"Java Programming for Complete Stranger" |
"This course is for complete beginners , you don't need any prior knowledge. We are going to cover the following concepts.Obtain Core Java skillsEssential Java basicsWhat Java is and how it worksProgramming fundamentals with JavaJDK - Java Development Kit JRE - Java Runtime EnvironmentJVM - Java Virtual Machine First Java ProgramVariable and Data TypesOperators in JavaControl Statements Looping All concepts of Object-Oriented ProgrammingObjectClassConstructorEncapsulationAbstractionInheritancePolymorphismInterface in JavaInterface in Java8Interface in Java9Super and this keywordBoxing UnboxingJava RecursionCall by ValueStringsWrapper Classes"
Price: 12800.00

"Gerenciamento do cronograma do projeto" |
"Este curso tem como foco melhorar a experincia em gerenciamento do tempo do projeto do participante, desde o planejamento inicial at o fechamento do projeto. Os participantes tero acesso a exerccios de fixao do contedo e a templates que podero ser utilizados em projetos reais. Na concluso do curso, os alunos sero capazes de planejar o gerenciamento do cronograma, definir, sequenciar, e estimar as duraes das atividades, bem como desenvolver e controlar o cronograma do projeto. Este curso foi elaborado com base no Guia PMBOK 6 edio e em outros importantes frameworks."
Price: 99.99

"Gesto de custos - foco em gesto para resultados na prtica" |
"Ol meu amigo, tudo bem com voc? Neste curso voc aprender:Organizar os insumosMontar uma lista tcnicaOrganizar os gastos fixosMontar um demonstrativo de resultado com base no mtodo varivelCalcular os pontos de equilbrioCalcular o mark upComo funciona quando uma padaria est dentro de um mercado ou supermercadoCalcular o mtodo de custeio padroTrabalhar com o fluxo de caixa no ExcelEntender como funciona a ANLISE DE RENTABILIDADE"
Price: 204.99

"This course is provided for the full study of web development with using JavaScript, jQuery, NodeJs, React, TypeScript and Angular 8. Course is suitable for people who are not familiar with this frameworks, and for those who have already worked with them. You will be able to fully explore this technologies, from the very basics to the more advanced nuances associated with the use of them. At the end of this course, you will learn how to fully use this technologies and be able to use it in various real-world projects."
Price: 39.99

Photoshop |
"Photoshop, , . , Noah's bagels. Noah's bagels ."
Price: 199.99

"Laravel RESTful APIs Advanced: Docker, Redis, Stripe" |
"Learn how to create an Influencer App using Laravel Rest API's. In this tutorial you will learn: How to create API's with LaravelAuthenticate using Laravel PassportLaravel API ResourcesInstall and use DockerUpload ImagesUse RedisStripe configurationLaravel EventsLaravel ListenersSending EmailsIf these are what you are looking for then this course is for you."
Price: 74.99

"Microsoft Project Professional 100% - 2020 Avanado" |
"No Curso Seja um Especialista em Microsoft Project, vou te ensinar todas as funcionalidades avanadas e disponibilizar 9 relatrios grficos e 10 frmulas de indicadores... ir concluir o curso e preparado para se tornar um profissional gabaritado no mercado de Gesto de Projetos (sendo projetos de qualquer espcie).Aprender como gerenciar projetos utilizando o Microsoft Project, que a ferramenta mais popular utilizada no ecossistema de Gesto de Projetos... foco est nas funcionalidades, independentes do segmento que atua.Neste curso contm 10 mdulos, onde vou direto ao ponto... no vai ficar muito tempo na frente do computador para aprender tudo sobre o project (rpido e objetivo), alm disto conseguir demonstrar grficos e indicadores, e ter o reconhecimento desejado pelos seus clientes.Vou compartilhar mdulos de aulas de como criar Faris e Indicadores com 10 indicadores prontos para uso, como por exemplo: Clculo do Percentual Previsto, Indicador de Variao de Custo, % de Desvio de Prazo e custo e outros que voc no pode perder.Um forte abrao e nos vemos na plataforma."
Price: 39.99

"A Plataforma Google na docncia on-line" |
"Pelo mundo afora, milhes de professores tiveram de um dia para outro aprender a usar ambientes virtuais de aprendizagem (AVAs) para gerenciar suas aulas on-line. Cada educador deu o melhor de si e fez (e continua fazendo) para inovar e continuar fazendo o que sabe: mediar o processo de ensino e aprendizagem.E se voc professor da rede de ensino pblica, particular ou at mesmo independente e quer desvendar todos os recursos da Plataforma Google para suas aulas on-line, continue comigo para saber mais de minha proposta.Meu nome Marcela Dmaris, eu sou professora com mais 10 anos de experincia em Educao Digital e vou ensinar a voc tudo o que voc precisa para realizar aulas interativas, colaborativas e gerenciar a Plataforma Google Sala de Aula com maestria.Nesse curso, voc ir conhecer como administrar sua sala virtual, com exemplos prticos e contextualizados por quem tambm professora, ou seja, so aulas criadas de professor para professor.Essa formao j foi ministrada para mais de 50 pessoas no formato hbrido (com aulas gravadas e ao vivo) e para 200 professores no formato on-line, tendo os seus supervisores como multiplicadores e essa formadora como mediadora de todo o processo. Essa formao foi ofertada com o nome ""A mediao pedaggica nas aulas on-line""Saiba a opinio de quem j participou:Participei do curso A mediao pedaggica nas aulas online e gostei muito da metodologia utilizada. Alm dos contedos previstos, a professora nos presenteia com muitas dicas prticas para a explorao dos recursos digitais. O atendimento individualizado tambm fez muita diferena para o meu aprendizado. Fazendo o curso, adquiri autoconfiana para experimentar e me aventurar na utilizao de plataformas digitais para o exerccio da docncia e mediao da aprendizagem dos alunos. Realmente, o curso despertou o meu prazer em aprender. J pleitei junto formadora a possibilidade de novos cursos. Estou aguardando ansiosamente! E um detalhe muito importante: O preo do curso timo! (Gisele Jardim, coordenadora pedaggica)Fiz o curso de Mediao pedaggica e gostei muito! Curso muito bem estruturado!tima professora!Aulas esclarecedoras! Marcela, voc nos trouxe lies que nos ajudaro muito no meio tecnolgico e pedaggico!Dicas que vou levar para a vida!Super indico esse curso! Mais uma vez, muito obrigada!(Luise Anne, professora)Eu fiz o curso A mediao pedaggica nas aulas online e aprendi como usar diversas ferramentas digitais em nossas aulas online. A mediadora Marcela tem total domnio das ferramentas digitais. Alm de explicar o passo a passo em seus vdeos tutoriais ela sana as dvidas. Recomendo 100% o curso! (Marivani Dantas, professora)Voc ainda tem dvidas e um pouco de dificuldade em usar os recursos da Plataforma Google? Ento esse curso para voc! Seja voc um professor que usa o Google Sala de Aula com conta pblica ou tem conta GSuite For Education, pois durante as aulas mostro as diferenas existentes entre as duas possibilidades. O que importa aqui : o curso para quem tem vontade de aprender e fazer! #dicademestre:1. no sabe qual das contas voc usa? simples: se sua rede de ensino ofereceu a voc um e-mail institucional porque ela fez parceria com o GSuite For Education.2. E se voc professor independente, voc pode tambm comprar o pacote Gsuite.J nos primeiros mdulos do curso voc ir aprender como organizar sua sala virtual na Plataforma Google, desvendar as diferenas entre as lies, receber dicas para dar devolutivas a seus alunos; ou seja, atravs de aulas curtas com uma linguagem clara e objetiva voc ter instrumentos para organizar, criar e administrar sua sala virtual.Em seguida, mostro como voc pode criar aulas interativas e colaborativas dentro do Google Sala de Aula atravs de exemplos simples e prticos. E a partir dessas pequenas amostras de documentos, planilhas e slides, voc poder usar e abusar de sua criatividade para inovar sua prtica.Mostro tambm alguns recursos integrados da Plataforma Google: Agenda, Meet e o Google Drive. Voc ver como essas ferramentas vo facilitar e dinamizar sua vida pessoal e profissional.E por fim, explico como voc pode criar avaliaes dentro do Google Sala de Aula. Voc vai perceber como fcil, rpido e dinmico avaliar com os recursos da Plataforma Google.Inscreva-se agora e ns nos encontraremos na prxima aula!Benefcios que voc ter ao se inscrever nesse curso:Todos os recursos indicados so gratuitos. Dessa forma, voc no pagar nada para utiliz-los*.Receber o passo a passo de como utilizar, onde e quando utilizar os recursos.Voc poder utilizar os recursos na verso Web (sem precisar instalar nada) ou no aplicativo*. Voc escolhe!Aprender como organizar e administrar os recursos da Plataforma Google numa linguagem clara e objetiva.Devoluo de valor investido em 30 dias, caso no fique satisfeito com o curso.Acesso gratuito ao meu grupo exclusivo de alunos onde voc poder continuar aprendendo comigo, com outros colegas e poder compartilhar suas criaes realizadas durante o curso tirar isso do curso 02.Suas perguntas so respondidas por mim, no mximo em 48 horas.*isso no se aplica se voc for professor independente e pagar pelo pacote GSuite.*O app Google Sala de Aula tem algumas diferenas da verso Web. Todas as aulas foram gravadas para uso da verso Web.IMPORTANTE: antes de se inscrever nesse curso, consulte o programa, assista as aulas para visualizao gratuita e para todas as suas dvidas, voc pode falar diretamente comigo. Todos os meus contatos voc encontra aqui no meu perfil de instrutora Udemy.Abr@os virtuais,Marcela DmarisProfessora Online e Presencial em Educao Digital"
Price: 99.99

"Membangun Website Dari Basic dengan Mudah" |
"Pada Kursus ini berisi tentang membangun webiste dengan mudah bersama Udacoding. Materi yang akan di pelajari pada kursus ini :HTML dari basic CSS dari basic hingga advancedBoostrap dari basicSelain dari materi berupa video juga di lengkapi dengan resource project dan latihan-latihan berupa soal serta quiz. Sehingga diharapkan lebih memudahkan peserta untuk bisa lebih gampang memateri pembuatan website iniYuk Jago Coding bersama Udacoding"
Price: 29.99

"The Smartphone Product Photography Course" |
"This course will allow you to learn product photography with a smartphone. Moreover, previous knowledge about photography does not require at all. Even, when you will first get into the course, then you will know how a smartphone can be used as a primary photographic tool for product photography. The course will inspire you to go to the new horizon for another promising career as a photographer. May it be a beginning but when you will be habituated with its power, then your skill will shine through with time."
Price: 34.99

Price: 159.99

"Prestashop 1.7 Crea y monetiza con tiendas online [2020]" |
"Mediante este curso podrs empezar a vender productos en tu pgina web sin tener ningn conocimiento previo. Iremos realizando todas las pruebas paso a paso, mediante prctica y de manera muy sencilla. Conseguiremos crear nuestro e-commerce con los productos que queramos, ya sean productos virtuales, packs o productos fsicos. Este curso es una gran oportunidad para la gente que sabe que se puede generar dinero a travs de internet vendiendo por internet. Todo el tiempo que ests perdiendo sin aprender a utilizar este CMS ests perdiendo dinero. No esperes ms y empieza a ganar dinero a travs de internet.Tambin se puede utilizar a modo de Dropshipping si es lo que ests buscando. En este curso explicaremos cmo hacerlo.Si necesitas aclaraciones de conceptos no dudes en comentrmelo por los comentarios del curso y te ayudar encantado.Ir subiendo nuevos cambios y actualizaciones que vayan actualizando en este software para estar siempre al da."
Price: 19.99

"Jewelry Making: Crochet Handmade Bracelet - Medium lvl." |
"Handmade for all!This course is made for absolutely everyone! All you need is a desire to learn and a little thread for your bracelet.You will be able to make your own bracelet during the course even if you are a complete beginner in this.I will guide you through each stage of creation and teach you, step by step, with the most detailed explanations of each one.Learn the basics of making handmade bracelets, how to start.Learn the process of creating a bracelet according to the pattern, learn to understand these patterns and the designations in them, master the technique of tying special knots used in the patterns. Find out one of the options for how you can finish your bracelet and fix it.You can find other types of bracelets in my other coursesJoin the course and get new skills!"
Price: 19.99

"AZ-104 Microsoft Azure Administrator (beta) Exam latest Q&A" |
"This is the right IT Knowledge Center which Helps you to get your Certification about this examThis is very Crucial for Students who want to increase their knowledge about this certification.This is also important for the instructor to Design these kinds of Courses for Students to Measure their skills and Achieving the Certification.Try this test and learn something more new about this certification.Learn and Learn increase in your knowledge is beneficiary for students This Practice Test gives the idea relevant to the logical and difficult part of the exam.If you want to look for how the questions are asking in exams These kinds of Q&A helped you in real exam Because this practice is to give you the kind of questions and answers and how the examiner or Official exam was designed and method of asking from the same topic with different statements to make it more difficult Welcome here you can enroll and check your self-knowledge about this certificationImportant Questions and Answers with some ExplanationThese are the latest and updated Q&A about Certification Microsoft Azure Administrator AssociateAZ-104 Microsoft Azure Administrator (beta) ExamManage Azure identities and governance (15-20%)Implement and manage storage (10-15%)Deploy and manage Azure compute resources (25-30%)Configure and manage virtual networking (30-35%)Monitor and back up Azure resources (10-15%)"
Price: 44.99

"CompTIA Network+ (N10-007) A to Z Course" |
"The Network+ Certification Study Guide will teach you the fundamental principles of installing, configuring, and troubleshooting network technologies and help you to progress a career in network administration.After reading this text, you will be able to:Describe the features of different network protocols and products for LANs, WANs, and wireless networksUnderstand the functions and features of TCP/IP addressing and protocolsIdentify threats to network security and appropriate countermeasures and controlsInstall and configure network cabling and appliancesManage, monitor, and troubleshoot networks"
Price: 19.99

"Find your Tarot super powers, discover your hidden talents." |
"Who is this course for?This course is made for people who already know the meaning of the cards, so it is NOT suitable for complete beginners! When I learned the meaning of the Tarot, I quickly discovered that it is not always easy to interpret the cards in a layout. What if you get a positive card in a spot that represents a negative question, or visa versa? I used to find those situations very confusing. But, it doesn't have to be. Some people will tell you to keep pulling clarifying cards when you feel confused, and in some situations, that is perfectly ok. But, in most cases, you can simply read the cards exactly as they land in the layout if you just know how. I have developed a step by step method that makes the whole process pretty easy. I also use numerology to get a deeper understanding of what underlying energies we are dealing with. So when you are done with this course, you should be able to offer your clients professional readings with great confidence and deep insight.What's so special about this course?I didn't just want to teach you the meaning of the cards in a random layout; that would be way too boring! I wanted the layouts to have meaning in themselves as well so I picked layouts that are very specific to your journey as a Tarot reader. In these layouts, you can discover what your most unique talents are, what your calling and path is and how to break through creativity blocks and find a higher degree of alignment with Source. I used spreads that can help you discover your soul purpose, connect with your spirit guides and follow your dreams. Other layouts can help you manifest with the law of attraction, see things from a bigger perspective and learn to own your stuff. So, you'll learn a lot more than just how to interpret the cards.The layouts are meant to give you answers that help you discover valuable aspects of yourself so you can walk your Tarot path with more clarity and greater wisdom.What are your Tarot super powers?To me, every Tarot reader has super powers that they are here to share with the world. Your super powers are a unique combination of traits that help you understand what exactly you are here to share. We use specific layouts to discover what these traits are. The deeper you go into the course, the more insight you will learn about who you are as a Tarot reader. I would highly recommend that you get yourself a Tarot journal before you start the course. Each layout can help you find valuable answers that you might want to write down.Why should you learn from me?I'm a self taught intuitive bohemian Goddess with a strong connection to Spirit. I feel like Tarot is the perfect tool when it comes to sharing my wisdom, understanding and life experience with like minded seekers of truth. To me, Tarot is so much more than just party tricks and future predictions. It is a blueprint for the whole spiritual journey we are here to walk, and you'll learn things from me that you won't find anywhere else. My approach is original, influenced by my inner guidance, numerology, life experience as well as my journeys to India. So if you are spiritually inclined and want a fresh, new take on how to read the Tarot, this course was made for you. I hope feel inspired to sign up and I can't wait to connect with you on the other side. See you there..."
Price: 94.99

"Crochet beginners course learn basic stitches step by step" |
"In this course you will learn how to crochet using four basic stitches, also you will learn how to crochet a pattern, this course is full of resources and video tutorials as well as photo step by step guides, by the end of the course you will have the knowledge and skills to create your first crochet blanket.I hope you enjoy this course as much as I have making it, any questions please feel free to contact me."
Price: 19.99

"The Practical Skills To Feeling Good Enough" |
"This is a course full of practical skills that are easy enough to try during the actual video lecture. You learn as you do. This is not a theory that you can later apply. You learn exactly how whilst you watch your video lesson. After the introductory training to ease you into it, we start with simple, practical skills that can ""rewire your brain"" (a common descriptive metaphor) and help you do whatever you like without fear stopping you. That party you missed, that interview you didn't attend, that relationship that broke your heart, and more - imagine not having that fear of ""not good enough"" keeping you in a rut! To bravely go where you want, do what you want, with whom you want, the way you want. Everything is easier when you believe in yourself. And this course teaches you how.This course uses a unique adaptation of EFT Tapping with a bit of Reiki healing and some common but invaluable wisdom from my hypnosis knowledge. Every lecture consists of an explanatory easy-to-follow video, and a download reminder and easy-to-follow short PDF. Your lectures are as follows:Find how your course is applied efficiently in real life, get an overview of the course, and download your easy, illustrated How-to guide that you can easily put into practice within minutes.Learn the role of the subconscious mind, and how EFT Tapping can dislodge limiting beliefs from it.Find a neat new way to quieten that inner critical voice, literally at your fingertips.Discover the biggest blocks to feeling good enough. And learn how to release them. You can expect to feel the progress as you apply the new skills along with the easy lecture video. Imagine your mind as a garden. In this lesson, we weed out the roots underneath the ""Not Good Enough"" weeds. In their place, immediately will start to grow the most amazing strong flowers and trees, of ""I Am Good Enough"". Your self-esteem and confidence can then be free to grow.Learn the one trick you can use to make saying positive affirmations work. Even if you have tried them before and they didn't. Enjoy your learning and your journey!"
Price: 19.99

"AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate Tests" |
"The AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate is consistently among the top-paying IT certifications, considering that Amazon Web Services (AWS) is the leading cloud services platform in the world with almost 50% market share! Earn over $150,000 per year with an AWS Solutions Architect certification!But before you become an AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional, it is recommended for you to pass the AWS Solutions Architect Associate certification exam first, and this is where AWS practice tests come in. It is possible that you have read all of the available AWS documentation online yet still fail the exam! These AWS practice tests simulate the actual certification exam and ensure that you indeed understand the subject matter.Some of key points to remember:AWS announced last March 2020 that you can the take the new SAA-C02 exam, as well as the other AWS certification exams at the comforts of your home. Take note that this is only supported by Pearson Vue, and not PSI.To schedule the test, go to official AWS Solutions Architect Associate Certification page and then click the Schedule Exam button to book your SAA-C02 test.the SAA-C02 exam is about 70% similar to the previous exam. Amazon Aurora Serverless, AWS Global Accelerator, Amazon FSx for Lustre, Elastic Fabric Adapter (EFA), Direct Connect Gateway, HPC and many new topics were added in the latest SAA-C02 exam. It is more verbose than the previous version with longer scenarios and options. But again, the majority of the topics covered ( S3, EBS, EC2, etc) are similar to the previous one.All the very best for your exam."
Price: 19.99

"Beginners watercolor painting course - Paint 5 scenes" |
"Hello Everyone!I'm back with a beginners course. A lot of effort has gone into making this course and I have tried my best to show you all the details.Here are the supplies you will need.300 GSM watercolor paper - Either handmade or Machine made - 100% cotton paper - I've used Ayush paper.Watercolor paints - I've used Camel Artist grade paints - It would be great if you have the following shadesCobalt Blue hue/French ultramarineBurnt umberBurnt SiennaLemon yellowRedOrangeWatercolor brush - Size 0 and 4/6/8 - OR Artyshils reservoir mixMasking tape (optional)References and final paintings are attached under the downloadable references in lecture 20"
Price: 19.99

"Build a Call Center using Amazon Connect" |
"This course will teach you how to build a contact center based on Amazon's Connect Contact Center Platform as a Service (PaaS). Amazon Connect provides a very easy to use graphical interface to set up the solution in mere minutes. The course focuses on setting up a small contact center environment to meet the needs of a small business.You will learn the following:- How to acquire a toll free number of a direct inward dial (DID) telephone number- How to set up your Interactive Voice Response (IVR) menu- Set up hours of operation- Route calls based on the option selected during IVR menu- Transfer calls to internal and external parties from the IVR menu- Set up music on hold for callers- and much more ....."
Price: 34.99

"Composition and Perspective for Digital Illustrators" |
"Improve your composition and perspective with these quick exercises in Procreate.Feeling comfortable with drawing backgrounds for your artworks starts with a great composition.In this class, I would like to share with you what I learned about composition to help you become more confident when creating your own unique artworks.We will use fun story moments from my travel sketchbook to go through 10 tips on how to quickly and easily improve your compositions step by step.We will talk about:What makes a strong and pleasing composition design,How to arrange and balance elements in your artworks so they work well togetherHow you can engage the audience through your artHow to lead the eye of the viewer around the image, visual weight, composition schemes, static and active compositions, point of view and much moreBONUS - we will also talk about the basics of perspective and how it can help you draw amazing backgrounds and environments for your artworksI included fun exercises to build your confidence in creating your own compositions, emphasizing what is important in your Illustration, resulting in overall pleasing artworks.To practice in a quick and easy way, we will use sketchbook illustrations.I will be using Procreate, but feel free to use any other digital drawing software or pen and pencil and other traditional tools.Whether you are a beginner just starting to learn about compositions or you are a little bit more experienced illustrator looking into learning some new skills, this class is for you.So lets start creating awesome compositions.See you in the class!"
Price: 34.99

"Advocacia na Prtica para Advogados - Jurdico" |
"O curso online Advogando na Prtica ministrado pelo advogado e palestrante, Dr Rafael Saraiva Gaia, ser composto por aulas online sobre a Advocacia na Prtica, Nichos do Direito, Audincias, Sustentao Oral, Marketing, Gesto e Administrao. Temas como: rotina de um advogado, como se comportar em uma audincia, como preparar um cliente para uma audincia, como fazer uma boa petio inicial, como fazer uma boa sustentao oral, produtividade, gesto e planejamento, marketing, e muito mais."
Price: 384.99

"Examen de Espaol - Exame de espanhol - Spanish test" |
"Mi nombre es Juan Pablo Rodrguez, mi idioma nativo es el espaolSi has estudiado espaol y quieres hacer un examen para certificar tus conocimientos, aqu podrs responder 275 preguntas en 5 exmenes que abarcan temas como comprensin de texto, dilogos, conocimientos generales y gramtica. Este examen tambin te ayudar a fortalecer tus conocimientos ya que algunas respuestas tienen alguna explicacin adicional al final.Este examen tambin es recomendado para los estudiantes que han estudiado espaol con nuestro curso, ya que en el caso de que necesiten reforzar algn tema, solo debern repasarlo viendo el video del curso."
Price: 39.99

"Microsoft Power BI para profissionais de Recursos Humanos" |
"Nesse curso voc vai aprender passo a passo a criar 3 painis visuais que iro compor seu dashboard de Recursos Humanos. Se voc de outra rea que no seja Recursos Humanos tambm poder obter conhecimento com esse curso.Apesar dos modelos serem idealizados para a rea de Recursos Humanos o aprendizado vale para qualquer rea do conhecimento.No necessrio conhecimento anterior no Power BI. Esse treinamento voltado para quem da rea de negcios, com linguagem simples e didtica voltada para profissionais de departamentos que no possuem o conhecimento aprofundado como da rea de TI.Para acompanhar esse curso basta que voc tenha acesso a internet. Esse curso foi gravado em 2020 com atualizaes contantes.Se voc tiver alguma dvida durante o curso, voc ter acesso ao sistema de perguntas ao instrutor para fazer suas perguntas. Eu procuro responder meus alunos o mais rpido possvel.Eu j treinei mais de 3.000 alunos aqui na Udemy e posso te ajudar a avanar em seu conhecimento e fazer com que voc alcance seus objetivos profissionais.Tenho mais de 15 anos de experincia com relatrios gerenciais utilizando softwares como Excel, Powerpoint e Power BI.Bom curso.Deodato Fonseca"
Price: 294.99

"Shutterstock """"" |
", , , ? , , ! Shutterstock. . . : , , , , , , , . . ."
Price: 24.99

"Sucesso profissional com tcnicas de poker" |
"O mundo dos negcios se torna cada vez mais competitivo e dinmico. Desta forma, baseando-se num esporte da mente, estas aulas tem como objetivo ensinar aos alunos as regras e dinmicas envolvidas no jogo de poker e sua ligao com o mundo dos negcios atravs de equiparaes. Sendo assim, os alunos aprendero sobre o jogo de poker e sua relaes com padres comportamentais, planejamento financeiro, investimentos e muito mais."
Price: 39.99

"Impresso 3D: Aprenda tudo sobre est tecnologia" |
"O mundo da tecnologia est em constantes transformaes. Um destas transformaes diz respeito a tecnologia de impresso 3D. Desta forma, as aulas tem por objetivo apresentar de forma completa como est tecnologia vem transformando o mundo e qual o seu impacto na sociedade. Voc aprender de forma rpida porm objetiva, os principais temas que envolvem a tecnologia de impresso 3D para que possa iniciar um empreendimento, implantar a tecnologia na empresa que trabalha ou produzir peas para uso pessoal. No fique de fora desta grande transformao."
Price: 39.99

"The Complete Machine Learning and Data Science Course in R" |
"In this course, you are going to learn all types of Machine Learning Models implemented in R Programming Language. The Math behind every model is very important. Without it, you can never become a Good Data Scientist. That is the reason, I have covered the Math behind every model in the intuition part of each Model.Implementation in R is done in such a way so that not only you learn how to implement a specific Model in Python but you learn how to build real times templates and find the accuracy rate of Models so that you can easily test different models on a specific problem, find the accuracy rates and then choose the one which give you the highest accuracy rate.I am looking forward to see you in the course..Best"
Price: 129.99

"1Z0-997 OCI 2019 Architect Professional Dumps 69q" |
"Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2019 Architect Professional Dumps - 69q with explained answers - 100% passThe Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) 2019 Architect Professional exam (1Z0-997) exam is designed for individuals who possess strong enterprise knowledge in architecting using Oracle Cloud Infrastructure services.This certification validates advanced concepts of OCI services to control infrastructure, such as but not limited to: High Availability and Disaster Recovery, Data Migration, Network Connectivity, Monitoring, Data Retention, Storage and Databases.This certification is available to all professionals that were previously passed the OCI Architect Associate Exam."
Price: 1280.00

"Edexcel IGCSE English: Language and Literature Anthology!" |
"Confused at the meaning behind the Non-fiction, Fiction and Poetry texts in the Edexcel IGCSE English Language and Literature Anthology? Is your class moving too rapidly through it or you need a deeper understanding and analysis of each text? Look no further - Barbara, an English Teacher is here to help! She has created a comprehensive 'Edexcel IGCSE English: Language & Literature Anthology' Course to look at all the texts and analyse them in depth - including word-level analysis!"
Price: 189.99
