"Terraform Associate Practice Exam July 2020 HashiCorp" |
"The Terraform Associate certification is for Cloud Engineers specializing in operations, IT, or development who know the basic concepts and skills associated with open source HashiCorp Terraform. Candidates will be best prepared for this exam if they have professional experience using Terraform in production, but performing the exam objectives in a personal demo environment may also be sufficient. This person understands which enterprise features exist and what can and cannot be done using the open source offering. Visit our exam partner to schedule and take the exam."
Price: 1280.00

"Arduino For Beginners: Master Arduino and C Programming" |
"Arduino is an open-source electronics platform based on easy-to-use hardware and software. It's intended for anyone making interactive projects.Arduino senses the environment by receiving inputs from many sensors, and affects its surroundings by controlling lights, motors, and other actuators.You can tell your Arduino what to do by writing code in the Arduino programming language and using the Arduino development environment."
Price: 1280.00

"Introduo Pintura Tradicional - Princpios e Mtodos" |
"Este curso desenhado para dar uma ampla introduo aos fundamentos e mtodos da pintura tradicional, falando desde a histria do academicismo e funcionamento de um ateli, dos materiais e dos mtodos da pintura, cores, misturas e aplicao, demonstraes prticas da pintura realista!No s para iniciantes, mas tambm intermedirios, e at profissionais avanados que desejem um maior conhecimento sobre mtodos tradicionais e acadmicos de pintura.Assista o professor Rafael Guerra, formado na Florence Academy of Art, na Itlia, onde tambm deu aulas, demonstrar nas aulas prticas o uso dos materiais, de lpis, carvo, pincis e tintas, a papis e superfcies de pintura; o uso de cores das paletas limitada e completa, e como fazer as misturas corretas para uma eficiente paleta de cores que lhe permitir pintar todo e qualquer tpico; e o passo a passo para a produo de um desenho ou uma pintura embasados na tradio realista das grandes academias europias. Ao fim voc ter todo o conhecimento bsico da pintura tradicional e dos mtodos e fundamentos acadmicos atemporais para uma pintura de qualidade, como o Mtodo de Sight-Size, uso de iluminao, e etapas para a produo de qualquer pintura.Alguns lembretes: voc precisar de acesso a uma impressora para imprimir as guias; os exerccios prticos so opcionais, e o aluno pode escolher faz-los, o que resultar na necessidade de material, ou apenas assistir ao curso e absorver as informaes.Materiais necessrios para os exerccios prticos, que so por fim de escolha do aluno realiz-los ou no:- Lpis Grafite HB- Carvo (Indicado Nitram H, HB, B; explicao sobre o uso dentro o curso- Pincis de Pintura (Indicados tipo ""Bristle""arrendondados, tamanhos variados; explicao do uso dentro o curso- Tintas a leo; lista de cores descritas dentro do curso- Telas ou outras superfcies para pintura de escolha do aluno- Algumas ferramentas, como fita crepe, linha de prumo, etc. tambm se faro necessrias, mas todo o material a ser usado descrito em detalhes dentro do curso durante as demonstraes de uso"
Price: 204.99

java_game_programming_using_greenfoot |
"10 17 10"
Price: 29.99

"5G End to End Essentials" |
"In this course you will learn the key features of 5G technology and various technological aspects used in this.5G is deemed as a new Radio technology that enables massive connectivity & Interoperability of devices whilst also providing higher Data rates and sub 1 ms Latency The Moto of 5G is Connect any device that would benefit from being connected!"
Price: 89.99

"Mini curso de dados de qualidade do ar atravs de aplicativo" |
"Nesse mini-curso, aprenderemos um pouco da lei de qualidade do ar no Brasil e poluentes legislados, e a ter acesso a dados de qualidade do ar do Brasil e do mundo atravs de um aplicativo internacional, a fim de termos informao de como estar nosso ar ou para elaborao de algum trabalho na rea. Tambm ser mostrado como elaborar grficos num computador a partir dos dados coletados. O aplicativo est disponvel gratuitamente na Playstore para qualquer smartphone."
Price: 39.99

"Disturbi d' ansia e della personalit (2 corsi in 1)" |
"Ciao!In questi 2 corsi fusi in 1 imparerai a:- riconoscere le caratteristiche cliniche, l' eziologia e il trattamento adeguato per i disturbi d' ansia;- riconoscere le caratteristiche cliniche, l' eziologia e il trattamento adeguato per i disturbi della personalit.Cos' hanno a che fare i disturbi della personalit con i disturbi d' ansia?Chi soffre di un disturbo della personalit, rispetto a chi non ne soffre, ha 7 volte pi probabilit di soffrire anche di disturbi d' ansia o disturbi dell' umore.Questo corso, da inquadrarsi nel settore della Psicologia Clinica, offre una descrizione completa e approfondita dei disturbi della personalit e dei disturbi d' ansia mantenendo fede al DSM-5, considerato il manuale punto di riferimento per ogni psicologo clinico.Ho deciso di offrirti le versioni EBOOK dei 2 corsi, cos che tu possa rivedere le slide in qualunque momento lo desideri.Alla fine di questo corso sarai padrone dei concetti fondamentali per la comprensione dei disturbi della personalit e dei disturbi d' ansia.Siediti comodo e...Ci vediamo dall' altra parte!"
Price: 19.99

"French Fundamentals (Grammar)" |
"Each lecture focuses on 1 key topic with 2 to 5 subtopics which are outlined in the Table of Contents presented in the beginning of the lecture. For each concept that I teach: I give you straight-to-the-point rules which are analyzed in a step by step manner and illustrated by useful examples. Along with each lecture, practical exercises (50+ quiz questions in total) are proposed to permit the immediate use of what has been studied. Also, supplemental material (such as lecture notes and further readings) is provided to enhance and deepen your knowledge. The concepts are presented and taught in a logical way with each section using the knowledge gained from the previous ones.This course is the result of many iterations of teaching these fundamental concepts and my own reflection of ""what are the most important concepts to learn?"" to achieve French grammar proficiency (and perhaps, one day, write your own French novel like I did)."
Price: 99.99

"Gesto de Processos: Como implantar, conduzir e melhor-los" |
"Voc est cansado de ver seu processo e rotina dirio de trabalho afundar em problemas que nunca se resolvem? Voc tambm j viu como processos cansa as pessoas que acham que s mapear caixinhas e se livrar do assunto? Voc acha gesto de processos difcil ou chata e ainda no viu o poder que eles tem para dar resultados? Ou ainda voc acha h bastante vagas (muitas!) e quer entrar para competir de igual para igual at com consultor empresarial?ENTO ESTE SEU CURSO!Eu vou de forma bem didtica, no passo passo, trazer sem burocracia, teorias chatas e regras rgidas, desbloquear o que realmente importa em gesto de processos, te dar um mtodo de trabalho fcil, interessante e prtico para tanto implantar uma rea de processos, transform-la em geradora de resultados ou trazer novos conhecimentos, dicas, segredos, materiais para fornecer aquele empurro que falta.No importa teu setor, nvel de conhecimento pois eu vou do bsico ao avanado e vou dar exemplos e ideias.MATERIAISDownload em excel com vrias abas contendo o passo passo que eu ensinei das ferramentas fazem parte do mtodo de trabalho;Download de indicadores com frmula de clculo, processos que pertencem, unidade de medida para colocar nos processos;Um modelo exemplo de como apresentar os resultados alcanados pela melhoria de processos em que basta preencher os seus dados feito por um profissional que eu j paguei para deixar o design lindo;QUEM O INSTRUTOREu respirei gesto do momento que entrei na faculdade de economia e administrao, lendo e estudando a arte de dar resultados. Durante quase 8 anos eu fui consultor e passei por vrias empresas e aprendi que ficar enfiando um monte de ferramenta, encher um software de vrias caixas para dizer que o processo grande e portanto difcil, tornar o cliente refm de consultores, ficar pedindo para as pessoas preencherem arquivos word e ficar inventando grficos difceis no trazem resultado.Eu sou prtico, objetivo e no quero enrolar ningum com teorias e complicaes. Existe um checklist, uma sequncia tcnica, existe uma gesto de indicadores e existe vontade poltica do corpo diretivo e de gestores da empresa que precisamos navegar. E a simplicidade a chave.APRENDA GESTO DE PROCESSOSVamos juntos embarcar na disciplina que nunca ir sair do mercado de trabalho e que pode ser o diferencial que voc precisa. Agarre esses conhecimentos comigo!"
Price: 99.99

"Security for Web Developers - Build Secure Web Applications" |
"IMPORTANT!!!This is not a hacking tutorial, neither a programming tutorial. Secure coding practices and defending mechanismes are mentioned without explaining how to achieve them programmatically, because there are hundreds of programming languages out there!CHECK THE FREE PREVIEW VIDEOS BEFORE PURCHASE! It will give you an idea how the full course is like.Welcome to security for web developers course.Most of available courses across the internet teach students how to build secure web apps, without teaching them how to do it in a secure way. This course offers a comprehensive look into securing web applications process. In this course, you will learn about different injections and other types of attacks, and how to protect your web application against them. Within this course, some common bad practices are mentioned, and what should be done instead. The content of this course is divided based on the purpose of each section. We tried to keep stuff short and simple:No time wasting on writing the code, code is already shown on the screenYet, the code is explained quickly to understand what's going onYou might(not) have to pause the videos several times to catch up the important notes - It's up to youThis course is dedicated to help you having secure web applications:It's not a hacking tutorial. If you are looking to learn hacking, you might want to search for other courses.Attacks are explained as principles without explaining how to exploit them further, as long as the solutions discussed cover themIt's not a programming course. If you want to learn about technologies, you should go for something else"
Price: 64.99

"Introduction to OSEK RTOS I" |
"Learn the most common real time operating system in the Automotive software industry. OSEK operating system which is the standard platform that is running on almost all of the Electronics Control Units (ECUs) in modern vehicles to support different application software components. In this course, we will start with quick intro to the OSEK OS kernel and its internal features. The SW development cycle in an OSEK based environment will be discussed including the OIL formal description and the system generation stage as a part of the compilation process. After this we will discuss the task management module in OSEK OS and the services that are provided by OSEK kernel to manipulate the application tasks. After the discussion of the task management , The resource management will be discussed including the resource concepts, shared resources problems such as priority inversions and deadlock and the priority ceiling pattern that is required by OSEK standard to solve these problems."
Price: 99.99

"2020 Rust Beginner's Guide master all the basics!" |
"Rust is the system programming language that is empowering developers to build efficient and reliable applications. Syntactically, Rust is similar to C++, but it provides better memory security and higher performance. According to StackOverflow, Rust is the most loved programming language.There are so many benefits of learning rust:It is a very well designed language, It comes with very good ideas and implementations. Traits arent new, but Rust implements them in the best way Ive seen so far.One of the biggest strengths of Rust is it's memory and thread management.Control over low-level resources as it runs close to the hardware.It is a strongly statically typed system hence it provides more safety.Rust can easily integrate with other languages.Rust inherited the features from many other programming languages like C , C++ and many more.By using Modules developers can easily reuse the code whenever needed.Rust is better in Error Handling.Rust facilitates complex data type complexion.It has a large growing community.New versions are released every 6 weeks so the language can never get behind!.In this course, you will learn how to install Rust and then familiarize yourself with basic concepts like variables, data types, method syntax, enums, and more. Discover how the unique ownership principles of Rust impact the language and the unique way rust manage memory management. Data handling, pattern patching, and error handling are also covered. The course wraps up with a sample Rust project that shows you how it all comes together.You will learn all the fundamentals of the Rust programming language in an interactive way, step by step. After finishing the course, you will have all the basics you need and even more.Learning objectivesInstalling RustData typesAdjusting memory allocationSetting up race conditionsWorking with functionsExploring references and borrowingUsing structsMethod syntaxDemonstrating recoverable errors with ResultWorking with enumsGetting user inputRequirementsBasic knowledge of programming concepts is recommended"
Price: 24.99

"Learn 5S in detail - for Indians" |
"This course is for any level of students / employees / employers, who believe in the power of Going LEAN. Course content is in Hindi + English to match the needs of Indian People around the globe. Let's improvise our lives5S is a system, a philosophy, and a culture. The true power of 5S reveals itself when your whole organization embraces its ideals and your employees see that your business is transforming itself. The 5S model for workplace efficiency and organization is both powerful and simple. It has the potential to transform your company into a safe and productive warehouse, manufacturing facility, or office."
Price: 1280.00

"The 5 Keys to a Great Tagline" |
"Got a business you want people to remember, or a marketing campaign you need to drive sales? A compelling tagline is a great way to get your point across, but doing so is harder than ever with so many media distractions competing for your audience's attention. If you're coming up with taglines on your own, or working with a team or agency and evaluating their ideas, this course is for you. Large companies pay ad agencies big bucks to come up with memorable taglines. But even if your budget is tight, you can still create effective taglines that establish your brand and grow your business. This quick video course presents 5 keys to creating and evaluating effective taglines that you can use right now in your marketing efforts. Using these 5 keys and a simple scoring model, Ill show you how to take the guesswork out of the process and produce tagline ideas that resonate with your audience.Unlock the secrets to writing and objectively evaluating tagline ideas right now."
Price: 19.99

"Ingles para ingenieros y tecnicos Recien egresados." |
"En este curso podrs aprender vocabulario y frases que se usan en la industria en este nivel aprenders vocabulario como herramientas, equipos, manufactura, procesos de fabricacin. El curso esta en espaol para que puedas entenderlo se recomienda un nivel basico para poder entender algunas frases, pero aun as se explican las cosas basicas. aprenderas vocabulario y frases usadas en la industria, dentro de los video cursos hay actividades para que practiques lo aprendido en cada tema."
Price: 345.00

"Six-Figure Freelance - Build a Profitable Freelance Business" |
"Welcome to How To Build a Profitable Freelance business. This course is for digital entrepreneurs, developers, designers, social media managers, and marketers who are interested in building a profitable online business. We have over 3.5 hours of lectures with 20+ course downloads and templates. What you learn from this course:Setting up a business Business taxes + insurance Creating a business mindset Creating a business plan Utilizing past experience to get clients Utilizing your location to get clients Utilizing online tools to get clients Building a profitable online brand to generate leads and clients Building a brand on social media to get clients Utilizing written content to get clients Utilizing video content to get clients Engaging on social media to get clients Optimizing your LinkedIn profile to attract clients or employersUtilizing LinkedIn Groups to get clients Blogging on LinkedIn to get clients Finding ideal clients on LinkedIn Writing DM's on LinkedIn that sell your services Utilizing LinkedIn Jobs to get clientsCreating the perfect pitch to get clients Creating a pitch deck for prospects Getting clients from social media Getting clients through cold email outreach Utilizing referrals to get clients Email management Calculating your expenses Calculating your hourly rateWriting winning proposalsBuilding out a winning proposal"
Price: 99.99

"Simulados Preparatrio Certificao ITIL 4 em Portugus" |
"O material apresentado nos Simulados APENAS um complemento do conhecimento j adquirido. As perguntas NO so iguais ao exame, os simulados uma forma do candidato testar os seus conhecimentos e conhecer o formato do exame.O exame aplicado pela PeopleCert, obedecendo os seguintes critrios:O candidato ter que responder 40 questes no perodo de 60 minutos. Cada resposta correta vale 1 ponto e, para ser aprovado no exame, deve-se obter 26 pontos(65%) ou mais.O exame exige conhecimento sobre os conceitos essenciais e a terminologia bsica da ITIL Foundation 4, conforme segue:"
Price: 54.99

"A Beginners Guide to Chemistry" |
"Welcome to Chemistry!This course includes video lectures, class notes, quizzes, and extra exercises regarding the following chapters:Some preliminary math conceptsWorking with exponentsScientific notationChapter 1: Introductory conceptsChemistryThe states of matterPhysical and chemical propertiesPhysical and chemical changesEnergy in chemistryEnergy conversionInternational system of units (SI)Common decimal prefixes used with SI unitsCommon SI-English equivalent quantitiesConversion factorsDensityTemperature scalesExtensive and intensive propertiesExact numbersSignificant figuresRounding off numbersPrecision, accuracy, and errorChapter 2: Atomic structureDaltons atomic theoryGeneral features of the atomAtomic symbol, number, and massIsotopesElectromagnetic radiationProperties of electromagnetic wavesThe electromagnetic spectrumEnergy and frequencyThe Bohr model of the hydrogen atomThe de Broglie hypothesisThe Heisenbergs uncertainty principleThe quantum mechanical model of the atomQuantum numbers and the exclusion principleFactors affecting atomic orbital energiesSplitting of levels into sublevelsElectron configurations and orbital diagramsThe Aufbau principleThe exclusion principleHunds ruleCondensed configurationElectron configuration and groupsCategories of electronsTrends in the periodic table: atomic sizeTrends in the periodic table: ionization energyTrends in the periodic table: electron affinitySize of cations and anionsThe inert pair effectDiagonal relationshipsChapter 3: Ionic bondingThe formation of an ionic compoundLewis dot symbolsIonic size vs atomic sizeMonoatomic ionsNaming binary ionic compoundsPolyatomic ionsProperties of ionic compoundsChapter 4: Metallic bondingProperties of metalsThe electron sea modelBand theory of metalsChapter 5: Covalent bondingElectronegativityThe octect ruleLewis structuresProperties of a covalent bond: bond order, bond energy, and bond lengthVSEPR theoryResonance structuresFormal chargesOxidation numberException to the octect ruleThe valence bond (VB) theoryHybridization of atomic orbitalsThe molecular orbital theoryThe correlation between molecular shape and molecular polarityImportance of molecular polarityChapter 6: StoichiometryChemical equationsBalancing a chemical equationThe law of mass conservationThe molMolar massMass percent of an element from a chemical formulaLaw of constant compositionLaw of multiple proportionsEmpirical and molecular formulasLimiting reactantReaction yieldsChapter 7: Three major classes of chemical reactionsWater as a solventConcentration of solutions and molarityDilutionPrecipitation reactionsSolubility rulesAcid-base reactionspH scaleAcid-base titrationsReduction-Oxidation (RedOX) reactionsRules for assigning an oxidation numberThe activity series of the metalsBalancing simple redox reactionsTypes of redox reactionsChapter 8: Ideal and real gasesProperties of gasesGas pressureCommon units of pressureInstruments used to measure pressureKinetic molecular theoryThe gas lawsBoyles lawCharles lawAvogadros lawGas behavior at standard conditionsThe ideal gas lawThe ideal gas law and gas densityMolar mass from the ideal gas lawMixtures of gasesMolecular speedsKinetic energy and gas behaviorGrahams law of effusionDiffusion of gasesReal gasesMolar volume of some common gases at STP conditionsvan der Waals equationChapter 9: ThermochemistryTransfer and interconversion of energyThe law of energy conservationUnits of energySign convention for q, w, and EPressure-volume workEnthalpyEnthalpy of exothermic and endothermic processesCalorimetrySpecific heat capacityCalorimetry at constant pressureCalorimetry at constant volumeStoichiometry of thermochemical equationsHess`lawStandard enthalpies of formationCalculating the enthalpy of a reaction by using bond energiesWhen you enroll in Chemistry you will also get:- Lifetime access to Chemistry- Friendly support in the Q&A section- Udemy Certificate of Completion available for download- 30-day money back guaranteeSee you in class!C. Samanamu, Ph.D."
Price: 19.99

"Mude a sua mente e transforme a sua vida financeira" |
"Aulas com exerccios estratgicos para mudana de mindset financeiro, crenas limitantes e sabotadoras, acelerando o processo com a metodologia da gratido. Este curso vai te ajudar a chegar mais longe por meio da descoberta do seu potencial com as ferramentas e mtodos para identificar crenas limitantes, substituir por crenas empoderadoras, mudar o mindset financeiro te levando a novas possibilidades de riqueza e prosperidade."
Price: 489.99

"Yo a cargo de mi: Cmo ser el dueo de tus emociones" |
"El mtodo de re-programacin emocional Yo A Cargo De Mi, es una herramienta de vida que estoy seguro te ayudar a conocerte, a entender como funciona y aprende nuestro cerebro de forma prctica, como percibimos al mundo, como interactuamos con el y como ser objetivos en nuestro actuar a partir de la consciencia o el conocimiento de uno mismo, aprendiendo a ser responsables y dueos de nuestras sensaciones, de nuestras decisiones, de nuestras emociones y de nuestra vida, aprendiendo con ello a Vivir Despierto."
Price: 19.99

"How To Become A Commercial Model and Actor in the UK" |
"Having had many years of success as a commercial model and actor in the UK, securing work on national and international campaigns with world leading brands such as BUPA, Sky Sports, Sky Q, Uber, Lloyds Pharmacy, Dentyl Active, Furniture Village, Asda, Tesco, Eurstar, Vodafone, Samsung, BT and many more, I have finally decided to share my eight years of accumulated knowledge in response to the many requests for tips and advice.The on-line course and supporting material contains all the advice you need to kick start a career as a commercial model, along with some tips and tricks for any established models whose bookings may need a boost.Gain instant on-line access to:18 bite sized videos - total running time just under 1.5 hours.Top 15 Photographers contact list - As trusted and recommended by several well known agents.Top 40 UK-based Commercial Agencies contact list - Including supporting artist agencies.Knowledge is key to realising the goal of representation by top agencies, and to increase the chance of landing that first booking or the next big break. The contact lists alone will save weeks of research, while the videos cover everything from breaking into the industry, finding the best industry professionals, posing, castings, securing work, overcoming rejection, pitfalls to avoid, and more."
Price: 34.99

"Academic English: how to write A+ papers" |
"In this course, we explore the core skills required for each stage of the writing process, including developing a research question, reading efficiently, planning effectively, writing cohesively, referencing correctly, and editing effectively.We look specifically at writing a research paper (such as an end-of-term essay). The skills you learn through this process will be incredibly useful later on in a dissertation or thesis.Each module covers a component of the writing process and includes the following Time wise, it should take you around 45 minutes to complete each module. However, as we're all different, you should decide how long to spend exploring each concept, depending on your existing skills and your level of interest.You can access this course on your desktop, tablet or mobile phone. All you need is an internet connection.By working through each module (and you can follow them in any order you like), you'll create a solid foundation to achieve your full potential in your studies. Once you have the skills to write an academic paper, you can focus on more fully on integrating your unique voice into your writing.The topics we'll cover in this courseIntroductionCourse overviewGetting to know your course tutorThe structure of a moduleCreating a portfolio as a learning tool, resource and showcaseExploring academic genresAcademic genres and their featuresBuilding a foundation for your writingChoosing a research questionBuilding an argumentThe basic structure of a term paperSharing your unique voice without plagiarisingPlagiarism and how to avoid itDeveloping critical reading techniquesFinding and evaluating academic resourcesStrategies for efficient and targeted readingStrategies for efficient note takingGiving your foundation structureCreating and expanding your outlineCreating a cohesive and evidence-based argumentHow to structure a cohesive paragraphHow to strengthen your argument through hedgingAppropriate quoting, paraphrasing and summarisingCitation and referencing correctlyCitation and referencingPromoting readability: introductions, conclusions and editing techniquesWriting a strong introduction and conclusionStrategies for editing your workFinal thoughts"
Price: 34.99

"Learn Simple Interest Principles(Basic to Advanced)" |
"Learn Advanced things on Interest and Simple Interest. Simple Interest is using Every aspect of Life. Mostly we are using it in the Financial and Banking Sector. In this course, I have Landed with very beautiful Techniques and Tricks to calculate any kind of simple interest Easily. All advanced techniques related to Simple Interest I will teach you on this entire course. I hope you will get a perfect idea and vision regarding Simple Interest and it's used."
Price: 19.99

"Mindfulness 8 Incontri per la Consapevolezza Protocollo MBSR" |
"Un Incontro alla settimana per circa due mesi. Un cammino, un percorso per scoprire quanto realmente stai Vivendo davvero e quanto del tuo Io pi Autentico c' in quello che fai, in quello che dici, in quello che vuoi. 8 Incontri per prendere realmente Consapevolezza di tutti quei meccanismi automatici che pilotano la nostra vita. Per sciogliere quel superfluo che affolla la mente e destabilizza il cuore. Ridurre lo Stress, l'ansia e i pensieri autodistruttivi. Come il Protocollo MBSR prevede, in ogni Incontro affronteremo quelle complicazioni che ci infliggono sofferenza inutile. Attraverso Meditazioni, Lezioni, Esercizi e Video Meditazioni cercheremo di trovare la quiete che risiede in noi, proveremo ad entrare nel ""qui e ora"" in sintonia con la nostra parte pi profonda. Alla fine del percorso, se vorrai potremmo organizzare una Sessione Live completando cos un percorso in cui mi piacerebbe avere l'onore e la gioia di accompagnarti..Incontro dopo Incontro..alla splendida ricerca di Te."
Price: 54.99

"Best Online 3D CAD course using Fusion360 (2020-21)" |
"In this course you will be learning Fusion360 (2020-21) software. This course is suitable for all levels of students be it a beginner, intermediate or an expert. You will be designing an iPhone as a Project at the end of this course.Some highlights of the courseA comprehensive course with nearly 2 hours of video lecturesConstantly updated course to keep up with Fusion 360 updatesCourse is being taught by an Autodesk Certified person.Quick responses from the instructor for course-related questions"
Price: 19.99

"ISO 45001:2018 Sal ve Gvenlii Temel Eitimi" |
"sal ve gvenlii, salkl ve gvenli bir alma ortam oluturarak alanlar ve alma alanndaki dier insanlar i kazalar ve meslek hastalklarndan korumay ve bunun srekliliini salamay amalar. OHSAS 18000'in yerini alan ISO 45001 standardnn anlatld bu eitimde etkin bir ynetim sistemi iin baar faktrlerinin neler olduuna dair bilgilerin yan sra standardn 10 maddesinin de detayl anlatm yer almaktadr. Bu eitimi alan kiiler, * ISO 45001 standard ile ilgili temel kavramlar renecek,* ISO 45001 standardnn maddelerini doru ekilde alglayacak ve* ISO 45001 ynetim sistemini bir kuruluta sfrdan oluturabilmek ya da mevcut ynetim sistemini iyiletirebilmek iin nelerin gerektii konusunda bilgi edinecektir."
Price: 109.99

"Python ile Algoritma , Yazlm , Yapay Zekaya Giri" |
"Kursumuz, yapay zeka , makine renmesi , veri bilimi ve yazlm eitimlerimizin ilk videosudur. Python temelleri, numpy, pratik uygulamalarla algoritma ve problem zme rnekleri, k en yakn komu algoritmas ve naive bayes algoritmalarn iermektedir. Bu kursu dier kurslarda yazacamz programlara temel olarak hazrlanmtr ve python ve numpy ok nemli ksmlarn iermektedir. Sralama algoritmalar, arama algoritmalar, a gzl yaklam, dinamik programlama yaklam, bir ok algoritma hazrlayarak problem zm gibi ksmlar iermektedir. Zamandan kazanmak iin, daha nce slideler hazrlanmtr. Online compiler kullanlarak kodlar altrlmaktadr. Yazlma , programlama ya ve yapay zeka ya gzel bir giri yaplmas hedeflenmektedir."
Price: 99.99

prostoydirect |
", , "" "". - . 24 , : 1. . 2. . 3. 4. 5. . 6. - 7. 8. 9. 10. - - - 11. - 12. - 13. - 14. - CRM 15. - - 16. 17. 18. Key Collector - - 19. Key Collector - 20. Key Collector - Direct Commander 21. 22. 23. 24."
Price: 19.99

"BNCC EM CURSO: Teoria e Prtica" |
"Este curso tem o propsito de Reencantar a Educao. Propiciar a professores e alunos universitrios conhecimentos (tericos e prticos) por relaes conceituais e criaes de atividades dinmicas, para (re)encantar alunos da Educao Infantil pela abordagem de campos de experincias (pessoal e coletivo). Ou seja, o curso traz a orientao de como trabalhar com foco nos eixos estruturais, direitos de aprendizagem da criana e campos de experincia, alm de abordagens tericas implcitas (O que dizem os tericos: Wallon, Piaget, Vygotsky e Paulo Freire) sobre a infncia e o desenvolvimento da criana. ."
Price: 44.99

"PMI CAPM practice exams with explanation" |
"PMI CAPM Practice exam questions3 practice exams261 Questions30 days Money back guarranteExample Question:Which characteristics do effective project managers possess?A) Project management knowledge, performance skills, and personal effectivenessB) Preparedness, project management knowledge, and personality characteristicsC) General management, preparedness, and project management knowledgeD) Assertiveness, collaboration, and performance skills Explanation: 1.7.1 Responsibilities and Competencies of the Project ManagerIn general, project managers have the responsibility to satisfy the needs: task needs, team needs, and individual needs. As project management is a critical strategic discipline, the project manager becomes the link between the strategy and the team. Projects are essential to the growth and survival of organizations.Projects create value in the form of improved business processes, are indispensable in the development of new products and services, and make it easier for companies to respond to changes in the environment, competition, and the marketplace. The project managers role therefore becomes increasingly strategic.However, understanding and applying the knowledge, tools, and techniques that are recognized as good practice are not sufficient for effective project management. In addition to any area-specific skills and general management proficiencies required for the project, effective project management requires that the project manager possess the following competencies:Refers to what the project manager knows about project management. KnowledgeRefers to what the project manager is able to do or accomplish while applying his or her project management knowledge. PerformanceRefers to how the project manager behaves when performing the project or related activity. Personal effectiveness encompasses attitudes, core Personalpersonality characteristics, and leadership, which provides the ability to guide the project team while achieving project objectives and balancing the project constraints."
Price: 19.99

"PMI CAPM + SP practice exam questions with explanation" |
"PMI CAPM +SP Practice exam questions3 + 2 practice exams261 + 170 Questions30 days Money back guarranteCAPM Example Question:Which characteristics do effective project managers possess?A) Project management knowledge, performance skills, and personal effectivenessB) Preparedness, project management knowledge, and personality characteristicsC) General management, preparedness, and project management knowledgeD) Assertiveness, collaboration, and performance skills Explanation: 1.7.1 Responsibilities and Competencies of the Project ManagerIn general, project managers have the responsibility to satisfy the needs: task needs, team needs, and individual needs. As project management is a critical strategic discipline, the project manager becomes the link between the strategy and the team. Projects are essential to the growth and survival of organizations.Projects create value in the form of improved business processes, are indispensable in the development of new products and services, and make it easier for companies to respond to changes in the environment, competition, and the marketplace. The project managers role therefore becomes increasingly strategic.However, understanding and applying the knowledge, tools, and techniques that are recognized as good practice are not sufficient for effective project management. In addition to any area-specific skills and general management proficiencies required for the project, effective project management requires that the project manager possess the following competencies:Refers to what the project manager knows about project management. KnowledgeRefers to what the project manager is able to do or accomplish while applying his or her project management knowledge. PerformanceRefers to how the project manager behaves when performing the project or related activity. Personal effectiveness encompasses attitudes, core Personalpersonality characteristics, and leadership, which provides the ability to guide the project team while achieving project objectives and balancing the project constraints.SP Example Question:Yolanda is the project manager for her organization. She is creating a performance report for her sponsor. Typically, the performance report includes all of the following factors except for which one?A) Current status of risk and issuesB) Quality control activitiesC) Analysis of past performanceD) Work to be completed next Explanation: Quality control activities are not included in the performance report, but are documented in the quality management plan. A performance report is made by the project team detailing activities, milestones, problems, accomplishments, and identified issues. Performance reports are used to report some key information as follows: Current status Scheduled activities Significant accomplishment for the period Forecasts IssuesIncorrect Answers:A: Current status of risk and issues can be included in the performance report.C: Analysis of past performance can be included in the performance report to make the report more elaborate.D: Work to be completed next can be included in the performance report."
Price: 19.99
