"CISSP Certification: Most Detailed CISSP Domain 2 - 2020" |
"Have you heard that the CISSP is the hottest cybersecurity certification?Are you looking for the most detailed course on CISSP Domain 2 - Asset Security?Are you interested in cyber security?--> If the answer is YES, this course is for YOU.Top three reasons to TAKE THIS COURSE right now!CISSP examination: This course will prepare you for the CISSP - Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) Certification Exam.Taught by a certified cyber professional: On top of the theory, I will share with you my insightful experience and illustrate it with concrete real-life examples.Next career step: This course will enable you to reach your next career step, to get an appealing cyber profile and set your learning journey into motion.OverviewOn a high-level, the course has three sections:Classifying and Labeling DataIdentifying Data RolesProtecting PrivacyWhat's in it for me, in detail?The course is divided into three sections, subdivided into topics as following:I. Classifying and Labeling DataDrafting Sensitive DataData ClassificationDefining Security RequirementsThree Different Data StatesManaging Sensitive DataProtecting with CryptographyII. Identifying Data RolesThe Six Data RolesIII. Protecting PrivacyBasics to Protect The PrivacyRelated information security certifications:This CISSP course is perfectly designed for the preparation of IT Security certifications, ethical hacking penetration testing and for the following cyber security certifications:CISM Certified Information Security Manager certification from ISACA, CRISC Certified in Risk and Information Systems Controls certification from ISACACCSP Certified Cloud Security Professional certification from (ISC)CISSP concentrations: CISSP ISSAP, CISSP ISSEP, CISSP ISSMPCSSK Cloud Security certification from CSACompTIA Security+ certificationIn addition, you will also get: Unlimited Access to the course and all course updates. High quality support in the Q&A section. A Udemy ""Certificate of Completion"" for download (CPE/CEUs). BONUS: 10 CISSP practice questions for Domain 2.What's next? Hit the ""Buy Now"" or ""Add to cart"" button to start your CISSP course today !See you in class !"
Price: 29.99

"Learn Advanced Formulas and Data Analysis in Microsoft Excel" |
"The Microsoft Excel course exposes students to all available tools, commands, and Functions in the application. The training is carefully structured to take care of the learning needs of students, who are really yearning to know how to use Excel to carry out tasks in their workplaces. The course is also prepared to help regular users of the application, who want to upgrade their knowledge and upskill.The Intermediate topics capture the most frequently used command for day to day tasks. The Advanced level is also to help students learn the most advanced formulas, functions, and Tools. The advanced Excel training course builds on the intermediate course and is designed specifically for spreadsheet users who are already proficient and looking to take their skills to an advanced level.The advanced excel tutorial will help you start a career in the area of data and financial analysis especially in the following fields; investment banking, private equity, corporate development, and equity research. By watching the instructor build all the formulas and functions right on your screen, you can easily pause, replay, and repeat exercises until you have mastered them."
Price: 119.99

"Life Realignment Program: 6 Steps to a WonderFilled Life" |
"This Course will empower you to: discover who you are at your deepest levelclearly identify work, relationships, and lifestyle choices that suck life from you & dont bring you joy no longer waste time on tasks that dont bring you closer to living the way your Heart desires create resilience during profound uncertainty like divorce, career obstacles, health issues, and spiritual crises live in a rhythm of perpetual growth and self-evolutionachieve a beautiful alignment with the person you want to be, and the life you want to livestop spending time and money on self development solutions that dont help you achieve the life you wantThe process has been specifically designed for people who:are tired of letting other people, places or conventions dictate your dreams and life path.your lifes direction feels disorganized and your actions unfocused - what & how do I prioritize?!want to know where you should invest your time and energy to get the momentum you need to thrive.you are ready to be bold and share your true self with those you love and want a deeper connection with.are ready to step into the beautiful unknown and embrace the WonderFilled life in store for you!Meet Brownrygg!Hey, Im Brownrygg, your WonderFilled Life Architect! Like many of us, that magical feeling of Wonder eluded me for most of my life. I would get short glimpses of it - joy, fulfillment, creativity - but mostly felt stuck and emotionally. I invested hundreds of hours in self-development, thousandsof dollars in counseling and dedicated myself to understand what it takes to constantly experience Wonder. After ten years of searching I was able to decode what is necessary to start living a WonderFilled life. I took these steps myself and no live with more freedom than I ever imagined possible. I took my experience of alignment and created a 3 Phase Life Re-alignment Process to help others experience Wonder as their constant reality too. So many people spend time and money on self-help programs but still dont feel fulfilled and happy OR they seem to have it all, but still feel stuck and unsatisfied. This is because they were never thought how to set up their lives for experiencing joy, fulfillment and abundance. This is exactly why I developed this program.The 3 Phase Life Re-Alignment Program guides you to: 1. Unlock your Wonder, 2. Own your Path 3. Control your Destiny. Each step will take you deeper into who you are, where youd actually like to go and what steps will get you there.Phase 1 - Unlock Your Wonder1. Embrace your Essence: get absolute clarity on what it means to embrace your essence and why it needs to be rediscovered. 2. Uncover your Purpose: we uncover the statement that creates complete clarity on what you were meant to do, and why you feel so drained when youre not living into your purpose.Phase 2 - Own Your Path3. Create your Heart-Centered Vision: create the vision you want for your life with your Essence and Purpose clearly defined - this will infuse meaning and direction in all that you do! 4. Re-frame your Story: take control of the narrative you have of yourself and your life; identify limiting beliefs, unnecessary struggles and hidden fears that are holding you back from living a WonderFilled life. Phase 3 - Control Your Destiny5. Avoid Energy Whirlpools: learn to identify and avoid environments, people, beliefs & systems that dont align with your Essence, Purpose, and Vision.6. Accept Death as a Companion: discover the secret to why your actions have not had the power they needed to actually make a dent in your universe...and how to change that."
Price: 19.99

"NLP Programming Cosine Similarity for Beginners" |
"This course shows how to perform document similarity using an information-based retrieval method such as vector space model by using cosine similarity technique.In the first part of the course, students will learn key concepts related to natural language and semantic information processing such as Binary Text Representation, Bag of Words, Lemmatization, TF, IDF, TF-IDF, Cosine Similarity, CamelCase and Identifiers.In the second part of the course, students will learn how to develop and implement a natural language software to perform document similarity. The course provides the basics to help students understand the theory and practical in Java Programming. The code sample also provides students techniques of how to modularize, trace and implements algebra functionalities.We conclude the course by providing some guidelines about how to run and debug the program. Students are also given reference links to external resources which help them in gaining better understanding when dealing with natural language software or machine learning. "
Price: 24.99

"Fundamental steps in the study of Mechanical Vibrations" |
"The course will cover fundamental concepts on the vibration of mechanical systems including, but not limited to, Fundamentals of Vibration : Elements of a vibratory system, vector representation of S.H.M., degrees of freedom, Introduction to Physical and Mathematical modeling of vibratory systems : Bicycle, Motor bike and Quarter Car. types of vibration, equivalent stiffness and damping, formulation of differential equation of motion (Newton, DAlembert and energy method)Undamped free vibrations: Natural frequency for longitudinal, transverse and torsional vibratory systems.Damped free vibrations: Different types of damping, Viscous damping over damped, critically damped and under damped systems, initial conditions, logarithmic decrement, Dry friction or coulomb damping - frequency and rate of decay of oscillations.Forced vibrations of longitudinal and torsional systems, Frequency Response to harmonic excitation, excitation due to rotating and reciprocating unbalance, base excitation, magnification factor, Force and Motion transmissibility, Quality Factor. Half power bandwidth method.Free vibration of spring coupled systems longitudinal and torsional, torsionally equivalent shafts, natural frequency and mode shapes, Eigen value and Eigen vector by Matrix method, Combined rectilinear and angular motion, Vibrations of Geared systems."
Price: 1920.00

"AZ-104 Azure Administrator Practice Tests" |
"Want to become an Azure administrator and don't know where to start? You have come to the right place!Our goal is to prepare you for the official exam: AZ-104.We prepare practice tests to cover all exam requirements, all sets of practice tests are divided and related to the exam references, for example: Practice Test: 1 Contains the references: Manage Azure identities and governance and Implement and manage storage.Each question and answer will provide results related to the respective exam areas, that is, you have the advantage of testing your knowledge in the real exam and you have great chances of obtaining an excellent score on the day of your exam.Why Azure Certification?Advantage (unfair): two curricula with the same experience, but one with certificationBetter job prospects and higher wages70% agree, certification improved gain83% find it more productive in jobs84% saw better job prospects87% increases professional credibilityStand out by displaying a digital stamp on LinkedInKnow more:The AZ-104 exam is the only exam required to obtain Microsoft Certified: Azure Administrator Associate Certification from Microsoft. Candidates for this exam are Azure Administrators who manage cloud services covering storage, security, networking and cloud computing resources. Candidates have an in-depth knowledge of each service throughout the IT lifecycle and accept requests for infrastructure services, applications and environments. They make recommendations on services to be used for optimal performance and scale, as well as provisioning, size, monitoring and adjusting resources as appropriate.Features and benefits when purchasing our practice tests.You only buy once and have lifetime access.You have all future practice test updates.All exam objectives are addressed so that the student knows if he / she is prepared for the exam.Performance-based practice tests provide the student with a better learning experience.The timed person prepares the conditions for the ""exam"" with a graphical score at the end.You have a 30-day refund if you don't like our practice tests for any reasons.IMPORTANT:Unofficial testing practice.We offer educational materials and practical tests to assist and help students prepare for these exams.All certification marks used are the property of the respective owners of the marks. We do not own or claim any ownership in any of the Marks."
Price: 114.99

"How to Improve Your Artistic/Drawing & Art Skills" |
"Welcome to the course on ""How to Improve Your Artistic / Drawing & Art Skills""Does it seem like an extremely slow progress for you to improve in your artistic skills? Are you an inspiring beginner who craves to get better at painting, drawing, sculpture or any other art form? Or possibly you're looking for a faster way to reach the level you want. Either way, this guide will aid in your journey.Getting better at drawing can seem really difficult, but you can work to improve your drawing skills and become a better artist. Build up your fundamental drawing skills by focusing on basic lines, shapes, and working with different mediums. You can also use training exercises to challenge yourself and improve your skills. In addition to practice, its also important that you develop a discipline so youre continuously working and improving.Improving your art skills takes passion and dedication. Whether you want to be a professional artist or just get really good at a new hobby, you can create thoughtful, highly-skilled art with a little patience and lots of practice. Youll need to develop a daily routine to practice and have an open mind about taking on new skills and experimenting with old ones. Training your eyes to see the world like an artist will also help you create realistic pieces or work with light, shadows, and composition in a novel, creative way. Art is supposed to be unique, so have fun and dont shy away from breaking the rules!Drawing is a skill that many people think stems purely from natural talent. In fact, nothing could be further from the truth! With a careful eye and plenty of practice, anyone can become a better drawer.The art of drawing a good picture involves practice and a willingness to keep trying. A good picture requires a focus on technique and style. The more you learn about drawing techniques and the more you practice, the sooner you'll end up creating good pictures."
Price: 149.99

"ChildWise Child Development Associate Credential Module 5" |
"In this module, you will learn how to correctly document and assess children's learning activities, observe children's behavior, as well as how to work with children with exceptional needs. By the end of this module, you will have gained sufficient knowledge to manage an ECE program and to guide children successfully. The ChildWise Child Development Associate Credential (CDA) Courses are internationally informed courses that are applicable in many countries including the U.S. Finishing the courses and obtaining the CDA credential will enable your career opportunities in many other countries."
Price: 199.99

"Healing From Emotional Trauma" |
"Everyone has been hurt in one way or another. Few people are able to let that pain go so they can move on with their lives without the past interfering with their joy.People have a tendency to get caught in their anger and pain after they've been hurt. There are mental, emotional, and physical reasons why it is difficult to release this pain.One area that can make it difficult to release the past is the misunderstanding of what forgiveness is. People often think forgiveness absolves the other person of anything that happened. Youll discover this is incorrect.Strategies and exercises to release the past range from recognizing your personal power, nurturing yourself, changing your thoughts, and discovering how to manage your feelings."
Price: 34.99

"Curso Completo de Recolocao Profissional" |
"Em uma linguagem simples, acessvel e direta, indo direto ao ponto, incluindo 15 anos de experincia prtica mostrando para voc, tudo o que voc precisa fazer para conseguir um emprego. Mtodo garantido, mostrando todos os parmetros de processos seletivos, erros, motivos de reprovao, e mtodos simples, fceis e diretos sobre o tema.Se voc seguir, o passo a seguir essas aulas, no tiver como dar errado, so mais de 05 horas de aula, explicando tudo sobre o recrutamento e a seleo de profissionais. Curso focado 100% para profissionais que esto em busca de emprego e oportunidades de trabalho. Tambm destinado a profissionais experientes que esto com dificuldades de conseguir emprego.O que voc aprendeAULA 1 - Quem Domingos AssisAULA 2 - Aula de abertura sobre o cursoAULA 3 - Como escolher sua profisso e Oportunidades de trabalhoAULA 4 - Como escolher sua faculdade & Tcnico ou TecnlogoAULA 5 - Como aumentar seu salrio dentro da empresaAULA 6 - Como procurar 1 empregoAULA 7 - Como funciona a indicao de profissionaisAULA 8 - Estgio - Como consegui emprego e oportunidades e trabalhoAULA 9 - Estgio - Como procurar vagas e oportunidade de trabalhoAULA 10 - Estgio tipos de vagas -Provas - Testes e SeleoAULA 11 - Como procurar emprego e vagas de trabalhoAULA 12 - Os piores erros do currculoAULA 13 - Como elaborar seu currculoAULA 14 - Comportamento na entrevista de emprego - Erros - ProblemasAULA 15 - Como funciona processo seletivo - Erros - Analises - Seleo - NervosismoAULA 16 - Piores erros na entrevista de emprego , se venda como profissionalAULA 17 - Como explicar suas experiencias na entrevista de empregoAULA 18 - Os piores motivos de reprovao na entrevista de empregoAULA 19 - Como evitar reprovao antecipada na seleo de empregoAULA 20 - Processo seletivo - Ansiedade - Stress - Retorno - ReprovaoAULA 21 - Comportamento em processo seletivo - Erros e aprovaoAULA 22 Mercado de trabalho para maior idadeAULA 23 Tcnicas dinmicas de grupoAULA 24 A influencia do seu esta emocional nos processos seletivoAULA 25 As piores perguntas em seleo de emprego - Parte 1AULA 26 As piores perguntas em seleo de emprego - Parte 2AULA 27 As piores perguntas em seleo de emprego - Parte 3AULA 28 As piores perguntas em seleo de emprego - Parte 4AULA 29 Orientao para aprovar em seleo de vagas comerciaisAULA 30 Orientao para aprovar em seleo de vagas tcnicasAULA 31 Orientaes para aprovar em seleo de vagas para superviso e gestoAULA 32 Orientaes para aprovar em seleo para setor administrativoAULA 33 Passo a passo para conseguir emprego - Parte 1AULA 34 - Passo a passo para conseguir emprego - Parte 2AULA 35 - Orientaes profissionais - EncerramentoBNUS EXTRA 1 - EXTRA - MATERIAL DIDTICO - MODELOS DE PROVAS DE CONCURSO PARA ESTUDOBNUS EXTRA 2- MATERIAL DIDTICO- MODELO PROVA DE RECRUTAMENTO E SELEO DE PROFISSIONAISBNUS EXTRA 3 - MATERIAL DIDTICO - EXERCCIO DE PERGUNTAS EM PROCESSO SELETIVOBNUS EXTRA 4 - E- BOOK PREMIUM - MUDE SEUS PENSAMENTOS PARA MUDAR DE VIDA !"
Price: 189.99

"Matemtica Bsica do zero" |
" A Matemtica essencial e est presente no nosso dia a dia. Compreend-la bem e domin-la nos traz um timo desempenho em outras disciplina como Fsica e Qumica. Em muitos concursos, processos seletivos e vestibulares a matemtica e pr-requisito e um diferencial para aqueles que almejam aprovao. Nesse curso voc aprender toda a matemtica bsica normalmente ensinada no ensino fundamental. Assuntos como operaes com nmeros Naturais, Inteiros, Racionais, Irracionais, Reais, frao, porcentagem, regra de trs, proporo, expresso algbrica, equao do 1 e 2 grau e problemas, geometria plana e muito mais sero abordados nesse curso. Tudo foi preparado pedagogicamente para melhor facilitar seu aprendizado. Aqui voc ter todo suporte como teoria em vdeo aula e slides, lista de exerccios, resoluo de questes e mensagem direta ao professor."
Price: 144.99

"Introduction to Emotional Intelligence" |
"Emotional intelligence contributes to 80% of our success in life and its a skill that each one of us MUST have. This engaging course will focus on the fundamental knowledge and practical skills on Emotional Intelligence to help you manage your emotions rather than letting the emotion manage you when you encounter situations, circumstances or working with people and help you manage your behavior.We experience different types of emotions at varying levels of intensity on any given day. Yet there is lack of emotional awareness which means most of us are unable to identify, comprehend or manage our own emotions. If you purpose to gain the techniques of Emotional Intelligence you become a better person when interacting with others professionally and even socially.The good news is that Emotional Intelligence unlike IQ is a skill that is trainable and thus can be acquired. It is a flexible skill which can be improved through learning and practice. all it requires is regular and consistent cultivation and maintenance. The course will be supported by case studies and exercises to demonstrate why Emotional Intelligence is an essential skill that each one of us must have for personal and professional development. This course has been designed for all individuals who want to develop their emotional intelligence skills to better understand themselves and others. The course is also designed for those who want to improve their career through developing and improving their Emotional Intelligence"
Price: 19.99

"Choosing the Best Publishing Option for You and Your Book" |
"Choosing the Best Publishing Option for You and Your Book: Traditional Publishing, Hybrid Publishing, or Self-Publishing? is a course designed to help you choose which publishing option is best for you and your book.This course is divided into a total of twelve lectures: an introduction and 11 lessons. Each lecture includes a video with a slide show presentation as well as a downloadable transcript for your convenience. Handouts are also included with some of the lectures to provide additional resources and information to help you in your publishing decision. The video lectures total approximately 2 hours.IntroductionReiterate and expand on information presented in course videoLesson 1Provide a brief overview of traditional publishingLesson 2Define query letters, manuscripts, and book proposalsLesson 3Discuss traditional publishing companiesDiscuss literary agentsDefine exclusive, unsolicited, and simultaneous submissionLesson 4Discuss competition, rejection, and waiting in traditional publishingExplain some of the jobs a traditional publisher doesLesson 5Explain who is responsible for publishing costs when a book is traditionally publishedDefine advance and royaltyDiscuss author's responsibility for marketing a book when traditionally publishedLesson 6Provide an overview of hybrid publishingDiscuss things to consider if choosing a hybrid publishing companyLesson 7Provide an overview of self-publishingLesson 8Discuss the pros and cons of self-publishing using print-on-demandShare two print-on-demand optionsLesson 9Discuss the differences between traditional publishing, hybrid publishing, and self-publishing using a chartLesson 10Explore options to why to publish a bookDiscuss questions to consider when choosing a publishing optionCompare the different publishing options with another chartLesson 11Explore the publishing path(s) the course creator has chosen and whyWho This Course Is Not ForSomeone expecting to get rich fast by publishing a book"
Price: 19.99

"Auto estima" |
"Conceito, importncia e desenvolvimento da auto estima. Nesse curso voc aprender sobre a importncia da infncia na construo da auto estima e a enxergar sua criana ferida. Aprender uma tcnica para resolver seus problemas relacionados auto estima, ou no e vrias perguntas para pesquisar o seu inconsciente, tornando-se consciente de suas questes. Assim, a possibilidade de resoluo estar mais real."
Price: 39.99

"Certified Kubernetes Administration - CKA Practice Tests" |
"In Today's competitive world you will need to prove your technical skills through the certification which is a standard practice is exhibiting your skills.'Kubernetes is one of the highest trending technology in Cloud Computing as of today. Kubernetes had the fastest growth in job searches, over a lot from a year before as reported recently by a survey conducted by Indeed."
Price: 1280.00

"Aprender a Leer en Tiempo Record CURSO 1" |
"Las clases virtuales con Mi Manuelito es un nuevo nivel en la educacin, es lo que llamaremos en adelante Enseanza Teraputica. Simplemente tienen que dejar correr el video. Durante todo ese momento han de estar completamente tranquilos; dejarse llevar, no pensar, slo intervenir cuando se les pida. Minuto a minuto, en el correr del video, el aprendizaje de la leccin se estar produciendo con plena eficacia, de forma que, al trmino del video, la leccin habr sido aprendida. Los extranjeros y personas especiales necesitarn sucesivas repeticiones del video; porque as lo demanda la actividad cerebral en personas con otro cdigo de reconocimiento. Quin hable portugus o italiano le ser ms simple, de quien hable, como lengua madre, ingls o japons, por citar un ejemplo.Al trmino del Curso 1 el estudiante estar capacitado para leer correctamente todo lo desarrollado en el Captulo 1 Mi Manuelito, lo que significa que estar completamente preparado para leer todas las palabras de la lengua espaola comprendidas en la estructura estudiada."
Price: 49.99

"Batan Sona Heykel Eitimi - Heykel renin" |
"Kaliteli ve batan sona bir heykel eitimi almak isteyen renciler iin hazrlanm detayl bir eitimdir. skelet yapmndan balayp, toplam 4 videoda, 1 saat 14 dakikalk hzlandrlm ve anlatml bir eitimle siz de ksa srede heykel sanatn renebilirsiniz. Geleneksel hamurla (yal kil) modellenmi bir heykel yapmay renin: kurs, parann yaplarnn, hacimlerinin ve yzeyinin oluturulmasnda nihai ayrntlara adm adm rehberlik eder.Hi heykel yapmaya merak ettiniz mi? Gzel sanatlar rencisi misiniz veya sadece modelleme tekniklerini aklayan ak bir kurs mu istiyorsunuz? Heykel tekniinizi mkemmelletirmek ve malzemeler hakknda daha fazla bilgi edinmek ister misiniz?Birka saat iinde bu video, hafif bir yapnn gerekletirilmesinden hacimlerin oluturulmasna, balangtan bitene kadar sizi ynlendirir. En iyi ekilde kullanabilmeniz iin her yntem ve her malzeme aka aklanmtr.Bir profesyonelin tavsiye ve tekniklerini karmayn!Unutmayn: 30 gnlk para iade garantiniz var :Dstelik seilen bir konsept zerinden heykeli detaylca reneceksiniz.Eitim sonrasnda yapacanz tm heykellerde size rehber olacak szlerimi hatrlamanz umuyorum.Eitim sonrasnda sanatla ilgili her trl sorunuzu cevaplayacamdan emin olabilirsiniz."
Price: 79.99

"1. seviye kursun ierii sfr renci iin temelde balama tutuu parmaklarmz nasl kulanacaz tezeniyi tele nasl vurmamz gerekiyor.. Daha sonra balama zerindeki nota yerlerini rendikten sonra 1 ka altrma almasnda sonra basit trklerde balayp kursumuza devam edeceiz 1. seviye kursunu bitirdiinizde balamaya hakim olacaksnz. Tek yapmanz gereken yaptmz her dersi dikkatle izleyip doru bir ekilde almanz vede zaman ayrmanz."
Price: 79.99

"Certified Corporate Yogi Course" |
"Come Come! Let's become the Corporate Yogi to create the itinerary of your own life more harmonious and healthy. This disruptively innovative program is exclusively for all the corporate or working professionals from all across the globe. Learn from the renowned yoga master from India. You will learn most innovate yogic techniques, which are completely tried tested and proven activities. Many have already get benefited from this unique course. Just enter into a disruptively different world of yoga. Yes, Courage to stand alone to dive into the divine unknown... Yes, together We can...Most Most Welcome!"
Price: 94.99

"""The Rewind Sports :60"" University Intro To Sports Media 101" |
"This class is designed to teach the student about all aspects of Sports Media from on-air (Radio & Television), producing, blogging, podcasts, reporting, writing, etc. This course is designed to introduce the student to the inside world of Sports at the basic level. You will explore sports media as a career."
Price: 199.99

"The A-Z Shopify Masterclass: Replicate my 6-Figure Setup" |
"Welcome to the complete Shopify Dropshipping Masterclass (last update JULY 2020). I'm going to teach you, step-by-step, how to build a highly profitable eCommerce store, from scratch with full transparency using the same principles as my Brand New case study store that generated 22.231 EUR in 23 days mixed with my experience from running multiple 6-figure dropshipping stores.You don't need any prior knowledge of eCommerce or any technical/coding skills - if you can use google chrome you are good to go!I'm Giving you the Exact setup I used to take my Brand New store from 0-22.231 EUR in 23 days - Simply Copy Phase my method and not only will you be able to create your own successful dropshipping store, but you will also be able to copy this setup and have other people pay you to set it up for them if you wish to add an additional income stream.My name is Luca DAlessandro and I own and run multiple eCommerce stores and an AD Agency while traveling all over the worlds most exotics places (Currently living in Bali)Owning an online business has made it possible for me to live the Laptop lifestyle, making more than enough money online from the comfort of my home or anywhere in the world. It has given me the flexibility to do what I want when I what - and Im gonna teach you how you can do exactly that, yourself!At the end of this course you will have a profitable eCommerce store that could supplement your existing income and give you the freedom to transform your life and be your own boss by giving you your very own online business that could allow you to escape the 9 to 5 altogether! Ready to get serious about your income?So what are you waiting for, let's get started right now on building your financially secure future - There's absolutely NO Risk as you are covered by our 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee"
Price: 169.99

"Finance & Accounting : Beginner to pro complete training!" |
"The course introduces Difference between bookkeeping and accounting What is the Role of accounting in providing information? How Basic accounting terms works? How Accounting equation works? How double entry system of bookkeeping is applied in the preparation of ledger accounts Basics of journal and ledger Distinguishing between capital and revenue expenditure and receipts Preparation of financial statements including year end adjustments How accounting principles are applied in accounting records and statements International accounting standards and selection of accounting policies How to rectify errors? What is bank reconciliation statement and what items are to be included and what items are to be deducted? Explaining the different types of cash book"
Price: 19.99

"A Slacker's Guide To: Introductory Statistics" |
"Welcome to A Slacker's Guide To: Introductory Statistics. This course is an introduction to core statistical concepts, framed with a down-to-earth approach that makes statistics accessible to students of all backgrounds. With the Slacker's Guide series, we aim to demystify subject material and encourage students to think of how the concepts they learn can be applied to real life situations. We avoid overcomplicated (and almost always unnecessary) traditional explanations, in favor of practical, memorable and often irreverent presentations of statistical concepts. Learning should be something you want to do, not something you force yourself to get through. We believe we have created a lecture series that is both informative and an easy listen. Let us help you on the next step in your statistical journey.We're not actually going to be slacking off here. We just thought it was a cool nickname!P.S. This course is a very-much a living organism and we are ready and willing to add material to meet the needs of our students. Send us questions and we will do our best to address them!"
Price: 129.99

"Build Your Own Website from Scratch through WordPress" |
"In this course you will understand how to build your own website, step by step in a few easy steps. Below are the highlights if this course This course will introduce you to Wordpress, which is the most popular and versatile tool for website building. No prior knowledge into website is required to take this course. Any one with basic computer knowledge can take this course. You will not be required to buy any plans or subscriptions in this course and no product of any kind is touted in this course.The course is very apt for aspiring students, Professionals, Small businessmen and Freelancers You will be able to build your own website and start your own Blog with ease and comfort at the end of this course."
Price: 1280.00

"Getting started with Sap Analytics Cloud" |
"The Course is designed for all the SAP BI enthusiasts who want to learn the basics and advanced techniques of SAP Analytics Cloud(SAC) the course focuses on practical examples on how to build Models,Stories,Analytical Application and Predictive scenarios using SAP Analytics CloudThe majority focus is SAC and how to build,navigate and use various functionalities in SAC, the course helps to explore on data modelling and wrangling using SAC with complete practical examplesAt the end of the course you'll be able toImport,clean and modify data sources for SACBuild models by importing CSV filesBuild models by using SQL queries from BigQueryBuild wire frames for stories and appsDesign stories from the scratch using the modelsBuild Analytical application from the scratch using the modelsExport views as PDF or PPTXCreate Variables and Functions using JavaScript Create interactivity between charts in the stories and AppsUnderstand Predictive AnalyticsBuild Predictive models**Disclaimer1.SAP is a registered trademark of SAP AG in Germany and many other countries. I am NOT associated with SAP.2.SAP software and SAP Analytics cloud (SAC) are proprietary SAP software."
Price: 1280.00

"How to make flower jelly cake." |
"You'll get a Tip how to Make a Beautiful coconut flower jelly cake. Many style and Recipe of jelly cake. Study today and you can learn from basic then open cake shop in your kitchen. Even can make a cake for pre-order at your home. Enjoy Your time to make an Art Cake."
Price: 24.99

"Business Analytics Enhances Quality of Strategic Decisions" |
"This course on Business Analytics Enhances the Quality of Strategic Decision Making with the following learning methodology: Use Business Analytics strategically to make decisions and solve problems Understand Data Dimension and Descriptive Analytics Familiarize with statistical data probability and p-value Apply analytics strategies to formulate Hypothesis testing and to derive business insights"
Price: 199.99

"- Yoga Course for Beginners" |
"* - 8 4 * : :"
Price: 19.99

"Basics of NMR & introduction to C13" |
"This course is a practical guide to NMR spectroscopy and covers the basics concepts involved and extends to a very powerful exploratory tool in structure elucidation available to an organic chemist- C13 NMR Spectroscopy. The course is divided into three sections. Section 1 covers all the basics of NMR spectroscopy and builds up to Section 2 where we discuss the important concepts that will lead to an introductory module on C13 NMR spectroscopy in Section 3."
Price: 1280.00

"Releasing the Lower back" |
"Learn how to take a holistic approach to release lower back tension and new ways to create all-round strength to support you long term. This course is suitable for beginners and gives you lots of options. These practices include a diverse range of movement as well as relaxation and breathing to movement.The way I have planned this course is to do 2 x practices a week for 4 weeks with a bonus video at the end."
Price: 79.99

"Curso Online Ser Psiclogo" |
"Como comear atrair pacientes e iniciar os seus atendimentos na clnica, iniciando a sua carreira do ZERO? Como realizar a sua transio de carreira para comear a atuar como Psiclogo? Como se posicionar e atrair potenciais clientes? Como montar textos que despertem o interesse do pblico? Como se divulgar nas mdias sociais? Como criar credibilidade do absoluto ZERO?Esse curso para voc Psiclogo(a), formado ou recm formado, que ainda no comeou a atuar como Psiclogo ou quer aumentar o alcance do seu trabalho.Aprenda a criar e aumentar o seu posicionamento e credibilidade com o seu trabalho, atraindo o seu primeiro paciente para o seu consultrio. Temas como posicionamento e divulgao online e presencial, criao de contedo para redes sociais e site, nicho de mercado, como se posicionar em primeiro contato e primeira sesso, e muito mais.MDULO 01: CRIANDO UMA BASE SLIDAMDULO 02: DIVULGAO E POSICIONAMENTO ONLINEMDULO 03: DIVULGAO E POSICIONAMENTO PRESENCIAL"
Price: 54.99
