdsforskning for registrere ditt eget inntak av mat som virker foryngende nettopp for utseendet.3. Ung innvendigDu fr en nye gjennomgang av hvordan du kan forynge ditt indre. Vi ser p hjertet, skjelettet, hjernen og sinnet hvordan de aldres og hvilken mat som forebygger dette. Du fr fortsette jobbe med metodikken som synliggjr hvor dine muligheter til et mer foryngende kosthold ligger, og hjelp til gjre konkrete endringer.4. De foryngende supermatvareneJo mer du vet om hvordan de foryngende matvarene smaker, virker i kroppen og kan brukes i matlagingen, desto mer sannsynlig er det at du tar dem i bruk i ditt eget kosthold. I denne modulen blir du derfor godt kjent med foryngende frukt, br, grnnsaker, korn, belgvekster, fr og ntter skalte supermatvarer. Du fr ogs en metode for putte dem inn i din egen kost.5. Ung inn i fremtidenI denne modulen blir du kjent med enda flere foryngende matvarer. Vi ser ogs p hva vi kan lre av forskningen, og hvor forskningen gr i fremtiden. Du fr en praktisk metode for mle endringer i kosten din, og det siste anerkjente kostholdsverktyet du trenger for sette sammen ditt eget, foryngende kosthold fra n og inn i fremtiden.Dette sier tidligere kursdeltakere:Gunn Helene er en dyktig og engasjert lrer, hun har mye kunnskap og gir mye av seg selv i klassene. Det er alltid en glede f vre med p kursene hennes. Anbefales p det sterkeste! - Serena Veslemy FratiGunn Helene delte bde teori og erfaringer nok til at man fler seg trygg til fortsette eksperimentere selv etter kurset. Hennes bakgrunn som ernringsfysiolog gjorde at hun var som et levende oppslagsverk av gode svar p alle vre sprsml. Anbefales p det varmeste. - Siv LienGunn Helene er meget kunnskapsrik, strukturert og pedagogisk. Hun er ogs praktisk og pragmatisk, og dette skaper en positiv atmosfre for kursdeltakerne. Jeg fikk en helt ny holdning til mat og hva den betyr for oss etter kurset. N har jeg LYST til spise sunt :) Kurs med Gunn Helene anbefales p det varmeste! - Grel SpeedBonuserI tillegg fr du noen ekstra bonuser som gir deg kunnskap og kompetanse omKalorirestriksjon og antialdringseffektFysisk aktivitet som forebygger aldringMat for et ungt sexlivVegetarkost og god livskvalitet"
Price: 1390.00

"Landing Pages That Convert" |
"In between 2011 to 2016, we spent 12 million dollars on 3 landing pages. Each landing page had two variation - a total of six landing pages. This testing approach revealed the best landing pages generated over double the results of the second-best performing pageThis page converted so well that it created inquiries at the rate of 10% and phone calls at the rate of 4%.Before we started running ads on this page, we sat down with folks from Google. They wanted to test all the landing pages and the website for user experience. They got participants to attend an in-house research session. There were a total of 9 participants of different age groups.Participants received a set of instruction to browse the landing pages. 8/9 participant chose the best-converting landing page as the winner. We then ran millions of dollars in paid ads on these pages. The page chosen by the participants continued to be a winner. We put together a list of strategies from this experiment. Since then, we have applied these strategies to hundreds of companies for results nothing short of astounding. A few of them include well-known brandsTHE DIFFERENCEHave you even wondered, as I have, what makes the difference between two landing pages ? It isnt always that one page is asthetically better looking. It isnt that one landing page has better call to action than the other.The difference lies in how the landing page is targeted toward the visitor and how that page communicates.The landing page was converting so well that at one point we were spending $750K per month on that one single landing page. The revenue it generated was to the tune of $30 million.And that is why, after 12 years of running experiments on hundreds of different pages, I have put together this course. For that is the purpose of this course: to give you the subscriber the knowledge on what it takes to generate hundreds of thousands of sales on a landing page.The course in just a few lessons, will help you learnHow to structure your landing pagesHow to develop your value proposition ( with examples )How to do competitive research ( with examples )How to improve the chances of conversionHow to develop your copyHow to maximise your eCommerce conversion ratesHow to understand you funnel and how to develop itHow to maximise your return on ad spendThis course does the heavy lifting for you telling you exactly how to structure your landing page, how to position the offer, and how to get the visitors to take the desired action."
Price: 19.99
