"Mapeamento Areo e Topografia com Drones" |
"O curso abordar de maneira didtica e prtica todas as etapas para realizao de um mapeamento completo com drones, como Phantom, Mavic e Inspire, com ou sem a utilizao de Pontos de Controle para obter produtos cartogrficos digitais, como foto area, modelos 3D do terreno e curvas de nvel.Voc que apenas curioso e possui um drone, aps o curso ser capaz de gerar renda extra ou at mesmo empreender exclusivamente com o equipamento.Voc que tcnico e j presta servios que envolvem topografia e/ou mapeamento, aps o curso vai poder otimizar radicalmente sua produtividade e adentrar nesse mercado que a cada dia tem se tornado o futuro das geotecnologias.No mdulo de teoria do curso, abordaremos todos os assuntos pertinentes ao mapeamento com drones, como coletores de dados, tipos de dados, sistemas de projeo e referncia cartogrfica, conceito de estereoscopia, resoluo espacial, legislao de voo e muito mais.No mdulo de prtica do curso, iremos executar juntos um mapeamento, utilizando um Phantom 4 Pro para coleta de imagens, o app DroneDeploy para controle da misso e o software Agisoft Metashape Pro para processamento e gerao dos dados cartogrficos, com todos os arquivos coletados em campo disponveis aos alunos para que possam tambm executar o trabalho nos seus prprios computadores.Alm disso vamos expor uma metodologia completa e eficiente para gerao de curvas de nvel suavizadas, para evitar dores de cabea em mapas planialtimtricos, o que a maioria dos cursos de mapeamento no te contam.Alm disso abordaremos temas de alta relevncia e complexidade de maneira didtica e prtica, direto ao ponto, sem cursos adicionais, assinaturas ou perfumaria, de maneira prtica, para aprender de uma vez como mapear com drones !No h pr-requisitos necessrios para participao."
Price: 39.99

"Model your first Low Poly Character in Blender !" |
"The most straight forward, fully subtitled, no nonsense straight to the point Blender beginner tutorial covering the basic of all basics, modelling and rigging, all key strokes are subtitled, all speeches are subtitled, leave absolutely no room for confusion.No rigging add-ons are used, just the basic bone system built inside Blender so that after this course, you will not be dependent on add-ons to handle rigging for you, that's not to say that you shouldn't use those add-ons, it's just that you will be using those because you want/choose to, not because you are dependent on them because most beginners just skip them and use Rigify directly."
Price: 19.99

3-srwjnq |
Price: 24000.00

"Anlise e Soluo de Problemas: Potencialize Seus Resultados" |
"Curso de capacitao em anlise e soluo de problemas, com base no ciclo PDCA. Nesse curso o aluno aprender os conceitos e utilizao das principais ferramentas de anlise e soluo de problemas: Brainstorming;Diagrama de Causa e Efeito;Matriz de Priorizao;5 Porqus;5W2H;Fases do MASP correspondente com as etapas do ciclo PDCA.Concludo o curso o aluno possuir habilidades que lhe permitiro conduzir um processo de anlise e busca da causa raiz de um problema."
Price: 84.99

"Entreprendre, par o commencer? Clmentine TROUBAT" |
"Ce cours est le premier module du Pack de formation starter conu pour les cratrices d'entreprises. Cette formation est constitue de 6 modules contenant chacun des bonus inspirant. Chaque personne forme est accompagne en sances de mentorat individuel. Faisons en point ensemble sur ton envie d'entreprendre, sur tes comptences, tes expriences et ta personnalit! Dveloppe ton ide et valide l! Valide ta cible ! Valide tes objectifs! Mets toi en route! Ce cours va se baser sur vos fondation et faire le lien entre vos fondations et ce que vous faites ou ce quoi vous aspirez. Nous allons avancer dans la rflexion en faisant un point sur vos valeur, et toutes les raisons pour lesquelles vous voulez atteindre tel ou tel objectif. Puis, je vais vous aider dfinir votre Personae et le valider. Vous saurez qui vous adresser et de quelle manire. Enfin, nous allons traiter vos besoins et vos ressources.Par rapport votre ide, votre pourquoi, vos valeurs, vos comptences, votre cible, la problmatique de votre cible, quelle est votre mission, votre problmatique vous?"
Price: 34.99

"SAP ABAP for HANA 2.0 E_HANAAW_14 E_HANAAW_16 Practice Exam" |
"Get Certified in minimum timeMain Features:120+ QuestionsNo repetition of questionsScenario-based questions4 Practice testsSpecially designed for SAP Certified Development Specialist - ABAP for SAP HANA 2.0Ideal for E_HANAAW_14 & E_HANAAW_16Topic AreasGuided Performance Analysis > 12%Integration of SAP HANA Coding into ABAP Programs 8 - 12%Implications of SAP HANA into ABAP Programs 8 - 12%SAP HANA Basics and Technical Concepts <8%SAP Development Tools for SAP NetWeaver <8%SAP HANA Information Models & Database Procedures <8%ABAP Programming based on SAP HANA Artefacts <8%Official Exam Details:Exam Name : SAP Certified Development Specialist - ABAP for SAP HANA 2.0 (E_HANAAW_16)Exam: 40 questionsExam Cut Score: 56%Exam Duration: 90 minsType of Questions : Multiple choice (single/multiple).Sample Questions and answers:What are the three best approach for Transitioning and optimizing ABAP applications to SAP HANA?There are 3 correct answers to this question.A) OptimizeB) TuningC) InnovateD) DetectE) Scaling Answers :- A,C,DIf the Search Options are enabled, you can set the Search Parameters for an attribute of a view. The following parameters are available?There are 3 correct answers to this questionA) Freestyle searchB) Weights for rankingC) Fuzzy searchD) Point base rankingE) Index search Answers :- A,B,CWhich of the following tool is introduced as a holistic quality assurance tool?A) ABAP Test Cockpit (ATC)B) DBMS CockpitC) BW systemD) DBA Cockpit Answer :- A"
Price: 1280.00

"Aprenda Tudo Sobre Opes Binrias" |
"Este curso foi desenvolvido, com o objetivo de transmitir todo conhecimento necessrio para voc comear a operar e ganhar dinheiro com opes binrias. Curso de linguagem simples e sem enrolao. Ensinando desde o terico at a parte prtica. No ensinamos a partir de indicadores. O aluno aprender a ter toda autonomia sobre suas operaes.Neste curso voc ir aprender tcnicas operacionais que possuem alta assertividade, melhorando seu desempenho.No necessrio ter experincia no mercado financeiro, este curso lhe ensinar todo o necessrio para iniciar a fazer suas prprias anlises e operaes.Aumente seus lucros AGORA!"
Price: 144.99

"Tudo sobre o Reels, o TikTok do Instagram" |
"O Instagram inovou e lanou o Reels! Uma ferramenta cheia de utilidades, que oferece um universo de possibilidades para criao de contedo audiovisual. E o que pode ser melhor para ganhar visibilidade e crescer em uma rede social do que dominar a mais nova forma de interao da plataforma?Neste curso, voc vai entender que ao contrrio do que a maioria pensa, o Reels no foi feito apenas para postagem de memes e contedo humorstico. Ele uma oportunidade excelente para aumentar o alcance da sua conta comercial e pessoal em um ambiente de destaque dentro de uma das maiores redes sociais do mundo! Dominando os recursos, voc vai se destacar e conquistar mais seguidores, aumentando suas chances de venda e o reconhecimento da sua marca.Como gravar um Reels?Para que serve cada ferramenta?Como colocar legendas sincronizadas com a fala do vdeo?Qual a diferena entre um Reels e um Story?Tudo isso e muito mais voc vai aprender em menos de uma hora no curso ""Be-a-b do Reels, o TikTok do Instagram""!"
Price: 54.99

"Besserer Umgang mit Geld" |
"In diesem Kurs lernst Du, warum es manchen Menschen so schwer fllt, Geld zu sparen und wie du das fr dich ndern kannst. Du lernst, wie du dir ein System schaffst, mit dem du dir vllig automatisch und ohne auf etwas verzichten zu mssen, ein finanzielles Polster zulegen kannst. Du bekommst alle notwendigen Tools dafr an die Hand und kannst Stck fr Stck dein Lebensstandard steigern."
Price: 19.99

"Les cotisations sociales en microentreprise / autoentreprise" |
"En tant que microentrepreneur ou autoentrepreneur, vous devez grer les dclarations et le paiement de vos cotisations sociales seul puisque vous n'avez pas de comptable. Dans cette formation, je vous explique tout d'abord ce que sont les cotisations sociales et ce qu'est l'URSSAF. Je vous propose aussi de vrifier ce qu'est l'ACRE ou aide la cration d'entreprise pour que vous puissiez vrifier si vous pouvez en bnficier et quel est contenu de cette aide. Ensuite, je vous apprends comment faire vos dclarations et comment payer. Je vous prsente aussi les autres taxes et impts dont vous devez vous acquitter en mme temps que les cotisations sociales. Enfin, en raison du coronavirus, certains amnagements ont t prvus pour le paiement des cotisations. Cette formation sera mise jour pour tenir compte de toutes les volutions en ce domaine. Vous pouvez aussi retrouver de nombreuses informations concernant le statut de microentrepreneur sur ma chaine Youtube ABCJuris et en particulier sur la playlist consacre aux entrepreneurs et microentrepreneurs."
Price: 19.99

"Python Data Science for beginners" |
"The main purpose of this course is to give students the ability to analyze and present data by using Python Data Science tools, and to provide an introduction to the use of data cleaning and data visualizations.The course will introduce data manipulation and cleaning techniques using the popular python pandas data science library and introduce the abstraction of the Series and DataFrame as the central data structures for data analysis.By- Uditha Bandara is specializes in Microsoft Development technologies. He is the South East Asia`s First XNA/DirectX MVP (Most Valuable Professional). He had delivered sessions at various events and conferences in Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore, Sri Lanka and India. "
Price: 19.99

"Job Search, Career Development and Career Change Masterclass" |
"Are you feeling stuck in a dead-end job?Tired of feeling unfulfilled or that youre wasting your potential?Feeling overwhelmed by the job search?Not getting the position or the salary you know you deserve?Or, afraid of how the changing economy will impact your career?Adults spend most of their waking hours working. Its no secret that having a fulfilling career is vital for a happy, successful life. If youre like most people, you have either never really considered the career you REALLY want, or youve been in your career a long time and dont even know where to begin to make a change.Plus, the job market is changing, the economy is changing, and the whole process of searching for a job or re-careering can feel overwhelming.And thats exactly why we created this program!Are you unhappy at work or not sure what you want to do when you grow up? We have an entire section about choosing a career you love! You will:Determine your dream careerIdentify an ideal position based on your talents, passions and personalityImprove your position, pay and happiness in your current careerDo you know you want to change or youre being pushed to consider other options because of changes in your industry? We have an entire section dedicated to how to transition your career. You will:Strategize how to transition to a new careerRepurposing your skillsIdentify how to pivot due to current and future economic and technological changeAre you dreading having to search for a job? This program provides expert career coaching strategies that you can apply to yourself, including a simple step-by-step process for navigating the job search that has been proven to result in offers with the best companies for the best possible pay. You will:Generate referrals using powerful LinkedIn networking strategiesBrand yourself and craft your story to get any positionCraft a resume that stands out and gets you hiredNot only that but youll learn a unique approach for how to land interviews with the best companies and how to win interviewers over that will give you a major advantage over the competition.And the best part is that youll learn how to operate from a place of confidence and peace of mind throughout the entire process.Meet the Instructors: There are 3 instructors in this course.Adam Mitchell-Hardt is a professional career coach. After working for his share of demoralizing jobs and feeling stuck, Adam decided he was tired of being unhappy at his job and about his future. Despite having success throughout his career in tech sales, he felt a calling for something more. A lifelong student of psychology, personal growth and human potential, Adam applied what he learned about himself with his career coaching skills and launched into his dream career by creating his own career coaching business. Since 2016, Adam has been helping people find new positions or even entirely new careers getting paid to do what they love.Joeel & Natalie Rivera of Transformation Academy are life coach trainers over 300,000+ students from 195 countries at the time of this recording. Their content is based on their educational background in psychology and education and nearly 2 decades of experience in the fields of life coaching, social services and entrepreneurship, as well as Joeels background as a psychology and career development instructor, his Masters Degree in Counseling and research on happiness for his dissertation for a PH.D. in Psychology."
Price: 149.99

"Build An MP3 Player With Python And TKinter GUI Apps" |
"In this course I'll teach you how to make graphical user interfaces for Python using TKinter. You'll be surprised just how quickly you can create some pretty cool looking apps!We'll be building an MP3 player in this course that will have a song playlist, be able to play a song, stop a song, pause a song and move forward and backwards in the playlist. We'll also create a volume slider so that users can adjust the volume of the music. Finally, we'll create a slider that will allow the user to fast forward or rewind within a song to a specific position in the song. If you've ever wanted to create GUI apps with Python, this is the course for you!"
Price: 199.99

"Learn to play the blues harmonica classic Spokey Dokey now!" |
"Cowboy Bebop anime soundtrack with guitar from passionate Japanese harp man Ryuichiro 'Weeping Harp' Senoh.He is no longer with us but his widow Kikue Senoh has kindly given me permission to make a public course and use his music from the Youtube movie recordings.Her site for him is here sites dot google dot com slash view slash skikue slashMany people listened to the performances of Ryuichiro Senoh (Weeping Harp Senoh) who died in 2017.Ryuichiro and (I think)Nubuo Yagi played harp for the band ""The Seatbelts"", a group put together for theCowboy Bebop series of anime (Japanese animation)."
Price: 99.99

"Curso para DJ Convirtete en un DJ profesional Vol.3" |
" Te presentamos en exclusiva el curso ms completo en DVD, que te ensear a detalle todo lo que necesitas saber para convertirte en un DJ profesional. Con las ms modernas y eficientes tcnicas para dominar el arte del sonido, explicadas por uno de los mejores DJ del pas, aprenders los secretos para hacer buenas mezclas, llevar el ritmo, manejar el beat y mejorar tu performance. Este curso te permitir adentrarte en el fascinante mundo de las mezclas y convertirte en el DJ que siempre has querido ser. Aprenders a usar la mezcladora, los CD players y efectos especiales, as como algunos trucos bsicos. Te ensearemos a mezclar estilos como msica electrnica y hip hop, adems de explicarte cmo utilizar el software ms usado por los DJ: Traktor y Ableton Live "
Price: 270.00

"Pianoforall - 'Classics By Ear' - Bach Preludes" |
"A New Way to LearnFor over a decade, Pianoforall has taught over 300,000 people worldwide how to play amazing pop, jazz, blues, ballads and improvisation, and now were going to teach you how to play INCREDIBLE Classical pieces in the same way.These courses are for ADULT BEGINNERS who would love to build a repertoire of great classical pieces but who dont have the time (or the inclination) to learn the traditional hard way.This Classics By Ear Series will teach you a NEW way to learn classical piano from the inside out.Instead of painstakingly learning complicated sheet music one note at a time by memory, you will learn how to take a piece of classical music apart bar by bar, section by section, and understand how it was all put together: from the musical form distinct sections and subsections to the underlying chord structure, visual clues, patterns and repeats.So not only do you learn how to play the pieces but you UNDERSTAND what you are playing and this makes it SO much easier to memorise and perform.No more performance fearThis really helps if you feel nervous performing in front of others. If we rely solely on muscle memory we can have a fear of forgetting our lines but if we have a deep understanding of a piece from many different angles chords, sections, patterns, repeats and memorable elements then we go beyond muscle memory until it feels as if we have written the piece ourself!And you will learn everything in a refreshingly NATURAL way the way we all learn to speak or read as kids: we first LISTEN to others, then we imitate them and SPEAK what we hear and ONLY then do we attempt to READ words or sentences that we can already say. And so it makes so much more sense.Similarly with Classics By Ear you will learn to play the pieces by following the videos, keyboard diagrams or cheat sheets, and then you will find it MUCH easier to follow the sheet music because then it will all make perfect sense!No Cliched Beginners Pieces!The pieces you will be learning arent the usual cliched beginners pieces (like Fur Elise or Minuet in G). We have especially chosen pieces that sound more advanced (watch the Promo video to hear the pieces) yet they are actually deceptively EASY to play which means your audience will think that you have been playing for YEARS!The course is perfect for those people who read a little music but arent very advanced or those who play by ear but want to play some beautiful classical pieces.If you have no prior knowledge you can still follow the lessons if you are prepared to put in lots of practice, but I suggest you also study sections 1 to 5 of my main Pianoforall course, which will teach you basic sight-reading and chord theory. Section 2 of this course also teaches BASIC SIGHT READING in just 18 minutes! It will give you enough knowledge to follow the rest of the lessons.Like Pianoforall these Classics By Ear courses come with exceptional and comprehensive supplementary PDF ebooks that you can print out and set on your piano or keyboard."
Price: 169.99

"How to Start a Career in Data Science 2020" |
"Data science jobs are hyper-competitive. For each position, there are multiple other highly qualified candidates eyeing the same role.It is like you are all competing for a $100,000+ prize.If you frame it this way, wouldnt you want to go the extra mile?By taking this course, you will be doing just that. You will learn valuable information that can give you a much-needed edge over other candidates.What better way to approach data science job hunting than learning from the experience of someone who is an actual data scientist and has recruited data scientists for his team?Ken Jee, your instructor for this course, is one of the most popular YouTubers focusing on data science. Over 70k people follow his YouTube channel. He has worked for several companies: consulting (Scouts Consulting Group), start-ups (GoHealth), and conglomerates like GE. In this course, he will be your private tutor offering a structured approach to landing a data science career.Ken will share invaluable insights leveraging his personal experience. You will learn how to:- Create your data science project portfolio- Build your resume- Get an interview through Networking- Succeed during the phone interview- Solve the take home test- Ace the behavioral and technical questionsAdditionally, Ken has prepared several mock-interviews and 1-on-1 conversations with people who have successfully landed data science positions. These allow you to get an inside-look into the mind of successful candidates so you can see how the interview process really works. These interviews are not available elsewhere and act as an invaluable shortcut to a career in data science.The course offers you resume templates, downloadable materials, some exciting infographics, as well as a section on how to optimize your LinkedIn, Github, and Kaggle profiles for recruitment purposes.Taking this course can be a crucial step for your future career. No need to think twice. Start your journey towards a data science career today!"
Price: 199.99

"Quiz Edexcel GCSE Chinese (1CN0-3F) 2017 SAM -Reading" |
"This Quiz is based on (1CN0-3F) 2017 SAM Specimen Paper. There are Two Sections in this paperSection A: 10 QuestionSection B: Translate a passage into English Foundation tier 2017 SAM Paper 3-Reading and understanding in Chinese , Paper Reference 1CN0/3F Questions, Answer in English. We modify into quiz with best possible vocabulary explanations in deep deep details.Please refer to the Video Course ""Foundation tier 2017 SAM Paper 3-Reading and understanding in Chinese V2020 -Video with quiz"" for detailed explanations and vocabulary expansions. IntroductionThe Pearson Edexcel Level 1/Level 2 (1CN0-3F) 2017 in Chinese )is designed for use in schools and colleges. It is part of a suite of GCSE qualifications offered by Pearson. (First teaching from September 2017 First certification from June 2019) (Replace (5CN01/1F) Listening; (5CN02 Speaking); (5CN03/3F) Reading, Last exam in 2018) Foundation tier Paper 3: (1CN0/3F) Reading and understanding in ChineseTime: 50 minutes, Text in Chinese, answer in English."
Price: 29.99

"Quiz Edexcel GCSE Chinese (1CN0-1H) Higher Tier-Listening" |
"This Quiz is based on (1CN0-01H) 2017 SAM Specimen Paper. There are total 10 , Questions. answer in English. We modify into quiz with best possible vocabulary explanations in deep deep details.Please refer to the Pracitce Test ""Edexcel GCSE Chinese (1CN0-01H) Listen -Higher Tier- - Video with quiz"" for audio and Detailed Vocabulary Expansion & Explanations.IntroductionThe Pearson Edexcel Level 1/Level 2 GCSE (91) in Chinese (spoken Mandarin/spoken Cantonese)is designed for use in schools and colleges. It is part of a suite of GCSE qualifications offered by Pearson.(First teaching from September 2017 First certification from June 2019)(Replace (5CN01/1H) Listening; (5CN02 Speaking); (5CN03/3H) Reading, Last exam in 2018) Higher TierPaper 1: (1CN0/1H) Listening and understanding in Chinese Time: 30 minutes and 5 minutes reading. 10 Questions, answer in English."
Price: 29.99

"Ventas: 30 Respuestas para manejar 30 Objeciones de Venta" |
"El manejo de las objeciones en las ventas es una de las habilidades ms importantes de todo buen vendedor, por no decir uno de los elementos determinantes que diferencia a los mejores!Sin importar que tengas experiencia en el mundo de las ventas o si eres principiante, debes haber notado que no hay da en que no te encuentres con todo tipo de objeciones de ventas, porque es el quehacer cotidiano de todo vendedor. Sin embargo, lo que para unos es un problema, t lo puedes convertir en una oportunidad Y vamos, que por eso ests aqu!Nadie puede decir que es un experto en tcnicas de ventas sin tener un buen repertorio de tcnicas para rebatir objeciones de ventas. La razn es sencilla: el cliente no siempre viene directamente a ti, es ms, hasta en esos casos debes usar todo tu repertorio para convencerlo de que ofreces lo que necesita, y qu mejor manera de hacerlo que convencindolo que lo que l ve como una objecin, es de hecho la razn por la que necesita tu producto o servicio en su vida.Ya sea que quieres aprender cmo vender software en empresas o vender seguros en instituciones educativas, si te dedicas al coaching o si lo tuyo es el telemarketing, las ventas por telfono, las ventas en tiendas o las ventas a puerta fra, saber cmo vender es un arte que s o s necesita del correcto manejo de las objeciones de venta.Por todo esto, en este curso pongo a tu disposicin las tcnicas de manejo de objeciones ms relevantes, teniendo en cuenta lo que piensan en realidad los clientes a la hora de presentar una objecin. Te preguntars cmo puedo saber eso Sencillo! Estas tcnicas para rebatir objeciones de ventas estn sustentadas en planteamientos postulados desde el neuromarketing y la neuropsicologa, teniendo en cuenta el comportamiento de los consumidores, sus expectativas y las formas en las que interactan al momento de un cierre de ventas.Esto puede sonar un poco a texto de biblioteca y por eso tambin cabe aclarar que, lo que encontrars aqu no solo suena bonito en los libros, sino que adems se sustenta en mi experiencia real durante todos mis aos como profesional en ventas, en como debes imaginar, he tenido que lidiar con todo tipo de objeciones en ventas.Si t, como yo, has tenido que tratar con las objeciones de ventas, sabrs que estar preparado para toda ocasin es el arma secreta para llegar a concretar el mayor nmero de ventas posible. Es por eso que en este curso encontrars:Cul es la diferencia entre queja y objecin. Realmente esto puede parecer menor, pero saberlo te ayudar a dar un enfoque adecuado a tu cierre de venta dependiendo del caso.Tcnicas para rebatir objeciones de venta tomando como base de aprendizaje, ejemplos reales que te permiten ponerte en situacin y encontrar la respuesta adecuada para cada caso.Un manual de objeciones de ventas completo en el que aprenders a rebatir objeciones de venta tan tpicas como: ""Es mucho dinero!"" ""Puedo conseguirlo ms barato en otro sitio"" o ""Tu producto no es una prioridad para m en este momento"".Herramientas prcticas que te servirn para convencer a los clientes ms difciles y a aquellas empresas que quieres incluir dentro de tu estrategia b2b.Informacin terico-prctica que te permite contrastar los conceptos con la vida real, para que puedas pasar de las meras ideas a la accin con suma facilidad. Con esto te quiero decir que, si tomas el curso de objeciones en ventas, desde las primeras lecciones ya tendrs herramientas prcticas para usar en tu ejercicio diario como vendedor.Esto es a grandes rasgos lo que puedes encontrar en este curso, y una de las cosas ms importantes que todo buen vendedor necesita para desempear su profesin con xito. Si te pones a pensar, el secreto de un buen vendedor es ser capaz de hacer una venta efectiva con alguien que desde el principio est presentando objeciones para adquirir un producto o servicio.En este punto espero tener tu inters. Es por eso que a seguir profundizar un poco ms en cada uno de los temas, para que te decidas a empezar hoy mismo este curso de objeciones de ventas, que indudablemente servir en tu vida, si lo que quieres es ser uno de los mejores vendedores."
Price: 99.99

"Physics - Fluid Statics - College Physics" |
"This course is one of several courses designed for students in college level physics. This course covers in great detail the topics in fluid physics considered as ""static"" which means the fluid is not flowing. We cover the sup topics of density, specific gravity, pressure, Pascal's principle, buoyancy, and Archimedes' principle. The videos and resources will include lectures and plenty of worked out example problems covering all aspects of fluid statics. This is perfect for any student whom wishes to expand their physics knowledge. While this course does not cover calculus based physics, any student enrolled in such course will still benefit from the ground work laid out here."
Price: 19.99

"How Churches & NGO/Charity Can Generate More Income Streams" |
"If you answer to any of the above two questions is yes - then join this course. In this no-fluff actionable course I will reveal to you how you, your organization can start generating additional streams of income for your Charity, NGO, Church, or Social Enterprise.I will give you ideas and suggestions that will reveal the untapped opportunities that you can use to start generating income for your organization.What Some Of My Students Said:5 Star Rating:Boomy's lectures are compact, accurate, and to the point. I learned many new ideas and concepts that will help focus my business plan and map a growth plan. The bonus lecture on cashflow forecasting is an excellent introduction for individuals new to finance. I will be taking more business planning courses from Boomy - AndrewThis course is so focused to the point and packed with highly useful information, unlike so many other courses that beat around the bush. highly satisfied with the content - Anusha"
Price: 19.99

"Practical Reactive Streams with Akka and Java" |
"This course builds on the ""Practical Java concurrency with the Akka Actor Model"" course and will extend your knowledge of using the actor model with Akka and Java to create reactive streams.The course is full of practical real-world scenarios - you'll even build a blockchain mining application.Please note that although Akka is built in Scala, no Scala knowledge is needed for this course - the course covers Akka with Java and we won't be writing any Scala code.This course covers the newer Akka Typed API only."
Price: 199.99

"Master ASP.NET Core 3.1 MVC with 7 Step By Step Projects" |
"Ready to master all the essential ASP.NET Core MVC Skills?As the title of the course suggests, this is a course for beginners who want to move beyond the beginner's level and be proficient and independent ASP. NET Core MVC programmers. We will be creating several projects using ASP .Net Core 3.1 with the help of Entity Framework Core.Step by step, we will improve our MVC skills by building on previously acquired skills and pushing them further with each project. By the end of the course, we will have built several small to medium size projects, with the final project incorporating everything you need in order to consider yourself skilled ASP.NET Core MVC programmer.For the next several hours, we will dedicate our time to interfaces, dependency injection, table relationships, .Net Core Services, Repository Pattern, MVC, ViewComponents, TagHelpers, Sessions, Authentication and Authorization, Entity Framework Core, and of course, C# language. But don't let any of that scare you. Quite the opposite. Get excited to learn a lot of new material and dive into the new world of .Net Core. The course makes the learning easy with the mix of introduction of new material, and practical coding! Every step is explained every time. There are lot of courses that will show you the way into one topic and then quickly move on to another topic. This is not one of those courses! My goal is to lead you step by step, all the way, through the new territory inside .Net Core 3.0 and introduce you to new concepts and topics and help you learn them. And equally important goal is to help you understand and retain what you learned. Is this course for you? What skills should you have before taking it? If you are a programmer with decent understanding of OOP principles and C#, then you have the all the skills needed to benefit from this course. There are no prerequisites for .net core, or entity framework or how to create and MVC app. Since you are interested in this course, I assume you heard of these things and perhaps played around a little too. That's all that is needed to take this course. Well, let's code!"
Price: 19.99

"From Zero to Hero Belajar LayOut SketchUp" |
"Kursus ini merupakan lanjutan dari From Zero to Hero Belajar SketchUp. Materinya memang sengaja dan harus terpisah karena memang sesuatu yang berbeda. SketchUp sendiri merupakan aplikasi untuk modeling secara 3D. Sedangkan LayOut SketchUp merupakan aplikasi untuk menggambar 2D. Sesuatu yang berbeda yang harus di gabungkan pada akhirnya. Ya, LayOut bisa memproduksi gambar kerja dari SketchUp dan itu adalah tujuan utamanya."
Price: 700000.00

"Entrance For Ancient Egyption History ,Predynastic Ages" |
"This course is an important introduction to the study of ancient Egyptian history in particular. We will study glimpses of prehistoric times, such as the old stone age, the neolithic age, the age of the beginning of minerals, the pre-dynastic era, and glimpses of this era, such as the nature of the atmosphere, information about some important historians likeHerodotus,Strabo and Diodor of Sicily and the tries to Solving symbols of ancient Egyptian language and how champilion solved the ancient language religion and the unification of the country and starting of first family by king narmer and a lot of Egyptian gods and their photos and names and powers .this course have A lot of important information that paves the way to learn about the history of Egypt if you are loving history and especially Egyptian and pharaohs or you decide to study Egyptology you should take this course"
Price: 24.99

"Mindfulness for Sleep & Insomnia" |
"Mindfulness can help us sleep better and reduce symptoms of insomnia. If you find yourself lying awake for hours or dreading going to bed because of how difficult it is to sleep, this is the course for you.Mindfulness does not offer a quick fix or instant results. But, once you master the practices, it will give you a lifetime of better sleep.We'll do this by changing your relationship with sleep so that instead of seeing it as an adversary that activate's the body's stress response, we see it as a friend.This course provides you with a week's worth of daily practices and you can try out the first one right now using the preview lessons."
Price: 99.99

"Create a Blogger Clone CMS Using PHP + JavaScript + MySQL" |
"If you want to take yourself to a whole another level, Im talking about Skills set :>This Course will give you High-end PHP, JavaScript, PDO, MySQL Coding Programming knowledge from beginning to a professional Coder, you will learn and master your PHP JavaScript PDO etc.. SkillsBeing a Web Programmer and knowledge of PHP has given me the ability to make money online only just staying at home. Learning web programming language like PHP can allow anyone to earn literally valuable income online. Getting yourself to learn PHP will give you the knowledge to build websites & web application, Content Management system like WordPress, Blogger, Tumblr, or even you can make your own social networking websites site like Twitter, Facebook etc..PHP is one of the MOST FAMOUS and The Most Popular Web programming language to learn, Because the majority of websites and applications based on PHP.You can easily find a job or work at home on websites like Odesk or UpWork as a freelance web developer.(""Become a PHP Master"") In this Course We Created Google blogging platform BLOGGER CMS Content management system and multi blogging platform which is one of the most famous blogging platform on the Internet. Apart from WordPress, Blogger is quite challenging to make. It doesn't matter if you're a beginner or an experienced programmer, you just have to know the basics of PHP, MySQL, HTML, CSS and JavaScript.Having a Blogger CMS Project with multi blogging platform building knowledge and learning that kind of skill set you will gain skills which help you to learn and understand the main concept used in these huge Web Applications.You can highlight the site you create in this course in your job resume or in your portfolio, If anyone who sees this project in your portfolio might want to hire you because of this project.SupportBy taking this course you will get my full support. Im always loved to help my students (could be you). Ive answered all that question that students asked so far. Im always in ninja mood, if theres been question itll be answered within an hour or few. By all this mean is if you have any error. I'll be happy to check codes, errors.This Course Covers The Following Features: Admin panel / Dashboard Multi Blog System Subdomain for Each Blogs Pageviews Stats Analytics System Template Engine Template Editor Live Drag and Drop System for Gadgets/Widgets Changeable Positions for Gadgets/Widgets Post / Page System Admin / Author roles Login / Signup Blog Comments Pending Comments Publish Comments Draft Posts Publish Posts Draft Pages Publish Pages New Post Editor New Page Editor Front Blog Template Blog Settings User Profiles And Much More. Please look at all the lectures to see more things that are covered."
Price: 129.99

"Network Programming In Golang - Part 1" |
"Network Programming With Go is one course that will help you become a good network programmer. This course is about writing network applications at each layer of your network stack. After completing this course, you will be able to play with the networking stack of your computer using Golang and at the application level. I am an open-source contributor who has written quite a few applications for Linux networking. I will use my experience and knowledge to train you in becoming a good network programmer."
Price: 1280.00

"Agile for Software Development" |
"Agile Fundamentals emphasizes starting with an Agile mindsetSTART YOUR JOURNEY FROM MINDSET TO MASTERYIn order to succeed with agile approaches, teams and organizations should focus first on being agile in this course we will learn outcomes delve into key concepts such as adaptive planning, value-driven development, team collaboration, and frequent feedback for continuous improvement. we also will cover the Agile Manifesto, the Agile Principles, and some widely applied frameworks and practices. Course participants come away with a solid understanding of core concepts as they prepare to embark on their agile journey."
Price: 24.99

"Formality in Korean Being respectful in Korea" |
"Hi everyone, and welcome to my latest class on formal language in Korean.This course is all about learning how we use either informal or formal language, depending on who we're speaking to. As well as learning how we use informal and formal language, we'll also take a deep dive into the Korean culture so that you have better awareness of why there are different levels of formality, and how we use different levels of formality depending on who we speak to.This course has three core units1. Hierarchy in KoreaIn this unit, you will learn how hierarchy is established in different settings, such as in social, families, school and at work.2. Honorific LanguageIn this unit, you will learn about different levels of formality, and different kinds of honorific nouns and verbs. You will also learn how we conjugate verbs into honorific forms.3. Honorific Language in ContextIn this unit, you will learn about how we use informal and formal language in different situations, such as saying goodbye, talking about asking questions, etc.Only prerequisite for this course is that you should have a working knowledge of Hangul and some basic awareness of Korean sentence structure.Hope to see you in the lessons!Keehwan Kim"
Price: 99.99
