"The Art of Singing" |
"This self study course covers the most important elements of singing technique - Breathing, Resonance, Registers, Blending, Tone, Colour, Vibrato all working towards creating your own vocal journal and individual practice routine. The course covers close to 3 hours of video material and also includes exercises and tasks so you can continue your vocal discoveries. Session 1 - Breathing In this session you will discover WHY we breath a certain way for singing and HOW this technique becomes the base for every vocalist. You will be taken through the WHY and the HOW and then be guided through exercises and tasks so that you can continue working and improve your breathing technique.Session 2 - Registers and ResonanceThis is where things start to get exciting!! Discover areas of your voice that have previously been undiscovered and learn how to access these areas and support them. Session 3 - Blending Now we have discovered all the different areas in our voice that are available for us to make use of, we are going to start to learn how to BLEND them together to create easy shifts. You will also be guided through exercises and tasks to assist with strengthening the weaker parts of your voice.Session 4 - Tone and Colour Learn how vowels and your soft pallet affect tone and colour in your voice. Understand and learn to love your own tones and colours in your voice and how to manipulate them to create different sounds for different styles. Session 5 - Vibrato Some of us have lots and some of us have none! Learn how to control/find your VIB!Session 6 - Creating Your Vocal Journal and Practice Routine. Taking everything you have learnt, you will now be guided through the creation of your vocal journal and practice routine so you can continue to discover and train your voice independently."
Price: 1000.00

"Windows 3.11 - Ein kleiner Geschichtskurs" |
"Gleich zu Anfang sollten wir die wichtigste Frage dieses Kurses klren:Warum zur Hlle macht der Typ einen Kurs ber ein fast 30 Jahre altes Betriebssystem? Aus demselben Grund, warum sich manche Leute heute noch einen Vinylplattenspieler ins Wohnzimmer stellen oder sich ein NES-Mini kaufen. Einmal aus Grnden der Nostalgie aber auch aus Interesse an dem was mal war. Viele junge Entwickler und Informatiker kennen gar nicht mehr die alten Systeme. Man ist in einer Welt aufgewachsen, in der sich Treiber selbst installieren und Netzwerke wie magisch sich sofort mit neuen Rechnern verbinden. Doch wer wissen will wie sich das ganze entwickelt hat, woher die Elemente kamen, die wir heute in unseren Systemen so selbstverstndlich nutzen, der muss sich mit dem Ursprngen befassen.Deshalb ist dieser Kurs so etwas wie eine kleine IT-Geschichtsstunde, in der wir uns mit Windows 3.11 for Workgroups (und dementsprechend auch mit DOS) beschftigen werden und erleben, wie alles so seinen Anfang nahm.Wir werden uns gemeinsam anschauen:Wie Windows berhaupt entstanden istWarum DOS und das frhe Windows untrennbar warenWie man Windows 3.11 installiert und anwendet (Ja, auch auf heutigen PC's, dank Virtualisierung)Wie man unter Windows 3.11 Netzwerke und Gerte einrichtetWie man neue Programme installiert und konfiguriert (DOOM!)Was braucht ihr fr diesen Kurs?Original Hardware und Software (80286 Prozessor oder hher, 2MB RAM, 10MB freien Speicher)ODER ein normalen, modernen PC mit virtualisierungsfhigem ProzessorDOS 6.22 und Windows 3.11 (opt. for Workgroups) als Diskettenimage (hier hilft googeln!)"
Price: 19.99

"Learn Economics from scratch, ECO04" |
"Learn Economics from the scratch, ECO04 is the fourth of a five Economics course series.By studying this course, you can discover new factors that may lead to increase the national wealth. Modern governments are actively engaged in economic Planning. The purpose of planning is to remove poverty by increasing the national income and wealth and also by effectively distributing the wealth. Without the knowledge of economics, this is absolutely impossible.The knowledge of economics is very essential for the Finance Minister, It helps in framing the just system of taxation. It helps in formulating the budget for development and for removing unemployment. Supply of money, effective credit system, efficient working of the banking system can be had in the country only by having a thorough knowledge of economics by the people who administer these sectors.The knowledge of economics is very essential for the legislators and parliamentarians. They will be able to frame laws effectively only by having knowledge of the subject. As citizens and voters and people. electing the representatives, the knowledge of economics will be much helpful. It will help the people to understand many economic programmes presented by the political parties in their Election Manifesto. The people can wisely judge the truth of the statements in the Manifesto.Economics is not a bundle of theories and principles. It is a practical social science. The study of the subject is not undertaken merely for the sake of knowledge. It is done to lay down principles and policies for removing poverty and increasing human welfare"
Price: 19.99

"TEFL: How to Teach English Fluency" |
"Extensive research suggests that learning a new language requires more than just our brain. It should feel like we were playing or having fun while learning. There is a method in Nature that has 100% efficiency. And this method is our natural language learning process - the one we come in contact with when our parents start modeling our speech - as soon as we start to speak. Why not take the best features of this process and create a method based on psychology, statistics, and pedagogy? That's what we have done at Obvia.Learn how you can transform the way you teach. Spend 80% less time preparing classes and focus on your students' fluency progress. Discover Obvia today and transform your students' lives."
Price: 19.99

"Hakimlik Snavnn Pf Noktalarn Trkiye 16.'s Anlatyor" |
"Hakimlik ve Savclk Snav in uygulam olduum alma Program ve Semi olduum kaynaklar Neticesi Trkiye 16. Olarak Baar elde Etmeme mkan Salad.* Sizlerde bu kursu izledikten sonra baarmann ve snav kazanmann aslnda ok basit olduunu, bu snav kendinizce gznzde ok byttnz greceksiniz.* Bu kursta, snava hazrlanrken psikolojik olarak nasl bir ruh hali ierisinde olmanz gerektii konusu da detayl bir ekilde ele alnmaktadr.* Hakimlik ve Savclk snavna almaya yeni balayan arkadalarn mutlaka izlemesi gereken bir kurs olup; snava ynelik bak alarn mutlaka geniletecek olumlu anlamda katklar salayacaktr.* Yaam olduum tm sreci sizlerde yakndan takip etme frsat bularak kendi snavnza ve snav sonucunuza yn verebileceksiniz.* Aktarm olduum tecrbeler ile sizde kendi tecrbelerinizi harmanlayarak ortaya baarnn anahtarn kararak dereceler elde edebilirsiniz."
Price: 119.99

"DataDog Monitoring Basics Hands On" |
"Datadog is a monitoring service for cloud-scale applications, providing monitoring of servers, databases, tools, and services, through a SaaS-based data analytics platform.Always have a hard time to find errors in the host of different servers? Having a hard time configuring alerts for when things go wrong?Need to manually investigate issues when a server/database runs out of space? DataDog will actually forecast these issues and tell you in advance. It is no wonder that DataDog's usage and acceptance grows day by day.You will get a quick grasp on DataDog. It is one of the best data monitoring tools out there, with the ability to design and develop dashboards and it will let you add widgets to provide great visual representation into your entire ecosystem.834 companies reportedly use Datadog in their tech stacks, including Airbnb, Facebook, and Spotify.Setup Datadog Agents on the Mac as well as Windows. Learn how to start and stop the agents as well. Then move on to integrating DataDog with another tool like Prometheus. Learn efficient ways to edit your DataDog config files.One point here. You must integrate with other systems like Slack. Slack is a messaging platform. When things go wrong we can send alerts here. Configure alerts so they can be used later on in Monitors as well."
Price: 29.99

"Project Risk Management: A Project Management Mastery Course" |
"This Project Management course dives deep into the tools, techniques and activities of Risk Management. If you are involved in projects at any level, taking this course will equip you with the knowledge, skills and language to communicate clearly with your project teams and key stakeholders.You will learn Qualitative and Quantitative Risk Management. First, you'll gain a clear picture of what Risk management is. Next, learn how a Risk Management Plan is created, how risks are identified, rated, ranked and treated. As a bonus, you'll add to your repertoire of cool project stories and be able to dazzle your friends with stellar small-talk topics at your next dinner party.Upon completion of this course, you will have a clear understanding of how Risk is presented in the PMBoK (Project Management Body of Knowledge), you can use the information presented in this course to prepare for the PMP certification exam, to broaden your knowledge in the field, or to earn 5 PDU's. "
Price: 94.99

"Chucrute e Beet Kvass: Sade e Fora para o Inverno" |
"Neste curso fala-se sobre a importncia das boas bactrias (probiticos) e como comear a emprega-las ao seu favor usando alimentos FERMENTADOS. Neste primeiro passo no mundo dos Alimentos Fermentados falamos sobre o Chucrute (ou Sauerkraft) e sobre o Tnico da Beterraba Fermentada (Beet Kvass). Alm disso, mostrada a importncia desses alimentos para o Inverno. O curso conta com aulas prticas e tericas, de forma a transmitir as informaes necessrias para criar novos entusiastas dos Alimentos Fermentados feitos em casa!"
Price: 24.99

"Visualisasi Data Interaktif dengan Google Data Studio" |
"Dengan Google Data Studio, Anda akan memiliki kompetensi sebagai berikut:Mampu memvisualisasikan data melalui diagram dan tabel yang sangat mudah dikonfigurasi.Mampu menghubungkan output visualisasi ke sumber data online dengan mudah.Mampu membagikan analisis dengan tim atau ke seluruh dunia.Mampu berkolaborasi dalam membuat laporan dengan tim.Memiliki kemampuan dalam mempercepat proses pembuatan laporan dengan contoh laporan yang sudah ready to use."
Price: 280000.00

"Programao LADDER com CADeSIMU" |
"Aprenda a programao LADDER atravs de exemplos profissionais com CADeSIMU.O curso conta com projetos de acionamento por partida direta(completo com sinalizao), acionamento local/remoto, uso de contadores, temporizadores, sensores e muito mais.A melhor oportunidade de aprender a programar CLPs com a linguagem LADDER.Comece j seus estudos e se diferencie no mercado.No perca a chance de entrar para a rea de Automao ou mesmo de conseguir uma melhor colocao no mercado.Aproveite."
Price: 54.99

"6 mock PMP exams" |
"This tests are intended to help you prepare yourself for the PMP (Project Management Professional) exam, offered by PMI (the Project Management Institute). The includes more than 1200 PMP prep test items (questions & answers). Each question has one best answer. 6 PMP mock exams with 200 question each.Explanations for every PMP exam question clarify correct answers.Professional: Prepare for your PMP exam with practice exams created by experts.All content based on A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide) - Sixth Edition PMP ExamIn order to pass final preparation test, you should correctly answer 150 out of 200 questions in 4 hours, like in the real exam."
Price: 19.99

"PMP Certification Exam Prep PMBOK 6 quizes = 1200 Questions" |
"PMP Certification Exam Prep PMBOK 6 quizes = 1200 QuestionsThis tests are intended to help you prepare yourself for the PMP (Project Management Professional) exam, offered by PMI (the Project Management Institute). The includes more than 1200 PMP prep test items (questions & answers). Each question has one best answer. 6 PMP mock exams with 200 question each.Explanations for every PMP exam question clarify correct answers.To earn your PMP certification, you need to meet the experience and education requirements, and pass the PMP examination, a 200-question, multiple-choice exam.Regardless of how advanced your project management experience or education might be, you should still prepare vigorously for the exam. Successful PMP candidates typically use multiple study aids, including courses, self-study and study groups.On average, successful PMP candidates will spend 35 hours or more to prepare, so make sure you leave yourself plenty of preparation time before you take the exam.All content based on A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide) - Sixth Edition PMP ExamIn order to pass final preparation test, you should correctly answer 150 out of 200 questions in 4 hours, like in the real exam."
Price: 19.99

"Prepare Yourself for PMP Certification - 1200 Test Questions" |
"Prepare Yourself for PMP Certification - 1200 Test QuestionsThis tests are intended to help you prepare yourself for the PMP (Project Management Professional) exam, offered by PMI (the Project Management Institute). The tests includes more than 1200 PMP prep test items (questions & answers). Each question has one best answer. 6 PMP mock exams with 200 question each.Explanations for every PMP exam question clarify correct answers.Youve made the investment to earn the Project Management Professional (PMP) certification. Now its time to make the commitment to prepare for the exam. Carving out time and securing the proper materials to study requires discipline and focus. As a project professional, youve got what it takes.All content based on A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide) - Sixth Edition PMP ExamIn order to pass final preparation test, you should correctly answer 150 out of 200 questions in 4 hours, like in the real exam."
Price: 19.99

"PMP Certification Exam -> 6 quizes = 1200 Questions" |
"This tests are intended to help you prepare yourself for the PMP (Project Management Professional) exam, offered by PMI (the Project Management Institute). After many years as a project management trainer, I have helped more than 5,000 students prepare for their Project Management Professional (PMP) Exam. In my experience along the way, Ive found one thing that unites them all: They all want to practice with PMP Exam sample questions.In an effort to help, I have identified top PMP Exam sample questions. I recommend each of them for the quality.This includes more than 1200 PMP prep test items (questions & answers). Each question has one best answer. 6 PMP mock exams with 200 question each.Explanations for every PMP exam question clarify correct answers.All content based on A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide) - Sixth Edition PMP ExamIn order to pass final preparation test, you should correctly answer 150 out of 200 questions in 4 hours, like in the real exam."
Price: 19.99

"1200 question database PMI, PMP & PMBOK" |
"This tests are intended to help you prepare yourself for the PMP (Project Management Professional) exam, offered by PMI (the Project Management Institute). The includes more than 1200 PMP prep test items (questions & answers). Each question has one best answer. 6 PMP mock exams with 200 question each.The PMP, or Project Management Professional, is an exam conducted by the Project Management Institute (PMI), is a globally recognized certification. The exam consists of 200 multiple choice questions that outline the five process groups (Initiation, Planning, Executing, Monitoring and Controlling, and Closing) and nine knowledge areas (Integration, Scope, Time, Cost, Quality, Human Resource, Communication, Risk, and Procurement).Of the 200 questions, 25 of them are pretest questions. Pretest questions appear randomly during the exam, do not affect the candidates score, and are used in examinations as an effective way to increase the number of examination questions that can be used in future PMP exams. The passing score for the exam is almost 61% (106 questions correct out of 175 scored questions).In order to pass final preparation test, you should correctly answer 150 out of 200 questions in 4 hours, like in the real exam."
Price: 19.99

"6 PMP mock exams 1200 Questions PMI & PMBOK Udemy Unofficial" |
"This tests are intended to help you prepare yourself for the PMP (Project Management Professional) exam, offered by PMI (the Project Management Institute). The includes more than 1200 PMP prep test items (questions & answers). Each question has one best answer. 6 PMP mock exams with 200 question each.Explanations for every PMP exam question clarify correct answers. We are proud to have this up-to-date list of free questions for the current exam!Added are 120 new questions for Sixth Edition. Good luck on this sample test and your PMP Exam! Note: The exam results created by this page are temporary. If you restart your browser, or reload, close or move away from this page in any way, then your results will disappear.In order to pass final preparation test, you should correctly answer 150 out of 200 questions in 4 hours, like in the real exam. *All content based on A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide) - Sixth Edition PMP Exam"
Price: 19.99

"6 mock PMP exam with 1200 question database PMI exam prep" |
"This tests are intended to help you prepare yourself for the PMP (Project Management Professional) exam, offered by PMI (the Project Management Institute). The includes more than 1200 PMP prep test items (questions & answers). Each question has one best answer. 6 PMP mock exams with 200 question each.Explanations for every PMP exam question clarify correct answers.The most important PMP exam prep activity is to answer as many sample questions as you possibly can. To help you, we have developed this preparation test. The questions come from PMBOK and they are all based on the most current PMP Exam that has been in effect since March 2018.All content based on A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide) - Sixth Edition PMP ExamIn order to pass final preparation test, you should correctly answer 150 out of 200 questions in 4 hours, like in the real exam."
Price: 19.99

"PMP Certification Exam Prep PMBOK 1200 Test Questions" |
"This tests are intended to help you prepare yourself for the PMP (Project Management Professional) exam, offered by PMI (the Project Management Institute). The includes more than 1200 PMP prep test items (questions & answers). Each question has one best answer. 6 PMP mock exams with 200 question each.Explanations for every PMP exam question clarify correct answers.In the test we have included material from:Project Management FrameworkProject Integration ManagementProject Scope ManagementProject Schedule ManagementProject Cost ManagementProject Quality ManagementProject Resource ManagementProject Communication ManagementProject Risk ManagementProject Procurement ManagementProject Stakeholder ManagementProfessional: Prepare for your PMP exam with practice exams created by experts.All content based on A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide) - Sixth Edition PMP ExamIn order to pass final preparation test, you should correctly answer 150 out of 200 questions in 4 hours, like in the real exam."
Price: 19.99

"CRM - Fatores Humanos na Aviao" |
"O treinamento de CRM surgiu por volta dos anos 70/80, aps os investigadores de acidentes areos terem identificado que os erros presentes foram decorrentes de uma m gesto dos recursos disponveis na cabine de pilotagem.Nessa poca, o C da sigla CRM significava cockpit cabine dos tripulantes.Este treinamento buscava apresentar aos tripulantes quais recursos de cabine que foram ignorados ou no totalmente utilizados. Sendo que a falha no uso destes recursos estava relacionada a fatores humanos debilitantes da performance, tais como: Falha de Comunicao Falha de Conscincia Situacional Falha no Trabalho em Equipe e da Liderana Falha na Gesto da Automao Falha na Tomada de Deciso Excesso de Carga de Trabalho Viso de Tnel Power Distance Fadiga Estresse Equilbrio / Viso / Audio / ProprioceptivosEste treinamento passou por vrias atualizaes, onde o C foi alterado de Cockpit para Crew (toda a tripulao). E ainda criado um treinamento separado para o pessoal da manuteno de aeronaves, onde o C foi substitudo por M (Maintenance) - MRM.Por fim, o C tornou-se Corporate, onde prev que todos da organizao devam realizar este treinamento. Pois todos tem no DNA a chance de cometer um erro em algum momento e podem fazer parte da cadeia de eventos at o acidente.O CRM continuou evoluindo passando por vrias atualizaes. Atualmente o CRM est na 6 Gerao, onde o foco principal est no Gerenciamento de Riscos e Ameaas.A ANAC (Agncia Nacional de Aviao Civil) a responsvel por regulamentar este treinamento atravs da norma IAC 060-1002A - Treinamento em Gerenciamento de Recursos de Equipes.O CRM na Aviao um treinamento obrigatrio para todas as empresas areas que transportam passageiros, seja companhia de transporte regular, ou txi areo.O objetivo do CRM na aviao reduzir o erro humano, fornecendo estratgias que ajudaro a melhorar o desempenho humano. Ao contrrio dos treinamentos tradicionais de treinamento voltados ao conhecimento tcnico e s habilidades necessrias pilotagem de uma aeronave, o CRM foca nas habilidades cognitivas e interpessoais.O CRM da aviao hoje adaptado para outros cenrios de trabalho em equipe como em equipes de cirurgia, de defesa civil, indstria, etc; onde o espao para o erro pode custar vidas, prejuzos ou atrasos, visando reduzir a chance do erro ocorrer."
Price: 249.99

"Learn the Fundamentals of Mechanical Engineering." |
"Join the most popular Mechanical Engineering courses on Udemy today. Highest-rated and taught by an internationally skilled and experienced instructor.This course is designed to give you the necessary ground knowledge to start or enhance your engineering knowledge in preparation for entering the industry or succeeding in your employment position. I specifically designed this material to be easily comprehensible and not just an overview. I will go about each knowledge areas and provide explanations for you, the learner, to become proficient in your engineering journey. The series goes over an array of engineering concepts and I hope you will find it valuable and helpful towards your training.What youll learnHand Tools and Workshop Tools.Valves and Connectors.Pumps, Motors and Gearboxes.Bearings, Seals, Sprockets and Chains.Conveyor Belts, Chains, Pulleys, Hoist and Lubrication."
Price: 19.99

"Maths Made Easy for Adult Learners 2" |
"This course goes over in detail the Basic maths needed to understand fractions. It will look at addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of fractions. The course takes a step by step approach that will systematically build up your understanding of fractions and lead on to an understanding of percentages. This will enable the student to tackle new problems with confidence."
Price: 19.99

"Learn Balinese Culture and Tradition : Temple etiquette" |
"One of the foremost attractions of Balinese culture are the Pura (Temples), where some of the most beautiful and sacred pacara (Ceremonies) occur. The Balinese are happy to share their traditions, culture and ceremonies with visitors from outside their communities. When visiting the Pura or attending ceremonies in Bali, it is customary to follow the local guidelines & traditions.This lesson will explain those guidelines and the traditions behind them. Beginning with a talk and visual presentation, well highlight proper attire, etiquette, offerings, prayers and the meaning behind them. Well also present some of Balis most sacred Pura and clarify the reason for their respective directions and the deities that reside in each.Putu Mahagiri is Usadas cultural liaison, born and raised in Peliatan, Bali. She is passionate about maintaining and preserving her Balinese cultural roots by sharing the authentic cultural traditions in our classes, workshops and experiences. Putu is also committed to helping empower all women, but especially Balinese, by offering women's sharing circles and sharing experiences."
Price: 19.99

"Einstein Analytics and Discovery Consultant Practice Set" |
"Congratulations on taking the next step to your salesforce journey. This course will help you to prepare Einstein Analytics and Discovery Consultant certification exam. You will verify your knowledge and become confident before the exam.The Salesforce Einstein Analytics and Discovery Consultant exam measures a candidates knowledge and skills related to the following objectives.Data Layer: 24%Given data sources, use Data Manager to extract and load the data into the Einstein Analytics application to create datasets. Describe how the Salesforce platform features map to the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern.Given business needs and consolidated data, implement refreshes, data sync (replication), and/or recipes to appropriately solve the basic business need. Identify the common scenarios for extending an application's capabilities using the AppExchange.Given a situation, demonstrate knowledge of what can be accomplished with the Einstein Analytics APIGiven a scenario, use Einstein Analytics to design a solution that accommodates dataflow limits.Security: 11%Given governance and Einstein Analytics asset security requirements, implement necessary security settings including users, groups, and profiles.Given row-based security requirements and security predicates, implement the appropriate dataset security settings.Implement App sharing based on user, role, and group requirements.Admin: 9%Using change management strategies, manage migration from sandbox to production orgs.Given user requirements or ease of use strategies, manage dataset extended metadata (XMD) by affecting labels, values, and colors.Given a scenario, improve dashboard performance by restructuring the dataset and/or data using lenses, pages, and filters.Given business and access requirements, enable Einstein Analytics, options, and access as expected.Analytics Dashboard Design: 19%Given a customer situation, determine and define their dashboarding needs.Given customer requirements, create meaningful and relevant dashboards through the application of user experience (UX) design principles and Einstein Analytics best practices.Given business requirements, customize existing Einstein Analytics template apps to meet the business needs.Analytics Dashboard Implementation: 18%Given business requirements, define lens visualizations such as charts to use and dimensions and measures to display.Given customer business requirements, develop selection and results bindings with static queries.Given business expectations, create a regression time series.Given customer requirements, develop dynamic calculations using compare tables.Given business requirements that are beyond the standard user interface (UI), use Salesforce Analytics Query Language (SAQL) to build lenses, configure joins, or connect data sources.Einstein Discovery Story Design: 19%Given a dataset, use Einstein Discovery to prepare data for story output by accessing data and adjusting outputs.Given initial customer expectations, analyze the story results and determine suggested improvements that can be presented to the customer.Given derived results and insights, adjust data parameters, add/remove data, and rerun story as needed.Describe the process to perform writebacks to Salesforce objects.Who this course is for:Salesforce ConsultantsAnalytics ConsultantsBusiness Analysts"
Price: 1280.00

"Salesforce Admin Certification Practice Exams 2020" |
"These practice tests are in accordance with the official Exam Guide from Salesforce, along with the 12 Knowledge Areas and corresponding weighting for each, so you can approach the actual Salesforce Administrator Certification Exam with confidence, not just hoping you are ready, but knowing you are ready.Improve your odds of passing with the first attempt and avoid costly re-schedule fees by enrolling in this course today. You will receive your total final score, along with Section Level Feedback, so you can pinpoint the areas in which you need to improve and study further."
Price: 19.99

"Healing your Heart Chakra" |
"""I sacrifice my own needs for others and yet, don't receive the love that I want.""""I find it difficult to open up to others.""""I am too critical of myself.""If you identify with any such statements, or are dealing with grief, heartbreaks or a low self-esteem phase, it is definitely a reflection of poor Heart Chakra health. But worry not, all you need is a simple energetic shift and this course provides you with just that!The quality of the interactions we have with people all around us, and even with ourselves, is highly determined by our Heart Chakra. In an increasingly fast-paced world, we often end up neglecting this and lose out on its potential to uplift our life. The simplest way to reclaim this energy is to Heal your Anahata or Heart Chakra.This course empowers you with the following tools to do so:Physical Exercises and YogaBreathing Techniques and PranayamaGuided MeditationsAffirmationsSelf-Reflection WorksheetsSo let's open our hearts and begin this journey of balancing our Anahata!"
Price: 24.99

"Les Clefs du dessin - Volume 3A - Formes & volumes" |
"Lors de la ralisation dun dessin dobservation vous tes confront aux problmatiques des trois dimensions du monde rel.Il ainsi bon davoir quelques explications sur le fonctionnement de notre vision afin de comprendre comment et pourquoi nous percevons les objets en volume, mais aussi de connatre les rgles de la perspective et de quelle facon vous pouvez retranscrire cette sensation dans vos dessins. Dans ce cours vous apprendrez percevoir les elements en trois dimension selon un plan et a utiliser la perspective afin de reussir la conversion de la troisieme dimension sur un support plan.Vous avez envie dapprendre le dessin en perspective, mais vous hsitiez car vous ne savez pas si ce cours peut vous aider.En dessin dobservation, il nest pas indispensable de dessiner selon les rgles strictes de la perspective. Les informations de volume tant visibles sur votre modle, il est tout fait possible de restituer la profondeur des objets et des espaces de maniere intuitive. Nanmoins pour obtenir une reprsentation raliste dun monde en trois dimensions, il est bon dapprendre les grands principes qui rgissent les espaces en trois dimensions. Dans ce troisime volume de la srie LES CLEFS DU DESSIN vous allez ainsi etudier chacun de ces principes afin de reussir la conversion de la troisieme dimension sur un support plan et ainsi retranscrire au mieux la sensation de profondeur dans vos dessins.Des leons et des exercices pour VRAIMENT apprendre dessinerLa srie de cours LES CLEFS DU DESSIN est un cours complet qui regroupe au total 4 volumes pour apprendre le dessin d'observation. Elle a t conue pour tre la fois plaisante et efficace. Les diverses leons sont ainsi structures de manire pdagogique avec une partie thorique abordant les principes fondamentaux du dessin d'observation, accompagnes de nombreux exercices qui vous permettront de mettre en pratique les notions tudies afin de progresser rapidement tout en vous faisant plaisir.Chaque volume de cette mthode particulirement infaillible pour apprendre dessiner, traite une comptence essentielle du dessin. Vous verrez ainsi tous les aspects du dessin, depuis les bases jusqu la matrise de techniques avances. Les vidos contiennent des instructions claires qui vous guide tape par tape dans votre apprentissage et si vous rencontrez des difficults, je rpondrais vos questions afin de vous aider les surmonter.Pour que ce cours soit bnfique et vous permette vraiment d'apprendre dessiner, je vous conseille de parcourir les sept parties de la srie de cours LES CLEFS DU DESSIN dans l'ordre suivant :Attitude & observationContours & cadragesMesures & proportionsFormes & volumesEspace & perspectiveVolumes & lumire Valeurs & ombrage"
Price: 19.99

"Profesional Certificado en Ingeniera de Requerimientos IREB" |
"Basndonos en el Syllabus de la certificacin , y en el libro recomendado por el mismo instituto, hemos elaborado este curso ms prctico y con abundantes tips y prcticas, dirigido a ayudarte a lograr el xito en el examen de certificacin. Ya hemos impartido este curso de manera presencial con grandes resultados, y ac hemos agregado ms contenido."
Price: 24.99

"Defensive Stock Investing Via Quantitative Modeling In Excel" |
"Do you think professional methods of investing are beyond your reach because it involves state of the art infrastructure, rocket science, and huge amount of money?Have you tried replicating someone else's trading style and method only to end up with drastically different or inconsistent results?Do you find it difficult to implement investment strategies that you learned because (a) you have no confidence about it, (b) you still don't know how to execute it, and/or (c) you have no time?THIS COURSE WILL CHANGE YOUR PERCEPTION ABOUT THE APPROACH TO INVESTING.We will teach you in-depth a defensive stock investing approach known as Trend Following, from concept to implementation, whose principles are used among hedge fund professionals. This strategy is capable of creating stock portfolios that are resilient during bear markets as compared to the broad stock market. After the course, you will be able to Do-It-Yourself.Trend Following is a powerful quantitative strategy that is grounded in well-established principles and common sense. There are no chart reading, no thick annual reports, no constant monitoring of market news, and no forecasting.All investment decisions are driven by the model we will build in this course. The completed model requires less than 5 minutes of your time to update. With a good understanding of the strategy through hands-on learning, this will keep your discipline in check and prevent you from falling prey to emotions during times of market stress. The end result is consistency.We will build the model up in Excel using in-built Excel functions. No programming experience is required. Neither do we need expensive tools or data subscriptions. We will use only free resources.WHAT YOU WILL LEARN Why buying and holding stocks is more risky than it looks. What are the criteria to look at when choosing stocks universe. What is the concept and rationale behind trend following. How to use critical Excel functions e.g. data lookup, logic operators, math and statistical functions etc. What is the intuition and math behind key financial concepts, e.g. returns, volatility, etc, and how to implement them on Excel. Where and how to get price data. How to model a buy and hold portfolio. How to incorporate transaction costs, borrowing costs and leverage into the model. How to calculate key performance metrics and create a performance analytics worksheet for tracking model performance. How to create a dashboard to extract and display key information for making investment decisions.WHAT YOU WILL GET Over 6 hours of lectures developed with more than 15 years of experience in the asset management, hedge fund and banking industry. Practice sheets on financial mathematics and excel functions with solutions. Guided step-by-step model building process complete with templates. Fully completed trend following model file that you can use or improve on. Free Excel-based resources (from the web) to download price data from yahoo finance in bulk. Unlimited lifetime access. Full 30-day money-back guarantee. No questions asked. Online Q&A where you can pose your questions to us.An investment into the right education is one of the best investment one can make. The earlier you start, the better you will be in the future. So take action now and ENROLL IN THIS COURSE!"
Price: 209.99

"Online Teaching & Learning" |
"You are living in a digital world and If you are not familiar with online teaching & learning, you may be outdated soon. Learn how to create online teaching-learning content and courses. Online Teaching & Learning (OTL) is a new normal in the teaching-learning process of any kind. Converting your offline class into an effective online class or the course is very challenging and needs specific tools and skills. Creating an online course is an art as well as a science. You can do the wonders if you get a systemic knowledge of utilizing your existing resources effectively. This course will provide all you need to know about the same in an easy and effective way. Course USPs Learn from the expert Easy Language (Hinglish: A mix of English & Hindi) Effective presentation Live Demos of Audio-Video making, Editing software training & many other related aspects. Instant kick start for your new course and OTL Complete power-packed/ comprehensive course"
Price: 2880.00

"Arbeitssicherheit Unterweisung Mitarbeiter Infektionsschutz" |
"Bei diesem Kurs handelt es sich um eine allgemeine Unterweisung aus dem Bereich Arbeitssicherheit fr Mitarbeiter aus Unternehmen. Vermittelt werden die wichtigsten Basis-Grundlagen zum Arbeiten unter Einhaltung des Infektionsschutz vor Atemwegserkrankungen. Es werden ausschlielich die grundlegenden, fr alle Firmen allgemeingltigen Handlungsanweisungen gelehrt, unabhngig von firmenspezifischen weiteren organisatorischen, technischen und organisatorischen Manahmen, die der Unternehmer jeder Firma auf Grundlage einer individuellen Gefhrdungsbeurteilung erstellen muss. Die Unterweisung richtet sich nach den inhaltlichen Vorgaben des Bundesministeriums fr Arbeit und Soziales.Stand 23.7.2020"
Price: 24.99

"Lead Magnet, vende ms con esta estrategia de marketing" |
"- Qu es un Lead Magnet?Un Lead Magnet es cualquier tipo de contenido de valor que entregamos al usuario de forma gratuita a cambio de sus datos de contacto. Este tipo de contenidos son esenciales en toda estrategia de Inbound Marketing dado que es la forma en la que seremos capaces de convertir a nuestros visitantes en leads.- Qu aprenders?En este curso inicial te ensear TODO lo necesario para montar tu estrategia de Lead Magnet. SIN RELLENO NI CONTENIDO SIN SENTIDO.Iremos directos al grano y aprenders todo lo necesario para armar tu estrategia, desde cmo crear el contenido, cmo cualificar los leads, cmo darle difusin y cmo generar una automatizacin de email.Adems aprenders a usar diferentes herramientas que te permitirn no solo crear esta estrategia sino muchas otras.- FAQSPor qu pagar por esto si puedo buscar cursos gratuitos?Te tomara muchas horas encontrar todo lo que contiene este curso acelerado, adems los recursos gratuitos son muy bsicos y no cuentan todos los secretos y te ensean todas las herramientas.Este curso se actualizar?S. Este curso se mantendr constantemente actualizado para que ests al tanto de las ltimas estrategias.Este curso es para mi?S, estoy seguro de que es para ti, pero idealmente:Si te gustan los negocios Online, el Marketing Digital y el Growth HackingSi quieres atraer a miles de clientes potenciales de forma sencillaSi eres un emprendedor o autnomo que quiere generar ms oportunidades de negocioSi eres un profesional que quieran automatizar su web para obtener miles de leadsSi quieres generar ventas en piloto automtico con una estrategia slida y econmica Si quieres aprender, conocer ms herramientas y empezar a crecer utilizando esta estrategia, este es tu curso"
Price: 19.99
