"3D Webseiten - Grafikanwendungen im Browser mit Three.js" |
"In diesem Kurs lernst du echte Simulationen und Spiele fr den Browser zu entwickeln. Das bedeutet effiziente Echtzeit-Berechnungen im Browser, wie Spiele, in echtem 3D. ThreeJS nutzt eine Schnittstelle des Browsers, WebGL, welche direkt auf die Grafikkarte zugreift. Dadurch sind richtige Projekte verfgbar, wie die, die du im ersten Video sehen kannst. Dies ist eine groartige Chance fr Spiele, Simulationen wie Fahrschulen oder Autos, aber auch Architekten, Mediziner und Modellierer knnen hiervon profitieren. Und DU als Entwickler kannst die Software fr sie erstellen.Der Kurs umfasst nicht nur ausgiebige und anschaulich visualisierte Lektionen, sondern auch ntzliche JavaScript Implementierungen interessanter Versuche. JavaScript ist jedoch eine Voraussetzung fr diese Serie!Also warte nicht, sondern verbessere deine IT-Grundlagen auf Profiwissen jetzt!Dazu gehren lebenslanger Zugriff auf den Kurs und 30 Tage Rckgaberecht!Dieser Kurs verfolgt zudem ein innovatives Konzept, bei dem regelmige Updates von User-Anfragen oder besonders wichtigen Lektionen kommen - ganz ohne Zusatzkosten.Viel Spa beim Lernen!"
Price: 54.99

"ArcGIS Pro Vs QGIS Level 2: Map Editing, Database & Web GIS" |
"Are you Thinking like this...You want to Learn Map Digitizing and Shapefile Editing Tricks both in ArcGIS Pro and QGIS.You want to start learning about Web GIS.You want to Learn Advanced Map Label both in ArcMap and ArcGIS Pro.You want to learn How to Download OSM Map for a Particular Area as Shapefile.You are searching for cheap course of ArcGIS Pro and QGIS with having huge detail material, lectures, topics and resources.You are searching for Cool and enjoyable lectures of GIS, ArcGIS Pro and QGIS with magical tricks, description on each interfaces.You want to learn step by step process with how and why.Then This course is for you, Because this course...Will Teach you Many Tricks to Digitize map both in 2D and 3D Basemap by using ArcGIS Pro and QGIS.Will give you Knowledge on Web GIS as well as How to Prepare Map and Create Web GIS Project Easily by using ArcGIS Pro.Will Teach you Advanced Tools of ArcGIS Pro and QGIS for Dynamic Map Label.Will Teach you all Tricks, Plugins with detail steps to Download OpenStreetMap of any Area as Shapefile.Is a cheap course of ArcGIS Pro and QGIS with 42 Lectures, 11 Quiz Tests, 13 Sections, 1 Article, 13 downloadable resources and each lecture contains many Topics and resources.Gives you enjoyable and Dynamic tools and Magical Tips and Tricks of ArcGIS Pro and QGIS.Gives you All Lectures based on Step by Step Process with description about how and why with practical doing video. Because we believe in Learning by Doing and Playing."
Price: 199.99

"The Complete 'No Code' Developer Course: Build 11 Projects" |
"Good job on landing here, on this no-code development course!You can check out the full curriculum below :)I think you're going to like this course; because in the development space, there is a steep learning curve. Many of us don't need to waste our time with that.I'm not one to make you sit through theoretical lectures.I'm a no-code developer who is good at helping people to learn by building...So much so, I created this no-code development course.As the creator of this course (and Command Codeless), I've built numerous products far more cost-effectively and quicker than it would take someone to 'code' them.Now the chances are...You've tried software development, but you're not happy with your progress.To put it simply, you're not following the path of least resistance!You don't need to join this course, but if you're like many others, there's a strong chance you want to be able to build products without a technical partner.I promise that if you take the time, you'll walk away from this course understanding how to build websites, mobile apps and software quicker than it would take you to learn how to code. You will grasp many of the programming concepts faster via this no-code course.Instead of theory, you'll learn practical skills as we work through projects, such as: Scraping Websites Working With APIs Building Voice Apps For Alexa Creating One-Page Websites Developing Mobile AppsAnd, more.This course would have saved me a lot of; confusion, money (I spent $5,000+ on a coding bootcamp - don't do the same) and wasted hours while on my journey of learning development.Go from zero to building up a portfolio of products, and gain lifetime access to the lectures, and worksheets this course has to offer you.For a small investment, you can re-ignite your passion for building and be sure never to waste your time again. And if you don't love the course, take advantage of Udemy's refund policy.It's time to decide; are going to continue struggling with building products, or are you going to dive in with zero risks, and all to gain by learning a new skill?"
Price: 199.99

"Energy Testing TechniquesRestoring a clear dialogue with our intuitionBeing able to test the response of our body-mind-spirit to know how our environment influences us is one of the most important skill you can learn.Imagine that you dont need to ask anymore the experts or your friends about what is good for you or not. Imagine that you would have the ability to know at each moment how food, places, decisions, teachings, practices influence you, to have clarity about how it affects you and to take decisions based on this inner knowing.In this class, we learn 4 different techniques to restore a clear dialogue with your inner guidance system, with your inner GPS.We all have this habit to give away our power when we want to know if something is appropriate for us or not. But why do we trust more others than ourselves?It is time to get back your power and to explore your connections to reality with your own discrimination.The 4 techniques we explore are: Dowsing: the art of using a pendulum. Bioresonance testing: the art of feeling the expansion/contraction of our energy body, or others. Applied kinesiology: the art of muscle testing ourselves and others. Higher Self testing: get your own unique way to get answers from Spirit.We will explore as well: The importance of neutrality (with a Neutrality download) How to apply energy testing in our daily life. How to build up our confidence in our ability to know. The ethics of testing. And many more tipsYou will probably resonate more with one technique, than all of them. Thats great! This is the one you want to deepen. Some techniques are more appropriate for specific kind of testing, so it is good to know about each of them.I insist. With all my students, I recommend to learn first Energy Testing as it allows you to choose and verify the efficiency of any healing technique, of any practice or to discover what is good for you in the moment.We all need to trust ourselves more. We were all taught to trust the elders or the so-called experts.But think about it. How a general rule could apply to the extreme diversity of individuals that we are? We are always changing, evolving. Our relationship to our environment evolves every minute.To learn energy testing is the best way to restore the clarity and the trust in our intuition and our sovereignty.So, are you ready to become your own master?This class is the first part of another class that will soon be available and that will teach you how to use Energy testing to make proper and accurate diagnostics.Join us and learn what every child should learn to become an autonomous cocreator of their reality.Demian Haye"
Price: 69.99

"Adobe Illustrator CC 2020" |
"SO, YOURE LOOKING FOR A COURSE THAT WILL TEACH YOU ADOBE ILLUSTRATOR CC 2020 QUICKLY & IN A FUN MANNER?Ive got just the course for you!Welcome, my name is Josh Werner with Learn Tech Plus and Ive put this course together to help people just like you quickly master Adobe Illustrator...Whether youre a beginner or experienced with existing Adobe Applications!If your goal is to become a user of Adobe Illustrator, then this course is perfect for you. It will get you started on the right path and give you the knowledge and skills you need to Adobe Illustrator...Learning Adobe Illustrator is Not only for Experienced users, but also everyone else. Because when you have master Adobe Illustrator, you get around your profile and easily install applications to your computer versus having to get someone else to do it for you which can cost both time and money!In short, a good understanding of Adobe Illustrator is tremendously beneficial.Now, in this course, we'll go far beyond that. By the end of it, you'll have gained complete proficiency in Adobe Illustrator even if you're currently a complete beginner!THATS RIGHT...NO PRIOR EXPERIENCE OR KNOWLEDGE IS REQUIRED!You dont need any previous experience or knowledge to take this course. In fact, all you need is a desire to learn and master Adobe Illustrator.This is not one of those courses that will throw too much at you at once and cause you to get overwhelmed. This is a course that youll not only learn so much from, but also enjoy the journey as youre learning (which is a very important part of the learning process)The course will take you by the hand and teach you everything you need to know step by step and even put your knowledge to practice immediately by showing you how to setup an account in Adobe Illustrator and How to Download the Adobe Illustrator Application.On top of this, you will also get my continuous support as well to make sure youre successful with my course.LEARN ADOBE ILLUSTRATOR BY DOING! (LEARN TO INSTALL ADOBE ILLUSTRATOR FROM SCRATCH!)We will go step by step and cover Adobe Illustrator. The goal here is to help youA) Setup an Account with a 7 Day Free Trial which after is PaidB) Be able to Download and Install Adobe IllustratorHeres what well cover in the course:1. Well start from the very beginning and explain what Adobe Illustrator is, why & how its used.2. Install some of the software well be using all throughout the course.3. Introduce you to Adobe Illustrator CC 2020ENROLL NOW ID LOVE TO SEE YOU INSIDE THE COURSE AND HELP YOU LEARN ADOBE ILLUSTRATOR CC 2020!"
Price: 199.99

"Adobe Photoshop CC 2020" |
"SO, YOURE LOOKING FOR A COURSE THAT WILL TEACH YOU ADOBE PHOTOSHOP CC 2020 QUICKLY & IN A FUN MANNER?Ive got just the course for you!Welcome, my name is Josh Werner with Learn Tech Plus and Ive put this course together to help people just like you quickly master Adobe Photoshop...Whether youre a beginner or experienced with existing Adobe Applications!If your goal is to become a user of Adobe Photoshop, then this course is perfect for you. It will get you started on the right path and give you the knowledge and skills you need to Adobe Photoshop...Learning Adobe Photoshop is Not only for Experienced users, but also everyone else. Because when you have master Adobe Photoshop, you get around your profile and easily install applications to your computer versus having to get someone else to do it for you which can cost both time and money!In short, a good understanding of Adobe Photoshop is tremendously beneficial.Now, in this course, we'll go far beyond that. By the end of it, you'll have gained complete proficiency in Adobe Photoshop even if you're currently a complete beginner!THATS RIGHT...NO PRIOR EXPERIENCE OR KNOWLEDGE IS REQUIRED!You dont need any previous experience or knowledge to take this course. In fact, all you need is a desire to learn and master Adobe Photoshop.This is not one of those courses that will throw too much at you at once and cause you to get overwhelmed. This is a course that youll not only learn so much from, but also enjoy the journey as youre learning (which is a very important part of the learning process)The course will take you by the hand and teach you everything you need to know step by step and even put your knowledge to practice immediately by showing you how to setup an account in Adobe Photoshop and How to Download the Adobe Photoshop Application.On top of this, you will also get my continuous support as well to make sure youre successful with my course.LEARN ADOBE PHOTOSHOP BY DOING! (LEARN TO INSTALL ADOBE PHOTOSHOP FROM SCRATCH!)We will go step by step and cover Adobe Photoshop. The goal here is to help youA) Setup an Account with a 7 Day Free Trial which after is PaidB) Be able to Download and Install Adobe PhotoshopHeres what well cover in the course:1. Well start from the very beginning and explain what Adobe Photoshop is, why & how its used.2. Install some of the software well be using all throughout the course.3. Introduce you to Adobe PhotoshopENROLL NOW ID LOVE TO SEE YOU INSIDE THE COURSE AND HELP YOU LEARN ADOBE PHOTOSHOP CC 2020!"
Price: 199.99

"Adobe InDesign CC 2020" |
"SO, YOURE LOOKING FOR A COURSE THAT WILL TEACH YOU ADOBE INDESIGN CC 2020 QUICKLY & IN A FUN MANNER?Ive got just the course for you!Welcome, my name is Josh Werner with Learn Tech Plus and Ive put this course together to help people just like you quickly master Adobe InDesign...Whether youre a beginner or experienced with existing Adobe Applications!If your goal is to become a user of Adobe InDesign, then this course is perfect for you. It will get you started on the right path and give you the knowledge and skills you need to Adobe InDesign...Learning Adobe InDesign is Not only for Experienced users, but also everyone else. Because when you have master Adobe InDesign, you get around your profile and easily install applications to your computer versus having to get someone else to do it for you which can cost both time and money!In short, a good understanding of Adobe InDesign is tremendously beneficial.Now, in this course, we'll go far beyond that. By the end of it, you'll have gained complete proficiency in Adobe InDesign even if you're currently a complete beginner!THATS RIGHT...NO PRIOR EXPERIENCE OR KNOWLEDGE IS REQUIRED!You dont need any previous experience or knowledge to take this course. In fact, all you need is a desire to learn and master Adobe InDesign.This is not one of those courses that will throw too much at you at once and cause you to get overwhelmed. This is a course that youll not only learn so much from, but also enjoy the journey as youre learning (which is a very important part of the learning process)The course will take you by the hand and teach you everything you need to know step by step and even put your knowledge to practice immediately by showing you how to setup an account in Adobe InDesign and How to Download the Adobe InDesign Application.On top of this, you will also get my continuous support as well to make sure youre successful with my course.LEARN ADOBE PHOTOSHOP BY DOING! (LEARN TO INSTALL ADOBE INDESIGN FROM SCRATCH!)We will go step by step and cover Adobe InDesign. The goal here is to help youA) Setup an Account with a 7 Day Free Trial which after is PaidB) Be able to Download and Install Adobe InDesignHeres what well cover in the course:1. Well start from the very beginning and explain what Adobe Illustrator is, why & how its used.2. Install some of the software well be using all throughout the course.3. Introduce you to Adobe InDesignENROLL NOW ID LOVE TO SEE YOU INSIDE THE COURSE AND HELP YOU LEARN ADOBE INDESIGN CC 2020!"
Price: 199.99

"Basic Cantonese For Beginner Course Part 2" |
"Basic Cantonese For Beginner CourseThis course is totally for Cantonese beginners. We include three parts in the course.You will learn basic Cantonese grammar in the whole course. If you have any problem, please feel free to contact us.Basic Cantonese For Beginner Course Part 211-Elementary Adverbs Of Time Frequency And Duration12-ElementaryComparison13-ElementaryPreposition14-Elementary Negation15-Elementary Verbs Of Motion16-Elementary Verbs Of Giving17-Elementary Verbs And Particles18-Elementary Actions And Events19-Elementary Activities20-Elementary Auxiliary Verbs"
Price: 19.99

"Basic Cantonese For Beginner Course Part 3" |
"Basic Cantonese For Beginner CourseThis course is totally for Cantonese beginners. We include three parts in the course.You will learn basic Cantonese grammar in the whole course. If you have any problem, please feel free to contact us.Basic Cantonese For Beginner Course Part 321-Elementary Passives22-Elementary Word Order And Topicalization23-Elementary Yes/No Questions24-Elementary Wh-Questions25-Elementary Sentence Particles26-Elementary Imperatives27-Elementary Requests And Thanks28-Elementary Numbers Dates And Times"
Price: 19.99

"Social Network Analysis(SNA) and Graph Analysis using Python" |
"As practitioner of SNA, I am trying to bring many relevant topics under one umbrella in following topics so that it can be uses in advance machine learning areas.1. The content (80% hands on and 20% theory) will prepare you to work independently on SNA projects2. Learn - Basic, Intermediate and Advance concepts3. Graphs foundations (20 techniques)4. Graphs use cases (6 use cases)5. Link Analysis (how Google search the best link/page for you)6. Page Ranks7. Hyperlink-Induced Topic Search (HITS; also known as hubs and authorities)8. Node embedding9. Recommendations using SNA (theory)10. Management and monitoring of complex networks (theory)11. How to use SNA for Data Analytics (theory)"
Price: 24.99

"The Modern JavaScript Course 2020 Build Amazon Clone Website" |
"Welcome to my coding course to build an eCommerce website like amazon. In this course, you will learn the essential tools and skills to design, develop, and deploy a fully-function website like amazon using Vanilla JavaScript, HTML5, and CSS3 in frontend and Node and MongoDB in the backend.I designed this course for anyone seeking to develop a fully-functional eCommerce website like amazon. By the end of this course, youll be able to design a responsive web template, implement a user-friendly frontend, and build a scalable backend. Also, you can deploy your website on cloud servers like Heroku and connect it to payment gateways like PayPal.You need to open a code editor along with me and start coding throughout this course. I teach you:Web Design using HTML5, CSS3 including Semantic Elements, Flexbox, Grid System, and Response Design.Frontend Development by Pure JavaScript including ES6 Syntax, Rendering System, Single Page App, Libraries for Date-Time, drawing chart and etc.Backend Development using Node and MongoDB consists of ExpressJS, JWT Authentication, Mongoose object data modeling, and more.This course is for non-coders or juniors who want to be a professional web developer to get a job in 22 million job opportunities around the world. No requirement is necessary for this course and having a passion for coding is enough.Feel free to take a look at the course preview and enroll if it is along with your ambitions."
Price: 99.99

"Profisso Social Media" |
"Caro (a) profissional de Marketing Digital,Devido a pandemia os prximos meses o mercado de Consultoria em Vendas Online dever crescer mais que em todo o ano passo, pois, as empresas brasileiras esto desesperadas precisando de profissionais capacitados para ajudar na estruturao, no desenvolvimento de processos e gerao de mais vendas atravs da internet.Se voc quer um verdadeiro manual detalhado para entrar nesse mercado e fechar os seus primeiros contratos como Social Media esse treinamento para voc.Ao longo das aulas, vou te ensinar como divulgar seu negcio, atrair mais clientes e venda todos os dias com a internet e as mdias sociais."
Price: 234.99

"Mouse to Program Arduino" |
"Program Arduino without programming background.Model based design techniques. Model in Loop, Software in loop, processor in loop, Hardware in loop.Simulink support package installation.Interfacing Arduino with simulinkReading Digital inputReading Analog sensors dataWriting Digital out to output devicesControl LED and read switch status.Controlling servo motors directly from ArduinoAnalysis of data in the simulink from Arduino in external mode.Simulink blocks usage."
Price: 1920.00

"The Ultimate Realistic Portrait Drawing with Charcoal Pencil" |
"The charcoal technique, especially drawing in the style of Real and Hyper Real, has attracted a lot of attention from audiences and art lovers today. It is possible to learn this beautiful technique with relatively simple tools at a moderate cost for anyone with a bit of drawing background. The high contrast of the paintings due to the pencils and charcoal used in this technique is one of the special features of these types of paintings that doubles the beauty of the work.The following course includes a young lady's attractive face and the beautiful flowers next to her.The model chosen for this tutorial has very smooth skin and very clear and detailed face components that fulfill our tutorial goal in this video which includes the teaching of face components with Conte and charcoal. As it has been said, how to create eyes, eyebrows, nose, and lips with charcoal technique is taught in this video and you will also learn about giving volume to the face in this course.Also, the beautiful roses that we create with volumizing and texturize, is one of the appealing parts of this step of our work."
Price: 189.99

"Realistic lip & Jewelry Drawing with Charcoal Pencil" |
"The charcoal technique, especially drawing in the style of Real and Hyper Real, has attracted a lot of attention from audiences and art lovers today. It is possible to learn this beautiful technique with relatively simple tools at a moderate cost for anyone with a bit of drawing background. The high contrast of the paintings due to the pencils and charcoal used in this technique is one of the special features of these types of paintings that doubles the beauty of the work.We begin the first chapter by learning how to draw a special lip design that has a jewel with a diamond inside the metal frame inside the mouth, making it a unique and relatively versatile model for teaching. In this part of the tutorial, in addition to the technique, the sketching of the lips and jewelry is also taught. After the primary sketch of the lip, we go to the charcoal technique and during some following steps we learn to create volume and shade the lip, and then we go to create the texture and wrinkles on the lip. After that, we will learn how to draw the jewel inside the jewelry, by learning it, the student can perform different types of crystal textures. After sketching the diamond, we go to the jewel's designed metal frame and shape it. In all stages of the work, we get acquainted with the types of chiaroscuro tools and their use and how to use them."
Price: 184.99

"Realistic Cat and Shoe Drawing with Charcoal Pencil" |
"The chiaroscuro technique, especially drawing in the style of Real and Hyper Real, has attracted a lot of attention from audiences and art lovers today. It is possible to learn this beautiful technique with relatively simple tools at a moderate cost for anyone with a bit of drawing background. The high contrast of the paintings due to the pencils and charcoal used in this technique is one of the special features of these types of paintings that doubles the beauty of the work.In this training course, we went to a draw a kind of animal and chose a cute kitten sitting in an old shoe. The reason for this choice, apart from the beauty of the model, is the potential of the model to teach animal hair and the texture of a leather shoe. At the beginning of the video, we do the basic cat sketch tutorial together. Then we put the sketching on the cardboard and start working from the eyes, then we draw the cat's nose and mouth, and then, while creating the cat's body volume, we also create the base of the cat's hair. In this step, we will learn to use rough and soft brushes to create hair texture together. After creating the background and completing the cat's body volume, we add the darkness, using Etude and Mono zero erasers, and then using the hard pencil, we complete the hair on the cat's head, face, and body. After completing the kitten, we go to the model's shoe. We apply the lining or background of the shoe's shades and slowly create the volume and darkness of the work. Then, using an eraser, we create the leather shape and complete the textures by adding details. Shoelaces also have their own unique texture, which will be taught in the videos."
Price: 184.99

"Resilincia: ferramentas para a vida pessoal e profissional" |
"Este curso foi concebido para fornecer uma viso geral das prticas ligadas ao melhoramento do bem-estar das pessoas e permitir que os alunos adotem uma perspectiva saudvel sobre o estresse e como melhor gerenci-lo. A resilincia a capacidade de se adaptar positivamente diante de circunstncias adversas (ou seja, sobreviver), e tambm a habilidade de viver uma vida feliz, satisfatria e significativa (em outras palavras, prosperar) em quaisquer circunstncias, inclusive nas mais desafiadoras, atravs de estratgias e rotinas positivas.Ns vamos ensin-lo, atravs de tcnicas da psicologia positiva, a lidar com adversidades.- Voc se tornar uma pessoa mais forte emocionalmente;- Identificar seus valores e objetivos de vida;- Ir assumir o controle da sua vida de formas que ainda no experimentou;- E fortalecer os seus relacionamentosNo final deste curso, voc ter adquirido habilidades para se tornar uma pessoa altamente resiliente."
Price: 204.99

"Excel Advanced Formulas and Functions" |
"This is Advance Excel Course, and contains the following useful Formulas, Functions and ExplanationsAdvanced Vlookup, Why Vlookup Fails and How to fix that. Vlookup and Duplicate valuesAdvanced Countif and Countifs functions with detailed examples and explanationsSecurity of Excel DataIf function with the basic and advanced/complicated example.Date function in excel - Advanced finding date differences in excelUnderstanding of Absolute and Relative Reference in Excel with examplesSolver function for maximizing profit with detailed exmaple.Conditional Formatting in ExcelPivot Table in Excel"
Price: 1280.00

"Excel Macros without ProgrammingRecord Your Own Macros" |
"This class aims to teach people to automate repetitive tasks in Microsoft Excel, simply by recording macros without any programming knowledge.This class identifies some representative situations in excel where there are repetitive actions in it, and it automates it. These are only some representative situations, And in real life there can be hundreds of such situations, where there can be repetitive actions in Excel. This class will help you to get vision to identify the repetitive tasks in your own excel work and to automate that. And with some little practice you yourself will record your own unique macros!!Broadly this class contains following Video TutorialsHow to get Developer Tab in Microsoft Excel.Recording Your First Macro in Excel. And Saving Macro Enabled Excel File.Some Representative Macros Created Without Programming.All Columns Autofit with the help of Macro.Macro to Insert Blank Row Between Two RowsMacro to Insert Blank Column Between Two Columns.Automate Repetitive Formatting by Recording Macro"
Price: 1280.00

"Introduo a programao Arduino com VSCODE e PlatformIO" |
"O Arduino uma plataforma muito popular atualmente. Criada inicialmente para facilitar a programao de microcontroladores, hoje usada em diversas reas tanto para prototipagem quanto para pesquisas.Esse curso visa introduzir os alunos na programao Arduino usando o editor Visual Studio Code junto com o Plataformio. Como essas ferramentas voc ter maior produtividade na criao de projetos com Arduino. Usaremos como base a placa Arduino UNO em conjunto com um shield open source.O que voc aprender nesse curso?Instalao e configurao do VSCODE e PlatformioConhecer os detalhes da plataforma ArduinoProgramao ArduinoSadas digitaisEntradas digitaisEntradas analgicasSada PWM Comunicao Serialtrabalhar com bibliotecasExemplos com:LEDsDisplay de 7 segmentosBuzzerBotesMotorBluetoothLCD 16x2Recursos que voc receber:Cdigos exemplosApostila ArduinoArtigos sobre os contedos apresentadosProjeto exemploSuporte as dvidasAps este curso, voc nunca mais usar a IDE Arduino para seus projetos.Pra quem este curso?O curso voltado iniciantes e programao Arduino ou aqueles que j conhecem a plataforma e precisam de um ambiente melhorar para o desenvolvimento dos seus projetos.O que voc precisa para fazer esse curso:Computador com acesso a internetMicrosoft VSCODE + PlatformIOPlaca Arduino UNOShield EDU IFSP ou componentes contidos no kit importante destacar:O curso focar na programao bsica do Arduino No sero abordados nesse curso:Eletrnica bsicaLgica de programaoUso da IDE do ArduinoEspero voc no curso! Conte comigo durante os estudos!"
Price: 99.99

"OpenCV. Curso de OpenCV para visin por ordenador con Python" |
"En este curso bsico de OpenCV con Python, aprenders a realizar programas de visin por ordenador, como por ejemplo, grabar un video con tu videocamara del ordenador y detectar tu cara en movimiento dentro del video.Estos son los temas principales del cursoNumpy en PythonArrays en PythonImgenes como arrays en PythonImgenes con OpenCV y PythonIntroduccin a OpenCVInstalacin de OpenCVAbrir una imagenManipulacin de imgenesDibujar figuras en imgenesEscribir textos en imgenesDibujar con el ratn en una imagenProcesamiento de imgenesMapeo de coloresConversiones de coloresMezclar imgenesEspacios de coloresMezclar 2 imgenes con distinto tamaoCrear imgenes binariasMostrar una imagen en varios tamaosGradientes y contornos de una imagenEfectos de erosin y eliminacin del ruidoHistogramas de los colores de una imagenVdeos con Python y OpenCVConectarse a la cmara web y grabar un videoLeer archivo de vdeoDibujando en un vdeoDeteccin de objetos con OpenCV y PythonDeteccin de un objeto por emparejamiento de imgenesDetector de esquinasDetector del contorno de una imagenDeteccin de imgenes por caractersticasDeteccin de una cara en una imagenIdentificar una cara dentro de un video"
Price: 194.99

"The Bootstrap 4 From Scratch With Real Projects" |
"Hello there, Welcome to The Bootstrap 4 From Scratch With Real Projects course.This course will be your gateway to learn web design with blank HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files with a step-by-step approach. We can assure you that only this course will enough for you to learn Bootstrap 4 from scratch to intermediate.This course will take you from a complete beginner to a Bootstrap 4 master in hours! By the way, you do not need to know Bootstrap 3 for this course.We'll be moving rapidly to give you the quickest, yet most thorough Bootstrap website building experience.In this course, we have created a completely custom HTML learning environment for the first few sections of this course. Each lecture has an HTML page associated with it and has a start state. As we move along through the lectures, you code along with us while learning all that Bootstrap 4 offers including helpers/utilities, components, widgets, grid, and more.With this course, you will improve your Bootstrap experience with HTML5 and CSS3 codesThis course will take you from a beginner to a more experienced level. You will learn HTML5 and CSS3 step by step with hands-on examples.In this course you will learn;Learn to use the latest HTML5 and CSS3 to add unique styling to BootstrapLearn and create amazing high-quality Bootstrap 4 themes and UIs from scratchMaster every single Bootstrap componentLearn to compile Sass in the easiest way possible using a GUIGet a crash course of the Bootstrap Grid System with the theme layoutLearn how to add Website Scrolling Animation to any Bootstrap Component or HTML ElementNo prior knowledge is needed!You will learn HTML5, CSS3 and Bootstrap 4 step by step with hands-on examples from scratchWhy would you want to take this course? Our answer is simple: The quality of teaching. When you enroll, you will feel the OAK Academy`s seasoned instructors' expertise. Video and Audio Production QualityAll our videos are created/produced as high-quality video and audio to provide you the best learning experience. You will be,Seeing clearlyHearing clearlyMoving through the course without distractions You'll also get:Lifetime Access to The CourseFast & Friendly Support in the Q&A sectionUdemy Certificate of Completion Ready for DownloadDive in now The Bootstrap 4 From Scratch With Real Projects courseWe offer full support, answering any questions.See you in the course!"
Price: 199.99

"The complete Java Android App development Bootcamp 2020" |
"[New Android lectures are added constantly!]So here we are, you are on landing page of the course that teaches Android development. You are trying to become an Android developer? Have you ever wondered how Android apps are built? Do you want to create Android app for yourself, for your business or maybe you want to make money by selling your applications or uploading them to google play store?If answer on any of those questions is yes, The complete Java Android App development Bootcamp course will help you achieve that from scratch!The complete Java Android App development Bootcamp course uses most recent technologies, and we will build app for most recent Android Q version.During development we will use most recent Android studio 4 versions. For any questions that you might have i am waiting at the Q&A section of the course, happy to answer.Enroll now and :- Get familiar with Android studio, IDE for creating native Android applications.- Learn how Android apps are built, and how to build your own android apps from scratch.- Learn how to make design Android App UI.- Learn how to generate apk file so that you can send your app to your friends and they can install your app without downloading it from google play.- Learn how to use RecyclerView in Android- Learn how to make functional android app in general"
Price: 199.99

"Intermittent Fasting Formula" |
"Obesity is becoming an increasing problem. So, its no wonder that so many people are looking for a better way to lose weight.Traditional diets that restrict calories often fail to work for many people. Its difficult to follow this type of diet in the long-term.Many people have been searching for a diet that can be maintained long-term. Intermittent fasting is one such diet. More of a lifestyle change than an eating plan, it is different from regular diets.Followers of intermittent fasting find it easy to follow for extended periods. Even better, it helps them to lose weight effectively.With this video course youre about to discover the easiest & simplest way to lose weight without having to suffer from a strict diet or crazy exercise routine.Youre about to learn one of the best diet strategies to help you achieve your dream physique as quickly as possible.Topics covered:What is Intermittent Fasting?The Benefits of Intermittent FastingWhy Does Intermittent Fasting Help To Promote Weight Loss?Is Intermittent Fasting Safe?A Protocol for 16:8 Intermittent FastingA Protocol for 24-Hour Intermittent FastingOther Types of Intermittent FastingHow to Maximize Your Intermittent Fasting ResultsHow to Get Started with Intermittent FastingAddressing Common Questions"
Price: 99.99

"Herbalism: A Guide To Basic Herbal Actions" |
"When studying herbalism it is important to be aware of the basic herbal actions. Herbalism is a beautiful science that can accomplish so many health goals. This course will teach you all about the the basic herbal actions and which herbs are classified in each of the following categories:*Adaptogens*Alteratives*Aromatics*Astringents*Bitters*Nervines*Carminatives*Demulcents*Diaphoretics*Diuretics*Emollients*ExpectorantsLearning the herbal actions are important for making decisions on which herbs to use to address your health goals, this course will teach you how to utilize the proper herbs.---------------Charlene RossiterHerbalist, Energy Healing PractitionerI am a Herbalist and an Energy Healing Practitioner. I have been studying nutrition and health for over 15 years and help my clients overcome health and wellness issues through nutrition, lifestyle choices, stress management and energy healing practices. I believe the body has an incredible ability to overcome health problems when our lives are simplified through natural healing practices and nutritionI would like to share with you some of the successful techniques I have used to help clients overcome multiple health and wellness issues and live more fulfilling lives."
Price: 24.99

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Price: 19799.00

"Tercih ediliyoruz nk BATUR AKADEM'de 5 kurs 1 kurs fiyatna sunulmaktadrAklnza taklan sorulara en ge 24 saat ierisinde cevap vererek eitimdeki zorluklar hzlca giderilmektedirModllerde komutlarn anlatmnda karmaklktan ziyade sade ve z bir anlatm sergilenmitirUygulama videolarnda olabildiince modern ve kaliteli almalar yaplmas amalanmtrZEL UYGULAMA isimli eitim videolaryla pratik yaparak CATIA renmedeki zorluklar giderilmitir"
Price: 89.99

"React Native Masterclass (2020) : 4 Grands Secrets" |
"Envie de crer des applications mobiles natives la fois pour Android et iOS avec le mme code source ?Eh bien dans cette formation je te montre comment le faire en crant une application de Taxi comme Uber. Ce genre dapplication est trs demand et populaire mais sur le net, il y a trs peu de formations qui traitent de ce sujet en franais. Heureusement pour toi, la voici sur Udemy.Actuellement dans le monde dInternet, il y a une application mobile pour presque tout : pour les Soins de Sant, pour les Rencontres Amoureuses, Shopping etc. Le dveloppement dApplication Mobile nest plus le mme quauparavant. Le processus comprenait jadis le design, les fonctionnalits, le cot et le temps ncessaires pour construire lApplication pour chaque plateforme. Il fallait la fois connaitre Java pour dvelopper pour Android et aussi Swift (Objective C) pour iOS. Chose qui rendait la tche difficile un seul programmeur.Quand je dbutais en tant que dveloppeur, jai commenc par la programmation web (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Angular, React ect.) et trs vite jai eu envie de crer mon application mobile. Et lide dapprendre deux langages de programmation diffrents pour 2 plateformes diffrentes ne me rjouissait pas. Cest alors que jai appris lexistence de Ionic. Mais trs vite jai vu et compris les limites de Ionic, notamment le fait que Ionic te permet de crer des applications mobiles hybrides, do les applications Ionic ressemblent plus souvent des pages web et ont un soucis de performance. Cest alors que jai dcouvert React Native qui, ma grande surprise, est plus simple apprendre vu quil suffit de savoir utiliser React pour sen servir. Et React Native est beaucoup plus performant que Ionic.Savais-tu que Uber est cod en React Native ?React Native est un Framework JavaScript bas sur React. Il est open source et maintenue par Facebook. Il permet de crer des applications mobile NATIVES (et non hybride) sous iOS et Android (multiplateformes) en rutilisant les composants NATIFS de la plate-forme. Do la performance est meilleure.Tu as surement dj entendu dire que pour progresser en tant que dveloppeur tu devais tentrainer sur des projets rels et essayer de cloner (reproduire), avec tes propres codes, les applications qui te plaisent.Cest ainsi qu mes heures perdues, je me suis pench sur lide de crer une application qui rendrait le mme service que Uber. Jai bien sr tout de suite cherch sil ny avait pas des tutos l-dessus sur Internet. Jen ai trouv beaucoup mais uniquement en Anglais. Cest alors que je me suis dit : Julien, si tu russi le faire, il va falloir que tu la rendes accessible aux francophones .Voil pourquoi jai cr cette formation qui te permettra de crer une application de commande de taxi grce React Native. Tu pourras mme tinspirer de cela afin de crer ta propre version de Uber.Je suis Julien, dveloppeur web et auteur du best-seller Ionic 4 Crer une Application de Shopping. Jadore Javascript et ses Frameworks / librairies. Je matrise notamment JQuery, TypeScript, Angular, Ionic, React, React Native, Meteor, Electron, NodeJs etc. Et jai appris avec exprience quil est plus facile dapprendre programmer grce un projet qui nous plait. Voil pourquoi ce cours est orient projet. Nous allons apprendre dvelopper des applications mobiles Native et multiplateforme grce React Native en crant une application de Taxi comme Uber. Grce aussi Expo, React Navigation, aux Flexbox et React Hooks qui nous seront tous trs utiles. Cest pour toi alors une opportunit unique tant donn que cest actuellement le seul tutoriel en franais qui traite prcisment de ce sujet sur Udemy. Et ce nest pas grave si tu ne connais pas les Flexbox ou React Hooks parce-que je vais texpliquer tout a dans lannexe de la formation. l'origine de toute russite, il y a le fait d'avoir os . Alors crois en toi et tu arriveras. De mon ct je mengage taccompagner et rpondre tes proccupations tout au long de la formation.Grace Udemy, cette formation est garantie satisfait ou rembours pendant 30 jours et cela sans aucune condition. Si le cours ne te plait pas, cest simple, on te rembourse. Alors inscris-toi Maintenant.Cette formation te permettra de :Crer une application de taxi comme Uber, ce qui te permettra de lancer ta propre startup ou dimpressionner les recruteurs pour obtenir le job de tes rves ;Dutiliser Expo et React Native ensembles ce qui te permettra de dvelopper des applications mobiles native la fois pour Android et iOS en un temps recordsDe te familiariser avec React Navigation version 5 ce qui te permettra dimplmenter efficacement la navigation dans toutes tes applications ;Dutiliser et Afficher des icnes dans React Native avec Ionicons, ce qui te permettra davoir un design diffrent pour iOS et Android ;Dutiliser react-native-maps pour afficher une carte dans ton application, ce qui te permettra dafficher la position dun utilisateur sur la carte ;Dutiliser le composant Marker ce qui te permettra dafficher des marqueurs sur ta carte ;Dutiliser le composant Polyline ce qui te permettra de tracer et dafficher des routes sur ta carte ;Dutiliser PolyLine de mapbox, ce qui te permettra de dcoder des routes et les rendre utilisable sur ta carte ;Dutiliser expo-permissions dExpo, ce qui te permettra dobtenir de lutilisateur la permission daccder sa position ;Dutiliser expo-location dExpo, ce qui te permettra dobtenir la position de lutilisateur (latitude et longitude) ;Dutiliser expo-google-app-auth dExpo, ce qui te permettra de connecter (authentifier) lutilisateur via son compte Google ;Dutiliser expo-font dExpo, ce qui te permettra dutiliser dans tes applications des polices tlcharges partir dInternet ;Dutiliser expo-constants dExpo, ce qui te permettra dutiliser et d'accder aux constantes de l'application (tlphone); Dutiliser avec aisance les composants principaux de React Native savoir : View, Text, StyleSheet, Image, TextInput, ScrollView, FlatList, ActivityIndicator ce qui te permettra de crer des composants complexes sans trop jeter un il la documentation ;Dutiliser et faire la diffrence entre les composants Touchable de React Native savoir : TouchableOpacity, TouchableHighlight, TouchableWithoutFeedback, TouchableWithNativeFeedback, ce qui te permettra de crer des zones cliquables et boutons personnaliss ;Dutiliser et de te familiariser avec les APIs de React Native comme par exemple : Keyboard, Dimensions, Platform, AsyncStorage, etc. ce qui te permettra dinteragir avec les fonctionnalits du tlphone ;Dutiliser et de te familiariser les APIs de Expo comme par exemple : expo-permissions, expo-location, expo-font, expo-google-app-auth, expo-constants ce qui te permettra de comprendre comment utiliser nimporte quel API de Expo.De maitriser useState et useEffect ce qui te permettra de crer des champs contrls et dexcuter des fonctions dans diffrent cycles de vie dun composant ;De maitriser les Flexbox css et les mettre en pratique dans React Native avec Flexbox Yoga, ce qui te permettra de crer des designs et des layouts avec aisance ;"
Price: 199.99

"DP-100 & DP-200 Practice Exam : Real Exam Questions: 2020" |
"Welcome to our DP-100 & DP-200 Certified Associate Project Management Test 2020 Course.These DP-100 & DP-200 tests will help you pass the DP-100 & DP-200 Certified Associate in Project Management Exam in the very first attempt.What you get in this DP 100,DP 200 Course120 High Quality practice questions for your DP-100 & DP-200 ExamAll DP-100 & DP-200 Questions & Answers are verified by ExpertsAlways updatedAll domains covered30 Days money back guaranteeWhat will students learn in your course?120 High Quality DP-100 & DP-200 practice questionsOur DP-100 & DP-200 Practice test will help you score at least 80% on the main exam.Are there any course requirements or prerequisites?Should have Basic IT knowledgeWant to Clear DP-100 & DP-200 Certified Associate in Project Management Certification ExamGo ahead,Take our courses.Practice hard.Test your Knowledge.Best of Luck for your exam!"
Price: 19.99

"Crashkurs Schlagfertigkeit - souvern statt sprachlos" |
"Stell Dir vor, Du kannst knftig verbale Attacken, Verbalangriffe & Co locker parieren oder geschickt kontern. Stell Dir vor, Du bleibst in jeder Situation souvern, weil Dir zum richtigen Moment das Richtige einfllt. Stell Dir vor, Du musst Minuten oder gar Stunden spter nicht mehr hinterhertrauern, was Du vorher Phantastisches httest erwidern knnen weil Du die passende Antwort bereits gegeben hast.Schne Vorstellungen? Dann kann dieser Crashkurs Schlagfertigkeit genau das Richtige fr Dich sein. Denn Schlagfertigkeit kann man trainieren. Und genau darum geht es in einem der umfassendsten deutschen Online-Kurse dazu auf Udemy.Erfahre mehr ber die wichtigsten Schlagfertigkeitstechniken, von eher weich und konsensorientiert bis eher hart und aggressiv. Anschaulich erklrt anhand vieler konkreter und praktischer Beispiele. So legst Du die Basis fr Deine neue Schlagfertigkeit, ob im Job oder im Alltag. Ob Zuhause oder auerhalb.Und mit den vielen integrierten praktischen bungen kannst Du die Techniken auch gleich einben und Deine Schlagfertigkeit sofort trainieren. Natrlich mit Lsungsvorschlgen.Die 5 Kerninhalte dieses Online Schlagfertigkeitstrainings sind:Schlagfertigkeits-Basics Worauf es bei Schlagfertigkeit ankommt und warum viele nicht schlagfertig sindDie wichtigsten eher weichen Techniken der Schlagfertigkeit an konkreten Beispielen erklrtDie wichtigsten eher harten Techniken der Schlagfertigkeit an konkreten Bespielen erklrtEin ganzes Set an hilfreichen, einfachen Notfall- und Passen-fast-immer-Techniken natrlich auch mit jeder Menge BeispielenUnd als i-Tpfelchen: Dein integriertes ""Trainingscamp"" mit vielen praktischen bungen, um die Techniken gleich einzuben und zu trainieren mit LsungsvorschlgenErweitere jetzt Dein verbales Reaktionsvermgen und Deine Rhetorik-Skills. Manches ist verblffend einfach, wenn man wei, wo man ansetzen kann.Also: gleich anmelden und Deine Entwicklung selbst in die Hand nehmen."
Price: 94.99

"Conversational Spanish from zero to hero" |
"Welcome to the Spanish Conversation Course for English speakers! If you want to learn how to use grammar in a practical way mostly in conversation even if you are a beginner, then this course is for you.At the end of this course you will have the necessary skills to have a casual conversation in Spanish with native understanding how the grammar works and using it to expand your skills in a real context. This course will cover all the grammar in conversation from beginners to advanced. Enroll now before the prices increase!"
Price: 24.99
