clients-for-art-people |
". , . , . :1. ?: , , .2. ?: . ? ."
Price: 1799.00

"Professional Scrum Master PSM I. Exmenes de simulacin 2020" |
"Los exmenes de Professional Scrum Master I (PSM I) estn disponible para cualquier persona que desee validar su conocimiento de Scrum. Quienes aprueben el examen recibirn la certificacin PSM I, muy reconocida por la industria.Las preguntas de estos exmenes te permiten prepararte para el examen real. Cuanto ms practiques, mayor ser la opcin de aprobar tu examen. Practica hasta obtener un mnimo del 95% durante estas pruebas de prctica para conseguir tu certificacin PSM I a la primera."
Price: 19.99

"The Ultimate French Guide : Think and Speak Like a Native" |
"Have you ever wondered ""Where's the best place to start with French?""This course holds your hands almost literally, through your transition to speaking French on your own.Love Aludo, an industry expert in Bilingual Corporate Communications for Multinational organisations and French Government agencies, has been teaching French to adults and children for 10 years and understands the learners psychology, questions, and challenges.She has taught at the French Institute of the French Embassy and was Communications Manager for the Lyce Franais Louis Pasteur, member of the AEFE network of 490 schools run by the French government.This course puts together French and the answers to your questions so that you are not confused about what is going on.Love graduated with a First Class in French Language and represented Nigeria at the French Government organised International Competition.If you wish to speak like a native, learn French for travel, immigration or that job promotion, this is where your search ends. Bienvenue et je sais que vous allez apprendre beaucoup de choses.""Welcome and I know you will learn a lot"".Hoping to see you."
Price: 29.99

"CMA1 Exam section A: External Financial Reporting Decisions" |
"The course's objective is to prepare CMA part 1 candidates for section A: External Financial Reporting Decisions. The course is divided into 9 lectures, each lecture comprises a video, a quiz (10 multiple choice questions), and notes. In addition, the course includes additional example to facilitate concepts covered in the lectures. "
Price: 99.99

"Curso de COMPUTACIN bsico hasta cosas avanzadas" |
"En este curso aprenders conceptos importantes y necesarios para que puedas utilizar tu computadora a un buen nivel, sin la necesidad de que tengas conocimientos previos.Se que a algunas personas les puede resultar algo difcil o que tengan miedo al momento de utilizar, pero la verdad dejame decirte que no es nada difcil al contrario es muy fcil y yo te enseare muchas cosas tiles para que puedas ir empezando en este mundo de la computacin.Hoy en da es necesario que las personas tengan conocimientos de computacin, ya que en muchos trabajos o empresas ya sea nivel nacional o internacional se usan los sistemas computacionales y es indispensable que para que una persona aspire a un buen puesto de trabajo tenga conocimientos del uso de una computadora.Dejame decirte que aprenders desde crear documentos sencillos como: documentos de texto, documentos en programas de ofimatica, presentaciones, navegar en internet, seguridad para tu computadora y entre muchas cosas interesantes ms."
Price: 24.99

"The complete pencil drawing from beginner to advanced" |
"I am with you in this educational pack and I will teach you every little useful tip from when you start sketching until you will be great professional painters and both you yourself and others will enjoy your masterpiece paintings. I will start this pack with the primary sketching with the black pen technique. and you will be familiar with coloring pencils and color oils techniques.in this pack I will teach you how to hold the pencil correctly and I will teach you the very essential primary for sketching and I will introduce you the essential tools for sketching and black pen.I will also teach you the sketching and the shadowing of the eyebrow and the nose and the hand in this package and eventually,I will teach you two complete face drawing models.and I have explained all the little details of drawing.in this course the sketching of all parts of the face with all their details is available and is teached,for example,in the eye drawing section the form and shape of the eye and also the way to operate the drawing of all kinds of eyes is explained technically.in this educational course,the explanations about the shadowing and creating the gray tonalities are fully explained."
Price: 84.99

"TOP NOTCH 2 Unit 6-10 My English Lab" |
"TOP NOTCH 2 kitabnn 6.-10. nitelerinin My English Lab altrmalarnn aklamal anlatmlarn ierir. 1.-5. nitelere ve TOP NOTCH 1 kitabyla ilgili videolara kurslar blmnden ulaabilirsiniz.devlerinizi kurs ile e zamanl olarak tamamlayabilir veya yaptktan sonra kontrol etmek iin kullanabilirsiniz. Altrmalar tamamlarken yazm kurallarna nem gstermenizve videoda yazld gibi yazmaya almanz nerilir.UNIT 6 EATING WELLPreviewVocabulary Nutrition terminologyLesson 1 Talk about food passionsGrammar Use to / used toVocabulary Food passions Pronunciation Sound reduction: used toLesson 2 Make an excuse to decline food Grammar Negative yes / no questions Vocabulary Excuses for not eating somethingLesson 3 Discuss lifestyle changesVocabulary Lifestyles in different countries, Personal lifestylesLesson 4 Describe local dishesVocabulary Food descriptionsUNIT 7 ABOUT PERSONALITYPreviewVocabulary How colors and color choices affect usLesson 1 Get to know a new friendGrammar Gerunds and infinities Pronunciation Reduction of to in infinitivesLesson 2 Cheer someone upGrammar Gerunds as objects of prepositionsLesson 3 Discuss personality and its originVocabulary Terms to discuss psychology and personalityLesson 4 Examine the impact of birth orderVocabulary Birth order and personalityUNIT 8 THE ARTSPreviewVocabulary Kinds of art, Adjectives to describe artLesson 1 Recommend a museumGrammar The passive voice Pronunciation Emphatic stressLesson 2 Ask about and describe objects Grammar The passive voice: questions Vocabulary Objects, handicrafts, and materialsLesson 3 Talk about artistic talentVocabulary Artistic talentLesson 4 Discuss your favorite artistsVocabulary Passive participial phrasesUNIT 9 LIVING IN CYBERSPACEPreviewVocabulary Social media ComputerissuesLesson 1 Troubleshoot a problemGrammar The infinitive of purposeVocabulary The computer screen, components, and commandsLesson 2 Compare product featuresGrammar Comparisons with as. . .as Pronunciation Stress in as. . .as phrasesLesson 3 Describe how you use the InternetVocabulary Internet activitiesLesson 4 Discuss the impact of the InternetVocabulary Internet problems, Good and bad effects of the InternetUNIT 10 ETHICS AND VALUESPreviewVocabulary Idioms, Situations that require an ethical choiceLesson 1 Discuss ethical choicesGrammar The unreal conditional Pronunciation Blending of d + y in would youLesson 2 Return someone elses property Grammar Possessive pronouns / Whose Vocabulary Acknowledging thanksLesson 3 Express personal valuesVocabulary Personal valuesLesson 4 Discuss acts of kindness and honestyVocabulary Kind acts and the motives behind them"
Price: 29.99

"How To Become A Top-Rated & Top-Earning Upwork Freelancer" |
"In this course we go on a journey together to help you start your freelancing journey and achieve success quickly. Or, if you are already freelancing and are looking for ways to stand out from the crowd and are ready to take things to the next level, this course will help you do this.The course is full of to the point advice and tips, with each section crafted to build on each other to set you up for quick and sustainable success. In the course we will provide you with unique insights about what clients are really looking for, and how you as their freelancer can deliver on those expectations. This lays the foundation for a great freelancing career which you will enjoy pursuing as you chase your dreams and vision.Another important component is how you can best position yourself. The teaching in this course is based on personal experience which I have gained in the last 7 years as a successful and top rated Upwork freelancer, combined with what a range of other 6 figure earning Upwork Freelancers do to achieve success. As you go through the course you will create your own, high quality, powerful and effective profile based not only on my own experience, but also on lessons learned from those other top freelancers. Getting clients can often seem daunting, but once you have completed this course you will have all the tools, tips and tricks to be able to effectively select the right clients and projects for you. Potential clients will not be able to resist your proposals and will keep coming back for more and you will earn invites to projects you would love to work on. This is because you will learn how to best partner with your clients and achieve amazing project outcomes and gain 100% success rate on your projects.My goal for you is that this course is going to be the stepping stone for you towards you achieving your goals and dreams. So you can live with a freedom you have not yet experienced, with more financial stability, more free time and more flexibility than ever before!"
Price: 149.99

"Be an International Business Professional" |
"This certification course will offer students with the knowledge, skills, and abilities to understand the global economic, political, cultural and social environment for understanding the international business context. It will also prepare students to critically evaluate, formulate and execute strategies to succeed in international business ventures. It provides insights on tools and practices that help to identify and interpret international business opportunities by analyzing international management and investment strategies. It also enables exploration of practical issues faced by business managers in international business situations."
Price: 89.99

"Learn Indian classical Dance" |
"About Natya Shastra:Natya Shastra is an educator of Indian classical dance, Bharathanatyam. We teach Bharathanatyam from basics to expert level. We also teach few exercises and relaxation techniques to improve one's physical and mental health. You will be learning this unique art with Sara- Master of Fine Arts (MFA), Dance.In her own words:I am a multidisciplinary dance artist (Bharathanatyam, Mohiniyattam and Contemporary) from India. I am an independent choreographer, educator, researcher and have broad range of modern dance skills. I have 20 years of experience as a performing artist and have performed more than 350 stage shows, nationally and internationally. As a dance educator I have proven myself as composed, focused and diligent."
Price: 19.99

"Sfrdan ileri seviyeye C++ Programlama renin" |
"Herkese merhaba ; Ben Sadk AHN, Bilgisayar Mhendisiyim ve kendi alanmla almaktaym. Mucit yazlm ismiyle Youtube kanlnda yapm olduum eitim serimi daha da gelitirerek ok dk cretle Udemy de yaynlyorum. C programlama dili ile baladm eitim serimi C++, C# ve Java dilleri gelitirecek; Microsoft SQL Server ile veri tabannz ynetebileceksiniz. C++ Programlama dili tm yazlm gelitiricilerin kulland, dier dillere gre ok hzl ve sade olduu iin mutlaka renilmesi gerekmektedir. Bu eitim serimiz ile hi programlama dili bilmeseniz bile temel seviyeden balayp ileri seviyeye kadar gittiimiz iin sizde bir programc olabileceksiniz. Bu eitim serimizde; C++ Programlamaya giri. Temel giri k fonksiyonlar, Deikenler, Operatrler, Dngler, Koul yaplar, Nesne Ynelimli Programlama (OOP) OOP Prensipleri, Dosya ilemleri, Header ktphanelerimizi oluturalm, Struct (yaplar ) ,Enumlar ( numaralandrma) ve dier konu balklar ile ilgili konu anlatmlar ve konu anlatmlar sonrasnda bol bol rnek zmleri bulacaksnz.Ayrca, ders anlatmnn sonunda rnek projeler ve otomasyon programlar ile de kendinizi daha da gelitirecek ve yazlmc olduunuzu kefedeceksiniz. "
Price: 69.99

Leadership |
"KursinhalteAm Ende des Kurses weit du, welcher Fhrungsstil zu dir passt.Die Grundlagen der Fhrung und was es dazu brauchtDen Unterschied zwischen Leadership und ManagementWie deine Persnlichkeit deinen Fhrungsstil vorgibtDu wirst lernen, wie du als Fhrungskraft mit usseren Einflssen erfolgreich umgehen kannstNach dem Kurs kennst du die 5 Haupt-Fhrungsstile und weisst, wie diese idealerweise angewandt werdenDu verstehst den wichtigen Zusammenhang zwischen Leadership und persnlicher EinstellungDu wirst anhand eines Persnlichkeitstests deine Persnlichkeitsmerkmale herausarbeiten"
Price: 19.99

"ITIL 4 Foundation - Exam Preparation - July/2020" |
"Course InformationsOver 480 Questions and Answers available in UDEMY platform and sent apart as material for study a study guide and itil v4 support material!Updated questions in 22th July 2020!This course will allow you to assess your knowledge of the following topics in the ITIL v4 Foundation exam:- IT Service Management as a practice- ITIL Service Cycle- Technology and architecture- Competence and trainingI recommend you score at least an 80% on all exams before trying the actual exam. No duplicate questions.General Examination TipsYou are not penalized for wrong answers. If you have drawn a blank, choose an answer to give yourself a chance.Drop perfectionism. The exam is pass/fail. There is no bonus credit for answering more than 26 questions correctly.Tips for checking your answers before submitting your exam:Read through each question to make sure you did not fall into any traps.Count how many answers you are sure you have gotten correct. If you have more than 26, then submit the exam. If you are a cautious person, submit the exam when you have more than 28 correct.Key to Success: Avoid the TrapsThe ITIL Foundation exam has a high pass rate. Statistics published in 2013 show a 90% pass rate, and many training providers advertise a 99% pass rate. Those who avoid the key traps will succeed on the exam.How to avoid the trap: Memorize, dont analyze.The exam is multiple choice and testing basic knowledge of ITIL best practices. Memorize high-level concepts and definitions and stay focused on those concepts and definitions. Do not think about how your company does a particular process. Do not think about how you would improve the process. Just answer based on the ITIL materials.How to avoid the trap: Memorize groups.Some questions offer 2 or more options that may be correct. The answers will involve various combinations of those options, and only one combination is correct. The simplest version of this question is to present two options and offer these four potential answers: #1 only, #2 only, both, or neither. Frequently, there will be 4 options and 4 combinations presented.How to avoid the trap: Learn acronyms. Memorize lists in their correct order.Its not always enough to know the items in a list. If they are presented in a particular sequence or represented by an acronym, then it is crucial to know the correct order. Knowing the sequence makes the difference between an easy answer and a wild guess.How to avoid the trap: Read each question carefully.Some questions are worded in a way that would trip up someone who did not read every word of the question. Do not read the first few words and jump down to the answers. Each question has some keywords that will either make the right answer obvious or quickly eliminate one or more possible answers.Only this course isn't enought to obttain approval in the exam. This course is a very powerfull tool, but firstly you have to study the exam subjects to allign the content learned with the format of the questions and so get simillarity with Exam format of questions.Exam Informations Exam Title: ITIL v4 FoundationNumber of Questions: 40 Questions Duration: 60 minutes Test Format: Multiple-choicePassing Score: A passing score is 65% (at least 26 marks)Language Exam: Chinese, Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Spanish, Portuguese (Brazil)"
Price: 19.99

"Como Acabar com As Dvidas" |
"muito incmodo no se ver com capacidade de realizar sonhos e objetivos por no possuir um controle financeiro que facilite esse processo. O que leva muitos a piorar a situao atravs da contratao de linhas de crdito que at podem resolver um problema pontual, mas deixa uma dor de cabea por um longo tempo atravs das parcelas atravs das quais nos leva a pagar duas ou trs vezes mais o valor contratado atravs de juros altssimos.Pensando nisso, os Educadores Financeiro Rita Cristino e Rafael Oliveira preparam um material que lhe ajudar a organizar suas finanas e acabar com suas dvidas, com aulas tericas com propostas de atividades prticas."
Price: 39.99

"Basics in execution of marketing mix" |
"In this course you will learn some basics tools to use when executing marketing mix1. Identify the right problems/opportunities to focus our marketing activities on. Most of the times we have no clarity of what are the key problems affecting our brands. We tend to stop at the surface without attacking the root causes. This tool forces us to deepen our analysis and focus on the right problems2. Marketing concepts: what are they and how to write them?As marketers we will have to write concepts in several occasions; however not all concepts are the same and therefore we need to understand the differences to make sure we give the best chances of success.Innovation concepts, activation concepts, communication concepts. What are they and how do they differ one another?Learn how to effectively write a concept.3. Promotions and activations: what are they and how to plan for promotionsPromotional activities are the basics of marketing activities. As marketers we will work on promotions on daily basis, especially in FMCG/CPG.This section will go through the topic of promotions. It will help you distinguish between promotion theme and promotion mechanics.Moreover will force you to think how to link mechanics to marketing objectives.Lastly we will share some tip on how to write and judge a promotion concept."
Price: 24.99

"Software Architecture and Design Essentials" |
"****** The course is regularly updated with New Assignments - Quiz for each Section ; Please watch for the updates *************** This course will take you on an elaborate journey from the inception of an Idea to the final Solution teaching every aspect of the software life cycle emphasizing on the significance of Architecture and Design . One of the major activities performed by the development team is Requirement Analysis . This course clears every doubt that a tech guy has on his mind 'on what must be done during requirements phase '. Detailed lectures with illustrations , animations using real world examples provide the required depth of information covering the topics of Object Oriented Analysis .************************************************************************************************************************************************Dedicated lectures on Non-Functional Requirements /Quality Attributes will provide you with so much detail that , every design you create hence forth will have you think about these attributes as top priorities. No more discussions or changes after production release.************************************************************************************************************************************************You will learn a variety of architectural styles covering the Tenets of all major architecture styles that are prevalent in the industry.This course also attempts to demystify some of the confusions that exist between the usage of terminology and/or the characteristics of the architectures with appropriate examples and illustrations .You will learn Layered , Tiered Architecture styles, the tenets of SOA , core attributes of Microservices , overview of Containers and the latest Serverless Architecture styles . You will gain knowledge on all required architectural elements that constitute the respective style. ************************************************************************************************************************************************OOAD will no more be a tough concept after you go through the course ; this course enwraps all relevant concepts of the Object Oriented Paradigm , the Object Oriented Design Approach Guidelines and Principles . Visual Models that must be created and their benefits. All these with step-by-step modelling tutorial using real-world examples.************************************************************************************************************************************************Everything is by Design : You will learn Design Patterns , SOLID principles , Distributed Transaction Patterns , Structure Diagrams , Behavior Diagrams for the real-world examples discussed during Requirement and Architecture discussions .This will provide you with a wholistic picture of architectural analysis and design. You would have done an end-to-end solutioning when you go through each lecture one by one.You will learn UML Modeling and together we will create design diagrams step-by-step. ************************************************************************************************************************************************We have embedded real world code examples for all sections as appropriate.************************************************************************************************************************************************"
Price: 10560.00

"Curso COMBO: Excel Pleno+Excel BI (TOTAL)+POWER BI DESKTOP" |
"Voc aprender o conjunto:EXCEL PLENO (FOCADO NAS FUNES DO BSICO, INTERMEDIRIO E AVANADO);EXCEL BI (FOCADO NOS SUPLEMENTOS POWER: POWER QUERY, POWER PIVOT, POWER MAP, POWER VIEW);POWER BI DESKTOPPara quem possui conhecimentos bsicos no Excel e deseja aprofundar os conhecimentos no uso das funes do Excel, neste mdulo, voc vai aprender as principais funes do BSICO, INTERMEDIRIO e AVANADO, todo o treinamento muito prtico. Se algum j dominar as funes do Excel, poderia, talvez, rever algumas funes caso queira relembrar.E, em seguida, temos o Treinamento do Excel BI TOTAL (OS SUPLEMENTOS POWER). O Curso Excel BI TOTAL, intitula-se como TOTAL, pelo o motivo de abordar os quatro suplementos do Excel que so: O Power Pivot, Power View, Power MAP, Power Query. Cada um desses suplementos ajudam no trabalho com banco de dados, onde conseguiremos coletar dados, organizar e fazer anlises podendo gerar DASHBOARDS ou Grficos para visualizaes especficas. Ento, cada suplemento possui diversos recursos teis e, neste curso, ser trabalhado os recursos essenciais lhe possibilitando a segurana necessria para que voc continue, aps o nosso treinamento, construindo o prprio conhecimento.E, como sequncia, temos o Treinamento de POWER BI DESKTOP. Onde iremos abordar as ferramentas, extremamente, teis para o cotidiano, trabalhamos com o tratamento de bases de dados, relacionando tabelas, criando funes DAX, criando Dashboards.O curso tem o Acesso Vitalcio e o certificado de concluso."
Price: 579.99

"AZ-104: Microsoft Azure Administrator- Prc Test:UPDATED 2020" |
"Earn Microsoft Azure Administrator Associate certification by completing AZ-104: Microsoft Azure Administrator exam. Exam will test your Azure knowledge on all the topics. It's highly recommended to take practice test before taking official exam.This course offers the following features:165 TOP-NOTCH Questions - has 3 sets of Azure Administrator Practice Tests with 120 UNIQUE questions and a 180-minute time limit for each set.SIMULATES ACTUAL EXAM ENVIRONMENT - mimics the actual, and the latest Azure Administrator Associate certification exam to help you pass and even ace the Azure exam!DETAILED EXPLANATIONS, REFERENCE LINKS, AND CHEAT SHEETS - our answer keys at the end of each set have full and detailed explanations along with complete reference links so you can check and verify yourself that the answers are correct. Plus bonus cheat sheets to help you better understand the concepts.VERY ACTIVE Q&A DISCUSSION BOARD - with inputs from the instructors and exam feedback from thousands of our students, our Q&A board gives you the opportunity to know which topics recently appeared on the exam and better understand the Azure services and concepts covered in the test.VERY RESPONSIVE INSTRUCTORS - our friendly team of Azure experts is able to address all your issues and COMPREHENSIVELY answer all your questions within 5 business days.CONTAINS A TEST REPORT - to track your progress and show you which Azure knowledge areas you need improvement.CLEAR AND ERROR-FREE QUESTIONS - Each item has a reference link that can validate the answer but you can also post in the QA section so we can discuss any issues.Prepared by an Microsoft Certified : Azure Administrator Associate who has actually passed the actual AZ-104 exam! (Please see my LinkedIn profile to view my Azure Certificate)IMPORTANT NOTEThis course - Microsoft Azure Administrator - Practice Test are not exam dumps and since Microsoft shuffles the actual exam content from a question bank with hundreds to thousands of questions, it is nearly impossible to match what you can see here with the actual tests. Again, the key to passing the exam is a good understanding of Azure services and this is what our Microsoft Certified : Microsoft Azure Administrator practice tests are meant to do.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Microsoft Azure AZ-104 Official Exam Outline:Skills Measured:Manage Azure identities and governance (15-20%)Implement and manage storage (10-15%)Deploy and manage Azure compute resources (25-30%)Configure and manage virtual networking (30-35%)Monitor and back up Azure resources (10-15%)Question type : Multiple choice, Drag and drop question, Yes/no questionFree Retake : NoBefore exam: Practice this test until you score 100%, so that you will be confident in the official exam.After exam: Once you are cleared the exam, digital badge and certification will be available in the Microsoft Certification Dashboard.All the Best!"
Price: 29.99

"How To Nail Leads - Content Writers, Bloggers & Journalists" |
"Want to write great articles but struggle to put together the opening sentence?Or, do you find your leads fall flat or editors have to rework them?Whether you're writing a news story, an explainer article or blog post, nailing the first sentence is crucial because if it fails to hook the reader in, then they won't read on - you may as well have not bothered writing the article at all.This is why you must have a system to help you write compelling leads.I want to share with you lead-writing techniques that I have developed over time, that will have you writing great leads with confidence.---------------------What will you learn from this course?You will learn three key principles that underpin everthing I write - including the lead. If you apply these three principles to your writing - you will see an immediate improvement.Then, Im going to show you bad lead examples and walk you through how to fix them. From this exercise, you will see how to apply the key principles to improve your lead.I will then explain 7 key types of leads to give you a framework to build upon. By the end of this course, you will have all the tools you need to be able to write compelling leads that keep your readers engaged and wanting more.---------------------So what are you waiting for? Sign up today and learn all about how to write great leads.See you on the course!"
Price: 79.99

"How to paint a watercolor lanscape. Tree by the river" |
"If you want to learn how to paint colorful landscapes in watercolor, then this lesson is for you. I will show you how to make a tonal pattern, mix colors, which brushes are better to use at one time or another. And of course I will teach you to make reflection on the water!Enroll now and start using watercolor like a pro!"
Price: 69.99

"Creating Quick and Easy Mock-Ups in Photoshop" |
"Learn everything you need to be able to start creating stunning mock-ups for you or your business, in photoshop! I will walk you through the process from beginning to the end and give you some useful tips and tricks that I wish I knew when I first started. At the end of this course, you will have created 2 of your own mock-ups and have the skills and know-how to create many more!I am Tom Kai, A professional photographer and graphic designer with an incredible passion for creating. I've been working in the creative field for the past 10 years and in that time i've learned a lot of useful information that I want to share with YOU! I am excited to help you get started with creating stunning mock-ups in photoshop, and to give you all the skills you need to create any kind of mock-up that you can think of!This class is designed for beginners and really anyone who has any interest in learning how to create quick and simple mock-ups in photoshop. I will be walking you through some shortcuts and tricks that i've learned over the years that have helped improve my workflow and that have helped me create pieces that caught the eyes of some very cool clients! Whether you want to make mock-ups for yourself or for other clients, this class will be useful to all of you! And don't worry, I will provide you with all needed material for this project, such as the images, sample design, and textures.This course is made using the creative cloud version of photoshop, specifically Adobe Photoshop CC 2020 is what I use in this course, however the principles and skills taught in this course can and will apply to other versions as well. You can also download a free trial of Adobe Photoshop CC from the adobe websiteIn this course you will learn:How to use the photoshop interface and toolsHow to light mock-ups correctly so that they look realHow to create in a non-destructive wayHow to manipulate your design to wrap around clothing and peopleProper ways to save your images for web and for print"
Price: 19.99

"Corel Draw Master - Do bsico ao avanado" |
"Seja bem-vindo ao curso Corel Draw Master do Bsico ao Avanado, meu nome Lucas Alvarenga de Souza, tenho 30 anos e comecei minha carreira de Designer Grfico aos 14 anos em uma grfica no sul de Minas Gerais. Desde ento trabalhei em diversos lugares, estamparias de camisetas, agncias de publicidade, grficas de adesivos, fotolitos e em 2012 abri minha prpria empresa, uma confeco de camisetas, trabalho na administrao e fao as artes finais, pois sou apaixonado pelo designer grfico.O conhecimento em Corel Draw traz vrias oportunidades para a vida profissional, com o qual voc poder trabalhar em grficas, agncias de publicidade, estamparias de camisetas, estamparias de brindes, jornais e revistas, ou se preferir poder empreender na rea como revendedor de materiais grficos (neste curso ensino a trabalhar com um fornecedor para revenda), ou at mesmo abrir sua prpria empresa.Neste curso voc aprender de forma prtica a dominar por completo o Corel Draw, de uma maneira que possa trabalhar com qualquer verso do programa, a que estiver instalada em seu computador e as posteriores que so lanadas todos os anos.Inscreva-se agora e comece a aprender!"
Price: 129.99

"Ethnographic Research: Understanding people around you" |
"Welcome to the course on ethnographic research! Its a method used to understand people around you, an example of ethnographic research is user research, where you learn about the needs and desires of a particular user type.It is typically used to set the context & direction at the beginning of your projects, generate insights and get feedback throughout the project cycle, and communicate the findings to your colleagues, supervisor, and management.It is widely used by UX researchers that want to understand and empathize with users and customers, product teams that want to design great products or services, and now leaderships that want to build great workplace culture and environments.In this course, you will learn the tools and methodologies that will be used in different types of research and apply them on a project of your choice or the one that we prepared for you.By the end of this course, you will be able to:Plan and conduct effective research to understand your users, customers, and others around you,Understand things from peoples perspectives and empathize with them,Generate insights to develop next stepsMost importantly, you will have the work to showcase your knowledge through completed projects on this topic."
Price: 29.99

"Hashicorp Certified Terraform Associate++ Live Hands-on Labs" |
"HashiCorp Certified: Terraform Associate is one of the newest and popular certifications that is recently launched.If you say you have no experience /beginner or you are experienced in terraform and practicing it for couple of years.In Either case this course is for you .We have designed it from a very basic level and smoothly increased its level to match expectations to certification level.Not only this course prepare you for certification, build fundamentals of Infrastructure as Code via terraform.This course is designed by some of brightest and most talented tutors who have massive experience in Hashicorp Terraform platform and have already cleared Certification . This course is as per latest syllabus and we have tried best to match AWS expectations to questions.This course is divided into modules which deeply explain concepts via practical demo which you can mimic side by side. To get insight of your learning we have added relevant module tests.In order make sure you have enough hands on we have also added challenge exercise which will make you feel more confident.By the end of course you would feel confident to take exam and take way industry best practices This course would be ideal for someone who is looking to master Terraform and get certified in Same.Learn Below topic in depth :IAC Tools and which tool to choose according to your requirement Backends In TerraformManaging Terraform StateTerraform I/P , O/P Variables + terraform consoleTerraform plan/apply/destroy/importProviders-->AWS with Terraform Writing HCL in VSCOde and using plugins for syntax highlighting Terraform Cloud BasicsData sources Github IntegrationJenkins IntegrationCreating and Sharing Modules Challenge exercises Much MoreWho this course is for:DevOps EngineersDevelopersSystem AdministratorsSoftware Engineers"
Price: 2240.00

"Power Apps - Guia Prtico" |
"Esse curso tem como objetivo ajudar voc a aprender 3 dos formatos mais utilizados para comear a desenvolver aplicativos com Power Apps em poucos minutos, entendendo os conceitos por trs e trazendo uma linha guia para ser seguida e ajudar voc nos estudos.A partir desse curso, voc conseguir entender as diferentes formas de desenvolvimento, qual a melhor forma para se iniciar um desenvolvimento e principalmente como garantir que a base dos seus estudos possa ser fundamentada."
Price: 39.99

"VMware NSX-T 3.0 Fundamentals Part Two (Security) 2020" |
"Are you looking for NSX-T Security training? Want to learn what the Distributed Firewall is, and how it works? Most importantly, do you want an instructor who does this stuff on a daily basis, and can break down complex topics into easy-to-understand explanations - using HANDS-ON examples? My name is Mike, and people know me as the NSX guy. Ive got years of experience with both Cisco and VMware technologies, including a couple of CCIE certifications, and most importantly, I have struggled through learning this stuff - so I know exactly how to make you an NSX pro! I have taught this same curriculum to many students, and have seen many go on to become the go-to experts on NSX in their companies!This course is primarily for students of my Part One NSX-T 3.0 Fundamentals course, but anyone can take it. It does assume you have the knowledge taught in Part One, so while not a requirement, you should be comfortable with NSX-T Concepts (overlay networking, T0/T1, Edge architecture, etc). In Part Two of my NSX-T Fundamentals series, we'll go through the core NSX-T Security concepts that you need to know, and I'll walk you through the FULL configuration of things like Distributed Firewall (DFW), Distributed IDS, and Identity Firewall (AD-based firewall, or IDFW). These tools will allow you to be an expert at micro-segmentation in no time! We won't stop there, though, we'll also cover things like LDAP/AD integration, RBAC, and URL filtering. I had so much fun building this course, and it's my sincere hope that you enjoy it. If you have ANY questions throughout this course, please ask questions - I respond to all questions within 24 hours! "
Price: 59.99

"Build a full eCommerce website from scratch! Beginner to Pro" |
"Create a fully functional, professional eCommerce website from scratch! No coding or website experience needed. Whether its for your clothing line, homeware products or even your own creations.Have you always wanted to set up your own online business? Learn how to create a responsive online shop with detailed filters just like the large clothing companies websites?This new and in-depth course has all the information you need to have a complete eCommerce website, saving you time and money. You will learn to become a master at using WordPress, allowing you to update your ecommerce website how you want, when you want.As a bonus I will also be walking you through how to run your new online business in addition to managing it from your phone while youre on the go. This course has been designed to walk you through each step, explaining how things are done and why.The Course maybe new, however I have been teaching WordPress over the last few years, helping many others create their own professional websites for their online business. Don't waste time! Start your online business today.Who the course is for: Anyone that wants to learn WordPress Anyone that wants to start an online business No coding or website knowledge neededWhats covered? How to setup a domain How to set up low cost hosting How to install WordPress and use it effectively How to Set up the eCommerce shop page How to set up products How to set up products with options (colours, sizes) How to set up product search filters How to set stock levels How to set notifications for low stock How to set sales prices and dates on auto How to set up coupon codes for visitors How to set up shipping and taxes How to set up and receive payments How to manage orders to run the store How to set up customer account registration How to set up 'wish list' How to set up the blog page How to set up pages (about) How to set up contact page with form How to fully design the website How to design the website mobile friendly How to set up website analytics How to manage your online business from your phone!"
Price: 19.99

"Essential Ingredients for a Healthy Sleep Recipe" |
"Are you happy with your sleep ? Do you have difficulty in falling asleep?Do you have difficulty in staying asleep?Do you feel tired ,unrefreshed on waking up? If the answer is ""yes"", then this course is for you.This course will help you TO SLEEP BETTER, WAKE UP FRESH, energetic, happy .It will improve your productivity and also improve your MOOD. You will understand the importance of sleep and its role in maintaining your physical,mental ,and emotional health .BY THE END OF THIS COURSE , you'll be able to :1. Sleep on time2. Sleep through the night3. Wake up on time4. Change your habits that interfere with good sleep 5. Add techniques that promote good sleep This is achieved by understanding the control of sleep and wakefulness. This will enable you to modify your habits, lifestyle that interfere with good sleep. You will be able to incorporate best practises to make a good mix of ingredients for your OWN RECIPE FOR A GOOD SLEEP .Thousands of people have benefitted by adapting these techniques as advised by me.Why am I doing this?I have been practising SLEEP MEDICINE for more than 25 years. I have treated thousands of patients of all ages and genders with sleep issues, and have been able to help them .I ve realised that sleep problems are very common but a large no still do not seek help, thus this course to enourage everyone to understand the importance of sleep and also improve their sleep .I would suggest that each night of bad sleep causes significant harm to our health, so not to loose more time, but START NOW, understand sleep and IMPROVE YOUR NIGHT. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN?Functions of sleepCommon sleep issuesTips to improve your sleepAnalyse your sleepWHO IS THIS COURSE FOR?For those with poor sleepUnrefreshed sleep SLEEP BETTER"
Price: 1280.00

"ChildWise Child Development Associate Credential Module 6" |
"In this module, our CDA certified instructor discusses what makes you an early childhood professional: educating with intentionality, making ethical decisions, identifying, reporting and preventing child abuse, and other professional areas. So far, you have gathered information about the agencies responsible for regulating early childhood care, early childhood associations, and a list of legal requirements that govern child abuse and neglect. The information you have gathered will now be incorporated into your competency statement. Everything you have learned throughout this module will serve as the foundation for your future career. The ChildWise Child Development Associate Credential (CDA) Courses are internationally informed courses that are applicable in many countries including the U.S. Finishing the courses and obtaining the CDA credential will enable your career opportunities in many other countries."
Price: 199.99

"Corso approfondito su Scrum e sulle Metodologie Agili [2020]" |
"Ciao e benvenuto! Se sei alla ricerca di una guida completa su Scrum e su cosa significhi ""essere Agili"" all'interno di un'organizzazione, sei nel posto giusto.Io sono Franco e lavoro da anni con le Metodologie Agili, principalmente con Scrum applicato in larga scala. Oltre a essere il mio lavoro full-time, Agile anche una passione e un interesse personale. Infatti, a partire dal 2015, sono l'autore del blog in italiano Agile Way. Grazie al buon seguito che il mio blog sta avendo e grazie al feedback positivo di molti dei miei visitatori, ho deciso di sviluppare questa guida completa alle Metodologie Agili e a Scrum, con una particolare attenzione ai valori, ai principi e alle pratiche.Come strutturato il corsoIl corso suddiviso in 6 sezioni per un totale di 3,5 ore in cui imparerai a conoscere Scrum: un framework facile da imparare ma difficile da padroneggiare, in cui non esistono ""best practices"", ma solo ""good practices"". Ogni sezione di questo corso arricchita con informazioni che sono di vitale importanza per una buona comprensione e applicazione del metodo, tra cui:Il contesto in cui nato il Manifesto Agile e il significato del termine ""Agile""Agile come ""qualit di un'organizzazione"" piuttosto che come semplice implementazione di praticheFocus sul prodotto e sul cliente anzich sul progettoLa natura empirica di Scrum e i 3 pilastri su cui si reggeTutte le componenti del framework Scrum (ruoli, artefatti, cerimonie)Il ""mindset"", l'apertura al cambiamento e ai feedback continuiLa struttura incrementale e iterativa di Scrum e le fasi del progettoResponsabilit e caratteristiche di un team auto-organizzatoGestire e mappare gli StakeholderLe caratteristiche fondamentali di un buon Product Backlog Item e di una buona User StoryStime dei requisiti e metriche utili al team ScrumIl materiale del corso studiato per rendere facilmente reperibili tutte le informazioni necessarie, grazie all'uso di una grafica pulita, chiara e leggibile delle slide. Ogni sezione termina con una mappa mentale per aiutarti durante il tuo percorso di apprendimento.Ogni ambito di discussione suddiviso in un numero di video lezioni di durata non eccessiva, in modo da darti il tempo di digerire ogni argomento (e per non farti cadere in un sonno profondo) e in modo da rendere espliciti tutti gli argomenti rilevanti per una buona comprensione dell'intero corso.Perch scegliere questo corsoNon importa il tuo livello attuale di conoscenza dell'argomento, il corso inizia da concetti semplici e aggiunge complessit man mano che si avanza. Il mio obiettivo quello di darti tutti gli strumenti necessari per aver successo all'interno della tua organizzazione e per aiutarti con lo studio e il conseguimento di una certificazione - come per esempio: PSM-I, PSPO-I. Gli strumenti che acquisirai grazie a questo corso sono indispensabili se vuoi migliorare o trasformare la tua organizzazione, sia come membro di uno Scrum Team che come leader o change manager. Ma oltre a una perfetta conoscenza e applicazione del framework Scrum, il messaggio che vorrei trasmetterti il vero significato dell'essere Agili, che comporta un'attenzione continua al cliente mediante lo sviluppo di prodotti ""complessi"" in contesti estremamente dinamici.Il corso, quindi, non solo tratta tutti gli argomenti della guida ufficiale di Scrum, ma li estende con informazioni ricavate da anni di studio, pratica, ed esperienza sul campo.Per garantire una tua piena soddisfazione, sar a tua disposizione per rispondere a eventuali domande o per aiutarti nel caso qualche concetto non sia chiaro. Sia qui su Udemy che sulla Community di Agile Way. Oltre a tutto ci, sar felice di ricevere il tuo feedback per migliorare continuamente il materiale di questo corso o per eventualmente aggiungere approfondimenti. E visto che la prima volta che faccio un corso online, anche feedback positivi e di incoraggiamento sono pi che benvenuti!Materiale del corsoQuesto corso si articola in 6 sezioni - pi una sezione per l'introduzione e una per la conclusione del corso. Il materiale a tua disposizione consiste in:63 video lezioni per un totale di 3,5 oreSlide complete del corso in formato PDF con schemi e illustrazioni6 mappe mentali, una per sezioneLink a letture consigliateElenco dei riferimenti per ogni sezione trattata nel corsoUn totale di 130 domande per metterti alla prova, grazie a:Test di verifica al termine di ogni sezione, per un totale di 50 domandeSimulatore di esame di certificazione PSM-I: 80 domande in inglese da rispondere in 60 minuti, con spiegazione della risposta correttaTi ringrazio fin da ora per la tua scelta e ti auguro un buon lavoro!Franco"
Price: 109.99

"Learn Beginner Spanish For The New Millennial" |
"If you're sick and tired of learning 20th-century Spanish when we're living in the 21st century, then keep reading . . . Language is changing faster now than any other time in history. Think I am exaggerating? Well, think about it.... We dont just eat eggs nowadays - we eat cage-free eggs and free-range eggs. We dont just watch wrestling and boxing - we watch the UFC or MMA. And when we need an extra boost of energy, we dont just drink coffee. We drink energy drinks, and we take smart drugs or nootropics. Now Im going to tell you something extremely important. So you pay very close attention . . . If you want to master real conversational Spanish for the new millennium, then you need a program designed to teach you real conversational Spanish for the new millennium. Thats where Learn Beginner Spanish For The New Millennial comes into play. Because using a Spanish program designed to teach you Spanish from the previous century - or decades ago - is not going do the job. And heres what you get with this program: Over 9 hours of authentic Latin American Spanish video lessons A collection of 21st-century Spanish vocabulary covering technology, the web, social media, Uber transportation, digital nomad life and moreMethod for you to master beginner-level verb tenses 9 bonus Spanish MP3 audio lessons (each about 25 minutes longOnly native Spanish-speaking voice actors for you to develop an authentic Latin American Spanish accent Most importantly, this program uses the same engaging and interactive learning method made famous by the Learning Spanish Like Crazy system - which has empowered tens of thousands to speak real conversational Latin American Spanish with complete confidence."
Price: 29.99
