"Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Fundamentals" |
"This course on Anti-Money Laundering Fundamentals is designed to provide candidates with a basic knowledge of concepts such as the methods and risks of money laundering, which are essential for those looking to start a career or develop their skills in the AML and compliance field.It is comprised of three modules: Methods of Money Laundering, Risks of Money Laundering and the Global Regulations on AML and Combating Terrorism Financing (CFT). At the end of each module, there is a quiz designed to test your knowledge on the topics covered.Additionally, this course provides the necessary foundation to pursue the prestigious CAMS certification, which is considered the gold standard in AML certifications and recognized by financial institutions and regulators around the world."
Price: 49.99

"Electric Circuits I (EE101) [Developing]" |
"This course takes you through the basics and fundamentals of electric circuits. It starts with introducing the field of electrical engineering and electric circuits. After that, we go through the main electrical quantities and how are they related to each other. When we clearly have this, we move to the circuit basic analysis techniques such as Ohm's law, Kirchhoff's Voltage Law (KVL) and Kirchhoff's Current Law (KCL). More concepts will build up from there. The following list sums the contents of this course: Introduction to Electrical Engineering and Electric Circuits. Basic Analysis Techniques of Electric Circuits.Advanced Analysis Techniques of Electric Circuits.An Intro on how to read Schematics and Simulate Circuits in Pspice.An Intro to AC Circuits.The Course is still under developing and it will include the following points as well: Advanced Analysis Techniques of Electric Circuits- Nodal Analysis- Mesh Analysis- Thevenin's Theorem- Norton's Theorem- Concept of Linearity and Superposition- Concept of Source Transformation- How to Maximize the Power to a load - Concept of Max. Power Transfer- Difference between Max. Power Transfer and Max. Voltage TransferHow to read a Schematic and Simulate circuits in Pspice- What is Schematic and how to read it?- Other alternatives for a schematic- Simulating Circuits using PspiceAn Intro to AC Circuits- AC Sources - AC-Circuit elements - Phasors MeaningConclusion and what can be next?Interview Questions: I will pack my courses with real interview questions based on what I personally had from my experience. IC Design Track: The course is part of the IC Design Track that I am working on. This track aims at covering all circuits basics, analog-IC design basics, digital-IC design basics. Circuit-Designers IQ Questions: This course contains some of these questions. This type of questions is challenging and you will be intrigued by it to think out of the box!. Style of the course: We start by going over the theory or theoretical analysis. After building a concrete understanding, we move to the examples and real applications part. For examples, we have examples for each concept.Simulations: Pspice simulations are included in this course. I believe practising on Pspice, circuit simulations and design using computer tools is a must from the early stage of learning how to build circuits. Exciting Real applications and Life-Hacks!: We are dealing with electric and electronic circuits every day or even every hour. In this course, I will share some really good life-hacks and analyze some everyday applications.Get special Coupons only for enrolled people: by taking this course, special coupons for other classes in the ""IC Design Track"" will be provided as a thank you for enrolling in here.One-On-One Assistance: You can ask all your questions in the Q&A section at any time, I usually answer within two days.Regularly updated: This course will be regularly updated. I will keep adding basic concepts from the same level to it. I will keep this course at the elementary level to make it to the beginners level or people who want to review the basics again. For IC design, It is super important to have very-good established fundamentals of Electric-Circuits. That is it, see you in the Q&A area!Mostafa"
Price: 199.99

"1z0-1065-20 Oracle Procurement cloud 2020" |
"Procurement Application OverviewExplain Procurement architecture and componentsExplain simplified Procure to Pay flowExplain Procurement applications integrationCommon Applications for ProcurementExplain Enterprise StructuresConfigure Applications security, Job roles, Duty roles, and PrivilegesCreate Business Units, common Payables, Procurement options, and Approval Management for ProcurementPurchasingDefine Purchase Document Configuration and Document StylesDefine Business Unit Function configuration, Configure Procurement Business Unit, Document types, Change Order templateDefine Receiving Parameters for PurchasingCreate Line Types and Change Orders, and assign Procurement agentsSet up Budgetary Control and Encumbrance accountingSet up Procurement of Consigned Inventory from SupplierSet up Transaction Manager, Shared Service Center, B2B CommunicationSupplier PortalExplain objectives, Portal Setup, and maintenanceCreate Portal Registration, Supplier Provisioning, and Default RolesExplain Supplier business classification, internal and external supplier registrationsReporting and Business Intelligence for ProcurementExplain Reporting and Business Intelligence for ProcurementConfigure OTBI , RTF Templates for POs, PRs, Dashboard metrics, and graphs in Purchasing work areas and SourcingProcurement ContractConfigure a Contract Terms LibraryCreate Contract Terms, Procurement Contract, Approvals, and Contract FulfillmentFusion Functional Set Up ManagerExplain the Application implementation lifecycleExplain Functional Set Up Enterprise RolesPlan an implementationConfigure offeringsGenerate Set Up Task lists, Offerings, and OptionsAssign Tasks to usersManage implementation projectsCommon ProcurementManage Supplier configuration and Supplier site assignmentDefine Payment Terms, UOM, Carriers, and Hazard ClassesDefine a Supplier Business classification lookup, Supplier Products, and the Services hierarchyCreate Freight Lookups, and Purchasing Profile optionsSelf Service ProcurementExplain Self Service ProcurementManage Profile Options, Catalog categories, Content Maps, and configure Requisitioning Business FunctionsCreate Public Shopping Lists, Smart Forms, Catalog-Category Hierarchies, Templates and Punch OutConfigure Requisition approvalsSourcingExplain Sourcing configuration objectivesUse Negotiation styles and TemplatesCreate Cost Factors, Attribute lists, Negotiation lookups, and Negotiation listsConfigure Negotiation and Award Approval, Surrogate Bidding, Online Message, Notification Summary, and two-stage RFQExplain how Supplier Qualification requirements can be captured during negotiationsSupplier Qualification Management (SQM)Configure SQM and create Questions, Qualification Areas, and ModelsSet up SQM Processes and manage Transactions, including Initiatives, Responses, Evaluation of Assessments, and QualificationsProject-Driven Supply Chain (PDSC)Configure Project-Driven Supply Chain"
Price: 29.99

"Self-Publishing Erfolgskurs" |
"Willst du dir ein wenig Geld dazuverdienen?Dein eigenes Online Business aufbauen?Oder liebst du es, Bcher zu schreiben und hast noch nie eines davon verffentlicht?Bald kannst auch du dir dein Self-Publishing Business aufbauen, was dich ortsunabhngig arbeiten lsst.Fassen wir mal kurz zusammen, was du erhltst:ber 5 Stunden exklusives Videomaterial eine Schritt fr Schritt Anleitung, wie du dein erstes Buch erfolgreich verffentlichstkontinuierliche Updates: Der Kurs wird regelmig aktualisiert und verbessert. Es gibt etwas Neues im eBook Publishing? Du erfhrst es im Kurs.eine Facebook Gruppe, um dich mit Self-Publishern auszutauschen (nur fr Kursmitglieder).PDF Zusammenfassungen und eine Liste mit ALLEN Tools, die ich nutzepersnlicher Support, wenn du nicht weiterkommst oder Fragen hast (ja, ich helfe dir persnlich)In folgenden Punkten wirst du unterrichtet:Allgemeines:steuerliche Aspekte rund ums Self-PublishingGewerbeanmeldung oder Freiberufler?Impressum und andere unvermeidliche AspekteKnstlersozialkasse und andere PflichtenBuch erstellen und verffentlichenNischen finden, die sich lohnenGhostwriter finden & anschreibenEin Cover erstellen, das auf dein Buch aufmerksam machtTitel finden, nach denen gesucht wirdAlles rund um Keywordrecherche und die besten ToolsPlagiatsprfung und FormatierungDas Verffentlichen auf Amazon KDP Schritt fr Schritt erklrtBuch vermarktenMarketing MglichkeitenGrundlagen der Amazon Advertising PPC Ads und wie du sie erstellst und optimierstGrundlagen Facebook Ads TutorialBonus:1. Rezension fr dein Taschenbuch generieren2. Hrbcher erstellen und hochladen3. Amazon Partnernet - wie du Affiliate Links fr deine Bcher erstellstMit der Anleitung erfhrst du Schritt fr Schritt wie du Nischen findest, Keywords recherchierst und dein Buch bei Amazon verffentlichst.Alles, von der Gewerbeanmeldung ber Steuern bis zum fertigen Buch und Amazon PPC Werbung wird dir erklrt.Willst du endlich dein erstes eigenes Buch verffentlichen und erfolgreicher Self-Publisher werden?"
Price: 99.99

"The Complete Python 3 Course for Beginners Learn By Doing" |
"The Complete Python 3 Beginner's Course is a Python course suited for beginner's and intermediates in Python. This course contains everything you need to know to begin programming in Python. So look no further, Unlike a lot of other courses, This course has a decent amount of coding exercises and that is the best way anyone can grow by practice and not just by simply watching videos. The manner in which this course is taught assume that the learner has no previous learning experience. This course is the foundation of journey with programming with Python.The course will cover the basics of Python such as variables, if statements, while loop etc but then it also covers more advanced topics such as Object Oriented Programming, File Handling and Handling Data using Lists and Dictionaries. So no matter what Python specific branch, you are interested in such as Machine Learning, Web and Game Development. This course will provide you with the prerequisite skills needed to successfully complete such journeys. I ensured tried to ensure that this course did not contain unnecessary classes in order to make it look long. I focused on making it concise so in order to boost completion rate.There is no risk in joining this courseThe course is backed up by 30-days no questions asked money back guarantee so there is nothing to lose. You have a course that offers a life changing skills that cannot be unlearn and if you do not like this course. You can decide to get your money refunded in full. So what are you waiting for.And if you are unsure of whether your want to learn Python, you should know that Python is the fastest growing programming language. It is used by top companies all over the world such as Google, Facebook, NASA etc. The reason why Python is so well respected is that irrespective of the fact that it is very easy to learn, It can carry out many operations,"
Price: 149.99

"Vers les certifications Scrum Master CSM et PSM" |
"Agilit ?Plutt que de tout spcifier ds le dbut du projet et de sen tenir un cadre trs rigide, un projet agile sera organis en cycles de dveloppements itratifs et incrmentaux, auxquels le client final et lutilisateur seront intgrs et participeront de faon active. Le centre de gravit nest donc plus le projet en lui-mme, mais bel et bien le produit. Lobjectif nest plus de mener le projet bien, mais de donner naissance un produit fini, correspondant parfaitement au besoin du client.Afin de produire et de livrer des produits de la plus haute valeur mtier possible la ralisation d'un projet agile se basera sur un feedback rapide, une amlioration continue et une adaptation rapide au changement dans la conception d'un produit.Scrum ?La dfinition de Scrum tient plus dun cadre de travail que dune mthode de gestion de projet complte. Elle permet nanmoins la gestion du dveloppement dapplications complexes. Le projet est organis autour de sprints de dveloppement (les itrations) dune dure allant gnralement de deux quatre semaines. Un exemple typique dutilisation de Scrum est un projet de dveloppement informatique o le client na pas encore dfini toutes les fonctionnalits dont il a besoin et o une certaine souplesse dorganisation est donc ncessaire.Comment valoriser mon exprience Scrum ?Il existe deux types de certifications Scrum Master trs reconnues : La certification Professional Scrum master (PSM) dlivre par Scrum . orgLa certification Certified ScrumMaster (CSM ) dlivre par la Scrum AllianceCette formation ne contient pas de cours thorique, elle rassemble 6 tests (en anglais) pour vous entraner passer les certification CSM et PSM dans les conditions relles d'examen. Cette formation est volutive et sera rgulirement mise jour par l'ajout de nouveaux tests et de nouvelles questions.Cette formation contient plus de 300 questions avec leurs corrections dtailles passer dans les conditions relles d'examen.Programme de la formation :Test CSM 1 - 50 questions en 1hTest CSM 2 - 50 questions en 1hTest CSM 3 - 50 questions en 1hTest PSM 1 - 80 questions en 1hTest PSM 2 - 80 questions en 1hTest PSM 3 - 80 questions en 1hCSM, CSPO, CSD, CSP, A-CSPO, A-CSM sont des marques dposes de Scrum Alliance. PSM, PSPO, PSD sont elles des marques dposes de la scrum . org"
Price: 24.99

"How to Formally Close a Project" |
"This course will teach you first and foremost, why we even want to make the effort to properly close projects. How it benefits project managers and the organization. Then, you will also learn how to actually DO it. The step by step sequence, using my CUSTOM chart, which breaks down the activities into the tiny components we need to complete. This course is relevant and important for all the people who are running projects, participating in projects, Project management office, decision makers on project selection, portfolio managers and program managers."
Price: 19.99

"Java Database Connectivity" |
"JDBC is the industry standard API for executing SQL in Java.Adaptive Server provides a native JDBC driver. This driver is designed to maximize performance as it executes on the server because it does not need to communicate across the network. This driver permits Java classes installed in a database to use JDBC classes that execute SQL statements.In this course you will test you JDBC [Java Database Connectivity] Skills."
Price: 19.99

"SAP Certified Application Associate - SAP Ariba Procurement" |
"Total number of questions will be around 100+.The ""SAP Certified Application Associate SAP Ariba Procurement"" certification exam verifies that the candidate possesses the basic knowledge in the area of the SAP Ariba Procurement solutions. This certificate proves that the candidate has an overall understanding within the SAP Ariba Procurement application consultant profile and can implement this knowledge practically in projects under guidance of an experienced consultant. It is recommended as an entry-level qualification to allow consultants to get acquainted with the fundamentals of the SAP Ariba product line. Please note that this version of the exam takes part in the Stay Current with SAP Global Certification program. Once you pass this version of the exam, make sure that you start your stay current process with the subsequent quarter. You will be required to take the quarterly Stay Current Assessment for all subsequent SAP Ariba Procurement solution releases via the SAP Learning Hub to maintain your SAP Ariba Procurement business consultant certification status and badge. In order to participate in the Stay Current program and access the Stay Current enablement and assessment, you will need at minimum an SAP Learning Hub, edition for Procurement and Networks subscription.Topic AreasSAP Ariba Procurement Software Knowledge > 12%Procurement Knowledge > 12%Integration > 12%Best Practices > 12%Forms and Extensions > 12%Consulting 8% - 12%Basic Guided Buying Concepts 8% - 12%"
Price: 1280.00

"Aprenda a fazer arranjos para Grandes Eventos I" |
"Neste video vamos ensinar passo a passo a fazer os seguintes ArranjosContedo:. Arranjo de Mesa de Bolo. Arranjo Decorativo - Agrupado. Arranjo Tropical Decorativo. Guirlanda de Flores. Centro de Mesa - Manga de VidroMaking-off da Decorao de Festas. Decorao de Festa Branco com Brilho e Transparncia. Festa no Resort. Festa na Fazenda. Decorao de 15 Anos. Requinte na FazendaApresentao:Alfredo Reinaldo TilliPaulo Aurelio PerissotoTanus Faur de Rizzo Saab"
Price: 84.99

"Python A-Z Uygulamalarla Algoritma ve Programlamay ren!" |
"Korkmayn kursa balamak iin hi bir n hazrla gerek yok.Sizleri tamamen her eye hazrlayp, eitimi veriyoruz.Her eyi EN TEMELDEN, SIFIRDAN anlatyoruz.Kurs Boyunca PYTHON PROGRAMLAMA DL kullanlmtr.lk Olarak Kurs Boyunca; Hem AKADEMK hemde UYGULAMALI eitim vardr.Tamamen Sfrdan Anlatlm; 10 Saati Aan Konu Anlatm.Tamamen Sfrdan Tasarlanm 5'DEN FAZLA PROJE ve 100'DEN FAZLA UYGULAMA RNEK vardr.HAYD SENDE BU ETME KATIL.."
Price: 99.99

"El Ego Quin Creo Que Yo Soy?" |
"Alguna vez te has preguntado quin eres? Quin soy yo?Crees saber quin eres? Crees conocerte? Sabes lo que es el ego?Con este curso te dars cuenta de que no eres quien crees que eres. Que tu persona y tu identidad es slo un constructo con el que te identificas, pero que realmente eres mucho ms que eso. Descubrirs que la nica persona que te limita, eres t, que realmente eres un ser ilimitado que puede lograr lo que quiera."
Price: 19.99

"Docker Certified Associate (DCA) Practice Tests" |
"This Docker Certified Associate (DCA) Practice Exam course is your one-stop self-assessment. Find the domain areas to improve on your path to obtain the Docker Certification.July 2020 Update Our practice tests contain the new Kubernetes topics such as Kubernetes pods and deployments, configMaps and secrets, ClusterIP and NodePort services, etc. Each question has detailed explanations at the end of each set that will help you gain a deep understanding of the Docker container technologies. The explanation provides an overview of the topic, reference links to Docker official docs, and a rationale on why the option is correct or incorrect.For whoAiming to take the Docker Certified Associate (DCA) CertificationDocker beginners to intermediateWhat do you get from this course?330 Unique Questions At present, there are around 330 unique practice questions, and more are in the works and will be added soon. The 330 questions are grouped based on 6 domains of the Docker Certified Associate exam. This will help to verify your knowledge after you finished learning each of the 6 domains.Detailed explanations with diagrams and reference links - our answer at the end of each set have full and detailed explanations along with complete reference links so you can check and verify yourself that the answers are correct.Contains a test report - to track your progress and show you which Docker knowledge areas you need improvement.Mobile-compatible - so you can conveniently review everywhere, anytime with your smartphone.Randomized questions - The scenarios and options on all 6 practice tests are randomized. This prevents the unconscious memorization of the answers and ensures that you fully understand the concepts.30 days money-back guarantee, no questions asked.Why take this course?The questions in the practice tests always stay current. Fully updated considering the latest Docker Certified Associate Study Guide version 1.3, May 2020 published by Docker, Inc.Clear and error-free questions - Each item has a reference link that can validate the answer but you can also post in the QA section so we can discuss any issues.Responsive instructor we are happy to address all your issues and comprehensively answer all your questions.What this course does NOT guarantee?Please note that these questions do not guarantee exam success, please do attend other training and build your hands-on experience on Docker before attempting the exam.This test is NOT intended to leak any questions or other such content from the real exam and it does not offend the rules and regulations of Certification. Its sole purpose is to challenge the candidate's preparation in order to provide them with self-assessment and scopes of improvisation.Please note that the practice tests are not in the DOMC format as presented in the real exam. This format is not yet supported on Udemy.Curriculum:Orchestration - 84 questionsImage Creation, Management, and Registry - 69 questionsInstallation and Configuration - 49 questionsNetworking - 50 questionsSecurity - 48 questionsStorage and Volumes - 33 questions"
Price: 24.99

"STI-884 SOCA Sales Small & Medium Business Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) Which of the following is a global network of computers and computer network are all working on a common set of open standards for communication?a) Point-to-pointb) the Internetc) PSTNd) ATSe) NoneQ) What type of connection is typically used to connect the two locations together, between which there are volumes loud voice or data traffic?a) PSTNb) the Internetc) Point-to-pointd) IP-based packet switchede) NoneQ) Which network component acts like a phone book online?a) DNSb) routerc) DHCP serverd) ip addresse) NoneQ) Which network component acts as a central transmitter and receiver WLAN radio?a) switchb) Bridgec) hubd) Access pointe) None"
Price: 159.99

"10+ Effective Negotiation Skills and 5 Interactive Lessons" |
"Are you tired of always hearing the word NO? Do you wish you knew the experts secrets? Do you feel discouraged by negotiation? Sharpening your professional negotiation skills may be the answer.Negotiation and public speaking are essential skills to master that will serve you well in getting what you want more easily. In this course, you will learn lifelong skills for successful negotiation and receive hands-on experience through interactive discussion sections. You will learn effective communication skills to become an advanced negotiator whether you want to negotiate lower prices, higher salary wages, contracts, additional employee benefits or looking to be more effective at professional communication. Get answers to common negotiation misunderstandings and learn how to become a more efficient negotiator.You will receive access to dynamic assignments, practice exercises and evaluations that will teach you to hone your skills and give you tools for success. This course comes equipped with varied learning, covering both the essentials of negotiation as well as advanced negotiation strategies. There is sure to be something for everyone!"
Price: 199.99

"Managing SaaS Training Development" |
"In this course, Instructional Designers, Course Developers, Trainers, Curriculum Managers, Product Managers, and Business Owners will learn to:Set up a process to develop and maintain profitable learning solutions for Software as a Service (SaaS) ProductsShare and develop best practices to manage SaaS EducationRun a profitable business within your enterprise by monetizing education The Managing SaaS Training Development course is tailored for all instructional designers and curriculum developers who work in a SaaS Enterprise or are working for a client who owns a SaaS product. In addition, this course is designed with tips for business owners and managers of SaaS solution enterprises who want to develop effective training solutions for their customers and partners. This course will enable you to develop technical training for Software solutions, specifically, SaaS.This course offers exclusive and practical tips for developing an effective and profitable SaaS curriculum. It brings together the accrued knowledge of industry professionals who have years of experience in managing curriculum for some of the largest SaaS enterprises across the globe.So, come, learn with us about not only developing a course on SaaS Solution but how to set up and maintain a profitable curriculum for SaaS solutions."
Price: 24.99

sgoshimizugun |
Price: 5400.00

sgoryugen |
Price: 5400.00

"Free Yourself with Resting Meditation" |
"This course is foundational wisdom teaching for Awakening to Soulful and Spiritual Living free from fear, anxiety, anger, grief and pretense. It offers you the opportunity to get to know your Self - beyond any limiting idea, feeling or sense of who you are. It is an invitation to awaken to your Soul and your Spirit, an inner adventure to explore what you are beyond the mind and the small sense of self we know of as the 'ego.Mani teaches in a way that offers you the opportunity to go beyond the known and the habitual by becoming present. Freeing yourself from the sense of lack and separation that characterizes the normal egoic stance. This course is not just informative but a transmission that can guide you towards ever greater freedom and the harmonization of your life, mind and body.There are clear pointings on how to disengage from your limited surface personality and egoic conditioning so that you may be open to realize all that you are. The Truth of both your Being and BecomingThe Art of Resting Meditation offers you a clear foundation from which you can open to both Soul and Spirit by awakening to your Witnessing Presence. From this calm, centered presence, you are free to deepen into your full potential and to bring that potential to help transform your life.This course differs from other teachings that bring you to the Witnessing Presence because it teaches you to connect to your Will. This Will to be free, to know yourself is innate. When it is covered over by the surface personality, we lose touch with an important guiding force.When we are in contact with it however, it centralizes our focus and our aspiration around what is important and gives us the power to change, the power to investigate and to transform. This is not a passive resting but a Willed movement that has an evolutionary power behind it.Resting Meditation recognizes the part our Will plays in disengaging from our surface nature. Our Will is to disengage, to explore and to realize what we are beyond the confinements of mind, life energies and body.If we do not recognize this Will within us, we may miss the opportunity to Wake In to our Soul. Your Soul is the aspect of your being that can bring harmony to your life."
Price: 79.99

"ABA Certified Regulatory Compliance Manager" |
"Hello,Are you ready to Take & Pass ABA Certified Regulatory Compliance Manager?If your answer is Yes so this course will help you not only in Exam Preparation but boost your Confidence to Next Level.These Practice Tests are prepared to let you pass CRCM Exam.We Believe attending Practice Questions gives you knowledge about different types of questions in Exam. Exam Topics are mentioned belowAssessment and Management of Compliance RiskCompliance MonitoringGovernance and OversightRegulatory Change ManagementRegulator and Auditor Compliance ManagementCompliance Analysis and Internal/External ReportingWish you best of luck to achieve your IT Certification goals."
Price: 19.99

"Certified Trust and Fiduciary Advisor" |
"Hello,Are you ready to Take & Pass Certified Trust and Fiduciary Advisor?If your answer is Yes so this course will help you not only in Exam Preparation but boost your Confidence to Next Level.These Practice Tests are prepared to let you pass CTFA Exam.We Believe attending Practice Questions gives you knowledge about different types of questions in Exam. Exam Topics are mentioned belowFiduciary & Trust ActivitiesFinancial PlanningTax Law & PlanningInvestment ManagementEthicsWish you best of luck to achieve your IT Certification goals."
Price: 19.99

"Teacher Joseph Ingls Iniciante Mdulo 3" |
"Voc aprender a se descrever e descrever outras pessoas fisicamente e personalidade, cor dos olhos, altura, tamanho e tipo de cabelo, o uso do artigo THE, vocabulrio de acessrios e profisses, nmeros maiores, verbo to be no interrogativo entre outras coisas. Este curso vai enriquecer seu vocabulrio e fazer com que voc evolua um pouco mais no idioma."
Price: 39.99

"Face Recognition Web App with Machine Learning in Flask" |
"In this course, you will learn end to end process and able to build any artificial intelligence Project. Starting from Gathering the data, Data UnderstandingData Preprocessing Data AnalysisPredictive ModellingCreate REST APIs in FlaskYou will image processing techniques in OpenCV and the concepts behind the images. We will also do the necessary image analysis and required preprocessing steps for images. For the preprocess images, we will extract features from the images, ie. computing Eigen images using principal component analysis. With Eigen images, we will train the Machine learning model and also learn to test our model before deploying, to get the best results from the model we will tune with Grid search method for best hyperparameters.Once our machine learning model is ready, will we learn and develop web server gateway interphase in flask by rendering HTML CSS and bootstrap in the frontend and in the backend written in Python. Finally, we will create the project on the Face Recognition project by integrating the machine learning model to Flask App."
Price: 179.99

"Audit - Practice Questions on Audit Procedures - Part 3" |
"Are you preparing for audit and assurance exam of ACCA, CA, CMA, CPA, BS etc.?Do you want to learn the Audit Procedures AP that auditors perform during audit activities to gather audit evidences?These practice test questions are designed around the following topics of Audit and Assurance AA:Substantive proceduresAnalytical proceduresComputer assisted audit techniques CAATMethods of obtaining audit evidence for substantive testingThe significance of the audit of Statement of Financial Position itemsSubstantive audit procedures to verify Share Capital and ReservesSubstantive audit procedures to verify Non Current LiabilitiesSubstantive audit procedures to verify Current LiabilitiesSubstantive audit procedures to verify Accruals, Provisions and ContingenciesSubstantive audit procedures to verify Non-Current Assets - Property Plant and EquipmentIntangible AssetsSubstantive audit procedures to verify Intangible AssetsSubstantive audit procedures to verify Current Assets- Current Assets - Inventory- Trade Receivables- Prepayments- Bank and Cash BalancesThese practice test questions will help you in test your knowledge and understanding about the topics mentioned, before exams. After attempting these questions, you will be able to:- enhance your knowledge about audit procedures of Assets, Liabilities and Equity - revise the topics by attempting these questions- identify your strong and weak areas in Audit ProceduresWho should enroll:ACCA studentsCA studentsBS, BBA studentsBachelors in Commerce B com studentsCSS studentsOthers who want to learn audit "
Price: 19.99

juicyfruits |
"- , . . . "" "". . , . ."
Price: 1799.00

tolkaappiyamnuunmaprapu |
"- . , , . . , , , , . ."
Price: 1280.00

"Lebih Dalam tentang CSS" |
"Jika pada Course sebelumnya, yaitu ""HTML & CSS Dasar"", kita membahas dasar pembuatan konten-konten web. Kali ini, kita akan fokus ke satu hal yakni CSS. Secara sederhana, CSS adalah penulisan kode yang membentuk beragam bentuk konten dalam web. Warna, font, letak tulisan, dan fitur yang ada pada web adalah sedikit elemen yang dapat diciptakan dengan CSS. Course kali ini akan membahas CSS mulai dari selector, typography, box model, hingga positioning. Setelah mempelajari Course ini, kalian diharapkan mampu untuk memahami struktur dan properti pada CSS, serta mengimplementasikan segala cara kerja CSS yang sudah dijabarkan."
Price: 350000.00

"Fullstack Development: Membuat Weather App" |
"Full Stack Development adalah mengembangkan sebuah aplikasi secara keseluruhan, baik dari segi backend maupun frontend. Menguasai 2 bidang ini akan membantu kalian untuk memahami apa-apa saja yang dikerjakan backend maupun frontend. Pada Course kali ini, kita akan membuat sebuah aplikasi cuaca dari 0. Selama proses pembuatan aplikasi, kalian akan mempelajari bagaimana cara membuat backend database, membuat komponen-komponen frontend, hingga tahap deployment. Setelah mempelajari Course ini, kalian diharapkan mampu mengkombinasikan berbagai elemen yang dibuat dengan tools yang berbeda, baik itu backend maupun frontend."
Price: 350000.00

"Mengetahui Dasar C++" |
"C++ merupakan bahasa pemrogramman tertua yang mensupport OOP (object oriented programming). C++ juga memiliki salah satu komunitas bahasa pemrograman terbesar di dunia, yang selalu memperbarui fitur dari C++ itu sendiri di setiap tahunnya. Oleh karena itu, tidak heran jika jumlah penggunanya masih banyak, bahkan cenderung bertambah. Course ini akan mengajarkan modern C++ mulai dari apa dan mengapa C++, menginstall IDE, membuat Hello World!, membuat shape, berkenalan dengan variable, berkenalan dengan tipe data, berkenalan dengan strings, berkenalan dengan numbers, menangkap input dari user, hingga membuat kalkulator dan game sederhana."
Price: 350000.00

"Algoritma Tingkat Lanjut" |
"Belajar algoritma merupakan hal yang sangat penting diketahui oleh para software developer. Belajar algoritma melatih kita menemukan solusi atas masalah, mulai dari masalah dalam pemrograman dan masalah dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Kita akan belajar algoritma lanjutan mulai dari Mergesort dan Quicksort, lanjutan dari Belajar AlgoritmaTingkat Pemula. Dilanjutkan dengan belajar Priority Queue serta Associative Array. Kemudian diakhiri dengan mempelajari tentang Binary dan Balanced Search Trees. Setelah mengikuti Course ini, kalian diharpakna memiliki pemahaman yang lebih baik tentang algoritma. Sehingga, kalian mampu menerapkannya saat mengembangkan aplikasi-aplikasi tertentu"
Price: 350000.00

"Mengenal Big Data dengan Hadoop" |
"Seperti namanya, Big Data adalah data dengan kapasitas yang sangat besar. Besar disini, dapat diumpamakan seperti melakukan pendataan terhadap jumlah pengguna aktif Facebook di Indonesia. Saking besarnya, kita memerlukan software khusus yang dibuat untuk mengolah Big Data dengan optimal. Salah satu software tersebut adalah Hadoop. Pada Course kali ini, kalian akan mempelajari pengertian Big Data, mengoperasikan Hadoop dengan Pig & Spark, serta memahami relational maupun non-relational dengan Hadoop. Setelah mempelajari Course ini, kalian diharapkan mampu untuk menjelaskan konsep Big Data, serta menguasai pengoperasian Hadoop (Pig, Spark, & Relational/Non-relational)."
Price: 350000.00
